[CTRL] Promoting terrorism on CTRL

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

At 08:21 AM 6/24/99 -0700,  nurev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


|| * --  SPECIAL  -- *   June 23, 1999* --  EDITION  -- * ||


  * * *



 Nazi Protest.

 [Canada]: Aryan Nations Leadership in Canada

  * * *

5018 Rainier Ave. S.
 Seattle, WA 98118
 - Tuesday, 22 June 1999 -



  * * *

June 19, 1999
Dear anti-fascist friends,

 On July 10, Aryan Nations and hooded Klansmen will once
again march in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. At last year's parade, there
were 90 white supremacists and nearly 1000 civil rights

 This year, Anti-Racist Action (ARA) and United Front Against
Fascism (UFAF) are forming Coalition Against Nazis (CAN) to
organize a large, orderly, outspoken counter-protest to this
parade. We are mobilizing advocates of civil rights across the
Northwest U.S. and Canada to make sure the world knows Nazis
can't hide in Idaho!

Notwithstanding that this posting would seem to a rationale person
to be a violation of the list's "anti-proseletyzing" rule, it is also
promoting the activities of a known terrorist group.

The so-called "Anti-Racist Action" (ARA) has been linked to acts of
violence and terror.  The ARA has been specifically implicated in
the fire-bombing and arson of German-Canadian activist Ernst
Zundel's residence.

It has also been reported that ARA has received financial assistance
from the Canadian Government, and has a collaborative relationship
with the Canadian B'nai B'rith, and hence the American B'Nai B'rith.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ARA Exposed

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

To find out more about ARA, go to


Copyright (c) 1999 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 11, 1999

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

If you search for "ARA" or "Anti-Racist-Action" on the Zundelsite, you will
find a curious, as-yet-to-be-explained connection between this unwashed,
violent Marxist street mob and the ever so politically correct and
"humanistic" B'nai Brith Canada.

In the beginning in 1997, when the perverse "Human Rights" Tribunal hearing
regarding the Zundelsite started, these ARA characters were like fruit
flies buzzing around our pin-striped opposition coterie, but after I kept
wondering - repeatedly, aloud - about the strange affinity between such
unlike folks, the street mob disappeared.

Now I am curious.  Why did the ARA now re-appear - with the ***same
slogan*** that was heard before the Zundel-Haus burned down?

What was it that they left behind in their renewed activity that ties them
again to B'nai Brith?  I have been told an "item" (flyer?)  has been
recovered after the hostilities described below - and handed over to the

Inquiring minds want to know.

Here is what happened in the Toronto vicinity a couple of weeks ago, as per
CAFE's press release.  (In this ZGram, this press release is slightly

http://cafe.canadafirst.net[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A CAFE meeting was attacked on Saturday Feb. 27, 1999 by assortment of
hoodlums from a terrorist GOVERNMENT FUNDED group called Anti-Racist
Action. They have been long known for violent and ILLEGAL tactics in
Toronto, including doing $70,000 damage to the home of a member of the
Heritage Front in full view of the Toronto Police. See bottom of document
for links to info on who the Anti-Racist Action is.


On Saturday Feb. 27, 1999, CAFE held a meeting in Toronto to have Stephen
McNallen speak, who is an activist from California. He is an author and now
spokesman for the Asatru people. The topic of his speech was "Who is
Kennewick Man  Why Does He Matter?".

The meeting was to start at 7:30pm. At approximately 7:15-7:20pm 20-30
scruffy looking members of Anti-Racist Action busted a window in the corner
of the meeting room and charged down the hallway leading to the meeting

A lady was standing in the door and they pushed her trying to gain entry to
the meeting room. Immediately members of the meeting rushed to the door to
help the poor female out from being physically assaulted further.

Only 3 members of the meeting held off the raging mob of bandanna wearing
thugs from entering the room. Immediately one of the Anti-Racist Action
hoodlums tried to punch an old gentleman in attendance. This elder former
soldier grabbed the shirt of the ARA punk and pushed him out the door. More
and more Anti-Racist Action troublemakers tried to rush the door.  All were
repelled from gaining access to the meeting room. A fire extinguisher was
let off in the hallway which had the effect of clearing out all ARA punks
from the hall.

They regrouped outside and started to chant such slogans as "Lock the Nazis
in - Burn the Building Down" which seems like a veiled threat (reminiscent
of) the firebombing arson to Ernst Zundel's place back in 1995.

To be true to their coward form, the mob of ARA members harassed people
still coming to the meeting. An elderly gentleman on crutches was pushed
and almost knocked to the ground as he tried to pass the raging screaming
mob to get to the front door of the meeting hall - all in sight of the
local police who stood by and said NOTHING  (while) the ARA mob physically
attacked and threatened people going to the meeting.

A strange quirk of oddness came when the police originally showed up. The
mob of Anti-Racist Action protesters were yelling that the police and CAFE
were "Hand in Hand" but oddly the police *ONLY* harassed people going to
the meeting, asking to see ID's and taking down people's license plate

No ARA members were asked to show ID, even though they had broken the
window of the meeting hall with a brick, physically attacked several old
people trying to attend the meeting and attacked an elder gentleman who was
on crutches. All younger people attending the meeting passed by the crowd
with little to no difficulty - as per usual the crowd of rabble would only
attack people over 60 on CRUTCHES and ALONE!

When some of meeting attendees tried to stay outside to help out other
people coming to the meeting, they were forced by Police to go inside or

To find out more about ARA, go to

[CTRL] BCCI Liquidators

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

$1.16B Awarded to BCCI Liquidators

WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge has ordered a retired Saudi government
official to pay $1.16 billion in damages to the court-appointed liquidators
of BCCI, a now-defunct foreign bank that was at the center of an
international scandal.

U.S. District Judge Joyce Hens Green ruled that Abdul Raouf Hasan Khalil, a
Saudi businessman who was believed to be the biggest depositor in the Bank of
Credit and Commerce International, conspired with bank officials in a
fraudulent scheme that resulted in big losses to the Third World bank.

Green found that Khalil allowed BCCI to use his name and reputation as a
shareholder in exchange for a payment of millions of dollars. The scheme
allegedly included siphoning off more than $250 million from BCCI to Capcom
Financial Services Ltd., a brokerage company partly owned by Khalil.

Khalil's attorneys, James Linn and Stephen Johnson, didn't immediately return
telephone calls Thursday seeking comment. Khalil is retired and living in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, according to the liquidators.

``We are pleased that the court has recognized the significant loss to BCCI
caused by the activities of Mr. Khalil,'' said Stephen Akers, a partner in
accounting firm Deloitte  Touche, who is one of the liquidators. ``We intend
to enforce this judgment aggressively so that additional funds can be repaid
to the innocent victims of BCCI as soon as possible.''

The liquidators have said the victims include depositors and other creditors
of the bank who were owed some $10.5 billion.

The ruling family of the Persian Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi owned 77 percent
of BCCI before it collapsed amid allegations of arms smuggling, drug money
laundering and financing of terrorists. At its peak, the bank had 1.3 million
depositors and operations in 70 countries.

BCCI pleaded guilty in December 1991 to federal fraud charges and forfeited a
record $550 million in assets. In a plea bargain, BCCI acknowledged its
secret, illegal ownership of four U.S. banks, including First American
Bankshares, the biggest bank holding company in Washington at the time.

The late Clark Clifford, a defense secretary under President Lyndon Johnson
and adviser to several Democratic presidents, had been one of BCCI's
principal lawyers in this country and the chairman of First American.

Clifford and his former law partner, Robert Altman, agreed in February 1998
to pay a total of $5 million to settle civil fraud charges in the BCCI case.
In agreeing to the settlement, Clifford and Altman neither admitted nor
denied wrongdoing.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Supreme Court Debates States' Rights

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Vermont officials asked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit, on the
grounds that a state is not a ``person'' who can be held liable.
 "They also invoked the protection of the 11th Amendment, which the court
has interpreted to generally bar states from being sued by individuals in
federal court."

 I suppose state governments want the "have their cake and eat it too"
status of corporations in their attorneys' arguments -- it's a "person" in
terms of the rights (and protections) it claims, but NOT a "person" whenever
ACCOUNTABILITY is the issue.

Court Faces States' Rights Disputes

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court, having ended its 1998-99 term by
dramatically enhancing states' political power, will confront two new states'
rights disputes in October.

The justices added one of those cases Thursday in an order issued among
scores of others the day after they began a three-month recess from the

The court agreed to use a Vermont dispute to decide whether people can sue a
state they accuse of cheating the federal government.

Vermont's lawyers contend that the Constitution and federal law bar such
lawsuits against states. Lower courts rejected that argument.

The justices had agreed in January to decide, sometime in 2000, whether state
employees who say they were victims of age discrimination can make a federal
case of it. Consolidated cases from Florida and Alabama will yield that

In other orders Thursday, the court:

Left intact a Pakistani man's Virginia death sentence for the 1993 fatal
shootings of two CIA employees outside the spy agency's headquarters. Mir
Aimal Kasi had challenged his arrest by FBI agents in Pakistan following a
global manhunt.

Refused to let four Arkansas cities bar people from putting leaflets on cars
parked on city streets.

Refused to require a New York public elementary school to rent its building
to a church for Sunday worship services even though the school rents the
building to groups using it for nonreligious purposes.

Carried over until the term that begins in October a potentially important
Louisiana voting-rights case. At issue is how vigorously the federal
government can protect minorities from election-system changes that might
impede their voting power.

In the Vermont case, Jonathan Stevens was a lawyer for the state Agency of
Natural Resources' water supply division when he sued the agency in 1995. He
alleged that it had submitted false time records in connection with federal
grant programs.

Stevens sued under the federal False Claims Act, which lets private citizens
file lawsuits on the federal government's behalf alleging that someone
committed fraud against the government. Private citizens whose lawsuits are
successful can collect a share of any damages awarded.

Vermont officials asked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit, saying a
state is not a ``person'' who can be held liable under the False Claims Act.
They also invoked the protection of the Constitution's 11th Amendment, which
the court has interpreted to generally bar states from being sued by
individuals in federal court.

In three decisions earlier this week, the court extended the ``sovereign
immunity'' states enjoy against lawsuits by businesses and private citizens
in federal and state courts, and enhanced the states' power in relation to
the federal government.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] House Challenges Forfeiture

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

House Votes on Property Seizures

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted to curb the federal government's ability to
seize private property - cash, securities, cars, boats and real estate -
suspected of being linked to crime.

Too many innocent citizens have been deprived of their possessions without
due process, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., said
during debate on the House floor Thursday before the measure was approved,

No companion bill has been introduced in the Senate.

Police have used civil asset forfeiture for such things as shutting down drug
houses quickly by taking possession of them or hitting drug traffickers in
the wallet even before charges are filed.

On Thursday, both Republicans and Democrats criticized current federal law,
which lets officers seize property simply because they suspect it was
involved in wrongdoing.

``They don't have to convict you. They don't even have to charge you with a
crime. But they have your property,'' Hyde said. ``This is a throwback to the
old Soviet Union, where justice is the justice of the government and the
citizen doesn't have a chance.''

Added Democratic Rep. William Delahunt of Massachusetts: ``Think about that:
Eighty percent of those whose property are seized are never even charged with
a crime.''

Asset forfeiture is a powerful anti-crime tool, but it also can be an
opportunity for abuse, especially for law enforcement agencies hungry for
money to supplement tight budgets, said supporters of the new limits.

``In many jurisdictions, it has become a monetary tail wagging the law
enforcement dog,'' said Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga.

The bill passed by the House - introduced by Hyde and the Judiciary
Committee's senior Democrat, Rep. John Conyers of Michigan - would require
the federal government to prove with ``clear and convincing'' evidence the
property was eligible for forfeiture if an owner files a legal challenge.

The legislation would also:

Require officers to prove criminality, not simply allege it. Current law
requires property owners to prove they are not connected with the alleged

Require the government to give owners notice before seizing property. Owners
would have 30 days - compared with the current 10 days - to challenge a
seizure in court.

Enable a judge to release property to the owner if continued government
possession would pose a substantial hardship.

Allow judges to appoint counsel for poor defendants.

Let owners sue the government for negligence if their property is lost or

Allow some owners of seized cash to receive interest if a judge orders the
money returned.

Apply only to civil asset forfeitures, not criminal ones, although civil
forfeitures often are involved in criminal cases. It would not affect state
forfeiture laws.

In 1998, the federal government seized about $449 million worth of property
through civil and criminal forfeitures. Some of the proceeds were sent to
state and local law enforcement agencies that helped in investigations.

The Clinton administration said the Hyde-Conyers bill ``would have a serious
negative effect on the federal government's ability to combat drug
trafficking, alien smuggling, terrorism, consumer fraud and many other
criminal offenses.''

But the House rejected, 268-155, an alternative the administration favored.
It would have let police seize property based on a lower standard of proof -
a ``preponderance'' of the evidence rather than ``clear and convincing''

Opponents said it would have expanded the federal government's power to seize
property, not curbed it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who'll Judge What's Political Corruption? JANET RENO

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Reno Readies New Prosecutor Rules

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - With the independent counsel law about to expire, Attorney
General Janet Reno said the Justice Department is ready to take over the job
of appointing special prosecutors to investigate misconduct by high
government officials.

Reno said the department is putting finishing touches on new rules it will
follow in naming special investigators. ``Our regulations will be ready by
July 1,'' she said Thursday at her weekly news briefing.

The law that spawned Kenneth Starr's investigation of President Clinton and
20 other probes of high-level officials will expire June 30.

A few lawmakers are drafting legislation to revive the law, but most believe
the statute will be allowed to die.

One key Senate Republican has urged Congress to seize some authority over the
naming of special prosecutors by making Justice Department rules for their
appointment, conduct and removal subject to the approval of Congress and the

The department does not now need congressional approval to change its

Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee, said Tuesday that he plans to introduce the legislation in the
next week or two.

When asked to comment on the proposal, Reno said she wanted to work with
Thompson and other lawmakers ``to address the concerns that have been
raised,'' but asserted that appointing and removing special prosecutors
should be left to the attorney general alone.

``The attorney general gets held responsible for it one way or another,'' she

Under the expiring law, independent counsels are appointed by a judicial
panel after the attorney general determines that the law has been triggered.

New rules crafted by the Justice Department say the attorney general would
appoint a special prosecutor when he or she determines that the investigation
of a top government official presents a conflict of interest for the

According to an outline of the new regulations submitted to a House
subcommittee, the prosecutor would be subject to budgetary and investigative
limitations that do not exist under the independent counsel law, including
the following:

An annual budget would be submitted for the attorney general's approval.

A progress report would be required at the end of the first year.

Some indictments might need the approval of the attorney general.

The investigation would be limited to the issue that led to the appointment.

Under the expiring independent counsel law, prosecutors had broad powers and
no limits on how much they could spend.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Fascist Atrocities

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Slovenia Finds 1,000 Croat Bodies

.c The Associated Press

MARIBOR, Slovenia (AP) - More than a thousand human skeletons, believed to be
Croats killed by vengeful anti-fascists in the aftermath of World War II,
have been discovered in Slovenia, forensic experts said Thursday.

Some 1,179 skeletons had been found by Thursday after a two-week exhumation
in an old trench discovered by highway workers near Maribor, northeastern

Franc Podrekar, a forensic expert, told Slovene television that ``many
victims had their hands or legs tied with the wire and there are
bullet-shaped holes on their skulls.''

Following the exhumations, State Attorney Zdenka Cerar asked for a criminal
investigation against ``unknown perpetrators.''

During World War II, the Croatians - a disaffected minority in Serb-dominated
Yugoslavia - sided with Nazis who occupied the country in 1941.

Tens - perhaps hundreds - of thousands of Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and
anti-fascist Croats were killed in Croat-run concentration camps between

In 1945, the pro-fascist regime was defeated and thousands of Croats fled
toward Austria, afraid of reprisals from victorious communist partisans.

But when they reached Austria, British officers there turned them over to the
communists. Many thousands were killed by the Yugoslav partisans once they
crossed into Slovenia, which was part of Yugoslavia.

Slovenian government has not decided yet whether it will continue
exhumations. So far, bodies have been exhumed from only a four-yard-long part
of the trench, and forensics experts say there are more bodies buried in the
rest of the trench.

Marjan Znidaric, a historian and a director of the Maribor Museum of
Contemporary History, estimated that up to 8,000 more skeletons remained

``The trench is 800 yards long,'' Znidaric said. ``Obviously, the victims of
this revenge were falling into it one after another.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British Anti-Terrorist Terrorism in Ireland

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 "In its 1990 report - largely kept secret - a major investigation into
the extent of police and army support for pro-British Protestant paramilitary
groups on northern Ireland, identified at least 10 army members who leaked
police documents in hopes of encouraging assassinations.
 "It also disclosed that the British army's anti-terrorist intelligence
unit had infiltrated the top ranks of Protestant "terrorist" groups,
allegedly to influence whom it killed."

Briton Charged in Belfast Murder

.c The Associated Press

BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Ten years ago, Patrick Finucane was sitting
down to dinner with his family when a masked gunman shot the prominent
Catholic attorney 14 times at close range.

Now, a former British soldier is charged with murder, reinforcing some
critics' suspicions that the British army and the predominantly Protestant
police force colluded in the killing.

The accused man, William Stobie, a Protestant and a former member of a local
army regiment, was arraigned Thursday. At the time of the killing, Stobie was
a paid informer for the Royal Ulster Constabulary, Northern Ireland's police

The 48-year-old man's arrest Wednesday in one of Northern Ireland's most
politically explosive killings renewed allegations that the police and
soldiers either guided or turned a blind eye to whoever killed the lawyer on
Feb. 12, 1989.

Finucane, 39, was admired in militant Catholic quarters - and just as reviled
in militant Protestant ones - because of his highly successful defense of
Irish Republican Army suspects and outspoken criticism of the police. Three
of his brothers were IRA members.

A pro-British Protestant paramilitary group, the Ulster Defense Association,
claimed responsibility for the killing, but Finucane's supporters say the
police targeted the lawyer because of his work and privately encouraged his

The arrest of Stobie, who was ordered held without bail until July 14,
followed an international campaign to re-open the Finucane case.

``He totally denies and repudiates the charge of murder,'' Stobie's lawyer,
Joe Rice, said in court Thursday. The attorney said his client had telephoned
his police superiors to pass on a vague warning that Finucane's killers were
about to strike. That tip-off, Rice alleged, ``clearly was not acted upon.''

The allegations against the police had gained momentum in March when a second
high-profile Catholic attorney, Rosemary Nelson, was slain in suspicious

A U.N. human rights fact-finder and members of the U.S. Congress have
demanded independent investigations into both killings.

Northern Ireland's police commander, Chief Constable Ronnie Flanagan,
appointed an outsider to oversee a fresh Finucane investigation, and his
choice was telling: John Stevens, deputy commissioner of London's
Metropolitan Police.

Stevens had led the only major investigation into the extent of police and
army support for Northern Ireland's pro-British Protestant paramilitary
groups, particularly the Ulster Defense Association.

Stevens' 1990 report - largely kept secret - identified 10 army members who
were subsequently convicted of leaking police documents on IRA suspects to
UDA killers in hopes of encouraging assassinations.

It also disclosed that the British army's anti-terrorist intelligence unit
had infiltrated the top ranks of the Belfast UDA with a double agent, Brian
Nelson - either to prevent planned UDA hits, as the army insists, or to
influence whom the UDA killed, as others allege.

Nelson, later convicted and imprisoned for conspiring to murder several
people, has denied any role in targeting Finucane.

Finucane's widow, Geraldine, who was wounded during the gun attack, is suing
both the army and Nelson for financial compensation and has refused to
cooperate with Stevens' investigation.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Un-Nazis Zero in on the Balkans

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The German chancellor was ready to sacrifice ``his top man and closest
adviser for the success of the [Balkan reconstruction] project, which is so
important for Europe.
 "Hombach has been the point man in negotiations with German industry and
U.S. lawyers on a settlement of claims by Nazi-era slave laborers."

Germany Proposes Aide for Balkans

.c The Associated Press

BONN, Germany (AP) - Germany on Thursday proposed a top government official
as coordinator of the Balkan stability pact, adopted this month to strengthen
democracy and boost the economies of southeast Europe.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, by nominating his controversial chief of
staff Bodo Hombach for the post, also signaled a surprise shake-up in his
Cabinet at a politically sensitive time.

The chancellor said he would dispatch Hombach, an economics expert and former
industrial manager, if leaders of the other 14 European Union member nations

Hombach managed Schroeder's election campaign last year and is known as a
shrewd political strategist, though he has little experience with the

The 31-nation stability pact, which includes eight southeast European
countries, the United States, Russia and the EU, is the centerpiece of
Western efforts to pacify the Balkans after the war in Kosovo. The idea
originated with Germany.

Leaders of participating countries are to meet in the Bosnian capital of
Sarajevo next month to give impetus to the pact.

``We want to be engaged also with personnel to bring what we're pursuing
there forward, namely economic development in the Balkans, and with that to
really secure peace,'' Schroeder said.

Yugoslavia, which the West wants to exclude from reconstruction aid as long
as President Slobodan Milosevic is in power, has been left out for now.

Hombach, 46, has been the point man in negotiations with German industry and
U.S. lawyers on a settlement of claims by Nazi-era slave laborers. He
welcomed his proposed new role.

``This is a dream job,'' Hombach said. ``It's tailor-made for me.''

Schroeder said Hombach is exceptionally qualified. The chancellor was ready
to sacrifice ``his top man and closest adviser at the Cabinet table for the
success of this project that is so important for Europe,'' government
spokesman Uwe-Karsten Heye said.

EU foreign ministers could sign off on the nomination at a meeting in Brazil
next week, Heye said.

The governments of southeastern Europe pledge in the stability pact to carry
out Western-style reforms and live peacefully with their neighbors. The pact
also promotes economic cooperation and sets up permanent panels for settling
border conflicts and minority rights disputes.

Foreign ministers signed the document two weeks ago in Cologne.

Hombach said he would resign as chief of staff if his nomination is accepted.

With that, Schroeder stands to lose a key ally in efforts to promote
free-market policies against resistance in his own Social Democratic Party.
But he also would be losing a disputed figure.

German media and Schroeder's junior coalition partner, the Greens, have often
blamed Hombach for confusion over the government's policy agenda that has
sharply eroded voter support.

Political foes also have raised questions about the financing of his private
home while he was a public official in North Rhine-Westphalia state in the
1980s. Hombach has denied wrongdoing.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Christian Identity undergoes a revival inarea,experts say

1999-06-25 Thread John Lee

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Mr. Davis,
Like I said, I'll not do your research for you. Read Mullins on the
Federal Reserve; Red Fog Over America by Carr;  Iron Curtain Over America by
Beaty; Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Mullins; On The Horns of the Beast
by Still; Pawns In The game by Carr; The Empire Of The City by Knuth; You
Gentiles by Samuel, for starters.
The German Central Bank before Hitler was a private bank as is our own
Fed Res Bank. Hitler changed that. I'm not sure how Hitler traded with other
countries. It may have been barter or it may have been gold and silver or
other precious metals or stones. It is not necessary to be on a gold
standard to use gold as a medium of exchange. Any "standard" merely
guarantees there is enough of something that has a set value everyone agrees
to that sets the value of exchange between nations or other entities. It
could be salt, for that matter, or any other commodity suitable to all
involved, thus a guaranteed standard of exchange exists.
Hitler's, Lincoln's and Kennedy's treasury bills drew no interest for
Bankers and, in my opinion, got these three killed. Also, bankers were not
able to use the fractional reserve to increase their profits by margin of
Now then, I do not know everything about the area of history of which we
speak. I do, however, know enough to believe Hitler was not what he is being
propagandized as today. Agree or not, it doesn't matter to me.
John Lee

- Original Message -
From: Howard R. Davis III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Christian Identity undergoes a revival inarea,experts

 -Caveat Lector-

  John Lee wrote:

  Mr. Davis,
  The difference between Hitler's "money" and Roosevelt's "money" is
  considerable. German currency was state owned and issued, based upon the
  assets and production of the nation, whereas Roosevelt's was from the
  Federal Reserve, a privately owned national bank, as it still is today.
  money used in America and the world today is borrowed from some private

 I am quite familiar with your basic thesis concerning the operation of
 central banks. However, you state the the German currency was state owned
 and issued and apparently not borrowed as is normal policy in the central
 bank system. This would as you suggested be similar to Lincoln's policy of
 issueing "greenbacks" which were neither borrowed or backed by specie.
 it would also be similar to what JFK did when he issued several hundred
 million dollars in Treasury notes not long before he was killed. However,
 have never heard this assertion made previously and would like to know
 you got this information and whether or not it is true. The Federal
 bank of the US was paterned after that of Germany's and one of the Warburg
 brothers ran it while the other pushed for the adoption of the system in
 US. So, apparently they did have that system previous to Hitler's coming
 power in 1933. If Hitler did end the central reserve banking system in
 Germany then that certainly would be a reason for certain of the elite to
 profoundly upset. However, you also stated that Germany " went off the
 international gold standard that was, and is, controlled by international
 Jewish banking". First, how would it then be possible for Germany to trade
 with other countries, if, in fact, they had gone off the gold standard
 was still in effect at the time? Did they barter? And, since there no
 is a gold standard, how can it be controlled by "Jewish banking". You also
 state that the "World Jewish Congress declared WAR on Germany." Where and
 when did they meet and vote this declaration of war? What was the effect
 this declaration of war? Considering that five years later Hitler got
 Austria and the next year Checkloslavakia, it seems there was not much to
 this "war". (Also, we know that American bankers such as Prescot Bush,
 Aviral Harriman, and the Dulles brothers were investing heavily in Germany
 (weren't they part of this "international jewish banking)). And, no real
 effort to stop Hitler was put forward by the countries which are
 under the control of these "international Jewish banking" until Hitler
 invaded Poland. (And if you have read "Mein Kampf" you will know that
 had planned on expanding Germany's borders to the east since 1924.

 Howard Davis

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL 

[CTRL] China Bars US Ships, Planes from HK

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

China Stops Landing of U.S. Plane

.c The Associated Press

HONG KONG (AP) - Chinese authorities have stopped a U.S. military airplane
from landing in Hong Kong, the latest display of anger following the bombing
of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.

The South China Morning Post reported today that the move has thrown doubts
over U.S. congressional delegations' plans to come to Hong Kong aboard U.S.
Air Force jets this summer.

The move also comes after China refused to let some U.S. warships dock in
Hong Kong, a popular port.

The U.S. consul general's office in Hong Kong confirmed today that several
warships were banned and that one U.S. airplane was recently stopped from
landing in Hong Kong on a routine training mission.

A consulate spokeswoman, who declined to be identified, said she could not
say whether any congressmen were hoping to come here this summer or whether
their movements would be affected in any way.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Zhang Qiyue, was asked about the
matter today in Beijing.

``Under the present circumstances, it is only natural that China does not
allow the U.S. ships or planes to port or land in Hong Kong,'' she said.

The U.S. consul general in Hong Kong, Richard Boucher, told business leaders
Wednesday that several warships had been denied permission to dock, but
apparently on a case-by-case basis.

``These have been individual denials,'' Boucher said. ``We have no indication
of a permanent ban. I would expect we will continue to apply for visits, and
I am confident at some point they will be approved.''

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Concentration Camp Commandant Blames the Serbs

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

"Charged with crimes against humanity in the deaths of  2000
concentration camp inmates during the Nazi puppet regime in Croatia, he
contends that the charges are based on files "falsified'' by postwar
Communist authorities in Yugoslavia."

Trial Opens for WWII Croatia Cmdr.

.c The Associated Press

ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) - Declaring his conscience is clear, the last known
living World War II concentration camp commander claimed Thursday that ``no
harm was done'' to the inmates of Croatia's notorious Jasenovac camp.

Dinko Sakic is charged with carrying out or allowing torture, random killings
and mass executions while running the camp in 1944. He maintained he
intervened to save several Jewish detainees at Jasenovac, one of more than 20
concentration camps run by the then-Nazi puppet state of Croatia.

