Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-12-01 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Gross oversimpilification!

No, it's the crux and the essence of both. Everything else is just
window dressing.

Noam teaches at a university does he not? What does that make him?

An anomaly.

Sorry, not good enough. You made a generalisation about academics supporting
ruling class values. Perhaps you care to provide actual evidence of this
fact? Noam afterall, has plenty of backers scattered throughout the US
university system. Quite a few over here as well.

I encountered heaps of Marxists in my uni days. And not one

And from this alone you extropolate? That's sampling error. What was
your major?

I went to two universities and did a BA and a M Soc Sci. In both universities
the clear majority of the academic staff  of the humanities/social science
departments held Marxist beliefs. The lecturers weren't all Australian either
and included quite a few Americans and Europeans. There were a few
iconoclasts (or deviationists), but only a few and curiously they came from

How can you say this if you haven't been to college/uni?

I went. I dropped out to feed my family. But I was there long enough
to get the gist off it.

Of course! You've got it all worked out! I should have realised!

That's prejudiced.

That's observant.

That's presumptious.

And take your queues from the anarchist ideology... Very good.

Anarchists think for ourselves. We pool our efforts to do so. Nobody
is smart enough to get through life with only one brain.

There's a contradiction there, but perhaps if you pool your thoughts you will
realise that whenever people gather in groups they stop thinking for
themselves... unless they are the "leader".

That's a WHO stat. I'm fairly skeptical of the WHO, and their ilk,
for a variety of reasons. But, they're collecting the stats and you're
not, so I'm gonna go with them with this proviso: the real number is
probably higher.

That's your bias talking.

That's extrapolation from extensive study, especially in the field.
For six years I drove truck for a non profit that gave away food. We
gave away fifteen to sixteen hundred pounds a week at our own expence
in the middle of one of the most prosperous regions on earth the Bay
Area. There was ALWAYS more hunger than food.

Nobody ever goes hungry for lack of food.

And not because of drought, floods, shoddy state distribution systems
in the communist remnants, inept economic policies in some states,
localist corruption and thievery?

Nope. Even in the worst food crisis, be it of whatever origin, if you
have enough  money you can eat. If you do not, you starve. This is
they way of the (capitalist) world.

That misses the point Nessie of your original contention that capitalism was
the cause of food shortages.

How many people want to live in Nessie in an anarcho-syndicalist
states of America?

By definition, there's no such thing as an anarcho-syndicalist STATE
of anything.

Spare me nitpicking Nessie.

plenty of food,

If you have the money to pay for it.

Grow your own then.

If you have your own land or the money to buy or rent some, yeah, go
for it. I grow as much as I can, in my own tiny yard, in the back of
Bound Together Books and in a vacant lot where nobody seems to mind.
It's not enough, but it helps. I recommend it.

Your problem with the ownership thing suddenly clicked. I have a vague memory
of a guest lecturer at Uni, an anarchist, and the motto "property is theft".

Unfortunately, unlike Australia, in the US available land is at a
premium, particularly in the cities. There are a smattering of vacant
lots where people can grow food, but they seldom last long and most
are poluted. There's one two blocks from my house that the
(capitalist) owners have fenced in with a twelve foot fence to keep us

Haven't you heard? Most of Australia is semi-arid to desert. Just about
everyone lives along the East coast.
And I'm saddened that your local capitalist owners don't want you planting
crops on their turf but I'm sure that, seeing they're probably in debt to
some bank, they'd take a dim view of anarchists asserting that property is

Walking is for free.

Tell you what, dress in old clothes, leave your money and ID at home,
go for a walk at night in a rich neighborhood and then tell us that.

You've missed the point again Nessie. You can't walk anywhere you like
anywhere on this world, but you don't have to pay anybody to actually use
your own legs to get from A to B.

most people have money so they do watch what they want.

Most people where? In your neighborhood maybe. In the world? No way.

Touche. You got me there. I'll be more specific, but it's hard because just
about every state on this earth has some sort of politically inspired
restrictions on what one can watch although that ranges from the draconian
(DPRK) to the merely moralistic.

But in DPRK and Cuba whether you have enough money or not there's
only certain things you can watch and you risk imprisonment if you

Re: [CTRL] Chechens surprise with counter-attack, Russians admit heavy losses= CAT-AND-MOUSE.

1999-12-01 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

Give me a break, eh? Don't you recognize the game of CAT AND MOUSE when it
is played? Russia is a nuclear power and according to stats I can produce at
any time it was ahead of USA when it GRACIOUSLY decided to end the Cold War.
So an intelligent person would ask, WHAT IS THE REAL GAME BEHIND THIS? Funny
that CBC (Canada) would never even think of asking that! But then, nobody
ever expected any "Medium" dependent on Cretin's government WELFARE for its
survival to be competent.


Chechens surprise with counter-attack, Russians admit heavy losses
GROZNY, Russia, Nov 29 (AFP) -
Chechen fighters seized the initiative Monday, taking a second village as
fierce fighting flared on the eastern front and a top general admitted
losses in recent clashes.

In Moscow, Russia slapped down talk of a mediation role for the OSCE in
resolving the conflict, Norwegian Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek leaving
without a date for an OSCE mission to the region.

After weeks of setbacks, Grozny said its troops had extended a weekend
counter-attack, capturing the village of Noibyora 50 kilometres (30 miles)
east of Grozny on Monday.

The settlement, near the Russian-controlled second city of Gudermes, is
to Novogroznensky which was snatched by Chechen troops at the weekend.

Moscow declined to comment the report, but insisted its troops had regained
control of Novogroznensky.

Russian television showed Russian armour patrolling the zone as helicopter
gunships buzzed overhead in the hunt for Chechen fighters who hit an Mi-8
attack helicopter, killing the pilot.

Both sides reported heavy fighting around Alleroi, 10 kilometres from
Chechnya's eastern border with the neighbouring Russian republic of

Intense clashes were also reported around Alkhan-Yurt, a village at the
southwestern gates of Grozny, and the key bastion of Urus-Martan, 20
kilometres southwest of the capital.

The flurry of skirmishes came as Russian Chief of Staff General Valery
Manilov said 12 paratroopers had died near the village of Kharachoi, in the
southeastern Vedeno district, fiefdom of leading Chechen field commander
Shamil Basayev.

"Our kids were forced to fight to the end. Out of 14 people, 12 people
he said of the November 17 clash.

The toll is the heaviest admitted by Russian commanders from a single
with the Chechens in the current campaign.

A rebel field commander told AFP on November 22 that Chechen forces had
killed more than 200 Russians near Kharachoi and produced a video showing
some 40 corpses in Russian uniform and two prisoners.

The Chechen thrust signalled a switch in tactics, the outgunned guerrillas
until now having avoided pitched battles with Russian troops who rolled
the rebel republic on October 1.

Russian generals have relied on massive aerial and artillery superiority to
push back the rebels, rather than risk a repeat of street battles which led
to disastrous losses in the 1994-96 war between the two sides.

Despite the setbacks, Russia's official envoy to Chechnya Nikolai Koshman
predicted federal troops would control two-thirds of Chechnya, including
Grozny, by December 20.

Russian forces, who currently control more than half of the republic,
continued to pound Urus-Martan, which guards vital escape routes from
Russian generals had hoped to take the town last week.

Federal aircraft carried out 50 air raids in Chechnya Monday after more
more than 200 raids on Chechen positions at the weekend.

Chechen officials say Grozny and Urus-Martan have been 80 percent destroyed
by the relentless onslaught which has left more than 4,500 people dead.

Grozny's mayor said Saturday that 260 people had been killed in the
48 hours, in some of the heaviest bombing yet of the capital.

Reports of Russian disregard for civilian casualties have prompted sharp
criticism from the West, including Vollebaek, the current chairman of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

But the official, in Moscow to discuss an OSCE mission to the region, left
empty handed and with a Russia rejection of any OSCE mediation role ringing
in his ears.

"I would not be honest if I said that I'm satisfied with my achievements,"
Vollebaek said ahead of his departure for the United States.

His host Igor Ivanov, the Russian foreign minister, bluntly said Moscow
not need mediation to resolve this problem." It was not clear when the
would be discussed again.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Rife tech, The amazing story of Rick Cuyler

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

"UNDER THE LIGHT" - The dis-ease is dis-armed.
The amazing story of Rick Cuyler

Several months ago after hearing my story of survival from acute leukemia
and the medical establishments "solution" to cancer, a friend asked me to
give a brief summary of what I experienced and how I was able to survive a
disease that literally in all cases is diagnosed as fatal. There is so much
to tell but will give you all synopsis here.

At the age of 27 years old after experiencing a very difficult life already
I was about to be faced with the most challenging experience that life was
about to offer me.

On September 28th, 1992 after collapsing from exhaustion I was informed by
medical doctors that I had developed a terminal case of "acute
non-lymphocytic leukemia" (ANLL). With each prognosis I would hope for
error. But with each diagnosis the only promise was a dead one.

The only options for me were nothing short of poison. High doses of
chemotherapy. Being thrown into a diagnosis like this along with my lack of
knowledge I had no choice but to choose the options available to me through
traditional therapies. As my extremely aggressive disease needed immediate
attention I was ignorant to any other choices for treatment. I was at the
unfortunate mercy of my oncologist.

Starting with the usual acute leukemia dosage I received approximately 2
litres of chemo twice a day for 7 days. This would cause almost complete
destruction of not only normal and/or abnormal cells but also bone marrow
cells. The result of this is complete support of blood/transfusion along
with high dose of IV antibiotics/platelets.

To summarize my treatment with chemo over a period of 15 months. It was over
20 gallons of chemotherapy over 5 different 4-6 week hospital stays and 5
relapses following quickly after each remission.

In January of 1994 in my 5th relapse with 99% leukemia cells in my bone, I
underwent a non-(family)-related donor bone marrow transplant. As a result
of 5 high dose rounds of chemo, a non-(family)-related donor bone marrow
transplant, 100% full body radiation and all the toxic effects caused by the
combination…my overall predicted success was 5% possibility of living
through the transplant with an estimated 90 day time period relapse
following the transplant.

During the last 15 months I had been endlessly researching any and all
possible cures anywhere in the world. Including voodoo (smiling). In other
words…I was offered NO cure from conventional medicine but felt intuitively
that there was hope. I knew instinctively that there was a cure. Early in my
illness my focus was directed on Royal Raymond Rife's research. It was by
far the most understandable.

Royal Raymond Rife, a San Diego based scientist started researching the
cause of cancer. After many years of failed results Rife was convinced a
virus was the culprit. Due to the lack of microscopic capabilities at that
time his biggest accomplishment was his invention of the "Universal
Microscope". A microscope capable of viewing "live" specimens 60-100,000
times using light as his method of staining.

After several years of research Rife discovered that each and every
individual diseased organism such as virus, bacteria, fungus and parasites
resonated/vibrated at their own individual frequency.

Rife also discovered that using a specific RF (radio frequency) would kill
the diseased organism when using its' specific frequency. Rife called this
their MOR (mortal oscillatory rate). This effect can be easily described as
an opera singer shattering a crystal glass when the right frequencies are

This method would prove to be 100% effective in killing all
types/shapes/sizes of diseased organisms. To explain it simply… any previous
or future biological diseased organism cannot survive the resonating effects
of frequencies within their structure. Rife had a 100% cure for all diseases
that plagued man. Including Leprosy, TB, Polio, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes,
Cancer, Strep, Staff, Fungus, Parasites and the list goes on…

So far all present diseases such as Alzheimer's, Herpes, Parkinson's, Lupus,
Arthritis, Cataracts, Aids, STD's and Cancer to name just a few are also
susceptible to the lethal frequencies.

In 1934 at the Scripts Ranch in La Jolla California Rife successfully
treated and cured 16 of 16 terminal cancer patients using his "light"
(frequency generator). Soon after… clinics all across the country were
reporting 100% cures for the diseases of the time including cancer as his
clinical trials proved. This would bring on the wrath of the AMA.

Ask yourself these questions as I had to ask myself…. Why would something
100% effective in curing the diseases of mankind when used properly resulted
in No side effects, No pain, No damage, No harm whatsoever to the host be
removed from 

[CTRL] Microwave effects on food humans

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

In 1970,  RAND Corporation publishes a report entitled "A Brief Survey of
Literature Relating to Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous
Function". The author notes that the US microwave guideline in effect for
the public, 10,000 mw/cm2, provide for non-thermal levels of microwaves
which produce behavioral disturbances in humans. These disturbances include
irritability, loss of memory, fatigue, headache, tremors, hallucination,
autonomic nervous system disorders and disturbed sensory functioning. The
report continues in discussion of several possible mechanisms which allow
these effects.
A companion paper, "A Direct Mechanism for the Direct Influence of Microwave
Radiation on Neuroelectric Function", is also produced by R.J. MacGregor for
the RAND Corporation. In the report, he notes that power densities of close
to 100,000 mw/cm2 can produce auditory halluncinations in a field that would
be averaged as low intensity and non-thermal. According to MacGregors model,
this would produce a depolarization of brain tissue of 2.0-3.0 mv, where he
concludes that neuroelectric effects should exhibit a maximum effect in the
microwave range.

Other information follows, with sources.

Dave Hartley


Microwave cooking ovens were originally researched and developed by German
scientists to support mobile operations during the invasion of the Soviet
Union. Had they perfected electronic equipment to prepare meals on a mass
scale, the Nazis could have eliminated the logistical problems connected
with cooking fuels while producing edible products in far less time than
they could using traditional campfires.

After the war, the Allies discovered the medical research and documentation
concerning these apparatuses. The papers and experimental microwave
equipment were transferred to the U.S. War Department and classified for
reference and scientific investigation. The Soviet Union also retrieved some
of the devices and began to experiment on them separately.

The Russians - who have done the most diligent research into the biological
effects of microwave ovens - have OUTLAWED THEIR USE and issued an
international warning about the biological and environmental damage that can
result from the use of this and similar-frequency electronic apparatus.


The most significant German research concerned with the biological effects
of microwaves was done at the Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin in 1942-43,
during the Barbarossa military campaign. Beginning in 1957 and continuing up
to the present, Russian studies in the field have been conducted at the
Institute of Radio Technology.

In most research, the foods were exposed to microwave propagation at an
energy potential of 100 kilowatts per cubic centimetre per second to the
point considered acceptable for sanitary normal ingestion.

The observations made by the German and Russian microwave researchers will
be presented here in three categories: cancer-causing effects, destruction
of nutritive value and biological effects of direct exposure of humans to
microwave emissions.


The following effects have been observed when foods are subjected to
microwave emissions.
Meats: Heating prepared meats sufficiently to insure sanitary ingestion
creates d-nitrosodiethanolamine, a well-known cancer-causing agent.

Proteins: Active-protein, biomolecular compounds are destabilized.

Increase In Radioactivity: A "binding effect" between the microwaved food
and any atmospheric radioactivity is created, causing a marked increase in
the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food.

Milk and Cereals: Cancer-causing agents are created in the
protein-hydrolysate compounds in milk and cereal grains.

Frozen Foods: Microwaves used to thaw frozen foods alter the catabolism
(breakdown) of the glucoside and galactoside elements (see Note 1).

Vegetables: Even extremely brief exposure of raw, cooked or frozen
vegetables to microwaves alter alkaloid (see Note 2) catabolism.


Digestive System: The unstable catabolism of microwaved foods alters their
elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system.

Lymphatic Systems: Due to chemical alterations within food substances,
malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, causing a degeneration of the
body's ability to protect itself against certain forms of neoplastics
(cancerous growths).

Blood: A higher-than-normal percentage of cancerous cells in blood serum
(cytomas) can be seen in subjects ingesting microwaved foods.

Brain: Their residual magnetism effect can render the psychoneural-receptor
components of the brain more subject to influence by artificially induced,
microwave-radio-frequency fields from transmission stations and TV relay

Free Radicals: Certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant
substances (in 

[CTRL] Cancer cure: suppressed

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Cancer Cure

There is no cure for the common cold. There is a very simple CURE for cancer

There is not ONE doctor in the world today who treats cancer? Historically
we are repeating the very same lesson we learned in 1930.

In caring for his diabetic patients the physician may amputate a leg,
perform a liver, kidney or lung transplant and provide a Seeing Eye dog.
However he is not treating DIABETES, but only the end result of diabetes. If
the physician does not prescribe insulin, the missing metabolic requirement,
he is not treating diabetes. Even should the physician prescribe insulin,
the patient himself must give the needed medication from 1 to 4 times a day
and adjust his diet. The patient, not the physician, must treat his own

Likewise, in caring for his CANCER patients, the physician may surgically
remove a tumor mass, and destroy the patient's body with chemotherapy and/or
radiation. However, he is not treating CANCER, but only the end results of
cancer. Cancer is simply a metabolic malfunction of the patient's pancreas
and failure of the pancreas to produce an adequate amount of pancreatin, for
a number of reasons. Although the physician may prescribe pancreatin for his
cancer patients, it is the patient himself who treats his own cancer by
taking the pancreatin from 4 to 6 times daily as well as making adjustments
in his diet.

From the beginning of time, diabetes was a death sentence. In 1911 professor
Scott discovered and documented the cure for Diabetes. All Physicians had
only treated the results of diabetes, such as heart, liver and kidney
damage, gangrene and blindness, but not diabetes. Everything went along the
same as usual, diabetic patients dying, until the 1920's when Dr. Scott
developed and standardized the blood test for diabetes. During this period,
the Medical Establishment in their pompous ignorance and diabolical greed,
murdered Dr. Scott's wife and only son. The Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole
and only monopoly for the manufacture and sale of insulin, by the Big
Establishment, which controls all monopolies. Lilly's problem was, they
could not make insulin. Therefore by stealth, deceit and conspiracy, a Lilly
conspirator confiscated Scott's procedures and technique for production of

The Medical Establishment then forced Sir Dr. Frederick Banting to accept a
Doctor of Medicine degree that he did not want and in which he had no
interest. Next the Establishment gave the Nobel prize to Banting (a very
honorable man) and Best (not so honorable) to cover up Lilly's theft of
Scott's scientific discovery. Thus the Big Establishment conferred
credibility upon Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly has had the monopoly on
insulin ever since, making hundreds of millions of dollars down through the

So it is today, the physician only treats malignant tumor masses, blood and
immune system failures. The physician never treats CANCER. Four things
usually happen to the physician who even attempts to treat CANCER:

1. He is immediately stripped of his license to practice medicine; and/or is

2. Thrown in jail for at least one year; and/or is

3. Run out of the country; (usually Mexico) and/or is

4. Killed.

For the time being, the CANCER victim must treat his/her own cancer.
Legally, one must also allow the physician to treat the results of CANCER
and plunder and frequently kill the victim. The Cancer Self-Test and
procedures for treating one's cancer are carefully outlined in Dr. Kelley's
One Answer to Cancer updated, 1997.

I bring this message to you for several reasons. First, to remind you how
desperately ill Cancer Victims become, and how easy it is for me to tell
them what is needed to regain their health. Also, how exceedingly difficult
it is for them to do it. Cancer Victims have to give up any hope they might
have that their Orthodox or Alternative Treatment can be more than 20%
successful. Although they are told this by their honest physicians, it
remains hard to let go of the faintest glimmer of hope. The discipline
necessary to do our Metabolic Program is a high hurdle for all Cancer

For example a young man, Scott Stirling, a seriously ill cancer victim, came
to my little, office (a 3 room shack) in Grapevine, Texas. At this point,
the Metabolic Nutritional Supplements were pure and uncontaminated. The
Medical Establishment was livid with me personally and deceived themselves
that I was a 'health food nut' and no threat to their 100 Billion Dollar a
year CANCER Racket of Plunder and Murder.

Scot, of course, like other Cancer Victims, had to work very hard to reverse
the progression of his terminal illness. Our Metabolic Paradigm was and is
as true as 'gravity.' Like other scientists before me down through history,
the Establishment tries with all their diabolic schemes and tricks to
destroy it. Truth is a most difficult 

Re: [CTRL] LJ: Re: SEATTLE PREPARES FOR BATTLE...with the The Pagans of Vancouver.

1999-12-01 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

Justifiable "sliming" of the Dogan bogus-church abounds on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] where the only taboo...I repeat ONLY taboo is denying
the holy holocaust ( I guess that is: the Holocaust of 60 MILLION Russians
and neighbours caused by...guess who?). And you, being a dogan coward and
whore will not fight against AOL.COM.
So you tell www (that's world wide web) ALL of which is safely esconsed in
CIA offices what the facts of the situation are.

"The Administration of Justice has never been called into disrepute by the

Do you know who said that, Yonkee,  Coward and typical of your
nation...Dogan Eater of Shit and DENIER OF TRUTH...which is CHRIST...the
Christ you do not know.


-Original Message-
From: John A. Quayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: LJ: Re: SEATTLE PREPARES FOR BATTLE...with the The "Pagans" of

At 11:16 PM 11/30/99 -0800, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

PS-Ask that little Dogan Faggot, Buchanan, if he knows how to articulate
the very scientific word, C-U-L-T-U-R-E. Golly gosh and a couple of gee
whillikers, it HAS A MEANING. But like his bosses, the Whores of Rome
(Vatican) .

 *WOAH*, wait just a damned minute, Franklin! Who ever gave you permission
to slime the Catholic Church?!? Trog and I, proper Catholics that we are,
will be expectin' a formal apology, come the dawn.

 I mean, you wouldn't want Vancouver to go up like the Murrah Building in
OKC, now, wouldya?!?

 BTW, has *ANYBODY* ever seen a Catholic refer to a Protestant church as
being a "whore"?!? Of course not. And BTW, Frankie, ol' man, PJB, being the
tough, gutsy Irishman he is, could bloody-well tie your eyebrows in knots,
while wearing a straitjacket. Anyone wish to make book, here?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 3:50 AM



I wanted you to see the original e-mail Rumor Mill News received from the
server who was intimidated by the FBI and removed the webpage of the 'amateur
filmaker/SOG Team leader" who made the video "Military Assault at

What I find interesting is the order in which he listed the media
organizations to whom he sent this note of explanation. As you can see, he
properly placed the Rumor Mill at the top!

Now for my bad news... I am having computer problems again. I can't get up to
the web from any of my working computers.

I can't get online at AOL (most of the time) to read my mail.

I haven't figured out how to GET my mail open at Mindspring, so that does me
no good.

Two phones lines are out... won't be fixed til Wedsnesday.

Most of my interesting news items are on my AOL accounts, and I can't get
them to download, so I can email them to you from my Mindspring account.

The last time I was having problems like this was during my research and
writing on the assassination of JFK, JR.

the last time my phone lines and computers crashed, was when my story on the
connection between the Brookhaven Linear Accelerator and the crash of JFK,
JRS plane, went out over the newswires.

My phones didn't ring in my home. I didn't know they were out for two days.
When I finally was able to access my Pacific Bell voice mail, I had almost a
hundred messages from radio stations and television stations who wanted to do
an interview... unfortunately, I was three days late and the story was colder
than Alaska in winter.

And now I find myself in a similar predicament. I wonder what is going on
that I don't know about?

And in addition to all of this... the Rumor Mill Forum is under attack!!! If
you haven't wandered around in there in the last few days, you really ought
to go and take a look. You will quickly find out WHO has invaded and is
attacking... You will also see that many people are offering their opinions
of what to do about him.

In addition, there is some of the best information on the Forum that has ever
been on there. You will have to wade through some crap... but the jewels of
information are worth it...

Now, take a look at the email from the server who shut down a website due to
pressure from the FBI. Also, notice to whom the email was addressed, and who
the news agencies are who were only cc'd

Ru Mills, Editor, RMNews Agency

-Original Message-
From: Mark Wieger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 1:41 PM
Subject: Crowded Theater vs. FBI

We wanted to offer you this press release on

BECamation, the original provider of service for,
will be re-enabling the site.  This decision was made after
re-examining facts and being made aware of all of the events that
transpired with all parties involved. We regret we had to make the
decision to pull the site, but without all the information available
to us at the time, we felt we had no choice.

At the time we were called by the FBI, we attempted to contact the
owner of the site.  Even though he was aware of the FBI inquiries
and had already been contacted by them, he did not tell us that or
provide us with any information as to that fact. Not knowing what
had transpired or what his standing with the FBI was, we were left to
try to determine if legal action had already been taken, if we were in
violation of a court order, or what our rights and responsibilities
were.  Therefore, without that information and not knowing if
legal action had been taken or was being taken, we felt we had
to comply with the FBI's request.

When the FBI and US Attorney's office called BECamation, they
announced who they were and asked if we were the owners of We said no, then they proceeded to tell us
that they had traced the site through GTE and back to us. We informed
them who the owner of the site was, they informed us that they already
knew who he was, they had contacted him and asked him to pull the site
down and he refused.  They also mentioned that they were in current
contact with Mr. Ziephers lawyers.

They proceeded to tell us that the tape contained racial slurs and
could possibly incite a riot and their jobs were to insure that this
did not happen. We responded that we had viewed the tape, was told
that it was a farce and that was all it was meant to be.  It was
similar to X Files or Blair Witch Project and meant only to show

[CTRL] SIGHTINGS Air Crashes, Black Boxes, And Unsafety Boards

1999-12-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject: SIGHTINGS  Air Crashes, Black Boxes,   And Unsafety Boards
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 10:52 AM

Air Crashes, Black Boxes,
And Unsafety Boards

By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]


More of the Same?

The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, and its predecessor
federal agencies, have a long, sorry history of covering up foul play
involved in some aircraft disasters. The word "sabotage" is a dirty,
forbidden word to them and the airline industry. How can they sell
tickets if passengers are haunted by the idea that some planes are put
down by bombs, missiles, or other bloody work? Some NTSB panel members,
in the past, have been suspected of concealing that some of their family
members and cronies have financial interests, if not actual stock
ownership, in the airline travel business.

There is, in short, nothing safe about the Safety Board.

About 1965 a commercial plane was enroute to Chicago. Just offshore of
the Windy City, the plane blew up and fell in relatively shallow water
of Lake Michigan. Early news accounts in some of the newspapers said a
bomb was suspected. Later editions, like with political assassinations,
cleaned up the messy details. Further stories dismissed the crash as
merely some kind of "accident".

One night a diver went down to the wreckage and apparently stole one of
the "black boxes", that records various parameters of the plane's
operations or records voices in the cockpit. Also removed were
apparently certain items in the wreckage. What was that all about?
According to some news reports, it was some kind of an unsolved mystery.
Left out of reports in the monopoly press were that one of the
passengers was a disgruntled top official of the American CIA. He was on
the way to meeting a prominent journalist in Chicago. He was going to
turn over documents showing that there had been a high-level cabal
implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
[Not the only time key witnesses were snuffed out on the way to meet
with reporters. Example, the Karen Silkwood case. AND, see our details
in an earlier story, about Reporters and Assassins(they sleep

These details I had confirmed to me from two reliable sources. One of
them was federal aircrash inspector. Unlike some of his colleagues, he
had several times endangered his job and career demanding the truth be
told about some crashes. BUT, his superiors always told him to "shut

The facts were simple. To silence a top espionage official an entire
plane was put in the drink killing all onboard.

