Re: [CTRL] Who Is Hooverizing Jesse Jackson?

2001-01-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Who Is Hooverizing Jesse Jackson?
by Carla Binion

In light of the recent media furor about Jesse Jackson's extramarital affair
and "love child," I am reminded of G. K. Chesterton's comment, "A puritan is
a person who pours righteous indignation into the wrong things."  The
situation also brings to mind the widely known and clearly documented fact
that during the 1960s, J. Edgar Hoover's FBI attempted to stop Martin Luther
King's political activities by threatening to make his private sexual
escapades public.

This is not to say the Jackson story should be swept under the rug, but it
should be put into proportion and context.  As happened during the Clinton
scandal, some critics: (1) are not viewing the facts in a thoughtful,
proportional  way, and (2) in some cases, they are making political hay with
the information.

Jackson and some supporters say he has "sinned" and has hurt others.  They
say he is trying to make amends.  Of course, he should do whatever his
conscience guides him to do.  Beyond that, if his political opponents turn
his private life into fodder to undermine his political work, they are
unethical -- and not just in a puritanical sense.

The puritanical folks who stole the election seem to be ones most
mouth-foamingly irate about Jackson's sex life.  However, some of them have
no righteous indignation left for the G. W. Bush team's infidelity to public
health and safety.

An example of infidelity to the public's well-being is this item from The
Nation (Robert Dreyfuss, "Bush's Hammer," 1/22/01.)  According to Dreyfuss,
Tom DeLay (R-Tx) "controls the single most powerful political machine in
Washington, running the Republican caucus in the House like a private fiefdom
and maintaining unparalled ties to the class of Washington lobbyists,
political action committees, law firms and money men."

Dreyfuss reports that DeLay is pushing Congress to gut public-protecting
health, safety and environmental regulations; remove limits on campaign
contributions; and privatize Social Security and Medicare.  If Jackson's
private life is the wrong place to "pour righteous indigation," Tom DeLay's
public life is the right place.

However, before we veer further from the subject of the unethical nature of
puritanical, politically opportunistic sexual McCarthyism, let's take a
closer look at what Hoover's FBI did to Martin Luther King.  The FBI's
harassment of King is documented in U. S. Senate Select Committee reports.
In the mid-1970s, Senator Frank Church led the Senate intelligence committee
in investigating earlier abuses by the FBI and other clandestine agencies.

The FBI's efforts to thwart Martin Luther King are also documented in Kathryn
S. Olmsted's "Challenging the Secret Government" (The University of North
Carolina Press, 1996), and in Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's "The
COINTELPRO Papers," (South End Press, 1990.)

At the time of her book's publication, Olmsted was a lecturer in history at
the University of California at Davis.  Churchill and Vander Wall are
researchers, and their book is described by author, linguist and political
critic Noam Chomsky as an "extensively documented study [that] lends much
credibility to their supposition that 'COINTELPRO lives on,' and efforts to
organize poor and oppressed people and dissident movements will be targeted
for destruction by state power."

Kathryn Olmsted cites a U. S. Senate Select Committee report ("Intelligence
Activities, vol. 2, Huston Plan, 23 September 1975, p. 31) as her reference
source for the following.  Olmstead writes:

"The most egregious example of the FBI's abuse of authority was its
harassment of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Not only had the bureau bugged and
wiretapped the civil rights leader, but it had also engaged in a concerted
program to knock him [and this is a direct quote from the Senate Select
Committe report] 'off his pedestal and to reduce him completely in

Olmsted writes that the FBI gossiped to congressmen, university officials and
others about King, claiming he was dangerous and immoral.   Olmsted notes
that shortly before King was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, he
received an anonymous tape in the mail -- a tape that "purportedly recorded
him engaged in extramarital affairs."

A letter was sent along with the tape.  It was eventually revealed that the
letter was written by assistant FBI director William Sullivan.  Again, based
on the Senate Select Committe's report ("Intelligence Activites, vol. 2,
Huston Plan, 23 September 1975, p. 33.)  Sullivan's letter read:  "King,
there is only one thing left for you to do.  You know what it is.  You have
just 34 days in which to do it."  King assumed this was a suggestion he
commit suicide, says Olmsted.

Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall refer to a memorandum from William
Sullivan to an Alan H. Belmont.  The memo is quoted in full in U. S.
Congress, Joint Committee on Assassinations, Hearings on the Investigation of

[CTRL] Mississippi Releases Secret Documents

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 AP National
Mississippi Releases Secret Documents

Associated Press Writer

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- After examining the burned-out
station wagon of three civil rights workers who vanished in
Mississippi, an investigator from a secret state agency
concluded in 1964 there were no signs of foul play.

The revelation about the infamous case, in which the three
turned out to have been slain, was included in 1,800 pages
of documents released Thursday from the files of the
state-funded Sovereignty Commission.

It was the third and final cache of papers released by the
state and shed new light on some of the darkest days of the
civil rights struggle.

Documents show the commission, which was created in 1957 and
disbanded in 1973, kept tabs on more than 87,000 suspected
subversives and civil rights sympathizers.

Headed by state legislators, governors and white businessmen
opposed to desegregation, the group was pledged to preserve
the status quo in the segregated South.

''It's a very important story that needs to be told so that
Mississippians can understand what happens when the
government is allowed to operate in secrecy,'' said David
Ingebretsen of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Documents show the group played on the fears of blacks and
others by using tactics that sometimes cost civil rights
sympathizers their jobs.

In one document, a commission agent who examined the three
freedom riders' station wagon said there was ''no physical
evidence that these three civil rights workers have met with
foul play other than the burned car, which could easily be
part of a hoax.''

The bodies of the workers, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and
Michael Schwerner, were later found buried beneath an
earthen dam. No one has been convicted of the murders,
although seven Klansmen were convicted of federal conspiracy

Some scholars said the agency appeared to be a cross between
the Keystone Kops and the Soviet Union's KGB.

''It had a certain comic quality to it, but their actions
also had some vicious results,'' said Joe Parker, a
political science professor at the University of Southern

Parker said the spy group had produced a primitive
documentary-style segregationist propaganda film called
''Message from Mississippi.''

''They were nefarious on the one hand and inept on the
other,'' said Jerry Mitchell, a veteran newspaper reporter
portrayed in the 1996 civil-rights movie ''Ghosts of

The spy agency was disbanded after Gov. William Waller
vetoed funding in 1973. The Legislature tried to seal the
documents but a federal judge ordered them made public in
1998. Some are available on the Internet.

''We're now filling in the gaps in what is probably the most
important chapter in this state's history,'' Ingebretsen

A total of 132,000 pages of commission documents have been
made public since 1998.


On the Web:

 AP-NY-01-19-01 1740EST

  Newsday Classifieds

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft approval rising

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 6:16:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 As Senate Judiciary Committee hearings into Attorney General-nominee John
 Ashcroft stretched into Day No. 3, a new poll says Americans are giving the
 former U.S. senator higher approval ratings than before the hearings began
 earlier this week. 

Fabulous.  I had heard that stuff floats, but now it has been proven
scientifically.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] US Admits To Mad Sheep, Deer, And Elk

2001-01-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/19/01 9:15:14 PM Central Standard Time,

 The U.S. government has banned beef from BSE-infected countries, ordered
  vaccines from infected countries replaced and has placed bans on certain
  blood donations.

  Research labs used to use fetal calf serum (and likely still do.) Clear
vitamin capsules are made using gelatin (?) from cows.  There are other
gelatin products out there too.  I wonder what cow stuff is in vaccines?


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2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: "Outraged Recipients" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 6:32 AM


 Also a tradition.  Every year they light a big tree in
 Center at Christmas, and Scrooge has his recurring
nightmares.  Every
 New Year's Eve Grandma Outrage has one too many sherries
and sleeps on
 the sofa.  Everyone has their traditions, and one of our
favorites is
 the dream we have every year after we finish the toasts on
Martin Luther
 King, Jr. day:

 We have a dream. Someday, in this great land of ours,
people, including
 even lawyers and political activists, will come to believe
 character really does matter.

 We have a dream. We will no longer deify people who
plagiarize their
 doctoral theses. If a man takes the title of Reverend,
we'll expect him
 to honor at least a few of the Ten Commandments. If a
married man
 competes with Hugh Hefner for sexual conquests we won't
feel compelled
 to listen to his moral wisdom.

 We have a dream. Someday black churches in America will
not be
 manipulated as institutional power bases by ambitious
black men. We're
 starting to worry that the good reverends are using the
Borgia Popes as
 their role models. We dream that the day will come when
lawyers and
 politicians stop cynically using race as leverage to
increase their
 wealth and power.

 We have a dream. Someday, quiet people leading lives of
 virtue and real productivity will be honored. Someday all
people, black
 and white, will realize that the real heroes aren't the
ones giving
 speeches filled with bombastic rhetoric. Real heroes are
quietly doing
 real work: building houses, writing software code, nursing
the elderly,
 parenting the young - the whole cornucopia of human
endeavor that
 actually results in better lives for real people.

 We have a dream. Someday holidays will really matter,
instead of serving
 as crass, meaningless tools of political correctness.
People will
 actually give thanks on Thanksgiving. Christians will
actually celebrate
 the birth of Christ on Christmas. New Year's Day will mean
 other than recovering from a hangover and watching
football on the tube.

 We have a dream. Someday Americans will realize that
there's something
 perverse about the idea of devoting an equal amount of
time, and
 reverence, to:
 · A single civil rights leader
 · All of America's presidents including founding fathers
like George
 Washington and Thomas Jefferson
 · And the thousands of men and women who have died
defending the United
 States in wartime.
 Yet we have one day for Presidents Day, one day for
Memorial Day, and
 one day to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

 We have a dream. Although we're as sentimental as the next
fool, we hope
 that someday we'll all realize that early death does not
qualify one for
 sainthood. Whether it be John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe,
Elvis Presley,
 Princess Diana, or Martin Luther King Jr., dying young may
be the road
 to legend, but hardly a guarantee that the life was worth
 much less celebrating.

 Our final dream is that the day will come in America when
one can
 criticize black cultural icons without being labeled a
racist. We call
 this the impossible dream.


 Does Martin Luther King Jr. deserve a national holiday?

 Read what others have to say:



 I have a dream that my four little children will one day
live in a
 nation where they will not be judged by the color of their
skin but by
 the content of their character.
 -- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-68), speech in Washington
DC, August 27,


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 unsubscribe your old mailing address and subscribe your
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 Thanks for listening, and stay outraged!
 Copyright 2001, The Outrage

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. 

[CTRL] 452 felonscast votes illegally in Broward

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Published Friday, January 19, 2001, in the Miami Herald

452 felons
cast votes
illegally in

Hundreds of other ballots in doubt

At least 452 felons voted illegally at the polls in Broward
County on Nov. 7, casting more doubt on the effectiveness of
state laws to protect the integrity of the ballot box, a
Herald investigation has found.

The tainted votes -- found during a review of 587,928 votes
cast in Broward -- underscore concerns about the failure of
Florida's multimillion-dollar effort to prevent election
fraud by eliminating dead and illegal voters from the
registration rolls.

An earlier investigation by The Herald found that of 2.3
million votes reviewed in 22 counties, at least 789 Florida
felons cast ballots. That investigation found 30 absentee
votes cast by felons in Broward.

Joseph Cotter, assistant supervisor of elections in Broward,
said he's surprised there were that many.

``No felon should be voting,'' he said. ``We try to keep the
rolls clean, but I know the problems and limits of the
information we're working with.''

Like other supervisors around the state, Cotter faulted the
``inaccurate'' anti-fraud effort the state undertook after
the 1997 Miami mayoral race was overturned because it was
rife with fraud.

The state Division of Elections hired Boca Raton-based
Database Technologies Inc. to compare voter registration
rolls to criminal databases and lists of dead people. The
lists cast a wide net, and thousands who were eligible to
vote found themselves excluded.

Some counties used the list to clean up their voting rolls.
Broward sent out about 4,000 certified letters to targeted
voters. After an outcry here and accusations around the
state that the data was unreliable and riddled with bad
information, Broward adopted an honor system.

``The state itself said we could not depend on the accuracy
of the data,'' Cotter said. ``We got hundreds of calls from
people saying they were not felons. So we told people it was
their responsibility to have us remove them from the list if
they actually were felons who had not had their rights

State records show that the 67 supervisors of elections were
told of the lists' limitations, that the matches were graded
as ``possible'' and ``probable,'' and that the
responsibility of verifying the accuracy of the matches was

``We wanted these lists to be fairly broad and
encompassing,'' Emmett ``Bucky'' Mitchell, a former Florida
Division of Elections lawyer who headed the purge effort,
told The Herald in December. ``It was never intended to be a

Some counties such as Duval and Palm Beach essentially
ignored the list. Others treated it with great skepticism
and did very little with it, interviews with supervisors
have shown.

In addition to the difficulty of coming up with a way to
administer and enforce the laws against felons voting, the
laws themselves have been attacked by civil-liberties
advocates. Several groups have filed a federal lawsuit
alleging the process -- which requires felons to complete
what some call burdensome paperwork -- discriminates against
blacks. Florida is one of 14 states with such policies.

Deerfield Beach resident Douglas Griffin says the law is

He has voted regularly since he was released from prison in
1990 after serving time for an aggravated child-abuse

In the 2000 presidential election, the registered Democrat
said he voted for Vice President Al Gore.

``I just went [and] my name was on the [rolls] so I just
voted. I wasn't supposed to? Well, I didn't know that,''
Griffin said Thursday.

Griffin, 45, said he has been registered since he turned 18
and votes every chance he gets. He said he believed his
voting rights were restored upon his release.

``From my understanding it was after X amount of years
without any criminal act, after you're released,'' he said.
``Why should it always slap me in the face? That's like
going through a ghost house. It's all behind me. It's over
and done.''

Charles Bodziak said he was released from prison in 1993
after serving time for several convictions, including
burglary and theft.

He said he registered to vote when he applied for a driver's
license six years ago.

I told them I was a felon, and I said, `You sure I can
vote?' She said `Yes, I don't see any problem with it,' ''
Bodziak, 55, of Fort Lauderdale, recalled Thursday.

``I was surprised, but then I thought, after I served my
time, why shouldn't I be able to vote? I didn't mean nothing
wrong by it.''

Miriam Oliphant, Broward's newly elected supervisor of
elections who took office 14 days ago, says she believes
people like Griffin and Bodziak truly don't know they are
ineligible to vote.

``They think it is all OK after they serve their time,''
Oliphant said. ``My job now is to educate people, improve
communication with the state, intervene and prevent it from
happening in the 

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft and Racism: Breaking the Code

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Reminds me of Clinton and Gore giving interviews to the
likes of Hustler, RolligStone, MotherEarth, etc.  Guess that
means they approve of every article and product ever
published in those magazines, according to your logic.
Well, we know they APPROVE of drug use and have done so but
they have others arrested for it yet RollingStone has had
many pro-drug articles.  So guess they just lie about it and
then have people arrested anyway?  This is silly--people
often give interviews with magazines that they do not
endorse every word ever printed in.  If you are saying
Clinton and Gore DO endorse every article that has ever
appeared in these magazines that they have given interviews,
do YOU know what they have printed over the years?  Hustler
is trash and soft-porn so you may be right about an
interview guaranteeing endorsement.  Sounds right for
Clinton anyway.

- Original Message -
From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft and Racism: Breaking the Code

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/19/01 10:24:50 AM Central Standard

  Biden neglected to bring up the fact that Ashcroft went
out of his
   way to praise Southern Partisan during his 1998
interview -- when he said
   that the magazine "helps set the record straight" and
lauded it for
   "defending Southern patriots" such as Jefferson Davis,
the vehement
   of slavery who was president of the Confederacy.

   One of the Dem Senators did bring that up.  Something
like, "Senator
 Ashcroft, if you did not know what the Sothern Partisan
stood for, how is it
 that you were able to praise them for the work they do?"
Ashcroft really
 stumbled over that answer, stuttering to the effect that
one of his
 assistants had advised him beforehand that it was a good
If Ashcroft lavished praise without knowing the facts,
he's a cheap word
 whore.  If he lavished praised knowing full well what the
rag was about yet
 not owning up to it, he's a cheap liar.  Either way, he's
   Whatever happened to the 'politics of personal
responsibility'?  Words flow
 out of the mouths of people like Shrub and Ash that have
no connection
 whatsoever with their intentions.  DUH.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] LA Weekly: Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

These laws have been on the books for decades.  The Secret
Service was just doing their job.  They are required BY LAW
to fully investigate ANY threat, even in jest on the life of
ANY presidential party, the Supreme Court, or statement
concerning the overthrow of the government.  If you do not
believe me, just threaten a Democrat--say Billy Jeff--and
you, too, will be the proud recipient of just such a visit.
It is not a partisan thing.  This law was made when
politicians were being assassinated for real.  And often.
And somebody did just try to blow up the capitol building.
These things have to be investigated because one never knows
when to take seriously such comments.

notice how Leo, Letterman, etc. always stop short of "death"
jokes.  This post did not say what was the consequence of
the Supreme Court being "wanted."  I think this guy was
asking for it and this site sounds like it is, too.  But
blaming it on Bush---?  Oh, pluh--eese! These laws are 30
years old. Some people will try anything.

- Original Message -
From: "DIG alfred webre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:42 PM
Subject: [CTRL] LA Weekly: Secret Service intimidates
anti-Bush webmaster

 -Caveat Lector-
 January 19 - 25, 2001
 Offbeat: Bush Web Intrigue by Johnny Angel
 Edited by Gale Holland

 Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

 The 2nd of January was already a pretty rotten day for
Wheaton, Maryland,
 resident Mike Hershdorfer, laboring at his computer under
the pall of one of
 the harshest Eastern winters on record. But it got a lot
rottener at 2:20
 when the Webmaster for the anti-Bush political site answered a knock at the door to
find two Secret
 Service agents and a
 Montgomery County police officer.