``No one came to Jasenovac because of religion, race or political attitudes;
only those who actively worked against the Croatian state,'' Sakic said
during his first day of testimony.

Tens of thousands of Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and anti-fascist Croats perished in
the camp between 1941 and 1945.

Postwar documents also revealed names and photographs of children and elderly
people slain in the camp. Survivors testifying in the trial have emphasized
they were imprisoned only because of their nationality, or their opposition
to the fascists.

Sakic, 77, is charged with crimes against humanity in the deaths of about
2,000 inmates.

But he said the charges against him were based on files ``falsified'' by
postwar Yugoslav authorities. He stood by his claim that Jasenovac was a
``collective labor camp.''

In previous testimony, camp survivors recalled starvation, forced labor and
mass killings, some of them trembling as they described details of torture
and hangings.

Sakic claimed he released ``many Jews'' from the camp at the request from a
Croatian Jew, Ivan Heinrich, who, he said, ``knew that we respected the
inmates and that no harm was done to them.''

Sakic added that Heinrich later helped him settle in Argentina. He used the
three-hour testimony mainly to portray himself as an ardent Croatian patriot.

He also emphasized that he lived in Argentina for more than 50 years under
his real name, traveling often abroad without being sought by anyone.

Argentina eventually arrested him in April 1998 under pressure from Holocaust
survivors outraged by his claims about what happened at Jasenovac.

``But I wanted to come before a Croatian court,'' he said. ``Not to defend
myself, because ... my conscience is clear, but only to establish the

Sakic, who was extradited to Croatia last June, defended himself without
being questioned either by the prosecution or the judge, as allowed under
Croatian law. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Shroud of Turin

1999-06-25 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Since the Shroud of Turin is such a fake, created six centuries ago ---
William Shannon wouldn't mind creating a few more, I'm sure. I mean, with
today's technology it should be child's play. Carbon dating is very
unreliable, -- it falls into the category of "evolution", which, on the
basis of the available scientific evidence, stands totally disproven as of
now. Carbon dating isn't worthless, but it can mean one of several things,
depending on the premises. The new "don't raise any questions" propaganda
tool is the DNA testing; the results released two days before the 1998
election showing that Jefferson and Sally Hemmings had relations and a
child -- prove to be fraudulent, as since Jefferson had no male surviving
line, there was no way to do the test. It was just a guess Incidentally,
please advise us all when the new Shroud "fakes" are done. Thanks. Jim
Condit Jr.  P.S. opportunists making up fake relics do not necessarily
discredit the orginal happenings.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of William Shannon
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 1:20 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: The Shroud of Turin

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] gilligan's isle

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

mr jones is repremanded by the courts for calling mrs johnson a pig. and
so the judge tells him so o o oo. mr jones asks the judge if it is okay to
call a pig mrs johnson and the judge tells him that it is within his right
to do so. mr jones turns to mrs johnson and says, "good day, mrs johnson".

look again bill, josh, day and tenor love; it really is not that far over
your heads.

and so my fine feathered little subscribers to the 3rd reich, not.
if anyone can pull up their posts (josh's and tenorlove's) wherein, you
will find a note from joshua that comes from the return address of day
and; a message from day comes (from) the return address of tenorlove. just
because the posts cannot be pulled up does not mean that they are not
true. it must be some big mix up in the computer wires.
i do though, need to apologize, as i was hasty in my initial assessment.
rather than thinking that they are all the same person, i think that josh
is stuck on gilligan's island and him and ginger and maryann are out to
get emael. josh, is tenorlove, ginger or marianne? they don't really want
to get emeal, they just want to mess with him a little because he made
poor josh and bill, once again look like the x-nothings they are so often
mistaken for.

ain much goin' on there on gilligans island is there, josh? well you still
got ginger and marianne, count your blessings, my boy. try summadat
coconut wine an' watch how good da pofessa start to lookin.

day; you got a nerve.

tenorlove; which hole did you pop out of? are you and day sharing a
computer? is there anything going really on between you two? you can tell
me, is it hot?

is bill on that island too? hey bill, aintit kinna damp down there in the


ric, i have attempted to keep this stuff off from the board but i will not
be attacked and lied about on the list, from these x-nothings without a
return one for one and day will attest to that. please ask them to take it
off of the list also. do you think that we ought to put bill on notice? he
has been doing a lot of name-calling lately with apparent impunity.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] bill-u-nut

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Poor, poor (sh)e_mael,
Clearly misunderstood, his private threats and insults are REALLY nothing
more than kindly reminders to remain civil...
 like you bill?

his piss-poor grammar but a mere
 are you expressing the righteous indignation of the x-nothing half-wit

attempt to "identify" with the rest of us, his multiple
personalities nothing but a ruse
 they aint as many hillbillies down in that swamp of yours to be say'n us
about, is there bill?

...to reach us poor souls, (sh)e_mael
 is that how they denigrate in the swamp bill? by calling someone a girl.
i like girls bill, i am a lesbian.

realizes that our own tongues must be used lest we don't fully
 now bill, read that statement to yourself (it is okay to move your lips
[no this is not a test and you won't be tested on it]) and tell me if it
don't seem to be a hamburger, and order of french fries, a toy and a game
bag, short of a happy meal. remember bill think the complete thought of
what you want to write before you begin to write and repeat the complete
thought to yourself over and over and over again and reread several times.
it is the only way you will ever learn.
So from ALL of your targets I say "thank you (Sh)e_mael, thank
you for showing us
 the sissy e mael now knows that you keep fun company
 the error of our, oh-so-wicked ways...
 bill, einstein said, in so many words, do not attribute to malice what
might be attributed to stupidity.
YOU must be the
from someone whose second choice would be tammyfae bakker, i am not
impressed in the least.

For how could we continue without your guidance
begging and groveling like that bill ... how could i not try to help your
pitiful plea for help.
this is just my opinion and i could be wrong but certain psych friends of
mine would say that your attributing femininity to me is a projection of
how you want to be seen by others and how you want to be seen is that you
are a woman trapped in a man's body and though you dare not go so far as
to go through your sex change operation, you, at least have a need to be
seen as the overly friendly neighborhood homosexual and that you are
continually fighting off the compulsion to "serve men" in every
concievable way. i know that is how they think and while i would disagree
with this analysis i would have to add that you are at that racey age
wherein your exuberance, while positive on the surface, also serves the
secondary function of being the fertile soil wherein denial reighns
supreme. kinda lika taco supreme sandwich at taco bell. you need to slow
down a little bill and take a few minutes to think about it and you will
see that i am right.


also bill, if you must persist in this exercise in futility of having a
battle of wits with me; can we at least take it off from the board, i
think these people are tired of seeing you get smeared across the glass
like a big ol shiney greenbacked horsefly every time you "attempt"lol, to
cross wits with me. i would punctuate this sentence with "you hillbilly"
but that would not be civil so i won't.

you little sawed off half-witted swampassed coon suc..k... er..  ah ... oh
yea. civil.

if we ended this now it would be fine with me because i gotta tell you
bill that you just bore the hell right out of me and if you ever had an ol
lady, she would say the same ... so if you do not mind i really do have a
lot of things to do. that would be things to do beyond your wildest
imaginings so do not even bother to speculate as to what that might be
because you will only hurt yourself, bill.

is that civil enough for everybodies taste or can i even be more civil
than that ... you damned well better bet that i can so get used to it and
get over it and bill, "quit bothering me, like a horsefly."

jussa grinnin he was,
yo shudda saw is face


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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ctrl list

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
I don't know what you two looney birds are talking about, but leave my
name out of it.


the original lonely guy [except for ginger and marianne] better known as
day and tenorlove. hi kids. you be good now. don't foreget to write. are
they really gone? stayed tuned for the next action packed episode when ...
under a new alias ...

stay tuned boys and girls

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] Do You Use Aspartane? Nutrasweet? Equal? If ...

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/24/1999 6:48:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The FDA continued to refuse to approve it
 until President Reagan took office (a friend of Searle) and fired the FDA
 Commissioner who wouldn't approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was
 appointed as commissioner. Even then there was so much opposition to
 approval that a Board of Inquiry was set up. The Board said: "Do not
 approve aspartame". Dr. Hayes OVERRULED his own Board of Inquiry.
 Shortly after Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of
 aspartame in carbonated beverages, he left for a position with G.D. Searle's
 Public Relations firm. 

Now, now.  We all know that President Reagan was such a kind, wonderful and
far sighted man that he would never have engaged in any kind of cronyism.  I
just recently heard him described as the greatest president we've ever had.
I will admit I had to do some serious rethinking when he appointed some big
time rancher to an environmental slot, saying as he presented him, that
ranchers knew more about the environment than any body else anywhere.  It's
painful to admit, but I'm still working on that one, but I'm sure I will
overcome my skepticism, if I just keep thinking about how Ronnie was the
greatest president we've ever had.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] gilligan's isle

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

Enough already.  EVERYBODY: name-calling, back-biting, love-letters,
personal squabbles, are NOT appropriate on this list.  And all this
chatter goes into the CTRL archives - foolishness and pettiness are
recorded for posterity, eh?  It's time to focus on more important
stuff: conspiracies, paranoia, fantasization,  alien invasions,
theocrats, secret societies, mind control, etc.  Resume plotting.

  Ric Carter, co-moderator, CTRL

 look again bill, josh, day and tenor love; it really is not that far over
 your heads.
 ric, i have attempted to keep this stuff off from the board but i will not
 be attacked and lied about on the list, from these x-nothings without a
 return one for one and day will attest to that. please ask them to take it
 off of the list also. do you think that we ought to put bill on notice? he
 has been doing a lot of name-calling lately with apparent impunity.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Nabbed !!!

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/24/1999 10:21:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Mrs Bush, from Leon, a town in central Mexico, has neither sought nor
  found the limelight in the past. She met her husband when she was 16,
  and found her role model in his mother, Barbara, not political wives
  like Hillary Clinton. 

This is really funny.  Barbara Bush is the epitome of the political wife.
She helped George run Zapata Oil, and could give poor old Hillary lessons on
how to be  political.   The lady is FORMIDABLE.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: National ID

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

  Paul leads effort to stop National ID
  Bipartisan team supported by broad-based coalition
  WASHINGTON, DC -- Calling on the federal government to end its war on the
  privacy rights of American citizens and the prerogatives of state
  governments, US Rep. Ron Paul (R, Texas) is leading a bipartisan team
  attempting to stop the national ID card, which is set for implementation on
  Oct. 1, 2000.
  The Privacy Protection Act of 1999 was introduced Thursday, June 24, to
  repeal the sections of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
  Responsibilities Act that set the national ID in place. Co-sponsoring the
  legislation is US Rep. John Hostettler (R, Indiana), Maurice Hinchey (D, New
  York) and Bob Barr (R, Georgia).
  The legislation is supported by the National Conference of State
  Legislatures, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Privacy
  Information Center, the National Council of La Raza, Eagle Forum, the
  Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation and Americans
  for Tax Reform.
  "Under the provisions of the 1996 law, no American will be able to get a
  job, open a bank acount, apply for Social Security or Medicare benefits,
  purchase a firearm or even take an airplane flight unless their state's
  drivers' license conforms to the national ID," said Rep. Paul. "Any Member
  of Congress who refuses to support this common-sense legislation obviously
  has not considered -- or has considered and rejected -- the reaction of his
  constituents when they learn they must produce their government papers in
  order to do just about anything."
  Rep. Paul said he is pleased to have the backing not only of his colleagues
  but also of the American people. Congressional offices have been flooded
  with mail from constituents on this issue, said Paul.
  "This probably marks the first time state legislators and county officials
  teamed up with liberal groups like the ACLU and conservative organizations
  like Free Congress and Eagle Forum, to stop what is a singularly bad idea."
  Rep. Paul is recognized as one of Congress' leaders in defending American's
  privacy rights. He was the first congressman to speak out against the
  now-withdrawn "Know Your Customer" regulations. He has also been leading
  the opposition to postal regulations that strip away the fundamental privacy
  of mailbox users. His legislation to overturn the postal regulations already
  has more than 30 cosponsors.
  "Privacy rights are fundamental to our system of government. These
  big-government programs only further erode our precious liberties, which is
  why the issue cuts across political party lines and the ideological

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

1999-06-25 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990625a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No clerical underlings went postal during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Global disasters, disease escalate. KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Epidemics and
  natural disasters are on the rise around the world, especially in underde-
  veloped countries where expanding urban slums pose health hazards. Global
  warming, deforestation, poverty and urban crowding in the developing world
  are escalating the spread of contagious and deadly diseases and have left
  populations vulnerable to natural disaster. An increasing number of people
  are being affected by poverty, mass population movements, increasing bact-
  erial resistance to antibiotics and emergence of new diseases like AIDS.
  Scientists link global warming and other climate changes to altering dis-
  ease patterns, including the emergence of diseases in places they hadn't
  been before: http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560059291-664

: What's your favorite disaster? Do disasters/plagues signify The End Of The
World; the need to go interplanetary soon; the need for population control?
Are disasters caused by humans, gods, demons, reality, aliens, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ My Favorite Lobe. End-of-millennium science has given us a startling new
  vision of the brain's topography. Eight of the world's leading experts
  describe fascinating areas: http://www.feedmag.com/brain/favlobe.html

@ One Pill Makes You Smarter. Are memory drugs the next over-the-counter
  revolution? http://www.feedmag.com/brain/shenk.html?alert

@ Next: cosmetic psychopharmacology: http://feedmag.com/brain/kramer.html
@ FreeWill, Alzheimers  ultra-Darwinism: http://feedmag.com/brain/rose.html
@ Brain Candy: http://www.feedmag.com/brain/links.html?alert

: What's your favourite part of your brain? Do you treat it well, abuse it,
ignore it? Do you want your brain to work better? Do alien implants help???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ancient temple factory discovered. JERUSALEM (AP) 2000 years ago, masons
  working in an underground factory - a cluster of caverns beneath Jerusalem
  - carved stone mugs, dishes  wine jugs for priests serving in the nearby
  Jewish Temple. Last week, a bulldozer clearing a road near the walled Old
  City of Jerusalem fell into a hole, unearthing the ancient masonry  pro-
  viding physical proof of ritual purity laws described in the Bible. See

: Does your belief system have physical proof of the existence of its doct-
rines? Do you need proof? Do you need doctrines? Do you need ritual objects?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RETHINKING TECH EXPORTS. A former Cold Warrior says it's pointless for the
  US to restrict techno exports. The money would be better spent on spying.

# CRYPTO BOUND FOR MUSEUM BINS. Technology marches on. The US government's
  former gold-standard cipher is now fit only for museums, sez a new report:

# CELL-PHONE CALLS STREAMED ON NET. Basement webcasters are using an AOL-
  owned streaming service to pipe private cellular phone conversations out
  onto the Net. AOL is digging into the issue. We can hear your every word:

: Can any agency or technology assure or pierce your privacy? Should we just
assume that everything we say/do/send can/will be intercepted? Do you spy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Mean Spirit. As the idea of apocalypse looms, the evangelical attitude
  toward non-believers has changed drastically over the years. "While pred-
  icting the apocalypse may be a constant, the way evangelicals think about
  it has undergone massive overhaul. The progression|regression is the move
  from rural towns to the halls of power. It's the expansion of the evangel-
  ical sphere of concern from the very local (my friends, my church) to the
  national and global (my president, my world policy). It's a move from a
  complex view of the individual to an oversimplification that identifies
  everyone as good-believer OR bad-heathen. It's also a change in sentiment
  towards the unbeliever from sadness, caring, and invitation to triumph,
  judgement, and dismissal. It's a chilling mutation, and has entrenched
  evangelical Christianity in an antagonism to secular America that borders,
  at times, on cruelty." http://www.feedmag.com/deepread/dr200_master.html

: What realms of humanity do your belief system encompass? Do you embrace
binary or complex logics? Do you demonize those you can't absorb? Who sets
the agendae in your belief system? Why do you go along with them? When you

Re: [CTRL] Burning the Flag: Recognition of America as It Is!

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Burning the American Flag is an important ritual required to demonstrate
 to the moronic populace that the current US Government does not now and
 seldom if ever has had anything to do with the ideals expressed in
 Founding Documents such as the Declaration of Independence!

In the 60s, cops wearing flags on their uniforms busted protestors
wearing flags on their clothes, for 'desecrating' the flag.  Is it a
fashion statement?  Protestors in other lands are encouraged to burn
US flags - should Americans burn theirs in revenge?  It's not just a
current US gov't that needs be protested by injuring an icon, but
govt's around the world, past  present  future, that deserve the
attention of an outraged public.

There are other ways to 'desecrate' a flag besides burning it.  Using
a flag in advertising, say - flag-draped beer, cigarettes, motor oil,
all those images.  Or printing flags on toilet paper, tampax, condoms,
candy wrappers, postage stamps, anything disposable - when the item is
soiled, the flag is injured, eh?

 We live in a mushrooming police state tyranny!  We need to stop
 diverting attention from the evil US Government by naive flag waving!

Indeed - what else is going on that congressional GOPs are so anxious
to divert public attention from?  Why raise desecrations as an issue
at this time?  What don't the Republican Reptilioids want us to see?

 Maybe if the Flag was discredited young men would stop following it
 into "Banker's Wars"!  Just say no!  Get you lighter...

Who follows the Green Flag into eco-wars?

 Whatever happened to private property rights anyway?.if I buy a
 flag, it is mine to burn!

Not on a hot dry day in my neighborhood, it ain't - too easy to set
the woods on fire.  Go burn it in a CitiBank parking lot.

  Ric "burn reactionaries, not flags" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: 'Many cops imagine they are in a war zone'

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

These folks are almost ALL  momma's boy/wannabes' who NEED to control
SOMETHING in their lives, and who see the badge and gun as the easy/only
way to meet this need...

There's good one and there's bad ones, just like anybody else. The real
probem is with the institution of  police force that is seperate from the
populace. It turns good men into animals and bad men into monsters. It
does NOT protect us from evil. It does protect tyrants. What we need
intead is an armed, trained populace where everybody is a cop, or can be
when the need arises. If, fate forfend, I ever have to yell for help I
want the nearest people to be ready, willing and able to do it. 911 is a

End the War On (Some) Drugs and almost all crime will evaporate virtually
over night.

The same goes for a standing army. It serves no defensive function. It is
only for invading others and taking their resources. For defence we don't
need an army, we ARE an army. Anybody invades, we'll kill 'em, plain and
simple. If we can't run our economy without exploiting people on the other
side of the planet then we need to change the way we do business. First
and foremost, we need to stop burning petroleum. Convert to alcohol NOW.
Quit using oil and quit making enemies. The world will top hating us and
the threat of terrorism will evaporate. And all that money that we've been
spending on the military, or most of it anyway, we can spend on things we
actually  need, like education, medicine, infrastructure, and art. Our tax
money doesn't go to defend us; it goes to defend corporate profits.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: National ID

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

  "Privacy rights are fundamental to our system of government. These
big-government programs only further erode our precious liberties, which
is why the issue cuts across political party lines and the ideological

This rings particularly hollow, coming as it does from a supporter of the
War On (Some) Drugs.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] International Environment and Development Prize SOPHIE awarded

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Maju Varghese
(For WFF)

Thomas Kocherry along with Herman Daly was awarded the International
environment and development prize the Sophie prize yesterday at a
held  at University of Oslo, Assembly hall, Norway.  I am enclosing the
speech made by Mr Kocherry on that occasion.

Speech of Thomas Kocherry
on the occasion of the prize ceremony of the Sophie Foundation
June 15, 1999, Oslo, Norway.

Dear chairperson and friends,

First of all I want to thank  the Sophie Foundation for honouring
me with the Sophie Prize. In particular I thank Jostein Gaarder
for creating the Foundation for honouring such ventures to recognise
and to encourage re-imaging a world where every human being is
equal in opportunities; without discrimination on the basis of
caste, class, creed, religion or gender. Please accept my heartfelt

Today we are in the context of GLOBALIZATION - LIBERALIZATION.
The words look very attractive, but the vast majority of the people,
are the victims of Globalisation. Globalisation began with
In the sixteenth century Europe was overpopulated and the people
began to migrate from Europe to other continents as if they were
discovering new places. It ended up with conquering other places
and people. Sword and Cross went together.
They forcefully enslaved and converted natives and indigenous
peoples. They conquered lands, exploited the resources and
accumulated wealth.

In the 20th century, the world witnessed the uprising of peoples
for political freedom. However economic exploitation continued
through Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) and Trans-National
Corporations (TNCs).
But the rich and the ruling class of the newly freed 3rd world
countries generally sided with the MNCs for their own advantage,
against the interest of the common people.  Again the natives
and the indigenous peoples were the worst hit.  As a result,
according to a UN study, today the 20% Northern minority of
humankind has:
82.7% of world gross national product
81.2% of world trade
94.6% of all commercial lending
80.5% of all domestic investment
80.6% of all domestic savings
94.0% of all research and development

It is in this context that we should understand GLOBALIZATION
today. Those who have more are bound to get more. This means more
accumulation and centralisation. The Northern 20% people are better
placed to take away even the 10-20%  of the wealth in the hands
of 80% people in the South. The real Centre is G8 countries and
of course the USA is the real centre of the centre.
They are  wielding POWER of WEALTH and ARMS. They are placed in a
better position for quick  profit at the expense of the vast
majority  of people and the environment. All the rest are in the
periphery.  Thus, PHERIPHERALIZATION  of the vast MAJORITY is
the other side of Globalisation.
In the period following de-colonisation and political independence
of the Third World (South) countries particularly after world
war II, the international relationships among the countries at
bilateral and multilateral levels were considered very important
and viewed as mutually beneficial. This language and practice
seems to be in the wane today.  The Northern MNCs want to take
over the control of UN. If the UN does not dance according to
their tune they will not give their share. They are more interested
in strengthening the WTO than the UN.
They talk of DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS but they have
Market economy determines everything, there is no other value
The UN has become a weak instrument.
Globalisation is beneficial to those who have. All those who
are have-nots are the victims. Globalisation is a mechanistic
process (and therefore most easily manipulatable by the wielders
of power) in the face of which there is no choice and alternative.
This is the most insidious aspect of this ideology: that it could
present itself as the only possible way of being. It creates a
certain sense of inevitability and absoluteness. Outside
Globalisation-and Market Economy, there is no salvation.

Let me show how this is true as regards the fisheries sector.
In the 1990s fishing reached the point of diminishing returns.
Many fish populations have fallen to levels from which they can
no longer recover without significant reductions in the catches
or a moratorium on fishing. There are simply too many boats
catching too many fish. The first surge in numbers of fishing
vessels occurred during the industrial revolution. This upwell
tapered off during the two world wars, but boomed again in the
1950s through 1970s. The world's fishing fleet doubled between
1970 and 1990.
More than 100 million people in developing countries (South)
are dependent on fisheries for our livelihoods. For us fishing
is a way of life, not just a source of income. The Sea is our
MOTHER. Traditionally, small-scale or artisanal fishers have
provided fish for local consumption; 

[CTRL] Taxing Matters

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From WorldNetToday

 -- Picture: WND Exclusive Commentary
 -- Global taxation near


 By Henry Lamb
 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 Two primary targets are now in the cross hairs of the global
 tax-mongers: carbon and currency exchange. Carbon taxes are being
 designed to modify social behavior while the tax on currency exchange
 is designed to increase U.N. revenue from about $11 billion per year
 to $1.5 trillion per year.

 A revenue stream, independent of the voluntary contributions of member
 states, is all that prevents the United Nations from imposing, and
 enforcing, its vision of global governance.

 Momentum is building for global taxation schemes to provide that
 independent revenue stream.

 More than two-thirds of the American people support the idea of a
 global tax on foreign currency exchange, and a whopping 79 percent
 want a global tax on carbon. These numbers were collected by the ATI
 Foundation, and reported by the Washington-based Commission to Fund
 the United Nations.

 The numbers likely reflect the pollster's skill at asking misleading
 questions, rather than a true reflection of the American attitude
 toward global taxation. Nevertheless, support for various forms of
 global taxation is growing, pushed by well-funded organizations such
 as the Commission to Fund the United Nations; the United Nations
 Association U.S.A., Friends of the Earth; and a host of other
 environmental organizations.

 Carbon taxes are being discussed and presented as "Environmental Tax
 Reform" (ETR) which means, simply, taxes on the use of fossil fuel,
 while providing subsidies for non-carbon energy sources.
 Interestingly, nuclear and hydro energy sources are excluded from
 consideration for subsidies even though both are non-carbon energy

 Carbon taxes are designed to force people, especially those heartless,
 greedy Americans, to reduce their consumption and live a simpler,
 slower, healthier, lifestyle. Bicycles and frequent brisk walks are in
 store for those lazy people who Al Gore describes as people who burn a
 gallon of gas to go buy a gallon of milk.

 The taxes will be called anything but taxes, and imposed
 incrementally. User fees, permits, registration fees, externalities
 cost adjustments, are but a few of the terms used to disguise the
 carbon tax. Bunker fuels (airplane and steamship fuel) are likely to
 be an early victim. Air travel represents only 3 percent of
 transportation fuel use, but it is easily taxed and the tax is easy to
 hide from the consumer.

 Virtually all resource use is subject to ETR. Fossil fuel use will
 lead the way, but logging, mining, ranching and even farming are the
 focus of Environmental Tax Reform. Very little of the revenues from
 ETR will go to the U.N. The real money prize lies in the tax on
 currency exchange.

 Global currency exchange exceeds $1 trillion per day, compared to
 about $10 billion per day traded on all U.S. stock markets. Nobel
 economist, James Tobin, calculated that if 0.05 percent of this
 exchange were taken as a tax, it would produce about $1.5 trillion,
 more than enough to fund all the U.N.'s ambitious social and
 peace-keeping objectives. U.N. advocates have been working overtime to
 create the mechanisms necessary to impose such a tax.

 The Global Policy Forum, one of many non-government organizations
 working to secure independent financing for the U.N., claims that the
 United States is nearly $17 billion dollars in arrears in its U.N.
 payments. Other nations, too, are behind in their payments. Therefore,
 the argument goes, the U.N. must be free from the deadbeats, and have
 its own source of income.

 Another, perhaps more powerful argument, arises from the recent rash
 of financial crises around the world. Mexico, Brazil, and most of Asia
 have had to be bailed out of economic disaster by massive loans from
 the International Monetary Fund, with money supplied by developed

 The Tobin tax would give the U.N. the necessary funds to provide
 assistance to these nations in trouble, without calling on the United
 States and other developed countries.

 Moreover, of all the money exchanged in foreign markets, a full 80
 percent is estimated to be market speculation. The Tobin tax would
 dampen this speculation and reduce the profiteering by wealthy

 These arguments are gaining currency among Americans, and in the U.S.
 Congress. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., may be the last obstacle preventing
 global taxation. Even he may not be able to stop the momentum that is

 The United Nations is already empowered to collect taxes from seabed
 mining operations. Maurice Strong, executive coordinator for U.N.
 Reform, is now consolidating the U.N. financial 

Re: [CTRL] Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

The most significant part of Hancock's new book concerns the temples at
Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and their possible alignment to the stars of the
constellation Draco. Hancock claims an amazing correlation, which he further
claims was exact at 10500 BC - the same date as deduced by Bauval  Gilbert
for the pyramids-Orion correlation at Giza. If true, this discovery is of
profound importance. And as with all important new 'discoveries', it simply
won't do for critics to ignore it or 'sit on the fence'. So let's kick off
this debate with some salient observations.


Those who are familiar with the occult will recognise that he is, wittingly
or unwittingly, following a masonic agenda in this matter, with all of its
emphasis on the Sun and the stars. And as I have shown in my new book 'The
Phoenix Solution', the masonic agenda conceals the true inter-planetary
meaning of the original Egyptian mythos.



'The Phoenix Solution' is probably the most important book to be published
on ancient Egypt in the last 30 years.

