[CTRL] test sorry

2000-10-11 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?

2000-10-11 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

Another Jolt for Evolution Theory

Ted Byfield
Edmonton Sun
October 8, 2000

If parents check the science textbooks used in Canadian schools they'll see
some familiar illustrations, familiar because much the same art appeared in
their textbooks.

There's the "evolution of man" illustration, starting with an ape-like
creature on the left, then progressing to the slightly more erect figure
with arms stretching to the ground, then to a less hairy individual, finally
to a modern human.

There's the upside-down tree illustration, beginning with the blob, the
single cell, at the top and branching out like a tree as it descends
downward to assortments of creeping and crawling things to reptiles, birds,
fish, animals and humans.

Or there's the fruit fly illustrations, showing how some fruit flies change
to double-winged creatures under certain conditions or the speckled moth
illustration showing how industrial conditions caused moths to change from
white creatures to black. Note that there are three points being made here.
One is that an amazing assortment of species have existed over time. The
second is that the more elaborate species were the offspring after many
generations of earlier less complex species. The third is that these changes
occurred through natural circumstances. There was no "mind" or plan or
design behind them, no God. It was all pure chance.

When most scientists speak of "evolution" they do not mean the first, nor
even the first and the second. They mean all three, that there was no
designer, that change happens through "natural selection." Freak differences
occurred in individual members of a species conferring a natural advantage
on the offspring of those individuals. These went on living, where those
without the advantage petered out, the "survival of the fittest."
This fall there has appeared a scientifically authoritative book casting
grave doubt on the whole basis of these confident illustrations. Dr.
Jonathan Wells, a molecular and cell biologist from the University of
California at Berkeley who is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute, in
his Icons of Evolution does more than cast doubt.

He takes 10 so-called "proofs" of evolution offered in current textbooks and
shows where not one of them is in a fact a proof of anything, and several
are actually frauds. The speckled moths were actually pasted on the trees,
not found there. And while there may be rare instances of species that seem
part ape, part human, there is no evidence the one came from the other.

Why, you wonder, do scientists ascribe credibility to these proofs?

Because, says Dr. Wells, every scientist specializes. He may be aware the
particular "proof" offered in his own area of expertise is fundamentally
flawed, but he assumes those in all the other areas are not. In fact, he
says, they all are.

Wells's book is the second in two years to challenge the natural selection
theory. The last one was Darwin's Black Box by the biochemist Michael Behe.
He examines the blob atop the tree illustration.

In Darwin's day the simple cell was a "black box" that could not be opened.

Now, says Behe, we have opened the box; we can see how the cell is
constructed. It's about as simple as a jet engine. It is a masterpiece of
design. There is no possibility, none whatever, he says, that it could have
come about by mere happenstance.

Both these books follow an earlier one by Berkeley law professor Philip
Johnson whose Darwin On Trial put the theory of natural selection before a
make-believe jury, and gave the evidence for it as it would be presented in
court. He shows how the supposed evidence, all of it, fails to vindicate the

Yet when the Kansas school system last year decided that evolution need no
longer be taught as a scientific fact, but could be advanced as a theory
with the students urged to argue the pros and cons, the response all over
the continent was explosive. Papers like the Edmonton Journal and Globe and
Mail denounced the Kansas board as perverted by superstition and religious b
igotry. They made not a single reference to the scientific basis of the
Evolution by natural selection, says Johnson, is the "creation myth of the
20th Century." Wells agrees. Perhaps the 21st will get a better one.

Copyright 2000 Ted Byfield. All rights reserved. International copyright
File Date: 10.10.00

Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?
by Jonathan Wells

What would you say if I told you that ten of the most prominent arguments
used as examples of neo-Darwinian evolution in today's biology textbooks are
inconclusive, incomplete or outright fraudulent? I hope you'd say "show me",
because that is exactly what Jonathan Wells does in his new book Icons of
Evolution: Science or Myth?

Noted author and Berkeley professor Phillip Johnson says, "This is one of
the most important books ever written about the evolution controversy. It
shows how devotion to the ideology of Darwinism has led to 

[CTRL] Sir Laurence a shapeshifter?

2000-10-11 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

 New claims that Sir 
Laurence Gardner is a shape-shifter who takes  
part in human sacrifice rituals. 
revelations about the reptilian presence on this planet. 
 Many people were understandably 
shocked and skeptical when  Arizona Wilder claimed in the video, 
Revelations of a Mother Goddess,  that Sir Laurence Gardner, the author and head 
of the ancient Royal  
Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, was a shape-shifting reptilian who 
 took part in Satanic human 
sacrifice rituals she had witnessed. 
 Nexus Magazine, and its publisher, 
Duncan Roads, have been  
particularly scathing of these claims. Hardly surprising, when Sir 
 Laurence Gardner has been 
massively promoted by Roads and his  magazine. 
But now the author and lecturer, Stewart Swerdlow, says that he also 
witnessed human sacrifice and blood drinking rituals at the Montauk 
control centre on Long Island, New York, in which Sir Laurence 
played a major role. 
Swerdlow is the author of five books, The Montauk Project: The Alien 
 Connection; The Healers Handbook; 
As You Sow, So You Shall Reap; Healing of the  Mind; and The White Owl Legend. He says he was 
a victim of the now extensively  documented mind control operation at Montauk 
Point from the age of 14 in the early  seventies. He was one of the so-called "Montauk 
 He has never named names before, 
but has now chosen to talk to me  about his experience of Sir Laurence, who has 
gained fame in recent years  on the New Age and Holy Grail "circuit" for his 
books claiming that the  
Merovingian bloodline is the bloodline of Jesus. His best known works 
are  Bloodlines of the 
Holy Grail and the Genesis of the Grail Kings: The  Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the 
Ancient Bloodline of Jesus. 
I have most strongly contended in my own books and talks that this 
about the bloodline of "Jesus" is a diversion from the fact that the 
Grail" or Merovingian bloodline is a key reptilian bloodline from 
vast numbers of people in royal, political, economic, religious, and 
power today, genetically descend. It is the desire to maintain this 
genetic structure which has led to the obsessive interbreeding for aeons 
to  the present day of 
the "elite" families. 
 Sir Laurence himself calls these 
"Holy Grail" bloodlines the "dragon"  bloodlines, but claims that this term derives 
from the use of crocodile  fat in the royal ceremonies of ancient Egypt. I 
would contend that the  
word "dragon" has a much more fundamental meaning than that. 
 These bloodlines, which have 
invariably ended up in the positions of  power since pre-history, have a much more 
dominant reptilian genetic  code which has resulted from interbreeding 
thousands of years ago  
between a reptilian race (the "Serpent" race of endless legend) and 
the  mammal-dominated 
bloodlines which we call "human". 
 Sir Laurence claims that the dragon 
bloodline, which he connects  to the House of Stewart, has the right to the 
British throne and  
indeed that these bloodlines have the right to rule in  
general. According to him the senior legitimate  
descendant in this line is HRH Prince Michael  
Stewart, Count of Albany, although the  
background to this guy is being increasingly  
questioned and there are claims that he has  invented the title. 
 Sir Laurence also talks in positive 
terms about the drinking of  menstrual blood, or "Starfire", which, 
interestingly, was the  
Illuminati code name of Arizona Wilder, the "Mother Goddess" who 
conducted  sacrificial 
rituals for the Illuminati in a mind-controlled state (See Revelations of 
a  Mother Goddess and 
The Biggest Secret). You can read at length what Sir Laurence is 
 claiming on this link: (Starfire 
 In my view it is classic 
disinformation or what I call gin and tonic with a twist. A great 
 deal of truth, spun with the idea 
that these dragon bloodlines are not literally reptilian  and are, instead, the genetic stream of Jesus 
and Mary Magdalene. In an article in  Nexus Magazine, he acknowledges that ancient 
legends said these lines were literally  shape-shifting reptilians, but in an obvious 
swipe at The Biggest Secret, he says that it is  astonishing in these more enlightened times 
that anyone can still believe it. 
 Sorry, Sir Laurence, the evidence 
will overwhelm you and is already beginning to do so.  
Laurence Gardner has quite a CV: Chancellor of the Royal  
Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, which first emerged in  
Egypt in around 2,200BC and is now based in Britain; Prior 
of the Celtic Church's Sacred Kindred of St Columba, and  
an "internationally known sovereign and chivalric  
genealogist" Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain,  
"Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes - a 
constitutional advisory body established in 1946" formally 
attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House 

[CTRL] Serb Ostrich Revolution Was Anything But Spontaneous

2000-10-11 Thread K
-Caveat Lector-
From Truth In Media
 BELGRADE, Oct. 10 - The Serb “ostrich revolution” that followed the Yugoslav electoral “demo farce,” and culminated in the Oct. 5 storming and partial burning of the Yugoslav parliament, was about as spontaneous as the Rose Bowl or May Day parades.  It was anything but spontaneous.
Nor was it carried out by the Belgrade residents, as it appeared to viewers around the world who watched the TV images of the storming of the Yugoslav parliament.  It was a carefully planned and staged show, carried out by well paid mercenaries brought in from Serbia’s interior, with the western “black ops” directors pulling their strings from the background, and greasing their palms.
One of the leaders of such “democratic” mercenaries was Velimir Ilic, the mayor of Cacak, a small town in Central Serbia, some 60 miles south of Belgrade.   Ilic, who was swept into power in the 1996 local elections, is member of Vuk Draskovic’s pro-western Serbian Renewal Movement (a Serb political party).
In an unusually candid interview with the New York Times, which ran in the daily’s Oct. 9 issue under the headline, “How Small Town Turned Out for Kostunica at a Key Time,” this boastful “democratic” “Cacak Stormtrooper” gushed out gobs of new details that confirmed what we have been saying all along - that the entire Kostunica “election-revolution” show was a “bought and paid for by the West” charade.
Here are some excerpts from the Times report (also, see the photos at our web site):

“It was personal contribution from Cacak, said Mr. Ilic, 49, a broad-shouldered, energetic man who led 10,000 people from his town 60 miles north to Belgrade… He rallied a 12-mile- long columns of cars and trucks, and set off from Cacak at 7:30 in the morning for Belgrade… He had organized a core team of tough young men, and crucially, off-duty members of the police and the army, he said.

They took bulldozers and trucks to help break though police barricades, and in case they needed to build their own barricades.  For weapons, they took three truckloads of stones…

Mr. Ilic said: “We established a team of young professionals, paratroopers from the Yugoslav Army and young policemen, and we coordinated this with the most elite units in the Interior Ministry Police in Belgrade.  We got martial arts experts and professional boxers to join us.  We even had plainclothes police coordinating with nearby towns….

He said his personal agreement with two special policemen in Belgrade, and two from Cacak, had caused major elements of the police in the capital to join the side of the demonstrators. As several hundred thousand people converged in front of the Parliament at 3 p.m., and started to clash with police, his contacts refused orders to move against the demonstrators.”
--- TiM Ed.: Let us recap, Ilic’s “ team of tough, young professionals… paratroopers… elite special police… martial art experts… boxers…” lead an assault on the Parliament and on the state-owned Serb TV building (only a few hundred yards away, where they actually did se bulldozers - see th photo at our web site).
Is that the image of democracy that conjured up in your mind when a jubilant Bill Clinton congratulated Vojislav Kostunica a day later on a historic “victory of democracy?”  It sure didn’t in this writer’s head.  But that is evidently the face of the “Klinton democracy.”  We’ve seen a glimpse of it in Seattle last December (see Toward a New Multipolar World in the New Millennium - Dec. 17, 1999).  How long before such “Klinton democracy” becomes pervasive in the U.S., too?
But back to Serbia and Ilic… We’ve highlighted the term “professionals” above.  Unlike the hundreds of thousands of Belgrade amateur “revolutionaries,” who were mere extras in this Washington/EU-staged “Wag the Dog”-style “revolution,” professionals are people who get paid for what they do.  Someone also had to pay for fuel used by that 12-mile column of bulldozers, cars and trucks in a country impoverished by the sanctions and under an oil embargo.  Finally, police are not exactly know for standing down and refusing orders unless their palms had been greased beforehand.
So who paid all these people them off, and where did the money come from?  We suspect that you already know the answer (see “Washington Funds Serb Opposition,” Sep. 19).  But we’ll let a member of the Yugoslav parliament (MP) answer it in more details.  Here’s an excerpt from a speech Dragan Todorovic, a Serb Radical Party MP, gave on Oct. 7 in Belgrade, during the proceedings that led to the swearing in of Yugoslavia’s new president, Vojislav Kostunica:


It was on October 5, that we only realized what DOS (TiM Ed.: Democratic Opposition of Serbia) really stood for - "DEMOLITION OF SERBIA"!

What happened in Belgrade on October 5, unlike what major news agencies explained - was not a display of democracy - by it's display, it was an act of shear vandalism. By it's consequences and methods - 

Re: [CTRL] Sir Laurence a shapeshifter?

2000-10-11 Thread nexusmagazine

-Caveat Lector-


  New claims that Sir Laurence Gardner is a shape-shifter who takes
   part in human sacrifice rituals.
Major revelations about the reptilian presence on this planet.


Many people were understandably shocked and skeptical when
Arizona Wilder claimed in the video, Revelations of a Mother Goddess,
that Sir Laurence Gardner, the author and head of the ancient Royal
Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, was a shape-shifting reptilian who
took part in Satanic human sacrifice rituals she had witnessed.

Nexus Magazine, and its publisher, Duncan Roads, have been
particularly scathing of these claims. Hardly surprising, when Sir
Laurence Gardner has been massively promoted by Roads and his

  But now the author and lecturer, Stewart Swerdlow, says that
he also
  witnessed human sacrifice and blood drinking rituals at the
Montauk mind
  control centre on Long Island, New York, in which Sir
Laurence Gardner
  played a major role.

  Swerdlow is the author of five books, The Montauk Project:
The Alien
Connection; The Healers Handbook; As You Sow, So You Shall Reap;
Healing of the
Mind; and The White Owl Legend. He says he was a victim of the now

Sigh, a typical example of David Icke's tactics.  ie dont bother
discussing facts or debating points, just smear the 'opposition'.

Yes, that is how David Icke sees the ever popular Laurence Gardner.  You
see, if you believe Gardner's research about the blood line of Christ,
you are automatically unable to believe Icke's postulations that Christ
doesn't exist.  Calling Gardner a shape-shifter is an easy way to get
your sycophantic followers to ignore such heresy.

Notice how Icke has no evidence, save that of two people:

1)  Arizona Wilder - who claims to be the miss big of the illuminati
ritual world.  A clearly traumatised mind control victim who Icke just
loves, because, guess what, she 'saw' Gardner at some of her rituals.
Give me a break!
2)  Stuart Swerdlow - another johnny come lately, this time, cashing in
on the Montauk money bag.  Notice how the original Montauk researchers
all claim Swerdlow is a phoney?  Swerdlow also 'remembers' seeing Gardner
shape-shift at some ceremony.

Icke also used to claim Zecharia Sitchin (another researcher who's work
contradicts Ickes) was a shapeshifter.  Funny how he went silent on that

I have had the pleasure of having Gardner speak at two of our
Conferences.  He is an honourable guy, down to earth, and full of good

If Gardner is a shape-shifting reptilian alien, then bring them on!  I
for one, will never believe that Gardner is a shape-shifter.

Funny how two of the most controversial researchers of the last decade
(in terms of historical controversy) (ie Gardner and Sitchin) have been
targetted as shape-shifting, baby eating reptilian aliens.  Icke
obviously doesn't want you to buy THEIR books, or listen to THEIR

Icke's own editor/right-hand research, Ivan Fraser was so alarmed at Icke
going off the deep end that he left!

Icke has severe arthritis.  He has told several people it is affecting
his brain.

Why doesn't he get up on stage and add that piece of info as a precursor
if he is so interested in the 'truth'?  Maybe they would end up thinking
for themselves for a change.


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

  Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)

 Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ...

Perhaps.  But that 'burst blood vessel' moved my earlobe flat against the FRONT of my 
ear...IOW, my earlobe,
and a good amount of cartilage above it, was pressed FORWARD over my ear opening, 
which is why I actually
thought I'd been shot with a BB gun...

Ever experience getting your ears 'boxed'?  That was how my ear felt, as if something 
had hit it at high
speed, pushing the lobe and cartilage forward at high speed...

 perhaps some extra serious ... ahmmm ... ahmmm "activities" ... the night
 before ()!  ... which quite prolly would have been associated with an
 "EXPLODING implant!" (GGG)!!!

I'm not sure what you're implying, but the only activity the night before was coming 
home from work, making
supper, watching some TV, and then going to bed because I had work the next day.

 I am not all that familiar with US politics, but I can hardly imagine Reagan
 being a "Leftie," except for the purposes of SPYING on his fellows.

He was, back in the 30s and 40s, which is why he was elected president of the Actors 
Union.  Even Jane Wyman,
to whom he was married at the time, expressed surprise...and not a little disgust, 
since she's been fairly
left-leaning all her life...at his sudden about-face from strident leftist to 
goosestepping rightist.

When Reagan was elected president, much was made of this 180-degree turn, and much 
speculation was done as to
what caused it.  The article where June Allyson revealed this tete-a-tete between 
Reagan and Powell was not
specifically about Reagan, it was something revealed in the course of the interview 
about her life...

She and Powell apparantly had dinner at least once a week with the Reagans back in 
those days, and Allyson
revealed that often Reagan and Powell would get into heated political arguments, 
Reagan sticking to his
leftist philosophy while Powell would argue his rightist opinions.  So it hardly seems 
a case of Powell being
a persuasive arguer that changed Reagan.  That only occured, Allyson recounted, one 
specific night when after
dinner her husband made it a point to take Reagan alone, behind locked doors.  
According to her, they were
only in the room (I believe Powell's home office) 20 to 30 minutes, and when they came 
out, Reagan was
suddenly a convert to the rightwing political spectrum, and never deviated from it 
from that day...

Allyson presented it as an 'odd' tidbit, and I got the feeling that perhaps she was 
hinting that perhaps the
reporter should delve into this further, but of course the reporter didn't and the 
article went on to other

So again, I wonder what it was that Powell said or did in those 20 or so minutes, 
behind locked doors (and why
lock the door, when the only other people around were his and Reagan's wife?), that 
resulted in such a
dramatic conversion, when months of after-dinner arguments had failed to do so?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I doubt the monitoring station could have been a problem.  Radio
 intercept is a passive endeavor, you can't "suck" the radiowaves out
 of the air.  Transmitting, maybe interference there, but not

Be that as it may, the fact remains that my fellow physical therapy recipients 
reported the same phenomenon,
namely being able to HEAR radio (and sometimes TV) broadcasts in their heads 
immediately after their
accidents, and for some weeks thereafter (apparantly it also faded with time as it did 
with me).

What I heard was definitely in a Middle Eastern language (perhaps more than one), and 
once I 'picked up' the
BBC (replete with ads for upcoming shows) and once I picked up Radio Moscow 
(identified as such by the
announcer).  And the fact remains that the strongest 'signal' was smack next to where 
the Air National Guard
has their listening outpost.  Perhaps they not only were listening to worldwide 
broadcasts, but then also
rebroadcasting them to somewhere else?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 William Powell used to play the Thin Man but it was the singer Dick
 Powell who married June Allyson.

I stand corrected.  The person I am referring to is Dick Powell, not William.

 Dick Powell never seemed politically incliined

He was EXTREMELY politically inclined, so much so that he was considered possibly a 
Nazi-sympathizer -- but he
always worked behind the scenes, politically.  That was one reason he couldn't get 
good movie roles in the
1950s, even though he had turned in such excellent performances in various 'film 
noires' of the late
1940s...so that is why he went into television, and was successful in developing his 
own television production

It was good timing, too, because his move into TV coincided with the McCarthy witch 
hunts, and TV more than
welcomed someone with the 'impeccable' political credentials of Dick Powell.

 Will see if I can find out about Dick Powell - but never heard of him in

Yes, one never heard of him IN politics, but apparantly he was quite active behind the 
scenes...had quite a
few 'influential friends', according to a biography of him on some show not long 
ago...which makes his ability
to suddenly change Reagan's political views, after months of after-dinner political 
arguments, all the more


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Politics of Tryptophan (and Prozac)

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan


The FDA Ban of L-Tryptophan: Politics, Profits and Prozac

© Dean Wolfe Manders, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved

Note: Deep Times attempted to track down Dr. Manders, without success. 
Therefore, this article is published from a Listserv without permission. 
This is contrary to Deep Times policy, but we felt the information was too
important to keep from our readers under the circumstances.  If you know
where we can reach Dr. Manders to obtain Permission, please let us know.
This article first appeared in "Social Policy", Vol. 26, No. 2 Winter 1995. 
Dr. Manders has lectured and done extensive research on the medical politics
of L-Tryptophan. The article also appeared in "Blazing Tattles".

In the fall of 1989, the FDA recalled L-Tryptophan, an amino acid
nutritional supplement, stating that it caused a rare and deadly flu-like
condition (Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome / EMS). On March 22, 1990, the FDA
banned the public sale dietary of L-Tryptophan completely. This ban
continues today. On March 26, 1990, "Newsweek" featured a lead article
praising the virtues of the anti-depressant drug Prozac. Its multi-color
cover displayed a floating, gigantic green and white capsule of Prozac with
the caption: "Prozac: A Breakthrough drug for Depression."
The fact that the FDA ban of L-Tryptophan and the Newsweek Prozac cover
story occurred within four days of each other went unnoticed by both the
media and the public. Yet, to those who understand the effective properties
of L- Tryptophan and Prozac, the concurrence seems "unbelievably
coincidental." The link here is the brain neurotransmitter serotonin---a
biochemical nerve signal conductor. The action of Prozac and L-Tryptophan
are both involved with serotonin, but in totally different ways.
Elevated levels of serotonin in the body often result in the relief of
depression, as well as substantial reduction in pain sensitivity, anxiety
and stress. Prozac, as well as other new anti-depressant drugs such as Paxil
and Zoloft, attempt to enhance levels of serotonin by working on whatever
amounts of it already exists in the body (these drugs are known as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors). None of these drugs, however produce
serotonin. In contrast, ingested L-Tryptophan acts to produce serotonin,
even in individuals who generate little serotonin of their own. The most
effective way to elevate serotonin would be to use a serotonin producer
rather than a serotonin enhancer.
The continuing FDA public ban of L-Tryptophan prevents popular access to
this most effective serotonin producer. The millions of Americans who for
decades safely have relied upon L-Tryptophan to relieve depression, anxiety
and PMS, as well as to control pain and induce natural sleep, have been
forced elsewhere for solutions.
Routinely, such solutions are pharmaceutical in nature: people are forced to
use either often highly addictive, expensive, and sometimes dangerous drugs
like Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, Codeine, Anafranil, Prozac, and
others, or simply suffer. Present FDA public policy maintains that
L-Tryptophan is an untested, unapproved and hazardous drug. The analytical
work done a few years ago by the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo
Clinic, research which traced the fall of the serious flu-like condition to
contaminants found in batches of L-Tryptophan made by the Japanese company
Showa Denko, has not convinced the FDA to allow L-Tryptophan back on the
market. This decision is based primarily on the research of FDA and NIMH
scientists who state that L- Tryptophan itself, irrespective of
contaminants, is a dangerous substance. Other university-based research
scientists disagree with these findings.
The public availability of L-Tryptophan is too important an issue only to be
argued and shrouded within scientific debate that remains, ultimately,
mystifying to the vast majority of Americans. There are many obvious facts
worthy of public attention, and concern.
For example, consider the following: On February 9, 1993, a United States
government patent (#5185157) was issued to use L-Tryptophan to treat, and
cure EMS, the very same deadly flu-like condition which prompted the FDA to
take L-Tryptophan off the market in 1989.
Notwithstanding its public ban and import alert on L-Tryptophan, the FDA
today allows Ajinomoto U.S.A. the right to import from Japan human-use L-
Tryptophan. Distributed from the Ajinomoto in Raleigh, North Carolina, the
L- Tryptophan is then sold to, and through, a network of compounding
pharmacies across the United States. Purchased by individuals only under a
physician's order, L-Tryptophan emerges here as a new prescription drug in
the serotonin marketplace; one hundred 500 mg. capsules cost about $75.00,
approximately five times more than if they were sold as a dietary
Since the FDA holds the political mandate and power of a public regulatory
agency established ostensibly, to protect people from raw corporate

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Something happened to you that day - I do not like music in automobiles
 either, or tapes - if your automobile window was open that day, you
 could have been hit by something - maybe BB gun...

