Re: TPM coming to Canada

2003-04-03 Thread Peter Gutmann
M Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It appears that TPM is being seriously considered by Copyright Policy Branch
of Canadian Heritage, and has announced a paper by  Dr. Ian Kerr and others.

It mentions a nice top heavy certificate rich method or a DMCA like law as
two TPMs that might work in their opinion.


I'm afraid I'll have to start writing letters to government and non-
government groups to inform them of issues beyond revenue control issues
(like creator's rights and consumer protection).

A better suggestion for killing it: Write letters strongly encouraging the
PKI-based method.


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Re: Brumley Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL

2003-03-24 Thread Peter Gutmann
Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Schmoo Group response on
Apparently OpenSSL has code to prevent the timing attack,
but it's often not compiled in (I'm not sure how much that's for
performance reasons as opposed to general ignorance?)

I had blinding code included in my crypto code for about 3 years,
when not a single person used it in all that time I removed it
again (actually I think it's probably still there, but disconnected).
I'm leaning strongly towards general ignorance here...


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Re: [Bodo Moeller] OpenSSL Security Advisory: Timing-based attacks on SSL/TLS with CBC encryption

2003-02-24 Thread Peter Gutmann
An extremely trivial observation, but may be useful to some:

The attack assumes that multiple SSL or TLS connections involve a common
fixed plaintext block, such as a password.

There's been a discussion about how this affects POP over SSL on a private
list.  My suggestion was:

-- Snip --

- Don't retry a connection repeatedly if it fails the first time (I guess you
  don't do that anyway, but some programs like Outlook try automated repeated

- Add random whitespace to the initial messages so the password isn't always
  at a fixed location (that is, sprinkle extra spaces and tabs and whatnot
  around in the lines you send up to and including the password).

-- Snip --

This changes the padding on each message containing the password, making the
attack rather more difficult, and has the advantage that you don't need to
convince the party running the server to update their software.  Depending on
how much stuff you can send per message, you can vary it by quite a bit.  In
the POP case the PASS xxx would be a single message so you don't have quite
that much leeway, but it looks like you can add enough whitespace to make the
padding random.  Someone else on the list posted a followup to say he'd tried
it on two servers and they had no trouble with the whitespace.


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The Crypto Gardening Guide and Planting Tips

2003-02-05 Thread Peter Gutmann
After much procrastination I recently put the Crypto Gardening Guide and
Planting Tips online at, this may be of
interest to readers.  From the introduction:

  There has been a great deal of difficulty experienced in getting research
  performed by cryptographers in the last decade or so (beyond basic
  algorithms such as SHA and AES) applied in practice.  The reason for this is
  that cryptographers don't work on things that implementors need because it's
  not cool, and implementors don't use what cryptographers design because it's
  not useful or sufficiently aligned with real-world considerations to be
  practical. As a result, security standards are being created with mechanisms
  that have had little or no security analysis, often homebrew mechanisms or
  the standards editor's pet scheme.  The problem is a lack of communication:
  Cryptographers often don't seem aware of the real-world constraints that
  their design will need to work within in order to be successfully deployed.
  The intent of this document is to cover some of those real-world constraints
  for cryptographers, to point out problems that their designs will run into
  when attempts are made to deploy them.  Also included is a motivational list
  of extremely uncool problems that implementors have been building ad-hoc
  solutions for since no formal ones exist.


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Sovereignty issues and Palladium/TCPA

2003-01-31 Thread Peter Gutmann
It looks like Palladium (or whatever it's called this week) is of concern not
just to individuals but to governments as well (the following text forwarded
from elsewhere):

-- Snip --

  Governments would want to explore the implications of the use and
retention of government-held information and use of software for government
  More particularly, governments are likely to want to explore the issues
related to potential foreign control/influence over domestic governmental
use/access to domestic government held data.
  In other words, what are the practical and policy implications for a
government if a party external to the government may have the potential
power to turn off our access to its own information and that of its

-- Snip --

Unlike China, not everyone can address this problem by building their own
systems from the silicon on up.


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Re: deadbeef attack was choose low order RSA bits (Re: Key Pair Agreement?)

2003-01-21 Thread Peter Gutmann
Adam Back [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 09:08:31PM -0500, Radia Perlman wrote:
[...] I was going to suggest something similar to what David Wagner
suggested, but with Scott telling Alice the modulus size and the
*high* order 64 bits (with the top bit constrained to be 1). I can
see how Alice can easily generate two primes whose product will have
that *high* order part, but it seems hard to generate an RSA modulus
with a specific *low* order 64 bits.