In a nutshell, Alford's theory is that a pre-dynastic race built the Great
Pyramid and deposited at Giza certain scientific records which specifically
included the catastrophic history of our solar system and the subsequent
development of life on Earth. Alford presents overwhelming evidence that the
ancient Egyptian religion was an 'exploded planet cult', and suggests that
they received this scientific theory when they themselves discovered the
legendary 'Hall of Records' at least 6,000 years ago. This profound
knowledge - of catastrophism in the heavens and on Earth - was adopted by
the emerging Dynastic elite as a means of legitimising their rule as
'divine' kings.


Alford has also tentatively identified connections to the origins of modern
religion (including the myths of Jesus, John, Mary and Christianity), the
modern concepts of Heaven, Hell, God and the Afterlife, the original meaning
of Biblical prophesy, and the true meaning of the 'Holy Grail'. All of the
latter issues will be subject to an in-depth treatment in Alford's next

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 10:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?
Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999, 9:38 AM

Who closed the mouth of the Transmute organiser?

One of the major UFO-events of the year in England would have been the
Transmute Conference, held in Salisbury, over the weekend of the Spring
Equinox. The event was organised by Niklas Rasche, a frequent
contributor to the English newsstand magazine Fortean Times. The list of
speakers included John Mack, Michael Cremo, Richard Leigh and Michael
Baigent and many other well-known international authors.

Less than a week before the start of the conference, however, the
conference was cancelled. Various reasons were given and those who had
paid a ticket (worth in excess of 100 pounds/175 dollar), were promised
they would be refunded. But then the organiser disappeared and has never
again been heard of.

The speakers were given the excuse for the cancellation that little or
no tickets had been sold and that because of this, it was best to
cancel. Other trusthworthy sources, however, claim many tickets were
sold. Why did Rasche disappear?

Several years ago, it seems Rasche was involved with psychic research
and belonged to the intimate circle of the British author Andy Collins,
the author of books Gods of Eden and From the Ashes of Angels. Before
these books, however, he was involved with a group of psychics, of which
Rasche was apparently one. In 1998, Collins joined the so-called
"Majestic 12", a group of 12 authors formed around Robert Bauval, the
author of the Orion Mystery and two other books in co-operation with
British bestselling author Graham Hancock.

Bauval's group planned to organise a Spring Equinox Conference, but this
idea never materialised (neither did his Summer Solstice Conference).
Might these sudden cancelations be more than a meaningful coincidence?
Even more strange is Rasche's sudden and immediate disappearance. He
left unpaid bills for advertisements run in many magazines, including
his "own" Fortean Times. To date, it has been reported that he has not
refunded tickets and has, in fact, not even informed them of when and
how. Sources close to the Fortean Times headquarters actually informed
us that the police have taken an interest in this sudden disappearance.

If for some reason, Rasche felt threatened and cancelled the event
because of unknown but possible negative repercusions, one wonders
whether the large sums of money that had been paid by the sponsors and
the conference attendants might be a 

Re: [CTRL] Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


Whoever built the pyramids, a debate rages over who should uncover their
secrets. Could there be a conspiracy to hide the truth? Niklas Rasche digs
up the evidence.

In 1095 the first crusade was launched against the Holy Land, ostensibly
with the aim of vanquishing the heathens and `reclaiming' Jerusalem.
Something similar has been going on at Giza for almost 140 years now.
Nowadays we use satellite imaging, network television specials, exclusive
book deals and hidden video cameras in our latest attempts to wrest control
of the monuments both from the Egyptians themselves and from orthodox
thinking about them.

At the end of the second Christian millennium, Egypt has become the
alternative Holy Land the only problem being that it really isn't that
alternative at all. Just as Jerusalem is the focus of the three major
monotheistic religions, Egypt has become the Mecca of our post-modern
spiritual chaos. Every cult, conspiracy theory, mystical order and
alternative theory of origins sets down on the Giza Plateau at some point.
From Drunvalo Melchizedek to Damanhur, from the Freemasons to proselytisers
for the reality of Atlantis Egypt is the alpha and the omega of non-orthodox
religion. Everybody seems to experience their own personal religious
`Plateau phase' the second they set foot in Giza.

The official closing of the Great Pyramid on April 1st for "essential
cleaning and renovation work" has prompted many to talk of hidden agendas
and conspiracies at the highest level of Egypt's Supreme Council of
Antiquities (SCA). Two points immediately come to mind. One why did the
authorities not plan their secret tunnelling just a tad better and wait
until the Pyramid was closed? (If just one person au fait with the layout of
the Great Pyramid notices what seems to be new excavations you can be sure
that everyone will soon hear about it see separate report and The Daily Mail
Sat. 18th April 1998 .) Two the Great Pyramid is not, contrary to popular
belief, now hermetically sealed. Throughout the period of renovation people
will be allowed in for "meditation". In fact, if you have a desperate need
to get inside the Great Pyramid in the next little while why not take up
Reiki? Simon Treselyan is giving Master attunements in the King's Chamber in

Egyptologists such as Bob Brier (author of The Murder of Tutankhamen) and
Bassam El Shamma (who presented his well-argued theory of a second Sphinx at
Giza ) have managed to do provocative, innovative work while maintaining
excellent relations with the Supreme Council of Antiquities. Bassam related
how he never has any problem seeing those in authority, who operate what he
called an "open door policy". Is it any wonder that so many of those from
the alternative camp have such problems when they insist on scaling the
Great Pyramid, taking secret video cameras into the King's Chamber and
generally acting like they own the place?

The fact remains, however, that the monuments of ancient Egypt have thrown
up enough `impossible' artefacts and anomalous data to give even the most
dedicated Fortean a perpetual headache. Bowls and vases (which could only
have been cast or machined) of diorite, basalt, quartz and granite, smelted
iron evidence of tobacco and coca plants in mummies amazingly precise
geodetic measurements advanced astronomical knowledge water weathering on
the Sphinx and, of course, the actual Pyramids themselves. Writers and
engineers have suggested, among other marvels, evidence of ultrasonic
drilling, lathes, electroplating, sonic levitation and electromagnetic

More pyramid schemes in Fortean Times issue 112

Image:Charles Walker Collection/E.Giillian (Image Manipulation)

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 10:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?
Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999, 9:38 AM

Who closed the mouth of the Transmute organiser?

One of the major UFO-events of the year in England would have been the
Transmute Conference, held in Salisbury, over the weekend of the Spring
Equinox. The event was organised by Niklas Rasche, a frequent
contributor to the English newsstand magazine Fortean Times. The list of
speakers included John Mack, Michael Cremo, Richard Leigh and Michael
Baigent and many other well-known international authors.

Less than a week before the start of the conference, however, the
conference was cancelled. Various reasons were given and those who had
paid a ticket (worth in excess of 100 pounds/175 dollar), were promised
they would be refunded. But then the organiser disappeared and has never
again been heard of.

The speakers were given the excuse for the cancellation that little or
no tickets had been sold and that because 

[CTRL] MJ12 and William Cooper

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-



While MJ-12 - the semi-secret body allegedly overseeing the alien ‘problem
 - and Area 51 - the supposed alien HQ on Earth - are now well known, few
people are aware of their origins in the late 1980s. veteran Ufologist Don
Ecker, who had a ringside seat at the birth of this murky mythology,
concludes his account.

The close of 1988 saw American ufology in chaos over the claims and
counter-claims about MJ-12. The airing, in October 1988, of the two-hour TV
special UFO Coverup - Live only fanned the flames higher. In it, William
Moore and Jaime Shandera - who had both gained fame for their investigations
of the MJ-12 affair - introduced two men as American intelligence agents.
Disguised electronically and given the codenames of ‘Falcon’ and ‘Condor’,
the men stated as fact that the American Government was playing host to
alien visitors. Memorably, ‘Falcon’ claimed the "grey aliens" liked
strawberry ice cream.
Within days of this broadcast William Cooper sent me his critique of it for
publication on the ParaNet bulletin board system (BBS)2. He claimed that UFO
Coverup - Live, in tandem with the MJ-12 documents, was part of an elaborate
disinformation scheme designed to lead UFO researchers away from the ‘real’

 William Cooper declared that he could confirm "150 per cent" of the ‘Lear
a paper by John Lear containing allegations of the US Government’s alliance
with ETs who, in exchange for advanced alien technology, were ‘allowed’ to
abduct unwilling human subjects for experimentation and the harvesting of
biological material.
The confusing war of fantastic, paranoid and often contradictory claims
between Lear and Cooper proved too much for ParaNet’s founder Jim Speiser.
He ejected them from the ParaNet membership on 26 October 1988, explaining
his reasons in a four-page document.

Speiser also mentioned he had been contacted by a 24-year-old ParaNet user
named Jeff Felix whom he agreed to meet in a restaurant in Tempe, Arizona.
Felix claimed to work as a cryptology technician for the National Security
Agency (NSA) who, while "fooling around" on the NSA computer, had stumbled
across files on secret projects called ‘Majestic’ and ‘Aquarius’. After
consulting contacts who had a genuine intelligence background, Speiser put
some testing questions to Felix at a second meeting several days later.
Felix failed this simple test but referred to something he called "Project

When Speiser mentioned this to Cooper, he claimed to have heard of it but
knew nothing more. Later that day, Cooper called Speiser back and, to
Speiser’s surprise, proceeded to tell him that ‘Project Excalibur’ was real
and concerned an MJ-12 project to obtain technology from the aliens. Speiser
later said he began to think that Cooper and Felix "were scamming me behind
my back". ParaNet, he said, was becoming "a home for unwed paranoids."

That same month (October 1988) Lear sent Cooper copies of all his research
into UFOs, including communications from ‘Val Valerian’ (aka John Grace, an
airforce NCO on active duty who had a keen interest in UFOs) and the Dallas
Revisited videotape made by Lars Hansson exploring the theory that John F
Kennedy had been fatally shot by his driver. Hansson had sent it to Lear in
the hope that Lear might help finance his JFK research, asking Lear not to
pass it on to anyone. The fact that Lear passed it on to Cooper had
catastrophic consequences.

In April 1989, KLAS TV journalist George Knapp presented a highly successful
multi-part series on UFOs. In one segment, Knapp interviewed a man
(electronically disguised) identified as ‘Dennis’ who claimed to have worked
at a super-secret site in Nevada known as ‘Area 51’ and at an even more
secret site called ‘S-4’. His fantastic claim was he had worked on "real
flying saucers". At this time, no-one except Knapp and Area 51 security knew
who ‘Dennis’ was.

 Lear and Cooper also appeared on a radio programme broadcast from Las Vegas
and heard all over the western United States, hosted by Billy Goodman on
KVEG radio. In May of 1989, Lear and Cooper were asked to appear on a
tabloid television programme, PM Magazine. Later Lear heard Cooper telling
the interviewer that while he was on the Naval briefing team in Hawaii, he
saw secret files containing documents designated ‘O H Krill’.
I knew these documents; John Lear sent me copies of the ‘Krill papers’ in
early 1988. I knew that they were written by the USAF NCO John Grace using
the pseudonym ‘Val Valarian’.

The name ‘Krill’ was an inside joke, referring to a case in the late 1950s
in which Navy investigators interviewed a woman who 

[CTRL] America's impoverished children (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
  Citation: Journal of Economic Issues June 1998, v32, n2, p279(7)
Author:  Hill, Lewis E.
 Title: The institutional economics of poverty: an inquiry into
   the causes and effects of poverty. by Lewis E. Hill

COPYRIGHT 1998 Journal of Economic Issues-Association for Evolutionary
Remark Upon Receiving the Veblen-Commons Award
The thesis of this essay is that the failure of the American people to invest
adequately in the human capital represented by impoverished children is both
the most important cause and the most tragic effect of poverty in the United
States. Impoverished parents do not have, and the welfare system does not
provide them with, adequate means to make the necessary investment in their
children to lift them out of a life of poverty. The types of investments in
human capital that are both most important and most likely to be inadequate
for impoverished children include nutrition, health care, and education. The
inadequacy of these kinds of investment in the human capital represented by
impoverished children condemns them to lifelong poverty through succeeding
generations. Nobel Laureate Gary Becker has investigated this problem and has
concluded that "the case is overwhelming that investments in human capital are
one of the most effective ways to raise the poor to decent levels of income
and health" [Becker 1995, 7].
More than one-fifth of all American children were impoverished in 1993. The
rate of childhood poverty was higher in the United States than in most other
Western nations [Bergmann 1996, 1; Duncan and Brooks-Gunn 1997, 1]. "American
children are twice as likely to be poor as Canadian children, 3 times as
likely to be poor as British children, 4 times as likely to be poor as French
children, and 7 to 13 times as likely to be poor as German, Dutch, and Swedish
children" [Lavelle 1995, 38]. Welfare does not eliminate poverty. In the early
1990s, the combined benefits from Aid to Families with Dependent Children and
Food Stamps amounted to only 72 percent of the poverty line for a mother with
two children in a median state [Danziger and Gottschalk 1995, 91]. The
children of working poor mothers are more endangered than children on welfare
because they are not eligible for Medicaid, and the cost of child care
averages more than 25 percent of their mother's income [Chase-Lansdale and
Brooks-Gunn 1995, 161-168; Lavelle 1995, 104].
Persistent poverty usually causes chronic malnutrition, which produces
extremely detrimental consequences for children. The severity of these
detrimental consequences is influenced by the intensity and duration of the
poverty and by the age of the impoverished child. Malnutrition during infancy
and childhood can damage their immune system and produce a wide variety of
negative health outcomes [Sidel 1996, 143-147]. Moreover, chronic malnutrition
adversely affects the development of the central nervous system and can cause
permanent brain damage and mental retardation. Chronically inadequate
nutrition inhibits the development of cognitive ability and social skills.
Learning disabilities are an almost inevitable result of chronic malnutrition
during infancy and childhood. All of these negative physical and mental
outcomes of infant and childhood poverty combine to cause learning failure and
to limit academic performance [Duncan and Brooks-Gunn 1997, 70-99; Karp 1993,
13-30; Walker 1994, 117-135]. Impoverished children are two to three times as
likely to suffer from physical and mental disabilities as children who are not
poor [Sidel 1996, 142-144; Lavelle 1995, 131].
These physical and mental disabilities, which have been caused by
malnutrition, are greatly exacerbated by the very low quality and the woefully
inadequate quantity of health care that impoverished children receive. Only
about half of poor children are eligible for Medicaid, but even these children
receive health care that is substantially inferior to the health care that
children who are not poor receive. Most Medicaid providers are over worked and
under paid. The access of poor children to Medicaid care is frequently limited
by the inconvenient location of medical facilities and the long waiting time
for service. For these and other reasons, Medicaid health care is likely to be
piecemeal, discontinuous, uncoordinated, inefficient, and therefore
inadequate. Medicaid providers are especially derelict in their failure to
provide adequate preventive care [Rodgers 1996, 69-128; Chase-Lansdale and
Brooks 1995, 159-169].
Although the children who are covered by Medicaid receive inferior health
care, they are more fortunate than the children of the working poor who are
ineligible for Medicaid. Financial barriers deny these impoverished children
access to the health care they need. This medical neglect causes a substantial

Re: [CTRL] bill-u-nut

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

E-mael @sfbg.com has been put on NOPOST, because of harrasing  uncivil


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #96

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

  The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #96 -- June 25, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network


(To sign off this list, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
 line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  To subscribe to
 this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.)

This issue can be also be read on our web site at
http://www.drcnet.org/wol/096.html.  Check out the DRCNN
weekly radio segment at http://www.drcnet.org/drcnn/.

http://www.drcnet.org/wol/092.html#thanks for details!


1.  Governor of New Mexico Calls Drug War "Failed" -- Calls
for Discussion of Alternatives

2.  Hyde's Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act Passes House

3.  Vancouver's Cannabis Cafe, Hemp BC Closed

4.  Activist Banned From Talking About Marijuana

5.  NEW YORK: Staten Island Assemblyman Wants Needle
Exchange Banned

6.  IDAHO:  "Drug Bust: The Longest War" TV Special
Preempted by Drug Testing Speech in Boise

7.  News in Brief

8.  Supreme Court Roundup

9.  WASHINGTON:  Free Video and Lunch-Talk Series

10. EDITORIAL:  Can't Keep a Good Idea Down

1. Governor of New Mexico Calls Drug War "Failed" -- Calls
   for Discussion of Alternatives

Gary Johnson, Republican Governor of New Mexico, ignited a
firestorm in his state on Wednesday (6/23) by calling for a
re-examination of the failed drug war and a discussion of
alternatives, including decriminalization.

"It (the drug war) needs to get talked about," he said in an
interview, "and one of the things that's going to get talked
about is decriminalization.  We really need to put all
options on the table."

Johnson, who said that the drug war was a "miserable
failure" that "hasn't worked," noted that "the drug problem
is getting worse.  It's not getting better."

The suggestion became a big story in the New Mexico media,
with the state's largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal,
running it as the lead story the following day (see
http://www.abqjournal.com/news/3news06-24.htm) and local
news stations interviewing DARE officers and others for

Steven Bunch, President of the New Mexico Drug Policy
Foundation, commended the governor for bringing the issue to
public debate.

"Governor Johnson is absolutely correct about the failure of
the so-called drug war.  Prohibition has caused more
problems than the policy has solved.  It has corrupted our
nation and it insures that our children have access to
substances that we cannot possibly control in a black

Predictably, not every New Mexico elected official was
receptive to the idea.

A spokeswoman for Rep. Joe Skeen (R-NM) told the Journal
that the congressman's views "can be summed up in three
words: 'Just Say No.'"

Johnson, who is 46 years-old and is the father of two
teenage children, has previously acknowledged that he had
used marijuana, and occasionally cocaine while in college.
Now an avid triathlon, he stopped using drugs in his early
20's and has not used alcohol in 12 years.

"What I did was criminal," he said, "and yet those people
that I knew that did the same and those that still do it
today, I don't consider them criminals."

MAKE A DIFFERENCE:  Write to Governor Johnson and let him
know that you appreciate his political courage -- especially
if you're from New Mexico.  If you have family or friends in
New Mexico, urge them to call.  The Governor's number is
(505) 827-3000, or you can write to Governor Gary E.
Johnson, Office of the Governor, State Capitol Building,
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503, or comment through the net at  His office needs
to hear from people, especially constituents, so Governor
Johnson will know there is support for what he is trying to

Submit letters to the editor to the Albuquerque Journal at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], fax to (505) 823-3812, or
mail to:  Letters to the Editor, The Albuquerque Journal,
P.O. Drawer J, Albuquerque, NM 87103.  Your letter needs to
include your name, address and phone number, and your
signature if using fax or snail-mail.  It should probably be
under 200 words, to have the best chance of getting printed.

2. Hyde's Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act Passes House

(press release from the Drug Policy Foundation,

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

And not only military--let's give them contracts for civilian vaccines, too!
I was one of the lucky ones to get the Baby Boomer polio vaccine-wouldn't
want the government out of that field, would we?  Heck, they could just
inoculate us all for/with anything and everything and we wouldn't even need
to know about it--just munch away.  Of course, it's for our own good.  But
we need to get Monsanto into the picture in a bigger way. General Mills
might not could handle it alone.

- Original Message -
From: Cathy Laughlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

 -Caveat Lector-

 # GM plants to produce medicinal honey. (BBC) A spoonful of honey could
   replace bitter pills or painful injections as scientists use the nectar
   genetically-modified plants to produce honey containing drugs or

 Personally, I think General Mills would do a helluva job at this!  I
 mean...have you tried Honey Nut Cheerios?  To die for!  With or without
 milk.  My kids woulda starved without GM foods!  And the potential uses
 mind boggling.  Why, we could wipe out entire third world nations with
 one Red Cross donation of cereal containing anthrax vaccine!I say we
 give them a military contract.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Anglican Bishop spearheads United Religions Project

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ustimesdaily.com/"U.S. Times Daily News/A
Anglican Bishop spearheads United Religions Project

JERUSALEM, Israel (ENI) -- Leaders of an initiative to set up a united
body of the world's religions, paralleling the United Nations, claim
that their campaign is gaining momentum.

The Christian clergyman spearheading the "United Religions Initiative",
California-based Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop William Swing, said that
religions lagged at least half-a-century behind nation states in
establishing international forums to resolve conflicts between different

"As nations have got together for the past 50 years to pursue global
good, during the same 50 years the religions have not spoken to each
other and have not sat down to figure out what their common vocation
is," he told ENI during a visit to Jerusalem during which he, along with
the Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, attended an inter-faith

"Religions talk to each other at conferences, walk away, meet every two
years, or five years or never. I am convinced that religions have to
meet on a daily, permanent basis.

"The problems, among religions, and in religions, are everyday problems,
and they are not going to be solved, or addressed or helped, until we
finally have some kind of 'United Religions', that will parallel the
United Nations, so that we can carry out negotiations."

His goal is to set up the world body of religions by June next year, and
he remains hopeful of meeting the deadline - with God's help.

The initiative also has the support of the Dalai Lama, whose visit to
Jerusalem this month was sponsored by Bishop Swing's Inter-Religious
Friendship Group and the Inter-Religious Co-ordinating Council in

"The Dalai Lama and I have been talking about this for several years and
he is very supportive," said the bishop, who added that he had also
discussed his proposal with Vatican officials. But the bishop doubted
that the Roman Catholic Church would join, pointing out that it had not
become a member of the World Council of Churches. But he added that he
believed the Vatican would cooperate with, though not join, a body of
world religions.

"We see Northern Ireland, we see Sri Lanka, we see the Sudan, we see the
Middle East, we see religions pitted against each other. And we are
going to see more of that, not less. What happens when we have five
extremist religious groups in charge of five countries with hands on
atomic weapons?"The only answer, he said, was to set up an organisation
of world regions bounded by clear structures and principles, agreed by
all the participants.

To this end, he and others of like mind have been working on a charter
that might be adopted by such a body. He stressed that the model should
be quite different from the bureaucratic framework of the United

Nor would a world body of religions have a single headquarters such as
the United Nations, but rather would seek to establish spheres of
influence through offices around the world.

The structural basis for such a body had already been formed thanks to
the growing trend to have inter-faith groups, he said.

Later this year Bishop Swing will attend an inter-faith forum in
Atlanta, Georgia, hosted by former US President Jimmy Carter, who has
expressed interest in the project.

The proposal will also be aired at another inter-faith conference in
India in the coming months.

(ENI - Ecumenical News International)

(Post date: June 22, 1999)
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Mafia is a Masonic Body Re: Mazzini Quote

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:533806"The Mafia is a Masonic Body
Re: Mazzini Quote
Subject: The Mafia is a Masonic Body Re: Mazzini Quote
From: St. John The Sublime Reformer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 25 June 1999 06:40 AM EDT
Message-id: 7kvmbr$rl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  j Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By the law of God, given by Him to humanity, all men are free, are
brothers, and are
  Brother Guiseppe Mazzini

I am never ceased to be amazed by the absolute ignorance of the true
history of their "craft" held and believed by the average freemason.

Using a quotation of Brother Guiseppe Mazzini's to show the
"good" works of freemasonry is really a classic !!!

First of all it saves me a lot of trouble in having to "prove"
to the freemasons on this n.g. (which can never be done by a
"cowan" [what they derisively call non-masons], because they
only accept the say so of their WORSHIPFUL MASTER whispered to
them in secret in the "tyled" and darkened confines of their
TEMPLES - of course freemasonry is not a religion and any
and all coincidences to it are purerly that - "coincidental"),
that the notorious Mazzini was in fact a freemason.

Brother Mazzini was a contemporary of Albert Pike who introduced
the Scottish Rite back into America holding the helm of that
organization for 40 years until his death. He is known as the
"plato of freemasonry", and was Mazzini's tutor.

Now Mr. Mazzini has quite a reputation in Italy as he was deeply
involved in various political conspiracies in the 19th century,
and the leading light of the Italian Revolutions of that time
which brought about the modern Italian State.

Of course this is not Mr. Mazzini's only claim to fame.

There were several secret groups he formed as part of his
role as "revolutionary". In all the groups he drew heavily
on his Freemasonry and occult involvement especially as
instructed to him by Mr. Albert Pike (who also wrote all
the ritual work and manuals for the Klu Klux Klan and authorized
and instigated the formation of it while he headed the Supreme
Council 33rd Degree).

One of the groups Mazzini formed was a select assassination squad
modelled on the masonic Hashishim called the Oblinica, roughly
translated as "We reckon with the dagger".

The other one is "rather" more known. It was called in Italian
Mazzini Autorizzi Firenzi, Avelnamenti, Incenderie, or in english
Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Arson, Poisoning.

It was also known by it's acronym M.A.F.I.A.

The Mafia was and is a Masonic body and the initiation ceremony for
being a "made" man would be rather familiar to the average
freemason today in Deadwater Texas. The candiate is led into
a darkened room with three candles burning on raised tables,
one larger than the other two, just like in a modern masonic temple.

The Mafia today remains a Masonic body, that is why the Central
Intelligence Agency (run by freemasons and repleat with masonic
symbols in its seals and accoutraments) feels so comfortable
working with it, and why the F.B.I. led by the Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council J. Edgar Hoover 33rd degree lied to
the American People for so many years denying the Mafia even

So what have we learnt today kiddies, lets review.

1. The "average" freemason knows very little and understands even less
about the true origins and history of his craft.

2. Freemasonry is a secret society which has, and is, active
in a welter of political conspiracies throughout the western world.

3. That Official Freemasonry uses secret sub groups to perform it's
more private tasks and provide it with "plausible deniability" to
its "regular" members and the public.

4. That this organization is so powerful that it has infiltrated
every aspect of American life so as to be able to write and
rewrite history as it sees fit so as to "hoodwink" it's rank
and file membership (who for the most part are decent and well
meaning community minded souls who would be sicked if they learnt what
some of skeletons lurking in their organizations closet were).

5. That Freemasonry has never shied away from doing "what is
necessary", to maintain power, including "finessing" the constitution
ala the Medici Family of Florence, and committing outright criminal
acts, resulting in the complete undermining of Democracy and Freedom.

6. That among the more notorious groups of the past and present that
were and are masonic bodies were the "brethern of the spanish main" -
led by Captain Morgan flying the old Templar Naval ensign of the skull
and crossbones, the Klux Klux Klan - brainchild of the Supreme Council
33rd Degree, Mother Council of the World led by Albert Pike remaining
an official Masonic concordant body up at least until the 1940's in the
Northern U.S. and certanly at least until the 1960's in the south, and
the most notorious clandestine (or hidden) masonic body of them 

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

1999-06-25 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Amelia Edgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Cathy Laughlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  # GM plants to produce medicinal honey. (BBC) A spoonful of honey
could soon replace bitter pills or painful injections as scientists
use the nectar of genetically-modified plants to produce honey
containing drugs or vaccines.
  Personally, I think General Mills would do a helluva job at this!  I
  mean...have you tried Honey Nut Cheerios? To die for! With or without
  milk. My kids woulda starved without GM foods! And the potential uses
  are mind boggling.  Why, we could wipe out entire third world nations
  with just one Red Cross donation of cereal containing anthrax vaccine!
  I say we give them a military contract.

 And not only military--let's give them contracts for civilian vaccines,
 too! I was one of the lucky ones to get the Baby Boomer polio vaccine -
 wouldn't want the government out of that field, would we?  Heck, they
 could just inoculate us all for/with anything and everything and we
 wouldn't even need to know about it -- just munch away.  Of course,
 it's for our own good.  But we need to get Monsanto into the picture
 in a bigger way. General Mills might not could handle it alone.

Better include SKF-Beecham, DuPont, Bayer-AG, the rest of the pharmo-
chemical giants too, make this an all-encompassing cartel - the more
industrialists, the merrier, eh?  And one needn't depend on food as a
vector for drug delivery [vaccination]; but by careful gene-splicing
of bees, wasps, hornets, other stinging flying insects, the very bugs
themselves can inject the desired pharmaceuticals into the human target
population.  So, instead of establishing the infrastructure necessary
for food 'donations' - landing strip, food containers, distribution
'volunteers' etc - a simple fly-over by the cargo plane, releasing the
insects, would suffice.  The possibilities are nearly limitless.

