Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-11 Thread
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 ...does anyone know of any significant use [of split keys] by
 J.Random luser?  I'm interested in this from a usability point
 of view.

Maybe not J.Random but J.Corporate...

A few jobs ago back in the late '90s, I worked for Network Associates
which had bought PGP (the company). We instituted the use of PGP (the
technology) corporate-wide for email and  encrypted disk volumes. PGP
allows for enforceable key recovery - corporate clients demanded it.
Our corporate key recovery key was split into, I think, 5 parts with 3
parts required for key recovery. The parts were held by various
corporate executive/officer types.

The PGP product mostly hid from the end user the fact that every
PGP-encrypted thing had an encrypted private key along with it (you
could poke around and see the key recovery blob if you really wanted

I don't know what the key recovery UI looked like.

 As a corollary, has anyone gone through the process of recovering a key from
 shares held by different parties...?

It just so happens, I lost my PGP private key a year or two into this
(failed to copy it when transferring to a new desktop). We had well
documented procedures for key recovery. I never got my key or data
back. I was never informed why. Perhaps the seldom used key recovery
software had bugs and wouldn't work for my key, or we couldn't get the
required big wigs into one room, or, probably most likely, at least
three big wigs lost their shares.

Michael Heyman

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-04 Thread Tanja Lange
 There is more than the UI at stake here, i.e. the basic functionality of 
 the scheme. Say you distribute shares in a 4 out of 7 scheme (ABCDEF) 
 and share A is published on the web. How do you recover from the 
 remaining 3 out of 6 scheme into a 4 out of 6 scheme without having a 
 key ceremony? In an ad-hoc multi-party scheme, you request 4 of the 
 remaining compliant parties to destroy key material allowing them to 
 participate in a group with the traitor A, but no other key material. No 
 system UI, but admittedly a coordination nightmare!

If the system is built to allow resharing then this is no problem. 

Resharing from a t-out-of-n scheme to an r-out-of-m scheme works as
follows: If the secret s is shared using the (otherwise random)
polynomial f of degree t then a share consists of (i,f(i)). To 
reshare, at least t or the original shareholders issue shares of 
f(i) in an r-out-of-m manner, i.e. take a polynomial gi of degree r and
compute m shares (i,j,gi(j)). When these are distributed to the new
users, the new users should end up with matching j's. The old shares
(i,f(i)) are deleted. Each of the m new users now has t shares 
(i1,j,gi1(j)), (i2,j,gi2(j)), ... ,(it,j,git(j)). This information 
can be combined into a single share (j,G(j)) of s by using the Lagrange 
coefficients of the first scheme.

All of this can be decorated with zero knowledge proofs to prove
correctness of the shares etc. Note that there is no interaction of the
t shareholders and everthing can be done remotely.

In the scenario that one share A is published it's enough to have t-1
users help in the resharing since every new user can use the public
information. On the other hand that's a mess to program, so it's more
resonable to ask t of the remaining shareholders to help. Doesn't sound
like a coordination nightmare to me.

For all this in a more general setting see e.g. Redistributing Secret
Shares to New Access Structures and Its Applications by Yvo Desmedt
and  Sushil Jajodia  (1997)

Does this answer the question?

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-04 Thread Thierry Moreau

Tanja Lange wrote:
There is more than the UI at stake here, i.e. the basic functionality of 
the scheme. Say you distribute shares in a 4 out of 7 scheme (ABCDEF) 
and share A is published on the web. How do you recover from the 
remaining 3 out of 6 scheme into a 4 out of 6 scheme without having a 
key ceremony? In an ad-hoc multi-party scheme, you request 4 of the 
remaining compliant parties to destroy key material allowing them to 
participate in a group with the traitor A, but no other key material. No 
system UI, but admittedly a coordination nightmare!

If the system is built to allow resharing then this is no problem. 

Resharing from a t-out-of-n scheme to an r-out-of-m scheme works as
follows: If the secret s is shared using the (otherwise random)
polynomial f of degree t then a share consists of (i,f(i)). To 
reshare, at least t or the original shareholders issue shares of 
f(i) in an r-out-of-m manner, i.e. take a polynomial gi of degree r and

compute m shares (i,j,gi(j)). When these are distributed to the new
users, the new users should end up with matching j's. The old shares
(i,f(i)) are deleted. Each of the m new users now has t shares 
(i1,j,gi1(j)), (i2,j,gi2(j)), ... ,(it,j,git(j)). This information 
can be combined into a single share (j,G(j)) of s by using the Lagrange 
coefficients of the first scheme.