In December, 1972, one month after President Nixon was re-elected, a
commercial plane was headed from Washington's National Airport, set for
a stop in Chicago. Among the passengers were twelve WATERGATE figures,
including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. She was
nervous about her luggage. So, she bought an additional first class seat
ticket for her baggage right near her. Why? Well, contained there was
two million dollars of "hush" money, that her husband reportedly
blackmailed out of Nixon. Both Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Hunt were
long-time CIA officials. Both reportedly knew about the role of Tricky
Dick implicated in the political assassination of President Kennedy. The
two million dollars in valuables were to be "parked" apparently with her
Chicago-area relatives, one of whom reportedly owns a sizeable
accounting and motel operation some say is tied to the "boys", the
traditional mafia.

Some of the passengers perished when the United Air Lines plane pancaked
just short of Midway Airport. Sooner than the police and fire
departments, 150 FBI agents were already in the crash zone keeping local
authorities away from the smouldering plane. The FBI headquarters is 12
miles away. How did that many FBI get there that soon, ahead of the fire
and police? The FBI apparently were already in the vicinity of the
airport waiting to take Mrs. Hunt and some of the other Watergators into
custody, to be charged with extortion, that is, shaking down a federal
official, namely President Nixon. It was supposed to result in a secret
"national security" federal criminal prosecution with the court records

From all the details we uncovered, we knew Mrs. Hunt and some of her
confederates survived the pancaked air plane and were poisoned later by
the FBI.

We arranged to "liberate" the entire 1300 pages of documents and
pictures of the National Transportation Safety Board, showing sabotage.
The NTSB did NOT intend to release THOSE documents in the form they had
them. Without telling the NTSB we had their file, we sued the NTSB,
claiming sabotage cover up. A local crooked judge, however, put us out

[CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

A good site:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Royal Rife the Cancer Virus

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Bob Beck's site:

 low cost Rife machines---questions  answers---Rife frequency
list---anti-cancer unit

 Royal Rife  the Cancer Virus
In 1920 Royal Rife identified the human cancer virus using the worlds most
powerful microscope (which he created), cultured the virus (on salted pork,
the best growing medium), and injected it into rats. These injections caused
cancer in every one of the rats (all 400 of them). Later he was able to find
a frequency of electro-magnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to
self destruct when within that energy field. He created a device that
emitted that energy field and was successful at destroying cancer viruses
inside patients who were within 10 feet of the device.

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical
Research Committee to bring 16 terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County
Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team
included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients, if still
alive, in 90 days. After the 3 months of treatment, the Committee concluded
that 14 of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then
adjusted and the remaining 2 also were cured within the next 4 weeks. On
November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical
authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as "The End To All
Diseases" at the Pasadena estate of Dr Milbank Johnson.

But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were
denying that they had ever met Rife. This complete reversal was the result
of pressure from the drug companies on them. 'Pressure' is a very nice way
of saying it. On the eve of a press conference to announce the results of
the 1934 study on Rife's cancer therapy, Dr Milbank Johnson, former
president of the Southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his
papers "lost". Also, after a failed attempt by Morris Fishbein to buy the
rights to Rife's healing instrument for the medical drug industry, Rife's
labs were destroyed by arson and sabotage. Dr. Nemes, who had duplicated
some of the work of Rife, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed
all his research papers. A similar fire also destroyed the Burnett Lab,
which was validating Rife's work. Royal Rife himself was killed in 1971 by
an "accidental" lethal dose of Valium and alcohol at Grossmont Hospital.

Participating in the original 1934 USC study were the following people:
Director of the Northwestern Medical School Arthur Kendall, president of USC
Rufus Klein-Schmidt, Milbank Johnson, Edward Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic
in La Jolla, George Fischer of the NY Childrens Hospital, Kurt Meyer of the
Hooper Foundation in San Francisco, and the Chief Surgeon of Santa Fe
Railway Whalen Morrison.

Dr Milbank Johnson, who was the professor of Physiology and Clinical
Medicine at USC, and chairman of the Special Medical Research Committee,
operated his own cancer clinic utilizing the Rife therapy for 10 years. He
was able to document many cases of cancer reversal there.

By the late 1950's even independent doctors and labs (among them New York's
Presbyterian Hospital) - unaware of Rife's work, were bringing forth their
own proof that cancer was an infectious viral disease, and maintained that
"cancer did not consist of a localized tumor alone." They described it as a
generalized disease caused by an organism in the blood. It could be that all
of us have that virus and that it usually doesn't create tumors except when
there's enough toxicity due to chemical exposure, unhealthy habits, or
poorly oxygenated blood. (exceptions exist though. ie: Linda McCartney who
died of cancer although she was relly into healthy living.) But we believe
it is also very helpful to detox and live a healthy lifestyle as well as
remove the virus that can turn cells cancerous.

Modern versions of Rife's frequency instrument exist (both original tube
type and pad types), but cost at least $2000. (Jaguar is now selling pad
type units for $500-$620 to change this.) These devices still have to be
sold under the guise "for veterinary purposes only" because the FDA will not
approve anything that doesn't keep the money rolling in via
drugs/surgery/radiation. (hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient).
Click here to jump to testimonies page.

This page is for informational use only. It exists to help you understand
that cancer has a strong component that is viral. Viruses can cause cellular
DNA damage as well as making cells more susceptable to DNA damage by toxins.
Cancer is not a mystery as the doctors would have you believe. Jaguar has
available a pad type device that outputs the Rife 


1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

from Bob Beck's site:


by Michael Forrest

   Since the beginnings of time, disease has been one of humanity's greatest
scourges. Although science has made progress with the creation of vaccines
and antibiotics, we still have many untreatable diseases, some of which are
due to new strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Some of these are
responsible for Tuberculosis, Cholera, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Scarlet fever,
Strep throat, and untreatable infections of the ears, skin, and blood. On
top of that we have many incurable viral diseases, including AIDS, Ebola,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herpes, Hepatitis A and B, some cancers, and
killer flus. Science is still looking for a magic bullet, but unfortunately
not in the arena of electromedicine. That's because electromedicine was
"discredited" back in 1910 by the Flexnor Report, which was subsidized by
John Rockefeller (who had just purchased stock in pharmaceutical companies.)
   Despite this major setback, a great step was taken in the war against
viruses and bacteria when doctors William Lyman and Steven Kaali made an
astonishing announcement on March 14th of 1991 at the First International
Symposium on Combination Therapies. Lyman and Kaali, researchers from the
Albert Einstein School of Medicine, reported that a small amount of electric
current, flowing through a dish of fluid containing the HIV virus, reduced
its ability to infect cells by up to 95%! The electric current used was very
small, (only 50-100 microamperes) which is safe for blood cells but harmful
to viruses and other pathogens.
The announcement of this electromedicine was reported in Science News,
Longevity Magazine, and the Houston Post. Unfortunately, further media
coverage of this breakthrough was suppressed. Dr. Kaali  Peter Schwolsky
created patent #5188738, which describes two blood electrification methods
as being able to: "provide electric current flow through the blood
sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus
ineffective to infect or affect normally healthy cells while maintaining the
biological usefulness of the blood or other fluids." Their electromedicine
patent described blood treatment which involved extracting the blood,
treating it with electricity, and reinjecting it back into the body. Also
another method was described which required implanting an electrical blood
treatment device into an artery. Both of these electromedicine procedures
would be lengthy, painful, and available only at considerable expense from
hospitals or clinics.
   To create a simpler and less invasive electromedicine treatment, a health
researcher by the name of Bob Beck came up with the idea of electrifying the
blood by placing two electrodes on the skin directly over arteries in the
ankles or wrist, and wired to an electronic device capable of painlessly
injecting current into the bloodstream through the skin.
A controlled amount of electrical current thus passes through the
circulatory system while the patient rests or undertakes a quiet activity.
Even though the electric current apparently does not kill the viruses,
research has shown that it deactivates all of them, so that they lose the
ability to infect cells. Viruses that can't penetrate (infect) cells are
fair game for removal by the immune system. Therefore, during the period of
treatment, the immune system can successfully remove these deactivated
viruses from the body. Bacteria, fungus, and parasites in the blood are also
neutralized or killed by the electric current.
   Because this device was not FDA approved, Bob Beck left the U. S. for two
years to test it on people with viral diseases and observe the results. He
needed to determine not only the efficacy of this treatment, but its
absolute safety. His experiments consisted of 1 to 2 hours of treatment per
day over a 5 to 8 week period. As a result of these experiments, he
concluded that anyone with any known or unknown virus, using the Black Box
electromedicine device exactly as directed, would invariably become virus
free and experience remission from their illnesses.
   However, he also observed that some of his test subjects would experience
a reinfection by the same virus, after a year or more of apparent freedom
from it. He then realized that some viruses also remain in the lymph fluid
and would eventually make their way back into the bloodstream, where they
could infect cells, multiply, and once again bring back all the old disease
symptoms. So, being the genius inventor that he is, he then created another
electromedicine device which he called the Magnetic Pulser.
   Using a magnetic pulse, it creates a momentary electrical current in the
lymph fluid which deactivates the viruses and 

[CTRL] If I had cancer, I would do the following things

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Bob Beck doesn't appear to be educated about homeopathy (my preferred
alternative to the "modern" medical system of cutting, burning and poisoning
which has been "modernized" since the Middle Ages merely with sharper
knives, radioactive cauterization, and synthetic instead of natural
poisons), but has collected information on quite a lot of other interesting
ideas about curing oneself from cancer.

Dave Hartley

Bob Beck's site-
Cancer: What I Would Do
If I had cancer, I would do the following things;

I would take an herbal paste with a verified clinical history of killing
cancer cells and boosting the immune system. It isn't cheap but what value
has money anyway when you're close to leaving this material world? Anyway,
to read about this miraculous herbal formula click here.

I would use a Beck-Rife#3 unit or a Rife Frequency Generator to do general blood
electrification (to deactivate viruses that could cause more cancerous
cells), and apply anti-cancer-virus frequencies, and also to apply the
healing frequency that can aid the body in reforming cancerous cells back
into normal cells.

I would take the advice of Donald Kelley DD who says that cancer can be
dissolved in the body with extra pancreatic enzymes. He says that cancer
protects itself from the immune system with a protein shell around the
tumors that can be dissolved with these enzymes. He recommends eating little
or no animal source protein (which needs lots of pancreatic enzymes for its
digestion). Either Full Spectrum formula by HEC, or Enzyme Solution by
Family Solutions will work fine. Take 2 just before each meal and 3 once a
day on an empty stomach. If this does not eliminate gas and heartburn, try
adding betaine hydrochloride at the end of each meal. Start with one per

I would eat apricot kernals daily in order to obtain vitamin B-17 which is
known to kill cancerous cells. I would take 1 kernal for each 10 pounds of
my body weight (thoughout the day). Eskimos with B-17 in their diets never
get cancer. Laetrile (a purified version of B-17) has been successfully
administered to cancer patients in clinics in Mexico for decades now.

I would make a super strong blood purifying tea to aid the body with its
detoxifying of cancer metabolic byproducts (waste) and also to aid in
getting out any toxemia that contributed to creating the cancer in the first
place. (only toxins and viruses cause cancer). Essiac is one formula
invented by the natives in Canada and has been found effective when prepared
properly. But I've heard that many versions of it found in health food
stores are not made with the original proportions. One tea that I highly
recommend is by Jason Winters. He went all around the world asking the
herbal medicine men what to use for cancer. He was told of 3 herbs that had
a good track record of reversing cancer. He started making and selling it as
"Jason Winters Tea". A person should drink half a gallon daily for every 100
lbs of their weight. Here is the recipe:
32oz water, 1/8 cup Burdock, 1 tsp Licorice root.
Put herbs in water and bring to boil. Then turn down heat and cook for 15
Then turn heat very low and add: 1/4 cup Red Clover, 1 tsp Chaparral.
Cover and cook for 15 minutes.

I would take at least 1 tbsp daily of cold processed Flax Seed Oil which is
known to help reverse cancer. I would read "Fats  Oils by Udo Erasamus"
also to learn about good oils and bad (99% of which are sold in health food
stores). He says that any oil which has been exposed to light, oxygen, or
heat (above 350 degrees) will contain trans-fatty acids which can contribute
to cancer. Originally before exposure they were essential fatty acids which
are essential to good health. So now only oils processed especially to avoid
light/heat/air are recommended by him. Spectrum Naturals and Arrowhead Mills
both produce oils this way. (make sure it says so on the label). They are in
black plastic bottles.

I would buy a vegetable juicer and start making and drinking juice made from
carrots, celery, and spinach. This combination is cleansing and provides
enzymes and pure bio-available water that is many times more life enhancing
than tap water or any bottled water. It's important for the immune system
and also to help clean out cancer-causing toxins in the body.

I would eat only food that is prepared from fresh food (hopefully grown
without pesticides) which would include lots of vegetables (as much raw as
possible, especially green leafy ones) and whole grain bread (hopefully
home-made). I would eat light foods so that most of the bodys energy would
go to the immune system instead of 

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Monday #1 - 11/29/99

1999-12-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

HOLY BLOOD is a fascinating book, laying the groundwork for many of
the conspiracies that are currently under discussion.  And it points
out just what a sham Xianity is.  Read and learn.
Ive read the book. Its a wave of speculation on levels of
unsubstantiability.(but very well written) They themselves admit that they
are noy unbiased searchers after the truth. Their dead sea scrolls deception
was in the end total nonsense and when samisdat copies of the remaining
scrolls came availlable there were no wild revelations, (except the qumran
people had some interest in astrology.)

The gnostics denied the value of the flesh and hence either became super
spiritual and became ascetics or became super physical with wild libertine
sexual parties.
As part of the knowledge they presented, was that since the flesh was
unimportant hence there Jesus must have been either a phantasm or the spirit
left a physical man before death.

Methinks however, that we all tend believe what we predisposed, and that
sceptics are true believers when it comes to their core beliefs. Read and


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Monday #1 - 11/29/99

1999-12-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

Adding to what John Taylor wrote about HBHG, let me point out that BLL
relied on the testimony of one Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, who has
since been exposed in the French media as a pretender to the throne of
Jerusalem. If you can handle tons more email go to a list devoted to HBHG
and all the different subjects it touches on. Another related list is .

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Daniel Pipes on How Dare You Defame Islam (fwd)

1999-12-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

"How Dare You Defame Islam"

Daniel Pipes
November 1999

The problem began in January 1989. That was when Muslims living inBradford,
England, decided to do something to show their anger about The Satanic
Verses, a new novel by the famed writer Salman Rushdie that includedpassages
making fun of the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslims, mostly Pakistaniimmigrants,
purchased a copy of the novel, took it to a public square, attached it to a
stake, and set it on fire. Television news showed this auto da fé in
scandalized detail, and pictures of the scene were splashed across the
British media for days, making it a major topic of discussion throughoutthe
  In Pakistan itself, after a month's buildup, an unruly mob of some
10,000 anti-Rushdie protesters took to the streets of the capital city of
Islamabad. Marching to the American Cultural Center (a fact significant in
itself), they attempted with great energy, but without success, to set the
heavily fortified building on fire. Six people died in the violence, andmany
more were injured. These events, in turn, caught the attention of Ayatollah
Khomeini, the revolutionary ruler of Iran, who took prompt and drastic
action: on February 14, 1989, he called upon "all zealous Muslims quicklyto
execute" not just Salman Rushdie as the author of The Satanic Verses but"all
those involved in its publication who were aware of its content." Thisedict
led to emergency measures in England to protect Rushdie's person, and to
weeks and months of intense debate among the world's politicians and
intellectuals about the issues of freedom of speech and blasphemy.
  When the dust settled, Khomeini had failed in his specific goal of
eliminating Rushdie physically: today, over a decade later, the author is
once again writing well-received books and accepting literary awards. Butif
Khomeini did not manage to harm Rushdie, he did accomplish something farmore
profound: he stirred the souls of many Muslims, reviving a sense of
confidence in their faith and a strong impatience with any denigration ofit,
as well as a determination to take the offensive against anyone perceivedto
be a blasphemer or even a critic. Although Khomeini himself passed from the
scene just weeks after issuing his decree, the spirit it engendered is very
much alive.
  During the decade since 1989, many efforts have been undertaken bythe
forces of Islamism-otherwise known as Muslim fundamentalism-to silence
critics. Ranging from outright violence to more sophisticated but no less
effective techniques, they have produced impressive results.
  Some early acts of physical intimidation involved the Rushdie case
itself. Translators of The Satanic Verses were stabbed and seriouslyinjured
in Norway and Italy and, in Japan, murdered. In Turkey, another translator
escaped when a fire set in his hotel failed to kill him, but 37 others died
in the blaze. Other acts of violence were designed to punish both Muslimsand
non-Muslims for a variety of alleged offenses.
  Egypt alone offers a number of examples. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, a
professor of literature who wrote that certain references in the Qur'an to
supernatural phenomena should be read as metaphors, found his marriage
dissolved by an Egyptian court on the grounds that his writings proved himan
apostate. (According to Islamic law, a Muslim woman may not be married to a
non-Muslim.) Another case involved the author of a nonconformist essay on
Islam: he, his publisher, and the book's printer were each sentenced toeight
years in jail on the charge of blasphemy. Farag Foda, an Egyptian
intellectual who expressed scorn for the Islamist program, was shot and
murdered. And Naguib Mahfouz, the elderly and much-celebrated Nobel Prize
laureate for literature, was seriously injured in Cairo when an assailant
knifed him in the neck, presumably in revenge for an allegorical novel
written decades earlier.
  Nor has the campaign been limited to Muslim-majority countries. Makin
Morcos, also an Egyptian, was killed in Australia for criticizing the
Islamists' anti-Christian campaign in his native country; Rashad Khalifa, a
biochemist from Egypt living in Tucson, Arizona, was stabbed to death in
January 1990 to silence his heretical ideas. (A member of Usama bin Laden's
gang has been implicated in the latter murder.) Both these incidents sent a
chilling message: you can run but you cannot hide.
  Nor, finally, is the campaign in Western countries limited toviolence
or threats of violence against Muslims; it also extends to non-Muslims. In
some cases, purely private matters may be at issue: Jack Briggs, an
Englishman, has been on the lam for years, hiding with his wife from her
Pakistani family who have vowed to kill both of them (even though they are
properly married and even though he converted to Islam to win their
approval). Other cases concern publicly expressed views: Steven Emerson, a
former Senate aide and investigative reporter for 

[CTRL] New Book Challenges Theories of AIDS Origins

1999-12-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

New York Times
November 30, 1999

New Book Challenges Theories of AIDS Origins

Is AIDS a disaster inadvertently brought on by humans that arose from early
testing of a polio vaccine in Africa in the 1950's?

 In ``The River,'' Edward Hooper finds disturbing links between an
experimental oral polio vaccine _ being given here in L eopoldville (now
Kinshasa, Congo) in 1959 _ and the beginnings of the AIDS virus. The virus,
he says, could have originated in chimpanzee tissues that he suggests were
used to make the vaccine.

 This provocative theory seemed far-fetched when it first came to public
attention in an article in Rolling Stone in 1992. Most AIDS experts
dismissed it after a scientific committee reviewed the theory and deemed the
probability very low.

But that panel based its conclusion in part on a published finding that was
later shown to be in error. And now a remarkable new book by a British
journalist offers tantalizing clues to revive and expand the polio vaccine

In "The River" (Little, Brown, $35), Edward Hooper suggests that an
experimental oral polio vaccine might have been made with chimpanzee tissue
contaminated with an ancestor of the virus that was to cause AIDS. Although
he has no medical expertise, Hooper, 48, has done a prodigious amount of
research since 1990. In 1,070 pages, including extensive footnotes, he
builds a case based entirely on circumstantial evidence that he accumulated
in hundreds of interviews and exhaustive library research.

He finds close coincidence in both time and place between the earliest cases
of AIDS and the testing of an oral vaccine developed at the Wistar Institute
in Philadelphia and, later, in two laboratories in Belgium. From 1957 to
1960, the vaccine was given to a million people in what are now Rwanda,
Burundi and Congo.

If the experimental vaccine was contaminated, nothing could have been done
about it because tests for the ancestor virus did not exist then. And it
would have been a one-time event because standard polio vaccines were not
made from chimpanzee tissues. Of 28 cases of AIDS acquired in specified
towns in Africa through 1980, 23 were from the same towns where the
experimental vaccine was given or within 175 miles of them. The area is the
epicenter of the African epidemic, which is the worst in the world.

And there is precedent for a simian virus's lurking in polio vaccine:
millions of Americans were inadvertently infected with such a virus, SV-40,
in the 1950's and early 1960's. (Fortunately, it was not harmful.) But in
1967, several laboratory workers in Germany died from the newly discovered
Marburg virus after it had been imported in African green monkeys. The virus
is harmless for the monkeys but lethal for humans.

The similarities Hooper describes could be coincidence. "The River" does not
prove his extraordinary theory, nor does it claim to. But it builds a
sufficiently detailed case to require serious examination of his theory.

Attempts to find answers require extensive research, and in the book and in
subsequent interviews Hooper has offered a long list of suggestions,
including laboratory testing of the small amounts of vaccine that still
exist after having been stored for more than 40 years. Because the vaccine
may have degraded over the decades, performing all the proposed research
might still not determine whether it accidentally touched off the AIDS
epidemic. And even if a simian virus turned up in the stored samples, it
would not prove that it started the epidemic.

Still, even if the vaccine thesis is disproved, Hooper's research has
embarrassed scientists. He has found that leading researchers kept sloppy
records and that prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals published
reports that omitted crucial details.

Despite a diligent search, Hooper could turn up no records of what primate
tissues were used to prepare the first experimental polio vaccines, which
were tested mostly in Africa but also in the United States and Europe.
Though the government requires more record keeping today, scientists say
there is ample room for improvement.

With the exception of a negative review in the journal Nature, experts
writing in scientific journals have praised Hooper's diligence and
scholarship and the plausibility of the thesis, even if they are skeptical
of it. In the journal Science, Dr. Robin A. Weiss, a leading virologist in
London, wrote that Hooper had written the most exhaustive history of polio
vaccine trials and early AIDS cases.

The Wistar Institute, the first independent medical research center in the
United States, appointed the 1992 panel to examine the theory that its
vaccine might have touched off the AIDS epidemic. Now it says it is trying
to find independent experts to do what they were unwilling to do seven years
ago, when the panel recommended 

Re: [CTRL] New Book Challenges Theories of AIDS Origins

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

It is not real. The AIDS disease is for eliminate "useless eaters".

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:39:55 +0200, Taylor, John (JH) wrote:

Is AIDS a disaster inadvertently brought on by humans that arose from early
testing of a polio vaccine in Africa in the 1950's?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1 - 12/01/99

1999-12-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991201a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No vampires or gargoyles were incinerated to produce this bulletin. Ick.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Viacom's media empire:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Drug-sniffing police dog dead. Beloved Max the German Shepherd succumbed
  to methamphetamine poisoning during a drug-training exercise. His partner,
  a deputy sheriff, will cremate Max and keep his ashes in an urn at his
  house. "I'll have him with me all the time," says the cop. More than he
  can say of his wife:

: Has the War On Drugs needlessly cost the life of yet another innocent dog?
Would Max be alive today if politicos and the media hadn't whipped up this
anti-drug frenzy? How many more dogs will die before this madness is ended?

# PLANT COMPOUND COULD TREAT DRUG ADDICTION. A compound taken from the root
  of an African shrub, called ibogaine, might have potential as a treatment
  for drug dependence, experts said in New York this month at a conference
  on the plant.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ UPDATE  Visitors Now  Forever - Part I, II, III  IV: No. I don't believe
  *in* UFO's. I believe UFO's. The difference is NOT that subtle. And what
  is there not to believe. Seriously: it crawls all over the written record,
  and yet collectively we continue to laugh inappropriately up our damp

: Do you laugh about UFOs, ETs? Do ETs laugh about you? Is your sleeve damp?
Are theirs? Are 'supernatural' entities in human religions really aliens??

@ Biblioteca Arcana:
# Linux guts:
@ The Gospel According to Acharya S:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Spam still a tasty, popular treat. (U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES  It's pink, square
  and slides out of its can with a mysterious gel-like substance. It's Spam,
  and it's what's for dinner. For all the Spam jokes out there, the cubic
  luncheon meat, like Elvis dolls and hula-hoops, has found a place in
  Americana. Oh yummy:

: Are leftover parts from humans 'harvested' by Reptiliods sold to Hormel 
made into Spam? Are only Hispanics so processed? Is SpAm "SPanish AMerican"?

# Genetically Modified Foods:
@ Empire: Rule the world:
# Alternative to Nude Olympics:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# 'Vampire' Found Guilty in Murder. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) A man who said
  he was a 2,000-year-old vampire who needs to drink human blood has been
  found guilty of second degree murder for slashing the throat of a San
  Francisco homeless woman and killing her. Restrained by crosses and

: Is vampirism an excuse for homicide? Have you vampirized anyone lately? Do
you have especially long teeth? Are only stupid vampires captured by humans?

@ Roman Churches Reaction to Vampyres - Initial reaction to
  the vampyre beliefs of the early Roman Catholic Church.
@ The Croglin Grange Vampyre - Chilling bit of folklore from England
  about a re-animated human corpse which attacked a woman on 2 occasions.
@ Psychic Vampyres - Non-traditional vampyres which feed
  off one's astral body, instead of their blood.
@ Mara Experiences - The Mara comes into your bedroom at night,
  sometimes to look, sometimes with a more sinister plan.

: Are you vampiric, either figuratively or literally? D'ya suck blood, bile,
lymph, other bodily fluids, energy, money, other resources? Are you strong?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# People Underestimate Damage to Oceans. MONTEREY, CA (Reuters) Most Murkans
  think healthy oceans are key to human survival, but far fewer realize that
  individuals, not industry, pose the biggest environmental threat to the

# Chico Mendes killer granted release. BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) - A judge has
  granted work release privileges to a man convicted of killing rain forest
  defender Chico Mendes. Mendes, an Amazon rubber tapper and union leader,
  gained international recognition for peacefully blocking loggers and

Re: [CTRL] Protesters, Police Clash in Seattle

1999-12-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/30/99 7:34:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 SEATTLE –– Promises of nonviolent protest against World Trade Organization
  talks were shattered – along with storefront windows – as 5,000
  demonstrators clashed with police seeking to clear the way for delegates to
  get into the conference.

