Re: Brumley Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL

2003-03-25 Thread Anton Stiglic
- Original Message -
From: Nomen Nescio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: Brumley  Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL

 Regarding using blinding to defend against timing attacks, and supposing
 that a crypto library is going to have support for blinding:

  - Should it do blinding for RSA signatures as well as RSA decryption?

If you are a client, and you manually control the signature generation (like
you use PGP to sign email messages), I wouldn't implement blinding.
But if you are a server (or a client that automatically responds to
that signs message for some reason, and you receive many requests, I would.
RSA decryption, yes for servers.

  - How about for ElGamal decryption?

  - Non-ephemeral (static) DH key exchange?

Again, if you are automatically answer to requests, yes I would.  In the
Freedom network, servers had non-ephemeral keys and did a DH key
exchange with clients (client side used ephemeral keys and was anonymous),
we implemented blinding on the server side to counter timing attacks because
we had a hunch that they could work over network connections.

  - Ephemeral DH key exchange?

No, I wouldn't.  I would be very surprised if you could do timing attacks on
one execution of a modulo exponentiation, unless there is some way to trick
a server in using the same secret on different inputs, even though it's
to do ephemeral DH.

  - How about for DSS signatures?

Yes if you automatically answer to requests.  Paul Kocher's initial paper on
subject explicitly mentions DH, RSA and DSS.
If there is a possibility that you can be used as an oracle, and you have a
key, you should be careful.


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Re: Diffie-Hellman 128 bit

2003-03-24 Thread Anton Stiglic

 Well, I'm attacking a protocol, I know the rules of DH parameters, and the
 issue here is I'm trying to solve x, brute forcing that in the 128 bit
 can be difficult, and x doesn't have to be a prime. (a = g^x mod P). Their
 primes are 128 bit primes, as well as their pubkeys, I've done some tests
 their prime, and all perform under this method of (p-1)/2 = prime. This
 eliminates the pohlig-hellman discrete logarithm attack, but I'm trying to
 learn the Gaussian integer method.

No, just use the Number Field Sieve algorithm (this is mentioned in section
3.5 of the manuscript I gave you the link to).
You could read section 3.6 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography for
a basic introduction to the problem of discrete logarithm.


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Re: Diffie-Hellman 128 bit

2003-03-24 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
To: Derek Atkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: Diffie-Hellman 128 bit

 Well, I'm attacking a protocol, I know the rules of DH parameters, and the
 issue here is I'm trying to solve x, brute forcing that in the 128 bit
 can be difficult, and x doesn't have to be a prime. (a = g^x mod P). Their
 primes are 128 bit primes, as well as their pubkeys, I've done some tests
 their prime, and all perform under this method of (p-1)/2 = prime. This
 eliminates the pohlig-hellman discrete logarithm attack, but I'm trying to
 learn the Gaussian integer method.

Sorry, I mentioned using NFS in my previous reply, which is probably not
the way you want to go about this (since it's not as efficient for small
and more complicated to code).
Index-Calculus with Gaussian integers is indeed a good way.
You can look at the paper from LaMacchia and Odlyzko
which Derek and maybe someone else pointed out..
They easily calculated discret logs modulo a 192-bit integer.


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Re: Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2

2003-03-24 Thread Anton Stiglic

The list of all FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 validated modules can be
found here
(this includes software and hardware modules).

For Mitigation of Other Attacks, the FIPS 140 evaluation doesn't
look at these.  Some vendors might consider these attacks and implement
some kind of protection, but these will not be evaluated.

Documentation for a specific module might discuss countermeasures
to these attacks if they have been implemented.


- Original Message -
From: Damien O'Rourke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:14 AM
Subject: Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2


 I was wondering if anyone could list a number of cryptographic processors
 that are compliant with the Federal information processing standard (FIPS)
 140-2 Security Requirements for cryptographic modules.  I know that the
 IBM-4758 was compliant with FIPS 140-1 up to level 4 but I don't think
 it has been tested under the newer version of the standard (correct me if
 wrong).  Specifically I am wondering about section 4.11 on page 39
 Mitigation of Other Attacks which discusses, power analysis, timing
 TEMPEST and fault induction.

