[CTRL] radioforchange.com

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Scoop)
 The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

 Hi all --

 Before the column, a quick radio update…

 1) Thought you'd like to know that we're giving away $5000 a week on my
 new morning radio show...

 Working Assets is actually giving away over $100,000 total to worthy causes
nominated by listeners who visit their web page at

 If there's an activist group you like -- national or local -- just go to
their online form, and then fill out who you are and why you support the
group.  We draw names every Thursday morning shortly after 9 am eastern time,
and if you hear your name drawn, run to the phone and call in, and you can
tell our growing audience what's so cool about the group on the air yourself.
 Working Assets will then send them the $5000 posthaste.

 This week's winner was the Safe Schools Coalition.  Becky, who nominated the
group, was really fun to talk with.  Maybe next Thursday I'll be talking with
you… it could happen…

 2) Not really a radio thing, but what the hell: congratulations should be
 sent to Doris "Granny D" Haddock, who completed her 3000-mile march for
 campaign finance reform on Tuesday.  If you were listening to the show,
 she was kind enough to squeeze my show ten minutes for an interview that
 very morning, in between NBC's Today Show and ABC's Good Morning America.
 What a sweet, amazing, cool woman.  You can read the news from the end of
 her journey and send her congrats at http://www.grannyd.com.

 3) Listenership to http://www.radioforchange.com has more than tripled in
 the last month.  I'd be writing about it even if I wasn't directly
 involved.  I hope you'll tune in.  Almost the entire Congressional
 Progressive Caucus have been guests on one show or another, and a number
 of our Action Alerts have already resulted in changes in government or
 corporate policies.

 On yesterday's show, Laura Flanders had an interview from Santiago with
 the brother of Orlando Letelier (the leading dissident assassinated by the
 CIA-supported Chilean secret police), speaking about the return to Chile
 of dictator Augusto Pinochet; I stopped blithering long enough to report
 on 24-hour satellite surveillance programs now being used on parolees,
 tracking their every move via the Global Positioning System; and Matt
 Rothschild from The Progressive told listeners about the resignations of
 the UN's main inspectors in Iraq in protest of the human cost of continued
 sanctions, a story almost completely unreported in the U.S.

 The hope for a genuine progressive, alternative broadcast medium seems to
 be a real one.

 This whole thing excites the hell out of me... check it out!



 THE SCOOP for March 6, 2000
  © copyright 2000 Bob Harris

 Fascism is on the rise... possibly because nothing else is for these people.

 Digressing for a moment: it's amazing what sort of lunatic ideas people can
choose to believe.  In England, there's a libel trial underway in which the
plaintiff (who claims that Auschwitz was a kind of "Disneyland") is basically
putting the Holocaust itself on trial.  So Israel, which has an obvious
interest in making sure that the millions of victims aren't dishonored, has
released the memoirs of Adolf Eichmann.

 The memoirs, while not the most fascinating reading, turned out to be, in
the words of the newspaper Ha'aretz, "very orderly."

 Well, *of course* they were orderly.  The guy *was* a Nazi, after all.
Adverbs, line up!

 And now much of the civilized world is alarmed and puzzled at the rise of
Nazi apologist Joerg Haider and his far-right Freedom Party.

 Is it caused by an influx of refugees from the Balkan wars?  A more general
resentment of economic union with the rest of Europe?  A societal
 desire to reframe and shed a shameful past?

 Maybe.  Or maybe there's a simpler, more direct explanation.

 Psychologist Wilhelm Reich explained fascism "the political manifestation
 of sexual repression."  Maybe so.  Look, the Nazis were consumed by the
 idea of sexual purity.  Phallic symbolism was ubiquitous in Nazi drag,
 right down to the stiff right arms extended in national salute.  Even the
 uniforms look like hardcore fetish gear.

 And now get this: the very same day the Haider's resignation -- a
 strategic move intended to improve his future chances of becoming
 chancellor -- crossed the newswire, so did the following:

 The European Union has set a uniform standard for latex condoms across
 Europe.  And according to Focus magazine in Berlin, there's only one
 problem: the standard condom keeps falling off German men.


 To paraphrase a line from my comedian friend Mike Irwin, maybe Haider's
 next platform should include free handouts of rubber bands.


 Want proof that some stock prices are truly 

[CTRL] FW: New Steamshovel Press

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:15 PM
FW: New Steamshovel

Steamshovel Press Electronic Newsletter, March 2000


   Media, Manipulation and the Cult of Consumerism
   An Interview with media critic/author Douglas Rushkoff

   Divide  Conquer: The Jesuit Way
   A Book Review of Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy

   "Boiler Room" -- Reach Out  Scam Someone

   "Execute Me. Please."
   An Open Letter from Wayne Henderson

   Mass Control Redux
   by Katherine Sullivan

Steamshovel Press.
All Conspiracy. No Theory.

   Below find two responses to media reports about Richard Metzger's Disinfo
Convention in New York City on February 19 (see http://www.disinfo.com),
where Steamshovel's Kenn Thomas moderated a panel that included Greg Bishop,
Rob Sterling, Jonathan Vankin and ALiens In America author Jodi Dean.

To New York Times:

Dear Editor,

   Jon Pareles misquoted me in his report on the Disinfo convention recently
held in New York. "Weird and Fun, Anything Goes When It's Cyberpalooza, 2/21
edition of the New York Times.) I moderated a panel on conspiracy theories
at the event and Mr. Pareles has me saying "The idea that there's an
absolute answer to anything is patently wrong." I actually said
"everything", not "anything", an important distinction considering how flaky
the newspapers often like to make conspiracy theorists look. In fact, I was
quoting Jonathan Vankin, author of The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
and a member of the panel. Mr. Vankin had made the point previously on a TV
news program, that absolute proof is not even a legal standard. The courts
only require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It is precisely this
acceptance of uncertainty that fuels conspiracy "theories" and leads to
important discoveries and new facts. Pareles' misquote drops the discussion
into a cauldron of relativity that I did not intend.

Kenn Thomas
Steamshovel Press

To Suck (Wired Magazine)

Dear Editor:

   What a petulant little article on the recent Disinfo Con in NYC!  ("White
Men in Hammerstein Ballroom," Suck, 2/28/00
Not enough women and blacks?!? Do observations come more phony and facile?
Richard Metzger had a lot of weird shit happening at Disnfo Con but least it
got beyond idea number two. That's more than can be said about the writer of
this article, who apparently was looking for the Democratic convention or
something similar to hold hands, sing "Kumbaya" and hope for a better
America. Kudos to Metzger for defying the false dialogue of the PC
psuedo-left and presenting some straightforward chaos.

Kenn Thomas
Steamshovel Press
POB 23715
St. Louis, MO 63121

The Steamshovel books will be available at the table belonging to The Book
Tree at the Internationl UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, March 5-11. Book
Tree published the Cyberculture Counterconspiracy volumes, so look for those
in abundance. Contact http://www.ufocongress.com for more information.

Kenn Thomas will appear at the Fortean Times UnConvention in London,
April 29-30. Contact http://www.forteantimes.com for more information.
lectures on Maury Island and the Forteans also promise to have a flea circus
at the event.

   YES, the new hard-copy Steamshovel is out now! Just in time, too. One
anxious subscriber contacted the Attorney General's office to complain about
the lateness of its arrival. It's the "Table Tapping" issue, with previously
unpublished interviews with Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary and William S.
Burroughs, plus Acharya S on Rajneesh and much else. Available at bookstores
and magazine stands around the country, or for $6 from Steamshovel, POB
23715, St. Louis, MO 63121. Subscriptions: 4 issues, $23.

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GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates as low as 2.9%
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy 

Re: [CTRL] the truth about ETs, the Mayans and telepathy: It has to do with time.

2000-03-06 Thread RG
-Caveat Lector-   
 -Cui Bono?-

There are several topics mentioned within the message posted by 'earthman'
on the subject of ET's and their official governmental disclosure or otherwise.
that deserve further development.
Regarding the Mayans, telepathy, 2012 and meddling of ET's in
the affairs of humans. Those three topics are actually related.
The works of Dr. Jose Arguelles, founder of Earth Day, organizer
of the Harmonic
Convergence, author of The Mayan Factor: path beyond technology'; '
The Transformative
Vision' and Earth Ascending, relates and explains all of those topics
in a most compelling way. His most important discovery is the significance
of the Mayan calendar and it's implications. In a nut shell, his
research has lead him to conclude that the fundamental flaw in human civilization
is that we have adopted an artificial timing frequency that is held in
place by the Gregorian Calendar and the mechanical clock.
http://www.mind.net/maps/htmlb/endtime.htm The Gregorian calendar is
a manmade contrivance which is out of synchronicity with the natural timing
mechanism which is measured by the waxing and waning of the moon. 13 moons
of 28 days equals 364 days plus a day out of time equals the 365 days of
a solar year. I will not get to specific with the supporting evidence presented
by Dr. Arguelles. Those interested can review the links I have provide
and read his books. The internalization of the illogical and unquestioned
12 month Gregorian calendar and the 60 minute mechanical clock has had
the effect of disharmonizing our relationship to the Earth and each other.
As Einstein
undisputedly proclaimed "time is the 4th dimension".
Time is of the mind. The current modes of timekeeping have nothing to do
with the 4th dimension. They are are stuck in the articulation 3rd dimensional
space only. Our devices measure space not time.
This profound inaccuracy is THE fundamental flaw in the
architecture of the westerns worlds mytho-religious paradigms
of the Judeo Christian culture complex which in turn gave birth
to scientific materialism and it's mechanical clock.
According to Dr, Arguelles's research the disharmonzing effect of the
Gregorian calendar and the mechanical clock, of which both have their
foundations in ancient Babylonia, is related to the "angry Jehovah blame
the woes of this world on Eve syndrome".
In the Judeo Christian mythology the God Jehovah is somehow separate
from us and nature.
This view has produced the world dominating paradigm or new religion
of scientific materialism.
This mythology/paradigm is solely responsible for the currently advanced
state of environmental and societal
degradation. The priest/scientists of scientific materialism have acknowledged
that the biosphere of Earth and it's
inhabitants will suffer potentially irreversible wide spread damage
in the very near future if the current mode of
civilization is not drastically changed.
The late Joseph Campbell noted in his comparative studies of world
religion/mythologies that the
Judeo world view is unique in that is was patriarchal,
monotheistic and it did not recognize the gods of other
cultures. This difference might not have been of any consequence had
it not developed into a culture of imperialism.
There is something out of balance with the Judeo-Christian world view.
If it is out of balance it is also out of harmony.
The first and foremost dislocation in it's world view is the dominance
of the male
mode of perception. The female energies are suppressed and feminine
modes of sentience
are denied equal status and expression. The male and female energies
have evolved side by side
each needing the other for their mutual temporal sustainment and future
perpetuation. It is their interaction that brings
forth life. They are equal forces. So what happens when one of the
energies misperceives and actively behaves in non
harmonious ways with the other half of reality. You have the
current world predicament. The Lord Yahweh says unto Adam and Eve go
out and subdue the Earth
and bring it creatures underfoot and remember it is the woman's fault
that I have chased you out of
paradise. With the advance of Christianity came the demise of
those cultures
who did live in harmony with each other and the Earth.
The cultures that the Judeo-Christian culture complex
has just about totally wiped out in it's imperialistic quest
are those which have observed the harmony of a 13 moon
calendar and which have respected and acknowledged the equality of
the feminine energies. This observance is about being in tune with nature.
The western world is way out of tune and it shows.
Regarding telepathy. There is a story in the Bible which speaks of the
tower of Babel. http://www.countrylife.org/gen11.htm
It states that at one time we all spoke the same language. It is my
speculation and that of others that telepathy was once our birthright and
we somehow have lost that ability. The whole ESP channeling mediumship,
psychic and 

Re: [CTRL] Author Terrorized

2000-03-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: Re: Author Terrorized
Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 12:00 AM

 Hoffman's next book, Murdergate! -- exposing the murder
  rampage that Federal authorities have been perpetrating
  under the nose of a nation -- is sure to keep his name high
  on the Government's hit list. As the following communication
  from David Hoffman reveals, his new book isn't even out yet
  and the threats and acts of aggression are rolling in. When
  we consider that a TWA Flight 800 researcher disappeared
  shortly after a radio interview and apparent evidentiary
  breakthrough, such terrorism shouldn't be taken lightly

  There are a number of Professionals who specialize in protecting and
documentation of these kinds of activities.  I can help or provide names of
others who can.  Please contact me at:

Dan Larsen

Evidence, Inc.   (Serving all of NE and IA since 1988)
PO Box 873
Council Bluffs, IA 51502-0873

Phone: 712-328-0358
IA Lic. # 00614   --   NE Lic. #1107

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info  Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html
Every Diet Has Failed!  What Can I do?
Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Sauder Claims Strieber Thinks He's too Conspiratorial

2000-03-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 06 Mar 2000 05:30:09 -0500 (EST)
From:   Mark Webmeister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [M-TRAC - MSAA] Sauder Claims Strieber Thinks He's too
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Too "Conspiratorial"
for Strieber! Shunned
by "Dreamland"
By Richard Sauder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(© 2000. This article copyrighted by Richard Sauder. Permission hereby
granted to distribute widely and freely, so long as the article is
reprinted in its entirety, without any modification whatever.)

In a stunning turnabout, my latest book "Kundalini Tales" has been rejected
for discussion on Whitley Strieber's prime-time "Dreamland" radio show. The
spine tingling reason? It's too "conspiratorial"!! Strieber's scheduler (his
wife Anne) delivered the shocking news to me this past week: "It's just not
for us, it's not for 'Dreamland'... it's too, it's just too conspiratorial
for us."

Mind you, we are talking about a radio show here that is completely awash in
conspiracy! We are talking about a radio host who owes a large part of his
career to peddling conspiracy, specifically UFO conspiracy and cover-up. We
are talking about a radio host and author who is all but joined at the hip
professionally with the late night radio "King of Conspiracy ". We won't
directly mention the other host here -- let's just say if I mentioned his
name that it would ring a bell. And yet my work is "too conspiratorial" for
Whitley Strieber's radio show. Go figure.

This is all the more extraordinary, because Whitley Strieber himself wrote
the cover blurb for "Kundalini Tales! Quoting Strieber directly from the
cover of the book he now refuses to discuss on the air: "'Kundalini Tales'
is a profound and fascinating journey into the deep of the mind, the soul
and the hidden realities that have formed our world. Richard Sauder has a
way of getting under the skin, of adventuring into places that most of us
hardly notice and would never dare go. Thus this is a compelling journey,
must reading for anyone who wants to explore the secrets behind and beneath
human life and the human world."

Ahem. Curiouser and curiouser.

Rejected from Whitley Strieber's radio show for writing a book that is "too
conspiratorial"? This from a man who wrote an entire novel dealing with the
decades-long Pentagon cover-up and conspiracy of silence and disinformation
surrounding the events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? "Too conspiratorial"
for the man who, check it out, personally wrote wonderful cover blurbs for
both of my first two books?! "Too conspiratorial" for the prime-time radio
show that has become an American cultural icon over the past decade for
drenching the airwaves with, you guessed it, conspiracy!!

(And I like Whitley Strieber! He's been nice to me in the past, so this turn
of events completely flummoxes me.)

But I smell a conspiracy here. I really do. I suspect the real reason that
"Kundalini Tales" has been deemed "too conspiratorial" for Strieber's taste
(as well as the taste of my most recent, anonymous reviewer at amazon.com
who just shredded me and my book up one side and down the other, making me
wonder about what "company" ties the anonymous "reviewer" may have) is that
I directly address some sacred cows:

1) I provide hard, documented evidence of the direct involvement of ex-Nazis
at the very highest levels of NASA.

2) I provide documented evidence of the direct ties between military
intelligence personnel, the Army Intelligence agency, and the Monroe
Institute, a New Age sacred cow for many people.

3) I provide documented evidence of the sort of electronic mind control
technologies that are now available -- like a patent that permits the
direct, electronic transmission of voices into the human auditory cortex via
pulsed microwaves.

4) I talk about the kundalini-- the natural, cosmic, supremely powerful
spiritual power that is in all human beings.

5) And I talk about the out-of-body phenomenon.

Of course, these are very similar to many topics that have been discussed
for years on "Dreamland". So why is "Kundalini Tales" all of a sudden "too
conspiratorial" to talk about? I think it's obvious: I bring in the United
States military intelligence connection. I provide hard evidence of the
patents that have been granted, on the open, public literature, that have
potential nuts-and-bolts mind control applications. I broach the topic of
highly secretive, covert mind control programs run by United States
intelligence agencies. I talk about the documented, years-long connection
between Robert Monroe, the Monroe Institute and United States military
intelligence. I briefly allude to the possibility of using mind control
technologies to influence human spirituality. And don't forget those

[CTRL] IRS: A Devotional

2000-03-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The IRS is my shepherd;
I am its sheep
It fleeceth me to pay
with my greenbacks;
It leadeth me
into depression;
It disturbeth my peace and taketh me
in the paths of poverty.

Yea, though I walk
through the valley of want and debt,
I fear its evil -
its power to compute and ot tax.
It further prepareth
a reduction in my salary in the presence of my employer;
And anointest my income
with greater losses;
My debts runneth over.

Surely, the IRS shall follow me
all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell
in great need forever.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] The Right ?

2000-03-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : Elections
The Christian right and the Republican Party: the dirty secret of American
By Patrick Martin
6 March 2000

Back to screen version

The political crisis within the Republican Party has reached an extraordinary
level of intensity with the speech given by Senator John McCain February 28 in
Virginia Beach, Virginia. McCain's indictment of Texas Governor George W. Bush
as a prisoner of right-wing bigots was more than a campaign broadside. He put
his finger on the dirty secret of modern American politics—the pervasive
influence of extreme-right, racist and fascistic elements in the Republican

Traveling to the city which is the headquarters of the Christian Broadcasting
Network and the other business and media ventures of Pat Robertson, McCain
denounced Robertson and Reverend Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority,
declaring that the two right-wing fundamentalist preachers were “agents of
intolerance.” McCain labeled Bush a “Pat Robertson Republican” whose
subservience to the ultra-right would alienate voters and produce a Republican
defeat in November.

It is easy to point to the hypocrisy in McCain's attack on the extreme right.
Contradictions abound, as McCain blasted Robertson and Falwell while standing
side by side with the equally right-wing fundamentalist Gary Bauer, who
abandoned his own presidential campaign last month and threw his support to the
Arizona senator. McCain proclaimed the Republican Party the “party of Abraham
Lincoln, not Bob Jones,” after having refused to condemn the flying of the
Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina during the recent
primary campaign there.

Barely 24 hours after issuing his denunciation McCain began to retreat, after
he was attacked by erstwhile supporters such as Bauer and former Secretary of
Education William Bennett. McCain apologized for a later comment to the press
in which he sarcastically referred to Robertson and Falwell as “the forces of

But in an appearance Thursday night in a debate with Bush and Alan Keyes
sponsored by CNN and the Los Angeles Times, McCain amplified his criticism,
saying that unlike Falwell, he didn't consider President Clinton a murderer,
and unlike Robertson, he rejected “cockamamie theories about the freemasons.”
McCain's speech may have little effect on the course of the primary
campaign—Bush swept primaries in Virginia and Washington and the North Dakota
caucuses February 29, and was leading in polls in advance of the March 7 votes
in California, New York, Ohio and Georgia. Nonetheless, his attack on the
Christian right and the ferocious response from the Republican establishment
reveal political fissures within the ruling elite which have far more
significance than who wins the Republican presidential nomination.

The origins of the conflict

Like all political developments in contemporary America—where the media and
official circles systematically exclude any open discussion of class issues—the
Republican Party crisis is a distorted expression of more fundamental social
processes. The current conflict has been building up for years, since the
unholy alliance of Wall Street and the Christian right was cemented in the
early 1980s. Corporate America sought a base of support for the anti-working-
class policies spearheaded by Ronald Reagan, under conditions where both big
business parties, Democrats as well as Republicans, were shifting sharply to
the right. Both parties embraced, to varying degrees, an agenda of eliminating
all restrictions on the pursuit of profit—whether in the form of government
regulations, taxation, or union contracts.