  Ric "The Phantom Of The Hymenoptera" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: signoff

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

I am having trouble signing off list.  Please take my name off.


 If E Mael is banned then I go with my Knight in Shining Armour.
Unknown command - "IF". Try HELP.

 Goodbye Bill, you sneaky little bastard; you treachery will not be
Unknown command - "GOODBYE". Try HELP.

Unknown command - "FORGOTTEN..". Try HELP.

 Jealousy is one thingE Mael is a gentleman and an intellectual,
Unknown command - "JEALOUSY". Try HELP.

 something you could never be - go invent another love affair with
Unknown command - "SOMETHING". Try HELP.

Unknown command - "YOURSELF.". Try HELP.

Unknown command - "COLLEEN". Try HELP.

Summary of resource utilization
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[CTRL] The influence of intelligence services on the British left

1999-06-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.knowledge.co.uk/lobster/articles/rrtalk.htm"The
influence of intelligence services on the B
The influence of intelligence services
on the British left

A talk given by Robin Ramsay to Labour Party branches in late 1996
This is an adaptation and massive compression of the pamphlet The
Clandestine Caucus written and published by Robin Ramsay in 1996. In
that the sources for most of the claims contained in this talk are to be

Dirty tricks and covert operations

In the official theory of British politics the state in general and the
intelligence services in particular have no role. This is what I think
of as the Disney version of politics; and this is the one that is still
largely taught in British universities and regurgitated by the mass
media. In the Disney version, the state is neutral. Interests in society
align with political parties; and the parties contest elections. The
election winners form governments whose policies are then implemented by
the state. This was the view, for example, of Ron Hayward, the General
Secretary of the Labour Party. In 1974 Hayward was informed by a private
security company that the Labour Party's headquarters were bugged.
'Nonsense,' said Hayward. 'We don't have Watergate politics in Britain.'
Hayward simply didn't know. In 1974 hardly anybody outside Whitehall

But we do have 'Watergate politics' and have had them since the cold
war. By Watergate politics I mean, loosely, dirty tricks and covert
operations. (Obviously they did exist to some extent before the war, but
I'm concentrating on the post-45 period.) With hindsight, post cold war,
it was inevitable that the major working class party of the second most
important member of NATO would be of interest to the intelligence
services of several countries Britain, the US and the Soviet bloc.

The first I want to look at is the UK's. In 1948 the psychological
warfare organisation, IRD, the Information Research Department, was set
up within the Foreign Office. IRD worked abroad trying to combat
nationalism in the British Empire, and at home to combat the British
left. IRD fed information and propaganda on 'communists' within the
labour movement through confidential recipients of its briefings one of
whom we now know was the late Vic Feather into the media, and into the
Labour Party's policing units, the National Agent's Department and the
Organisation Subcommittee. These latter organisations also received
information on a local basis from some police Special Branches. Special
Branches also surveilled the unions, the wider left and organisations
like CND. Also, and rather important in this period, surveillance and
data collection by private sector groups such as the Economic League,
the Building Employers Federation, was still important. [As the state
grew in the 30s, and then with the war and the cold war, the relative
significance of the private sector declined.]

But we also had American activities to contend with. Through the State
Department and the Department of Labour, the US ran education programmes
and freebie trips for sympathetic Labour movement people. Hundreds,
maybe thousands, no-one has yet assembled the data of British trade
union officials and MPs that had these freebies. The State Department,
via the London embassy, was sending back masses of reports. The idea
that this was just the role of the CIA is false. None of these British
reports have surfaced but over a 1000 pages of such reports made by the
New Zealand US embassy to the State Department on the tiny NZ labour
movement have been declassified and show surveillance down to the level
of trades councils and union branches. It seems a reasonable assumption
that the same attention to detail was being exercised on the
strategically far more significant British labour movement.

There were also US labour attachés based in the London US embassy. One
of them, Philip Kaiser, has written a memoir which includes an account
of his years in London. He writes: 'the labour attache is expected to
develop contacts with key leaders in the trade union movement and to
influence their thinking and decisions in directions compatible wth
American goals...'

And not just the unions. Joseph Godson, Kaiser's predecessor as the US
labour attaché, got so close to Hugh Gaitskell that in the climactic
struggle with the Bevanites, Gaitskell was planning strategy with
Godson, running between Godson and the National Executive Committee.

Under the anticommunism banner a series of domestic antileft groups
were, I believe, funded by the CIA in Britain. Let me emphasise believe;
for I don't have much concrete evidence. This network begins with Common
Cause, which then produced an offshoot, Industrial Research and
Information Services, IRIS, in the mid 1950s to work in the unions.
Common Cause and IRIS produced information and propaganda against what
it called 

[CTRL] Who were they travelling with?

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.knowledge.co.uk/lobster/articles/l31whowh.htm"Who were
they travelling with?
Who were they travelling with?

By Tom Easton
From Lobster 31

SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party

Ivor Crewe and Anthony King
Oxford University Press, 1995, £25

Few who lived through the launch of the Social Democratic Party are
likely to forget the impact of the creation of the Gang of Four in 1981.
The avowed intention of the four former Cabinet ministers was to offer
Britain a fresh alternative - a replacement for the Labour party in
which they themselves had made their name and to which most
non-Conservatives in Britain had looked for alternative government for
most of the 20th century. Given the ambition of their undertaking and
the SDP's significance in dividing early opposition to a Conservative
party now in power for 17 years, it is curious then that we have to wait
until now for a detailed account. It is also disappointing that after so
long - the bulk of the SDP merged with the Liberal Party in 1987 - its
history should be written by two academics who helped found it in the
first place.

Not that Ivor Crewe and Anthony King of Essex University were ever
members. Rather that they were friendly with many of the SDP's leading
lights and were sufficiently interested in its formation to advise its
founders on its likely chances of success. That close personal contact,
plus access to the party's archive, ensure that in 600 pages of text,
footnotes and statistical appendices we have the chance to learn a great
deal about this comet-like phenomenon, even if it falls some way short
of the judgement of Labour MP Gerald Kaufman in the Sunday Telegraph
 (November 12, 1995) - 'brilliant history, definitively researched'.

For example, Crewe and King, in giving the first detailed account of the
Liberals' botched attempt to ditch Roy Jenkins as leader in the middle
of the 1983 general election campaign, illustrate the alliance's
inherent fragility. In revealing that most working-class constituencies
had fewer than 30 members, they show why 'the Westminster contrivance'
that was the SDP was'fated to fail'.

In profiling its parliamentarians, they show how 'most of the defectors
were MPs who happened to be Labour, rather than pillars of the labour
movement who happened also to be MPs'.They also tell us - without
identification - how some of them, before defecting, voted for Michael
Foot rather than Denis Healey as leader in 1980 in order to inflict
maximum damage on the Labour Party. (1)

The authors say, too, that the Labour Party's constitutional reforms
(the mandatory reselection of MPs by local parties; the extension of the
franchise for the election of leader beyond the Parliamentary Labour
Party and moves to give the party's national executive committee sole
responsibility for drafting the election manifesto) were the occasion of
the 1981 split and not its cause. They add that the Gang of Four chose
to exaggerate extremist influence in the Labour Party because they
themselves 'no longer had a programme and a theory of how the world

If King and Crewe are not persuaded that internal changes in the
structure of the Labour party were actually grounds for the split as the
SDP leaders claimed, what of the second oft-stated reason they gave in
1981 -- Labour policy towards Europe?

Labour and Europe?

On the face of it this would seem a more promising and principled basis
for launching a new party than fear of the somewhat arcane activities of
local party management committees. After all, the leadership quartet
were central to that section of the Labour Party which had long
supported British entry into the Common Market. David Owen was solidly
pro-Common Market. Bill Rodgers had been hugely disappointed when his
mentor, Hugh Gaitskell, had failed to share his Euro enthusiasm. Shirley
Williams had threatened not to be part of a Labour government which
withdrew from Common Market membership; and Roy Jenkins had actually
left parliamentary politics for Brussels to become president of the
European Commission. But after lengthy consideration, Crewe and King
conclude that although some of the defecting Labour MPs shared the
Common Market views of the Gang of Four, 'passionate commitment to
Europe was not in fact what bound the SDP defectors together... views on
the issue hardly distinguished the Labour right-wingers who did defect
to the SDP from those who did not'.

So of the three grounds given for the split by the SDP founders -
changes in the Labour party on its own constitution, Europe and defence
- Crewe and King rule out two as being wholly unconvincing. To the
third, defence, we shall return at some length. But before we do it is
worth making passing reference to the role of the Guardian in the
history of the SDP.

The Guardian and the SDP

Crewe and King tell us: 'When the SDP was 

[CTRL] MJ12 Documents

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/9923/MJ12.html"MJ12 Documents

Artwork by James Neff - Visit his Site for more incredible artwork


Celestial Visitors (6 Pages)

Go to WSPG, New Mexico (1 Page)

Proceed to WSPG Command Control (1 Page)

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Air Accident Report (3 Pages)

Disk-like Aircraft in New Mexico (1 Page)

Intelligence Estimate So Far (18 Pages)

Establishes Majestic Twelve (1 Page)

Not...Divulged To Public (1 Page)

1st Annual Report-Majestic 12 (17 Pages)

Briefing On MJ-12 (7 Pages)

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Memo Requesting Review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operations (1 Page)

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Report on the MJ-12 Documents : by Dr. Robert Wood at MUFON, California

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: International Environment and Development Prize SOPHIE awarded

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] " ewertverlag"@t-online.de
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 7:27 AM
Subject: International Environment and Development Prize SOPHIE awarded

From: Maju Varghese
(For WFF)

Thomas Kocherry along with Herman Daly was awarded the International
environment and development prize the Sophie prize yesterday at a
meeting held  at University of Oslo, Assembly hall, Norway.  I am
enclosing the speech made by Mr Kocherry on that occasion.

Speech of Thomas Kocherry
on the occasion of the prize ceremony of the Sophie Foundation
June 15, 1999, Oslo, Norway.

Dear chairperson and friends,

First of all I want to thank  the Sophie Foundation for honouring
me with the Sophie Prize. In particular I thank Jostein Gaarder
for creating the Foundation for honouring such ventures to recognise
and to encourage re-imaging a world where every human being is
equal in opportunities; without discrimination on the basis of
caste, class, creed, religion or gender. Please accept my heartfelt

Today we are in the context of GLOBALIZATION - LIBERALIZATION.
The words look very attractive, but the vast majority of the people,
are the victims of Globalisation. Globalisation began with
In the sixteenth century Europe was overpopulated and the people
began to migrate from Europe to other continents as if they were
discovering new places. It ended up with conquering other places
and people. Sword and Cross went together.
They forcefully enslaved and converted natives and indigenous
peoples. They conquered lands, exploited the resources and
accumulated wealth.

In the 20th century, the world witnessed the uprising of peoples
for political freedom. However economic exploitation continued
through Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) and Trans-National
Corporations (TNCs).
But the rich and the ruling class of the newly freed 3rd world
countries generally sided with the MNCs for their own advantage,
against the interest of the common people.  Again the natives
and the indigenous peoples were the worst hit.  As a result,
according to a UN study, today the 20% Northern minority of
humankind has:
82.7% of world gross national product
81.2% of world trade
94.6% of all commercial lending
80.5% of all domestic investment
80.6% of all domestic savings
94.0% of all research and development

It is in this context that we should understand GLOBALIZATION
today. Those who have more are bound to get more. This means more
accumulation and centralisation. The Northern 20% people are better
placed to take away even the 10-20%  of the wealth in the hands
of 80% people in the South. The real Centre is G8 countries and
of course the USA is the real centre of the centre.
They are  wielding POWER of WEALTH and ARMS. They are placed in a
better position for quick  profit at the expense of the vast
majority  of people and the environment. All the rest are in the
periphery.  Thus, PHERIPHERALIZATION  of the vast MAJORITY is
the other side of Globalisation.
In the period following de-colonisation and political independence
of the Third World (South) countries particularly after world
war II, the international relationships among the countries at
bilateral and multilateral levels were considered very important
and viewed as mutually beneficial. This language and practice
seems to be in the wane today.  The Northern MNCs want to take
over the control of UN. If the UN does not dance according to
their tune they will not give their share. They are more interested
in strengthening the WTO than the UN.
They talk of DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS but they have
Market economy determines everything, there is no other value
The UN has become a weak instrument.
Globalisation is beneficial to those who have. All those who
are have-nots are the victims. Globalisation is a mechanistic
process (and therefore most easily manipulatable by the wielders
of power) in the face of which there is no choice and alternative.
This is the most insidious aspect of this ideology: that it could
present itself as the only possible way of being. It creates a
certain sense of inevitability and absoluteness. Outside
Globalisation-and Market Economy, there is no salvation.

Let me show how this is true as regards the fisheries sector.
In the 1990s fishing reached the point of diminishing returns.
Many fish populations have fallen to levels from which they can
no longer recover without significant reductions in the catches
or a moratorium on fishing. There are simply too many boats
catching too many fish. The first surge in numbers of fishing
vessels occurred during the industrial revolution. This upwell
tapered off during the two world wars, but boomed again in the
1950s through 1970s. The world's fishing fleet doubled between
1970 and 1990.
More than 100 million people in developing countries (South)

[CTRL] Desired Track - The tragic flight of KAL 007

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.vgernet.net/roberta/"Desired Track - The tragic flight
of KAL 007
 Mystery Solved!
A Crash-Investigator's Reconstruction Of The KAL007 Tragedy.

"Desired Track is the most detailed and comprehensive analysis of
KAL007's flight path that I have seen, and the only one that stands up."
Richard Witkin, a former aviation editor from The New York Times.

About the book


If you believe there is nothing more to know about the KAL tradegy, but
you still have a open mind, Desired Track is for you.

Desired Track is the crash investigation report the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) should have compiled, but did not. Unlike
the ICAO's two reports, it contains no spongy politics to modify or
ignore the facts.

More than 13 years in the making, Desired Track has receieved glowing
reports from pilots and navigators. It offers the reader an
understandable reconstruction of the events of that terrible night. The
authors walk pilots and non-pilots alike, step by step, through the
flight from beginning to end. For those qualified to test this work, all
data necessary to validate the work of the authors is included in the
second volume, The Evidence. Various systems of the 747 are explained in
simple terms; the all important Inertial Navigation System (INS), for
example. Properly understood, the reader will come to recognize the
question is no longer whether the South Korean Airliner accidentally
went astray, but who sent it to its destruction.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Robert Henderson v Tony Blair: A Tale of New Britain

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://freespace.virgin.net/old.whig/flc028.htm"Free Life
Commentary No. 28 - 20/2/99
Free Life Commentary,
an independent journal of comment published on the Internet

Editor: Sean Gabb
Issue Number Twenty Eight
20th February 1999

"Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign"
(J.S. Mill, On Liberty, 1859)

Robert Henderson v Tony Blair:
A Tale of New Britain
by Sean Gabb


The story that I have to tell is condensed from over a thousand pages of
photocopied letters, articles and transcripts, plus many hours of tape
recording. At times, it seems to resemble a baroque church, as the
significance of a particular line of correspondence becomes hard to find
and relate to the whole. However, I will do my best to simplify the
story without doing harm to its essentials.

Briefly stated, what I hold in one drawer of a filing cabinet is an
indictment of Tony Blair as damning and well-established as any of the
claims made against Bill Clinton. The evidence clearly shows that Mr
Blair has the moral outlook of a Mafia godfather. He has used the police
and the security services to harass his personal enemies. For the same
purpose, he has obtained the help of his friends in the media. If any
future biographer were to need an example with which to show Mr Blair's
full turpitude and unfitness for office, he would find none better than
the case of Robert Henderson.

Let me explain.

The Wisden Affair

Mr Henderson is a political writer whose work has been published over
the years in a number of journals and magazines. Until the mid-1990s,
his strong interest in cricket drew him to write occasionally for Wisden
Cricket Monthly. His last article for that magazine was published in
July 1995, and is a development of his views on the bad performance in
recent years of the England Cricket Team. He believes that one reason
for this has been the mingling of foreign with native players. However
talented these former may be as individuals, Mr Henderson argues, they
lack the shared commitment to their side on which success in team games
like cricket depends. He explains:

The common experience of mixed groups makes it immensely difficult to
accept that a changing room comprised of say six Englishmen, two West
Indians, two Southern Africans and a New Zealander is going to develop
the same camaraderie as eleven unequivocal Englishmen.[1]

There are two things to be said about this argument. First, it is not an
argument about race. Mr Henderson's cricket eleven is supposed to be bad
not because it contains two black men, but because is contains five
people who are not English, three of whom are almost certainly white.
Second, whatever its validity, the argument seems to have been largely
accepted by other writers on cricket - including David Firth, the Editor
of Wisden Cricket Monthly,[2] and Matthew Engel, who edits the
Wisden Cricketers' Almanack and also writes a column for The Guardian

The article should have gone as unremarked outside cricketing as had all
the other similar comments on that theme. But it was a bad time of year
for other news, and the media had nothing better to do than take notice
of the article and puff it into an immense "anti-racist" witch hunt. Mr
Henderson found himself in the middle of a publicity storm as ferocious
as it was unexpected. Without any sign of having read his article,
journalists and public figures lined up to denounce him for having
denied the patriotism of black and brown English players. Tens of
thousands of words in the newspapers and hours on the wireless were
given to the attack. It became a safe and easy way of showing one's own
"anti-racist" credentials while throwing doubt on those of somebody el
se. Eventually, two black cricketers mentioned in the article - Devon
Malcolm and Philip DeFreitas - sued Wisden Cricketing Monthly for libel.
On legal advice, their cases were settled out of court. The affair had
become something more suited to an anthropological journal than the
history of a great nation.

Mr Henderson had to face this storm all alone. Smeared as a "racist" and
a bigot, he was systematically denied a right of reply to any of the
attacks on him. The press allowed him no reply at all. An interview that
he gave to the BBC was edited into a parody of his views.[4] The
Telegraph newspapers showed the cowardice and hypocrisy usual of them
when faced with an issue that the politically correct classes take
seriously. They joined in the attack - even publishing obvious clues to
Mr Henderson's address[5] - and refused to print an unedited letter of
reply from him.

Perhaps most shameful, he was abandoned by Wisden Cricketing Monthly. Mr
Frith refused to let him reply to the five pages of hostile criticism
that was carried in the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: signoff

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/25/99 8:26:42 AM, you wrote:

I am having trouble signing off list.  Please take my name off.


 Sorry to see ya go. I hope there are no bad feelings. chris was causing
unneeded disruption.

He hasn't been kicked off; he cannot mail but still receive.

I always enjoy your take on items.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Burning the Flag: Recognition of America as It Is!

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Amelia Edgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Always after the Republicans -- it ain't just they!  I believe this
 current administration with all the cute Executive Orders is a pack
 of Democrats. Neither group is worth the powder it would take -- face
 it -- we are leaderless!

The administration is under Dixiecrat control, the congress is run
by GOPs - nary a Social Democrat to be seen on the horizon, just
rival packs of corporate pimps and ideological panderers.  But these
are the groups US voters have vested with power, for better or worse.
The best gov't that money can buy - do we have the gov't we deserve?

 In singling out the republicans daily are you suggesting the Democrats
 have answers/solutions/insight/leadership?  Not so -- biggest bunch of
 liars/traitors/criminals I've ever seen in are in the White House

I 'single out' GOPs only when associating Republicans with Reptilioids,
both cold inhuman carnivores with flat eyes and carrion breath.  You've
never seen me say anything good about Demos here, and you're not likely
to, except that Demos generally aren't as craven as GOPs and Dixiecrats.
[Myself, I'm a registered Green.]  As for criminals in the White House,
check out the number of felony convictions during the Reagan/Bush years.

 Unless you support this group, let's see equal nastiness for both major
 Amelia "hang 'em all from the highest tree" Edgeman

That's why I use this slogan:

  Ric "Democrat=Liar, Republican=Thief - VOTE GREEN!" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] algore - ..racist and not just socialist. [Joseph Farah]

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


 Al Gore -- racist to the core

After the presidential election of 1996, my non-profit news organization was
audited and threatened with losing its tax-exempt status because I, the
executive director, had dared to investigate and criticize the incumbent
president in an election year.
I kid you not. This really happened -- in America. Of course, the action was
initiated by the most politically ruthless and corrupt administration in the
history of the United States. And the action by the Internal Revenue Service
is the subject of two lawsuits by the Western Journalism Center, the parent
company of WorldNetDaily.com.

I remind you of this history because I am about to repeat the action that
caused me so much grief back in 1996. I am about to (gasp!) criticize an
incumbent vice president who is a declared candidate for president of the
United States. Get ready you slackjawed bureaucrats and jackbooted thugs
over there at the IRS. OK, here goes. ...

Al Gore is a racist. That's right. I said it and I'm proud. Al Gore is a
white supremacist as much as any white-hooded Ku Klux Klansman you have ever
seen. His cracker Tennessee plantation-owning forefathers would be proud of
their descendant. Al Gore oozes white bigotry from every pore in his redneck

Worse yet, Gore combines his racism with socialism. That's a dangerously
potent combination. Remember that racist national socialism brought the
world to war in the 1940s and resulted in a human holocaust.

No, this is not just inflammatory hyperbole. My assessment is based on real

Al Gore told a Los Angeles audience yesterday that government-mandated
affirmative action -- or what he termed "special efforts" in hiring,
promotions and contracting -- for blacks and Hispanics must continue because
those policies and those policies alone represent the only chance minorities
have to catch up to whites in wealth accumulation.

That, my friend, no matter how you slice it, is a racist concept. In other
words, blacks and Hispanics are not smart enough, enterprising enough,
ambitious enough and creative enough to achieve on their own -- they need
the government to intervene on their behalf, giving them a preference or
holding back the competition.

Al Gore is for racial profiling. Oh, he doesn't say that. It's not
fashionable to be in favor of racial profiling because police agencies use
that technique to determine which kind of people are the most likely
suspects. But Al Gore has determined that blacks and Hispanics should get
preference in hiring and contracting decisions because their racial profiles
suggest their groups have been held back from economic achievement.

If Gore were not a racist, and simply a socialist, he would say that all
poor people, regardless of their race and ethnic background, deserved a
break -- deserved a preference. Let's face it. There are many poor whites in
America. Many of them come from families that have been poor for generations
through no fault of their own. Does it make sense that a well-educated,
middle-class black person should be given a preference for a job over an
equally qualified white person with half the income? Is that fair?

Now personally, as a believer in freedom, not socialism, I don't think a
person's wealth should be any determinant as to qualification any more than
I think race should be a factor. But that's me, and I've got some quaint,
old-fashioned ideas about inalienable rights, limited government and
personal responsibility.

Al Gore, on the other hand, is a materialist. He believes people need to be
forced to behave in the best interest of the state. To do that, you need to
divide and conquer, pit one class against another, play the politics of

"At a time when African-Americans earn just 62 cents on each dollar that
white Americans earn, don't you think it's time for an equal day's pay for
an equal day's work?" he asks rhetorically.

In other words, we should pay people not based on the work they do as
individuals, but by the color of their skin. That's racism. That's
socialism. That's fascism.

"I've heard the critics of affirmative action," he says. "They're in favor
of affirmative action if you can dunk the basketball or sink a three-point
shot. But they're not in favor of it if you merely have the potential to be
a leader of your community and bring people together, to teach people who
are hungry for knowledge, to heal families who need medical care."

Well, I have to admit, Al is talking over my head here. I'm not quite sure I
can keep up with him. Who exactly is it that is in favor of affirmative
action when it comes time to dunking a basketball? Pardon me, but I haven't
noticed anyone clamoring to force the NBA to hire more white players. But
then again, Al Gore knows a lot more about 

[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] New Information Added to Mind Control Article, Operation Open...

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous


From Rayelan Allan (Russbacher)

When I was gathering all the pieces that  I needed for  the article,
"Operation Open Eyes"
Five Easy Steps to Create
A Manchurian Candidate,

I couldn't find two which I considered to be very important. I have since
found them and have rewritten the original article. It will soon be posted on
my web page, but at the moment it is on Jeff Rense's SIGHTINGS web page

Both pieces are very important in understanding how we are being herded into
the New World Order corral, i.e., concentration camps and a police state.

In the original article I described how the CIA uses a "Modified version" of
the Hegelian Dialectic to create conditions which will bring about the ends
they desire. Unfortunately, I could not find the information I needed to
describe this technique further.

Last week I finally located the three 60 minutes tapes which included this

In August of 1993, I (Rayelan Allan {Russbacher}) was speaking at the Global
Science Congress in Denver.
A HREF="http://www.globalsciences.com/"Global Sciences Welcome/A

My husband, Gunther was in prison in Missouri. There had been several
attempts on his life. He had been poisoned, beaten and attacked by other
prisoners. I didn't know from hour to hour if he was  alive or dead.

I was also having major  problems staying alive. At the end of 1992, there
were four attempts, in rapid sucession made on my life. Gunther arranged with
his Godfather, Kurt Waldheim, to protect me until the Bush people were out of
power. I fled to Austria, in a state of fear wondering if  the airplane would
blow up. I was guaraded by Austrian Security Police and 4  Marines from the
Embassy in Vienna. As soon as the Clinton Administration came into power,
Gunther was successful in getting the "hit orders" that had been placed o me,

Shortly before the Global Science conference, there and been two attempts to
kidnap  me. Because Gunther was a SEAL team commander, I had Navy SEALS
around me at all times. If it had not been for these men, I would not be here
to write the articles you read in the Rumor Mill. One day, when I have fully
recovered from my 8 years as Gunther's wife, I will publish the story of what
we went through. The whole story has never been told anywhere before.

After my lecture at the conference, I was approached by two men I knew over
the telephone. Both men were political prisoners, just like Gunther. I did
not know they had been released. Like Gunther and me, they did not know from
hour to hour if they would still be alive. I have not heard from one of them
since that seminar. I don't know if he is back in prison or if he is even

The two men were Navy Captain Trenton Parker, and private investigator Stew

Stew had just uncovered the secret funding behind the Denver Airport. He
stumbled onto it accidently as he tried to win custody of his child. It
turned out that his father-in-law was a very powerful man in the shadowy
world where the CIA and the Mafia connect. His father-in-law was the man who
was behind the Denver Airport.

Trenton Parker was a Navy SEAL, a financial planner for the CIA and a covert
operative. He and Gunther walked similar paths and these paths had crossed
many times.

Gunther, under his alias Emory J. Peden, the "banker" for the CIA, was the
man who arraigned the funding for the Denver Airport. I believe this is
described in Rodney Stich's "Defraduing America" third Edition
A HREF="http://www.defraudingamerica.com/"FBI, CIA and other government
agents document widespread government corruption.
/A (Rodney has just finished another book. It is at the printers right now.
I believe it is called "Drugging America". As usual, Rodney received his
information from CIA, DEA and FBI agents and  operatives.
A HREF="http://www.druggingamerica.com/"Government insiders and former drug
traffickers reveal government's involvement in drugs.
/A  This is the link to his new webpage.

When Stew and Trenton approached me, they asked if they could give a lecture.
I think both of them wanted their information on record because neither of
them knew how much longer they would be alive. Times were rough for all of us
in those days. Paul Wilcher had just been murdered. Another lawyer who was
helping us had just been jailed and disbarred, Gunther's boss, Admiral
Johann, the head of Faction 2,  had been poisoned and I didn't know if he was
dead or alive.

When we gave the lecture, we didn't know if the FBI would burst in and arrest
us or kill all of us as they had done to the people at Waco. As we spoke,
each of us kept looking at the door, wondering if the next person through was
coming with a gun. The people who attended the lecture felt the same fear and
apprehension and many expressed their fears to us. Some people, who wanted to
attend the lecture, stayed away because they couldn't handle the stress and
fear. The only reason I mention this is because many 

[CTRL] FWD:The Nation-Capitol Crimes

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Capitol Crimes
If only Columbine High School had posted the Ten Commandments next to its
football trophies, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would never have killed
anyone. This Charlton Heston logic--Moses meets NRA--was articulated by GOP
Congressman Bob Barr, leader of the House gun-lobby mercenaries who in
mid-June not only defeated background checks for gun-show weapons purchasers
but passed the most vindictive youthful-offender bill ever and threw in the
Ten Commandments for good measure.