One cheap way the low order 64 bits can be set is to set the low order bits
of p to the target bitset and the low order bits of q to ...1 (63 0s and
one 1 in binary), and then to increase the stride of candidate values in the
prime sieve to be eg 2^64.

That way's trivially detectable by inspection of the private key (which
admittedly isn't a problem in this case because you're not trying to hide its
presence).  More challenging though are ways of embedding a fixed pattern that
isn't (easily) detectable, a la various ways of leaking information in the
public key such as SETUP attacks.


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TCPA-defeating BIOS switcher

2002-12-13 Thread Peter Gutmann
There's a neat device called the BIOS Saviour which I first saw on the
eksitdata site,, but which has now had a few reviews
on English-language sites, e.g. and  It
consists of a mezzanine board that fits underneath your existing BIOS chip and
contains a second BIOS chip that can replace the existing one.  You can switch
between the two via a switch mounted on a blank plate in an expansion slot.
The intended use is to protect against bad flashes or virii (other uses are
for hot-chipping motherboards with hacked overclocking-enabled BIOSes if the
existing BIOS doesn't support it), but it could also be quite useful to swap
out a TCPA-crippled BIOS for an unencumbered one .  Really adventurous modders
could set it up to boot into the TCPA BIOS as far as is necessary, halt the
CPU via a small processor sitting on the SMB, swap in the non-TCPA BIOS, and


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Re: PGPfreeware 8.0: Not so good news for crypto newcomers

2002-12-09 Thread Peter Gutmann
Richard Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

To my dismay, the developers of gnupg chose to embed the command line
processing deep in their software, making doing a proper library-supported
GUI more difficult.  This was the same mistake that made PGP 2 such a bear to
port, etc.  I wish I had the time or skill to fix that, but the reality is I
simply don't have either.

There are other PGP libraries available.  The Veridis Filecrypt SDK,, is a commercial
offering which uses the OpenPGP format, and my own cryptlib,, is available under
the Sleepycat license (GPL or commercial, your choice).  You can modify it in
any way you like, although if you want to do things with it long-term, you may
want to wait until the next release, I rewrote a lot of the lower-level PGP
code recently.


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Digital signature legislation tutorial posted

2002-11-21 Thread Peter Gutmann
I've recently revamped part 2 of my Godzilla security tutorial, splitting off
the coverage of digital signature legislation and related issues into its own
section.  Part2a, consisting of a total of 79 slides, covers the question of
why we need digital signature legislation, what is a signature, paper
vs.electronic signatures, non-repudiation, trust, and liability, existing
approaches, examples of existing legislation of various types including
advantages and drawbacks, and the Digital Signature Law litmus test (and it
also explains why having a techie comment on legal issues isn't as silly as it
sounds :-).  It's available as part 2a of the Godzilla tutorial at  Comments welcome


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Re: did you really expunge that key?

2002-11-09 Thread Peter Gutmann
Simon Josefsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:
Which operating systems leak memory between processes in this way?

Win32 via ReadProcessMemory.

The documentation for the function says it will check read access
permissions.  Isn't this permission check done properly?  I.e., disallow
memory reads across processes owned by different users.

Almost all Win32 systems (except for a few Citrix-style systems) are single-
user, so the check is irrelevant.  Even if it's running in a different user
context, for Win9x systems that's meaningless, and for NT systems it's pretty
safe to assume the user is Admin so you can get to anything anyway.

If you can run a program as root, aren't there easier way to discover
passwords than allocating memory initialized by other processes? E.g.,
attaching a debugger to /bin/login.

The problem is someone running a program 3 days later and finding keys in
memory, not active attacks.

My point is that the software in general cannot solve this without help from
the operating system.

It can do a pretty good job of it.  Zeroising a key after use on a system
which isn't currently thrashing gives you a pretty good chance of getting rid
of it.

(Yes, you can hypothesise all sorts of weird places where data could end up if
 you're not careful, but to date multiple demonstrated attacks have pulled
 plaintext keys from memory where they were left by programs, and not from
 keyboard device driver buffers or whatever).

If you run security software on a insecure host, you won't achieve security
no matter how good the security software is.

Right, so we'll just given up even trying then, and wait for the day when
secure systems are readily available.

A pair of functions secure_memory_allocate() and secure_memory_zeroize() that
handle volatile char* data, together with a compiler that respects the
volatile property, seems like a useful interface.  No doubt, this already

Nope.  NT (not Win9x) has VirtualLock(), but there are special issues
surrounding this which are too complex to go into here, and Unix doesn't have
anything (mlock() won't cut it).