It may be that violence is the only way to make people finally see the
dangers inherent in this shift to NWO multinational crap.  The irony is that
violence gets recognition but it also carries with it the stigma of
astracizement, in other words as more people see it the more they will call
the aims of the protestors "silly" or of no importance.  One could question
the origin of the protestations, making a case that the scaling up of the
violence is an "Op." in order to cast the whole anti-WTO movement in a bad
Interestingly I saw Pat Robertson last night talking up the WTO and the need
for "Free Trade", and "Fair Trade" in our modern world, and also saying how
it was necessary for all the world to be interlinked by trading with those
countries who produce the best of each products.  He blamed the anti-WTO
movement on "Trade Unions" which he cast in a bad light, and then went on to
decry the "nationalist" and "isolationist" stance of many who would put
"America First".  It seemed odd to hear these things coming from him,
considering his supposed "conservative" "Christian" position.
Of course the WTO has nothing to do with free or fair trade, it has to do
with subjugation and the makings of the NWO which will make elites and
bankers and Multi-national corporations richer and stronger than ever.
Interlocking economies always sounds good on paper for so called economic
stability and advancement but it also has a great risk as when one of the
dominoes falls (and we all know how precarious some of the markest are around
the world, as well as the state of some economies) they will all fall with
it.  What do you all think, is it necessary to retain a certain measure of
economic independance?  Or is it better to be completely isolationist?  Or
perhaps do you think that the NWO is the way to go?  This whole thing smells
of machinations all the way around.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: [TheFrogPond] Battle in Seattle: 'Anarchists' ruin the message]

1999-12-01 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/1/99 6:49:10 AM Central Standard Time,

 From: "Deuce" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Let me first start by saying that I think the media here in Seattle have
 covered the protests here very fairly. They have voiced the concerns raised
 by the people in the streets. It doesn't appear to be the case with=
 That said, something strange is happening here. The VAST majority of
 protesters and demonstrators in our streets have been extremely well=
 and non-violent. But there is a small faction of criminals that are
 overshadowing this peaceful demonstration. Calling themselves "Anarchists",
 the black-clad hooded idiots have been allowed to run amuck in our city,
 smashing in windows, upturning newspaper boxes, smashing up cars, attacking
 members of the press and spraying graffiti everywhere. Our local CBS (KIRO)
 affiliate had an on scene reporter named Meagan Black who followed this
 criminal band around the streets for more than two hours. Where were the
 police during all this? They were busy gassing the NON-VIOLENT crowds!!! I
 can't tell you how many times we heard Ms. Black asking why aren't the
 police doing anything about this! Why haven't these jerks been arrested?
 Something fishy going on when the cops gas peaceful people and allow
 criminals to have free reign.
 The city went into a state of civil emergency. A curfew was implemented in
 downtown Seattle. The National Guard and 300 state troopers have been=
 in. The Mayor has vowed that what happened today will not be allowed to
 continue. The crowds have been pushed out of the downtown up into the
 residential areas. Massive amounts a tear gas are being thrown into the
 crowds and it's getting into people's homes. All this because of a small
 group of jerks who stole the spotlight from the real protestors.
 Their violence has stolen the spotlight from the real message that was=
 to take place here, and it's very sad, and more than a little bit

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan


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The store now has the full Liberty Library catalog and a shopping cart system!


Wall Street’s Corruption Scandal 

More On McCain

Wall Street’s Corruption Scandal 

A Senate probe has covered up a huge Wall Street cash-wash, which routinely
concealed and converted trillions (yes, trillions) of tainted dollars.

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Martin Mann

Congress scheduled a series of hearings into money-laundering last month,
but then adjourned them on the second day, apparently frightened by what it
had uncovered. What researchers un earthed amounted to a vast financial
underworld in which leading Wall Street banks routinely “stashed” trillions
of dollars for thousands of unsavory clients from some of the world’s worst

Led by Chase Manhattan, the financial flagship of the Rockefeller empire,
most major U.S. money centers maintain so-called private “banking
facilities” for special customers with at least $1 million in cash to
squirrel away.

“Private banks cater to clients who don’t just want to bank their funds;
they need to hide them,” said Axel Im mern, an independent in vestment ad viser.

Often a New York private banker will cater to this need by setting up a
so-called “private investment company” (PIC) for his client in a “secrecy
area” like the Caymans, where covert money management is protected by law.

A PIC is a front, an offshore shell company. Its registered owner is another
shell company based in Panama or Switzerland. The private banker in New York
controls both fronts. The name of the real owner of the money is now
thoroughly walled off from prying regulators, tax collectors or—most
importantly—criminal investigators.

Banks call such setups “fiduciary accounts.” The name of the depositor does
not even appear in the private bank’s own accounts, where he is listed only
under a code such as CC (Confidential Client) 2201.

That was the code used by Amy Elli ott, a Cuban-born vice president of Citi
bank’s private banking division, to hide the $100 million or so in drug
payoffs and other rakeoffs deposited with her by Raul Salinas, brother of
former Mexican President Carlos Salinas.

Citibank also arranged to have the dirty cash brought in by Salinas
laundered into offshore accounts. This is best done through conduits called
“concentrated transfers” in which a client’s money is mingled with
Citibanks’ own funds.

That makes tracing such accounts “Just about impossible,” Mrs. Elliot
admitted in her appearance before the Senate subcommittee headed by Sen.
Susan Collins (R-Maine).

That Raul Salinas is serving time in Mexico for murder, while under
investigation for a number of other crimes, does not affect the case, Mrs.
Elliott told the assembled committee.

“Keep in mind that of the seven or eight [secret] PICs I managed at Citi
bank, the Salinas account was by no means the most important. It was one of
the smallest and least active,” Mrs. Elliott explained.

Mrs. Elliott’s boss, Citibank executive Edward Montero, subsequently
testified that Citibank managed “some 40,000” stealthy private accounts.

“How much suspect cash do those accounts represent? If, as Elliott
suggested, most of them are ‘larger and more active’ than the $100 million
belonging to the Salinas family, we’re talking about hundreds of billions of
dollars’ worth of fugitive funds here,” says financial writer Bodo Thalmann.

In fact, Wall Street’s private banks are estimated to hide an eye-popping
$21.5 trillion in such deviously deodorized deposits, according to an
unpublished estimate by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), the prestigious international economic monitor.


Why does such vast wealth go underground? The Citibank executives at the
Senate hearing could offer only halting and lame explanations to that
question, arguing that some very affluent clients feared being “kidnapped”
or “extorted” if their riches were publicly displayed.

“That’s nonsense,” snorted Thalmann. “Such deep secrecy is not contrived to
hide wealth from ‘kidnappers.’ It is meant to hide these trillions from the

The Senate’s money-laundering hear ings shied away from exploring such
potentially explosive issues. This populist newspaper, however, will
continue its investigation of this stunning financial mystery that has
robbed taxpayers of trillions of dollars.

More On McCain

Arizona Senator and presidential hopeful John McCain has led the charge to
dump his fellow POWs down the memory hole.

Exclusive To The SPOTLIGHT

By Mike Blair

Another in a Series

Of all the men and women involved in U.S. government service, one man stands
out as being most responsible for burying the issue of American POWs and
MIAs still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War: Sen. John S. McCain III

McCain is the favorite of the 

[CTRL] Project Megiddo: Criminalizing Dissent

1999-12-01 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From The New American,
Vol. 15, No. 25
December 6, 1999

Criminalizing Dissent
by William Norman Grigg

The FBI’s Project Megiddo, which warns against millennial terrorism, paints
constitutionalists, devout Christians, hate groups, and militias with the
same broad strokes.

Project Megiddo, the FBI’s "strategic assessment" of potential
millennium-related domestic terrorism, represents a significant victory in
the radical left’s "long march through the institutions" of U.S. law
enforcement. The report, which was unveiled on November 2nd at a conference
of the International Association of Chiefs of Police at Charlotte, North
Carolina, has been distributed to law enforcement agencies nationwide. While
no author is mentioned in the publicly available version of Project Megiddo,
its contents are largely indistinguishable from the materials generated by
leftist "watchdog" organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which regularly furnish law
enforcement agencies with lurid reports intended to catechize law
enforcement agencies about the supposed threat posed by the "radical right."

This fact was not lost upon John Foster "Chip" Berlet of Political Research
Associates (PRA), a Marxist pressure group based in Boston. Berlet’s vita
includes such distinctions as his role in founding the "Chicago Area Friends
of Albania," a stint as contributing writer for the drug culture periodical
High Times, and participation in numerous Communist front groups, including
the National Lawyers Guild. In a November 1st e-mail message to the "Militia
Watchdog" mailing list (a restricted list whose membership includes law
enforcement and military personnel), Berlet complained that the FBI’s
Megiddo report "recapitulate[s] previously released reports and conference
papers" from both the PRA and the SPLC, among other sources.

To his credit, Berlet correctly pointed out that "the way the Megiddo report
has been leaked creates a hysterical atmosphere where law enforcement is
likely to overreact. Because of superficial reporting, the public is
learning to lump together ‘hate groups,’ militias, terrorists, and devout
Christians." As one of the "experts" on "right-wing extremism" frequently
consulted by both the media and law enforcement officials, Berlet has done a
great deal to advance the notion that Christian conservatives and
constitutionalists occupy the same continuum as terrorists and hate groups.
Thus Berlet’s objections should be viewed not as an illustration of his
reasonableness, but rather of the FBI’s radicalism.

Megiddo Genesis

During a May 13, 1997 Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on terrorism,
FBI Director Louis Freeh disclosed the existence of Presidential Decision
Directive 39, which designated the FBI the "lead agency" for
counter-terrorism efforts. Freeh also explained that the FBI’s new
counter-terrorism center "contains representatives of 16 other federal
agencies and … is dedicated for the first time to a central collection [or]
analytical point in the federal government for threats, particularly those
regarding domestic terrorism."

During the same hearing, as reported in these pages more than two years ago,
Freeh stipulated that the chief domestic terror threat emanates from
"various individuals, as well as organizations," who possess "an ideology
which suspects government and particularly the federal government, of
world-order conspiracies — individuals who, for various reasons, have
organized themselves against the United States." Possession of "ideologies
inconsistent with principles of federal government," declared Freeh, could
be construed as a marker of criminal or terrorist intentions.

While the Megiddo report is clearly a product of the FBI’s counter-terrorism
center, there are strong indications that the State and Local Anti-Terrorism
Training (SLATT) program was involved as well. As THE NEW AMERICAN recently
reported, SLATT is funded, through the Institute for Intergovernmental
Research (IIR), by a grant from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice
Assistance (BJA). The SLATT program is an outgrowth of the 1996 post-OKC
bombing anti-terrorism act; its purpose is to provide "anti-terrorism
preparedness training" to state and local police agencies, including
"pre-incident awareness" training to help identify potential terrorist

Documents obtained by THE NEW AMERICAN under a Freedom of Information Act
request suggest that SLATT may have played a substantial role in composing
Megiddo. IIR’s 1998 proposal for the "continuation and expansion" of the
SLATT program states that the program’s main purposes include providing
"state and local law enforcement … [with] a general awareness and working
knowledge of domestic terrorist and ‘political’ extremist movements
(including ideologies, illegal activities, tactics, and strategies), and

[CTRL] U.S. unprepared for biological attacks

1999-12-01 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From USA Today,
11/30/99- Updated 11:27 PM ET

U.S. unprepared for biological attacks

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government's medical stockpiles for dealing with
chemical or biological terrorism are poorly managed, often lacking vital
drugs and adequate security, congressional auditors said Tuesday.

The General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, criticized
the Departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs, as well
as a special Marine Corps unit, for failing to manage their supplies for
treating civilian victims of a chemical or biological terrorist attack.

''The poor management controls and lack of required items in their
stockpiles lead us to conclude that they cannot provide reasonable assurance
that the required medical supplies will be available if needed,'' the GAO

The report said the agencies failed to keep good records, conduct regular
inventories, maintain their own policies or ensure security.

Some of the problems uncovered stem from the complicated relationships
between the agencies.

Under a national contingency plan for responding to chemical and biological
terrorism, HHS's Office of Emergency Preparedness is to coordinate medical
assistance. In 1997 they created four national response teams with
stockpiles of antidotes, antibiotics and medical supplies. However, Veterans
Affairs is responsible for the daily management of the stockpiles, which are
spread across the country.

The investigators concluded that the HHS emergency office failed to oversee
and advise Veterans Affairs, leading to poor management and organization.

At one Veterans Affairs location, the entire supply of amyl nitrate, an
inhaled drug used as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, had expired eight
months before the GAO inspection, the report said. Amyl nitrate, which is
also used as a recreational stimulant, was found in other VA locations in
unsecured storage - in one case the drug was stored in a staff refrigerator
alongside employee lunches.

HHS Inspector General June Gibbs Brown, in a letter to the GAO, said her
agency has begun working to correct the management and interagency problems.
''We are confident that appropriate management control of our chemical and
biological stockpile will be rapidly achieved,'' Brown wrote.

The HHS emergency office's inventory of supplies varied by more than 12%
from the actual physical stockpile, the investigators said. While most of
the discrepancies came from having more supplies than thought, the GAO found
important shortages, including missing drugs for treating convulsions and
breathing problems.

In 1996, the Marine Corps created the Chemical Biological Incident Response
Force, the only Defense Department unit responsible for treating civilian
victims of a chemical or biological terrorist attack.

By comparing the Corps' inventory records with its actual supplies, the GAO
found that more than a quarter of their stockpile contained record-keeping
errors or discrepancies in the amount in stock.

The federal stockpiles would respond if state and local authorities were
overwhelmed by biological or chemical attacks. In September, emergency
management and medical officials told a House subcommittee that local public
health systems remain ill-prepared for such emergencies.

Dan S

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] HAARP page21

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Go to page and check-out the visual aids.
November 30 1999
A DOUBLEHEADER!   South Dakota and South Carolina!!
On this one the South Dakota Ring is still there but the other one hasn't
shown up yet.  See below for time.
Satellite Map showing both rings -  Please note the time of  20:15 (which is
14:15 Central Time)
Now doesn't that make you feel all safe and secure?  And whose map is this?
Right !  Go to the head of the class if you guessed"Military"
Here is the magnetometer reading for  11:00 - 21:00  UTC
As you can see  the time  of the very long spikes coincides with the rings
This is the pulse chart of the time of the rings
The military base within the ring of South Dakota is Ellsworth  AFB , USAF
and there are 2 for South Carolina.  Fort Jackson and Fort Gordon
Astromony Avenue
Radar Ridge
Solar Station
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: [apfn] [Fwd: Battle in Seattle: 'Anarchists' ruin the message]]

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 Original Message 
Subject: [apfn] [Fwd: Battle in Seattle: 'Anarchists' ruin the message]
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 23:27:42 -0800
Organization: APFN


 Original Message 
Subject: Battle in Seattle: 'Anarchists' ruin the message
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:42:53 -0800
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Let me first start by saying that I think the media here in Seattle have
covered the protests here very fairly. They have voiced the concerns raised
by the people in the streets. It doesn't appear to be the case with national

That said, something strange is happening here. The VAST majority of
protesters and demonstrators in our streets have been extremely well behaved
and non-violent. But there is a small faction of criminals that are
overshadowing this peaceful demonstration. Calling themselves "Anarchists",
the black-clad hooded idiots have been allowed to run amuck in our city,
smashing in windows, upturning newspaper boxes, smashing up cars, attacking
members of the press and spraying graffiti everywhere. Our local CBS (KIRO)
affiliate had an on scene reporter named Meagan Black who followed this
criminal band around the streets for more than two hours. Where were the
police during all this? They were busy gassing the NON-VIOLENT crowds!!! I
can't tell you how many times we heard Ms. Black asking why aren't the
police doing anything about this! Why haven't these jerks been arrested?
Something fishy going on when the cops gas peaceful people and allow
criminals to have free reign.

The city went into a state of civil emergency. A curfew was implemented in
downtown Seattle. The National Guard and 300 state troopers have been called
in. The Mayor has vowed that what happened today will not be allowed to
continue. The crowds have been pushed out of the downtown up into the
residential areas. Massive amounts a tear gas are being thrown into the
crowds and it's getting into people's homes. All this because of a small
group of jerks who stole the spotlight from the real protestors.

Their violence has stolen the spotlight from the real message that was meant
to take place here, and it's very sad, and more than a little bit


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1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan



Think about what Clinton (and the rest of his kind) would stand to gain in
this type of situation - (even if the Y2K bug were a hoax, it could all be
blamed on THAT).

It's been said before that they would be able to "seize" any and all assets
they choose (basically) if Martial Law were imposed. The biggest crooks in
the world (Clinton and his kind) would be able to get away with the biggest
crimes in history, and blame it all on Y2K.

As Commander-In-Chief he controls the military, which is WHY they are all
"gung-ho". They are being fed straight from 'the top'.

Whether it is a hoax or not, think of what they could reap...  Think about
the POWER it would give Clinton, which is what he  Hillary truly crave.
Then, once he cleans up the mess, so to speak, think of how great people
would think him to be.

His "legacy" would then (possibly) be changed from scandalous to
miraculous...after he gets us all through the "horrible Y2K crisis"...
fulfilling his desire to be known as "a great president" in the history books
(what a joke!).

His best friends have said that this is what he plans (Martial Law, National
Emergency, etc.), and considering everything else the sicko has done - why
wouldn't you believe he will do this?

Considering the man's track record, my bet is that it WILL happen. If it
doesn't, it would be great - but I'm not going to put ANYTHING past that sick

 - Tanina

Date:   11/30/1999 2:08:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Downing Quig)

 Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, told WorldNetDaily there is a very real fear
that the enemies of the United States could conduct domestic terrorist
attacks because they will expect the country to be weakened due to the
military's having to deal with Y2K disruptions.

 Even Howard Hunt's old boss Robert Bennett must chime in on this spook
created hoax.  Our scientists are not concerned about Y2K.  Why is the
military so gung ho?

 Don McAlvaney McALVANEY INTELLIGENCE REPORT wrote a book on Y2K. His
interests have been wedded to those of General John Singlaub, former Director
of the Defense Intelligence Agency, for more than 25 years.  Pure coincidence
or impure coincidence?


  From: "Landes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Has anyone on the list seen this?  This was posted on a very legitimate
business bulletin board that I am a member of.
Clinton Set to Declare National Emergency
More Than 50 Simultaneous Y2K Crises Expected, Stretching Resources To
Limit - By David M. Bresnahan  -  © 1999
President Clinton has already made plans to declare a national emergency
  because of   expected disruptions caused by the Y2K computer problem,
according to Federal Emergency   Management Agency documents.
A final training session followed by a mock Y2K disaster exercise will
  include the actual  disruptions and problems that Y2K emergency planners
believe will take place during the  change to the New Year.
Plans for the emergency declaration were made known to Federal Emergency
  Management   Agency officials and other federal employees in preparation
for use of the Information   Coordination Center, set up by the President's
Council on the Year 2000 conversion. The plans  were also given to the Senate
Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem.
The staff on hand at the Information Coordination Center have been told
  expect a presidential   declaration of a national emergency. FEMA staff
who will run the regional emergency operation   centers have also been told
the same thing.
"Should it become necessary, a presidential 'emergency,' rather than a
'major disaster,' will be  declared, and assistance will be focused on
addressing threats to life, health, safety, and  property," the Senate
committee was told in a report from Lacy E. Suiter from the Response and
Recovery Directorate of FEMA.
A national emergency will be declared because FEMA officials have
concluded that there will be   more than 50 simultaneous Y2K-related
disruptions throughout the country, which will stretch the nation's local,
state and national emergency resources to the limit.
The Department of Defense is so concerned that the deputy secretary of
defense, John J.  Hamre, has issued a memorandum to commanders in the field
to be very cautious about using the military to assist civil agencies. Hamre
said local requests for help might seem appropriate, but he warned local
commanders to be cautious about using the military to help with Y2K
"Immediate responses that appear rational from a local perspective, but
could collectively undermine the department's ability to execute operational
missions" should be ruled out, said Hamre.
Hamre has ordered commanders to avoid using the military for Y2K
problems unless there is a  threat to life or damage to property. The 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2 - 12/01/99

1999-12-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991201b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No mitochondria were mutated to produce this bulletin. Not enough time.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ This day in history:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Computer virus tears through companies. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A computer
  virus rampaged through corporate systems, devouring files, crippling
  e-mail systems and affecting thousands of computers Tuesday, according
  to anti-virus experts. The Mini-Zip virus, related to one that caused
  a serious outbreak in June, was expected to renew its assault Wednesday
  morning as unsuspecting users checked their e-mail inboxes. Prepare to

: What's your favorite virus? Have your files been devoured yet? Have you
crippled any email systems lately? When will a hyper-cyber-virus infect all
systems on the planet, bringing our technological civilization to its knees?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ SCIENTIFIC UFOLOGY. “There is a problem with the so-called science of UFO-
  logy. Those practicing it are anything but scientific in their approach to
  it. All too often we in the UFO community talk about applying the rigors
  of scientific methodology to our study, and then we fail to do so. For the
  most part, we believe in science but all too often reject it when it does
  not conform to our beliefs about UFOs.”

: Can you describe the "scientific method?" Can this method be applied to
the study of UFOs? Has it ever been? D'ya have a workable, testable, viable
explanation for UFOs, supported by the preponderance of the data? Why not??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Human route out of Africa suggested. (AP) Scientists examining hereditary
  material in cells suggest that modern humans followed a migration wave
  from Africa to Asia more than 50,000 years ago after an earlier exodus to
  the Mediterranean  Greece. Blood samples of people from east Africa and
  India showed close genetic similarities that indicate a common African
  ancestor. The researchers examined mitochondria, units outside of the
  cell's nucleus that act as a cell's energy source. Mitochondria were once
  parasites but are now symbiotic. They have their own genetic material -
  passed only by the mother from generation to generation - which lets
  scientists trace ancestry between geographically distant human popula-

: Why did our ET breeders 'seed' Africa [and not the Americas] with early
humans? Why did they infect our cells with mitochondria? Is ET DNA mitochon-
drial? Can ETs be recreated by breeding mitochondria? Would that be wise??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ UFO Close Encounter Of 1678. Jane Lead (1623-1704), British mystic and
  poet, experienced nightly prophetic visions, which she struggled to
  interpret in the light of Christian doctrine. Many of her incredibly
  detailed visions are larger than her interpretations allow and they
  spill over into the numinous in all kinds of unexpected ways. In her
  remarkable spiritual diary, entitled A Fountain of Gardens (1700), we
  find the following account...

: Do you have large visions? Are you informed by aliens? Are ETs gods? Who?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Japan cops raid religious group. TOKYO (AP)  Police searching for evidence
  of fraud raided the offices of a Japanese religious group that promised to
  cure diseases by examining the soles of people's feet. The headquarters of
  Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo, near the base of Mt. Fuji, 95 miles west from Tokyo,
  and 73 other spots nationwide were raided. Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo refused to
  comment. The name roughly translates as "teaching of the flower-three

@ KEY BOOKS ON FASCISM - The Cunning of History by Richard Rubenstein:
@ Rise  Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by W.L.Shirer:
@ Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America by Bertram Myron Gross:
@ They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-35 by Milton Sanford Mayer:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Three Reasons for Govt UFO Secrecy. "(1) We have no defense for this
  if they are hostile; (2) People in general will panic if told the
  truth; and (3) People are basically ignorant and cannot or will not
  comprehend this." We are mere worms: 

Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/1/99 5:18:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A good site: 

Not in MHO. Seems to be a divisive pile of bs.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Quote

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-


"If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world
order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are
doomed to disappointment. If we are ever to approach that time, it will be
after patient and persistent effort of long duration. The present
international situation of mistrust and fear can only be corrected by a
formula of equal status, continuously applied, to every phase of
international contacts, until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out
of the minds of the people of all lands." -- Dr. Augustus O. Thomas,
president of the World Federation of Education Associations (August 1927),
quoted in the book "International Understanding: Agencies Educating for a
New World" (1931)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Seem strange dont make nothing bs.

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:48:10 EST, Kris Millegan wrote:

In a message dated 12/1/99 5:18:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A good site: 

Not in MHO. Seems to be a divisive pile of bs.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 12/1/99

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of
J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Spy vs. Spy

Russians Capture CIA Spy in Moscow

Not just another pretty face.

RUSSIAN intelligence boasted yesterday of catching a CIA officer working
under diplomatic cover as she prepared to take delivery of what it called
"military-strategic materials" in Moscow.

Cheri Leberknight, listed as a second secretary at the US embassy, was
detained in possession of a detailed map of the area, invisible ink "tablets"
and a device to monitor and hamper efforts to tape her conversations, a
spokesman said.

Russia's domestic intelligence service also released photographs of Miss
Leberknight, who is in her thirties, taken during her detention, as well as
the anti-surveillance equipment she allegedly had with her.

Alexander Zdanovich, spokesman for the FSB, successor to the KGB, said: "This
is pointless to deny. Arresting a foreign diplomat or someone working under
diplomatic cover is a very serious step so everything was thoroughly checked."

The FSB was clearly elated at the operation's success, crowing that Miss
Leberknight was the second female CIA officer apprehended in Moscow. The
first, described as Martha Peterson, was caught in 1977. Rivalry between
Russian and US intelligence has recently recovered much of the edge it had
during the Cold War, with both sides accusing the other of excessive spying
on their territory.

Rows over espionage have also increased tension over Russia's military
campaign in Chechnya and Nato's presence in the Balkans. President Yeltsin's
recent walk-out from an international summit in Istanbul was presented at
home as a diplomatic triumph and the detention of a CIA officer in Moscow is
further ammunition for those whipping up anti-western sentiment.

Only what Mr Zdanovich called an operation "of a pre-emptive character" had
prevented highly sensitive secrets leaving the country, he said. According to
news agencies, the material included information about Russia's nuclear

Mr Zdanovich denied that the incident was a tit-for-tat reaction to this
week's charging of a US navy code-breaker, Petty Officer Daniel King, with
passing classified information to Russia. He said: "This was not a response.
That is the vocabulary of the Cold War, when the principle of an eye for an
eye was in effect."

Russia's Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, expressed the hope that the scandal
would not further damage relations between the two countries. He said: "We
hope and consider that it will not prejudice the development of bilateral
relations. Nevertheless, naturally, such episodes do not help their climate
and atmosphere."

The fate and identity of Miss Leberknight's Russian contact remained a
mystery and it was not clear whether he was in the area when she was detained
in the Izmailovo district of Moscow on Monday evening.

The large park in Izmailovo would be ideal for dead letter drops. It is also
not far from the FSB's main remand prison at Lefortovo. After her arrest, she
was taken to FSB headquarters in the Lubyanka complex, and a US consular
official and Russian diplomat were summoned.

