[CTRL] Fw: A Deadly Silence

1999-12-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, 4 December 1999 20:26
Subject: A Deadly Silence

Deadly Silence
by Fergus Day

What if there was a weapon whose effects you couldn't see or hear, but
could kill you from a distance of hundreds of metres?
Fergus Day assesses the disturbing potential of "Infrasound".

Picture the scenario. You're walking through a busy city street when a
disturbance breaks out. Suddenly, you're engulfed by a mass of heaving
bodies. You struggle to escape, but find you're blocked at every turn. Amid
the chaos, you hear the sound of approaching police sirens. When the
officers arrive, however, they are not carrying the usual riot shields and
batons; they have only what looks like large speakers, held out at arms

Suddenly, you feel as, if you cannot breathe; your head is pounding as you
stumble to your knees. Overcome by nausea, you try to get up, but are
engulfed by a feeling of intense anxiety, and cannot move. As you lie
there, vomiting uncontrollably, those around you are dropping like flies.
In the end, the entire crowd is writhing in agony as the police wade in to
make arrests.

  In the aftermath of your ordeal, you recover completely, but one question
remains; what caused the physical effects you experienced? You were not hit
by a rubber bullet, you saw no tear gas or other noxious substance in the
air. So why did so many people fall to the floor as if overtaken by some
crippling disease? The answer is simple. You and those around you had
fallen victim to a new and terrifying weapon - "Infrasound".

For decades, police forces and military authorities throughout the world
have been increasingly keen to find methods of containing civil unrest
without the risks to their own officers that are associated with current
methods of riot control. And, according to a number of researchers, in
infrasound, military, scientists may now have found the ideal solution to
this problem. But what exactly is infrasound and how is it capable of
inducing such profound physical effects?

Infrasound is a powerful, ultra-low frequency acoustic wave.
All the sound that we hear from the lowest bass to the highest treble, is
between 16 and 20,000 Hertz, or cycles per second. Sound waves above or
below these levels cannot be heard by the human car. Because infrasound is,
by definition, sound waves of a level below 16 Hertz, it bypasses our cars
but can be felt by our bodies in the form of pure vibrations. And it is
these vibrations, dependent upon their intensity, that some researchers say
can induce a range of symptoms, from nausea, headaches and vomiting, to the
rupturing of internal organs and even death.

But infrasound is no new invention. In nature, it is produced by powerful
and destructive events, such as earthquakes, thunder and erupting
volcanoes. The sound waves can travel many kilometres and are not blocked
by stone, buildings or other sounds. Infrasound also features strongly in
the technology that dominates urban life in towns and cities. Rapidly
moving objects, such as car engines, fans and air conditioners are
responsible for low levels of infrasound that surround us on a daily basis.

The fact that certain sound frequencies have definite effects on the human
body has long been acknowledged by science. But while ultrasound
(frequencies above 20,000 Hertz) has been openly harnessed by science to
such mundane ends as repelling vermin or dislodging tartar from dentures,
the study and application of infrasound has been far more secretive.

Although infrasound research dates back as far as World War I, studies of
its effects on human beings did not begin until the early 1960s. At this
time, NASA sponsored studies into the potential effects on astronauts of
infrasound produced by spacecraft at launchtime. At the Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, subjects were placed in pressure chambers
and subjected to infrasound. Among the resulting effects were 'chest wall
vibrations, gag sensations, and respiratory rhythm changes'.

Just a few years later, in 1965, the sinister potential of infrasound was
fully, uncovered. From extensive studies, Vladimir Gavreau, a scientist
front the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Marseilles,
found that a variety of physical effects were produced when human beings
were exposed to ultra-low sound frequencies. He experimented with a series
of tubes arid organ pipes that produced notes of about 7 Hertz, and found
that, by extending the tubes, the sound waves could be directed with some

In producing these devices, Gavreau had, in effect, invented 'acoustic
lasers'. These narrow beams of infrasound could apparently be aimed
accurately, producing nausea, disorientation and headaches in those at whom
they were directed. When the infrasound levels were intensified, test
subjects also reported feelings of fright, panic and blurred vision.

[CTRL] Fw: [MC] Undercover Police at the WTO march on Tuesday

1999-12-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, 4 December 1999 21:19
Subject: [MC] Undercover Police at the WTO march on Tuesday

I live in Portland, OR, about a two hour drive from Seattle. I went to the
Tuesday Labor rally that started at the Memorial Stadium and went through
downtown Seattle. I went with a friend who works for the local community TV
cable access station in town. Both of us were going with the expressed
intention of videoing the affair but with one difference from most who were
videoing. We decided that the theme of the video would be observing
surveillance techniques used by the police. Amazing enough we started
observing a particular behavior by certain people who were not wearing any
police uniforms. They were all talking into the same type of cell phone.
further inspection we observed that these cell phones had no dial pads, they
were radios of some sort. After that they started standing out. The police
must have a clothing allowance for "street clothes" because the majority of
these police were wearing brand new Levi's, wind breakers, and looked like
they had just got a hair cut. The frightening part was that we saw at least
undercovers dressed up as union people with hard hats and the union
windbreakers like most were wearing. They were using the same "cell phones"
as the others. I purposely got close enough to hear one of them say on his
radio "We are going to need reinforcements up here." Another frightening
observation was when saw a young male who could have easily passed as one of
the "anarchist" (dressed in old worn clothes and a hooded sweat shirt) pull
out the same radio and talk into it. I would say just in a 3-4 block area we
saw between 10-15 of these undercover cops. We of course videod them. They
usually turned away when they observed us taping them.
The point I am making is that most likely the whole parade was infiltrated
with undercover cops. Who knows they could have been ATF and FBI. I most
likely can assume that there is a high probability that some of these could
have been the agent provocateurs who did the damage also. The news tonight
said that only six people of the 500-700 people arrested were charged with
felonies. Gee what happened to the rest who were tearing things up.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: (Fwd) Conspiracy Journal

1999-12-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
To: (Mailing List 1)  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (Mailing List 1) 
Date: Saturday, 4 December 1999 14:52
Subject: (Fwd) Conspiracy Journal

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "Timmy Swartz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Conspiracy Journal
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:38:32 PST


* Conspiracy Journal *


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going out
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movement against a group of aliens known as the greys who have taken
over various underground military instilations and are abducting

E mail your credit card information directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
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DULCE WARS on the first line. For checks and money orders - Our
address for snail mail is: Global Communications Box 753N New
Brunswick, NJ 08903

~ And Now- On With The Show! ~
Obvious Provocateurs Deployed In Seattle Riots

Trained provocateurs, possibly deployed to discredit anti-World Trade
Organization protesters, turned demonstrations in Seattle into violent
confrontations with the local police. A far cry from the nonviolent
protests originally intended.

The Internet has lit up with observations by people who noted the
obvious differences between the original protests and the unexpected
turn to rioting and looting by unknown individuals dressed in black
and claiming to be Anarchists.  Some protesters smashed storefront
windows, sprayed graffiti, slashed police car tires and set trash
containers on fire.

Police responded by firing rubber pellets and teargas into the crowds
and spraying pepper spray into the faces of people as they ran by.
They also called in 200 unarmed National Guard troops and 300 state
police to help keep calm Wednesday.  Demonstrators complained the
hundreds of arrests and tough tactics were unnecessary. And they
feared the violent actions of a few were overshadowing issues
involving WTO policies.
* There is no doubt in my mind there are agents provocateurs acting
"under the color and auspices of  authority" in Seattle this week ...
as was clearly evidenced  in just one video clip aired nationally by
CNN-TV on Tuesday afternoon, 30 Nov., 1999.

This one clip showed a couple of masked men smashing the storefront
windows of a "Starbucks" with a woman shown in the same video asking
these hooded vandals why they were breaking the glass ... as if to
ask: "What does the glass actually have to do with the purpose of the
demonstration?" A legitimate question in my opinion.

No police were around - and a "Starbucks" would not likely be located
very far off of "the beaten path".   Laughing, the vandals did try to
answer the woman's question to some degree - and their overall
attitude was interpreted to suggest they were wholly protected from
being arrested ... and if arrested, they would never be prosecuted.

RonHannivig, Simpson, PA

* Hi all:

Listening to the live police scanner from Seattle.

Dispatcher announced that the mayor just made it illegal to sell,
possess, or convey a gas mask in the city limits.

What have we come to now? Now you have a small idea of what is going
to happen to all cities if Y2K goes down like predicted. Watch Seattle
to see how they operate this 'emergency'.


* Of course it would be interesting to see the credentials of these
self proclaimed Anarchists . Where did they come  from ? My guess is
that the ring-leaders are from the FBI Academy and the School of the
Americas . Of course only  their dupes will get caught unless someone
out side of official law enforcement can make a citizens' arrest of
one or more agent provocateurs . Also a sympathetic national news
outlet will have to be on hand.




Gulf War Syndrome Real Claims Scientists

Despite the Pentagons attempts to dismiss Gulf War veterans claims of
a mysterious illness, a new study of Gulf War veterans indicates their
brains were damaged by chemicals they were exposed to while serving in
the region, researchers reported recently at a meeting of

"The findings suggest a substantial loss of brain 

Re: [CTRL] False century change

1999-12-04 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Tenorlove wrote:
Why the media *stimulates* the wrong? I bet the Illuminati have a
finger at that.

You got it, Rodrigo. How else can the Illuminati sell all the Y2K
paraphernalia, and jack up prices on generators, guns, porta potties,
kerosene lanterns, etc.? It's all marketing, dear, all marketing.

The same thing happened in 1899...a few made a futile effort to point out
that the nineteenth century was not ending that year, and that the 20th
century would not begin until Jan. 1, 1901but "fin d'siecle" events
went on full steam on Dec. 31, 1899 anyway...

Do not go looking for conspiracies, when simple stupidity will suffice as
an explanation...

June ;-)

When we are old as you?
When we shall hear
The rain and wind beat dark December, how
In this this pinching care
Shall we discourse the freezing hours away?
  -- Shakespeare, Cymbeline III.iii

revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The next war. pt. 7

1999-12-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Copyright 1999 InterPress Service, all rights reserved.
  Worldwide distribution via the APC networks.

  *** 03-Dec-99 ***

Title: POLITICS-PANAMA: Distrust Mounts against US-Advised Security Plan

By David Carrasco

PANAMA CITY, Dec 3 (IPS) - Political, trade union and student
leaders demand an end to United States military presence in
Panama, taking to the streets to protest a government security
plan that calls for air, sea and land surveillance over the

Members of the National Association of United Trade Unions
marched to the Presidential Residence Thursday night to demand an
end to the security negotiations Panama has entered with the
United States.

Sa£l M‚ndez, defence secretary of the Construction and Allied
Industries Union, declared outside the residence that the workers
will not tolerate foreign military bases in Panama.

The protest was launched after Winston Spadafora, minister of
Governance and Justice, provided the press with a document that
defines security objectives for border regions as well as areas
adjacent to the Panama Canal.

Spadafora maintained that ''there is nothing secret'' being
discussed with Washington and rejected the criticism of opposition
groups who believe the Strategic Plan for National Security hides
an attempt to set up military bases controlled by the United

But the minister acknowledged that the project was drafted with
input from military attach‚s from the United States, Colombia,
France, Great Britain, Israel, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.

A U.S. embassy report warns that Panama lacks the ability to
control its airspace and maritime territory, and that border
security is limited. The document suggests that the 13,500-member
public security force should be ''re-militarised,'' as the nation
has not had an army since it was disbanded in 1991.

The document given to the press indicates that the United States
will engage in a new type of relationship with Panama from Dec 31,
1999 through October 2000. The following six years will be a
critical period, says the report.

At the end of this year, in accordance with the 1977 Panama Canal
Treaties, signed by Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos and U.S.
president James Carter, the United States is to relinquish all
control over the canal area.

Joao Secsodi, U.S. embassy spokesman in Panama, confirmed the
report's authenticity, though denied its validity, saying it
involves material for internal use that is now outdated.

Parliamentarian Miguel Bush, of the opposition Democratic
Revolutionary Party (PRD), told IPS that the security plan
corresponds to U.S. desires to set up an electronic surveillance
system, which requires the use of airports for take-off and
landing of large aircraft, like the Galaxy and Awacs.

''Honduras and Panama are the countries in the region that have
the landing conditions for these huge aircraft, which are used in
espionage in the war against drug-trafficking,'' affirmed Bush.

The legislator asserted that his government's decision to discuss
its national security plan with the United States is

Bush pointed out that the United States wants to establish an
operations centre in Panama for strategic reasons, including the
fight against drug-trafficking and joint operations with the
Colombian army.

Retired general Rub‚n Paredes, who led the now-dismantled Defence
Forces of Panama, affirmed that the plan released by the
government is a ''smoke screen to gain time'' for negotiating a
long-term agreement that ensures U.S. military presence in Panama.

Paredes said he had reached this conclusion observing the haste
of the United States and Panama in preparing the project.

The government's general budget for 2000 did not include a
heading for the security operations that will be housed at the
former U.S. bases in the canal area.

Spadafora responded that the Canal Authority of Panama will
earmark part of its resources to fund public forces that will be
entrusted with canal security.

The canal defence complex will use fibre-optic, cable and radar
communications to link six key locations included in the security

Among the key sites is the former Corozal air base, on the
western (Caribbean) end of the canal, where the communications
''nervous system'' will be located, and will be under the
authority of the Institutional Protection Service.

A second key area is the underground tunnel through Cerro Anc¢n,
a hill that is a national Panamanian symbol, where a centre for
managing canal information will be installed.

A third site is the United States' former Rodman base, on the
Pacific, which will be entrusted with sea patrols. Officials at
the locations will co-ordinate actions with the operations at Fort
Davis, on the Caribbean coast, where a rapid deployment force will
be based.

According to minister Spadafora, the plan will reduce foreign
threats against Panama, including its border areas with Colombia
and Costa 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1- y2k minus 28

1999-12-04 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991204a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No lycanthropes or theriomorphs were harmed to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Pyramids of Memphis  a Tomb: http://www.mjt.org/exhibits/hieroglyphs.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA PROBE SILENT AFTER MARS LANDING: zapped by Reptoids. NASA controllers
  will try again Saturday to reach the agency's latest Mars probe, which has
  failed to contact controllers on Earth since its landing Friday afternoon.
  The next chance the spacecraft will have to reach its controllers at JPL
  will be after 8 p.m. Saturday (11 p.m. EST). Controllers are prepared for
  the possibility that the probe would not begin transmitting immediately.
  11-month mission: http://cnn.com/1999/TECH/space/12/04/mars.lander.02/

# Mars Watchers Hold Breath As Probe Stays Silent:
# Nasa hopeful despite Mars silence.

: How many Mars missions must the ETs zap before we humans give up trying to
leave Earth, sink into despair on our overcrowded planet, and self-destruct?

@ Links - SpaceRef.com: http://www.spaceref.com/
@ Mars Polar Lander: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/
@ Exploring Mars: http://www.exploringmars.org/mission/mpl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# US doomsday cult corralled in Greece. RAFINA, Greece - Special security
  forces rounded up at least 16 suspected members of an alleged American
  doomsday cult Friday, as part of a larger crackdown on the group ahead
  of the new millennium. "Concerned Christians" had expired permits - see

# Bethlehem starts millennium celebrations. (BBC) Palestinian leader Yasser
  Arafat launches celebrations in the town where Jesus is believed to have
  been born 2,000 years ago. Or 2,004 years ago. Or 2,006 years ago. Or...

: Is this a good season for doomsday? Will 1/1/2000 be a good day to die? Do
you expect to see great/ominous/glorious/tedious/average things on 1/1/2000?

@ Links - Bethlehem 2000: http://www.unesco.org/drg/papp/Bethlehem2000/
@ Visit Palestine: http://www.visit-palestine.com/bet/places/places.htm
@ Holy Land Churches: http://www.al-bushra.org/holyland/0holylnd.htm
@ Palestinian National Authority: http://www.pna.net/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NSA spying on Americans. The privacy watchdog group Electronic Privacy
  Information Center today filed a lawsuit in federal court that aims to
  force the National Security Agency to release sensitive documents thought
  to contain evidence of surveillance operations against U.S. citizens.

: If Murkans can't trust their own spies to spy on them, who CAN we trust?
Would you rather be spied on by foreigners, or by your own fellow-citizens?

# The Chips Are Coming. Implanted biochips could be the tool of Big Brother,
  but they are more likely to become the treatment of choice of physicians
  of the 21st century. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/IWT/biochip.html
# Time Enough? Consequences of Human Microchip Implantation - Legal
  Analysis: http://www.fplc.edu/risk/vol8/fall/ramesh.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Precise Genetic Control Of Plant Maturation Achieved. A gene that speeds
  up the maturation process in plants, resulting in earlier development and
  flowering, has been isolated by scientists at The Salk Institute. The
  scientists also describe how to fine-tune the process, so breeders one
  day could determine how fast or slow they want a plant to pass through
  its various growth phases. http://unisci.com/stories/19994/1203995.htm

: When will such control be possible for animals, including humans? How fast
/slow would you like to grow/live? If you grow slowly enough, will you live
forever? Are you ready for immortality? Will you ever be? Will you be bored?

  have found how to "grow" a steak from a few cells - creating the world's
  first humanely produced meat. But will vegetarians go for it - steak from
  a petri dish? www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=22902
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ ARE YOU REALLY A WEREWOLF? Lycanthropy is held by some to be just an inte-
  resting myth, and to others as a means of explaining their worldview; with
  many gradations of belief in-between. I personally have never seen a man
  transform physically into an animal, and cannot do it myself; but I don't
  rule the possibility out. When folks here call themselves werewolves, they
  usually mean they 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mass Psychotropic Drugging

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

It's amazing to think that as of 1996, 10 to 12 percent
of schoolboys in the U.S were on an addictive drug, Ritalin,
about which the manufacture states: "Sufficient data on safety
and efficacy of long-term use of Ritalin in children are not yet
available. ... Long-term effects of Ritalin in children have not
been well established." (1998) While the statements are an effort
to avoid liability for any harm caused by their product, they're
also largely true: after being on the market for decades, there
are few if any long-term studies on Ritalin use. But there are
some clues. The manufacture's insert also notes that growth
suppression has been reported.  Some research suggests
the possibility of brain atrophy after chronic use.

Those concerns may prove unfounded, but what if they prove
true and millions of lives are forever diminished during a
reckless diagnostic fad that redefines normal young-male
behavior as a psychiatric disorder requiring drug addiction?

It's good to see a popular columnist like George Will take on
this reckless and even totalitarian venture into mass drugging:

Boys Will Be Boys, or you can just drug them. George F. Will:
The subtitle appears in The Washington Post (12/02/99, A39).
Here's a select excerpt:

Boys Will Be Boys, or you can just drug them.

By George F. Will (12/02/99)


One theory holds that ADHD is epidemic because of the modern
acceleration of life--the environmental blitzkrieg of MTV,
video games, e-mail, cell phones, etc. But the magazine Lingua
Franca reports that Ken Jacobson, a doctoral candidate in
anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, conducted a
cross-cultural study of ADHD that included observation of two
groups of English school children, one diagnosed with ADHD,
the other not. He observed them with reference to 35 behaviors
(e.g., "giggling," "squirming," "blurting out") and found no
significant differences between the groups.

Children, he says, tend to talk, fidget and fool around--
"all the classical ADHD-type behaviors. If you're predisposed
to label any child as ADHD, the distracted troublemaker or the
model student, you'll find a way to observe these behaviors."
So what might explain such a predisposition? Paul R. McHugh,
professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, writing in Commentary,
argues that ADHD, "social phobia" (usual symptom: fear of
public speaking) and other disorders certified by the American
Psychiatric Association's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders" are proliferating rapidly. This is
because of a growing tendency to regard as mental problems
many characteristics that are really aspects of individuality.

So pharmacology is employed to relieve burdensome aspects of
temperament. "Psychiatric conditions," says McHugh, "are
routinely differentiated by appearances alone," even when it
is "difficult to distinguish symptoms of illness from normal
variations in human life," or from the normal responses of
sensitive people to life's challenges. But if a condition
can be described, it can be named; once named, a distinct
disorder can be linked to a particular treatment. McHugh
says some experts who certify new disorders "receive
extravagant annual retainers from pharmaceutical companies
that profit from the promotion of disorders treatable by
the companies' medications."

The idea that most individuals deficient inattentiveness
or confidence are sick encourages what McHugh calls
pharmacological "mental cosmetics." This "should be
offensive to anyone who values the richness of human
psychological diversity. Both medically and morally,
encumbering this naturally occurring diversity with the
terminology of disease is a first step toward efforts,
however camouflaged, to control it." Clearly some children
need Ritalin. However, Ken Livingston, of Vassar's department
of psychology, writing in the Public Interest, says Ritalin
is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool--if it improves a
child's attention, ADHD is assumed.



Peter Breggin's letter to JAMA on Ritalin:
Can child Ritalin use violate anti-Nazi law?:
Young boy on Ritalin goes on shooting spree:
Excerpts from Breggin's book on Ritalin:

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

[CTRL] Fwd: A Deadly Silence

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Deadly Silence
by Fergus Day

What if there was a weapon whose effects you couldn't see or hear, but
could kill you from a distance of hundreds of metres?
Fergus Day assesses the disturbing potential of "Infrasound".

Picture the scenario. You're walking through a busy city street when a
disturbance breaks out. Suddenly, you're engulfed by a mass of heaving
bodies. You struggle to escape, but find you're blocked at every turn. Amid
the chaos, you hear the sound of approaching police sirens. When the
officers arrive, however, they are not carrying the usual riot shields and
batons; they have only what looks like large speakers, held out at arms length.

Suddenly, you feel as, if you cannot breathe; your head is pounding as you
stumble to your knees. Overcome by nausea, you try to get up, but are
engulfed by a feeling of intense anxiety, and cannot move. As you lie
there, vomiting uncontrollably, those around you are dropping like flies.
In the end, the entire crowd is writhing in agony as the police wade in to
make arrests.

  In the aftermath of your ordeal, you recover completely, but one question
remains; what caused the physical effects you experienced? You were not hit
by a rubber bullet, you saw no tear gas or other noxious substance in the
air. So why did so many people fall to the floor as if overtaken by some
crippling disease? The answer is simple. You and those around you had
fallen victim to a new and terrifying weapon - "Infrasound".

For decades, police forces and military authorities throughout the world
have been increasingly keen to find methods of containing civil unrest
without the risks to their own officers that are associated with current
methods of riot control. And, according to a number of researchers, in
infrasound, military, scientists may now have found the ideal solution to
this problem. But what exactly is infrasound and how is it capable of
inducing such profound physical effects?

Infrasound is a powerful, ultra-low frequency acoustic wave.
All the sound that we hear from the lowest bass to the highest treble, is
between 16 and 20,000 Hertz, or cycles per second. Sound waves above or
below these levels cannot be heard by the human car. Because infrasound is,
by definition, sound waves of a level below 16 Hertz, it bypasses our cars
but can be felt by our bodies in the form of pure vibrations. And it is
these vibrations, dependent upon their intensity, that some researchers say
can induce a range of symptoms, from nausea, headaches and vomiting, to the
rupturing of internal organs and even death.

But infrasound is no new invention. In nature, it is produced by powerful
and destructive events, such as earthquakes, thunder and erupting
volcanoes. The sound waves can travel many kilometres and are not blocked
by stone, buildings or other sounds. Infrasound also features strongly in
the technology that dominates urban life in towns and cities. Rapidly
moving objects, such as car engines, fans and air conditioners are
responsible for low levels of infrasound that surround us on a daily basis.

The fact that certain sound frequencies have definite effects on the human
body has long been acknowledged by science. But while ultrasound
(frequencies above 20,000 Hertz) has been openly harnessed by science to
such mundane ends as repelling vermin or dislodging tartar from dentures,
the study and application of infrasound has been far more secretive.

Although infrasound research dates back as far as World War I, studies of
its effects on human beings did not begin until the early 1960s. At this
time, NASA sponsored studies into the potential effects on astronauts of
infrasound produced by spacecraft at launchtime. At the Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, subjects were placed in pressure chambers
and subjected to infrasound. Among the resulting effects were 'chest wall
vibrations, gag sensations, and respiratory rhythm changes'.