Although the gun debate and the amendment encouraging the posting of the Ten
Commandments in public buildings got the headlines, the juvenile crime bill
to which they were both originally attached points up the politics involved.
Senators and criminal-justice lobbyists had labored to turn a severe and
simplistic youthful-offender bill into a relatively moderate measure that
included funding for antiviolence programs long sought by children's
advocates. Then public horror at Littleton persuaded the Senate to append a
gun-control amendment requiring the same three-day waiting period and
background check for gun-show purchases as for weapons from other dealers.

When the Senate's juvenile-crime-plus-background-check package hit the House
it was Barr, last seen in the vanguard of the impeachment faction, who set
out to derail it. Barr--with more than $81,000 in NRA contributions since
1994--proposed "poison pill" amendments so punitive they were sure to cost
the bill its liberal support: harsh mandatory minimum sentences;
federalization of youth gun crimes; prosecutors given unreviewable power to
charge and incarcerate children as adults. Republicans then severed the gun
measure from the child-punishment law--leaving the background checks as an
unobstructed target for fierce lobbying, on which the NRA spent $1.5 million.

The demise of the background-check bill was engineered by longtime NRA ally
and Democrat John Dingell with an amendment purporting to extend background
checks but actually weakening the existing system. Other Democrats and
moderate Republicans opposed the Dingell-amended measure, so gun regulation
vanished. Meanwhile, Republicans "enhanced" the juvenile crime bill with the
Ten Commandments and two other religious-right provisions. It was the worst
of all worlds: no gun law, a bad youthful-offender bill and a
constitutionally indefensible posting of religious doctrine. The juvenile
crime bill now goes to House-Senate conference. (Please contact your Congress
members immediately!)

The NRA's House victory proved again the potency of its war chest. The
election-finance-reform organization Public Campaign says that the NRA and
its allies gave more than twenty-seven times as much to Congress members as
handgun-control advocates did in 1997-98. But the victory also came amid
indicators of the gun lobby's decline. Lawsuits against gun companies or
distributors have been filed in twenty cities and counties. The largest gun
industry association, the American Shooting Sports Council, fearful of costly
anticorporate liability suits, agreed to work toward some restrictions. A Pew
Research survey finds 65 percent support for gun control, up from 57 percent
in 1993, with the most dramatic shift among suburban Republican women.

Will the alarm of suburban parents translate into voting power at the polls?
At the state level, the politics of guns is shifting rapidly: NRA proposals
to weaken existing gun laws have faltered in Colorado and elsewhere, while
new restrictions are pending in New York, California, Ohio and other states.
In Utah, Mormon leaders have called for handgun restrictions, and some
conservative Republicans there fear they'll lose control of the legislature
if they hew too closely to the NRA line.

Guns are already emerging as a fault line in the presidential campaign.
George W. Bush lifted Texas's 1870 prohibition against carrying concealed
handguns. Al Gore denounced the NRA; Bill Bradley proposed national
gun-violence measures, including limiting individual purchases to one gun per
month, outlawing the manufacture of Saturday Night Specials and banning
handguns from the homes of convicted domestic violence offenders.

It is no accident that Congress entangled juvenile crime and the Ten
Commandments with the seemingly simple matter of background checks: Guns are
a surrogate for profound debates over crime, race and the roots of violence.
But for the first time in a generation, the pendulum is swinging away from
the NRA. Bob Barr's victory may prove as Pyrrhic as his success in winning
the House impeachment resolution just a half-year ago.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects

[CTRL] [5] Inside The League

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Inside The League
Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson©1986
Dodd, Mead  Company
79 Madison Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10016
ISBN 0-396-08517-2
322pps — out-of-print/one edition
[re-print/first edition available from:
W. Clement Stone, P M A Communications, Incorporated]


I am the world's wealthiest fascist.
-Ryoichi Sasakawa

IN AUGUST 1945, thirteen Japanese fascists climbed to a hilltop above Tokyo.
From the hill, they looked out at shimmering Tokyo Bay and saw the
surrounding snowcapped mountains, the brilliant green of the rice paddies,
and the tiny hamlets whose coal fires sent little black spumes into the blue
sky. But the men hadn't come to admire the view. The empire they had spent
their lives creating lay in ruins. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been
obliterated by atomic bombs. American troops were massed just over the
horizon, ready to invade. The talk in Tokyo was of surrender. For the men on
Atagoyama Hill, that would be the ultimate disgrace. Better to die than bear
witness to the final humilation.

As thousands of their countrymen throughout Japan and on untold numbers of
islands in the Pacific had already done, twelve of the men, members of the
ultra-right Sonjo Doshikai ("Association for the Reverence of the Emperor and
the Expulsion of the Barbarians") had come to the hill to commit suicide. The
thirteenth member of their party was apparently there to dissuade them. It
was to no avail the men on Atagoyama held hand grenades to their stomachs and
pulled the pins. Only one man, Yoshio Kodama, came down from the hill.

Kodama had a lot to live for. Thanks to the war and the patronage of a
political leader, Ryoichi Sasakawa, he was sitting on a fortune of over $200
million. In the years ahead, he would help create the dominant political
party of Japan, make and destroy prime ministers, fund the World
Anti-Communist League, and be the principal figure in the greatest scandal in
modern Japanese history. Working alongside him would be Sasakawa, his old

The lives of Kodama and Sasakawa, the pre-eminent fascist leaders in postwar
Japan, are closely intertwined. Born in 1899, Ryoichi Sasakawa, the son of a
small sake (rice whiskey) brewer, became a millionaire at thirty by
speculating on rice futures. In 1931, he formed the Kokusui Taishuto, a
militarist political movement and, according to a U.S. Counter-Intelligence
Corps (CIC) report after World War II, was "one of the most active Fascist
organizers prior to the war."

Yoshio Kodama started life more abjectly. An orphan who had survived by
toiling in sweatshops, he found his calling among the various right-wing
movements that sprouted up throughout Japan in the 1930s. Often these yakuza
groups functioned more as criminal bands than as genuine ideological
movements; modeling themselves after the legends of the samurai warriors,
they displayed their allegiance to a particular leader by covering their
bodies with tattoos, they repented errors by cutting off the tips of their
little fingers. Bankrolled by conservative businessmen and politicians, these
private yakuza armies broke up labor unions, "protected" factories and
offices from vandalism, and assassinated opposition leaders. The young Kodama
excelled at these activities and by the time he was fifteen was a terrorist
leader in his own right. In 1931, he sent a dagger to a former Japanese
minister of finance. "Allow me to present you with this instrument," the
accompanying note read, "so appropriate for our troubled times. I leave you
to make up your mind as to how to use it-to defend yourself, or to commit
ritual suicide."[1]

The threat landed the twenty-year-old Kodama in jail, but it was not in vain;
the day he was released, another yakuza succeeded in killing the former

In the 1930s both of the future League benefactors ran afoul of the law and
were imprisoned, Sasakawa for plotting the assassination of a former premier,
Kodama for another murder plot, this time against the prime minister.

As the forces of fascism took over Japan and as the war in Manchuria got
under way, the talents of men like Sasakawa and Kodama were suddenly needed.
Both were released in order to further the cause of the empire—Kodama to
carry out intelligence missions in China and Sasakawa to resurrect his
Kokusui Taishuto movement, whose followers were now clad in blackshirts, the
symbol of international fascism they were to rally forces behind the
government's plans to rule Asia. Sasakawa even flew to Rome for a personal
audience with Mussolini, a man he would later describe as "the perfect
fascist." In 1942 Sasakawa was elected to the Japanese Parliament (Diet) on
the promise of expanding the war throughout Asia.

In the meantime, Kodama was making a name for himself in China. Entrusted
with the task of keeping the Japanese navy supplied with raw materials,
Kodama made a fortune of at least $200 million by seizing materiel, often at
the point of a gun, 

[CTRL] [6] Other Altars

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Multiple Personality Disorder
Craig Lockwood©1993
CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55441
ISBN 0-89638-363-6
255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
A very interesting and excellent book.

Chapter 6

A Matter Of  Magick

"For magic consists in this, the true naming of a thing."
-Ursula K. LeGuin, 1968

Saying the "right thing," an important element of all ritual magic, is not
just a matter of repeating words. Before all else, the novice, initiate,
follower, or apprentice of the shaman, witch, sorcerer, or adept must learn
magic's complex language.

 "Naming," notes anthropologist T M. Luhrmann in Persuasions of the Witch's
Craft, "is often associated with magic: there is the sense that a name gives
power over its object."

 Magic's ritual and linguistic roots are prehistoric. Archeological evidence
suggests that many basic magical beliefs and elements of rituals and ritual
language go back to the great "Earth-goddess" cults and "Earth-centered"

In ancient Greece an Earth-goddess cult probably predated the
invasion of the Hellenes, an Indo-European tribe. Greece's Demeter may have
owed something to that pre-Greek deity. Elements of earlier ritual human
sacrifice were rejected during the later period. Some scholars suspect they
may have survived in secret.[1]

The goddess was worshiped under the names of Ge, or Gaia, Demeter, Ceres,
Terra Mater, Bona Dea, Cybele, Ishtar, Atargatis, Hecate, Herodiana, and at
least a dozen more in continental Europe and the British Isles.

"Magic," the word in English, is derived from magoi, a special caste or tribe
of ancient Persia who were recognized as specialists in ritual and religious
knowledge, and were sometimes associated with the cult of fire.

As mentioned earlier, modern practitioners of ancient magical traditions have
appropriated the spelling "magick" for clarity.

Magic served many masters and many functions—ancient medicine and science
among them. Magic worked in the material world, but ancients believed
invisible forces governed it.

Thus it was the magus who sought to control these forces, and gain knowledge
of them, in order to predict the future or influence material-world events.

While magic was born of Paleolithic parents, it became the sophisticated
child of increasingly advanced cultures—our own included. Few societies today
exist without magic.

In most languages the word for magic defines well-known functions and
institutions revolving around 1) medical magic (healing), 2) black magic and
sorcery, 3) ceremonial magic, 4) religious magic (spiritual), 5) occult
sciences and theosophies, 6) paranormal events, and 7) magical cults and

Individual societies tend to place an overriding emphasis or value on one or
another of the above magical provinces. But what magic is proves far less

Marcel Mauss, a renowned French social scientist, attempted a general theory
in 1903. His ideas appear in the 1972 book A General Theory of Magic. Emile
Durkheim, another brilliant social theoretician of the same period, spent
thirteen pages setting out a theory of magic in his 1915 book The Elementary
Forms of Religious Life, but never mentioned it again. Durkheim took the
position that magic derives from religion.

In The Golden Bough, published in 1960, Sir James Frazer says "sympathetic
magic" is based on the association of ideas, while Bronislaw Malinowski, a
remarkable and prolific anthropologist and ethnographer, states in his 1954
Magic, Science and Religion that magic builds confidence in situations of
uncertainty, exerts social pressure, and illustrates the "action function" of

Theodore Adorno, using a Marxist conception in his article "Theses Against
Occultism and the Stars Down to Earth," published in the 1974 spring issue of
Telos, describes magic as a projection of "commodity fetishism" and the
occult as an "alienating" force in an "oppressive" protofascist social order.
He called occult wisdom "the metaphysics of dopes," seeing the thrust of
magic aimed at "narcissistic" satisfactions, and subject to the "constant
appeal" of "anal regression," disparaging the notion that weak, uneducated
people with miserable assets can somehow triumph by rearranging them.

In his 1946 book Religion, Its Functions in Human Life, Knight Dunlap
observes that "magic, science and religion, are all praxis, aimed at doing
something." Praxis was originally a Greek word that meant ritual.

Georg Luck, a German scholar, offers a functional definition in Arcana Mundi:
"Magic" may be defined as "a technique grounded in a belief in powers located
in the human soul and in the universe outside ourselves, a technique that
aims at imposing the human will on nature or on human beings by using
supersensual powers."

Luck points out that the single 

[CTRL] [11] Loud and Clear

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman©1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps — out-of-print/one edition


" A Matter of Jurisdiction''

All of my discovery papers went to the defense lawyers. If Dunlap and Robison
won release, it would come through the judicial system, with the attorneys
pulling the necessary strings. I viewed my function as similar to a hod
carrier's, bringing bricks to the mason who builds a case. Without the mason,
the hod carrier has only a pile of bricks.

"Mr. Savoy," I said, visiting his office on January 12, 1979, "have you had a
chance to look at the material I sent over?"

"Not all of it," Savoy said, "but enough to make me think you're on to
something. Unfortunately, until the Arizona Supreme Court rules on our
appeal, we can't move with this information. We're forbidden from introducing
newly discovered evidence prior to a ruling on our pending motions. As you
know, an appeal in the supreme court stays all other proceedings. I grant
you, often it seems unfair, and maybe it is, but that's how the system works."

"Do you have any idea when the supreme court will rule?"

"No way we can predict that, or hurry it along. Our chances for a reversal
are slim to none, I'm afraid. You should keep digging, learn everything you
can for the appeal, which we'll base on points not covered during the trial.
Your press conference helped a lot."

"Maybe. But none of the reporters seemed fired up by what they heard."

"Lake, rest assured, members of the supreme court read the story in the
Progress. And it could have an impact. Like everyone else, they're influenced
by the media."

I gave Savoy my impressions of the Funk-Emprise-Bolles battle that began in
1969, spilled into the 1972 Pepper Committee hearings, had hardly settled
when the Republic pulled Bolles off the story in 1973, and then could have
flared again shortly before the bombing with Bradley Funk finding out his
ex-wife had talked to the reporter about preparations for her incendiary

A dozen times I'd read Funk's hearing testimony, full of bullet-dodging
ramblings and excessive preoccupation with Bolles and "the conspiracy." Then,
in 1976, shortly before the bombing, up popped Funk's recurring nightmare.
Perhaps this time Funk feared the reporter had honed his expository pen
scalpelsharp-not to peel away layers covering a questionable business
arrangement but to publicly eviscerate Funk's personal secrets. If Funk knew
that Bolles nosed around his ex-wife's lawsuit, what must have gone on in his

Betty Funk Richardson told Detective Marcus Aurelius about Bolles showing up
at a child support hearing: "He just sat there and glared at Brad, and I love
him for it. I think Don's been kicked around and around and made to look
ridiculous for years. And finally when they couldn't shake him, they tried to
destroy him. I hope Don becomes a Jesus Christ ... and you all rally around
the poor guy and recognize what he's been fighting alone."

Attorney General Robert Corbin, who took over the Bolles case in 1978 when
Bruce Babbitt became governor, twice described Bradley Funk as a "contingency
suspect" in the murder. Whatever that means, the Phoenix police interviewed
Funk for less than one minute, suggesting they get together later with the
racetrack magnate "to talk." But that talk never took place.

Why not? I asked Savoy. What kind of police investigation was this?

I'd never accepted the alleged motive for the murder, that Kemper Marley
ordered the hit because a newspaper story cost him a post on the racing
commission. But since that first night reading the discovery, I'd learned
Marley had lost his bid for the position before the Bolles article. The weak
motive had turned into no motive.

I felt discouraged and shackled with the defense apparently unable to use the
new information. Dammit, I fumed to myself, Robison and Dunlap should be out
on bail, awaiting a new trial.

But sitting there in Savoy's office, I couldn't even be sure they would be
retried. Prosecutors had gone to great lengths to convict them on the
flimsiest evidence—simply Adamson's testimony—and it was nose-on-the-face
clear that the only "solution" to the case the powers that be wanted was the
one they had now. I wondered what else they feared would be found, and
assured Savoy as I left his office that I'd continue to look.

"Absolutely," he said. "As a private investigator you're not hampered by a
state bar or canon of ethics that restricts lawyers from dealing with the
press during a pending criminal action. Stay with it. You're filling our
quiver with arrows for a new trial after the appeal is denied."

On January 20 I sat opposite Max Dunlap in the drab little room at Arizona
State Prison and updated him on my activities, including news that the
Playboy Foundation had agreed to contribute financially to the investigation.
I had been visiting Max 

[CTRL] [12] Loud and Clear

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman©1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps — out-of-print/one edition



In mid-February 1979, Terri Lee and I had dinner with Don and Naomi Devereux.
I'd been seeing a lot of Terri, socially as well as professionally—movies,
candlelight dinners, late-night sessions coordinating the mass of
investigative material into a coherent, workable whole. This evening Devereux
thought a relaxed, roundtable exchange of ideas on what we knew individually
and collectively about the case would help.

 But first we ate, and I continued to be pleased with how well Terri and
Naomi hit it off. They got along great on a personal level-talking about
clothes, fun places, the Devereux children—and as members of an investigative
team, they meshed like movements in a Swiss watch.

From working with Don on migrant labor articles, plus investigating the
Bolles case, Naomi was a research whiz. She had volunteered to show Terri how
to research court records, a task she did for Don and I needed Terri to do
for me.

Terri had located the Pepper Committee transcripts, and then continued with
interviews, court record checks, and newspaper files to learn everything she
could about Bolles's old nemesis Bradley Funk.

The Funk family, Terri explained after we'd eaten, traced its roots in
Arizona almost to the turn of the century—a long time in the last contiguous
state admitted to the Union (1912). The Funks, ranked among the Arizona
elite, used profits from a booming jewelry business to build Arizona's first
dog-racing track in the mid-1940s, and the gambling business proved a
bonanza. They parlayed one track into half a dozen, the only six in the
state, which the family co-owned with Emprise. However, the state audit
Bolles referred to at the Pepper Committee hearing revealed that the Funks
owed Emprise a lot of money and had pledged their fifty percent interest in
the tracks to Emprise as collateral.

In the late 1960s Bolles began publishing articles about the Funks' friendly
relationship with racing commissioners, who were supposed to regulate the
pari-mutuel industry. After he wrote about his phone being tapped, and other
serious privacy violations, the Funks had filed their lawsuit, claiming
Bolles, Steiger, and the Arizona Republic were trying to "ruin" them.

Terri suspected Emprise had its hand in this lawsuit. Attorneys call it the
"chilling effect" —turning profit-conscious publishers cold to the idea of
running exposes from fear of costly legal action. Often, the claimant, after
making sure the publisher has expended a great deal of money in pretrial
preparation, drops the lawsuit. Regardless, even if the Arizona Republic had
won—and it probably would have since the Pepper Committee said the Funks and
Emprise were the ones employing false accusations—the victory would have been

In reality, the "chilling effect" won out. The Republic's secret out-of-court
settlement with the Funks reportedly promised not to run any more articles
about the dog-track scandal. On his own, Bolles continued to probe
pari-mutuel racing in Arizona and Emprise, but he never wrote another story
on either subject.

"How about Brad Funk personally?" I asked Terri.

"Before the murder he was a very heavy drinker. A loud, abusive drunk. After
the bombing, but before Bolles died, Funk checked into an alcohol
rehabilitation center near San Diego, called Beverly Manor. I suspect the
reason had more to do with removing himself from the jurisdiction of Arizona
authorities than with fighting his drinking problem."

I needed to nose around Beverly Manor and see what I could learn. Too many
people had left Phoenix right after the bombing: the one-legged gambler, Hank
Landry, who overheard Roberts's "loud and clear" remark, vanished into thin
air; Adamson flew to Havasu; Funk went to Beverly Manor.

"Did Funk know Adamson?"

"The police think he did. They looked into Adamson's past and found witnesses
who claimed to have seen a drunken Bradley Funk being helped into his car by

"How about Funk and Neal Roberts?"

"Regular drinking buddies at the Ivanhoe."

"And Adamson hung out there every day," I added. "He used it as his office.
That's not a big bar. It would be virtually impossible for him not to know

"Right," Terri said. "Nobody denies Adamson and Roberts were good friends."

"Anything else on Funk?"

"Little things. Maybe important, maybe not. He went to Phoenix North High
School with Max Dunlap. His family is understandably close with Kemper
Marley, also a member of that tiny elite circle that largely controls affairs
in this state."

Terri Lee was our team's resident expert on Bradley Funk; and Don Devereux
knew more than any of us about Barry Goldwater.

"Goldwater," said Devereux, "his brother Bob, and former Republican State
Chairman Harry Rosenzweig have been the movers and 


1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: George X. Kambic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 11:13 AM

 On July 18, 1947, witnesses claim a spaceship with five aliens
 on board crashed on a sheep and cattle ranch outside Roswell,
 New Mexico, an incident they say was covered up by the military.

 On May 31, 1948, nine months after the Roswell incident, Al Gore
 was born.

 That clears up a lot of things.  News at 11:00.

 George X. Kambic
 kambic @ ct.picker.com
 Voice: 440.473.2557
 Fax: 440.473.7098

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: signoff

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Best wishes, Colleen.
The list won't be the same without you.

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/25/99 8:26:42 AM, you wrote:

 I am having trouble signing off list.  Please take my name off.

  Sorry to see ya go. I hope there are no bad feelings. chris was causing
 unneeded disruption.

 He hasn't been kicked off; he cannot mail but still receive.

 I always enjoy your take on items.



 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] the culture of intolerance (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message 
  Citation: American Political Science Review March 1999, v.93,
   1, 193(1)
Author:  Affigne, Tony
 Title: The Culture of Intolerance: Chauvinism, Class and Racism
   in the United States.(Review) reviewed by Tony Affigne

COPYRIGHT 1999 American Political Science Association
  By Mark Nathan Cohen. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. 320p.
  Tony Affigne, Providence College
  For the most part, political science has held itself well back from the
cutting edge of race theory. As a general rule, political scientists have
adopted minimalist approaches to explicating the racial upheavals of recent
decades. Perhaps we find it easier to squeeze "new" racial variables into
familiar equations developed from earlier, whiter generations of data than to
reconsider our basic assumptions. We have left most of the really hard
thinking about the American scholar's own racial attitudes, and how these
affect our work, to practitioners of the sister sciences, especially
sociology, anthropology, and history. If greater knowledge and cross-cultural
understanding are the solution, then much of political science has been, the
author of Culture of Intolerance might argue, part of the problem.
  Many political scientists will thus want to, and should, read this engaging
and well-crafted book by anthropologist Mark Nathan Cohen, an eminent scholar
best known for histories of human health and the development of agriculture.
Conversant in human prehistory and evolution, comparative culture, language,
and social organization, Cohen synthesizes from these disparate fields an
impressive argument against racism and for cultural relativism and tolerance.
How, the author wonders, might our society overcome its profound cultural
chauvinism, especially white racism, the peculiar and persistent prejudice
that sets European and European colonial culture above all others?
  In part, Cohen's book is a critique of Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell
Curve (1994), which proclaimed that social inequality springs from natural
inferiority among those at the bottom of society (as "proven" by IQ tests).
Following a flash of early notoriety, The Bell Curve has faded somewhat, due
in part to persuasive, unanswered criticism from the very sciences on which
Herrnstein and Murray avowedly based their conclusions - genetics and
cognitive psychology. The History and Geography of Human Genes (by geneticist
Luca Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994), for example, as well as Inequality by
Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth (sociologist Claude S. Fischer et al.,
1996), and The Mismeasure of Man (paleoanthropologist Stephen Jay Gould,
1996), exposed The Bell Curve's most serious flaws: egregious
misinterpretation of psychometric data and reliance on discredited theories
predating the emergence of molecular genetics.
  Cohen attacks The Bell Curve's underlying thesis of natural inferiority from
a different direction, however, applying insights from cultural anthropology.
The aptitude tests on which the Herrnstein/Murray arguments were based, for
example, are culturally biased instruments, favoring test-takers familiar with
white, middle-class, North American conventions and experiences. Other equally
valid knowledge, and other forms of intelligence, are not recognized or
measured. But if ours were actually the best and most advanced culture, as
Allan Bloom (The Closing of the American Mind, 1987) and others have argued,
perhaps this bias would be less problematic.
  Cohen's argument goes farther, however (after all, the cultural-bias
criticism of IQ tests is well established), and directly challenges the
central theses of Eurocentrism: that Western cultures are superior to others
and that nonwhite peoples and groups are inherently deficient, as individuals
and as cultures. In reality, Cohen writes, intact cultures successfully serve
similar purposes in diverse ways and can hardly be rank-ordered according to
some universal criterion of quality.
  It is true, Cohen acknowledges, that all cultures set themselves apart,
preferring their own practices to others, to solve in distinctive ways
universal problems of human community. Cultural self-importance, in other
words, may be a nearly universal trait. All cultures are capable of, if not
predisposed to, such parochialism. Furthermore, just as translating from one
language to another inevitably yields mistakes of nuance and context, our
efforts to comprehend entire cultures, with much deeper differences of
weltanschauung, social convention, and meaning, are prone to more dramatic
errors of interpretation. Some degree of misunderstanding may be inescapable.
  But, Cohen reminds us, most cultures "have been less militaristic than ours
and less able to defend themselves or to commit large-scale aggression" (p.
61). As a result the 

[CTRL] a tribe of budding supermen (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

  Citation: The American Prospect March-April 1998, n37, p86(5)
Author:  Purdy, Jedediah S.
 Title: The God of the digerati. (Wired magazine) by Jedediah
   S. Purdy

COPYRIGHT 1998 The American Prospect, Inc.
   "No ambition, however extravagant, no fantasy, however outlandish, can any
longer be dismissed as crazy or impossible. This is the age when you can
finally do it all. . . . You can become whatever you want to be." This bold
invitation stretches across the first few pages of the October 1994 issue of
Wired magazine, emblazoned over a computer-generated, Dali-esque landscape
populated by transparent human forms whose brains, muscles, and entrails are
tangles of silicon chips and fiber-optic cable. The phrases echo a favorite
slogan of Wired editor Kevin Kelly: "We are as gods, and we might as well get
good at it." Do these proposals amount to the same thing? Should we accept
them? And, if we do, what might be the consequences for our culture and
   These questions are not idle. Wired is the lifestyle magazine par
excellence--the chapbook of tastes, taboos, and aspirations--for the shock
troops of the. information economy. More than 300,000 readers earn their
average annual income of over $80,000 designing, selling, and hacking the
computing systems that increasingly shape everyone's workplace, home, and
civic life. More than any other group's, their job description includes
designing the future. Wired outfits that future, announcing which ideas and
products are "wired" and which "tired"; keeping up a "jargon watch" so that
readers will know to say "lifestyle reboot," not "power cocooning"; pointing
out the goods and manner that bring "street cred," as in credibility; and
holding forth on "fetishes," the super-goods of the super-wired.
   Prominent among the magazine's fetishes is a new brand of libertarianism,
the hoary political temperament that thinks of government as serving only to
iron out a few inconveniences that arise between private individuals, and
otherwise staying out of the way. Wired exchanges the gray woolens of
conventional, economically minded libertarianism for the shimmering colors and
romantic rhetoric of a technologically enhanced Friedrich Nietzsche. The
magazine heralds a nascent political culture, a Nietzschean libertarianism.
   Nietzsche, the German philosopher and iconoclast who died in 1900, has been
the perennial source of twentieth-century efforts to break the chains of the
past and create an entirely new intellectual and moral universe. He thought
that all the old myths of religion, nation, and philosophy had failed and that
people found themselves for the first time in a world without gods or magic.
While desperately painful, this situation presented an opportunity. Christian
morality, with its secular avatar, liberal democracy, had oppressed the most
strong-willed and charismatic individuals, drawing them into its cult of
meekness and sowing self-contempt with the doctrine that humanity is
essentially sinful. With this burden lifted, the strongest individuals could
create new myths, remake themselves as they wished, and form communities of
the equally strong and like-minded. They would become, in the unfortunately
popular phrase, supermen.
   Wired styles its readership a tribe of budding supermen. The magazine's
first issue declared boldly, "Wired is about the most powerful people on the
planet today--the Digital Generation." Publisher Louis Rossetto prefers the
term digerati, a play on literati, for the new economic and, increasingly,
cultural elite. This elite not only enjoys the usual perquisites of its
position, but anticipates expensive biological and electronic advances that
promise people the capacity to tinker with themselves in unprecedented ways.
The quote that begins this essay comes from a leader of the Extropians,
favorites of editor Kevin Kelly's. The Extropians are committed to "turning
humanity into something far superior" through technology, espousing "a
philosophy of freedom from limitations of any kind." Those who can afford it
will eventually be able to overcome mortality by "downloading" consciousness
into computers, where it will survive forever as disembodied mind, perhaps
helped along by robotic accessories and virtual-reality sensations. They are
equally committed to pharmaceutical, surgical, and other ways of concentrating
and expanding the power of the mind. They also "hate government" and wish to
develop wholly voluntary communities governed by "spontaneous order."
   Extreme as they are, the Extropians are representative lunatics. In "Birth
of a Digital Nation," a piece that aspires to take a generational pulse,
contributing editor Jon Katz writes that the zeitgeist honors "relying on
oneself to be the captain of one's ship and 

