Security, Cryptography and Privacy Track in PODC 2003: Tutorials and (updated) CFP

2002-12-24 Thread Amir Herzberg

Dear Colleagues,

Please note that the deadline for submitting to PODC 2003, and in 
particular to the special track on Security in Distributed Computing, is 
rapidly approaching - Jan 31, 2003. This event is an excellent opportunity 
for interaction between the security, cryptography and distributed 
computing communities, and I hope many of you will send excellent 
submissions and of course participate. PODC will be held on Sunday July 
13th - Wednesday July 16th, 2003, in
Boston, Massachusetts.

The registration fee includes two interesting pre-conference tutorials on 
Sunday, July 13. Both are on very active areas in security in distributed 
computing: Incentives and Internet Computation by Joan Feigenbaum and Scott 
Shenker, and
Content Protection Technologies by Jeffrey B. Lotspiech, Tushar Chandra, 
and Donald E. Leake Jr..
Abstracts are included below, and can also be found, with bios of the 
speakers, from the webpage:

Expect lively discussion on these and other issues related to security and 
privacy in distributed systems, following these tutorials, as well as our 
very special invited speakers on security: Ross Anderson (U. of Cambridge), 
Butler Lampson (Microsoft), and Silvio Micali (MIT), all of which are known 
for their sometimes conflicting but always interesting views.

This year, PODC will also feature a series of lectures illustrating and 
celebrating the impact of the work of Michael Fischer, in honor of his 
sixtieth birthday, by: Leslie Lamport, Microsoft, Nancy Lynch, MIT, Albert 
Meyer, MIT, and Rebecca Wright, Stevens Inst. of Tech.. Topics are not 
announced yet but considering the speakers, I am sure these presentations 
will also be of interest to crypto/security folks.

So, please participate and submit and encourage others to do so; e.g. 
please post the CFP in relevant forums. PODC especially encourages student 
participation, and a prize will be given to the best student paper; we may 
be able also to partially sponsor some of the students participating and 
presenting, depending on budget.

PODC'03 received generous support from Microsoft and Sun Microsystems. If 
you are interested in making additional contributions, possibly for 
sponsoring a specific purpose, please contact the general chair, Elizabeth 
Borowsky, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Boston College).

Looking forward to your submissions and to see you in PODC 2003!

Amir Herzberg

Content Protection Technologies
Jeffrey B. Lotspiech, Tushar Chandra, Donald E. Leake Jr.


The entertainment industry is in the midst of a digital revolution,
the growth of which seems only limited by concerns about the
unauthorized redistribution of perfect copies that digital technology
enables.  Several content protection technologies have been deployed
already in consumer electronic devices, and more are in the works.  In
the near future, the average person's encounter with cryptography
will not be restricted to access to ATM machines, but will include his
TV, his stereo, and his home entertainment network.  We trace the
history of digital content protection technologies, starting with Copy
Generation Management System found on Digital Audio Tape, to the
Content Scrambling System used on DVD video, and moving on to more
cryptographically sound technologies like Digital Transmission Content
Protection used on the IEEE digital 1394 bus, and Content Protection
for Recordable Media used on DVD Audio, DVD video recorders, and the
Secure Digital Memory Card.  It turns out that the relatively new area
of cryptography called broadcast encryption has found an enthusiastic
acceptance in content protection applications.  In fact, the content
protection application has inspired recent theoretical advances in
this area.

One newly-defined problem in content protection is called authorized
domains.  The idea is that the consumer's extended home becomes a
domain in which content can be copied and moved without restriction.
The consumer only encounters technical obstacles when he/she tries to
widely redistribute the copyrighted content.  This requires that the
entertainment devices in the home, which may be only intermittently
connected, act as a distributed system to agree upon common
cryptographic keys.  Although public-key systems can provide this
function, it turns out that broadcast encryption can also work in this
application, and has some intriguing advantages.

However, not all content protection is based on cryptography.  We
discuss signal-processing based technologies like MacroVision and
digital watermarking.  Our view is that cryptography and signal-based
technologies are not competitors, but instead complement each
other.  Cryptographic solutions should dominate while the content
remains in the digital domain.  Once the content is rendered in
analogue form for viewing or listening, signal processing takes over,
to provide the last line of defense.

