see also: "Reliability of security systems"


From: Ross Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newsnight tonight
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:19:24 +0100

We helped make a piece on ATM fraud a few weeks ago for Newsnight, pointing
out that law enforcement on bank fraud is now deeply corrupt. The Home Office 
did a deal with the banks so that fraud victims must report the crime to the
bank, not the police; the City force's card squad is a tied cottage (as Nick
put it) as the banks pays its bills; ditto the Met's e-crime squad; ditto 
the Financial services ombudsman. This is jolly nice for the banks when the
fraud is done by a bent insider they don't want exposed, and jolly nasty for
the poor customer. It's also jolly nice for terrorists such as the Tamil       
Tigers who use ATM fraud to raise money to finance murder and mayhem. It's
really wonderful for government spin doctors as fraud figures have fallen to
near zero.

I'm now told that the programme will run tonight. Unfortunately a lot of its
teeth have been drawn (below)



Date:    Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:09:10 BST
From:    ***>
Subject: newsnight

Just to let you know. The piece will run tonight. Sadly  we could only
include a small part of your magnificent contribution, so the angle
about the tamil tigers was dropped,  against my wishes. 
The banks spokesman is coming on afterwards. The Home Office  and ACPO
both refused to appear. 



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