 The agents gave a vague explanation of investigating a tip
about Web-site
 activity, Hershdorfer said. As he
 stood in the doorway with the dogs barking, the agents
repeatedly pressed to
 enter his home. "I got the
 distinct impression that they were not going to leave
unless I let them
 inside, so I did," Hershdorfer
 recalled in an interview this week.

 The agents declined to say who made the tip, or what was
said. They asked
 Hershdorfer for a list of Web
 sites he had visited, and for permission to search his
house and review his
 medical records. They also
 asked him how he felt about the Clintons and Bush - and
whether he had ever
 threatened to blow up the
 White House. Meanwhile, the police officer stood in the
corner, saying he was
 there "to protect me," an
 incredulous Hershdorfer remembered.

 In the course of the hourlong interrogation, Hershdorfer's
roommate Patty
 happened to telephone. After
 he had explained the situation, she rang up her lawyer
stepfather, who
 instructed her to tell Hershdorfer to
 keep quiet and to refuse a search.

 Hershdorfer told the agents he suspected the tip had come
from someone with
 the right-wing Free
 Republic Web site, which he had begun monitoring following
media accounts of
 Freeper harassment of
 Democratic veep candidate Joe Lieberman and others. "I
told the agents I felt
 intimidated and that my
 rights were under threat," Hershdorfer said. They packed
up their notes and

 Hershdorfer told OffBeat he closely monitors and a related
 e-group; neither has
 posted a threat, he claims. "I'm trying to organize in the
middle left, not
 with people who want to blow
 things up," he said. The strongest language on is: "We are
 dedicated to opposing the
 extraconstitutional and illegitimate occupation of [the]
U.S. government by
 George W. Bush and the
 people using him as a front man for the extreme right-wing
 operatives." Hershdorfer also
 has put up "Wanted" posters with photographs of the five
U.S. Supreme Court
 justices who halted the
 Florida ballot recount, handing Bush the presidential

 Secret Service spokesman Jim Mackin refused to comment on
Hershdorfer's case,
 but said it's standard
 procedure to investigate any report of a threat against
the president or
 president-elect. "It only takes a
 minute to pull a post off a Web site, as you know," said
Mackin. "We don't
 care about anyone's

 Hershdorfer remains shaken by the experience, and thinks
that he will
 probably never know who his
 accusers were - just that they made a miserable day more
miserable. Mission
 accomplished, one

   -Johnny Angel

 EcoNews Service - Always online for Exopolitics  a
Universe Ecology.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Skolnick - The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Skolnick's word is the gospel on this list as long as he is
bashing conservatives.  When it is a liberal, he is
unreliable.  Ditto Konformist.  Personally, I find both of
them highly unreliable.  Skolnick insists Coca-Cola has real
cocaine in it to this day, flown in through Canada.  One of
those little strips like the police use would detect even
minute amounts and it is just not there. I tried it. They
are both buffoons.
- Original Message -
From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Skolnick - The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/18/01 9:46:13 PM Central Standard

  Skolnick - The Rev.
   Jesse Jackson Affair
   By Sherman H. Skolnick

   Are there those on the list who think of Skolnick's info
as generally
 reliable?  I believe it was Skolnick who made the dire
prediction about three
 years ago that by a certain date, Clinton would completely
dismantle the
 Social Security system.  I waited until that date to see
if the prediction
 came true and it didn't.  I never paid much attention to
him after that.
 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Skolnick
makes dire predictions
 and is even specific, and then nothing happens.


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[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] UN team links DU shells to plutonium

2001-01-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

So this is what happens to spent fuel from nuclear power
plants that are so clean and safe?  We do not properly
dispose of it at all but bomb people with it?  I do not
understand.  Is that what this says?  Why do we do such a
thing?  This is evil.  Isn't this banned by some treaty, if
not common decency?
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Wingate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] UN team links DU shells to plutonium

 -Caveat Lector-


 UN team links DU shells to plutonium


 THE European Parliament called for a moratorium by the
United States
 and Britain on depleted uranium weapons yesterday. The
appeal came as
 a United Nations team said it was examining fragments of
DU found in
 Kosovo for traces of plutonium.

 Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, rejected the call and
said that British
 forces would continue to use DU weapons unless there was
 evidence proving there was a link to cancer-related

 The focus on plutonium followed the discovery by a
laboratory working for
 the UN Environment Programme (Unep) of small amounts of
Uranium 236,
 a more radioactive isotope, in the DU fragments. Pekka
 chairman of the Unep investigation team, which visited DU
sites in Kosovo
 last year, said: "U-236 is much more radioactive than
depleted uranium."

 Traces of U-236 were also found by the Finnish Radiation
and Nuclear
 Safety Authority, which had also been sent samples from
 However, Mr Haavisto, a former Finnish Environment
Minister, said that the
 minute traces found would not change the "overall picture
of radiological
 effects". Nevertheless, the discovery indicated that the
DU used in the
 shells came from uranium that had been reprocessed from
nuclear power
 station fuel and could include elements of plutonium,
potentially a far more
 hazardous material.

 President Ciampi of Italy said yesterday that Nato had a
duty to prove
 conclusively that depleted uranium had not caused
widespread deaths
 from leukaemia among peacekeeping troops serving in the

 The risks to the military and civilians, including the
local population, would
 have to be clarified, he said. His strongly worded speech
was delivered to
 Italian troops serving with the Nato-led peacekeeping
force in Kosovo at
 their headquarters in Pec.

 Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is
provided on Times
 Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire
about a licence to
 reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication


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Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing?

2001-01-20 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 You should TRULY learn the fucking difference between

   "The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
they are purposely blind to the following: if you start with
a weak state and a laissez-faire economy, eventually
megacorporations will coalesce and become a defacto state,
usually fascist and obviously not held accountable by the
democratic process. And the megacorps will mold and embolden
the state so that it has the authority and agenda to serve
them. I don't have to wonder about the viability of this
theory, since I have discovered that the US is more or less
living proof." -Daniel Pouzzner

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or
another, this much is certain -- that it has either
authorized such a government as we have had, or has been
powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to
exist." - Lysander Spooner, No Treason VI

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."
-Latin for "Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound."

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[CTRL] Mad Mythe

2001-01-20 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


Animal Pharm
by Mark Purdey
As an organic farmer, Mark Purdey resisted the order to spray his cattle with
organophosphates for warble fly and went to court for a judicial review; he won and
was exempted from using the spray. No cows born in his herd developed BSE (mad cow
disease). He has contributed numerous articles on the subject of BSE to scientific
journals. He farms in Somerset, UK. This article appeared in Wise Traditions in
Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price
Foundation, Spring 2000
As the first snowstorm of winter hit the isolated hill where I farm, I pitched out
the last forkfuls of hay to my cattle before nightfall.  Much like the whirlwinds of
snow surging all around me, my brain was turning over and over the catalogue of
injustices that successive governments had levied onto the farming community over
BSE. I felt paralysed and powerless in the encroaching snowstorm.
My confidence to carry on was battered to pieces by the recent ban on 
beef-on-the-bone. The announcement—based on the whims of a mere handful of government 
“experts”—renders my hard graft over the last twenty years in far
ming into pathetic insignificance. But how can there be any true “experts” from 
academia when the most basic facets of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE) 
disease process remain a total mystery? One would have though
t that all of those farmers and independent vets living and working in the front line 
with BSE cattle would have been the first to be consulted. But strangely, their 
observations have been completely ignored by officaldom
Cows frequently partake in the bizarre habit of eating their colleagues’ afterbirths 
after calving, and I was particularly intrigued to watch my own home-reared, BSE-free 
cows positively relishing the delicacies of afterb
irth tissues derived from a group of pedigree cows that I purchased into my farm in 
1989. As the majority of these imported cows went on to develop BSE, it is interesting 
that BSE has not surfaced in my home-reared cows,
despite their overzealous exposure to the allegedly “infectious” blood and lymph found 
in the afterbirths of the BSE cows. Other farmers sharing the same experience report 
the same outcome.
Another anecdote hails from the farming community of Shetland, where the island folk 
are free of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (the human form of BSE), despite their ancient 
custom of eating “potted sheep’s brain.” Interesting
ly, the equivalent of BSE in sheep, called scrapie, has been rife in the sheep flock 
on Shetland for centuries.
The anecdotes are ever-flowing, and all point to a hypothesis based upon some 
environmental causal factor that falls a long way short of the current government’s 
nightmare infectious “ingestion” scenario. If the spongifor
m agent is as infectious as the authorities would have us believe, why has chronic 
wasting disease (the BSE equivalent in deer) remained uniquely confined to a small 
cluster zone in the Rocky Mountains for thirty years no
w, without spreading across to the neighboring deer herds roaming the rest of the 
Rockies? Why has no spongiform developed in the various predators of those affected 
From the very beginning of the crisis, the farming community has been the unfortunate 
victim of the whole BSE campaign. Yet, ironically, the same presiding authorities who 
are responsible for foisting off the burden of BS
E are, no doubt, totally oblivious to the fact that more farmers have committed 
suicide as a result of official BSE blunderings than people have died of new variant 
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (nvCJD).
A body of government experts was quick to take exclusive control of BSE research, and 
very rapidly the cause of the disease was attributed to the feeding of 
scrapie-diseased sheep brains to cattle. In other words, scrapie
 was said to jump from sheep to cattle by virtue of some sort of infectious agent. And 
it naturally followed that this same assumption of disease cause was extrapolated into 
the human CJD context—the presumed “microorgani
sm” had now jumped from cows into humans. But this was no more than unproven 
hypothesis, and it still remains that way today.
Not surprisingly, only a handful of folk had insight into the unsavory world of the 
meat and bone meal (MBM) rendering business. But for anyone who had scratched the mere 
surface of the global distribution of British MBM
products, it became strikingly obvious that the very mainstay of the official 
hypothesis was radically flawed. For instance, during the 1980s thousands of tons of 
this very same incriminated MBM was exported to cattle far
ms in BSE-free countries such as the Middle East, Malta and South Africa. Officials 
have always brushed this challenge aside, arguing that the cattle in these countries 
did not receive sufficiently large doses of scrapie
to contract BSE. But this 

[CTRL] Violence in America

2001-01-20 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-



Sunday, January  7, 2001
As American as Apple Pie
VIOLENCE IN AMERICA, An Encyclopedia; Edited by Ronald Gottesman and Richard Maxwell
Brown; Charles Scribner's Sons: three volumes, 1,952 pp., $375
 Is America more violent than any other nation? The fact is that the United
States is a violent place. As a nation, it was brought into being by violence as
much as by statecraft, suppressed an entire people through slavery, re-earned its
nationhood through a terrible civil war, then celebrated that unification through
the systematic, genocidal decimation of its Native American peoples. And it hasn't
stopped there. Consider the rampage of Howard Unruh in September 1949, in Camden,
N.J., which resulted in the killing of 13 men, women and children; the nurses
systematically butchered by Richard Speck in Chicago; Charles Whitman atop his Texas
tower; John Oliver Huberty opening fire at the San Ysidro McDonald's in 1984 or the
Columbine High School massacre in April 1999.
 Deliberate terrorism, in other words, is not a new American category, although
Unabomber Theodore John Kaczynski has given it a semi-crazed Luddite edge, and
Timothy McVeigh, the worst terrorist in American history, who killed 168 people in
Oklahoma City, is at either the end or the beginning of an epoch.
 And now, the encyclopedia format has allowed USC English professor Ronald
Gottesman and consulting editor Richard Maxwell Brown to organize the efforts of
nearly 500 academics and other experts to tackle the infinitely complex issue of
violence in the United States. The result of this enterprise, assiduously pursued
across a decade, is a well-written, profusely illustrated and generously referenced
three-volume encyclopedia that allows us, simultaneously, to access numerous aspects
of the subject in alphabetical order and to approach, however tentatively, a
systematic understanding of a field as unwieldy as violence.
 Putting down these three volumes after days of fascinated reading, I found
myself grateful to Gottesman, Brown and their colleagues for assembling signed
entries that, cumulatively, bring us closer to the tantalizing--and always
impossible--prospect of apprehending America through an understanding of one of its
most persistent traits. To read "Violence in America" as I did--completely, page by
page--is to encounter a labyrinth of traits running through both the consciousness
and subconsciousness of American culture.
 Are we as distinctively gun-goofy, for example, as some six entries--gun
violence, gun control, militarism, the National Rifle Assn., the right to bear arms
and weapons: handguns--would make us seem? It was a bourgeois American, after all,
Richard Jordan Gatling, who in the mid-19th century perfected the art of killing
with a gun by industrializing its manufacture, just as Henry Ford would later
industrialize the manufacture of automobiles. Thanks to the Gatling gun and its
successor, the machine gun, millions of humans have met untimely ends with increased
efficiency. One cannot help but entertain the thought that there might be a special
affinity, a special connection, a foundational relationship between violence in all
its forms and the American experience.
 Why, for example, are so many of our memories of major figures--Abraham
Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.--
so profoundly determined by the violence that destroyed them? Why are so many of our
epochs defined by dominating instances of violence--the gunfight at the O.K. Corral
(four related entries for this incident alone), the trials of Bartolomeo Vanzetti
and Nicola Sacco, the Scottsboro case, Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, the
Lindbergh case, the My Lai massacre--or their aftermaths?
* * *
 Why have so many violent but otherwise marginal figures from the frontier--
James Bowie and his knife, the Indian-killing Kit Carson, Jesse James, Billy the
Kid, John Henry "Doc" Holliday, Wyatt Earp and his brothers, Calamity Jane, Butch
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid--entered into American folklore and been celebrated in
numerous films, even musical comedies, while the governors, the senators, the
entrepreneurs, the founders of cities and towns from the same time lie in their
graves forgotten? How can we make a heroine of Lizzie Borden of Fall River, Mass.,
who most likely gave her mother 40 whacks and walked, thanks to shaky evidence and a
sympathetic jury? Why do we remember the 1920s and 1930s in terms of Al Capone, the
St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Bonnie and Clyde, George "Machine Gun" Kelly, Charles
Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd, Ma Barker, Dutch Schultz and Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel when
we would be hard-pressed to name a roster of brain trusters from the New Deal?
 Why do some cities of America--New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Detroit,
Kansas City, 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Will Not Be Indicted

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 2:19:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 President Clinton has reached a deal with the independent
 counsel's office guaranteeing him immunity from prosecution after
 he leaves office. 

Well, Clinton has finally committed an act that really torques my jaws. I
never cared about his sex life, and he was a more than adequate president,
but just as I was depending on him to keep the Democrats focused on politics,
he does the Republicans the favor of leaving center stage.  The country has
discovered a rather old, old secret about Jesse Jackson (no Republican action
here I'm sure), and that leaves no one to remind the country what Democratic
ideals really are.  Republicans don't have ideals, but they do have control
of congress and the judiciary not to mention the executive office.  They also
have relatives in high places.  The slogan, any means to an end, will be the
watchword for at least the next four years.  Perhaps all those elderly Jewish
women in Florida who gave their unstinting support for Pat Buchanan will be
able to lead a movement to remind Democrats what their actions might mean to
this country, but other than that I don't see much light at the end of the
tunnel.   Prudy

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2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Probably not, but if he had it wouldn't have mattered, he's a Republican.  I
understand his daddy's perjury is well recorded for those who wish to know of
it.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton deal with Robert Ray; Linda Tripp Fired

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 3:31:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  WASHINGTON -- Linda Tripp, the woman whose secret tape recordings led
  President Clinton's impeachment, was fired Friday by the Clinton
  administration after she refused to resign like other political
  her lawyer said.
  "The termination of Linda Tripp is vindictive, mean-spirited and

All presidential appointees are expected to resign, and what's the big deal?
The Bush family lover her.  She was a holdover appointee from Daddy Bush's
administration.  All they have to do is get Dubya to appoint her again.  God
knows he should.  She's done more for the Republican party that even Monica
did.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: It's a cakewalk for Ashcroft

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 3:07:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 As we know too damned well, the so-called "hearings" over the confirmation
 of Ashcroft are turning out to be another fine example of what a cowering,
 prostrate, bought-and-paid-for puppy dog of a party the Democrats have

Hear, hear!!!  Prudy

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[CTRL] Inauguration Special: Woman-A-Night

2001-01-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

With the bashing of womanizing black leaders at an all-time high, it's time
to remember that this activity is not limited to any race.

Prior to meeting his wife, our newly-inaugurated President was an
acknowledged woman-a-night man in his single drinking days in Houston. He
probably even remembers one or two of their names.

You can make a very long list of white males who indulged in promiscuity,
for the simple reason that they could. If this is an honorable reason for
ANY activity, so be it.

Begin with Babe Ruth, who was forgiven his excesses by the New York press
who never reported them; who called everyone "keed" so he didn't have to
remember anyone by name; who consumed more bootlegged whiskey and bedded
more women than any man of the Prohibition Era.

Or how about Elvis Presley, the most successful record-selling musician in
American AND British history, who put a toilet paper tube in his pants in
the 50s to let girls know he was ready for them and who would invite them
backstage - all of them; who expected his women to go down into
unconsciousness with him by sharing handfuls of his powerful,
illegally-gotten legal drugs; who died incontinent and drool-mouthed, his
bodily functions completely disabled by drugs.