This policy, accompanied by corporate downsizing and the wave of union-busting
triggered by Reagan's smashing of the PATCO air traffic controllers' strike,
had a shattering effect on the working class, especially the lower-paid and
minority workers who traditionally supported the Democratic Party. Equally
significantly, it accelerated a marked decline in the social position of the
middle class layers—small businessmen, family farmers, independent
professionals—who once provided a substantial proportion of the electoral base
of the Republican Party.

In the course of the 1980s and 1990s, the social base of the Republican Party
has narrowed and it has been steadily transformed from the party of the
corporate establishment into a party which far more resembles the extreme-
right, anti-immigrant and chauvinist parties which have arisen in many European
countries. In state after state, Christian fundamentalist groups have taken
control of the party organization or exercise effective veto power over the
selection of candidates for statewide and even national office. Every
presidential election campaign in the past decade has featured a parade of
presidential hopefuls at the national convention of the Christian Coalition,

[CTRL] Bill Richer emails

2000-03-06 Thread Jim Condit Jr

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I don't mean this to sound the way it's going to sound -- but I have an
incredible amount of times when my provider (Cincinnati Bell) get "stuck" on
an incoming e-mail from a CTRL email. Everytime I've been able to isolate it
by going into mailstart.com and delete the apparant offender, it has seemed
to be an email from Bill Richer that hung up the system. Is anyone else
notice this? I'm not trying to throw any darts at Bill Richer --- I just
can't figure it out. I might ask Bill Richer, also, if there is anyting
about his emails that might be unusual? Anybody that can help on this I
would appreciate. Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Kris Millegan
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 10:15 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] The Smell Just Won't Go Away

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fascism: Deja Vu All Over Again ?

2000-03-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From http://www.antiwar.com/stromberg/pf/p-s030600.html

The Old Cause
by Joseph R. Stromberg
March 6, 2000
‘Fascism’: Déjà Vu All Over Again

The partly successful exclusion of Patrick J. Buchanan from American public
life sheds light on a problem which might be called "Buchananization" – the
opposite of canonization. Question the general trend of Uncle’s Imperial New
Order on any point, these days, and there you are, a terrible "fascist." This
is great fun for the Left, the most they’ve had since they crusaded alongside
Uncle Joe against the real fascists in the 1940s.

It is true that Limousine Liberals, parlor pinks, and other lefties held
Fascism, The Smear, in reserve through the 1950s and ‘60s, for special
occasions. This was’t a completely happy time for them since the Official
Emergency and Crusade of those years cast communism as the enemy, and – as
James Burnham often pointed out – fighting the Left never felt as natural to
them as ridding the earth of right-wing bigots and regimes.

Still, the liberals and lefties did get a crusade which justified an endless
heaping-up of post-constitutional jurisdictions and power in Washington, very
useful for totally reconstructing American society both during and after the
Great Emergency. They weren’t entirely unhappy.

In that reasonably happy era, the Official Media presented the political
spectrum as a set of structuralist "binary oppositions" with some terms so
"unmarked" as to be missing. If only Levy-Strauss had been around to help.
First, came the Liberals, kindly sorts who wanted to do good: Mass Transit,
Federal Highways, Federal Aid to Education (but no federal control, of course),
etc. Abroad, they wished to build democracy, contain communism, and give every
downtrodden foreigner a school lunch. Their "cause [was] mankind," as Senator
Hubert Humphrey, a typical spokesman, put it. Then came the Moderates, less
high-minded but still salonfaehig. Their kindness wasn’t cosmic, but did earn
them praise in the press, especially insofar as they kept the Republican Party
from "isolationist" sin.

Moving rightward, we skip the absent category of Conservatives and go straight
to Ultra-Conservatives, followed closely by Radical Rightists and other
extremists. Officially, there could be respectable Conservatives, but Liberals
seldom handed out the unadorned C-word, having given the only available ones to
Clinton Rossiter, Herbert Agar, Walter Lippman(!), and Peter Viereck. These
"Conservatives" served to distract attention from the absence, otherwise, of
the whole category. Liberals already saw most rightists as extremists and
incipient storm troopers, who were just hiding their armbands and giving their
funny salutes indoors. For years, Benjamin Epstein and Arnold Forster kept
writing the same book, which lumped everyone to the right of Nelson Rockefeller
in with the KKK and the handful of genuine anti-Semites who could be scraped up
at the time.

Epstein and Forster didn’t set the tone, however. One could still be a "dupe."
Liberals and lefties made fewer claims then for their telepathic skills and
didn’t always see straight into their opponents’ hearts to the (expected)
fascist/Nazi core. They did a lot of mind-reading on Barry Goldwater in 1964,
but that was a genuine emergency for them. Generally, they could let rank-and-
file rightists off as dupes – red-necked victims of the airborne propaganda of
H.L. Hunt, the Reverend Carl MacIntire, and Dan Smoot. Ultras were the sort of
folk, then, who only complained about things because they were undereducated,
status-anxious lower middles, easily led around by right-wing dog-food
millionaires who were "using" them to prevent repeal of the Dog Food Depletion
Allowance or something like that. Give any one of them a bureaucratic berth or
membership in an AFL-CIO union, and he (or she!) would soon settle down to
greet the radiant future with full social-democratic enthusiasm.

So much for the mainstream media’s socially constructed political spectrum.
There was, however, a higher, academic take on right-wing dissent. The heavy
lifting here was done by sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset, the immigrant
Marxist party animal Theodore Adorno, end-of-ideology sociologist Daniel Bell,
the tame "conservative" Peter Viereck, and historian Richard Hoftstadter, whose
treatment of Charles Beard I noted in a previous column.

Hofstadter called Birchers and Goldwaterites "pseudo-conservatives," by which
he meant that good Conservatives were okay, if there were any. A good
Conservative was someone like Viereck, so decent that he wanted to conserve the
New Deal while fighting Joe McCarthy and those overseas communists, too. A
decent Conservative, in short, supported big government, Cold War liberalism,
and the American 

[CTRL] Portrait of a Tyrant ?

2000-03-06 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From The NewStatesman


Milosevic: portrait of a tyrant
Dusko Doder and Louise Branson The Free Press, 304pp, £17.99
ISBN 0684843080

Whenever I read denunciations of Slobodan Milosevic, I am forcibly reminded of
the story of Sheikh Haji Mohamed bin Abdullah Hassan, known in British imperial
history as "the mad mullah of Somaliland". First raising the standard of revolt
in 1899, at a time when the British were using the machine-gun to slaughter
untold numbers of Africans in different parts of the continent, the mullah
embarked on an Islamic crusade that kept the British at bay for more than two
decades. He was finally defeated in 1920 by the new imperial weapon of the 20th
century: bombing from the air. But there was nothing "mad" about Sheikh Haji
Mohamed. He was simply an anti-imperial warrior - one among many - who was so
demonised by the British that it became easy to justify the severe punishment
he eventually received.

In January 1920, while the mullah stood in the courtyard of his house in the
Somali town of Medishe, the British pilot of a lone de Havilland two-seater
bomber broke through the clouds and dropped eight 20-pound bombs. The pilot
then photographed and machine-gunned the target he had been given: the mullah's
courtyard. Out of a small group standing beside the Somali leader - his sister,
his uncle and ten riflemen - only the mullah himself survived the attack, with
his white jubbah and green turban much singed; 20 other people were killed in
the bombing of the town, and 20 were wounded.

The mullah took refuge in a bomb-proof cave 15 miles out of town, where he
later died. Sir Geoffrey Archer, the governor of Somaliland, recalled in later
life that, while "surprise attacks without warning" might seem bloodthirsty,
"it must be remembered that the mullah himself was an inhuman creature, a mad
dog, to be exterminated by any means possible".

Those were more colourful times. Today, when journalists and politicians seek
to demonise the leaders of faraway countries, they soon run out of suitable
nouns and adjectives. General Pinochet is usually referred to as "a dictator",
while in a new biography of Milosevic, written by two journalists, the Serb
leader is described as "a tyrant". Dictator is a Latin word whose accepted
definition is rather mild, with hardly a hint of opprobrium; it simply means
"an absolute ruler", someone who might so act "in seasons of emergency".
Tyrant, on the other hand, a word of Greek origin, makes the absolute ruler
sound additionally grim: a tyrant seizes power "without legal right" and
exercises it "in an oppressive, unjust or cruel manner". In the demonising
stakes, Milosevic comes off worse than Pinochet.

No one describes Milosevic as a "mad dog", though some get quite close. Warren
Zimmerman, the former US ambassador in Belgrade, calls him "one of the world's
archcriminals", while the veteran US journalist Georgie Anne Geyer perceives
him as an "evil croupier" playing games. Others have referred to him as "the
butcher of the Balkans" or "Europe's new Hitler". The writer of the blurb for
the new Milosevic biography moves into fresh territory by demonising the
country as well as its leader.

Dusko Doder and Louise Branson, two old Balkan hands, make little effort to dig
beneath the familiar cliches. They perceive Milosevic as "a hated dictator",
"the Saddam Hussein of Europe", and his wife, Mira, appears in her usual
supporting role as "Lady Macbeth". Chapter headings have such titillating
titles as "Faustian bargain" and "The end of the caravan of dreams", and the
writing is never less than breathless. In short, this is a book that does not
go beyond the headlines of a tabloid newspaper or the tittle-tattle of the
diplomatic circuit, so no reasonably assiduous newspaper-reader will gain much
from reading it.

Maybe a biography of Milosevic is not what we need. His life story as told here
is singularly banal, and the gossipy details are largely irrelevant to an
understanding of what has been going on. Publishers clearly believe that
readers cannot take stronger medicine; yet, as we skim the latest reports, it
becomes clear that the biographical approach contributes little to our
understanding of the continuing Balkan tragedy. What becomes obvious from the
portraits of other Serbian politicians that crowd these pages is that
Milosevic's personal contribution to the development of the history of his
country has probably been quite small. If ever someone personified the
collective view of the Serbian political elite, sustained in their actions by
the great mass of the people, Milosevic is that man, and it is this that
provides the source of his power.

What the west needs to understand, and should have learnt from imperial history
long ago, is that other societies and cultures have different interests and
priorities, which they are sometimes 

Re: [CTRL] Takes some rain to make a bush grow ...

2000-03-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/02/2000 6:51:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Don't know if this has been posted before -- haven't seen it -- but just in
 case it hasn't or some haven't seen (as I hadn't), here ya go.  I've been
 wondeering of late *Why* Shrub has been hell-bent on getting to the top and
 much political debt he has.  Then I ran across the reference to this in
 Hatfield's book *Fortunate Son* and went a searchin' ... easy find.  Any
 more information on this or other 'mentors'? 

Yes, and there's a bunch of information in Jim Hightower's latest book, "If
The Gods Had Meant Us To Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates."  He gives
the lowdown on everybody, and I guess "LOWDOWN" is the right word.  Quite a
read.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Meager U.S. Response to Africa Floods]

2000-03-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/02/2000 9:32:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 The official U.S. response has been meager: 140 tents,
 6,900 blankets, 6,000 water cans and 160 rolls of plastic.
 Not much more than a small truck load. It certainly doesn't
 address the deep needs for medicine, health providers and
 repairing the roads, wells, water systems and public
 buildings that have been washed away.

 Few newspapers have given much coverage to this tragedy,
 although the flooding has been going on for three weeks as
 of this writing.

 Many climatologists believe that the warming trend in the
 climate, often called "global warming," is responsible for
 the increasing volatility of the weather. There is more
 energy in the atmosphere, which means more wind, more rain
 and more drought. 

Africa doesn't get a lot of concern from the "official" US Government
circles.  It will get worse if Bush gets into the White House.  I was
listening to C-SPAN a couple of weeks ago, and was astonished to hear a woman
leader of one of the very conservative groups refer to Mr. Bush, Mr. McCain
and Alan Keyes.I haven't lived in the South for years; I didn't know they
were still playing the "mister" game down there, but they are.  The
Conservatives really want the South to be aware that they support their
views.  Sending a lot of help to a black nation would not impress the South
at all.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-06 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - Scientific Racism

2000-03-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/02/2000 10:30:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 There are many who believe that Crack cocaine was designed to overwhelm those
 who used it, then pumped into the inner-cities to further depress the
 minority populations, not only in the US, but in other Western countries as
 well. Since one of the earliest and biggest of the Crack-Kingpins in LA,
 California was being supplied outright by CIA-connected Contra Cocaine
 dealers, is this so very difficult to believe? Drugs have been used by
 Western countries for years to subjugate other races. Look no further than
 China's 'Opium Wars' for a glaring example of this 

Yeah, but it takes cooperation.  Why would people want to make it easier for
the Government to use them like cleaning rags?  They do.  A large portion of
our population that should be voting are in jail and convicted for felonies.
They will never be able to vote.  And, they are just the people whose votes
would not be welcomed by the status quo.   Don't like the Government?  Then
by all means, find something to smoke, shoot or snort that will eventually
take away every weapon you have against that Government.  Place you civil
rights in jeopardy.  It boggles the mind.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Smell Just Won't Go Away

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing I have to add is that at the time Foster's body was found,
Hillary was in Arkansas, and Bill was on the Larry King show on CNN.  The
records show that calls were being made to Hillary, who was then calling her
friend/attorney in New York, Susan Thomases.  Thomases was a partner at the
same law firm which represented ADL attorney Kenneth Bialkin (now a
Citigroup director),
 who was involved in money-laundering for Iran Contra, along with another
colleague of the firm, Willard Zucker--"an American tax lawyer living in
Geneva."  Thomases has since left Willkie, Farr--to open an office a few
blocks from the White House.  Why was Hillary calling her that night, and
why did Thomases appear at the White House so quickly?  As a partner in this
law firm, what kind of work was she engaged in?

...Zucker had provided Hakim with financial services since the mid-1970's,
when Hakim still lived in Iran. Swiss fiduciaires combine functions that
Americans associate with money managers, bankers and lawyers. The services
CSF provided to the Enterprise included inter-bank and inter-account
transfers, cash disbursements to individuals, expense payments, investments,
currency deals, the establishment of financial accounts and shell
corporations, and bookkeeping.
Secord and Hakim decided very early -- by mid-1985 at the latest -- to
conceal the sources of their income through a variety of schemes. One of
their purposes was to avoid the payment of income taxes. In addition to the
protection afforded by Switzerland's strict bank-secrecy laws, Zucker at the
direction of Secord and Hakim erected a maze of dummy corporations and bank
accounts to conceal the true sources and recipients of funds

http://biz.yahoo.com/t/c/c_98797.html (insider trade--Bialkin bought shares
in Citigroup)

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:14 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] The Smell Just Won't Go Away

On July 11, Foster goes to the estate of the son of Benjamin Cardozo
late Supreme Court Justice), on the Maryland Eastern Shore, and meets with
Webb Hubbell and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He is read the riot act, and
his planned trip to Geneva the next week.

On July 19, Wm. Sessions is fired as FBI Dir. On July 20, Vince
body is found in Ft. Marcy Park. On July 21, Louis Freeh is named the new

The night of July 20, guess who was in Foster's office, rummaging
his files? Give up? It was Nussbaum, Patsy Thomasson (Dan Lasater's "Girl
Friday", who had been promoted to "Director of Administration" at the
White House), and Maggie Williams (the First Lady's personal secretary).

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[CTRL] Fwd: France

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

STRATFOR.COM's Weekly Global Intelligence Update - 6 March 2000

Today's Global Intelligence Update is a special report on an
important world issue. If you would like to see the full text,
please visit

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Analysis http://www.stratfor.com/

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STRATFOR.COM Weekly Global Intelligence Update
6 March 2000

Why It's Not A New Cold War: Secondary Powers and the New


On the face of it, the fraying of relations between the United
States and governments in China and Russia - over the war in Kosovo
last year, the war in Chechnya and foreign policy at large - has
suggested a return to the Cold War. Certainly, as we have argued,
we are in a period of rising tension between the United States,
Russia and China. Yet while tensions are rising, the period ahead
is fundamentally different from the Cold War era. The Cold War
limited room for maneuver among secondary powers. The new epoch
will facilitate them. The case of France is instructive in this


The global geopolitical system appears to be dealing out a three-
player game between the United States, China and Russia. Moscow's
continued overtures to Beijing, which now appear to be gathering
steam, are an excellent example. Superficially, this appears to
resemble the makings of a new Cold War. There are, however,
fundamental differences.

First, Russia in 2000 is enormously weaker than the Soviet Union
during the Cold War. It has contracted geographically.  During the
Cold War, Soviet forces were stationed in Germany, Czechoslovakia
and Hungary. Today, Russia does not even occupy Ukraine. Whatever
the orientation of its foreign policy, Moscow must first regain
what it has lost - and that will take a generation.

The Cold War was a game played at the extremes of power. There was
little space for maneuver among great powers and most others were
locked into one, or the other, of the alliance systems. Those that
weren't - but were of strategic value, like Yugoslavia - were
locked into constrained neutrality. Some, like Egypt, could change
sides but could not stand free of entanglement. The Third World
thought of itself as representing a neutral alternative. But in
reality, any nation of strategic interest to the superpowers found
itself locked in, formally or informally.

But the current global geopolitical situation is fundamentally
different. The overwhelming power of the United States allows it to
impose its will where it wishes; conversely, the United States is
powerful enough to be relatively indifferent to most issues.
Washington has no interest in imposing its wishes lock-step upon
its allies. Russia, now beginning the search for allies, cannot
underwrite the sort of military assistance programs that were key
to building ties with countries like Syria and Vietnam during the
Cold War. China, frequently mentioned as a peer competitor, is in
fact, a country isolated by geography - and a distinct lack of
naval power. Beijing's power projection does not measure up to its

As a result, there is more room for maneuver today for the world's
secondary powers: France, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and
others. New possibilities arise. Secondary powers may in fact
become great powers over time, as more opportunity and incentive
arises for converting economic power into political power. The
fundamental reality is that the vague situation among the great
powers creates incentive for secondary powers to protect interests
and seize opportunities. The net result will be a three-player
game, with a lot of other players jostling elbows. This will make
for a more interesting game, but a less stable world.

Consider France. France is interesting for three reasons.  First,
until its defeat by Germany in 1940, France was a great power in
its own right, with a global empire. Second, during the Cold War,
it was by far the most restive of American allies and sought
consistently and intensely to create the kind of room for maneuver
for itself that it now actually has. Third, having achieved the
room for maneuver it wanted, France, like the other countries in
its class, is not quite sure what to do with that power.  No two
powers are alike, but there is much to learn from the French
example - and the dilemma.

Although it emerged on the winning side, France was a major loser
in World War II. Exhausted by occupation and liberation, its self-
confidence shattered, the global empire it had taken centuries to
build soon slipped out of its hands.

Britain and France occupied similar positions, yet responded in
very different ways. Britain accepted its position as a subordinate

[CTRL] Fwd: My Resignation from the GOP

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

My letter of resignation to the chairman of the North Carolina Republican
Party is online at: http://www.1776web.net/editorials/resignGOP.htm.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Jim Hill

"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
--Samuel Adams

[CTRL] OEN 3/6/00

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click : A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Oil Market

Here Comes the Oil

God wants America to have cheap energy, dammit.

Both the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are scheduled to
meet this month. But the gathering that will probably have most influence on
global growth and inflation this year is that of the heads of the
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna, exactly three weeks
from now.

The oil producers are widely expected to agree to a significant production
increase. The oil price, after all, has virtually tripled to a nine-year high
in the past 12 months, with West Texas Intermediate selling for more than $30
a barrel and Brent Crude at about $28.

Opec's successful production curbs (imposed in early 1999 and due to expire
at the end of this month), combined with a cold snap on the US east coast
this year, have driven stocks to a 20-year low, according to the
International Energy Agency.

The current imbalance between supply and demand, if left unchecked, could
damage world economic growth while fuelling inflation.

This is a point Bill Richardson, US energy secretary, has made during his
latest flurry of shuttle diplomacy around the Gulf. Most oil exporters,
foremost among them Saudi Arabia, agree.

But how big a hike in output is needed? According to Sheikh Ahmed Zaki
Yamani, chairman of the Centre for Global Energy Studies and a former Saudi
oil minister, a production increase of 5 per cent, or 1.7m barrels a day, is
needed to restore prices to about $20 a barrel.