As technologists we would

RE: 'E-postmark' gives stamp of approval

2002-12-01 Thread Amir Herzberg
Cryptographically, the solution they (AuthentiDate) offer is basic:
timestamping and authentication (non-repudiated origin identification) by a
single trusted authority (USPO). I hope it's well implemented and that it
would succeed; it can definitely provide a substantial advantage over
current e-mail...

I don't think it can help much as solution against spamming, by itself:
people will use timestamped mail only when needed, which means you can't
filter out all non-timestamped mail. Of course it could help as a mechanisms
to filter out new correspondants, if used together with appropriate
mechanism for identifying known recipients, which seems to me the right way
to handle spam.

Two points worth imporving:
1. Their scheme uses a single authority. It would be better to allow use of
multiple authorities for reliability, security, and competition (Ok, maybe
AuthentiDate as a company prefers to have only one service...)
2. They offer only non-repudiation of origin; it's a pity they don't offer
also non-repudiation of submission, this could be really useful
certified-mail feature for B2B. The protocols required are not much more
complex (see e.g. my recent work


Amir Herzberg

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of R.
 A. Hettinga
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 5:07 PM
 To: Digital Bearer Settlement List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: 'E-postmark' gives stamp of approval


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Extracting unifrom randomness from noisy source

2002-08-04 Thread Amir Herzberg

Hi all, I've looked into this a bit further, and here is summary. 

1. In order to extract randomness from an arbitrary noisy source, we
need to use some short, `seed` random string. We assume that the noise
is independent of this `seed`. (If we don't use a seed, then every
randomness extracting (deterministic) function has some distribution of
input (noise) for which the output is not uniformly distributed - e.g.
any distribution of inputs which map to one output...)

2. Of course, the `seed` requirement does not apply if we hash the noise
using a hash function, and analyse using the `random oracle` model i.e.
analyse security when the hash function is implemented by a randomly
choosen function. But clearly here the randomness is `hidden` in the
`choice` of the random function. Clearly this is not a good
justification for relying on any particular hash function (e.g. SHA1)!

3. I don't know of any attack showing a reasonable, natural source of
noise for which the output of some reasonable hash function is
non-uniformly distributed. However I'm also not aware of any
cryptoanalytical effort to demonstrate such an attack. While almost all
practical crypto is based on unproven assumptions and `proof of security
by failure of cryptoanalysis`, seems that simply relying on SHA1(noise)
to be uniform is hardly justifyable. 

4. There is substantial amount of research showing efficient randomness
extractors. Noam Nisan has a nice survey, available from his homepage,
N. Nisan. Extracting randomness: How and why (a survey). In Proceedings
of the 11th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pages 44--58.
IEEE, New York, 1996. 

5. While the extractors described by Nisan (and others) are indeed very
efficient, I'm not aware of any available implementations. Implementors
may consider using therefore their favorite block cipher, e.g. AES,
using a random key. Notice that this random key should be selected
uniformly but could be part of the software, common to all deployments
and non-secret; security is only based on the independence of the
sampled noise in this key. Namely, 

pseudo-random = AES_k (noise) 

Security of this construction follows from the assumption that the block
cipher (e.g. AES) is a Pseudo-random function; notice that this is a
standard assumption for block ciphers (and therefore block ciphers are
cryptoanalysed to meet this assumption). 

6. Of course under the random oracle model, h(x,k) is also a
pseudo-random function... But why?

Regards, Amir Herzberg
See  for lectures and draft-chapters
from book-in-progress, `Introduction to Cryptography, Secure
Communication and Commerce`; feedback appreciated!

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RE: building a true RNG

2002-07-30 Thread Amir Herzberg

David Wagner said,

 The problem can really be divided into two parts:
   1. Is our entropy crunching algorithm secure when used with
  a random oracle instead of SHA1?
   2. Does SHA1 behave enough like a random oracle that the answer
  to question 1. is in any way relevant to the real world?
 I suspect that question 1. is not hard to answer in a formal,
 rigorous, provable way.  It is only question 2. that is hard
 to answer.  It is absolutely true that we have no proof for
 question 2.