Make your own list of promiscuous males; if it doesn't reflect the real
world in percentage numbers then it surely reflects your own racial
prejudice. But of course morality is never prejudiced and religions never

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Re: [CTRL] LA Weekly: Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 5:43:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

 The 2nd of January was already a pretty rotten day for Wheaton, Maryland,
 resident Mike Hershdorfer, laboring at his computer under the pall of one of
 the harshest Eastern winters on record. But it got a lot rottener at 2:20
 when the Webmaster for the anti-Bush political site answered a knock at the door to find two Secret
 Service agents and a
 Montgomery County police officer.

 The agents gave a vague explanation of investigating a tip about Web-site
 activity, Hershdorfer said. As he
 stood in the doorway with the dogs barking, the agents repeatedly pressed to
 enter his home. “I got the
 distinct impression that they were not going to leave unless I let them
 inside, so I did,” Hershdorfer
 recalled in an interview this week.

 The agents declined to say who made the tip, or what was said. They asked
 Hershdorfer for a list of Web
 sites he had visited, and for permission to search his house and review his
 medical records. They also
 asked him how he felt about the Clintons and Bush — and whether he had ever
 threatened to blow up the
 White House. Meanwhile, the police officer stood in the corner, saying he was
 there “to protect me,” an
 incredulous Hershdorfer remembered. 

Just a little preview of things to come.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] The Dorian Gray Legacy

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 5:36:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Gee, Amelia--
 I thought they looked full of good will and good humor. And this
 bunch coming in looks awfully old and dour. Many of them haven't
 worked for a decade--outside of sitting on a corporate board or two.
 And most of them are at retirement age or beyond. You call that
 fresh? It's merely rich and corporate. Perhaps you're comforted by
 the Good Ol' Boy Country Club look.

 I mean, these guys who are coming in are the ones who banged us
 over the head 24/7 with the Clinton "debaucheries"--which I would
 say, according to any Cosmopolitan poll are rather common and
 ordinary and of very little consequence in the lives of most ordinary

 Humiliating Clinton and keeping him on the hot seat was a full-time
 Republican campaign into which milliions of private and public
 dollars poured. Now they're in the driver's seat, I will be very
 surprised if the same mean spirit doesn't come crashing down on
 all our lives. Don't let 'em catch you at any monkey business. 

Well said, Owl.  I think the folks are in for "interesting times."  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


10. You ticked him off once and your next phone bill was

9. He's won the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes three
   years running.

8. When asked for his phone number, he gives it in hex.

7. Seems strangely calm whenever the office LAN goes down.

6. Somehow he/she gets HBO on his PC at work.

5. Mumbled, "Oh, puh-leeez" 95 times during the movie "The

4. Massive RRSP contribution made in half-cent increments.

3. Video dating profile lists "public-key encryption" among

2. When his computer starts up, you hear, "Good Morning, Mr.

1. You hear him murmur, "Let's see you use that Visa card
   now, jerk."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NM: Bush Adds Whitewater Prosecutor to Legal Team

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Adds Whitewater Prosecutor to Legal Team

Though President-elect George Bush is thought to be uninterested
in seeing Bill Clinton prosecuted after he leaves office, the
staff of his White House counsels office will include longtime
Whitewater investigator Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh, one of the longest-serving lawyers in the Office of
Independent Counsel, began his tenure investigating the gunshot
death of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster,
cross-examining several key witnesses before Starr's Foster grand

One such witness, Patrick Knowlton, who suspected foul play in
Foster's death, said later that Kavanaugh had grilled him too
harshly and complained that he had been treated "like a suspect."

When Sexgate exploded, the Yale Law School graduate pressed Starr
to send an impeachment referral to Congress even before the OIC
had secured the cooperation of Monica Lewinsky.

After an immunity agreement was worked out with Starr's office
and Lewinsky gave her detailed account of repeated sexual
encounters with the president, Kavanaugh urged his boss to
downplay the controversial narrative part of his impeachment
report based on her racy testimony.

Instead, Kavanaugh's contribution to Starr's final report focused
on the illegal aspects of Clinton's conduct and made the case for
his impeachment by the House.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] NM:Judicial Watch Slams Ray-Clinton Deal

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

Friday Jan.  19, 2000; 1:19 p.m.  EST

Judicial Watch Slams Ray-Clinton Deal

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton slammed the expected "no
prosecution" deal between President Clinton and the Office of
Independent Counsel Robert Ray Friday afternoon, saying that
Clinton instead deserved a 25-year jail sentence.

"With this deal, Robert Ray has abused his office," Fitton told  "Ray is supposed to investigate and prosecute
crimes, not to extract meaningless letters of apology from
criminal wrongdoers."

Ray is believed to have agreed not to indict Clinton in exchange
for a written admission that he "misled" prosecutors while under

"This shows how corrupt the system truly is," Fitton added.  "Any
other person would be sent to jail for 25 years for Clinton's

Fitton noted that Clinton had not only committed perjury, but,
"threatened witnesses, tried to intimidate prosecutors and bribed
witnesses with government jobs."

The notion that a letter of apology would suffice, he said,
"shows that Ray's respect for the rule of law is almost as bad as

Judicial Watch has filed over 50 lawsuits against the Clinton
White House and currently represents key Sexgate witnesses
Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Dolly
Kyle Browning.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Pardon Me?

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Pardon Me?

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Sometime within the next two days, in the last hours of his
presidency, Bill Clinton will exercise his Constitutional power
to grant clemency to a lucky group of federal convicts.

Securities fraudster Michael Milken wants to be pardoned. So do a
slew of other high profile white-collar criminals. So does
convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. Leonard Peltier, convicted of
killing two federal agents, wants his jail term commuted. Susan
McDougal and others caught up in the Whitewater scandal want
Clinton to act now. And hundreds of non-violent drug offenders --
victims of Clinton's misguided war on drugs -- want out of
prison. In Washington, rumors are flying as to who will get a
pardon and who won't.

The U.S. Constitution gives the President the power to pardon
anyone for a federal crime. Other than political retribution,
there are no checks on the President's pardon power.

If you are in jail, and you believe that the sentence was unjust,
you can petition the President to commute your sentence.

Or if you have already paid your fine, and done your time, you
can petition the President for a pardon. You would want to get a
pardon because there are a long list of civil disabilities that
hang on a felony conviction -- barred from securities industry,
can't vote, hunt, get certain licenses in many states -- that you
might want to relieve yourself of. And the President can do this
for you. Ninety-five percent of all those granted clemency since
1977 have fallen into the second category -- pardons.

For more than 100 years, the Justice Department has had a Pardon
Attorney. It's the Pardon Attorney's job to process petitions for
clemency, and make recommendations to the President. The Pardon
Attorney receives close to 1,300 petitions per year. But most
presidents only grant clemency to a handful every year -- Clinton
has granted only 280 in his eight years as President.

Margaret Colgate Love, the Justice Department's Pardon Attorney
from 1990 to 1997, believes that the pardon power has been
underused. Love believes that pardons can and should be used as a
policy tool -- to send political signals about what is right and
wrong with our criminal justice system.

On December 22, 2000, for example, President Clinton commuted the
sentences of two women serving decades-long sentences for minor
roles in drug offenses.

"The President can and should do more," said Rev. Bernard Keels,
a member of the Coalition for Jubilee Clemency, a group of more
than 700 faith leaders who recently sent a letter to President
Clinton urging him to grant clemency to low-level, nonviolent
Federal drug offenders.

We fear that in the next two days, Clinton will do the
Clintonesque thing -- protect his white-collar friends by
pardoning them or commuting their sentences, and at the same time
trying to cover his tracks by commuting the sentences of only a
handful of the thousands of non-violent drug offenders who don't
have the high-powered legal talent, resources, or connections
necessary to get the President's attention.

Last year, Clinton pardoned the former powerful member of the
House Ways and Means Committee Dan Rostenkowski, convicted of
crimes related to allegations that he padded his pockets while in
office. Rostenkowski and his highly connected political friends
had visited the White House a number of times since his
conviction in 1993.

The Rostenkowski pardon reminds us of similar pardons for the
politically connected and powerful in the past -- the pardons of
the convicted multinational businessman Armand Hammer and of the
convicted New York Yankee owner George Steinbrenner.

And we fear that Clinton may misuse that power again -- this time
by pardoning those he wishes to silence -- or pay back for
silence -- in the Whitewater matter. Of course, Clinton can
pardon anyone he wants, for any reason. He can even type up a
pardon for himself, stick it in his pocket, and not tell anyone
about it -- until an indictment comes down.

But with pardons, like with other aspects of the criminal justice
system, you get what you pay for. And this is the season where
the white collar criminals have paid big bucks to hire slick
Washington, D.C. lawyers to work the system.

Michael Milken's lawyers thought they scored a coup last week
when the New York Times ran an article headlined "Ex-Financier
Milken in Line for a Pardon, Officials Say." The Times reported
that "lawyers said that federal prosecutors who might have
criticized the pardon had not raised any protest with the White
House since news of the possibility of a pardon was first
published last month."

In fact, prosecutors had vigorously objected to the possibility
of a pardon for Milken, and two days later, the Times was forced
to run an extraordinary correction, in which the paper of record
quoted a letter from Securities and Exchange Commission
Enforcement chief Richard Walker as saying that while Milken's

[CTRL] AP: Billionaire makes plea in Democratic finance scandal

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Billionaire makes plea in Democratic finance scandal

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (January 19, 2001 3:22 p.m. EST - Federal prosecutors say the plea
bargain negotiated with Indonesian billionaire James Riady in the
Democratic campaign finance scandal allows him to withdraw from
the deal if a judge rejects it.

There were no indications the judge plans such action.

The withdrawal provision is one of many that convinced Riady to
return to the United States and enter a guilty plea, said Thom
Mrozek, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles.

Clauses allowing either side to withdraw if a judge rejects a
plea agreement are standard. This case is unusual because Riady
is from a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with
the United States, Mrozek said Friday.

"There was no reason for him to return to the United States and
deal with this if he was going to be arrested," Mrozek said.

Prosecutors said Riady and his international conglomerate, Lippo
Group, funneled foreign contributions to the campaigns of Bill
Clinton and other Democrats. Riady is accused of pledging $1
million in 1992 to support Clinton's campaign for president.

Foreign campaign contributions are illegal under U.S. law.

Riady was arraigned Tuesday on a charge of conspiring to defraud
the U.S. government. He has agreed to plead guilty and pay a fine
of $8.6 million.

The plea was not immediately taken because U.S. District Judge
Ronald Lew had undergone eye surgery and was unavailable to
convene court.

Mrozek said lawyers were conferring on a date, which would follow
submission of a required report from the probation department.
That date probably would be at the end of February or beginning
of March.

There was no indication that Riady or the government intended to
withdraw from the deal.

Riady's attorney, Abbe Lowell, did not immediately return a phone
call Friday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Dan O'Brien, who negotiated the
agreement, has said the lack of an extradition treaty was the
biggest hurdle in arranging the plea bargain.

The agreement states that if the judge rejects it, Riady can
withdraw his guilty plea and return to Indonesia without being

However, it also states that if Riady breaches the agreement by
failing to cooperate with the government, the United States will
no longer be bound by it.

"We think this is a significant victory for us," Mrozek said.
"He's not going to serve any time, but he's going to pay a giant
fine. And we have received and are continuing to receive
significant information from him."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WP: Clinton Administration Delays in Issuing Pardons

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Administration Delays in Issuing Pardons

By Bill Miller
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 20, 2001 ; Page A19

An array of presidential pardons that White House officials
expected to announce yesterday was held up late last night
because of continued debate within the Clinton administration
over whether to grant one to Whitewater figure Susan McDougal and

Mark Geragos, McDougal's attorney, said last night he had been
told the delay stemmed from disagreements among White House
staffers about whether to include his client in the list of those
being pardoned.

"She is front and center the main reason" the pardons were
delayed, Geragos said.  A White House source said there was
debate in the Oval Office over McDougal and others as late as 9
p.m.  yesterday.

White House spokesman Elliot Diringer said only that "the
decisions haven't been finalized."

McDougal was convicted of bank fraud and spent 18 months in
prison for civil contempt after she refused to testify about the
truthfulness of Clinton's testimony at her trial, which grew out
of the investigation of the Clintons' financial dealings in

Geragos said last night that he had been told by the White House
that close to 100 people are on the list of potential pardons.

The White House abruptly canceled its plan to issue the pardons
at about 9:15 p.m., after pushing back the announcement all day.
Clinton will leave office at noon today, when George W.  Bush
will be sworn in as president.

The last-minute wrangling came several weeks after Clinton issued
59 pardons, including one on behalf of former representative Dan
Rostenkowski, the Illinois Democrat and onetime chairman of the
House Ways and Means Committee.  He served a 17-month prison term
after pleading guilty in 1996 to two counts of mail fraud.

At that time, Clinton also pardoned Archibald Schaffer III, a
Tyson Foods executive who was convicted in 1998 of providing an
illegal gratuity to former agriculture secretary Mike Espy.

Several people, or their associates, have acknowledged waging
active campaigns for pardons, including Michael R.  Milken, the
junk bond peddler who pleaded guilty to securities fraud charges
in 1990.  His supporters cited the work he has done for charities
since serving almost two years in prison and paying $1 billion in

But law enforcement officials urged Clinton to deny the request,
saying the magnitude of Milken's wrongdoing made him an
inappropriate candidate for a pardon.

Also generating controversy were two other high-profile
defendants who sought consideration: Jonathan Jay Pollard, a
former Navy analyst who pleaded guilty in 1986 to spying for
Israel, and Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist convicted
of killing two FBI agents in a 1975 shootout.

Sen.  Richard C.  Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Select
Committee on Intelligence, urged Clinton not to commute Pollard's
life sentence, and FBI Director Louis J.  Freeh wrote a letter
recommending Peltier remain jailed.  Hundreds of FBI agents
marched to the White House to express opposition to a pardon for

Pardons have stirred debate throughout the nation's history.  In
recent times, none has been more controversial than Gerald R.
Ford's 1974 pardon of Richard M.  Nixon in the Watergate matter.

Weeks before he left office, Clinton's predecessor, George Bush,
drew the ire of independent counsel Lawrence E.  Walsh by
pardoning former defense secretary Caspar W.  Weinberger and five
other former government officials involved in the Iran-contra
affair.  At the time, Bush issued a lengthy statement that cited
a "healing tradition" of pardons dating back to James Madison's
pardon of Jean Lafitte's pirates after the War of 1812.

The Constitution gives presidents unlimited power to pardon
#150; or officially forgive #150; criminal wrongdoing.
Pardons do not expunge convictions but can be used to restore
civil rights lost as a result.

In recent days, White House officials have been peppered with
questions about who might make Clinton's final cut.  The drama
increased as the end of the term approached.  Clinton made
reference to the issue on Wednesday, remarking that "everybody in
America either wants somebody pardoned or a national monument" in
his last days in office.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and 

[CTRL] Fwd: No Power to the People (1/2)

2001-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 San Francisco's top law enforcement official --the City's
equivalent of Janet Reno-- is suing major energy suppliers for
"conspiring to fix prices" and for "withholding electrical power
at critical times in order to artificially boost prices."