The windows were up, and no glass was broken.  I was actually parked in a commercial 
parking garage (thank
goodness, because if it had happened while I was driving I would probably have had an 
accident), and just
about to get out.  The garage had cement block walls with very small openings, I was 
on the second level
parked next to an outer wall, and there was no building directly across the street.

Believe me, I investigated, because I really thought at first I'd been shot at...the 
only way for someone to
have shot me would have been to have been on the same level as I was (in other words, 
on a second story), and
be directly across the street...but as I said, there was no building there, just a 
parking lot for a Holiday
Inn.  The hotel building itself was a half-block down the street.  The only other 
building more than one story
in the area was the local federal building, a half-block up the street.  But no one in 
either building would
have had a direct site to me, because of the narrow openings in the cement blocks of 
the parking garage

Also, I didn't hear anything hitting any of the other cars in the packed garage, nor 
was there any ricochet
off of either vehicles or cement walls...

And my skin wasn't broken...extremely bruised, but only on the back of the ear and a 
portion of skull by the
ear, not on the front of the ear...


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[CTRL] OEN 10/11/00

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Second Amendment

7 Varieties of Gun Control Advocates

by Gus Cotey, Jr.

The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and
responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom
and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed
their general population access to weapons, the tools of power, to the same
degree as the United States. Instead, most societies have restricted the
keeping and bearing of arms to a select few power brokers and their agents,
often resulting in oppression on a grand scale.

Despite a massive amount of historical evidence to the contrary, there is a
substantial body of Americans, many occupying positions of influence, who
contend that the abrogation of the Second Amendment is the quickest path to
domestic tranquility. Since this is as absurd as advocating blood-letting as
a cure for anemia, it would seem advisable to question the motives and
mentalities of the gun control advocates themselves.

In my observation, weapon prohibitionists can be broken down into seven major
categories. Even though their motives may vary they all pose a mortalthreat
to liberty.


Many of those in favor of oppressive firearms legislation are are best
classed as elitists. Elitists frequently identify with a peer group based on
wealth, power, rank, social status, occupation, education, ethnic group, etc.
and perceive themselves and their peers as inherently superior to and more
responsible than the "common people", thus more deserving of certain rights.
Since elitists practically consider those outside their class or caste as
members of another species, that most anti-elitist list of laws, the Bill of
Rights is viewed by them as anathema. Naturally, theSecond Amendment is their
first target as it serves as the supporting structure for other nine


Another type of individual who favors the restriction of private gun
ownership is the authoritarian. Authoritarian personalities are characterized
by their belief in unquestioning obedience to an authority figure or group
and a disdain for individual freedom of action, expression, and judgement.
Those with authoritarian personalities function well in symbiosis with
elitists occupying positions of power. Because authoritarians repress their
desires for autonomy they harbor a deep resentment toward free and
independent thinkers. Of course authoritarians do not want firearms in the
hands of the general population as this constitutes a major obstacle to
fulfilling their pathological and obsessive desire to control people.


It goes without saying that career criminals would like to see the public
disarmed for obvious reasons. A well-armed population makes crimes such as
assault, robbery, and burglary hazardous for the perpetrator and this is bad
for "business." Also, it would seem that even non-violentor "white collar"
criminals live in constant fear of retribution from the public that they
financially bleed and would therefore prefer that the public be disarmed.
Evidence supporting this hypothesis can be gathered by studying the Second
Amendment voting records of those legislators who have been convicted of
willful misconduct.

The Fearful

Cowards by definition are easily or excessively frightened by things and
situations that are recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful. It
therefore stands to reason that the mere thought of guns and the
circumstances in which they are employed causes them abnormal amounts of
stress. Rather than admit their weakness to themselves or others, some
fearful types jump on the anti-gun bandwagon and purport moral superiority to
those "barbaric"enough to employ lethal force against armed assailants by
claiming various humanitarian and pragmatic motives for allowing evil to
remain unchecked. In reality, many of these individuals harbor an envy
induced resentment toward anyone with the means, skill, and will to
successfully stand up to criminal aggression.
The desire to assert oneself exists in nearly everyone, wimps included, so
cowards seek out tame enemies against whom they can ply their pitiful brand
of machismo. Instead of the sociopaths who commit acts of wanton aggression
with guns, guns themselves and responsible gun owners are the main targets of
their attacks. After all, real criminals are dangerous, so cowards prefer
doing battle with inanimate objects that do not have a will of their own and
decent law-abiding people whose high level of integrity and self discipline
prevent them from physically lashing out against mere verbal assailants,
however obnoxious they may be.

Ideological Chamelions

Ideological chameleons follow the simple social strategy of avoiding
controversy and confrontation by espousing the beliefs of the people in their
immediate vicinity or 

[CTRL] Miracle in Costa Rica? -- The Washington Times

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
HREF="http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/ed-house-20001011181613.htm"Miracle in
Costa Rica? -- The Washington Times/A

EDITORIAL • October 11, 2000
Miracle in Costa Rica?

 Governments are usually loathe to devolve power, especially in the Third
World. But the Costa Rican government is taking this bold step to empower the
country's communities and improve the lot of its people. While much of the
developed world ponders how to narrow the economic gap with poor countries,
which today is 10 times wider than it was 30 years ago, Costa Rica is busy
helping itself.
 Unlike the government programs of yore, Costa Rica's plan doesn't entail
monumental infrastructure projects, legions of bureaucrats or seven-figure
development loans. Instead, Costa Rica's vice president, Astrid Fischel, told
editors at The Washington Times, under a new plan representatives elected in
town meetings decide which projects should be completed with the limited
money the communities receive. The result: Costa Ricans have become so eager
to complete the projects that they give their own labor free of cost to
complete them.
 Private enterprise has also gotten involved in the program, called the
Triangle of Solidarity, because it coordinates the efforts of the executive
branch, local governments and individuals. Supermarket chains Automercado and
Mas por Menos are now buying from small producers in their own communities,
and a banana grower, El Esfuerzo, has given land for housing. In addition,
commercial bank Banco Nacional is guaranteeing "microcredit" loans for Costa
Ricans and concrete company Cempasa is paving a road.
 "We have to bear in mind that as a country we have very limited
resources," Mrs. Fischel said. By cutting out intermediaries and getting the
private sector and individuals to contribute, the cost of projects has been
drastically reduced. Typically, it would cost the Ministry of Public
Education $11,000 to build one classroom. Under the new program, that price
tag has been cut to around $4,000, according to government documents.
 And the communities also elect a local watchdog, typically considered
the most trustworthy resident, to oversee the project's progress. This person
is trained by the government on how to evaluate public works and how to
report back to the federal government via e-mail. In fact, part of the
government's long-term goal is to bridge the global digital divide by setting
up computers in post offices and municipal government buildings — and by
giving Costa Ricans 10 minutes of free Internet access a day.
 All this makes it difficult for government officials to skim off loans
and tax revenue. Reducing this "corruption premium" is crucial to making
these projects so cost-effective. Like many good ideas, the triangle was
opposed by government officials who predictably claimed the government would
be "transferring power directly to people who didn't know how to decide"
what's best for them, Mrs. Fischel said. Legislators also worried that the
federal government would undermine their power by creating new elected
representatives and sending federal funds directly to their districts.
 The ideas behind the Triangle of Solidarity are far from revolutionary,
but their implementation is far too rare. Effective poverty-busting programs
start at the grassroots and don't involve huge federal projects or bloated
 Back to Opinion/Editorial

Updated at 9:00 a.m.

•   Barak, Arafat Meet With Annan

•   Second Presidential Debate on Tap

•   EU Approves AOL-Time Warner Deal

•   Americans Win Nobel in Economics

•   Kostunica To Meet Top Army Ranks

•   Bill Would Allow Execs To Be Jailed

•   Judge To Rule on Ford Recall

•   Tokyo Stocks Fall Sharply

•   Mariners Take Game One of ALCS

All site contents copyright © 2000 News World Communications, Inc.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] 9/23/00 - Mike Ruppert realaudio up at cia-drugs.org

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Howdy One and All,
Mike Ruppert's presentation of 9/23/00 at the CIA-Drugs Symposium II in LA,
Calif. is up at cia-drugs.org


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Shape-shifting was Lizard People C...

2000-10-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Could this shape-shifting phenomenon be a drug-induced hallucination?
Aren't drugs used quite frequently in mind-control operations? Suppose
the victim were drugged.. wouldn't he or she be much more
suggestible to the idea that people can change their shape?

who thinks the only way people can truly change their shape is through
diet and exercise

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 I believe somehow these celluar phones you pick up stuff,

I found getting rid of my cell phone to be extremely liberating. Not
only the $30 a month, but it is nice NOT to be reachable sometimes.
New Jersey is finally going to pass a law making it illegal to drive
and talk on the cell phone at the same time. Hooray! They are worse
than drunk drivers. I had a "lady" almost broadside me while she was
talking on a cell phone. When I honked, she stopped, flipped me the
bird, and went off on her merry way, never missing a word of her
conversation. But even better than a law would be a provision that if
you are eating, drinking, smoking, or talking on the phone while you
are driving, and you get into an accident because of same, your
insurance WILL NOT PAY for any damage you cause, to property or people,
leaving YOU personally liable for your carelessness. If it's that
bloody important, pull over. Besides, if you don't eat, drink, or smoke
in the car, your car will be much cleaner, making it easier for you to
find the implants "they" put in your car. And I think cigarettes are a
NWO elite tool for depopulating the planet, but that's a whole 'nuther
thread. :-D


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[CTRL] Dial 911 and Die

2000-10-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Dial 911 and

by Robert A. Waters

I recently conducted an online
interview with Richard Stevens, Attorney at Law, author of "Dial 911
Die." The book was published by Mazel Freedom Press, Inc., in
1999. Go to http://www.jpfo.org/dial911anddie.htm
if you'd like
more information about this book.
To say that "Dial 911 and Die" is one of the most important pro-
freedom books of the year is an understatement.
In the interview, Stevens wrote, "When it comes to self-defense,
must not give up their personal right to arms to the same
government that owes
them no duty of self-protection." And that is the premise of the
book--hundreds of court cases have established the principle that
enforcement agencies do not exist to protect individuals. Therefore,
argues, it is criminal for cities, states, and the Federal government
to pass
gun control laws which take away the individual's right to protect
himself or herself.
Stevens graduated magna cum laude from the University of San
Diego School of
Law. He taught for several years at the law schools of George
University and George Mason University. Currently, he specializes
in preparing
trial court motions and appellate court briefs in Washington, D. C. Stevens is
also Editor of the Firearms Sentinel, a publication of Jews
for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
RW -- Do you think the average
American realizes that most law enforcement agencies cannot be successfully
RS -- Many people have never thought about it. That is why it shocks most people
to learn this truth, and sometimes it takes a while for the enormity of the
facts to set in.
RW -- I look at your book as a wake-up call to America. If government can't
protect citizens, we have to protect ourselves. Do you agree?
RS -- I agree, but I put it the other way around. We have the right and duty to
protect ourselves and our loved ones. The police cannot guarantee our safety,
and they often cannot prevent crimes. Meanwhile, the law says the police don't
have to protect us as individuals.
RW -- I like the fact that you used real-life stories to illustrate points you
wished to make. How did you locate the cases you wrote about?
RS -- There are two main sources of the law: the statutes enacted by state
legislatures, and state appellate court decisions. There are standard references
and legal encyclopedias that I used to get started. From the standard references, the 
legal encyclopedias and digests of cases, I located the court
After reading the cases, I used the Shepard's Citations books to discover
whether the cases were still in force or had been reversed or overturned. If the
cases are still valid statements of law, then they were used in the book.
RW -- Which cases affected you most (of those you wrote about)?
RS -- Hartzler vs. City of San Jose (California). This one completely shocked
me. In law school, we had been learning how manufacturers owe legal duties to
buyers of products to be sure the products are safe; how landlords owe legal
duties to tenants to protect them from foreseeable criminal attacks; and how
homeowners owe legal duties to make sure that visitors don't trip and fall on
their property.
Then we turned the page and found that governments owe no legal duty to do the
one thing that you'd think they are supposed to do: protect citizens from
criminal attack.
Another case that really bothered me was the DeShaney Case in Wisconsin. The
county welfare authorities placed a young boy with an abusive father who
tortured and beat him until he was permanently mentally damaged and had to be 
institutionalized. There were lots of warning signs and the county case worker
saw tons of evidence that the child was being abused, yet the case worker failed
to intervene. The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution does not require states to 
protect their citizens, such as this young boy.
While I have to agree with the court's decision on strict legal grounds in this
case, I was horrified by the larger moral issue: why can the government agency
charged with protecting children escape legal liability for failing to carry out
that duty--when a homeowner can be successfully sued if a would-be burglar trips
and falls on the owner's property?
In another case, Ford vs. Town of Grafton (Massachusetts), a woman got a
restraining order to protect herself from a crazed violent ex-boyfriend. But the
police didn't enforce it and the boyfriend attacked her and nearly killed her.
This case is particularly appalling because the police actually advised the woman to 
"get a gun" since they couldn't protect her. The court in
that rabidly anti-firearms state later used the "get a gun" warning
against her. The court said that the police adequately warned her and therefore
had no duty to protect her.
RW -- At the end of the book, you've included a chapter entitled,
"Forty-five stories with a happy 

Re: [CTRL] Justice | ecitsuJ

2000-10-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I just read in the paper a couple of days ago that Janet Reno was
inducted into the International Women's Hall of Fame. For the first
time in my life, I actually wished I were a man.. shrug

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Serbian Socialists Physically Attacked

2000-10-11 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-

Nazi pigs are in power now in Yugoslavia.
I am not a member of Socialist Party.
Jela Jovanovic
-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 3:45 AM
Subject: Serbian Socialists Physically Attacked

The url for this page is http://emperors-clothes.com/news/attack2.htm It is
being sent as email text and as a text attachment

Translated from the Serbian text at www.sps.org.yu/index-ie.htm


Introductory note.  It is reported in the Western media (AFP, Oct. 8) that
last Thursday's Yugoslav coup was a military operation with a vanguard of
least 2000 men, many of them armed, planned and organized well in advance.
urge you to email the Serbian   Socialist Party which is under fierce
physical assault for resisting the coup. It will boost their morale to
receive your messages.   The report below has been confirmed by interviews
conducted by emperor's clothes.  See www.tenc.net

Please send statements of support, with as many signers as possible, to

Jared Israel, editor, Emperor's Clothes

[Emperor's Clothes]

October 7, 2000

Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS): INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC

In Belgrade and throughout Serbia there is a reign of terror. The attacks
members of SPS and their property are ceaseless. The method of organization
and the way these actions are executed are completely resembling actions of
Nazi storm-troopers as they have done the same to the leftists at the dawn
German Nazism. Members of DOS are physically attacking members and leaders
SPS. They are threatening members and supporters of SPS. The threats are
physical, over the phone. They are threatening women and children of

Skillfully using the dissatisfaction of the workers, DOS is organizing
bullying and
lawless actions of toppling and prosecuting those directors of
who are members of SPS, but only in companies that are well established and
financially successful.

In Kragujevac they have attacked, tied and maltreated ten of our members,
including Ms. Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic. They have maltreated her for ten
hours in order to make her say, publicly, on TV Ktragujevac, that she
denounces her membership to SPS. As she did not succumb to their threats
have let her go - right into arms of ruthless, drunken mob. Ten of those
hooligans were slapping her face, kicking her, spitting at her and cursing

In the town of Nish, a worker at electric distribution company, Mr. Dragisa
Vucic, a SPS representative at the town council, was beaten badly. He ended
up in a hospital as his colleagues, some hundred of them were literally
lynching him.

Last night, SPS Belgrade's headquarters was attacked again but this time
there was nothing to steal so they burned the premises - and they are
now. In the town boroughs of Palilula, Vracar, Stari Grad and Zvezdara the
SPS offices are totally destroyed and all of value, all the furniture,
computer equipment etc was looted.

In Bor, the headquarters of SPS is demolished.

In Arilje the SPS building was stoned and the entrance door was chopped by

After their destructive visit to Belgrade, members of DOS in Kikinda
a Club of Young Socialists. They broke the doors and windows but presence
SPS members in the building prevented them from looting the valuable
equipment of the Internet Club of the Young Socialists. Probably that
equipment was the main reason for the attack in the first place.

In Kovacica, the DOS followers took the SPS flags from the headquarters
and burned them in the center of the town.

Headquarters at Sremska Mitrovica were vandalized again, for the second
night. This time they have demolished doors and windows to the building.
Yesterday they have broken into SPS building in Pecinci and changed the
locks on it.
Information on October 6, 2000:

Despite Mr. Kostunica's public proclamations that there will be no
toward the members and sympathizers of the left - the followers of DOS do
respect or tolerate an opinion different from their own (which is one of
most important characteristics of a democracy). In last three days we have
witnessed an avalanche of mindless terror organized by "Democratic
Opposition. (DOS)"

According to the information we have, the SPS offices that were attacked in
which lives of our members were put at jeopardy include headquarters in
Belgrade, Lajkovac, Leskovac, Prokuplje, Vlasotince, Uzice, Aleksinac,
Smederevo, Raskoj, Kragujevac, Pancevo, Novi Sad, Temerin, Ada, Kanjiza,
Senta, Sremska Mitrovica, Zrenjanin...

In Belgrade they have robbed and then destroyed the SPS town's headquarters
(take a look at our web album) and then they have done the same with all
At night between 5 and 6th October DOS demonstrators have broken into
headquarters in Leskovac. They 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe that day Powell got with Reagan a TV deal was cut?   Powell had
own TV show and Reagan had Death Valley Days..

This experiment with Jonestown, though, Reagan was in that to his turtle

Reagan maybe is a chameleon like some of the others?   High degree Mason
- and Irishman whom they called "Dutch"?

Now I always wondered about that one - but Jean Dixon, the psuedo
political religious propagandist declared Reagan, was a man of destiny.

So Reagan got to be President and the CFR stomped on him nearly taking
him out.he was warned.

The many masks of a demigod?

Or is that demicrat?

When Reagan was shot he was NEVER the same; and now Alzheimers - his
memory was never the same - especially when it came to the drugs and
Contras thing.

Then I thought Jonestown with the Rabbi Washington of the Black House of
Israel next door.his followers looked drug addicted - little kids
with greata big eyes and frozen faces.later that guy was picked up
in USA for murder, old warrant.

What if Jonestown was a set up half way house for more drug running?
This grand experiment with people, Nazi doctors on board, cyanide in
kool aid - white nights, and the worksall timed - and Mark Lane CIA
lawyer the one who always gets away, at Jonestown ..the storiy of
the implant behind their ears and I will try to find if there was
mention which earthink left, maybe?  You know how a dog turns its
head left first when thinking - at least mine does.left side of
brain maybe easier to control?   Regardless, my friend said there were
slits behind the ears of many of the victimsJonestown was a front
and experiment also for thresholds of pain.wonder too about Waco -
was this too a drug scenario in disguise - drugs and guns.

So Reagan could have been in this drug stuff deep - he knew all about
Jonestown and maybe he knew how to play the game.

Noted too the Mormon Church had his family tree back to Brian
Boru.now this simply means he has a family tree authenticated and
someone in his family kept careful family records - our family records
were always kept by the women but only 10 percent of people ever kept

Why would Reagan be a man of destiny?   He was in a sense, but made no
great mark - and he was nearly killed at high twelve, coming from the
Temple of Labor like a Brother Hiram in the biggest set up since JFK.

So who is or was, Ronald Reaganmaybe Dick Powell got him into TV?
Dick Powell had lots of underworld connections no doubt because when he
made his first movies the mob thrived..for the writers write of
things they know and what they have seen first hand...but guess that's
show biz/

Am really curious about Dick Powell, for I remember in Columbus watching
that show and he died shortly thereafter - but he thought he was sick
because of allergy to cheese he had eaten..

Wonder how masonry or rosicrucianism fits here, for it surely
does...there are those, right wingers, who detested the John Birch
Society for they say they were front for organized crime.a man with
Attorney General Office once told me this, but I often agreed with the
JGS more than my own democrat party, at the time.   For I can no longer
be a democrat - CFR took them over .there is no democrat party -
just puppets but now and then one flies over the cuckoos nest and a real
one gets elected.

But then hasn't thisi CFR and Cronkite type figures given the American
people a choice - fascism or communism?   No in betweens where majority
sit and if they voted could swing any election but what do you get?   As
they say, Meet the new boss - same as the old boss?

Murder Inc. Meets Murder Inc.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FW: Beware of These 8 Fallacies in Tonight's Debate

2000-10-11 Thread K
-Caveat Lector-
Beware of These 8 Fallacies in Tonight's Debate
By Harry Browne
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Tonight George W. Bush and Al Gore square off in their second debate.
They will argue over many things. But underlying their arguments will be many false assumptions. Since the assumptions are wrong, their proposals are meaningless, and you should be forewarned.
Here are 8 such fallacies . . .
The Budget Surplus
Fallacy #1: "There is a budget surplus."
Each candidate will tell you how he plans to use the surplus -- proposing a combination of tax cuts, new spending programs, paying down the national debt, saving Social Security, and so on. But there is no surplus, and so all those plans are meaningless.
Here are the federal budgets for the past ten years:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Federal Budget, 1991-2000
Please click on this link to see the chart: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/images/20001011_xchbr_brown egraph1.gif< (All figures in this article are taken from the August issue of Economic Indicators, a monthly publication of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The deficits are shrinking, but there still is no surplus. The Social Security receipts are larger than Social Security payments, and the excess is being lent to the general fund to create a phony surplus. Ignored in any discussion of the "surplus" is the fact that the overall federal debt continues to rise year by year.
Neither Al Gore nor George Bush will say "When we have a surplus;" he'll act as though the surplus already exists. So you shouldn't pay any attention to what he plans to do with the surplus.
If either of them really wanted to generate a true budget surplus, he'd propose reductions in government spending. But only a Libertarian President is likely to do that.
Social Security
Fallacy #2: "We are saving Social Security."
Whatever plan Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore offers to make Social Security safe, it's a misrepresentation. You can't save something while you're stealing from it. Since all the excess Social Security receipts are being used to paper over the deficit in the general fund, there's no cash in the Social Security Trust Fund for future payments.
When Social Security payments begin to exceed receipts in a few years, money from the general budget will have to pay off the IOUs held by Social Security. But the politicians will have used up the phony "surplus" with spending increases and tax cuts.
Social Security will be "saved" or reformed only when it's taken completely away from the politicians, and you're allowed to keep the money yourself -- to do with as you think best.
That's why a vote for a Republican or a Democrat is truly a wasted vote. Only Libertarians are proposing that you should be completely free from Social Security.
Welfare Reform
Fallacy #3: "Welfare reform was a great triumph."
Both major parties are trying to take credit for the welfare reform program the Republican Congress passed and the Democratic President approved. They want you to believe that this "reform" has reduced considerably the terrible burden of welfare spending.
But here's what the federal government has spent on welfare over the past ten years:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Welfare spending, 1991-2000
YearWelfare Spending* 1991 170 1992 197 1993 207 1994 214 1995 221 1996 226 1997 231 1998 233 1999 238 2000 253
* In billions of dollars. (All figures in this article are taken from the August issue of Economic Indicators, a monthly publication of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oh yes, you've heard that the number of welfare recipients has declined. But politicians don't stop spending money on a shrinking program. In fact, in many parts of America, federal, state, and local governments are _advertising_ for new welfare recipients.
Welfare must be taken completely out of the hands of the federal government. Otherwise, the politicians will continue to defraud you and take your money.
Tax Cuts
Fallacy #4: "My tax cuts will save you money."
Between the general fund and Social Security, the politicians have budgeted $1.8 trillion in expenditures for the 2000 fiscal year. (The 2001 budget will be even larger.)
Who's going to pay the $1.8 trillion? The Russians? The Martians?
Of course not. You and I and almost every other American will have to cough up $1.8 trillion for that obscene budget.
Unless there is a decrease in spending, any "tax cut" simply rearranges the burden of big government; it doesn't reduce it. "Tax cuts" are a shell game, pure and simple.
Neither candidate is proposing to reduce government spending. Neither one has called for the elimination (or even reduction) of any government program, department, or agency. Quite the contrary, both Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore are proposing to increase the size, 

[CTRL] Our Social Security

2000-10-11 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Our Social Security

Subject: Our Social Security

Subject: Fwd: Our Social Security? READ THIS

Thought all of you would like this -- We normally don't forward emails but
we did think this is so true. This election is going to critical.
Our Senators and Congressmen don't pay in to Social Security, and, of course, they don't collect from it. The reason is that they have a special retirement plan that they voted for themselves many years ago. For all practical purposes, it works like this: When they retire, they continue to draw their same pay, until they die, except that it may be increased from time to time, by cost ofliving adjustments. For instance, former Senator Bradley, and his wife, may be expected to draw $7,900,000, with Mrs. Bradley drawing $275,000 during the last year of her life. This is calculated on an average life span for each. This would be well and good, except that they paid nothing in on any kind of retirement, and neither does any other Senator or Congressman. This fine retirement comes right out of the General Fund: our tax money. While we who pay for it all, draw an average of $1000/month from Social Security! ! . Imagine for a moment that you could structure a retirement plan so desirable that people would have extra deducted so that they could increase their own personal retirement income. A retirement plan that works so well, that Railroad employees, Postal Workers, and others who aren't in it, would clamor to get in. That is how good Social Security could be, if only one small change were made. That change is to jerk the Golden Fleece retirement out from under the Senators and Congressmen, and put them in Social Security with the rest of us. Then watch how fast they fix it. If enough people receive this, maybe one or some of them along the way, might be able to help. How many can YOU send 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] a pit in the pith Re: limited hangout drug series PBS, WashPost

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Oh, and would this article before the series be the pit
in all the pith? -Bob

Bush Offers $2.8 Billion Drug Plan[why not just plead guilty, Dubya?]