BTW I misattributed the previous message in my reply (I'm posting from another
system and had to manually edit the reply), apologies for any confusion this


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Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
David Honig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wouldn't a crypto coder be using paranoid-programming skills, like 
*checking* that the memory is actually zeroed? (Ie, read it back..)
I suppose that caching could still deceive you though?

You can't, in general, assume the compiler won't optimise this away
(it's just been zeroised, there's no need to check for zero).  You 
could make it volatile *and* do the check, which should be safe from 
being optimised.

It's worth reading the full thread on vuln-dev, which starts at
This discusses lots of fool-the-compiler tricks, along with rebuttals
on why they could fail.


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Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-06 Thread Peter Gutmann
[Moderator's note: FYI: no pragma is needed. This is what C's volatile
 keyword is for. 

No it isn't.  This was done to death on vuln-dev, see the list archives for
the discussion.

[Moderator's note: I'd be curious to hear a summary -- it appears to
work fine on the compilers I've tested. --Perry]


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Windows 2000 declared secure

2002-10-31 Thread Peter Gutmann

Microsoft Windows 2000 Awarded Common Criteria Certification
Tuesday October 29, 2:00 pm ET
Achieves Highest Level of Security Evaluation for the Broadest Set of Real-
  World Scenarios

Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT - News) today announced that its WindowsAE 2000
platform has been awarded the Common Criteria certification for the broadest
set of real-world scenarios yet achieved by any operating system as defined by
the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CCITSE).
The Common Criteria (CC) certification is a globally accepted standard for
evaluating the security features and capabilities of information technology


Microsoft Says Windows 2000 Passes Security Check
Tue Oct 29, 8:23 PM ET
By Elinor Mills Abreu

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) said on
Tuesday that Windows 2000 (news - web sites) has received the highest level of
security evaluation of any commercial operating system, an important benchmark
for government and other contracts.



This type of testing isn't testing for flaws, said John Pescatore, an
analyst at Gartner Inc. It's more testing whether we can believe the claims
the operating system is making for the security functions it provides.


Alan Paller, research director at the System Administration, Networking and
Security Institute, agreed.

It doesn't mean anything for the users. Right now, it's a relatively pure
marketing program for the vendors, Paller said. They still deliver the
software misconfigured and with flaws.

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FIB workstation photos

2002-09-25 Thread Peter Gutmann

As part of its tour of Nvidia, Anandtech got to look at an FIB workstation of
the kind used for (among other things) reverse-engineering and modifying
semiconductors.  For those who have never seen one of these things, there are
photos at


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Re: Sun donates elliptic curve code to OpenSSL?

2002-09-23 Thread Peter Gutmann

Greg Broiles [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sun is promising not to sue people for patent infringement for using Sun's
code as provided in the OpenSSL library, provided that the people who don't
want to be sued comply with a list of conditions:

(1) they promise not to sue Sun for infringing any of their own patents which
might cover the use of the donated code

(2) don't modify Sun's code as provided by Sun, don't use only parts of the
donated code, and don't remove the license text from the code.

Doesn't this exclude it from being used in OpenSSL, since it violates the

 * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
 * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
 * copied and put under another distribution licence
 * [including the GNU Public Licence.]


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Re: Sun donates elliptic curve code to OpenSSL?

2002-09-20 Thread Peter Gutmann


Some of the OpenSSL developers are on this list. In case they are too busy to
reply, below are some of the comments from the package:

Could someone with legal know-how translate whatever it is this is saying into


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Re: Cryptogram: Palladium Only for DRM

2002-09-17 Thread Peter Gutmann

Niels Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
At 16:04 16/09/02 -0700, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
Nothing done purely in software will be as effective as what can be done
when you have secure hardware as the foundation.  I discuss this in more
detail below.

But I am not suggesting to do it purely in software. Read the Intel manuals
for their CPUs. There are loads of CPU features for process separation,
securing the operating system, etc. The hardware is all there!

There was a rather nice paper at Usenix Security 2000 on this [pause]
available from


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Re: building a true RNG

2002-07-31 Thread Peter Gutmann

David Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I once wrote a short note about the relevance of this to IPSec:

There's another way to avoid this problem, which is to separate the nonce RNG
and crypto RNG, so that an attacker seeing the nonce RNG output can't use it
to attack the crypto RNG.  This is done in PGP 5.x and the cryptlib RNG.  OTOH
some RNGs are used in exactly the opposite manner, generating alternate public
and private random quantities, which make it possible to use one to infer
information about the other.  Examples are generators used with SSL and ssh,
which both alternate from public nonces to private session keys and back.