 LIGHTS OUT / Juice cut again; S.F. sues power firms

 by David Lazarus
 San Francisco Chronicle, January 18, 2001

 The lights went out again throughout Northern California
this morning when state officials resumed rolling blackouts to
ease pressure on the beleaguered power grid.
 The blackouts were ordered by the California Independent
System Operator, which oversees the electricity network, at 9:50
 Pacific Gas and Electric Co. promptly cut off power to
hundreds of thousands of customers in communities stretching from
the Central Valley to the Oregon border.
 At the same time, San Francisco became the first city to sue
power producers on behalf of consumers facing blackouts and high
electricity bills during the state's energy crisis.
 San Francisco City Attorney Louise Renne announced today
that she is suing 13 major energy suppliers for allegedly
conspiring to fix prices and withholding power supply at critical
times in order to artificially boost prices.
 Kellan Fluckiger, the ISO's chief operating officer, said it
appeared by midday that conservation efforts were reducing stress
on the system, but he was unable to say whether this would be
enough to end the blackouts.
 "We are accessing all available megawatts, but in any hour
we have a possibility of rotating blackouts," he said.
 He added that the blackouts could extend to Southern
California by the time demand hits its expected peak around 6
 The northern half of the state experienced its first
widespread rolling blackouts yesterday when they were ordered at
11:40 a.m.
 They were suspended at 1:40 p.m., and a threat of continued
problems last night was averted when additional power was
obtained from out-of-state generators.
 Gov. Gray Davis declared a state of emergency late last
night and ordered the Department of Water Resources to buy and
sell electricity to help alleviate the crisis -- a move that
could cost taxpayers $900 million for two weeks worth of power.
 A state of emergency opens the door for federal assistance
in helping California out of the mess, but it was not immediately
clear just what Washington could do.
 Meanwhile, PGE and its parent company, PGE Corp.,
defaulted yesterday on paying $76 million to holders of the
company's commercial paper, a form of short-term debt.
 PGE said additional bills may go unpaid as a result of the
utility's increasingly shaky finances.
 The suit filed in San Francisco Superior Court seeks to
force power companies to return their allegedly ill-gotten
profits -- an estimated $1 billion during the year 2000 -- to
 "The companies are playing with marked cards," Renne said.
"They have a very dim allegiance to their customers. I think
consumers know when they are being conned, and this is a clear
instance of corporations taking advantage of a deregulated market
to make a quick buck."
 Companies named in the suit include subsidiaries of PGE.
The 13 power generators are Dynegy Power Marketing; ENRON Energy
Services; Enron Power Marketing; PGE Energy Trading; Reliant
Energy Services; Sempra Energy Trading; Sempra Energy Resources;
Southern Co. Energy Marketing; Williams Energy Marketing and
Trading; Williams Energy Services Co.; Duke Energy Trading and
Marketing; NRG Energy; and Morgan Stanley Capital Group.
 As news of San Francisco's lawsuit spread today, consumer
groups praised the move.
 "The problems we're seeing right now have more to do with
greed than the power supply," said Mindy Spatt, a spokeswoman for
The Utility Reform Network in San Francisco.
 Terry Winter, chief executive officer of the ISO, blamed the
shortage on an unusually high number of power plants idled for
maintenance as well as problems with transmission lines that move
electricity between Northern and Southern California.
 U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson responded to the
shortfall by extending an emergency order requiring generators to
sell excess electricity to California. The order now will stay in
effect until Tuesday.
 Winter said the blackouts were confined to the northern half
of the state because power normally provided by generators in
Oregon and Washington was unavailable due to lower-than-normal
rainfall, which has affected the region's dams.
 Officials had expected the outages by last night to extend
to Southern California, but demand on the grid eased after power
use peaked around 6 p.m.
 PGE began cutting power to customers around 11:50 a.m.,
just minutes after the ISO's order for blackouts was issued.
 The outages affected about 400,000 customers for between 60
and 90 minutes at a time, said Ron Low, a PGE spokesman.
 He said 

[CTRL] Fwd: No Power to the People (2/2)

2001-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 Utility Bankruptcy Could Cause Havoc
 Creditors may lose big in power crisis

 by Sam Zuckerman
 San Francisco Chronicle, January 18, 2001

 Financial shock waves will be felt far and wide, from the
nation's largest banks to schoolchildren in Orange County, if
California's two big electric companies file for bankruptcy.
 Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
filings would be the largest and third-largest bankruptcy cases,
respectively, in U.S. history, involving a combined $20 billion
in debt.
 Creditors, especially ones whose loans aren't backed by
collateral, would face potentially irrecoverable losses. And the
ripple effects from the bankruptcies would shake markets around
the world, analysts say.
 "Either one of these would be a huge case by itself," said
Lynn LoPucki, a law professor at the University of California at
Los Angeles. "Together, they surpass anything we've ever seen.
This is putting more creditor dollars at risk than any bankruptcy
in history."
 Edison and PGE are selling electricity at prices far below
their costs, a situation they say will force them to seek court
protection from their creditors within weeks unless political
leaders bail them out. The danger was highlighted in the past few
days as the two companies defaulted or said they would default on
hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due.
 The list of creditors owed money by the utilities is long.
It includes power suppliers, banks and thousands of
institutional, governmental and individual investors who hold
bonds or other debt securities.
 The outcome of bankruptcy is uncertain since a solution to
the utilities' business problems depends on political action. A
state or federal bailout could save the utilities, but there is
no guarantee that it would protect the interests of creditors.
 "If there is a political rescue, there could be enough money
to keep the utilities operating," said LoPucki. "But if it's just
enough to keep them operating and no more, that wipes out the
debt holders."
 The trauma of bankruptcy would be compounded by one
overriding fact: Utilities, unlike, say, casinos or airlines,
aren't expected to renege on their debt.
 "It's an extremely rare thing," said Jacob Mercer, a utility
debt analyst at US Bancorp Piper Jaffray. "Only two publicly
traded electrical utilities have declared bankruptcy since the
Great Depression, and both of those involved nuclear power."
 Among those who could be hit hardest are individual
investors, who don't have the resources to diversify their
portfolios. Mercer said he has fielded frantic calls from
small-time investors who bought utility bonds to play it safe.
"There are lots of ma's and pa's who own these bonds,'' he said.
 In the days before California's power market was
deregulated, utilities had captive markets and guaranteed
profits. Their bonds and other debt securities were considered
among the safest places to put money.
 "These are the kinds of investments you sold to widows,"
said Orange County Treasurer John Moorlach. "Utility companies
were no-brainers."
 Orange County is already one of the victims of the
utilities' financial plight. The bond rating service Fitch
downgraded the county's school investment pool yesterday because
of its vulnerability to a utility default.
 Orange County holds about $40 million of Edison debt
securities in a fund that supports local school operations,
representing about 3.3 percent of total assets. If the county's
entire Edison investment were lost, the yield in the school fund
would be cut from more than 6 percent to less than 4 percent,
Moorlach calculated. That would cut to support local schools by
millions of dollars.
 There is a special irony to Moorlach's dilemma. Orange
County itself went through a bankruptcy crisis in the mid-1990s
because of investments that went sour. Moorlach was elected
county treasurer on a platform that stressed prudent investment
 Moorlach said he bought Edison debt securities precisely
because he considered it safe. "We buy prime paper only," he
said. "We've been very cautious."
 Banks, for their part, have lent about $2.2 billion to PGE
and Edison, the brokerage firm Salomon Smith Barney estimates.
 Bank of America, the nation's third-largest bank, led a
group of financial institutions that extended an $850 million
credit line to PGE last year, while J.P. Morgan Chase, the No. 2
bank, was leader on a $1 billion Edison credit.
 Defaults and downgrades by debt rating agencies have put the
utilities out of compliance with terms of the loans, making the
credits immediately due in full, bankers said.
 Bank of America and Morgan Chase declined to comment on
their loans to the California utilities. BofA's Chief Financial
Officer James Hance told analysts earlier this week that the bank
projects that it will write off $3 billion in delinquent credits
in 2001 and 

[CTRL] Russia Halts Military Cuts as Hawks Take Over in the US

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Thursday, January 18, 2001 in the Guardian of London
Russia Halts Military Cuts as Hawks Take
Over in the US
by Ian Traynor in Moscow

The Kremlin has shelved plans to cut and restructure the Russian armed
radically, a decision seen by Moscow analysts as its first concrete
response to the
incoming Bush administration's decision to press ahead with the "son
of Star Wars"
national missile defence system.

In November, after months of infighting between military commanders,
Vladimir Putin ordered them to put their house in order by reducing
the 1.2m under
arms by 360,000 in the next five years. He also ordered a shift in
emphasis from
the strategic nuclear missiles to conventional forces.

The reshaping was to have begun last month, but nothing will happen
until March
at the earliest. "The main reason for the delay is the first steps of
the new US
leadership," the respected military analyst Viktor Litovkin said.

Only time will tell whether Presidents Putin and Bush will strike up a
relationship, but the early signs are of increasing hostility between
Moscow and
Washington on security, arms control and economic and financial

In the past few weeks Washington has accused Moscow of covertly
battlefield nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad, its westernmost enclave,
and has been
angered by Russian moves to invigorate arms sales to Iran.

Moscow, in turn, accused the US last week of breaching the Start-I
nuclear arms
reduction agreement by going ahead with the national missile defence
(NMD). Mr Putin described the Kaliningrad allegation as "total

George W Bush indicated at the weekend that his administration would
halt much
financial aid to Russia.

Yesterday the chairman of the Russian parliament's budget committee,
Zhukov, brusquely responded: "Russia does not need large loans from
countries at the moment."

Yuri Gladkevich, a military observer at Moscow's independent Military
News Agency,
said: "There are signs of a worsening in relations, and it looks as
though things will
get a lot worse yet."

Moscow analysts see the people Mr Bush has named for his key cabinet
posts - Dick
Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice - as hawks
from a
bygone era.

"These are people who see themselves as the victors of the cold war,"
Alexander Golts, military commentator on the news magazine Itogi.

"The Kremlin and the generals are flattered by that, because it
reminds them of the
days of the USSR when they were a great power. But the new American
administration is making a very strong and negative impact on our

Moscow sent three warships on patrol in the Pacific on Monday, its
most ambitious
naval display since the Soviet Union collapsed a decade ago.

Mr Putin has been pushing for a radical overhaul of the armed forces
since the
Kursk submarine disaster August, and that has provoked a public brawl
the defence minister, Igor Sergeyev, and the chief of the general
staff, Anatoly
Kvashnin, who wants the currently separate strategic missile forces
integrated with
the army, navy and air branches and scarce resources redirected to
building up
conventional forces.

Gen Kvashnin was generally supposed to be getting the better of the
struggle, but
Marshal Sergeyev's hand may have been strengthened by the new US
administration's robust militaristic signals and "new realism" in

"Sergeyev wants to maintain the strategic missile forces as a
instrument, as the main lever for pressure on the US and Nato," Mr
Gladkevich said.

"The new US administration means Putin won't weaken the strategic
missiles forces
to the degree that Kvashnin wants."

In the past year the Kremlin has repeatedly stated that it wants major
reductions, including cutting its stockpile of nuclear warheads to
1,500. But Alexei
Arbatov, an influential moderate on the parliamentary defence
committee, now
argues that Russia needs 4,500 nuclear warheads to maintain parity
with the US.

"The Kremlin sees NMD as as threat to Russia's national security which
will ignite a
new arms race it can't afford," Mr Gladkevich said.


Re: [CTRL] Inauguration Special: Woman-A-Night

2001-01-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Jan 2001, at 6:15, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 With the bashing of womanizing black leaders at an all-time high, it's
 time to remember that this activity is not limited to any race.

I assume you are referring to the  Jesse Jackson revelations.
Your are correct this is not limited to any race,   and once again,
there has been an attempt (IMO) to divert attention from a serious
wrongdoing (in this case the use of tax free money extorted from
the public to support the unofficial family) to an activity that all
people recognize as a part of the human condition.   Such
coverage is basically dishonest, but it works since most people
don't look at anything except the most sensational parts of any


All kings is mostly rapscallions.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) - The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn, 1884


...a strict observance of the written laws is
doubtless ONE of the high duties of a good
citizen, but it is not THE HIGHEST. The laws of
necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our
country when in danger, are of higher obligation.
To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence
to written law, would be to lose the law itself,
with life, liberty, property and all those who
are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly
sacrificing the end to the means.
- Thomas Jefferson

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[CTRL] Microsoft News You Need to Hear

2001-01-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Source: SatireWire
 Published: 1/19/2000
 Posted on 01/19/2001 17:52:14 PST by Gomez
 Redmond, Wash. ( — Only hours after President Clinton
 a deal to avoid prosecution by admitting he lied in court about
 Lewinsky, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the entire company
 admit to an affair with Lewinsky if the government will drop the case
 against it, too.

 In a prepared statement, Ballmer said people were "sick and tired" of
 the Clinton proceedings and the Microsoft trial, and noted that both
 defendants should be given the same settlement, "especially since
 we're both
 guilty of the same thing."

 "Microsoft did have an inappropriate relationship with that woman,
 Lewinsky, and it was wrong of us not to testify to that in court,"
 statement said. "This has been painful to the entire Microsoft family
 products, and I hope our actions today will help bring closure and
 to the matters."

 U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, however, declared
 confession "irrelevant" to the case, which is awaiting a date in
 court. "I don't care if they admit cheating with Paul Jones and
 (Rev.) Jesse
 Jackson," he said.

 In response, Ballmer said Microsoft was prepared to confess to those
 well, although he insisted a Rev. Jackson disclosure would require "a
 something" back, such as the complete revocation of the Sherman

 Ballmer refused to make public details of the alleged affair, but
 to an inside source, Lewinsky briefly worked as an intern in Redmond
 1997, shortly after leaving the White House. According to the source,
 Lewinsky met several times with the company, usually at night, where
 sexual acts were performed on the corporation. Often, Microsoft would
 against a doorway, or sit on the edge of a desk.

 Copyright © 2001, SatireWire.

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[CTRL] It's a trend: Willie follows Jesse

2001-01-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Posted at 10:20 a.m. PST Friday, Jan. 19, 2001
 Willie Brown fathers child with aide
 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Mayor Willie Brown says he's going to be a dad
 Carolyn Carpeneti, the mayor's chief-fundraising coordinator, is
 with Brown's child, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday. The
 girl is due in late April or early May.
 Brown, 66, is known to enjoy going out on the town with female
 friends. He
 has been separated from his wife, Blanche, for 20 years, and said he
 not plan to divorce or get remarried. He has three grown children and
 ``This was something certainly not planned, and to be honest, it's
 that I never in my life expected to happen at (this) age,'' Brown
 told the
 ``She asked how it would affect my career, and I told her that wasn't
 issue,'' said Brown, who is supportive of her decision. ``That's what
 'choice' is all about -- the mother's choice.''
 Brown said he wants to protect the privacy of Carpeneti, a
 divorced mother.
 ``There's nothing unseemly about this at all,'' Brown said. ``She's a
 Brown's re-election committee paid Carpeneti $380,000 for
 fund-raising in
 the mayoral race. The two also have gone on trips together to Paris
 and to
 the Academy Awards.
 © 2000 The Mercury News.

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2001-01-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

So is the handwriting on the wall and all is going according to Plan?

But who is master planner - who wants the oil?


Forward a message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (AleishaSaba)  To:   Cc:
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] From:  "One Crying in the
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Date:  Sat, Jan 20, 2001, 7:55am (EST-3) Reply to: 
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UNSUBSCRIBE?  Directions are at the bottom of each post. Before you
do--read what I've got to say! It may involve YOU!
EDUCATION is our only successful weapon to defeat IGNORANCE!
--- Sponsor's Message -- Tech
News...With Attitude!
Get the top stories in your in-box -- commentary included!
You can now enjoy American history on my NEW LIST at:
To join it, send an email to:
"Hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate. It
may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious..." [Amos 5:15]
Our Weekly Quote: "I speak not for others, but for myself. Deprive us of
this right and appropriate this common property to yourselves, it is
then your Government, not mine. Then I am its enemy, and I will then, if
I can, bring my children and my constituents to the altar of liberty,
and like Hamilcar, I would swear them to eternal hostility to your foul
domination. Give us our just rights, and we are ready, as ever
heretofore, to stand by the Union, every part of it, and its every
interest. Refuse it, and for one, I will strike for Independence!"
Alexander H. Stephens--Confederate Vice President.
On this date, January 20, 1901: Frontiersman Henry H. Jaycox, who
fathered four children and whose two wives divorced him, dies alone at
Hooker's Ranch on the Salt River in Gila County, Arizona.
Dear Friends:
Welcome to the Global Age which officially begins at noon eastern
standard time today. (Am I being sarcastic enough?) Several days ago, a
reader sent me some info about an event in Confederate history that I
thought was worth sharing and even somewhat delightful. He has been
unable thus far to find any further info but I wanted to pass on what he
has found. Perhaps some of you could help if you know something about
it. It reads:
The battle of Chicamauga was Dec. 20, 1862, so the snowball fight had to
be in Jan or Feb or 1863
Civil War Memories Of Robert C. Carden
Company B, 16th Tennessee Infantry
BOONE, IOWA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1912 CHAPTER VI I remember a couple
of incidents at Dalton that had slipped my mind. One was a snow battle
between some Tennessee soldiers and some Georgia troops. It commenced in
a small way but grew to be a big battle with at least a brigade on each
side with the officers and colors. The snow was five or six inches deep.
There was a small branch between the combatants and sometimes one side,
then the other would have possession of the field. Sometimes the
Tennesseans would drive the Georgia men back, then they would rally and
drive the other side. They used up all the snow on the field then each
side had a detail to bring up big snow balls to be used as ammunition.
Our Tennessee side finally charged the Georgia fellows and ran them back
to their camp. I never got there for at the branch a Georgia fellow
rolled up a snowball with a lot of ground with it and struck me in the
eye, coming very near knocking my eye out, so I got knocked out and went
back to the rear. I understood that several lost an eye in the fight.
John Dougherty
If any of you have any further information about this incident, John
would like to know--and so would I.
On the world front today, the World Net Daily reports that the war in
the Middle East is to begin again today. The article reads: Next Mideast
war in the offing?
Reports say U.S., Britain, Israel making preparations for battle 
U.S. military forces in Europe, which are currently at threat condition
"Bravo," are set to be upgraded to condition "Charlie" by Jan. 20, while
other elements of U.S. European theater forces -- as well as British
special forces troops -- may be headed to Israel "within a few weeks,"
sources have told WorldNetDaily.
According to a host of reports from various European and Middle East
military sources, all of whom requested anonymity for security reasons,
European Command, or EUCOM, forces last week were placed on alert status
"Bravo" -- with "Alpha" being the lowest and "Delta" being the highest
-- "across the board," which included all U.S. forces stationed in the
European theater -- Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere. Other
sources said the alert status would be upgraded to "Charlie" -- the
second highest level -- at "2400 hours European 

[CTRL] FW: More pre-inauguration security photos; protesters organize via web

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Declan McCullagh
Sent:   Sat 1/20/2001 6:52 AM
Subject:FC: More pre-inauguration security photos; protesters
organize via web

On Thursday, I walked from the Capitol building to the White House via
Pennsylvania Avenue and took some shots of the inaugural parade

Note the high security and planned police checkpoints:

Bleachers cleverly blocking Freedom Plaza, where protesters will be,
parade route:

When I was standing on a sidewalk in front of the federal courthouse on
Pennsylvania Ave (of Monicagate and Microsoft trial fame), a deputy U.S.

Marshal told me I could not take a photo of the courthouse. It was a
wide-angle shot of the front, and no people or security preparations
appared to be visible. Here's him walking back to his van, which appears
have -- from another photo -- U.S. Government plate 60163:

I covered the Microsoft trial in that courthouse, took photos of the
exterior, and never had any problems from the marshals. Here's a photo I

took from that same sidewalk last year when the atmosphere was much less

Photos from earlier in the week:



DC: It's Now a GOP-Com World
By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2:00 a.m. Jan. 20, 2001 PST
WASHINGTON -- As Republican loyalists converge on the nation's
this weekend for black-tie celebrations, anti-GOP activists are
planning protests.