Just a few years later, in 1965, the sinister potential of infrasound was
fully, uncovered. From extensive studies, Vladimir Gavreau, a scientist
front the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Marseilles,
found that a variety of physical effects were produced when human beings
were exposed to ultra-low sound frequencies. He experimented with a series
of tubes arid organ pipes that produced notes of about 7 Hertz, and found
that, by extending the tubes, the sound waves could be directed with some

In producing these devices, Gavreau had, in effect, invented 'acoustic
lasers'. These narrow beams of infrasound could apparently be aimed
accurately, producing nausea, disorientation and headaches in those at whom
they were directed. When the infrasound levels were intensified, test
subjects also reported feelings of fright, panic and blurred vision.

Gavreau believed that a powerful enough infrasound device could knock down
walls, break windows and kill everyone within an 8-km radius. The device
would riot be difficult to 

[CTRL] FW: Seattle-The Whole World's Watching- Jared interviews doctor

1999-12-04 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

"They were using a pepper spray, a tear gas and they were also using some
sort of nerve gas. We had reports of many demonstrators winding up with
seizures the next day. It causes muscles to clamp up, muscle contraction,

Interview with Seattle MD:
"This is the beginning of a police state"
(posted on http://www.emperors-clothes.com at 1 am 12-4-99)

My name is Richard DeAndrea. I'm a medical doctor. What I saw up here was
martial law. This turned into a police state. Everything you have seen on
television regarding local news broadcasts including national public radio
was a blackout. The police were using concussion grenades. They were
shooting tear gas canisters directly at protesters' faces. They were using
so-called rubber bullets. These are actually hard plastic. Some of the
damage I saw: these plastic bullets took off part of one person's jaw,
smashed teeth in other people's mouths. I saw the police arrest people who
had their hands up in the air screaming we are peacefully protesting. The
amount of looting that took place was so minimal I don't even know where
they got the footage from. I am saying this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
This is a definite sign that America is heading towards a police state
unless people start standing up for their rights as individuals. I am
actually shocked and ashamed. I am ashamed of the police force, I am
ashamed of the mayor I am ashamed of Bill Clinton. I am ashamed of the
whole thing.

Jared: These rubber bullets - what are they?

Dr. DeAndrea: They are made of polyester type material. They are like a
hard plastic toy. The idea is to hit your body, do damage, not actually
penetrate. But I did see penetration wounds, I did see people bleeding. I
did see teeth loss, I did see broken bones. There were children present,
there were families present, they were firing upon families, mothers,
grandmothers,. They were just firing at them. They came out in full police
force. They brought out swat teams, they had the national guard up here,
there was CIA surrounding the delegates' buildings. It was very obvious
that there was an institutional control that had no regard of human rights

In addition we have video footage of protesters being taken away as well
as human rights being violated. Prisoners were taken and they were
tortured. There is a case, I believe his name is Holm, Keith Holm. He was
tortured because he would not give his name. They handcuffed, laid him on
the floor, they smashed his face against the concrete, they grabbed his
hair, they ripped out a lock of hair. and then placed pencils between his
fingers and pressed on them until he would give his name. He refused. They
were also banging his head against metal objects. He was actually the
first protester released because the Internal Affairs came in to do an
investigation and they wanted him gone because he would be able to give

We're treating people in a studio loft downtown. I just treated an ear
wound. People have been treated for concussion injuries. There have been
people who have been treated for plastic bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas
injuries, lots of damage to cornea, lots of damage to the eyes and skins.
They were using a pepper spray, a tear gas and they were also using some
sort of nerve gas. We had reports of many demonstrators winding up with
seizures the next day. It causes muscles to clamp up, muscle contraction,

They have done several illegal things regarding these people in jail. They
have been telling them that they would not be let out, not have their bail
set if they didn't give their names. Its their legal right not to give
their name. They don't have to speak at all. Attorneys came up and said we
are representing these people. The police called the attorneys liars. At
this point they have still refused to let any of them see their clients.
There are close to 600 people who were arrested and they have been holding
them for two days on charges that are mostly misdemeanors, such as refusal
to disperse. A lot of people in there have not gotten medical attention
either. I have gotten calls from young ladies in there who have had all
sorts of emotional problems as well as physical problems. They have called
me for medical attention from inside the jail. There are people still
sitting in there who have not even been processed.

Today there were fewer attacks by police, but they did arrest more people.
And there was no violence today by the marchers and all through the day
yesterday it was the same. What you are seeing on television about looting
and anarchistic protesters - there's astraight-out blackout and they are
basically pushing that [line]. There is not much damage to property here.
There are not many windows that have been damaged or stores that have been
looted. Those are extremely rare cases.

I used to believe newspapers were telling the 

[CTRL] Monsanto / FDA collusion revealed: Robert Cohen's FDA testimony

1999-12-04 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

(from Robert Cohen's daily diary; more at:  http://www.hungerstrike.com )

Thursday, December 2 - Day 26
The FDA Testimony - as promised

[Robert Cohen appeared on an FDA panel in Washington on Tuesday, November
30, 1999 some of you may have seen his speech on C-Span Mr. Cohen spoke
last, and each of the other panel members read prepared statements.
Members of the panel also included Mildred Cody, who represented the
American Dietetic Association; Mario Teisl, a professor of economics at
the University of Maine; John Gray, president of the International Food
Service Distributors Association; Kendal Keith, president of the National
Grain  Feed Association; and Richard Caplan, an environmental advocate
with the US Public Interest Research Group.]

* Testimony 11-30-99

Hi everybody, I've got to apologize first - I don't have a prepared
statement like the other panel members.  All I'm going to give here is
some facts.

I have a copy of the Federal Register. It says here advertising this

"FDA is not aware of information that will distinguish genetically
engineered food as a class from other foods."

you some information today, guys.

The greatest controversy in FDA history was the approval process for
Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.  We shouldn't be
here today! We should not be in this room and I shouldn't be here because,
in 1994, Congress HAD A BILL that was going to require mandatory labeling
of all foods that were influenced by genetic engineering.  I got my
Congresswoman to co-sponsor that bill - 181 congresspeople co-sponsored
that bill, and you know what? I learned how Congress works that year
because in 6 months they stalled the bill - 12 members of the Dairy
Livestock   Poultry Committee - they stalled the bill until the 1994
session of Congress expired and the bill died.

I was so upset, I investigated these 12 men and found that collectively
they took $711,000 in PAC money from companies with dairy interests, and
four of the members of the committee took money directly from Monsanto.

Now we've got a lot of political intrigue and some real science here.
We've got science fiction, we've got a combination of John Grisham and
we've got a combination of Stephen King.

Nikita Khrushchev said that what the scientists have in their briefcase is
STACK OF PAPERS] and I've got some interesting things in my briefcase to
share with you today.

When Monsanto made their genetically engineered bovine growth hormone,
they noticed a couple of problems right towards the end - right before
approval.  They noticed that laboratory animals were getting cancer, and
they noticed that cows were getting mastitis, ulcers in their udders. They
were putting more pus and bacteria into the milk. So Monsanto arranged

We've heard from Dr. Maryanski this morning, and Dr. Maryanski talked
about the Pure Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act but what he didn't tell you
was that in 1958, Robert Delaney, a congressman from New York, added the
Delaney Amendment which was named after him.  The Delaney Amendment stated
that if a food additive caused cancer, it was not to be approved - a
pretty good law - right?

Monsanto got their attorney, Michael Taylor from the firm of King 
Spalding   By the way, when they started in 1979, they groomed their
attorney who is now in the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, from the same
law firm.

Anyway, Monsanto's attorney, Michael Taylor, wrote and minimized the
Delaney Amendment- he wrote a scientific paper that was published in the
"Journal of Toxicology".  Lawyers -they write in law review journals, but
this lawyer wrote in the "Journal of Toxicology":  "a De-Minumus
interpretation of the Delaney Amendment" became the new protocol, the new
standard operating procedure at FDA.  They minimized cancer.

Michael Taylor was hired by the Food  Drug Administration, and became the
second most powerful man there, Monsanto's attorney - he wrote the
standard operating procedure.  In other words, if you see cancer, ignore
it.  Margaret Miller and Suzanne Sechen, Monsanto's scientists, were hired
by the FDA to review Monsanto's own research.

Margaret Miller knew cows were getting mastitis. The first week at the
FDA, December 3, 1989, she was given broad power, and here's an affect of
genetic engineering nobody has considered.  She knew cows were getting
sick from the genetically engineered hormone.  She changed the amount of
antibiotics that farmers could have in their milk.  She changed it from 1
part per 100 million to 1 part per million - this is a fact!  She
increased it by 100 times.

There is a hero of mine in the audience, Michael Hansen from Consumer's
Union - Consumer's Union tested milk in the New York metropolitan area 

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: Abusive Child Labor

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

New subscribers: thanks for joining. Yep, the column is free, and you’re
encouraged  to forward it to friends. That’s how our readership grows.

Short column this week, just three pieces adapted from radio.  Very busy.
Possibly some major news about a new radio talk show very soon.  Fingers

Gratuitous plug: Steal This Book And Get Life Without Parole is now
available; check  out http://www.bobharris.com/book.htm.

THE SCOOP for December 6, 1999

The Child Labor Ban: "Abusive" Indeed
Also: Supporting the Gulf War Vets, and an MLK Memorial
© 1999 Bob Harris

* * = italics

Bill Clinton doesn't lie nearly so often as some folks think.  More often,
he merely resorts to lawyerly precision.

President Clinton just signed a treaty banning "abusive" child labor.
Sounds great, right?  And then he posed for a photo op and smiled and
waved, basking in the warm glow one might expect from someone who has just
tried to wipe out said "abusive" child labor.

Notice the phrase isn't "all" child labor.  Just the "abusive" kind.

As opposed to the good kind, apparently.

Granted, the treaty does call for an end to child slavery, prostitution,
military service, and extreme stuff like that.  Which is great.  Yes, we
should ban all that stuff.  Swell.  But let's not get all worked up about
it.  It's not exactly like Clinton is taking on some powerful pro-child
slavery lobby.  Hey, now let's pass a law against beating old people with

Read the fine print: the treaty Bill Clinton just signed does not ban all
child labor.  Not by a long shot.  There are still gonna be kids working
in sweatshops making your running shoes, six and seven days a week, making
like seventeen cents an hour.

One of Clinton's biggest fundraisers over the years has been Phil Knight,
CEO of Nike.  So don't imagine that anything's really changing here.

The truth is, the U.S. government isn't even particularly interested in
child labor.  Ten years ago, the UN passed an international Convention on
the Rights of the Child which has since been passed by every country but
*two* -- the United States and Somalia.

Ten years later, the U.S. Congress has yet to ratify this landmark UN

Somalia has an excuse.  They don't even have a government.

The United States does.

Or at least, Congress likes to imply that we do, using the most lawyerly
of words.


Remember the Gulf War?  Almost everywhere you turned, you were told to
Support Our Troops.

OK.  Maybe we finally ought to.

As you probably know, Operation Desert Storm wasn't quite the big
democracy-protecting shindig we were sold at the time.  Almost nine years
later, Saddam's still in power, half a million Iraqi kids are dead due to
sanctions, and the Kuwati legislature denied women the right to vote,
again, just last week.

But the Americans who did the actual fighting were mostly just average
folks, the vast majority lower-middle class people just trying to get by
and maybe go to college, who did what they thought they were supposed to.

And in return, at least a hundred thousand came down with chronic fatigue,
weakness, and a whole bunch of other stuff now known as Gulf War Syndrome,
which the VA and Pentagon have spent a lot of energy denying even exists.

It does.

As this space reported over two years ago, researchers at the University
of Texas found that almost half the vets they studied showed signs of
brain damage, probably caused by chemical weapons, anti-chemical warfare
pills, bug spray, vaccinations, and a bunch of other toxic crap all
slapped together in a big neural cocktail.

Last week, that study received major corroboration thanks to a newer,
separate study, also at UT's Southwestern Medical Center, which found that
Gulf War Syndrome sufferers have lost 10% to 25% of their brain tissue.

Let the VA and Pentagon pretend that's just hypochondria.

Whatever any of us felt about the war, these folks are our brothers and
sisters, and they need our help.

Support our troops.


Can one person truly make a difference in the world?

How else do you think it happens?

I just want to conclude this week by sharing something wonderful with you.
I just came back from South Carolina, where I gave a lecture on Martin
Luther King's leadership of the Civil Rights movement and the U.S.
government's reaction.

Declassified documents show that after his years of non-violent protest in
the face of police dogs and Klan violence culminated in a March on
Washington and the Civil Rights Act, the FBI was still trying sabotage the
rise of Dr. King -- "neutralization" is the word used in one memo -- even
as he was accepting a Nobel Peace Prize.

The FBI spied on Dr. King's organization with informers and electronic
surveillance, planted false stories in the media, hired local street gang
and Klan members to disrupt 

[CTRL] OEN 12/4/99

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Today's Lesson from

An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control

The original development of riot weapons goes back to Paris before the first
World War, where the police began chemical crowd control using bombs filled
with ethyl bromoacetate, an early form of teargas. The British colonies
proved to be the forcing ground for the wide range of chemical and kinetic
impact weapons which followed. The irritant CS for example was first used in
Cyprus in 1956, and between 1960 and 1965, CN and CS were used on 124
occasions in the colonies. (Ackroyd et al, 1977).The growing demands of
counter-insurgency and urban warfare generated a first generation of new riot
weapons serviced by a growing police industrial complex.

Thus plastic and rubber bullets were products of British colonial experience
in Hong Kong where the flying wooden teak baton round became the template for
future kinetic weapons. The concept was one of a flying truncheon which could
disperse a crowd without using small arms. They were however regarded as too
dangerous for use on white people, so in 1969, Porton Down came up with a
'safer' version for use in Northern Ireland in 1970. Just as plastic bullets
were considered far too dangerous for use in mainland Britain until 1985 when
they proliferated throughout the UK's police forces,so were wooden baton
rounds regarded as too dangerous for the residents of Northern Ireland but
not Hong Kong. Now plastic bullets have been deployed in virtually every
continent from the USA to Argentina, from South Africa to Israel and China.
Obviously, the shift in whether or not a riot weapon was appropriate or safe
had nothing to do with differences in physiology. Wooden and plastic baton
rounds created injuries which did not take account of generation or race. A
predominant concern appears to have been what can be portrayed as politically
safe in a particular context.

The seductive notion of soft and gentle knockout weapons is recent but not
new. It has its roots back in the 1970's when so called 'non-lethal' weapons
formed the holy grail of riot weapon Research  Development. During that
decade, then Congressman James Scheur outlined a new philosophy of crowd
control weapons.(see Fig.26). He saw such developments resulting from
'spinoffs from medical, military, aerospace and industrial research' and
expressed the view that: 'We are now in the process of developing devices and
products capable of controlling violent individuals and entire mobs without
injury.'53 The veracity of this assessment is briefly examined below,
particularly the assertion that control is achieved without harm.

Some idea of the range and variety of riot control weapons under
consideration at that time can be gleaned from the 1972 US National Science
Foundation's Report on Non-lethal Weapons. (NSF, 1972). Altogether it listed
34 different weapons, including chemical and kinetic weapons; electrified
water jets; combined stroboscopic light and pulsed sound weapons; infrasound
weapons; dartguns which fire drug-filled flight stabilized syringes; stench
parts which give off an obnoxious odour; the taser which fires two small
electrical contacts discharging 50,000 volts into the target; and instant
banana peel which makes roads so slippery, they are impassable.

Many of these weapons were then only partly developed or had problems of
public acceptability:others have since achieved operational status. They
include: incapacitation weapons such as the electronic riot shields and
electro-shock batons (discussed in Sections 6, 7,  8 below); Bulk chemical
irritant distributor systems, (delivered by watercannon such as the UK made
Tactica or the many back pack sprays like those made by the Israeli company
Ispra (Fig.27 or the German Heckler 8 Koch (Fig. 28); New forms of irritant
such as OC (or peppergas); kinetic impact weapons like the German  UK
plastic bullet guns (shown in Fig. 32) or the South African hydraulically
fired, TFM Slingshot rubber bullet machine; biomedical weapons, such as the
compressed air fired drug syringe now commercially available both in the US 
China (shown in Fig. 33).

The range of weapons currently deployed for crowd control is vast indeed and
defies any attempts to be comprehensive. In Britain, since the first use of
CS gas, rubber bullets and water cannon at the beginning of the Northern
Irish Conflict in 1969, there has been a globalisation of such public order
technologies. To our knowledge some 856 companies across 47 countries have
been or are currently active in the manufacture and supply of such weapons.
This proliferation has been fuelled by private companies wishing to tap
lucrative security markets, a process which has led to both vertical and
horizontal proliferation of this technology. (See Appendix 1 [not provided
with report]) For example, one company, Civil 

[CTRL] Fwd: Troops sent to Seattle as part of terrorism contingency plan

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Troops sent to Seattle as part of terrorism contingency plan

Deuce sends a heads-up on military deployment, INCLUDING "Special
Forces" personnel (Waco, anybody?!) at Seattle this past week, during
the World Trade Organization meetings. No doubt mass mind-control
transmissions were being broadcast widely during the past week there as well.

NewsHawk®   Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Subject: Troops sent to Seattle as part of terrorism contingency plan
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 08:16:12 -0800

Troops sent to Seattle as part of terrorism contingency plan
December 2, 1999
Web posted at: 7:21 p.m. EST (0021 GMT)

SEATTLE (CNN) -- In addition to hundreds of very visible Army National Guard
troops called-up because of the civil disturbances in Seattle, more than 160
active duty military personnel, including a small number of Special Forces
troops, were sent to Seattle by the Defense Department for the meeting of
the World Trade Organization.

The military mission, according to the Pentagon, is to "provide support" to
the FBI, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Secret Service and
other government agencies responsible for security there. The military
specialists are in place largely to provide expertise and assist in
coordinating a federal response in the event of a terrorist attack during
such a high-profile event.

According to Defense Department documents obtained by CNN, 131 U.S.
Army, 27
U.S. Air Force, and eight U.S. Navy personnel were sent to Seattle to
perform roles from ordnance disposal to standing by for possible
chemical or
biological attack by terrorist groups.

Four special forces troops from the Joint Special Operations Task Force were
deployed to Seattle to be on hand to advise FBI "crisis support" agents in
the event of a catastrophic terrorist event involving chemical or biological
weapons or hostage taking. Two of the four special operations experts have
since left the city, according to an informed Pentagon official who
spoke on
the condition that he not be named.

Fifty-five military Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams, along with 25
explosive-detecting dogs and their handlers, were sent. The soldiers are
"operating in civilian attire -- keeping a low presence," the Defense
Department documents say.

Troops there are from various military fiefdoms including the U.S. Special
Operations Command, the U.S. Forces Command, the U.S. Army
Biological-Chemical Command, the U.S. Air Force Security Forces Command and
the U.S. Joint Forces Command.

Eight divers, making up two Navy dive teams, were sent to provide
support to
the Secret Service for President Clinton's visit, which ended Thursday. The
action is not unusual for presidential security.

The Department of Health and Human Services and FEMA have set up a "staging
area" for their operations at the U.S. Naval Reserve Center-Lake Union in
Seattle. Eight military personnel are assigned to that site. The HHS-FEMA
site is pre-positioned to respond to major health catastrophes such as a
biological agent attack, according to a well-informed source.

The "Domestic Military Support," or "DOMS" as it is known at the Pentagon,
is provided through the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the
Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the request of other federal

[CTRL] Fwd: Mind Control on Demand takes Flight

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Mind Control on Demand takes Flight

An incredibly disturbing article about just how FAR the intelligence and
military agencies of the U.S. government have gone in the implementation
and deployment of tremendously effective electromagnetic/radio-frequency
mind control operations on a MASSIVE scale, directed at untold millions
of people worldwide.

This exceptionally well-done article was written by Judy Wall,
editor/publisher of Resonance magazine, put out by MENSA's
"Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group".

This article contains CRITICAL information about what the human
population of earth is now being subjected to by the criminally insane
lunatics at the helm of global power politics. By the way, National
Guard units have access to much of this SAME technology!!

NewsHawk Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Subject: Mind Control on Demand takes Flight
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:09:21 -0800

Aerial Mind-Control

The Threat to Civil Liberties
by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance
Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999
Vol. 6, No. 6

Judy Wall can be contacted by mail at:
Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher
684 County Road 535
Sumterville FL
USA 33585

** She has stated that her interest is in objective reports only - not
victim testimonials.**


Eleanor White's comments: This hard hitting article by Judy Wall, who is NOT
a mind control victim and in fact avoids victim testimonials in favour
of only factual objective material, contains some POWERFUL items not
widely known among involuntary mind control experimentees. These items
in her article below have had the font size increased a notch so that
the visitor can scroll down and see just those items if time or interest
is short.

WAY TO GO, Judy!



The United States Air Force uses aerial mind-control broadcasts against
civilian population as well as enemy troops. Some of these actions
against civilians are done with the intent of influencing public opinion
and the  outcome of elections.

In a previous article, we examined mind-control technology, especially
that utilizing Silent Sound [TM], in which radio-frequency broadcasts
carry subliminal patterns that entrain the listener's brainwaves into a
pre-selected emotional state. According to ITV wire service reports,
this technology was used during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, as part
of the US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) directed against Iraqi
troops. [1,2]

To the Desert Storm offensive we can now add several other incidents.
Alex Horvat, editor of The Probe, calls to our attention the 1998
video, Exotic Weapons of Mass Control, produced by Bob Fletcher.

"The excerpt played on Fletcher's video is from TLC (The Learning
Channel) and clearly states that Commando Solo was used in Haiti for
what was called Operation Uphold Democracy. As the general populace was
violently opposed to Aristide and most in favor of his ouster, it took
nearly a year  of this clandestine counter-programming to get them to
change their minds. Instead of butchering a population physically, we
can no manipulate them mentally, virtually enslaving their thoughts with
a criss-cross pattern of flights by an EC-130 (which is just a C-130
heavily laden with electronic hardware.) [3]

We were not at war with the citizens of Haiti, yet the U.S. Government
directed military weapons against this friendly, or at least neutral,
civilian population. The U.S. Government sanction the "rigging" of the
Haitian election by mental control of the people, programming them to
cast their votes for the Americans' favored candidate. And they had the
nerve to call it "Operation Uphold Democracy". Some sense of humor!
Stalin would have loved it. Hitler would have loved it. Why is the U.S.
Government doing this? Who is behind this flagrant violation of civil
liberties? Is it the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which has a
long history of interfering in foreign government politics? Or has this
become standard military procedure?

The rationale is always the same: "to make the world safe for
democracy". Yet what is democracy if not freedom? Freedom to think your
own thoughts;  freedom to express your own opinions; freedome to vote
for the candidate  of your own choice.

Fletcher's video also mentions that the same technology was used against
the Bosnia population for a week to influence their election. [4] This
was probably done during Operation Joint Guard in 1995. [5]

The questions arise: If they have used mind-control broadcasts against
foreign civilian populations to influence elections, will they use them
against American citizens or have they already? What other countries may
be the recipients of this 

[CTRL] Who's Against The Us Drug War? Only The Rest Of The World!

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.hightimes.com/ht/new/9911/whosagain.html"HIGH
 TIMES - Who's Against The Us Drug War? Onl…/A
Who's Against The Us Drug War? Only The Rest Of The World!
FILED 11/12/99
Photos Courtesy Of Common Sense For Drug Policy/Lennice Wirth

WASHINGTON, DC--Military and civilian "drug czars" from all over the Western
Hemisphere convened here last week for a pep talk from US antidope
generalissimo Barry McCaffrey of the White House, and got quite a bit more
than they'd expected.

 Night of The Drug Generals: Stop the War NOW!

First of all, there was the plainly-worded open letter denouncing Gen.
McCaffrey's scorched-earth policies of hemispheric herbicide warfare and
military subjugation of all Latin America's poor folk in the name of the US
War on Drugs. Hand-delivered to each of the 37 delegates at the Organization
of American States' special drug summit at the plush Omni-Shoreham Hotel,
this elegant communication had to give each of these drug czars something
special to think about. Among its signatories were sundry current and former
Latin American political luminaries who might quite likely wind up running
their respective countries' governments someday, given the stray democratic
election or cabinet reshuffle or bloodless coup.