Bob wrote:

 WashPost is doing it, too.-Bob

 Politics, Policy, and Pot

 Northwest Heroin Use is Epidemic

 Young, Rural, Addicted and Ignored [lone, crazed, and assassins? not
 to worry]

 A Long Way from Coca to Coffee[ a long way to Tipperrary,


 If Big League Drugwar is Fraud then Little League is Witch-hunt

 druggingamerica.com copvcia.com dcia.com


 JFK http://cseti.homesite.net:7071/ramgen/marvin1_2ss.rm

 cia-drugs.com narconews.com almartinraw.com

 Your dead witches list


 Another or

 Click to subscribe to cia-drugs list

   eGroups Sponsor


If Big League Drugwar is Fraud then Little League is Witch-hunt

druggingamerica.com copvcia.com dcia.com


JFK http://cseti.homesite.net:7071/ramgen/marvin1_2ss.rm

cia-drugs.com narconews.com almartinraw.com

Your dead witches list


Another or

Click to subscribe to cia-drugs list

!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"
Oh, and would this article before the series be the pit
brin all the 
brBush Offers $2.8 Billion Drug Plan[why not just plead guilty, Dubya?]
pBob wrote:
blockquote TYPE=CITEWashPost is doing it, 
brPolitics, Policy, and Pot
brNorthwest Heroin Use is Epidemic
brYoung, Rural, Addicted and Ignored [lone, crazed, and assassins? not
to worry]
brA Long Way from Coca to Coffee[amp; a long way to Tipperrary, drugwarriors]
pIf Big League Drugwar is Fraud then Little League is Witch-hunt
pa href="http://www.druggingamerica.com"druggingamerica.com /aa 
/aa href="http://www.dcia.com/de-prop.html"dcia.com/a
pa href="http://www.madcowprod.com"madcowprod.com/a
pa href="http://cseti.homesite.net:7071/ramgen/marvin1_2ss.rm"JFK 
pa href="http://www.cia-drugs.com"cia-drugs.com /aa 
/aa href="http://www.almartinraw.com"almartinraw.com/a
pa href="http://apll.freeyellow.com/drug_war_list.html"Your /adead
witches list
pa href="http://www.telapex.com/~graywlkr/MaryJ/dared.htm"More/a
pa href="http://www.modbee.com/metro/story/0,1113,194747,00.html"Another
pa href="http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/cia-drugs"Click/a to subscribe
to cia-drugs list

pIf Big League Drugwar is Fraud then Little League is Witch-hunt
pa href="http://www.druggingamerica.com"druggingamerica.com /aa 
/aa href="http://www.dcia.com/de-prop.html"dcia.com/a
pa href="http://www.madcowprod.com"madcowprod.com/a
pa href="http://cseti.homesite.net:7071/ramgen/marvin1_2ss.rm"JFK 
pa href="http://www.cia-drugs.com"cia-drugs.com /aa 
/aa href="http://www.almartinraw.com"almartinraw.com/a
pa href="http://apll.freeyellow.com/drug_war_list.html"Your /adead
witches list
pa href="http://www.telapex.com/~graywlkr/MaryJ/dared.htm"More/a
pa href="http://www.modbee.com/metro/story/0,1113,194747,00.html"Another
pa href="http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/cia-drugs"Click/a to subscribe
to cia-drugs list

Re: [CTRL] OJ: Mr. Clinton's Army

2000-10-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/10/2000 6:35:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Should Gov. Bush win in November he should bring
 forward and promote soldiers and civilians who understand
 military essentials and the absolute necessity of readiness and
 training, people both colorful and drab, but who would, all of
 them, understand that these words of Gen. George S. Patton are
 the order of the day: 

Promotions in the military fall to the best of the mediocre.  Sad but
truthful.  The guys with real talent wash as captains, because there is
nothing that strikes more terror in the heart of a guy bucking for colonel
than the arrival of a captain with great potential.  This same attitude kept
guys like Bull Simon from becoming a general.Congress tried innumerable
times to make him a general, but the generals wouldn't allow it.  Maybe
that's what kept "Captain" Eddie Rickenbacker a captain.  After all that was
Air Force captain not Navy.  Come into the war a hero, and watch what we do
to you.  Nobody has ever been able to tell me why Eddie wasn't ever promoted.
 I imagine it was the will of all the generals.  And that was during WWII
when we had a normal number of generals.  Now we have so many they outnumber
the privates.  The enormous number of generals makes keeping them housed and
happy a really expensive proposition.  Then they all think they're important,
so they all want aides and lots of reports.  Then they all play golf, and
it's necessary to keep the greens properly and schedule TDYs at the proper
time to take advantage of mixing work and pleasure.  You know, an inspection
trip just at the time when something special is going to be going on near the
point of inspection.

Congress takes and wastes the biggest hunk of the military budget, sending it
to their friends in Industry.   Let's have another stealth bomber that can't
fly in the rain.  Oh yes, an if there's any need to defend the Bush family
oil contracts, let's declare war and get rid of our outdated ammo--especially
the stuff with the depleted uranium.  Tell me more about how Clinton has
neglected the military.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Sir Laurence a shapeshifter?

2000-10-11 Thread craig

-Caveat Lector-

please don't post stuff just ripped from icke's website- we all know where
it is if we want to subject ourselves to it.
i hope you read nexus' post in reply to this.
i have a lot of respect for the WORK that Gardner puts in... Icke, on the
other hand, is a plagerist extraordinaire and i have less respect for him
every time i read something else.


- Original Message -
From: Ole Gerstrøm
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:11 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Sir Laurence a shapeshifter?

  snippity snip

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Tripp Deserves Medal of Freedom

2000-10-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/10/2000 6:40:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


 Tripp Deserves Medal of Freedom

 By Jack Thompson
 Monday, Oct. 9, 2000 

Oh thank you.  You've made my day.  This is hilarious.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Truth about the David Icke et al Moneygrubbers Style of Politics!

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/10/00 10:19:27 PM Central Daylight Time,

 From your Height Ashbury days, I imagine you've already popped a few too
 many "pills" Willie, (or was that PSEUDO about you as well Willie - you just
 never SWALLOWED, like you namesake, "NEVER" did ANYTHING?)  Hmmm ...  and by
 sounds, most likely you've never even read much of the baloney peddled by
 the publicly self-acclaimed "SON OF GOD," (LMAO!!!) Icke. Only one as naive
 as yourself would defend his style, and his devotees indefensible hogwash. 

OK, now I remember...you're the fellow who also attacks Acharya S...to the
point of perhaps even stalking her...too weird!!!
Is that all you do? Attack???
So you DON'T like Icke, you DON'T like Acharya, and you DON'T like
science...preferring creation mythology...
OK, credibility verified..."Check please"


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 66

2000-10-11 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 66 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the
spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that
spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives
people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the
presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the
range of the debate." -- Noam Chomsky
--Spectrum Squatters
--Report Says Global Accounting Firm Overlooks Factory Abuses
--No Cure for Political Blues
--American Society of Industrial Security meeting
--The Roots of Homicide
--The Unnatural Death of a Natural Right [guns]
--USDA says better job needed in segregating biotech crops
--Replace Auto License Plates With Bar Codes
--Identifying Suspects in 3D
Begin stories:
Spectrum Squatters



WASHINGTON -- What powerful special interest strikes terror in the
heart of both parties in Congress, and turns both Al Gore and George Bush
into quavering sycophants?
In terms of ripping off the taxpayers with not a peep from the media,
nothing compares with the broadcasters' lobby. This phalanx of freeloaders
has stolen the free use of great chunks of the most valuable natural
resource of the information age: the digital television spectrum owned by
the American people.
Five years ago, despite warnings of John McCain, Bob Dole and former F.C.C.
chairman Reed Hundt, NBC, ABC and CBS pulled a bait-and-switch. Because
their analog spectrum, a gift to them from the past, was outdated, they
demanded a lion's share of the new, digital bandwidth.
When a few of us suggested that this national resource be opened to
competitive bidding rather than given away, the broadcasters insisted that
the airwaves were their entitlement. With a gift of the new spectrum, they
promised to deliver free TV broadcasts on high-definition television.
The Republican Congress and Clinton White House promptly doubled the
broadcasters' bandwidth  a freebie estimated then at $70 billion, now worth
far more.
Worse, the lobby was told it could keep making money on its old analog
portion of the spectrum until 2006 or until 85 percent of American homes
had digital TV, whichever was later. But it took over 20 years for color TV
and 16 years for video recorders to reach that level of market penetration.
That's like giving the broadcasters squatting rights on the digital
spectrum for decades to come.
Result of Congress's foolish and craven gift of such a cost-free
option?  Broadcasters have been sitting on their hands, delaying new
development and looking for ways to use the new spectrum for profitable
cell phones and wireless e-mail, which has nothing to do with broadcasting
the promised free digital TV.
Meanwhile, cable and satellite companies, having invested heavily in
digital technology, provide the new wares to consumers  but at a high
price. U.S. taxpayers, who invested $70 billion of spectrum value in
broadcasters to get free digital TV, are forced to wait for
decades.  Lesson: When private money is on the line, private companies move
fast; but when public assets go to private pockets, at no interest, private
companies sit tight.
William Kennard, chairman of the F.C.C., uses a homely analogy about
spectrum squatters: it's as if Congress gave each broadcaster two
rent-controlled apartments on Manhattan's Upper West Side, and the
broadcaster occupied one while leaving the other empty.
What's the F.C.C. to do when Congress and the White House refuse to say
"use it or lose it" to the squatters  and thereby let a lobby threaten the
U.S. lead in new technologies? To speed our transition to free digital TV,
Kennard will mount the bully pulpit in a New York speech tomorrow.
He'll call on Congress to require that all new TV sets be DTV-capable in
two years. High volume would not only lower the price of receiver chips to
manufacturers but also stimulate consumer demand for the improved
images  which, in turn, would provide the profit incentive to broadcasters
to get off their duffs.
Then the F.C.C. chairman will urge Congress to close the 85 percent
loophole that now turns the double dose of spectrum into a generation-long
broadcasters' entitlement to corporate welfare.
Then he'll suggest requiring a fee after 2006 for the use of the old analog
channels. "This 'spectrum 

[CTRL] test

2000-10-11 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Escaping the Matrix Part 1

2000-10-11 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Escaping the Matrix
What if consensus reality is a fabricated illusion? Are you ready for the red

By Richard K. Moore
(Whole Earth Summer 2000)

Richard K. Moore is an expatriate software programmer from Silicon Valley who
has lived for the past six years in rural Ireland. However, capitalizing on
one of the better side effects of globalization, he and Canadian collaborator
Jan Slakov have coordinated Internet discussions about new economic and
political paradigms among hundreds of people worldwide, via e-mail lists and
the Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance Web site. This article is a
distillation of Moore's book-in-progress, which can be found in fuller form
at http://www.cyberjournal.org. Richard can be reached at cyberjournal.org.

The defining dramatic moment in the film The Matrix [Warner Bros., 1999]
occurs just after Morpheus invites Neo to choose between a red pill and a
blue pill. The red pill promises "the truth, nothing more." Neo takes the red
pill and awakes to reality--something utterly different from anything Neo, or
the audience, could have expected. What Neo had assumed to be reality turns
out to be only a collective illusion, fabricated by the Matrix and fed to a
population that is asleep, cocooned in grotesque embryonic pods. In Plato's
famous parable about the shadows on the walls of the cave, true reality is at
least reflected in perceived reality. In the Matrix world, true reality and
perceived reality exist on entirely different planes.

The story is intended as metaphor, and the parallels that drew my attention
had to do with political reality. This article offers a particular
perspective on what's going on in the world--and how things got to be that
way--in this era of globalization. From that red-pill perspective, everyday
media-consensus reality--like the Matrix in the film--is seen to be a
fabricated collective illusion. Like Neo, I didn't know what I was looking
for when my investigation began, but I knew that what I was being told didn't
make sense. I read scores of histories and biographies, observing connections
between them, and began to develop my own theories about roots of various
historical events.

I found myself largely in agreement with writers like Noam Chomsky and
Michael Parenti, but I also perceived important patterns that others seemed
to have missed. When I started tracing historical forces, and began to
interpret present-day events from a historical perspective, I could see the
same old dynamics at work and found a meaning in unfolding events far
different from what official pronouncements proclaimed. Such pronouncements
are, after all, public relations fare, given out by politicians who want to
look good to the voters. Most of us expect rhetoric from politicians, and
take what they say with a grain of salt. But as my own picture of present
reality came into focus, "grain of salt" no longer worked as a metaphor. I
began to see that consensus reality--as generated by official rhetoric and
amplified by mass media--bears very little relationship to actual reality.
"The matrix" was a metaphor I was ready for.

In consensus reality (the blue-pill perspective) "left" and "right" are the
two ends of the political spectrum. Politics is a tug-of-war between
competing factions, carried out by political parties and elected
representatives. Society gets pulled this way and that within the political
spectrum, reflecting the interests of whichever party won the last election.
The left and right are therefore political enemies. Each side is convinced
that it knows how to make society better; each believes the other enjoys
undue influence; and each blames the other for the political stalemate that
apparently prevents society from dealing effectively with its problems.

This perspective on the political process, and on the roles of left and
right, is very far from reality. It is a fabricated collective illusion.
Morpheus tells Neo that the Matrix is "the world that was pulled over your
eyes to hide you from the truthAs long as the Matrix exists, humanity
cannot be free." Consensus political reality is precisely such a matrix.
Later we will take a fresh look at the role of left and right, and at
national politics. But first we must develop our red-pill historical
perspective. I've had to condense the arguments to bare essentials; please
see the annotated sources at the end for more thorough treatments of
particular topics.

Imperialism and the Matrix

From the time of Columbus to 1945, world affairs were largely dominated by
competition among Western nations (primarily western Europe, later joined by
the United States) seeking to stake out spheres of influence, control sea
lanes, and exploit colonial empires. Each Western power became the core of an
imperialist economy whose periphery was managed for the benefit of the core
nation. Military might determined the scope of an empire; wars were initiated
when a core nation felt it had 

[CTRL] Escaping the Matrix Part 2

2000-10-11 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Globalization and World Government

The essential bond between capitalism and nationalism was broken in 1945, but
it took some time for elite planners to recognize this new condition and to
begin bringing the world system into alignment with it. The strong Western
nation-state had been the bulwark of capitalism for centuries, and initial
postwar policies were based on the assumption that this would continue
indefinitely. The Bretton Woods financial system (the IMF, the World Bank,
and a system of fixed exchange rates among major currencies) was set up to
stabilize national economies, and popular prosperity was encouraged to
provide political stability. Neoliberalism in the US and Britain represented
the first serious break with this policy framework--and brought the first
visible signs of the fission of the nation-capital bond.

The neoliberal project was economically profitable in the US and Britain, and
the public accepted the matrix economic mythology. Meanwhile, the integrated
global economy gave rise to a new generation of transnational corporations,
and corporate leaders began to realize that corporate growth was not
dependent on strong core nation-states. Indeed, Western nations--with their
environmental laws, consumer-protection measures, and other forms of
regulatory "interference"--were a burden on corporate growth. Having been
successfully field-tested in the two oldest "democracies," the neoliberal
project moved onto the global stage. The Bretton Woods system of fixed rates
of currency exchange was weakened, and the international financial system
became destabilizing, instead of stabilizing, for national economies. The
radical free-trade project was launched, leading eventually to the World
Trade Organization. The fission that had begun in 1945 was finally
manifesting as an explosive change in the world system.

The objective of neoliberal free-trade treaties is to remove all political
controls over domestic and international trade and commerce. Corporations
have free rein to maximize profits, heedless of environmental consequences
and safety risks. Instead of governments regulating corporations, the WTO now
sets rules for governments, telling them what kind of beef they must import,
whether or not they can ban asbestos, and what additives they must permit in
petroleum products. So far, in every case where the WTO has been asked to
review a health, safety, or environmental regulation, the regulation has been

Most of the world has been turned into a periphery; the imperial core has
been boiled down to the capitalist elite themselves, represented by their
bureaucratic, unrepresentative, WTO world government. The burden of
accelerated imperialism falls hardest outside the West, where loans are used
as a lever by the IMF to compel debtor nations such as Rwanda and South Korea
to accept suicidal "reform" packages. In the 1800s, genocide was employed to
clear North America and Australia of their native populations, creating room
for growth. Today, a similar program of genocide has apparently been
unleashed against sub-Saharan Africa. The IMF destroys the economies, the CIA
trains militias and stirs up tribal conflicts, and the West sells weapons to
all sides. Famine and genocidal civil wars are the predictable and inevitable
result. Meanwhile, AIDS runs rampant while the WTO and the US government use
trade laws to prevent medicines from reaching the victims.

As in the past, Western military force will be required to control the
non-Western periphery and make adjustments to local political arrangements
when considered necessary by elite planners. The Pentagon continues to
provide the primary policing power, with NATO playing an ever-increasing
role. Resentment against the West and against neoliberalism is growing in the
Third World, and the frequency of military interventions is bound to
increase. All of this needs to be made acceptable to Western minds, adding a
new dimension to the matrix.

In the latest matrix reality, the West is called the "international
community," whose goal is to serve "humanitarian" causes. Bill Clinton made
it explicit with his "Clinton Doctrine," in which (as quoted in the
Washington Post) he solemnly promised, "If somebody comes after innocent
civilians and tries to kill them en masse because of their race, their ethnic
background or their religion and it is within our power stop it, we will stop
it." This matrix fabrication is very effective indeed; who opposes prevention
of genocide? Only outside the matrix does one see that genocide is caused by
the West in the first place, that the worst cases of genocide are continuing,
that "assistance" usually makes things worse (as in the Balkans), and that
Clinton's handy doctrine enables him to intervene when and where he chooses.
Since dictators and the stirring of ethnic rivalries are standard tools used
in managing the periphery, a US president can always find "innocent
civilians" wherever 


2000-10-11 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

In February this year the danish queen Margrethe II 
visited her british colleague, the well known Elizabeth II. First Elizabeth 
threw a dinner, and the next day, when they got hungry, Margrethe invited. This 
was called the return dinner. Because the Royal Danish Ballet had to perform a 
Pas de Sept, there had to be dancing space, and thus, we are told, the halls of 
the London Museum of Natural History were chosen for the event. On the walls 
were rows of plesiosauruses, but the dominant reptile in the large hall was the 
enormousdiplodicus. The photograpers got ideas for some good shots, but 
they were specifically ordered, notunder any circumstance, to take 
picturesof the british royals next to any skeleton reptile. 

Source: Berlingske Tidende, 20. february, 

Love, Ole Gerstrom, 

[CTRL] Alquds Intefada Update

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Alquds Intefada UPDATE every 30 min.
TIME : 11:00
Palestinian mass rally headed from the headquarter of the Palestinian
Airplane to the Palestinian Legislative Council, as well as, the university
students rallies, in order to denounce the barbaric Israeli occupying troops
practices against the Palestinian people.
In Jenin and Tobass, children rally took place in solidarity with the
Palestinian children, while the Israeli occupation troops still imposed
besiege on the two cities.
In response to the Israeli settlers fascist attack, the Palestinian youths
armed in jenin announced setting up armed cells to defend the Palestinian
people who is always a target to be tortured by Israeli settlers.

TIME : 10:00
Highly escalated attacks by the fascist Jewish settler still engulf overall
the Palestinian territories. At late yesterday night, the Israeli settlers
have attacked Osarin village, Howara, Der Salem, they cruelly damaged the
Palestinian houses and hit them in front of the eyes of their wives and

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[CTRL] Marwarn Bargouti - Tanzim leader vows to escalate violence

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ha'aretz:  Marwarn Bargouti - Tanzim leader vows to escalate violence

By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent  Ha'aretz (BUlletin) 11 October

The leader of the Tanzim paramilitary movement in the West Bank, Marwan
Barghouti, on Wednesday asserted that the Tanzim would escalate the
confrontations with Israel and not try to calm the situation.

In a live interview to Al-Jezira television in Qatar, Barghouti stated that
"this blessed Intifada is looking ahead and the mass activity is moving
forward." He said no orders had been given to stop the Intifada. "On the
contrary, what is needed is the continuation of these activities and the
continuation of the Intifada at full scale."

Asked whether he denied having received orders to stop the violence, he
said, "Maybe some of the people here mistakenly interpreted this. The
intention is that shooting and confrontations [should be avoided] in areas
of intense friction... There is general agreement among all the forces that
these points should be left open for peaceful mass rallies."

Barghouti accused Israel of killing a Palestinian youth in Tulkarm shortly
before the interview and of further incidents of shooting. "Because of
this," he said, "the Intifada will continue and we are acting to sponsor,
support and assist it with all the means we have."

Barghouti explained that the purpose of the Palestinian militia established
Monday is to defend the territory of the Palestinian Authority from Israel
and "the terrorist settlers." The "armed groups" that have already been
established, he said, "are operating within the framework of orders from the
Fatah movement."