[CTRL] Religion and the Racist Right (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message -
 Title: Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the
   Christian Identity Movement.(Review) reviewed by

COPYRIGHT 1999 University of Chicago
  BARKUN, MICHAEL. Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian
Identity Movement. Rev. ed. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
1997. xv+330 pp. $39.95 (paper).
  The Christian Identity movement has not been the object of extensive study
in the field of American religious history. The revised edition of Religion
and the Racist Right, Michael Barkun's latest book, rectifies this deficiency
with admirable scholarship.
  The Gospel according to Christian Identity bears little resemblance to the
message of salvation presented in the Bible. Instead, it incited the criminal
activities of the Posse Comitatus in the last decade. It also motivated ten
men to join the Order, a terrorist cell that robbed armored cars in Washington
state and assassinated a Jewish radio personality in Denver.
  Some years later, in 1992, Identity compelled Randy Weaver into a showdown
with federal agents in Idaho. It also prompted Richard Wayne Snell to murder a
black state trooper in Arkansas. Snell was executed for this crime on April
19, 1995, a date marked by the denouement of Timothy McVeigh's bomb plot in
Oklahoma City.
  Identity presently justifies the siege mentality of sects like Aryan
Nations; Christian-Patriots Defense League; Covenant, Sword and Arm of the
Lord; Elohim City; and Montana Freemen.
  In terms of lineage, Christian Identity is a militarized version of the
genteel British-Israelism embraced by ultramonarchists at the height of the
British Empire and transported to North American parlors as one of many
fin-de-siecle religious novelties. Both systems teach that the Nordic races of
Europe are descended from the "Ten Lost Tribes" of Israel, those dispersed by
invading Assyrians seven centuries before Christ. Both systems, therefore,
insist that Nordics are the chosen people of God.
  The first generation of Identity adherents, however, went to great lengths
in divesting Jewry of the same status. Appalled by Zionism's conquest of
Palestine in 1948, teachers intoned that Jews are the biological offspring of
an unholy union between Eve and Satan. The sermons of Bertrand Comparet,
Conrad Gaard, Jonathan Perkins, and Wesley Swift systematized this doctrine.
Although the commitment of political agitators like cryptofascist Gerald Smith
to Identity is uncertain, during the 1950s Smith secured extensive support
from the new religious movement.
  Personal connections spawned two subsequent generations of professional
misanthropes in ministerial garb. These dumped the fusty monarchism, abstruse
pyramidism, and philosemitism of early British-Israel ideologues. Identity, by
contrast, viewed the exalted role of Nordics in God's plans from the
perspective of the populist mindset that colors American religious practice.
Richard Butler, Sheldon Emry, and James Warner represented the second
generation of Identity preachers, while Carl Franklin, Bob Hallstrom, and Pete
Peters represent the current one.
  The demonization of Jews within Christian Identity placed believers in a
precarious tension with society, which Barkun calls the "dynamic of withdrawal
and engagement" (p. 251). Identity zealots, for example, physically separate
themselves from a society that is perceived to be almost wholly corrupted by
an omnipotent enemy. Consequently, in the 1970s, Identity churches shifted
their base of operations from southern California to the Rocky Mountain
states, where militants aspired to found an Aryan Republic.
  At the same time, Identity sects amassed enormous arsenals in order to do
battle with the minions of the "Zionist Occupation Government" that controls
the White House. A gun-waving "post-tribulationism," Barkun observes, is an
important eschatological teaching separating Identity disciples from most
American Protestants (the latter anticipate an imminent second coming of
  Although the historical and theological treatment of Identity is impeccable,
Barkun fails to substantiate the main contention of the book's revised
edition. This consists of the assertion that McVeigh was in some fashion
inspired by Identity. Federal prosecutors, however, demonstrated that The
Turner Diaries (Washington, D.C., 1980), penned by William Pierce, a neo-Nazi
who deprecates Christian Identity, served as the master plan. Still, several
points are worth noting.
  First, Barkun contextualizes the intellectual history that unites the
otherwise organizationally fractured racist right in the United States. A
crucial bond is the "cultic milieu," an environment of ideas characterized by
"rejected knowledge" and condemned by elites (p. 247). Second, Barkun 

[CTRL] Fw: What's New for Jun 25, 1999

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: What's New [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 25 Jun 99   Washington, DC

Let us know what's right and what's wrong with What's New.

estimated 5000 nuclear weapons scientists and other employees
will be tested.  Yet, "There is almost universal agreement that
polygraph screening is completely invalid," FBI polygraph expert
Dr. Drew Richardson asserts.  (Richardson taught his 10-year-old
son to beat the test.)  In 1997 Senate testimony, Richardson
warned, "To the extent that we place any confidence in the
results of polygraph screening, and as a consequence shortchange
traditional security vetting techniques, I think our national
security is severely jeopardized."  Critics contend that the test
measures general anxiety, nothing more.  In addition, there is a
potential for false confessions from traumatized examinees. Mark
Mallah, a former FBI agent deemed deceptive by a polygraph exam
and cleared after a 2-year investigation, says, "In all its
history, the polygraph has not detected one single spy. Ever."

3. DOE: WHAT LIES AHEAD?   Former Senator Warren Rudman and DOE
Secretary Bill Richardson testified before the House and Senate
this week.  Describing the "dysfunctional department," Rudman
says that while it took less than 3 years to build the atomic
bomb, it takes the DOE more than 4 years to fix the lock on a
door to a secure area. Rudman is pushing for a semi-autonomous
nuclear weapons agency within the DOE, while Richardson is
struggling to keep the weapons labs under his full authority.
Congress, it appears, is preparing to do some restructuring of
the department.  Rep. Floyd Spence (R-SC) sums it up, "The bottom
line: fundamental change is necessary and long overdue."

4. **FLASH**  DOE Assistant Secretary Victor Reis, in charge of
the nuclear weapons complex, is being forced to resign today.

created the EMF Research and Public Information Dissemination
(EMF-RAPID) program.  DOE pulled the plug on RAPID two years ago
(WN 4 Apr 97) after an NRC report concluded that there are no
health effects (WN 1 Nov 96).  The NRC now has completed a review
of the RAPID program and recommends that "no further special
research program focused on possible health effects of power-line
EMF be funded."  But the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences issued its own review last week concluding that
although there is no laboratory evidence of health effects, the
possibility that a weak statistical association between EMF
exposure and leukemia is due to EMF "cannot be completely
discounted"; therefore, "meritorious" research should continue.

(Helene Grossman contributed to this week's WN.)

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY  (Note: Opinions are the author's and
are not necessarily shared by the APS, but they should be.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Friday, June 25, 1999

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

subject: AANEWS for June 25, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #597 ~~ 6/25/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

  In This Issue...
   * N.J. "Creator" recitation proposal sparks walkout
   * Picket the Promise Keepers tomorrow in Detroit
   * Alabama AG is "Pontius Pilate" for not handling Moore case
   * Psychic didn't see it coming...
   * Resources
   * About this list...


A proposal to force school children to recite passages of the
Declaration of Independence, including a part which refers to a
"Creator" could be in trouble after two senators stormed out of a
committee hearing on the bill yesterday.  According to the Trenton
Times newspaper, "The walkout effectively ended any chance of the
measure being enacted before the beginning of the new school year."

The State Assembly had approved a bill sponsored by Assemblyman
Michael Carrol, requiring all public school youngsters to recite
passages from the Declaration of Independence.  This included: "We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed."  Carrol defended his proposal, saying, "These two sentences
are the basis of everything America has become."

While the measure passed 56-10, it ran into problems during
yesterday's discussion in the Senate Commerce Committee after chairman
Sen.  Gerald Cardinale (R-Demarest) claimed that the "education
community" was incapable of teaching democratic principles in public
schools.  Cardinale also suggested that the proposal bypass the Senate
Education Committee.  At that point, committee members including Sens.
Jack Sinagra and Robert Singer, two Republicans, walked out.  Singer
later characterized Cardinale's remarks as "insulting to the entire
education community."

Sen.  Garry Furnari (D-Nutley) left the hearing shortly after Singer
and Sinagra, and opined that the bill belonged in the education
committee.  Cardinale, in the meantime, is pressuring Senate President
Donald DiFrancesco to post the measure for a full vote sometime today.

Cardinale's version of the bill amends the Assembly proposal and
broadens the list of documents children would be required to recite
from.  That has made the legislation more palatable to some officials,
including those who wanted the "all men are created equal" passage and
similar phrases to be amended to "all people."  Under Cardinale's
version, schools would be required to provide a historical context of
why certain documents only mention men.  No such explanation, though,
is given to the "Creator" reference, and its possible origins in the
Deism of the Enlightenment period.

American Atheists New Jersey State Director Dave Silverman has
characterized the "Creator" recital proposal as a ruse to violate the
separation of church and state.  "I think it's pretty obvious that
this is related to the school prayer issue," Silverman told AANEWS
recently.  He added that attempts to sanitize certain phrases or
include other documents for recitation were a "smokescreen" to divert
attention from the religious elements of the legislation.  "The
intention isn't to talk about diversity or equality," Silverman
declared.  "It's to get religion into school any way you can."

The proposal comes just as Congress has passed a slew of symbolic
measures, including one that allows states to display copies of the
Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.  Last weekend, though,
comments published in the Newark Star-Ledger newspaper warned that if
the proposal becomes law and is carried out in New Jersey, "a legal
battle would surely follow."  Aside from having a growing and
well-organized network of Atheists and separationists, New Jersey is
the focus of a U.S.  Supreme Court ruling in 1994 involving Black
Horse Pike Regional High School in Camden County which led to the
prohibition of student-initiated prayer at graduation ceremonies.
Several school district superintendents expressed reluctance to meld
religion into the classroom routine; referring to the Commandments
decree from Washington, one commented "It's just kind of sad that we
are at this point...  I'm not crazy about the idea, but in these
times, there is going to be a lot of these ideas."


[CTRL] Collection of Material From the Book Matrix III

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 24 Jun 1999 21:59:44 -0500
From:   "Mark A. LeCuyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Collection of Material From the Book "Matrix III"

Source: The Sovreign Scribe
P.O. BOX 350 McKenna, WA. 98558

Interview provided courtesy of QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS.

This is a collection of Material from the book "Matrix III" (The
Psocho-Social, Chemical, Biological, and Electronic Manipulation of
Human Consciousness), from Valdamar Valerian, First Edition Printing
May 1992, Copyright 1992 Valdamar Valerian.
Adress: Leading Edge Research, P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington State

Interview with Al Bielek 1991

Al Bielek, noted lecturer on the famous "Philadelphia Experiment" and the
time travel/mind control experiments of the "Montauk Project," recently
spoke with The Scribe interview team in Yelm.

Bielek gave an update on the current use of mind control and psychic
warfare, and also offered a more detailed account of his experience in the
Montauk Project. Montauk, also known as the Phoenix Project, used Bielek
and his brother Duncan Cameron, to explore the underground cities of

SS: Sovereign Scribe - AB: Al Bielek

SS: Regarding your experience on Mars you walked through the time
tunnel, you take a step and you're on Mars: What did you see?

AB: Well I was not on the surface of Mars. We were in the underground. The
story goes back to the Alternative 3 book, the TV production in England
outlining the fact that we have Mars bases, one or more, Provided by a
joint operation with the US. government. I do not know if the Russians are
in on it - and aliens. They are on the surface bases It's a World
Government operation really, that's not strictly the United States

After they were on the surface which was about 1969, they found that
there where entrances to the underground sealed and they knew there
was something down there. The rumors were that there was probably
artifacts from an ancient civilization buried underground because
there were a lot of remains above ground, ruined cities that have been
there by NASA's estimates maybe 300,000 years, 250,000 years. But they
found the entrances all blocked, all scaled off to any underground areas.
So the word went back through communications (in the late 70's) to
whomever back to the Montauk and Phoenix project, "Can you do anything
about this for us? We can't get into the underground of Mars." They said,
"Yes, I think we can. Give us some coordinates on the surface of the
planet. We'll have to run astronomical computation." Which they did and
plugged these all into the computer. They wanted two people to go and it
happened to be Duncan and myself.

SS: Why two?

AB: To corroborate what the other one saw and also in case there was
any problems in the underground. They didn't really know what was down

So they sent us and we went up there in the underground. [Using the
Montauk Time-Space "Tunnel" device, developed as a result of the
Philadelphia Experiment. (See Scribe issues 9,13 and 14.)] There was a
problem with light. We had to take lighting with us at the time. Lateron,
if I remember, we found some of their light sources and turned those on.
We found eventually that the last remnants of the Martians, if you wish to
call them that, died in the underground between 10 and 20,000 years ago
estimate, and they left everything they had of their civilization
underground. We found enormous amounts of statuary which appeared to

SS: What did they look like? How big were they?

AB: Typically 6,7,8 foot tall, stone, gems embedded in them and so

SS. These were of human-like people?

AB: Yes. They were quite well preserved. Then we found archives. We
found a lot of scientific equipment. We found electronic equipment
down there; tons and tons of stuff. And the rumor was also later that ...
I didn't recall until Duncan reminded me of it about a week ago. he said,
"Don't forget the 17,000 metric tons of Martian gold they took out.
According to his recollection of it, it was very strange gold. It was 5
times denser than ours. It was worth an unbelievable fortune. Where it
went we have no idea, but it was returned to Montauk and from there it
went somewhere. There were several authorized trips. And Duncan and I
the bright idea since everything was in the computer let's take a trip or
two on our own and do our own exploring. So we did. After the second one
it was found out and we were stopped. That was when he got into the
archives and found enormous records of the civilization which was buried
down there.

SS: What did you find out?

AB: He as the one that read them. I couldn't read them.

SS. He didn't tell you?

AB: No. Well he did at the time but I can't remember any of it now.
It's a very strange memory. On again, off again, and that part of it
was never made clear 

[CTRL] Iraqiana: 06-25-99

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From WorldTribune
 U.S. balks at arming Iraqi opposition

 Friday, June 25, 1999

 WASHINGTON [MENL] -- As Saddam Hussein has reportedly authorized the
 assassinations of U.S.-backed opposition forces, the United States
 maintains that such opponents of the Iraqi ruler are not ready to be

 Elizabeth Jones, deputy U.S. assistant secretary of state for Near
 Eastern affairs, termed as "premature" calls to arm the Iraqi
 opposition. She said the administration is supplying such help as
 broadcast and other communications devices as part of the $97 million
 in aid approved in October 1998.

 "There are a host of issues that must be resolved before we can have
 confidence that providing arms to the Iraqi opposition would advance
 our objectives of promoting a change of regime and not just lead to
 more Iraqis being killed unnecessarily," Ms. Jones said in a Wednesday
 hearing to the Senate Foreign Relations' subcommittee on Near Eastern
 and South Asian Affairs. "One requirement is a credible, broad-based,
 Iraqi political umbrella movement that can authoritatively articulate
 a future vision for those Iraqis who now lack a voice in their own

 Ms. Jones said Washington has detected "a serious hesitancy among the
 people of Iraq" to participate in a revolution. She cited the fear of
 reprisals by Saddam's regime.

 Congressional leaders want to increase the pace of U.S. assistance to
 Iraqi opposition groups in an intensified effort to oust Saddam. "We
 need to get moving," said subcommittee Chairman Sam Brownback, a
 Republican from Kansas. "I don't want Saddam to outlast another
 American president."

 Brownback said Iraqi opposition leaders are unifying. Over the last
 month, both Iraqi opposition leaders as well as Kurdish leaders from
 northern Iraq have met in Washington with U.S. administration
 officials and congressional leaders.

 Ahmed Chalabi, the Washington representative of the Iraqi National
 Congress, a London-based umbrella group for the Iraqi opposition,
 agreed with Brownback.

 "It is time for bold action," Chalabi said. "The Iraq National
 Congress calls upon the United States and its allies to recognize what
 is already fact: that the United States and its allies are at war with
 Saddam's regime. Last summer, it was proven that Saddam had ballistic
 missile warheads loaded with deadly VX -- nerve gas -- an active
 biological weapons program, and the potential for nuclear weapons in
 less than a year."

 "In addition, over a thousand political prisoners have been executed
 in the so-called prison-cleansing campaign," Chalabi said. "Iraqis are
 dying now. It is not useful to say that any further, more aggressive
 moves against Saddam would get Iraqis killed, because Saddam is
 killing Iraqis now."

 The INC is planning to hold a national assembly meeting in July. No
 venue has been announced.

 Arab sources report that Saddam has authorized his son, Qusay, to
 train hit squads to assassinate or intimidate exile leaders who have
 launched an effort to oust the Iraqi president. Over the past month,
 Iraqi and Kurdish leaders have met in Washington in a U.S.-financed

 Saddam's efforts include a reshuffle of his security and intelligence
 services and offers of amnesty to Iraqis who fled their country. Among
 the appointments was that of Saddam's personal secretary Abdul Hamid
 Hamoud General Ayed Alhaj.

 The London-based Yemen News reports that Saddam's "Fedayeen" led by
 Qusay are training for missions inside and outside Iraq. "It is
 believed that such missions may include intimidation and assassination
 of Iraqi opposition in the Middle East and Europe," the service said.

 Friday, June 25, 1999

 Contact World Tribune.com at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From ArabicNews.CoM

 Iraq confirms readiness to normalize relations with Kuwait, Saudi
 Arabia Iraq, Politics, 6/7/99

 Nizar Hamdoun, the under secretary of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry,
 stated that his country will not cooperate with the UN Security
 Council for free, saying that uplifting the sanctions imposed on Iraq
 is considered a condition for future cooperation with the council.

 In press statements he made in Manama at the conclusion of a visit to
 Bahrain during which he met with Emir Hamad Bin Issa al-Khalifa and
 high-ranking officials Hamdoun urged the UN Security Council to
 fulfill its commitment, especially after Iraq's cooperation with the
 council through eight years.

 He said, "Uplifting the siege off the Iraqi people has become an Arab
 public demand," and he assured his country's readiness to normalize
 relations with all Arab states, including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
 emphasizing that Iraq "does not form a threat to anyone."

 Iraq reiterates non-cooperation with inspection teams formed by UN
 Security Council Iraq, Politics, 6/7/99

 Iraq restated that it will not cooperate with the different committees
 formed by the United Nations Security 

[CTRL] Vaccination Information

1999-06-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:ZNet Commentary June 25 Cynthia Peters
Date sent:  Fri, 25 Jun 1999 08:55:16 +0100

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Cynthia Peters. The
file is the same material in nicely formatted html so that you can
read it
in your browser if you wish.

To pass this comment along to friends, relatives, etc. please note
the Commentaries are a premium sent to monthly donors to Z/ZNet and
to learn more about the project folks can consult ZNet
(http://www.zmag.org) and specifically the Commentary Page

Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


ZNet Commentary
June 25, 1999

Chicken Pox?!
By Cynthia Peters

Many times during the past week, I wished my kids had been vaccinated
against chickenpox. It's a miserable disease, and I hated to see them
suffer through it.But overall, it's a fairly mild disease when left to run
its course among children. Children with chickenpox rarely experience
complications. Adults, pregnant women, and immuno-suppressed people
experience much more severe cases and sometimes death. The chickenpox
vaccine - Varivax - is not currently "required." However, the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends it, and it seems likely to follow in the
wake of the other standard (and currently required) vaccines against
childhood illnesses - measles, mumps and rubella. So is there a problem?
Should we not be grateful to Merck - the maker of the vaccine - for saving
us from this significant annoyance? Bringing a layperson's curiosity,
parental concern for my own little ones soaking in their oatmeal baths,
and an inbred distrust of large pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, I
dipped into the available literature on the chickenpox vaccine - a book
from my library, numerous newspaper articles, medical journals, and
various web sites. Following are some of my concerns:

The vaccine is known to provide only temporary immunity, whereas actually
contracting the disease is known to provide life-long immunity. Providing
temporary immunity to children could drive chicken pox disease into the
older adult population where it can cause many more deaths and

Merck - the pharmaceutical company that makes the chickenpox vaccine - has
been ordered by the FDA to follow vaccinated children for 15 years to
better understand how long they can expect to enjoy immunity. Clearly,
individuals need to be studied much longer - 80 years and more - to know
whether the vaccine's immunity follows them into old age. On the topic of
longitudinal studies, how do we address the fact that varicella and its
human hosts have been evolving together for thousands of years? Varicella
developed the important knack of not killing off its host. Instead, it
just causes minor illness, spreads easily through groups of children, and
then lays dormant in the nerve cells until it (occasionally) emerges
decades later as shingles. This painful re-emergence of the varicella
virus makes the victim contagious for chickenpox. Anyone without immunity
who comes into contact with someone with shingles is likely to come away
with chickenpox. Thus, the ingenious varicella virus survives in its host,
reactivating itself decades later with the ability to infect a whole new
population of children.

In the process of fighting off chicken pox, children's immune systems go
through the important exercise of identifying an unfriendly viral invader
and rallying the body's resources to develop the proper antibodies in
response. Some doctors believe that childhood illnesses such as chickenpox
provide a training opportunity to the immune system, arming it with the
"knowledge" and "experience" of fighting off disease that come in handy
later on in life.

Furthermore, adult immune systems already equipped with chickenpox
antibodies, continue to get stronger and develop as they come into contact
with the varicella virus. Pediatricians who frequently see children with
chickenpox tend to have powerful antibodies to the disease, and, so,
rarely contract shingles later in life. During this last week and a half,
in the process of taking care of my virus-ridden children, my immune
system geared up against the disease, produced extra antibodies, and
perhaps further refined itself, equipping me with disease-fighting power.

Is there any value to this immune system training? I don't know for sure.
The question has not been studied. When Merck tracks the effect of the
chickenpox vaccine, they do not ask what the cost to our immune system is.
But they do look at short-term financial trade-offs. The vaccine costs
about $40 per child, the argument goes. The annual cost to "society" of
hospitalizations and lost work is estimated to be more than $400 million
by the 

[CTRL] PANAMA CANAL-a Bard Bomb on the NWO Elites! Carter's perfidious fraud on America!

1999-06-25 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was still a long way from consolidating his grip on
Russia in 1919 when he penned the introduction to TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE
WORLD, an adulatory account of the Bolshevik triumph by Harvard-educated
American Communist John Reed.
Comrade Reed recorded in his book (printed by the Communist Party's
International Publishers) this official demand of the Reds:

"All straits opening into inland seas, as well as the Suez and Panama
Canals, are to be neutralized."


With all opinion polls in 1976 showing massive public opposition (over 
percent) to any surrender of u.S. sovereignty over the Canal, candidate
Carter (CFR) had promised during the campaign NEVER to give up the strategic
isthmus passage.

That PLEDGE could not be allowed to stand in the way of the Insiders' 
world order, however.

On HIS FIRST DAY AS PRESIDENT, he signed the order to commence
negotiations to surrender the Canal.

(Folks, Does this or does this not mean that the peanut-farmer Carter (CFR)
committed a treasonous act?)

...the Carter-Torrijos treaties are patently invalid on purely legal grounds
since the parties did not ratify the same documents.  And ... the treaties
are null and void on the following counts as well:

1.  Article IV of the Constitution, requiring both houses of Congress to
dispose of territory and property, was by-passed when the Senate and White
House transferred the Canal and Zone alone.

2.  Treaties, like laws, must be repealed by both houses of Congress;
repeal of the 1903 treaty was NOT voted on by the House and therefore the
treaty legally remains in force.

3.  These actions violated the separation of powers doctrine which is the
bedrock of our system of governance.

4.  No plebiscite was held in Panama on changes made to the original
document that the voters approved.

5.  Panama's constitution requires that country's president to sign
treaties;  Omar Torrijos signed, whereas Demetrio Lakas was president.

The 1903 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty between the united States and Panama gave
the U. S. sovereignty in perpetuity over the Canal and Zone.

Definition of Perpetuity:

1.  lasting forever;
2.  something perpetual, as a pension to be paid indefinitely;
3.  unlimited time;  eternity--in perpetuity forever.

Source:  Webster's New World Dictionary of the America Language,
Second Concise Edition

The Media Lords have succeeded in stifling all outrage of the American
public on this issue.
All the more reason to VOTE 2000 for constitutional candidates and end this
tyranny by the Fabian Socialists.

God bless each and everyone of you who are concerned about Freedom,

Is everyone too busy making a buck (half of which goes to government) to
care about the security of the Nation, which includes one's personal

"What's more important?  What you have, or who you are!"


Visit The John Birch Society, at:


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] MJ12 and William Cooper

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Ufology was nearly destroyed by the disinformation games I’ve detailed here.
Great harm was done; the real problems are still with us and there is no end
in sight.

How true.  An accurate, revealing portrait of the self-serving, indisputably
hare-brained yadda-yadda-constituting the vast majority of the "content" of
all "New Age" debate.

"He who knows, does not talk about it.
 He who talks about it, knows nothing."
   --Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] a tribe of budding supermen (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

technophiles' tendency to mistake new tools for new worlds. Katz refers in
awed tones to "the unprecedented ability of individuals to speak directly to
each other" on the Net, but thoughtful folk will recall that earlier eras are
known, now and again, to have achieved conversation.

The Net is purgatory.  Fools communicating with each other only multiplies

"Baboon politics" (a nod to Tim Leary and RA Wilson) using high-tech tools
only succeeds in getting baboons to pound each other over the head more

There's nothing new under the sun, except perhaps more expensive sunglasses.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] bill-u-nut

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

You have expressed what you think, I think you are wrong. I have just spent
over an hour in the archives, looking at what happened. Well a couple of
things, a 'lady' logged on,  talking about saying her piece and then getting
kicked-off, then this same 'lady' asked to have two other people kicked off
because she said they were nazis.

Then you came trolling in with your childish 'humour' and  the games began.

1. I ain't nobody's momma, I ain't got the time

2. You are the one that began uncivil public behaviour.

3. You egged people on and accused people of all being one person, etc.

4.  If those are threats of harrasment to this list, please be advised . . .

5. ctrl is just an email list.   . . . chill . . .


In a message dated 6/25/99 10:56:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote to RoadsEnd

apparently it was fine when bill did it to me, nobody said a word to him
when he attacked me. i damned well got tired of the attacks and attacked
back. if you want to take me off from the list for that, you just knock
yourself out. you are doing exactly what these assholes set out to do to
me; if you are happy being the dupe for these clowns, don't let me stand
in your way. i did not start this but they finished it. looks like you let
them have their last word, that is all that they wanted in the 1st place.
if this is your decision then go for it but unlike them i will not get
another alias and do the same thing under another name. or maybe i will.
in either case you have laid the groundwork for these assholes to take
over the list; all i can say to that is that it is your list and it will
sink or swim by your decision, but you are taking the wrong person off. my
attacked were all in response to theirs. you had better wise up to what is
going on here.

don't take me half way off, take me all of the way off. and i will do what
i have to do. this is not my first battle and it won't be my last,
apparently you don't know whose side you are on. they had all attacked me
with impunity but when i returned fire i am taken off from the list, mmm.
i respect you and i like the list but i will not take the abuse they
handed me now, here or anywhere else. i suggest that you can them and put
me back on and if you don't, for all i care, you can move in with these
assholes and become one yourself which by your action here, will not be
any great adjustment for you, will it.

i am disgusted with them, with you, and this list. maybe i will change my
name twice a day and come back and get kicked off twice a day. maybe i,
like yourself have taken a lesson from the assholes and if that is the way
you want it then you have it.


could very well be anyone

watch for me
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [RuMills] New Information Added to Mind Control Article, Operation Open...