Then there were the continual noisy political protests right out in front of
the Omni-Shoreham, a vivid reminder that Gen. McCaffrey's iron grip on US
foreign "drug-control" policy over the last three years is a matter of some
controversy, and can actually be challenged right out there in the streets of
the capital of this particular OAS democracy.

Sweet Reason vs. Brass and Braid
Among the open letter's signatories were Oscar Arias and Belisario Betancur,
former presidents of Costa Rica and Colombia respectively, and both still
highly influential in their governments and political parties. Violetta
Chamorro, president of Nicaragua until last year, signed on to the protest
against McCaffrey's hemispheric Drug War, as did Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Adolfo Perez Esquivel. (President Arias also has a Nobel Peace prize, by the
way.) Very notable among the influential US political figures who signed on
to this firmly-worded document of dissent was the former US Ambassador to El
Salvador, the Hon. Robert White. Altogether, the collection of Latin American
brass and braid assembled by McCaffrey for his pep talk were conspicuously
outweighed by the caliber of the civilian opposition to his hemispheric Drug

 The Generalissimo Burns Up REAL Good!
"As you meet to develop a hemispheric drug strategy," these 37 drug czars
were notified, "it is time to admit that after two decades, the US war on
drugs--both in Latin America and in the United States--is a failure. Despite
a 17-fold increase in US drug-war spending since 1980, record seizures,
arrests, and incarcerations at home, and destruction abroad of hundreds of
drug labs and coca and poppy crops, today in the US illicit drugs are
cheaper, more potent, and more easily available than two decades ago."

The letter wound up with the rather grim warning, "Expanding the US drug war
to other countries will merely further expand the failure of drug control
throughout the hemisphere, while escalating killings and environmental

Some Sinister Plot, Or What?
There was less than no problem inducing intelligent international people to
sign on to this document, says its primary organizer, Kevin Zeese of Common
Sense for Drug Policy in Virginia. It was Zeese, largely, who last year got
more than a hundred international luminaries, including Ronald Reagan's
ex-Secretary of State, the Hon. George Schultz , to sign an even stiffer
indictment of McCaffrey's Drug-War policies before a prestigious United
Nations "global drug summit." (This much-ballyhooed UN drug summit just
completely flopped as a direct result, leaving McCaffrey to growl about
sinister "drug legalizers" with uncanny powers of persuasion, to get people
like George Schultz to publicly agree with them, presumably by brainwashing
or blackmail.)

"The objective is to show that the Drug War position is the extreme position,
not the normal one," says Zeese. "Focusing on signatures of former heads of
state, some of the very men and women who signed the huge letter expressing
disgust with the US and UN drug strategies that was delivered to the UN drug
summit last year, and published in the NEW YORK TIMES, this most recent
letter was delivered to everyone in attendance at the OAS summit last week,
and to all their embassies."

Hands Across The Waters
The street demos at the Omni-Shoreham were largely the work of organizers
from several Latin American political watchdog groups and human-rights
outfits. Among the speakers were Cristina Espinel-Roberts of the Colombia
Human Rights Committee, legislative coordinator Lisa Haugaard of the Latin-Ame
rica Working Group, 

[CTRL] Yoko Ono in Israel, by Barry Chamish (fwd)

1999-12-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 14:49:35 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ono


   Yoko Ono arrived in Israel last week and initiated the most
publicized cultural event in years. She opened her "art" exhibit
in an obscure Arab town called Um Al Fahd, whose only only claim
to fame is a roadside cafe with decent grilled lamb, as a
statement for peace and the following week moved her treasures to
the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, which responded by footing the
bill for full page ads advertising the honor of her presence.

   Since Ono is hardly in demand anywhere, one may legitimately
ask what she is doing in Israel spreading her vision of world
harmony. To do so, it might be a good idea to examine a few
alternative views of who she is in the first place.

   An important place to start might be a book written by a
London attorney, Fenton Bressler, called Who Killed John Lennon.
Bressler makes a strong argument that Lennon's murderer was one
of a long line of programmed killers. Like Oswald, Sirhan, Amir,
Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme, Hinckley, et al, Mark David
Chapman was a rather confused young person who was isolated for a
time from his regular circumstances. In his case, he spent the
summer of 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon, just when the civil war broke
out, as a youth trainer for the YMCA. Bresler notes that the YMCA
is one of those international organizations the CIA utilizes to
plant agents worldwide and his conclusion is that the CIA knocked
off Lennon because he was planning a comeback that threatened its
militaristic philosophy.

   More likely, Chapman was a New World Order patsy programmed to
eliminate a similar stooge for very different reasons. After
Chapman's Beirut sojourn, he felt impelled to fly to Hawaii where
he courted and married a Japanese woman whose similarity to Ono
was more than uncanny. Just before shooting Lennon, the penniless
Chapman found the funds to crisscross continental America. He
arrived in New York in 1980 carrying his precious copy of J.D.
Salinger's classic book, The Catcher In The Rye.

   After shooting Lennon, Chapman waited patiently for the police
to arrive and they found him reading Salinger with great
intensity. Under questioning, Chapman didn't actually remember
the moment of the shooting but said he had no strong feelings
towards Lennon one way or another. In fact, he never even bought
a Lennon album. He murdered him, he insisted, to prove that HE
was the real Catcher In The Rye.

   Now there's a rational motive, if you happen to be
psychologically programmed to kill. Sarah Jane Moore thought she
was a character in the Donna Reed Show, a mild tv sitcom of the
1960s, while Squeaky Fromme claimed to be a Clairol Girl, from a
TV commercial of the same era.

   Meanwhile, a few months later, the new president, Ronald
Reagan was shot by a patsy named Hinckley who claimed he saw the
film Taxi Driver and wanted to murder the president to impress
its star, Jody Foster. One could legitimately surmise that
Lennon's murder was just a dry run to test whether the public
would buy the Foster motive after the real target, Reagan, was
murdered, to be replaced by the NWO star George Bush. Reagan's
intended demise was a repeat of the two attempts on Ford by Moore
and Fromme, whose goal was to get the New World Order superstar
Nelson Rockefeller into the White House.

   Yoko Ono, a product of a prominent Japanese military and
financial powerhouse family, was planted in the Beatles to break
them up. In this, her ever obnoxious presence did the trick. Her
next stage was to turn everbody's choice as the most intellectual
Beatle, into a NWO ass. It wasn't long before she had Lennon
posing naked on his most embarassing album, sitting in a burlap
sack during a bed-in for peace and sending acorns to world
leaders for motives less than clear then and downright ridiculous
now. And the more Lennon became a clown, the more his programmed
obsession with Ono increased.

   Why would Lennon be such an easy target for mind manipulation?
Albert Goldman, in his biography of Lennon, maintains that he was
a violent, unstable personality who beat band member Stu
Sutcliffe so badly that he died of a blood clot in the brain
shortly after. He insists that Lennon had a homosexual
relationship with manager Brian Epstein and had a personal hand
in his unexplainable "suicide," a claim that Paul McCartney
unconvincingly dismissed in a recent BBC documentary.

   However Ono did it, Lennon began writing songs that fit the
NWO agenda like a glove. In his first solo album, the most
memorable song, called God, attempts to destroy religion as
thoroughly as possible. The song begins with the line, "God is a
concept by which we measure our pain," a patently false
observation. As any religious person will explain, God is a
concept by which we measure our joy. 

[CTRL] Secret Evidence Stereotypes

1999-12-04 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Secret Evidence  Stereotypes
Dateline: 12/02/99

The Nasser Ahmed affair, recently resolved, illustrates two horrible
aspects of American law: first, the notion that “secret evidence” is
permissible in a democratic society; second, that some kinds of
discrimination are still allowed in the United States.

If you haven’t been following this story, Ahmed is an Arab who had been
held until November 30 in solitary confinement by the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) pending a judicial order for deportation based
on his alleged association with a “known terrorist organization.” Since
1996, he had been held, having never been charged and never permitted to
confront the evidence presented against him.

Finally, the evidence was presented to a federal immigration judge
(although never to Ahmed or his lawyer) who ordered his release. Even after
the Board of Immigration Appeals sided again with Ahmed, the INS continued
its appeal, asking the Attorney General, Janet Reno, to overrule the two
judicial entities. Ultimately and without stated reason, the INS gave up
its appeal and allowed Ahmed to go free.

This is a major threat to the liberty of all people living in the United
States. The idea of the government being able to present “secret evidence”
that you cannot review ought to scare you to death.

It is also a perversion of the Constitutional protections guaranteed to all
who appear in American courts. The Sixth Amendment guarantees that all
accused persons in criminal trials shall have the right “to be informed of
the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses
against him.” U.S. Const. amd. VI. It is true that deporting a non-citizen
is not a criminal trial, but the proceeding is so similar to a criminal
trial (complete with a penalty for those found “guilty”) that it ought to
be treated as such constitutionally.

As important as the constitutional issues are the societal issues raised by
this case. For some reason, discrimination against some groups is
acceptable in the United States. Of course it has probably always been that
way -- Polish jokes have been circulating for years, for example. But when
that discrimination rises to the level of imprisoning members of the group
for no cause other than what would be shown by “secret evidence” if only
they could show it to you, an unacceptable barrier has been breached. The
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee reports that “almost all” of
the individuals facing deportation without charge and on the basis of
secret evidence are Arabs.

This situation is intolerable. It is a threat to everybody’s liberty that
the government is permitted on the basis of secret evidence and racial
stereotypes to imprison or deport anybody. Although it is easy to disagree
with the American Civil Liberties Union in many cases, they are correct in
labeling this case a tragedy.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secrets of the Federal Reserve

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Secrets of the Federal Reserve - by Eustace Mullins


 SECFED.ZIP = SECFED.DOC -- a .RTF (rich text) file

 336 Kb .ZIP  = 1,554 Kb .RTF  = ~570 Kb plain text

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft

  Source: Aviation Week  Space Technology
  Published: November 29, 1999
  Author: David A. Fulghum

 The commander of China's air force, Lt. Gen. Liu Shunyao, and the
 nation's president, Jiang Zemin, have both said this month that the
 air service will change from a relatively immobile, short-range
 force, dedicated to defending the air space around its major bases,
 to a modern military arm capable of projecting power across borders
 and oceans.

 This kind of announcement has been made on a predictable basis
 since 1996, when Liu took command of the air force and the first
 U.S.-made F-16s were delivered to Taiwan. But in 1999, the
 well-worn rhetoric was assigned a more sinister meaning by some in
 the U.S. Just as the speeches were delivered, a new, Russian-built,
 A-50 airframe arrived at an airport near Tel Aviv. There the
 four-engine aircraft is being fitted with an Israeli-designed
 Phalcon early warning and airborne control system. The installation
 began on Oct. 25 and is slated to be completed by Elta, Israel
 Aircraft Industries' electronic subsidiary, in about a year. The
 contract reportedly has options for three additional aircraft. Each
 of the four aircraft, with radar installed, is to cost $250 million.

 A U.S. Air Force official said the Elta radar system will have
 three phased-array, L-band antennas set in a triangle inside a
 nonrotating dome to give 360-deg. coverage to a range "greater than
 190 naut. mi." The low frequency, combined with high-speed
 processing and specialized software to eliminate noise, could give
 the aircraft some potential for seeing stealth aircraft or cruise
 missiles. The antistealth capability is already going into allied
 E-3 AWACS with the latest radar improvement package. The system
 will have suites for electronic countermeasures (for protecting the
 aircraft from attack) and signals intelligence reconnaissance (for
 locating and identifying enemy electronic emissions such as
 radars). The system will also have the ability to adapt the radar's
 search and track priorities, he said.

 Israeli officials assured the Clinton Administration that no U.S.
 technology was involved, and that the State Dept. had been notified
 when the contract was signed in July 1996. The Administration has
 asked that the transaction be reconsidered. Israeli officials want
 to know why the proposed sale of airborne radars to China by
 British firm GEC-Marconi hasn't also been questioned. The British
 firm is offering its Argus 2000, a 1970s technology that is
 installed in Royal Air Force Nimrod patrol aircraft.

 There have been suggestions that there could be some sort of flyoff
 between the British and Israeli systems, especially if the Chinese
 aren't happy with the IAI system which may be only a "testbed for
 validation purposes," a U.S. analyst said. In support of this
 scenario, GEC-Marconi officials say they are still in active
 negotiations with China to sell their AWACS system and consider
 themselves still in the competition. However, U.S. Air Force
 officials dismiss the flyoff idea, saying China would not spend
 that much money on a demonstration system. They also note that Elta
 plans to market the Phalcon system to India, South Korea and Turkey.

 DESPITE A KNEE-JERK objection to the sale from conservative
 factions in Washington, virtually no one with a knowledge of the
 industrial, training, logistics or doctrinal straitjacket worn by
 the Chinese military see acquisition of the aircraft as a threat.
 While its role would resemble that of the E-3 AWACS flown by NATO,
 Britain and the U.S., it would likely be a far simpler aircraft,
 the product of a much smaller investment in modern technology. For
 example, Elta installed a version of the Phalcon AWACS system on a
 Boeing 707 for the Chilean air force several years ago. Because of
 the limited funding available when the Chilean system was designed,
 the radar is very accurate in determining the azimuth of other
 aircraft, but far less so in some other parameters. However, any
 AWACS system would give the Chinese aircrews, with practice, enough
 capability to operate more than four aircraft together in the same
 airspace, a current limitation that stems from the difficulty of
 positive air control.

 Certainly, China has bought two regiments of Su-27s from Russia and
 would like to build 200 indigenously. The government also has
 contracted to buy perhaps 40 two-seat Su-30 strike aircraft with
 delivery to begin in 2000. China's air force also has a limited
 inflight refueling capability with a half-dozen converted H-6 (a
 reverse engineered Tu-16) bombers equipped with wing-tip drogues.
 And prototypes of an indigenous fighter, the F-10, first flown in
 1998, are under construction.

 Moreover, after more than two years of negotiations with the
 Russians, the Israelis were finally 

[CTRL] A Bank of England Conspiracy?

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


   A Bank of England Conspiracy?

©1997 by Gerry Rough

 The Bank of England holds a special place in the hearts of New
 World Order conspiracy theorists.  It is here that the central
 banking mechanism begins to appear in the pages of history,
 although in the late seventeenth century it was still not a central
 bank in the modern sense.  Considered by many to be the virtual hub
 of the New World Order, the Bank has somehow managed to remain a
 mystery to be solved; no small temptation indeed for the faithful.
 With this new mechanism in place, the New World Order can now begin
 its final assault to enslave the planet.  The central banking
 mechanism, you see, represents the power of the rich to control the
 masses.  It represents one of the last steps to be put in place
 before the New World Order finally reveals itself as the dark beast
 that it is.  Lets take a look at the history of the Bank of England
 and see if indeed there is a conspiracy that emerges.  G. Edward
 Griffin provides our first glimpse:

  England was financially exhausted after half a century of
  war Unable to increase taxes and unable to borrow,
  Parliament became desperate for some other way to obtain
  money There were two groups of men who saw a unique
  opportunity arise out of this necessity.  The first group
  consisted of the political scientists within the government.
  The second was comprised of the monetary scientists from the
  emerging business of banking The two groups came together
  and formed an alliance.  No, that is too soft a word.  The
  American heritage dictionary defines a cabal as "A
  conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers."  There is no
  Cabal met in Mercer's chapel in London and hammered out a
  seven point plan which would serve their mutual purposes.[1]

 Conspicuously absent from Griffin's text, however, as well as all
 other conspiracy texts, Parliament actually had several schemes for
 producing new revenue.  More importantly, Sir John Clapham, author
 of the classic The Bank of England: A History, puts these new
 banking schemes into a much broader context:

  In June 1687 there began to reach London the first treasure
  salved by an English company from a Spanish ship lost over
  forty years earlier near Hispaniola This whetted the
  appetite of the promoters -- the projectors as they were
  called -- of a vigorous and inventive age, in which all sorts
  of men were "joining their heads to understand the useful
  things in life", and to make money.  The Revolution over and
  Dutch William on the throne, a whole series of treasure
  hunting companies was set up, forerunners or products of the
  promoting boom of 1692-5, in which both the Bank of England
  and the Bank of Scotland came into existence [2]

 So Griffin's assertion of conspiracy falls under its own weight
 when viewed as a larger movement during the 1692-1695 time period.
 Further, Parliament rejected William Paterson's idea not once, but
 twice before finally passing the law: a blatant contradiction not
 found in any writings of conspiratorial repute. [3]  Of interesting
 note, the Bank of Scotland mentioned above was formed under almost
 identical circumstances yet is nowhere mentioned as part of the New
 World Order.  It would seem as though history itself has provided
 its own argument against the conspiracy theorists.  The "treasure
 hunting companies" mentioned above should not be interpreted in the
 modern context of those seeking lost treasure.  Rather, Clapham is
 speaking of those finding new and inventive ways of making money,
 most of which ended in failure. [4]  The meeting at Mercer's
 chapel?  Hardly a conspiracy, it was completely public.  Anyone who
 wanted to subscribe to the original stock could do so.  As R.D.
 Richards puts it:

  [A]ny person or persons, natives or foreigners, bodies politic
  or corporate. [5]

 Let's not forget the seven point plan, either.  It never existed.
 Griffin himself fabricated the idea from the two sources he gives
 for it. [6]  Griffin again provides more analysis:

  The new money created by the Bank of England splashed through
  the economy like rain in April Consequently, when these
  plentiful banknotes landed in their [the country banks']
  hands, they quickly put them into the vaults and then issued
  their own certificates in even greater amounts.  As a result
  of this pyramiding effect, prices rose 100% in just two years.
  Then, the inevitable happened:  There was a run on the bank,
  and the Bank of England could not produce the coin In May
  of 1696, just two years after the Bank was formed, a law was
  passed authorizing it to "suspend payment in specie" [suspend
  payment in gold for the 

[CTRL] More Evidence on the Bank of England: Part 1

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


More Evidence on the Bank of England: Part 1

©1998 by Gerry Rough

 This essay is an add-on to the first essay I wrote on the history
 of the Bank of England.  With this essay, all of the arguments the
 conspiracy theorists have written on this issue in book form will
 have been dealt with exhaustively, at least to my knowledge.  The
 few arguments that are not dealt with were considered to be too
 trivial.  There are some other arguments on this issue as well that
 were skipped because I chose to stick with the history and the
 operations of the Bank itself, without getting too far off course.
 There are a few here that overlap my first essay, but all of the
 arguments presented are new material.  Let's take a closer look
 at the credibility of the conspiracy theorists on this issue.
 G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island is
 our first writer examined:

  England was financially exhausted after half a century of
  war Unable to increase taxes and unable to borrow,
  Parliament became desperate for some other way to obtain the
  money There were two groups of men who saw a unique
  opportunity arise out of this necessity.  The first group
  consisted of the political scientists within the government.
  The second was comprised of the monetary scientists from the
  emerging business of banking The two groups came together
  and formed an alliance.  No, that is too soft a word.  The
  American heritage dictionary defines a cabal as "A
  conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers."  There is no
  other word that could so accurately describe this group
  The Cabal met in Mercer's chapel in London and hammered out a
  seven point plan which would serve their mutual purposes.[1]

 Now let's take a look at the accuracy of Griffin's paragraph.  His
 narrative from here almost immediately begins to show serious signs
 of fabrication.  The two groups mentioned, the "monetary
 scientists" and the "political scientists," never existed.  At this
 point, Griffin has fabricated two historical boogiemen for his
 reader.  There are no historical accounts anywhere that detail a
 meeting between any two groups that formulated the idea for what
 would later become the Bank of England.  Griffin had to have known
 this since his main historical source for this passage is R.D.
 Richards, one of the premiere writers on the Bank of England.  In
 no historical accounts of the era is any credit ever given to other
 than that of William Paterson alone for the founding of the Bank of
 England.  Of the three standard works on the early history of the
 Bank of England, Richards is the only one cited in Griffin's
 bibliography.[2]  Richards' text even directly contradicts
 Griffin's assertion of a private meeting between two groups that
 formed the Bank of England:

  The Bank was established, under the authority of sixteen
  sections of the Tunnage Act of 1694, for "the better raising
  and paying into the Receipt of the Exchequer the sum of Twelve
  hundred thousand pounds, Part of the sum of fifteen hundred
  thousand pounds."  Their Majesties were authorized to appoint
  Commissioners to receive subscriptions on, or before, 1st
  August 1694, by "any person or persons, natives or foreigners,
  bodies politic or corporate," who, provided the full loan or
  "a moiety thereof" was subscribed before 1st August 1694, were
  to be incorporated under the title of "The Governor and
  Company of the Bank of England."[3]

 As you can see, a public subscription for a new joint-stock
 enterprise has been deliberately twisted into a private meeting of
 "a conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers."  Further,
 Richards states two pages later:

  The Bank's original capital of £1,200,000 was quickly
  subscribed.  Narcissus Luttrell, the diarist of the day,
  states that the subscription lists were opened in "the
  Mercer's Chappel" on 21st June 1694; that the Lords of the
  Treasury "came themselves and subscribed £10,000 for the
  Queen"; that Sir Robert Howard, the auditor of the Exchequer
  of Receipt, and his son were responsible for £18,000 and Sir
  John Houblon for £10,000; that the total of subscriptions for
  the first day amounted to £300,000, and for the first three
  days to £600,000, which meant that the subscribers became a
  corporation, and that by noon on 2nd July the total of
  £1,200,000 had been completed.[4]

 The above is on the very page that Griffin himself cited.  Griffin
 had full knowledge that the meeting at Mercer's Chapel was a public
 invitation to a subscription list, yet deliberately fabricated
 otherwise.  Further, even if we confine ourselves only to Richards'
 text which Griffin used, we find quickly that chapter 4 is 

[CTRL] More Evidence on the Bank of England: Part 2

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


More Evidence on the Bank of England: Part 2

©1998 by Gerry Rough

 In part one of this essay, we have taken a serious look at some of
 the evidence that the Bank of England was involved in a conspiracy.
 Let's now finish with the evidence presented, then summarize what
 we have learned.

 Des Griffin also states that "the names of the founders have never
 been made public."  It is appropriate here as well to digress in
 order to clarify the issue.  Conspiracy theorists are quick to
 point out this fact as proof of a conspiracy.  `If it were not a
 conspiracy, then why the secrecy surrounding this group?' so the
 argument would go.  The fact of the matter is that indeed we do
 know who the founders were.  The man given the historical credit
 for the founding of the Bank of England is none other than that of
 William Paterson himself, as stated earlier.  If the conspiracy
 theorists want to know the names of the founders (plural), we know
 these as well.  Richards' text names all of the original court of
 directors as well as the first Governor and the first Deputy
 Governor.[1]  These would be the only group that could conceivably
 be called the founders.  Lastly, if the conspiracy theorists want
 to know the names of the City merchants who helped Paterson promote
 his idea for a bank (which is really the real issue involved here
 -- not the other names ridiculously given this group by the
 conspiracy theorists), the point is moot at best.  We don't know
 their names, but they neither profited from the Bank, nor did they
 ever have any voice in the operations of the Bank, which are the
 two points that the conspiracy theorists try to make in the first
 place.  So the real mystery here is not the names of any person or
 persons associated with the Bank of England, but what the
 historical fuss is all about!