 That said, we should keep in mind that none of our
 cryptographic algorithms (even 3DES) come with a proof of
 security.  All we have to rest on is years of unsuccessful

But there's a big difference: the random oracle `assumption` is clearly not
valid for SHA-1 (or any other specific hash function). Since this is
trivial, it is less clear what is the cryptoanalytical problem that SHA1 was
tested for. SHA-1 (and similar functions) were tested mainly for
collision-resistance (and also for one-wayness). But clearly these
properties are not sufficient for the proposed use (to extract entropy). 

So the question is again: what is an assumption which we can test SHA-1
against, and which is sufficient to make the `entropy crunching alg` secure?

I found that when trying to explain and define hash functions and their
properties, I didn't find a satisfactory definition for the `randomness`

Best Regards, Amir Herzberg
See  for lectures and draft-chapters
from book-in-progress, `Introduction to Cryptography, Secure Communication
and Commerce`; feedback appreciated!
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RE: building a true RNG

2002-07-27 Thread Amir Herzberg

In several posts to the list, e.g. by Wagner and Denker, it is proposed to
use a `strong crypto hash function` h(), e.g. SHA1, to extract entropy from
a physical source, i.e.

 + Source -- Digitizer -- good hash

Namely, if the sample from the digitizer (of the physical source) is x, the
suggestion is to use h(x) as random data.

I think this is a very common design in practice. But clearly this relies on
some property of the hash function. For example Denker says:
  a) if the hash function happens to have a property I call no
 wasted entropy then... [this h(x) is `as good as random`].

Indeed if we adopt the `random oracle` methodology, i.e. analyze the system
assuming h() is a truly random function, then we easily see that h(x) are
truly random bits (assuming the number of bits in h(x) is significantly less
than the entropy in x).

But: the `random oracle` methodology helps us find vulnerabilities in
protocols, but no specific hash function is really a random oracle...

So I ask: is there a definition of this `no wasted entropy` property, which
hash functions can be assumed to have (and tested for), and which ensures
the desired extraction of randomness?

Regards, Amir Herzberg
See  for lectures and draft-chapters
from book-in-progress, `Introduction to Cryptography, Secure Communication
and Commerce`; feedback appreciated!
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Fwd: Re: Quantum Computing Puts Encrypted Messages at Risk

2002-07-14 Thread Amir Herzberg

At 20:50 11/07/2002, Ian wrote:
When I first read The Code Book (Simon Singh), I drooled endlessly at
the idea of Unbreakable Encryption, until I became a little more
cynical. I questioned Dr Singh on this when he came and gave a lecture
in Cheltenham UK recently, and his best answer was that QKD is so secure
because its a different kind of system. Its not like conventional
encryption. [synopsis - not direct quotation]. I'm not thorougly

Can anyone (politely) prove this mere outsider wrong?

I am also not a physicist. So I share your skepticism about relying for 
security on physic theories which I don't understand, and furthermore 
which may evolve and refine over time.

However, as many people are excited about Quantum crypto, I really would 
like to put my skepticism aside and understand what is its cryptographic 
significance, say if we accept the physics as valid (for ever or at least 
`long enough`). In particular I'm considering whether I should and can 
cover this area in my book. I must admit I haven't yet studied this area 
carefully, so my questions may be naive, if so please excuse me (and your 
answer will be doubly appreciated). Some questions:

1. Quantum key encryption seems to require huge amounts of truly random 
bits at both sender and receiver. This seems impractical as (almost) truly 
random bits are hard to produce (especially at high speeds). Is there a fix?
2. After the transmission, the receiver is supposed to tell the sender how 
it set its polarization; how is this authenticated? If it isn't we are 
obviously susceptible to man in the middle attack.
3. It seems the quantum link must connect directly from sender to 
receiver. How can this help provide end to end security on the Internet? 
Or are we back to private networks?
4. As to quantum computation signalling the end of `crypto as we know 
it`... Is it fair to say this may end only the mechanisms built on 
discrete log and/or factoring, but not shared key algorithms like AES and 
some of the other public key algorithms?

Best, Amir Herzberg

Amir Herzberg
See for draft chapters from 
`Introduction to Cryptography,
Secure Communication and Commerce`, and link to lectures. Comments 

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RE: crypto question - using crypto to protect financial transactions

2002-04-08 Thread Amir Herzberg

I understand the goal of allowing secure and anonymous financial
transactions via the Net. I'm personally very interetested in this,
although I must admit I am also a bit concerned about the social
implications if this becomes a reality (or when it does, since I believe
it eventually will). What I'm concerned about is tax avoidance, esp. by
wealthy individuals and companies. Nobody likes taxation (at least
personally :-), but it is still the basis for operation of states - and
while changes may be good, they are also risky. 