 If you could tell me what level they have been certified to and where I
 find some more information on them that would be great.  In fact, any
 information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for your time.

 Best Regards,

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Re: Diffie-Hellman 128 bit

2003-03-14 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:48 PM
Subject: Diffie-Hellman 128 bit

 I am looking at attacks on Diffie-Hellman.

 The protocol implementation I'm looking at designed their diffie-hellman
 using 128 bit primes (generated each time, yet P-1/2 will be a prime, so
 go on pohlig-hellman attack),

128-bit prime DH would be trivially breakable, maybe you mean that
it uses128-bit secret keys (and a larger prime, such as 512-bit prime at

In any case, you can probably get all the information you are looking
for in this manuscript:



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Re: Proven Primes

2003-03-11 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
From: tom st denis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cryptography [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Proven Primes

 --- Tero Kivinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  FIXED 64 bits.
  INDEX 0:
  PRIME (bits 512), index = 131, 0.989151 seconds:


 What is the benefit of having leading/trailing bits fixed?  As far as I
 know it doesn't make any form of index calculus attack any harder to

No, but you can speed up modulo multiplication.  The OAKLEY RFC
   The high order 64 bits are forced to 1.  This helps the
   classical remainder algorithm, because the trial quotient digit can
   always be taken as the high order word of the dividend, possibly +1.
   The low order 64 bits are forced to 1.  This helps the Montgomery-
   style remainder algorithms, because the multiplier digit can always
   be taken to be the low order word of the dividend.

At one point in time some of my colleagues got the optimization with the
high order bits set to 1 in C code going on very well, I don`t remember if
we implemented the optimization with the low order bits set to 1.


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Re: prime proofs

2003-03-10 Thread Anton Stiglic

The contribution of Pratt was to be the first to publish a proof
that the certificate can be verified in polynomial time (thus proving
that PRIMES is in NP).


- Original Message -
From: Richard Schroeppel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: David Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 5:06 PM
Subject: prime proofs

 Dave Wagner writes
   ...  Here's a simple method, due to Pratt.  ...

 People were doing this fourty years before Pratt's paper.
 See, for example, Dick Lehmer's 1933 paper Hunting Big Game
 in the Theory of Numbers, where he describes proving primality
 for a 19 digit divisor of 2^95+1.  It's on my web page at

 Or see Math. Comp. in the early 1970s for examples with more
 depth in the recursions.

 Rich Schroeppel[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Scientists question electronic voting

2003-03-07 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message - 

 For example, using the proposed system a voter can easily, by using a
 small concealed camera or a cell phone with a camera, obtain a copy of
 that receipt and use it to get money for the vote, or keep the job. And
 no one would know or be able to trace it.

But that brings up my point once again:  These problems already exist
with current paper-ballot voting schemes, what exactly are you trying to 
achieve with an electronic voting scheme?  To you simply want to make 
the counting of the votes more reliable, and maintain the security of all
other aspects, or improve absolutely everything?


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Re: Proven Primes

2003-03-07 Thread Anton Stiglic
 I thought that finding them was the hard part, and verifying one once
 was relatively easy.  I used the probable prime test in the Java
 package.  It sounds like, from some of the list traffic, that there are
 better tests.

Chapter 4 of the HAC gives a good introduction to all of this.

There are probabilistic primality tests (e.g. Miller-Rabin), there are
proving algorithms (e.g. Jacoby Sum Test, ECPP), some of which give a
of primality that can be verified using a different algorithm. Some of the
tests work
on integers of special forms (e.g. Mersenne numbers), others work on all
There are also algorithms that generate integers that are guaranteed to be
(e.g. Maurer's algorithm),  these are not tests...