The most complete website is, which includes
releases with protest details. The folks at the Independent Media
Center, veterans of both Republican and Democratic conventions last
year, are planning their usual exhaustive, if not exactly unbiased,

There's even a protest-ball on Saturday evening ($10) -- a gown or
tuxedo is definitely optional.

But protesters lost a lawsuit challenging the police checkpoints
for the first time, will block access to Pennsylvania Avenue.


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Re: [CTRL] FW: More pre-inauguration security photos; protesters organize via web

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF!ttp://"
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Re: [CTRL] Who Is Hooverizing Jesse Jackson?

2001-01-20 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Who Is Hooverizing Jesse Jackson?
 by Carla Binion

 "In light of the recent media furor about Jesse
  Jackson's extramarital affair
  and "love child,"

Nakano Comments:
This story was on Page 6 of most major newspapers
by yesterday.

Can you imagine the "media furor" we would be
seeing and hearing right now if Jerry Falwell
or Pat Robertson were the father of the "love child"?
If this were the case, today's Presidential
Inauguration story would not be the first report on
tonight's TV News.

Fact is the alleged news media has muted
its coverage of the Jesse Jackson affair.
Bill Clinton's "Spiritual Advisor" got off
rather lightly and no doubt he hasn't been
permanently damaged.

 Regards to All

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[CTRL] Fw: Cell Phones and Eye Cancer

2001-01-20 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


 Scientists Link Eye Cancer to Cell Phones
 January  16, 2001 08:12 CDT

 For the first time, a link has been  discovered between cancer and mobile
 phone use. New research suggests a  threefold increase in eye cancers for
 people who regularly use mobile phones.  These new results will most likely
 cause concern in the mobile telecom  industry.

 Mobile phones emit radiation that  has long been known to temporarily
 modify how brain cells work, However, until  recently, no evidence has been
 found of permanent health damage. If the findings  are confirmed by more
 research, it could lead to thousands of costly lawsuits by  eye and brain
 cancer patients.

 The research was published in the  journal Epidemiology and was performed
 by a team from the University of Essen in  Germany. The team studied a form
 of eye cancer called uveal melanoma, where  tumors form in the layer that
 makes up the iris and base of the retina.

 Dr. Andreas Stang, leader of the  research team, told The Sunday Times that
 he had studied 118 people with uveal  melanoma and collected data about
 their use of digital mobile phones. This was  compared with a control group
 of 475 people without the disease. The researchers  were unaware which
 subjects had cancer or were healthy.

 Once the results were analyzed,  they found the cancer victims had a
 significantly higher rate of mobile phone  use, although Stang cautions
 that his findings require further investigation.  The mechanism by which
 the radiation causes cancer is not known, but it is known  that the watery
 contents of the eye help with the absorption of radiation.

 Other research showed that cells  called melanocytes in the uveal layer
 began to grow and divide more quickly when  exposed to microwave radiation.
 Because uveal melanoma begins inside such cells,  a ready-made mechanism
 exists by which mobile phone radiation could help start  cancer,
 particularly in those who are genetically predisposed to the condition.

 Last year, no evidence was found to  link the devices with brain tumors or
 any other disorder. Last month, however,  multi-billion dollar lawsuits
 were launched against Verizon Horizon. Customers  behind the suits claimed
 they got brain tumors from using the devices.

 Original Source: Times Newspapers  Ltd

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Re: [CTRL] Scientists Bring Light to Full Stop, Hold It, Then Send It on Its Way

2001-01-20 Thread Will H.

Translating the "mumbo-jumbo" and "hocus-pocus", this would seem to
describe a technique for creating holograms using a super-cooled
gas medium instead of a traditional static chemical (photographic)
emulsion as the storage medium...3D projection television, anyone?

Interestingly, it might also describe a workable technique for im-
plementing quantum teleportation of physical matter ( see the
attached URL about "Schroedinger's Eskimo".)

William Harry

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Forwarded without comment.


  January 18, 2001
  Scientists Bring Light to Full Stop, Hold It, Then Send It on Its Way
  The New York Times
  researchers say they have slowed light to a dead stop, stored it and
  released it as if it were an ordinary material particle.
  The achievement is a landmark feat that, by reining in nature's
  swiftest and
  most ethereal form of energy for the first time, could help realize
  what are
  now theoretical concepts for vastly increasing the speed of computers
  the security of communications.

Title: Man 'Made Cold By The Universe' Seen By Scores Who Knew Him

  Man 'Made Cold By 
  The Universe' Seen By 
  Scores Who Knew Him
  By Liz Ruskin - Anchorage Daily News
  From Fred Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


BETHEL - In villages along
the Kuskokwim River and in this hub city, scores of people have reported
catching sight of Richard Pavilla, a 38-year-old man who disappeared in
December while on a snowmachine trip from his home village of Atmautluak.

Pavilla, they say, is still  alive but he is in a rare
condition in which he is  feather-light and as wary as a wild bird.

It has happened in the past, but it's kind of long
and in between, said 77-year-old Peter Jacobs, through a Yup'ik translator.
That person is not dead. The spirit is still with the body, but he's
in a different state.

The Alaska State Troopers ended their search for Pavilla
more than three months ago, 12 days after they found the body of Pavilla's
companion and the snowmachine the two were riding. The troopers presume
Pavilla is dead, too. But day after day, Bethel's search and rescue coordinator
keeps taking the reports of people who say they've seen the lost man.

Pavilla and Richard Tikiun, 27, left Christmas Eve on
a snowmachine for Bethel, about 30 miles away across the frozen tundra.
People in the village told troopers the men had been drinking and may have
been planning to pick up Tikiun's stash of alcohol on the way. Searchers
found Tikiun's body Dec. 28, four miles from Atmautluak and just north
of the main trail to Bethel. He lay face down on the ground next to his
snowmachine and an empty vodka bottle, troopers said.

Pavilla, troopers said, obviously stayed alive for a
while, despite fierce winds and temperatures that dropped to minus 30 degrees.

Searchers found a series of windbreaks made of snow blocks
and tree branches, snow caves dug into drifts and even a hastily made igloo,
as well as several sets of tracks thought to be Pavilla's.

It was shortly after New Year's when the first sighting
of the lost man was reported, said Peter Atchak, Bethel's volunteer search
and rescue coordinator. Five of the searchers, Pavilla's cousins, reported
seeing a solitary figure on foot about eight miles southwest of Bethel.

They thought it was a searcher, but when they were
approaching close he took off running, Atchak said. The person crossed
the frozen river and was gone, the cousins reported.

The next report came a couple of days later. A group
of youngsters were driving a truck from Napakiak upriver to Bethel when
someone came out of the brush toward them. They got frightened and drove
off, Atchak said.

The troopers ended their search Jan. 9, figuring no one
could survive so long in such severe weather.

The volunteer search and rescue group kept looking, and
Atchak kept track of the reported sightings. They came from up and down
the Kuskokwim and from villages on the coast. In all, there were more than
50 reports from 10 villages. People also reported seeing Pavilla in Bethel
- near the high school, at the hospital and crouched under a woman's house.

Atchak said he has repeatedly investigated reports of
boot prints and found they were made by size 7 Sorels, just like Pavilla's.

I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't
seen his tracks, his footprints and the way they disappeared, he

To learn 

Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watch freemarkets dowhat they do best.

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 09:41 PM 1/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
 "Why is California  short on Electricity ?

 You should TRULY learn the fucking difference between

You should TRULY learn to live in the real world. Your ideology is
ridiculous and so are you. This crisis got out of hand because of
deregulation. It was deregulated because businessmen run the politicians.
The results are PRIMARILY because the producers are either causing or
exacerbating the ' shortage.' That's what happens when you let businessmen
control prices.

There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER, why anything as vital as electric power
should be bought and sold on the " free market " as if it were a commodity
like shoes.

 California's Enemy: The State
 by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

 California is a beautiful state with a (mostly) mild,
 sunny climate, which is one reason why so many people
 live there.  But who would want to move there, it is
 often asked, if one had to endure chronic water
 shortages, earthquakes and now, "rolling
 blackouts?"  These events are typically blamed on either
 Mother Nature or the free market, but in reality they are
 either caused or exacerbated by government regulation.

Possibly. But these conditions DIDN'T EXIST when electricity
was highly regulated by the state.

 California's politicians have been quick to blame
 the current electricity "shortages" on "deregulation"
 when in fact the opposite is true:  Although wholesale
 electricity prices have been deregulated, retail prices
 have not, and regulation has all but prohibited the
 building of additional electricity supply capacity.

Only certain kinds of capacity. The polluting kinds which are most
profitable for producers and whose external costs are borne by the
state and its population. This is the free market no one will tolerate

 The population has doubled in the past ten years, which
 has caused about a one-third increase in electricity
 demand, whereas supply has remained stagnant thanks
 to the environmentalist extremists in the state
 government.  These neo-luddites have blocked nuclear
 power plant construction; they have vetoed the building
 of additional dams for hyrdoelectric power (lest some
 aquatic creepy crawlers be disturbed); and are nearly
 apoplectic in their opposition to coal- or natural
 gas-fired electric power plants.

Excellent! I guess they'll have to try something else won't they?

 Ballooning demand, restricted supply, and price
 controls are a perfect recipe for shortages.  Complete
 deregulation of the electric power industry is the only
 way to resolve this problem,

Yeah, yeah. That's the solution. That's like telling a snakebite
victim that only getting bitten a few more times will save him.
How twisted does a true believer have to be to make a proclamation
like that and believe it. This guy is pathetic.

 although California's
 governor is currently proposing the worst of all
 worlds:  a Soviet-style government takeover of
 the state's electric power industry.

And this case will be a practical lesson for the rest of the country.
be controlled by people who DON'T personally benefit from rising prices.
The consumers.

 California's periodic water "crisis" is another
 unnatural disaster caused by government regulation.

Not exactly. The crisis exists because there are too many
people living where they don't belong. The desert has become
overpopulated with people who want to reproduce the wetter
climes they come from. Golf courses, lawns, car washes, and
corporate monoculture don't belong in a desert.

 The big problem is that most of the water in the state
 has been regulated for decades by the Federal Bureau
 of Reclamation, which heavily subsidizes the irrigation
 which delivers water from the northern part of the
 state to the bone-dry southern part. (Seventy-five
 percent of the water comes from the north, whereas
 75 percent of the population is in the southern half
 of the state).

So far so good.

 Some 85 percent of the water is used for agriculture
 and is sold at government-imposed, below-market
 prices.  Some farmers pay as little as $3.50 per
 acre foot for water that costs $100 per acre foot
 just to pump through the government-run irrigation

Corporate welfare.

  At these prices it is "economical" to grow
 cotton and rice in the desert, even though the
 Mississippi Delta and the rice paddies of Vietnam
 are more natural habitats for these crops.
 California grows prodigious amounts of both.

Very good.

 Government-subsidized water use for one purpose
 alone -- irrigating pastures for grazing sheep -- exceeds
 the water used for all other purposes in California,
 residential and industrial.  In one recent year $530
 million in taxpayer dollars were spent on pumping this

[CTRL] US Has Its Own Record of Atrocities

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Saturday, December 23, 2000 in the Boston Globe

US Has Its Own Record of Atrocities

by James Ron and Charles T. Call

DURING SERBIA'S FORCED depopulation of Kosovo in 1999, Slobodan
Milosevic, the former Yugoslavian president, acknowledged that
irregular Serbian forces were committing excesses while fighting
Kosovar insurgents. He claimed, however, that these were mild when
compared with US war crimes in Vietnam.

Slobodan Milosevic was a deceptive autocrat responsible for the
deaths of thousands, but he had a point. Compared with the US record
in Vietnam, Serbia's Kosovo atrocities were far fewer.

Remember My Lai? In just a few hours, Lieutenant William Calley's
men shot or knifed more than 400 men, women, and children, raping
and mutilating some victims. Even that chilling episode, however,
pales alongside US tactics in the Vietnamese and Cambodian
countryside, where high explosives, napalm, and defoliant were the
methods of choice.

Serbian forces killed some 10,000 Kosovars, but in Southeast Asia
the United States and its allies slew 1 million, many of whom were
civilians. More than twice that number were wounded or forcibly

Direct US involvement in war crimes continued even after the Vietnam
conflict. CIA operatives mined Nicaragua's main harbor in the 1980s,
and until the 1990s, US Army courses for Latin American soldiers
included torture. In the early 1990s, CIA agents created a
right-wing group in Haiti that killed hundreds of civilians.

Although most Americans barely recall those events, others elsewhere
have not forgotten. For them, the contemporary US fascination with
human rights seems empty and cynical. If the United States does not
investigate its past misdeeds, these suspicions will ring true.

In addition to directly participating in abuses, the United States
also covertly aided brutal authoritarians abroad. Just as Milosevic
pulled the strings during Bosnia's ethnic cleansing, the United
States secretly sponsored cruel allies to advance political goals.

Consider Chile, where CIA operatives helped overrow an elected
leftist leader in the early 1970s, creating the long nightmare of
Pinochet's rule. The Chilean judiciary is now investigating
Pinochet's crimes, but the CIA is only reluctantly opening its

Or recall Iran, where US operatives in the 1950s helped depose an
elected government that was threatening Western oil profits. They
then installed the Shah, a dictator who relied on torture to
maintain control.

The same is true for Guatemala, where UN-backed investigators found
that government counterinsurgency forces killed 90 percent of an
estimated 200,000 civil war victims.

President Clinton recently called the substantial, clandestine US
role in that war wrong, but did nothing to investigate those

The US government offered widely accepted reasons for its behavior
during the Cold War years. It was fighting global communism, which
to many seemed a noble and worthwhile goal. Yet wouldn't men like
Milosevic supply similarly reasonable explanations?

Governments are skilled at justifying abusive policies, citing
overwhelming threats to national security. Milosevic defended the
Serbian nation, Pinochet battled subversives, and South African
whites were fighting communism. Although the rhetoric of
justification shifts with time, the realities of abuse remain
constant. When states use indiscriminate force to get their way,
innocents usually suffer.

In the post-Cold War environment there is increasing cause for

Many countries, including Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa,
Ethiopia, Chad, El Salvador, Chile, Haiti, and Guatemala, have tried
to expose the truth about their past, often at great political cost.

Yet the United States still refuses to practice what it preaches. As
supreme Cold War victor, its representatives lecture others about
human rights without stopping to consider their own past crimes. For
both moral and political reasons, the United States should create a
commission to investigate its own involvement in Cold War misdeeds.
The methods of an official US ''truth commission'' should be
professional and nonpartisan in order to avoid narrow political

Despite these precautions, a US inquiry would be painful and
divisive. Presidential fortunes might suffer, and congressional
careers could be hurt. Yet recall that these are only some of the
powerful risks run every day by politicians promoting truth-telling
elsewhere, from South Africa to Argentina. How long can the United
States promote accountability for others if it itself is unwilling
to do the same?

James Ron is assistant professor of sociology and political science
at Johns Hopkins University. Charles T. Call is assistant professor
for research at the Watson Institute for International Studies at
Brown University.

 Copyright 2000 Globe Newspaper Company


Re: [CTRL] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 01/18/2001 12:40:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
  survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
  he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
  those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
  alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
  appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
  wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
  deep in the heart's of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
  secretly and unknownest in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
  infects the body politic, so that, it, can no longer resist. A murderer is
  less to fear. The traitor is the plague." 

 As I said a long time ago--just substitute the word lobbyist for the word
 traitor, and you are describing our real problem.  Prudy

I would improve on that by suggesting " Elite " as a substitute for traitor,
and you could pick an example anywhere, and anytime in history.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What goes around, goes around. 2

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Chao has ties to Lippo Group
Sits on board of insurer that co-owns subsidiary with Chinese government

By Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON -- A review of financial assets held over the past six years by
Elaine L. Chao and her husband, Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, reveals that
the Labor secretary-designate serves as director of an insurance company that
jointly owns a Lippo Group subsidiary with the Chinese government.

Indonesia-based Lippo is controlled by the Riady family and is at the center
of the Chinagate fund-raising scandal.

Lippo chief executive James T. Riady has agreed to plead guilty to a felony
charge of defrauding the U.S. government. Prosecutors say he funneled foreign
donations to the campaigns of Bill Clinton and other politicians.

Lippo's man in the U.S., John Huang, was convicted of campaign fraud in 1999.

Senate financial-disclosure records show that, over the past four years, Chao
has held a seat on the board of Protective Life Corp., which owns 50 percent
of CRC Protective Life Insurance. Lippo co-owns the rest of the Hong
Kong-based unit with China Resources Holdings Co., an intelligence-gathering
front company for China's People's Liberation Army.

Chao owns more than 7,000 shares of Birmingham, Ala.-based Protective Life
Corp., public securities records show.

The $1.4 billion-in-sales insurer sought out the joint venture in 1994, with
the goal of underwriting policies in southern China.

To "solidify" the deal, a company director, William B. Blount, wrote Vice
President Al Gore a letter seeking the administration's support. The company
also lobbied Commerce Department officials for their support.

Gore, in turn, sent a letter to Riady, congratulating him on the partnership.
And Huang, then a Commerce official with a glaring conflict, nonetheless
helped put the venture on the list of federally backed projects.

Meanwhile, Protective Life gave $50,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

The Chinese government subsequently took a stake in the venture.

Critics of Chao's nomination worry that her ties to Chinese business
interests present a conflict. Her China-born father, James S.C. Chao, has a
cozy relationship with Beijing's Communist Party leader, and owns a shipping
company that does business with the Chinese government.