Anyway, forgetting for a moment the question of should we do it, let's
focus on the question of how we do it :-) 

I looked up Andrew's site, and actually there're not too many details
there (yet?). I think his initial focus and question was on the issue of
whether one can trust one's public key to the financial server, and his
answer seems to be, you can if you split the key between several servers
using thershold or proactive signatures (proactive schemes allow
recovery from penetrations of servers - and btw, this is an area
deserving more implmentation efforts, beyond what we did in IBM). 

I think there may be even more critical hurdles for successful financial
crypto services. A very important one is interoperability between
different financial service providers (the companies that keep your
money... E.g. banks). Most crypto-financial efforts so far focused on a
centralized model - one bank - and that's much easier to design, but
very hard to succeed. I've done some work on secure interoperability
among providers - it was actually the main feature of IBM Micro
Payments. IBM have also applied for patent for some of the ideas. 

Another important issue is the automated management of trust and
reputation, allowing customers to make (automated) trust decisions on
providers of services and goods (including both financial services and
merchants). Here I agree with Andrew that for many applications,
financial transactions should not be reversible (disputed), and hence
trust and reputation becomes the main means for consumer protection. 

Regards, Amir Herzberg
See  for lectures and
draft-chapters from book-in-progress, `secure communication and commerce
using cryptography`; feedback welcome!

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RE: theory: unconditional security

2002-02-21 Thread Amir Herzberg

   I suspect you find little written about OTP work because people
 always assumed the keys were impractical to distribute, store and

Another concern with OTP and other unconditionally-secure schemes is
that they usually require limited number of applications of the key
(usually, use once). This introduces a substantial synchronization /
reliability / security problem for many applications. 

Notice that unconditionally secure authentication and signatures are in
fact used in scenarios where the limited use can be easily assured, such
as in online/offline signatures, used e.g. for micropayments and for
multicast encryption. In these cases, a `regular` offline signature
(e.g. RSA) is used to sign in advance (offline) the public key of the
one-time signature scheme. The one-time signature is applied when
processing online the message to be signed (with very little time). Of
course, the reason one-time signatures are used for these applications
is because they are faster, not because they are unconditionally secure.

Regards, Amir Herzberg
See  for lectures and
draft-chapters from book-in-progress, `secure communication and commerce
using cryptography`; feedback welcome!

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RE: Cringely ...or- long-lasting encryption - motivation for ECC?

2002-02-06 Thread Amir Herzberg

Eric Rescola [ER] replied to Eugene Leitl [EL]: 
  Personally, I no longer trust RSA for long term security.
  This is public-key crypto, not symmetric, so a break of your RSA key
  means that all your encrypted traffic becomes readable rather than
  just one message.  E.g., if a few years ago you used 512-bit RSA to
  encrypt a will that was not to be read by anybody until you die,
  that's tough because it could be read today.  Doesn't matter that
  moved to 768 bits and then 1024 in the meantime.
 If you care about Perfect Forward Secrecy, you shouldn't be using
 RSA at all. You should be using DH with a fresh key for each
 exchange. The probability that in the next 50 years your key will
 be compromised in some other way than factoring is sufficiently
 high to motivate this tactic. (In my view, it's vastly higher
 than that of your key being broken by factoring).

Correct... and furthermore - this only dealt with transmitting the
encrypted (and signed?) will, presumably to a trusted lawyer (or other
trusted party). I would also be more concerned about the risk that the
lawyer/party will be  corrupted (by software or otherwise...) within the
50 years. Again the solution has nothing to do with ECC vs. RSA... 

This is a bit besides the original debate but let me quickly recall the
three main techniques I know of protecting such a long-lasting secret

-- Tamper-resistant hardware
-- Splitting the data (or a strong symmetric key with which the data is
encrypted) among several secure storage units (secret sharing)
-- The same, but proactively re-hashing the shares periodically, so that
an attacker must collect all shares during the same period (proactive
secret sharing). 