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[CTRL] Level with voters on the surplus

2000-10-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Level with voters on the surplus

Younger people will ultimately pay the bill
for politicians’
political shell games
Is Texas Gov. George W. Bush credible on what's to be done with the surplus?
Is Vice President Al Gore?
By Meredith Bagby
  Oct. 10 —  What the devil is the budget surplus and where did it come
from? Should I believe Vice President Al Gore when he says we should use the
budget surplus to shore up Social Security, extend Medicare and retire the
entire national debt. Or do I support Texas Gov. George W. Bush who wants to
give the American people
 BEWARE MR. and Ms. Voter! If these politicians thought they could
get away with it, they’d have you convinced that the surplus could not only
fix Social Security, lower taxes and solve homelessness, but it will also
reunite you with your ex, take you to a higher level of consciousness and
find your nephew a Pikachu Pokeman playing card.
   But guess what? The surplus is not the secret to the universe. In
fact, many economists argue either that the slightest downturn in the
economy could wipe out the extra funds or that the surplus doesn’t actually
exist at all. Confused? You should be.

   First of all, politicians are using some funny numbers to project
today’s and tomorrow’s surpluses. Current surplus projections assume that
the government’s discretionary spending does not increase at all over the
next ten years and that inflation and population growth are near zero.
Factor those oversights in and the projected surplus shrinks from $2.2
trillion over the next ten years to $300 billion, according to the Office of
Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office.
 If these politicians thought they could get away with it, they’d have you
convinced that the surplus could...reunite you with your ex, take you to a
higher level of consciousness and find your nephew a Pikachu Pokeman playing

 Factor in some taxes that are scheduled to expire and a bit of
emergency spending and the surplus shrinks to a big fat zero. Some argue
that the only reason we have a surplus is that our roaring economy has
produced unexpected tax dollars. But that can’t continue forever.
   To make things worse, for years politicians have used monies from the
Social Security Trust Fund to support current spending. That’s kind of like
a corporation raiding its pension fund to keep from going bankrupt. If we
made Social Security an “off-budget” item that was protected from greedy
politicians’ hands, we would have gone broke years ago.
   And that’s not all. To paint a rosier picture, politicians have also
redefined the national debt. The national debt used to be the total monies
outstanding in the form of government securities (i.e. treasury bills/bonds
held by individuals, corporations, as well as securities owned by the Social
Security Trust Fund and federal pensions). But today politicians have
“forgotten” about the debt owed to Social Security and to federal pensions —
a full $2 trillion.
 What significance does Vice President Al Gore's economic plan have for
young voters?
  That magically shrinks the debt from $5.7 trillion to $3.6
trillion and allows Gore to say that we can pay off the debt by 2012 or Bush
to say that we can provide a $1.7 trillion tax cut without increasing the
national debt.

   Who should be mad about this trickery? All of us should. However, the
younger generations should be the most vocal. That’s because after the
election is over and for decades to come, we’ll be paying the bill with our
tax dollars. “Members of Generation X have the right to know why the
president and senior members of Congress are bragging about surpluses while
the national debt still grows,” says Rich Thau, executive director of Third
Millennium. “This is another example of the type of irresponsible
‘leadership’ that breeds cynicism and causes young people to believe that
nothing the government does matters to them.”

   Where do we turn for a solution to our debt problem? As far as I
know, there aren’t any politicians that are talking straight about the
budget. I’m just hoping that someone, somewhere in the presidential debates
asks the hard questions, “How do you get to those numbers? Why should we
believe there will be a surplus at all? What do we do if there isn’t? Do you
have a rainy day plan?” Until then we’d probably have better luck if we
elected Deepak Chopra to positively think the debt away.

Meredith Bagby is author of “We’ve Got Issues: The Get-Real, No B.S.,
Guilt-Free Guide to What Really Matters.” She is an expert on the concerns
of young voters and a contributor to MSNBC.

 Bush, Gore prepare for showdown
 Milosevic allies defy Kostunica
 L.A. county workers go on strike
 Mideast diplomacy presses on
 House approves bill on auto safety

Re: [CTRL] Nest of Vipers

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Johannes Schmidt III wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I happen to have some copies of Nest of Vipers in my bookshop, if anyone is 
interested. Cost is $2 US, plus $3 postage to USA. The books are new.

 Email me at
 if you are interested

Why did you name your bookshop after a chubby CW pop singer?


 On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 12:06:57 EDT Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
 As, always, Caveat Lector
 Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644875"Mafia and Banking
 Subject: Mafia and Banking
 Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2000 11:26 AM
 Message-id: 8rih50$h1s$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 A couple of days ago there was a report that the Mafia had set up a
 clone of an online branch of the Banco di Sicilia and were preparing to
 remove funds from an account belonging to the Sicilian regional
 government. Of course, in some former communist countries it is not
 unknown for banks to be controlled by members of criminal networks
 but some people might think that could not happen in the West. In the
 recent Sicilian case the Mafia attempted to set up a bank in cyberspace.
 However, earlier this year it was claimed that a real Wall Street bank,
 the DMN Capital Investment Bank, had been established by the Mafia as
 an instrument for carrying out various scams.
 These stories remind me of the novel, "Nest of Vipers" by Linda Davies
 (my sister who is herself a former banker who worked both in New York
 and London), which also features a bank controlled by the Mafia.
 Nest of Vipers
 A HREF="http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/vipers.html"
 There are links to the stories about the Mafia banks in my page on
 organised crime, the Mafia etc. at my financial scandals site.
 Roy Davies
 Financial Scandals
 A HREF="http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/mafia.html"


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[CTRL] The honeymoon is over. Fatah Tanzim to be considered terrorist organization.

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Israel Radio: Fatah Tanzim to be considered terrorist organization

Aaron Lerner  Date: 11 October, 2000

Israel Radio reported this evening that the Army will now consider
the Fatah Tanzim to be terrorists with the same status as Hamas and
other terrorist militias.  Arrests are expected.

The reporter noted that Marwan Barghouti, who is Secretary General of
Fatah for the West Bank and also the head of the Tanzim, would be
wise not to use his VIP pass to enter into Israel.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review  Analysis)

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[CTRL] ProDevelop.Net's Home

2000-10-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

A resource for the group with all major news services at one place.


begin 666 ProDevelop.Net's Home.url
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M#0H-"EM);G1EFYE=%-H;W)T8W5T70T*55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=WN')O95V
H96QO"YN970O#0I-;V1I9FEE9#TV,#!#-C$Y,$-,S-#,# Q,C -"@``

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Media Channel features AP Bolivia story

2000-10-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Alberto M. Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:48 PM
Subject: [narconews] Media Channel features AP Bolivia story

 -- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
 eGroups eLerts
 It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!


 Although the Associated Press Managing
 Editors Association and AP remain silent
 in the face of serious evidence of violation
 of the APME code of ethics by AP Bolivia
 correspondent Peter McFarren, the Media
 Channel of New York City today reported the
 story on page one:


 The Media Channel cites our report of last
 Friday on the $78 million dollar conflict
 of interest at AP:


 Meanwhile, historic events in Bolivia include
 US Ambassador Manuel Rocha's demand that the
 Banzer regime be "inflexible" ùpon the organized
 peasant coca growers in Chapare, and the news from
 the confrontation -- Military vs. Farmers -- remains
 unreported by AP and other mass media.

 To break this information blockade, the
 Narco News daily press briefing begins at
 6:15 p.m. ET in the briefing room:


 salud y abrazo,

 Al Giordano
 The Narco News Bulletin
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-10-11 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

 Ole Gerstrøm wrote:

 In February this year the danish queen Margrethe II visited her
 british colleague, the well known Elizabeth II. First Elizabeth threw
 a dinner, and the next day, when they got hungry, Margrethe invited.
 This was called the return dinner. Because the Royal Danish Ballet had
 to perform a Pas de Sept, there had to be dancing space, and thus, we
 are told, the halls of the London Museum of Natural History were
 chosen for the event. On the walls were rows of plesiosauruses, but
 the dominant reptile in the large hall was the enormous diplodicus.
 The photograpers got ideas for some good shots, but they were
 specifically ordered, not under any circumstance, to take pictures of
 the british royals next to any skeleton reptile.

Well, of course! The public might see the TRUTH that the Royals actually
eat their own kind!  That they enjoy reptilian flesh even more than
human flesh, which of course explains the declining frog population
around the world. And, obviously, this can be backed up by the FACT that
the French like FROG legs - tastes like chicken - and we know the FACT
the French have a royal bloodline based on the BLOOD OF CHRIST.

I'm surprised David Icke didn't think of this first.


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2000-10-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

There is also a ban on photographic the royals while they are
eating. Wonder if the sight of dinosaur bones made them hungry?
snort deluxe

--- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In February this year the danish queen Margrethe II visited her

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CNS: Feds Award Oil Deals to Tiny, Inexperienced Firms

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Feds Award Oil Deals to Tiny, Inexperienced Firms


Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000

Bidding procedures at the U.S. Department of Energy are being
questioned after contracts for more than 10 million barrels of
crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve were awarded to
three tiny oil companies that insiders say have little or no
experience in making oil deals.

On Capitol Hill, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee is monitoring the controversy.

"We've been following this very closely. The next thing that
happens is that these guys have to deliver letters of credit, and
if that doesn't happen, they will not get the contracts. They
(Department of Energy) will have to rebid the contracts," said a
committee spokesman.

 In announcing the contracts, the Department of Energy agreed to
hand over 30 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve to 11 companies that had submitted bids. In
exchange, according to DOE officials, the 11 firms will return
more than 31.5 million barrels to the federal oil stockpile next

 A Department of Energy spokesman, who didn't want to be
identified said, "We picked the companies that offered the best
bids based on quality and quantity."

 However, the Energy and Natural Resources Committee spokesman
said, "This is turning very political."

Some oil traders and analysts, according to Platt's Oilgram News,
say they have never heard of three of the companies receiving the
oil reserves: Euell Energy Resources of Aurora, Colo.; Burhany
Energy Enterprises of Tallahassee, Fla.; and Lance Stroud
Enterprises of New York.

 All three companies are minority owned. Black Enterprise
magazine listed Euell as among its top 100 black-owned businesses
in the United States in 1980-81.

 Platt's Oilgram News Editor Beth Evans said in a statement,
"It's very surprising when you see companies that have never done
an oil deal suddenly grab a third of the oil being released."

According to the DOE spokesman, "By the close of business on
Thursday, we anticipate moving the largest SPR (Strategic
Petroleum Reserve) exchange ever."

Neither Lance Stroud Enterprises of New York nor Burhany Energy
Enterprises in Tallahassee could be reached for comment. However,
Stroud is reportedly his firm's only employee, and Burhany Energy
Enterprises reportedly lists only one employee, Ronald Peek.

 Euell Energy Resources, according to its Web site, is "an
integrated energy services and construction company with
operations that include natural gas and power marketing,
construction and pipeline and cable installation."

 Among Euell's projects, according to its Web site are a "rapid
transit system foundation for subway trains which are scheduled
to begin running in 2001."

 Another project is a "High Pressure Water System" in Northern
California. The company says "installing this high pressure
system entailed overcoming not only difficult work conditions
through the Sierra Mountains, but also required that eight miles
of road be built alongside the 14.2 mile pipeline."

 The company says it assisted in the construction of the Alaska
pipeline, and according to the Web site, "Euell Energy Resources
has extensive experience in federal procurement and federal
contracts since 1970."

Among those the company commends for helping make Euell "the
successful company we are today" are the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the
late U.S. Rep. Mickey Leland, former Sen. Bob Dole and former
U.S. Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus.

 Neither Jackson nor Dole could be reached for further comment.

 In announcing the oil exchange contracts, Secretary of Energy
Bill Richardson said: "These companies offered the best value in
terms of restocking the Strategic Reserve a year from now. Every
barrel we can get into the market in the next few weeks reduces
the risk of a shortage of heating oil and diesel fuel this
winter. This is good for consumers and good for our nation's
long-term energy security."

 Copyright CNSNews.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-11 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/10/00 11:51:11 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Experiencers/witnesses are a very good source, in my opinion.
   From what I gather out there,

  That is understandable either way, i.e., I would think that you
  would be gathering the same conclusions whether it really was
  going on, or not...right?  I mean, just cuz you have not observed
  any credible hearsay testimony [funny, "credible hearsay
  testimony of ppl shape shifting into reptiles?"  Oxymoron? Just
  the mention of something like this seems to discredit the person
  that is testifying about it, no matter HOW CREDIBLE the person
  WAS TO THIS POINT IN THEIR LIFE] doesn't mean it ain't

  Survivors risk loss of credibility when they reveal any aspect of their
experience.  Many have taken a path of revealing all they know/remember as
part of the risk involved in healing.  All I'm saying is I have never heard
this, and I do think what survivors are already revealing is enough for us to
focus on.  We don't need to focus on the weirder aspects at least until we
have a handle on the more established aspects.  If we do, we're not trying to
solve anything, we're just dancing around the issues.  And when a survivor
speaks of his/her OWN experiences, it is NOT hearsay, it is eyewitness

   Some of the children in the McMartin case told of seeing flying circus
elephants and other bizarre things.  These accounts reduced their credibility
greatly to many.  Drugs or alcohol combined with a little virtual reality or
even holograms could account for such 'sightings'.  Perhaps it is as Kris
suspects - that an illusion via drugs and/or electronic means is being
created for some survivors and with that in place, they are seeing Lizard


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WSJ: Bidding on the Reserve

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 11, 2000

Review  Outlook

Bidding on the Reserve

My goodness but it seemed like such a cute, harmless story.
Until we looked a bit closer.  The great big U.S.  Department of
Energy said it was going to release 30 million barrels of oil
from its great big Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  Some of the
great big oil companies made bids -- companies like BP Amoco and
Marathon Ashland Petroleum and Conoco Inc.  But among the winners
were three tiny oil companies: Lance Stroud Enterprises Inc.,
Euell Energy Resources and Burhany Enterprises Inc.

What do these Davids all have in common?  Well, nobody in the oil
industry has ever heard of them, none of them seem to have
refining capacity (or even tankers) and they seem to have
borrowed, from the U.S.  government, a total of 10 million
barrels of oil whose value on the market is millions of times
greater than than the net worth of their firms.

According to Platt's Oilgram, Lance Stroud Enterprises has one
employee, Lance himself, is located in Harlem and has never done
an oil deal. Burhany Enterprises has one employee, Ronald Peek,
is located in Tallahassee, Fla., and, as far as Platt's could
determine, has never done an oil deal.  Euell Energy Resources
has about a dozen employees, is located in Aurora, Colorado, says
it is "an integrated energy services company," and lists that
great oilman, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as a guiding light.

Come again?

But look even closer.  The deal itself is not a purchase but a
swap. The Energy Department will release the oil to the
successful bidders, who must promise to replace it by November
2001.  Payment is at that time and made in barrels of oil.  This
obviates the need for the three Davids to come up with cash --
only letters of credit, which must be presented to the Energy
Department today.  This financing was, presumably, what allowed
the Davids to get in the arena with the Goliaths.

This is one sweet deal.  Who wouldn't want to own 10 million
barrels of oil with no money down, 12 months to pay?  In fact,
it's amazing that the Energy Department wasn't swamped with bids.
Which has traders wondering why these three Davids and not
others.  Perhaps these three have a Very Good Friend in the
Energy Department?  Perhaps they are fronts for some low-down
types?  Perhaps they are just shills to prop up the prices when
it looked as though the auction might not command a lot of
interest from the standard suspects?

Of course, this deal involves a speculation: The price of oil
could spike by next November and the three Davids could lose
their slingshots.

Meanwhile, we are left to scratch our heads and wonder.  .  .  .

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Colonia Dignidad - Three Germans Expelled

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan


Chile Expels German Colony Leaders

Wednesday October 11, 2000

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - The government on Wednesday said it is expelling
three leading members of a secretive German enclave in southern Chile that
has been accused of serving as a detention and torture camp under the former
dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet.
Deputy Interior Minister Jorge Burgos said an expulsion decree was issued
for Gerhard Mucke, and visas will not be renewed for Helmut Hopp and
Wolfgang Muller. 
Mucke's expulsion will be effective after the criminal allegations of
kidnapping, obstruction of justice, and aiding a fugitive are resolved.
The announcement of the expulsions of the high ranking officials of Dignity
Colony came as police staged a new raid at the sprawling enclave 250 miles
south of Santiago. The enclave had up to 400 residents at its peak in the
late 1980s. 
One of the allegations against Mucke refers to the disappearance in 1974 of
Alvaro Vallejos, a dissident leftist student leader.
Enclave leaders have been accused by human rights experts here and abroad of
allowing their enclave to be used as a torture and execution center after
the 1973 coup led by Pinochet. They were also accused of forcing some
members to stay against their will, and sexually abusing children.
They reject all the accusations, calling them part of a communist-inspired
smear campaign against them.
Mucke also faces charges for obstruction of justice, for allegedly helping
the colony's top leader, Paul Schaefer, to dodge police in several raids on
the enclave. Schaefer is a fugitive indicted on child abuse charges more
than three years ago.
Police have raided Colonia Dignidad at least 10 other times searching for
Schaefer, without success.
Police said on some raids they were also checking on reports that some of
the more than 1,000 dissidents who disappeared after being arrested by
Pinochet's security services were buried there. Vallejos is one of them.
Though the government officially dissolved the colony in 1991, up to 200 of
its members still live on the large farm established by German immigrants in
the mid 1960s near the city of Parral.

[CTRL] WSJ: Congressional Committees to Probe Clinton's Oil Policy After Release

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 11, 2000

Congressional Committees to Probe Clinton's Oil Policy After Release


WASHINGTON -- House and Senate committees plan to probe the
Clinton administration's release of 30 million barrels of crude
oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- part of it earmarked
for three little-known entrepreneurs -- and will question whether
the move will deliver home-heating oil to the fuel-starved

"The question we have is whether providing this oil to a bunch of
speculators actually achieves that purpose," said Sen.  Frank H.
Murkowski, chairman of the Senate Energy Committee.  "We are
going to look at this very closely."

Mr.  Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, was referring to the
release of the oil to 11 companies selected to receive it as part
of a year-long swap deal. Three of the 11 are run by small
entrepreneurs who have no experience with large oil deals.

"This was apparently done with very little thought by the
administration," said Steve Schmidt, spokesman for the House
Commerce Committee, which also is launching an investigation.
"We are intrigued by the strange way it was done."

Heat From All Sides

The Clinton administration's rationale for the deal -- that the
refined crude oil would generate about three million to five
million barrels of home-heating oil for Northeast states -- also
was questioned by a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the area.
Led by Rep.  Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), they have written to
President Clinton seeking a temporary ban on exports of
U.S.-refined heating oil.

The group noted that private stocks of home-heating oil are more
than 60% below normal levels in New England, an area that is
heavily dependent upon oil for heating.  The group asserted that
a "major reason" fuel inventories haven't increased is that some
of it is being exported.

Participants in the huge oil swap are also having difficulties
with logistics. Since U.S.  refineries are running at 95% of
capacity, even large companies may have difficulty matching the
differing grades of oil being released by the government with
refineries that have the capacity to handle them.  The politics
of the problem and the short time left to address it became more
intense during the weekend as the season's first major cold snap
brought near-freezing temperatures to the Northeast.

"We have a home-heating oil problem of phenomenal magnitude,"
said Matthew Simmons, president of a Houston energy
investment-banking company.  "The problem should have been
addressed by the first of July, when we first became aware that
the [heating-oil] stocks just hadn't moved."

Streamlined Bids

The Energy Department awarded contracts giving 11 companies the
right to take oil from the reserve, which is stored in four salt
domes along the Gulf Coast.  "The government is treating all
bidders equally in this competition," said a statement issued by
the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Office in Metairie, La., which
made the awards.

"The winning bids met all requirements of the solicitation and
offered the best value to taxpayers," the statement added, noting
that the government decided to streamline bid requirements by
allowing bidders to prove their financial worth later.

The 11 companies are required to submit by Thursday letters of
credit from banks covering the value of the oil they intend to
borrow from the reserve.  If the letters of credit fail to
materialize, the statement said, the government "will void the
contract" and request a new round of bidding.

Meanwhile the winning bidders scrambled to work out their
financing and logistical arrangements, which will require tankers
and pipeline space to get the oil to refineries by November.
There is nothing in their contracts that would prevent them from
sending either the crude oil or the products refined from it to
Europe, where heating-oil prices have been running higher than in
the U.S.

Lance Stroud, who runs his tiny company from a New York City
apartment, said he was continuing to talk to potential buyers of
his allotted four million barrels of oil and with BNP Paribas of
Paris for a letter of credit.

'Going Good'

"It's going good," he said after concluding a midday conference
call with some would-be buyers, but before the investigations
were announced.  One company, BP Amoco PLC, confirmed it was in
talks with Mr.  Stroud as well as with two other bidders that
lack experience in large oil deals, Euell Energy and Burhany
Energy Enterprises Inc.

Mr.  Stroud said his plan is to sell the oil to a buyer that can
handle transportation and refining; he would receive a brokerage
fee.  The buyers are discussing locking in the price on the
futures market to guarantee Mr. Stroud and the buyer their
profits.  Tensions in the Middle East that have pushed up
crude-oil prices by about $3 during the past three days are only
helping to widen Mr.  Stroud's profit and further encourage

[CTRL] Fwd: French Warn of U.S. Spy Network

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan


French Warn of U.S. Spy Network
Wednesday October 11, 2000  11:20 pm

PARIS (AP) - A parliamentary report published Wednesday urged France to
protect itself from an alleged U.S.-led eavesdropping network, which it
claims Washington is using to snoop on the businesses of its European
The 80-page report by the National Assembly's defense commission alleged
that no form of communication, from fax to e-mail to cable, is safe from the
so-called Echelon spy network. It said that businesses, particularly
European companies with American competitors, were the principal targets of
the alleged electronic snooping ring.
Lawmaker Arthur Paecht said the network has at least 120 spy satellites that
intercept ''180 million messages every hour.''
``These serious attacks oblige us to protect ourselves,'' said Paecht.
In February, a European Parliament set up a special probe into Echelon in
July. Denmark, like France, set up a national inquiry. The network allegedly
includes Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Last month, an EU committee said it wants U.S. intelligence chiefs to
testify on whether Echelon spies on the businesses of its European allies.
U.S. intelligence officials have never publicly confirmed the existence of
such a system. In testimony before the U.S. House Intelligence Committee in
April, top intelligence officials, including U.S. National Security Agency
head, Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, denied reports the United States
was involved in spying on Europeans and Americans as part of a snooping
The National Assembly study alleged that the Echelon system developed
rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s thanks to technology advances, diverging from
its initial military objectives.
The parliamentary study said it was ``not impossible that certain
information gathered could be used for political or economic ends.''

[CTRL] Senate bill rewrites search-seizure laws

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Senate bill rewrites
search-seizure laws
Congress likely to 'stuff' provision
in last-minute spending legislation



By Patrick Poole
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Just months after a public outcry scuttled a bill sailing through Congress
that would have given federal law enforcement authorities the right to
conduct secret searches, a new threat to the Fourth Amendment has arisen that
will allow federal agency employees, rather than judges, to authorize certain
searches of personal information.

In May, WorldNetDaily reported on a bill, the Methamphetamine
Anti-Proliferation Act, which contained a section that would have authorized
federal agents to enter a citizen's home or office with a warrant, to search
and copy files from his computer and not tell him what items were taken until
months afterwards. The bill also exempted law enforcement officials from ever
telling suspects that certain "intangible" items were seized or copied.

After a bipartisan coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the
House Judiciary Committee, including Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. D-Texas, and
Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., expressed serious reservations about the so-called
"sneak-and-peak" searches, the measure was pulled from the bill.

The latest assault of the Fourth Amendment is contained in section 3(g) of
the Fugitive Apprehension Act, S. 2516, which would authorize the attorney
general to issue "administrative subpoenas" for personal information and
records without court authorization. A delayed reporting requirement also
found in the bill allows Department of Justice attorneys to ask the court to
conceal the subpoena from the target of the investigation.

The bill has already passed the Senate, and opponents of the measure are
concerned that it might be brought to a vote in the House as early as this

David Kopel, an attorney and constitutional expert for the Denver-based
Independence Institute told WorldNetDaily the U.S. Marshall Service is
pushing the administrative subpoena provision to broaden their search powers
in fugitive cases, but that the provision is unneeded.