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Re: Proven Primes

2003-03-06 Thread Anton Stiglic
- Original Message -
From: Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cryptography [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: Proven Primes

 I'm looking for a list or lists of sensibly sized proven primes - all
 the lists I can find are more interested in records, which are _way_ too
 big for cryptographic purposes.

I'm not aware of such a list.  If you can't find any you can generate the
list yourself using ECPP (Elliptic Curve Primality Proving), an
implementation of
which is available here
The result of ECPP is guaranteed (no probability of error), and provides a
of primality for integers that are proven to be prime.
A competing algorithm is the Jacobi Sums test, but it is much more
so implementation errors are not to be disregarded, with ECPP the
verification of a primality certificate is simple to implement, so you can
sure that there were no errors in the implementation of the proving

There is also the new algorithm by Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena, but I don't
believe that it is efficient in practice for the sizes of integers you are
looking at.
Also note that if you assume the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH) to
be true, you can use the Miller-Rabin algorithm in a deterministic fashion
polynomial time with no probability error.

The ECPP package is easy to use and fast.
The site gives benchmarks for proving 512-bit primes:
Pentium III (450MHz)4.4 sec
Solaris 5.7 9.5 sec
Alpha EV56 (500MHz) 4   sec

I suggest you generate potential Sophie Germain primes q using your favorite
library (I use OpenSSL for example) and then use the ECPP package to verify
that in fact both q and 2q + 1 are really prime.


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Re: Scientists question electronic voting

2003-03-06 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
From: Bill Frantz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: Scientists question electronic voting

 The best counter to this problem is widely available systems to produce
 fake photos of the vote, so the vote buyer can't know whether the votes he
 sees in the photo are the real votes, or fake ones.

 The easiest way to implement is to let people photograph the paper on the
 sample/practice -- not for real voting -- machine that poll workers use to
 teach voters how to use the real machines.

An extortionist could provide their own camera device to the voter, which
a built in clock that timestamps the photos and does some watermarking, or
something like that, which could complicate the counter-measures. But this
problem already exists with current non-electronic voting scheme.
It depends on the value attributed to a vote (would an extortionist be
willing to provide these custom devices?).


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Re: Scientists question electronic voting

2003-03-06 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -

 This is not possible for current paper ballots, for several reasons. For
 example, if you take a picture of your punch card as a proof of how you
 voted, what is to prevent you -- after the picture is taken -- to punch
 another hole for the same race and invalidate your vote? Or, to ask the
 clerk for a second ballot, saying that you punched the wrong hole,
 and vote for another candidate?  The same happens for optical scan
 cards.  These proofs are easily deniable and, thus, have no value
 to prove how the voter actually voted.

 Likewise, electronically, there is no way that a voter could prove how he
 voted, even if the confirmation screen does list all the choices that the
 has chosen, if that screen has two buttons: go back, confirm, and a
 suitable logic. After the voter presses confirm the voter sees a thank
 screen without any choices present. The logic canbe set up in such a way
 in terms of key presses and intermediate states that even photographing
 the mouse cursor on a pressed confirm button does not prove that the
 did not take the mouse out and, instead, pressed the go back button to
 change his choices.

Well the whole process can be filmed, not necessarily photographed...
It's difficult to counter the attack.  In you screen example, you can
the vote and then immediately photograph the thank you, if the photographs
include the time in milliseconds, and the interval is short, you can be
to some degree that the vote that was photographed was really the vote that
was casted.
You can have tamper resistant film/photograph devices and whatever you want,
have the frames digitally signed and timestamped,
but this is where I point out that you need to consider the value of the
vote to
estimate how far an extortionist would be willing to go.


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Re: Proven Primes

2003-03-06 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
From: Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anton Stiglic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [Talking about the ECPP package...]
 I'm not convinced any of those binaries are going to run on my system
 (which is FreeBSD), and anyway, if I'm going to use a binary to do ECPP
 I may as well shove it through Mathematica - much prettier UI :-)

 Is their no free implementation of ECPP? Is there at least a free

It's been a while since I tried it, I don't remember which platform and
OS  I used (a pentium with some sort of Linux) but I know that I didn't have
problems using it.