Miss Leberknight, listed as working in the embassy's political section, was
later released but is likely to be declared persona non grata by the Russian
authorities and given a short period to leave the country.

The London Telegraph, December 1, 1999

Stock Market

Record Money Flow into Equity Funds

Um, um, I do love that Turkey.

US retail investors stepped up their investments in equity mutual funds last
month, probably breaking a near four-year-old record for net cash inflows., an investment research group, estimates that net cash inflows
into equity mutual funds in November could reach $31.4bn (E31.1bn), as the US
bull market revived after a jittery summer and early autumn.

If confirmed, this would top the $28.9bn record set in January 1996.

Retail investors' taste for aggressively managed funds, including high-growth
investment vehicles, has helped power a strong increase in the principal US
equity indices. That has in turn attracted more investors anxious not to miss

Both the broadly based Standard  Poor's 500 and the tech-weighted Nasdaq
Composite Index have set records in the last week. The two indices have
fallen this week, but the Nasdaq is still trading at more than 3,350, having
started the year below 2,000.

"Earlier in the year, even though these [aggressive] funds were still doing
well, people were inclined to put money into large-capitalisation funds,"
said Russ Kinnel, senior analyst at Morningstar, the mutual fund research
group. "This [trend] is a reflection of the fact that tech has been the only
story this year - the more tech you have, the better the returns."

"Another point of view says the public is being extremely reckless," said
Carl Wittnebert, director of research at TrimTabs, 

[CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Another good site:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan


Two points:
1) Terry Burke was over the Tucson DEA operation when the file on Ark.
chicken magnate Don Tyson was opened. A restaurateur in Tucson (his name
escapes me) was fronting a cocaine-smuggling operation. Tyson was alleged to
be the supplier. Tyson is said to have used some rather unorthodox means of
transporting his cargo. When I began researching my second book, "Circle of
Death: Clinton's Climb to the Presidency" (Huntington House 1995), I
interviewed a woman named Frances, who lived in a very nice house next door
to Barry Seal's former "hideout" between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. She had
bought the place from Seal, and it was adjacent to his landing strip. Frances
was a pilot. She was initially attracted to the beautiful riverside location
because of its proximity to the airstrip. One day Frances related a strange
story to me. She said that Barry had landed "The Fat Lady" on the strip early
one morning, and a few minutes later she heard the neighing of horses. She
went out on her sun deck and looked across the gravel road to the airstrip.
She saw 5 or 6 horses grazing next to the plane. A few minutes later the
horses were herded back into the plane, and it took off. Tyson's DEA file
notes that he was believed to have smuggled cocaine into the country in
horses. The timing -- 1983 -- is about right.
2) Why do people keep saying the C 123 K on which Hasenfus was traveling,
and which crashed in the jungle in Honduras in 1986 (I think that's the
year), was "Barry Seal's plane"? It was not. Moreover, if I'm not completely
mistaken (and I may be on this point) I believe the N number was traceable to
a Ft. Lauderdale aircraft dealer.


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[CTRL] Tarnish on the badge . . .

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""Page One/A
Tarnish on the badge . . .
Explosive report from the U.S. Department of Justice says Oklahoma City based
federal agents lied in prison death investigation

Office of Inspector General report cites major problems in Oklahoma City's
FBI Field Office - with far reaching implications - including the evidence in
Oklahoma City's Murrah Federal Building bombing . . .
by Tom Winters
Copyright © 1999 Utica Publishing Corporation, all rights reserved.
See related previous story, "FBI caught in FIB"

OKLAHOMA CITY (NOV 24 1999) A detailed 206-page secret report of an internal
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) probe was issued on November 18, 1999. In it
are details of serious internal problems and flaws in the Oklahoma City FBI
Field Office. That office investigated the 1995 death of federal prisoner
Kenneth Michael Trentadue. That same office spearheaded the investigation of
the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing. Investigations into both
cases, believed to be unrelated, ran concurrently out of the Oklahoma City
Field Office.

Chronicle reporters had requested a copy of the report over a year ago and
had been assured a copy from the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector
General (OIG) when it was completed, and initially assumed that the report
had been sent on that basis.

The report, which discusses the alleged suicide of a federal prisoner, also
roundly condemned the handling of physical evidence in the FBI’s Oklahoma
City Field Office. OIG investigators recommended that four DOJ employees,
including a veteran FBI agent, be prosecuted for perjury before the federal
grand jury and/or false statements to federal investigators as a result of
their conduct in the Trentadue case.

Shortly before press time, Chronicle reporters learned than an internal probe
was underway at the U.S. Department of Justice, the goal of which is to
determine how Arkansas Chronicle reporters obtained an “unredacted” copy of
the internal and apparently secret Justice Department report.

According to a letter faxed to U.S. District Court Judge Tim Leonard in
Oklahoma City, on November 24, 1999, by Robert Ashbaugh, Acting Inspector
General, OIG investigators are now investigating how the report, which
Ashbaugh claims contains secret grand jury material, fell into the hands of

The Chronicle's copy of the report was one which was never intended for
release outside the Department of Justice according to OIG spokesman Paul
Martin. According to the OIG, such reports are released only after careful
removal of information that the DOJ feels is too sensitive for public review.
The OIG immediately requested return of the report.

After an internal review to assure that no federal or state laws had been
broken by Chronicle staff, a decision was made to retain the copy. Since the
report is claimed to have secret federal grand jury “material” in it, OIG
officials are now claiming that an intentional leak of the report constitutes
a federal criminal act. In his letter to Judge Leonard, Ashbaugh claims that
there is a possibility that one of the outside parties receiving a copy of
the report on the same day as the Chronicle, are somehow responsible for the
leaked report.

The report arrived at the Rogers, Arkansas, office of Arkansas Chronicle on
Friday, November 19, 1999, only one day after the date Ashbaugh supposedly
signed the report. The report’s arrival was simultaneous with the receipt of
the report by several attorneys outside the DOJ who are involved in a related
federal civil lawsuit.

The controversial report was created as the result of a bitter dispute that
originated in August 1995, when a federal prisoner was found dead in a
seventh floor solitary lockup cell in Oklahoma City’s “Federal Transportation
Center” for federal prisoners.

When allegedly found by guards, Kenneth Michael Trentadue was bloody, had
numerous head wounds and cuts, bruised knuckles, a slashed throat and was
said to be hanging from a homemade noose. Prison guards immediately ruled the
case suicide. One prison physician assistant, Carlos Mier, according to the
OIG report, originally lied to investigators about trying to revive
Trentadue. The report says he later recanted his statement.

Family members, upon viewing the battered and bruised body, immediately suspec
ted foul play and undertook their own investigation. The controversy resulted
in a wrongful death lawsuit being filed in the U.S. District Court in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in which a number of prison staff as well as the
federal government were named defendants.

The Inspector General’s investigation came in the wake of what has been
portrayed as an independent Oklahoma state investigation conducted by
Assistant Oklahoma County District Attorney Richard Wintory. In his report,
Wintory concluded that Trentadue had committed suicide in the early 

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1 - 11/30/99

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Ric Carter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:09 PM
 Subject:  [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1 - 11/30/99

"The computer you have reached has performed an illegal operation."
You will be shut down. This is a recording.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Monday #1 - 11/29/99

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

This heresy is properly known as "docetism" ("seeming" or "fooling"). See
John Dart, *The Laughing Savior* (out of print) for a popularized
examination of this and other Gnostic beliefs represented in the Nag Hammadi

HBHG, however, has to be read with about a peck of salt. There is a lot of
valuable material in it; there is also a lot of sheer, unadulterated
poppycock. Check their sources before swallowing anything in the book.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ric Carter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:34 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Monday #1 - 11/29/99

  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
  From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Yeshua's crucifixion was faked and it was actually Simon of Cyrene
  who was nailed up,
  Why Simon of Cyrene? What's the story?

 This is one of the earliest traditions of non-orthodox Xianity,
 passed on for millennia in the oral tradition, and substantiated
 by the Nag Hammadi scrolls.  I'm reading about it in HOLY BLOOD,
 HOLY GRAIL by Baigent  Leigh  Lincoln [Dell, 1983].  On page
 381 of the Dell paperback they write:

   In one undated codex, for example, the Second Treatise of the
   Great Seth, Jesus is depicted precisely as he is in the heresy
   of Basilides -- escaping his death on the cross by dint of an
   ingenious substitution... Jesus speaks in the first person:

   "I did not succumb to them as they had planned... and I did not
die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by
them... it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his
shoulder.  It was another upon whom they placed the crown of
thorns... And I was laughing at their ignorance."  (22)

   With convincing consistency certain other works in the Nag Hammadi
   collection bear witness to a bitter and ongoing feud between Peter
   and the Magdalen -- a feud [reflecting] a schism between the
   "adherants of the message" and the adherants of the bloodline.

 HOLY BLOOD is a fascinating book, laying the groundwork for many of
 the conspiracies that are currently under discussion.  And it points
 out just what a sham Xianity is.  Read and learn.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread David Rupp

 -Caveat Lector-

Rodrigo wrote: Another good site:

David: That was interesting, Rodrigo. I just found this site: It turns out those Jews are actually having sex. Now
we know where they're all coming from. What do you suggest we do about it?

David Rupp
Get caught up in The Web of Fate at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Protesters, Police Clash in Seattle

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

My strong suspicion, based on personal experience during the peace movement
years of the Sixties and early Seventies, is that elements both in the US
government and in the transnational business community have decided that the
anti-WTO movement represents a major threat to their hegemony, and therefore
must be discredited. In any mass demonstration like the events in Seattle,
no matter how strongly its organizers are to nonviolence, there will
inevitably be some idiots who feel compelled to resort to violence to make
their point. And just as surely, there are also provocateurs ready to
encourage the violence and fan the flames. The Oligarchy can deal with
violence. It *knows* violence, and it knows how to meet violence with
violence. *Non*violence is much more of a threat, especially when it
includes parallel institutions. To quote *Illuminatus!*,

  They nailed Love to a cross,
  Symbolic of their might.
  But Love was undefeated--
  It simply didn't fight.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Richer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 7:34 PM
 Subject:  [CTRL] Protesters, Police Clash in Seattle

  -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

  Protesters, Police Clash in Seattle
 By Luis Cabrera
 Associated Press Writers
 Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1999; 6:33 p.m. EST

 SEATTLE -- Promises of nonviolent protest against World Trade Organization
 talks were shattered - along with storefront windows - as 5,000
 demonstrators clashed with police seeking to clear the way for delegates
 get into the conference.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [fwd] Ira Einhorn: FACTS FOR OPENERS

1999-12-01 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

The below article is forwarded from Ira Einhorn in France as his response
to the failure of the American media to deal with any of the basic facts
concerning the murder of Holly Maddux, and his evidentiary refutation of
claims that he is responsible for this murder as is portrayed in numerous
recent sensationalized media and "TV docudrama"  accounts.

To further his search for objective and qualified reporters to
document "his side of the story", interested journalists may email to
General Agency Services [EMAIL PROTECTED] for their
communications to be relayed to Mr. Einhorn by email.

[fwd from Ira Einhorn]:


 The most important aspect of any murder investigation are the
forensics:  the scientific reports connected to the physical evidence
in the case.

 If the forensics do not agree with the prosecutor's theory of the case,
the case is almost certainly a loser for the prosecution.

 The Assistant DA assigned to my case sent the physical evidence to the
FBI instead of using the local expert whose job it was to handle such

 The FBI turned in extensive reports that refuted every contention about
the case that the DA made.

 These reports were withheld from us for a long period of time - though
they were due to us by law.


 Then the evidence was sent to the prestigious scientific lab, National
Medical Services of Willow Grove, PA, that did the work on the O.J. Simpson
case, with the same result and the same delay in reporting to us.

 Strike TWO

 Then in desperation the evidence was turned over to the man whose
competence was certainly questioned by being skipped over twice.

 He turned up some protein by using a test that he invented and that
would have been deeply challenged.

 So not strike three, BUT this is not a baseball game, but a murder
investigation in which there is normally one report, not the kind of
shopping around described above.

 When the negative results were finally given to us and announced, the
city's major magazine replied with an article that had blood on every page.

 There is no blood in the case. A badly smashed skull which should spray
blood everywhere, as my jubilant lawyer explained to me, produced no blood
anywhere in the apartment. There was no blood in the body.

 The conclusion of my lawyer was that Holly Maddux was not
killed in my apartment. It was the off the record conclusion of one of the
FBI men who did some of the forensic work. No wonder they went for
a second opinion. It was also the conclusion of Kit Green who at that
time was Director of the Life Science's Division of the CIA who is
an expert in this area of knowledge and who looked into the case.

 The media went bat shit when I was arrested, came to the conclusion
that I was guilty and then resolutely refused to deal with any evidence that
contradicted their original assertions and conclusions, BUT did deal with
the shopping habits of my wife at Friday market in Champagne - Mouton,
so that the people of Philadelphia could read about my dinner the same
day that I was eating it.

 What the prosecutor, Barbara Christie did however was a lot worse. She
had a report in her possession that placed Holly Maddux in a bank and
identified by three witnesses, six months after her supposed death at my
hands. To keep this discovery from us, she shortened the pages of a larger
report that was given to us, enabling her to avoid the pagination in the
report and pull the incriminating pages out of the report. My lawyer
smelled a rat and we eventually got the pages, BUT only after having to
file a motion on the matter.

 This was news. Not a word about it in the press, so then and there I
got the drift of things, lost all respect for the law as it was being
practiced in Philadelphia and began to think about another life which
became a reality when a third factor emerged that decided the issue.
A factor I can't talk about as it involves a very paranoid person.

 Barbara Christie built a career on such fraudulent practice which is
now coming back to haunt her, as this recent e-mail note from a lawyer
friend indicates:

  - "Just yesterday and publicized today because yesterday was a
holiday - Veteran's Day - came the PA Supreme Court decision (in Com. v.
Raymond Martorano and Albert Daidone  Nos. 0002 and No. 0003 E.D. Appeal
Docket 1998) both of whom were convicted of the murder of union leader John
McCollough (Roofer's) in 1984.  The prosecutor was Barbara Christie and she
carried out a pattern of prosecutorial misconduct which resulted in the
first degree convictions being reversed and now, the PA Supreme Court has
held that her conduct was so egregious and so calculated to deny a fair
trial that double jeopardy under the state constitution bars a retrial.
While the decision was 4-3 it is still a real blow to the DA's 


1999-12-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "YouBeTheJudge" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "List Member" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 10:45 AM



The Bauers And The Lizard Man Of FEMA

Naked Ghosts Scaring Iraqi Drivers

Mafia sets up crime academy to train child assassins,3604,74249,00.html

Australia hired Nazi scientists

MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control

The Grand Tour - Earth Saucers and Star Wars"
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

The Kennedy Assasination: The Nixon-Bush Connection

"Intelligence agent talks" - COLUMBINE HIGH SHOOTINGS


Class Action Suit for AIDS Virus Manufacture

Canadian victims of CIA brainwashing experiments

Blood Money Financing Bush Bid?

CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children




'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski Was CIA Mind Control Subject!

USAF Slip-Up Admits Large Triangle Stealth Aircraft?

Clinton's Exaggerated Kosovo Stats Coming Under Scrutiny

 Do You Use Aspartame? Nutrasweet? Equal? If So, Read This

 The Doping Of America's School Children - Ritalin And Violence

Y2K - If These Quotes Don't Shake You, Nothing Will

Ray Gun Freezes Victims Without Causing Injury

 Bigfoot Community Living In Ohio Forest Say Locals

 RODS - Two Amazing Reports Of Eyewitness Sightings

 Clinton's Lie Detector Found To Be His Nose

 Amazing Historic Bigfoot Encounters In British Columbia




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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 

Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Do you is joking?!

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:25:57 -0500, David Rupp wrote:

David: That was interesting, Rodrigo. I just found this site: It turns out those Jews are actually having sex. Now
we know where they're all coming from. What do you suggest we do about it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3- 12/01/99

1999-12-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991201c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No velociraptors were bred to produce this bulletin. We ran out of room.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ 5 Games That'll Change Gaming?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ill? The Microchip will see you now. (LATimes) In a few decades, doctors
  will be able to check their patients' hereditary makeup in precise detail
  - identifying thousands of variations in an individual's genes in order to
  prescribe just the right medication to treat an illness or to predict the
  likelihood of contracting diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's or heart
  disease. But Clinical Micro Sensors isn't waiting for that day. The firm
  has developed disposable plastic chips that can test for 100 or more genes
  at a time and do so cheaply -- hastening the day when reading a patient's
  genes will become a routine part of medical care. Take off your shirt and
  give a DNA sample:

: Will your biochemistry be controlled by centralized computers soon? If you
displease the controllers, can/should/will they switch you off or otherwise
modify your behaviour? Is that the Brave New World? Where can you escape??
Australia: Packer sets up Big Brother data store

# Packer sets up Big Brother data store. A GIANT data warehouse containing
  the personal and financial details of almost every Australian is being
  constructed by a United States company and will be operational by
  Christmas. Ho ho ho:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Phantom Dogs. Throughout history, the multi-cultural phenomenon of large,
  supernatural black dogs have appeared in legends, folklore, and numerous
  modern eye-witness reports. Characteristically, these phantom canines are
  larger than most ordinary dogs and are always black in colour with fiery,
  red eyes. They usually appear for only a few moments, then vanish into
  thin air. Also called "Hellhounds", phantom dogs are usually associated
  with death or the devil. Some claim these dogs accompany a black robed
  figure assumed to be the devil, while others believe these animals are
  shapeshifters, a disguise of the devil. Church Raiders - Nocturnal Car-
  Dodgers - Cemetery Guardians - Black Dog of Hanging Hills - Banshee Dogs:

: Have ominous black dogs crossed your path? Are you plagued by malevolent
canine shapeshifters? Are you yourself a canine shapeshifter? How did
hell-hounds evolve? Were dinosaurs plagued by hellhounds? Are ETs bothered

# T. rex skeleton found in S.D. (AP) The first nearly complete skeleton of a
  juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex has been found in South Dakota. "It really did
  knock my socks off...You're [seeing] the childhood of the world's favorite
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ How To Understand and To Build Anything With Zero Point Physics. The
  notion of hyperspace and dimensionalities are actually quite simple and
  straightforward, however, there is a cultural reflex to dumb one's self
  down to deal with something that is "very hard". It is the province of the
  academic to pride himself on knowing more than anyone else in the various
  disciplines of physics, but any one of them will tell you that no one
  knows the full truth of the matter of the structuring of reality; only
  they proclaim to be able to state with authority the nature of their
  own consternation!!

: Do you know and understand anything? Are you sure? Are you academic? Are
you alien? Are you zero-pointed? Does zero-point physics use warp drive??

# Alternative Explanations for Paranormal Events. Research suggests that
  natural chemicals in the brain and external stimuli may cause experiences
  such as alien abductions and visual apparitions. Or maybe the ETs inject
  us with'em:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# The secret of Life. Today, scientists in London, Washington and Tokyo will
  announce that they have cracked the genetic code of human chromosome # 22.
  Pay attention: this is important. As important, they say, as the discovery
  that the Earth moves round the Sun or that we are descended from apes. For
  we are about to be shown the first chapter of the Book of Life, and its
  contents will change our world for ever. Just wait another 3-5 years:

: What's your favorite secret of life? Is there only one? Any others? What?


Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread David Rupp

 -Caveat Lector-

Rodrigo: Do you is joking?!

David: If you mean "Am I joking?!" the answer is that I believe humor is the
best antidote to the hatred found in those web sites you recommended. Or do
*you* is joking?! If so, I apologize for thinking you meant those web sites
were worthy of serious consideration.

David Rupp
Get caught up in The Web of Fate at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] U.S. unprepared for biological attacks

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

At the risk of seeming disingenuous, let me suggest that the REAL threat
from bioterrorism does not lie in an attack on American cities. It lies
rather in an attack on American agriculture. The most effective way to
disrupt society would be to damage or destroy key crops: for example, to
introduce a new strain of wheat rust which would wreak havoc with the
American wheat harvest. This would affect not only the United States, but
all of those other nations that buy wheat from us, like Russia. Consider
this: if people get word of an approaching snowstorm that's likely to shut
down the city, what three things do they rush to the stores to buy (other
than microwave popcorn)? Milk, eggs...and bread. Now suppose that biological
agents have been tailored to infect wheat, soybeans, and corn. Without
wheat, there is no flour (okay, okay, I know I'm oversimplifying for the
sake of argument), without flour, there is no bread. Without corn and soy,
there is no feed for chickens and cows, thus no eggs and milk. This approach
requires a somewhat longer view than many people are accustomed to, but it
could be horribly effective, especially with increasing monoculture,
elimination of diversity of plant varieties, and consequent destruction of
natural immunities. Use wheat rust for the wheat crop, ergot for rye, mosaic
virus for soybeans and corn...and all of those people who went rushing out
to buy gas masks and CBW suits will be standing in the ration lines just
like all the rest of us.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 11:13 AM
 Subject:  [CTRL] U.S. unprepared for biological attacks

  -Caveat Lector-

 From USA Today,
 11/30/99- Updated 11:27 PM ET

 U.S. unprepared for biological attacks

 WASHINGTON (AP) - The government's medical stockpiles for dealing with
 chemical or biological terrorism are poorly managed, often lacking vital
 drugs and adequate security, congressional auditors said Tuesday.

 The General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress,
 the Departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs, as well
 as a special Marine Corps unit, for failing to manage their supplies for
 treating civilian victims of a chemical or biological terrorist attack.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Hatred no, TRUTH. Or you find which some forged all that data? You IS joking.

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:12:44 -0500, David Rupp wrote:

David: If you mean "Am I joking?!" the answer is that I believe humor is the
best antidote to the hatred found in those web sites you recommended. Or do
*you* is joking?! If so, I apologize for thinking you meant those web sites
were worthy of serious consideration.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] 75601287

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A

Looks like one can directly acces the Library of Congress for USGPO docs.
Item 2 of 2 Staff study of the Frank Peroff case
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government
Operations, United States Senate.
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1975.
vii, 237 p. ; 24 cm.
At head of title: 94th Congress, 1st session. Committee print.

Narcotics, Control of--United States.
Peroff, Frank.
Informers--United States.

Search for other works by:
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Government Operations.
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Gov docs available

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""http://lcweb2.loc
Too bad all the docs, themselves aren't online.
Results for Query: #FIELD(author #1( United States. Congress. Senate.
Committee on Government Operations. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

67 Item(s) returned

   1. Investigation into small business investment companies.
  1966 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. off., 1966-
  LC: HG3729.U5 A423 1966

   2. Transfer of technology to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe :
  selected papers
  1977 compiled by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the
  Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate.
  Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1977.
  LC: T174.3 .U524 1977

   3. Investigation into federally insured banks.
  1965 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965-
  LC: HG2406 .A547

   4. Organized crime and illicit traffic in narcotics;
  1965 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
  LC: HV5825 .A5254

   5. Organized crime and illicit traffic narcotics.
  1963 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963-65.
  LC: HV5825 .A525

   6. Hearing aid industry : hearings before the Permanent Subcommittee on
  Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, United
  States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session, pursuant to
  section 5, Senate Resolution 363, 94th Congress, April 1 and 2, 1976.

  1977 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977.
  LC: KF26 .G658 1976a  Dewey: 338.4/7/681761

   7. International human rights : selected statements and initiatives
  1977 compiled by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
  (pursuant to section 5, S. Res. 363, 94th Cong.) of the Committee on
  Government Operations, United States Senate.
  Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977.
  LC: JC571 .I592  Dewey: 323.4

   8. Riots, civil and criminal disorders; interim report.
  1967 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967.
  LC: HV6477 .A52  Dewey: 364.14/3/0973

   9. International human rights : selected declarations and agreements
  1976 compiled by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
  (pursuant to section 5, S. Res. 363, 94th Cong.) of the Committee on
  Government Operations, United States Senate.
  Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976.
  LC: K3238.A1 I54  Dewey: 341.48/1

  10. Medicaid management information systems (MMIS) : hearings before the
  Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on
  Government Operations, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress,
  second session, pursuant to section 5, Senate Resolution 363, 94th
  Congress, September 29, 30, and October 1, 1976.
  1977 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977.
  LC: KF26 .G658 1976  Dewey: 368.3/82/00973

  11. TFX contract investigation. Hearings, Eighty-eighth Congress, first
  session ...
  1963 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963-64.
  LC: UG633 .A413 1963

  12. Riots, civil and criminal disorders.
  1967 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government
  Operations.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967-
  LC: HV6477 .A5  Dewey: 364.14/3

  13. Labor racketeering activities of Jack McCarthy and National
  Consultants Associated, ltd.; report, together with individual views.

  1967 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government operations.
  Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967.
  LC: HD6490.R3 U612 1967b

  14. Labor racketeering activities of Jack McCarthy and the National
  Consultants Associated, ltd.
  1967 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Government operations.
  Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
  Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967.

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2 - 12/01/99

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

"By coincidence," the leader of Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo, Mr. Fukunaga, was
implicated in an illegal $325,000 contribution to the 1996 Clinton-Gore
re-election campaign. The contribution was made at the behest of John Huang.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ric Carter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 11:44 AM
 Subject:  [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2 - 12/01/99

# Japan cops raid religious group. TOKYO (AP)  Police searching for
  of fraud raided the offices of a Japanese religious group that
promised to
  cure diseases by examining the soles of people's feet. The
headquarters of
  Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo, near the base of Mt. Fuji, 95 miles west from
  and 73 other spots nationwide were raided. Ho-no-Hana Sampogyo
  comment. The name roughly translates as "teaching of the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Secret+societies++United+States

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-,dlib2,mss,:@FIELD(subj+@1(+
Secret+societies++United+States.+))Click Here: A
Items 1 through 19 of 191   Secret ritual and manhood in Victorian America
1989 Mark C. Carnes. [HS204 .C37 1989 ]
2   Amerika no himitsu kessha.
1970 Ayabe, Tsuneo,1930- [HS204 .A9 (Orien Japan) ]
3   America's secret establishment : an introduction to the Order of Skull 
1986 by Antony C. Sutton. [HS205.O73 S88 1986 ]
4   Handbook of secret organizations
1966 Whalen, William Joseph. [HS204 .W45 ]
5   The rise and fall of the Patriot Hunters.
1956 Kinchen, Oscar Arvle. [F1032 .K53 ]
6   Empower the people : a 7-step plan to overthrow the conspiracy that is
stealing your money and freedom
1998 by Tony Brown. [HV6285 .B73 1998 ]
Not yet available at the Library of Congress
7   Strange altars; a scriptural appraisal of the lodge.
1959 Acker, Julius William. [HS164 .A3 ]
8   Fifty million brothers : a panorama of American lodges and clubs
1979 Charles W. Ferguson. [HS61 .A23 1979 ]
9   The cyclopædia of fraternities;
1907 Stevens, Albert Clark,1854-ed. [HS122 .S7 ]
10  Fifty million brothers;
1937 Ferguson, Charles Wright,1901- [HS61 .F4 ]
11  Secret societies: a cultural; study of fraternalism in the United States,
1940 Gist.Noel Pitts, 1899- [HS204 .G5 ]
12  Secret political societies in the North during the civil war.
1918 Fesler, Mayo. [F521 .I52 ]
13  Dark lanterns : secret political societies, conspiracies, and treason
trials in the Civil War
1984 Frank L. Klement. [E458.8 .K673 1984 ]
14  Politico-military secret societies of the Northwest, 1860-1865,
1929 Morrow, Curtis Hugh. [E458.8 .M88 ]
15  The law of fraternities and societies ...
1883 Hirschl, Andrew Jackson,1852-1908. [KF1238.Z9 H5 ]
16  The ways of Ah Sin; a composite narrative of things as they are,
1923 Shepherd, Charles Reginald,1885- [F870.C5 S5 ]
17  The movement for peace without a victory during the Civil War,
1972 by Elbert J. Benton. [E458.8 .B4 1972 ]
18  Asian organized crime : hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States
Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, October 3, November 5-6,
1992 United States.Congress.Senate.Committee on Governmental
Affairs.Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. [KF26 .E674 1991c ]
19  The movement for peace without victory during the civil war,
1918 by Elbert J. Benton. [F486 .W58 no. 99 ]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Link

1999-12-01 Thread David Rupp

 -Caveat Lector-

Rodrigo: Hatred no, TRUTH. Or you find which some forged all that data? You
IS joking.