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Re: IP: SSL Certificate Monopoly Bears Financial Fruit

2002-07-12 Thread Peter Gutmann

On 6 Jul 2002 at 9:33, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Thawte has now announced a round of major price increases.  New
cert prices appear to have almost doubled, and renewals have
increased more than 50%. While Thawte proclaims this is their
first price increase in five years, this comes at a time when we
should be seeing *increased* competition and *lower* prices for
such virtual products, not such price increases.  But of course,
in an effective monopoly environment, it's your way or the
highway, so this should have been entirely expected.

IE comes preloaded with about 34 root certificate authorities, and it is easy
for the end user to add more, to add more in batches. Anyone can coerce open
SSL to generate any certificates he pleases, with some work.

Both Netscape 6 and MSIE 5 contain ~100 built-in, automatically-trusted CA

 * Certs with 512-bit keys.

 * Certs with 40-year lifetimes.
 * Certs from organisations you've never heard of before (Honest Joe's Used
   Cars and Certificates).
 * Certs from CAs with unmaintained/moribund websites (

These certs are what controls access to your machine (ActiveX, Java, install-
on-demand, etc etc).

  * It takes 600-700 mouse clicks to disable these certs to leave only CAs you
really trust.

(The above information was taken from A rant about SSL, oder: die grosse
 Sicherheitsillusion by Matthias Bruestle, presented at the KNF-Kongress

Why is not someone else issuing certificates?

How many more do you need?


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RE: IP: SSL Certificate Monopoly Bears Financial Fruit

2002-07-12 Thread Peter Gutmann

Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Trusted roots have long been bought and sold on the secondary market as any
other commodity. For surprisingly low amounts, you too can own a trusted root
that comes pre-installed in 95% of all web browsers deployed.

I'd heard stories of collapsed dot-coms' keys being auctioned off, that being
the only thing of value the company had left.  It makes the title of Matthias'
paper even more appropriate.

(However, I do think that anyone wanting to compromise your security will use
 this morning's MSIE hole to do it rather than buying a CA key.  OTOH it'd be a
 great universal skeleton key for government agencies charged with protecting
 the world from equestrians).


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Re: New Chips Can Keep a Tight Rein on Consumers

2002-07-10 Thread Peter Gutmann

Pete Chown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Peter Gutmann wrote:
Actually I'm amazed no printer vendor has ever gone after companies who
produce third-party Smartchips for remanufactured printer cartridges.  This
sounds like the perfect thing to hit with the DMCA universal hammer.

There is no copyright issue, though.  The DMCA only bans circumvention devices
that relate to copyrighted content.

If the vendor required it, how long do you think it would take their lawyers to
figure out a way in which some sort of copyright was involved somewhere, and it
could therefore be hit with the DMCA hammer?  Thus the universal hammer
comment, you can define almost anything you want to be a copyright violation if
it suits your purposes.  My guess on this one (and IANAL) is that reading the
instruction codes sent from the host would be the user-definable copyright
violation for third-party Smartchips.


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Re: Revenge of the WAVEoids: Palladium Clues May Lie In AMD Motherboard Design

2002-06-27 Thread Peter Gutmann

R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WAVE, some of you might remember, was started by a former NatSemi Chairman
back before the internet got popular. It was going to be a dial-up book-entry-
to-the-screen content control system with special boards and chips patented to
down to it's socks.

Think of it as DIVX for PCs, with a similar chance of success (see my earlier
post about TCPA being a dumping ground for failed crypto hardware initiatives
from various vendors).  Its only real contribution is that the WAVEoid board on
Ragingbull (alongside the Rambus one) is occasionally amusing to read, mostly
because it shows that the dot-com sharemarket situation would be better
investigated by the DEA than the FTC.


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Re: Steven Levy buys Microsoft's bullshit hook, line, and sinker

2002-06-24 Thread Peter Gutmann

Jay D. Dyson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Bram Cohen wrote:
Of course, the TCPA has nothing to do with security or privacy, since
those are OS-level things. All it can really do is ensure you're running
a particular OS.

It's amazing the TCPA isn't raising all kinds of red flags at the
justice department already - it's the most flagrant attempt to stifle
competition I've ever seen.

It's even more amazing that those who care about security at all aren't nearly
as up in arms about this matter.  The very idea that the one company with the
longest history of producing the most pernicious security problems in the
digital world is being suddenly embraced as that very world's savior.

I think a major contributing factor is TCPA's history.  It's the product of a
bunch of failed security initiatives by a collection of hardware vendors,
dating back to HP's ICF from 1996 (can anyone else even remember what ICF was,
without looking it up)?  Then there's CDSA, and IBM's experiement with smart
cards embedded in motherboards... a ton of vendors with completely different
objectives and a pile of leftover projects which failed to take off when they
weren't called TCPA yet.  Is it even worth wasting cycles on speculating where
TCPA will end up?