"There is absolutely no reason for this provision, because any agency
pursuing a fugitive can go to court and get the search warrants they need
almost immediately," Kopel said. "What this provision does is cut the court
out of the process, which is a very dangerous precedent. The Fourth Amendment
envisions courts issuing warrants, not unaccountable bureaucrats."

Rachel King, legislative counsel for the ACLU's Washington, D.C., office,
says the current battle illustrates the problems of protecting personal
privacy in the digital age at a time when government officials are playing
with the boundaries of the search and seizure requirements of the

"A lot of this debate is what kind of privacy you have with personal
documents and information that used to be kept by individuals in their homes,
but now is kept by third parties," King said. "Now that most private records
are not kept solely at home, the government is arguing that the Fourth
Amendment doesn't apply any longer. Not recognizing the constitutional
protection that the Fourth Amendment gives to items like this would give the
government huge power and access to most of our personal information."

King also said that while House leaders may not allow the bill to be brought
up to a vote, it could reappear in the closing days of this session in one of
the mammoth appropriations bills that will need to be passed before Congress
adjourns before the November elections.

"The problem with something like this is that the threat is not so much that
it might pass the House, which we are trying to stop, but that it will end up
getting stuffed in one of the spending bills in the next few weeks, and then
we will never be able to get it taken out," King said.

If supporters of the administrative subpoena authorization are able to get
the provision inserted into appropriation legislation, the entire spending
bill would need to be voted down in order to defeat the measure.

Events at the end of congressional sessions in recent years indicate that
such a scenario might be likely:

In 1998, Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fl., successfully inserted a roving wiretap
provision into the "Intelligence Authorization Act," a spending bill that
funded various intelligence agencies, after that bill had already been voted
on by both the House and Senate.

In 1996, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, included a bill establishing national ID
card regulations in the 1,600-page Omnibus Appropriations Act. After a
massive response by the public to the regulations issued by the Department of
Transportation, Congress revisited the issue and de-funded the program.

In 1994, Congress enacted the Communications Assistance for Law 

[CTRL] Bennett Blasts Gore as 'Habitual Liar'

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bennett Blasts Gore as 'Habitual Liar'

Thursday, Oct. 12, 2000
"Albert Arnold Gore Jr. is a habitual liar," says leading conservative
William J. Bennett.
Writing in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal, Bennett says: "Almost nothing
matters more in a chief executive than his public character and
trustworthiness, his truthfulness and integrity. And on these grounds alone,
Mr. Gore should be disqualified from being president."

After recapitulating some of Gore's recent exaggerations and untruths,
Bennett notes that Gore's lying "appears to be incorrigible ... a matter of
public record."

He concludes, "If the Clinton years have taught us anything, it is that
character matters in a president. And Al Gore, like Bill Clinton before him,
is manifestly lacking in that regard. ... Surely the past eight years of
persistent half-truths, lies and lawlessness have been enough. Haven't they?"
Bennett asks.

Bennett was education secretary and drug czar during the Reagan and Bush

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arabs will react if Israel acts on threats - Saudis

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

News from the Gulf region



Crisis in Palestine

 Arabs will react if Israel acts on threats - Saudis

Dubai (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia warned yesterday that it and other Arab states
would not stand idle if Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak acted against
Lebanon and Syria.
"Barak has to think before taking any step... and nobody should think that
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the whole Arab and Islamic nation would just
watch with their hands tied," Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah said.

He was responding to a question by the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on
the kingdom's position if Israel acted on its threats against Lebanon and

Barak has threatened "decisive action" unless Lebanon and its political
mentor Syria rein in the Iranian-backed Hizbollah group which on Saturday
captured three Israeli soldiers and wants to swap them with Arab prisoners in
Israeli jails.

The crown prince did not specify what action would be taken by Saudi Arabia,
the world's largest oil exporter and a key player in regional politics.

The tensions between Lebanon and Israel erupted amid a wave of violence
between Palestinians and Israelis that has killed at least 89 people, mostly
Palestinians, and threatened to end the Middle East peace process.

Crown Prince Abdullah said Saudi Arabia would attend an Arab summit in Cairo
later this month to discuss the violence: "We are with every Arab and Muslim
stand that will strengthen the position of our brothers in occupied

He said Israel and other states involved in the peace process, an apparent
reference to the United States, must see that Arabs and Muslims would not
compromise on their rights in Jerusalem and its Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's third
holiest site.

"We have a historic and legal right and a just cause... It is time for the
Israeli side and to all who are involved in the peace process to realise what
Al Aqsa means for us as Arabs and Moslems... There is no compromise on that,"
he said.

The crown prince made his comments after visiting five wounded Palestinians
evacuated to a hospital in Riyadh. SPA said he had also discussed the
Israeli-Palestinian violence by telephone with Egyptian President Hosni

Saudi Arabia's cabinet reiterated its condemnation of Israel's treatment of
the Palestinians and said it would support any Arab action to help the
Palestinians, SPA said.

It had earlier reported that King Fahd had donated 30 million riyals ($8
million) to help the Palestinian people while crown Prince Abdullah had
donated 10 million riyals.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

More Democrats Defect to Bush

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000
More Democrat officials endorsed Republican George W. Bush on Tuesday. They
announced formation of the committee Americans for Bush/Cheney in hopes of
getting Democrats and independents to vote for Bush in November.

The announcement came at a rally in Blountville, Tenn., and was hosted by
country music star Hank Williams Jr. Williams announced a while ago that he
supported Bush for president.

Among the Democrats endorsing Bush are Griffin Bell, the former attorney
general under President Jimmy Carter. In a statement, Bell said: "George W.
Bush will be a president who can bring Republicans, Democrats and
Independents together. He has a proven track record of unity as Governor of
Texas. This is a man of true bipartisan leadership, and I strongly endorse
his candidacy."

Another prominent Democrat supporting Bush is Florida Agriculture
Commissioner Bob Crawford.

Crawford said Bush had a "common-sense" approach to problems and a commitment
to "the entrepreneurial spirit" – something Crawford thinks will help farmers
adapt to a global marketplace.

"Gov. Bush believes in increasing trade opportunities, reducing regulatory
burdens and reducing the overall tax burden. As he has shown in the state of
Texas, Gov. Bush brings Republicans and Democrats together, and this approach
will benefit not only farmers but all Americans," Crawford said.

In Florida, Cabinet posts are elected offices, meaning Bush's brother,
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, did not appoint Crawford.

Other Florida Democrats who support Bush include former Lt. Gov. Wayne
Mixson, state Rep. Bud Bronson of Kissimmee, Tampa Mayor Dick Greco and Fort
Launderdale Mayor James Naugle. Steven Uhlfelder of Tallahassee, who served
as legal counsel to the Clinton-Gore '96 campaign, also announced he was
supporting Bush.

Bush's support among Democrats reaches beyond Florida. Former House Armed
Services Committee Chairman Sonny Montgomery of Mississippi is another
Democrat who is endorsing Bush for president, and so has Rep. Ralph Hall,
D-Texas. Hall was one of five House Democrats who voted in favor of all four
articles of impeachment against President Clinton.

Independent Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia, who recently left the Democratic
Party, announced that he, too, is supporting Bush.

Bush was happy to receive the endorsements.

"I'm honored to have the support of Democrats, Republicans and independents.
As president, I will reach across party lines and pass meaningful legislation
to empower people and not Washington, D.C.," Bush said.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EPA Poised to Issue 88 New Rules as Clinton Leaves

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

EPA Poised to Issue 88 New Rules as Clinton Leaves

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000
Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., is calling on the Clinton-Gore Environmental
Protection Agency to call off its plans to issue a record 88 new regulations
before the end of Clinton's time in office.
"By scrambling to rush so many regulations before they leave power, the
Clinton-Gore administration is trampling proper procedures in order to score
political points," Inhofe said.

As chairman of the Senate subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private
Property and Nuclear Safety, Inhofe objects to one of the regulations dealing
with sulfur content in diesel fuel. It would require American oil refineries
to remove more naturally occurring sulfur from oil used for diesel engines.

Higher Fuel Prices

Inhofe said the regulations would hurt consumers by driving up fuel prices
and causing shortages.

"The administration's own Department of Energy agreed this past summer that
the environmental regulations were causing the price spikes in the Midwest,"
said Inhofe.

Some of the larger, wealthier oil refineries reportedly support such
regulations, but their smaller competitors object. Automobile manufacturers
reportedly support the new regulation because they believe it would better
help them meet regulations on clean air.

Inhofe said the rush to issue so many regulations in such a short period of
time would threaten the quality of the Office of Management and Budget's
review of the new rules.

Inhofe also expressed a concern that putting up regulatory roadblocks would
drive smaller refineries out of the market and increase the U.S. dependence
on foreign fuel.

Inhofe considers a strong domestic oil refinery industry to be important to
national security, to prevent the U.S. from being vulnerable to manipulation
from oil-producing countries.

"The increased costs of complying with the existing regulations have
contributed to many refineries shutting down." Inhofe noted that the number
of U.S. refineries had dropped from 205 to 159 since 1990.

"Each of these environmental regulations is putting another nail in the
coffin of our domestic refining industry," he said.

Inhofe said he was working with EPA officials to incorporate his concerns
into the diesel fuel regulations but said he may be forced to invoke the
Congressional Review Act that gives Congress 60 days to vote on a proposed
regulation. Though Congress has never invoked the law, Inhofe said a majority
of senators would join him in voting against the EPA regulation.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ProDevelop.Net's Home

2000-10-11 Thread Foxter

Thank you for a great link.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 6:07 
  Subject: [CTRL] ProDevelop.Net's 
  -Caveat Lector-A resource for the group with all major 
  news services at one place.Ameliahttp://www.prodevelop.net/

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   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds—is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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[CTRL] NM: Madeleine Taketh Away, Giveth Back

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Madeleine Taketh Away, Giveth Back


October 11, 2000

So her risk-suspected ambassador to Israel may resume forging
peace, Secretary of State Albright has reissued his security
clearance she revoked under "zero tolerance."

 The State Department said she took the unprecedented action late
Monday that allows Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk to resume
temporarily his full duties – even as an FBI investigation
continues into the alleged security violations he committed.

 Before he lost his security clearance, Indyk had been active in
the peace negotiations.

 According to Reuters news service:

 Israel's foreign minister, Shlomo Ben-Ami, had said earlier that
he hoped the suspension of Indyk's security clearance would not
make it harder for the United States to forge a final
Israeli-Palestinian peace pact.

 A State Department spokesman, Philip Reeker, said Albright
restored Indyk's clearance for ''compelling national interests''
amid turmoil in the Middle East.

 Reeker said Albright's decision was made in consultation with
diplomatic security officials at the State Department, who, he
said, fully supported her ruling.

 "He will now be able to perform his duties to the fullest
extent," Reeker said.

 At the time, Albright described her decision to withdraw Indyk's
clearance as one of the hardest she has ever had to make.

 But, she said, she had to enforce her new policy of "zero
tolerance" on State Department security lapses.

 The Clinton-Gore administration has been plagued by a series of
embarrassing security breaches, including missing laptop
computers containing classified materials and bugging of the
State Department by a known Russian spy.

 In a highly publicized stern speech to United States diplomats
around the world five months ago, Albright warned that any of
them caught breaking the rules would be punished, regardless of
their rank.

 "If you are not professional about security, you are a failure,"
she scolded.

 When Indyk's clearance was jerked, rendering him unable to
perform his ambassadorial duties, he has accused of having left
classified materials on his hotel bedside table in Israel.

 Now, State Department officials are stressing that Indyk is not
suspected of spying or compromising classified material, just
putting it on an unclassified laptop connected to the Internet.

 Without a high-level security clearance, the veteran
Clinton-Gore administration diplomat was subjected to the
indignity of having to be accompanied by security personnel
wherever he went within the State Department headquarters
building in Washington.

 But he was soon back in Israel, to celebrate the Jewish New
Year, and met with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, a State
Department official said, even though the department had
announced Indyk was no longer permitted even to converse with
other nations' officials or diplomats.

 Although Indyk remains under investigation, the State Department
had begun working him back into diplomatic service.

 Last week, even before the secretary restored his security
clearance, the department had arranged for him to continue his

 Said the departmental spokesman, Reeker:

 "He was fully briefed on the importance of and critical need to
protect classified information."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: Judge to unseal e-mail documents

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 11, 2000


Judge to unseal e-mail documents

Evidence turned over to court as part of Ray's criminal probe

By Paul Sperry
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Just when it appeared the Project X e-mail
mini-trial had come to a close -- with President Clinton's top
aide yesterday denying he knew about a trove of unsearched e-mail
during the Lewinsky probe -- the federal judge hearing the civil
case announced he will unseal documents from a related criminal

Independent counsel Robert Ray and special Justice Department
prosecutor Robert Conrad have been briefing U.S. District Judge
Royce Lamberth on their investigations into obstruction charges
in the e-mail scandal. They've also shared evidence with him.

Lamberth said he'll "unseal" the evidence and release it starting
today. It wasn't immediately clear what information the documents
hold, but sources say it may relate to new clues uncovered by a
federal grand jury.

After recent grand-jury questioning, a former White House lawyer
was forced to file a three-page affidavit to the court revising
her previous claims that the White House had turned over all
e-mail records under subpoena in 1998. She now says she was

In yesterday's court testimony, White House Chief of Staff John
Podesta acknowledged that the White House has not fully complied
with subpoenas for e-mail records.

He also admitted Clinton misspoke when he asserted to the press
in February -- after news of the missing e-mail broke -- that "we
have complied with every single request."

In fact, Podesta revealed that in briefing Clinton, he and former
White House press secretary Joe Lockhart never told Clinton
they'd fully complied in producing e-mail records under subpoena.

"We never used those terms," Podesta said. "We had produced
thousands of pages of e-mail. That's all I said to him."

Yet right after the Feb. 15 briefing, Clinton assured the press:
"We are in full compliance."

It also seems that Podesta ran into a conflict with Clinton's top
lawyer in 1998, when subpoenas were flying over the Lewinsky

A new impeachment book by Washington Post reporter Peter Baker
claims that Podesta was irked that White House Counsel Charles
"Chuck" Ruff was lying to him about various aspects of the case.

"I'm going to kill Chuck," Podesta is quoted as saying.

But Podesta said he has "no recollection" of saying that,
although he did recall "great tension in the White House at that

Both Ruff and Podesta were briefed in June 1998 about the Mail2
server "glitch" that caused thousands of West Wing e-mails under
subpoena to escape a computerized archiving system and go
unsearched. They never informed Congress, independent counsel
Kenneth Starr or Lamberth, then hearing Judicial Watch's Filegate
lawsuit, about the problem.

Computer contractors who discovered the problem say they were
told to keep it secret or face jail. Podesta says he never heard
about the threats at the time, nor did he have any idea how many
e-mails were unrecorded.

He also claims he takes no notes during meetings and doesn't
store notes in his office.

An audit at the time shows a gap of more than 246,000 e-mails,
including 157 of Podesta's incoming messages from March 1997 to
June 1998. The bleeding wasn't fixed until November 1998, even
though it was a simple fix involving a spelling change.

Under questioning by Judicial Watch general counsel Larry
Klayman, Podesta also revealed that he picked the subcontractor
hired in March by the White House to restore and search the
missing e-mails from back-up tapes. His testimony contradicts
earlier statements by a procurement officer that the decision was
given careful deliberation and went through technical channels.

The subcontractor Podesta picked -- SRA International Inc. --
employs two former White House officials involved in records
management, as first revealed by WorldNetDaily.

The head of the prime contractor on the job, ECS Technology, told
WorldNetDaily that White House officials picked SRA for him. ECS,
a minority vendor, was awarded the job without bidding.

"So the goal was to hire SRA through a minority contractor?"
Klayman asked.

"No, the goal was to get the job done," Podesta shot back.

The owner of ECS also told WorldNetDaily that he had little
experience in copying back-up tapes and retrieving lost data and
was looking forward to SRA being a "mentor."

But both contractors have been beset by technical delays in
copying the tapes and producing the missing e-mail, and full
production isn't expected until after Clinton's out of office.

Now the White House is asking Lamberth to let a Defense
Department lab in Maryland have a crack at restoring some of the
data. Klayman objects to the proposal, arguing the Pentagon under
Secretary William Cohen is too political and can't be trusted to
maintain the integrity of the tapes.

Lamberth asked Podesta how it is that a "whole string" of

[CTRL] Clinton blocked Barak from launching attack

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton blocked Barak from launching attack

Special to World Tribune.com
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
TEL AVIV — U.S. President Bill Clinton has pressured Israel to delay any
offensive against the Palestinian Authority and instead attend a leadership
summit to renew peace negotiations.

Clinton spoke for more than an hour on late Monday with Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak before an Israeli Cabinet meeting. The meeting was called
to decide on Israel's next step after Barak's 48-hour ultimatum expired
without what officials said was a significant decrease in Palestinian

"The full implementation of this is being delayed by several days," Barak
said. "This action has prompted the world leaders to appeal to us, come to
us, to delay this for several days. We think we are acting out of common
sense. We are in a new situation that is unique in which we confront a
complicated challenge."

"If we find ourselves in a long, painful, difficult confrontation of many
long months, it will not be important if we held on for another 72 or 96
hours," Barak added.

On late Saturday, Barak said he was giving the PA 48 hours to end the
violence before he responds militarily. Israeli officials said the United
States responded by sending several messages to Barak asking for an extension
of the ultimatum.

"I don't think there is room for an ultimatum," Justice Minister Yossi Beilin
said. "I think we should give time for the Americans and Egyptians."

At its meeting, the Cabinet decided on early Tuesday to increase restrictions
on Palestinian entry in Israel and maintain the closure of the PA airport in
Gaza. A Cabinet communique said Barak ordered the military to "expand their
areas of activity in defense of Israeli citizens and soldiers by all
appropriate means."

Aides to Barak said Clinton pressed Barak to attend a summit with PA Chairman
Yasser Arafat as early as this week. The aides said Barak appears ready to
attend on condition that Palestinian violence subsides.

Arab diplomatic sources said Clinton wants to convene a summit, which will
also include Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, by Thursday either in Sharm
e-Sheik or in Europe. The sources said Clinton wants to end the violence and
renew peace negotiations before Arab leaders convene on Oct. 21 in Cairo.

Barak aides said the prime minister has failed to persuade the Clinton
administration to blame Arafat for the current violence in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip. Barak has told Clinton that peace efforts should wait until the
aging Arafat ends his political career and is replaced by somebody more
receptive to peace.

Israeli officials said the Barak government has been disappointed by
Clinton's response to the current violence in the Middle East. They pointed
to the decision by Washington over the weekend to abstain during a vote for a
United Nations Security Council resolution that blamed Israel for violence in
the West Bank and Gaza.

U.S. envoy to the UN Richard Holbrooke said Washington decided not to veto
the bill to prevent an anti-American backlash in the Arab world.

"Had this resolution been vetoed, it was the judgment of all the Mideast
experts, not disputed by our friends in Israel, that we would have, A,
gravely endangered American citizens throughout the Mideast, there would have
been attacks on Americans, and the American role in the process to bring it
under control would have been eroded because our relationships would have
been torn apart with key Arab states," Holbrooke said.

Mubarak also pressed Barak to suspend his ultimatum. Mubarak met Arafat on
Monday in Cairo in what officials described as an effort to stop Israeli
attacks on Palestinians.

The Egyptian leader telephoned leaders of Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and
Syria regarding an emergency Arab summit in Cairo on Oct. 21. Mubarak has
been besieged by calls from Arabs, including the leaders of Libya and Yemen
to launch war against Israel. Saudi Arabia has also threatened to respond to
any Israeli offensive against the Palestinians.

"Barak must think carefully before making the slightest intolerable step,"
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah said. "No one can imagine that the Saudi kingdom
and the entire Arab, Islamic nation would remain still."

U.S., Russian and France leaders were also in contact with Arab leaders,
including Syrian President Bashar Assad.

UN secretary-general Kofi Annan met Israeli acting Foreign Minister Shlomo
Ben-Ami. On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov met Ben-Ami as
Annan met Arafat.

Annan and Ivanov have been working for a prisoner exchange to free three
Israeli soldiers captured last week by Hizbullah. Hizbullah has demanded that
Israel release its members and Palestinian detainees.

"The conflict must not be allowed to spread," Annan said. "The time is short."

Wednesday, October 11, 2000


[CTRL] Pearl Harbor Commanders Being Cleared

2000-10-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pearl Harbor Commanders Being Cleared

Wes Vernon
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000
Congress appears ready to acknowledge that the U.S. commanders in Hawaii were
scapegoated for the lack of preparedness in the surprise Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor that dragged this country into World War II.
Legislation contained in a massive defense bill, approved by the Senate and
House Armed Services committees, says that Adm. Husband Kimmel and Gen.
Walter Short performed their duties "competently and professionally," and
requests President Clinton to nominate them posthumously to the highest ranks
they held during the war.

In 1947, after the war had ended, Kimmel and Short were the only two eligible
officers denied advancement to their highest-held World War II ranks.

There have been at least 10 investigations into the question of where
responsibility lies for the failure to mount a defense against the blitz that
resulted in the slaughter of thousands of U.S. military personnel the morning
of Dec. 7, 1941.

The latest probe, conducted in 1995 by Undersecretary of Defense Edwin S.
Dorn, concluded that the responsibility for Pearl Harbor should be "broadly
shared." Specifically, it referred to intelligence gained from having broken
the Japanese code, which was available in Washington the evening of Dec. 6
and the morning of Dec. 7. That information did provide a warning of an
attack at dawn, Hawaii time (early afternoon Washington time). But Kimmel and
Short were not warned.

The legislation clearing the names of Kimmel and Short is backed by a
bipartisan coalition of such luminaries as Sens. William Roth, R-Del., Edward
M. Kennedy, D-Mass., Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., and Joseph Biden, D-Del.

The bill does not go into the politically radioactive question of who indeed
WAS to blame for failure to confront the Japanese if Kimmel and Short were

What Did FDR Do?

That question reopens the raging decades-old debate over whether President
Franklin D. Roosevelt deliberately goaded the Japanese to attack so as to
leave the U.S. with no choice but to join the fighting.

FDR had a political problem with getting into war by a more direct route.
During his 1940 campaign for re-election to an unprecedented third term, he
had promised and would say "again and again and again" that U.S. soldiers
would not have to fight in another world war.

Some have suggested Roosevelt was guilty of treachery by not warning that the
Japanese were coming. But they have been shouted down by Roosevelt apologists.

However, first lady Eleanor Roosevelt tells us in her memoirs that after the
president had been informed of the Japanese attack, he was more "serene" than
she had seen him in some time.

Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins described Roosevelt as having "a much
calmer air" at a Cabinet meeting that evening.

Speaking to the American Chamber of Commerce in London in 1944, Capt. Oliver
Lyttleton, production manager in British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s
war Cabinet, said that "America provoked Japan to such an extent that the
Japanese were forced to attack Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history ever
to say that America was forced into war."

Lyttleton later apologized for the political uproar that his candor had
caused on the other side of the Atlantic.

Documentation of the advance warning on Pearl Harbor is contained in the late
Kimmel’s memoirs, "Admiral Kimmel’s Story" (Regnery, 1955), as well as in
George Morgenstern’s "Pearl Harbor" (Devin-Adair, 1947), Frederick Sanborn’s
"Design for War" (Devin-Adair, 1951), and Charles Callan Tansill’s "Back Door
to War" (Regnery, 1952).

Whether history confronts the darker questions and accusations surrounding
responsibility for the lack of preparedness at Pearl Harbor, the 106th
Congress in the final days of its 2000 session, seems ready at last to
absolve Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan


[CTRL] Rev.Moon, North Korea The Bushes'

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

October 11,  2000
Rev. Moon, North Korea  the Bushes
By Robert Parry

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the conservative
Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders
in the early 1990s when the hard-line government needed foreign currency to
finance its weapons programs, according to U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency



[CTRL] Plane Crashes Killer Beams

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Theory links plane crashes to secret military 'killer beams'

TWA Flight 800 and Swissair Flight 111 both took off from New York's JFK
airport. Both departed on Wednesday, and both lifted off at precisely 20:19
hours. Both travelled the same initial route. A Harvard a professor
postulates that both planes crashed as a result of electromagnetic
transmissions of a military origin that sparked the fire and explosion that
felled the passenger jets two years and 47 days apart

George Jonas
National Post


On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 exploded and crashed into the Atlantic near
East Moriches, Long Island.