He believes that would be acceptable to the Saudis, though some of Opec's
more hawkish members would rather see prices remain at current levels.

But even if the Saudis get their way, it may not be enough. Merrill Lynch's
oil team, led by Michael Rothman, calculates that inventories are being
depleted by 2.9m barrels a day.

An extra 1.7m barrels, even assuming 70 per cent compliance - which is to say
that some countries actually produce even more than their newly increased
quotas - would only temporarily reduce pressure on the oil price. As we head i
nto winter, inventories will fall again, increasing pressure for Opec to
raise output once more, perhaps by a further 1.5m barrels a day.

At that point, according to Mr Rothman, all but three Opec countries - Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria - will be bumping up against
their production limits. In other words, there is a real chance of a capacity

As a result, Merrill last week raised its year 2000 oil price forecast to an
average of $24 a barrel, significantly higher than Wall Street's $21.25
consensus, and cautioned about possible price spikes much higher than that.

This has ramifications for economic growth. In the aftermath of Iraq's 1990
invasion of Kuwait, oil prices jumped to $41 a barrel.

While that spike lasted just five months, it was enough to induce a global
recession, albeit a shallower one than those that followed the oil shocks of
1973-75 and 1980-82.

Nobody is suggesting a recession this time. For one thing, developed
economies are now overwhelmingly service-based and therefore much less
dependent on oil.

The economic output per barrel of oil among the OECD countries has basically
doubled since 1973. In the US, for example, energy now represents 3 per cent
of gross domestic product, against 9 per cent in the 1970s.

Similarly, the link between oil and commodity prices and inflation has broken
down during the past decade. The old rule of thumb that a 10 per cent rise in
commodity prices would trigger a 1 per cent increase in inflation has not
worked well since 1990.

Nevertheless, the rise in oil prices is already lifting headline consumer
price inflation off last year's rock-bottom levels - particularly in the US.

Lombard Street Research of the UK said recent increases in petrol and heating
oil could add 0.5 per cent to overall US consumer prices, pushing headline
inflation to more than 3 per cent in February and March.

The Centre for Global Energy Studies forecasts that a sustained price of $30
a barrel or more would cut 0.8 per cent off US GDP growth, which is expected
to be about 4 per cent this year. The developing world, which still relies
much more on energy-intensive manufacturing, would be harder hit.

With most of today's economic forecasts expecting a steady decline in oil
prices during 2000, the prospect of an unpleasant oil shock is increasing.
The Financial Times, March 6, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


The health care information systems MA market was particularly active,
spurred at least in part by the Clinton Administration's focus on health
care reform. Examples include Alltel/Systematics' acquisition of TDS
Healthcare Systems for $60 million, Medaphis' acquisition of CyCare System's
Practice Management Division for $24 million, Cerner's acquisition of
Megasource for $8 million, and Medic Computer Systems' acquisition of
Execu-flow and Elcomp.

CHITTENDEN CORPORATION (holding company of the largest bank in Vermont)
CTC offers data processing services consisting primarily of payroll and
automated clearing house for several outside clients.  All of CTC's data
processing services are performed by Alltel Systematics, a data processing
facilities management firm based in Little Rock, Arkansas, and CTC.

The Stroud Group Consulting  (Echo Point, Little Rock, Arkansas)is a
technical consulting company focused on providing quality information
technology services to financial institutions and software development
We specialize in bank acquisition conversions and project management. Our
principal consulting partners have 30+ years experience with Systematics
software distributed by Alltel.

1954   Allied Telephone incorporated
1960   Mid-Continent Telephone founded
1983   Allied and Mid-Continent merge to form ALLTEL
1985   ALLTEL launches its first wireless system
1990   Systematics (ALLTEL Information Services) acquired
1991   ALLTEL offers information technology to communications industry
1992   ALLTEL enters mortgage processing industry with purchase of Computer
Power, Inc.
1993   ALLTEL opens its first wireless retail store
Purchase of GTE's independent telephone directory publishing contracts
Acquisition of GTE's Georgia telephone properties
1994   ALLTEL named to SP 500 Index
1996   ALLTEL offers long-distance service
Virtuoso II customer care and billing system introduced to market
ALLTEL announces plans to become full-service provider in Little Rock,
Ark., and Charlotte, N.C.
1997   Company signs a seven-year agreement with Colonial State Bank, one of
Australia's largest banks, to create and operate a comprehensive information
and telecommunications system.
ALLTEL purchases PCS licenses for 73 markets in 12 states
ALLTEL's wireless and wireline businesses converge into a single
organization capable of delivering a full suite of communications products
to customers.
1998   Merged with 360° Communications.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 9:17 PM
Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You are the greatest

Carolyn had reminded me of that at one point and I completely forgot.

Cat--this merger and offering need to be in the chronology. Thanks.

Hey, Odom...was it you who said someone tried to persuade you that Alltel
did not buy Systematics...do you remember when that was?

 -Original Message-
 From: Linda Minor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation

 From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's intriguing to me that the underwriters for the offering that merged
 Alltel and Systematics consisted of Stephens, Inc. (Clintons' bankers) and
 Merrill, Lynch (Barbara Bush's brother's firm).


 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933,
 the Registrant certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it
 meets all of the requirements for filing on Form S-3 and has duly caused
 Amendment No. 1 to the  Registration Statement to be signed on
 its behalf by
 the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Little Rock,
 State of Arkansas, on the 25th of March, 1994.

 (Max E. Bobbitt,
   Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933,
 this Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement has been
 signed below by
 the following persons in the capacities and on the date indicated.
  Signature  TitleDate
 *JOE T. FORD  Chief Executive Officer and Director
 (Joe T. Ford) (Principal Executive Officer)
 /s/ MAX E. BOBBITTPresident and Director(Max E. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan



Billary  the Bushes do have many similar ties, as evidenced in areas
such as Mena -- and your speculation on this Alltel thing is to be commended.
Great thinking!

Alltel - even the name says a lot - WOULD be the PERFECT place for Promis
software to be used. It would also explain how they plan to control
everything else...and by "they" I mean the Committee of 300, or whatever some
prefer to call them.  This NWO thing is very real to me...

Now I'm going to throw a few wild thoughts out here --

You've got Reno at DOJ pursuing ridiculous "crimes" while ignoring the
TRUE crimes, and working feverishly to cover Billary's butts... and to assist
them with their plans through enforcement or non-enforcement.

You've got Freeh at the FBI to make it look like he's going after the big
guys (and he may think he really is), but in essence (just my opinion) he is
merely going after the ones who won't play Billary's games by their rules --
or ones they want OUT of the game altogether, and probably as dictated by his
higher-ups.  I still don't believe anyone will go after the top guys because
that would start an all out international war -- but they will take out some
of the soldiers.

We won't even get into the CIA right now.. but they're in place, too.

They've set their buddies up in DOD, NSA, and the companies which provide
the military with supplies.

You've got Alltel in place to control all the communications in this
country and others, as well as the DOD, NSA, CIA, etc... and Echelon... so
all the bases are covered, are they not? That would leave NO way out...for
us, the people, that is. They would have full  complete control of every
aspect of our lives.

The person who told me in 1979 that Bill Clinton was going to President
of the United States is the same person who told me that George Bush, Jr. was
also going to be president one day. Of course I laughed at those remarks at
the time -- but I'm not laughing anymore.   That person had major ties to
"crime families" across the nation. He resided in Florida, but is now
deceased, or I'd go get more info from him on all of this. At the time he was
managing  setting up motels  hotels for "family members" in the Lakeland,
Winter Haven, Daytona  Orlando areas... my bet is that it was part of a
money laundering scheme, but I won't get into the details of that now.
The construction was massive, and get this --- the company doing the work
on a lot of the buildings brought in crews of people from Little Rock,
Arkansas.  I'll never forget it because it was the first time I'd ever met
anyone from that area. I only wish I could remember which buildings were
involved, or the company names... but it has been so long now that I don't.

 However, considering that everything this guy told me when we were in
Lakeland has come about -- and everything else that he informed me of which
was unrelated to the political side has also been realized, I still have to
believe that they will stop at nothing to get Bush in the White House.  It
all fits, when you consider his father's history, as well as his own.

This is another reason I am convinced that they are all somehow in this
together, despite the mini-wars they have between them. Greed will do many
things to people, as will fear, and the desire for control. The power is
where the money is, and they are all after it.  It is a war amongst criminals
-- in the government and outside of it.  Plain and simple. Whoever has the
most money, wins. The government is no better than the crime families are,
they just have the law to hide behind and use as power plays whenever they
feel threatened, or when they want to make a "public" statement.

Such as with the Hitz report and the impeachment...

Now you have me wondering if they aren't using YOUR program to filter
even more $$ into their own pockets through HUD as well as other places...
But without a doubt in my mind, THAT is why you had to go... you were going
to cut into their action BIG TIME, and they couldn't allow that, so they had
to get rid of you, and then put your program to use for their illicit

...and maybe, just maybe, the reason that there was a "problem" with
Hamilton's computer program developed by ATT - Lucent --- was because
someone's dirty little hands PURPOSEFULLY caused the error in the program.
Considering that Alltel is in the communications business as is ATT -
Lucent -- is it possible in that there was a connection between those
companies, or the persons doing the work for Hamilton at that time that we
are unaware of right now?It would fit right in with what you have said
happened back then... and with what is transpiring today.

Just my first thoughts -- but I'm done rambling for now...
I've got to stop drinking coffee in the mornings! smile

 - Tanina

 Subj:   [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation
 Date:  03/05/2000 6:39:51 PM Eastern Standard Time

Re: [CTRL] Bill Richer emails

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

there is nothing different about my emails.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why CIA Drugs is So Important

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whoever is financing the Chinese and Russians in ways that lead to war are
also financing the application of Promis into all the financial
servicesthis is one swarm...albeit lots of factions at the SVP and Vice
President levels in the swarm.

One of most rational moves for the types pushing for one world government is
to have the Chinese go aggressive...in Sudan...in Tibet...and eventually
with the US. The Chinese currently have a much higher learning speed as a
culture than we do. That is why the big bets with our pension fund money in
Asia and China. That is why Carlyle is buying at 10-50 cents on the dollar
as we speak. Remember, locking the world into fossil fuels in the sixtes,
locked China into a horrible prison. It has ruined a lot of environment, but
we at least stayed warm while we stole and borrowed to pay for the oil.
China was the first to finance a serious cold fushion application that I
know ofso imagine what the boys who killed Kennedy did to themforty
years of shivering is serious.

The trading routes behind the cocaine and opium trades define the
organization and networks that they deal through. If we can understand the
drug trade from the China Opium trade through today, we will be able to see
the patterns and this will ultimately lead to a mapping of who are the
drivers and what there intention is...but we have to look at the drug
business as simply the spice that fuels the death starand we need to use
that knowledge to map out its machinery and its navigational systems and its

And where the flaw on the death star is..

We can't afford to wait until we can document for 60 minutes 'cause we and
our families may be dead.

Which is why we are going to find out what Hillary and little Andy are up to
over at HUD and in the mortgage banking market with Altel and money
laundering.and how the money flows from Mena and mixes with the money
flowing from HUD...like blood through a body.

Cut off the death star's money, and Midianite warfare will break out on its

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 12:10 PM

Subj:[our-constitution] Re: Documented: China Plans Nuclear War on U.S.
Date:   3/6/00 7:19:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cliff Hume)
Reply-to:   A
HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"our-constitution@egr

With the strategy laid out for all to see and to read, the people who would
"rather be Red than dead", will now, as Henry Kissinger - CFR, Trilateral
Commission, Bilderberg - suggested so many years ago, "surrender and take
the best deal possible under the circumstance."

Henry has been working for a communist style world government under the Non
Governmental Organization known as the United Nations, ever since Carnegie
and Rockefeller founded and funded that organization in 1945.

To paraphrase that famous Chinese War Lord, Sun Tzu; "Supreme excellence in
warfare is to convince your enemy that the war is over before it even

With what is happening right now, it should not be very difficult, for those
who have already partially awakened, to understand why Bill Clinton, CFR,
Skull  Bones, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, et al, passed over the
atomic secrets and the computer technology to his communist friends in

Nor should it be difficult to understand why the State Department(mostly
CFR) and the almost three hundred world-government, subversives in the
present administration have been financing and supporting their communist
agents in the Soviet Union since about 1914.

In the publication, Soviet Land, (C) Novosti Press Agency Publishing House,
1977, we can learn of many interesting things that are happening in the name
of SOCIALISM, since the most wealthy US Bankers, and their cohorts in
Germany, each sent twenty million dollars in gold, with Trotsky from New
York and Lenin from Germany, to overthrow the christian tzar.

One other thing that may be of interest to the common folk from this
socialist publication is that General Electric, Occidental Petroleum, and as
it says on page 32: "And scores of US firms have set up offices in Moscow.
The US-USSR Trade and Economic Council has been organized with participation
of over 300 US and Soviet firms and trade organizations."

For more on the treason that has been taking place all of these years, a
helpful study has been done by Professor Charles Levinson in his 328 page
book, Vodka Cola. Not only has the controlled media done quite a number on
the hundreds of books which would have been readily available in a free
society, they have also done a number on the minds of the citizens in their
controlled government schools and their cartel ized media.

If the Red Chinese are serious about going to war, a citizens 

[CTRL] There's no stopping 'Governor Death'

2000-03-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


 There's no stopping 'Governor Death'

Odell Barnes Jr. and the late Betty Lou Beets

A number of months ago, Minister Robert Muhammad, of the Nation of Islam in
Houston, stated that "the path to the White House goes through Huntsville,
Texas." At the time he said that, I wasn't sure he was right. Now I believe
that Minister Robert may have spoken prophetic words.

With the February 24 execution of Betty Lou Beets, 121 executions have been
carried out in Texas while George W. Bush has been governor. Bush's support
for executions appears to be unparalleled in modern history. One columnist
dubbed him "Governor Death."

Bush has supported executions no matter what the facts or circumstances might
be. It started in earnest, at least as far as media attention was concerned,
with the execution of Karla Faye Tucker on February 3, 1998 and hit a new low
with the execution of battered, great-grandmother Betty Lou Beets. Meanwhile,
there have been scores of executions including mentally-disabled people,
juvenile offenders, a disproportionate number of African Americans, citizens
of other countries, numerous rehabilitated people, and people with strong
claims of innocence. Just about all of these people have been poor.

Of course, Bush denies that an innocent person has ever been executed in
Texas. However, those of us who are close to the situation would challenge
him on that. We know of at least 10 people who have been released from Texas'
death row in recent years. We know of others who were executed despite strong
claims of innocence. And we know of people on death row at this time who are
very likely innocent. One of those persons is Odell Barnes Jr., who was
scheduled for execution on March 1. Barnes, 31, was convicted of the 1989
murder of his girlfriend. In 1991, he was sentenced to die by lethal
injection. In 1997, a new team of lawyers took his case and uncovered
evidence that they said showed Barnes was framed by police investigators.
Despite the lawyers' appeals, Texas judicial authorities have refused to
reopen the case. Europeans are outraged. Last week, French President Jacques
Chirac called former President Bush to plead for Barnes' life and a new

In the case of Betty Lou Beets, six national organizations and 31 state
coalitions who work to end domestic violence and provide support for battered
women asked Governor Bush to grant her a reprieve. According to the Houston
Chronicle, the governor's office received more than 2,000 phone calls
opposing Beets' execution and about 50 supporting it. Despite this outpouring
of support for her, Bush declined to intervene, saying that he was convinced
she was guilty. We are sorry to inform the governor that the question wasn't
guilt or innocence, but whether she had received a fair trial. Her inept and
apparently corrupt lawyer had failed to present evidence of Beets' abused and
battered life to the jury during the original trial.

Bush's decision to not intervene in Betty's case shows how ridiculous it is
for him to portray himself as "compassionate." Instead, his decision shows
him to be cruel or not too bright (or both).

A number of women who either supported the death penalty or were undecided on
the issue have commented that the execution of Betty Lou Beets has caused
them to rethink their position on this form of punishment (and I suspect on
George W. Bush's qualifications for governor or president). Many people
reacted the same way after the execution of born-again Karla Faye Tucker,
Canadian Standley Faulder, youthful Glen McGinnis, mentally-ill Larry
Robison, and probably innocent David Spence. This rethinking will occur again
if Odell Barnes Jr. is executed.

And I suspect that this "rethinking" will extend beyond the death penalty to
the White House. Does the United States really want someone in the White
House who has fully supported the execution of 121 people regardless of
circumstances; who has given Texas a reputation as the "death penalty capital
of the western world"; who has defended a corrupt and biased criminal justice
system; and who has allowed a battered great-grandmother to be executed?


David Atwood is president of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death
Penalty. Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to 

Re: [CTRL] OT: Atmospheric oxygen concentration dropping ?

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sun, 05 Mar 2000, Jim Lambert indicated:

snip ...if our bodies adapted to an environment with 150 %
 of today's atmospheric pressure, and 35% more oxygen, then
 we would be virtually invulnerable to bacteria, virus, mold,
 yeast,etc.  We would be supermen for real!
And, if this were true, then today's atmosphere would mean
 we have to take drastic steps not to fall prey to our body's
 natural vulnerabilities to these changes.


Can you explain how the Earth's atmospheric pressure might have
once been 150% of its current level ?  Is that possible ?

Actually most people can adapt well to lower oxygen levels in
one generation or less, as when a person moves from sea level
to live in a region at 10-12 thousand feet altitude, where the
air is relatively thin.  Healthy people soon adapt with little
problem, by a natural increase in the number of red blood cells.

I've never heard that health of human populations decreases as
the air becomes rarified, with an increase in altitude.  In fact,
health may actually increase in thinner air at higher altitudes
-- although this is partly due to CO (carbon monoxide) and other
pollutants settling down towards sea-level.  And, with thinner
air, people breathe deeper, which provides a healthy increase in
lymphatic circulation.

The following point is from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 ..it's unlikely the earth's atmosphere was a 35% O2 while
 we were around.   Oxygen is great stuff that is also extremely
 dangerous in it's effect of lowering the temperature at which
 substances will combust.   Human flesh as it turns out,
 burns quite nicely at 28% O2 (in the presence of a flame).
 One lightening strike in a 35% O2 environment could do a
 LOT of damage.

But what if the atmospheric pressure was increased by 150% ?
Could this offset the combustibility problem of higher O2 levels,
or could this exacerbate the problem ?

I still have reservations about accepting the theory that free
O2 levels were 35% sometime in the last 50,000+ years -- merely
based upon measuring O2 in air pockets in Antarctic ice samples.

Assuming Jim's information is correct -- that natural ozone holes
cyclically reoccur over Antarctica -- then long term solar and
cosmic radiation (that enter more easily through these ozone holes)
may have dissociated some water vapor into H2 and O2, inside those
air pockets found in the ice.  The smaller molecules of H2 could
have more easily diffused out of those air pockets, leaving behind
a relative excess of O2, thus distorting the recent scientific
measurements, and leading to false conclusions...

However, this may be a natural, long term buffering process, which
resupplies atmospheric free O2 when too much becomes 'bound up'
into CO2, NOx, SOx, or whatever gasses are involved in creating
those ozone holes.  The vast majority of this posited 'radiation-
dissociated O2' would not be created hidden inside Antarctic ice
cap bubbles.  It would be created in the open, and the dissociated
H2 would diffuse off into space, leaving behind the O2, to slowly
replenish the Earth's atmosphere.



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sauder Claims Strieber Thinks He's too Conspiratorial

2000-03-06 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Strieber writes fiction. Sauder writes fact. Period. End of story.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Echelon hits the news-Spy agencies listened in on Diana

2000-03-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Taylor, John (JH) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Echelon hits the news-Spy agencies listened in on Diana
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000 1:30 AM

Echelon hits the news- now we plebs know we are being watched. So roll over
and die

 Sunday Times(London)
February 27 2000 BRITAIN

Global eavesdroppers: calls by Diana were intercepted by a worldwide
monitoring network said to include Menwith Hill in Yorkshire. The consortium
building Tornado fighter planes and Mark Thatcher were also targeted in the

Spy agencies listened in on Diana
Nick Fielding and Duncan Campbell

SPY agencies in Britain and America eavesdropped on Diana, Princess of Wales
and Mark Thatcher, son of the former prime minister, as part of a global
system of monitoring communications, according to former intelligence
Calls by Diana were picked up because of her international charity work;
Thatcher's calls surfaced in the monitoring of British arms deals with Saudi

The officials also revealed that charities such as Amnesty International,
Christian Aid and Greenpeace were secretly spied on. Overseas targets have
even included the Vatican: messages sent by the Pope and the late Mother
Teresa of Calcutta have been intercepted, read and passed on to Whitehall
intelligence officers, the sources say.