All of this can be decorated with zero knowledge proofs to prove
correctness of the shares etc. Note that there is no interaction of the
t shareholders and everthing can be done remotely.

In the scenario that one share A is published it's enough to have t-1
users help in the resharing since every new user can use the public
information. On the other hand that's a mess to program, so it's more
resonable to ask t of the remaining shareholders to help. Doesn't sound
like a coordination nightmare to me.

For all this in a more general setting see e.g. Redistributing Secret
Shares to New Access Structures and Its Applications by Yvo Desmedt
and  Sushil Jajodia  (1997)

Does this answer the question?

Yes, or at least it gives a good sense that these issues has been dealt 
with in the cryptographic literature. It seems to fulfill the 
operational requirements (obviously when a good faith participant 
receives new shares from a remote party, a trust relationship is needed, 
but that is a given irrespective of the underlying crypto).

Thanks a lot for your answer!


- Thierry Moreau


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-03 Thread Jakob Schlyter
On 2 aug 2010, at 16.51, Jeffrey Schiller wrote:

 Does the root KSK exist in a form that doesn't require the HSM to
 re-join, or more to the point if the manufacturer of the HSM fails, is
 it possible to re-join the key and load it into a different vendor's

With the assistance of the vendor (or their employees), it would be possible to 
reassemble the storage master key (SMK) by combining 5 of 7 key shares, then 
decrypting the key backup. There is nothing in the HSM units itself that is 
needed for a key restore.

 In other words, is the value that is split the raw key, or is it in
 some proprietary format or encrypted in some vendor internal key?

The value that is split is the SMK, used to encrypt the actual key. The actual 
key is not split and, once in production, is never to be transported outside 
the ICANN Key Management Facility.

 Back in the day we used an RSA SafeKeyper to store the IPRA key (there
 is a bit of history, we even had a key ceremony with Vint Cerf in
 attendance). This was the early to mid '90s.

Aha, that's why Vint was so on top of things during the East Coast key ceremony 

 The SafeKeyper had an internal tamper key that was used to encrypt all
 exported backups (in addition to the threshold secrets required). If
 the box failed, you could order one with the same internal tamper
 key. However you could not obtain the tamper key and you therefore
 could not choose to switch HSM vendors.

In this case, the SMK == the tamper key.


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-03 Thread Jakob Schlyter
On 2 aug 2010, at 08.30, Peter Gutmann wrote:

 For the case of DNSSEC, what would happen if the key was lost?  There'd be a 
 bit of turmoil as a new key appeared and maybe some egg-on-face at ICANN, but 
 it's not like commercial PKI with certs with 40-year lifetimes hardcoded into 
 every browser on the planet is it?  Presumably there's some mechanism for 
 getting the root (pubic) key distributed to existing implementations, could 
 this be used to roll over the root or is it still a manual config process for 
 each server/resolver?  How *is* the bootstrap actually done, presumably you 
 need to go from no certs in resolvers to certs in resolvers through some 

Initial bootstrap is done by

- distribution of the key by ICANN (via
- distribution of the key by the vendors themselves

Authentication of the root key can be achieved as part of the the distribution 
mechanisms above, or by transitive trust through people who attended the key 
generation ceremony. We've already seen public attestations from participants 
(e.g., [1], [2] and [3]).

Key rollovers are performed as specified in RFC 5011, i.e. a new key is 
authenticated by the current key. This does of course not work when the 
existing private key material is inaccessible (on form of lost). It could 
work if the key is lost by compromise, but one has to take into consideration 
how the key was compromised in such cases (key misuse, crypto analysis, etc).

For the generic end user, I would expect vendors to ship the root key as part 
of their software and keep the key up to date using their normal software 
update scheme.



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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-03 Thread Thierry Moreau

Peter Gutmann wrote:

That's a good start, but it gets a bit more complicated than that in practice
because you've got multiple components, and a basic red light/green light
system doesn't really provide enough feedback on what's going on.  What you'd
need in practice is (at least) some sort of counter to indicate how many
shares are still outstanding to recreate the secret (We still need two more
shares, I guess we'll have to call Bob in from Bratislava after all).  Also
the UI for recreating shares if one gets lost gets tricky, depending on how
much metadata you can assume if a share is lost (e.g. We've lost share 5 of
7 vs. We've lost one of the seven shares), and suddenly you get a bit
beyond what the UI of an HSM is capable of dealing with.