Two years and 47 days later, on Sept. 2, 1998, Swissair Flight 111 caught
fire and crashed into the Atlantic near Peggys Cove, N.S.

In the Sept. 21, 2000, issue of The New York Review of Books, an essay by
Harvard professor Elaine Scarry looks at electromagnetic interference as a
possible factor in both accidents. Ms. Scarry calls on the authorities to
investigate her theory vigorously, and concludes by promising a sequel to
examine links not only between the TWA and Swissair crashes, but also another
air disaster in the same region, the 1999 crash of EgyptAir Flight 990.


The EgyptAir sequel, which has duly appeared in the Oct. 5 issue, is the Ivy
League academic's third visit to the topic. Ms. Scarry's original essay came
out in The New York Review of Books on April 9, 1998. The extensively
footnoted 13,000-word piece postulated the hypothesis of electromagnetic
interference as well, though then only in relation to TWA 800. The article
later resulted in an exchange of letters between Ms. Scarry and James E.
Hall, chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, published in
The New York Review of Books during the summer of 1998.

From this, the reader might assume Ms. Scarry is a scholar specializing in a
technical discipline. In fact, the 54-year-old professor teaches English and
American literature and language. While no specialist in electrical
engineering, Ms. Scarry brings to her task a high degree of literacy and what
British academics call "the apparatus" of sourcing and scholarly footnotes.
She also appears to carry Sherlock Holmes's conviction that once the
impossible is eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, will be the


We know that TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747-100, was brought down by an
explosion in its centre fuel tank about 12 minutes after takeoff from JFK
airport in New York. We also know that on the day of the disaster, the centre
tank's ullage and temperature were conducive to forming an explosive mixture.
No explosion occurs, however, without an ignition source. The National
Transportation Safety Board's final report, released in August, reiterates
that investigators have been unable to pinpoint a source of ignition in the
fuel tank.

In the case of Swissair Flight 111, the high-tech MD (McDonnell-Douglas) 11
reported smoke on the flight deck approximately 55 minutes after departing
New York's JFK airport. Ten minutes later, while the aircraft was preparing
for a precautionary landing in Halifax, the crew declared an emergency. After
that, smoke and fire evidently overwhelmed the aircraft's systems and pilots.
Ninety seconds later, several electrical systems failed simultaneously and
all communication ceased. The jet crashed into the ocean about 56 kilometres
from Halifax airport at 21:31 EST, some 72 minutes after taking off. The
Canadian Transportation Safety Board has so far issued no finding on the
origin and cause of the fire, although some reports suspect the wiring in the
plane's entertainment system.


Just about everyone has encountered stray electromagnetic emissions, such as
a TV channel becoming snowy when a neighbour plugs in a vacuum cleaner. In
the southern United States, pilots nicknamed a small mountain "Singalong
Hill," because nearby ground transmitters caused navigation instruments to
break into popular songs from time to time. In the current issue of Private
Pilot magazine, Bill Fedorko describes how a ringing cellphone killed the
engine in his Jeep. I have my own anecdotal evidence: When I fly my Cessna
177RG west of Toronto City Centre Airport at approximately 2,500 feet, my GPS
(global positioning system) often blanks out for 15 to 30 seconds.

I believe my GPS blanks out because of electromagnetic interference, perhaps
from transmitters on top of the CN Tower. Needless to say, my suspicion is
totally nonscientific. My flying partner, a much more experienced pilot,
tells me the culprits are aircraft structures blanking out satellites; the
proximity of nearby ground transmitters is purely coincidental. But even
though it is not fully known how cellular phones and other electronic
equipment interfere with 

[CTRL] Fwd: What Did They Do and When Did They Do It?

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Greetings to all.  The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) is now 
offering a new on-line research tool for comparing the criminal enforcement activities 
of the federal government during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years.

The new tool gives you a quick way to check out the 1986 to 1998 trends for 30 
selected agencies, 50 frequently used laws and ten major Justice Department 
enforcement areas such as immigration, white collar crime or drugs.

Also available is info on performance measures such as annual changes in the length of 
time required to complete a federal prosecution.  Compare different US Attorneys.  
What kinds of cases have they handled and what has been the outcome?  How often do 
they decline to prosecute?  Sentencing information is available from 1992 - 1998 only; 
all other indicators available from 1986 - 1998.

All of this information about short-term and long-term enforcement trends -- presented 
through both graphs and tables -- is now available to all TRACFED and FEDPROBE 

In addition, available at no charge on TRAC's public sites, will be selected 
information about the long-term trends on a wide range of different enforcement 
subjects. New material will be added on a regular basis. Upcoming soon: the records of 
presidential administrations from 1986-1998 on such subjects as:

Drugs --Bush criticizes Clinton/Gore record in handling the illegal drug problem. 
But what does the record show when it comes to drug prosecutions under the last three 

White collar crime   Nader says that the federal government has failed to curb 
corporate abuses. How does the  Clinton administration stack up when it comes to 
prosecuting white collar offenders?

Immigration   what have been the long-term trends on prosecuting immigration crimes?

Police brutality   what is the federal record on the prosecution of brutal cops and 
prison guards?

Court processing times -- how do the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations 
compare on court delays?

For more, see http://trac.syr.edu/whatsnew/

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Syracuse University
488 Newhouse II
Syracuse, NY  13244-2100

[CTRL] test

2000-10-11 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Private Mail Welcome

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Influence Peddling, Bush Style

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

FEATURE STORY | October 23, 2000

Influence Peddling, Bush Style

 rom the outset of George W. Bush's campaign, the restoration of honor and
integrity to the White House has been a key sales pitch of the Texas
governor. Bush has declared that it's time to replace the wheelers and
dealers of the Clinton years with "plain-spoken" Americans. In a recent
television ad, his allies in the Republican Party blasted Vice President Al
Gore's association with scandal, noting that "because of Gore's last
fundraising campaign, twenty-two people have been indicted, twelve convicted,
seventy took the Fifth Amendment and eighteen witnesses fled the country." On
September 23, Republican National Committee chairman Jim Nicholson accused
Gore and the Democrats of accepting money since 1996 from "foreigners who are
no friends to the US." In short, Bush and his lieutenants have argued, his
crowd is better than the other crowd. But Bush's crowd includes family
members and a political associate who have done business with one of the
prime targets of the Republicans' investigations into Chinese espionage and
Democratic fundraising abuses.

In their relentless efforts to reveal and exploit Democratic misdeeds, and in
search of a Beijing connection to Democratic Party fundraising violations,
Republican investigators in the House and the Senate have focused on the
Charoen Pokphand Group, an enormous Bangkok-based agribusiness and
telecommunications conglomerate and one of the largest foreign investors in
China. (The company's business registration number in China is 0001.) Its CEO
is 61-year-old Dhanin Chearavanont, one of the wealthiest men in Asia, who is
of ethnic Chinese descent. On June 18, 1996, Chearavanont and two CP Group
officials attended one of the infamous White House kaffeeklatsches. The trio
were accompanied to the meet-and-sip session with President Clinton by
Pauline Kanchanalak, a Thai businesswoman and lobbyist, who has since pleaded
guilty to making illegal contributions to the Democratic National Committee.
(The Democrats returned the money she raised.) During the seventy-five-minute
coffee, which was organized by John Huang, a DNC fundraiser who has also
pleaded guilty to illegal fundraising, Chearavanont did most of the talking,
stressing the importance of maintaining normal trade relations with China.

The Republican-controlled Senate Government Affairs Committee cited the June
18 event as an example of the "merchandising of the Presidency." The
committee's final report noted: "It is clear that the coffee's essential
purpose was to sell the President's time to Kanchanalak, who...donated
$235,000 to the DNC the next day." The money for these contributions, the
report maintained, came from "sources in Thailand," and the committee
referred to the CP Group.

Other Clinton critics have pointed to the CP Group while chasing after
evidence that China bought influence with the Administration. The Cox Report
(formally titled "U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns
with the People's Republic of China"), which was released last year by
Republican Representative Christopher Cox, recounted the June 18 coffee with
Chearavanont and the two other CP Group officials as an example of how China
uses its commercial allies to lobby for policies that favor China. The
conservative American Spectator published a piece in June 1997 alleging that
"front companies for communist China have been actively buying up (and spying
on) the US," and it noted, with a heavy hint of suspicion, that the CP Group
was a partner of a Chinese weapons manufacturer. Ann McBride, then the
president of Common Cause, wrote to Attorney General Janet Reno in 1997,
raising questions about the CP Group's attempt to sway US policy toward
China. And even the liberal New York Times columnist Frank Rich observed: "We
know that a hundred thousand bucks get you a night in the Lincoln Bedroom,
but what did the really serious loot from conglomerates like Indonesia's
Lippo Group and Thailand's Charoen Pokphand Group buy from the Clinton

The CP Group was depicted in varying degrees of nefariousness--with some
justification. One-third of the people convicted in the Democratic
fundraising scandal were connected to the company or the June 18 coffee.
Shortly before that reception with Clinton, Kanchanalak's husband,
Chupong--whom Time identified as a CP Group consultant--wired $475,000 to his
mother and his sister Duangnet "Georgie" Kronenberg from Thailand.
(Kronenberg would plead guilty with Pauline Kanchanalak, and Chupong
Kanchanalak and his mother would be named as unindicted co-conspirators.)
Later that summer, the CP Group wired $50,000 to Pauline Kanchanalak. And two
weeks before the coffee, the CP Group sent $100,000 to Charlie Trie, another
soon-to-be-disgraced Clinton fundraiser, according to an FBI investigation.
The Cox Report 

[CTRL] Exposing the Constitution part 1 / 2

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Toward an American Revolution

  Exposing the Constitution
 and other Illusions

Jerry Fresia

  South End Press
 Boston, MA

  Copyright © 1988 by Jerry Fresia

  Cover design by Dan Spock
  Produced by the South End Press collective
  Printed in the USA
  First edition, first printing

  Copyrights are still required for book
  production in the United States. However, in our
  case it is a disliked necessity. Thus, any
  properly footnoted quotation of up to 500
  sequential words may be used without permission,
  so long as the total number of words quoted does
  not exceed 2,000. For longer quotations or for a
  greater number of total words, authors should
  write for permission to South End Press.
  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
  Fresia, Gerald John.
  Toward and American revolution: exposing the
  Constitution and Other illusions by Jerry
  p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and
  ISBN 0-89608-298-9: $25.00. ISBN 0-89608-297-0
  (pbk.): $10.00
  1. Elite (Social sciences)--United
  States--History. 2. Social classes--Political
  aspects--United States--History. 3. United
  STates--Constitutional history. I. Title.
  JK1788.F74 1988
  South End Press, 116 Saint Botolph St., Boston,
  MA 02115
   In memory of Malcolm X

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1:
 Afraid To Reflect

  Part I: A Constitution that Disrespects its

  Chapter 2:
  Counterrevolutionay Tendencies

  Chapter 3:
  The Constitution: Resurrection of an
  Imperial System

  Part II: A System of Injustice

  Chapter 4:
  The Lie

  Chapter 5:
  The Constitution and Secret Government

  Part III: A Song Without Knees

  Chapter 6:
  When Protestors Become Police

  Chapter 7:
  The Need for Revolutionaries

  Appendix A: Constitution of the USA

  Appendix B: Federalist Paper #10




  I would like to thank Kenneth M. Dolbeare, Nancy
  Netherland, Richard Mansfield, Sandia Siegel,
  and Bethany Weidner for their criticisms and
  suggestions, and John McGee for his technical
  support. I would like to thank the members of
  South End Press for their work and their
  confidence in me, especially Cynthia Peters
  whose editorial support was helpful in many
  ways. And finally, I would like to thank my
  parents, Armand and Vera, for their long and
  unwavering support, their insights, and their


   Rise and demand; you are a burning


  Afraid to Reflect

   What I relate is the history of the
   next two centuries. I describe what is
   coming, what can no longer come
   differently: the advent of nihilism.
   This future speaks even now in a
   hundred signs; this destiny announces
   itself everywhere...For some time now,
   our whole European culture has been
   moving as toward a catastrophe, with a
   tortured tension that is growing from
   decade to decade: restlessly,
   violently, headlong like a river that
   wants to reach the end, that no longer
   reflects, that is afraid to reflect.1
   - Frederick Nietzsche, 1888


[CTRL] Exposing the Constitution part 2 / 2

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  A Constitution That Disrespects Its People

  I have been suggesting that at the very heart of
  our political institutions, at the very core of
  our way of doing politics is fear and distrust
  of the political activity of common people. As
  we explore more deeply the vision of the Framers
  and the historical context of their work, we
  shall find that the Framers repeatedly expressed
  what they felt was the need to check and balance
  the political expression of people who were not
  like themselves, who were not involved in the
  market economy, who did not own much property,
  and who were not very rich. John Adams believed
  that "Men in general...who are wholly destitute
  of property, are also too little acquainted with
  public affairs to form a right judgment, and too
  dependent on other men to have a will of their
  own."10 In fact, when the Framers used the term
  "the people" they had in mind the "middling"
  property owning people or, generally speaking,
  the middle class. It is the political expression
  of this middle class which they also distrusted
  but which they felt they had to permit if
  property owners were to be free from government
  interference. The Framers were thus willing to
  permit the limited participation (through the
  House of Representatives - remember that the
  Constitution did not permit the direct election
  of the Senate and we still do not elect the
  president directly) of white males who met state
  property qualifications.

  The political expression of classes below the
  middle class property owners, women, or people
  of color, indentured servants, or people with no
  property - in short, the "people in the first
  instance" as Charles Pinckney called them, or
  the majority, was simply "nonsense" and "wrong."
  Political expression by these groups was not
  permitted and as we shall note, the Constitution
  was purposefully made to be anti-majoritarian in
  several ways. Representatives were to be of and
  among "the better people" who would have a
  material stake in society, who would be less
  given to some common impulse of passion, and who
  would be able to tell us what our real needs and
  interests are. Amendments have broadened the
  definition of "the people" to include most of
  those who were excluded in 1787. But the
  Constitution's very design, its processes, and
  its structure still gives life to the eighteenth
  century elitist belief that rich and powerful
  people ought to rule. The Constitution still
  disrespects the political wisdom of most people,
  of workers, particularly people of color, of
  women, and of those who happen to be poor.

  A System of Injustice

  The vision of the Framers, even for Franklin and
  Jefferson who were less fearful of the politics
  of common people than most, was that of a strong
  centralized state, a nation whose commerce and
  trade stretched around the world. In a word, the
  vision was one of empire where property owners
  would govern themselves. It would be a nation in
  which ambitious industrious (white Anglo-Saxon)
  men would be finally free from the Crown and
  from the Church to do with their property as
  they pleased and as their talents permitted. It
  would be a nation organized around private power
  where there would be freedom to acquire wealth
  and the function of the state and of its
  executive would be to protect these freedoms and
  opportunities, defined as natural rights.
  Meanwhile, it was perceived that the only real
  threat, to paraphrase Madison, to the rights of
  the few virtuous citizens and therefore to the
  "common good," would come from the overbearing
  majority, the people without property. For it is
  the less virtuous and less industrious people,
  the people in debt for example, who would seek
  to redistribute property and invade the rights
  of others.

  There is a tension, then, between the elite who
  privately own productive resources and the

[CTRL] Elements seek to destabilize Jordan

2000-10-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

EXCERPTS: Elements seek to destabilize Jordan.Jordan closer to Iraq --a move
from US?Barak the brutal. 11 October 2000

+++JORDAN TIMES 11 Oct.'00: " Gov't has 'concrete evidence' of attempts
to brew trouble in last week's demonstrations" By Saad G. Hattar

  "The government is squeezed between passionate public sentiment
and potentially destructive "elements" who sought to destabilise

Jordan, officials and political analysts said"

  "anti-peace parties `are seeking to export the riots from the
   territories to the Jordanian arena so as to diveert international
   from Israeli shoulders.' "

 "The authorites had `concrete evidence that certain parties were
behind riots.
   . . . `We refrain from naming these parties in order to preserve
the Kingdom's
  social cohesion.' "

 "63 policemen were injured by stone-throwing protesters and 97
people were
  referred to civil courts in connection with the riots. At least 29
police vehicles,
  39 civilian cars and 13 UN cars were vandalised"


 AMMAN - The government is squeezed between passionate public
 sentiment and potentially destructive "elements" who sought to
 Jordan, officials and political analysts said on Tuesday.

 "We understand and back the people's outrage and yearning for some kind

 of expression, but we will never allow unruly factions to hamper the
 country's march," Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Awad
 Khleifat told a press conference on Tuesday.

 According to the minister, during last week's protests and
 anti-peace parties "are seeking to export the riots from the
 territories to the Jordanian arena so as to divert international
attention from
 Israeli shoulders."

 Khleifat said the authorities had "concrete evidence that certain
parties were
 behind riots that erupted in refugee camps and several areas of Amman."

 He did not divulge the identity of those parties.

 "We refrain from naming these parties in order to preserve the
 social cohesion," the minister said.

 Independent sources told the Jordan Times that Damascus-based,
 anti-peace Palestinian factions sought to wreak havoc across the
country by
 exploiting public rallies and marches.

 They mainly pointed the finger at the "Fatah Intifada" faction led by
 Emleh, nicknamed Abu Musa, a foe of Palestinian President Yasser

 The minister's remarks came four days after the authorities banned
 rallies and marches in reaction to damage to public property during the
 and the shooting death of an 18-year-old youth in Baqaa refugee camp.

 Nearly 300 public events had been staged across the Kingdom in one
week... .

 Khleifat said criminal investigations had established that the youth,
 Abdul Karim, was fatally struck by a Kalashnikov bullet.

 "Police forces are not equipped with such automatic weapons, and riot
 police do not carry arms, but rather tear-gas launchers, clubs and
 he explained.

 The ban sparked fierce criticism within the local press, unions and
 parties, who have urged the government to reconsider its measures.

 "[His Majesty] King Abdullah flung open the door to a people's movement

 which reflected Jordan's national and pan-Arab face, but with the first

 security problem, with a few hooligans, the security dimension
dominated the
 scene," read Al Arab Al Yawm's editorial.
 .  .  .
 The interior minister, however, countered that the factions in question
 radio broadcasts "to incite (their) followers in Jordan to destroy and
 sabotage private and public property."

 Other sources said the broadcasts came from the Damascus-based Al Quds
 radio, affiliated to dissident Palestinian factions such as the Popular
Front for
 the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.

 Khleifat confirmed that 63 policemen were injured by stone-throwing
 protesters and 97 people were referred to civil courts in connection
with the
 riots. At least 29 police vehicles, 39 civilian cars and 13 UN cars
 vandalised in the demonstrations, he added.

+++JORDAN TIMES 11 Oct.'00: "Jordan gives Lloyd's Register 'ultimatum' "

  "The prime minister, who is due to visit Iraq within weeks to
improve ties
between the two Arab countries, did not provide any further

  "In the mid-1990s, the UN charged the London-based  Lloyd's
   with deploying on-land teams to inspect incoming goods, notably
   bound cargo, to stem possible violations of the crippling
sanctions on Iraq.
   That move followed continued Jordanian protests against the
   inspections, previously conducted by US and British naval



[CTRL] Boortz: The Latest Attack on the Fourth Amendment

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




Back in May, we told you about the Methamphetamine
Anti-Proliferation Act, which contained language that would have
authorized federal agents to enter a citizen's home or office
with a warrant, seize evidence, and copy files from his
computer--all without having to tell him what items were taken
until months afterwards.  The measure was pulled from the bill
after members of the House Judiciary Committee, including Sheila
Jackson-Lee of Texas and Bob Barr of Georgia, protested.

They're back.

Enter the Fugitive Apprehension Act, Senate Bill S.2516.
Section 3(g) authorizes the attorney general to issue
"administrative subpoenas" for personal information and records
without court authorization.  Department of Justice attorneys
would also be allowed to ask the court to conceal the subpoena
from the target of the investigation.

Translation: Federal law enforcement agencies are trying to cut
the courts out of the warrant-issuing process completely.  If
this legislation passes, judges won't be the ones issuing the
warrants.  The attorney general will.

The bill has already passed the Senate.  And it could be brought
to a vote in the House as early as this week.  Even if House
leaders don't allow the bill to be brought up for a vote, it
could get inserted into an appropriations bill that needs to be
passed before Congress adjourns for the November elections.
Then, in order to defeat the measure, the entire spending bill
would have to be voted down.

I hope you realize how scary this piece of legislation is.  Your
Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and
seizures don't matter to the federal government.  They want to
have the power to grant their own search warrants for whatever
reason they choose.  Or no reason at all.  All they'd have to do
is go to the attorney general to get a warrant.  And given Janet
Reno's history of kowtowing to Bill Clinton's every demand,
that's pretty damned frightening.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] WP: The Downfall of Israel? by George Will (fwd)

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 10, 2000

The downfall of Israel?
By George Will

WASHINGTON--Although weary from 52 years of nationhood without
peace, realistic Israelis understand the causation behind this
correlation: Today Israel has the most accommodating diplomacy in
its history, and is in the most perilous position in its history.

Israel's position is worse than in 1973, when it was attacked by
concerted Arab armies, worse than when Egypt mobilized in 1967,
worse than in 1948, when Arabs rejected the U.N. partition of
Palestine that Israel accepted, and sent armies to kill Israel.
Israel's position is worse today because then the threats were
military, manageable by an Israel confident of the legitimacy of
its positions. Now just 17 months of Prime Minister Ehud Barak's
diplomacy have demoralized Israel by delegitimizing all its
previous principles, and destroying the absolute prerequisite for
successful negotiations--the insistence that something is
nonnegotiable.  Even a Barak ultimatum is, inevitably,

Barak may be the most calamitous leader any democracy has had. He
risks forfeiting his nation's existence. Bad leadership during
the 1930s caused France to suffer swift defeat and four years of
humiliation, but not annihilation.

Barak has made territorial concessions no previous government
contemplated, including the sparsely populated and strategically
vital Jordan valley. He has thrown away longstanding U.S. support
for an undivided Jerusalem. Under Barak, Israel's rights in its
own capital are negotiable. And what has Barak's policy bought?
Only Arafat's promise to reject violence, which is akin to
Hitler's promise, after Munich, to make no more territorial
claims in Europe.

Barak's attempt to satiate Arafat with a feast of Israeli
retreats has even produced the idea of giving the United Nations,
that nest of anti-Israeli regimes, control of the Temple Mount.
The consequence of all this may be fulfillment of the undisguised
aim of Israel's "partner in peace," the Palestine Authority,
whose maps, textbooks, television broadcasts, and public places,
treat Israel as nonexistent.

Israel's multiplying problems include the Western media. For
example, a Los Angeles Times story on a Palestinian officer
engaged in the fighting carried this headline: "A militia
commander in Nablus, though obedient to Arafat, sees armed
struggle as crucial." The word "though" conveys the media's
permanent presumption that Arafat eschews violence and desires
peace. Yet he constantly promises a jihad against Jerusalem.

At Camp David, Arafat reportedly told President Clinton that he,
Arafat, speaks for a billion Muslims. This inaccurate claim
accurately casts the issue: This is not a dispute between
Israelis and Palestinians about land, it is a clash of
civilizations and is not solvable by splitting differences.

The mentality of those Israelis who believe all differences are
splitable was displayed on Sunday when former Israeli Prime
Minister Shimon Peres, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for the
peace currently convulsing Israel, spoke to ABC's "This Week." He
said the peace process cannot be dead. Why?  "Nobody can kill the
peace process because we need it like air." So Arafat can
punctuate the "peace process" as often as he likes with as much
war as he likes, and Israelis who think as Peres does will always
return, gasping gratefully for air.