I think that ECPP comes with a Maple certificate verifier, which might
be what you are looking for.  I think you can also convert certificates
to Mathematica format.  So once you have these certificates of primality
it's easy to verify them.  But I haven't tried any of those features...


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Re: [Bodo Moeller] OpenSSL Security Advisory: Timing-based attacks on SSL/TLS with CBC encryption

2003-02-25 Thread Anton Stiglic
Bodo Moeller wrote:

 Actually there are three choices:
 It's true that pad-then-encrypt-then-MAC appears to be the safest
 approach in general, but pad-then-MAC-then-encrypt would also have
 avoided these attacks.  

By Pad-t-MAC-t-encrypt, do you mean a scheme where
the MAC is also encrypted, or is left aside (the encrypt and 
authenticate method).

There are problems with the latter as well, see appendix C of the
paper from Krawczyk...

If it's the first, then I guess that what you mean by 
Pad-t-MAC-t-encrypt is that you first pad the message (and 
IV and whatever other context) such that when you append the MAC
(e.g 160 bits with SHA1-MAC) to the ciphertext the resulting size is a 
multiple of the block cipher size.  So when you decrypt, you don't
check the padding, but then after verifying the MAC you would take
out the padding (and I guess verify it...).  You can't play with the
padding, because the MAC will fail.  But if you are using CBC-DES
as a MAC, you need to make sure that the MAC is verified first, 
not check the padding first, if not you *might* fall in to a similar trap 
(I'm not certain a vulnerability would exist in that context, but it sounds

The attack demonstrated by
Vaudenay et al. users a less subtle timing difference (the difference
between a MAC on about 256 SHA-1 input blocks and no MAC 
at all), but switching to Pad-then-MAC-then-encrypt should be considered 
for TLS 1.1.

Pad-t-MAC-t-encrypt sounds like an interesting avenue, but why 
would you propose that for TLS 1.1 instead of just proposing the safe
Pad-t-Encrypt-t-MAC?  If there is going to be a change, 
might as well go with something that is provably secure, or is there some 
reason (compatibility or something) to prefer Pad-t-MAC-t-Encrypt 
that I do not see here?


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Re: [Bodo Moeller] OpenSSL Security Advisory: Timing-based attacks on SSL/TLS with CBC encryption

2003-02-23 Thread Anton Stiglic
If I'm not mistaken, the OpenSSL spec says that you should
MAC the (compressed) message, and then encrypt the message
and the MAC.
This composition is not generically secure, on the other hand you
can prove some nice things about the composition encrypt-then-
MAC assuming certain conditions, see for example
David Wagner's post on sci.crypt for a discussion about

(using CBC-DES with a random IV and then HMAC,
with a KDF that derives independent keys for the encryption
and the MACing (the KDF in SSL looks like it can do this)
would satisfy these conditions.)

I now always recommend encrypt-then-MAC.

If SSL required encrypt-then-MAC, a programmer
would more naturally start by verifying the MAC, then decrypt
the message, so Vaudenay's attack would be caught first by
the MAC verification and the implementation would probably
return an error after the MAC verification and not leak the
information needed to discover the plaintext.

So even though the attack is not directly the result of the SSL
protocol spec, a spec which would favor encrypt-then-MAC
would be better in my point of view and the security holes
relating to this SSLattack in implementations might have much
less of a chance of existing.


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Re: password based key-wrap (Re: The Crypto Gardening Guide and Planting Tips)

2003-02-07 Thread Anton Stiglic
- Original Message -
To: Peter Gutmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 8:07 PM
Subject: password based key-wrap (Re: The Crypto Gardening Guide and
Planting Tips)

 Or is the problem that the above ensemble is ad-hoc (though using
 standardised constructs).  Or just that the ensemble is ad-hoc and so
 everyone will be forced to re-invent minor variations of it, with
 varying degrees of security.