David: TRUTH, huh? I went to that Jew Watch site and looked up the article
on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These documents were declared
forgeries by scholars around the world, not just Jewish ones. Yet this site
continues to treat them seriously. There's one example of the LIES on this

If there is any worldwide conspiracy which we must fear, it's one made up of
PEOPLE. To single out any one ethnic or religous group for derision and fear
fits my definition of 'hatred', and 'racism' as well.

David Rupp
Get caught up in The Web of Fate at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Police switch to new strategy

1999-12-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Posted at 11:27 a.m. PST; Wednesday, December 1, 1999

Police switch to new strategy

by David Postman and Mike Carter
Seattle Times staff reporters

After losing control of downtown Seattle to renegade protesters Tuesday,
police admitted they were caught off-guard despite months of warning.

Today, they switched strategies and banned demonstrations in the heart of
downtown - an aggressive tactic that carries its own risks.

Both approaches are politically touchy for a Police Department that failed
to do what it promised: Allow the World Trade Organization to meet in
safety, and allow protesters a peaceful platform for dissent.

As Seattle police tried to restore peace today, aided today by National
Guard troops and the State Patrol, their actions have invited a new round of

Retailers, residents and international visitors are questioning how police
let themselves be outsmarted by protesters who, for at least nine months,
had made it clear they planned to disrupt the trade talks.

Now, constitutional experts are questioning the legality of today's
aggressive counter-response by police, who were enforcing a restricted
downtown zone of more than 50 blocks.

Seattle Mayor Paul Schell has issued a string of apologies since yesterday,
admitting the day had not gone as planned.

"The last thing I ever wanted to be was the mayor of a city where I had to
call out the National Guard, where I had to see tear gas in the streets,"
said Schell, who pointed out that he was an anti-war protester during the

"It makes me sick," he said.

And by this morning, police officials widely acknowledged they had failed to
do an adequate "threat analysis" and were caught off guard early yesterday.

The original police strategy focused on clearing streets so that WTO
delegates could attend opening ceremonies, even if that meant letting
vandals run uninterrupted just blocks away smashing windows, spray-painting
walls and tossing newspaper boxes and garbage cans into the streets.

"We made a calculated decision to keep the city as safe as we possibly could
in the downtown core," said Police Chief Norm Stamper.

It's not that police, who had months to plan security for the WTO meeting,
did not have warning that things might not go as planned.

The demonstrators held a press conference Monday to discuss how protesters
would break off from yesterday's planned marches to lock up the city.

In a training camp in September, they practiced nonviolent protest,
including ways to stop police from breaking up demonstrations. Opposition
leaders publicly acknowledged that some demonstrators wouldn't abide by
agreements between most organized WTO opponents and the police to avoid

"The people we met with did everything they could to follow through on those
agreements," said Deputy Chief Ed Joiner. "But quite frankly, we were
besieged by a number of others who had no interest whatsoever in going with
the program.

"Based on the threat analysis we had at the time and the feedback we got
from the various groups that were going to protest, we didn't have any way
to gauge this kind of behavior, obviously."

Chief praises police work

Stamper said the police, including departments from throughout King County,
did an extraordinary job against difficult odds.

The protest organizer most visible in the past months said police should not
have been surprised.

"Every single meeting I had with the police, I made it very clear that there
were lots of groups coming to Seattle, many of which I wouldn't have any
control over," said Mike Dolan, deputy director of Global Trade Watch.

Dolan said protesters also made it clear that while the organized
demonstrations would be nonviolent, that didn't mean they would be

"The police told us they would actually wait until the cameras were rolling
to film arrests to allow for the choreography of the confrontation to unfold
in a dramatic way," Dolan said. "We sat in the City Council chambers and at
the Labor Temple and they told us, `We've done this so many times' and
regaled us with stories of peaceful arrests and easy street actions."

Stamper said those plans couldn't be followed: "The demonstrators,
particularly those bent on violence and destruction, used techniques that
made it extremely difficult for us to respond in the moment with anything
resembling mass arrests."

Police officers yesterday showed restraint and personal compassion in some
instances. Some helped wash tear gas from the eyes of demonstrators, and a
few were seen comforting protesters who had been detained.

Yesterday, Schell and Stamper praised the peaceful demonstrators.

But in the end, nearly everyone on the street - violent and nonviolent
protesters, as well as bystanders - got gassed.

Protesters locked arms to prevent WTO delegates and others from crossing key

To ensure that delegates could make it safely 

[CTRL] [1] Vesco

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Arthur Herzog©1987
ISBN 0-385-24176-3
380 pps. – first/one edition – out-of-print
As always, Caveat lector and cui bono . . .

The destination was St. Martin, normally about a three-hour trip, but which,
because of the storm, took most of the day. Instead of following the island
chain, as usually done, the Realitie, equipped with Satnav (satellite
guidance) and compass, went directly across in twenty-foot waves. The craft
was built for rough weather, but as it lurched into troughs with sickening
speed, Vesco's helpers were keenly aware that they could drown, ending the
fugitive's dreams as well as their own.

Vesco remained below, afraid of being spotted, though there were no other
vessels in the vicinity, peering through portholes for search planes, though
there were none. As they neared St. Martin, Vesco came topside and had an
altercation with Gray, the mustached ice man, about what course Potter should
follow. Gray won that and the subsequent battles.

The Realitie docked at Philipsburg—there was no customs check in the
duty-free port, though they were required—but Vesco, who had shaved his
beard, became agitated at the sight of cruise ships, convinced he'd be
recognized. Harley rented a car, for cash—nothing must be on paper—and
surreptitiously picked up Bob at the quay. All four went first to Little Bay,
as Harley remembers, to another hotel and then to Mullet Bay, where Vesco
burned papers he'd brought, flushing them down the toilet. They all lived and
ate in the same suites. Vesco would let no one out of his sight, perhaps in
fear he'd be turned in. At night he would nod fitfully, rise, pace, peer
through the windows—always on guard against the FBI, which he saw everywhere.

The fugitive spoke of people who would come from the States to aid him, but
only one did, a young man who left almost immediately. Vesco phoned Don Pepe
Figueres for help once more, without results. But on the evening of the
second day on St. Martin, a Mexican Gulfstream jet, whose pilot had some sort
of diplomatic status, arrived to fetch him. It has been supposed that the
plane was arranged for by Carlos Lehder-Rivas, the Colombian drug king. The
next morning, Vesco refused to fly on it. He was convinced that the FBI would
interdict him at the airport. He wanted to reboard the Realitie, but Gray
asked the raving man, "Where would you go?" At last, Vesco gave in and Harley
drove them to the airport. Vesco wanted to board at the end of the runway,
but the Mexican captain wouldn't—he taxied to the terminal—and Gray and the
fugitive, pretending to have been on board already, slipped through customs.
jumping into the plane with the sack of money brought from Antigua, Vesco hid
on his hands and knees in the aisle to avoid being seen until the plane was
ready for takeoff. "His spirit," said Gray, "was broken."

Vesco had his fall-backs as usual. The Salude was off nearby St. Barthelemy,
and a colleague flew in after the fugitive had departed to make sure he
escaped. Vesco always managed to muster loyalty because people felt sorry for
him, because he appealed to their sense of adventure, and because they
expected the supermillionaire to pay them well. He badly disappointed the
Antigua group as he had others. Harley, who expected $100,000 for his
services, received $3,000, and Gray only got the used Toyota, parked on an
Antigua street as a ruse, which he was somehow supposed to divide with the Rea
litie's owner. But everybody was glad to have the famous fugitive off their

Vesco's position was unenviable by any standards. He had no safe place to go.
He pinned his hopes on Costa Rica because of Jose Figueres and the hospital
in San Jose. Exacerbated perhaps by stress, his urinary problem had returned.
But whether the Ticos would accept him was unknown. The jet probably flew him
to Mexico from Colombia, and from there he employed two aircraft to confuse
the control tower at Llano Grande International Airport in the northern part
of Costa Rica, not too far from the Guanacaste finca. One plane landed
briefly at an airstrip, and Vesco was picked up by a car whose driver may not
have known who he was. After, perhaps, a short stay at the ranch, he was
taken to San Jose in early April. Vesco called Don Pepe, who summoned Enrique
Carreras. "Do you know who's here?" he asked. Carreras said, "Don't tell me.
Vesco." Figueres nodded silently, and Enrique groaned.

"Vesco was beside himself," Carreras recalled. "He complained of being ripped
off wherever he went. He needed a sanctuary for himself and Pat and a place
where Patrick would be in school. And his health was terrible." For the
moment, the question for the Costa Ricans was where to shelter Vesco. The
Figuereses had La Lucha, but everyone knew that Don Pepe hid people there—not
just political refugees, as frequently in the past, but those who had fallen
into trouble in the United States and 

[CTRL] [2] Vesco

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Arthur Herzog©1987
ISBN 0-385-24176-3
380 pps. – first/one edition – out-of-print

SENATOR HAWKINS: Vesco told you he is living in Havana as
the guest of the Cuban government?

MR. DEKKER: His egomania-he told me once that he runs
the central bank.

SENATOR HAWKINS: He has a big ego, doesn't he.


SENATOR HAWKINS: What was Vesco's relationship to the
Cuban government, in your opinion?

MR. DEKKER: At that moment, very strong. If it is still that
way after the disasters, I do not know.*

[* "Role of Nicaragua in Drug Trafficking," p. 39. Hearing before the
subcommittee on Children. Drugs and Alcoholism of the Committee on Labor and
Human Resources, United States Senate, 1985. Dekker is Jitze Kooistra.]

For Cuba, Vesco would be quite as difficult as he had been for Costa Rica,
only in a different way. Though Fidel Castro said that Cuba harbored the
then-ailing fugitive for humanitarian reasons -as it undoubtedly did with a
quirky, ideological, anti-Yanqui twist-the Cubans entrusted him with
hard-found dollars, supported him financially, and handed him a bill for
$880,000, according to the fugitive. What happened well illustrated Cuba's
plight, partly the result of antagonism between it and the United States.

In the mid- 1950s, Cuba's per capita income had been one of the highest in
Latin America. Twenty-five years later it was far from that. Cuba does not
provide extensive statistics, but its economists declare that comparisons are
meaningless because they don't take into account that, under Batista, wealth
was concentrated in a few hands, nor would economic statistics reflect great
advances in education, medical care, support for the elderly and so on.
Nonetheless, Cuba-just as Costa Rica needs U.S. support-requires the $4
billion in annual aid it receives from the Soviet Union. The Cubans, while
faulting their own bureaucracy, corruption, and inefficiencies, also blame
the country's condition on the U.S. embargo and military expenses forced on
it by the United States. Cuba was prepared to employ unusual means, and one
was Robert Vesco.

If the fugitive had ceased to pretend he was a major investor, he did rave
about his high-level contacts, and a friend, listening, said, "Don't bullshit
these guys." Vesco snapped, "How do you think I've gotten by all these
years?" Because he sounded knowledgeable about real estate, the Cubans
involved him in a plan to develop Cayo Largo, off the southern Cuban coast,
as a tourist resort. Customs formalities would be waived, private ownership
permitted, hotels and condos built, and investments encouraged. There might
have been a banking setup of some kind. It was the sort of enclave that had
attracted Vesco before.

It was reported that the eighty-eight pairs of $6,000 classified infrared
night-vision binoculars confiscated at a Florida dockside were a
Vesco-arranged shipment for Cuba. A much larger Vesco importation attempt was
established by the U.S. Attorney in a Brownsville, Texas, trial in November
1983. The spring before, a subsidiary of Ingersoll-Rand, California Pellet
Mill Company, with offices in San Francisco, received an inquiry from what
appeared to be a Costa Rican outfit called Cominsa, later changed to Imbagua,
an acronym In Spanish for water-pumping equipment. A man representing both
companies, Jose MacCourtney, negotiated the purchase of ten of California
Pellet's mills plus extra equipment. In payment for the first shipment, a
check from Barclays Bank in Nassau for $712,337.50 was deposited in
California Pellet's account at the Bank of America. Another apparent Costa
Rican named Luhr was also involved. Luhr was Meissner's mother's name and
appeared on his Costa Rican passport. Meissner denied any knowledge of the
deal but said Vesco well knew his second last name.

The company produced machinery that compacted fine substances into dense
solids—ranging from animal food to municipal waste conversion into fuel.
Still another application was treating the residue from sugar-cane
processing, bagasse. Bagasse can be converted into briquettes for fuel for a
refinery's boilers. A refinery could thus be made self-sufficient in energy
and perhaps have fuel pellets to sell. The equipment Imbagua bought was a
recent model and probably the best of its kind.

At about the same time MacCourtney came to San Francisco, a car dealer from
West Columbia, Texas, Richard S. Bettini, received a phone call from an old
acquaintance. On instructions, Bettini always referred to the man as a
"friend," so as not to prejudice the jury. The friend was Vesco, who, the
prosecutor reminded the judge, "absconded from the United States with 300
million dollars." Vesco wanted to talk about old times in Detroit. Soon
after, Pat Vesco called from Houston and Bettim said he would like to visit.
Vesco phoned again, suggesting that Bettim fly to Cancun, Mexico. He was met
there by a pilot to take him 

[CTRL] [3] Vesco

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Arthur Herzog©1987
ISBN 0-385-24176-3
380 pps. – first/one edition – out-of-print

Like a vein of pure gold, riches glitter deep in the American dream. But
dreams aren't meant to be interpreted literally—you must poke around in them
to learn what they have to say, be it unconscious wishes or buried warnings
about the future. The American dream isn't to be carried to extremes, even by
those who attempt to claw their way to the top as the dream seems to urge.
Restraints exist on those who would overstep; powerful prohibitions govern
economic behavior, not merely against cheating and lying but
excessiveness-too much ambition and greed.

Through smarts and luck, Vesco achieved the financial objectives of the
American dream. When he gained control of Bernard Cornfeld's undisciplined
IOS, he set his sights on becoming a world-class capitalist. What he lacked
in education (a sore point with him), experience, and maturity, he tried to
make up for by ingenuity, determination, and trickiness. In a circle that
held the possibilities for good and evil, Vesco could make the full swing
without trouble until he reached the last twenty degrees, and there ran into
a blindspot. With IOS he had, as they say, the world by the tail, but he
began to overreach.

Oddly perhaps, considering the emphasis he placed on his own mental
abilities, a basic charge against Vesco was poor judgment. He erred in
assessing how far rules could be bent without others perceiving them as
broken, and "if everything that's right doesn't always look right," as Vesco
said, a case can be made that everything ought to look right as well as be
right—a disparity between the two being cause for caution, of which Vesco had
little. Instead, in his hubris he defied the governmental gods and fell.
There is an Italian word for this, probably the longest in the Italian
language, precipitevollssimevolmente, meaning, roughly, "If you climb too
high, you fall suddenly to the same spot you started from."

Vesco and his cohorts, for example, tried to set themselves up as venture
capitalists, which was in the entrepreneurial spirit, all right, except that
they used other people's money, not what they raised themselves, treating the
IOS entities as a private preserve. ("We were trying to give the guys
"—Meissner, LeBlanc, Graze, and Strickler—"a chance to do their thing.") The
risks they took with other people's money increased as the SEC isolated them.
And the human price was high. One German wrote the receivers that he was not
only unemployable he was broke. He was a multiple amputee and had invested
all his money in Venture Fund.

Vesco suffered from a shortcoming common enough in his native land—bravado. A
more seasoned individual would probably have "walked away" from his overseas
acquisition after SEC hostility toward it became apparent. Instead, convinced
by topflight legal talent, itself victim of hubris, a liking for high fees,
and, as a result, a poor analysis of consequences, Vesco proceeded according
to plan, thus challenging the mighty and selfrighteous SEC. Vesco became a
business rebel, but it wasn't as though he had a noble cause, only money and

After the SEC accused him and others of looting, Vesco stumbled into a trap
from which, given stubbornness and a certain romantic bravery—Vesco always
maintained the United States persecuted him unjustly—there was no escape,
especially after his campaign contribution to Nixon was revealed. Terrified
of prison and convinced he would never get a fair trial, he made himself into
a new sort of financial adventurer, a con man who persuaded several small
nations that he was something like a private World Bank. Essentially a
right-winger, he turned to Communist Cuba, where he inevitably ran into
trouble again because of his manipulativeness and pathology.

Having concluded that Vesco had crook potential, the SEC intervened and a
fiscal Greek tragedy was in the works. Over comparatively trivial
(considering the consequences: the destruction of IOS) machinations—Vesco's
takeover, which might have been viewed as a clever and distant ploy, and his
misstatements about the ownership of Cornfeld's IOS shares—the SEC subjected
Vesco's company, International Controls, to the toughest investigation it had
ever launched, having as the objective the enforcement of a consent order
with IOS (the SEC had agreed to leave the company alone provided it did no
business in the United States) to which it attached an almost religious
fervor. Vesco and the Commission became obsessed with each other. The agency
deeply wanted to bring an alleged criminal to justice.

Vesco's movement of money out of an IOS fund—$20 million from Venture to
LeBlanc's Globals—was designed, in part, to eliminate the SEC from the
picture but achieved the opposite. The Commission bore down even harder, not
only because it searched for any opportunity to prove the 

[CTRL] Brain damage confirmed in vets reporting Gulf War syndrome

1999-12-01 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Brain damage confirmed in vets reporting Gulf War syndrome

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


CHICAGO (November 30, 1999 3:37 p.m. EST - Brain scans of soldiers who believe they
suffer from Gulf War illness indicate evidence of brain damage, possibly
from chemical exposure during the 1991 conflict, researchers reported

"This is the first time ever we have proof of brain damage in sick Gulf War
veterans," said James Fleckenstein, a professor of radiology at the
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He said the
study could not confirm how or when the brain damage occurred, but that
signs point to chemical exposure and it is reasonable to suspect that it
happened during the war.

"There's hope, now that these guys have a disease," he said. "They can be
believed - they're not malingering, they're not depressed, they're not
stressed. There's a hope for treatment and there's hope for being able to
monitor the progress of the disease."

As many as 30,000 veterans of the war have complained of mysterious
maladies, including fatigue, joint pain and memory loss, that they say are
related to their service in the Gulf.

A presidential panel looking into Gulf War illnesses said in August that it
can't pinpoint causes of the ailments and recommended further study into
whether there are potential genetic reasons.

In the new study, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which uses radio
waves to measure body chemistry, found that veterans who believe they
have the illness have up to 25 percent lower levels of a certain brain
chemical than healthy Gulf War veterans.

Lower-than-normal levels of the chemical, N-acetyl-aspartate, in the brain
stem and basal ganglia suggest a loss of neurons in those areas, said the
researchers, who were to present their findings Tuesday at the 85th annual
meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

The brain stem controls some of the body's reflexes. The basal ganglia are
switching stations for nerve impulses controlling movement, memory and
emotion. The basal ganglia, for example, are where the malfunctioning
occurs that causes Parkinson's disease.

Fleckenstein said treatments are being explored by his colleague, Robert
Haley, an associate professor of internal medicine and chief of
epidemiology at UT Southwestern. Haley helped define Gulf War
syndromes and identify toxic exposures associated with the likelihood of
having them. He also revealed enzyme abnormalities that may be linked to
the disease.

Fleckenstein said brain scans of 22 sick veterans revealed levels of N-
acetyl-aspartate 10 percent to 25 percent lower than those in 18 healthy
veterans. The finding held up in an additional six sick Gulf War veterans
drawn from a different part of the military.

The study was blinded, meaning radiologists interpreting the results did not
know which patients complained of symptoms and which were healthy.

Researchers believe soldiers who became ill were those who had a
genetic vulnerability to certain chemicals used in the war, including nerve
gas, the insecticide DEET, pet flea collars some wore to repel pests and
the drug pyridostigmine bromide. PB was administered to as many as
250,000 soldiers in the belief it would protect them from the toxic effects of
nerve gas.

Last month, the Pentagon raised the possibility for the first time of a
connection between Gulf War illness and PB. It said more scientific study is
needed before it can confirm or rule out a connection.

Lt. Col. Dian Lawhon, a spokeswoman for the Department of Defense's
office for Gulf War illnesses, which helped fund Fleckenstein's study, said
her office could not comment on the findings until it sees a complete report.
Only an abstract was available.

"This is part of our continuing effort to find out what might be making Gulf
War veterans sick," she said. "We haven't seen anything that would say that
they found the smoking gun, though."

The brain scan study was reported on the same day as the release of a
series of Pentagon-ordered reports that said focusing on the danger of
traditional weapons could mask less-obvious, long-term hazards to troops.

"Even in the absence of widespread acute casualties from battle, war
takes its toll on human health and well-being long after the shooting or
bombing stops," said one of the reports prepared by the National Academy
of Sciences' Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council.

The reports offered some criticism of past Pentagon strategies for
protecting troops, citing a natural tendency to focus attention on known
hazardous agents and saying that "too much attention on them may result in
other hazards being overlooked."

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files


[CTRL] Non Lethal Weapons, ELF, EMP Haaaaarp

1999-12-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi all-

I've talked to a number of people this week who've noticed symptoms.
Some who've never noticed any before are noticing high pitched ringing.
It is probably that there is a harp thing going on, likely in honor of
This would cause synergistic effects with other locally caused phenomonen.
It is believed that some of the experimental local equipment is being used
experimentally on the local operatives, as well as the targets. There is no
way of completely directionalizing or shielding that is yet developed.
People ALL OVER are complaining of the aerial spraying and repeat
sinus/bronchial afflictions.
It's important to be sure of good nutrition- and eliminate low-level toxins.
This cannot be too strongly stressed. Long term flouride consumption (tap
water also contains deadly poison chlorine), aspartame, neotame, chemical
food additives, etc.. various noxious chemicals in "household" products and
cosmetics.. too much TV or computer video radiation, all have negative
synergistic effects which make one more susceptible to illness or symptoms
from ELF  other frequency harrassment.

A relatively meatless diet (or at least get free-range type) is best- Fresh
cooked foods, NEVER microwaved food or liquid ( ! ) lots of green leafy
stuff, a good amount of raw vegetables  salad (organic if at ALL possible..
eating half as much organic would give more essential nutrition than
conventionally (poison, chemicals, genetically engineered) grown/farmed

A B-vitamin supplement could be a good thing short term- though it's not too
good to get the body into relying on supplements instead of balanced
nutrition. B-vitamin deficiency is associated with lethargy, irritability,
paranoia, oversensitivity to noises.
Magnesium deficiency is associated with anxiety, panic attacks,
palpitations, muscle spasms, cramps (night cramps especially), insomnia,
fatigue, asthma and heart problems/palpatations, even heart attack.
Muscle/nerve twitching will be lessened or stopped in many cases with
magnesium/potassium/calcium supplementation... magnesium being the "key,"
but needing balance with the others .. 600mg magnesium divided in 3 or 4
doses over a day can stop panic attacks and cramping.
Foods that contain these three minerals are: wheat germ, sunflower seeds,
soybeans, almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios and pecans.
Easy to make up a trail mix to snack on that contains several of these.
Also, if possible- drink fresh organic vegetable juice /or fruit juice

Dave Hartley

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HJR 77 [complete text]

1999-12-01 Thread BARD

 -Caveat Lector-

*** ... far and wide!***

Brothers and Sisters,
Why are we allowing this illegal transfer to take place?
Be mindful that even though the thugs won't be returning
to their den of iniquity until after January 20, 2000,
the thugs can still send to the Committee a Letter of Intent
to cosponsor this HJR.
If more than 218, in the House, cosponsor then the Speaker
has to bring it to the Floor immediately.
At end of scroll you find a link to a free program
which allows you to mass mail the thugs.


  House Joint Resolution 77

 Introduced by Rep. Chenoweth-Hage - 11/9/1999

 Notifying the Government of Panama of the
nullity of the Carter-Torrijos
 treaties and recognizing the validity of the
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty with
 respect to control of the Panama Canal Zone.