Besides, Peres explained, Arafat no longer runs "a terroristic
organization." Rather, he "is responsible for an administration
which is 120,000 people strong. ... It is one thing to be a head
of a revolution, and it is another thing to be a head of a state
in being." But what if it is a revolutionary state devoted to
devouring Israel?

Peres is puzzled. If Arafat had behaved like a bourgeoisie
politician, Palestinians "could have escaped the poverty" they
still suffer, and could have built "a modern life." But Peres is
hopeful: "If somebody would tell you in 1944 that within one year
you can have a different Europe, that you can have peace, I think
everyone would be laughing. But look what happened.  ..."

Yes, look. What happened one year after the worst year in Jewish
history was the defeat of those vowing to eradicate the Jews.

As the 52-year (so far) war for the destruction of Israel
continued last week, a cleric leading prayers in al-Aqsa mosque
enjoined the faithful to "eradicate the Jews from Palestine."
When Israeli soldiers pulled a wounded policeman away from St.
Stephens Gate in Jerusalem, Palestinians, taught from
Holocaust-denying and anti-Semitic textbooks, publications and
broadcasts that the Palestinian Authority falsely promised to
eliminate, chanted "Slaughter the Jews." Thousands of Jordanians
marched in Amman chanting "Death to the Jews." When Hitler
threatened "the destruction of European Jewry," sophisticates,
searching, as sophisticates do, for nuances, wondered, What do
you suppose he meant?

Re: [CTRL] FW: Beware of These 8 Fallacies in Tonight's Debate

2000-10-11 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Hey K!

Not to be a nag, but...please try using plain text.  I bet the info is
worthwhile, but the formatting is gawd awful, making for difficult
reading.  Thanks!

Mark McHugh

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Pentagon has unveiled its new identification card equipped
with a computer chip that will give its owner access to computer
systems and secure buildings, and ultimately will serve as a
debit card for soldiers.

The 32K-chip will have the power to store identification
information like medical and dental information and personal

But its most important function may be its role in securing
Defense Department computers. Users will insert their cards into
"card readers" attached to their desktop computers, provide a
pass code and then be allowed onto DOD's computer network. Three
failed attempts to sign on will deactivate the card, requiring a
new one to be issued.

Defense officials concede it's an imperfect system but point out
it is an improvement over the current "password-only" protection
now offered on defense networks.

The cards will cost around $8 each, with the Defense Department
issuing about 4 million of them to all active duty, Guard and
Reserve service members, civilian employees and selected
contractors, and 1 million more a year thereafter. The cards are
expected to last about three years each.

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Influence Peddling, Bush Style

2000-10-11 Thread hollie thomas

-Caveat Lector-


- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 5:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Influence Peddling, Bush Style

 -Caveat Lector-

 FEATURE STORY | October 23, 2000

 Influence Peddling, Bush Style

  rom the outset of George W. Bush's campaign, the restoration of honor and
 integrity to the White House has been a key sales pitch of the Texas
 governor. Bush has declared that it's time to replace the wheelers and
 dealers of the Clinton years with "plain-spoken" Americans. In a recent
 television ad, his allies in the Republican Party blasted Vice President
 Gore's association with scandal, noting that "because of Gore's last
 fundraising campaign, twenty-two people have been indicted, twelve
 seventy took the Fifth Amendment and eighteen witnesses fled the country."
 September 23, Republican National Committee chairman Jim Nicholson accused
 Gore and the Democrats of accepting money since 1996 from "foreigners who
 no friends to the US." In short, Bush and his lieutenants have argued, his
 crowd is better than the other crowd. But Bush's crowd includes family
 members and a political associate who have done business with one of the
 prime targets of the Republicans' investigations into Chinese espionage
 Democratic fundraising abuses.

 In their relentless efforts to reveal and exploit Democratic misdeeds, and
 search of a Beijing connection to Democratic Party fundraising violations,
 Republican investigators in the House and the Senate have focused on the
 Charoen Pokphand Group, an enormous Bangkok-based agribusiness and
 telecommunications conglomerate and one of the largest foreign investors
 China. (The company's business registration number in China is 0001.) Its
 is 61-year-old Dhanin Chearavanont, one of the wealthiest men in Asia, who
 of ethnic Chinese descent. On June 18, 1996, Chearavanont and two CP Group
 officials attended one of the infamous White House kaffeeklatsches. The
 were accompanied to the meet-and-sip session with President Clinton by
 Pauline Kanchanalak, a Thai businesswoman and lobbyist, who has since
 guilty to making illegal contributions to the Democratic National
 (The Democrats returned the money she raised.) During the
 coffee, which was organized by John Huang, a DNC fundraiser who has also
 pleaded guilty to illegal fundraising, Chearavanont did most of the
 stressing the importance of maintaining normal trade relations with China.

 The Republican-controlled Senate Government Affairs Committee cited the
 18 event as an example of the "merchandising of the Presidency." The
 committee's final report noted: "It is clear that the coffee's essential
 purpose was to sell the President's time to Kanchanalak, who...donated
 $235,000 to the DNC the next day." The money for these contributions, the
 report maintained, came from "sources in Thailand," and the committee
 referred to the CP Group.

 Other Clinton critics have pointed to the CP Group while chasing after
 evidence that China bought influence with the Administration. The Cox
 (formally titled "U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns
 with the People's Republic of China"), which was released last year by
 Republican Representative Christopher Cox, recounted the June 18 coffee
 Chearavanont and the two other CP Group officials as an example of how
 uses its commercial allies to lobby for policies that favor China. The
 conservative American Spectator published a piece in June 1997 alleging
 "front companies for communist China have been actively buying up (and
 on) the US," and it noted, with a heavy hint of suspicion, that the CP
 was a partner of a Chinese weapons manufacturer. Ann McBride, then the
 president of Common Cause, wrote to Attorney General Janet Reno in 1997,
 raising questions about the CP Group's attempt to sway US policy toward
 China. And even the liberal New York Times columnist Frank Rich observed:
 know that a hundred thousand bucks get you a night in the Lincoln Bedroom,
 but what did the really serious loot from conglomerates like Indonesia's
 Lippo Group and Thailand's Charoen Pokphand Group buy from the Clinton

 The CP Group was depicted in varying degrees of nefariousness--with some
 justification. One-third of the people convicted in the Democratic
 fundraising scandal were connected to the company or the June 18 coffee.
 Shortly before that reception with Clinton, Kanchanalak's husband,
 Chupong--whom Time identified as a CP Group consultant--wired $475,000 to
 mother and his sister Duangnet "Georgie" Kronenberg from Thailand.
 (Kronenberg would plead guilty with Pauline Kanchanalak, and Chupong
 Kanchanalak and his mother would be named 

[CTRL] [Check this!] UPI: Gore admits using hotel phone internet connections to discuss national security issues

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Vice President Al Gore admits in an exclusive Yahoo! Internet
Life magazine interview that current military technology is
"primitive" and "behind the curve." The vice president also says
he has to use ordinary hotel phone lines to communicate regularly
via modem on national security matters. "I'm on the National
Security Agency and I communicate regularly on national security
matters. But how I log on -- hey, I dial up from a hotel room,
too, if that's all there is," Gore says. However, he adds, he
uses a secure connection. Gore is interviewed by Yahoo! Internet
Life editor-in-chief Barry Golson in the Internet lifestyle
magazine's November issue on sale in limited markets October 10
and nationwide October 17. The exclusive interview has Gore
offering his candid viewpoint on the past, present and future of
technology and clears up the issue once and for all as to whether
he "invented" the Internet. The vice president says he's
considering, at the suggestion of Yahoo! Internet Life, a 24/7
web-cam in the Oval Office. "I'm such a bear on intellectual
property," he admits when recalling never seeing a cent from the
book entitled "The Information Superhighway." "That's my
metaphor, to the best of my knowledge," he says, laying claim to
inventing the term "information superhighway."

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe that day Powell got with Reagan a TV deal was cut?   Powell had
 own TV show and Reagan had Death Valley Days..

This was before Death Valley Days, when Powell was only just starting out in TV and 
hadn't made his mark there
yet...so it's unlikely that after months of after-dinner political arguments, Powell 
suddenly hit the key to
Reagan's brain by locking him in his den and saying "Hey, buddy...I'm thinking of 
switching to this
new-fangled thing called television, and if you stop being the liberal SOB you've been 
all your life and join
us rightwing Nazi sympathizers, maybe I can swing you a TV deal, too...hell, you 
wouldn't even have to act if
you don't want to, just show up and introduce the shows every week...I'm thinking of 
doing the same thing with
stories about private dicks and other dramas, so why don't you think about doing a 
western anthology series?"

Nope.  I doubt THAT was what changed Reagan's life-long political stance in 20 minutes 

 This experiment with Jonestown, though, Reagan was in that to his turtle

Yep, because Jones gained his power and gathered his followers under Reagan's watch as 
guv of CA...took
advantage of Reagan's draconian measures regarding the state's mental health system...

 Now I always wondered about that one - but Jean Dixon, the psuedo
 political religious propagandist declared Reagan, was a man of destiny.

And perhaps it was Powell's cronies and handlers who made this decision?

 What if Jonestown was a set up half way house for more drug running?

That was the least of what was going on.

 This grand experiment with people, Nazi doctors on board, cyanide in
 kool aid

The cyanide in Kool Aid seems to have been a cover story, and not really what 
happened, based on evidence that
has been coming to light over the past couple of years...

The very first reports out of Jonestown at the time had a relatively small number of 
dead being declared to
have been found...as the days went on, the number grew, and the excuse for the first 
early numbers was that
there were bodies under bodies which had been missed in the initial count...

But look at all the photos taken of the death scene...no 'bodies under bodies'...and 
according to those who
managed to escape, there were death squads roaming the countryside for days, 
slaughtering those who'd escaped
into the woods rather than drink the poisoned Kool Aid...

And if you listen to some of the tapes of "Jim Jones" exhorting his followers to drink 
the Kool Aid, you CAN
here shooting and screams in the background...

 - white nights, and the worksall timed - and Mark Lane CIA
 lawyer the one who always gets away, at Jonestown ...

And intimately tied up with the JFK assassination, to boot...

 ...the storiy of
 the implant behind their ears and I will try to find if there was
 mention which earthink left, maybe?  You know how a dog turns its
 head left first when thinking - at least mine does.left side of
 brain maybe easier to control?

FWIW, my 'ear thing' happened on the left side...

 Why would Reagan be a man of destiny?

Who knows, but more importantly who DECIDED this?  Surely not Jeanne Dixon on her own.

And perhaps this 'destiny' was communicated to Powell, who one night after one of 
their weekly dinners, took
Ronnie into the den and locked the door (what was it that he didn't even want Jane and 
June to hear?), and
presented this 'destiny' to his buddy...a 'destiny' that would only come about if 
Reagan made a 180-degree
about-face politically...

But if this was what happened, what ELSE did Powell have to reveal?  I mean, surely it 
wouldn't have been
enough to say "Hey buddy...change your politics and I'll guarantee you'll be elected 
president of the United
States within 30 years!"  Reagan would have fallen on the floor laughing...Powell 
would have had to present
'something' to show Reagan that such a claim was definitely in the realm of 
possibility, something that had Re
agan convinced in less than 30 minutes.

 Dick Powell had lots of underworld connections no doubt because when he
 made his first movies the mob thrived...

In Dick Powell's first movies, he was nothing but a pretty boy lead with a good 
singing voice in a Busby
Berkely musical, usually paired with Ruby Keeler...

He didn't get to break out of that mold for a good 15 years...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] NM: Tripp Deserves Medal of Freedom

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 In a message dated 10/10/2000 6:40:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


  Tripp Deserves Medal of Freedom

  By Jack Thompson
  Monday, Oct. 9, 2000 

 Oh thank you.  You've made my day.  This is hilarious.  Prudy

I thought so too.  For the record, I think Tripp is THE lowest
form of human being, a pittiful excuse.  I hate ppl that can't be
trusted (lying coniving bastards), let alone one that is claiming
to be your friend.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I doubt the monitoring station could have been a problem.  Radio
  intercept is a passive endeavor, you can't "suck" the radiowaves out
  of the air.  Transmitting, maybe interference there, but not

 Be that as it may, the fact remains that my fellow physical
 therapy recipients reported the same phenomenon,  namely being
 able to HEAR radio (and sometimes TV) broadcasts in their heads
 immediately after their accidents, and for some weeks thereafter
 (apparantly it also faded with time as it did with me).

I don't doubt that you were receiving, just that it was generated by
what you believe was a monitoring station.

 What I heard was definitely in a Middle Eastern language (perhaps
 more than one), and once I 'picked up' the BBC (replete with ads
 for upcoming shows) and once I picked up Radio Moscow (identified
 as such by the announcer).  And the fact remains that the strongest
 'signal' was smack next to where the Air National Guard has their
 listening outpost.  Perhaps they not only were listening to worldwide
 broadcasts, but then also rebroadcasting them to somewhere else?


Guardies and Reservists usually don't do foreign radio intercept,
unless they are on temp duty at a major strategic listening post.
Also, intercept isn't rebroadcast, it's recorded and stored for
reference.  The interceptors pick out the info in realtime and send it
on to the analysts.

Perhaps some strange radio energies were being manipulated there,
indirectly facilitating your cranial reception.  Weird shit happens
while fooling around with various spectral energies.  I remember one
of our radio jammers frying wildlife that came too close to the rig.
I wonder if the GLQ-3B is still in use?

Mark McHugh

First to know, last to glow!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Will You Stand By And Watch????]

2000-10-11 Thread BB

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Bob's Note:  Do you think it has come of time
that Christians, those who truly believe that
this wonderful piece of real estate called The
United States of America was a divine gift to
a people who wanted freedom and were to
spread the word, to be a beacon to the people
of this planet, to tell of the wonderful gift of
redemption of the Blood of Our Lord Jesus,
to stand and do something besides talk and
look??  Do you think it's time has come to try
to turn this nation around and look to the only
way to save us - our Heavenly Father??
Do you think its time to stop frittering away
our freedoms, freedoms that were God-given
not only for us but to be passed on to our
beloved offspring?? Do you think its time to
stop killing babies just about to be born in the
name of comfort and convenience??
YES!! you say??
Then what are YOU going to do??
Pray about it - its IMPORTANT!!
Respectfully submitted,

Will you stand by and watch?


By Charley Reese

Commentary Published in The Orlando Sentinel on October 08, 2000

Traditional American society is being systematically deconstructed.  The
question is, do traditional Americans have the grit to defend it?

The traditional family has been under fire for some decades by feminists
and homosexual activists not to mention the government, which penalizes
families with its tax code.  Now it is being battered by the entertainment
industry and public education.  Yes, public education will undermine the
religious faith of your children not to mention make it clear to children
that they should not pay too much attention to their superstitious and
out-of-date parents.

Families in the prime of their lives are forced to pay not only for their
own children's education and health care but are also taxed to provide
education and health care for the poor and health care for the elderly.

How do you suppose that, for example, Al Gore plans to finance his $240
billion prescription plan?

It will come directly out of the paychecks of young and middle-aged working
men and women.

Now the attacks have been extended to the children.
American children are bombarded with inducements to early and promiscuous
sex by the entertainment and clothing industries and even some
sex-education courses.  They are bombarded with advertisements designed to
make them mindless consumers of overpriced junk.

Now that the homosexual lobby feels that it won its battle, there
apparently is a move afoot by some psychologists to sell the public on the
idea that pedophilia -- sex with children -- is OK, too.  In a pig's eye it
is, but pseudo-scientific articles, which support that notion, are making
the rounds.  An article by Harris Mirkin that appeared in the Journal of
Homosexuality is an example of this sickness.

Another component of traditional America -- its history -- is being
rewritten to conform to current prejudices and myths that accompany the
egalitarian philosophy.
The Clinton administration recently has instructed the National Park
Service that lectures and presentations at Civil War battle sites are to
emphasize that the war was about slavery.  Legitimate historians know that
is not the truth.  But history as propaganda is the order of the day.

If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize, then the first
step is to recognize the enemy.
Public education is the enemy.  The entertainment industry is the
enemy.  The corporate culture is the enemy.  The advertising industry is
the enemy.  And most of the politicians in both parties are the enemy.  An
enemy is defined as anybody, or any organization, which is attacking the
traditional beliefs of Americans.

Withdraw your support.  Take your kids out of public education.  It's
beyond reform.  Let it collapse for want of public support.  Get real tough
on the kind of entertainment you allow into your home.  Trash television
and movies are not produced by inanimate forces.  They are produced and
distributed because particular human beings make particular
decisions.  These people are slimeballs, and it's time to call them what
they are.

Charlton Heston stopped Time Warner from distributing a cop-killer compact
disc by some trashy rapper by standing up at a Time Warner stockholders
meeting and reading the obscene lyrics, thus exposing the shabby morals of
the corporate leaders who were clearly willing to sell anything, no matter
how vulgar or vicious, if there were a buck to be made.

Americans who want to preserve their traditions will have to emulate
Heston's courage.  And it did take courage.  Silence in the presence of an
attack is consent.
So speak up.  Take actions.  As Stonewall Jackson said, "Fear God and no
one else."

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2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


October 11, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Independent Counsel Provides Evidence That Michelle Peterson Lied
During Testimony Solicited by Judicial Watch

Sheryl Hall, The Whistleblower Who Revealed The E-Mail Scandal,
Previously Testified That Statements Were Made by Ms. Peterson
Indicating The Clinton-Gore White House’s Strategy Was To Delay
The Proceedings Until The Clintons Left Office

(Washington, D.C.) In documents released today by the Honorable
Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of
Columbia, it was revealed that the White House and its counsel
Michelle Peterson – the individual who Sheryl Hall testified told
her of a plan to delay Judicial Watch’s Filegate lawsuit until
the Clintons left office – may be subject to harsh penalties for
allegedly providing false evidence in Judicial Watch’s ongoing
Filegate lawsuit. A letter from the Office of Independent Counsel
(OIC), signed by Jay Apperson, Deputy Independent Counsel, states
in part: The ongoing litigation in Alexander over which you have
presided, has included the testimony of former members of the
White House Counsel’s Office concerning record search and
production practices within that office, including their practice
with respect to searches and production in connection with this
Office’s investigations. On August 28, 2000, Michelle Peterson,
former Associate Counsel to the President provided testimony
suggesting that the policy and practice of the White House
Counsel’s Office during her tenure there was to disclose to
investigative entities when responsive records were discovered
after the time in which they should have been produced and to
explain to the investigators why such records had not previously
been found and produced. The transcript of her testimony ...
reflects that Ms. Peterson testified:

. . . with respect to both Congress and the Independent Counsel,
it was unfortunately not that uncommon that documents would turn
up after we had made a production, and we would have to produce
them and explain why they hadn’t been found before.

. . . I recall it happening on more than one occasion with
respect to Independent Counsel Office. . . .

The transcript . . . then reflects the following question and Ms.
Peterson’s answer:

Q. Is it your policy nevertheless to make those disclosures
whenever it occurred that there were incomplete responses made?

A. It was certainly my practice and it was certainly the policy
and practice of Mr. Ruff who headed the office as soon as
anything was found that had not been produced, we were required
to immediately produce it. . . .

This Office is aware that this testimony is contrary to the
practice of that office during the time period in which Ms.
Peterson was Associate Counsel, and perhaps more important, that
Ms. Peterson should reasonably be aware of this fact in that she
personally participated in such contrary practice. This Office
has an obligation to assure that inaccurate testimony is
corrected, and assure that counsel fulfill their professional
obligation to assure such correction. Ms. Peterson was the White
House lawyer who conducted the so-called “test” upon which the
Clinton-Gore Administration relies to justify the non-disclosure
of the missing e-mail, which is the subject of the ongoing e-mail
evidentiary hearings before Judge Lamberth. The referral by the
OIC to Judge Lamberth calls into question the White House claims
of a “good faith bureaucratic snafu,” particularly since Mr.
Apperson’s letter also reflects that White House counsel Lanny
Breuer’s practice was not to bring after-discovered documents to
the attention of appropriate tribunals.

“Judicial Watch applauds the diligence of Deputy Independent
Counsel Jay Apperson in bringing these serious matters to the
attention of the Court. They point to a pattern and practice by
the Clinton-Gore White House of obstructing justice and lying in
the various Clinton-Gore scandals,” stated Judicial Watch
Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

© 2000, Judicial Watch, Inc., ® All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] AP: FBI Encourages Educators and parents to talk to children in ways that equate privacy and encryption with old-fashioned wrongdoing.

2000-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI: We Need Cyber Ethics Education
By DIANE HOPHEAD, Routers Press Agency

WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI: We Need Cyber Ethics Education.

Thou shalt snoop on other children.

Thou shalt not hide cybercrimes by using encryption.

FBI agents are spreading a new gospel to parents and teachers,
hoping they'll better educate youths that privacy in cyberspace
can be economically costly and just as criminal as refusing to
narc out fellow students.

The Justice Department (news - web sites) and the Information
Technology Association of America, a trade group, has launched
the Cybercitizen Partnership to encourage educators and parents
to talk to children in ways that equate privacy and encryption
with old-fashioned wrongdoing.

The nascent effort includes a series of seminars around the
country for teachers, classroom materials and guides and a Web
site to help parents talk to children. The FBI is distributing
copies of "MyPersonalCarnivore"  to allow children to set up
their own Carnivore-enabled local sites.

``In a democracy in general, we can't have the police
everywhere,'' said Michael Vacuous, director of the FBI's
National Infrastructure Protection Center, which guards against
computer attacks by terrorists, foreign agents and teen hackers.

``One of the most important ways of reducing crime is trying to
teach ethics and morality to our kids. That same principle needs
to apply to the cyber world,'' he said.

"We are willing to drop the antitrust action against Microsoft if
and when they meet the legitimate needs of law enforcement," he
added. Asked if he was referring to the proposed "WindowsMe (and
Big Brother)," he added that he could not comment on sensitive

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cocaine, conspiracy theories and the CIA in Central America...A load of .....

2000-10-11 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

There has been talk of PBS being a shill for the CIA and other Old Boy Network 
organizations and it seems that there might be some truth to it.  One other GOOD note 
is that when such effort is made to refute something there is usually something they 
are wanting to hide.  In most instances they just ignore it and hope it goes away.  
This is an issue that hopefully will not "just go away".

On Mon, 09 October 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Click Here: A
 frontline: drug wars: special reports: cocaine,…/A

 Cocaine, conspiracy theories and the CIA in Central America

 Since its creation in 1947 under President Harry Truman, the CIA has been
 credited with a number of far-fetched operations. While some were proven -
 the infamous LSD mind-control experiments of the 1950s - others, like the
 assassination of John F. Kennedy and the crash of the Savings and Loans
 industry, have little or no merit.

 In 1996 the agency was accused of being a crack dealer.

 A series of expose articles in the San Jose Mercury-News by reporter Gary
 Webb told tales of a drug triangle during the 1980s that linked CIA officials
 in Central America, a San Francisco drug ring and a Los Angeles drug dealer.
 According to the stories, the CIA and its operatives used crack cocaine--sold
 via the Los Angeles African-American community--to raise millions to support
 the agency's clandestine operations in Central America.

 The CIA's suspect past made the sensational articles an easy sell. Talk radio
 switchboards lit up, as did African-American leaders like U.S. Rep. Maxine
 Waters, D-Los Angeles, who pointed to Webb's articles as proof of a
 mastermind plot to destroy inner-city black America.

 One of the people who was accused in the San Jose Mercury-News of being in
 the midst of the CIA cocaine conspiracy is one of the most respected, now
 retired, veteran D.E.A. agents, Robert "Bobby" Nieves.