 While we are still on the subject of secret groups and anonymous
 names, Eustace Mullins writes the following:

  Paterson had found himself unable to work with the Bank of
  England's stockholders.  Many of them remained anonymous, but
  an early description of the Bank of England stated it was "A
  society of about 1330 persons, including the King and Queen of
  England, who had 10,000 pounds of stock, the Duke of Leeds,
  Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Pembroke and the Earl of

 Mullins' source for this information was Clapham's text, The Bank
 of England: A History.  It is extremely unlikely that Mullins used
 any other source.  Below is the text Mullins used, which he failed
 to properly cite in his footnotes.  Clapham writes:

  Early descriptions of the Bank call it a "Society consisting
  of about 1300 persons."  To be exact, including the King and
  Queen, whose names were put down jointly by the Lords
  Commissioners of the Treasury for £10,000,  A few other
  noblemen with considerable holdings -- the Duke of Leeds, the
  Duke of Devonshire, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of

 If we compare the similarity of the two statements, they are almost
 identical, making it unlikely that Mullins used another source.
 Further, Clapham's text is well known and readily available at any
 good library.  Notice that Clapham's text is talking about the
 stockholders of the Bank of England.  The pages quoted above are
 the first two pages of chapter VIII of Clapham's text, "The
 Proprietors of Bank Stock, 1694-1697."  On the first page, page
 273, Mullins was made aware that there were published accounts of
 the original subscribers of Bank stock.  The following footnote is
 found at the bottom of page 273:

  Angliae Tutamen, p. 5.  The Book of the Subscriptions contains
  1520 entries; but some people subscribed in installments.[4]

 Again, another footnote only two pages later should have alerted
 Mullins to his obvious error:

  The Book of the Subscriptions has names, address and

 So, Mullins has been caught deliberately fabricating his statement
 that some of the subscribers were anonymous.  He was fully aware
 that the names were public material, yet stated otherwise.  His
 probable source for this assertion is William Guy Carr, since Carr
 is mentioned as a bibliographical reference source.

 Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, Author of, Money! Questions and Answers,
 writes this of the Bank's beginning:

  But the British government now allows private individuals to
  coin and regulate money.  How and when it did this come about?

  In 1694, William of Orange, King of England, needed money to
  raise an army for the purpose of keeping the Stuarts from
  regaining the crown.  He went to the rich merchants in London
  to acquire this money.  They agreed to lend it to him,
  provided he would give them the right of issuing bank notes
  against the 

[CTRL] Microwaving of U.S. embassy in Moscow, 1964-85

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Gerald R. Ford Library (in Ann Arbor, MI)


 Research materials for The Microwave Debate (1984).

 Included are government documents received under the Freedom of
 Information Act, articles from science journals, the press, and
 other sources, and related material, on the microwave bombardment
 of the U.S. embassy in Moscow.


 Narrative Summary

 Professor of History, University of Michigan:
 Research materials, 1964-85

 Published material related to the biological effects of microwave
 radiation and government documents, acquired under the Freedom of
 Information Act, related to the microwave bombardment of the U.S.
 Embassy in Moscow.  Steneck collected the material during research
 for his book, The Microwave Debate.

 4 linear feet (ca. 8000 pages)

 Nicholas Steneck (accession number 91-NLF-018)


 Nicholas Steneck has donated to the United States of America his
 copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives
 collections.  The copyrights to materials written by other
 individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them.
 Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their
 official duties are in the public domain.

 Prepared by Jennifer A. Sternaman, April 1993


 CONTAINER LIST -- Nicholas Steneck

 Box 1 - Microwave Documents and Articles File
  Volume I, 1964-67 (1)-(2)
  Volume II, 1972-74 (1)-(3)
  Volume III, 1975
  Volume IV, Jan. - Mar. 1976 (1)-(4)
  Volume V, April - June 1976 (1)-(2)

 Box 2 - Microwave Documents and Articles File
  Volume V, April - June 1976 (3)-(4)
  Volume VI, July - Dec. 1976 (1)-(5)
  Volume VII, Jan. - Mar. 1977 (1)-(3)

 Box 3 - Microwave Documents and Articles File
  Volume VII, Jan. - Mar. 1977 (4)-(5)
  Volume VIII, Mar. - June 1977 (1)-(3)

 Publications File

  Adler, E. - "Irradiation and the Pituitary-Cortico-Adrenal
  System", 1955

  Allam, D.S. - "Conference Report: Radio and Microwave
  Radiations, Applications and Potential Hazards", 1969

  Allen, C.E. - "Shortwave Radio therapy in Vincent's
  Infection", 1936

  Armstrong, Kenneth - "Measuring w/Microwaves", 1978

  Austin, George - "Production of Convulsions in Rats by High
  Frequency Electrical Currents", 1954

  Bachem, A. - "Selective Heat Production by Ultrashort
  (Hertzian) Waves", 1935

  Baldwin, W.M. - "High Frequency Current Burns in Rats", 1929

  Baldwin, W.M. - "The Histologic Effects Produced in Albino
  Rats by High Frequency Currents"., 1929

  Barron, Charles - "Medical Considerations of Exposure to
  Microwaves (Radar)", 1958

  Barron, Charles - "Physical Evaluation of Personnel Exposed to
  Microwave Emanations", 1955

  Barnothy, Madeleine F. - "Biological Effects of Magnetic
  Fields", 1964

  Bateman, John - "Microwave Magic", 1977

  Bell, W.H. - "Effects of Super-High-Frequency Radio Current on
  Health of Men Exposed under Service Conditions", 1931

  Bellows, John G. - "Biochemistry of the Lens", 1941

  Bernhardt, J. - "Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields,
  " 1979

  Bernhardt, J. - "The Direct Influence of Electromagnetic
  Fields on Nerve- and Muscle Cells of Man Within the Frequency
  Range of 1 HZ to 30 MHz", 1979

  Bernhardt, J. - "Properties of a Three-Terminal Bridge for
  Dielectric Measurements of Biological Materials with a Well
  Defined Sample Field from 20 Hz to 500 kHz", 1971

  Bernhardt, J.H. - "Strahlenwirkungen, Strahlenschaden und
  deren Vermeidung", 1980

  Bernhardt, J. - "Dielectric Measurements of Nitellopsis obtusa
  Cells with Intracellular Electrodes", 1973

  Bernhardt, J. - "On the Generation of Potential Differences
  across the Membranes of Ellipsoidal Cells in an Alternating
  Electrical Field", 1973

  Bibliography of Selected Rand Publications, 1981

  Bierman, William - "The Therapeutic Use of Short Wave
  Currents", 1935

  Boyle, A.C. - "The Effects of Micro-Waves: A Preliminary
  Investigation", 1950

 Box 4 - Publications File

  Boysen, John Edward - "The Biological Effects of Electro
  Magnetic Radiation", 1951

  Boysen, John - "Hyperthermic and Pathologic Effects of
  Electromagnetic Radiation", 1953

  Brody, Sidney - "The Operational Hazard of Microwave
  Reflection", 1953

  Buchanan, Archibald R. 

[CTRL] Microwave the Net into homes and businesses ?

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Cisco cooking up a microwave marvel

 Plans to roll out next generation in
 Internet and phone access

 By Alex Pham, Globe Staff, 12/02/99

 SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Microwaves, best known for their use
 in the kitchen, are poised to become the latest wireless
 technology for beaming Internet and phone service into homes
 and small businesses.

 In a briefing for reporters yesterday, Cisco Systems Inc. of
 San Jose outlined what it says will be the next generation in
 Internet and phone access, which it will debut next year.

 Using low-frequency microwaves, Cisco executives say their
 equipment can deliver high-speed Internet connection,
 teleconferencing, or telephone service -- without wires or
 cables.  All that is needed by the user is a special antenna
 and a box the size of a large notebook with multiple jacks to
 plug in computers and phones.  The services would be
 transmitted via base stations installed throughout a city or

 Such access offers several advantages over current options,
 such as cable modems, telephone dial-up access, or digital
 subscriber lines, or DSL, analysts say.  It moves consumers
 away from cumbersome wires, and it's less expensive to
 install than cable or fiber.

 "It's cheap, and it's fast," said Howard Anderson, chairman
 of the Yankee Group in Boston.  "I don't have to dig up your
 street to lay down cables.  All I need are a couple of
 transmission towers.  That's why this technology is being

 In addition, wireless broadband access has two to 10 times
 the range of DSL, which can only be installed within three or
 so miles of a central station.  With wireless broadband
 frequencies, service can be provided as far as away as 30
 miles if the line of sight between the user's antenna and the
 base station is unobstructed.

 If obstructed by objects such as trees or buildings, the
 range drops to six miles, according to Greg Raleigh, a
 director of engineering at Cisco, and the scientist who
 helped develop the technology through a company called
 Clarity Wireless of Belmont, Calif.  Cisco purchased
 Clarity in 1998 for $157 million.

 Because of its reach, broadband wireless technology can beam
 high-speed connections via microwave bands to places where
 wires would be difficult or uneconomical to install, such as
 across rivers or canyons.  That potentially opens the
 Internet gates to millions of new users, said Donald Listwin,
 executive vice president of Cisco.

 As of July, 37.4 percent of the US population had Internet
 access, according to Nielsen Net Ratings, leaving more than
 160 million Americans who have yet to sign up for Internet
 access.  Of those who have Internet access, few have
 high-speed "live" connections that are always on, like
 telephone dial tones.  That leaves the vast majority of
 Americans as potential subscribers to Cisco's nimbler
 wireless alternative.

 "Wireless is hot this year," said Chris Stix, managing
 director of SG Cowen Securities Corp. in Boston.

 Cisco, generally known as an supplier of Internet equipment,
 will not be in the business of selling Internet or phone
 access.  Instead, starting next week, Cisco will sell the
 technology to companies that want to provide the service,
 from large telecommunications firms to niche entrepreneurs.

 Because the use of these microwave bands does not currently
 require licenses from the Federal Communications Commission,
 small companies can more easily jump into the business of
 providing Internet access by simply purchasing and installing
 Cisco equipment, which starts at $150,000 for a base unit
 that can support up to 3,000 simultaneous, active Net users.

 Though it has yet to receive orders for its new product,
 Cisco is predicting it will sell more than $3 billion in
 wireless equipment next year.  Though that amount is just a
 fraction of Cisco's annual revenue of $12.2 billion in fiscal
 1999, sales of its broadband wireless equipment are expected
 to grow rapidly, topping $7 billion in 2003, said Steve
 Smith, a director of marketing for Cisco.

 Consumers, however, will probably not see broadband wireless
 access until late next year, after service providers have had
 a chance to purchase, deploy, and market the new technology,
 said Listwin.

 In the meantime, Cisco has built an alliance of companies to
 support its new wireless technology, including Motorola,
 Samsung, Texas Instruments, EDS, Toshiba, Broadcom, and
 Bechtel, among others.

 Toshiba, Motorola and Samsung, for example, are developing
 the notebook-size boxes that would go into homes.  Broadcom
 and Texas Instruments are making the microprocessors that run
 the boxes.  And EDS, Motorola, and Bechtel are forming a
 partnership to help service providers install the networks.

 Broadband wireless technology is one of many new areas for
 Cisco, which is known primarly as a 

[CTRL] Lawsuit-NSA Spying On Americans

1999-12-04 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

DECEMBER 3, 1999 . . . 17:35

Lawsuit claims NSA spying on Americans


The privacy watchdog group Electronic Privacy Information Center today filed
a lawsuit in federal court that aims to force the National Security Agency to
release sensitive documents thought to contain evidence of surveillance
operations against U.S. citizens.

EPIC wants to obtain documents recently denied to Congress by NSA's General
Counsel on the grounds of attorney/client privilege. NSA also has failed to
reply to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by EPIC to obtain the

The lawsuit centers on documents that are said to detail the operations of
the so-called Echelon global surveillance network. Details surrounding
Echelon came to light last year when the European Union launched a full-scale
investigation into privacy abuses against European citizens by the NSA
["European Union may investigate U.S. global spy computer network," fcw.com,
Nov. 17, 1998].

EPIC director Marc Rotenberg said in a statement released to the press, "The
charter of the National Security Agency does not authorize domestic
intelligence-gathering. Yet we have reason to believe that the NSA is engaged
in the indiscriminate acquisition and interception of domestic communications
taking place over the Internet."

A spokesperson for the agency said, "NSA operates in strict accordance with
U.S. laws and regulations in protecting the privacy rights of U.S. persons.
Its activities are conducted with the highest constitutional, legal and
ethical standards."

Echelon, a Cold War-vintage global spy system, is believed to consist of a
worldwide network of clandestine listening posts capable of intercepting
electronic communications such as e-mail, telephone conversations, faxes,
satellite transmissions, microwave links and fiber-optic communications

EPIC is planning a major study of the Echelon network to be published next
year that looks at the operations of signals intelligence agencies around the
world, such as the NSA.

"We expect that Congress will hold hearings on this early next year and we
plan to pursue our case very aggressively," Rotenberg told FCW. "If the NSA
is intercepting Internet communications of U.S. citizens -- and we believe
they are -- then it is a critical question of Constitutional government to
determine whether they are acting within the law or outside of it."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cloning the soul ?

1999-12-04 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/3/99 5:20:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 I just got this comment re cloning from another list and I thought it worthy
  of passing on ..Any comments then ?


  "And when we clone a human, will it have a soul. If so, is this acceptable
  that the soul is a function of a brain as complex as ours.
  Can a clone go to heaven?"


There are several collateral questions that need to be considered before one
can answer this one.  First, is there any such thing as a soul?  Is the soul
a seperate component, an intangible aspect, of human beings?  Is there a
heaven?  Theologians have incredibly complex theories about human life and
philosophical positions on just about everything.  I've heard it said that
upon the assumption of life (which itself is a matter of debate) the human
embryo gains its soul, others claim different times.  Additionally are there
a finite number of souls in existence?  Are new ones created as are needed?
Are people reincarnated?  Too many philosophical conundrums to give a single
simple answer to the question, at least IMO.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Why Nixon Was Not a Homophobe

1999-12-04 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/3/99 11:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   [Richard M. Nixon, after watching an episode of "All in the Family,"
  starts by describing a character on television as "obviously queer, but not
  offensively so."]

   NIXON: "I don't mind the homosexuality.  I understand it ...  We all
  know we have weaknesses ..."  snip
   "The upper class in San Francisco is that way.  The Bohemian Grove,
  which I attend from time to time [is] the most faggy goddamned thing you
  could ever imagine ..."

   --May 13, 1971, Watergate tapes, quoted by James Warren, Chicago

This is a most interesting item!  It is amazing what little gems you can find
tucked away  It seems Nixon will continue to surprise us for some time to
come. . .

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft

1999-12-04 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Let me see if I have this correct.  We pour billions of dollars in Israel
and they build war machines for China.  China has been toying with the US
for years re: going to war and may yet pull us into one via North Korea.
Well, isn't this just dandy...


 From: Bill Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft

   Source: Aviation Week  Space Technology
   Published: November 29, 1999
   Author: David A. Fulghum

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Cisco cooking up a microwave marvel

1999-12-04 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Cisco cooking up a microwave marvel

 Plans to roll out next generation in
 Internet and phone access

 By Alex Pham, Globe Staff, 12/02/99

 SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Microwaves, best known for their use
 in the kitchen, are poised to become the latest wireless
 technology for beaming Internet and phone service into homes
 and small businesses.

 In a briefing for reporters yesterday, Cisco Systems Inc. of
 San Jose outlined what it says will be the next generation in
 Internet and phone access, which it will debut next year.

 Using low-frequency microwaves, Cisco executives say their
 equipment can deliver high-speed Internet connection,
 teleconferencing, or telephone service -- without wires or
 cables.  All that is needed by the user is a special antenna
 and a box the size of a large notebook with multiple jacks to
 plug in computers and phones.  The services would be
 transmitted via base stations installed throughout a city or

 Such access offers several advantages over current options,
 such as cable modems, telephone dial-up access, or digital
 subscriber lines, or DSL, analysts say.  It moves consumers
 away from cumbersome wires, and it's less expensive to
 install than cable or fiber.

 "It's cheap, and it's fast," said Howard Anderson, chairman
 of the Yankee Group in Boston.  "I don't have to dig up your
 street to lay down cables.  All I need are a couple of
 transmission towers.  That's why this technology is being

 In addition, wireless broadband access has two to 10 times
 the range of DSL, which can only be installed within three or
 so miles of a central station.  With wireless broadband
 frequencies, service can be provided as far as away as 30
 miles if the line of sight between the user's antenna and the
 base station is unobstructed.

 If obstructed by objects such as trees or buildings, the
 range drops to six miles, according to Greg Raleigh, a
 director of engineering at Cisco, and the scientist who
 helped develop the technology through a company called
 Clarity Wireless of Belmont, Calif.  Cisco purchased
 Clarity in 1998 for $157 million.

 Because of its reach, broadband wireless technology can beam
 high-speed connections via microwave bands to places where
 wires would be difficult or uneconomical to install, such as
 across rivers or canyons.  That potentially opens the
 Internet gates to millions of new users, said Donald Listwin,
 executive vice president of Cisco.

 As of July, 37.4 percent of the US population had Internet
 access, according to Nielsen Net Ratings, leaving more than
 160 million Americans who have yet to sign up for Internet
 access.  Of those who have Internet access, few have
 high-speed "live" connections that are always on, like
 telephone dial tones.  That leaves the vast majority of
 Americans as potential subscribers to Cisco's nimbler
 wireless alternative.

 "Wireless is hot this year," said Chris Stix, managing
 director of SG Cowen Securities Corp. in Boston.

 Cisco, generally known as an supplier of Internet equipment,
 will not be in the business of selling Internet or phone
 access.  Instead, starting next week, Cisco will sell the
 technology to companies that want to provide the service,
 from large telecommunications firms to niche entrepreneurs.

 Because the use of these microwave bands does not currently
 require licenses from the Federal Communications Commission,
 small companies can more easily jump into the business of
 providing Internet access by simply purchasing and installing
 Cisco equipment, which starts at $150,000 for a base unit
 that can support up to 3,000 simultaneous, active Net users.

 Though it has yet to receive orders for its new product,
 Cisco is predicting it will sell more than $3 billion in
 wireless equipment next year.  Though that amount is just a
 fraction of Cisco's annual revenue of $12.2 billion in fiscal
 1999, sales of its broadband wireless equipment are expected
 to grow rapidly, topping $7 billion in 2003, said Steve
 Smith, a director of marketing for Cisco.

 Consumers, however, will probably not see broadband wireless
 access until late next year, after service providers have had
 a chance to purchase, deploy, and market the new technology,
 said Listwin.

 In the meantime, Cisco has built an alliance of companies to
 support its new wireless technology, including Motorola,
 Samsung, Texas Instruments, EDS, Toshiba, Broadcom, and
 Bechtel, among others.

 Toshiba, Motorola and Samsung, for example, are developing
 the notebook-size boxes that would go into homes.  Broadcom
 and Texas Instruments are making the microprocessors that run
 the boxes.  And EDS, Motorola, and Bechtel are forming a
 partnership to help service providers install the networks.

 Broadband wireless technology is one of many new areas for

[CTRL] more on Mein Kampf

1999-12-04 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

no, not mine, but Hitler's, can be read at:


where we get an update on the attempt by the
state of Bavaria in Germany (led by the Simon
Wiesenthal Center) to ban Internet sales
of "Mein Kampf" to Germany.

So far, amazon.com has responded by refusing Nov. 17
to sell the book to anyone outside the U.S. (according
to this article), while BarnesAndNoble.com has
stated it will not comply unless it is furnished
a list of all books that are banned.

A German Justice Ministry spokesman stated:
"Until they get this list, they said they can't do
anything, and that's of course wrong. In Germany
it's not allowed to sell hate literature, literature
of the Nazis. They have to decide on their own. They
don't need a list. Of course there is no such list.
Newer books are I think more dangerous than Mein Kampf
by Hitler. We don't want to have this literature in
everybody's hands. So it has to be forbidden."

(The spokesman went on to say that it is not the book
itself that is forbidden, but the distributing it to
just anyone that is forbidden--apparently a bookseller
can decide to sell it to a serious student, for
example--and that is why Internet distribution is
considered so dangerous.)

On the other hand, the author of the article points out:
"Hitler was the one who believed in suppressing ideas. One of
the earliest and most chilling indications of that were the
infamous book burnings on 10 May 1933. Could Hitler have
had such an easy time consolidating his power had the free
dispersal of information not been suppressed?"

At least it appears that, unlike the Compuserve case in
Germany, nobody is threatened with jail for distributing
something on the Internet this time.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] seattle and anarchists

1999-12-04 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

The protests at the WTO talks in Seattle
seem to have some active leadership from
a group of anarchists in Eugene, OR.

(free subscription required)

Here are links to a few online works by
John Zerzan, a member of this group
quoted in the NYT article. I'm not sure any
really qualify as online books, but more as
"essays, rants, and musings":

(Some of the links are out of date, sorry:)

While I share their feelings about copyright
and intellectual property in many ways, I
don't agree with this group's attitude toward

But they deserve, IMHO, a chance to be heard
and their ideas debated in a rational forum.
Perhaps now the idea of a better view toward
intellectual property will extend from online
books to other fields such as agriculture,
vaccines, drugs, and other targets of
globalization--which unfortunately so far have
led only to the rich countries getting richer.
(It doesn't take trashing of Niketown to see
that we need better answers here, and we should
all work toward them by discussing our ideas.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [MC] Ian Goddard on Mass Psych Drugging of Children

1999-12-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-

   Studies now show no significant behavioural differences between children
  diagnosed ADHD and children without the diagnosis.  Ritalin, then, becomes
  a vast, institutional MC programme.  Geri  Alfred, Vancouver, BC

Ian Goddard on Mass Psych Drugging of Children
Ian strikes again with some more research and commentary on the
terrible, grotesque and unfortunately fast-growing trend in modern
Western society to drug our kids (especially male) into oblivion at the
slightest sign of the questionably-named "hyper-activity" (what used to
be called boys being boys), not to mention inquisitiveness,
individuality, originality or creativity.
NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Original Message 
Subject: Mass Psychotropic Drugging
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 22:14:36 -0500
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's amazing to think that as of 1996, 10 to 12 percent
of schoolboys in the U.S were on an addictive drug, Ritalin,
about which the manufacture states: "Sufficient data on safety
and efficacy of long-term use of Ritalin in children are not yet
available. ... Long-term effects of Ritalin in children have not
been well established." (1998) While the statements are an effort
to avoid liability for any harm caused by their product, they're
also largely true: after being on the market for decades, there
are few if any long-term studies on Ritalin use. But there are
some clues. The manufacture's insert also notes that growth
suppression has been reported.  Some research suggests
the possibility of brain atrophy after chronic use.
Those concerns may prove unfounded, but what if they prove
true and millions of lives are forever diminished during a
reckless diagnostic fad that redefines normal young-male
behavior as a psychiatric disorder requiring drug addiction?
It's good to see a popular columnist like George Will take on
this reckless and even totalitarian venture into mass drugging:
Boys Will Be Boys, or you can just drug them. George F. Will:
The subtitle appears in The Washington Post (12/02/99, A39).
Here's a select excerpt:
Boys Will Be Boys, or you can just drug them.
By George F. Will (12/02/99)
One theory holds that ADHD is epidemic because of the modern
acceleration of life--the environmental blitzkrieg of MTV,
video games, e-mail, cell phones, etc. But the magazine Lingua
Franca reports that Ken Jacobson, a doctoral candidate in
anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, conducted a
cross-cultural study of ADHD that included observation of two
groups of English school children, one diagnosed with ADHD,
the other not. He observed them with reference to 35 behaviors
(e.g., "giggling," "squirming," "blurting out") and found no
significant differences between the groups.
Children, he says, tend to talk, fidget and fool around--
"all the classical ADHD-type behaviors. If you're predisposed
to label any child as ADHD, the distracted troublemaker or the
model student, you'll find a way to observe these behaviors."
So what might explain such a predisposition? Paul R. McHugh,
professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, writing in Commentary,
argues that ADHD, "social phobia" (usual symptom: fear of
public speaking) and other disorders certified by the American
Psychiatric Association's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders" are proliferating rapidly. This is
because of a growing tendency to regard as mental problems
many characteristics that are really aspects of individuality.
So pharmacology is employed to relieve burdensome aspects of
temperament. "Psychiatric conditions," says McHugh, "are
routinely differentiated by appearances alone," even when it
is "difficult to distinguish symptoms of illness from normal
variations in human life," or from the normal responses of
sensitive people to life's challenges. But if a condition
can be described, it can be named; once named, a distinct
disorder can be linked to a particular treatment. McHugh
says some experts who certify new disorders "receive
extravagant annual retainers from pharmaceutical companies
that profit from the promotion of disorders treatable by
the companies' medications."
The idea that most individuals deficient inattentiveness
or confidence are sick encourages what McHugh calls
pharmacological "mental cosmetics." This "should be
offensive to anyone who values the richness of human
psychological diversity. Both 

[CTRL] U.N. crimes court gets support without U.S.