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Good quote on biometric ID

2002-06-20 Thread Peter Gutmann

I was reading a late-70's paper on computer security recently when I saw that
it contains a nice quote about the futility of trying to use biometrics to
prevent Sept.11-type attacks, I thought I'd share it with people:

  When a highway patrolman is sent to his duty, he has to be given the
  authority to cite traffic violators.  This cannot be done explicitly for each
  violator because at the time that the patrolman is sent to his duty, the
  traffic violator does not exist, and the identity of the future violators is
  not known, so that it is impossible to construct individual access rights for
  the violators at that time.  The point is that the patrolman's authority has
  to do with the behaviour of motorists, not their identity.

  - Naftaly Minsky, An Operation-Control Scheme for Authorisation in Computer
Systems, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences,
Vol.2, No.2, June 1978, p.157.


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Re: Hiding (and Seeking) Messages on the Web

2002-06-18 Thread Peter Gutmann

Hiding (and Seeking) Messages on the Web
Al Qaeda uses the Web as a communications network

June 17 issue -  One day last October, an intelligence-community analyst
noticed something strange about a radical Islamist Web site she had been
monitoring for several months. A previously open, innocuous part of the site
was suddenly blocked. She checked her notes, found the old address for the
link and typed it in-to find an otherwise empty page commanding in Arabic,

OTHER HIDDEN PAGES ON the site included seemingly nonsensical phrases and
quotations from the Qur'an-coded instructions for Qaeda operatives and their
supporters. U.S. intelligence discovered Al Qaeda uses the Web as a
communications network. Analysts believe Al Qaeda uses prearranged phrases and
symbols to direct its agents. An icon of an AK-47 can appear next to a photo
of Osama bin Laden facing one direction one day, and another direction the
next. Colors of icons can change as well. Messages can be hidden on pages
inside sites with no links to them, or placed openly in chat rooms. The
messages and patterns of symbols are given to analysts at the CIA and National
Security Agency to decipher.

Does anyone know what sort of hidden terrorist messages Microsoft are
communicating?  Their web pages appear and disappear, and contain nonsensical
phrases and quotations from the Windows documentation.  A Windows icon can
appear in one location one day, and another location the next.  Colours of
icons can change as well.  Messages can be hidden on pages inside Microsoft
sites with no links to them, or placed openly in .HLP files in the Windows
system directory.  The messages and patterns of symbols are given to sysadmins
and programmers to decipher.


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Re: what is GPG's #1 objective: security or anti-patent stance ( Re: on the state of PGP compatibility (2nd try))

2002-04-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Adam Back [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Back in the days of pgp2.x I used to receive and send a fair proportion of
mail encrypted with pgp; these days it is a much lower proportion, and a
rather high proportion of those fail.  It's not like I'm using old software or
failing to try what is reasonable to get messages to work.  Even with my
fairly complete collection of PGP versions you saw the results.  Imagine how
much worse it will be between people who do not upgrade frequently or take
such defensive strategies.  So you say upgrade already.  However as I think I
have demonstrated, I follow this strategy myself and as you can see it doesn't
work either.

I've been in a similar situation.  Back when I was fighting our government over
crypto export controls, it was sometimes necessary to talk to journalists in a
manner which didn't give the spooks a week's advance notice about something
which they shouldn't have known about until they opened the morning paper.
This was in the days of PGP 5.x.  Some of the people I was talking with were
pretty patient, and often put up with multiple iterations of neither side being
able to decrypt the other's messages, but eventually the choice came down to
given the opposition advance notice or not having the story published at all,
and there's really not much choice there.

Now substitute human rights group for journalist and secret police for
spooks and you can see why this is a problem.  Non-commercial PGP has always
been by geeks, for geeks, with features more important than minor
considerations like usability.  Who cares if there are 146 semi-documented,
vaguely-defined command-line options, look at the algorithm choices!  If you
want to use some obscure hash algorithm which was fasionable for 2 months in
1997, you can, and who cares if it takes you half an hour, the FAQ, the
manpage, and an online search to figure out how to encrypt a file?

That's why non-commercial crypto will always struggle to find mainstream
acceptance.  Doing the crypto engine is (relatively) easy, and fun, and there
are lots of people willing to help.  Doing the UI components is dreary and
boring, and no-one is interested because they've just spotted a hash algorithm
published in the Journal of the Bratislavian Philological Society in 1978 which
they urgently need to add support for.