Codenamed Echelon, the monitoring system is part of a worldwide network of
listening stations capable of processing millions of messages an hour. At
least 10 Echelon stations operate around the world. Canada, Australia and
New Zealand participate, as well as Britain and the United States.

Former intelligence officials have spoken out after a decision by the
European parliament to launch an inquiry into Echelon's operations.
Officially, the British and American governments continue to deny the
network's existence.

Wayne Madsen, who worked for 20 years at America's National Security Agency
(NSA) and other agencies, said last week: "Anybody who is politically active
will eventually end up on the NSA's radar screen."

Charities operating overseas are monitored because they often have access to
details about controversial regimes. Amnesty was a particular target in the
late 1980s, sources said. According to Madsen, "undisclosed material held in
US government files on Princess Diana was collected because of her work with
the international campaign to ban landmines".

The NSA, a former insider has revealed, has also targeted communications
concerning British military sales to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

Its monitoring intercepted communications sent by Thatcher, who was then
involved in the giant al-Yamamah arms contract between Britain and Saudi
Arabia. The NSA also eavesdropped on the Panavia consortium, which builds
the Tornado fighter aircraft. British Aerospace is one of the main partners
in the consortium.

"I just think of Echelon as a great vacuum cleaner in the sky which sucks
everything up," said Mike Frost, a former Canadian intelligence officer. "We
just get to look at the goodies."

Frost, who retired in 1992 after 20 years' service, has also revealed that
Canada's equivalent of GCHQ was used by Margaret Thatcher to monitor two
cabinet colleagues. "She wanted to find out not what they were saying,"
Frost said, "but what they were thinking."

The ultra-secret operation was conducted from an office at Macdonald House
in Grosvenor Square, central London, which houses the Canadian high
commission. According to Frost, Canadian spies were asked by GCHQ to
undertake the operation because it was too politically sensitive for GCHQ to
do itself. After spending three weeks tapping the ministers' communications,
the Canadian officer who led the operation drove to GCHQ and handed over the

Margaret Newsham, an American computer software manager who worked during
the 1980s at the giant listening station at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire,
confirmed last week: "I was aware that massive security violations were
taking place. If these systems were for combating drugs or terrorism, that
would be fine. But not for use in spying on individuals."

Newsham says she was invited to listen in on an American senator's
intercepted phone call at Menwith Hill. Later she informed Congress about
her experiences. "It was evident American constitutional laws had been
broken," she said.

Avenues of redress for those targeted by Echelon are few. The Sunday Times
has established that a loophole in the 1985 Interception of Communication
Act means intelligence officials can put individuals and organisations under
surveillance without a specific ministerial warrant. Section 3 (2) of the
act, governing interception of communications going to, through or from

[CTRL] Protesters Throw Eggs at Albright

2000-03-06 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
is there still hope of defenestration?

   Protesters Throw Eggs at Albright
 By Nadia Rybarova
 Associated Press Writer
 Monday, March 6, 2000; 8:01 a.m. EST
 BRNO, Czech Republic Shouting "death to American imperialism,"
 two men hurled eggs at Secretary of State Madeleine Albright today after
 she told a university audience that defense of common values sometimes
 requires countries to pay a financial price.
 After finishing a speech to an enthusiastic audience at Tomas Masaryk
 University in this industrial city 125 miles southeast of Prague,
 Albright was milling about in the crowded entrance hall as bystanders
 Suddenly, two men shouted "death to American imperialism" and began
 hurling eggs. Albright was spattered slightly with bits of egg but most
 of them were intercepted by her bodyguards, said a U.S. official who
 asked that his name not be published.
 She was rushed upstairs quickly before leaving for another appearance.
 Police Capt. Zdenek Lubas said several people were detained for
 questioning but declined to give further details.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

2000-03-06 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000306a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No dysfunctional relationships were enhanced to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Centre For The Easily Amused: http://www.amused.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SKULLS OF WISDOM. Ditton Wilson disappeared in August of 1996 during an
  investigation into the a group of caves and tunnels beneath Salt Lake
  City, Utah. Before his disappearance he produced the skulls, which he
  claimed came from an Alien grave-yard he had found in a giant cavern
  underneath the Cross-Roads Mall: http://www.srv.net/~bhw/interest.htm
@ Also - The Alien/LDS Connection: http://www.srv.net/~bhw/favorite.htm

: Are you Mormon/Alien/subterranean? Have you found many strange skulls in
caves/tunnels/bunkers under shopping centers? Do all shopping centers cover
alien cemeteries? Are all shopping-center developers in collusion with ETs?

@ NOTE TO THE PRESS: The govt of the US continues to rely on your personal
  and professional gullibility to suppress the information contained herein.
  Your cooperation over the past 40 years has exceeded OUR wildest expecta-
  tions and we salute you. The sun does not revolve around the Earth. The
  US Government has been in business with little gray extraterrestrials
  for about 20 years. http://www.xs4all.nl/~dannyvs/dulce-3.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GENE SPLICING - How to create a life without sex. The US govt maintains
  that genetically modified crops are basically the same as traditional
  ones, not exotic new life forms. Activists say they represent unprece-
  dented attempts to interfere with Mother Nature. The truth lies some-
  where in between. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/990726/26dnab.htm

# Preserve Fertility By Egg-Freezing. Female cancer patients and other women
  at risk of losing their fertility because of medical treatments can now
  help preserve their childbearing options via a new egg-freezing program at
  Stanford. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/03/000306075837.htm

: Do you create/maintain/live/prefer life without sex? Is it cleaner? Have
you arranged for external reproduction yet? Do you have adequate hosts yet?

@ What mysterious factors make some marriages thrive and others explode into
  shards of acrimony  loneliness? http://linguafranca.com/0003/lovelab.html
@ WOMEN: Are you addicted to sex? The sex addict is someone who needs to
  have constant, unrelenting, continuous sexual gratification. See if you
  fit the profile: http://woman.iafrica.com/relationships/?src_id=tmp0407
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# DOTCOZA. In South Africa, a remarkable project to investigate if an indi-
  vidual can survive living only off the Net for three months. The person,
  called "dotcoza", will arrive in a house today, with only a bed, a compu-
  ter, Internet access, and clothes on his back - and survive without leav-
  ing the premises for the allotted time period. http://www.dotcoza.co.za

# World's population getting fatter - Reptoids will harvest us soon:

: Is Web-survival a form of abuse? Are we being conditioned for dependence
on the Web and similar remote/enmeshed systems, like chickens isolated in
their little prisons to lay eggs? Are you isolated? Do you need the eggs?

@ National Society of MicroSoft Haters: http://www.tradepage.co.za/nsmh/
@ Webgrrls of South Africa: http://www.webgrrls.co.za/
@ (SAICSIT) http://www.cs.unp.ac.za/saicsit/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Firefighters  UFO's - friends or foes? http://www.caus.org/hk030600.htm
# UFOs And The Unexplained In Saskatchewan. There have been thousands of
  sightings in Saskatchewan. Mostly in remote areas, farm land and Indian
  reservations. But some sightings have occurred in the cities of Saskatoon
  and Regina. Not just drunks: http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~aa711/u.html
  http://duke.usask.ca/~fowlerr/u2.html  http://sightings.com/ufo6/sas.htm

@ REPTOYS. If we are to discover if our planet is being prepared for open
  contact by the unseen faces  whispered names of certain globalized broth-
  erhoods, we must keep a careful eye on the toy market to monitor what
  images our children are psychologically ingesting. From Barbie to Barney,
  what does the trend portend? http://www.reptoids.com/reptoys.htm
@ All Reptilioids, All The Time: http://www.reptoids.com/

: Have you been adequately prepared for alien contact? Doe aliens infiltrate
in the far North, in fire/rescue situations, in toy companies? Are the ETs
watching everything we do? Are birds descended from dinosaurs, thus Reptoid?

# 'Spy Hawk' Captured? NEW DELHI (Reuters) India's Border Security Force
  has caught 

[CTRL] What the Chinese might be thinking (J.R. Nyquist)

2000-03-06 Thread Nicola Molloy

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

What the Chinese might be

J.R. Nyquist
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com 

A Chinese military document, which discusses China's ongoing
confrontation with Taiwan, has recently received attention in the U.S.
The document is addressed to the regional garrisons, general departments,
armed services and corps-level headquarters of the People's Liberation
Army. It explains China's policy and strategy in broad terms, so that all
military commanders might understand the context of China's ongoing

The document was drafted by the General Political Department of the PLA
and approved by the Central Military Commission Conference. The document
was titled, Watching Closely for Changes in Relationships with
Taiwan and Enhancing Awareness of Military Leadership in the Current

WorldNetDaily reporter Charles Smith has written a brief overview of the
PLA document, outlining its contents. At this time it might be
appropriate to take a closer look, in terms of China's strategic
thinking. Where is the PLA headed? How does the PLA document relate to
events in Russia? How do the Chinese view their chances of winning a
future war against Taiwan or the United States? 

The first and most notable assertion made in the PLA document, which runs
contrary to what many of us previously believed, is that Taiwan can be
rapidly overcome by a sudden PLA invasion. Given Taiwan's air power and
the difficulties involved in assaulting an island with few easily invaded
beaches, an attacking Chinese force could only be slaughtered. Yet the
Chinese military leadership expects to defeat Taiwan within a few days.

It seems that China's leadership is unconcerned with the strength of
Taiwan's defenses. They believe that tactics and timing are
all that matter. 

How can this be? 

Even more surprising, the PLA leadership says that it is better to
fight now than in the future -- the earlier, the better. This
suggests that Beijing views the current correlation of forces
as advantageous. In other words, a window of military opportunity has
opened up in the present. 

In Western circles it is commonly thought that China will reach a
military window of opportunity in five to 10 years. What accounts for the
difference between the PLA's assessment and that of Western military
experts? It would be logical to conclude that the PLA leaders know
something that we don't. Apparently China has acquired capabilities or
alliance guarantees that alter the present correlation of forces in
China's favor. This is clearly indicated in the PLA document. This means
that China's leaders expect to surprise the United States. Given the
traditionally cautious behavior of Beijing oligarchs, more than one
surprise would have to backstop a bold initiative like the invasion of
Taiwan. Beijing cannot simply rely on one trump card. 

A Western military expert might conclude that the Chinese are bluffing,
that they have purposely released this PLA document to spook us -- to
frighten us into backing down, so that they can swallow up Taiwan without
risking a single soldier. 

Of course, America should not overestimate China's power. That would be a
mistake. But underestimating China would also be a mistake. 

How do we evaluate Chinese military power in the current situation? 

Consider the following factors: China has cleverly pocketed key American
business people; China has benefited militarily and economically from
shady dealings with the Clinton administration; China has also engaged in
successful espionage against America's nuclear labs (as suggested in the
Cox report); China's military leaders, working indirectly through front
companies, now control the ports of entry at the Panama Canal -- a
significant logistical choke-point. 

Where is the bluff in all these moves? 

Every item fits with a general pattern of painstaking strategic
preparation. A path to victory has been paved in three dimensions
simultaneously -- diplomatic, economic and military-technical. Every
listed item has been crafted and orchestrated for a future moment of
exploitation. And here is why the PLA thinks its window of opportunity
has arrived. Eventually the Americans will realize that China has been
positioning itself, just as former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Adm.
Thomas Moorer first pointed out. It is therefore only a matter of time
before the Americans counter-act China's elaborate preparations. With
Clinton's presidency coming to an end early next year, the best time to
act is now. As more and more Americans realize the danger from China,
this window of opportunity cannot remain open indefinitely. Act
sooner rather than later, say China's strategists. And this makes
perfect sense. 

There is also the question of North Korea's force mobilization -- an
arduous undertaking with Beijing standing in the background.
As this column pointed
out on Thursday, Russia has been
mobilizing as well, and rapidly modernizing its armed forces in the last

[CTRL] Amnesty Intl: CUBA - Prisoners of Conscience

2000-03-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *
News Service: 043/00
AMR 25/08/00
6 March 2000


Visit of Foreign Minister Dalmau Fernández's to the UK -- Amnesty
International asks for release of prisoners of conscience

On the occasion of the official visit to the UK of Cuba’s vice Foreign
Minister, Angel Dalmau Fernández, Amnesty International has called on
the Cuban government to immediately and unconditionally release all
prisoners of conscience.

Several hundred political prisoners are being held in Cuba, most of whom
were convicted after unfair trials. Twenty eight of these have been
recognized by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

"The Cuban government must address several key concerns as a matter of
urgency," Amnesty International said. "These range from political
prisoners being held after manifestly unfair trials, severe limitations
of freedoms of expression, association and assembly, and punitive
measures amounting to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment."

Freedom of expression, association and assembly are severely limited in
Cuba, both in law and in practice. Those who attempt to organize
meetings, express views or form organizations conflicting with
government policy are subjected to harassment and punitive measures that
can include short-term detention, interrogation, threats and physical
and verbal acts of aggression carried out by government supporters.

"The Cuban government must lift all restrictive measures and put an end
to practices impeding freedom of speech, association and assembly,"
Amnesty International said.

Concerns about the human rights situation in Cuba have seriously
increased after the introduction in February 1999 of tough new
legislation ostensibly aimed at protecting the Cuban economy from the
effects of 38 years of embargo by the US. This new legislation could
also easily lend itself to efforts to stifle political dissent,
providing for a penalty of up to 20 years’ imprisonment for a series of
offences. For the eighth year running, the United Nations General
Assembly called overwhelmingly in its November 1999 meeting for an end
to the embargo against Cuba.

According to reports, political prisoners and others have been subjected
to punitive measures that include the withholding of food or medical
attention, detention in cells with no light or bedding, threats,
discrimination, verbal abuse and at times beatings. All of these
constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment by international

Amnesty International is also concerned about a recent increase in the
use of the death penalty, particularly after the introduction in March
1999 of new legislation imposing this punishment for serious cases of
drug-trafficking, corruption of minors and armed robbery. At least 13
people were executed in 1999 and at least nine people reportedly remain
on death row.

"We hope that, on his return to Cuba, the vice Foreign Minister will
convey to the Cuban government the importance of demonstrating its
commitment to human rights by releasing all prisoners of conscience,"
Amnesty International said.

"The Cuban government could also show a true commitment to improve its
human rights record by being open to international supervision --
including providing access to the country for international human rights
organizations," the organization concluded.

Background Prisoners of conscience are people detained solely because of
their peaceful attempts to exercise their rights to freedom of
expression, association and assembly. Amnesty International calls for
immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience.
Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom

You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the
list subscription message may be removed.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] IUFO: TIMES: Vegetarian Antichrist is 'walking among us'

2000-03-06 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 London Times 3/6/00
 Vegetarian Antichrist is 'walking among us'

 THE leading conservative contender to succeed the Pope yesterday said that
 the "Antichrist" was already on Earth in the guise of a prominent
 philanthropist whose concern for human rights and the environment and
 advocacy of ecumenicism masks his real aim: the destruction of Christianity
 and "the death of God".
 Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, 71, the Archbishop of Bologna, said the Antichrist

Sounds like a lot of "bologna" to me...or maybe "papal bull".


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Landslide or Suicide?

2000-03-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sticking with Bush, GOP will lose it all; McCain could give them victory


March 6 —  For Democrats, Super Tuesday is a mere formality: crowning
Al Gore, the inevitable nominee. But for Republicans, this could be Suicide

ATTENTION REPUBLICANS: The key to success in American politics is
balancing ideology with winning elections. Thus, the idea is to find a
candidate who: Agrees with you on most issues Can get elected. This is
Politics 101. John McCain is a candidate who: Agrees with Republicans on
most issues. Can get elected — but the polls suggest Republicans are
about to reject him. LANDSLIDE OR SUICIDE? If John McCain is
effectively out of this race on Tuesday, on Wednesday we will be able to
say this is the biggest and most tragic mass suicide ever since a bunch of
equally confused true believers laced on identical sneakers and followed
cult leader Doe to a “a better place.” John McCain as the nominee means
that in the general election the Republican party will attract all GOP voters,
almost all new voters, the vast majority of independent voters and about 20
percent of Democrat voters. John McCain is a lock to take the GOP to the
Promised Land. George Bush will lose to Al Gore, and the GOP will go
down in flames, crippled for a generation or more.

It means perhaps the biggest landslide and biggest mandate in modern
American history. A McCain victory means the Democratic party would be
decimated — a marginalized caucus of minorities, trade unionists, and
some Birkenstock-shod liberals on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. A
McCain victory also means the likelihood of Republicans becoming the
dominant political party and philosophy for the next 30 years or more. A
McCain victory means a conservative U.S. Supreme Court, federal bench,
and Republican control of the House, the Senate and the White House. In
short, a McCain victory would deliver Republicans everything for which they
could conceivably wish — and totally vanquish the enemy. STICKING WITH
A LOSER No thanks: we’ll take Bush, Republicans appear poised to
proclaim. George W. Bush, who thus far cannot attract the vote of anybody
who isn’t an older, overweight, conservative white man named Chuck.
George W. Bush, who mortgaged his status as a political centrist to make
a deal with bigots to win Southern votes.

George W. Bush, whose attempts to complete a thought or a sentence
offer all the gruesome excitement of a bungee jump. George W. Bush, who
put the “Duh” in W. George W. Bush in a long national campaign? Debating
Al Gore? Winning non-Republican votes? Good luck. At here is the
necessary question: Do the Republican politicians (all of them) supporting
Bush actually believe he can win — or are they, lemming like, marching to
doom with a fellow member of their tired party establishment, in order to
“save” it from a reformer? A RARE OPPORTUNITY Yes, GOP: Join hands
and jump off the cliff. You are going to a better place. It’s called the Gore

The gods do not frequently offer opportunity such as the Republicans have
at this moment: John McCain has a lock on taking them to the Promised
Land. George Bush will lose to Al Gore, and the GOP will go down in
flames, crippled for a generation or more. Which is it — sad or funny — that
the party that fell in love at first sight with a so-called winner is on the verge
of denying the biggest winner they have ever had? But Republicans
evidently do not wish to be confused with facts. We’ll take Bush, thanks. We
liked his father. And his mom. Oh, and the media like McCain. So do non-
Republicans. There must be something wrong with him. Anyway, any
Republican can beat Al Gore. Yes, Republicans: Go ahead, join hands and
jump off the cliff. You are going to a better place. And the name of that
place is the Gore Administration.

Jay Severin hosts a call-in show on 96.9 FM-TALK in Boston. He is a
campaign consultant for conservative causes and a regular contributor to
MSNBC on the Internet.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Vote for Virtual Candidate

2000-03-06 Thread Mack White

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #2

2000-03-06 Thread Ric Carter
ent Clinton recommends more police power and changes to U.S.
  anonymity laws. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34720,00.html

: Does your govt/agency/firm/church/cabal have enough surveillance power?
Can you allow The People any privacy at all? Does privacy endanger you? Do
you routinely destroy all incriminating evidence? Do you get away with it?

# Clinton Orders Net Security Review - crack down on everyone, everywhere
  now: http://www.thestandard.com/article/display/0,1151,12599,00.html
# Historians, libraries lose appeal: govt computer records to be destroyed.
  Coverup: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564776880-48d
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Students rapped for Virgin Mary pro-choice flyers. The prez of Providence
  College says pro-choice posters that feature Mary reflect "anti-Catholic
  bigotry" and he's not about to go easy on their creators. Three students
  behind the messages have been fined $1,000 each and kicked out of school:

@ HOLY BLOWFISH: Demonstrate to your children that, that, in this morally
  standardless universe, blowfish can be seen as good, where "good" is
  defined as "utter destruction and elemental Chaos." Set a good example:

: Does your belief system insist on high/medium/low moral standards? Should
your belief systems be mandatory? If your now-dominant heresy ever loses its
dominance, should all your fellow-believers be rooted out, purged, expelled?

