Re: crypto question

2002-03-23 Thread D. A. Honig

At 01:04 PM 3/21/02 -0500, Nelson Minar wrote:
Question.  Is it possible to have code that contains a private encryption
key safely?

As a practical matter, yes and no. Practically no, because any way you
hide the encryption key could be reverse engineered. Practically yes,
because if you work at it you can make the key hard enough to reverse
engineer that it is sufficient for your threat model.

This problem is the same problem as copy protection, digital rights
management, or protecting mobile agents from the computers they run
on. They all boil down to the same challenge; you want to put some
data on a computer you don't control but then restrict what can be
done with that data.

The fundamental issue is: who benefits from keeping the secret secret?
If the holder of the bankcard (or whatever) is liable for abuse
due to cracking, you are in a much better position than if the 
bank loses when a cracker cracks the card in his possession.

This of course does not help when an adversary *steals* access to the
secret in the bankcard.  It only helps when the holder of the secret
has an interest in keeping the secret.

One gathers from this discussion that the content-creator is worried
about content-users cracking their system; that is in general hopeless,
modulo the cost factors.  (And remembering what Schneier wrote about
all it takes is one cracker + the internet, if a crack tool is readily


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An attack on the 'Trusted Traveler' Pass

2002-02-01 Thread D. A. Honig

Some day in the future, maybe a year from now, you may have a trusted
traveler card. Congress wants it, the airlines need it and security
experts endorse it.

The benefits appear clear. With a tool to separate the wheat from the

So does an attack.  Befriend someone with such a card, give
her a gift with well hidden, unscented plastique and a barometric
detonator.  After some time she takes her planned flight and gets only a
cursory exam.  She neglects to mention the gift she's carrying (they don't
even ask the 2 security questions reliably, any more, anyway).  

It worked over Lockerbie, it'll work again.  The Lockerbie carrier
had the equivalent of a trusted traveller card --she was a white

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2002-01-15 Thread D. A. Honig

At 01:59 PM 1/14/02 -0800, Eric Rescorla wrote:
Saying that SSL without certificates is fine as long as you
don't have active attacks is kind of like saying that leaving
your front door open is fine as long as noone tries to break

No, its more.  SSL sans certs is like using envelopes to write to
Dear Abby.  You have no authentication on who Dear Abby 
really is but your communications are private.

Since the entity who claims to be Dear Abby also gives
a communications address, writing to Dear Abby at that 
address is sufficient. (Modulo MIM attacks)

[Moderator's note: Except that's precisely the point: Modulo MIM
attacks is like saying we're all immortal, modulo death. The
question isn't some sort of mystification of identity -- it is being
able to know that you're talking to the same Dear Abby your friends
have talked to and that you talked to last week. Now that MIM attacks
have been automated they don't even need sophistication to conduct. --Perry]

When you call a phone number listed with an advert, 
and give them your credit card number, you have less
confidentiality (you're speaking plaintext), but its the same model.

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2002-01-15 Thread D. A. Honig

question isn't some sort of mystification of identity -- it is being
able to know that you're talking to the same Dear Abby your friends
have talked to and that you talked to last week. 

Here you're talking about reputation of nyms, which doesn't require
third parties or certs, just well-kept secret keys of a PK pair.  
If the remote entity keeps using the same PK keys, you can reasonably
update reputation
based on that alone.   (They're essentially signing their behaviors.)

[Moderator's note: I fully agree. I was disputing only the notion that
unauthenticated connections were sufficient. Authentication does not
require certificates or third parties -- see the way SSH handles keys
for example. --Perry]

Now that MIM attacks
have been automated they don't even need sophistication to conduct. --Perry]

Since a signed cert is useful for recovering ZERO dollars from the signer,
if you've been defrauded by some entity, the end result is the same if a MIM 
defrauds you.  

A *trusted* signer would solve the confidentiality loss problem but not the
liability problem.  But given that signers will sign *anything* (and why
not, they have no
financial liability and little useful reputation to lose) this is a small


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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2002-01-14 Thread D. A. Honig

At 10:49 AM 1/12/02 -0800, Carl Ellison wrote:

If that's not good enough for you, go to
where you have an SSL secured page.  SSL prevents a man in the middle
attack, right?  This means your credit card info goes to Palm
Computing, right?  Check the certificate.

More demos: You can create your own cert with TinySSL, a lightweight ( 
server for Wintel,
and amuse your friends if they bother to read
the info there.  Using trademarks (RSA, Verisign, etc.) in the fields
would escape most.  Or, as the TinySSL docs advise, you can get a free
cert from Thawte --which *in fact* certifies only that you can receive
email at the address you gave them.

As others have written, great for enabling SSL's confidentiality, nothing

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