Amir Herzberg
See for lectures and draft-chapters
from `secure communication and commerce using cryptography`; feedback

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RE: Losing the Code War by Stephen Budiansky

2002-02-03 Thread Amir Herzberg

Ben wrote: 
 marius wrote:
  Not quite true. Encrypting each message twice would not increase the
  effective key size to 112 bits.
  There is an attack named meet in the middle which will make the
  effective key size to be just 63 bits.
 ?? 56 bits plus a little, surely.

The `meet in the middle` attack works against double encryption; that's
why Triple DES is performing three DES operations with two keys. There
are some attacks also against using three encryptions with two keys and
against Triple DES (encryption-decryption-encryption). But the attacks I
know require huge amounts of chosen plaintext or known plaintext. In
particular with t known plaintext-ciphertext pairs, the known attack on
triple-DES requires 2^120-log(t) operations. I think most applications
can limit the amount of known plaintexts to a million; this means the
complexity of attacking triple-DES is at least 2^100, which is probably
sufficiently secure for most applications. 

Of course, using three different keys for the three DES operations (in
triple DES or simply in triple encryptions by DES) is expected to
considerably improve security. 

I think the edge of AES is mostly when improved performance (esp. in
software) is needed. 


Amir Herzberg
See for lectures and notes (draft
of chapters) on `secure communication and commerce using cryptography`;
feedback welcome!

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available draft chapters and lectures on `secure communication and commerce using crypto`

2002-02-01 Thread Amir Herzberg

Hi all, 

As you may
already know, I'm working on a text-book, to be published by Prentice Hall,
titled: Introduction to Secure Communication and Commerce Using Cryptography. 

covering much of the material, and a fair number of draft chapters, are now available
online; see (link from)
I've recently added to the site few more lectures (payments, voting, trust,)
and the chapter on micropayments. Still a long way to go, but I think it may
already provide some value. 

You are
encouraged to use the presentations and draft-chapters from that site (you'll
find the chapters under `Notes` column). The material is copyrighted but you
can use it for personal use and study, and definitely encouraged to use to give
courses; please inform me of any non-personal use.  My goal is to create a textbook which can be
used for introductory courses in cryptography, secure communication and secure
commerce  payments (for undergrads and graduates). 

I appreciate
your feedback and suggestions, in particular, please let me know if there are
other areas you think I should cover. 

Enclosed is
the current table of contents (most subject already contain lecture and/or
draft/partial chapters  others marked TBD): 


2. Security
threats and requirements

Principles of Modern Cryptography

Cryptography I: encryption and randomness

Cryptography II: Hashing and Message Authentication (MAC)

Cryptography III: Public Key Cryptography

Cryptography IV: distributed and proactive cryptography (and secret sharing)

8. PKI and

9. Secure
Communication I: network reliability and security (TCP/IP, firewalls,
tunneling, denial of service) 

10. Secure
Communication II: Authentication, Authorization and Key Distribution 

11. Secure
Communication  III: IP layer security
(IPSec, IKE) 

12. Secure
Communication IV: transport layer security  SSL, TLS, WTLS and WEP 

13. Secure

Security, Trust and Reputation 

15. Secure
e-Banking and accounts [TBD] 

16. Secure
Payments I: overview, credit card payments, mobile payments 

17. Secure
Payments II: micropayments, money transfer

18. Privacy
and anonymity: digital cash, anonymous communication [TBD] 

19. Content
Protection and Security for Remote Code 

20. Trusted
third party services  Notary, e-vault, secure agents [TBD] 

21. Advanced
protocols  voting, gambling,  

Conclusion and social/legal issues [TBD]



RE: Authenticating logos

2002-01-17 Thread Amir Herzberg

Ron said, 
 While valid claims (decision about trust is made based on logo, etc.),
 similar things happen outside of cyberspace.
 A person goes to ATT store, with a big logo in front, eventually
 credit card information to the person sitting there. That person,
maybe an
 employee of a dealer / franchise store owner (similar to the Palm
 Does that person trust the employee? probably not. Does he trust the
 owner? Maybe not. He made his decision based on the logo in front,
 may turn out to be fake.