# Pope martyrs 44 beauties - claims, "the voices told me to, so I did!"
# Student Prayer Again an Issue for High Court - the hydra that never
  dies: http://www.latimes.com/news/front/2306/t21790.html
# Hillary marches in St. Pat's parade - Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox and
  Buddhist saints spin in their graves because of Methodist intrusion:

: Who are your favorite saints? Does your belief system has a unique set of
saints? Do any other belief systems recognize them? Should prayer to/at your
saints/saviours/deities/demons be mandatory in public affairs? Do they work?

# Religious pledge to promote census - monotheists want to be counted:
# Court backs Indiana on Good Friday - state may establish religion:
# Cardinal O'Connor gets Congressional Gold Medal, grants indulgences:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "SURE I believe in GOD - I carved one from soapstone this morning."

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Death the State

2000-03-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 00-03-06 20:09:14 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But for you to
 compare and equate the US to Iraq, Iran, or China is a ridiculous insult!

When talking about the death penalty, it is not ridiculous.  The death penalty
has been OUTLAWED in all industrialized, and industrializing nations, EXCEPT
the United States.  The other countries beside the US which still use
the death penalty ARE China, Iran, Iraq and a few others like them.

Therefore, Death Penalty=USA=China=Iraq=Iran is a true equation.  Both of
the USA's neighbours, Canada and Mexico, rightly look down on the
USA for retaining such a barbarous punisment which the civilized world
has left behind, like slavery.  The truth about the USA hurts, but it is the
truth nonetheless. Alfred, Vancouver, Canada

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secret History Of Lead (1)

2000-03-06 Thread William Shannon

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/A -Cui Bono?-

March 20, 2000

Click here for a timeline: 8,500 years of lead, 79 years of leaded gasoline.

Click here to read a press release about this article.

The next time you pull the family barge in for a fill-up, check it out: The
gas pumps read "Unleaded." You might reasonably suppose this is because
naturally occurring lead has been thoughtfully removed from the gasoline. But
you would be wrong. There is no lead in gasoline unless somebody puts it
there. And, a little more than seventy-five years ago, some of America's
leading corporations--General Motors, Du Pont and Standard Oil of New Jersey
(known nowadays as Exxon)--were that somebody. They got together and put
lead, a known poison, into gasoline, for profit.

Lead was outlawed as an automotive gasoline additive in this country in
1986--more than sixty years after its introduction--to enable the use of
emissions-reducing catalytic converters in cars (which are contaminated and
rendered useless by lead) and to address the myriad health and safety
concerns that have shadowed the toxic additive from its first, tentative
appearance on US roads in the twenties, through a period of international
ubiquity only recently ending. Since the virtual disappearance of leaded gas
in the United States (it's still sold for use in propeller airplanes), the
mean blood-lead level of the American population has declined more than 75
percent. A 1985 EPA study estimated that as many as 5,000 Americans died
annually from lead-related heart disease prior to the country's lead
phaseout. According to a 1988 report to Congress on childhood lead poisoning
in America by the government's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry, one can estimate that the blood-lead levels of up to 2 million
children were reduced every year to below toxic levels between 1970 and 1987
as leaded gasoline use was reduced. From that report and elsewhere, one can
conservatively estimate that a total of about 68 million young children had
toxic exposures to lead from gasoline from 1927 to 1987.

* * *

How did lead get into gasoline in the first place? And why is leaded gas
still being sold in the Third World, Eastern Europe and elsewhere? Recently
uncovered documents from the archives of the aforementioned industrial
behemoths and the US government, a new skein of academic research and a
careful reading of that long-ago period's historical record, as well as
dozens of interviews conducted by The Nation, tell the true story of leaded
gasoline, a sad and sordid commercial venture that would tiptoe its way
quietly into the black hole of history if the captains of industry were to
have their way. But the story must be recounted now. The leaded gas
adventurers have profitably polluted the world on a grand scale and, in the
process, have provided a model for the asbestos, tobacco, pesticide and
nuclear power industries, and other twentieth-century corporate bad actors,
for evading clear evidence that their products are harmful by hiding behind
the mantle of scientific uncertainty.

This is not just a textbook example of unnecessary environmental degradation,
however. Nor is this history important solely as a cautionary retort to those
who would doubt the need for aggressive regulation of industry, when
commercial interests ask us to sanction genetically modified food on the
basis of their own scientific assurances, just as the merchants of lead once
did. The leaded gasoline story must also be read as a call to action, for the
lead menace lives.


§ the severe health hazards of leaded gasoline were known to its makers and
clearly identified by the US public health community more than seventy-five
years ago, but were steadfastly denied by the makers, because they couldn't
be immediately quantified;

§ other, safer antiknock additives--used to increase gasoline octane and
counter engine "knock"--were known and available to oil companies and the
makers of lead antiknocks before the lead additive was discovered, but they
were covered up and denied, then fought, suppressed and unfairly maligned for
decades to follow;

§ the US government was fully apprised of leaded gasoline's potentially
hazardous effects and was aware of available alternatives, yet was complicit
in the cover-up and even actively assisted the profiteers in spreading the
use of leaded gasoline to foreign countries;

§ the benefits of lead antiknock additives were wildly and knowingly
overstated in the beginning, and continue to be. Lead is not only bad for the
planet and all its life forms, it is actually bad for cars and always was;

§ for more than four decades, all scientific research regarding the health
implications of leaded gasoline was underwritten and controlled by the
original lead cabal--Du Pont, GM and Standard Oil; such research invariably
favored the industry's pro-lead views, but was from 

[CTRL] Secret History Of Lead (2)

2000-03-06 Thread William Shannon

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/A -Cui Bono?-

PAGE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Enter Du Pont

In 1919 GM purchased Kettering's Dayton research laboratory. The following
year the company installed him as vice president of research of the renamed
General Motors Research Corporation.

No longer the shambling, anarchic outfit it had been under the inveterate
risk-taker W.C. Durant, GM was now to be run in the militarily precise mold
of E.I. du Pont de Nemours  Company of Wilmington, Delaware. Awash in a sea
of gunpowder profits from World War I, the du Pont family had been increasing
its stake in GM since 1914. By 1920 it controlled more than 35 percent of GM
shares and moved to pack the board, installing professional management, with
the du Pont faction taking control of the corporation's all-powerful finance

Caught short by a margin call in the recession of 1920, Durant, GM's colorful
founder, lost his stake and was forced by the du Pont family to walk the
plank (he would spend his final days running a bowling alley). One of the
clan's craftiest patriarchs, Pierre du Pont, was coaxed from retirement and
named GM's interim president; Alfred Sloan, who had demonstrated the
coldhearted allegiance to the bottom line the du Ponts revered, became
executive vice president preparatory to assuming the top slot. The pressure
on all concerned, including Kettering and his research division, was to make
money and to make it fast.

Lest there be any misunderstanding, Sloan wrote to Kettering in September of
1920, alerting him to the du Ponts' new math: "Although [the Research
Corporation] is not a productive unit and a unit that is supposed to make a
profit, nevertheless the more tangible result we get from it the stronger its
position will be It may be inferred at some future time...that we are
spending too much money down there [in Dayton] and being in a position to
show what benefits had accrued to the corporation would strengthen our
position materially."

That time would come soon enough for Kettering to deliver. An air-cooled
engine he'd championed--copper-cooled, he called it--would soon prove a
costly disaster for GM. Fortunately for him, immediately after joining GM he
had given his trusted assistant Midgley two weeks to find something to ignite
the new management's interest in funding continued fuel research. Though it
would take somewhat longer than two weeks to fire their masters' enthusiasm,
"Midge" succeeded.

And the Winner Is...

The effect of this sudden time constraint was striking. As GM researcher and
Kettering biographer T.A. Boyd noted in an unpublished history written in
1943, Midgley's main research in 1919-20 had been to make alcohols out of
olefins found in petroleum through reactions with sulfuric acid. (Farm
alcohol was one thing, but a patentable process for production of
petroleum-derived alcohol--a possible money-maker--was quite another, one of
considerably greater interest to the corporation.) "But in view of the
verdict setting a time limit on how much further the research for an
antiknock compound might continue," Boyd said, "work was resumed at once in
making engine tests of whatever further compounds happened to be available on
the shelf of the lab...or which could be gotten readily."

As noted earlier, Midgley tested many compounds before isolating tetraethyl
lead in December 1921. In the early days, he would attribute the discovery of
TEL's antiknock properties to "luck and religion, as well as the application
of science." In a 1925 magazine article, he would recall false trails with
iodine, aniline, selenium and tellurium before hitting upon lead. Curiously,
his article omitted any reference to the alcohol-gasoline blend he'd patented
just five years earlier.

Another oddity: The exact number of compounds tested prior to TEL's discovery
varies dramatically in different accounts. As Professor William Kovarik of
Radford University has observed, confusion reigns in part because the lab's
day-to-day test diaries have never been released to the public by the General
Motors Institute (GMI) archive. In the words of one archivist there, GM's
lead archives have been "sanitized." One 1925 article in the Literary Digest
put the number at 2,500 compounds tested, while The Story of Ethyl Gasoline,
a 1927 pamphlet released by a company Midgley would help found, states that
33,000 were studied. Another time, he claimed 14,991 elements were examined,
while a 1980 Ethyl corporation statement set the number at 144. This question
is important because GM's discovery of lead's antiknock properties, which
initially caused little internal excitement, would be hailed in popular media
and later cited in polytechnical texts as a model of rational, orderly
scientific inquiry that sought the single best answer to the knock question.
A more realistic view of events is that TEL's re-emergence in the twenties
was the result of a crude empirical potshot that 

[CTRL] Secret History Of Lead (3)

2000-03-06 Thread William Shannon

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/A -Cui Bono?-

PAGE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Hello, Ethyl

Meanwhile, Standard Oil of New Jersey had developed a faster, cheaper method
of synthesizing TEL. In August 1924 production began in a makeshift works at
its Bayway plant in Elizabeth, New Jersey. GM still held the TEL patent, but
Standard now had the better manufacturing technology and a patent of its own
to prove it.

To the apparent surprise of some at Du Pont, which had not been producing the
fluid fast enough for GM's liking, the oil company (one of twenty-seven
companies formed by the 1911 breakup of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust) and
the automobile company formed a joint venture, which they called the Ethyl
Gasoline Corporation. Why, one wonders, would GM deign to form Ethyl, a new
company, with Standard? "In the first place," Sloan would testify in a 1952
antitrust suit, "I recognized that General Motors' organization had no
competence whatsoever in chemical manufacture. We were mechanical people
dealing in metal processing." The deaths at Dayton would certainly support
this modest assessment. Sloan would also later record his view that
management should not get sidetracked on noncore businesses. But there were
clearly bushels of money to be made. Sloan had by now fully cottoned to an
essential fact about his company's new lead additive patent. As the
management expert P.F. Drucker described it many years later, "GM, in effect,
made money on almost every gallon of gasoline sold, by anyone."

In one of its first official acts, the newly formed Ethyl Gasoline
Corporation evinced renewed sensitivity to spin (not to mention a justifiably
elevated level of paranoia) by insisting that its contract with the Bureau of
Mines be modified yet again, to reflect that "before publication of any
papers or articles by your Bureau, they should be submitted to them [Ethyl]
for comment, criticism, and approval." Thus, as the public health historians
David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz have observed, the newly formed Ethyl
Corporation was given "veto power over the research of the United States

Death by Loony Gas

Du Pont would supply most of Ethyl's TEL requirements for years to come, but,
according to a letter written by Alfred Sloan to Irénée du Pont in the fall
of 1924, in an accommodation to Standard Oil that firm had been permitted to
maintain a small "semiworks" at its Bayway refinery. Later, Du Pont engineers
would express serious reservations about the safety of Standard's facility.
An internal 1936 Du Pont history would recount that the company was "greatly
shocked at the manifest danger of the equipment and methods [and] at the
inadequate safety precautions" at the Standard facility, but their
suggestions were "waved aside." Unfortunate it was.

On October 26, 1924, the first of five workers who would die in quick
succession at Standard Oil's Bayway TEL works perished, after wrenching fits
of violent insanity; thirty-five other workers would experience tremors,
hallucinations, severe palsies and other serious neurological symptoms of
organic lead poisoning. In total, more than 80 percent of the Bayway staff
would die or suffer severe poisoning. News of these deaths was the first that
many Americans heard of leaded gasoline--although it would take a few days,
as the New York City papers and wire services rushed to cover a mysterious
industrial disaster that Standard stonewalled and GM declined to delve into.

* * *

Confusion and panic marked the headlines, with reporters forced to travel to
New Jersey to track a story they'd probably have noted in a lightly rewritten
press release if Standard had appeared more forthcoming. On October 30, days
after the first Bayway death, the press was at last invited to Standard's New
York City headquarters for an afternoon session of long-overdue,
professionally crafted spin control. Thomas Midgley had been rushed to 26
Broadway from Dayton and would address the corps. But first, Standard's
medical consultant, J. Gilman Thompson, presented them with a typewritten
statement, supplying the company's most sculpted telling of recent history

[TEL's] recently discovered use for greatly promoting the efficiency of
gasoline engines has led to its manufacture on a commercial scale through
processes still more or less in a stage of development. This has occasioned
unforeseen accidents One of these has been the sudden escape of fumes
from large retorts, and the inhalation of such fumes gives rise to acute
symptoms, particularly congestion of the brain, producing a condition not
unlike delirium tremens. Although there is lead in the compound, these acute
symptoms are wholly unlike those of chronic lead poisoning such as painters
often have.
  "There is no obscurity whatever about the effects of the poison and
characterizing the substance as 'mystery gas' or 'insanity gas' is grossly
Asked to assess their 

[CTRL] Secret History Of Lead (4)

2000-03-06 Thread William Shannon

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/A -Cui Bono?-

PAGE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

But There Is No Alternative

Misrepresenting the Surgeon General's committee report findings and glossing
over its call for further study, Ethyl medical consultant Robert Kehoe
recalled in a 1928 article the government's abdication of its charge: "As it
appeared from [the committee's] investigation that there was no evidence of
immediate danger to the public health, it was thought that these necessarily
expensive studies should not be repeated at present, at public expense, but
that they should be continued at the expense of the industry most concerned,
subject, however, to the supervision of the Public Health Service." His own
study, Kehoe wrote unsurprisingly, failed to "show any evidence for the
existence of such hazards."

Others were less sanguine about the committee's report and Kehoe's summary of
the evidence. Committee member Dr. David Edsall, dean of Harvard's School of
Public Health, called the report incomplete and "half-baked." C.E.A. Winslow
of Yale recommended that "the search for an investigation of antiknock
compounds be continued intensively with the object of securing effective
agents containing less poisonous metals (such as iron, nickel, tin, etc.) or
no metals at all." Winslow unsuccessfully sought to have the committee
mention alternatives to TEL in its final report, forwarding this
recommendation to the PHS, along with correspondence from the Ford Motor
Company. One letter to Winslow, which is missing from the PHS files in the
National Archive but present in his Yale University archive, dated August 15,
1925, reads:

Alcohols for motor fuel

Further to my letter of June 19th:

You may probably have observed the production of synthetic alcohol as brought
by the Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik [BASF of I.G. Farben], now being
produced in Germany at the rate of 60,000 gallons per month. Such alcohol is
reported to be produced for between 10 cents and 20 cents per gallon and has
much promise as a mixture with hydrocarbon [gasoline] fuels to eliminate
knocking and carbonization.

[signed] Wm. H. Smith, Ford Motor Co.
Surgeon General Cumming was not interested in alternatives to lead, even
though proof of their existence ought to have immediately thrown the veracity
of all Ethyl utterances into question. Speaking in August 1925, for instance,
Thomas Midgley had told a meeting of scientists, "So far as science knows at
the present time, tetraethyl lead is the only material available which can
bring about these [antiknock] results, which are of vital importance to the
continued economic use by the general public of all automotive equipment, and
unless a grave and inescapable hazard rests in the manufacture of tetraethyl
lead, its abandonment cannot be justified."

Midgley had conveniently overlooked his earlier, high-profile endorsement of
ethanol, as would Kettering and the entire US press corps. Kettering was also
forgetting Synthol, the octane-boosting alternative he had publicized just
months earlier when it looked like Ethyl might be forced to close shop. With
the government's de facto seal of approval in hand for TEL, Kettering never
again mentioned Synthol. Summarizing his remarks before the Surgeon General's
committee, the New York Times reported: "The experience of the company does
not offer any promise that any such cheap and efficient anti-knock can be
discovered to replace the lead."

Uncle Sam Lends a Hand

Far from heeding his committee's call for the initiation of further studies
on the effects of widespread use of tetraethyl lead, the Surgeon General
thrust himself quickly into the role of international cheerleader for Ethyl's
lead gasoline additive. In 1928 England's Daily Mail quoted British
scientists voicing fear over the potential public health hazard posed by TEL,
which was soon to be introduced to the British market by the Anglo-American
oil company brand Pratt's. Ethyl's new president, Earle Webb, apprised
Surgeon General Cumming of this development and received a warm, familiar
response. "Your courtesy in keeping us informed of such developments is
helpful and I am grateful for its continuance," Cumming replied, before
contacting the British ministry.

Soon thereafter, England's Ministry of Health would give TEL a clean bill of
health, referring to American findings. This would be hard to jibe with a
soon-to-be-published report in the British Medical Journal on "the slow,
subtle, insidious saturation of the system by infinitesimal doses of lead
extending over a long period of time," but Cumming wasn't through yet.

Foreshadowing years of sterling service on behalf of Ethyl, the Surgeon
General, the nation's highest-ranking medical officer, would put pen to paper
again in 1928, encouraging New York City sanitary officials to lift the
city's ban on the use of TEL-laced gasoline. "There are no good grounds" for
the ban, he implored them. In 1931 Cumming 

[CTRL] Secret History Of Lead (5)

2000-03-06 Thread William Shannon

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Big Lead Fights Back

Tetraethyl lead was no longer GM's concern. Nor was it the concern of other
auto makers, who followed suit announcing that they too would adopt the
catalyst to meet ever-tightening federal emissions standards. Du Pont and
Ethyl, on the other hand--along with a ragtag bunch of cheapskate oilmen who
hoped to avoid upgrading their refineries to produce unleaded gasoline of
sufficiently high octane--still cared a lot about American sales of TEL. When
the EPA launched the first of several halfhearted attempts to begin removing
lead from gasoline, lead's corporate affinity group fought back with a
ferocity that bespoke major arrogance and even greater desperation. No sooner
had the EPA announced a scheduled phaseout, setting a reduced lead content
standard for gasoline in 1974, than it was sued by Ethyl and Du Pont, who
claimed they had been deprived of property rights. In that same year, a panel
of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit set aside the
EPA's lead regulations as "arbitrary and capricious."

Ethyl had argued that "actual harm" must be shown, not just "significant
risk," before their product could be outlawed, and the panel agreed. That
Ethyl could make the argument at all was a troubling reminder that the
executive and legislative branches of the United States government had
signally failed to heed the Surgeon General's committee's original request
for funding in 1926 for more independent research, leaving the driving,
scientifically speaking, to Robert Kehoe.

In 1976 the full United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit overturned
the decision against the EPA, finding that "significant risk" was adequate
foundation for the agency's action against lead and within its authority.
Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, a longtime Ethyl director when he was a
Virginia corporate lawyer, didn't need to recuse himself, as the Court
refused to hear an appeal brought by TEL makers Ethyl, Du Pont, Nalco and
PPG, as well as the National Petroleum Refiners Association and four oil
companies. Ethyl's excitable Blanchard lashed out, "The whole proceeding
against an industry that has made invaluable contributions to the American
economy for more than fifty years is the worst example of fanaticism since
the New England witch hunts in the Seventeenth Century."