 "You have to understand Central America at that time was a haven for the
 conspiracy theorists. Christic Institute, people like Gary Webb, others down
 there, looking to dig up some story for political advantage," Nieves said.
 "No sexier story than to create the notion in people's minds that these
 people are drug traffickers."

 But in the weeks following publication, Webb's peers doubted the merit of the
 articles. Fellow journalists at the Washington Post, New York Times and
 Webb's own editor accused him of blowing a few truths up into a massive

 Amongst Webb's fundamental problems was his implication that the CIA lit the
 crack cocaine fuse. It was conspiracy theory: a neat presentation of reality
 that simply didn't jibe with real life. Webb later agreed in an interview
 that there is no hard evidence that the CIA as an institution or any of its
 agent-employees carried out or profited from drug trafficking.

 Still, the fantastic story of the CIA injecting crack into ghettos had taken
 hold. In response to the public outcry following Webb's allegations--which
 were ultimately published in book form under the title Dark Alliance--the CIA
 conducted an internal investigation of its role in Central America related to
 the drug trade. Frederick Hitz, as the CIA Inspector General-- an independent
 watchdog approved by Congress--conducted the investigation. In October 1998,
 the CIA released a declassified version of Hitz's two-volume report.

 The IG's report cleared the CIA of complicity with the inner-city crack
 cocaine trade. It refuted charges that CIA officials knew that their
 Nicaraguan allies were dealing drugs. But, the report said that the CIA, in a
 number of cases, didn't bother to look into allegations about narcotics And
 the Hitz report describes how there was little or no direction for CIA
 operatives when confronted by the rampant traffic in drugs in Central
 American during the 1980s.

 What follows is a closer look at the Hitz report, drawing on interviews with
 Frederick Hitz and others interviewed for FRONTLINE's "Drug Wars" series.

 When the Marxist Sandinistas overthrew the government of longtime dictator
 Anastasio Somoza in 1979, U.S. approval soured when it became clear that the
 new regime saw itself as a satellite of Cuba, if not the Soviet Union. When
 Ronald Reagan became president soon after, he quietly began sending aid to
 those fighting the Marxist government. They were known as the Nicaraguan
 Resistance, or more simply, the Contras.

 As with Burma, Laos and Afghanistan before it -- where the U.S. had helped
 fight wars -- Nicaragua had a narcotics trade--a fact which was brought to
 the CIA's attention while the Contra effort was barely off the ground. In
 1981 members of the Nicaraguan Revolutionary Democratic Alliance (ADREN) were
 working alongside CIA officers to overthrow the new 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Guardies and Reservists usually don't do foreign radio intercept,
 unless they are on temp duty at a major strategic listening post.

Remember, this was during the height of the Gulf War...

 Perhaps some strange radio energies were being manipulated there,
 indirectly facilitating your cranial reception.  Weird shit happens
 while fooling around with various spectral energies.

FWIW, this area of Connecticut is the same area Betty Andreasson lives in, and where 
she has reported seeing
both UFOs and mysterious black helicopters...


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Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-11 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

By its very nature the "recovered" memories of ritual abuse survivors should be 
suspect.  It is apparent that there is something going on which needs to be exposed, 
but the idea of shapeshifting lizards and alien, as well as other "entities" is, in my 
opinion, a bunch of hooey, as Samantha states here.  Whether memories are implanted in 
order to cover up for those involved or just to sow confusion and cause credibility 
problems the end is the same, the stories sound rediculous when they go down this road.

On Tue, 10 October 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/10/00 2:38:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

  But the sensation is the claim of secret satanic mass being conducted in
  Vatican, where particpants wear a sort of Ku Klux Klan robe, and are naked
  under that.
   This is similar to the satanic shapeshifter ceremonies David Icke has
  reported in "The Biggest Secret."

   I've had personal contact with about twenty survivors of satanic ritual
 abuse, long-term internet contact with 300 or more, and read every book by
 survivors and therapists I've been able to find and/or afford.  I've never
 heard shape-shifting accounts by any survivor except one - Cathy O'Brien in
 "Trance-formation of America."  It's already been established that Mark
 what's-his-name is a dubious intel-connected character at best.

   I've heard accounts of strange spiritual manifestations that to survivors
 are often only explainable in terms of demons or disembodies spirits.  No
 Shape-Shifting Lizard People accounts yet.

   I think this whole shape-shifting lizard crap trivializes the very real
 mind-boggling torture that is actually occurring out there.  It takes the
 focus off the very human events that are occurring and takes the focus off
 the very real victims.  It creates a carnival atmosphere around grave
 occurances, which is probably exactly what it is intended to do.  People hear
 Icke's shape-shifting reptilian stories, giggle, and then dismiss the whole
 phenomenon of ritualized torture of children out of hand.  This sounds like
 Standard Psyop Disinfo
 Rule # 2.


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Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-11 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting theory that Bill.  Could it be that when he says they are "Lizards" it is 
a metaphor used to include them all in one group and that he dare not name it?  I 
don't know, I just think he is a sensationalist and much of his stuff is a bunch of 

On Tue, 10 October 2000, William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/10/00 6:44:09 PM Central Daylight Time,

  People hear
  Icke's shape-shifting reptilian stories, giggle, and then dismiss the whole
  phenomenon of ritualized torture of children out of hand.  This sounds like
  Standard Psyop Disinfo 

 I believe it's included in his works to cause exactly the response you
 claim...his books are chock full of much serious scholarship...so much so in
 fact that he could be considered a threat by the powers that (in secret)
 be...by including this theory he makes himself look silly to those who are
 too lazy or closed-minded to look further and thereby takes some heat off
 himself. I don't think he wants to end up another Danny Casalaro or Jim Keith!


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-11 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

I believe Kris has a better take on this.  Just as I believe that if people really see 
a physical Lizard being or an alien for that matter it is FAKE.  Most of the time it 
is probably an induced memory and an experience, not a real event.  It is always done 
to subvert and destroy credibility.

On Tue, 10 October 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/10/00 5:36:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From what I gather out there, the lizard thing just ain't happening.

  MHO, is that is a meme of mudding, confusion and deflection and when done at
 all it is electronical illusion aided with drugs and other "ritual trappings"
 of "magic.".


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"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix

"My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The(Coming) Fall Of The House Of...Windsor

2000-10-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

The Coming Fall of the
House of Windsor
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.


In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly
virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
--{Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh}(1)

During the recent five years, approximately, the British press and
book-publishing businesses have been occupied by an increasing intensity of
scandals directed against the Royal Family, the House of Windsor.

The most recent of these appeals to the prurient interest of the gossiping
public, former cavalry officer James Hewitt's contributions to the authorship
of {Princess in Love,}(2) has carried this mounting scandal above the
threshold of certain influential Britons' reluctance to speak out. Exemplary
is the statement early this month by Harold Brooks-Baker, the publishing
director of {Burke's Peerage}: ``We are extremely close to the end of the
House of Windsor,'' adding that, among Britain's ``educated upper classes,''
the view of the House of Windsor has become ``negative.'' Brooks-Baker
foresaw the likelihood that the Windsors might be ousted by no later than
sometime early during the next century.

It is only in low-grade fiction, or in worse precincts, such as today's major
news-media, that an intimate affair with a lady (or, with a man less than a
gentleman) is presented as the reason for the toppling of a throne. In fact,
how little concern the general public has for either the incompetence or
outrageously perverse behavior of its preferred celebrities, is shown by such
disgusting phenomena as the existence of Hollywood stars' fan clubs, by the
Soviet Central Committee's selection of a man virtually dead to succeed
General Secretary Yuri Andropov, or by the all-too-frequent behavior shown by
a majority of American voters almost any election night. The sexual scandals
do not topple thrones, or members of the U.S. Congress; however, like
assassinations, they are often dredged up, or, like judicial ``railroads'' of
targetted public figures, concocted as pretexts employed in service of
dynastic or other purely political motives.

After the facts presented in this Special Report are considered, the British
establishment's strategic, historical motives for dumping the Windsors should
become obvious.

This report documents the fact, that for more than thirty years, Prince
Philip has personally directed his World Wildlife Fund in genocide against
the population of sub-saharan Africa. For most of us, that Hitler-like
behavior would be grounds to convict the monarchy. However, the relevant
strata of the British oligarchy are not like us; they are typified, as an
institution, by the common inhumanity otherwise seen among the leading
London, Geneva, and Wall Street bankers, financial houses, and the London
{Economist} of today; for reasons to be supplied in the closing section of
this report, most such persons probably would not consider genocide directed
against darker-complexioned peoples of sub-saharan Africa sufficient grounds
for annoying the Royal Family, let alone toppling it.

This report documents also the facts which do affright even the calloused
consciences of London oligarchs. The Windsors continue to spread that same
mass-murderous, New Age policy which we witness in the World Wildlife Fund
operations against Africans, also into the Americas, Europe, Asia, and
Australia. This threatens the imminent downfall of a global civilization
already racked by the worst financial instability which Europe has seen since
the middle of the 14th Century. A continuation of the policies of the
Windsors, and also of the corruption-soaked former Prime Minister, Baroness
Margaret Thatcher,(3) under such present financial and economic
circumstances, can bring on a planet-wide plunge into chaos, taking the
London-led international oligarchy down with the rest of us.

Think of the Windsors as like the bus driver of a vehicle, today's remains of
the British Empire. Ordinarily, the spectacle of the terrified passengers in
a public conveyance being operated by a besotted clown, would merely amuse
those sadists of globalist financier oligarchy, were they themselves not
among the passengers. In that view, one might better understand why, during
the past five-odd years, the relevant portions of the British establishment
at large have oozed into the opinion that that decadent dynasty, the
Windsors, must go.

- The charges against the Royals -

Ladies and gentlemen of the readership's international jury, we have brought
you to this court to hear charges arising from one of the most monstrous
crimes committed in all known human history, a crime perpetrated on a vast
scale. We present to you here the evidence, that for the past thirty-four
years, since its founding in 1931, a wicked organization, calling itself by
such names as the World Wildlife Fund, has engaged in willful genocide
against the nations and 

Re: [CTRL] FW: Beware of These 8 Fallacies in Tonight's Debate

2000-10-11 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

 Hey K!

 Not to be a nag, but...please try using plain text.  I bet the info is
 worthwhile, but the formatting is gawd awful, making for difficult
 reading.  Thanks!


I know, but when people send me html formatted e-mail and I use
their post, I can't change it to plain text because that option is
greyed out on my preferences list.  Retyping the whole thing isn't
feasible either, unless it's a very brief post.

Maybe I can get a solution from Davis Harris' team to get that
option ungreyed.

If you have been voting for politicians who
promise to give you goodies at someone else's
expense, then you have no right to complain when
they take your money and give it to someone else,
including themselves. -- THOMAS SOWELL (1992)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] New Cele Castillio realaudio up at cia-drugs.org

2000-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

From CIA-Drugs Symposium II held in LA, Calif. on 9/23/00


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] WP: The Downfall of Israel? by George Will (fwd)

2000-10-11 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

October 10, 2000

The downfall of Israel?
By George Will

As the 52-year (so far) war for the destruction of Israel
continued last week, a cleric leading prayers in al-Aqsa mosque
enjoined the faithful to "eradicate the Jews from Palestine."
When Israeli soldiers pulled a wounded policeman away from St.
Stephens Gate in Jerusalem, Palestinians, taught from
Holocaust-denying and anti-Semitic textbooks, publications and
broadcasts that the Palestinian Authority falsely promised to
eliminate, chanted "Slaughter the Jews." Thousands of Jordanians
marched in Amman chanting "Death to the Jews." When Hitler
threatened "the destruction of European Jewry," sophisticates,
searching, as sophisticates do, for nuances, wondered, What do
you suppose he meant?

The reason that George Will looks like a sycophantic twit on television
is because he IS a sycophantic twit.

The ruling class media has anointed Will as their favorite tame, housebroken
conservative.  Will, in fact, is NOT a conservative.  He has described
himself --
and apparently accurately -- as a "tory".

His sucking up to the Israel lobby, his genial and "willing" servitude to the
Jewish media establishment, are in the end merely his validation of British
Imperialism's Balfour Declaration wherein the British "gave" Palestine to the
Jews.  After all, there was no one living in Palestine at the time except a
of sub-human Palestinians, who obviously didn't realize that their homeland was
at the disposal of the British ruling class.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) ACTION ITEM: Wallop Gallup

2000-10-11 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 11 Oct 2000 16:32:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:ACTION ITEM: Wallop Gallup
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Watergate Office Building
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
Website: www.LP.org
For information about the party: (800) ELECT-US
October 11, 2000

Would you like to see Harry Browne included in the Gallup/USA
Today daily tracking poll? Then please read this message and TAKE

During this election year we have made tremendous headway in
getting pollsters to include Harry Browne's name in their surveys.  And
that's crucial, because polls lead to news stories, which lead to votes
on Election Day.

Several major polls are already including Browne, most notably
Zogby/Reuters/MSNBC and Rasmussen's Portrait of America. That's a major
step forward, since this is the first election in which our presidential
candidate has been included in *any* of the major national polls.

For example, an Oct. 9 Reuters article, based on the latest
Zogby/Reuters/MSNBC tracking poll, noted: "Reform Party candidate Pat
Buchanan and Libertarian Party candidate Harry Browne each garnered 1
percent in the poll."

The day before, the same poll showed Browne *beating* Buchanan,
1 percent to zero percent. (That's right; Buchanan earned a big fat

Yet the third major polling company -- Gallup -- refuses to
include Browne, even though it continues to include Buchanan. Why?

Can Gallup be excluding Browne in order to ensure "accuracy?"

Well, no. Both Rasmussen and Zogby have a better record of
accuracy than Gallup. In fact, Rasmussen was the most accurate in
projecting election outcomes during the presidential primary season,
with Gallup trailing behind both Rasmussen and Zogby.

Can Gallup be excluding Browne because he's not scoring high

No, because that wouldn't explain why Gallup continues to
include Buchanan.

Regardless of the reason, Gallup's continued refusal is bad
news for the Libertarian Party. Like it or not, Gallup is one of the
nation's most respected polling companies.

In fact, its presidential tracking poll is published every day
in the nation's largest newspaper, USA Today.

Now brace yourself, and read this question from the on-line
version of the USA Today-Gallup poll, which can be found at


"If the presidential election were held today and included Al
Gore and Joe Lieberman as the Democratic candidates, George W. Bush and
Dick Cheney as the Republican candidates, Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster
as the Reform Party candidates, and Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke as
the Green Party candidates, for whom would you vote?"

That's right: Buchanan and Nader are both mentioned, along with
their running mates, but not Harry Browne.

But it gets worse: Even though Buchanan has sunk to below 1
percent in Gallup's own poll -- so low that his total is denoted by an
asterisk! -- his name is still being mentioned by Gallup.

What the "experts" at Gallup seem to be telling Libertarians
and the rest of the country is that no matter how high Harry Browne
climbs, or how low Buchanan falls, Buchanan is in; Browne is out.

That needs to change.

As a first step, LP Press Secretary George Getz phoned Frank
Newport, a vice president at Gallup, and asked why Browne was being
excluded. Newport replied:

"We make our decisions about whom to include based on many
factors, such as the name recognition of the candidate; how they
perform in trial heats; and finally the editorial judgment of the
people in charge, like me. For further details I would refer you to our

"But," Getz asked, "As far as name recognition goes, Buchanan
has far more of it -- yet he's scoring below Browne in the polls.
Wouldn't that indicate that Browne actually has enough support to merit
inclusion?" Newport's response?

"We make our decisions about who to include based on many
factors, such as the name recognition of the candidate; how they
perform in trial heats; and also the editorial judgment of the people
in charge, like me. For details I would refer you to our website."

"Are you at least including Browne's name in the trial heats?"
Getz asked.

"Not at this time," Newport said. "We are simply including
Bush, Gore, Nader and Buchanan as the choices. For details I would

[CTRL] Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over America

2000-10-11 Thread Amelia
Title: Blank

NewsHawk® Inc.±±±Chemtrails Said Part Of 
TopSecret Military ManeuversOver AmericaBy Mike Blair - The 
Spotlight (print edition) 10-9-00The strange vapor-like trails, 
or "chemtrails," from jets flying highabove much of the nation and elsewhere 
in the world are part of amassive top-secret military research and 
development project, possiblylinked to the United Nations, researchers have 
concluded.A group of about a dozen researchers spent more than a year, 
mostly insecret, studying the chemtrails. They include experts in 
electronics,communications, environmental engineering, medicine, 
biomedicalresearch, chemistry, governmental and political affairs and 
militarytheory and technology, as well as veterans of the Central 
IntelligenceAgency and the top-secret National Security Agency 
(NSA).The group poured over thousands of scientific, government and 
militarydocuments, most of which can be found in the public domain but 
buriedamong countless papers in highly scientific web sites on the 
Internet.The researchers also talked with experts in the scientific and 
military communities."It appears that aerosol chemical trails are being 
deliberatelydischarged into the atmosphere from military and civilian 
registeredaircraft over the continental U.S., Canada and Mexico," a retired 
AirForce officer attached to NSA and living in Virginia told The 
Spotlightin an exclusive interview."Selected commercial airliners 
have been secretly modified and equippedwith specialized aerosol dispersion 
devices to supplement U.S. militaryaircraft to disperse the substances 
creating the chemtrails," the formerNSA official noted.According to 
the NSA officer, civilian airlines were enlisted for theproject, which some 
of the researchers referred to as "Operation Cloverleaf".The researchers 
concluded that the chemtrails are composed of bariumsalt mixtures. Some of 
the chemtrails also include polymer fibers."Several types of 
experimental polymer fibers are repeatedly being foundin various locations 
subsequent to observed incidences of aerosoldischarge by aircraft," a member 
of the scientific study group told TheSpotlight. "Research and development 
of electronic polymer fibers isidentified and described in Defense Advanced 
Research Projects Agency(DARPA) documents. Other polymer fiber types are 
mentioned in othergovernment and military documents that we have 
obtained."It is believed that the combination of barium salt mixture and 
polymerfibers are responsible for the recent nationwide epidemic increase 
incases of asthma, allergies and upper respiratory system 
illnesses,including pneumonia," he said.The group found that based 
on the study of various military andscientific documents, the polymer fibers 
apparently have severalapplications in conjunction with the barium salt 
mixture. Among theapplications is the "cloaking" of aircraft. When 
irradiated withthesubstances, an aircraft is invisible to radar and the 
naked eye.There also are advanced radar applications; the 
decontamination anddetection of biological weapons; communications 
applications, includingthe ability to direct radio beams back to earth; 
weather modification asa military weapon; and the secret Air Force Variable 
TerrainRefractivity Parabolic Equation (VTRPE), which, with the use 
ofsophisticated computers, enables a person to view what an enemy 
radarsystem sees.A scientist familiar with VTRPE research at 
Wright-Patterson Air ForceBase in Ohio and his knowledge of the use of 
barium salt mixtures ledthe group of researchers to delve into the "barium 
salt connection" tothe chemtrails.A member of the research group 
told The Spotlight that "an over-whelmingarray of ongoing military research 
and development anddefense-relatedactivity is layered from ground level into 
space, including spacewarfare battle plans and space weapons that have been 
developed andinclude advanced laser and refinement of famed scientis Nicola 
Tesla'sscaler (directed energy) weapons technology.""Tesla's 
concepts of 'directed energy' are being developed, refined andapplied," the 
researcher continued. "High Frequency Active AuroralResearch project (HAARP) 
ionospheric 'heaters' arepositioned around theworld (Alaska, Ukraine, 
Norway, Russia, Puerto Rico, etc.) and are usedto 'heat' and modify the 
ionosphere. The United Nations, we have found,has knowledge of and sanctions 
the HAARP project, which is a military project."The group determined 
that scientists worldwide are working incooporation with an organization 
known only as "Commission G." Differentaspects of atmospheric and 
ionospheric advanced radar studies, researchprojects and experiments are 
being studied at the University ofMassachusetts at Lowell, the University of 
Colorado, the Uni. ofCalifornia at Davis, and the Uni. of Texas at 
Arlington.One of the key aims of the studies and experiments is the 
militaryobjective "to control rain, drought, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

 -Caveat Lector-

   Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)
  Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ...

 Perhaps.  But that 'burst blood vessel' moved my earlobe flat against the
FRONT of my ear...IOW, my earlobe,
 and a good amount of cartilage above it, was pressed FORWARD over my ear
opening, which is why I actually
 thought I'd been shot with a BB gun...

 Ever experience getting your ears 'boxed'?  That was how my ear felt, as
if something had hit it at high
 speed, pushing the lobe and cartilage forward at high speed...

  perhaps some extra serious ... ahmmm ... ahmmm "activities" ... the
  before ()!  ... which quite prolly would have been associated with
  "EXPLODING implant!" (GGG)!!!

 I'm not sure what you're implying, but the only activity the night before
was coming home from work, making
 supper, watching some TV, and then going to bed because I had work the
next day.

I meant a vigorous sexual encounter. But now that i have some more info -
I'll ask my medico buddies, altho, i suppose you've already done that? ..
??? What do YOU think it was?

  I am not all that familiar with US politics, but I can hardly imagine
  being a "Leftie," except for the purposes of SPYING on his fellows.

 He was, back in the 30s and 40s, which is why he was elected president of
the Actors Union.  Even Jane Wyman,
 to whom he was married at the time, expressed surprise...and not a little
disgust, since she's been fairly
 left-leaning all her life...at his sudden about-face from strident leftist
to goosestepping rightist.

 When Reagan was elected president, much was made of this 180-degree turn,
and much speculation was done as to
 what caused it.  The article where June Allyson revealed this tete-a-tete
between Reagan and Powell was not
 specifically about Reagan, it was something revealed in the course of the
interview about her life...

 She and Powell apparantly had dinner at least once a week with the Reagans
back in those days, and Allyson
 revealed that often Reagan and Powell would get into heated political
arguments, Reagan sticking to his
 leftist philosophy while Powell would argue his rightist opinions.  So it
hardly seems a case of Powell being
 a persuasive arguer that changed Reagan.  That only occured, Allyson
recounted, one specific night when after
 dinner her husband made it a point to take Reagan alone, behind locked
doors.  According to her, they were
 only in the room (I believe Powell's home office) 20 to 30 minutes, and
when they came out, Reagan was
 suddenly a convert to the rightwing political spectrum, and never deviated
from it from that day...

 Allyson presented it as an 'odd' tidbit, and I got the feeling that
perhaps she was hinting that perhaps the
 reporter should delve into this further, but of course the reporter didn't
and the article went on to other

 So again, I wonder what it was that Powell said or did in those 20 or so
minutes, behind locked doors (and why
 lock the door, when the only other people around were his and Reagan's
wife?), that resulted in such a
 dramatic conversion, when months of after-dinner arguments had failed to
do so?


Well I think you've possibly answered your own conundrum June?  Reagan was
already infected with Powell's ideology, which he had dialogued and argued
with Reagan on many an occasion.  Therefore, the seed planted, the sales
delivered by Powell over a long period, Reagan could have easily been
crunched into submission within a relatively brief 20 - 30 minutes. But
obviously the
sales pitch had been delivered over a much longer period by Powell.

By the way, where was this Powell character educated?

Reagan has never appeared to be of a substantive intellect, nor a decision
maker in terms of ideological movement, and leadership.  Perhaps, this was a
media distortion of him or deliberately manufactured, otoh, the media got
elected did they not?

To add to the notion of Reagan's imbecility and non-spontaneity, I recall
that the former Prime Minister of Australia recounts an encounter
between Reagan and Gorbachov for some heavy negotiations, Reagan is said to
have bumbled into the room and in the process stumbled and dropped a bunch
of cue cards on the floor which were basically his "script," for the meet!

Further, according to other reports, Reagan was extremely superstitious, and
consulted mediums and astrologers for his personal and politico guidance,
and was quite serious about such matters.   Such a superstitious mindset,
imo, is apt to be open to psychological suggestions which could perhaps
portray him is some "messianic" or "fated" role. Certainly, the Vatican and
its agents played on this aspect of