(Although I don't use Windows mailers, I've heard nice things about The Bat,, which has built-in PGP support.
 Apparently at some point Pegasus Mail,, will have built-
 in PGP and S/MIME support as well).


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Re: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-06 Thread Peter Gutmann

Jaap-Henk Hoepman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's worse: it's even accepted practice among certain security specialists.
One of them involved in the development of a CA service once told me that they
intended the CA to generate the key pair. After regaining consciousness I
asked him why he thought violating one of the main principles of public key
cryptography was a good idea. His answer basically ran as follows: if the CA
is going to be liable, they want to be sure the key is strong and not
compromised. He said that the PC platform of an ordinary user simply wasn't
secure/trusted enough to generate keys on. The system might not generate `good
enough' randomness, or might have been compromised by a trojan.

I've seen similar things.  The CAs are so worried about key security that they
insist on generating the things themselves, but then hand them over in PKCS #12
format from which they're shared by, and easily accessible to, every single app
running on the machine, are copied across other machines (because it's valuable
enough that you don't want to have to get a new one for each machine), etc etc
(again, I go into this in some detail in my paper in the section titled
Private keys aren't).

Some of the, uh, logic applied by CAs for cert management can lead to really
bizarre situations.  For example there's a public CA which password-protects
access to its CRLs, using the reasoning that anyone who can get access to a CRL
can determine which keys have been compromised, and that's a bad thing (isn't
that what a CRL is for?).  As a result, anyone can get access to the certs the
CA issues, but only a tiny, select few can check whether they've been revoked
or not (given that most apps just ignore revocation checking, this probably
isn't as serious as it sounds).  There's a list of silliness as long as a very
long thing when it comes to working with certs...


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RE: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-06 Thread Peter Gutmann

Greg Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The scariest thing, though... at first I put in an unkeyed RC4 generator for
the self-test data, but accidentally ran the FIPS test on a straight counter
output... and it passed (even version 1)! I'd always assumed that something in
the regularity of a counter would trigger it. Running through the buffer,
XORing consecutive bytes, makes it fail quite handily, but might also have the
undesirable effect of hiding a bias in the data, if there was one. I'm thinking
of suggesting to NIST that a stronger test would be to run the test on the raw
data, and then on the data after XORing consecutive bytes... if it's really
random stuff it should pass both, and in the meantime this would catch all
sorts of failures. Any comments?

General-purpose data compressors (which make rather nice entropy estimators)
also have problems with counting events.  The Calgary compression corpus (the
Dhrystone of the compression world) includes a file geo in which every fourth
byte is a zero.  No standard compressor will pick this up, so that while they
all realise that zeroes occur with ~25% probability, they don't realise that
they always occur at every fourth byte (alongside a few others in between).
There will always be data patterns which appear obvious to a human but aren't
easily picked up by automated tests, so I don't know how far it's worth chasing
this thing.


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Re: PGP GPG compatibility

2002-01-20 Thread Peter Gutmann

John Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Note, however, that there are many things that OpenPGP doesn't do, making
encrypted email still a pretty sophisticated thing to do. Brad Templeton has
been kicking around some ideas on how to make zero-UI encryption work (with
some small UI available for us experts who care more about our privacy than
the average joe).

There are already a number of S/MIME gateways which do exactly this.  The most
typical mode of operation is org-to-org, where all mail from an organisation is
routed through their corporate gateway anyway so it's a natural place to
perform this operation.  It works reasonably well, and is completely
transparent to the end user (although org-to-org is rather easier to get going
than end-user-to-end-user).  The S/MIME WG has been working on a whole string
of add-ons to basic S/MIME for handling this type of messaging, encrypted
mailing lists, and assorted other useful stuff.


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Re: Bill's Bull, pt. 2...

2002-01-17 Thread Peter Gutmann

R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] quotes:

January 17, 2002

Tech Center

Microsoft Announces Corporate Shift To Focus on Tech Security, Privacy


  Microsoft Issues Press Release to Say it Will No Longer Treat Security as
  Just a PR Problem


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RE: CFP: PKI research workshop

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Gutmann

Arnold G. Reinhold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The EWR monorail had been shut down for the better part of a year to correct a
pesky track corrosion problem (it's hard to get all the bugs out of a system
that is not widely used).

Thus making it a perfect analogy for PKI [0].


[0] Before people flame me for this, what's currently widely-used is what's in
X.509v1 modulo CRL support.  Anything else, you're on your own.