* * *

Fighting on the beaches and fighting on the seas, an impassioned Ethyl wasn't
going to go down easy, urging a reprieve for leaded fuel at a 1979 meeting of
the Petrochemical Energy Group. Soon after, the company's oil industry amigos
would sound the alarm for a mysterious "octane crisis" on account of an
alleged increase in competition for aromatics, crude oil components that are
mainstays of the plastics and synthetics businesses, as well as unleaded
gasoline octane boosters. To combat the crisis, they requested an EPA
slowdown on the gradual phaseout of lead. The petrochemical industry--led by
Du Pont, Monsanto and Dow--would simultaneously launch an intensive lobbying
campaign to delay the scheduled lead phaseout, charging, in a reminiscent
tack, that the newly discovered dearth of aromatics "threatens the jobs of
the 14 million Americans directly dependent and the 29 million Americans
indirectly dependent on the petrochemical industry for employment."

The ever-hopeful lead cabal's dreams were cruelly dashed in early 1982, after
word leaked out of Vice President George Bush's Task Force on Regulatory
Relief that the newly elected Reagan Administration planned to relax or
eliminate the US lead phaseout. Recognizing its cue, Du Pont formally called
upon the EPA to rescind all lead regulations. EPA Administrator Ann Gorsuch
was only too pleased to comply, but she unwittingly launched a firestorm of
bad publicity in advance of an announcement by telling a visiting refiner
with a big mouth that she would not enforce violations of current lead limits
because the regulations would soon be repealed. When Gorsuch's remarks
appeared in the newspapers (and were lampooned in the comic strip
Doonesbury), Reagan's EPA would, under heavy political pressure, strike a
compromise that effectively sped up the phaseout. Once again, Ethyl had been
let down by old friends.

The New Science of Lead

Ethyl and Octel continued to whine, but by 1984 the health benefits of
America's lead phaseout had become too remarkable to ignore, and it was this
fact that ultimately ended lead's reign in America. The harmful effects of
lead at lower and lower concentrations had been shown by independent studies
in the late seventies and early eighties, and by now PHS was at long last
settling in with the antilead camp. EPA economist Joel Schwartz, assigned by
his Reaganaut superiors to examine the impact of the lead phaseout on small
refiners preparatory to phasing lead back in, went rogue and reported back
instead on the impact of the phaseout's early years on American 

[CTRL] FW: Liberty Update / W.T.O.

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 3:12 PM
To: Subscriber
Subject: Liberty Update/W.T.O.

March 6, 2000

Dear friend of liberty,

Our electronic march on Washington supporting the withdrawal of
the United States from the W.T.O. begins today.  Representative
Ron Paul and four other members of the U.S. House submitted a
privileged resolution (H.J. Res. 90) this afternoon directing
the United States to withdraw from the W.T.O.

Representative Paul stated, "Let's call a spade a spade.  The
W.T.O. is nothing other than a vehicle for managed trade whereby
the politically connected, campaign contributors and fat cats
get the benefits of exercising their position as a preferred
group.  Preferred that is, by the Washington and international
political and bureaucratic establishments."

Dr. Paul also stated, "It is an egregious attack upon our
national sovereignty, and this is the reason why we must
vigorously oppose it. No nation can maintain its sovereignty
if it surrenders its authority to an international collective.
Since sovereignty is linked so closely to freedom, our very
notion of American liberty is at stake in this issue."

To join our electronic march, please go to

Kent Snyder
Executive Director
Liberty Study Committee

If you have a question or comment,
please mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

The appointments of judges which are life time appointments are
one of the largest lasting damages done by the clinton

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 12:37:42 -0500, Nicole Brooks

From: Nicole Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]


March 4, 2000

NOMINEES will occur on Monday or Tuesday, March 6th or 7th—a week
earlier than the long-announced date of March 15th. These votes
will be on RICHARD PAEZ and MARSHA BERZON, both named to the


The Ninth Circuit is the largest and most activist/liberal
Circuit of all the nation's thirteen circuits. It covers the
nation's seven western-most states, plus Alaska, Hawaii, Guam,
and the Northern Mariana Islands. Among its 21 current active
judges, 10 are Clinton appointees, and 3 are Carter appointees.
Six more Clinton nominees are awaiting Senate confirmation.
During the last three years, the U. S. Supreme Court (hardly a
solid conservative body) has reversed 54 of the 63 cases (86%)
reaching the Court from the Ninth Circuit. It is thus obvious
that the addition of any more radical Clinton judges to this
already radical Ninth Circuit could do damage to American law and
liberty that would be virtually irreparable in the foreseeable


Richard Paez has been the subject of Court Watch Alerts in the
past, as his name has been before the Senate since he was first
nominated on January 25, 1996. On July 29, 1999, Paez received
his most recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, where he was
barely approved by a 10-8 margin. This is the strongest
opposition the Republicans have mounted against any Clinton
nominee in a Judiciary Committee roll-call vote. There is more
than ample reason for opposition to Paez:

Paez publicly attacked California's Propositions 187 and 209,
both of which were involved in litigation at the time of his
remarks. In the same speech, Paez also openly urged the filing of
lawsuits to force "diversity in judicial appointments." Such
remarks violate the Judicial Code of Conduct by casting severe
doubt on Paez's ability to decide impartially cases that might
later reach his Court involving any of these issues.

LACK OF JUDICIAL TEMPERAMENT—While a state judge, Paez "stormed
off the bench" (a Los Angeles Times description) after warning a
defendant in his court not to consult the Bible and after
threatening to confiscate the Bible.

ACTIVIST JUDICIAL PHILOSOPHY—Paez has already proven his activism
by creating novel applications of federal statutes. In 1997, he
ruled that when American companies are doing business with
overseas companies, or even foreign governments, which allegedly
commit human rights abuses, the American companies can be held
liable. The Institute for International Economics concludes that
this would "vastly expand the jurisdiction of the U. S. court


Like Richard Paez, MARSHA BERZON has been nominated to the Ninth
Circuit before--on January 27, 1998. On July 1,

1999, Berzon, also like Paez, received narrow approval by the
Judiciary Committee (10-8). Berzon's record reveals her lack of
fitness for the Ninth Circuit:

LIBERAL/ACTIVIST BACKGROUND—Berzon in 1978 clerked for U. S.
Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, one of the most
liberal/activist judges in recent history.

MOVEMENT—Berzon has been a member of the Women's Legal Defense
Fund and an activist in the campaign against protection of the
unborn. In 1991, in International Union, UAW v. Johnson Controls,
Berzon won for a pregnant woman the "right" to work in a battery
manufacturing plant during the pregnancy despite the inherent
dangers to the unborn child posed by toxic substances in such a

for the AFL-CIO since 1987, Berzon's briefs have aroused
opposition from such diverse groups as the American Public Health
Association, the National Association of Alcoholic Treatment
Programs, and numerous state Attorneys General. She has pressed
the radical argument that no system of Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) can be fair without the involvement of a union.
And she has argued that non-union workers can be compelled to
subsidize their union's collective-bargaining activities in
unitis other than their own, that professional associations can
compel dues of objecting non-members, and that the right to
refuse to associate with a union is not protected by the First
Amendment as are numerous other forms of association and


Phone your U. S. Senators and urge them to vote "No" on both

[CTRL] Officer anonymously blasts Pentagon's anthrax (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Officer anonymously blasts Pentagon's anthrax
vaccinations in Naval Institute magazine

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
 March 04, 2000

An attack on the armed forces' program of anthrax vaccinations
has turned up in an unlikely place - Proceedings, the monthly
magazine of the U.S. Naval Institute.

The institute is a private, nonprofit organization and has no
direct connection to the Navy. But since 1873, its offices have
been situated on the Navy's most hallowed ground - the Naval
Academy in Annapolis, Md. Its magazine is all but required
reading for officers in the Navy and Marine Corps and is widely
influential in those circles.

Criticism of the anthrax shots has been common among the 2.4
million active-duty and reserve military people who must take
them. Scores of military people have refused to take the shots.
Most have been punished or, in the case of reservists, have
chosen to resign.

But so far, the criticism has been limited to the civilian press.
Proceedings magazine appears to be the first quasi-military
publication to publish such an article.

Publication doesn't necessarily suggest that the magazine agrees
with the article's points. Proceedings prides itself on being a
forum for all points of view. But the magazine generally takes a
sober approach and is not known as an outlet for sensationalist
or outlandish views.

The article in question is titled "Stop Mandatory Anthrax
Vaccinations." The byline reads, "By An Anonymous Military
Officer" - a departure from the policy of Proceedings.

The author describes himself as an officer with 17 years of
service. He says that open criticism "has ended many promising
careers and stifled even the most adamant voices."

Like other critics, the anonymous officer asserts that the
vaccine has been spottily tested and manufactured under
questionable standards. The officer charges that the vaccine may
fail to protect against anthrax while causing serious side

The Pentagon has insisted that the vaccine is safe and effective.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] David Horowitz on: Racial Killings Gun Control (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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Clinton's  mendacity is an art form.

Forwarded for Rose Bowen--


Racial Killings  Gun Control

   A SIX-YEAR-OLD African American shoots and kills a six-year-old white girl
   in Michigan. The six-year-old shooter has been suspended before for stabbing
   another child with a pencil. Police discover that he lives in a crack house
   with his criminal uncle with outstanding warrants for arrest. The boy's
   father is in jail. His mother is a drug addict. The President of the United
   States responds to the tragedy by summoning leaders of Congress to the White
   House to pass a new law, requiring trigger locks on guns.

   If ever there was a case revealing the moral bankruptcy (or is it idiocy?)
   of liberalism, this is it. Of course, Clinton and Democratic leaders are
   calling for trigger locks on guns because they are planning to make this a
   major Democrat issue in this year's political campaigns. But that only makes
   the point stronger. So far not a single liberal has publicly dissented from
   the idea that gun control is the lesson to be drawn from this tragedy, let
   alone questioned the Democrats' sick exploitation of it for political ends.

   Since the point is evidently not obvious to liberals, let me make it clear:
   Clinton might as well be calling a conference to develop a Voodoo spell to
   stop incidents like the Michigan tragedy as propose a new gun law. Why would
   a family of criminals, like the one actually responsible for the murder of
   Kayla Rolland observe a trigger-lock law if it was passed? The inhabitants
   of this crack house do not observe laws. They live to break laws. Child
   abuse is against the law. The little emotionally disturbed six-year-old who
   committed the murders was abused by his mother, his criminal father, his
   criminal uncle, and every adult that entered that crack house. That is
   already against law. Calling for a law to require parents who stash their
   kids in crack houses to put trigger locks on the stolen guns lying around is
   a sick joke. An even sicker joke would be to expect liberal Democrats or the
   liberal press to acknowledge this obvious fact.

   Democrats' use of the inter-racial killing of a six-year-old to attack
   lawful gun owners and to beat up on the National Rifle Association is
   obscene. But better than that, it is an exercise in the very denial that
   provides liberalism with a reason to exist. The purpose of the cry for gun
   control is to allow liberals once again to close their eyes (and the
   nation's) to the serious moral problems in the inner city that create these
   tragedies, and to avoid holding the individuals responsible accountable for
   their crimes. We don't want to blame the "victims" do we?

   If there are important lessons in the Michigan killing that need to be
   looked at, they are these: 1) Why were authorities unable to rescue the
   six-year-old murderer from his abusive environment, particularly since he
   had already shown himself to be a severely disturbed child? 2) Why were the
   felons in the crack house able to have guns at all, including a shotgun that
   was stolen? 3) Why did it take the press days to reveal that the shooter was
   black and his victim white?

   This last question applies with a slight twist to the shooting that occurred
   days later in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, where a black racist named Ronald
   Taylor went on a rampage that took the lives of three people. After three
   days of investigation, the FBI finally charged the racist killer with a
   "hate crime." What took so long? Why did the media, which normally promote
   not only the idea of "hate crimes," but of hate-crime legislation, have to
   wait for the FBI to make this designation? Why is the White House silent
   about this racial outrage? Why has no black leader denounced this hate
   crime? Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and their racially sensitive
   friends Bradley and Gore?

   The answer is they're too busy calling for a new gun law to add to the
   20,000 already on the books, which the Justice Department refuses to
   enforce. They're too busy making political hay out of a Confederate flag
   which may be offensive to some, but which hasn't killed anyone so far. Mr.
   Sharpton is too busy persuading black Americans that a New York jury, whose
   foreman was black, administered "no justice" in the trial of four police
   officers acquitted of all counts of criminal misconduct in the case of
   Amadou Diallo. If any individual in America could be reasonably held
   responsible for the distrust and hatred of whites manifested in the
   Wilkinsburg rampage it is Al Sharpton. But it will be a long time before any
   "liberal" in the media or in the Justice Department makes that point.

   Instead, Justice Department officials in charge of racial issues 

[CTRL] FBI misled Reno to get tear-gas OK, ex-agent alleged (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-



  FBI misled Reno to get tear-gas OK, ex-agent alleged
Cautions about Waco quieted, he said


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News
© 2000, The Dallas Morning News

A veteran FBI behavioral expert told a bureau lawyer in a 1995
interview that he believed FBI officials "misled" Attorney
General Janet Reno to gain her approval to gas the Branch
Davidian compound on April 19, 1993, a confidential document

Retired FBI Agent Peter Smerick, whose psychological profiles
were termed the best predictors of the Waco tragedy by experts
and negotiators involved in the siege, told FBI interviewers that
he believed "the FBI misled the attorney general by giving her 'a
slanted view of the operation' in Waco."

A 1995 report obtained by The Dallas Morning News says that Mr.
Smerick blamed FBI headquarters for convincing the attorney
general that using tear gas was the only way to end the standoff

He said that he and one of the FBI's top negotiators had by then
"concluded that the best strategy would have been to convert the
Branch Davidian compound into a prison and simply announce to
[sect leader David] Koresh that he was in the custody of the
United States. This idea was not endorsed, however."

"Smerick speculated that FBI headquarters viewed this option as
one which would have caused them to 'lose face' and therefore was
unacceptable," the report said.

Mr. Smerick, who retired from the FBI in late 1993 and now is a
behavioral consultant in a firm of ex-FBI agents, could not be
reached for comment. He has declined interviews, citing ongoing
investigations by Congress and Waco special counsel John
Danforth. Ms. Reno's spokesman declined to comment.

The 15-page FBI report of Mr. Smerick's interview, written by the
FBI general counsel's office, is labeled "attorney-client
privileged and confidential." It has never before been made
public, and lawyers representing the Branch Davidians in a
federal wrongful-death lawsuit say they have never seen the
document despite repeated requests for such information.

The report states that Mr. Smerick based his allegation that Ms.
Reno was misled on the fact that his five Waco profiling memos
were not in the "briefing book" that FBI leaders gave her when
they began lobbying her on April 12 to approve using tear gas.

'Last option'

Those memos warned that using force against the Branch Davidians
would intensify a "bunker mentality" in which "they would rather
die than surrender." Mr. Smerick's memos also warned that the
sect considered its home "sacred ground" and would "fight back to
the death" if the authorities tried to go in. "The bottom line is
that we can always resort to tactical pressure, but it should be
the absolute last option we should consider," one memo said.

Two of the most experienced negotiators in Waco, including the
current head of FBI negotiations and crisis management, said in
recent depositions that they agreed with Mr. Smerick's
assessments and recommendations in Waco. Both testified that they
shared his belief that punitive FBI tactics and impatience killed
negotiations and kept many Branch Davidians from leaving before
the final day.

More than 80 sect members died when the compound burned. The fire
erupted about six hours after FBI agents began spraying in tear
gas and ramming the building with tanks. "I think we could've
gotten more people out if there were better decisions," retired
FBI Agent Frederick Lanceley testified. "I don't think we would
have gotten everybody out. But I think we would've gotten more
people out."

Mr. Smerick's memos were so adamant about the danger of using
force that they drew intense criticism from FBI leaders in Waco
and Washington who favored tactical options, FBI records show.

An administrative notebook kept by the hostage rescue team in
Waco belittled his profiling of Mr. Koresh. One unsigned note in
the notebook outlined Mr. Smerick's recommendations for ensuring
"safety of children who are victims," and "facilitat[ing]
peaceful surrender." It concluded: "psychological profile of a .
. . [expletive] by jerks."

New procedure

On March 9, Mr. Smerick told FBI interviewers, he was called by
his boss in Washington and told that his future memos must go to
Washington before being read by commanders in Waco.

Although no one plainly stated that he would be censored, Mr.
Smerick said in 1995, he felt unmistakable pressure to change his
advice. He added in the confidential interview that he believed
that "the traditionally independent process of FBI criminal
analysis . . . was compromised at Waco."

Mr. Smerick told interviewers that he quit writing after
submitting an "acquiescent" final memo that omitted previous
cautions against pushing the sect and incorporated suggestions
from his Washington boss for tactical pressure. He said he left
Waco "in frustration" on March 17, 

[CTRL] Cold Blooded Murder by Clinton and Reno: VIN SUPRYNOWICZ/Video contends Davidians were machine-gunned (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Sunday, January 23, 2000
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Video contends Davidians were machine-gunned

 Is it possible David Koresh didn't lose his confrontation
with the Godless state he and his followers identified as
"Babylon," at all?

  Throughout their 51-day Texas standoff with the FBI in the
spring of 1993, Koresh and his followers repeatedly compared
their plight to that of God's people facing the "flaming
chariots" of Babylon in the biblical prophesies of Nahum and
Habakkuk. A follower says Koresh believed he would be the one to
"bring down Babylon" by sacrificing himself and his denomination.

  Will it now turn out the Branch Davidians retain the power
to reach out from the grave and smight their oppressors?

  After completing the documentary "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement" -- nominated for an Academy Award -- researcher Mike
McNulty continued to delve into what appeared to be the greatest
mystery of Waco: Why would scores of perfectly sane Americans
apparently choose to condemn themselves and their children to
death by flames, rather than coming out and surrendering?

  Mr. McNulty appears to have found some answers -- at least
to the extent anyone still can, given the determined
after-the-fact efforts to bleach and bulldoze the "crime scene."
Those answers are offered in "Waco: A New Revelation," directed
by Jason Van Vleet.

  The documentary video is not strident. The new evidence is
piled up in such a measured and matter-of-fact way that its full
impact may not register without a second viewing.

  But at that point, any thoughtful viewer must wonder how
willfully the Congress and populace of this country must want to
ignore what really happened at Waco, to be able to close their
eyes to facts like these:

  On the evening of Feb. 28, three Branch Davidians who had
not been present for the initial BATF raid attempted to get home
to their wives and children. They were intercepted and fired upon
by 17 agents "dressed as trees." Two were captured, but Michael
Dean Schroeder -- not charged with any crime -- was shot seven
times and killed. As the other two Davidians were led away they
report hearing two final shots behind them, in quick succession.
An autopsy showed Michael Dean Schroeder had two neat bullet
holes immediately behind his right ear. His body was left lying
in the ravine for five days.

  Far from inviting an exodus and surrender, tapes reveal
that by late March, FBI negotiators told the Davidians: "No one
is authorized to come out of there for any reason. ... If anyone
tries to come out, they will be treated in such a way that
they'll be forced to retreat."

  Manning sniper post Sierra 1 in the "undercover house," Lon
Horiuchi (who eight months before had shot the unarmed Vicky
Weaver as she stood holding a baby in her kitchen in Idaho) swore
he did not fire into the church on April 19. But other FBI agents
swore they heard fire from his position, and four expended .308
shell casings were later found.

  At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, a Branch Davidian is spotted
trying to exit the building across the roof. "Falcon 2," an FBI
helicopter, is seen approaching in ground-level footage. It
hovers, and muzzle flashes can be seen from its port waist gun.
Other close-range video -- not high-altitude footage -- clearly
shows full-sized machine guns in cradle mounts in the waist doors
of the FBI helicopters, which the government long swore were

  Branch Davidians Phillip Henry and Jimmy Riddle appear to
have been shot behind the building at this time. Neither had soot
in their lungs or carbon monoxide in their blood -- both died
before the fire. An autopsy showed half of Riddle's body torn
away, which the medical examiner said could have been consistent
with "an encounter with a tank tread."

  The film's researcher, Mike McNulty, tells me the most
likely scenario is that Henry and Riddle were shot behind the
building by government agents around 9 a.m. Then, close to
noontime, their bodies were bulldozed back into the church dining
room by tanks, and the final government machine-gun assault began
in earnest.

  At that point, ground level footage clearly shows men in
Kevlar army helmets firing projectiles from an M-79 grenade
launcher into the church's storm shelter. Seconds later, white
smoke pours from the shelter.