One of the problems is exactly that.  There is no known proof of security
for PBKDF2 (it might be possible to come up with one, but to the best
of my knowledge nobody did so far).  Ironically, there are some proofs
of security for the older version of the same standard, PBKDF1 (which
was replaced by PBKDF2 only because the output of PBKDF1 was of
fixed length, so you couldn't derive much key material).  You can prove
some things about PBKDF1 relating to the fact that an adversary cannot
compute the result of PBKDF1 without having to compute a certain required
amount of hashes (this is the stretching part).  The details
of that are in the paper Secure Applications of Low-Entropy
Keys by Kelsey, Schneier, Hall and Wagner:

But I do think that PBKDF2 sounds reasonable, and I wouldn't be
surprised if we can prove something about it's security in some reasonable
model.  I would use PBKDF2 if I needed to wrap a session key
with only a password.

In general, the problems with existing proposed key derivation
functions is that they are all based on ad-hoc constructions.
There is a skunks work group trying to come up with a
proposal for a key derivation function which is based on some
provable secure results.


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Re: question about rsa encryption

2003-02-04 Thread Anton Stiglic
  RSA is subject to blinding attacks and several other failure modes if
  used without padding.  For details on what that means, read the
  cyclopedia cryptologia article on RSA.
 That brings on another amateur question. In that article it says,
 If the public exponent is less than a quarter of the modulus, RSA
 can be insecure.

Read the section on Hastad's Broadcast Attack from Boneh's 
excellent survey paper
Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem

The paper covers these basic facts about RSA, you can
get it at

The section on RSA in HAC will also answer your question.


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Re: EU Privacy Authorities Seek Changes in Microsoft 'Passport'

2003-01-29 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -

[Talking about Microsoft Passport...]
 But it's even worse than that, because people who
 ought to know better (and people who *DO* know better, their own
 ethics and customers' best interests be damned) are even *DEVELOPING*
 for this system.  It just doesn't make any damn sense.

It does make some sense.  The more people who are developing the system
who know better, the more they may influence higher management.
I'm sure that you know that in a big company like Microsoft, it's not the
architect or cryptographer that decides what is shipped out, but managers
don't care about security but more about $.

The more security-conscious people who start working for Microsoft, the
they will have more power to influence the decisions of higher management.
Microsoft has the most widely used software products, it's a good place for
someone to try to influence good security practices.

If you are a security person or cryptographer, you can either decide to work
some small company which has good security practices and your opinions be
considered, but their products not widely spread, or for a big company with
widely spread products but which has bad security practices, and try to
change things
(even though your opinions are less considered).   In which case does the
person or cryptographer have the most impact on the world of software


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Re: Shamir factoring machine uninteresting?

2003-01-27 Thread Anton Stiglic
I worte -

 implemented?), and 3-4 orders is not that big of a magnitude.

I take that back.  When considering cost, 3-4 orders of magnitude is


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Re: Key Pair Agreement?

2003-01-21 Thread Anton Stiglic
 I do not know what the proper terminology is to discuss this. Assuming
 there is none, I will call the solution Key Pair Agreement.

Call it kosherized public key generation.  Kosherization is not a term often
used in theoretical cryptography, but it is often used in practice

 It would seem that the DSA key structure facilitates this:

 1. Scott sends SEED1 to Alice.
 2. Alice picks a random number SEED2.
 3. Alice sets SEED=SHA1(SEED1 || SEED2).
 4. Alice generates a set of DSA parameters P, Q, G using the
 algorithm in Appendix 2, FIP-186-2.
 5. Alice generates a key pair (x,y) using the parameters from (4).
 6. Alice sends SEED2, counter, P, Q, G, y to Scott.
 7. Scott generates P', Q', G' based on SEED=SHA1(SEED1 || SEED2),
 counter, and compares them to P, Q, G.

Hold on, what you have kosherized is the public parameters of DSA, but
you haven't really kosherized the public key, y  (IINM).
Given P, Q, G (chosen by say Scott, or kosherized by Alice), Alice could
up with a cooked-up public key y.