There is more than the UI at stake here, i.e. the basic functionality of 
the scheme. Say you distribute shares in a 4 out of 7 scheme (ABCDEF) 
and share A is published on the web. How do you recover from the 
remaining 3 out of 6 scheme into a 4 out of 6 scheme without having a 
key ceremony? In an ad-hoc multi-party scheme, you request 4 of the 
remaining compliant parties to destroy key material allowing them to 
participate in a group with the traitor A, but no other key material. No 
system UI, but admittedly a coordination nightmare!

- Thierry Moreau

With a two-share XOR it's much simpler, two red LEDs that turn green when the
share is added, and you're done.  One share is denoted 'A' and the other is
denoted 'B', that should be enough for the shareholder to remember.

If you really wanted to be rigorous about this you could apply the same sort
of analysis that was used for weak/stronglinks and unique signal generators to
see where your possible failure points lie.  I'm not sure if anyone's ever
done this [0], or whether it's just build in enough redundancy that we should
be OK.


[0] OK, I can imagine scenarios where it's quite probably been done, but
anyone involved in the work is unlikely to be allowed to talk about it.

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread D. K. Smetters

Jonathan Katz wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Jakob Schlyter wrote:

On 31 jul 2010, at 08.44, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Apparently the DNS root key is protected by what sounds like a 
threshold scheme, but the description is a bit unclear.  Does anyone 


The DNS root key is stored in HSMs. The key backups (maintained by 
ICANN) are encrypted with a storage master key (SMK), created inside 
the HSM and then split among 7 people (aka Recovery Key Share 
Holders). To recover the SMK in case of all 4 HSMs going bad, 5 of 7 
key shares are required. ( 
section 5.2.4)

According to the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy of the HSM, an AEP Keyper, 
the M-of-N key split is done using a La Grange interpolating Polynomial.

I'd be happy to answer any additional questions,

jakob (part of the team who designed and implemented this)

This is just Shamir secret sharing, not real threshold cryptography. 
(In a threshold cryptosystem, the shares would be used in a protocol to 
perform the desired cryptographic operation [e.g., signing] without ever 
reconstructing the real secret.) Has real threshold cryptography never 
been used anywhere?

CertCo (RIP) built a Certification Authority software product that used 
real threshold cryptography. Key shares for a k of n scheme (where k 
and n were chosen at key split time) were stored in hardware crypto 
tokens, and signatures were generated by having k tokens generate 
partial signatures and then combining them into a regular RSA sig. The 
system was deployed as the SET root CA for some time; we did try to sell 
it as a regular software product, but (corporate) political issues made 
that somewhat challenging. I honestly don't remember whether it was 
deployed by anyone else for anything other than SET, but it may be that 
one of the (many) other CertCo alumni on this list might.

The original CertCo CA software used pretty simple threshold crypto (I 
can provide paper refs for the particular schemes we used if anyone 
really wants them), but by the time I left we had worked on verifiable 
schemes (where you can verify the partial sigs independently), 
proactivization (re-sharing to change k or n, or remove bad players), 
and so on. The deployed system did not implement distributed key 
generation, which had just appeared in the literature at that time -- 
the key was generated on one token, and then split; the key generation 
token was then intended to be destroyed.

Although the system was designed to be used in a globally distributed 
fashion, with automated systems for sending work (things to sign) to 
sites holding key shares (where each signing request was signed by an RA 
to authorize it), and then collecting and recombining the partial sigs, 
it turned out to be way too hard to use that way. I don't know if it was 
ever deployed in a truly geographically distributed configuration, 
rather than having all the shares (except for backups) kept at one site. 
(And as a result, I started working on usability of security :-).

Shortly after the last CertCo CA, Victor Shoup published a new threshold 
RSA scheme that made them much simpler to incorporate into deployable 
systems; building a system that uses real threshold crypto would be 
pretty easy these days if one wanted to. If nothing else, it's a great 
example for cryptographers of how small changes in the algebraic 
formulation of something can have large impact on how easy it is to 
build into systems.

--Diana Smetters

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Thierry Moreau

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Thierry Moreau writes:

With the next key generation for DNS root KSK signature key, ICANN may have
an opportunity to improve their procedure.