  Though the government has consistently denied the Army's
Combat Applications Force -- "Delta Force" -- was present at
Waco, previously classified Army documents reveal that four Delta
Force "observers" were deployed to Waco on March 21. Gene Cullen,
a CIA senior case officer, reports "At (an April 14) CIA
briefing, we were told there were more than 10, and that they
would be actively participating" in the April 19 attack.


[CTRL] Echoes of Silent Assent, Part 2.

2000-03-06 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: cecarl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Echoes of Silent Assent, Part 2.
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 3:33 PM

Unholy Alliance, the Celebrity Christians and the Republican Party

The Celebrity Christian Right, led by Pat Robertson's Christian
Coalition, which backs Bush, and Gary Bauer's Family Research
Council, which backs Senator John McCain, now have center stage in
the Republican Party power struggle.  The Bush-McCain controversy
over Christianity has exploded during the course of this 3 part series.
It  provides the necessary background to an understanding of why
Christians, in spite of their acknowledged numerical strength, fail to
elect our own kind to office.

The Echo syndrome, that we accept whomever the Republican Party
leaders' offering because "He is better than what you have now"
resounded in San Diego in 1992 at the Republican National Convention.
This time the compromised Republican leader was Bob Dole, who gave
a weak affirmation to the pro-lifers but made no real commitment to
the unborn.  Again the phantom echo voices pleaded from the clouds:
"Dole is not great, but do you want Clinton again?... Don't rock the
GOP boat."

The turning point for Bob Dole was the announcement of Christian
Coalition's support followed by Jerry Falwell and James Dobson's
Family Research Council.  Again, Pat Buchanan was silenced in
what was one of the most manipulated Republican Conventions ever
held.  Some Buchanan delegates were not allowed to vote on the floor,
and several states did not even announce the Buchanan votes.
Buchanan's pro-life speech was again never permitted even though
he was the only serious challenger to Dole.

In San Diego, as in Houston, the committed pro-life advocates,
though largely excluded from the convention process, marched in the
streets and picketed the convention.  Operation Rescue volunteers
hurried from clinic to clinic in buses, sitting in at abortion clinic
doors under constant threat of the new, harsh federal FACE Act.
At that very hour Dole was receiving his party's blessing, the Rescuers
conducted a solemn funeral for a three pound aborted child found in
a garbage can, and also mourned the Republicans' pathetic choice.
None of these events were covered in the news.

Throughout the campaign to follow, Bob Dole was silent about abortion.
It was later revealed that Dole was guilty of a personal, hidden abortion
experience outside of his marriage, and was effectively blackmailed by
Clinton's campaign to avoid the topic or to face exposure.  So Clinton's
abortion record was never made an issue.  Pro-abortion William
Jefferson Clinton won another four years and again  received less than
half of the popular vote, as a sign of vulnerability that was never

It was widely rumored and undenied that the Christian Coalition received
a $2 million contribution from the National Republican Committee, to help
support the Dole candidacy.  Christian Coalition did not deny it, and
pro-life members suspected a sell out.

Who should the committed pro-life advocates blame for the procession
of pro-abortion Presidents?  Should the American people blame the
"Always Republican and never wrong" commercial broadcasters,
Ollie North or Rush Limbaugh?  Should we blame Tom Brokow, Peter
Jennings, the "20-20" producers or the opinion molders of the
establishment press that strive to appear balanced while promoting the
internationalists' agenda?  Certainly, the propagandists are not to
blame, for we know what they are, and we must expect their conduct.

Should we blame the party leaders, the local state chairman, the local
elected officials and legislators who go to the conventions as delegates,
and who cast the votes on the convention floors?  No, because there
are politicians who blow with the wind and are expected to be
influenced by state power brokers within the parties.  None of these
are responsible for the compromise of the Republican Party toward the
pro-abortion forces .  They should be influenced at the local level by
pro-life activists.

Who is responsible for compromising the overwhelming pro-life
sentiment of the rank and file Christian voter?  It is the ever present
power traders of the Celebrity Christian Right and who over and over
again accept the compromised Republican party agenda.  They elect
the candidates who have time and time again betrayed the pro-life
cause, as did Robert Dole and George Herbert Walker Bush.  A
closer look shows that it is the Celebrity leaders of the Christian Right
who have, in every recent election, swung the decision from conflict
with honor, to compromise by shamefully weak candidates.

In this series of "Heads Up!" we will examine some of these political

Re: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: everyone is guilty

2000-03-06 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

At 10:55 AM 3/5/00 -0800, nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Right. And I'm the Tooth Fairy.

You COULD be!  But you could also be just an ordinary fairy.  People
lie about everything on the internet.

I have three that I care about. Two are guns. Come and get 'em. They're
ready and waiting.

I'll forward your message to Chuckie Schumer and Janet Reno.  They
should be by soon to get 'em.

In the meantime let's both spare the readership of this list our personal


Nor do I have the time or desire to engage in dialog, public
or private, with anybody who would defend Nazis in public or preach
against opposing them by any means necessary.

You're suggestion  that I was defending "Nazis" is defamatory.

I asserted that  political points of view, including the "Nazi" point of view
are protected under our Constitution.  If you want to "kill all Nazis",
you are an enemy of the Constitution.

I was merely defending the Constitution against "enemies, foreign
and domestic".  Which kind are you?

More despicable acts make a
very short list.

1. The British Empire's introduction of opium to China
2. The British invention of "concentration camps" during
the Boer War
3. Bolshevism
4. Lenin's "Great Terror": genocide of Christians
5. Lenin's  "New Economic Program": genocide of the Kulaks
6. The Japanese "Rape of Nanking"
7.  Bomber Harris' fire-bombing of Dresden, a target of NO military
significance.  Hundreds of thousands of refugees incinerated.
8. The Allied policy of "strafing everything that moves" in Germany:
soldiers, livestock, women, children, orphans, Jews, gypsies, homosexuals,
9. The Allied managed explusion of German civilians from the eastern
territories:  17 million persons relocated, 2 million deaths from
10. Stalin's "Gulag": genocide of everybody
11. Mao Tse Tung's "Cultural Revolution": 20 million dead Chinese
12. Pol Pot's genocide of Cambodia
13. Haile Mengistu's genocide of Ethopians
14. The ongoing slavery and genocide of Christians in the Sudan
15. Twenty million "safe and legal" abortions in the U.S., a genocide
that continues to this day.
16. Tens of thousands of safe and legal "partial birth
abortions" in the U.S.: civilized people call it "infanticide".

If a Nazi stormtrooper machine gunned a limousine full of Jewish
doctors on the way to perform a partial birth abortion on a Harp Seal
or a Giant Panda, who would be the hero and who would be the villain?

How about if the doctors were aborting human beings?  How about,
if all the human beings being aborted were "people of color"?
How about if they were all Bangladeshis?  All Africans?  All Haitians?
All Hispanics?  All White Christians?

I'm sure you've never thought of any of this.  Very probably, you
only think what the television tells you to think.  And the
television tells you: "Nazi bad.  Commie not bad."


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Barry Chamish on: Raviv Trial (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 16:46:48 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Raviv Trial


   Since the Avishai Raviv trial is being held behind closed
doors, or putting it in more accurate terms, since the Israeli
public is being denied the right to know what is going on at
Raviv's trial, I will do my best to follow the proceedings via
the flimsy summations released to the public weekly.

   After the first two hearings, which began on Feb. 22, it is
clear that the prosecutor Moshe Shiloh, as I previously
predicted, is running the government's coverup. Raviv's lawyer
Eyal Shomroni-Cohen complained bitterly that the state prosecutor
is not releasing most of the documents requested for Raviv's

   No surprise so far...but look at what Shomroni-Cohen is
requesting I quote from the weekly newspaper Makor Rishon:
Attorney for Shabak agent Avishai Raviv, Eyal Shomroni-Cohen has
demanded a copy of the State Pathologist's Report on the death of
Yitzhak Rabin. He also demanded copies of the other medical
reports. He announced, "Until I see these reports, until I
examine the actual murder, I won't sleep at night and will
disbelieve the murder." The prosecutor has charged Raviv with not
preventing Rabin's murder and Shomroni-Cohen observed that his
client cannot defend himself unless the murder itself is
examined. Although he has not claimed there was a conspiracy,
Shomroni-Cohen stressed that, "A major question is raised within
the documents." He added that the documents he is demanding
challenge the accepted version of the Rabin murder. He pointed
out that Rabin's daughter, the Knesset member Dahlia
Rabin-Pelosoff stated that there is a clear contradiction between
the State Pathologist's Report and those of Ichilov hospital. He
accused the state prosecutor of denying him the documents based
on the protection of personal privacy. He noted that the right to
defend oneself in a court of law takes precedence over personal

   Well, well, well, well, well. Look who has discovered the
Rabin assassination conspiracy thesis! And give Raviv's attorney
credit for defending his client properly. If given access to the
very same documents I have published in the Hebrew and Russian
versions of my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Shomroni-Cohen
will prove his client is innocent of not preventing Rabin's
murder because Amir didn't commit the murder. If he wants copies
of said documents, all he has to do is call me. We wish him good
luck and some of us are going to press and press and press for
this trial to be opened to the public and media. Please do your

   My good people, based on my recent experiences, the Jewish
people are waking up and are demanding to know the truth. In the
past two weeks I gave three lectures in the NY/NJ area to packed
houses. Hineni House in Manhattan was filled to its back
corridor, while 250 inquiring souls heard me at the Bnei Yeshurun
Synagogue in Teaneck. I got on a plane home and a day later 250
people arrived for my lecture in Gush Katif. Since then, I have
given my speech non-stop to audiences up and down the length and
breadth of Israel and the invitations to speak keep pouring in.
The court may be hiding the Raviv trial, the media may be
covering it up, but the people want to know the truth already.

   Raviv's trial may be hidden but the issue of how Rabin really
died will not go away until the facts are known. I leave you with
two brief items recently relayed to me:

1. Edgar Bronfman is paying millions to send American Jewish
college students to Israel for free under a program called
Operation Birthright. He is selling the plan as a charitable gift
to the Jewish people but many of the first 6000 who arrived in
Israel are reporting that they were subjected to a sophisticated
propaganda exercise designed to instill a love of the Israeli
left and the unpopular "peace" process. Students complained that
their requests to visit Judea and Samaria were turned down. One
tour guide told me that the vast majority of the guides hired by
Bronfman were from the far left and touted the "Peace Now" line
to their trapped students. Bronfman is a leading member of the
Council On Foreign Relations. He and two other CFR members,
Lawrence Tisch and Henry Kissinger provided the initial funding
for Ehud Barak's political career in 1995.

2. While it is known that Yitzhak Rabin's deal with Hizbollah
after Operation Accountability included the right to kill IDF
soldiers, it was widely reported that shelling Israeli towns or
dropping Katyushas on them was forbidden by the pact. That is not
precisely the case. Hizbollah agreed not to bomb almost all towns
including Metulla, Nahariya, Rosh Hanikra, kibbutzim such as Dan
and Daphne, etc. which support the Labor Party and whose
residents are 

[CTRL] China army ready to smash Taiwan splittists (fwd)

2000-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

China army ready to smash Taiwan "splittists"

Updated 2:40 AM ET March 6, 2000

BEIJING, March 6 (Reuters) - China's military kept up the
rhetoric against Taiwan on Monday ahead of the island's
presidential election, with the main army newspaper saying troops
were ready to "resolutely smash" any move towards independence.

"Taiwan independence means war," blared the headline of a
front-page commentary in the Liberation Army Daily, echoing a
phrase used by a top Chinese general in a speech to parliament on

Central Military Commission vice-chairman Zhang Wannian said
independence forces in Taiwan were "walking ever further down the
road towards splitting the motherland."

The Liberation Army Daily said the military were ready for battle
to prevent such an outcome.

"The millions of soldiers of the People's Liberation Army stand
in full battle array and on high alert against Taiwan
independence and splittist forces," the commentary said.

It repeated a threat issued in a policy white paper last month
that China would use military force if the island dragged its
heels indefinitely on reunification talks.

Previously, Beijing had threatened to attack Taiwan only if it
declared independence or if it was invaded by foreign forces.

"We will adopt any measures to resolutely smash any scheme to
split China, and then realise the total reunification of the
motherland," the army newspaper said.

Taiwan is holding a hotly contested presidential election on
March 18 in which one of the three front-runners, Chen Shui-bian,
is the standard-bearer for a party that espouses independence.

Taiwan independence featured as a major issue at the opening of
the National People's Congress in Beijing on Sunday, with Premier
Zhu Rongji warning China would not "sit idly by" and watch
attempts by Taiwan to break away from the mainland.

On Saturday, President Jiang Zemin threatened "drastic measures"
if Taiwan delayed reunification talks indefinitely.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Never Heard?

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Jamie quotes Odom:

Webb Hubbell and Hillary RodhamClinton. He is read the riot act, and cancels
his planned trip to Geneva the next week 

Then Jamie adds:

The above is the only place I disagree. Never heard Hillary was atCardozo's
famous weekend.

In all due respect, Jamie. There are a number of things many of us have
never heard. This "tidbit" was printed in "Newsweak" the week after Foster's
body was found. Newspeak (okay, it's Newsweek) also quoted extensively from a
conversation between Foster's wife, Lisa, and Mack McLarty's wife, during
lunch at The Terrace restaurant in D.C., shortly after Foster's death. Lisa
mentioned the meeting to Ms. McLarty. In addition to Hillary and Hubbell,
George Stefanopoulos and James Carville were allegedly at the Cardozo estate.

Jamie, there's a lot more to this story. There's a big money-laundering
connection --- even beyond Systematics, Alltell, etc. It involved James
McDougal's Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, and the White House's coverup
of Madison's involvement.

This is why Bill Clinton hand picked his old friend, Roger Altman (not to
be confused with ROBERT Altman, Clark Clifford's evil twin), as Deputy
Treasury Secretary in early 1993. Lloyd Bentson was the figurehead Treasury
Secretary, but he was too busy taking vacation junkets to even know what was
happening in 1993. Remember, the ATF is a Treasury agency.

Interestingly (and this is also unprecedented), Clinton ALSO named Altman
Acting Director of the Resolution Trust Corp. ("RTC"), the agency tasked with
policing financial institutions.

Now listen to this: Altman and Hubbell met frequently with Hillary and
Bill at the White House for "damage control," in connection with Madison.
Madison was a potential nuclear bomb. Clinton, Lasater, Stephens, Fulbright,
et al., were all using Madison to launder black money. A little RTC
investigator named Jean Lewis, was hot on the drugsters' trail. But the
investigation was squelched by Altman, who made sure that Ms. Lewis'
character was properly assassinated long before she was called to testify
before a congressional committee.

When Clinton gave the order to the ATF to attack the Branch Davidians on
February 28, 1993, Altman was in Waco, feeding "play-by-play" information
back to the White House. Why was Altman sent there to do that? Remember, he
was Deputy Treasury Secretary. The doddering Lloyd Bentson was in London,
probably trying to remember where he'd been the previous day.

This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg though. All of this
information is in the manuscript I submitted to Ransom Mouse, Simon and
Garshuster, Recchnerry, and UnFree Press (my names for these chicken-shit
publishing houses). I pieced this information together from interviews with
ATF and FBI agents; from information supplied by a retired FBI agent who
collaborated with me on five of the 55 chapters; and from the Official
Reports of the Treasury and Justice Departments. (You'd be surprised at how
much incriminating material is in the agencies' own reports! Maybe because
I'm a lawyer I catch stuff, but I truly believe that anyone with scrutinous
eye can find the evidence. Blind squirrel that I am, even I find an acorn now
and then.)


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Last Post

2000-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


This will be my last post today (I promise). The promise of an Arkansas
Development Finance Authority  ("ADFA") was a plank in Clinton's campaign in
1994. It became law, through the lobbying efforts of Rose partner Webb
Hubbell, in January 1985.

ADFA was touted by Clinton as a panacea for the financial ills of minorities
and women in Arkansas. Clinton promised that long-term, low-interest loans
would be underwritten by ADFA, for women and minorities who had the
entrepreneurial spirit, but who were having difficulty obtaining funds.

The only loan actually underwritten by ADFA while Clinton was governor of
Arkansas, was a $2.5 million loan to a company called Park-O-Meter, which was
owned by Webb Hubbell's inlaws, the Wards. The Wards also owned a company in
Conway, Arkansas, that manufactured school buses. With the help of former
Sen. J. Wm. Fulbright, that company (I think it was called Ward Industries),
got a huge contract to build and sell buses to the Saudis. BCCI was involved
in that transaction.

What Park-O-Meter did with the money was convert some of its metal-tooling
apparati. It went from manufacturing parking meters, to manufacturing
conversion kits for the chambers of Colt AR-15, semi-automatic rifles. With
the kit, an AR-15 became an M-16 (which we used in Vietnam, and which,
because of the construction of the chamber and feeding mechanism, is
converted into a fully automatic weapon with the click of a switch near the

I have it on pretty good information that Park-0-Meter's conversion kits
weren't sold to the U.S. Military. They were packaged and sold as part of
Iran-Contra. Ollie North supervised that aspect of the operations.

Now here's an interesting tidbit: The same manufacturers who were supplying
much of the weapons and conversion kits the CIA transported to the Contras,
for drugs and black money, also supplied the same contraband to the Branch
Davidians. That information can be pieced together easily from several
sources: transcripts of hearings, the government's own reports on the Branch
Davidian incident, and the initial reports filed by the McLennan County,
Texas, Sheriff's Office, with the ATF. FOIA is a great tool!

Oh yeah, ADFA WAS useful for one thing: laundering drug money using disguised
contributions to Clinton's goober-natorial campaigns. But that's another
story for another day.


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Re: [CTRL] Bill Richer emails

2000-03-06 Thread Jim Condit Jr

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

OK Bill, Thanks for responding. I've just noticed this apparant pattern, but
it must be something else. Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Bill Richer
 Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 12:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bill Richer emails

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 there is nothing different about my emails.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are
 sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections
 and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
 suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:


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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #3

2000-03-06 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000306c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No reptilioids attacked UK royalty during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Experience California: http://www.intplsrv.net/jcems/californ.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Antichrist revelations - Cardinal says Antichrist is disguised as caring
  vegetarian animal rights activist. (BBC) A leading conservative candidate
  to succeed Pope John Paul II has warned that the Antichrist foreseen in
  the Book of Revelations is already among us. Kill vegan PETAs now, NOW!!
@ pope vs pope: http://www.truecatholic.org/ [ via http://www.ntk.net/ ]

# It's Mardi Gras Time. NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Mardi Gras partiers swarmed the
  French Quarter and lined the city's streets to grab beads thrown by oddly
  costumed people on parade floats. The party will last in heavily Catholic
  southern Louisiana and along much of the Gulf Coast until Mardi Gras, or
  Fat Tuesday, traditionally the last day of feasting and celebration before
  Ash Wednesday  the sacrifices of Lent. Has Antichrist crashed the party?
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564737762-7d0

# Rio's Carnival Kickoff - Naked Women, Flashing Lights, Drunken Orgies -
  everybody's favorite religious bacchanal has the usual rousing start:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Gene firm labeled a 'con job' (BBC) The head of Britain's leading human
  gene sequencing lab has attacked a private American firm's intention to
  patent genes as a 'con job' - and he's sorry he didn't think of it first:

# Also - Biology's new world - building people  animals to order:
# Genome race hots up - immense power  wealth at stake in outcome:
# A great landmark in science - but aren't they all? Nothing minor:

: Have you replaced your body's organic fibres with buckytubes yet? Can you
reprogram genes to do the replacement for you, or will you need nanobots?
Will you be virtually indestructible/immortal/omnipotent when it's done?