It would seem difficult to impose some structure on y, since Scott will want
choose a random x, in which case G^y % P will look random.
This is different from RSA, where the public key is the pair e, N, e can be
to 3, and you can impose some structure on N (as Wagner pointed out).


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Re: Key Pair Agreement?

2003-01-21 Thread Anton Stiglic
I can see how Alice
 can easily generate two primes whose product will have
 that *high* order part, but it seems hard to
 generate an RSA modulus with a specific *low* order
 64 bits.

It is easy in both cases, here are examples I easily came up

(low order DEADBEEF))
p = A093CD75C6B7A577B99897B323BE30936448D25E6F0E3ED3FC6FEA2BD8229B62994A\
q = BDDA82F4039620F351EBAEA1EC4AC4D3595DFBE44CB9554669419182720AE6E6113F\

(high order DEADBEEF)
q = 123A78BC3DE4851ED3909CB37A402021766289052B9F7C9F00826E49117D\


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Re: Prime numbers guru 'factors' down success

2003-01-20 Thread Anton Stiglic

- Original Message -
From: Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: William Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Prime numbers guru 'factors' down success

 William Knowles wrote:
  Prime numbers (such as 1, 5, 11, 37...) are divisible only by
  themselves or 1. While smaller prime numbers are easy to make out, for
  very large numbers, there never had been a formula for primality
  testing until August 2002.

 Doh! This is so untrue. The point is that they discovered a test that
 wasn't NP, for the first time. OK, so its P but with a vast constant,
 but even so, there must be a point at which it gets better than the best
 NP methods. I wonder if anyone's worked out where that point is?

Technically you can't say that.  P is in NP, so if a problem is found to be
in P, it's not out of NP.  Note as well that the *problem* is situated in a
class, not the *algorithm* that solves it.
It was known before Agrawal and al. result that primality testing was in ZPP
for example (a class between P and NP).
The following FAQ explains this in a bit more of detail:

But the core of Laurie's argument is correct, in that it's not true that
only since
Agrawal and al. result can we determine if large integers are primes or not,
allowing for exponentially small probability of errors there are previously
algorithms that do much better than the algorithm from Agrawal and al.


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Re: Micropayments, redux

2002-12-17 Thread Anton Stiglic
  Yes, but the probability of it being significantly worse than I claimed
  (i.e., by more than a factor t) is exponentially small (in t).  One can
  easily calculate concretely exactly what the risk curve looks like.
  I'll spare everyone the details and just say that I see no reason why
  this should be a showstopper in practice.
 Actually I think it may be a showstopper in practice for rather 
 different reasons -- people's behaviour when exposed to risks is rather 

There is no risk for the user in the new schemes (which is what Peppercoin
is developing)!

Read the paper and/or presentation Zulfikar referenced in his post.
The risk is for the Bank.


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Re: Cryptographic privacy protection in TCPA

2002-09-04 Thread Anton Stiglic

 Nomen Nescio wrote:
  It looks like Camenisch  Lysyanskaya are patenting their credential
  system.  This is from the online patent applications database:

Jan Camenisch works for IBM, it's no surprise that the scheme is being
The scheme is not very efficient compared to Brands', but I would guess
if you don't mind doing allot of computation.
It is based on zero-knowledge proofs.  The basic idea of using
zero-knowledge proofs
to create an unlikable anonymous credentials system is actually pretty
intuitive and simple, and
people have taught about it before Camenisch  Lysyanskay have.  You can
probably think
about it yourself and come up with a similar scheme (not necessarily
provably secure however)
The novelty in my point of view is simply the choice of the setting in which
they work in (group of
quadratic residues modulo a composite), so that their scheme can apparently
be proven secure
under the strong RSA assumptions and the decisional DH assumption.
Camenischs work on group signatures and Proving in zero-knowledge that a
number n is
the product of two safe primes seem to have lead to the result.


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