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Neat security quote found on slashdot

2001-12-29 Thread Peter Gutmann

From the Gift Card Hacking thread,

Re:Nondisclosure (Score:1) 
by FauxPasIII ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Saturday December 29, @12:27PM 

  Businesses are not going to expend money fixing any problem, no matter how
  severly it affects me as a customer, until it starts to affect their
  profitability. I wouldn't expect them to; they are a construct created with
  the express purpose of optimizing profitability. My goal as a security-
  conscious consumer is to -make- it the corporation's best interest to fix any
  problems that would have a detrimental effect on me as quickly as possible.

(Please, not another full-disclosure flamewar, I just wanted to post this
 because it seems to summarise the situation nicely).

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2001-12-27 Thread Peter Gutmann

As I never tire of saying, PKI is the ATM of security.

Naah, it's the monorail/videophone/SST of security.  Looks great at the World
Fair, but a bit difficult to turn into a reality outside the fairgrounds.

Peter (who would like to say that observation was original, but it was actually
   stolen from Scott Guthery).

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2001-12-27 Thread Peter Gutmann

Nelson Minar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The thing that makes me the most sad is that the PKI situation only seems to
be getting worse, not better.

The reason for this is that as we work on PKI deployment, we discover more and
more (previously unknown) problems which need to be solved.  If you look at PKI
in 1978 it was pretty simple (certificates in a public file), then in the
1980's it got more complex with directories and CRLs and whatnot, and after
that an ongoing stream of further issues which need to be addressed were
discovered as systems were finally deployed.  It's just getting harder and
harder as we discover more and more problems when we try and actually implement
the thing.  Even what we know now is only the tip of the iceberg compared to
what we're going to discover further down the track, and that's only
identifying the *problems* to be solved, not providing solutions.

PKI is like an erection: The more you think about it, the harder it gets.


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Thai Pirates Crack Microsoft's New Windows System

2001-11-13 Thread Peter Gutmann

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai computer users are buying thousands of pirated copies
of Microsoft's new Windows XP (news - web sites) operating system a week ahead
of its official launch in Thailand, vendors said on Monday.

Shops at Bangkok's Pantip Plaza -- a multi-story rabbit's warren of computer
goods outlets -- said pirates had found ways of getting around the new
operating system's security features.

``We've had XP Professional for three weeks and it's selling very well. We sell
around 200 copies a day,'' one shop owner, who identified himself only as Nop,
told Reuters.



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Re: when a fraud is a sale, Re: Rubber hose attack

2001-11-10 Thread Peter Gutmann

Rick Smith at Secure Computing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
At 06:48 PM 11/5/2001, David Jablon wrote:
Yet, strong network-based authentication of people does not require
complex secret information ... if complex means demanding
at least {64, 80, 128} random bits.

With emerging strong password schemes, your average one-in-a-thousand
or one-in-a-million kind of secret can do some pretty neat things --
in some cases with no need at all for stored secrets,
as in a [SP]EKE password-encrypted chat session.

Definitely true. It would be great to see that technology replace the
relatively vulnerable challenge response hashes used by Microsoft and others.
In general I'm skeptical of protocols that rely entirely on a memorized secret
for remote access security, but the [SP]EKE stuff is supposed to use the weak
secret to bootstrap a strong one without opening a crack that might allow a
dictionary attack on the weak secret. A slick idea.

... contained within a minefield of patents and IP restrictions, which is
killing its use.  What would be necessary is either for someone (presumably
with any army of lawyers to back them up) to state that a particular (sound)
scheme was free of any IP restrictions, or for one or more of the groups with
patents to state they'd allow everyone royalty-free use.  As it is at the
moment, it's just too risky to do anything.  Even if someone has a technology
which they claim is unencumbered, others may claim that they have some patent
which covers it, or the situation is unclear enough to scare off companies who
are afraid of lawsuits.  As a result, no-one can do anything.


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Re: Proving security protocols

2001-11-03 Thread Peter Gutmann

Rick Smith at Secure Computing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
At 09:00 AM 11/1/2001, Roop Mukherjee wrote:
Can someone offer some criticism of the practice formal verification in
general ?
Okay, I'll grab this hot potato.

I may as well speak up as well then... I spent most of a chapter of my thesis
looking at formal security verification in fairly exhaustive detail (if I
missed anything I'm sure I'll hear about it soon :-).  You can get it as  The conclusion is
that there are more effective ways to spend your time and money, but for the
full story I'd recommend you read the above document.