 Whereas the United States Canal in Panama,
linking the Pacific and
 Atlantic Oceans, is one of the most
strategically important naval choke
 points in the world, essential to our national
defense and vital to our
 economic well-being;

 Whereas occupation, damage, or destruction of
this crucial waterway by
 a hostile power — whether an unfriendly
Panamanian government,
 terrorist organization, or other foreign
government — could be
 calamitous to the United States in time of war
and disastrous to our
 economy even in time of peace;

 Whereas the Republic of Panama does not have an
army, navy, air
 force, or other military or police capability
adequate for the defense of
 such a strategic asset;

 Whereas the communist government of the
People’s Republic of China
 has been pursuing an aggressive expansionist
agenda in Panama, the
 Caribbean, and Latin America, while, at the
same time carrying out a
 concerted and much-publicized campaign of
bribery and espionage
 reaching to the highest offices of the United

 Whereas Hutchison Whampoa, a front company for
the People’s
 Liberation Army of China, utilizing corrupt
practices, has acquired
 leases giving it control of the ports of
Cristobal and Balboa at the
 Atlantic and Pacific ends of the Panama Canal,
positioning the
 People’s Republic of China for de facto control
of the Canal;

 Whereas the People’s Republic of China, through
its agent, Hutchison
 Whampoa, is also in the process of taking over
the Rodman Naval
 Station and other military facilities being
abandoned by the United
 States, and has the exclusive authority to hire
the pilots who control all
 traffic through the Canal;

 Whereas the People’s Republic of China, a
totalitarian regime, refers to
 the United States in its military literature
and official Communist Party
 statements as its "main enemy" and has aligned
itself with other
 communist regimes and terrorist states avowedly
hostile to the United

 Whereas China expert Dr. Michael Pillsbury of
the National Defense
 University testified to the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence in
 September 1997 that the Chinese military
officials have written
 extensively of their nation’s intention "to
defeat the United States";

 Whereas in spite of these manifest dangers, the
Government of the
 United States is pursuing a policy of
transferring possession,
 ownership, and control of the Panama Canal and
Canal Zone, which
 includes the United States military bases, to
the Government of
 Panama, in accordance with the 1977
Carter-Torrijos treaties, which
 were never legally ratified by either the
United States or Panama;

 Whereas in their respective instruments of
ratification, the United States
 and Panama did not agree to the same text of
the treaties, and, in fact,
 each party stipulated to conditions that are in
fundamental conflict with,
 and mutually exclusive of, the demands of the


[CTRL] In 2000, it's China Canal Clinton admits Beijing to control

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 In 2000, it's China Canal
Clinton admits Beijing to control
crucial waterway through Panama


By David Kupelian
© 1999

President Clinton admitted yesterday that the Communist Chinese will, in
fact, run the Panama Canal when the United States pulls all of its troops out
and relinquishes control of the vital waterway Jan. 1, 2000.
Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office before leaving on a trip to the west
coast, Clinton addressed the issue of the imminent U.S. surrender of the
American-built multi-billion-dollar canal.

"I supported it at the time and I still support it," Clinton said, referring
to the controversial 1978 treaties signed by then-President Jimmy Carter and
Panamanian dictator Omar Torrijos, requiring U.S. surrender of the Panama
Canal to the Central American nation at the century's end.

"I think it's the right thing to do," the president said.

Clinton noted that the United States would be represented in Panama for the
year-end change-over by former President Carter, whose administration
negotiated the treaties, and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Carter
"deserves enormous credit" for winning Senate passage of the treaties, which,
Clinton added, were "very controversial, immensely unpopular. A lot of the
members of the Senate ... had their seats put in peril over it," the
Associated Press reported.

As the year end approaches, increasing congressional and military warnings
about America's imminent loss of control of the canal have been dismissed and
scoffed at consistently by the Clinton administration.

During yesterday's announcement, Clinton, once again, at first brushed off
concerns -- voiced most recently by former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
Adm. Thomas Moorer -- that China is preparing to take over the canal once the
United States leaves. Moorer has asserted publicly that China plans to seize
control of the canal through a Hong Kong company, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. -- a
firm widely believed to have close links to the Chinese military -- which has
won rights to operate ports on both ends of the canal.

But then, in disarmingly unambiguous words, the president openly admitted
that China will, indeed, control the Panama Canal after Dec. 31.

"I think the Chinese will in fact be bending over backwards to make sure that
they run it in a competent and able and fair manner," Clinton said.

"They'll want to demonstrate to a distant part of the world that they can be
a responsible partner," the president said. "And I would be very surprised if
any adverse consequences flowed from the Chinese running the canal."

But the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is very concerned about
"adverse consequences." "I am appalled," Moorer told WorldNetDaily in an
exclusive interview, "that the president would make such a statement, and
that his advisers would mislead him to this degree. If what he says takes
place, and the Chinese are allowed to remain and increase their presence, the
results will be catastrophic for the U.S."

"If we have to go back in to restore the canal to its previous position," he
said, "there will be many casualties, and they won't be confined to the canal
area itself. Our inability to move our forces back and forth (through the
canal) will result in casualties of our forces in other parts of the world."
If the U.S. is prevented from navigating through the Panama Canal, it must
travel an extra 9,000 miles around South America.

Moorer added an ominous warning regarding China's strategic use of the canal.

"No one seems to grasp the threat to the U.S. that can be posed by Chinese
container ships. When the Russians brought missiles into Cuba, American
citizens went into a panic," said Moorer. "But now, following the lead of the
president, Americans are practically ignoring" China's ability to do the

A Chinese dissident who spoke to WorldNetDaily on condition of anonymity,
echoed Moorer's concern.

"The chinese Communists don't have a sufficient number of long-range ICBMs,
and those they do have don't have sufficient accuracy," he said, "even though
they are drastically improving them, thanks to U.S. technology. But the
shortage of ICBMs can be compensated by, one, submarines, and two, an enclave
close to the U.S."

Larry Elgin, president and counsel of U.S. Defense-American Victory,
commented, "I believe that the game is not over." Regarding his
organization's lawsuit challenging the imminent relinquishing of the canal to
Panama, Elgin noted: "If the treaties are invalid because they were never
fully formed ... then it will be up to Congress. The canal itself may never

"The Clinton administration is supremely overconfident and arrogant," added
Elgin. "This is a deep 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4 - 12/01/99

1999-12-01 Thread Ric Carter
# Israel OKs new door for Al Aqsa Mosque - surprise move stuns opponents:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# MOZART EFFECT REVISITED: 6 years ago scientists reported that listening to
  Mozart made folks smarter. But last summer a new study failed to reproduce
  results of the first, disappointing waves of music fans. But a closer look
  shows that Mozart's music does have a profound effect on the brain, though
  no one knows why. Rats raised on Mozart run through mazes faster and more
  accurately. People with Alzheimer's disease function more normally if
  they listen to Mozart; the music even reduces the severity of epileptic

# Starbucks Sued Over Alleged Crushed Penis. NEW YORK (Reuters) A Canadian
  tourist who claims that his penis was crushed by a faulty toilet seat at
  a Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O) restaurant has sued the giant coffee retailer
  for $1.5 million:

: Should Mozart be played on the sound systems of all Starbucks? Would it
help? Would you run faster? Would you twitch less? Would you need espresso?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Microscope works on computer desktop.(AP) Science has become way cool. And
  a groovy new science goody is the QX3 Computer Microscope, an affordable,
  high-tech "toy" that brings the world of things invisible to the naked eye
  to the PC, making squinting one-eyed through conventional magnification
  optics as outdated as the slide rule. Far surpassing the capabilities of a
  regular microscope, the multimedia QX3 seems well worth the price for its
  educational value alone. It is a fun way to explore the complex wonders of
  the microscopic world, and seems like an incredible bargain. Besides basic
  microscope functions, it also takes digital snapshots of any image, which
  can be stored  printed, sent via e-mail or used in Web site construction.

: Would you rather have a desktop scanning electron microscope, or a
super-scanner that lets you manipulate atoms? [Hint - you can build one for
US$10.] Will you put images of little teeny weeny aliens/demons on y'r site?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "The dog must have eaten it."

* Rev. Ric Carter, ULC * * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sex/Drugs * UFO/PSI/Y2K * Conspiracy *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Clinton's Panama Canal admission

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 Clinton's Panama Canal admission


Was it a Freudian slip? Was it a gaffe? Or was it President Clinton finally
being honest about something for the first time in his life?
I refer to the statement he made yesterday with regard to the Panama Canal
transfer to a group of reporters in the Oval Office before leaving for the
West Coast.

In case you missed it elsewhere, the quote I am about to give you from
Clinton was recorded, albeit buried, in an Associated Press story.

Here it is, folks. Hold on to your hats -- especially all of you people who
scoffed when I began telling you three years ago that the Communist Chinese
were taking over the Panama Canal.

"I think the Chinese will in fact be bending over backwards to make sure that
they run it in a competent and able and fair manner," Clinton said. That's
verbatim. Those are his words, not mine. Clinton, who has until now denied
that the Chinese were to take control of the strategic canal, admitted it

And, as if to underline his admission and seemingly to ensure there could be
no misunderstanding of his words, Clinton elaborated. According to the AP
story, he compared the operation of the canal to China's campaign to win
admission to the World Trade Organization, which sets the rules for global

"They'll want to demonstrate to a distant part of the world that they can be
a responsible partner," the president said. "And I would be very surprised if
any adverse consequences flowed from the Chinese running the canal."

Oh, absolutely. Responsible. Partner. Competent. Fair. Those are all words I
readily associate in my mind with the totalitarian government in Beijing.
Don't you?

Well, there you have it, folks. Goodbye Panama Canal. The Bamboo Curtain just
moved into the Western Hemisphere -- officially, that is.

After all, I gave you this history long ago. I told you about the fact that a
Chinese government company -- a front for the military -- Hutchison Whampoa
Ltd., was to begin operation of the ports on both ends of the strategic
waterway Jan. 1. It has been the Clinton administration and its many
apologists in Congress and the press who have laughed, ridiculed the idea.
Chinese military shill Alexander Haig suggested I should be jailed for making
such accusations.

And now the truth has finally come out through an unusually candid admission
by Clinton. He is telling us now what has been obvious to anyone familiar
with the transfer of the canal. He is admitting what former Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Thomas Moorer stated in our pages some time back.

Clinton says we can rely on the good intentions of the Chinese to maintain
access to the canal. Doesn't that reassure you? The Chinese, who, as we
speak, are rounding up tens of thousands of religious dissidents and
interning them, threatening to attack Taiwan and working overtime on
developing military technology that could only be used to attack the United
States, should be trusted on this Panama Canal deal because it's a chance for
them to show how responsible they really are.

This is nuts!

When are the American people going to wake up? Clinton is so embarrassed by
this deal on the canal that he is not even going to attend the transfer
ceremonies. Why? If he doesn't have any second thoughts and believes giving
away the Panama Canal to a hostile foreign power is still a good idea, why
not go wave the flag next month at the ceremony?

The answer, of course, is simple: It's not a good idea. It's not good
politics. Clinton knows what he is doing and has been hiding the truth since
the beginning. As is his character, he does not want to be held responsible.
Nor does he want Al Gore and his political party to pay a price for this

If ever there was a time -- an opportunity -- to pressure the politicians to
reverse what will someday be judged a historic blunder, it is now. If you
really have the guts to stop this thing, America, wake up and take action
now. You won't have to risk your life to write a letter to your senators and
representatives in Washington or fill out a simple online petition today.
Your kids, however, may someday pay for our mistakes with their blood if you
sit silent through this official treachery.

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be
heard at

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]


[CTRL] China presses reunification with Taiwan

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tuesday, November 30 6:30 PM SGT

China presses reunification with Taiwan, pledges accelerated reforms
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Tuesday Beijing wanted peaceful reunification
with Taiwan but would also never renounce using force to bring the island
back to the mainland.

"I just want to re-emphasize and reiterate that it is our hope that the
country can be reunified by peaceful means, but we will never undertake to
give up the use of force," Zhu said during an open forum after delivering his
address at a lecture.

"The overwhelming majority of the countries in the world that have relations
with the People's Republic of China -- they all adhere to the 'one China'
policy. There is no hope, no ground for two states theory," he said.

His remarks come amid reports in Taiwan that China is building a missile base
in Fujian province, directly opposite Taiwan, and that Beijing had deployed
nearly 100 of its newest short-range missiles targeting Taiwan.

The question from the forum arose following his remarks pledging China's
commitment to accelerating reforms and opening up its markets as a
responsible member of the world community.

China claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which split from the mainland at the
end of a civil war in 1949.

Asked if China would use its position in the World Trade Organization to
resolve cross-strait problems, Zhu rejected the idea.

"One thing is for certain: That if mainland China, the People's Republic of
China will become a member of the WTO ahead of Chinese-Taipei then we will
not allow people to use the WTO as a forum to create two Chinas," he said.

The United States and China reached a deal on November 15 paving the way for
China's entry into the WTO.

Top US officials have said in Washington that the United States has also
reached an agreement with Taiwan on its membership of the WTO.

China, which is not yet a WTO member, is attending the WTO ministerial
meetings in Seattle as an observer.

At the lecture, Zhu spoke about China's efforts to accelerate reforms, as he
acknowledged "insufficient effective demand, increasingly conspicuous
inadequacy in the economic structure and greater pressure of unemployment" as
China's biggest problems.

To address these problems, China would expand domestic demand and boost
economic growth through the issue of long-term development treasury bonds and
by channeling residents' savings into development funds for infrastructure
and upgrading of enterprises.

Beijing will pursue its reform of state-owned enterprises, rely heavily on
scientific and technological innovation and progress, and implement a
strategy to fully develop the vast and resource-rich areas of western China,
he said.

He reiterated China's non-belligerent stance in the region, saying it was
committed to achieving regional peace and stability.

"China faithfully observes the political consensus reached with ASEAN and
stands ready to continue to safeguard the healthy atmosphere and momentum of
dialogue and cooperation," he said.

Zhu arrived in Singapore Monday from the summit of leaders of the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations, where he bolstered China's role as a key
political ally committed to market reforms despite territorial disputes with
its smaller neighbors.


**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] How Many Are Leaving Over Anthrax Shots?

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Air Force Times
Published: 12-06-99
Page: 26

How Many Are Leaving Over Anthrax Shots? / Units Won't Count Resignations
Until The Pilots Are Out The Door

By David Castellon

A New York congressman tells a congressional subcommittee more than two dozen
Air National Guard pilots from his state's 105th Airlift Wing have resigned
rather than receive anthrax vaccinations. A spokeswoman for the wing says
nobody resigned over the shots.

Who's telling the truth? Both are -- depending on how you interpret the
available information.

And such interpretations are sources of many headaches for people on both
sides of the military's anthrax controversy.

For example, a pilot for the 105th at Stewart Air National Guard Base said
that at least 23 C-5 Galaxy pilots turned in resignations in the six months
prior to October, when the wing was scheduled to begin its first round of
mandatory vaccinations.

The pilot, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said wing leaders told the
pilots they would hold the letters until the end of December so people would
have time to reconsider.

But when Hurricane Floyd hit the East Coast in late September, it knocked out
power to the refrigeration system at Stewart, ruining stores of the vaccine.
So 105th leaders rescheduled the shots for May, when a new batch of vaccine
is due.

The pilots rescinded their resignation letters so they can continue flying --
at least until their immunization time again grows imminent. With no
resignation letters in their hands, wing leaders can say they've had nobody
resign over the shots.

Brig. Gen. Thomas Maguire, commander of the 105th, would not comment Nov. 23
on whether his pilots did turn in resignation letters.

"I really don't want to discuss this with the Air Force Times. I have talked
truthfully ... on the situation involving our anthrax [vaccination program],"
he said.

But it's not just supporters of the mandatory vaccinations who may be
spinning the facts their own way.

For weeks, messages circulated on the World Wide Web about a Wisconsin Air
National Guard member who collapsed from a heart attack after receiving his
anthrax shot.

But a spokesman for the 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Field said that while a
guardsman did experience heart problems after receiving the shot, both
civilian and military doctors determined the problem had nothing to do with
the vaccine.

Also clouding the issue is the number of unanswerable questions about the
vaccine and its effects, said Robert Newman, press secretary for the House
Government Reform national security subcommittee, which held several hearings
this year on the vaccination program.

Among the most pressing is how many people are leaving the Reserves and Air
National Guard over the shots.

"We don't even keep those [statistics]. There is no tracking method for
anthrax" because units don't have to ask why people leave a unit or the
service, said Jack Hooper, a spokesman for the National Guard Bureau in

An Air Force Reserve spokesman offered similar comments.

Another problem is that some people who initially ask for release from the
service or transfers over the shots change their minds, Hooper said.

For example, he said, eight A-10 Thunderbolt II pilots from the Connecticut
Guard's 103rd Fighter Wing in Hartford asked to be transferred or released
from service earlier this year over the vaccinations.

"But when the smoke was clear, only two left," Hooper said.

"Yes, there is a frustration," said Eric Friedman, press secretary for Rep.
Christopher Shays, R-Conn., chairman of the subcommittee.

"For instance, the head of the Air National Guard [Maj. Gen. Paul Weaver]
testified under oath that there was only one documented case of people
leaving because of the vaccine when there were four people who had departed
or transferred sitting behind him when he said it," Friedman said. "[Weaver]
later said he meant only one pilot with an outstanding commitment."

Some of the most heated controversy surrounds how many people have suffered
side effects from anthrax vaccine. Of the 371,526 people who took the shot as
of Nov. 17, 406 reported adverse effects to the Food and Drug
Administration's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

But several military members who oppose the mandatory anthrax vaccinations
say the actual number may be two or three times that. Part of the reason for
the discrepancy, they say, is because military doctors are discouraged from
filing VEERS reports.

Defense officials have denied those claims.

Maj. Frank Smolinsky, a spokesman for Dover Air Force Base, Del., said claims
"that people are walking around sick from the vaccine" at his base are

Of the 80 Dover cases reported to VEERS, base doctors have linked only five
directly to the shots, and those were just mild allergic reactions, Smolinsky

He added that the Mayo Clinic's 

[CTRL] (Fwd) WTO Vs. Democracy?

1999-12-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:38:07 -0800
Subject:WTO Vs. Democracy?

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, December 1, 1999


A letter to President Clinton initiated by Rep. Kucinich (D-Ohio) and
signed by 113 House Democrats says: "The WTO infringes on the sovereignty
of nations to enforce worker rights. A proposed bill to ban products made
with child labor is WTO-illegal..." Speaking to World Trade Watch, a daily
national radio program co-produced in Seattle this week by the Institute for
Public Accuracy, Kucinich stressed "how important it is for the people to stand
up for their rights." The congressman said that a basic issue is citizens'
"control over civic institutions and over their own government... that people
can make decisions about clean air, clean water, human rights, better health
care, better retirement. If private interests are simply running things, then
that means that people are at their mercy... The market is not going to be
parceling out democratic rights." Kucinich warned of "sacrificing human
existence on the altar of the great dollar bill." He specifically criticized the
Clinton administration's plan for a working group on labor conditions as "simply
window-dressing" that lacks real substance or power.

Managing director of the National Radio Project, Livoti was interviewing
activists and onlookers on the corner of 6th and Union in Seattle on
Tuesday morning. As the police began massing in full riot gear, Livoti -
wearing her WTO press credentials - was telling a police officer that she
was a journalist. Still, a policeman [badge number 4409] hit her in the
back with a baton. She was then sprayed directly in the face with pepper
spray and was blinded for 15 minutes until an activist medic treated her.
Said Livoti: "Despite the fact that the officer clearly knew that I was a
working member of the press, he attacked me."

A researcher with the Institute for Public Accuracy and specialist in
global political economy, Toler said today: "The activists in Seattle are
reclaiming democratic decision-making that has been eroded by the WTO and
its two sister organizations, the World Bank and the IMF. The
transnational-controlled policies from these organizations are increasing
human misery and destroying the environment, resulting in global protests."

Director of the Third World Network, Khor said: "There is a lack of
democracy and transparency within the WTO - the whole decision-making
process is shrouded in secrecy. The U.S. objects to any vote being taken,
and wants decisions to be made by 'consensus.' But in reality what this
means is that decisions are made by the major powers, and others are
threatened and cajoled into going along."

Executive director of the Washington Toxics Coalition, Dansereau said: "We do
not oppose trade, we simply won't sit by as democratic rights are trampled in
the name of 'free trade'... When only representatives of chemical corporations
are allowed to serve on a government advisory committee on chemical trade
policy, something is terribly wrong."

Rainforest Action Network communications director, Westlund said: "The WTO does
not take nature or human rights into account in its policies and that has to
stop. Until it does, it lacks any legitimacy."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (206) 770-9544 or (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

--- End of forwarded message ---

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Protests banned around WTO meeting

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Protests banned around WTO meeting
Police beef up presence; hundreds arrested

Wednesday, December 1, 1999


(Last updated 1:15 p.m.)
Seattle police today declared a "demonstration-free zone" around the site of
the World Trade Organization convention and immediately began arresting
protesters entering the area.

More than 200 people were in custody by midday, far exceeding the number
arrested Tuesday when violence broke out in downtown Seattle as thousands of
protesters tried to disrupt or halt WTO meetings.

President Clinton, in town to meet with trade ministers from around the
world, condemned the demonstrators who were involved in violent protests and

But he welcomed the peaceful protesters and told a Port of Seattle audience
that he believes there should be greater public scrutiny and participation in
world trade issues.

In addition to imposing the no-protest zone today, Seattle police also banned
anyone from possessing, using or selling gas masks in the city, under
authority of a "civil emergency" declared Tuesday night.

Some protesters have donned gas masks to stand their ground against police,
and the no-gas-mask order gives officers the edge if they choose to use tear
gas or pepper spray to disperse crowds.

The no-protest zone (see map) covers about 50 city blocks around the state
Convention and Trade Center, where most WTO activities are being held.

Police officials said this morning that their initial tactic to try to let
demonstrators and conferees coexist was inadequate.

   For more coverage, see our WTO index.
Also see our Tuesday photo gallery.


That became quickly evident Tuesday when scattered violence and vandalism
broke out, prompting police in riot gear to use tear and pepper gas, rubber
bullets and clubs to stop the demonstrations.

A security guard inspects a broken bank window. Dan DeLong/P-I
Damage in downtown was considerable -- broken windows, spray-painted
buildings, looted stores and damaged goods.

The opening session of the WTO had to be canceled, and many delegates were
blocked from attending later WTO sessions.

"The plan (Tuesday) was designed to allow both events to occur at the same
time," said Ed Joiner, assistant chief of operations for the Seattle Police
Department. "It didn't work."

Joiner told a news conference the new tactic, in effect through the WTO
convention, prohibits any demonstrations in an area bounded by Lenora and
Seneca streets, and Fourth and Boren avenues.

Officers wasted no time in implementing his order of "immediate arrests if
any protesters go there."

Even protesters who stayed outside the no-demonstration zone this morning
caused some disruptions, with several running onto Interstate 5 at midday,
others trying to block traffic on downtown streets and still others sitting
down in intersections.

The police presence was extensive throughout the downtown core today, and
officers had little patience for disruptions.

"We have the ability to make the number of arrests that are going to be
necessary," Joiner said.

But, just like Tuesday, the majority of demonstrators did not defy police.
Many peacefully gathered to express their concerns about world trade, the WTO
or particular policies.

The civil emergency that allowed police to impose the no-protest zone in
downtown Seattle was imposed Tuesday night by Mayor Paul Schell, who also
ordered everyone out of downtown until sunrise. (See story on yesterday's

   Police dispersed protesters with tear gas Tuesday. Dan DeLong/P-I
As part of the order, National Guard units and State Patrol troopers were
called in to relieve and back up local police. Authorities wanted to be ready
to control any demonstrations that erupt today, when President Clinton is in
town to attend WTO meetings.

Joiner said police have "a large number of additional resources" today and
"we're going to be very mobile."

In contrast to the scores of protesters arrested today, fewer than 70 were
arrested Tuesday. In addition, injuries have been infrequent. Authorities
said fewer than 20 have been hurt since Tuesday's demonstrations got out of
hand, and most of the injuries have been minor.

Despite the outbreak of violence and vandalism Tuesday that shut down the
city's core, the majority of protesters demonstrated peacefully when WTO
delegates from 135 nations started their difficult round of talks aimed at
reducing barriers to international trade.

The WTO is essentially a committee of its member governments, operating by
consensus as the members try to forge agreements to eliminate protectionist

But the movement to free trade around the world has become increasingly
controversial as many tariffs are removed and countries increasingly
challenge the non-tariff barriers to 

[CTRL] Clinton Renews Call for More Gun Restrictions

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Renews Call for More Gun Restrictions
Issue Is Theme Of West Coast Fund-Raising Tour

Associated Press
Wednesday, December 1, 1999; Page A18

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30—President Clinton, who lost his fight for new gun
control laws this year, began pressing the issue anew today during a West
Coast fund-raising tour for Democrats and a gun control lobby.

"We haven't done everything we should do to make this the safest big country
in the world," Clinton told Democratic politicians and donors in San

The White House failed to get new restrictions on gun sales at private gun
shows and a requirement that a firearm safety device be sold with each gun to
reduce the number of accidental shootings, the president said.

"It's not just crimes that are the problem," Clinton said.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee estimated that the San
Francisco luncheon would bring in more than $500,000 for congressional

The benefit was part of the president's three-day trip to California,
Washington state and Pennsylvania, with Democratic fund-raising bracketing an
address to the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle on Wednesday.

Later today, entertainer Whoopi Goldberg was set to introduce the president
at a glitzy Beverly Hills party benefiting Handgun Control Inc. and its West
Coast legal and research office.

Handgun Control's most prominent figure is Sarah Brady, the wife of former
White House press secretary James Brady who was shot during the 1981
assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Others associated with the
organization are entertainers Barbra Streisand, Billy Crystal, Susan
Sarandon, Rosie O'Donnell and Beau Bridges, who portrayed Brady in a 1992 TV
movie on his life.

Tickets to a reception honoring the sixth anniversary of the enactment of the
Brady law--which required background checks on firearm buyers--cost $250
each. A seat at the subsequent exclusive dinner with Clinton required a
$10,000 donation.

The White House marked the law's anniversary by releasing new public safety
figures. The Clinton administration said the Brady background check system
has helped block more than 470,000 gun sales to felons, fugitives and others
barred by law from owning a gun.

In the year since an add-on "instant background check" took effect, the Brady
system has stopped more than 160,000 illegal sales, the White House said.

"These numbers, of course, are not just numbers," Clinton said in a
statement. "They represent lives saved, injuries avoided, tragedies averted.
They are a measure of what we can do to reduce gun violence, and a measure of
what still needs to be done."

As he signed the $390 billion omnibus budget bill Monday, Clinton noted that
gun control is still on his to-do list, saying: "To curb gun violence and
keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and children, we still need
sensible gun safety legislation."

Handgun Control, the nation's largest gun control group, this year increased
lobbying outlays about fivefold over 1998 levels. It spent $340,000 from
January through June, compared with $60,000 during the same period in 1998,
according to reports filed with Congress.

Meanwhile, the National Rifle Association, the country's best-known advocate
of gun owners' rights, reported that it poured $850,000 into its lobbying
effort during this year's first six months, compared with $750,000 a year

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The traffic court ruling proves...........

1999-12-01 Thread Bob Plante

Subj: The traffic court ruling proves...
Date:   12/1/99 1:59:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Operation Clean Government)
Reply-to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Operation Clean Government)

The traffic court ruling should be proof enough for all that the corruption
in our courts is rampant.  The logic and intelligence that is supposed to be
used for legal reasoning has been perverted to condone, allow and even hide
the kind of corruption that was so prevalent in the traffic court.
The RI legislature is equally as corrupt and frankly, they are in bed with
the courts.  The chance of getting meaningful change is close to nil.  The
bills will vanish, not be voted on or neutered by the time they do get voted
For over two years I have been trying to compile a database of CJTD
complaints and their resulting rulings so the public could see exactly what
is going on.  We can bypass the courts, the legislature and the secrecy laws
by publishing these complaints now.  My biggest problem has been an inability
to get the message out regarding  A HREF=""Caught!/A
The public should have a way of knowing on a regular basis that there is a
place to publish their CJTD complaints and Judge Gibney's "we find no
wrongdoing" letters.