1999-12-04 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

"The United States has resigned itself to the eventual creation -- over
Washington's objections"

That would be Clinton.

"Mr. Scheffer said the U.S. delegation was still hoping to secure language
in the treaty that would provide protection for Americans..."

In other words, we'll sign it as long as we are not held accountable.  This
also sounds like Clinton.

"In voting against the court's creation, the United States was joined by a
curious collection of nations: Iraq, Libya, Israel, Russia, China and

Well, doesn't that say it all..


The Washington Times

U.N. crimes court gets support without U.S.

By Betsy Pisik



The United States has resigned itself to the eventual creation -- over
Washington's objections -- of a U.N. International Criminal Court to be
modeled after war crimes tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia.
Even if the United States does not ratify the treaty, American citizens
will be subject to arrest and trial as the treaty document is now drafted.

International backing for the court became apparent this week as legal
experts gathered at the United Nations to discuss fine print in a treaty
that would establish the world judicial body.

David Scheffer, assistant secretary of state for war crimes issues,
acknowledged that the court is on track, even in the United States.

"We expect many nations to ratify by the end of next year," he told The
Washington Times. He also said that the presence of many U.S. allies on the

court would ratchet up pressure on the United States to join, but added:
"We're never going to sign a treaty we can't support."

The United States voted against creating the court last summer, saying that

the structure of the tribunal would not protect American troops from
frivolous or politically motivated indictments and prosecutions.

Although 90 nations have already signed the treaty, only five have formally

ratified the document. Ratification by 60 nations is required for the
tribunal to begin working -- something experts expect to happen within the
next two years.

Mr. Scheffer said the U.S. delegation was still hoping to secure language
in the treaty that would provide protection for Americans -- enough that
the United States could eventually join. He said negotiators were hoping to

make strong provisions for national prosecutions that would pre-empt the
international tribunal's jurisdiction. They are also hoping to define
agreed-upon crimes and rules of procedure in such a way that U.S. troops
would be highly unlikely to ever be called before the court.

Mr. Scheffer said Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright was discussing
the tribunal with her counterparts in numerous foreign ministries.

In voting against the court's creation, the United States was joined by a
curious collection of nations: Iraq, Libya, Israel, Russia, China and
India. But supporters range from Germany to South Africa to Australia: an
increasingly diverse and powerful bloc of nations that experts say will
provide the political leadership and financial heft to ease concerns of
smaller and more cautious nations.

All of the European Union has signed the treaty, and Italy has ratified it.

The German government on Tuesday announced that it would ratify the treaty
but did not say when. France has committed to ratifying it within the next
few months. The governments of Britain, Canada and the Netherlands say they

will complete ratification within the next year.

The entire European Union is expected to approve the statute by the end of
2000, said a statement read by a diplomat from Finland. Finland currently
holds the rotating EU presidency. The European Union has promised financial

and legal assistance to the court, to be located in The Hague. The court
will prosecute allegations of war crimes, genocide and other crimes against
humanity, and will do so
without direct authorization of the U.N. Security Council, where the United

States holds a veto.

Although it has no enforcement mechanism, all nations -- including the
United States -- would be subject to the international court's
jurisdiction, the treaty document says. This means that all nations will be

required to comply with the court's demands
for information, evidence, witnesses and suspects, the treaty says.

"We cannot recognize the court's competence in bringing prosecutions
against U.S. personnel engaged in official actions when the U.S. government

is not a party," Mr. Scheffer told the U.N. legal committee in October.

The court will not be retroactive, but the existing tribunals for Rwanda
and the former Yugoslavia will eventually be rolled under its umbrella. The

financing of the court has not been decided, but many nations hope that the

bulk of the court's expenses -- particularly in the start-up years -- will
be paid from the U.N. regular budget.

This means that 

[CTRL] Kosovarians Bash the Rom

1999-12-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Via the Free Republic

Foreign Affairs News
Source: Roma News Network
Published: 1 December 1999 Author: Theodor W. Fuendt
Posted on 12/02/1999 10:30:50 PST by Gael
Kosovo ( RNN Correspondent ) December the 1st, 1999

The war in Kosovo is not over. Since June 18th the KLA and their Albanian
supporters have terrorizing the Kosovar Rom in an ethnic cleansing operation
that has destroyed more than 20,000 Rom homes.

In many villages and towns, all Roma homes have been destroyed. Families whose
Roma ancestors arrived here as early as 1320, or Hashkalija whose oral
traditions recount an even older history, have not only been made homeless, but
over 150,000 have had to flee to other countries.

In order to justify these attacks, the KLA and their supports have labeled
"all" Rom and Hashkalija as having collaborated with the Serbs. Yet the
evidence on the ground does not support this allegation. Although KFOR and the
UN police have received many requests to detain Serbs suspected of atrocities
during the war, no Roma or Hashkalija has been mentioned in reports.

The ethnic Albanians dislike of Rom/Hashkalija goes back many years before the
war. When the Albanians first started to demonstrate back in 1969 against Serb
rule in Kosovo, the Rom/Hashkalija refused to join this demonstration. While
the Albanians wanted independence, the Rom/Hashkalija were still too far down
the economic scale to think of that luxury. All they wanted were jobs and
education. When they finally achieved those two things under Tito, they were so
grateful they thought they were being patriotic Yugoslavians by not taking to
the street. The Albanians have resented the Roma/Hashkalija ever since.

Although over 70% of Roma/Hashkalija had high educational degrees and most of
them held good jobs during the years preceding the war, the Albanians today try
to drag up the old stereotypes: lazy, dirty, worthless, homeless.

Today about 40,000 Roma/Hashkalija are homeless, but only because they're home
has been burned since the arrival of KFOR. The typical operation for cleansing
a neighborhood of Roma has been for a couple of local KLA soldiers to accompany
several Albanians to a Roma home and then threaten the occupants with death if
they were still living there the next day. Usually the Roma occupants didn't
wait, but left immediately, many wearing only their pajamas. Their homes were
then burned. If the home was in a good area, the rubble was soon bulldozed away
and a new home built on the site for a local high-ranking Albanian official.

Ironically, Roma who refused to give in to these threats and who did not leave
their homes usually were not attacked, and their home was not burneduntil

Now, today, with the disbanding of the KLA, a new wave of attacks is taking
place and Roma homes not destroyed in the first wave are being burned.

The attacks are against all Roma and Hashkalija. No one is spared. Not the
retired, not the invalids, not the blind who of course could not be labeled

Although over 150,000 Roma and Hashkalija have fled Kosovo, their ancestral
homeland for the past seven hundred years, there are still 40,000 trying
desperately to stay. But despite the UN's declaration of preparing a multi-
ethnic society and the claim of NATO and KFOR to protect everyone, the results
only point to a policy of genocide genocide of the Roma and Hashkaija today
in Kosovo.

Roma today in Kosovo can not venture outside their own village without being
kidnapped or killed. Roma today in Kosovo are always turned down by Albanian
hospitals. Roma today in Kosovo can not attend Albanian schools. Roma today in
Kosovo have lost their jobs.

But perhaps worst of all, Rom today in Kosovo are being discriminated against
by the major aid agencies that are mainly run by local Albanians. Since the
war, over 90% of all Rom/Hashkalija communities have been refused aid by
agencies such as Mother Teresa, and ironically by Islamic Relief, although all
Roma and Hashkalija remaining in Kosovo today are Muslim. Even an international
aid agency with a renowned reputation such as Oxfam has not escaped this
discrimination being practiced by its own local Albanians in Pristine.

But perhaps the worst offender of all is UNHCR. Their policy towards the Roma
they should be looking after can best be described by an incident that happened
a few weeks ago when UNHCR was asked how they were preparing one of their
displaced persons camps for the winter. At a meeting attended by KFOR and
Oxfam, the UNHCR director of the Rom camp in question said: "We have no plans
for them this winter. We just hope they will disappear."

And disappearing they were until Macedonia closed their borders to Roma and
Hashkalija seeking to survive the draconian measures of UNHCR in Kosovo.
At the main UNHCR displaced person's camp in Kosovo, just outside Pristine,
there have been four recorded 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [MC] Undercover Police at the WTO march on Tuesday

1999-12-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm curious. Why did this first appear on mindcontrol-l and not on any
of the regular anarchist lists?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Ideas in Action for December 2nd

1999-12-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:30:13 -0500
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Ideas in Action for December 2nd

Dear friends,

This is the newsletter of Idealist and Action Without
Borders, which currently has 30,000 subscribers. To
see previous issues, or to subscribe or unsubscribe,
please go to http://www.idealist.org/newsletter.html

As always, our goal is to share with you some of the most
useful news and resources we have found in the last few
weeks. Let's start with two prizes:

1. The Conrad Hilton Foundation is inviting nominations
for the 2000 Hilton Humanitarian Prize. In their words:
"The $US 1 million prize, the world's largest humanita-
rian award, is presented annually to an established
nonprofit organization that has made extraordinary
contributions toward alleviating human suffering anywhere
in the world. The prize is not a grant based on future
goals, but an award for recent and historic

Nomination packets are available now, and nominations
must be received by January 15, 2000. Contact: Conrad N.
Hilton Foundation, Hilton Humanitarian Prize, 10100 Santa
Monica Boulevard, Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90067-4011,
US telephone: (310) 556-4694 Fax:(310) 556-8130 E-mail:

2. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Association for
Progressive Communications (APC) is launching the
Betinho Prize, "in an effort to recognize and to document
outstanding examples of how the Internet is being
used to make a real difference."

The $US 7,500 prize is open to nonprofit organizations,
community-based groups, coalitions or social movements
anywhere in the world that have successfully used
information and communication technologies as an
essential ingredient in their work. The deadline for
nominations is January 31, 2000. For more information,
please see http://www.apc.org/english/betinho

3. At http://fdncenter.org/onlib/lnps/index.html the US
Foundation Center has put together a very large
database of literature on philanthropy (articles, books,
etc.). The database incorporates the contents of the
Foundation Center's five libraries, and contains over
17,000 bibliographic citations, 11,000 of which have
descriptive abstracts. The site also has a useful list,
with full contact information, of dozens of periodicals
in the nonprofit and philanthropy sectors.

4. At http://www.aviva.org/tree.htm you will find a great
directory of women's organizations, resources and events
around the world. (After the page loads, scroll down to
the bottom, and start by clicking on 'Groups' or
'Resources' on any  continent.)

5. At http://www.westernjustice.org/orgs.cfm the Western
Justice Center has developed an online database of 1,400
organizations and educational institutions that provide
resources and training in community-based mediation,
crosscultural collaboration and other conflict resolution
skills. These organizations are mostly in the US, but at
http://www.westernjustice.org/CF/internat.cfm they also
have a directory of such organizations around the world.

6. Break Away is a nonprofit organization that serves as
a resource for planning and running effective break
programs for schools and community organizations. These
programs send teams of college or high school students
into diverse communities to engage in volunteer service
and experiential learning during their school vacations.

Break Away's programs include training and special
events, publications and networking. Nonprofit organiza-
tions can access hundreds of student volunteers by
listing themselves in the Break Away SiteBank Catalog, a
directory of community organizations that host
alternative break programs across the US. For more
information on how you, your school or organization can
get involved in this program, see the Break Away website
at http://www.alternativebreaks.com

7. Finally, we are now making a special effort to invite
nonprofits everywhere to list their job openings in
Idealist, and reach the 12,000 people who receive these
listings every morning. If you work for an organization
that has a person in charge of Human Resources, it would
be a great help if you could refer him or her to

That's all for now. We hope that you and yours have a
great weekend.

Ami, Patsy, Russ and Lorene
Action Without Borders


If you know of a new resource that you think would be of
interest to the to readers of this newsletter, let us
know at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that in order to
be included, a resource or article should be relevant to
a broad audience of nonprofit and community organiza-
tions. Local events, job openings and requests for help
for specific projects can be posted in Idealist, but we

[CTRL] (Fwd) December 2 FEC Data Update

1999-12-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Date sent:  02 Dec 99 1737 EST
From:   FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Correction on one item from earlier e-mail
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc

E-Mial Correction.  The New York State Political Action Fund giving
$500,000 to the DSCC is now affiliated with the SEIU, National Health 
Human Service Employees Union.  Thanks to Derek Willis from CQ Weekly for
passing that info on to us.

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  02 Dec 99 1544 EST
From:   FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:December 2 FEC Data Update
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc


December 2 Soft Money Update

NEW SOFT MONEY REPORTED: Three of the national party accounts recently
reported their soft money received in October 1999.  The Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee (DSCC), the Republican National Committee (RNC), and the
National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) filed a monthly report
disclosing new donations received during October, including the following of
$25,000 or more. Also included below are a few other interesting items. The
other soft money accounts that will not report until January 31, 2000 are the
Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee (DCCC), and the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee


The first look at the DNC/New York soft money operation: New York Senate
2000, 430 S. Capitol St SE, Wash, DC, 20003-4024, moves $200,000 10/29 to DSCC
 This includes attributed donations such as Metabolife Int'l, San Diego,
CA $25,000 9/1; Francine E. Goldstein, Westport, CT (Aviation Products
Management) $80,000 10/13; Sandra G. Wagenfeld, Westport, CA (self-employed)
$80,000 10/19.

More New York money: AFSME's National Union of Hospital  Health Care
Employees local 1199 New York State Political Action Fund $500,000 10/19 to DSCC

The donor that keeps on giving: Estate of Lola Cameron, Pompano Beach, FL
(estate) $151,988.08 10/22 to RNC

Even with the departure of its CEO, resignation of its outside auditors, a
SEC probe and an earning restatement, Rite Aid, Harrisburg, PA donates
$25,000 10/21 to DSCC

Soft money line cut 11/17 by Time Warner. The last one may have been Time
Warner Cable, Englewood, CO $3,000 10/26 to RNC

The casino industry rolls $338,000 to the parties during October.

Bond market donations still have difficulty: NRSC refunds $5,000 10/21 Bond
Market Association

Republican Party committees move $951,725 to Mississippi in October, after
providing $570,000 in September.

Trent Lott's soft money account (which bears the same name as his federal
PAC), New Republican Majority Fund PAC, gives $220,000 10/19 and $16,500 to the

Other big $100,000 plus donors:
Richard T. Farmer, Cincinnati, OH (chair, Cintas Corp) $230,000 10/26 to
Edward F. Reilly, Bethesda, MD (realtor insuror, US Parole Commission)
$103,087.73 10/19 to RNC
The Limited Service Corp, Columbus, OH $100,000 10/8 to NRSC
Park Place Entertainment, Las Vegas, NV $100,000 10/1 to DSCC
International Paper, Washington, DC $100,000 10/22 to NRSC
Freddie Mac, Washington, DC $100,000 10/14 to NRSC
Nasser J. Kazeminy, Palm Beach, FL (no identity data listed) $100,000 10/7
to RNC
W. Howard Lester, San Francisco, CA (CEO, Williams-Sonoma) $100,000 10/13
to RNC
Mississippi Band Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, MS $100,000 10/26 to RNC
David H. Murdock, Los Angeles, CA (self employed businessman) $100,000
10/29 to RNC
Paine Webber Inc, New York, NY $25,000 10/30 to NRSC; $100,000 10/15 to

DETAILS: (repeating those in highlights above)

Park Place Entertainment, Las Vegas, NV $100,000 10/1 to DSCC
Mississippi Band Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, MS $100,000 10/26 to RNC
Mirage Resorts, Las Vegas, NV $50,000 10/19 to RNC
Colorado River Indian Tribes, Parker, AZ $30,000 10/19 to DSCC
Station Casinos Inc, Las Vegas, NV $10,000 10/1 to DSCC
Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV $10,000 10/1 to DSCC
Boyd Gaming Corp, Las Vegas, NV $10,000 10/1 to DSCC
Harrah's Operating Co, Memphis, TN $10,000 10/19 to RNC
Copa Csino, Gulfpport, MS $10,000 10/8 to RNC
Ameristar Casino, Las Vegas, NV $5,000 10/26 to RNC
Casino Magic, Biloxi, MS $3,000 10/26 to RNC

Freddie Mac, Washington, DC $100,000 10/14 to NRSC
Paine Webber Inc, New York, NY $25,000 10/30 to NRSC; $100,000 10/15 to RNC

Citigroup Inc, Hartford, CT $80,000 10/26 to RNC
Metabolife International, San Diego, CA $45,000 10/6 to NRSC; also listed
elsewhere in the e-mail $25,000 9/1 to New York Senate 2000
American Express 

[CTRL] E-mail Virus Set for New Year's Day

1999-12-04 Thread BARD

 -Caveat Lector-

*** ... far and wide. ***

 E-mail Virus Set for New Year's Day
 Bug Expected to Duplicate, Erase Hard Drives

 Dec. 3, 1999

 By David Noack

 CUPERTINO, Calif. (APBnews.com) -- A
destructive new e-mail virus,
 which is designed to erase all the data on a
computer's hard drive, is set
 for New Year's Day, computer experts warn.

 The virus, dubbed W32.Mypics.Worm, which was
discovered Thursday,
 affects Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT
systems and has a
 destructive payload that triggers at midnight
Dec. 31.

 "Computer Associates has identified this worm
as having been specifically
 designed to cause significant damage in the
year 2000," said Simon Perry,
 the company's eTrust business manager. "As the
year 2000 quickly
 approaches, we are starting to see an increased
frequency of dangerous

 Appears to have stopped working

 Experts said the worm spreads by
 automatically sending itself to as many as 50
 people in the Outlook e-mail address book.
 The subject line is empty, and the body of the
 e-mail reads, "Here's some pictures for you!"

 The e-mail will also contain a worm program
 attachment named pics4you.exe (34,304

 It attempts to trick the user into believing
 the attachment contains images. When the
 attachment is opened, the program will not
 display any images and simply seems to have
stopped working.

 However, the worm will become housed in memory
and will e-mail itself to
 as many as 50 people. The worm will also adjust
the home page setting of
 the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to a
personal Web site at
 geocities.com, which experts say may then link
to an adult site.

 Initial problem can be corrected

 The Windows registry will also be modified and
changed to load the worm
 in memory every time the computer system is
rebooted. As a result, the
 worm will always be present in the computer.

 The worm carries two payloads that mimic a Y2K

 First, the worm monitors the system clock and
when it detects the year is
 2000, the worm will modify the system BIOS. On
the next reboot, the
 computer will display a message such as "CMOS
Checksum Invalid" and
 prevent the computer from booting.

 But this problem supposedly can be corrected by
going into the BIOS

 Worm is 'in the wild'

 After the BIOS settings are corrected, the worm
will execute its second
 payload and will format the hard drive.

 Computer security experts have classified the
virus as a moderate to high
 risk and have posted software on their Web
sites to prevent users from
 catching the malicious code. The virus, say the
experts, is "in the wild,"
 meaning that it can be sent to unsuspecting
computer users.

 Perry said it's important for computer users to
visit their anti-virus vendor
 sites and ensure that their anti-virus software
is up-to-date in order to
 remain safe from attack.

 David Noack is an APBnews.com staff writer

  ©Copyright 1999 APB Multimedia
Inc. All rights reserved.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] William Pierce-Books And Freedom

1999-12-04 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of December 4, 1999

Books and Freedom
Dr. William Pierce

A listener sent me a clipping from the New York Times last month, the
November 14 edition, and I just got around to reading it. It's the
obituary of a writer and Harvard professor, Dr Richard Marius. Marius
had a pretty unremarkable career: a Southern Baptist divinity school
graduate and student of the Reformation who wrote several very
forgettable books  and taught aspiring authors at Harvard how to write.
We wouldn't be interested in him, except for one detail: in 1995 he was
fired as a speechwriter by Al Gore. The reason he was fired is that in a
book review he had written three years earlier, which was published in
The Harvard Magazine, he had criticized the way the Jews in Israel treat
the Palestinians there: you know, torturing prisoners, collective
punishment for the families of suspected activists, and so on.

Again, this criticism of the Israelis was not in a book written by
Marius, but in his review of another author's book, and book reviews are
generally a bit more ephemeral and less weighty than the books
themselves. But Marius' review was published in The Harvard Magazine,
and Jews, of course, scan very closely everything published anywhere by
Harvard professors, so that they can keep their Gentile brethren at
Harvard on the straight and narrow path of Political Correctness. Martin
Peretz, the Jew who edits the leftist magazine New Republic, was
apprised of Marius' transgression, and Peretz complained to Al Gore, who
promptly fired Marius. The Jews trumpeted the firing of Marius around
the circle of liberal literati of which Marius was a member, denouncing
him as an anti-Semite, and his friends began avoiding him. He protested
loudly that he was not an anti-Semite, but it availed him nothing. He
was washed up for good with the Clintonistas.

But really, what a jerk, not to have understood that it's proper to
condemn Serbs, say, for torturing prisoners and  dynamiting  the homes
of families suspected of having a family member who isn't sympathetic to
the government, but it's certainly not proper to condemn Jews for doing
the same thing. How could anyone be a speechwriter for Al Gore and not
understand that Jews are very special people, who must never be
criticized, under any circumstances? I mean, we all know that the
ordinary rules of behavior don't apply to them. If the Germans or the
Poles or the French or the Americans do something very illiberal, then
we expect a Harvard liberal to criticize them. But not if they are Jews.
Then the expected behavior of a Harvard liberal is to pretend that he
doesn't notice. So Marius broke the rule and was punished. Too bad. I
really can't feel sorry for a Harvard liberal -- certainly not for a
Harvard liberal who also was a speechwriter for anyone in the Clinton

Reading Marius' obituary called to mind the very special status Jews
have in our society. We may criticize anyone -- except Jews. Of course,
a liberal isn't likely under any circumstances to be critical of a
homosexual or a feminist or a non-White or a member of any other group
currently patronized by liberals. But as long as he assures everyone
that many of his best friends are perverts or Blacks or what have you
and that his criticism is intended to be constructive, he will be
forgiven for an occasional sharp remark aimed toward them. But if he
ever makes the mistake of referring to Jews in anything but the most
flattering terms, his name goes on a hate list and is never removed.

I can think of a number of examples of literary figures far more
illustrious than Marius: there's T.S. Eliot, and there's H.L. Mencken,
and, of course, there's Ezra Pound. They've all been dead for more than
a quarter of a century, but whenever something is written about one of
them today there's a great deal of anguished soul-searching over the
question, "How could So-and-so have been such a great poet or such a
clever writer and nevertheless have made nasty remarks about Jews?" The
Jews pretend not to be able to understand it. They pretend that it is an
inexplicable mystery to them how anyone can be intelligent and creative
who doesn't love and admire Jews. They conclude that it had to have been
some character flaw in the writer. And these were writers who only made
passing remarks about Jews -- except, perhaps, for Pound, who really
despised them.

And the Jews prefer not even to mention exceptionally popular writers
like Louis Ferdinand Céline or Jack London or Feodor Dostoevsky, who
were quite outspoken in portraying Jews in an unfavorable light. They
are a real mystery to the Jews. Perhaps the explanation is that they
were dropped on their heads as children. If that is so, then most of our
greatest writers of the past must have been dropped on their heads. Not
every writer made much of it, but the general opinion was that Jews were
not just different from their Aryan hosts, but 

[CTRL] US/Russia Y2K Video Link

1999-12-04 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Y2K nuclear link unveiled

The United States and Russia have unveiled a high-tech video and
telecommunications link to monitor possible problems in their 132 nuclear
reactors during the Y2K roll-over.

Announcing the plans, US Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said linking the
two countries' atomic command centres would help prevent mishaps with the
coming of the new millennium.

"While we don't expect any major problems, there may be glitches. We have to
be ready on both sides," he told a press briefing at the top-secret Situation
Crisis Center in Energy Department headquarters. The centre provides
communications with energy facilities across the US.

Mr Richardson said the two countries' experts would sit alongside each other
in the joint command centres in case there were any emergencies.

Mr Adamov expressed confidence that Russia would be able to cope.

"All of the drills showed we are prepared for the year 2000 roll-over," he
said through an interpreter.

All 103 of America's commercial reactors were recently cleared as being ready
to deal with the change.

The so-called millennium bug is caused by older computer software that is
unable to recognise a year change, causing potential crashes or malfunctions
when 1999 changes to 2000.

Mr Richardson said Russian computer systems designed to shut nuclear reactors
in an emergency did not have the type of digital technology susceptible to
the bug.