What they do will really depend on what their threat model is.  I suspect that
in this case their single biggest threat was lack of display of sufficient
due diligence, thus all the security calisthenics (remember the 1990s Clipper
key escrow procedures, which involved things like having keys generated on a
laptop in a vault with the laptop optionally being destroyed afterwards, just
another type of security theatre to reassure users).  Compare that with the
former mechanism for backing up the Thawte root key, which was to keep it on a
floppy disk in Mark Shuttleworth's sock drawer because no-one would ever look
for it there.  Another example of this is the transport of an 1894-S dime
(worth just under 2 million dollars) across the US, which was achieved by
having someone dress in somewhat grubby clothes and fly across the country in
cattle class with the slabbed coin in his pocket, because no-one would imagine
that some random passenger on a random flight would be carrying a ~$2M coin.
So as this becomes more and more routine I suspect the accompanying
calisthenics will become less impressive.

(What would you do with the DNSSEC root key if you had it?  There are many 
vastly easier attack vectors to exploit than trying to use it, and even if you 
did go to the effort of employing it, it'd be obvious what was going on as 
soon as you used it and your fake signed data started appearing, c.f. the 
recent Realtek and JMicron key issues.  So the only real threat from its loss 
seems to be acute embarassment for the people involved, thus the due-diligence 

I fully agree with the general ideas above with one very tiny exception 
explained in the next paragraph. The DNSSEC root key ceremonies remains 
nonetheless an opportunity to review the practical implementation details.

The exception lies in a section of a paranoia scale where few 
organizations would position themselves. So let me explain it with an 
enemy of the USG, e.g. the DNS resolver support unit in a * 
organization. Once their user base rely on DNSSEC for traffic encryption 
keys, they become vulnerable to spoofed DNS data responses. I leave it 
as an exercise to write the protocol details of an hypothetical attack 
given that Captain Pueblo in routinely relies on 
a web site secured by DNSSEC to get instructions about where to sail his 
war ship on June 23, 2035 (using the unrealistic assumption that 
Pueblo's validating resolver uses only the official DNS root trust anchor).



- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, QC, Canada H2M 2A1

Tel. +1-514-385-5691

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Aug 1, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Thanks to all the folks who pointed out uses of m-of-n threshold  
however all of them have been for the protection of one-off, very  
keys under highly controlled circumstances by trained personnel,  
does anyone
know of any significant use by J.Random luser?  I'm interested in  
this from a

usability point of view.

As a corollary, has anyone gone through the process of recovering a  
key from
shares held by different parties at some time after the point at  
which they
were created (e.g. six months later), the equivalent of running a  
restore from
your backups at some point to make sure that you can actually  
recover your

sysem from it?  How did it go?
It'll be interesting to see the responses, but ... in this particular  
case, we do actually have plenty of experience from physical  
applications.  Vaults that can be opened only by multiple people each  
entering one part of the combination have been around for some time.   
For that matter, that requires mechanisms for having multiple people  
set their part of the combination.  Even requirements for dual  
signatures on checks beyond a certain size are precedents.

One could certainly screw up the design of a recovery system, but one  
would have to try.  There really ought not be that much of difference  
between recovering from m pieces and recovering from one.

Of course, one wonders how well even the simpler mechanisms work in  
practice.  The obvious guess:  At installations that actually exercise  
and test their recovery mechanisms regularly, they work.  At  
installations that set up a recovery mechanism and then forget about  
it until a lightning strike takes out their KDC 5 years later ...  
well, I wouldn't place big bets on a successful recovery.  This isn't  
really any different from other business continuity operations:   
Backup systems that are never exercised, redundant power systems that  
are simply kept in silent reserve for years ... none of these are  
likely to work when actually needed.

-- Jerry


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jerry Leichter writes:

One could certainly screw up the design of a recovery system, but one  
would have to try.  There really ought not be that much of difference  
between recovering from m pieces and recovering from one.

There's a *huge* difference, see my previous posting on this the last time the 
topic came up,

  the cognitive load imposed is just so high that most users can't cope with 
  it, particularly since they're already walking on eggshells because they're 
  working on hardware designed to fail closed (i.e. lock everything out) if 
  you as much as look at it funny.

The last time I went through this exercise for a high-value key, after quite 
some time going through the various implications, by unanimous agreement we 
went with lock an encrypted copy in two different safes (this was for an 
organisation with a lot of experience with physical security, and their threat 
assessment was that anyone who could compromise their physical security would 
do far more interesting things with the capability than stealing a key).