Absolutely correct; but, why can a person make this assumption? Because
the legal system protects ATT's right to the logo, and ATT will invest
heavily in going after anybody using their logo without authorization or

A very important goal of secure commerce is to provide alternate
mechanisms in cyberspace. This is since when a hacker is using ATT's
logo in her website, it may not be feasible for ATT to sue him (in
particular he may reside in places where logos are not protected as
well...). Cryptography provides an alternative way to ensure `law and
order`, by making reputation a tool for both prevention (you work only
with reputable entities) and for reward and punishment (I'll give you a
certificate if I'm happy with your work, and create a web site about
your lousy service). 


Amir Herzberg
See for lectures and notes (draft of
chapters) on `secure communication and commerce using cryptography`;
feedback welcome!

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Authenticating logos

2002-01-16 Thread Amir Herzberg

Eric said, 
 I didn't say that it wasn't possible to secure logos. I said that
 you couldn't protect people who trusted logos that were transmitted
 to them in Web pages. This is not the same thing. The point is
 that such logos are transmitted in-band and are part of the web
 page. Therefore, they are not cryptographically verified.

It is a pity that logos are not authenticated by SSL and displayed in a
separate window. We've done an experimental implementation of a
secure-logo, as a special frame in the browser, controlled by a (local
or remote but in any case trusted) proxy. The proxy validates that the
server has a certificate for the logo; standard SSL certificates may not
provide this, but they can contain an address where the proxy can go get
the necessary additional certificates. 

If anybody is interested in taking this project further, I'll be happy
to help. 

Amir Herzberg
See for link to lectures and draft-chapters
on `secure communication and commerce using cryptography`; feedback

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RE: Forward Security Question

2001-11-19 Thread Amir Herzberg

Seems that RFC 2828 only clarifies that not all people agree on a
definition. Let me try to clarify, and since I'm just about to complete
the lecture and chapter covering this area in my `secure communication
and commerce` course (and book), I'll really appreciate
comments/corrections. In particular I hope Robert Shirey (editor of
rfc2828) is listening  (I don't have his e-mail).  

First to the specific questions in the original note: 
 ... Does the forward security refer 
 to the fact that if Eve knows a K Alice and Bob used two 
 weeks ago, she 
 cannot assume either of their identities for a current 
No. The concepts covering this are `resilience to known-key attack`
(when K is a session key derived from long-term `master` key(s)), and
`proactive security` (when K denotes all secret  keying info). 

 Or does it mean that even if Eve knows the current K in use by 
 Alice and Bob's session, she cannot impersonate either of them?  
I think I didn't understand this as this appears impossible trivially. 

 Or does it mean something else?
Bingo! :-)

A reasonable definition for PFS appears in [MOV96], def. 12.16, p. 496
in my copy. Let me give here a slight variant (improvement I hope) to
A protocol is said to have perfect forward secrecy if compromise of
long-term keys at time t does not compromise PAST traffic, i.e. messages
sent before t-T, even if attacker has all past (encrypted) traffic
available. The value T is a constant (the length of key update period). 

Some related definitions/concepts:
Known-key attack: this is an attack on a protocol which uses designated,
multiple `session keys` to encrypt and/or authenticate messages, where
all the `session keys` are exchanged using some other secrets (master,
long-term keys) never used directly to encrypt or authenticate messages.
The attacker is given the value of some session keys. A protocol is
resilient to knonw key attack if an attacker with access to all traffic
and to some session keys cannot decrypt messages encrypted with a key
not given to him, and cannot authenticate messages using a key not given
to him. 

Proactive security recovery: Consider the following scenario. Attacker
compromises all keys of a party at time t (without the party being aware
of it). A protocol provides proactive security recovery with period T if
at t+T, either the attack is detected or security is restored (attacker
cannot decrypt or forge future traffic). See formal definition and
implementation in [CHH00]. 

Best regards, 
Amir Herzberg
Please use my new e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CHH00] Ran Canetti, Shai Ha-Levi and Amir Herzberg. Maintaining
authenticated communication in the presence of break-ins. In Journal of
Cryptography, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 61-105. Extends version
in Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles Of
Distributed Computing (PODC), 1997, Pages 15 - 24.

[MOV96] Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone,
Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-8523-7, October
1996. Available online at

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RE: crypto backdoors = terrorisms free reign

2001-09-16 Thread Amir Herzberg

Hadmut replied to Jim:
  Incorrect.  You will weaken the absolute security of many, but the few
  choose to use strong (non-GAK) crypto will be easily distinguished from
  those who comply with the rules. 
 No. It cannot be easily distinguished. That's the mistake
 almost all politicians do.