"I worry about Elaine Chao's business relationship with communist China,"
Chinese dissident Hongda "Harry" Wu told WorldNetDaily.

As a Cabinet member, Chao would have top-level clearance to U.S. trade and
military secrets.

Sequestered from the press until after her confirmation hearings, she was not
available for comment.

The Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee has not yet set a date for
hearings. GOP Sen. James Jeffords and Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy head the

Chao's Lippo ties don't end there.

Her husband, McConnell, has received steady campaign contributions during his
years in the Senate from Lippo partner American International Group Inc., and
its chairman, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg.

Last year, the New York-based insurer bought 5 percent of Lippo Life and 70
percent of its unit, PT Asuransi Jiwa Lippo Utama, for about $200 million.

AIG also has business ventures in China, recently opening its fourth office
on the mainland. In fact, $40 billion-in-sales AIG was the first foreign
company allowed to sell insurance in China.

Besides thousands in donations, McConnell also got $2,000 from AIG for a 1995
speech he gave in New York, his financial records show, though he says he
gave it to charity.

McConnell hasn't been shy about supporting AIG.

He rushed to its side in 1987, for example, to spare it from having to pay
claims on the policy it underwrote on the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The bugged
building had to be rebuilt.

And he is China's biggest Republican booster in the Senate, fighting to
liberalize trade with Beijing, which is one of Greenberg's hobby horses.

Greenberg, former chairman of the U.S.-China Business Council, has lobbied
hard -- and successfully -- to sever the link between China's human-rights
and missile-proliferation records and its most-favored-nation trade status.
(He was, incidentally, one of President Clinton's candidates in 1995 to be
CIA director.)

AIG's international advisory board is headed by Henry A. Kissinger, the
leading pro-China lobbyist in Washington.

Greenberg, a Heritage Foundation donor, was so forceful in his efforts to
secure permanent trade benefits for China that he threatened to cut off
funding to the conservative think tank if it didn't tone down its concerns
about China's growing military threat.

Chao, also an outspoken China trade booster, is Heritage's top Asian studies
adviser and a distinguished fellow.

The Huang connection

Chao and former Lippo executive Huang are no strangers.

In 1993, when Chao was taking over as United Way 

[CTRL] Fw: CONGRESS ACTION: January 21, 2001

2001-01-20 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Original Message-From: 
Kim Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Undisclosed-Recipient:; Undisclosed-Recipient:;Date: 
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:48 AMSubject: CONGRESS ACTION: 
January 21, 2001

CONGRESS ACTION: January 21, 2001
New York Times, a broad coalition of liberal public policy 
organizations (the London Times counted more than 200 groups) 
are engaged in scurrilous attacks on the character of John Ashcroft. Being 
liberals, they of course deem themselves so much smarter than you, and so deem 
themselves entitled to use your money -- confiscated from you as taxes by the 
federal government -- however they see fit, regardless of what you, the taxpayer 
(who, even though you are so stupid, managed to create the wealth that they, 
despite all their brilliance, couldn't manage to create by themselves) thinks is 
The following quotes are from just a few of the groups in the anti-Ashcroft 
jihad. Following the quotes are the total tax dollars received by each group in 
just the past 4 years, according to a study done by the Capital Research Center 
of data from the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) of the U.S. 
Census Bureau.
Feminist Majority: His utter lack of understanding of freedom of 
political speech and the right to take political action to achieve social 
justice exemplifies a track record where his right-wing ideology prevails over 
his legal judgment. Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: 
NAACP: It is outrageously disingenuous for President-elect George 
Bush to say he intends to reach out to all Americans and then nominate Ashcroft, 
a man who has an anti-civil rights record, to hold the nation's highest law 
enforcement position. Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: 
National Organization for Women (NOW): Both Ashcroft and Thompson 
would turn over tax money -- including public education funds -- to religious 
institutions' programs, without adequate protection against proselytizing and 
discrimination.  The majority of voters in this country, especially 
women voters, reject the agenda of religious and political extremists.  
Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: $1,168,252.
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Ashcroft's slavish 
devotion to the National Rifle Association - including personally recording ads 
for the NRA endorsing a doomed law that would have granted child molesters and 
stalkers the right to carry concealed weapons - is what particularly concerns 
Physicians for Social Responsibility. Ashcroft's commitment to ensuring 
freedom for weapons was a major factor in his departure from the Senate and 
underscores the growing tide of opinion against the NRA. Taxpayer 
money received in the last 4 years: $15,000.
Planned Parenthood: reject the nomination of anti-choice 
extremist former Senator John Ashcroft.  As attorney general, Ashcroft 
would rob us and our children and grandchildren of Americans' most fundamental 
right to privacy. Taxpayer money received in the last 4 
years: $57,214,090.
Sierra Club: Ashcroft has an exceedingly poor environmental voting 
record and is openly hostile to most environmental laws.  Ashcroft also 
opposes campaign finance reform.  Former Senator John Ashcroft has an 
extreme anti-environmental record, and as Attorney General could allow 
utilities, big oil and others to ignore environmental laws. He is a partisan, 
divisive choice for a job that should be neither, and should not be 
confirmed. Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: 
Aren't you glad that you are paying taxes for this? Taxes which, let us not 
forget, have generated budget surpluses into the hundreds of billions of 
dollars. Surpluses which, according to left-wing extremist groups and 
politicians, the government simply cannot afford to give back to you in the form 
of tax cuts, because they need every last dollar of it -- to help fund the 
scurrilous character assassination of conservatives. And as the quote from NARAL 
makes clear, they're going to spend whatever it takes -- of your 
money -- to pursue those attacks.
Nobody seeks to in any way stifle the First Amendment free speech rights of 
those extremist groups. Not like they are trying to stifle John Ashcroft's First 
Amendment right to the free exercise of his religion. But it would be nice (even 
though entirely out of character, if such a word may be used in connection with 
those groups) if those groups had the common decency, and a modicum of respect 
for taxpayers, to use their own money and money contributed to them 
voluntarily by their members, rather than using the forced extractions of 
money from taxpayers who may not agree with their extremist ideology. But, it is 
countered, nobody is seeking to deny Ashcroft his right to the free exercise of 
his religion, just to deny him federal resources to do so. Aren't conservatives 
advocating exactly that, 

[CTRL] Ashcroft

2001-01-20 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Since this is a conspiracy group, I'm rather surprised no one has
raised any questions about the unfortunate fatal accident suffered
by Carnahan. Especially an air accident so close to an election.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CBS News Reveals Microwave Weather Control Experiments - Pt 2

2001-01-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well this information is so old it is outdated - they even have
artificial lightning now but look to Florida and the hurricane seasons,

Now that this is coming out, maybe things will not be so dangerous for
the public many of whom have been killed and lost homes for 30 years?

This information - I had in 1986 from sources plus Colonel Beardon out
of Huntsville, ALA had information on it.woodpecker signals - so
hope you all remember the day MIR was up there and they woke up the
"scientitsts" and/astronauts to the Woody Woodpecker songthese are
Russian signals.

US Patent office has printed material on this, which War Department
attempted to stop.  Red Chinese report information on their news medias
but not in America.why?   Too many hungry lawyers waiting to sue
baby sue.

FEMA - note they come in right away to offer money - but have you
noticed how many insurance companies have gone busto or insurance rates
going up?   Farms lost, they burn with drought and then the deluge

It is about warming up Russia and the UN resolution insists these poor
third world countries not share in the expense of this program..we
will pay to destroy ourselves?

So Green House Theory is a bunch of crap; George Bush in 80 period tried
to tell the public this, but nobody caught his message .

Do know this when this program used to go into force, ship to shore and
planes lost communication..was a spot years in Mexico where people
complained their car motors would turn off...but what I love  -
nuclear reactors at North and South Poles.the source of clear, pure

CBS News Reveals Microwave
Weather Control Experiments - Pt 2

By Margareta-Erminia Cassani


In the second of CBS' Special Reports series "Eye on America",
correspondent Jerry Bowen reported on the joint interest of The U.S.
Department of Defense, Sandia Research, and The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) in weather control experiments - namely those
championed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a former Star Wars physicist who
claims he can dismantle a raging tornado with a microwave beam shot from
an orbiting satellite in outer space.

From his home in sunny Del Mar, California, a place that's never had a
tornado occur there, Eastlund explained how by directing a microwave
beam into the cold downdraft of a tornado, he could dissipate the funnel
and render it harmless, thereby saving thousands of lives and property.
Sounds great on paper, or rather on computer generated model, but
Eastlund's theory has several drawbacks, the most immediate being that
of potential air traffic catastrophes of both the animal and human kind
- birds and airplanes could explode in mid-flight if hit by a microwave

Dr. Stephen Schneider, a global warming expert at Stanford University
offered a strong warning for FEMA and Sandia Research, as well as both
the European Space Agency, who funds Eastlund's on the edge research,
and NASA, if they're going to continue to pursue microwaving Mother
Nature: "You better have a fund in place to pay the people who get hurt
when anything goes wrong, without arguing whether you did it or not
because you'll endlessly argue whether you did it or not".

Another critic of Eastlund's theory is scientist John Monteverdi of San
Francisco State University who claims that Eastlund's unproven and
untested theories might work okay in computer models but in reality he's
crossing into dangerous waters and that his tornado nuking experiments
might just make tornadoes worse. "We just don't know enough about the
workings of these supercells to start fooling around with them".

But, Eastlund defends his "brain storm" idea of shooting a microwave
beam into a tornado as nothing more than a "souped up police radar


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2001-01-20 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  WEEKEND READING

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 They put him there and now they hire him with a big pay raise

  "Work with key Arab moderates (especially Egypt,
  Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco) to encourage
  acts of public and private leadership in
  support of the peace process."

MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 1/19:
During the Lebanon War of 1982 -- some think of it as Sharon's war -- the
Israelis and their American Jewish friends felt they had a difficult time when
it came to public relations.  And when the American Marines pulled out, symbolizing
the failure of the Israelis to force Lebanon into the American-Israeli orbit
and out of the Syrian-Arab one, the Israelis realized that they had much power
in Washington on Capitol Hill, but not enough power with the media, intellectuals,
and think-tanks.  Hence was born the new think-tank to become known as the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy -- the lobby's own think-tank.
   Over the years the Israelis and their American Jewish friends have spent much
time and effort building up the Washington Institute as well as positioning their
people in key positions, both in and out of government.  A few examples:
   Wolf Blitzer, former editor of the lobby's newsletter, Near East Report, became
Washington correspondent for the Jerusalem Post and then, with much help from
"the lobby", was promoted to his current still expanding role at CNN.  Martin
Indyk, former Executive Director of the Washington Institute, was detailed to
the Clinton campaign in Little Rock; and then when Clinton was elected Indyk
was quickly made an American citizen and "the lobby" got Clinton to essentially
put him in charge of Middle East negotiations (first in the National Security
Council, then as Assistant Secretary of State, and then Ambassador to Israel).
 Dennis Ross is another of those whose careers have been guided by "the lobby";
and when he was put in charge of Middle East negotiations Ross hired a group
of loyal (or is it "dually loyal") American Jews to make up the "negotiating
team" -- all approved by "the lobby" of course.
   Over the years the Washington Institute has become a force in Washington with
the media similar to how the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),
essentially its parent, is on Capitol Hill.  Amazingly, many of the Arab ambassadors
and journalists have cooperated with the Institute in helping it achieve this
role -- but that's another major story in itself.
   So, even before he leaves his role in Government overseeing the "peace process"
as an American Ambassador working on behalf of the Israelis as well as the U.S.,
Dennis Ross has officially signed up with the Washington Institute.  Others from
the American negotiating team will probably do the same; and who knows maybe
Indyk will be coming back as well.
   Meanwhile, "the lobby" doesn't waste time.  Bush is not even President yet
and the Washington Institute has already issued a major "Presidential Study Group"
report designed to guide, and pressure, the new Administration.
Read on.  There's a lot of information here (hence we saved it all for "MER Weekend
Reading") but the insights into how "the lobby" thinks and what to expect from
the US in the months ahead are worthwhile.


WASHINGTON (AP - The Guardian - Tuesday, 16 January) - With the outlook bleak
for concluding a peace accord, U.S. mediator Dennis B. Ross on Tuesday put on
indefinite hold a scheduled trip to the Middle East where he had planned to confer
with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

With only five days left in his term, President Clinton's hopes for a settlement
approached the vanishing point. And Ross' long career as a Mideast mediator could
end without a final burst of diplomacy in the region.

Ross will joint the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a private research
group, its top officers, Fred Lafer and Michael Stein, announced Tuesday.

Simultaneously, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Ross was ``not
going to make the trip we thought he would make.''

But, Boucher said, ``we are not giving up in our efforts.''

Ross, who held the post under Secretaries of State James A. Baker III, Warren
Christopher and Madeleine Albright, said late last 

[CTRL] Flyby News: Space War Leonard Peltier

2001-01-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Post Cassini Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1999 Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA

20 January 2001

Peltier Denied Freedom

President Clinton, in his farewell address said, "..As for me, I'll
leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I
arrived and more confident than ever that America's best days lie ahead."
Even though the word "lie" stood out, one could only hope that what he was
saying will become true. For this to happen it would require a total
transformation in the military-industrial-academic complex with a truly fair
justice system for a prosperity, health and peace for humankind and our
natural environment. Yet the denial of Leonard's freedom, in the wake of
documented evidences of overt FBI misconduct, showed the reality of the
ruthless power dominating world affairs and our government.

Peltier's Clemency denial does not bid well for justice, human
rights and the peace in space issue. The new administration is proposing a
policy for the U.S. to dominate space, which would lead to an acceleration
of the arms race, which leads to more terrorism, leading to more elimination
of our civil rights and liberties, that leads to more terrorism, internal
instability, more wars and a more probable collapse of the human and many
other species of life. Our environment has a limited capacity for abuse.

A political solution to help end the continued injustices to Leonard
Peltier and help prevent a downward sprial with missile defense, is in the
hands of our supposed representatives in Congress. This may be our last
resort in stopping the terror confronting everyone. Congressional Hearings
on the case of Leonard Peltier would expose FBI misconduct, an illegal land
transfer, a corrupt Indian Council group, armed by the FBI, and more than
sixty murders remaining uninvestigated during the Reign of Terror. Leonard
Peltier was on the Pine Ridge Reservation to protect families for their
lives and for Mother Earth. He remains in prison for this same purpose.

It seems apparent that when President Clinton made his deal with the
independent investigators about being less than honest in court regarding
his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, other nondisclosed issues were
tide-up in the same package, including the sad fate of human rights
activist, Leonard Peltier. Perhaps, what was at stake for President Clinton
in fighting the FBI, or whoever they represent, was too much to take a stand
to grant Clemency. This choice of self interest will place Leonard Peltier
in prison for a quarter of a Century this February 6.

To keep best informed on the ongoing struggle subscribe for the
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee's email updates by sending a blank message

Leonard Peltier's book, Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance, is
available from bookstores, libraries and the Leonard Peltier Defense
Committe -


An excerpt from President Clinton's final address 1/1801

".. we must remember that America cannot lead in the world unless
here at home we weave the threads of our coat of many colors into the fabric
of one America. As we become ever more diverse, we must work harder to unite
around our common values and our common humanity.

We must work harder to overcome our differences. In our hearts and
in our laws, we must treat all our people with fairness and dignity,
regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation and
regardless of when they arrived in our country, always moving toward the
more perfect union of our founders' dreams.."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address in 1961.

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large
arms industry is new in the American experience. The total
influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every
state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the
imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its
grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so
is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition
of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our
liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only
an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge
industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals, so 

Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft

2001-01-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Ashcroft would have beaten Carnahanhowever, the unfortunate plane
crash the pilot took off in very bad weather.and like little John
John, he evidently was not so experienced.

However when Carnahan went down, of course Mrs. Carnahan would be the
ultimate winnerlike little Sonny Bono and his lovely wife - who
spoke of Sonny's drug problems and I presume she went along with it -
always thought it strange that he shot ahead of her and it seemed they
may have had an argument.

Then we had Michael Kennedy?

That set of course - all into drugs

So the widows took the seatsFeinsein in California got in when the
Mayor and Ryan was killed and of course, Ryan was little Pattie Hearst's

Oh how they play the role when someone is murdered - and Sonny Bono's
funeral was typical show time rather ike the performance they gave at
Littleton with Clinton and Gore - both those guys are good at funerals.

So I had a great uncle who died on Court House steps, and his name was
taken off the ballot but the people in Seneca County voted  dead man
into office by writing his name in - he was called "honest
George"..old time democrats.

That California bunch - oh so brilliant - now their lights are going off
because evidently they are so stupid they did not feel it necessary to
provide for services and to be sure the needs of the people are met -
they were too busy trying to disarm the public and push sodomy off on
the kids.

Pretty soon we will have a lot of widows sitting around - Hilliary and
Bill are probably measuring each other by now too.
What about death of John Tower, Payne
Stewart, 4 dead men flying across American and Clinton for some reason
was ready to shoot down the plane?   Did somebody know something?
Vince Foster - with secret bank accounts?   Such nice people as Larry
Flynt and Carville and Oliver Stone who was picked up on Hash charge?
And Heinz was killed in crash - some of these pickup trucks used to run
people off road..then we have Manson family members set loose and
from within his prison walls, Manson and Jimmy Carter's nephew became
good friends - until Manson got mad at him and said he would get Ms.
Lilliam murdered?

Every wonder how John Gotti could put a million dollar contnract on OJ
simpson from prisonor whether his little boy was murdered in very
strange accident and look at Waco, and tell me Clinton and Reno as now
butchers and never forget Ruby Ridge - boy they sured loved to murder
little kids.