--- Headers 
Received: from ( []) by (vx) with ESMTP; Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:59:53 -0500
Received: from ([]) by
(v65.4) with ESMTP; Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:59:42 -0500
Received: from www ([]) by
  (Netscape Messaging Server 3.5)  with ESMTP id 152;
  Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:57:54 -0500
Received: from WWW.SNESL.EDU by WWW.SNESL.EDU (LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 1.8d)
  with spool id 3574 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:56:26
Received: from by WWW.SNESL.EDU (SMTPL release 1.0d) with TCP;
  1 Dec 1999 13:56:25 -0400
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by (mail_out_v24.4.) id
  7.0.d09e8725 (4362) for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 1 Dec 1999
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Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:56:57 EST
Reply-To: Operation Clean Government [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sender: Operation Clean Government [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  The traffic court ruling proves...

The traffic court ruling should be proof enough for all that the corruption
in our courts is rampant.  The logic and intelligence that is supposed to be
used for legal reasoning has been perverted to condone, allow and even hide
the kind of corruption that was so prevalent in the traffic court.
The RI legislature is equally as corrupt and frankly, they are in bed with
the courts.  The chance of getting meaningful change is close to nil.  The
bills will vanish, not be voted on or neutered by the time they do get voted
For over two years I have been trying to compile a database of CJTD
complaints and their resulting rulings so the public could see exactly what
is going on.  We can bypass the courts, the legislature and the secrecy laws
by publishing these complaints now.  My biggest problem has been an inability
to get the message out regarding  A HREF=""Caught!/A
The public should have a way of knowing on a regular basis that there is a
place to publish their CJTD complaints and Judge Gibney's "we find no
wrongdoing" letters.

[CTRL] Idly ... Standing ... By

1999-12-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheTimes (UK)

November 26 1999

The West squanders billions in Kosovo, while a life in India is valued at 30

Weep for poor Orissa The state of Orissa is the poorest, loveliest, most
primitive, least visited in all of India. It runs south of Calcutta down the
Bay of Bengal, where lies a greater concentration of poverty than anywhere on
earth. Orissa has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality. It is
one of the few places experiencing endemic starvation.

Three weeks ago on the night of October 29, a storm of rare force hit Orissa's
long, low coastal belt. A "supercyclone", with winds above 150mph and a 20-ft
tidal wave, laid waste the wide delta of the Maharadi River. Some 12 million
people were instantly homeless. Casualties will always be unknowable. A single
aid team recently returned from Ersama, where they estimated 10,000 corpses
were still lying in the open. Thousands more were submerged in paddy fields or
washed out to sea. A million people have nowhere to live. The head of the
American agency CARE remarked that nowhere in the world had he seen such
devastation. Why are we standing idly by?

Orissa's sugar crop has vanished, weeks before harvest. Eighty per cent of its
coconut trees have gone along with most of the rest of its trees. Roads,
railways, power lines and telecommunications are no more, to an estimated value
of $2.3 billion. The local Internet websites offer an horrific commentary on
the frantic relief effort. Even the internecine foreign charities have pooled
their identities under the Orissa Disaster Mitigation Mission. A carcass
disposal team is needed here, a cholera team there, drips, vitamin pills,
medicine everywhere. Pleas come in, over and again, for polythene sheeting and
blankets as winter commences. Technology can offer a hotline to hell, yet not
transmit so much as a woollen blanket. The cyclone ranks as one of the
catastrophes of the century. So why do we stand idly by?

I can tell you why. Orissa is far away and boring. The whole ritual of Western
humanitarianism, boasted so bravely in Yugoslavia, is a sham, cover for the
exploitation of foreign affairs for domestic ends. "Humanitarian intervention"
is code for political and military meddling in the internal affairs of
sovereign states - and damn the consequences. Show a politician an opportunity
to strut the ethical stage, and the thin red line of heroes is up the ramp of a
Hercules in hours. But an old-fashioned, low-tech calamity such as Orissa is
for wimps. There are no soundbites or bang-bangs in Orissa.

Those who opposed British intervention in former Yugoslavia were chided as
"standing idly by". How could we "just do nothing" when Bosnians and Kosovans
(if not Serbs) were evicted from their homes and even dying? In vain might we
plead that intervention was likely to make matters worse. In vain did we
suggest that what began as an aid convoy escort would end up taking sides, even
shooting and bombing those to whom it supposedly had brought charity. What
began as humanitarian action in Yugoslavia has so far cost $11 billion in
warfare alone. A further $60 billion of cost (according to the Economist
Intelligence Unit) has been inflicted by the Nato intervention. That does not
include the blocking of the Danube. At the end, more people are displaced than
at the start. If the Balkans is the outcome of "not standing idly by", God
stand up for idleness.

Last week, Mark Littman, QC, argued in a measured pamphlet from the Centre for
Policy Studies that Nato's Kosovo intervention was illegal by any standard of
international law. If a new world order is to be established, its claim to
military authority over pariah states must be supported by law, or the action
merely compounds the brigandage. Mr Littman shows Nato treating international
law with contempt. His case has yet to be refuted. One attempt, a letter to
Tuesday's Times from the Blairite MP Gareth Thomas, claimed that Nato's
bombardment of Yugoslavia was legal, lest we "stand idly by in the face of an
unfolding humanitarian disaster". That is not law. Russia might say the same as
it bombards Grozny.

We stand idly by all the time. We cannot wipe away the tears of the world with
a rag. But when we try, we owe the world the dignity of consistency and
proportion. The liberal instinct, now boldly released from Cold War bondage, is
behaving like a crazed pinball. It bounces from Somalia to Iraq to Burma to
Afghanistan to Rwanda to the Congo to Sierra Leone to Yugoslavia to East Timor.
It descends from the sky, enriches some, kills others, pollutes, smothers or
ignores. Where once we sent charity, we now prefer guns. Guns are the true
"nationalisation" of charity. They are macho intervention.

As I write, British and American bombs are still falling on Iraq in what
purports to be the cause of "humanitarianism". Was a word ever 

[CTRL] Not So Nifty NAFTA

1999-12-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

At the site, there are several charts and graphs depicting the effects of
NAFTA on job losses to American workers.  Thus, only the address and
introduction are relayed.  AER 


 November 1999  Briefing Paper
 Download Acrobat pdf version of paper.
 Job destruction accelerates in 1999
 with losses in every state
 by Robert E. Scott
 From the time the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect in
 1994 through 1998, growth in the net export deficit with Mexico and Canada has
 destroyed 440,172 American jobs (see Table 1). Moreover, through the first half
 of 1999 the portion of the U.S. trade deficit attributable to NAFTA has nearly
 doubled in comparison to the same period last year, leading to even more job

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Henry on CTBT

1999-12-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Publications of the Center for Security Policy
No. 99-F 36


30 November 1999

Kissinger Rebuts Clinton Co.'s Claim that C.T.B.T.
Was Defeated by Partisan Politics, Isolationists

(Washington, D.C.): In the wake of the United States Senate's decisive
rejection of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) last month, President
Clinton, Vice President Gore, their senior subordinates and other zealous
advocates of arms control sought to obscure this defeat -- if not set the stage
for a renewed ratification bid -- by propagating several untruths.
Specifically, they claimed that: the Treaty was no given serious attention by
the Senate; there were "no hearings"on the matter; there was insufficient time
for debate; and no opportunity to amend the resolution of ratification.

Arguably, the most insidious and misleading of such falsehoods, however, was
the endlessly repeated claim that partisan politics and isolationist impulses
were responsible for the Senate's action. This contention, which was parotted
by foreign governments, opinion-makers and editorialists around the world,
impugned the integrity and gravitas of every one of the fifty-one Senators who
voted on the merits to reject this fatally flawed accord. To his credit, former
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -- who was one of many prominent former
Cabinet officers and other experts who recommended against Senate advice and
consent to the CTBT -- wrote a syndicated op.ed. article that appeared in the
Los Angeles Times on 21 November calling such claims "absurd." Dr. Kissinger's
should be the last word on this defective accord and the "traditional,
toothless" variety of arms control of which it is a prime example.

The Washington Post, November 26, 1999
Arms Control to Suit a New World
Henry A. Kissinger

The Clinton administration's reaction to the Senate's refusal to ratify the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty threatens to erode the bipartisan approach that
has sustained U.S. foreign policy even within the administration. President
Bill Clinton condemned the vote as a symptom of militant isolationism, and the
State Department notified foreign governments that it still considered itself
legally bound by the treaty. All this has tempted some foreign leaders to
question the credibility of America's international role.

It is high time to put an end to name-calling. The treaty failed because the
end of the Cold War has transformed global strategic conditions and the nature
of arms control. No doubt, isolationists, in different guises, exist on the
extremes of both parties. But it is absurd to blame the Senate vote on an
isolationist cabal when six former secretaries of defense, four former national-
security advisors and four former CIA directors opposed ratification, while
four former secretaries of state, myself included, refused to endorse it.

The deadlock between administration righteousness and senators' lack of
confidence in the administration's security policy has revived the acrimonious
arms-control controversies of the early 1970s. Yet, the key issue--the
transformation of the nature of arms control with the end of the Cold War--has
been almost totally submerged.

When nuclear stockpiles reached tens of thousands of deliverable weapons and
war threatened the extinction of humanity, individuals in and out of government
began to advocate the then-unprecedented proposition that the holders of these
vast arsenals might negotiate to mitigate nuclear danger by limiting their
nuclear buildups and establishing some rules for deployment. The purpose was to
reduce the risk of surprise attack, accidental war or war by momentum, such as
World War I. The result were two agreements in the 1970s limiting the number of
delivery vehicles on both sides. However controversial, the accords were
maintained throughout the Cold War by administrations of both parties,
including President Ronald Reagan's.

This "strategic" approach to arms control, which always insisted on retaining
the option of modernization and never took risks with verifiability, was nearly
overwhelmed by assaults from two opposite directions. One came from a "radical"
theology of arms control, which sought to base U.S. security on guaranteeing
the maximum destructiveness of nuclear war. Advocates of Mutual Assured
Destruction insisted on leaving civilian populations totally vulnerable to
nuclear attack. Hence, they opposed any kind of defense against nuclear
missiles and tried to thwart any modernization as destabilizing. Their goal was
to prevent war by imposing strategic nuclear passivity on the United States.

The difference between the strategic and radical schools of arms control was
illustrated by their respective attitudes toward nuclear testing. True, the
"strategic" arms controllers negotiated an underground test ban. But unlike the
current version of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the 

[CTRL] Contrails

1999-12-01 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 01 Dec 1999 08:12:28 -0600
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Brinkley)
Subject:[SO] Contrails

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Brinkley)

Hello, Anna and All,

Monday started out with clear blue skys here in South Louisiana, but about
8:30 Am the planes started laying down the contrails. They started with
parallel lines and by noon the sky was full of lines going in all
directions. I watched all day (as did others) as they filled the sky and
turned to strange, wispy clouds. By the time I left work to go home the sky
was totally overcast with these strange clouds. I also observed "rainbows"
in these trails. The most vivid colors I have ever seen. One "rainbow" was
arched sideways! Not like a normal rainbow at all. The humidity was very low
that day so no reason for this.
Tuesday my nose started to run and the sneezing started. My son and his
girlfriend have upper respiratory infections and I suspect others as well
are feeling the effects.
Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on.? Even a friend who is a
skeptic noticed this event and is now doing research on the web about
Didn't have my camera with me so no photos, but do have other witnesses to
this event.
I've seen the contrails before, but never to this extent.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] What happened in Kosovo - insider interview.

1999-12-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Without knowing who the source is and what he did in the war against
Yugoslavia, it is impossible to accept this information as fact. The
best we can do is compare it with other information out there and see
if it jibes.

I have also had conversations with someone who had access to good
information and what I heard from him is similar in parts to the info
below, but not as extensive in range.

I monitored the war from the instant this Gov/Media coalition began to
prep the public for war until now. Much of what is written below seems
right to me and matches other information in my archives.


- Original Message -
From: Serbian Peace Action Network/USofA
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 6:31 PM
Subject: Fw: Fascinating insider view

SPAN can not confirm any of the stuff discussed below.
Still, it makes an interesting reading, for whatever it's worth.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Fenton
To: Recipient List Suppressed:; Recipient List Suppressed:;
Date: Thursday, November 25, 1999 10:45 PM
Subject: Fascinating insider view

Dear All
I think the following is very interesting. The person who wrote these notes
is known to me and is absolutely 100% reliable. I have amended the account
slightly to protect the anonymity of the person who appears to have risked
considerable trouble in speaking out in this way. The opinions  do not
exactly come as a surprise but to come from a person in that position is
fascinating. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the nature of Stroboscope
Talbot who has the reputation of being a dove as far as I knew... Some of
the remarks about "genetic pool" etc. suggest that some of this persons
views are suitable only for well... the US military!

An account of a conversation at the Whitehall demo in London

I was standing outside the Ministry of Defence talking when I was
approached by someone who asked:

"Who's in charge of the demonstration? I'm an American, and I think there
are some things about this war that you need to know: your newspapers here
have not given you an accurate picture of what actually happened."

This person was from SHAPE headquarters, working closely at the Joint
Operations Centre with Gen. Wesley Clark, an acquaintance of many years.
The military ID and personal card from the JOC, both appeared 100%
authentic, - but pleaded not to be identified ("I would lose my job

"I spent the entire war working with Clark, a man who has an entirely
misguided view of who was who in YU (although I don't like Milosevic at

The conversation lasted about an hour.  With hindsight, it is my strong
view that the person was asking to be quoted - albeit as an unattributable

principal points arising

1. claimed that "NATO was dragged kicking and screaming into this war".
Stated that although the NATO countries had agreed to the October 1998
resolution that force could be used against YU, no-one - with the
exceptions of the UK and USA - had had the slightest intention of
implementing the resolution

2. "the only individuals who wanted this war were Clinton, Albright,
Holbrooke, Talbot, Blair, and Cook".  Confirmed that Blair was easily the
most hawkish of this group

3. suggested that Clinton was more supportive of the bombing than some UK
media sources implied

4. stated that Albright was simply a front for the Secretary of State's
office with no real clout, and that Talbot was the real force behind the
bombing - once Clark had convinced him YU was a pushover, and that
Milosevic would seek a settlement within days of the bombing starting.
Albright also subscribed to the view that YU was a military patsy, despite
all intelligence reports to the contrary

5. Holbrooke was never sympathetic to the YU position, and welcomed the
Rambouillet ultimatum as a means of pressurising the YU government

6. "it would be easier for me to tell you that there were real political
and military objectives involved in the bombing of YU - but this wasn't the
case, whatever you might think."  Stated that Clark had an "irrational
obsession" with Albanian independence, and could not be persuaded that the
KLA were anything but freedom fighters pursuing a glorious and rightful

7. confirmed that NATO never had any exit strategy from the war once they
had begun the bombing - and that this remains the case with the occupation
of Kosovo

8. confirmed that Clinton was never, at any time, prepared to consider a
ground force entering YU.  He did agree however to allow it appear that his
position on this had changed, in order to give Blair the opportunity to
play the hawk, supported by his US ally

9. "Blair's entire attitude to the war was based on what it would do to his
domestic position.  He was only concerned with what the British people
thought, and whether they supported him - not whether the bombing was
militarily effective or politically desirable"


Re: [CTRL] Disarming the New World Order-- Chossudovsky

1999-12-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

The New World Order was destined to fail from the time the first elites
put it on paper in all its forms. I have been saying that for quite a
while now in this forum.

The problem is not whether or not it will succeed, but what will happen
to the world's people when it fails.

Well, we now know. Asian economic collapse. Russian implosion. Indonesian
meltdown. Capitalist imperialism in Kosovo. Corruption and despair in
Eastern Europe. Religious backlash all over the world. Astonishing concen-
tration of wealth to the already rich. The re- merging of Standard Oil.
Merger mania among corporate giants. These are all visible disasters. And
all this when the economy is good in this country. Wait and see what happens
when the US economy heads south.

Eagle 1 wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I had to smile when I read this one...
 There is no way to disarm the NWO.  It's going to come to fruition no matter
 what anyone says or does.  And it will bring it's despot with it speaking
 great words of "Peace, Peace, Peace" and "Prosperity for all".  The people
 want this, and they want leader... someone to hail and praise with many
 kudos.  The NWO may not come like we all seem to think it's coming,  but the
 desolate conditions of it's arrival are imminent, as is it's despot,  the
 desolator.  It will happen.  There's no turning it back. The system will
 either be destroyed by an outside force... OR it will come to a futile end
 on it's own,  because it's appearingly unsinkable qualities will fail in
 it's end;  just as all liberalism has failed social orders of the past. It
 will collapse,  not much differently than the great Roman Empire.

 I see the effort of some to attempt to stop it,  but they are just wasting
 their time. Try as they will to "disarm" it,  it simply won't happen.  Dream

 eagle 1
 "Welcoming the NWO ...  Let's get it over with!"

 - Original Message -
 From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 11:03 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Disarming the New World Order-- Chossudovsky

  -Caveat Lector-
   by Michel Chossudovsky (posted on 11-25-99)

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [fwd] Ira Einhorn: FACTS FOR OPENERS

1999-12-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

Einhorn writes very well in this account.  Incidentally I think that trial in
absencia is absurd, though I'm still inclined, at this point in time, to
conclude that he is guilty.  That said I think he deserves a real trial on
the matter, but it is obvious that he will not return to face justice in this
case, based on what he has said in this e-mail.  There seems no way to
counter his arguments nor to satisfy those who are seeking to have him tried.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] [1] The CIA and The Politics of Heroin

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""T
he CIA and The Politics of Heroin/A
An Interview with Alfred McCoy

by David Barsamian

Conducted at University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 17,1990

Alfred W. McCoy is professor of Southeast Asian History at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. Educated at Columbia and Yale, he has spent the past
twenty years writing about Southeast Asian history and politics.
This is interview with Alfred McCoy took place while McCoy was steeped in
research for, and writing his second book, The Politics of Heroin; CIA
Complicity In The Global Drug Trade. The interview is conversational and
speculative, and as McCoy points out in the interview, one must be very
precise  specific about what one writes in order to be taken seriously.
Nevertheless, McCoy's speculations are dynamite and make this interview worth
Part One

Barsamian: This is David Barsamian and my guest is Alfred McCoy, author of
"The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia" and "Drug Traffic: Narcotics and
Organized Crime in Australia". Alfred McCoy is Professor of History at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison.

In your book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, you demarcate very
carefully that the United States was poised at the end of World War II, in
1945, to... I don't have your exact words ... to terminate the problem of
drug addiction in the United States and it could have done so but for forces
that I'd like you to discuss - was unable to do so.

McCoy: The problem with America's failed chance at essentially reducing if
not eliminating drugs as a problem was a contradiction between the needs of
domestic policy and the national security state. After World War II the
United States became a global power and set up a number of agencies to
exercise this global power, most importantly the executive agency known as
the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency when it was ultimately formed in 1948.
The CIA, in order to conduct its campaign against communism, which was seen
as an overweening evil that had to be stopped, was willing to ally with
anybody and everybody that could provide during what was seen as a critical
period, some strength, some support in the global struggle against communism.
In Europe and Asia the CIA allied themselves with major drug brokers and
organized crime syndicates. In sum, what they did was to create a mainline
flow of narcotics from the Middle East through Europe to the United States
which dominated America's drug markets until the 1960s. At the same time, the
CIA was forging alliances and protecting the traffickers in Europe, for
reasons of intelligence. They also formed similar alliances in Asia -
alliances which were actually deeper and had much more profound and lasting
impact on the Asian drug trade.

As the European trade began to diminish in the late 1960s and early 1970s,
the second stream, the flow of Asian drug traffic came into the United States
and supplanted the old Turkey- Marseilles heroin connection. But, ultimately,
when you look at the source of supply and the politics that provided drugs to
America in the post-war era, you came down to this contradiction between the
weak drug policy and same kind of vague commitment to doing something about
drugs versus a very high profile, very important effort to contain communism
globally. In this balance between an inarticulated, poorly formed narcotics
policy and a very clear national goal of containing communism, narcotics
policy was barely considered.

The CIA in this era was dealing with governments, intelligence chiefs,
warlords, gangsters, traffickers of all sorts - good character was not
considered of moment. The only thing that counted during the period from the
late 1940s through the late 1960s was containing communism.
Barsamian: You trace the involvement of the Mafia - the U.S. Mafia - in the
promotion of narcotics trafficking in the United States. How did the politics
get involved with the Mafia?
McCoy: We have to step back a bit to the origin of the drug problem. Since
the 1800s western societies - Europe, Australia, America - have had very
extensive drug problems. Now, you can really divide the western world's
century of mass drug abuse into two convenient periods. From the late 1800s
to the present we can split it down the middle. From about the 1870s when you
get big-time mass consumption of narcotics to the 1920s drugs were legal. The
name "heroin" for example, was a trade name coined by the Bayer company. In
1898 they came up with a new product which seemed to be very good for
respiratory ailments. They put it on the market and called it "heroin."
That's where the term comes from. It's a trade name coined by one of the
world's major pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The next year, 1899, they came up with another 

[CTRL] [2] The CIA and The Politics of Heroin

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""T
he CIA and The Politics of Heroin/A
An Interview with Alfred McCoy

by David Barsamian

Conducted at University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 17,1990

Part Two
Under this forced regime of occupation where you had the Nationalist Chinese
forces backed by the CIA occupying the mountain areas, the prime opium
growing areas in northeastern Burma, Burma went from maybe 7 or 8 tons of
opium production per annum to anywhere up to 1,000 tons of production by the
time the CIA's mercenaries were driven out in 1961. A thousand tons would
have been, in any given year, up to 60 and 70% of the world's total illicit
opium production coming from this one area as a result of a decade of
CIA-Nationalist Chinese occupation.

The other Southeast Asian area was as you describe. Until 1950 France had an
opium monopoly in Indochina. They were under pressure from the United States
and UN to clean up. They signed the Segal(?) Convention on Narcotic Drugs
with the United Nations and they abolished the opium monopoly. But it didn't
disappear. The opium dens and opium shops were simply transferred from the
French Ministry of Finance to French military intelligence and they, in turn,
turned them over to a criminal syndicate that was running Saigon for the
French, using their funds to buy daily intelligence and ferret out communist
terrorists in the streets of Saigon.

The communists were running a terrorist campaign against the French. A
Frenchman would sit down in a cafe and a 12-year-old boy would come up to him
and put a gun to the back of his head and shoot him and disappear into a
crowd. That's the kind of operation. The French were powerless to control
that and they set up a very elaborate intelligence apparatus to try and stop
that terror. Money was the fuel that drove that engine and the money came
from drugs.

Moreover, there were Corsican syndicates that dominated the inner-city
economy of Indochina, based in Saigon. They began exporting to Europe where
part of the so-called Marseilles connection which has been celebrated in
films - the connection where it's supposed to be opium from Turkey coming
through the laboratories of Marseilles and then on to the United States -
part of that production - we don't know how much - in fact, came from Saigon.
So, it's as a result of French counter-insurgency efforts in Indochina where
they integrate narcotics into their intelligence operations, but primarily
it's as a result of CIA operations in Burma that we get the so-called Golden
Triangle where it's northeastern Burma and the adjacent area of northern Laos
going into high-scale production.

When the Americans moved into Indochina after the French departed in 1955, we
picked up the same tribes, the Hmong, the same politics of narcotics, the
politics of heroin, that the French had established. By the 1960s we were
operating, particularly the CIA, in collusion with the major traffickers
exporting from the mountains not only to meet the consumption needs of
Southeast Asia itself, but in the first instance America's combat forces
fighting in Vietnam and ultimately the world market. Southeast Asia today, by
the way, is the number one source of American heroin. That's our major
source. So it's those very mountains of Burma, those very fields that were
cleared and put to the poppy as a result of this Nationalist Chinese-CIA
counterinsurgency intervention policy - that army that the CIA maintained
there - that's supplying America's addicts today with illicit heroin.

Barsamian: Was the anti-communist ideology so powerful and so strong that the
CIA would risk the worldwide opprobrium of being linked with drug
trafficking? Why would they take that risk?

McCoy: It's easy. Look, it's effective. I interviewed a guy named Lt. Col
Lucien Conein who, since I published my book now despises me, and I asked Col
Conein why they worked with the Corsicans in Saigon, for example. He said
that there aren't very many groups that know the clandestine arts. When you
think about the essential skills it takes to have an extra-legal operation -
to have somebody killed, to mobilize a crowd, to do what it does when
societies are in flux, when power is unclear and to be grabbed and shaped and
molded into a new state - you want to overthrow a government and put a new
one in - how do you do it? Who does this? Accountants? - They go to the
office every day. Students? They go to classes - they're good for maybe one
riot or something, but they've got to get on to medical school or law or
whatever they're doing. Where do you get people who have this kind of skill?
You have your own operatives and they're limited. Particularly if you're a
foreigner, your capacity to move something in the streets is very limited.
You know, sometimes you 

[CTRL] [3] The CIA and The Politics of Heroin

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""T
he CIA and The Politics of Heroin/A
An Interview with Alfred McCoy

by David Barsamian

Conducted at University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 17,1990

Part Three
The CIA didn't know about that. I mean, they didn't care about that; they
didn't worry about it. Once it was out of the mountains and out of the labs
they didn't think about it very much. Now, what's the legacy of Laos. Well,
the legacy of Laos, I think, is something that nobody's really thought about.
Let's look at it. For ten years the CIA's biggest operation was completely
integrated with the structure of the Indochina opium trade. The capacity of
that army to fight and move, the capacity of those people to survive and to
keep replacing soldiers (because they were killed by the tens of thousands).
We were fighting with boy soldiers by the time it was over. I mean, those
soldiers had to keep delivering the troops. The whole apparatus was
integrated with the opium trade, the whole secret war apparatus was part of
the opium trade. We ran that war through Vang Pao. He was a general in the
Laotian army, but more importantly, he was the CIA's general. Now, Vang Pao
was not from a traditional elite family. He was never very popular with the
Hmong, certainly not at that time. And his capacity to get recruits out of
the villages once the war started taking heavy casualties and people were
seeing one and two and three sons dying, his capacity to extract more and
more recruits to keep that war going relied upon him being able to pressure
those villages.