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

At 01:59 PM 6/25/99 -0400, you wrote:

Received: from  rly-yd02.mx.aol.com (rly-yd02.mail.aol.com []) by
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Subject: [RuMills] New Information Added to Mind Control Article,
"Operation Open Eyes"


From Rayelan Allan (Russbacher)

When I was gathering all the pieces that  I needed for  the article,
"Operation Open Eyes"
Five Easy Steps to Create
A Manchurian Candidate,

I couldn't find two which I considered to be very important. I have since
found them and have rewritten the original article. It will soon be posted on
my web page, but at the moment it is on Jeff Rense's SIGHTINGS web page

Both pieces are very important in understanding how we are being herded into
the New World Order corral, i.e., concentration camps and a police state.

In the original article I described how the CIA uses a "Modified version" of
the Hegelian Dialectic to create conditions which will bring about the ends
they desire. Unfortunately, I could not find the information I needed to
describe this technique further.

Last week I finally located the three 60 minutes tapes which included this

In August of 1993, I (Rayelan Allan {Russbacher}) was speaking at the Global
Science Congress in Denver.
A HREF="http://www.globalsciences.com/"Global Sciences Welcome/A

My husband, Gunther was in prison in Missouri. There had been several
attempts on his life. He had been poisoned, beaten and attacked by other
prisoners. I didn't know from hour to hour if he was  alive or dead.

I was also having major  problems staying alive. At the end of 1992, there
were four attempts, in rapid sucession made on my life. Gunther arranged with
his Godfather, Kurt Waldheim, to protect me until the Bush people were out of
power. I fled to Austria, in a state of fear wondering if  the airplane would
blow up. I was guaraded by Austrian Security Police and 4  Marines from the
Embassy in Vienna. As soon as the Clinton Administration came into power,
Gunther was successful in getting the "hit orders" that had been placed o me,

Shortly before the Global Science conference, there and been two attempts to
kidnap  me. Because Gunther was a SEAL team commander, I had Navy SEALS
around me at all times. If it had not been for these men, I would not be here
to write the articles you read in the Rumor Mill. One day, when I have fully
recovered from my 8 years as Gunther's wife, I will publish the story of what
we went through. The whole story has never been told anywhere before.

After my lecture at the conference, I was approached by two men I knew over
the telephone. Both men were political prisoners, just like Gunther. I did
not know they had been released. Like Gunther and me, they did not know from
hour to hour if they would still be alive. I have not heard from one of them
since that seminar. I don't know if he is back in prison or if he is even

The two men were Navy Captain Trenton Parker, and private investigator Stew

Stew had just uncovered the secret funding behind the Denver Airport. He
stumbled onto it accidently as he tried to win custody of his child. It
turned out that his father-in-law was a very powerful man in the shadowy
world where the CIA and the Mafia connect. His father-in-law was the man who
was behind the Denver Airport.

Trenton Parker was a Navy SEAL, a financial planner for the CIA and a covert
operative. He and Gunther walked similar paths and these paths had crossed
many times.

Gunther, under his alias Emory J. Peden, the "banker" for the CIA, was the
man who arraigned the funding for the Denver Airport. I believe this is
described in Rodney Stich's "Defraduing America" third Edition
A HREF="http://www.defraudingamerica.com/"FBI, CIA and other government
agents document widespread government corruption.

Re: [CTRL] Promoting terrorism on CTRL

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Howdy, sir,
Please keep your rhetorical horseplay stuff to yourself, We know where to
find it if we want.

And if Bnai Birth is 'playing' one side you sure are doing a good job of the
'other' side.
Divide and conquer,  deliberate discrimination.


In a message dated 6/24/99 10:27:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Notwithstanding that this posting would seem to a rationale person
to be a violation of the list's "anti-proseletyzing" rule, it is also
promoting the activities of a known terrorist group.

The so-called "Anti-Racist Action" (ARA) has been linked to acts of
violence and terror.  The ARA has been specifically implicated in
the fire-bombing and arson of German-Canadian activist Ernst
Zundel's residence.

It has also been reported that ARA has received financial assistance
from the Canadian Government, and has a collaborative relationship
with the Canadian B'nai B'rith, and hence the American B'Nai B'rith.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] OEN 6/25/99

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

John Paul Stevens...said that America was being returned to "the
brief period of confusion and crisis when our new nation was governed
by the Articles of Confederation" which preceded the constitution.

Maybe after a brief period of confusion and crisis the Constitution
will once again become the law of the land.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The IPO Lure

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From the NewYorkObserver

 Salon I.P.O. Is Proof of New Adage: Editorial Doesn't Go Public

 by Carl Swanson

 Salon.com hit the ground–well, it just sort of hit the ground when it
 went public at last June 22. It was offered at $10.50, but by the end
 of the day it had fallen to $10.

 The initial public offering of the Internet magazine company had long
 been derided by other journalists out of some combination of jealousy
 and professional propriety–as if a sudden payday just wasn’t supposed
 to be a part of a journalist doing the job. Certainly not in something
 as, well, as self-promoting and San Francisco as Salon.

 But Salon.com had to go public. That’s what on-line companies do in
 San Francisco.

 These days, though Salon describes itself as a continuously updated
 "network of 10 subject-specific, demographically targeted Web sites,"
 it’s at its heart still an electronic alternative weekly, just like …
 certain other papers. Only now it’s worth $107 million. Its editor and
 chairman, David Talbot, may one day be rich enough to buy that
 apartment in North Beach and that house in the wine country that he
 mused about to Wired last January. "I think that most people think
 that Nasdaq has to be some sort of vehicle for karma," said Joey
 Anuff, editor in chief of Suck.com. "That some day they," meaning the
 instant "dot-com" winners, "will get their just desserts." Wired’s
 failed I.P.O. back in 1996 reinforced the idea that editorial doesn’t
 go public.

 But Mr. Talbot’s 4 percent (valued at $4 million after the I.P.O.) is
 not going to be worth much compared to James Cramer’s 14 percent take
 from TheStreet.com, which was worth $95 million the day that Salon was
 offered. And the market valuation of the company is puny compared to
 other Silicon Valley offerings. "It’s sort of relative," said Mr.
 Anuff. "Employee No. 200 at Yahoo is probably never going to be
 jealous of Employee No. 1 at Salon."

 Still, journalists have been getting rich for some time in San
 Francisco. Big "portals" like Excite and Yahoo Inc., which are worth
 far more than Salon would ever be, hired ex-editors to help put
 together their sites.

 People like Todd Lappin, a former Wired editor who saw that I.P.O. go
 down, left after it was sold to Condé Nast and now is setting himself
 up as "editorial consultant" to Guru.com, which is a site that’s being
 launched to help freelancers. "From the journalist’s point of view,"
 he said, "you think, I’ve spent so much time reporting on it, why not
 try it out?" And, he said, "there’s lot of local pride out here," for
 Salon, and it has done one thing that many on the Internet have been
 trying to do fervently: build a brand.

 "In San Francisco," said one West Coast Salon source, "you can’t walk
 two blocks without bumping into a multimillionaire … People doing a
 lot less important stuff than us, making a whole lot more money."

 "Talbot has a lot of ideas and every third one works," said one person
 who dealt with him. The place moved quickly–sometimes too quickly.
 People felt left behind. Areas were added for buzz and for
 sponsorships. The site bloated. The offices became crowded. Lines of
 authority became blurred. Mr. Talbot himself couldn’t micromanage by
 charm anymore.

 Instead, Mr. Talbot has been out selling the site, though often
 inaccurately when it came to fluffing its financials. His chief
 competitor, Slate editor Michael Kinsley, took a whack at him
 recently. "It’s insane that all these money losing organizations are
 going for these huge valuations," he said, reflecting what is most
 often said in the press about Salon’s I.P.O. But don’t get the idea
 that Mr. Kinsley is bereft in the Web economy: Slate employees get
 Microsoft Corporation stock. After 13 years at Microsoft and one year
 at Slate, the site’s managing editor retired at 40, and its first
 program manager retired at 30 after eight years at Microsoft.

 Somehow, Salon built a brand. Lacking in enough advertising or
 electronic commerce revenue to pay for its overhead, or some other
 futuristic revenue gimmick, "one of its big successes is recognizing
 and being a beneficiary of the fact that kind of splash-trash
 journalism makes incredibly good business," said Mr. Anuff. Which is
 how their exposing Representative Henry Hyde helped them go public
 because it built Salon’s name. Even had the stock not just sat there,
 at the bottom end of its possible $10.50-to-$13.50 offering range, few
 people were going to get rich off it. A recent hiring binge meant that
 many hadn’t vested. On June 21, New York editorial director Larua
 Miller e-mailed that she and the staff at 1500 Broadway weren’t
 planning a party. "They’ll probably be drinking cocktails in S.F., but
 then they do that a lot anyway."

 In some ways, Mr. Talbot and his 4 percent is what this story has been
 about all along. "I kind of doubted his schemes all along," said one
 Salon source. "He’s too much of a 

[CTRL] Fw: GOOD News on Gov. Asset Forteiture

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

-Original Message-From: 
Financial Management Press [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Newsletter Subscribers [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Friday, June 25, 1999 1:11 PMSubject: GOOD News on Gov.  
Asset Forteiture
Just Received this good news  thoufgt we'd pass it 

House passes Civil Asset Forfeiture ReformChairman 
Hyde thanks Paul for help in passageWASHINGTON, DC -- In a landslide 
victory, the House of Representativespassed HR 1658, the Civil Asset 
Forfeiture Reform Act, 375 to 48 onThursday.Currently, innocent 
people can have their property seized and forfeited forsimply being accused 
of a crime and must prove themselves innocent in orderto get it back. The 
legislation, brought forward by House Judiciary ChairmanHenry Hyde (R, IL), 
Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX) and 58 others, will change theburden of proof so that 
federal prosecutors must prove 

Re: [CTRL] Religion and the Racist Right (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -- Forwarded message -
 Author:  PARTON, NIGEL R.
  Title: Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the
Christian Identity Movement.(Review) reviewed by
 COPYRIGHT 1999 University of Chicago
   BARKUN, MICHAEL. Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian
 Identity Movement. Rev. ed. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
 1997. xv+330 pp. $39.95 (paper).

   Some years later, in 1992, Identity compelled Randy Weaver into a showdown
 with federal agents in Idaho.

I believe that the above statement is false. Anyone wish to defend it? My
understanding is that Randy Weaver was had attended a couple of meetings of
of a Identy type group and had stopped attending when he was approached by
some feds with the request that he spy on the group. He refused. Afterwards,
the feds had an agent persuade Weaver to break a gun law in the hope that he
would be forced to spy on the group. When he again refused he was indicted.
The "showdown" followed from this.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD:The Nation-Christopher Hitchens-

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

July 12, 1999

The Spies Who Fleeced Us
It's always suspicious when Washingtonians start breaking into bad Latin.
There may be a quid, you hear them say, and there seems to be a quo.
But--aha--there's no smoking pro to connect the two. This pseudo-talk
combines my least favorite styles: that of the overpaid attorney and that of
the overpaid political obfuscator. Thus, it is not denied that Chinese
military-industrial sources managed to transfer an awful lot of money to the
Democratic National Committee. Nor is it denied that many tranches of
valuable information made their way from American nuclear laboratories into
the computer systems of the People's Republic of China. Nor is it denied that
large American corporations were eager to share missile and satellite
technology with the PRC, and that they, too, were generous to the DNC. All
that is denied is that these things have anything to do with one another. In
the current case, however, every one of the Clintonian defenses raises
additional suspicions:

§ The White House "line of the day" says that Chinese espionage is nothing
new and was known to occur under previous, Republican administrations. In
that case, they had every reason to be vigilant, when all the evidence shows
they were not.

§ The President says that he was not told of any espionage until March 19
this year. Not only does this tell against the smug claim of previous
awareness of the problem, but it flatly contradicts Sandy Berger's claim to
have been briefed by Energy Department intelligence as far back as July 1997
and to have passed on the briefing to Clinton "within a day or two." Not even
Lanny Davis has been able to confect an explanation for this discrepancy.

§ The Clinton Administration, through legal measures such as the
Anti-Terrorism and Intelligence Authorization acts, has been treating the
Fourth Amendment as an inconvenience since at least 1996. The chief exhibit
in this contempt for the Constitution is the "roving wiretap," whereby any
phone to which a suspect is "reasonably proximate" can be invigilated by the
FBI. Yet when the FBI asked Justice for permission to tap the phone of Wen Ho
Lee, a scientist at the Los Alamos labs, Janet Reno's amazing subordinates
three times turned down the application. We now know that in 1996 her
judicial review panel authorized all 839 wiretap warrants that it received.

Now, was there anything else going on, between about 1996 and now, that could
make the Administration at all touchy about Chinese penetration? Well, there
were the numerous Senate hearings at which it was established--and not
denied--that the DNC and the 1996 Clinton/Gore campaign had shredded such
distinction as existed between "hard" and "soft" political donations. Going
back a bit further, there are intimate connections between the Riady
Corporation--a front for Chinese interests--and Clinton's original financial
backers in Arkansas. The Worthen Bank, owned by Clinton's longtime backer
Jackson Stephens, was the conduit for a large Riady loan in 1992--just in
time to save the financially exhausted Clinton campaign. Only Webster Hubbell
knows for sure about the provenance of some of this dough. Here is Jeffrey
Garten, formerly Clinton's Under Secretary of Commerce for International
Trade (and a onetime Nixon and Kissinger underling), recalling his work for
Ron Brown in an incautious Newsweek essay in March 1997:

John Huang, the suspicious DNC official, was a Commerce official first. You
can't understand the 1996 money mess without grasping the environment in
which commercial diplomacy was born. It is, after all, the major thrust of
the President's foreign policy In our single-minded drive to help
American companies, we dramatically expanded our commercial involvement in
big emerging markets like China, India and Brazil. This push attracted a lot
of foreigners who wanted to play in the new game There were people, like
the Riadys or Charlie Trie or Johnny Chung, who may have thought they could
gear this process to their own enrichment by buying special influence. If you
open a wild bazaar, as we did, you have to expect the occasional pickpocket.
Here is another series of admissions in the guise of excuses. (The term
"commercial diplomacy" is worth having, you must admit.) A former senior
official affirms that there was a revolving door between the Commerce
Department and a bunch of shady businessmen, all of whom are friends and
backers of the President. And you notice (see my last "Minority Report") that
all the "pickpockets" identified as polluting this otherwise noble enterprise
have Asian names. How this squares with Clinton's indignation about
"Asian-bashing" is more than I can say.

John Huang gave the First Lady's chief of staff a check for $50,000 to gain
"access" for his Chinese military-industrial backers. Bernard Schwartz of
Loral Space  Communication gave almost twenty times that to the DNC and
secured his company 

[CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-25 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

John Adams (1735-1826)
2nd President of the United States
" As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense
founded on the Christian religion "

Article 11, Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States and the
Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary.
As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how
has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended
with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody
religion that has ever existed?"

Letter to F.A. Van der Kamp, Dec. 27, 1816
" Indeed, Mr. Jefferson, what could be invented to debase the ancient
Christianism, which Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, and Christian factions, above
all the Catholics, have not fraudulently imposed upon the public? Miracles
after miracles have rolled down in torrents, wave succeeding wave in the
Catholic church, from the Council of Nice, and long before, to this day."

To Jefferson, Dec. 3, 1813

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
American scientist, diplomet, writer
"I wish it (Christianity) were more productive of good works ... not holy day
keeping, sermon hearing ... of making long prayers, filled with flatteries
and compliments despised by wise men, and much less capable of pleasing

Works, Vol. VII p.75
"The way to see by Faith, is to shut the eye of Reason."

Poor Richard, 1758
"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."

"If we look back into history for the character of the present sects of
Christianity, we shall find few that have not in turns been persecutors, and
complainers of persecution. The primitive Christians thought persecution
extremely wrong in Pagans, but practiced it on one another. The first
Protestants of the Church of England blamed persecution in the Romish church,
but practiced it on the Puritans. They found it wrong in Bishops, but fell
into the practice both here (England) and in New England."


Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
3rd President of the United States
"Is uniformity attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children,
since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined,
imprisioned ; yet we have not advanced on inch towards uniformity. What has
been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other
half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth."

Notes on Virginia
"They (the christian clergy) believe that any portion of power confided to
me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly:
for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of
tyranny over the mind of man.

To Sr. Benjamin Rush, 1800
"On the dogmas of religion, as distinguished from moral principles, all
mankind, from the beginning of the world to this day, have been quarreling,
fighting, burning and torturing one another, for abstractions unintelligible
to themselves and to all others, and absolutely beyond the comprehension of
the human mind."

To Carey, 1816

George Washington (1732-1799)
1st Elected President of the United States
"The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle."

Treaty of Tripoli

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] America's True Religious Tradition

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

America's True Religious Tradition
by Gipson Arnold

The following essay is an adaptation of a speech presented by Gipson Arnold
at a demonstration held by Atheist Network outside the Astrodome during the
1992 Republican National Convention.

There has been a lot of rhetoric being broadcast by religious groups; a lot
of tired old cliches like "one nation under God", "the Judeo-Christian
tradition", and "our government is founded on Christian principles". These
are all false claims.

Our government is based on freedom of religion and freedom of speech, with
those freedoms being protected by safe-guards in our constitution. Freedom of
religion is not a Christian principle. Freedom to be a Christian is a
Christian principle. The Christian Bible teaches that anybody not believing
the Christian narrative will burn in hell forever. This is not freedom of
religion. Christian theocracies have always punished people for the crime of
holding and practicing non-Christian views. The United States government was
not designed to uphold these Christian principles. And freedom of speech is
not a Christian principle. The bible teaches that anybody blaspheming
deserves ever-lasting punishment. This is not freedom of speech. In order for
the founders of our country to establish freedom of religion and freedom of
speech, they had to leave biblical and traditional principles behind.

So the United States government was not founded on Christian principles. The
United States government grew out of the principles of the monarchy mixed
with the principles of Christianity in much the same way that a flower can
grow out of dirt mixed with cow manure. It is the movement away from
religious control that is America's true religious tradition.

The United States government grew out of the various governments of the
original 13 colonies, which were all Christian theocracies. Let's examine
some of their laws:

In Massachusettes in 1692, constables were ordered to patrol the countryside
to arrest anyone who swam on the sabbath.

A Connecticut law said "If any man shall kiss his wife on the Lord's day, he
shall be punished at the discretion of the court".

Another Connecticut law said "No food or lodging shall be afforded to a
Quaker, Adamite, or other heretic".

A New York law stated "If any man shall have or worship any god but the Lord
God, he shall be put to death".

A Virginia law said "To speak impiously of the Trinity or one of the Divine
Persons, or against the known articles of the Christian faith is punishable
by death".

The U.S. Constitution spells out the basis of our government. What does it

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America."

"We the people" does not sound to me like the opening salvo of a document
designed to serve a god. "We the people" sounds to me like the opening
statement of a document designed to serve people. Then, the founders of our
country wrote the Constitution with no religious language in it at all. There
are not even any religious ideas in the United States Constitution. There is
nothing about sins or salvation, heaven or hell, blessings or cursings, and
there is no mention of any god, devil, demon, or angel. Then, they went an
incredible step further and included provisions in the document designed to
keep religion and government separate.

The ratification of the U.S. Constitution, with its provisions keeping
government out of the business of dictating religion, was one of the first
and most important steps in what has become a truly American tradition of
growth away from religion. The decline of religion has been halted, and even
reversed at times, but the setbacks in our progress toward freedom have been
short and insignificant compared to the more steady and constant movement
away from religious control.

Our nation was founded during the Enlightenment, when freedom to question had
reached a new plateau. After the churches got over the shock of being
dis-established, they fought back in an era known as the great awakening when
curcuit riders and missionaries brought new popularity to religious zeal.
This minor setback was corrected toward the end of the Civil War when the
American freethought movement began. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
dealt religion a severe blow, the slaves were freed, and women were on the
verge of winning the right to vote. These changes all brought a level of
freedom that had not been known during the Enlightenment.

The freethought movement lasted until the Great Depression and World War II.
The most severe curtailment of America's traditional march toward freedom of
thought was no doubt the McCarthy era, where conformity was imposed through

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-25 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   John Adams (1735-1826)
   2nd President of the United States
   " As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense
   founded on the Christian religion "
   George Washington (1732-1799)
   1st Elected President of the United States
   "The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle."

Here's what they said when they weren't drinking.

John Adams, Second President:

(Speaking of July 4, 1776) - "I am apt to believe that it will be
celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary
Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the day of
deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty." 101

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with
human passions unbridled by morality and religion...Our Constitution
was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the
government of any other." 113

Patrick Henry, Founding Father:

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great
nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions
but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! For this very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." 102

"[The Bible] is a book worth more than all the other books that were
ever printed." 117

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:

Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is
the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to
select and prefer Christians for their rulers." 105

Alex de Tocqueville, French historian who visited the U.S. in the early

"Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the
country was the first thing that struck my attention...The
Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so
intimately in their minds,that it is impossible to make them
conceive the one without the other...Religion in America...must
be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions of that country,,,
From the earliest settlement of the emigrants, politics and religion
contracted an alliance which has never been dissolved." 106

John Quincy Adams, Sixth President (son of John Adams, Second

"[T]he birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birth-day
of the Saviour [and] forms a leading even in the progress of the gospel
dispensation..[T]he Declaration of Independence first organized the
social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon
earth [and] laid the corner stone of human government upon the first
precepts of Christianity." 107

Noah Webster, Founding Father:

"[T]he religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of
Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence;
which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen
with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our
free constitutions of government." 108

"The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to
form the basis of all our civil constitutions and law... All the miseries and
evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice,
oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the
precepts contained in the Bible." 109

Dr. Jedediah Morse, The Father of American Geography;

"To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil
freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. In
proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any
nation...in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede
from the blessings of genuine freedom... All efforts to destroy the
foundations of our holy religion, ultimately tend to the subversion also of our
political freedom and happiness. Whenever the pillars of Christianity
shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the
blessings which flow from them, must fall with them." 110

William Holmes McGuffey, Publisher of the McGuffey Readers a vital
cornerstone of this nation's early education system:

"From no source has the author drawn more copiously than from the Sacred
Scriptures. For this [I] certainly apprehend no censure. In a Christian
country, that man is to be pitied, who, at this day, can honestly object
to imbuing the minds of youth with the language and spirit of the Word of
God."  111

Thomas Jefferson, Third President:
"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have
removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that
these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but
with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is
just: that his justice cannot sleep forever." 112

George Washington, First President:
"It is impossible to rightly govern the world 

[CTRL] Clinton Says Misspoke On China Spying Scandal

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Friday June 25 6:02 PM ET

Clinton Says Misspoke On China Spying Scandal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton said Friday he misspoke earlier
this year when he said no security breaches occurred at U.S. nuclear
research laboratories during his administration.

A congressional report last month said China had acquired U.S. secrets about
seven nuclear weapons and the neutron bomb through 20 years of espionage.
China has denied it stole U.S. nuclear secrets.

``First of all, there has been a 20-year problem with lax security at the
labs,'' Clinton said at a press briefing. ``And what I said was that I
didn't suspect that any actual breaches of security had occurred during my

But since he made that statement, it had been revealed that Los Alamos
National Laboratory scientist Wen Ho Lee, who was fired in March, downloaded
information from classified computers into his personal computers, Clinton
said. Lee has not been charged with any crime.

``That's something we know now that I didn't know then,'' Clinton said.

``But I think my choice of wording was poor. What I should have said was I
did not know of any specific instance of espionage, because I think that
we've been suspicious all along,'' Clinton said. ``I have to acknowledge I
think I used a poor word there,'' he added.

``We did not have any specific instance, as we now do, of the off-loading of
the computer,'' Clinton said.

On March 19, Clinton said if China stole U.S. nuclear secrets it did not
happen on his watch.

``To the best of my knowledge, no one has said anything to me about any
espionage which occurred by the Chinese against the labs during my
presidency,'' Clinton said in March.

``And if I have misstated this in any way because I don't remember
something, then I will tell you that. But I don't believe that I have
forgotten,'' he said then.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with

the song still in them. - Henry David Thoreau

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [3] Loud and Clear

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman©1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps — out-of-print/one edition


The Plumber

I ate lunch at a small diner in Florence, surrounded by sullen citizens
bristling at what they considered a one-man invasion of their turf.

The prison constituted Florence's main industry, and word had spread about
the stranger, the p.i., paying a visit such as none of his type had ever
made. What did these suspicious people think? That I'd disrupt their way of
life? From the waitress slamming a plate down in front of me to the
unfriendly stares singeing my face, the folks in this backroads desert town
weren't exactly dusting off the welcome mat.

With time to kill, I cruised the bleak landscape until I found a cemetery, an
apt place for my mood, spread out a blanket, and read more of the discovery.
Before this long, complicated, dangerous case ended for me, I would set a
record for visits to the Arizona State Prison-seventy in all-and the quiet
graveyard would become a regular resting spot between morning visits with Max
and afternoon sessions with Jim.

What I read that day in the few hours before I was scheduled to see Robison
was even more mind-blowing than my reading of the night before.

It began with Hank Landry, a one-legged card cheat and buddy of Neal Roberts
and John Adamson. I read the story from a police report penned by none other
than Jon Sellers:

On 4/11/78 at approximately 3:00 P.m., Hank Landry was contacted by
telephone. The purpose for the contact was to determine what knowledge Mr.
Landry possessed of the Bolles incident. At this time Mr. Landry related to
investigator that he was present at a Memorial Day weekend picnic of 1976 at
Neal Roberts's house at 90 W. Virginia. He further stated that during this
picnic there was a conversation between Neal Roberts and John Adamson
concerning the [Anarchist] cookbook, as well as explosives. He said that
during the conversation, Don Bolles's name was mentioned, and that he
interceded in the conversation asking, "Why not just use a gun and get it
over with?" He said that as a result of this statement, Neal Roberts replied
he wanted it to be loud and clear.

I read this report four times before convincing myself that my eyes weren't
deceiving me. The weekend before Don Bolles's car exploded, Adamson and
Roberts had talked about blowing him up-using dynamite for a "loud and clear"
warning that other reporters should keep their noses out of sensitive
investigations. The ramifications absolutely chilled me.

As did Sellers's next report, which threw all his professed beliefs into a
cocked hat. Evidently amazed by what the onelegged gambler had told him,
Sellers conducted a second interview with Landry:

On April 13, 1978, at approximately 1:00 P.m., Mr. Hank Landry was
interviewed at the Organized Crime Bureau of the Phoenix Police Department.
During this interview, Mr. Landry related things that he remembered happening
prior to the incident, the day of the incident, and the days following the

Mr. Landry related that he believes he arrived in Phoenix on Friday, May 30,
1976. He said his purpose for coming to Phoenix was to attend Robert
Letierre's wedding. Mr. Landry stated that he had originally intended to stay
with Dink Miller. However, he wound up staying at John Adamson's apartment.
Mr. Landry stated that on Saturday he took a ride with John Adamson and they
went to the Arizona Republic parking lot looking for Don Bolles's car. He
said that during this occurrence, Adamson told him that he was going to blow
Bolles up for $50,000. He also stated that Adamson told him that he had other
work to do after this was done.

The Robert Letierre referred to in Landry's statement would later testify
that Adamson had asked him to help kill Bolles, only to have Letierre refuse.

