
Changes may follow hoax e-mail 
Published Wednesday, March 5, 2003 
Changes may follow hoax e-mail 

Staff Reporter 

The Feb. 17 hoax e-mail that caused some students to miss classes and angered the 
administration could now lead to changes in Information Technology Services policy. 

The e-mail -- allegedly sent by Yale Provost Susan Hockfield -- informed 
undergraduates that classes had been cancelled because of inclement weather. 
Approximately one and a half hours later, University Secretary Linda Lorimer sent out 
an e-mail informing students that the first e-mail was a hoax. In order to prevent a 
similar situation in the future, ITS Director Philip Long said ITS is considering 
adding a link in all official e-mails to a protected Yale Web site that would display 
copies of the original message, creating a back-up security measure. 

Long said the hoax situation has been investigated, but that he could not comment on 
any recent developments that could lead to disciplinary action. 

While ITS is currently contemplating ways to reduce the impact of potential hoaxes, 
Long said there is no real way to prevent someone from sending such an e-mail. 

"Anyone can dump an e-mail into a system," Long said. "That doesn't make it an honest 

But Long said because University officials send out so many e-mails, it is not clear 
whether all of them would have to be logged in a protected Yale Web site. 

Alexander Clark '04, founder of, said using a Web site might not be 
entirely convenient. 

"That certainly is one option, except that students might not go to the trouble of 
clicking on the URL," Clark said. 

Clark also said posting e-mails on the Internet could potentially make the e-mail 
accessible to unintended recipients. 

Instead of using a Web site, Clark said the use of digital certificates could be a 
more useful way of "making official e-mails look more official." 

"When you receive a certificate -- which is very difficult to forge -- an e-mail 
client is going to tell you whether it is a valid certificate," Clark said. 

In the hoax e-mail, the address in the "Reply-to" field was [EMAIL PROTECTED] Long 
said he has spoken with Zihal, a draper in the School of Drama's costume shop, and 
determined that she is an innocent victim. 

Long said the e-mail was a violation of a number of ITS policies because it 
impersonated Hockfield, victimized Zihal and caused annoyance and inconvenience to 
members of the Yale community. 

"I think that most people are not looking for cheap thrills at the expense of the 
community," Long said. "Bottom line, this is a question of trust. It might have more 
consequences than the person who casually initiated it had intended." 

Long said there is a law in Connecticut about the use of electronic communication for 
deceptive purposes, but said he is not sure whether this particular abuse could be 

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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