I was in a village in Laos that stopped sending recruits and the CIA cut off
the rice supply and those people were pushed to the brink of starvation. They
had lost all the males down to the 14-year-olds. The village and district
leader didn't want to send the 14-year-olds. "This is the next generation,"
he said. "If we lose these kids, then we will disappear. We won't produce
another generation. We can't do this." And so he said no, we've been doing
this for six or seven years now, we've lost everybody, we're not going to do
it any more. So they cut off his rice.

The other thing that Vang Pao had was the opium. Remember, they had the two
basic commodities - rice to survive and opium for cash to buy everything that
they needed. So Vang Pao became the big opium broker for the Hmong and, as
such, he gained extraordinary power over their economy and thus over their
lives. So that by controlling those two products, opium and rice - the supply
of rice and the export of opium from the villages - Vang Pao controlled those
villages and could force them to support him even after the casualties began
to mount.
My metaphor for Vang Pao is kind of like a Judas Goat. Do you know what a
Judas goat is? In the stockyards, I don't know if it's still done, but let's
say when you're leading sheep to the slaughter, there's a goat that will lead
the sheep through the maze of the stockyards and then, as they're heading
into the chute, the Judas goat jumps aside and the flock of sheep go pelting
through to get hit with electrodes or hammers and be slaughtered. That's how
you have to think of Vang Pao - as kind of like a tribal Judas goat leading
the males to the slaughter. Except, the Hmong are not like sheep - they know
what's going on - they know that they're being slaughtered. It's not like
they're being slaughtered in one room at one time - they're being slaughtered
slowly over a decade. So how does he get to keep leading them? Through the
control over these two products.

You've got, then, a CIA secret war which in an essential way, in a
fundamental way is linked with the opium traffic. More than that, it appears
that a number of CIA operatives as individuals got involved. They started
smuggling, started wheeling, started dealing and started doing a couple of
bags here and there. We know, for example, there's a famous case of a CIA
global money-moving bank called the Nugan-Hand bank which was established in
Australia. The founder of that was a Michael John Hand. He was a green beret
who was a contract CIA operative in Laos. When he first came to Australia in
1969-1970 Australian federal police got intelligence on him - I've seen the
files - saying that what he's basically doing is he's bringing down light
aircraft that are flying from Thailand to northern Australia into those
abandoned air strips that were left over from World War II and he's dealing
heroin. That's what Michael John Hand, according to Australian federal police
intelligence, was doing. So, as individuals CIA operatives were getting
involved and more or less what you've got then as a result of Laos is that
the policy of integrating intelligence and cover operations with narcotics
gets established.
You get, then, an entire 

[CTRL] [4] The CIA and The Politics of Heroin

1999-12-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""T
he CIA and The Politics of Heroin/A
An Interview with Alfred McCoy

by David Barsamian

Conducted at University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 17,1990

Part Four
Australia had no drug problem in 1975. They now have a drug problem with
heroin, as large in proportion as the United States. It came from the same
period. So you suddenly have two big new markets - not only America as your
destination. Well, meanwhile, American dealers can't get their stuff from
Southeast Asia so they turn to Mexico. Mexico booms, Mexico gets closed down
and then they turn to Southwest Asia - Pakistan and Afghanistan. In short,
what you get as a result of this attempt at suppression is an elaboration of
global trafficking routes - not just one big market, America, but now three
big markets - Europe, Australia and America. And not just one major source,
Turkey, but in fact, the whole of this mountain band of Asia is ready to
supply the world. There's now been a disruption with cocaine in Central
America because of all this pressure and there's been some disruption in
Afghanistan. Southeast Asia is now number one. In short, what we have then is
an elaboration of trafficking routes - more areas of consumption, more areas
of production, more tightly knit together so that the attempted interdiction
complicated the global trafficking to the point that it's now beyond any
interdiction effort. I would think that the probable consequences of the Bush
attempted interdiction in Latin America will be similar. You can't predict
quite how it's going to work out, but based on what we know from the Nixon
drug wars, it'll make the problem worse.

Barsamian: And in your view, the enforcement effort has been totally

McCoy: Well, yeah, the enforcement effort such as it is. Although, you know,
it's usually run by bureaucrats that are reasonably dedicated to what they're
doing. If you meet drug agents and you talk to them about what they're doing,
they believe they're trying to do something good. They think that keeping
drugs out of America is a good thing to do and I think that everybody would
agree that these guys are doing an important job. That's why we keep hiring
more of them and they get killed like Camarena in Mexico and take a lot of
risks. I'm not talking about them, okay? But what are they essentially trying
to do? What are these drug agents trying to do?

They're trying to find out who the drug brokers are, they're trying to get
the drug brokers arrested, they're trying to get the host government where
they're operating - whether it be Mexico or Thailand - to use their very
substantial police forces to crack down on the drug lords. The next thing
they're trying to do is to cut the connection between 'Thailand and Mexico or
Central America and the United States. So, over the short term, they're
trying to stop the drugs, make seizures, disrupt it. Over the long term,
identify the traffickers, the brokers and their political supporters, and get
these guys out of business. That's the job of the anti-drug bureaucracy.

It's only been a strong bureaucracy now for about 15 years, since the Nixon
war on drugs they beefed the DEA up and it keeps getting beefed up. One of
the things that will happen as a result of the Bush drug war I expect will be
another major expansion of the DEA. Working against that has been the Central
Intelligence Agency. Because of their mandate to stop communism or to run a
secret army in Laos or to harass the Nicaragua government with the contra
operation - because they've had a political covert action mandate- they have
found it convenient to ally themselves with the very drug brokers the DEA is
trying to put in jail. While you're working with the CIA you are untouchable.
The CIA backs you up. There are instances of minor traffickers being arrested
in the United States for importing drugs and the CIA will actually go to the
local police and courts and get them off and out because oftentimes they
threaten to talk, make trouble, so the CIA just gets them out. What the CIA
does in these known instances it does more broadly. I, for example, had
reason to gather evidence based on talking to American officials in my own
inquiry that the Chief of Staff of the Royal Laotian Army and the commander
of the CIA secret army was involved in drugs. What happened when I made this
allegation? The CIA did everything to discredit my allegations. They attacked
me. 'They didn't attack Vang Pao who was operating a heroin ring. They didn't
go after General Owen Radicone(?) who had the world's biggest heroin
operation - they went after me! They tried to suppress my book, they
threatened to murder my sources, they spent $25 million in staging a massive
opium burning by the Nationalist Chinese 

[CTRL] SANS Weekly Security News Overview

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

From: The SANS Institute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999  9:11:36 -0700 (MST)
Subject: SANS NewsBites Vol. 1 Num. 35

From: Rob for the SANS NewsBites service
Re:   November 25 SANS NewsBites

Happy Holidays to those celebrating today.

Nearly fifty of you responded to last week's request for information on
the ICMP ECHO REPLY probes. The data helped illuminate a virulent new
strain of attack.  This internet collaboration thing really works!
Thanks for your help.

Crackers use ICMP Echo Replies as probes and clandestine controls because
these parts of the protocol are also widely used for network management
tasks and thus are commonly not screened as much as other services.
The data supplied helped to uncover a pair of force-multiplier attack
tools that use this clandestine channel.  They have names now:  trinoo
and tfn (for Tribal Flood Network).  Attackers first compromise hundreds
or thousands of unprotected systems using widely known vulnerabilities
that have not been patched on those systems. The attacker then installs
network traffic generator programs on each of those machines. When the
attacker identifies a site to close down, he/she tells all of the hidden
programs to attack at the same time, and uses instructions hidden in
ICMP Echo Reply to give the command.  Since the Echo Reply is often a
critical tool of the network manager, defense against these attacks is
very difficult.  See
for the SANS Flash Advisory (and sometimes other updates, too).




The SANS Weekly Security News Overview

Volume 1, Number 35  November 25, 1999

   Editorial Team:
  Kathy Bradford, Crispin Cowan, Roland Grefer, Rob Kolstad,
 Alan Paller, Howard Schmidt, Eugene Schultz


22 November 1999  DOD Info Attacks Increase
22 November 1999  Federal Sites Attacked Through IIS Vulnerability
22 November 1999  Security's Vicious Circle - Why Vulnerabilities Don't
  Get Fixed
22 November 1999  Government is Almost Ready for Y2K
22 November 1999  Y2K Information Coordination Center
22 November 1999  FBI IT Training
22 November 1999  DNA Database Funding
18 November 1999  DNA Database Privacy
20 November 1999  Teenage Hacker Jailed for 15 Months
20 November 1999  Malicious Programs Lie Dormant, Await Attack Command
20 November 1999  Airline will Cancel Y2K Flights
19 November 1999  Christmas Virus Is A Worm
19 November 1999  Senate Approves Digital Signature Bill
19 November 1999  Chinese Company Sued for Piracy
19 November 1999  Computer Export Controls Have to Wait
19 November 1999  Windows 98 Bug
19 November 1999 Outages
18 November 1999  Wiretapping Law Challenged
18 November 1999  Increasing Attacks Point to Need for Increased Intrusion
  Detection Capability
18 November 1999  Hotmail's Spam Filtering Raises Questions
18 November 1999  Surviving Heavy Web Traffic
18 November 1999  Dell Recalls Computers Possibly Infected with
FunLove Virus
17 November 1999  Computer Security Litigation will Take the Place of
  Y2K Lawsuits
17 November 1999  ACLU Wants Questions About Echelon Answered
17 November 1999  BSA Charges Have Desired Effect

* This Issue's Sponsor: Entrust Technologies *

Forrester Predicts . . .  You could lose customers on Jan. 1st because
of expiring certificates.  Join us on Dec. 6th for "Expiring Certificates
Raise Y2K Specters", a telebriefing  presented by Forrester Research
and sponsored by Entrust Technologies.  See the announcement at to register now.


22 November 1999  DOD Info Attacks Increase
A more than three-fold observed increase in information attacks against
Defense Department (DOD) computer systems may be in part attributed to
improved detection capability.  The DOD is also trying to determine when
offensive computer counter attacks would be justified.

22 November 1999  Federal Sites Attacked Through IIS Vulnerability
A vulnerability in Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0
web server appears to have been the hole through which crackers defaced
web sites run by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department
of Energy (DOE), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  The vulnerability is
easy to fix.

22 November 1999  Security's Vicious Circle - Why Vulnerabilities Don't

[CTRL] EMF Epidemiology Studies Are Misleading Us

1999-12-01 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

  The Ugly Secret

EMF Epidemiology Studies Are Misleading Us

 EMF in our environment is so widespread ("ubiquitous" is the word
 currently being used) in our modern industrial electrified western
 societies that it is becoming more and more difficult to find
 control groups which have not been exposed! Or have been only
 minimally exposed!

 It should be evident to most objective readers, the issue is
 certainly NOT ... what we now can say has been "proved."
 The issue is: what is the WEIGHT of the evidence telling us?

 From: "Roy L. Beavers"
 Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998
 Subj: The Ugly Secret, EMF epidemiology studies are misleading us...


 The following is a shortened and revised version of Mr. Beavers
 paper "San Antonio meeting report" and "Blue World" revisited,
 which appears on The EMF(guru) web-page on the internet at:

By Roy Beavers (EMFguru)

This report is being prepared immediately following my return
from the San Antonio (Jan 12-14, 1998) meeting of the EMF RAPID
review process, which is being managed and conducted by the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
So far, they are doing a good job of conducting an open and
unbiased review process which is not "tilted" to protect
industry interests at the expense of the public.

But, "The proof," as they say, "is in the pudding." The
distortions of truth (which have occurred so frequently in the
past in this EMF saga) RARELY occur at the working level. The
dishonesties begin to appear when the work of the (by and large)
dedicated, objective and conscientious "working" scientists is
passed up "the chain of command" to their bosses higher in the
bureaucracy. It is there that political and economic (read
"profits") considerations begin to distort the true science
which began at the bottom (not always, but too often!!!).

Anyway, my present belief is that the people I see at these
meetings (I attend ALL of them.) WANT to do their "dead-level"
best to honorably complete this task in keeping with the highest
possible science traditions and standards. If they fail in that

 Where We Are (After San Antonio).

I have long since learned that all who have an EMF problem of
some sort are convinced that "their" problem is the most serious
and the most threatening to humanity. If they live in a
neighborhood or community that is about to be deluged with
cellular telephone antennas, they believe the cell-phone is
the worst of all EMF contingencies. If they have a friend or
relative (or particularly "they" themselves) carrying the burden
of breast cancer, then of course that is the worst hazard. (As
you will see below, we may soon be including the male gender in
this tragic "reproductive hormone" picture -- prostate cancer is
also now suspect.) Much the same can be said of brain cancer or
Alzheimer's or ALS or Parkinson's, the brain neuron conditions
which may be showing the strongest EMF associations of all.

If the EMF victim lives near power "transmission" or even
"distribution" lines, then it is the power company that becomes
the target of condemnation, as childhood leukemia is
consistently showing-up there more frequently than it should.
The O.R. (odds ratio) for childhood leukemia is also
consistently low, but I believe there is an explanation for
that which is NOT reassuring. (More will be said below on the
"ugly secret" low O.R. issue.)

In fact, it now seems quite possible that ALL of the above
adverse health conditions are possible as a result of EMF
exposure -- and more! In the end, it may not be easy to say
which is the most adverse EMF/health situation because it
appears more and more likely that: (a) EMF exposure from
whatever source can be cell damaging (thus health threatening),
if sufficient in strength and duration ... probably through the
process of promoting or allowing the buildup of free radicals
which damage human cells, and (b) it does not appear that the
frequency (wave-length, ELF or RF, etc.) of the exposure is
"defining" -- though, until we know more, it is perhaps alright
to say: some frequencies "may" have a greater propensity for
the induction of cell and tissue damage than others.

Most important of all, the exposure "strength" required to cause
the suspect illnesses cited above is now clearly conceded to be
in the ranges of those exposure conditions which are -- at least
in certain situations -- occurring in our home and work
environment. The picture that is emerging is one of potentially
_broad overall health 

Re: [CTRL] The Truth About Delayed Memory

1999-12-01 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find information on "How People Forget: The Truth About Delayed

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them.
Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for educational value
only. Using these resources may or may not help your recovery process, so use
caution when reading anything or contacting anyone  mentioned in this
resource list. This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

excerpts from

How People Forget: The Truth About Delayed Memory by Becky Bradway
originally published in "Coalition Commentary," a publication of the National
Coalition Against Sexual Assault; for subscription information call (217)

"According to Herman, "Clinical experience shows that these memories are
formed in an altered state of consciousness induced by terror."

"According to B. A. van der Kolk, "Dissociation is adaptive; it allows
relatively normal functioning for the duration of the traumatic event and
leaves a large part of the personality unaffected by trauma." 2 He adds that
there is biological evidence in brain functioning that there may be amnesia
for the specifics of the trauma, but not for the associated feelings.
Therefore, victims with repressed memories will experience depression, shame,
fear, somatic disorders and other symptoms without being aware of the source
of their emotional turmoil."

In a study of the memories of children who had experienced traumatic events,
Lenore Terr found that "sudden, fast events completely overcome any defenses
that a small child can muster. Long-standing events stimulate defensive
operations - denial, splitting, self-anesthesia, and dissociation. These
defenses interfere with memory formation, storage and retrieval...When the
defenses are set up in advance in order to deal with terrors the child knows
to be coming, blurry, partial, or absent verbal memories are retained. The
child may even develop blanket amnesia for certain years in the past." 12

"In a survey of 450 adults in treatment for child sexual abuse, 59% had
periods in which they could not remember the abuse. (Briere and Conte, in
press). 2

In a study of 53 women in therapy, Judith Herman and Emily Schatzow found
that 74% were able to obtain corroborating evidence for the abuse..."

Judith Herman states, " In actuality, false claims of childhood sexual
abuse are demonstrably rare, and false memories of childhood trauma are no
doubt equally so."

"The False Memory Syndrome Foundation contends that people cannot repress
memories of events such as incest that occurred over a long period of time.
There is nothing in the research that validates this assertion. In fact, it
is exactly long-term violence committed by family members that is most often

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] David Icke On The Book The Bushs' Banned.

1999-12-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  [CTRL] David Icke On The Book The Bushs' Banned.
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 7:45 PM

 -Caveat Lector-


by David Icke
Please download and circulate as widely as possible.


 I have been reading a copy of Fortunate Son, the book which exposes the
truth about George W. Bush, the Governor of Texas, and the front runner to
become President of the United States in the year 2000.

This son of the drug-taking, drug-running, paedophile, serial killer, and
former President, George Bush (see The Biggest Secret), used his family and
Illuminati connections to have the book withdrawn by the publisher to prevent
his hypocrisy and lies being exposed to his potential voters.

Some 90,000 copies were withdrawn from sale by the publisher, Thomas Dunne
Books, because it highlights information that George W. Bush was forced to
perform community service in 1972 after being caught in possession of a
controlled substance, cocaine.

The author, J. H. Hatfield, has been vilified for writing the book and yet,
as a researcher myself, I find his attention to detail and his
acknowledgement of the nature and reliability of sources to be first class.
There are 52 pages of small-type source notes. This guy did his homework.

Hatfield details how sources told him that Bush was ordered to do community
service with an operation called Project P.U.L.L., a program for poor
African-American youths in Houston, Texas. This is not disputed by Bush and,
indeed, he has spoken about it publicly as used his "caring" gesture to
support his presidential campaign, ironically.

 We are asked to believe that George W. Bush, a hard-drinking, hard playing,
romeo, driving his expensive sports car and flying for the Texas Air National
Guard, suddenly dropped everything, worked voluntarily for this charity, and
then suddenly left the project and went back immediately to the above
lifestyle once again as if nothing had happened. Yeah, and Bill Clinton is a
celibate nun.

Hatfield was alerted to the cocaine story just as his book was being
completed. He read a story in the internet magazine, Salon, which reported on
August 25th 1999 about allegations that Bush was "ordered by a Texas judge to
perform community service in exchange for expunging his record showing
illicit drug use and that this service was performed at the Martin Luther
King, Jr., Community Center in Houston."

Hatfield followed up the story through sources close to Bush, who had helped
with other earlier sections of his book. They confirmed to him that the basis
of the story was indeed true, but Bush had not been sent to work at the
Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center. Instead his community service was
performed in Project P.U.L.L, of which his father, George Bush, was a
"benevolent supporter".

Madgelean "Madge" Bush (no relation), the director of the Martin Luther King
Jr. Center denied, quite rightly, that Bush junior had ever attended her
establishment, but she refused point blank to answer Hatfield's follow up
question:" Did Governor Bush perform court-ordered community service at
ANOTHER agency in Houston or elsewhere in Texas other than the Martin Luther
King, Jr., Center?"

There was a long pause, Hatfield reports in his book, and then she said:

"No comment because Madge Bush is not gonna talk to you…I am not getting off
into anything about George except he's the governor of Texas. That's all I'm
gonna say about George W. Bush". With that she hung up.

Hatfield next called a former Bush classmate at Yale University where Bush,
like his father and grandfather, had been a member of the infamous Illuminati
bloodline operation called the Skull and Bones Society (see The Biggest
Secret, And The Truth Shall Set You Free, etc.). This classmate, a family
friend who had partied with Bush in the sixties and seventies in Houston, had
contributed information to Hatfield for other sections of the book which
proved to be accurate.

Hatfield asked him if George W. had volunteered to work for Project P.U.L.L.
in 1972 or if he had been ordered to do so by the courts. Bush's classmate

"I was wondering when someone was going to get around to uncovering the
truth. Evidently, you kind of glossed over it in the book (the manuscript at
that time) like a lot of other reporters have done in their newspaper and
magazine articles. It doesn't fit, does it?"

"George W. was arrested for possession of cocaine in 1972, but due to his
father's connections, the entire record was expunged by a state judge whom
the elder Bush helped to get elected. It was one of 

[CTRL] [prj] Clinton at Big Hollywood antigun fundraiser

1999-12-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Mark A. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [prj] Clinton at Big Hollywood antigun fundraiser
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 12:46 PM

Free Rare/Out-of-Print Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts:  E-Mail:  
***  END
Clinton, Hollywood stars call for gun control

 By Deborah Charles

 BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Nov 30 (Reuters) - Actors Whoopi Goldberg and
 Peck joined President Bill Clinton at a Beverly Hills dinner on Tuesday
 calling for tighter gun control laws to mark the Brady Bill's sixth

 A host of Hollywood stars and musicians turned out to attend the
 dinner to celebrate the 1993 law that imposed background checks on gun
 purchasers and to donate $250 to $10,000 each to promote gun control.

 The law, named for former White House spokesman Jim Brady who was
 injured in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan,
 stopped 470,000 people from buying guns, according to Justice
Department data
 released on Tuesday.

 Clinton has called for new gun-control measures this year following a
 of schoolyard shootings, including the April killings at Columbine High
 School in Littleton, Colorado, in which two teenage gunmen killed 13
 and themselves.

 ``Can anyone doubt that there will be another Columbine ... Can anyone
 that the clock is ticking?'' asked movie star Gregory Peck, who
received an
 award from the Handgun Control group to recognise his efforts to reduce

 The White House has sought to seize on the public dismay at the
 shootings to mobilise the Republican-controlled Congress to pass a
series of
 gun control measures this year.

 These include: requiring background checks on gun show weapon sales,
 violent juvenile offenders from owning guns when they turn 21,
 child safety locks to be sold with handguns and banning the import of
 high-capacity ammunition clips.

 The right to bear arms is constitutionally guaranteed and none of the
 gun-control measures made progress in Congress.

 Clinton, while hailing the Brady Bill and the assault weapons ban
passed in
 1994, called on Congress to do more.

 ``I've come here to say, you have to keep fighting,'' Clinton said,
saying 12
 children die every day from gun violence. ``No one believes America is
 safe as it should be or can be.''

 As Goldberg introduced Clinton at the dinner, which included musical
 performances by Paula Cole and Dweezil Zappa, she said one of her
 granddaughters recently asked if she might get killed at school.

 ``This was kind of chilling, because it wasn't even like I could say
'No, no,
 it's not going to happen,''' Goldberg said. ``We should not ... be
 when our children say: 'Am I going to make it to Christmas?'''

 01:04 12-01-99

 Copyright 1999 Reuters Limited.  All rights reserved.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] Fw: [grom] FW: World War III Diary: the story behind the Chinese embassy bombing

1999-12-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Book Search Co-ordinator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fw: [grom] FW: World War III Diary: the story behind the Chinese embassy 
Date: Monday, November 29, 1999 9:11 PM

Yup, the attack on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was purposeful!  But why?  Yes, as 
per below, to send a message to the Chines and Belgradebut also:  why not as a way 
for Clinton to show how tough he can be on China after taking their money?

The Guardian/The Observer
November 28, 1999

The US claimed it was a tragic blunder. But the pinpoint accuracy of the attack was in 
fact a deadly signal to Milosevic: seek outside help in Kosovo at your peril

Sunday November 28, 1999

On May 7 this year the B2 - at $44 billion the world's most expensive plane - took off 
from Whiteman air force base in Missouri, its sleek black belly loaded with missiles, 
destined for Belgrade. It flew high across the Atlantic and Western Europe before 
opening its bomb doors over the Adriatic and releasing the most accurate air-drop 
munitions in the world - the JDAM flying bomb.

The JDAM uses four adjustable fins to control its position, continually checked and 
re-checked by fixes from seven satellites. It is so precise a weapon it is accurate to 
a range of less than two metres.

The bombs carried on that B2 rained down over the Serb capital and rocketed towards 
their target - the southern end of the Chinese Embassy - demolishing the office of the 
military attache and killing three `journalists'. But the midnight strike was so 
precise the embassy's north end was untouched, leaving the marble and glass of the 
front entrance and the ambassador's Mercedes and four flower pots unscathed.

The CIA, US State Department and British Foreign Office claimed the strike had hit the 
wrong building. It was, they regretted, a terrible mistake. Though America's 
trillion-dollar arsenal had been deployed, the target had been selected by an 
intelligence analyst using out-of-date maps. The strike on the Chinese Embassy came at 
a bad time for Nato's campaign against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Mistaken 
attacks on convoys of defenceless Albanian refugees had dented Western public 
opinion's belief in the rightness of the war; now the US war machine had hit the most 
diplomatically sensitive target possible - by mistake.

But as mobs stormed the US and British Embassies in Beijing, and Chinese President 
Jiang Zemin refused to take President Bill Cliton's phone calls, an entirely different 
story was being revealed on the other side of the world.

At the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Vincenza in northern Italy, British, 
Canadian and French air targeteers rounded on an American colonel on the morning of 8 
May. Angrily they denounced the `cock-up'. The US colonel was relaxed. 'Bullshit,' he 
replied to the complaints. `That was great targeting ... we put two JDAMs down into 
the attache's office and took out the exact room we wanted ... they (the Chinese) 
won't be using that place for rebro (re-broadcasting radio transmissions) any more, 
and it will have given that bastard Arkan a headache.'

Last month The Observer raised the first serious challange to the official version of 
events and claimed the embassy was targeted directly. US Secretary of State Madeleine 
Albright described it as `balderdash'. Since then, as this paper's journalists have 
continued to pursue the story, more witnesses have come

The true story - though it is being denied by everyone from Albright, Foreign 
Secretary Robin Cook and CIA director George Tenet down - is that the Americans knew 
exactly what they are doing. The Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was deliberately targeted 
by the most precise weapons in the US arsenal because it was being used by Zeljko 
Raznatovic, the indicted war criminal better known as Arkan, to transmit messages to 
his `Tigers'

- Serb death squads - in Kosovo.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack there were some among non-US staff who were 
suspicious. On 8 May they tapped into the Nato target computer and checked out the 
satellite co-ordinates for the Chinese Embassy. The co-ordinates were in the computer 
and they were correct. While the world was being told the CIA had used out-of-date 
maps, Nato's officers were looking at evidence that the CIA was bang on target.

Five weeks ago The Observer reported evidence gathered from sources within Nato - 
serving military officers who would be instantly sacked if named. Our account was 
denied by the CIA, by Albright and by Cook, who said there was not a `shred of 
evidence to support this rather wild story'.

The Observer has gone back to its original sources, and also spoken to other serving 
officers, from Nato colonels to intelligence officers to a military officer with the 
rank of a general. All are in agreement. 

Re: [CTRL] New Book Challenges Theories of AIDS Origins

1999-12-01 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

It is not real. The AIDS disease is for eliminate "useless eaters".

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:39:55 +0200, Taylor, John (JH) wrote:

Is AIDS a disaster inadvertently brought on by humans that arose from early
testing of a polio vaccine in Africa in the 1950's?

There has firstly no real evidence pointing to this.(although a lot of

secondly look at who it is killing- in order of those most affected-

from lowest to highest as %- based on world wide, US and SA Data

1 chinese
2 Indopakesh(Indian)
3 Arab muslim
4 Northern Europeans
5 Hispanics
6 blacks.

since the first 2 groups consist 2bn+ of the world population it is not a
very effective tool.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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