Adamson told Sellers his "other work" involved murdering Alphonso "King Al"
Lizanetz—a former Marley publicist and eccentric who dressed in funny
costumes and seemed convinced of his own royalty-and Attorney General Bruce
Babbitt: a three-murder deal, said Adamson, contracted by Kemper Marley.

Adamson claimed Marley wanted Babbitt assassinated because he feared the
attorney general was investigating him, and Bolles was merely the first of
three hits. But why kill King Al, widely regarded, with considerable
justification, as the Town Clown? Because, said Adamson, Lizanetz had gone
around Phoenix hinting at skeletons in Marley's closet.

Hogwash! All of this made no more sense than the motive given for Bolles's
murder. Babbitt wasn't any threat to Marley, and no one in Arizona took King
Al seriously. He was a nut. His organization—Unity with Humanity for
All—wrote letters over a "King Alphonso" signature to Kurt Waldheim at the
United Nations, calling Al himself Robin Hood and Waldheim "a real gem of
God." Al passed out recipes on Phoenix street 

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Here's what they said when they weren't drinking.

Great White Father speak with forked tongue.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: SNET: Every Patriot need to visit this site to be counted.. It's ur 2ndamendment

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 9:11 PM
Subject: SNET: Every Patriot need to visit this site to be counted.. It's ur

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 This individual is trying to get one million hits on his web page within
 100 days.  He is then going to send the address to some legislators to
 show there are people interested in continuing to own guns.  Just go to
 his web site to show a hit.


 - Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

day wrote:
Notes: The above quotations were excerpted from "The Myth
of Separation" by David Barton, published by Wallbuilder


Q.: What is your opinion of David Barton's book The Myth of
A.: The real myth is that Mr. Barton is an historian.

1.  It is highly dishonest for any writer on this subject to
distort Thomas Jefferson's deliberate definition (1802)
of the religion clauses as "building a wall of separation
between Church  State"; to omit James Madison's statements
about (1811) "the essential distinction between civil and
religious functions," (1819) "the total separation of the
Church from the State," and (before 1833) "the separation
between Religion and Government in the Constitution of
the United States"; and to skip Alexis de Tocqueville's
assertion (1835) that in America "all attributed the peaceful
dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation
of church and state."

2.  The Constitution says what it means and means what it says:
"no religious test," and "no law respecting an establishment
of religion"; those statements are clearly in harmony with
Jefferson, Madison, Tocqueville, and "separation"--but not
with Mr. Barton.

For the most part you make the SAME mistake many people make
in many areas (not limited to this topic) ... you confuse words,
ideas an concepts.  God does NOT necessarily mean 'Christian
God' or 'Biblical God'.  Religion does NOT necessarily mean

day wrote:
   John Adams, Second President:
   (Speaking of July 4, 1776) - "I am apt to believe that it will
be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary
Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance,
by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty." 101

   "We have no government armed with power capable of contending
with human passions unbridled by morality and religion...Our
Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." 113

Adams was a Unitarian.
You, like Barton, fail to understand the second quote AND
what religion entails.

 The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the
 first example of governments erected on the simple principles
 of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to
 disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and
 superstition, they will consider this event as an era in
 their history. Although the detail of the formation of the
 American governments is at present little known or regarded
 either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an
 object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any
 persons employed in that service had interviews with the
 gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven,
 more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring
 in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be
 acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely
 by the use of reason and the senses
  -- John Adams, "A Defence of the Constitutions of Government
  of the United States of America" [1787-1788];

Find THIS book and enlighten.

day wrote:
   Patrick Henry, Founding Father:

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that
 this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but
 by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of
 Jesus Christ! For this very reason peoples of other
 faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and
 freedom of worship here." 102

The citation you provide is NOT primary.  Elsewhere in Barton's
'scholarly efforts' he admits that such sourcing does not exist
to date.  Henry was an Antifederalist.

 "[The Bible] is a book worth more than all the other books
  that were ever printed."

This does not support your effort.  It merely states Henry's
opinion about book worth.

day wrote:
John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
 Providence has given to our people the choice of their
 rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and
 interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer
 Christians for their rulers." 105

Barton says that John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United
States, desired that we should "select and prefer Christians"
for office.

There are many problems with trying to leverage this statement
into something more than it really is. While voters can choose
their candidates for any reason they deem fit, the Constitution
explicitly disallows any official religious test for public
office (Article VI). In fact, this is the only place that the
Constitution even mentions religion. George Washington himself,
in a personal letter to a church in Baltimore, penned words which
dispute Jay's ideas: "...a man's religious tenets will not forfeit
the protection of the Laws, nor 

[CTRL] Right On Germans

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Germany

 The European Union elections and the German far-right

 By Max Rodenberg
 26 June 1999

 Back to screen version

 Seldom have the pollsters tried so hard to turn an election result on
 its head, as in the aftermath of the German elections for the European
 Parliament. Seldom has this task proved so difficult, which is not
 hard to understand since the results were so unequivocal.

 In the elections, held two weeks ago, the Social Democratic Party
 (SPD) suffered a debacle, capturing a mere 31 percent of the votes
 cast, a drop of 10 percent compared to the party's vote in the German
 federal elections last autumn. The SPD's coalition partners, the
 Greens, were just able to maintain their share of the vote at 6.4
 percent. Less than half of the electorate went to the polls, the
 lowest turnout since the first direct elections to the European
 Parliament in 1979.

 The “big victory” of the Christian Democrats—they registered an 11
 percent nation-wide gain, as compared to the federal elections, in
 their share of the votes cast—was actually based on a loss of 3.4
 million votes in absolute terms. Such a result cannot be interpreted
 as heralding a “quick march by the Christian Democrats back to power”,
 as even the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung noted.

 All of the parties in Bonn maintain that the war in Yugoslavia played
 no role in the election. Nothing could be further from the truth. At
 the very least, it showed a remarkable lack of enthusiasm for the war
 among broad layers of the population.

 Germany's first offensive military action since the Second World War
 has upset political conditions. Almost uncritical support for the
 bombing of Yugoslavia ran straight through the political
 establishment, marking an historical turning point in German foreign

 The reawakening of German militarism will increasingly come to set the
 direction for domestic policy as well. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's
 words—that German domestic policy must attain the same level of
 excellence as German foreign policy—could hardly be more threatening.

 What should working people expect? A further political turn to the
 right. Schröder can be expected to propose a “tax and budget cuts
 concept” and warn of “difficult times” ahead.

 The massive loss of votes by the Social Democrats expresses not only
 “disappointment with the ‘New Middle'”, (The German equivalent of Tony
 Blair's “Third Way”), or frustration over the record of the
 “Red-Green” government coalition. Broad layers of working people who
 put an end to the Kohl era last autumn by voting for the SPD have now
 turned their backs on all the parties in Bonn.

 The experience of the last nine months has provided proof positive
 that the SPD and the Greens have moved rapidly to the right. For the
 first time in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany, the
 establishment parties have received support from less than half the
 electorate. From its share of the poll in the European election, the
 governing SPD only represents 13.7 percent of all eligible voters.

 The fact that in Germany the growing alienation of the mass of working
 people from the political establishment did not express itself in
 increased votes for the extreme right is another important aspect of
 the elections. The far right, like the bigger parties in Bonn,
 received a cold shoulder. In contrast to the bourgeois parties like
 the SPD, Greens, Christian Democrats and Liberals, there has been no
 turn to the right in the general population.

 The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) received 107,500 votes
 (0.4 percent). Compared with their result in the federal elections,
 they lost 20,000 votes. However, in comparison with their result in
 the 1994 European elections, they gained 30,000 votes—making them the
 only party to increase their vote in absolute terms.

 The German Peoples Union (DVU), which has in the past garnered a
 relatively high percentage of the protest vote, did not participate in
 the European elections. They did, however, stand candidates in the
 local elections, which were being held in six states, but did not
 register exceptional results. In Saxony Anhalt, where they captured
 over 12 percent of the vote in the last state elections, they only
 managed 0.4 percent.

 The clearest losses could be seen in the vote for the Republikaner
 (Republicans), the largest party of the far right. They received just
 1.7 percent, a smaller share than in the federal elections last
 September. Compared with the last European elections, they have lost
 more than half their 3.9 percent share of the vote. At that time some
 1.3 million voters supported them; in this election their vote fell to
 460,000. Like last time, they will not be represented in the European
 Parliament. In the 1989 European elections, the Republikaner won a 7.1
 percent share, which was sufficient to give them six deputies.
 Together with the 

[CTRL] No Ireland: 06-26-99

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

 Saturday, June 26, 1999

 Arms principles agreed but
 tough talks lie ahead

 -- By Deadlán de Bréadún, Northern Editor

 The basic principles for resolving the arms decommissioning impasse
 have been agreed in the Stormont talks but major differences remain on
 timing and implementation, and the resumed negotiations next week are
 likely to be difficult.

 The Taoiseach and the British Prime Minister return to Belfast on
 Monday morning for what is expected to be a tough and sustained period
 of negotiations ahead of Wednesday's deadline for agreement.

 The meetings with different parties yesterday were considered a
 partial success which laid the groundwork for next week's talks. The
 details still have to be worked out, and there are serious differences
 outstanding between the Ulster Unionists and Sinn Féin.

 Mr Blair and Mr Ahern focused their attention on securing an
 acknowledgement from the proagreement parties, especially Sinn Féin,
 that they were committed to the following principles.

 1, An inclusive executive exercising devolved powers;

 2, Decommissioning of all paramilitary arms by May 2000;

 3, Decommissioning to be carried out in a manner determined by the
 Independent Commission on Decommissioning.

 The Taoiseach and prime minister held a brief press conference to
 announce the agreement on principles, but allowed no questions from
 the media.

 Shortly afterwards, the Sinn Féin vicepresident, Mr Pat Doherty, read
 a prepared statement which welcomed an assertion from the two prime
 ministers that the Good Friday pact was "binding" and "the context for
 moving forward".

 In what was seen as a significant passage, Mr Doherty said: "The three
 principles that they put forward, firmly bedded in the terms of the
 Good Friday agreement, can resolve the impasse if there is the
 political will."

 A commitment to IRA decommissioning remained essential, however,
 according to the UUP leader, Mr David Trimble, who said he hoped that
 republicans were "making their own Damascus Road conversion by
 accepting their obligation to decommisson". The day began with the
 main parties giving noncommittal reactions to an article in the Times
 of London by Mr Blair in which he suggested Sinn Féin could be
 admitted to government without prior decommissioning provided there
 was "a clear guarantee of decommissioning by Sinn Féin" under a
 10-month timetable laid down by Gen de Chastelain.

 In a key phrase, Mr Blair added that there should be "a cast-iron,
 fail-safe device that if it (decommissioning) didn't happen according
 to the timetable, that executive couldn't continue".

 Privately, senior unionists compared the Prime Minister's remarks
 favourably with his speech at Stranmillis College during a recent
 visit, which was felt to be unduly close to the Sinn Féin position.
 Republicans were adamant that Sinn Féin could not guarantee
 decommissioning by the IRA which, they insisted, despite the Prime
 Minister's claims to the contrary, was a separate organisation.

 Sinn Féin sources warned against confusion over the joint press
 statement issued by Mr Blair and Mr Ahern. The principles enunciated
 by the two prime ministers were "bedded firmly in the Good Friday
 Agreement". Nothing in the three principles superseded the Good Friday
 document, Sinn Féin sources said.

 ein had fundamentally altered its stance on the weapons issue,
 republicans privately poured cold water on this interpretation.

 Grave doubt still remains about the ability of the UUP leadership to
 sell any compromise to its grassroots supporters, many of whom are
 only interested in "product", i.e., prior disposal of guns by the IRA.

 Mr Blair appears to be trying to provide Mr Trimble with a shield
 against his internal party critics by attaching conditions to the
 existence of any executive formed in the absence of decommissioning.

 ein is prepared to use its influence with the IRA to achieve
 decommissioning, but says it cannot guarantee that disposal of weapons
 will, in fact, take place. Republican sources said privately that even
 the IRA could not give such a guarantee because of the unpredictable
 nature of events on the ground, e.g., continuing loyalist violence
 against nationalist homes. Meanwhile, it was announced that the US
 member of Gen de Chastelain's decommissioning body, Mr Donald C.
 Johnson, had told the two governments last month he would be standing
 down "for career reasons" from July 2nd. He will be replaced by
 another American, Mr Andrew Sens.

 Saturday, June 26, 1999

 Supporters applaud as
 Long March leaves Limavady

 -- By Clare Murphy, in Limavady

 There was applause from bystanders outside the Orange Hall in
 Limavady, Co Derry, as the Long March left for the second stage of the
 117-mile walk from Derry 

[CTRL] Soju Sunset ?

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 WSWS : News  Analysis : Asia : Korea

 G-8 powers warn North Korea over missile tests

 By Peter Symonds
 26 June 1999

 Back to screen version

 The Group of Eight (G-8) major powers turned up the pressure on North
 Korea last Sunday with a sharp warning in their final communiqué that
 they were “deeply concerned” over the country's missile flight tests
 and alleged missile proliferation. The statement said the group would
 “examine further individual and collective means of addressing the
 problem” and enforcing its Missile Technology Control Regime.

 The G-8 statement, coming in the wake of three days of talks on the
 outcome of the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia, highlights the
 potential for North Korea to be targetted as a “rogue state”; for its
 leader Kim Il Jung to be vilified in the international media as the
 Milosevic of North East Asia; and for the Korean peninsula to become
 the next arena for US-led military build-up, provocation and

 Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, who pushed for the warning to be
 included in the G-8 communiqué, told reporters: “The central issue of
 this summit was Kosovo, but if there are any other regions of the
 world for global security and world peace,” one is the Korean

 The threat comes amid speculation in Washington and Tokyo about new
 missile tests by Pyongyang. High-level talks between the two Koreas in
 Beijing have stalled in the aftermath of a naval clash in the Yellow
 Sea that led to the sinking of a North Korean craft on June 15.

 South Korea's Foreign Minister Hong Soon Young reported last Saturday
 that South Korea, the US and Japan were in intensive discussions over
 a possible test-firing by North Korea of its Taepodong 2 ballistic
 missile, said to have a range of up to 6,000 kilometres. Hong, who was
 relying on information from the US State Department, said he did not
 see such a test as imminent.

 Going one step further, Japanese newspapers recently claimed that
 North Korea was in the process of developing an even more advanced
 missile, the Taepodong 3, with a range of more than 8,000 kilometres.

 Evidence of North Korean preparations for missile testing is scanty. A
 New York Times article last Friday cited “American intelligence
 agencies” who claimed to have aerial photographs revealing North Korea
 was refurbishing its launch pad. On the basis of the photos, the
 agency officials concluded that the country was “most likely to test
 its longer-range ballistic missile, the Taepodong 2”. Once deployed,
 they said, it would be able to hit Alaska or Hawaii.

 This alarm follows the launching last August of a Taepodong 1 missile
 that passed over Japan before landing in the Pacific. Pyongyang
 claimed at the time that the missile had been used to launch a
 satellite into orbit—a claim that Washington was finally compelled to
 acknowledge as correct. “We have concluded that North Korea did
 attempt to orbit a very small satellite,” US State Department
 spokesman James Rubin stated on September 14.

 This has not prevented the Clinton administration from pressing ahead
 with demands for North Korea to halt its ballistic missile development
 program and to end its current sales of missiles. Earlier this month
 US presidential envoy William Perry visited North Korea to pressure
 the Pyongyang regime into giving up its weapons programs in return for
 the lifting of the 45-year US economic and diplomatic blockade of the
 country. Perry is reported to have told North Korean officials that
 the US and Japan would not tolerate another missile launch.

 Earlier in the year, the Clinton administration demanded access to a
 large underground excavation at the remote mountainous site of
 Kumchangri, which had been spotted by US surveillance satellites,
 claiming that the North Koreans could be reestablishing a nuclear
 weapons program there in breach of a 1994 agreement with the US.

 The only reason that the G-8 communiqué referred to “missiles” and not
 “nuclear weapons” was that a US team of visiting inspectors and
 scientific experts found no evidence of any preparations for the
 construction of a nuclear reactor in the tunnel. These findings were
 reported to North Korean officials this week during talks in Beijing
 by US Special Envoy on Korean Affairs Charles Kartman. Nevertheless,
 State Department spokesman James Rubin said the US still had its
 “suspicions” about the tunnel complex.

 Vice-ministerial talks between the North and the South, the first in
 14 months, lasted for 90 minutes in Beijing on Tuesday morning but
 broke up after the North Korean delegation criticised South Korea for
 the battle in which a North Korean torpedo boat was sunk and about 30
 of its sailors killed. The North Korean media has demanded an apology.

 Both sides blame the other for initiating the firing. At issue is
 control over lucrative crab fishing areas south of the so-called
 Northern Limit Line (NLL)—a sea 

[CTRL] Ol' Hickory

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

 Saturday, June 26, 1999

 'Trail of Tears' a huge blot on Jackson's life


 My hero worship of Andrew Jackson is over. This rugged son of Ulster
 who became the seventh president of the US stands guilty of the most
 brutal ethnic cleansing in American history.

 Not that this will affect Jackson's towering reputation here where
 it's an American dream how an orphan boy came out of the wilds of the
 Appalachians, became a lawyer on the frontier territory of Tennessee,
 drank, duelled, gambled, courted women, fought Indians, humiliated the
 British, founded the Democratic Party and ended up in the White House.

 It is a more thrilling tale than the Kennedy family trek from
 Dunganstown to the White House with the help of Joe Kennedy's
 millions. But the Catholic Irish American immigrants have long ago won
 the public relations battle against the Presbyterian Scots-Irish. It's
 about time the Ulster unionists took pride in what their ancestors did
 in America

 My first encounter with the Jackson myth was to stand in the seaside
 cottage in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim from which his parents and two
 brothers emigrated to the American colonies in 1765.

 Next I walked the battlefield outside New Orleans where Gen Jackson
 routed a far superior British force in 1815 under another Irish
 general, Sir Edward Pakenham. One could only marvel at the scale of
 Jackson's triumph on the banks of the Mississippi which left some
 2,000 British dead to 13 Americans.

 It was sweet revenge for Jackson, whose mother and two brothers had
 died as a result of harsh treatment from British troops in the
 revolutionary war.

 The battle made Jackson the biggest hero in America and helped him win
 the presidency in 1828. His legendary physical toughness earned him
 the nickname "Old Hickory".

 However, for the Indian tribes in the south-east like the Creeks, the
 Choctaws and the Cherokees, Jackson was the hated "Sharp Knife".

 Not only did he defeat them in bloody battles but he forced them to
 sign unjust treaties which drove them from their ancestral lands to
 settle over 1,000 miles to the west in what is now Oklahoma.

 For the Cherokees this was the infamous "Trail of Tears" when 4,000
 died in the trek in winter from the Carolinas and Georgia over
 mountains and through dense forests. Altogether some 50,000 Indians
 were forced at gun point to move west from their lands, largely due to

 The Cherokees were probably more civilised than the English and
 Scots-Irish land-grabbers. They lived in log cabins, had their own
 sophisticated government and laws, wore turbans and even had their own
 English language newspaper called the Phoenix.

 Some of them fled into the Appalachians rather than march west and
 their descendants, called the Eastern Band, now live in the
 magnificent scenery of the Great Smoky Mountains dividing North
 Carolina and Tennessee.

 Today these gentle people show visitors to their reservation how their
 ancestors lived, but you sense a sadness. They earn a living only by
 being a tourist attraction.

 From there it is a day's drive to a beautiful mansion called The
 Hermitage outside Nashville, capital of Tennessee and of country and
 western music.

 The Hermitage is where Jackson lived the life of a plantation owner
 and where he ended his days after retiring from the White House,
 tended by his devoted family and not so devoted slaves. He and his
 wife, Rachel Donelson, lie in a tomb in the corner of the garden.

 It was a real love match between the high-spirited Rachel and "Old
 Hickory". He helped her escape from her first abusive husband and
 married her before she had legalised her divorce. This was exploited
 as a "scandal" by Jackson's political opponents when he ran for the

 There were happy days at The Hermitage where Jackson and Rachel
 entertained and where their adopted son, Andrew, grew up along with an
 Indian boy, Lyncoya, whom the general had rescued after a battle in
 which he slaughtered his parents.

 This was the tender side of Jackson who was noted for his rages and
 ruthlessness. As a boy who had been orphaned himself, he felt what he
 called "an unusual sympathy" for the abandoned baby which he brought
 to his tent and fed before sending him to The Hermitage.

 Just as Jackson was getting ready to travel from Tennessee to the
 White House after his election in 1828, his beloved Rachel suddenly
 died. It was a cruel blow and Jackson wept, saying: "My heart is
 nearly broke" as he left to live alone in the White House.

 The frontiersman had wrested the presidency from John Quincy Adams,
 representing the richer, commercial classes of the northeast who
 mocked the uncouth Jackson. But he was the darling of the common
 people and laid the foundations for the modern Democratic Party,
 introducing the political 

[CTRL] Caveat Lector

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

And check the sources ...

From RollCall

 Internet Tax is a Hoax

 By Roll Call internet staff

 An email hoax has been circulating recently declaring that Congress is
 about to pass legislation allowing the U.S. Postal Service to collect
 a 5 cent surcharge on every email delivered. It is completely false.

 First, the U.S. Postal Service is not authorized to collect taxes of
 any kind for the United States government. Second, there is no
 Representative in Congress named "Schnell." Finally, the name and
 number of the bill mentioned in the hoax email does not follow the
 naming convention for bills in the House and Senate.br Following is
 the text of one of the circulating emails:

 The last few months have revealed an alarming trend in the Government
 of the United States attempting to quietly push through legislation
 that will affect your use of the Internet. Under proposed legislation
 the U.S. Postal Service will be attempting to bilk email users out of
 "alternate postage fees". Bill 602P will permit the Federal Govt. to
 charge a 5 cent surcharge on every email delivered, by billing
 Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would then be
 billed in turn by the ISP.

 Washington D.C. lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to prevent
 this legislation from becoming law. The U.S. Postal Service is
 claiming that lost revenue due to the proliferation of email is
 costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may have noticed
 their recent ad campaign "There is nothing like a letter". Since the
 average citizen received about 10 pieces of email per day in 1998,the
 cost to the typical individual would be an additional 50 cents per
 day, or over $180 dollars per year, above and beyond their regular
 Internet costs.

 Note that this would be money paid directly to the U.S. Postal Service
 for a service they do not even provide. The whole point of the
 Internet is democracy and non-interference. If the federal government
 is permitted to tamper with our liberties by adding a surcharge to
 email, who knows where it will end. You are already paying an
 exorbitant price for snail mail because of bureacratic inefficiency.
 It currently takes up to 6 days for a letter to be delivered from New
 York to Buffalo. If the U.S. Postal Service is allowed to tinker with
 email, it will mark the end of the "free" Internet in the United

 One congressman, Tony Schnell (r) has even suggested a "twenty to
 forty dollar per month surcharge on all Internet service" above and
 beyond the government's proposed email charges. Note that most of the
 major newspapers have ignored the story, the only exception being the
 Washingtonian which called the idea of email surcharge "a useful
 concept who's time has come" (March 6th 1999 Editorial. Don't sit by
 and watch your freedoms erode away!

 Send this e-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends
 and relatives to write to their congressman and say "No!" to Bill
 602P. It will only take a few moments of your time, and could very
 well be instrumental in killing a bill we don't want.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is 

[CTRL] The Rock

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheIndependent (UK)

 Gibraltar embarks on risky alliance

 By Elizabeth Nash in Gibraltar

 The Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Peter Caruana, has plunged into a
 dangerous liaison with Jesus Gil, the flamboyant and controversial
 mayor of Marbella, whose right-wing party is advancing throughout
 southern Spain. The two men sealed their friendship with a pact this
 week that will infuriate Madrid and prompt jitters in London.

 The rapprochement was struck in Gibraltar amidst a furore surrounding
 Mr Gil, who is accused by Madrid's chief prosecutor of conniving with
 a Marbella judge to launder money for the Sicilian Mafia. Mr Caruana
 brushed aside doubts about Mr Gil's honesty, saying that was an
 internal Spanish matter and that nothing was proven.

 The two men will develop economic, cultural and sporting links between
 Gibraltar and neighbouring regions of Spain controlled by Mr Gil's
 Independent Liberal Group (GIL). Mr Gil, a populist rabble-rouser on
 bail for fraud, and Mr Caruana, the dapper lawyer, make an incongruous
 couple. But their opportunist alliance could mark the start of a
 beautiful friendship. They are astute and pragmatic politicians with a
 talent for an electoral flourish.

 They planned to meet over lunch on Thursday in a harbourside
 restaurant on the Rock, but at the last minute Mr Gil backed out,
 leaving fellow GIL members, his son Jesus Gil Marin, who is mayor of
 Estepona, and Juan Carlos Juarez, the mayor of La Linea which borders
 Gibraltar, as Mr Caruana's only guests.

 In local elections on 13 June, Mr Juarez swept into La Linea from
 nowhere to win a landslide victory. In GIL's swanky offices in La
 Linea yesterday locals queued to sign up. "None of the other parties
 ever did anything for us, let's hope GIL [or Gil] can turn La Linea
 into another Marbella," one enthusiast said.

 But Mr Gil has problems. He is on £420,000 bail, charged with
 funnelling some 450m pesetas (£2m) of Marbella's public funds to
 Atletico Madrid football club, which he owns. On Wednesday night he
 was warned that if he left Spain he could be arrested on his return,
 and forfeit his bail.

 So on Thursday lunchtime, he ventured no further than the border.
 There he told assembled press and a gaggle of fans how sorry he was to
 miss Mr Caruana, "because he's a good man you can talk to and
 negotiate with".

 But had he not realised that he would face penalties for leaving the
 country while on bail? Mr Gil turned on a sunny smile and grasped my
 hand warmly. "Perhaps I was naive, but it honestly didn't occur to me
 because I'm totally innocent. It's a shame because they're over there
 waiting for me." He added: "I want to make La Linea the envy of the

 Sceptics suspect a publicity stunt, and Mr Gil lost no time in
 denouncing the state prosecutors as "base-born assassins" for accusing
 him of Mafia links. However, Mr Caruana is keen to have an
 interlocutor in Spain and has long said he could do business with Mr
 Gil. Gibraltar's Chief Minister is fed up with being cold-shouldered
 by Spain's Foreign Minister, Abel Matutes, who talks only to London.

 Mr Caruana wants to boost Gibraltarian business in Spain, and Mr Gil's
 ideology-free policy of promoting investment, especially in real
 estate, offers tempting opportunities. Residents of La Linea like the
 idea, too, scenting escape from decades of depression and unemployment
 that runs at 35 per cent, the highest in Spain.

 Gibraltar is the region's main employer, and some 3,000 Spaniards
 cross every day to work in hotels and bars on the Rock. Otherwise, La
 Linea's principle activity is drug trafficking, mainly hashish from
 nearby Morocco, and increasingly heroin and cocaine.

 Mr Gil promised yesterday to clean up the drugs, sweep criminals off
 the streets and bring prosperity to La Linea. This formula bounced him
 to power in Marbella eight years ago, and brought subsequent gains
 along the coast and in the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in
 Morocco just across the Gibraltar Strait.

 La Linea could do with a face-lift. While the rest of the coast is
 cluttered with marble villas, golf links, timeshare complexes and
 casinos, La Linea looks more like a Paraguayan frontier town, scruffy
 and neglected, although with a gorgeous long beach, ripe for

 The new mayor, Mr Juarez, has taken personal control of urbanisation
 and relations with Gibraltar as priorities for his new mandate, and Mr
 Gil has openly declared Gibraltarians welcome in Marbella. Such
 gestures of friendship from Spain - which avoid the thorny question of
 sovereignty - are much appreciated on the Rock.

 In his dark suit, Mr Caruana stayed cool and elegant by Gibraltar's
 yacht marina that looked positively Marbella-esque with its fleets of
 gleaming pleasure craft. He said Mr Gil's party had achieved many
 improvements in the areas it ruled. He added that he hoped to meet Mr
 Gil very soon, "whenever he wants" -