For the case of DNSSEC, what would happen if the key was lost?  There'd be a 
bit of turmoil as a new key appeared and maybe some egg-on-face at ICANN, but 
it's not like commercial PKI with certs with 40-year lifetimes hardcoded into 
every browser on the planet is it?  Presumably there's some mechanism for 
getting the root (pubic) key distributed to existing implementations, could 
this be used to roll over the root or is it still a manual config process for 
each server/resolver?  How *is* the bootstrap actually done, presumably you 
need to go from no certs in resolvers to certs in resolvers through some 


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Aug 2, 2010, at 2:30 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Jerry Leichter writes:

One could certainly screw up the design of a recovery system, but one
would have to try.  There really ought not be that much of difference
between recovering from m pieces and recovering from one.

There's a *huge* difference, see my previous posting on this the  
last time the

topic came up,

 the cognitive load imposed is just so high that most users can't  
cope with
 it, particularly since they're already walking on eggshells because  
 working on hardware designed to fail closed (i.e. lock everythi  ng  
out) if

 you as much as look at it funny

Well ... we do have a history of producing horrible interfaces.

Here's how I would do it:  Key segments are stored on USB sticks.   
There's a spot on the device with m USB slots, two buttons, and red  
and green LED's.   You put your USB keys into the slots and push the  
first button.  If the red LED lights - you don't have enough sticks,  
or they aren't valid.  If the green LED lights, you have a valid key.   
If the green LED lights, you push the second button (which is  
otherwise disabled), and the device loads your key.  (The device could  
also create the USB sticks initially by having a save key setting -  
probably controlled by a key lock.  Voting out and replacing a  
segment requires a bit more, but could be designed along similar lines.)

You can use some kind of secure USB stick if you like.  The content of  
a USB stick is standard - there has to be a file with a known name and  
some simple format, so it's easy to re-create a USB stick from a paper  
copy of the key.

Since specialized hardware is expensive, you can approximate this  
process with software (assuming you get a competent designer).  You  
can get by with only one USB slot, but given the tiny cost of USB hubs  
- I can buy a complete 10-port USB hub, power adapter included,  
shipped free, for less than $16 at, for example (and  
that's gross overkill) - it's probably worth it to give users a nice  
physical feel of inserting multiple keys into multiple locks.

I just don't see the great cognitive load involved, if the problem is  
presented properly.

-- Jerry

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Peter Trei

On 7/31/2010 2:54 PM, Adam Shostack wrote:

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 06:44:12PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
| Apparently the DNS root key is protected by what sounds like a five-of-seven
| threshold scheme, but the description is a bit unclear.  Does anyone know
| more?
| (Oh, and for people who want to quibble over practically-deployed, I'm not
|  aware of any real usage of threshold schemes for anything, at best you have
|  combine-two-key-components (usually via XOR), but no serious use of real n-
|  of-m that I've heard of.  Mind you, one single use doesn't necessarily count
|  as practically deployed either).

We had a 3 of 7 for the ZKS master keys back in the day. When we
tested, we discovered that no one had written the secret-combining
code, and so Ian Goldberg wrote some and posted it to usenix for
At RSA Security back in the early 2000s, I devised protection schemes, 
and wrote product code using 5 of 7 Shamir secret sharing for certain 

Peter Trei

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Jeffrey Schiller
Hash: SHA1

OK. I'm being a bit lazy but...

I've read through the ceremony script and all that, but I have a
simple question which the script documents didn't really answer:

Does the root KSK exist in a form that doesn't require the HSM to
re-join, or more to the point if the manufacturer of the HSM fails, is
it possible to re-join the key and load it into a different vendor's

In other words, is the value that is split the raw key, or is it in
some proprietary format or encrypted in some vendor internal key?

Back in the day we used an RSA SafeKeyper to store the IPRA key (there
is a bit of history, we even had a key ceremony with Vint Cerf in
attendance). This was the early to mid '90s.

The SafeKeyper had an internal tamper key that was used to encrypt all
exported backups (in addition to the threshold secrets required). If
the box failed, you could order one with the same internal tamper
key. However you could not obtain the tamper key and you therefore
could not choose to switch HSM vendors.


- -- 

Jeffrey I. Schiller
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue  Room W92-190
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617.253.0161 - Voice

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jerry Leichter writes:

Here's how I would do it:  Key segments are stored on USB sticks. There's a
spot on the device with m USB slots, two buttons, and red and green LED's.
You put your USB keys into the slots and push the first button.  If the red
LED lights - you don't have enough sticks, or they aren't valid.  If the
green LED lights, you have a valid key. If the green LED lights, you push the
second button (which is otherwise disabled), and the device loads your key.