But he said other computer systems at Russian plants could fail.

Of greater concern to him is the sole remaining reactor at the Chernobyl
plant in Ukraine, scene of the world's worst nuclear disaster in 1986.

"We wanted them to update their technology ... but they are moving a little
slower than we had hoped," Mr Richardson said.

The US has provided about $6m in the last two years in an effort to make
nuclear plants in the former Soviet Union Y2K compliant.

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[CTRL] Civil society against the WTO

1999-12-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Civil society against the WTO
By Mohamed Sid-Ahmed

 The city of Seattle on the northwestern coast of the United States is home to
two of the most successful American corporations: Microsoft, the world's
leading manufacturer of computer software, and Boeing, its leading aircraft
manufacturer. The very personification of the American dream, Seattle has come
to symbolise the economic and technological preeminence of the United States.
True, Microsoft owner Bill Gates, who rose from the ranks of anonymous computer
nerds to become the richest man in the world, is currently embroiled in a
massive antitrust lawsuit, while Boeing is facing stiff competition from its
European rival, Airbus, especially after the mysterious crash of EgyptAir's
Boeing 767. But both remain symbols of America's status as the world power
which heads the present day unipolar world order.

Two days ago, Seattle was the venue for the opening session of a new round of
trade talks under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which
brought together the economic and trade ministers of 135 countries and which is
expected to continue for the coming three yeas at least. Dubbed the Millennium
Round, the Seattle WTO meeting is seen as a celebration of the supposedly
unmitigated success of the liberal school of economics on the eve of the new
millennium, in other words, as a vindication of Fukoyama's 'end of history'
theory. But what is happening on the streets of Seattle is delivering another
message altogether.

Over the last two days, Seattle has witnessed mass demonstrations by some fifty
thousand activists representing hundreds of NGOs from all parts of the world,
who have come to express the viewpoint of civil society on the performance of
the WTO and to underscore that its practices are in clear contradiction with
the aspirations of the masses in a wide variety of walks of life.

A statement issued by an organisation calling itself the Representatives of
Civil Society Opposed to the Millennium Round of Trade Talks, signed by 1,200
organisations from 87 countries, declared that "the WTO has played a
significant role throughout the last five years in further concentrating wealth
in the hands of a minority while increasing the poverty of the majority of the
world population... The (previous) Uruguay round of talks aimed at opening new
markets for the transnational corporations at the expense of national
economies, workers, peasants, many other sectors of society and the
environment. The WTO's processes are undemocratic and non-transparent". The
statement called for a moratorium on all activities extending the authority of
the WTO and for reforms hat would allow an evaluation of the impact of the WTO
on marginalised communities, development, democracy, the environment, health,
human rights, labour practices and the rights of women and children, stressing
that these reforms should be undertaken with the full participation of civil

The most significant feature of the anti-WTO rallies in Seattle is that they
have taken political action to a wholly new dimension, one that is not
dominated by traditional centralised institutions like political parties and
trade unions, but follows a new and unconventional pattern which draws heavily
on the opportunities offered by the information revolution, notably the
Internet, and expresses the grievances of groupings of global citizens united
in their opposition to the unbridled deregulation of international trade as
advocated by the WTO.

Possibly because it anticipated that the WTO meeting would provoke just such a
furore, the US government decided not to contribute towards its financing but
to leave it to the private sector. A special organisation, headed jointly by
Bill Gates and Boeing CEO Phil Condit, was set up for the express purpose of
raising the required funds through the sale of tickets to businessmen
interested in lunching and dining with the ministers taking part in the WTO
talks. Some ten million dollars were raised this way thanks to the price of the
tickets, which ranged from 250 thousand dollars for the 'emerald' ticket to
5,000 dollars for the 'bronze'.

The four-day 135-nation conference in Seattle is a forum for what is being
touted as the biggest trade talks in history and, as such, an unprecedented
opportunity for delegates to come to grips with the real problems facing world
trade. But so profound and multiple are the differences between the
participating states making up today's 'globalised' world that the plenary
meetings failed to come up with an agenda acceptable to all the delegates. Each
country concentrated on what it considered its priorities: France on its
cultural specificity, especially in regard to the protection of its film
industry, India on the protection of its home industries, etc. Actually, the
protection of national film and audio-visual industries is an issue of 

[CTRL] WTO - Seeing the Illusion of Media News - Ralph Nader

1999-12-04 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Subj:WTO - Seeing the Illusion of Media News - Ralph Nader
Date:   99-12-04 13:06:09 EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Anderer)

Deomcratic Community;
In a Democratic Society the need for honest, fair, impartial information
on what is going on in our democratic community is essential in creating
an informed, involved and educated public sector. The job of the media
in our democratic community is to provide us what we need  in the way of
information to maintain our Democratic Society as a healthy system of
governance. The alternative is the variation on totalitarian model that
we can see throughout human history. The latest version involves:
special interest control of legislators, runaway "bottom line"
capitalism, mindless consumerism, centralized media control of
information, and good old fashion authoritarian control of the public.

The Seattle WTO confrontation was the most visible clash between current
the want-to-be public controllers and the democratic community. The
following short article by Ralph Nader in the current January 2000 issue
of "Brill's Content" page 96 provides essential insights into the core
of the problem of achieving a healthy Democratic Society. The fog of
illusion must be lifted from the public mind or we will surly suffer the
obvious consequences of our new masters agenda.
In the hope that we can dispell the illusion before it is too late.

page 96  BigMedia Experts
Ralph Nader on why there is no citizen-action channel.

[Conglomerates] usually have a policy of what sells and what doesn't,
and they don't veer away from that.  I've never seen a conglomerate go
the other way; they always downgrade {the material}.  Sex, violence,
scandal, celebrity - that's the criteria...Just look at the qualit{ies}
of the CEOs.  {Viacom CEO} Sumner Redstone: What's he interested in?
Raising stock and making money. {CBS CEO} Mel Karmazin - the classic
monetized mind.  He's profitted off Howard Stern.  This is the
replacement for (CBS founder) William Paley!  Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw -
they know their news is mostly a crock of dung.

Ninety percent of all broadcasting is devoted to entertainment and
advertising.Even on the 24-hour news channel(s), there's a hugh
amount of lifestyle, fluff, weather, sports, and stocks.  With all these
channels on cable, do they have a citizen-action channel?  Do they have
a lobor channel? Do they have a consumer channel?  Of course not.
Because {the corporate chieftains} control it so completely.  {I try
telling people:} You own the airwaves. Do you realize that?  Legally,
{We} own it and radio and TV are tenants.  They don't pay rent and {yet}
they dictate what goes on the air.

Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate
Institute for Civic Renewal
founded by Ralph Nader
WTO Information web sites:
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[CTRL] (Fwd) 12-03-99 - ACLU Action Update: ECHELON

1999-12-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
 -Caveat Lector-
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Subject:  12-03-99 - ACLU Action Update: "ECHELON"
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Is the U.S. Government Spying on You?

TO: ACLU Action Network
FR: Jared Feuer, ACLU Internet Organizer
DT: December 3, 1999

Is the secret National Security Agency, working with its counterpart
agencies in England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, eavesdropping on
private communications from around the world? Credible reports suggest that a
global electronic surveillance system -- known by the code name of "ECHELON" --
is indeed capturing satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic
communications worldwide.

Over the past few months, the U.S. House of Representatives has been
investigating ECHELON and related activities. As part of these
investigations, the House Select Committee on Intelligence requested
documents from the National Security Agency (NSA) regarding its operating
standards for intelligence systems like ECHELON that may intercept
communications of Americans. In a surprising move, NSA officials invoked
attorney-client privilege and refused to disclose the documents. This
action drew the ire of several members of Congress, including the
committee's chairman, Rep. Porter Goss (R-FL).


Many observers, from the ACLU to conservative Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA), are
calling Congress to conduct further inquiries into the workings of this
global surveillance system.   You can read more about ECHELON and send a
letter to Congress supporting further investigations into its activities at our
action alert:


In addition, the ACLU has launched a special website detailing the possible
threats of ECHELON and other research on the program.  The website can be found


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program that does not provide for clickable web addresses, copy the URL and
paste it into your web browser.

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Re: [CTRL] Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kalivas

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, if the State of Israel didn't have the undying support of Corporate
Christianity, it might not have come to this.

How long are we going to let these bastards in Congress get away with this?

Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and say screw it! But I
have kids and I want them to have a life too.

We give money out of guilt and an Zionist view of prophecy and this is what
we get. No wonder Christianity is such a scorn these days.


  -Caveat Lector-

Let me see if I have this correct.  We pour billions of dollars in Israel
and they build war machines for China.  China has been toying with the US
for years re: going to war and may yet pull us into one via North Korea.
Well, isn't this just dandy...


  From: Bill Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Israel Builds China's First AWACS Aircraft
Source: Aviation Week  Space Technology
Published: November 29, 1999
Author: David A. Fulghum

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] OKC Bombers Momma' Puts Foot In Mouth

1999-12-04 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

by Bill Johnson
American Reporter Correspondent
Oklahoma City, Okla.
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Timothy McVeigh undoubtedly would rank at the top of any
Oklahoma most-hated list for blowing up the federal building, but comments by
his mother in a television interview this week got her a pretty prominent

"Let's get it out of our minds," Mickey Hill said in the interview. "Let's
get on with our lives." After all, she said, the bombing that killed 168
people happened four and half years ago. And McVeigh was convicted of killing
only eight people, she said.

Hill, 55, in the interview on WTSP-TV in Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla.,
suggested that the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil ranked along with
airplane crashes and the murder trial of O.J. Simpson.

"It was a big event, yeah, but so was the O.J. Simpson case, so was the
bombing (of the World Trade Center) in New York," Hill said.

"Every bombing or shooting is a big case," said Hill, who was identified as a
dishwasher in a Pensacola, Fla., restaurant. The interview was replayed on
Oklahoma City's KWTV.

"Plane crashes. There's more people killed in a plane crash than was killed
in Oklahoma City," Hill said. "And yet these people think they're the only

"I feel sorry for them. But let's face it: This happened 4=BD years ago. This
happened four and a half years ago. Let's get it out of our minds. Let's get
on with our lives."

Bombing survivors and relatives of those killed said they weren't about to

"Let her walk a mile in my shoes," said Kathleen Treanor. "I had to bury my
baby in pieces. She has no right to tell me how I should feel."

Treanor's daughter, Ashley Eckles, 4, and her mother-in-law and
father-in-law, Luther and LaRue Treanor, were killed in the bombing.

Dennis Purifoy, one of the survivors, said the horror of the bombing must be
remembered to keep it from happening again.

"People need to remember and learn a lesson from what happened here," Purifoy

In addition to the 168 who died in the April 19, 1995, bombing, more than 500
people were injured and some of them will never completely recover.

McVeigh was charged with driving a rented truck loaded with a fertilizer bomb
to Oklahoma City, parking it outside the federal building and touching off
the explosives. Among those killed were 19 children in a second-floor
day-care center.

Under federal law, McVeigh could be tried for first-degree murder only in the
deaths of eight federal agents who were on duty in the building at the time
of the blast. He was convicted by a federal jury in Denver and was sentenced
to die.

Terry Nichols, a friend McVeigh met in the Army, was convicted by another
Denver jury of conspiracy and eight counts of involuntary manslaughter. He is
appealing his conviction and life sentence and the Oklahoma County district
attorney plans to try Nichols in state court here on 160 counts of
first-degree murder.

The district attorney's plan has driven a wedge between the bombing survivors
and the relatives of those who died. Some want a state trial to be held while
others don't want to have to go through the emotional turmoil of another

The Daily Oklahoman has come out against a state trial.

Hill and McVeigh's father, Bill McVeigh, separated in 1984 and were divorced
in 1986. Tim, who was 16 when his parents separated, remained with his father
in New York State.

Stephen Jones, McVeigh's defense attorney, called her comments "unfortunate."
But, he said, those comments should be considered in context with the fact
Hill has a history of emotional troubles.

She was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital in February 1997
after reportedly suffering a psychotic episode. She used the name Mickey
Frazer at the time.

Hill recalled in the interview that McVeigh's father, when he saw an artist's
sketch of a bombing suspect, asked whether it might be Tim. Hill said it was
possible that her son "may have" been the one who masterminded the bombing

"Honest to God, I don't know," Hill said.

Hill said in her son's trial that Tim was "a loving son and a happy child as
he grew up. He was a child any mother could be proud of. I still, to this
very day, cannot believe he could have caused this devastation.

"There are too many unanswered questions and loose ends. He has seen human
loss in the past and it has torn him apart. He is not the monster he has been
portrayed as. ... He is a human being, just as we all are."

Hill said in the tv interview she knew that some people put the ultimate
blame for the bombing on her.

"What I don't understand is, how differently should I have raised him?" she
asked. "He never got in trouble in school. He never drank beer or liquor. He
never smoked. He was never in trouble.

"When he joined the Army, he was a happy-go-lucky kid. Eight years later,
he's arrested for bombing a building. How would you feel? I mean, I don't
feel responsible for 

[CTRL] Anti-Gov. Extremists Arrested-Plot Foiled.

1999-12-04 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

FBI Arrests Militiamen in Bomb Plot
Pair Planned to Blow Up Propane Facility, Feds Say
Dec. 4, 1999

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Federal agents have arrested two anti-government
militia members in connection with a plan to blow up a massive propane
installation in Elk Grove, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The Sacramento Bee, citing unidentified sources, said the arrests Friday by
the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force came after a nearly yearlong investigation
into the alleged plot against Suburban Propane.

Federal officials told the paper that the threat to the plant, where 24
million gallons of liquid propane are stored, had been eliminated even before
the arrests.

FBI spokesman Nick Rossi referred all inquiries to the U.S. Attorney for the
Eastern District of California, who did not immediately return a call seeking
comment this morning.

Preying on fear of 2000

Authorities believe the alleged plan was designed to exploit Y2K fears among
the nation's hate groups.

"We think we stopped a terrorist attack," a source close to the investigation
told the Bee. "Can we be certain they would have carried it out? We don't
know. We had to behave as though they were going to do it."

Authorities said the two men, whose names were not disclosed, were arrested
on weapons charges and held while federal agents searched their El Dorado
County homes for evidence. Storage lockers and homes in Reno, Nev., and
Carson City, Nev., also were searched.

Both were members of a San Joaquin County militia group and had been
stockpiling large amounts of illegal weapons, law-enforcement sources said.
One is a convicted felon with firearms violations; the other is unemployed
and has no past criminal record, but sources said he is knowledgeable in bomb
making, and a large amount of explosives were found at his property.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-04 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

I just found this site in Blavatsky. It has The Secret Doctrine online plus
other articles and pics
The seal is interesting


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Seattle MD testifies Re: Police Brutality

1999-12-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-

"Crowd Control"; News management  Martial Law in Seattle - Expert eyewitness

  Interview with Seattle MD
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Byron Weeks)
  (posted 12-4-99)

  My name is Richard DeAndrea. I'm a medical doctor. What I saw up here
  was martial
  law. This turned into a police state. Everything you have seen on
  television regarding
  local news broadcasts including national public radio was a blackout.
  The police were
  using concussion grenades. They were using shooting tear gas canisters
  directly at
  protesters facing. They were using rubber bullets. Some of the damage I
  saw from these
  rubber bullets took off part of a person's jaw, smashed teeth in their
  mouth. I saw the
  police arrest people who had their hands up in the air screaming we are
  protesting. The amount of looting that took place was so minimal I don't
  even know
  where they got the footage from. I am saying this beyond a shadow of a
  doubt. This is a
  definite sign that American is heading towards a police state unless
  people start standing
  up for their rights as individuals. I am actually shocked and ashamed. I
  am ashamed of
  the police force, I am ashamed of the mayor I am ashamed of Bill
  Clinton. I am ashamed
  of the whole thing.

  Jared: These rubber bullets - what are they?

  Dr. DeAndrea: They are made of polyester type material. They are like a
  hard plastic
  toy. The idea i9s to hit your body, do damage, not actually penetrate.
  But I did see
  penetration wounds, I did see people bleeding. I did see teeth loss, I
  did see broken
  bones. There were children present, there were families present, they
  were firing upon
  families, mothers, grandmothers,. They were just firing at them. They
  came out in full
  police force. They brought out swat teams, they had the national guard
  up here, there
  was CIA surrounding the delegates' buildings. It was very obvious that
  there was an
  institutional control that had no regard of human rights whatever.

  In addition we have video footage of protesters being taken away as well
  as human rights
  being violated. Prisoners were taken and they were tortured. There is a
  case, I believe
  his name is Holm, Keith Holm. He was tortured because he would not give
  his name.
  They handcuffed, laid him on the floor, they smashed his face against
  the concrete, they
  grabbed his hair, they ripped out a lock of hair. and then placed
  pencils between his
  fingers on them until he would give his name. They were also banging his
  head against
  metal objects. He was actually the first protester released because the
  Internal Affairs
  came in to do an investigation and they wanted him gone because he would
  be able to
  give testimony.

  We're treating people in a studio loft downtown. I just treated an ear
  wound. People have
  been treated for concussion injuries. There have been people who have
  been treated for
  plastic bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas injuries, lots of damage to
  cornea, lots of damage
  to the eyes and skins. They were using a pepper spray, a tear gas and
  they were also
  using some sort of nerve gas. We had reports of many demonstrators
  winding up with
  seizures the next day. It causes muscles to clamp up, muscle
  contraction, seizures.

  They have done several illegal things regarding these people in jail.
  They have been
  telling them that they would not be let out, not have their bail set if
  they didn't get their
  names. Its their legal right not to give their name. They don't have to
  speak at all.
  Attorneys came up and said we are representing these people. The police
  called their
  attorneys liars. At this point they have still refused to let any of
  them see their clients.
  There are close to 600 people who were arrested and they have been
  holding them for
  two days on charges that are mostly misdemeanors - refusal to disperse.
  A lot of people
  in there have not gotten medical attention, either. I have gotten calls
  from young ladies in
  there who have had all sorts of emotional problems as well as physical
  problems. They
  have called me for medical attention from inside the jail. There are
  people still sitting in
  there who have not even been processed.

  Today there were fewer attacks by police, but they did arrest more
  people. And there
  was no violence today by the marchers and all through the day yesterday
  it was the
  same. What you are seeing on television about looting and anarchistic
  protesters -
  there's straight-out blackout they are basically pushing that. There is
  not much damage
  to property here. There are not many windows that have been damaged or
  stores that
  have been looted. Those are extremely rare cases.

  I used to believe newspapers were telling the truth. But now I am no
  longer behind that.

  This shouldn't happen in America.

  This is still America, isn't it? I'm beginning to wonder.


[CTRL] The New Crypto-Commies

1999-12-04 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-


The New Crypto-Commies

 Could arguing for strong
 encryption be the next
 'un-American activity' that
 justifies blacklists and
 secret FBI investigations?
 By Kevin Poulsen  November
 24, 1999

 Newly released documents
 show that the FBI closely
 monitored a key member of
 the standard-setting Internet
 Engineering Task Force (IETF)
 in 1992 and 1993, as he waged
 a doomed battle to inject
 crypto support into an
 emerging critical Internet

 was on the
 IETF. The
 team was
 the "Point
 to Point
 (PPP), designed to facilitate
 Internet access over dial-up
 modems. Simpson was making
 waves in the PPP Working
 Group by loudly arguing for
 inclusion of crypto support in
 the protocol, which today is
 used by the vast majority of
 home Internet users to go

 In 1993, Simpson learned from
 a family member and
 colleagues that his efforts had
 drawn the FBI's interest. As he
 recalls it, the bureau was
 accusing him of a capital

 "Two guys came up to me at a
 meeting," Simpson recalls.
 "They said, 'Bill, I was
 interviewed for a treason
 investigation by the FBI'."

 "Bill was advocating encryption
 for authentication and for
 privacy in standardized
 Internet protocols," recalls
 Electronic Frontier Foundation
 cofounder John Gilmore, who
 heard of the investigation and
 suggested that Simpson
 request his FBI file under the
 Freedom of Information Act.

 "He's kind of an iconoclast,"
 Gilmore told me. "He follows
 his own way and sometimes it
 pisses people off, but it can be
 an advantage when you're
 faced with a Kafkaesque
 investigation by the
 government. He has the
 tenacity to stick with it until he
 finds the truth."

 After six years of wrangling,
 Simpson finally pried 54 pages
 from the grasping hands of the
 domestic spies last
 Wednesday, only to find that
 the documents were heavily


 Better Read Than

 The 54 pages of Simpson's file
 are filled with black lines.

 Under the
 "basis for
 but an
 mass of
 black ink.
 Most of
 the file,
 the official
 reason for
 "secret" to
 this day, a
 supposedly reserved for
 information that would cause
 "serious harm" to US national
 security if revealed.

 Among the investigative
 insights deemed safe for
 disclosure, a 1992 teletype
 addressed to "Director, FBI," in
 Washington, which notes that
 Simpson's personality "fits the
 profile of a gadfly who
 challenges authority and laws
 that may impinge on his

 The bureau also took an
 interest in the cars Simpson
 drove and whether or not he
 had a passport. But the

[CTRL] Conservative Paper Endorses Forbes

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Conservative Paper Endorses Forbes
The Associated Press
Thursday, Dec. 2, 1999; 9:55 p.m. EST

MANCHESTER, N.H. –– The Union Leader newspaper endorsed Steve Forbes in the
race for the Republican presidential nomination, saying he may not be
charismatic, but he's no phony.

In an editorial to be published Friday, Publisher Joseph McQuaid said Forbes
is the only candidate who displays "steady, intelligent, conservative
leadership" who is "God-fearing, respectful of innocent life, and determined
to restore a sense of decency to the White House."

By contrast, the paper said Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Arizona Sen. John
McCain "seem much more interested in what the news media say about them than
in their own messages."

In 1996, the newspaper endorsed Pat Buchanan, now running for the Reform
Party nomination.

According to the paper, Bush has said "virtually nothing substantial in his

"Bush is a nice guy but an empty suit with no philosophical underpinning,"
McQuaid wrote.

© Copyright

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-12-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E


I am writing with exceptional news for all of you.  The WTO conference
has broken up, and they have no new agreement, no new round, no agenda,

The talks have broken up without an agreement even on what is to be
discussed over the course of the next two years.  Not only have we
succeeded in shutting down the largest and most powerful organization in
the world, but now we have prevented them from expanding their powers.
This is beyond what I had ever thought to be possible five days ago!

We cannot rest now!  The corporations are surely infuriated by this
result and are already preparing for the next ministerial round.  I
guarantee you that this round will take place far away from Seattle,
WA.  We need to continue our work, and begin the preparations for the
next round.  Remember, the WTO is just an expression of an economic
system that is inherently faulty.  We must keep up the fight!


In cooperation,

Devin Theriot-Orr

To subscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   ** The A-Infos News Service **
  News about and of interest to anarchists
WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] John Lennon Said Turned Into New World Order Patsy

1999-12-04 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-


   John Lennon Said Turned
  Into New World Order Patsy
  By Barry Chamish

Yoko Ono arrived in Israel last week and initiated the
most publicized cultural event in years. She opened
her "art" exhibit in an obscure Arab town called Um Al
Fahd, whose only only claim to fame is a roadside
cafe with decent grilled lamb, as a statement for
peace and the following week moved her treasures
to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, which responded
by footing the bill for full page ads advertising the
honor of her presence.

Since Ono is hardly in demand anywhere, one may
legitimately ask what she is doing in Israel spreading
her vision of world harmony. To do so, it might be a
good idea to examine a few alternative views of who
she is in the first place.

An important place to start might be a book written by
a London attorney, Fenton Bressler, called Who
Killed John Lennon. Bressler makes a strong
argument that Lennon's murderer was one of a long
line of programmed killers. Like Oswald, Sirhan,
Amir, Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme,
Hinckley, et al, Mark David Chapman was a rather
confused young person who was isolated for a time
from his regular circumstances. In his case, he spent
the summer of 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon, just when
the civil war broke out, as a youth trainer for the
YMCA. Bresler notes that the YMCA is one of those
international organizations the CIA utilizes to plant
agents worldwide and his conclusion is that the CIA
knocked off Lennon because he was planning a
comeback that threatened its militaristic philosophy.