# Nanotubes Show Promise From TVs To Velcro. Nanotubes, once considered
  the waste material that sat at the bottom of chambers used for making
  bucky balls, are being looked at with newfound respect by physicists,
  electrical engineers, and computer and materials scientists. Stuff of
  the future: http://sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/03/000306075508.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Dreamland Game. Bethesda Softworks will publish The Dreamland Chronicles:
  Freedom Ridge, the next game from Mythos Games, the original developer of
  X-Com. Freedom Ridge is a turn-based strategy game, combining a strategic
  overlay with a 3D tactical engine. Set in the future, the game is about
  humanity's last-ditch stand against alien invaders. As in X-Com, players
  will start off with little intelligence about the alien foes, and must
  research new weapons and vehicles to combat them. Players will also build
  new bases, scavenge for parts, and protect the surviving human population.
  According to Bethesda, the plot will involve such UFO-conspiracy staples
  as Area 51, alien abductions, and, of course, the mysterious Men in Black.
  Any Reptilioids? http://www.gamecenter.com/News/Item/0,3,0-3812,00.html

# Reptile Diverts Royal - Rare lizard disrupts Queen's Australian plans:

: Have Reptoids interfered with y'r plans lately? Have you become acclimated
to Reptoids, Area 51, MIBs, cattle mutilations? Do your games program you?
Have you received many implants? How much of you is human, how much machine?

@ Cyborg Anthropology: http://eff.org/pub/Net_culture/Cyborg_anthropology/
@ Borgs 4 Dummies: http://landow.stg.brown.edu/cpace/cyborg/definition.html
@ Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late
  20th Century http://www.stanford.edu/dept/HPS/Haraway/CyborgManifesto.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Fiddling With Human Behavior. (Wired) Researchers at Stanford are studying
  technology designed to persuade people to change the way they think  act.
  What they're finding is pretty scary. You can be reprogrammed without much
  trouble, effort: http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,34526,00.html


[CTRL] Branton's Nazi NWO files

2000-03-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I have some more Nazi UFO stuff coming shortly, from 2 other sources.One is
by George Andrews who writes that Hitler was witnessed secretly liasing with
Ets in Holland. Chapter titled Hitler's alien alliance from the book
Exraterrestrial Friends and Foes.[9 pages]

 The other is by 2 Germans who wrote a book in the 50s about their flying
saucer program.Tells how they managed to acquire their base in Antarctica.
Branton says there are about 2 million of them down there now. They must
have got their act together pretty fast during the war or maybe the Ets
helped them.


Lots here too.

By Branton

[PART 21] The following synopsis' of two books on strange aerial "contacts"
Randall Fitzgerald (Collier Books/MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York,
N.Y. 1979. In regards to these two works the term "extraterrestrial" may be
intentionally misleading. -Wol): MATTERN  FRIEDRICH -- 'UFO'S: NAZI SECRET
WEAPON?' (1975. Samisdat, Ltd., Toronto, Canada): "GERMANY had a fleet of
flying saucers in the experimental stages as early as 1940, according to
these GERMAN authors. Two different UFO designs spawned prototypes, both
operating on an electromagnetic propulsion method developed by Victor
Schauberger (who invented the implosion motor) and manufactured by the Kertl
Company in Vienna (Italy). The first flying disk actually flew on Feb- ruary
14, 1945. Piloted by two technicians named Schriever and Habermohl, it
reached a speed of 2,000 km./hour. Because special heat-resistant metals had
to be found, progress in development was slow. During flight, these craft
came to be known as 'foo fighters,' or 'Kraut meteors,' by the American
pilots, who were in awe of them. When the war ended and most other German
secret weapons were captured by the Americans and Russians, the 'UFO'
scientists and their craft escaped. "So did Adolph Hitler! He had no
intention of committing suicide. He and his mistress, Eva Braun, along with
Martin Bormann and a few other intimates, flew from Berlin at the last
moment, arriving at a secret submarine base. Their bodies, of course, were
never found in the Berlin bunker; only a pair of Eva's panties and a few
bones. But there were lots of bones and panties in Berlin during those days,
thanks to the 'saturation fire-bombing of German cities by U.S. Air
Terrorists.' An armada of submarines took Hitler and his Last Battalion to
Argentina, where Hitler's admirer Juan Peron was in power. From Argentina
they established (actually it was already operational at that time. - Wol.)
their saucer base in an Antarctic area known as New Swabia, first claimed by
a Nazi expeditionary force in 1937. "Antarctica was an ideal place for a
saucer base. It has no rust, germs, or decomposition, which would have
appealed to 'a very health conscious, vegetarian Adolph Hitler.'

From outside Germany they would continue the struggle, which was not for
Germany alone but for 'the existence of the white man.' (except for, of
course, the Allied 'White Men' who were killed by the Germ- an Nazi's during
the war. - Wol.) "Hitler's escape had been discovered. In 1946, EIGHT
countries undertook 'scientific work' in Antarctica, including Soviet,
NORWEGIAN, and American contingents. The American force alone numbered 4,000
AIRCRAFT CARRIER, a DESTROYER, and a SUB- MARINE, under the command of
Admiral Byrd. On nearing the secret Nazi saucer bases, 'vengeance was
apparently swift' for 'the Fuhrer was not to be humored.' Four of Byrd's
planes were lost without survivors. A secret German weapon known as the
SOUND [SONIC} CANNON, which had been tested on pigs and, toward the end of
the war, on Russians crossing the Elbe River, was allegedly unleashed on
Byrd's troops, paralyzing many of them, bugging out their eyes, and causing
them to run helter-skelter. Admiral Byrd abandoned his mission and sailed ho
me. "WORLD WAR II IS NOT OVER. The more than forty 'police' action wars
since 1945, spanning the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, 'were supposed to
provoke a premature "showing of hands" by the Last Battalion.'

When Admiral Byrd failed to lure Hitler from his ice bunker, in the process
acknowledging 'the superiority of the UFOs and their secret weapons,' HE
TESTING RANGE. A strange thing then happened. An entire fleet of UFOs
swarmed in the skies over Washington, D.C., for several nights in 1952, 'in
perfect, typically German formation.' This demonstration of strength
prompted America to abandon its planned nuclear devastation of Antarctica.
"Occasionally these craft land to seek converts. The authors relate the
experience of American grain-buyer Reinhold Schmidt, a German 

[CTRL] FW: Minnesota update

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 8:14 AM
Subject: Minnesota update

Here's the latest update from Minnesota!!


 Dear friends of natural health care -

 Just wanted to update you on the exciting progress of HF 537, SF 689, the
Complementary and Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act.  This bill
will eliminate the arbitrary and biased prosecutions of natural health
practitioners on the grounds of "practicing medicine without a license."

 After successfully passing the Civil Law Committee last week, the bill
Passed  another big hurdle by passing the House Health and Human Services
committee  and being referred to the Health Finance committee.  This was an
exciting  victory, fraught with tension and suspense.  If you haven't been
coming to  these hearings, you're missing it!

 Quite a number of hostile amendments were introduced to stop, water down,
or  otherwise render our bill ineffective.  They covered everything from the
MnCare Tax, to legal responsibilities of parents who bring their children to
alternative practitioners, to the definition of unlicensed practitioners,
and  the duty to refer and the right to continue service after doing a

 Once again, our attorney/lobbyist Diane Miller, and our chief author,
Lynda  Boudreau did a great job speaking in opposition to these amendments,
and the committee voted most, but not all, of them down.

 One amendment was brought by Rep Tom Huntley, DFL, Duluth, asking to
Include  language saying that complementary and alternative health care may
not be as  effective as conventional health care.  Rep. Lynda Boudreau
retorted, "Mr.  Huntley, I am offended.   That language is insulting to me
and to the  supporters of this bill.  I have here a whole stack of letters
from people  testifying that they do not find natural health care to be less
 And these are not some form letters sent out by some network.  These are
real  people who really care about access to natural health care.  I am
offended,  and I ask the committee to vote NO on this amendment."The
amendment was defeated.

 On another note, the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice testified that
they  oppose this legislation because it does not establish a standard of
care, and  it does not establish educational requirements.  Lynda Boudreau
replied,  "This bill is not about the Medical Board.  It is not about
medical doctors.
 It is about consumers, and consumers want to have access to these natural
kinds of health care.  And consumers are the folks who I have been elected
to  represent, not the Medical Board.  Members of the committee, I ask you
to vote YES on this bill."  The bill was approved on a voice vote and sent
to  the Health Finance Committee.

 On Monday morning, at 7:30 am, the Health Finance Committee will vote on
whether to provide the necessary funds for the Department of Health to have
oversight over the natural health practitioners.

 In the Senate, our bill is tentatively scheduled to be heard in the Health
Committee on Tuesday, March 7th, possibly at 10 am, Room 15 at the Capitol.
 Call 612 721 3305 to confirm this time and place.  We need to pack this
chamber for this important hearing.  If you haven't written the Health
Committee, there is still time to call every member on Monday, leave a
message with the assistant asking for them to support SF 689.

 This is a BIG WEEK now.  We need to pass all policy committees in the
Senate  by Friday, March 10th.  This will almost certainly include the
Judiciary  Committee, so please get out your letter regarding your views on
natural  health care and mail copies to everyone on the Judiciary Committee.
Do this  today!  Address it to the Chair, Senator Jane Ranum.

 We are over at the Capitol daily, educating legislators and negotiating
this important bill.  You folks have done an awesome job in the House of
Representatives with your letters and calls and packing the chambers for
hearings - now we need to do the same in the Senate.  We have good momentum,
and that alone speaks a lot to the Senators.  DON'T SLACKEN IN YOUR EFFORTS
It is the voice of you consumers that have a tremendous impact on these
legislators.  Keep your letters and phone calls  coming.

 Here's the committees -

 Minnesota Senate Health and Family  Services Committee

 room   phone (296)  district
 Chair: John Hottinger-DFL-Mankato120 CAP   6153  24
 Vice Chair: Becky Lourey-DFL-Kerrick G-9 CAP   0293   8
 Linda Berglin-DFL-Minneapolis309 CAP   4261  61
Fridley306 CAP   2556 48
 Steve Dille-R-Dassel 103 SOB4131 20
 Michelle Fischbach-R-Paynesville

[CTRL] FW: A Small IRS Terrorism Project...

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: A Small IRS Terrorism Project...

This is an absolute shame...

Re: IRS Terrorism
   Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 11:02:36 -0600

A Small IRS Terrorism Project
   by Paul Stout

This is a report of the continuing IRS operation to terrorize one old
and his wife.

Paul Stout is 81 years old and is in feeble health as a result of a
stroke and a heart attack.  His wife is a house-bound invalid, suffering
celiac sprue, aortic aneurism, and other serious disorders.  They live on
Social Security and a small commercial pension which the IRS is threatening
to levy.

Now the IRS has obtained a US District court order to seize and sell our
home of many years for alleged taxes.

At issue was whether the IRS has ever made a lawful, procedurally
assessment; that is, an assessment that conforms to statute and the Federal
Tax Regulations.

The government simply refused to produce any such assessment.  The court
ruled that a substitute document not conforming to the statutory
would suffice.  The court refused to allow this issue of fact to be heard by
a jury, as was our due process right.

The judge admitted that he had the power to prevent the sale of our home
"in order to protect a co-owner who is not liable" (my wife), in furtherance
of the "innocent spouse" doctrine.  But he refused to prevent the sale, thus
making a mockery of the concept of "innocent spouse", and making my wife an
innocent victim of the vindictiveness of the IRS.

We cannot appeal these issues, because no lawyer would lift a finger for
what we could afford to pay.

The IRS claimed to Rep. Henry Hyde that it is powerless to intervene in
the situation on grounds of hardship or for any other reason.  This is not
true.  According to law, the Secretary or the Attorney General can
 The Taxpayer Advocate Office (Ombudsman) has complete authority to order
IRS to cease any action that is a hardship, or for any other reason.  But in
this case of manifest and serious hardship the IRS claims to be "powerless"
to do anything.

The eventual result of this "caper" will be to render two feeble old
people homeless and destitute.  Hardship? The IRS doesn't think so.  Does

  Paul and Florence Stout
 150 N. Main St., Lombard IL 60148
 630-627-1421   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Suggestions, comments, contributions, and expressions of support will be
welcomed.  If you want people to know what the government is doing in the
people's name, please circulate this article.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] OT: Atmospheric oxygen concentration dropping ?

2000-03-06 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Thanks, Vincent -- LOL!

Very good point about amber's 'static electrical properties'.
The amber (fossilized conifer resin) containing those ancient
air bubbles could have been 'charged' by high energy particles
in solar and cosmic radiation arriving through (prior- era)
ozone holes over the polar regions.  Remember that the poles
have shifted and wandered about, and this accounts for the
fossilized tropical vegetation that has been found near today's
polar regions.  Or, the amber may have been 'charged' by the
negative ions in dry winds, or ozone resulting from lightning
strikes.  All resulting, as you've described, in "both the high
percentage of oxygen and [the] elevated atmospheric pressure"
within those ancient air bubbles -- which baffled scientists
assume to be 'virgin ancient air'.

Another one bites the dust ?


At 05:32 PM 3-6-2000 -0800, you wrote:
Are we talking about ancient air trapped in amber?  I would
imagine that a certain amount of moisture is likely to be trapped
too in the sap originating from the dank penetralia of primeval
jungle.  Amber has well known static electrical properties.
Could there have been an uptake of hydrogen into the amber from
any dissociated water.  That which is taken up would have left
behind higher pO2, and then more water would dissociate.
Even though the reaction would be ultra slow it would be driven
to the right over millenia.  By Occam's razor you can account
for both the high percentage of oxygen and elevated atmospheric
The real disadvantage to this theory is that it is useless
when trying to sell oxygen health products.  Anyone want to buy
some naturally hydrogenated amber?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] radioforchange.com

2000-03-06 Thread Jim Condit Jr

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dear Dave or Bob,

First of all, everyone should know that Working Assets is the evil phone
company which brags about giving 1% of its customers phone bills to
baby-killing Planned Parenthood, the anti-Christian network's legal arm, the
ACLU, -- and the sodomite / homosexual lobby. I'd bet they censor out any
worthwile causes the pet degeneracies. From their the e-mail from, I guess
Bob, degenerated to disinformation. The Irving Trial is a libel suit against
Deborah Lipstadt who is one of those "Shoah Business" Professional Holocaust
Hollering Holies who believe that they can violate truth, cover up facts,
and call anybody anything they want --- and Irving called her on her slander
and libel. Some of her defenders who appeared on the CNN 15 minute piece
that appeared a few weeks ago on CNN's SUnday night 9 PM program --  wailed
that "in England you have to prove what you say" or something to that
effect. GOOD! It's only the crooked case that allowed the New York Times to
slander Sullivan years ago which allows todays deporable big media to
slander people mercilessly (like Pat Buchanan) without getting sued. Anyway,
Irving is NOT a Holocaust denier, i.e. does not deny that there were
deplorable wide scale massacres of Jews during WWII in Nazi territories) --
there were, and the Zionist leadership was cooperating with Hitler to help
bring some of it about (see The Transfer Agreement by Jewish Author Edwin
Black from Amazon.com, and "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" which is on the
web in toto if you punch the title into a search engine, to name just a FEW
sources -- but Irving wants some historical balance brought to the debate.
For instance, he didn't say that Auschwitz was Disneyland, he said it was a
kind of macabre Disneyland, i.e. built to be a tourist attraction. That's
right, built. And if you don't know that informed observers on all sides
admit that the buildings on display of Auschwitz, in all essentials, have
been built since the end of World War II. The writings of Robert Faurrison,
a French socialist who just couldn't stomach the falsehoods being told by
the Holocaust lobby for political and financial gain, just prove this beyond
any shadow of a doubt, but quoting from anti-revisionist scholars,
historians, and participants in the discussion who are disgusted with damage
that the Auschwitz display are doing to their cause as the word leaks out.
And the Irving Trial has put it on front and center stage world wide. Anyone
interested will be able to get ahold of the transcripts on the internet or
elsewhere now, or at least evenutally. Finally, it's funny to see unconcious
"fascists" like Dave or Bob or both blowing a gasket over the elected
officials like those in Jorg Haider's "far right" party ... uh, ... it's OK
to intimidate elected officials out of office if you don't like their "far
right" politics. YES, to the unconscious (or conscous?) fascists like Dave
or Bob or both -- it is. And they don't seem to be concerned with their
seething contradictions -- OR they do see them and are so d#%$ arrogant that
they don't care --- which is why its just great to Irving exposing these
blowhards worldwide. Incidentally, Holocaust is a burnt offering, the little
Jews betrayed into the Nazi pincers movement by the Zionists were the
Holocaust  -- the burnt offering for the greater cause of scaring other
eveyday Jews out of Europe and down to Israel (Zionism wasn't making any
progress in Germany and Europe until Hitler took over with their help and
started screaming anti-semitism, or, as Chaim Weizman said in the 1953,
"What we could not accomplish in a century, misfortune (i.e. Hitler's whole
act and program) accomplished overnight. One other tidbit for the hopefully
expanding minds of the Bobs and Daves of the world: when Hitler took over in
1933 he banned every Jewish paper and JAILED every leader of those
papers --- except one: the struggling, going-nowhere Zionist paper, which
promptly became the only Jewish paper in Germany - and began to grow like
wildfire. Then, after Hitler's screamed vociferously and ran his act for a
while, Jews were given a chance to leave --- but Roosevelt, the most
friendly President to the Jews next along with Clinton, had closed the US to
Jewish Immigration from 1933 to 1945 -- forcing everyday Jews to go to
Israel -- how conVENient for the Zionists! Ben Hecht's book, Perfidy (1961),
is back in print at Amazon.com -- get it and read it if you want to get the
full flavor of NaZIonist cooperation. Hecht, a Jewish Hollywood screen
writer, and excellent writer, didn't know what to make of the betrayals of
Ben Gurion and Chaim Weizman -- but its all there in his 1961 book. Finally,
it's downright funny to see the Daves and Bobs of the world waxing horrified
over any Jorg Haiders they can find in any nook and cranny in the world, --
while "toasting" the absolute domination of anti-Christ Jews like Chuck
Schumer and 

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Meager U.S. Response to Africa Floods]

2000-03-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

No, Prudy, you certainly have not been in the South in many  years if you
think we are "still playing that Mister game."  The woman probably misspoke
and did not mean anything derogatory toward Alan Keys.  I also doubt she
represents the entire South, if she is even from it, It is very diversified
and there is no consensus on much of anything.  I am so weary of this
stereotyping!  If we are not all bigots, then we are a bunch of rednecks.
PLEASE people, give it a rest!  I encountered more racial bigotry during the
five years I lived in the Midwest than I ever did in all my many years in
the South.  Also, we were FORCED to deal with racial problems more or less
at gun point years ago and are well ahead of many areas of this country.  I
do not personally know of one person who would object to aid going to help
people in Africa in this flooding.  I also seem to remember your own
democratic Jimmy Carter building houses with his own presidential hands,
most of which go to black people.  We have no towns like Herrin, Illinois,
or Cicero, Illinois, where no blacks are allowed at all.  We have whole
counties with black majorities.  Yes, we become impatient, just as you did
in your very next post, when blacks do not take advantage of the
opportunities that they have available to them.  The
drug/crime/incarceration rate is appalling but values and prejudices and
bigotry are fairly uniform across this nation. I think it has been so for at
least the last twenty years, maybe with so much time spent by children
watching TV.

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Meager U.S. Response to Africa Floods]

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 In a message dated 03/02/2000 9:32:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  The official U.S. response has been meager: 140 tents,
  6,900 blankets, 6,000 water cans and 160 rolls of plastic.
  Not much more than a small truck load. It certainly doesn't
  address the deep needs for medicine, health providers and
  repairing the roads, wells, water systems and public
  buildings that have been washed away.

  Few newspapers have given much coverage to this tragedy,
  although the flooding has been going on for three weeks as
  of this writing.

  Many climatologists believe that the warming trend in the
  climate, often called "global warming," is responsible for
  the increasing volatility of the weather. There is more
  energy in the atmosphere, which means more wind, more rain
  and more drought. 

 Africa doesn't get a lot of concern from the "official" US Government
 circles.  It will get worse if Bush gets into the White House.  I was
 listening to C-SPAN a couple of weeks ago, and was astonished to hear a
 leader of one of the very conservative groups refer to Mr. Bush, Mr.
 and Alan Keyes.I haven't lived in the South for years; I didn't know
 were still playing the "mister" game down there, but they are.  The
 Conservatives really want the South to be aware that they support their
 views.  Sending a lot of help to a black nation would not impress the
 at all.  Prudy

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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