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Re: Thawte Protects The World From Crypto (was Re: [ Slashdot Message ] Daily Stories)

2001-10-30 Thread Peter Gutmann

R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] forwarded:
| Thawte Protects The World From Crypto  |
|   from the strange-goings-on dept. |
|   posted by timothy on Monday October 29, @06:28 (privacy) |
|  |

nutsaq writes:, a South African Certificate Authority, in a
move of astonishing wrong-headedness, has inexplicably changed it's
developer certificate policy. To quote [0]from the site: 'Due to current
world circumstances developer certificates can no longer be issued to
individuals.'Sucks to be working with crypto these days. Apparently I'll
get no help from Thawte to encrypt stuff, oh wait, I didn't need it, the
browsers did.

As was mentioned on the Slashdot debate, this has nothing to do with crypto but
is for AuthentiCode signing certs.  Blaming this move in terrorists therefore
makes it even more bizarre.  According to Thawte (via Slashdot), they were just
following orders from Verisign.  The only explanation I can think of is that
it's some attempt by MS to further lock small developers out of XP/.NET
(alongside charging $1K/year for developers and similar things), but that's
pretty far-fetched.  On the whole this move makes no sense, is anyone from
Verisign able to exlain it?  (Is anyone from *anywhere* able to explain it?).


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bin Laden's hidden messages revealed

2001-10-06 Thread Peter Gutmann

While browsing through an expansion of pi I have discovered various messages
describing the attack on the WTC.  Further corroboration of this was found in
e, the square root of 2, 3, and other values.

The next step is obvious: The government must either ban entirely, or at least
introduce strict licensing of, irrational numbers.  God knows there's enough
irrationality around already after the attack.


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Re: [FYI] Did Encryption Empower These Terrorists?

2001-09-26 Thread Peter Gutmann

Enzo Michelangeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Many merchants need a unique identifier for the buyer, and their traditional
processes often use the PAN (card number, for credit transactions). According
to what I heard, at one point the original specs of SET were altered in order
to accomodate, as an option, the visibility of the PAN to the merchant,
thereby giving up the other advantage of SET besides cardholder's
authentication (i.e., protection of the card number from eyes different from
cardholder's or banking system's).

I've run into the same issue with various companies (including some big ones)
who eventually run into the following situation:

  We need to encrypt our customer database because of security concerns over
  credit card numbers being stolen.  Oh yes, we use the CC# as the primary key
  for all our accounts.

This practice seems to be fairly widespread.  Workarounds are very difficult
(*everything* is keyed off the CC# as a unique customer ID, something like that
is very hard to fix in practice).

(And before someone jumps in with the obvious It's easy, just replace the CC#
 with some cryptographic transform of the CC#, consider the following
 scenario: You have a company with gear distributed over 300 sites worldwide,
 using software from 120 vendors running on 18 different platforms, of which 3
 provide source code.  8 have gone out of business (the software is still being
 used because it does the job), and all but the 3 which have source code
 available use an undocumented, proprietary format for their data.  Your job is
 to provide a time-and-materials estimate on what it'd take to fix this.  You're
 allowed a maximum of 90 days and $50K (+ 3 programmers) to get the problem 


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Re: Field slide attacks and how to avoid them.

2001-09-19 Thread Peter Gutmann

Kevin E. Fu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But XDR is so BORING compared to a REAL standard like ASN.1! It doesn't have
infinite possibilies for object definitions requiring help from standards
committees, multiple incompatible data representations with different kinds of
ambiguity, or ugly API packages that are too large to believe that the
implementers debugged them adequately.  That's just no fun at all!

I can feel this sliding into a specification language debate, but I have to put
in a word to defend ASN.1 here.  When used by a skilled practitioner, ASN.1 can
be truly elegant.  The problem is that, like BASIC, it looks deceptively
simple, so that everyone thinks they can write a spec in ASN.1 after five
minutes study of an ASN.1 introductory guide, and they usually do.  The result
is a great confused muddle which noone can figure out and everyone implements
slightly differently, leading to ASN.1's reputation of being a pain to work
with (to paraphrase the famous FORTRAN comment, The determined hack can write
crap in any language).  Having had experience working with ASN.1, XDR, the SSL
specification notation, and PGP, I definitely prefer ASN.1 for its ability
(when used correctly) to provide a clear, unambiguous definition of a data
exchange format.


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New Microsoft Security Server* (*runs Solaris)

2001-08-25 Thread Peter Gutmann

Microsoft is currently running a series of double-page ads in various security
magazines advertising the new Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration
Server (see for example Info Security Magazine, August 2001, p.38-39, or
Information Security magazine, August 2001, p.2-3).  The picture in the ad
shows a sysadmin sitting in a network room in front of the server.  

The server is a Sun machine.

(Nice to see even MS admit that if you want a secure server, you shouldn't be
 running Windows on it :-).


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