More likely, Chapman was a New World Order patsy
programmed to eliminate a similar stooge for very
different reasons. After Chapman's Beirut sojourn, he
felt impelled to fly to Hawaii where he courted and
married a Japanese woman whose similarity to Ono
was more than uncanny. Just before shooting
Lennon, the penniless Chapman found the funds to
crisscross continental America. He arrived in New
York in 1980 carrying his precious copy of J.D.
Salinger's classic book, The Catcher In The Rye.

After shooting Lennon, Chapman waited patiently for
the police to arrive and they found him reading
Salinger with great intensity. Under questioning,
Chapman didn't actually remember the moment of the
shooting but said he had no strong feelings towards
Lennon one way or another. In fact, he never even
bought a Lennon album. He murdered him, he
insisted, to prove that HE was the real Catcher In
The Rye.

Now there's a rational motive, if you happen to be
psychologically programmed to kill. Sarah Jane
Moore thought she was a character in the Donna
Reed Show, a mild tv sitcom of the 1960s, while
Squeaky Fromme claimed to be a Clairol Girl, from a
TV commercial of the same era.

Meanwhile, a few months later, the new president,
Ronald Reagan was shot by a patsy named Hinckley
who claimed he saw the film Taxi Driver and wanted
to murder the president to impress its star, Jody
Foster. One could legitimately surmise that Lennon's
murder was just a dry run to test whether the public

[CTRL] From: EGYPT NEWS: Time and Space in the Temples and Pyramids of Ancient Egypt (fwd)

1999-12-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

[Have you planned that overdue vacation yet?  :)  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 21:17:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: "Time and Space in the Temples and Pyramids of Ancient


A 16-day tour with Ruth Shilling of All One World. Saturday,
February 19

Sunday, March 6, 2000.



Tel: (860) 742-5685

$3,195 includes the private meditation time in the Great Pyramid,
all tips, airfares from NY-JFK, Egyptian Egyptologist, American
guide, all entrance fees, all hotels, most meals, 7-day Nile
cruise, accident and illness insurance, baggage porterage, camel
ride at the pyramids and 6 special meditation times in different
temples and pyramids.

The most valuable part of a trip to Egypt is our own personal
transformation, the changes within ourselves that we take home
with us.  Invaluable gifts lie in the temples and pyramids
awaiting our listening ears and hearts.

What makes the All One World tours unique is the emphasis on
providing the time and space for each individual to have quality
time in the temples and pyramids.  We are also the only group
which visits the key spiritual sites twice.

Our first visit to each important spiritual site is 3-4 hours and
includes time for people to explore the site on their own with no
preconceptions.  Next we gather together and listen to our
Egyptologist guide tell us about all the questions that come up
in our minds.  Then there is more free time to take pictures,
etc.  The next morning we return to the same site for an early
visit without the crowds.  This allows us to go into deep
meditation -- now that our inquisitiveness and curiosity have
been satisfied we can give our full attention to listening
within.  Or people may prefer to walk quietly or sit alone rather
than meditate with the group.  It is for each person to choose
what is most fruitful for them.  Our aim to provide the Time and
Space for quality experiences.

Tour Leader, Ruth Shilling, has been leading people into
deepening spiritual experiences for many years.  She has taught
sound healing, hands-on healing, Music and Imagery, Therapeutic
Touch, journeying and meditation.  She has been teaching music at
the Univ. of Conn. since 1984 and works as a professional
musician in addition to doing healing and spiritual guidance.

Tour Operator, Ahmed Fayed, has been leading and organizing
metaphysical tours of Egypt for many years.  A fifth-generation
tour guide he excels in being able to make arrangements and keep
a tour running smoothly.

Egyptologist Tour Guide, Mohamed Hafez Hassan, is the former
inspector of the Giza pyramids and plateau, former curator of the
Cairo museum and archeologist with a number of important finds to
his credit.  His deep sense of the Divine and strong devotion to
the Sacred have continually inspired tour participants.  Many
have commented at the end of the tour that getting to spend the
week in the presence of such a man was one of the highlights of
the tour.

For more information, a complete itinerary, recommendations from
previous travelers or to register contact Ruth Shilling at All
One World:  (860) 742-5685 or Email: A

Ruth Shilling

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Regarding your IRS overpayment...

1999-12-04 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

 Regarding your IRS overpayment...

 Mr. Clinton has directed the FAA and other federal agencies to treat
 Ms. Rodham-Clinton's plane, "Executive One Foxtrot," just as if it was
 Air Force One -- giving her priority for take-offs, landings, ramp and
 hangar space, air traffic diversions, etc.  Air traffic controllers
 say the directive is unprecedented.  As a result, taxpayers are not
 only paying for her Senate campaign travels, but also waiting for her
 to come and go!


 Date: 03 December 1999
 Federalist #99-48.dgst

A.C. Szul
"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Masonic Infiltration at British Police Investigated

1999-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

   The Campaign for Radical Truth in History http://www.hoffman-info.com

Visit our Bookstore


Masonic Infiltration of British Police Investigated

The English press reported in February, 1998 that the leaders of Britain's
Freemasons have been ordered to lift the cloak of secrecy surrounding their
organization and name members involved in infiltrating and corrupting the

The United Grand Lodge of England is the target of a Parliamentary probe
seeking to register Freemasons who are employed as police officers.
Parliament asked the Grand Lodge last summer to identify which of 161
people involved in a series of notorious police scandals - including
setting up innocent people for bombings and a shoot-to-kill, vigilante
police squad - were Masons.

The United Grand Lodge, which says it has found only ten possible Masons on
the list, refused.

Martin Short, author of a study of Freemasonry, "Inside the Brotherhood,"
said: "The idea that a parliamentary committee should be calling the Masons
to account in quite this peremptory manner is astonishing. If you go back
thirty, twenty or even ten years it is inconceivable this would have

There are 340,000 Freemasons in England and Wales, and their influence
reaches into the British Royal Family.

The masonic committee that must decide how to respond to the Parliamentary
order includes the elite of the aristocracy of Britain: Duke of Kent, the
Grand Master; Lord Farnham, a pro-Grand Master. Also the retired Court of
Appeals judge, Sir John Balcombe; and Judge John Sessions, a Judge Advocate
of the Fleet.

Chris Mullin, the Member of Parliament (MP) who has taken a close interest
in the case since before he became an MP in 1987, said: "It is obvious that
the powers of the committee are being challenged...We cannot come to a
conclusion until we see who was a Mason," he said.

Mullin said that 96 of the 161 names on the list presented to the United
Grand Lodge were former members of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad,
which was disbanded in 1989 for corruption.

About 60 - including some journalists - were involved with the
investigation that led to the wrongful bombing conviction of the Irish
Birmingham Six.

Seven were involved in investigating Stalker, the former Deputy Chief
Constable of Greater Manchester who was suspended in 1986 while conducting
an inquiry into shoot-to-kill allegations against the police in Northern

The committee had been told by police officers - including Masons - that
Freemasons had operated within the squad as "firms within firms".

Masonic Commander Michael Higham said that there was a good deal of anger
about the slur on their integrity. "We know we have a few bad apples, the
rest of ordinary Freemasons are decent chaps," he said.

Mr Higham added that Masons would not necessarily know who was a fellow
member, since secret signs of recognition were not used promiscuously.
"People don't stand around in strange attitudes waiting to be recognized as
Freemasons." He refused to demonstrate the signs, saying: "I promised I
would not."

If the United Grand Lodge refuses to hand over the names, the committee
could report he apparent contempt to the Speaker, who could invite the
House to deal with the issue as a matter of privilege in which there was
prima facie evidence that the Freemasons had interfered with the business
of the House.

Higham, joined the Navy in 1954 and was called to the Bar in 1968. He
retired from the Navy in 1977 and in that year joined Freemasons Hall in
Great Queen Street, London, as principal assistant to the grand secretary.
Mr Higham, 62, became grand secretary in 1980. He had been due to stay in
the post until 2001 but is leaving this year allegedly due to a "falling
out" with his Lodge


  occult / archives / news bureau / home

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nazis=Christians=whores=goyim

1999-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Campaign for Radical Truth in History http://www.hoffman-info.com P.O.
Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816

Visit our Bookstore

   Shavuot Pogrom: "Nazis, Christians, Whores and Goyim"

The following N.Y. Times article mentions the attack orthodox khazars
perpetrated against Palestinians on the Jewish "Shavuot" holiday.

But the main focus of the article is the attack by the orthodox khazars
against liberal khazars (who are termed "Conservative and Reform"). Note
the headline: "...Assault Other Jews..."

If the N.Y. Times was honest the headline would read, "Israelis Launch
Pogrom Against Palestinians," but the whole terminology ("pogrom,
concentration camp, war crime, holocaust") has become a liturgical
phenomenon of Jewish theology and hence cannot be applied to anyone other
than the Holy People without violating a taboo, which the N.Y. Times, which
benefits from the sacerdotal aura of mystification which surrounds the
Shoah-business ("Shoah" is the Jewish theological term for the holohoax),
is not wont to do. (There's no business like Shoah business).

However, the fact is, the orthodox Israelis launched a pogrom against
Palestinians, beating them en masse and destroying their vehicles (such
pogroms against Palestinians are a routine occurrence in occupied
Palestine) and this should have been the chief focus of the article.

At least one snippet of truth sneaked through the Pharisees' filters
however, the fact of a most interesting Talmudic equation (the orthodox
khazars are hardcore Talmudists) of Nazis=Christians=whores=goyim (i.e.

This will be news to the millions of naive non-Jews who believe that by
siding with Zionists and Talmudists they will be exempt from Jewish
vengeance and racism.

The best book on Jewish hatred of women is "The Hole in the Sheet," by
Evelyn Kaye. The best book on Jewish hatred of 'goyim' is "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion," by Israel Shahak.

The best information on the Jewish supremacist hate literature known as
Talmud may be found in our web pages at:

(One final note: the "scripture" referred to as being studied by "observant
Jews" is not the Torah [Old Testament] but rather, the Traditions of the
Elders [Talmud). --Michael A. Hoffman II Copyright®1997.


June 13, 1997

Orthodox Israelis Assault Other Jews at Western Wall


[J] ERUSALEM -- Conservative Jewish men and women who tried to pray
together at the Western Wall during the Shavuot holiday early Wednesday
morning said Thursday that they had been assaulted by hundreds of
rigorously Orthodox men evidently incensed by the sight of women praying
with men.

The Conservatives said the strictly Orthodox Jews, known more commonly as
the haredim, had spat on them and pelted them with garbage and feces, while
calling them "Nazis," "Christians," "whores" and "goyim."

The police said that after the prayers some haredi youths went on to smash
Palestinian cars outside one gate to the Old City, while others gathered at
Damascus Gate and attacked Palestinian passers-by. The police said several
of the haredim had sprayed tear gas and thrown stones at the police and at

The incidents were not the first of their kind after mass prayers at the
Western Wall, but by all accounts they were the most violent to date.

They reflected the growing assertiveness of strictly Orthodox Jews since
their success in elections a year ago -- when they won 10 seats in
Parliament and a critical bloc in the government coalition -- and in
particular the increasingly bitter confrontation between the haredim and
the Conservative and Reform movements.

The two modern movements claim relatively few adherents in Israel, but
account for 84 percent of the Jews in the United States, so the dispute has
in effect pitted American Jews against the Orthodox rabbis in Israel.

The focus of that confrontation is a bill the haredim have introduced in
Parliament that would formalize the monopoly of the Orthodox rabbis in
performing conversions to Judaism in Israel -- an act that also grants the
convert the right to Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.

But the haredim have also been increasingly militant in challenging the
Conservative and Reform faithful directly, especially on the issue of
equality for women. In Orthodox practice, women are not permitted to pray
with men, be heard during prayers or read the Torah at services.

Shavuot is a holiday that commemorates Moses giving the law to the
Israelites, on which observant Jews spend much of the night studying

About 30,000 Jews, most of them haredim, gathered at the Western Wall
starting on Tuesday night. Rabbi Andrew Sachs, the director of the
Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, an organization of Conservative rabbis, said
he arrived at the wall with a 

[CTRL] Fwd(2): (en) An Anarchist FAQ Update

1999-12-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello everyone
An Anarchist FAQ at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/
has just been updated. An anarchist FAQ is an indepth
introduction to anarchist ideas, ideals, history and theory.
It explains why anarchism is against the state, capitalism
and hierarchy. Plus it has over 600 links to anarchist and
anarchist related webpages. The best one stop place to
discover anarchy on the web!

So whats new in the FAQ?

Section J.4
New section on What trends in society aid
anarchist activity? This section includes
discussion of the importance of social struggle and
the myth that its counter-production. In addition,
it discusses anarchist use of the Internet, popular
discontent with the state and big business as well
as economic crisis.

Appendix - Anarchism and "anarcho"-capitalism
Revision and expansion on our reply and critique to
Bryan Caplan's "Anarchist Theory FAQ." Explains why
"anarcho"-capitalism is not anarchist and not part
of the anarchist tradition.

An Anarchist FAQ Bibilography
Incomplete bibliography for the books we reference in
the FAQ. It will be added to as time permits.

Section A.1.1
 Slight revision to the section on What does "anarchy" mean?
to stress that anarchy means far more than just "no government."

Section A.3.1
Section A.3.2
Expansion to the discussion on the differences between
social and individualist anarchists, as well as between
different kinds of social anarchist.

Section A.5.5
Expansion of the section on Anarchists in the Italian Factory
Occupations. Includes more details of the Anarchist
struggle against fascism and refutes claims that Italian Fascism
was somehow related to anarcho-syndicalism.

Section A.2.18
Expansion and revision of the infamous "propaganda by the deed"
period of anarchist history.

Section F.8
Slight changes to the section on the role of the
state in creating capitalism in the first place.

Section A
Minor changes in section A.

Section B
Minor changes in section B.

The A-Infos News Service

WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Jewish Mentality Book I (c) by Michael Hoffman II

1999-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

The Jewish Mentality Book I

Copyright ®1996 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved.

The Campaign for Radical Truth in History


P.O. Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA. Send $1.00 for our catalog.

Your financial donation = our campaign's survival. Donate today!


Partial list of Contents: Churchill: Politically Correct Exterminator;
Hitler: The Dupe of "Jewjitsu;" Just Law Enforcement, Not Persecution; Deep
into the Psychology of Opposition; Tall Tales; Jailers, Inquisitors and
Thought Controllers; Lying as an Institution.


Turning the Tables: A Revaluation

All learning is based upon curiosity and curiosity is the unfettered
exploration of that which is interesting. The weird halo of immunity which
surrounds the Jewish nation is a highly interesting sanction and no scholar
must be faulted for defying it. To pretend that we must approach the Jewish
studies with some special reverence and reserve, fearful of causing
offense, is a totalitarian expectation.

It will undoubtedly be the first reaction of a mind-zapped populace to
immediately regard the investigation of the negative factors within the
religion of Judaism as a horrible one, "bound to lead to another

That the fanatical chauvinism of Jewish partisanship has been absorbed into
the body politic of the masses of non-Jews to such an overwhelming extent
is a high tribute to the power and effectiveness of Jewish propaganda.

But this writing is not an attack but a defense. Khazars attack
Christianity every week in a newspaper column, magazine article, radio
report, film, television show or book. Few people regard such attacks as a
prelude to the further decay and eventual destruction of the Gentile people
of the West. Such Jewish attacks on Christianity are regarded as the
"normal criticism" any creed must endure at the hands of truth-seekers,
scientists and dispassionate scholars.

Within this framework is the presumption of immunity for Judaism. According
to the mindset promoted by the System's public schools and private
universities and the Established "media" organs of mass communication,
Judaism alone among the religions of the world is immune from scholarly
criticism. First because it is perfect, being the creed of God's Master or
"Chosen" Race and second because, even if it were as flawed to the degree
that secular agnosticism asserts that every religion is flawed, it would
still be wrong to expose it as such because to do so will lead to another

If one looks beneath the sham appearances of this late 20th century, that
is to say beyond the shuttered provincialism of Jew-worship, one glimpses
the outlines of war. A relentless libel is directed at the Christian West,
or what remains of it in the ruins, in the aftermath of a half-century of
constant propaganda against it. It must be relentless to insure that no
smoldering spark shall leap up to illuminate the perpetual dark night of
the modern era.

The story of the crucifixion of an honest man at the behest of the Jewish
religious and political leadership, whose heroic committment to the truth
above all else, testified to his divine patrimony, has been for 2,000 years
a permanent stumbling block to the ascendance of Jewish world supremacy.
Therefore every attack upon the historical reality of this story and the
person and morality of Jesus has been launched by the Khazars.

Where that has proved insufficient, the new state religion of "Holocaust"
Newspeak (absent from dictionaries before 1978) has been established by all
Western governments and by all hireling priests and preachers. By this
means Auschwitz is made to replace Calvary as the axis mundi of Western
history. Though the tale of the destruction of the Khazars during World War
Two has been wildly and shamelessly exaggerated out of all proportion to
what actually occurred in that time, there is no doubt that Jewish people
were murdered in the hundreds of thousands and that this was a horrible

But what is never factored into the equation as the indictment of the West
is prepared on this basis, is the fact that Hitler and his National
Socialist German Worker's Party rose to a fury of indignation against
Jewish people directly as a result of what Jewish communists like Trotsky
(actual name: Leon Bronstein) and Lenin and the thoroughly-Jewish Bolshevik
communist party in Moscow had done to the Christian peasantry of Mother
Russia, which the Germans regarded as every inch a "holocaust." (The Jewish
extraction of Lenin's mother has long been known to many Russian historians
and party bureaucrats with access to inside information. Cf. "Who was a
Jew? Why, Lenin of Course!", Jerusalem Post International Edition, Jan. 26,
1991, and Dimitry Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography).

Both the Jewish 

[CTRL] Fw: Shame in Seattle

1999-12-04 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

- Forwarded message --
Here is the latest shocking letter I have received. The Seattle police
actions against law-abiding citizens looks to me like something that
not be allowed to just fade away. What I am receiving sounds like
more than
just the actions of an incompetent mayor and a rambo police chief.
let me know if I am overreacting.

Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:59:08 -0700
From: Jim and Jenni Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We just received this forwarded post (originated in US) from a friend in
Australia.  It's the worst we have heard yet! Jim and Jenni Muir

 *** Begin of forwarded message ***

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:59:37 EST
 From: Free Student Press Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: More from Seattle -- 12/3/99
 The following is written by me, Damon Krane, a 20 year-old college
 who rode a bus two and a half days from Pittsburgh, PA to join the
 against anti-democratic corporate domination and the exploitation of
 and animal life and the natuaral resources of this planet for the
 profit, as represented by the WTO, which seeks to worsen the
 take decision further and further away from the people whose lives
 affected by them.  The oligopolistic interests of corporate
 fought back, the Constitution was suspended, and seattle became a
 state.  But yesterday we prevailed, winning several important
 raising public awareness.
 Permission is given to reprint this piece or excerpts from it to all
 recieve this message.  Please forward it to others.
 Much more has happened since I wrote Tuesday's story.  Wednesday
 friend and I were hit with a concusion grenade and a tear gas
 fired from an armored personnel carrier.  We were in our house on
 on Capitol Hill when we heard teargas being shot off outside.
 is a residential area and the part we are in is blocks and blocks
 the curfew zone where martial law had been established, yet police
 pursuing protesters and gassing bystanders.  We rushed outside, and
 in the front yard we saw the armored vehicle traveling down the
 toward us.  My friend was outraged.  This was his house, his
 People were allowed to be outside their houses and on the streets.
 we didn't run back inside and showed our objection to the police's
 (I raised both middle fingers and my friend shouted "Go Home!  We
 you here!"), an officer in full riot gear and gas mask raised his
 and aimed it directly at us.  As he was doing that, another officer
 concussion grenade at us.  It exploded and a few of the rubber
 me in the arm.  As we turned to run back inside, the first officer
 tear gas cannister.  It hit the house inches from a window and just
 to our heads.  It exploded in a bright flash and began spewing gas
 to the door.  We got inside, yelling and grasping our friends.  We
 we were right in front of a window that faced out onto the street.
 turned to see the armored vehicle passing as the officers aimed
 weapons in at us.  I yelled, "Get down!!" and everyone dropped to
   As the vehicle passed we began stuffing clothes underneath the
 keep out as much of the tear gas as we could.
   Their was no crowd to disperse in that instance; no unruly mob
 threatening to destroy property.  My friend and I were standing in
 his house, and after identifying ourselves as protesters (this time
 police state and not the WTO) the police attacked us.  They attacked
 other Capitol Hill residents that evening, gassing, beating and
 pepper-spraying them.  We watched on the news as one resident
 police yelling, "There are no protesters here.  We're all residents!
 are you doing here!?"  Three officers then sprayed the man
 with pepper spray.  We watched a woman be tackled and held to the
 as one officer hit her repeatedly in the head with a club and
 sprayed her face.  The scenes we witnessed were worse than any
 seen of police brutality during the Civil Rights Movement of the
 became very clear that the police posed an incredible threat to the
 of the people of Seattle that night.  As paranoid as this may sound,
 devised an escape plan if police raided our house.  But with that
 a man in uniform raising a gun and firing it at my head -an image I
 think I'll ever forget- it seemed better to be safe than sorry.
   Another friend said that evening that we weren't unique in our
 situation, and she wasn't just talking about Seattle.  Throughout
 history of this country similar violence has been aimed at people
 for social justice.  

[CTRL] [Fwd: New Resource: Campaign 2000 Calendar]

1999-12-04 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI. Signed up as well. A great resource.

Gary Price wrote:

 Hello from D.C.

 The C-SPAN folks have constructed a comprehensive  interactive
 Campaign 2000 (U.S. Presidential) Calendar at:

http://c-span.ecal.com/cal/logon.asp?[EMAIL PROTECTED]txtpassword=cspanroredirect=ro_calendar.asp?ro=ee6d428065e5495acf64155be5fd83ac31a29bb0ac9b3b873ff40a

 It allows for several views of the data and currently contains info for
 all of the major candidates.


 p.s. the Web based Audio/Video as a Current Awareness tool page
 continues to grow at a rapid rate. Please have a look.

 (new) Major Market U.S./Canada news/news-talk stations and local
 television newscasts:

 p.p.s also a great deal of new material on the U.S. State page of
 the direct search compilation of searchable databases:

 Gary D. Price, MLIS
 George Washington University
 Virginia Campus Library
 Gelman Library
 Ashburn, VA and Washington, D.C.
 703-726-8237 (fax)

A.C. Szul
"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secret history of anarchism (intro)

1999-12-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

I've been asked what I recommend for the first time reader of anarchism?

Living My Life by Emma Goldman
Anarchy by  Maletesta
Anarchism by Guerin
Collectives in the Spanish Revolution by Leval
Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution by Kropotkin
Towards a Citizen's Militia: An Anarchist Alternative to NATO by Christie
The Christie File by Christie
The Unknown Revolution by Voline

the AK Press Catalog by the AK Press staff

and two pieces of fiction:

The Free by Gilliland
The Dispossessed by La Guinn

That'll get you started, bookwise.

If you want to learn about us, meet us. Attend the annual San Francisco
Anarchist Book Fair in GG Park this coming April 15. There'll be speakers,
food, books periodicals, t-shirts, free stuff and three or four thousand
people, most of them young and good looking.

We all disagree (of course) but personally I feel Maletesta is the one
author who does the best job of outlining the basics of our outlook on
life. Though an extremely well educated man he was self educated and thus
not prone to speaking academese. He worked as a plumber and and as
electrician. He spoke plainly and got straight to the point. His chapbook,
though obviously a bit dated, is still (IMO) the best summation of what
we're all about.

When you're in San Francisco, check out the fine collection of
contemporary anarchist (and other) periodicals available at Bound Together
Books, 1369 Haight St, SF CA between Masonic and Central.

Books alone give the false impression that we're over and done with. We're
most emphatically not. We're a growing, thriving culture, alive on every
continent. We're among the most heterogeneous bunch of folks on Earth. If
you don't like one of us you WILL like another one. Some of us grew up in
big Spanish or Italian families who have been anarchist for generations.
Others fled the alienation of the American living room of own own
volition, with no clue who anarchists were till we met some.