Clinton is no democrat.neither is Al Gore.

As for George Bush, of the true aristocracy - have a feeling this
genleman C will now get this country back to normal and the scenario
will change..think people want their kids around lesbians and
homosexuals - or Jessie Jackson and his followers with Al Sharpton
running this country.

Yes I sometimes think there is and was a conspiracy and part of it was
leaving the White House today.

Dirty mafia money and a lot is channeled through these
"foundations"now buying up America - for you see that money was all
tax free

So conspiracy?   Yes, I believe so - but Carnahan, to tell the truth
people really don't give a damn anymore..democrats were virtually
assured a seat with Mrs. Carnahan, the widow in the wings waiting -
worked for Sonny Bono ...

Wonder why Payne Stewart had to die?
Well he beat out Tiger Woods and you know golf is almost a joke now - I
saw Tiger play twice, he came in 60th place the first time yet his
henchmen were here paying off news media to plug him and he had real
pros pushing him.

And how many golfers I have heard say "oh, to think I beat the great
Tiger Woods"...supposed now gol will become like basketball and
wrestlingthrowing golf clubs, and you know the routine.once
Eisenhower said he hoped golf would always be a gentleman's game.

I can still see Tiger sitting in back of room while Payne Stewart's
famly sat in front during the funeraland wouldn't you know, Clinton
hurt his "hamstring" down there at Greg Normans
always wondered about that - but one thing I know for sure, that which
is crooked cannot be made straight - think that old biblical term.

No such thing as an accident some say.Carnahan was Irish but there
is more background in that race, than has been revealed.

I am going on the widow theory...some people love to cry and get on
TV at funerals.i.e. Littleton, for there it was really Show Time

Just my opinion..I often wondered bout Adlai Stevenson for he died
at high noon outside a restaurant - with CIA dirty tricks head's wife at
his side

CIA has always been controlled by the wasps and it seems they are
letting the bastards in befoe the 5th generation now.

Anyone who wants to follow Jesse Jackson and the likes of an Al Sharpton
- well okay by me, but if that ever happened - this time the South would
win for sure.


Always liked the gentleman C's.


[CTRL] Reports Say US, Britain, Israel Making Preparations For War

2001-01-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Reports Say US, Britain, Israel
   Making Preparations For War
   By Jon Dougherty
   © 2001

  U.S. military forces in Europe, which are currently at
  threat condition "Bravo," are set to be upgraded to
  condition "Charlie" by Jan. 20, while other elements
  of U.S. European theater forces -- as well as British
  special forces troops -- may be headed to Israel
  "within a few weeks," sources have told

  According to a host of reports from various
  European and Middle East military sources, all of
  whom requested anonymity for security reasons,
  European Command, or EUCOM, forces last week
  were placed on alert status "Bravo" -- with "Alpha"
  being the lowest and "Delta" being the highest --
  "across the board," which included all U.S. forces
  stationed in the European theater -- Germany, Italy,
  Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere.

  Other sources said the alert status would be
  upgraded to "Charlie" -- the second highest level --
  at "2400 hours European time, Jan. 20," the day
  President-elect George W. Bush is to be sworn into
  office, due to developments taking shape in the
  Middle East.

  Another source said the U.S. V Corps -- which
  includes the U.S. Army's 1st Armored Division and
  the 1st Infantry Division, plus supporting artillery,
  engineer, medical and supply units -- "are moving
  en masse to Grafenwoehr" -- a sprawling training
  center near Nuremberg -- and that Patriot missile
  batteries may be moved to Israel.

  A spokesman for the U.S. Army, Lt. Col. Dave
  LaPan, confirmed that EUCOM's alert status was
  upgraded to "Bravo" last week, noting that "they go
  up and down all the time."

  Another U.S. Army spokesman said he was
  "unaware of any pending change to the threat
  conditions in the United States European
  Command." While he said he had "no specific
  knowledge" of the troop movements, he added, "I
  can tell you that we frequently train at Grafenwoehr.
  It would not be at all unusual for [those units] to
  move there."

  When asked if the Pentagon planned such training
  exercises -- which typically cost millions of dollars --
  well in advance, the spokesman said, "Yes, yes,
  way in advance."

  But, after some hesitation, he added, "As far as I
  know, there would be no relation between" the
  movement of those forces "and any raise or
  elevation of the threat condition."

  "I'm unaware of the things that you're talking about
  in advance," he said.

  When asked if WND could quote him as saying the
  particular exercise at Grafenwoehr had been
  planned in advance, he replied, "I wouldn't say that,
  because I don't know that there is an exercise going

  According to EUCOM, there is no record of a major
  January 2001 exercise involving the numbers of
  troops that comprise the U.S. Army's V Corps.

  But, sources told WND, the divisions reportedly
  being deployed to Grafenwoehr are "taking with
  them more than just enough stuff for a weekender.
  They're taking contamination outfits, protection
  gear, all of it -- lock, stock and barrel."

  Also, sources said, "the 69th Air Defense Brigade" --
  a two battalion Patriot missile brigade -- "is going
  through the process of deploying overseas,
  meaning leaving Europe, and they're going to

  One source said 

[CTRL] Deep ecology encompasses the Universe

2001-01-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01-01-20 18:36:32 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 UFOs aren't even ecology, much less deep ecology. Deep ecology has to do
 with seeing the world from the point of view of ALL of creation, rather
 than from only the human point of view. 
Now that's an anthropocentric opinion!  Consider this, more UNIVERSAL
statement, delivered at the 2000 Presidential Forum, Santa Clara, CA, October


 Copyright EcoNews Service 2000
 Vancouver, BC

 VANCOUVER, BC - What do Extraterrestrials and the
 expanding hole in the Earth's ozone layer have in

 "A great deal," says Vancouver-based
 environmentalist Alfred Webre. "The Extraterrestrial
 Presence may hold the key to our ecological crisis.
 That's why we have launched CUE, a new Campaign
 for Universe-based Ecology, as a vehicle to increase
 awareness of Extraterrestrial assistance for our

 CUE, is now housed on the Internet at Individuals and
 organizations are welcome to visit there.
 Participants are invited to promote a
 Universe-based ecology in various ways, including
 seeking open public hearings on Extraterrestrial and
 environmental policy.

 Public disclosure of possible extraterrestrial
 presence may be absolutely necessary to our
 ecological survival, according to CUE.  "The
 Extraterrestrial presence may be a vital component
 of our saving the ecology of Earth.  They may be
 here to assist us beyond petroleum-nuclear into
 cosmic free energy sources; beyond our planetary
 regime of war, disease, crime and poverty into a
 Universe-based future," says Webre. CUE considers
 that Earth's ecology may be the true goal of
 extraterrestrial disclosure.

 "We can base our awareness of the
 environment-extraterrestrial connection on several
 factors," claims Webre. "One is that transcripts of
 authentic, non-abducted Extraterrestrial contactees
 tell us that Earth's ecological crisis is a prime
 concern.  Exopolitics - politics in the Universe - also
 tells us that the Universe is highly organized and
 advanced.  Universe society's intervention to
 correct an ecological imbalance is consistent with
 how Earth may fit in to Universe society. Many
 reported negative "abduction experiences" may in
 fact be the product of psychological warfare
 operations in an information war by covert
 para-military organizations against the
 Extraterrestrial Presence."

 Extraterrestrial Disclosure

 Webre is an environmental lawyer and former
 General Counsel to New York's Environmental
 Protection Administration.  He spoke as a featured
 speaker at a recent X-PPAC Presidential Politics
 Town Hall panel held at California's Santa Clara
 Convention Center.  Steve Bassett heads the
 Washington, DC-based Extraterrestrial Political
 Action Committee which sponsored the Town Hall to
 promote government disclosure of a possible
 extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

 A 1996 Gallup poll found that 45% of adult Americans,
 or approximately 100 million persons believe that
 extraterrestrial civilizations visit Earth.  By contrast,
 the Federal Election Commission determined that 96
 million adult Americans voted in the 1996 US
 Presidential election.

 1977 Carter White House Study

 Webre is no stranger to examining extraterrestrial
 policy.  His 1974 context communication theory of
 extraterrestrial intervention led to a 1977 Carter
 White House Extraterrestrial Communication study,
 which he directed as a futurist at Stanford Research
 Institute.  Had the Carter White House study not
 been terminated by direct intervention of Pentagon
 officials, we would now have been living under
 nearly a quarter century of extraterrestrial

 "If there is an Extraterrestrial presence in Earth's
 dimension, why here and now?" Webre asks.
 "Perhaps that Extraterrestrial intelligence is
 impelled to assist us out of our petroleum-nuclear
 planetary coffin."

 Ecological Catastrophe

 "Our petroleum-nuclear civilization has made toxic
 our oceans, atmosphere, and landmasses," Webre
 continues.  "The hole in the ozone layer has now
 expanded from Antarctica to hover over a city in
 southernmost Chile, expanding the threat of human
 skin cancer and the disappearance of food-chain

 "Global warming and greenhouse gases, caused by
 our petroleum-nuclear civilization (as well as by
 solar and galactic activity), threaten Earth's species,
 habitats, and basic ecology," Webre notes.  "Already,
 our polar ice cap is melting."

 "Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere are being
 dangerously affected by global electromagnetic
 weapons and mind control systems such as HAARP
 and other monstrosities," Webre states.
 "Electromagnetic weapons affect the human brain's
 limbic system, and can trigger earth changes by
 altering the magnetosphere and tectonic plate

 According to Webre, 

[CTRL] Did Ashcroft Look the Other Way as Missouri Governor?

2001-01-20 Thread William Shannon

Did Ashcroft "Look the Other Way" as Missouri Governor?
Daniel Forbes, Progressive Review
January 19, 2001

John Ashcroft drapes himself in the mantle of "integrity." He used the word
in reference to himself several times during his introduction by
President-elect Bush as the Attorney General nominee. The repeated
characterization fuels the oft-proclaimed notion that Sen. Ashcroft is a man
of such moral rectitude that the nation can count on him to fully enforce all
laws -- no matter his personal views. During the first day of his Senate
confirmation hearings, Sen. Ashcroft declared, raising his right hand for
emphasis, that, "When I swear to uphold the law, I will keep my oath, so help
me God." Yet, during Sen. Ashcroft's tenure as governor of Missouri, he
blithely told two senior law enforcement officials he would ignore a serious
matter of law, according to Don Burger, then an official with the US
Department of Justice. Says Burger, two law enforcement officials said Gov.
Ashcroft had told them he would "look the other way" should the police ignore
a ruling about to emerge from the Missouri Supreme Court. The ruling,
ultimately issued in November 1990, mid-way through Sen. Ashcroft's second
term as governor, concerned a case brought by a local school board that
argued that Missouri law enforcement must follow the state constitution and
turn proceeds from asset forfeiture cases over to education rather than keep
the money for themselves. Millions of dollars were at stake, money Missouri
law enforcement agencies had used for years to buy everything from computers
to radio systems to cars and guns. Now, with a ruling expected shortly, the
cops were nervous that their well might run dry. But, according to Burger's
recollection of statements by the two top cops, who spoke independently at
different times during the meeting, police -- especially the highway patrol
that reports to the governor's office -- need not fear interference from the
same cabinet nominee who now pledges to rigorously and impartially enforce
the nation's laws. Hosted by US Attorney Bradshaw, the meeting was attended
by members of what was known informally as the Law Enforcement Coordinating
Committee, says Burger. Among the items on the agenda was a discussion of the
"problem of state law," he says -- that is, the provision in Article IX,
Section 7 of Missouri's constitution that requires "the clear proceeds of all
penalties, forfeitures and fines collected hereafter for any breach of the
penal laws of the state ... shall be distributed annually to the schools of
the several counties according to law." Referring to the sheriff and the
police chief, Burger told the Review, "Both men stated at different times
during the meeting that -- based on their conversations with Governor
Ashcroft -- the governor said he would 'look the other way' specifically
regarding the [Missouri] Supreme Court's ruling and asset seizures going to
education. That was the terminology used by both persons." Burger adds that
he remembers both individuals using the specific "look the other way"
terminology because, "It struck me as an unusual reference regarding the
applicability of funds to be set aside for education." In fact, says Burger,
the remarks were salient enough, that he later jotted down the Ashcroft quote
in the margins of a Dept. of Justice report he was reading. The governor's
statement, in Burger's opinion, indicated that Missouri law enforcement
agencies would continue, despite any state supreme court ruling, to "use
asset forfeiture to divert money to sheriff and police department projects."
Bradshaw, now in private practice in Kansas City, recalls no such statements
by any police officials at any meeting he attended. Mindy Tucker, a
spokesperson for the Bush/Cheney transition team said that ignoring a court
ruling "is not a position ever held by Gov. Ashcroft." She based her
statement, she said, on conversations with "people familiar with his
positions on this." But, consider the disclosure last May by Karen Dillon,
who's written an award-winning two-year series in the Kansas City Star on
asset forfeiture issues: "In 1990, just a few days after the Missouri Supreme
Court ruled that state forfeitures had to go to education in most cases, the
US attorney for the Western District of Missouri wrote a letter to state and
local law enforcement agencies. 'I know that all of you in law enforcement
are in desperate need for additional financial resources,' wrote Jean Paul
Bradshaw. He explained that police could bring seizures to a federal agency
even if the agency had no involvement in the case. 'As most of you know, the
money we share through our forfeiture program goes [directly] to the state or
local law enforecment agency,' he wrote." The fruits of Ashcroft's alleged
winking and Bradshaw's exhortation were harvested richly. There have been
subsequent attempts in 1992, 1993, and last year in the 

[CTRL] It's good to be an elite: Here's why...

2001-01-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

ONLY the public should have the right to pardon. The elites use it to
get away with theft and murder. Why should we allow this to continue?


Clinton Pardons More Than 100

By Sonya Ross
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, Jan. 20, 2001; 10:49 a.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– In one of his final acts, President Clinton on Saturday
pardoned more than 100 Americans, including former Whitewater business
partner Susan McDougal, brother Roger Clinton and former CIA Director John
Deutch, officials said.

Deutch's pardon spares the one-time spy chief and top Pentagon official of
facing criminal charges in connection with his mishandling of national
secrets on a home computer.

Clinton also pardoned a former Cabinet member, ex-Housing Secretary Henry
Cisneros, who was convicted in a controversy over payments to an

The president granted clemency to Patty Hearst, the 1970s kidnap victim who
later went to prison in connection with a bank robbery, and former Navaho
Nation chief Peter MacDonald.

The list, released less than two hours before Clinton turned over the White
House to President-elect Bush, was also notable for the number of people
seeking pardons it did not include.

Among them: Webster Hubbell, a former law partner of Hillary Rodham Clinton;
Jonathan Pollard, a former Navy analyst imprisoned for spying for Israel;
one-time Wall Street financier Michael Milken; and Leonard Peltier,
convicted of killing two FBI agents on an Indian reservation in 1975.

McDougal's pardon came just one day after the Whitewater investigation was
closed down under a deal in which Clinton gave up his law license and
admitted make false testimony under oath in the Monica Lewinsky in return
for prosecutor agreeing not to indict him.

"She's absolutely delighted," said her lawyer, Mark Geragos. "She is
speechless for once in her life. And I think it is especially poignant that
it was one of the last acts of Bill Clinton's administration."

McDougal went to prison rather than testify in the Whitewater investigation.

Convicted at a 1996 trial where Clinton testified in her defense, McDougal
remained an unabashed supporter of the president, appearing on national
television in her orange prison jumpsuit to insist that Clinton never
engaged in illegal loans or other improper conduct as prosecutors in
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office sought to prove.

Her former husband, failed Arkansas savings and loan operator James
McDougal, also was convicted at the same trial but took a markedly different
path. He chose to cooperate with Starr's office and implicated the Clintons
in wrongdoing before his sudden death in prison.

Susan McDougal never wavered, embarking on a campaign to portray Starr, a
Republican, as politically motivated, on a "personal vendetta" to pursue the
Clintons and disinterested in the truth. Starr and his staff repeatedly
denied those allegations.

She only served 3 months of a two-year prison term for her four felony
convictions before a federal judge released her because of a back problem.

But her freedom was short-lived. She defied a judge's order to answer
Whitewater prosecutor's questions before a federal grand jury and was
returned to jail for 18 months for civil contempt.

Frustrated she still wasn't cooperating, Starr's office decided to prosecute
McDougal for criminal contempt for obstructing the grand jury probe. The
jury deadlocked, and prosecutors decided not to retry her.

Roger Clinton was sentenced to two years in prison after pleading guilty in
1985 to conspiring to distribute cocaine. He cooperated with authorities and
testified against other drug defendants.

He has since focused on an entertainment career. The president was best man
at his brother's wedding back in the mid-1990s.

Deutch had been considering a deal with the Justice Department in which he
would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of keeping classified data on his
home computers.

He got in trouble when CIA security officials discovered, as he was stepping
down in 1996 as CIA chief, that he had written and stored highly classified
intelligence reports on home computers linked to the Internet.

Deutch publicly apologized. Pentagon officials later discovered Deutch had
similar security lapses during his tenure as the No. 2 defense

Cisneros was Clinton's first housing secretary. He resigned in 1996 amid an
investigation into allegations that he lied to the FBI about payments he
made to a former mistress, Linda Medlar. In 1999, he pleaded guilty to a
misdemeanor charge.

Since leaving office, Cisneros served as head of Univision, the nation's
largest Spanish-language television network. Last year, he returned to his
native San Antonio to launch an organization to provide housing for
low-income families.