Correct, but let me explain _why_. 

Suppose by law, everybody can use GAK encryption alg, say `GEEK`. Attacker
wishes to use non-GAK algorithm, say `TRICK`. GEEK has a distinguisher
module available to NSA which outputs GEEK or SUSPECT for encrypted data
(using GEEK or any other algorithm, respectively). 

Attacker encrypts his data with TRICK and then with GEEK. So this is validly
GEEK encrypted data. Until the NSA tries to decipher it, it looks fine. 

(As far as I know, sending this message is still legal. I definitely hope

Best, Amir Herzberg

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RE: The tragedy in NYC

2001-09-13 Thread Amir Herzberg

Perry said, 
I do not want more laws passed in the name of defending my home.
I do not want more freedoms eliminated to preserve freedom.
I do not want to trade my freedom for safety. Franklin has said far
more eloquently than me why that is worthless.
 If you must do something, send out more investigators to find those
 responsible for this and bring them to justice. Pass no new laws. Take
 away no freedoms. Do not destroy the reason I live here to give me
 safety. I'd rather die in a terrorist attack.

I agree that there shouldn't be laws limiting crypto research and usage. But
not since `I'd rather die than lose my freedom to use crypto`, which I think
is a reasonable summary of Perry's argument. Most people will not agree; in
fact, most people are willing to expose their privacy to receive low-value
promotions or discount. They will not be willing to risk their lives for

In fact, if giving up crytpto completely would help substantially to protect
against terror, I'll support it myself. But...

The real argument is simple: there is no evidence or convincing argument why
shutting down crypto will substantially help defend against terrorism. It is
a popular, easy solution, good for politicians as it is an easy `sell` to
the public, but not effective. That's why we should defend against it; the
negligible help it may provide to law-enforcement is not worth its cost in
loss of privacy and commerce, in the loss of freedom, and in the dangers of
abuse by government. 

Best, Amir Herzberg

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e-journals in applied crypto / secure e-commerce

2001-07-17 Thread Amir Herzberg

I'll appreciate recommendations of good, preferably referred, e-journals for
reading and writing on applied cryptography and secure e-commerce. 


Best regards, 
Amir Herzberg
CTO, NewGenPay Inc.
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RE: No free spam

2001-05-20 Thread Amir Herzberg

James E. Donald said, 

 Amir Herzberg wrote:
   Another BTW, the other application I really want
   micropayments for (and was my first motivation to this if I
   recall correctly) is also crypto-related... it is to motivate
   people to produce reviews of products, services, and esp. 
   other reviewers - creating a huge `web` (or directed graph)
   of credentials. If these are signed, and identify the
   reviewed entity by its public key, these credentials are
   certificates. Using such a collection of many credentials is
   what I believe will be the ultimate solution to public key 
   infrastructure - and this is another area I'm very interested
   in (and worked on).
 On 15 May 2001, at 11:18, Ben Laurie wrote:
  I hear what you are saying, but I really don't see how this
  produces the ultimate solution to PKI - unless you envisage the
  huge web boiling down to a few very large players that I
  subcontract my ID requirements to.

No, actually, the trust management decision becomes very decentralized. 
 I interpreted Amir' Herzberg's plan as the Crypto Kong approach to 
 credentials (   If you have a bunch of 
 readily accessible signed documents floating around on the web, 
 you can determine the authenticity of any signed instrument by 
 comparing the signature on one document to other signatures by 
 that person, in those few cases where you actually are concerned 
 about authenticity.

The similarity seems to be only that both are not relying on identity
certificates. But otherwise it's quite a different approach. In our system,
we establish trust by building a graph from available certificates and other
credentials of different entities in the network, and rules for assigning
roles to secret-key holders based on their certificates/credentials and the
role of the issuers of each. This raises a non-trivial, but feasible,
computational problem, resulting in assigning roles to the requestor (as
well as to all the issuers of certificates/credentials of the requestor). 

I'm not involved now in this effort but the project is still ongoing and you
can even download and try out the system. 

Best regards, 
Amir Herzberg
CTO, NewGenPay Inc.  

See demo and lectures/overviews/tutorials on crypto-security for mobile,
e-commerce, etc. in

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