We work in every trade. We're butchers, bakers, candlestick makers,
soldiers, saliors, tinkers and spies. Some of us are lumberjacks, some of
us are phone whores. Others practice medicine. A few are even lawyers.  I
myself am a writer. Before that I was a mechanic. Before that I hung dry
wall. Before that I carried a hod. I'm not typical. None of are typical.

We speak dozens of languages, are all ages,  and represent every race,
ethnic group and sexual persuasion you can think of and a few you never
heard of. We include some of the best artists on the planet and not a few
of the wisest pundits. A few of us are thick as bricks, but not freakin
many. Even they are smart enough to know we're better off helping each
other out than we are stabbing backs. Anarchism ain't rocket science. Any
kindergardener knows the basics: share, clean up your mess, don't hit each
other, learning is fun.

Mutual aid is our most central core value, which makes us really good to
have for friends and really bad to have for enemies. We're also the flat
out, hands down, no competition, very best networkers on earth. Any
anarchist who puts any effort into it can find comrades in the most
obscure corners of the world. Even a cursory perusal of our thriving 'zine
scene will give anybody who wants them enough pen pals to give Godzilla
carpal tunnel syndrome.

(BTW, we're also really good in bed. Did I mention that already?)

Check out spunk.org's excellent collection. Or subscribe to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for a while and see what we're up to around the world
these days.

And of course there's:


They have 300+ titles.

But for the real bird's eye lowdown you have to go to the horse's mouth.

Write  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for a free catalog. Mark your email
"attn. Ramsay" and tell him I sent you. Or you can (usually) pick up a
free catalog at Bound Together. They're just to the right of the front
door on the free stuff rack next to the bulletin board. Or ask at the
counter.  BTW, I use a different name there.

Read my history of Ukrainian anarchists in the Russian Civil War, Panic
at Peregonovka, at :http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/panic.html

The part in the New Testament Book of Acts about the apostle Stephan and
the early Christians in general is pretty relevant, too, especially Acts
2:44. So is  any competent anthro text on  Inuit or Son culture (among
many others). There's a great anthro text called People Without
Government whose author's name slips my mind. If you can find a copy of
Quotations from the Anarchists start with it. It's excellent, but it's
out of print and hard to find these days.

Avoid The Anarchist Cookbook; it's COINTELPRO disinfo. The drug recipes
will poison you and the bomb recipes blow up in your face.  Leave it alone.

I hope I've been of some assistance. Lemme know if you have any questions.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic

Re: [CTRL] [MC] Ian Goddard on Mass Psych Drugging of Children

1999-12-04 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

A friend of mine, who is a public school teacher, told me, when my
oldest son was TWENTY MONTHS OLD, that he needed to be on Ritalin
because he never stopped running and didn't sleep through the night.
She said he would have nothing but problems in school without it. He is
now 6, homeschooled, sits still for books, puzzles  Monopoly (but not
TV, so that gets limited), reads and talks like an adult, and is one of
the best socially adjusted people I know, a great friend to everyone he

who believes drugs should not replace parenting
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping: http://shopping.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] World: Hypocrisy Watch

1999-12-04 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-


 Hypocrisy watch

 A dozen years of evidence concerning media

 By Marvin Olasky

 Each year liberal journalists, instead of honestly
 acknowledging their liberalism, describe themselves as Dan
 Rather defined himself in an exchange on CNN's Crossfire
 on June 24: "an honest broker of information" whose motto
 is "play no favorites."

 For the 12th straight year, the Media Research Center 
[http://www.mrc.org] in
 Washington, D.C., in late November mailed to a panel of
 judges evidence of the way Dan Rather and others play
 favorites. On May 26, for example, Mr. Rather himself
 gushed about Hillary Clinton's "political lightning" and how
 she is a "crowd-pleaser." (Which crowd?)

 As a judge each year, I've seen repeatedly how the most
 influential newspapers play favorites while pretending to be
 objective. Ted Kennedy, according to New York Times
 reporter Adam Clymer, "deserves recognition not just as the
 leading Senator of his time but also as one of the greats in
 the history of this singular institution." Janet Reno, according
 to Juan Williams of the Washington Post, is approaching
 "Abe Lincoln status. People just assume she's honest, honest
 Janet Reno." (Which people?) . . . snip

See http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/12-11-99/closing_2.asp

A.C. Szul
"If I had more time I would have written less." --Mark Twain

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-04 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you Peter. I've been looking for a copy of Secret Doctrine for

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping: http://shopping.yahoo.com

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan


[With additional Sunday Times and Executive Intelligence Review articles 
added below]

Martial Law To Be Imposed On Streets Of Britain?
by Mark Ian Birdsall

Although much has been said and written about the potential dangers posed 
by the millennium bug, the vast majority of ordinary Britons remain 
oblivious to top secret Government plans that could, if the situation calls 
for it, impose Martial law on the streets of Britain.
The Government has successfully manipulated media reporting of how it plans 
to deal with any millennium bug (or Y2K) crisis to instill blanket calm and 
public indifference to the dangers that may lie ahead.
Comparisons with how other nations plan to deal with the millennium bug are 
often made, but so often whenever someone abroad issues a warning of dire 
consequences to come, they are either ignored or dismissed as scaremongers 
or crackpots. So, how's this for a comparison:
The millennium bug represents the greatest threat to peacetime Britain 
since the Second World War.

Scaremongering? Absolutely not.

That is the judgement of those who sit in high office and who will 
ultimately determine what course of action to take should the situation 
manifestly deteriorate once the clock chimes midnight on new year's eve.
The plans have been carefully laid, but no one can say with absolute 
certainty that they will cope with the aftermath of a worst case scenario.

And incredulously, all that the British people have been provided with in 
the way of explaining what the millennium bug may be capable of, is a small 
yellow government advice booklet that came free with their favourite Sunday 

Understandably, the British Government always intended that the booklet 
should act as a calming influence. No one expected it would contain 
references to the many uncertainties that may yet impinge on our ordinary 
way of life.

"What the public doesn't know, don't tell them."

We suspect that phrase will have been uttered and debated many times over 
during the lengthy process involved in compiling the booklet.


The Year 2000 Team (CITU) is the official British Government body within 
the Cabinet Office "responsible for monitoring and pushing forward progress 
on dealing with the date change problem".
In a letter dated 11 May, 1999, CITU official, Mr J.G. Hicks, addressed a 
number of contentious issues we have helped highlight in the Unopened Files 
and during public lectures. Mr Hicks's comments were in direct response to 
a letter submitted by reader Mr. R. Grant of Ashford in Kent who attended 
one of those lectures at the University of Westminster, London, on 3 July.

Mr Grant wanted to know if it were true that the British Government planned 
to put troops on the streets as part of 'Operation Abacus'.

Mr Hicks replied: 'I have to say that I have not come across the term 
"Operation Abacus".'
Mr Hicks could do worse than to note the following:
On Thursday, 10 December, 1998, representatives from at least 80 nations, 
and possibly as many as 120, arrived at United Nations headquarters in New 
York City to confront the so-called Y2K problem. The Gartner Group, leaders 
in Y2K analysis worldwide, reported that no more than two dozen nations 
were actively working on the problem.

"The consequences of unpreparedness in any one country can rapidly spill 
over to other parts of the world," said Pakistani Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, 
the conference organiser.
John Koskinen, who chairs the U.S. government's effort to prepare for Y2K 
said: "The goal is to work together to identify and address issues that go 
across borders."

UN organisers required that every nation taking part in the conference must 
name an official who would attend the session and serve as that 
government's Y2K leader.
On Friday, 11 December, 1998, the conference delegates encouraged 
organisers to coordinate the sharing of information and contingency plans.

John Koskinen, chairman of the United States' President's Council on the 
Year 2000 Conversion, told delegates: "We have two years' worth of work to 
do in a year's time."
Acknowledging that with just over a year until the brunt of the problems 
hit, some failures are inevitable, the group spent much of the day 
discussing how nations can develop contingency plans. One suggestion was to 
set up 'SWAT Teams' that could move swiftly into the hardest hit areas with 
technical assistance.
The coordinated effort would be known as 'Operation Abacus'.

Although not a member of NATO, last November, Israel became the third 
nation, after Canada and the UK, to announce military operations related to 
the Y2K crisis. The code name for Israel's Y2K preparations is 'Operation 
Abacus' according to the New York Post. The paper claimed that the Israeli 
Government has allocated $10 million to counter possible millennium attacks 
on Jerusalem's Temple Mount by messianic Christians or Jewish extremists.

According to the 

Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-04 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Leaders and Founders of Satanic Cults

 Aleister Crowley, 33rd  97th Degree Freemason, self proclaimed 666
 Beast, taught human sacrafice, wicked Satan worshipper and master satanist
 of this century

 Gerald B. Gardner, founder of the modern Wiccan (white witchcraft) revival

 Dr. Wynn Westcott, member of the Societas Rosicruciana and founding
 member of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn

 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, female co-freemason, wicked satanist, occult
 leader and co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Wrote occult classics
 entitled 'The Secret Doctrine' and 'Isis Unveiled' which state "It is Satan who
 is the God of our planet and the only God. Lucifer
 is the Logos...the Serpent, the Savior". I have recieved evidence that this
 book is issued inside Masonic Lodge libraries and is being read by Masons
 and will present the proof soon.

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999 22:03:30 -0800, Tenorlove wrote:

Thank you Peter. I've been looking for a copy of Secret Doctrine for

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Jewish Mentality Book I (c) by Michael Hoffman II

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Howdy sir,

Please read the disclaimer and do not post the trash to this list.


In a message dated 12/4/99 8:01:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  -Caveat Lector-

The Jewish Mentality Book I

Copyright ®1996 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved.

The Campaign for Radical Truth in History

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] updating my site

1999-12-04 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

I am updating the site and since
my digiweb page seems to be down
(after I goofed my FTP upload)
here it is on xoom

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you
will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Yet ANOTHER Mars spaceship missing, presumed dead

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Yet ANOTHER Mars spaceship missing, presumed dead

I could just SWEAR we--and I--have done this one before... just a little
over 2 months ago, in fact.

Come to think of it, is there ANY Mars mission undertaken in the past, say,
10 years which actually did survive and was able to implement it's
intended operations?

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

NASA Tests to See If Mars Polar Lander

PASADENA, Calif. (Reuters) - Scientists on Saturday prepared tests to
determine if the ominous silence of the Mars Polar Lander was caused by
the spacecraft purposely turning itself off due to a minor malfunction
or if the mission has been lost.

"We hope this is not going to be a big deal," said Laurie Leshin, a
member of the mission's science team as she insisted that engineers
remained upbeat about bringing the spacecraft back to life by making the
first contact since it was scheduled to land safely on the Red Planet on Friday.

The three-legged, 639-pound lander failed to make contact with Earth in
three attempts by NASA scientists on Friday.

Asked what happened, project manager Richard Cook said, "We just don't
know." Cook said he hoped the craft had gone into a "safe mode" about 20
minutes after it had made a safe landing, explaining why it had failed
to call home across 145 million miles of space.

He said the craft's onboard computer was programmed to go into a safe
mode if one of the lander's many instruments had failed or was
temporarily malfunctioning.

"If it was asleep, which in essence is what happens in a safe mode, then
the lander would not be able to hear us when we sent instructions," Cook said.

The craft is programmed to stay in a safe mode for 18 hours and would
not wake up until 6:30 p.m. PST on Saturday (9:30 p.m. EST).


At that time, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena
will send a signal to the lander asking it if it is awake and commanding
it to start scanning the Martian sky until its main antenna locks on Earth.

If there was to be a reply from the craft, Leshin said, it would come at
about 8:30 p.m. PST on Saturday (11:30 p.m. EST).

She said that if the craft was still not able to receive commands, there
is a built-in command sequence in the lander's onboard computer to tell
it to switch to its Ultra High Frequency antenna on Sunday night and
beam signals to the Mars Global Surveyor, a satellite orbiting Mars at
an altitude of 250 miles.

If that succeeds, engineers can then order the craft to switch to backup
systems to bypass whatever problems it has been having, Leshin said.

However, if that fails, "Then it's time to start worrying," Leshin said.

NASA scientists said they would continue to try to make contact after
Sunday but that if there was still silence from Mars by next Thursday
night, they might lose all hope for the mission.

The lander has a built-in clock and if it does not hear from Earth for
six days it begins swapping between main and backup systems in its
onboard computer and radio and then tries to contact Earth, officials said.


The plight of two grapefruit-sized microprobes that hitched a ride on
the lander and then deliberately plummeted to the Martian surface,
striking it at 400 miles per hour, looked even gloomier than that of the lander.

They have tiny, non-rechargeable batteries that could run out by Monday,
officials said. The microprobes also have failed to respond to signals
sent by the global surveyor. Scientists said they fear that if they do
not hear anything by Monday, they will never learn the results of the
experiment to learn whether delicate instruments can be protected by
modern-day armor that can withstand a 400-mph impact.

The microprobes blasted through the Martian atmosphere on Friday for a
landing in the south polar region of the planet.

The microprobes also were intended to compliment the lander in its
search for water on Mars, seen as vital in determining whether the
planet was ever capable of supporting life even in its most primitive
forms. Water also is an invaluable resource for any future manned
exploration of the planet.

There were fears that America may have lost its second space mission to
Mars in three months.

If the lander and the two probes have been lost, it would represent a
crushing blow to NASA's ambitious "faster, cheaper, better" space
exploration program.

The Mars Climate Orbiter, a satellite and the lander's sister ship,
which was to have helped its exploration of the Red Planet by acting as
a relay station from the Martian surface to Earth, was lost in September
through human error when scientists mixed up English and metric measurements.

Copyright 1999 ABC News

Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-04 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you Rodrigo,

I always suspected the Freemasons were following Blavatsky and it always
seemed to me that they followed Alice Bailey too, due to the 6th Aryan
root race that Benjamin Creme, an Alice Bailey follower, is promoting.
With his Pleiadian friends who are activating the world grid lines. The
Great White Brotherhood are supposed to be coming through the 12 time
portals they are awakening with harmonic matter/anti matter, time
displacement and matter transfer. Externalization of the Hierarchy I
presume. Pine gap is involved it seems. Posting something soon.

Rodrigo Cesar Banhara wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Leaders and Founders of Satanic Cults

  Aleister Crowley, 33rd  97th Degree Freemason, self proclaimed 666
  Beast, taught human sacrafice, wicked Satan worshipper and master satanist
  of this century

  Gerald B. Gardner, founder of the modern Wiccan (white witchcraft) revival

  Dr. Wynn Westcott, member of the Societas Rosicruciana and founding
  member of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn

  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, female co-freemason, wicked satanist, occult
  leader and co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Wrote occult classics
  entitled 'The Secret Doctrine' and 'Isis Unveiled' which state "It is Satan who
  is the God of our planet and the only God. Lucifer
  is the Logos...the Serpent, the Savior". I have recieved evidence that this
  book is issued inside Masonic Lodge libraries and is being read by Masons
  and will present the proof soon.

 On Sat, 4 Dec 1999 22:03:30 -0800, Tenorlove wrote:

 Thank you Peter. I've been looking for a copy of Secret Doctrine for

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Man Who Found The Money

1999-12-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Man Who Found The Money
Saul Engelberg  Leonard Bushkoff©1996
Michigan State University Press
East Lansing. Michigan 48823-5202
ISBN 0-87013-414-0
257 pps. -- First Edition -- In-print

FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE United States provided billions to an economy that
hungered for capital. The railroads, hungering the most, and offering the
most, received most by far of this capital formation, and could not have been
built without it. The total investment in American railroads came to a
billion dollars or more in 1867, three billion in 1873, five billion in 1880,
and fully ten billion in 1890. The source for some forty percent of this
capital before 1914 was Europe, with Britain (including Scotland) far ahead.

The Scottish contribution to all this was vital. Scottish investment, in
fact, doubled in a mere seventeen years, during 1873-90. And 1873-83 saw
Scotland provide perhaps two-thirds of total British investment in the
American stock market and in mortgages, particularly those of Western grazing

But the absence of political or judicial strictures made international
investment inherently risky, as European investors learned throughout the
nineteenth century. Witness the bond default by fully nine American states in
the 1840s, and the occasional cheating of British investors in American
cattle ranches, not to mention those injured when the New Haven Railroad
issued fraudulent stock in the 1850s. Witness also the easy "writing
down"—frequently by as much as a quarter or a third-of capital, so often
foreign, during the many railroad reorganizations later in the century.

Foreign investors were fair game to state legislative and judicial attacks,
though federal courts, their presidential appointed judges free from local pre
ssures and more sensitive to the country's need for foreign capital, were
much better. Nevertheless, honesty and legality were not invariably respected
in the new land. And if the victims were unknown Britons, thousands of miles
away, so much the worse for them.

Though British investors were attracted by high rates, they were wary of
bonds that seemed to promise too much. There was no way to verify information
that was limited and often unreliable, if not downright deceitful. Legal and
quasi-legal safeguards for the buyer were almost entirely lacking. Recourse
to American courts would hardly help investors in far-off Europe, who were
confused in any case by the differences between state and federal
jurisdictions. And a vulnerable investor was a fearful one.

How could this fear of the unknown, the unpredictable and unaccountable, be
countered? The way lay clear for a third party, with a reputation for
trustworthiness and competence in international investment, to step into the
breach. And this is precisely what J. S. Kennedy  Co., with its Scots
background and its American presence, connections and experience, could do,
offering peace of mind to hundreds of small investors who desired the goal
but feared the means.

Here was the basis for the winning combination which Kennedy was to pioneer
in 1873 with a new force in the Scottish financial world: the Scottish
American Investment Company, Ltd., the very first investment company in
Scotland (a dozen or so more were to imitate it), and a great success in
focusing exclusively on the United States.

In a capital market of individual investors, here was an innovation attuned
to the needs of the day: an institutional investor, mobilizing small but
regular clients-some 500 in 1875—for long-term investing, rather than
short-term trading, by satisfying their search for higher returns than the
British Isles offered. Capital could, in fact, be obtained in Scotland for
about half its cost in the United States. Starting with £1,000,000 in 1873,
the firm doubled it by 1875, as new investors flocked to the winner's column.
As of 1880, it had invested fully £1,250,000 in the United States, while
prudently holding back a substantial reserve with which to snap up any
targets of opportunity.[1]

Kennedy devoted much of his effort, and that of J. S. Kennedy  Co., to
serving as its New York agent during 1873-83; no other clients were
comparable in size and significance. And he remained on Scottish American's
Advisory Board for fully twenty-five years. In effect, Kennedy was helping
achieve a profitable synthesis between Scots thrift and American opportunity.

He worked in alliance with William John Menzies, the founder and managing dire
ctor of Scottish American. Menzies had a background in law, finance and
investment advising. He knew America from his travels there in 1864, 1867 and
1872, which also strengthened his connections in that tribal brotherhood, the
overseas Scottish business community. Of this Kennedy, a member of various
Scottish organizations in New York and a frequent traveler to the old
country, was very much a part. After the 1872 trip, 

[CTRL] Clinton's COMPUTER-GATE Scandal

1999-12-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)
 Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999
 Subj: WND - Clinton's "COMPUTER-GATE" Scandal


 Clinton's "COMPUTER-GATE" Scandal

 Did President Clinton allow China and Russia to buy U.S.
 super-computers, knowing they would be used for military
 purposes?  According to the General Accounting Office (GAO),
 the answer is yes.

 The GAO recently released a scathing report critical of
 President Clinton's high-tech export policy.  According to
 the GAO, "the President's July 1999 report to Congress did not
 fully satisfy the reporting requirements of the Defense
 Authorization act."

 Overall, only three percent of all computer licenses were for
 "sensitive" end-users such as foreign military units.  The GAO
 noted that the Clinton administration issued over 1,900 licenses
 for high-speed computers to communist China between November
 1997 and August 1999.  Of the 1,924 computers licensed for
 China, 48 computers were to "sensitive end-users or uses",
 or nearly 2.5 percent of all sales to China.

 In contrast, India, which recently surprised the world with a
 series of secret nuclear tests, received only 113 computers.
 However, 79 of the 113 computers sent to India were to
 "sensitive end-users", or nearly 70 percent of all high-speed
 computer sales to the nation.

 High-speed computer exports are under the control of the U.S.
 Commerce Dept.  The Commerce Dept. also claims that it is
 engaged in only "civilian" and commercial operations.  This
 claim is false.  U.S. Commerce documents provided by the Federal
 Aviation Administration (FAA) show that Commerce officials
 hosted Chinese Army officers for the sole purpose of providing
 military training and exports, including high-speed computers
 that could be used for air defenses.

 Secretary William Daley officially documented Commerce
 Undersecretary of Export Administration William Reinsch as the
 contact for "any questions" in a written response to the GAO.
 Reinsch was contacted for this article but did not respond to
 a request for an interview or comment.

 President Clinton's report on computer exports acknowledged
 there are direct military applications, including nuclear
 weapons development.  However, Clinton dodged the export issue
 by simply not commenting on the national security impact of his
 decision to allow such sales to military end-users.  According
 to President Clinton, the money from foreign military users is
 more important than if foreign militaries use the American
 computers to wage war.

 "The (President's) report did address two of the three
 requirements to determine the availability of high
 performance computers in foreign countries and the
 potential use of the newly decontrolled computers for
 significant military use," wrote the GAO.  "These applications
 include advanced aircraft design, anti-submarine warfare sensor
 development, and radar applications."

 "(The President's report) did not, however, assess the impact
 of such military use on the national security interests of the
 United States," wrote the GAO.  "Instead, the report discussed
 the economic importance of a strong U.S. computer industry to
 U.S. national security.  The President's report concluded that
 failure to adjust U.S. export requirements for computers and
 processors would have a significant negative effect on the U.S.
 computer industry."

 "The (President's) report implied that high performance
 computers are readily available for foreign sources," states
 the GAO.  "A 1998 study sponsored by DOD (Dept. of Defense)
 and Commerce found that the United States dominates the
 international computer market."

 There is ample evidence to support the GAO, proving that Russia
 and China prefer U.S. super-computers.  For example, the
 following items were documented in the U.S. House Select
 Committee Report (Cox Report) issued Jan. 3, 1999:

 -- On July 31, 1998, the Dept. of Commerce announced that IBM
 entered a guilty plea for the illegal export a Super-Computer to
 Russia.  IBM received the maximum allowable fine of $8.5 million
 for 17 counts of violating U.S. export laws through the sale of
 a Super-Computer to a Russian nuclear weapons laboratory known
 as Arzamas-16.  The Clinton administration has decided to allow
 Arzamas-16 to keep the IBM computer.

 -- On April 18, 1997, the Commerce Department imposed a $55,000
 civil penalty on Compaq Computer Corporation of Houston, Texas,
 for alleged violations of the Export Administration Regulations.
 The Commerce Department alleged that, on three separate
 occasions between September 17, 1992 and June 11, 1993, Compaq
 exported computer equipment from the United States to several
 countries, including China, without obtaining required export
 licenses.  Compaq agreed to pay the civil penalty to settle the

 Another prime example occurred on December 26, 1996, when a

Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-04 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey Rodrigo Cesar Banhara
Burn the messenger and not the message right..
If you were to hide a secret, would you hide it where you would want people
to look?
These guys learnt a great secret, and it could be used for good or evil, it
is still up to you as to how you'd use it.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

 -Caveat Lector-

 Leaders and Founders of Satanic Cults

  Aleister Crowley, 33rd  97th Degree Freemason, self proclaimed 666
  Beast, taught human sacrafice, wicked Satan worshipper and master
  of this century

  Gerald B. Gardner, founder of the modern Wiccan (white witchcraft)

  Dr. Wynn Westcott, member of the Societas Rosicruciana and founding
  member of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn

  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, female co-freemason, wicked satanist,
  leader and co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Wrote occult
  entitled 'The Secret Doctrine' and 'Isis Unveiled' which state "It is
Satan who
  is the God of our planet and the only God. Lucifer

  is the Logos...the Serpent, the Savior". I have recieved evidence
that this
  book is issued inside Masonic Lodge libraries and is being read by
  and will present the proof soon.

 On Sat, 4 Dec 1999 22:03:30 -0800, Tenorlove wrote:

 Thank you Peter. I've been looking for a copy of Secret Doctrine for

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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