That's a good start, but it gets a bit more complicated than that in practice
because you've got multiple components, and a basic red light/green light
system doesn't really provide enough feedback on what's going on.  What you'd
need in practice is (at least) some sort of counter to indicate how many
shares are still outstanding to recreate the secret (We still need two more
shares, I guess we'll have to call Bob in from Bratislava after all).  Also
the UI for recreating shares if one gets lost gets tricky, depending on how
much metadata you can assume if a share is lost (e.g. We've lost share 5 of
7 vs. We've lost one of the seven shares), and suddenly you get a bit
beyond what the UI of an HSM is capable of dealing with.

With a two-share XOR it's much simpler, two red LEDs that turn green when the
share is added, and you're done.  One share is denoted 'A' and the other is
denoted 'B', that should be enough for the shareholder to remember.

If you really wanted to be rigorous about this you could apply the same sort
of analysis that was used for weak/stronglinks and unique signal generators to
see where your possible failure points lie.  I'm not sure if anyone's ever
done this [0], or whether it's just build in enough redundancy that we should
be OK.


[0] OK, I can imagine scenarios where it's quite probably been done, but
anyone involved in the work is unlikely to be allowed to talk about it.

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-01 Thread Richard Salz
 (In a threshold cryptosystem, the shares would be used in a protocol to 
 perform the desired cryptographic operation [e.g., signing] without ever 

 reconstructing the real secret.) Has real threshold cryptography never 
 been used anywhere?

Yes, the root key for the SET consortium was done this way.  The 
technology was developed by Banker's Trust Electronic Commerce, which was 
spun off into a company called CertCo. They also had a method of 
re-splitting a key; think of a trade group that votes out one of the 
members without that entity's consent.  The code to do all that was on the 
HSM cards.

Both techniques are patented. CertCo failed and I don't know who ended up 
with the IP.  (As a souvenir from the wind-down, I have a co-branded 
CertCo/Chrysalis HSM. :)


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-01 Thread Peter Gutmann
Thierry Moreau writes:

With the next key generation for DNS root KSK signature key, ICANN may have
an opportunity to improve their procedure.

What they do will really depend on what their threat model is.  I suspect that
in this case their single biggest threat was lack of display of sufficient
due diligence, thus all the security calisthenics (remember the 1990s Clipper
key escrow procedures, which involved things like having keys generated on a
laptop in a vault with the laptop optionally being destroyed afterwards, just
another type of security theatre to reassure users).  Compare that with the
former mechanism for backing up the Thawte root key, which was to keep it on a
floppy disk in Mark Shuttleworth's sock drawer because no-one would ever look
for it there.  Another example of this is the transport of an 1894-S dime
(worth just under 2 million dollars) across the US, which was achieved by
having someone dress in somewhat grubby clothes and fly across the country in
cattle class with the slabbed coin in his pocket, because no-one would imagine
that some random passenger on a random flight would be carrying a ~$2M coin.
So as this becomes more and more routine I suspect the accompanying
calisthenics will become less impressive.

(What would you do with the DNSSEC root key if you had it?  There are many 
vastly easier attack vectors to exploit than trying to use it, and even if you 
did go to the effort of employing it, it'd be obvious what was going on as 
soon as you used it and your fake signed data started appearing, c.f. the 
recent Realtek and JMicron key issues.  So the only real threat from its loss 
seems to be acute embarassment for the people involved, thus the due-diligence 


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-07-31 Thread Jakob Schlyter
On 31 jul 2010, at 08.44, Peter Gutmann wrote:

 Apparently the DNS root key is protected by what sounds like a five-of-seven
 threshold scheme, but the description is a bit unclear.  Does anyone know

The DNS root key is stored in HSMs. The key backups (maintained by ICANN) are 
encrypted with a storage master key (SMK), created inside the HSM and then 
split among 7 people (aka Recovery Key Share Holders). To recover the SMK in 
case of all 4 HSMs going bad, 5 of 7 key shares are required. 
( section 5.2.4)

According to the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy of the HSM, an AEP Keyper, the 
M-of-N key split is done using a La Grange interpolating Polynomial.

I'd be happy to answer any additional questions,

jakob (part of the team who designed and implemented this)

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