At age 19, Hearst was kidnapped in the 1

[CTRL] AP: Clinton Pardons McDougal, Cisneros

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Pardons McDougal, Cisneros
By John Solomon
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, Jan. 20, 2001; 10:32 a.m. EST

WASHINGTON In one of his final acts, President Clinton on
Saturday pardoned more than 100 Americans, including his former
Whitewater business partner Susan McDougal and former Housing
Secretary Henry Cisneros, officials said.

The sources said Clinton also pardoned his brother, Roger
Clinton, who had been convicted of a drug charge, as well as
Hearst heiress Patty Hearst and former Navaho Nation chief Peter

The list also was notable for the number of people it did not
include. Among them, the sources said: Webster Hubbell, a former
law partner of Hillary Rodham Clinton; Jonathan Pollard, a former
Navy analyst imprisoned for spying for Israel; one-time Wall
Street financier Michael Milken; and Leonard Peltier, convicted
of killing two FBI agents on an Indian reservation in 1975.

McDougal's pardon came just one day after the Whitewater
investigation was closed down under a deal in which Clinton gave
up his law license and admitted make false testimony under oath
in the Monica Lewinsky in return for prosecutor agreeing not to
indict him.

"She's absolutely delighted," said her lawyer, Mark Geragos. "She
is speechless for once in her life. And I think it is especially
poignant that it was one of the last acts of Bill Clinton's

McDougal went to prison rather than testify in the Whitewater

Convicted at a 1996 trial where Clinton testified in her defense,
McDougal remained an unabashed supporter of the president,
appearing on national television in her orange prison jumpsuit to
insist that Clinton never engaged in illegal loans or other
improper conduct as prosecutors in Independent Counsel Kenneth
Starr's office sought to prove.

Her former husband, failed Arkansas savings and loan operator
James McDougal, also was convicted at the same trial but took a
markedly different path. He chose to cooperate with Starr's
office and implicated the Clintons in wrongdoing before his
sudden death in prison.

Susan McDougal never wavered, embarking on a campaign to portray
Starr, a Republican, as politically motivated, on a "personal
vendetta" to pursue the Clintons and disinterested in the truth.
Starr and his staff repeatedly denied those allegations.

She only served 3 months of a two-year prison term for her four
felony convictions before a federal judge released her because of
a back problem.

But her freedom was short-lived. She defied a judge's order to
answer Whitewater prosecutor's questions before a federal grand
jury and was returned to jail for 18 months for civil contempt.

Frustrated she still wasn't cooperating, Starr's office decided
to prosecute McDougal for criminal contempt for obstructing the
grand jury probe. The jury deadlocked, and prosecutors decided
not to retry her.

MacDonald, 72, the former leader of the Navajo Nation, has been
in a Fort Worth, Texas, medical prison since his 1992 sentencing
for his role in a Window Rock, Ariz., riot that resulted in the
deaths of two of his supporters in 1989.

MacDonald was removed from office for taking bribes and
kickbacks. The two supporters were killed on July 20, 1989, by
tribal police during a march to protest what they considered a
coup against their leader. MacDonald, his health deteriorating,
has been serving a 14-year sentence for inciting the deadly riot.

At age 19, Hearst was kidnapped in the 1970s by the radical
Symbionese Liberation Army. She later served part of a prison
sentence for a bank holdup in San Francisco before it was
commuted by President Carter. She is married to her former
bodyguard, Bernard Shaw.

Cisneros was Clinton's first housing secretary. He resigned in
1996 amid an investigation into allegations that he lied to the
FBI about payments he made to a former mistress, Linda Medlar. In
1999, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge.

Since leaving office, Cisneros served as head of Univision, the
nation's largest Spanish-language television network. Last year,
he returned to his native San Antonio to launch an organization
to provide housing for low-income families.

Roger Clinton, the president's brother, was sentenced to two
years in prison after pleading guilty in 1985 to conspiring to
distribute cocaine. He cooperated with authorities and testified
against other drug defendants.

He has since focused on an entertainment career. The president
was best man at his brother's wedding back in the mid-1990s.

 Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemie


2001-01-20 Thread William Shannon


MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research and Development, Intelligence Operation
established by President Truman on September 24, 1947 in light of the events
at Roswell, New mexico, where a UFO supposedly crashed and gray aliens/ alien
hybirds were captured. The group also know as The Majestic Twelve Operation,
Majestic 12, Majic 12, MAJCOM or MJ-12 was created under an executive order
on September 24th , 1947. The panel was empowered to review all available
evidence and data collected by the government, military and intelligence
agencies. MJ-12 was a 'Committee' set up inside the NSC. In 1954, President
Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive Order, "Order Number 54-12".
(NSC=National Security Counsel) This committee able to take appropriate
action without congressional oversight. The MJ-12 group worked closely with
the Joint Intelligence Committee, the Air Technical Intelligence Center and
Intelligence Advisory Committee. Projects connected to or spun off from MJ-12
were PROJECT SIGMA, PROJECT SIGN which was said to have evolved into PROJECT
GRUGE. It can make a person feel uneasy that such an organization was formed
outside of the normal channels of our democratic process, that the citizens
of the United States work so hard to fund and keep together. Its
manifestation set precedents for much of the double-dealing and covert
activities that run so rampant within United States Government political
system today. Amongst the MJ-12 documents there is information about UFO
crashes and recoveries, connected military installations, scientific
facilities, laboratories, locations of wreckage storage, experiments with
advanced technology and labs wherein secret operations took place. MJ-12 was
the President's special panel to investigate the UFO/alien phenomena and
participate in capture of unidentified space vehicles. The President was
briefed on a weekly activity in what was called 'Current Intelligence
Review'. The group also dealt with the social impact on personnel directly
exposed to any given recovery or incident as well as the effects if this
information if it ever went public. The line up of the MJ-12 committee
members varied from document to document that I dug up. My conclusion was
that there were different committee members depending on the date the
document surfaced. One of the names that was consistent in most of the
document rosters was Dr. Vannevar Bush, who himself and James V. Forrestal
created the committee with the approval of President Truman. The other cast
of characters consisted of U.S military generals, scientists, a Shell Oil
executive and, on a few documents, Professor Albert Enstein and Warner von
Brauns names came up as being associated with the project. A conference was
held in September of 1947 to discuss approximately 1200 memorandums and
intelligence's reports of UFO incidents. The conference consisted of National
Security officials and leaders of private industry for the purpose of other
world visitations. Points were made about the technological and economic
standpoints of advanced life forms. They went as far as having concern for
the division of celestial bodies and the distribution of ownership. The
potential of anarchy and the peaceful arbitration of such cases arising.
There was the notion of United Nations having to deal with the problems
related to extraterrestrials, and how profound changes in traditional
concepts on this planet would occur if intelligent life-forms were uncovered.
There was also concern of how international law would deal with the
occupation by celestial peoples at certain location on our planet. Military
and other personnel involved with any of the operations had a "Need To Know"
access with proper security clearance. One document stated that the Roswell
security had gone well, but a few Military Police had suffered nervous
breakdowns and one suicide. Some of the documents inform military officers on
the political and psychological impact on personnel directly involved with
recovery, transport, research and storage of any UFO/alien related materials,
and how official appraisal and evaluations of the situations at said
facilities are to be reported back on a regular basis. There was also an
official procedure established for how civilians were debriefed and warned of
consequences of talking to the press. And the secrecy established seems to
almost be working. What was interesting was the mention of an information
leak about the secret UFO recovery operation at Roswell and their concern
that it had gotten to a Massachusetts representative named John F. Kennedy.
There was a strict regulation to detain civilian witnesses for interrogation
to satisfy intelligence requirements in the interests of national security.
The government perspective and policy was and is control and denial. One of
the documents stated that the objective was to control the public's mind -
which was in actuality to control the press. The policy is to 

[CTRL] IBD: Clinton Seeking Treaties w/o Senate Approval

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton Seeking Treaties w/o Senate Approval

By Douglas Austin
Investor's Business Daily

Treaty making seems simple enough. The president inks the deal.
Two-thirds of the Senate votes to ratify. The treaty becomes the
law of land.

But what if the president inks the deal, orders it acted on, but
doesn't ask for the Senate's OK?

That's just what President Clinton has done for several treaties.

Will they survive his leaving office? NOt if the treaties'
Republican critics have their way.

"(President-elect George) Bush ought to look hard at every single
one of these agreements and ascertain whether it makes sense for
the country to be bound by them," said Frank Gaffney, director of
the Center for Security Policy. "In most cases, I think the
answer is going to be no."

Clinton's unratified treaties cover a range of issues, from
missile defense to civil rights for children.

Human Rights

In 1998, Clinton issued an executive order, No. 13107, telling
federal agencies to comply wth several human rights treaties the
Senate had not yet ratified.

The order sets up an "interagency working group" to oversee

"It's almost as if ratification is only a detail, a mere
formality," said Cliff Kincaid, president of America's Survival,
a group that opposes the treaties. "Clinton is trying to get the
federal machinery moving to implement these treaties whether they
have been ratified or not."

Two of the treaties are the Convention on the Rights. of the
Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women.

Critics fear the treaties mask a move toward greater state
control over the family and the economy.

The treaty's rights for children provides legal grounds for state
intervention in family matters. The treaty to ban all
discrimination against women could be used to push wage controls.

"They use these treaties to shape and reorient the public
policies and even the social culture of nations around the
world," said Patrick Fagan, research fellow at The Heritage

The U.N. sends a team every five years to report on local

The report is used to pressure the country to change its laws. In
the U.S., that would shift more power to Washington.

Fagan says the U.N. takes a radical interpretation on the rights
of the child, driving a wedge between parents and their kids.

For example, parents in Britain had the right to remove their
kids from sex-education classes.

But that right was criticized by the U.N.'s first report on
conditions for children in Britain. The U.N. report was then used
in Britain to change the law, taking away the parents' right.

The ABM Treaty

The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty might have died when the
Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.

But in 1997, President Clinton signed off
on a memorandum of understanding with four ex-Soviet states.

The memo treated the ABM treaty as still
valid. That put severe limits on any missile-defense system the
U.S. might field.

First the White House said any follow-on to the ABM treaty would
need Senate OK. It even promised to seek the Senate's OK when the
Senate approved the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty in 1997.

But after signing the 1997 memo with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and
Kazakhstan, the White House changed its mind.

ln a 1998 letter to Congress Clinton said a case could be made
that the ABM. treaty. was still in effect, so the new memo didn't
need the Senate's OK.

ABM treatyopponents want Bush to renounce the memorandum. They
say Clinton violated the rider put in the CFE treaty ordering a
Senate vote.

"The Clinton administration's trying to bypass the Senate
regarding this 1997 MOU (memorandum of understanding), which they
tried to do before the Senate said no, was constitutionally
questionable," said Baker Spring of the Heritage Foundation.

"I think that agreement inherently required Senate consent, and
there was a real question of undermining the Senate's tidvice and
consent powers in an unconstitutional way."

Clinton signed the treaty to join the "International Criminal
Court" on New Year's Eve.

Standing Tribunal

The treaty would create a standing tribunal to indict, prosecute
and punish people for crimes against humanity.

The White House claimed it would give the U.S. influence during
further talks. But Clinton said Bush shouldn't send it to the
Senate until U.S. concerns were fixed.

Bush's people agree the treaty is flawed. They have no plans to
send it to the Senate and will review the treaty when Bush. takes

GOP opponents in Congress are weighing a law banning cooperation
with the court.

Critics charge Clinton gave support to the treaty by signing it.
He also made it more difficult to work against the pact.

"Once we sign, we are saying well, we're kind of basically in
favor of this," said Jeremy Rabkin, professor of government at
Cornell University. "And that 

[CTRL] AP: Clinton Pardon's List

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Pardon's List

January 20, 2001 13:52est

By The Associated Press

 A list of the people pardoned or commuted Saturday before
President Clinton left office, as released by the White House:


 Benjamin Berger

 Ronald Henderson Blackley

 Bert Wayne Bolan

 Gloria Libia Camargo

 Charles F. Campbell

 David Ronald Chandler

 Lau Ching Chin

 Donald R. Clark

 Loreta De-Ann Coffman

 Derrick Curry

 Velinda Desalus

 Jacob Elbaum

 Linda Sue Evans

 Loretta Sharon Fish

 Antoinette M. Frink

 David Goldstein

 Gerard A. Greenfield

 Jodie E. Israel

 Kimberly Johnson

 Billy Thornton Langston Jr.

 Belinda Lynn Lumpkin

 Peter MacDonald

 Kellie Ann Mann

 Peter Ninemire

 Hugh Ricardo Padmore

 Arnold Paul Prosperi

 Melvin J. Reynolds

 Pedro Miguel Riveiro

 Dorothy Rivers

 Susan Rosenberg

 Kalmen Stern

 Cory Stringfellow

 Carlo Anibal Vignali Jr.

 Thomas Wilson Waddell III

 Harvey Weinig

 Kim Allen Willis


 Verla Jean Allen

 Nicholas M. Altiere

 Bernice Ruth Altschul

 Joe Anderson Jr.

 William Sterling Anderson

 Mansour Azizkhani

 Cleveland Victor Babin Jr.

 Chris Harmon Bagley

 Scott Lynn Bane

 Thomas Cleveland Barber

 Peggy Ann Bargon

 David Roscoe Blampied

 William Arthur Borders Jr.

 Arthur David Borel

 Douglas Chrles Borel

 George Thomas Brabham

 Almon Glenn Braswell

 Leonard Browder

 David Steven Brown

 Delores Caroylene Burleson, aka Delores Cox Burleson

 John H. Bustamante

 Mary Louise Campbell

 Eloida Candelaria

 Dennis Sobrevinas Capili

 Donna Denise Chambers

 Douglas Eugene Chapman

 Ronald Keith Chapman

 Francisco Larois Chavez

 Henry G. Cisneros

 Roger Clinton

 Stuart Harris Cohn

 David Marc Cooper

 Ernest Harley Cox Jr.

 John F. Cross Jr.

 Reickey Lee Cunningham

 Richard Anthony De Labio

 John Deutch

 Richard Douglas

 Edward Reynolds Downe

 Marvin Dean Dudley

 Larry Lee Duncan

 Robert Clinton Fain

 Marcos Arcenio Fernandez

 Alvarez Ferrouillet

 William Dennis Fugazy

 Lloyd Reid George

 Louis Goldstein

 Rubye Lee Gordon

 Pincus Green

 Robert Ivey Hamner

 Samuel Price Handley

 Woodie Randolph Handley

 Jay Houston Harmon

 John Hummingson

 David S. Herdlinger

 Debi Rae Huckleberry

 Donald Ray James

 Stanley Pruet Jobe

 Ruben H. Johnson

 Linda Jones

 James Howard Lake

 June Louise Lewis

 Salim Bonnor Lewis

 John Leighton Lodwick

 Hildebrando Lopez

 Jose Julio Luaces

 James Timothy Maness

 James Lowell Manning

 John Robert Martin

 Frank Ayala Martinez

 Silvia Leticia Beltran Martinez

 John Francis McCormick

 Susan H. McDougal

 Howard Lawrence Mechanic

 Brook K. Mitchell Sr.

 Samuel Loring Morison

 Charles Wilfred Morgan III

 Richard Anthony Nazzaro

 Charlene Ann Nosenko

 Vernon Raymond Obermeier

 Miguelina Ogalde

 David C. Owen

 Robert W. Palmer

 Kelli Anne Perhosky

 Richard H. Pezzopane

 Orville Rex Phillips

 Vinson Stewart Poling Jr.

 Norman Lyle Prouse

 Willie H.H. Pruitt Jr.

 Danny Martin Pursley Sr.

 Charles D. Ravenel

 William Clyde Ray

 Alfredo Luna Regalado

 Ildefonso Reynes Ricafort

 Marc Rich

 Howard Winfield Riddle

 Richard Wilson Riley Jr.

 Samuel Lee Robbins

 Joel Gonzales Rodriguez

 Michael James Rogers

 Anna Louise Ross

 Gerald Glen Rust

 Jerri Ann Rust

 Bettye June Rutherford

 Gregory Lee Sands

 Adolph Schwimmer

 Albert A. Seretti Jr.

 Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw

 Dennis Joseph Smith

 Gerald Owen Smith

 Stephen A. Smith

 Jimmie Lee Speake

 Charles Bernard Stewart

 Marlena Francisca Stewart-Rollins

 John Fife Symington III

 Richard Lee Tannehill

 Nicholas C. Tenaglia

 Gary Allen Thomas

 Larry Weldon Todd

 Olga C. Trevino

 Ignatious Vamvouklis

 Patricia A. Van De Weerd

 Christopher V. Wade

 Bill Wayne Warmath

 Jack Kenneth Watson

 Donna Lynn Webb

 Donald William Wells

 Robert H. Wendt

 Jack L. Williams

 Kavin Arthur Williams

 Robert Michael Williams

 Jimmie Lee Wilson

 Thelma Louise Wingate

 Mitchell Couey Wood

 Warren Stannard Wood

 Dewey Worthey

 Rick Allen Yale

 Joseph A. Yasak

 William Stanley Yingling

 Phillip David Young

AP-NY-01-20-01 1352EST

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] AP: Bush to Block Some Clinton Orders

2001-01-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday January 20 10:07 AM ET

Bush to Block Some Clinton Orders

By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Bush will move quickly to block
new Medicare guidelines, environmental protections and other late
executive actions by President Clinton (news - web sites),
Republican officials said Saturday.

As one of his first acts after taking office, Bush will issue an
order to effectively halt a series of last-minute executive
orders and rules by the outgoing president, the officials said.

Among those actions targeted are environmental restrictions on
runoff from animal feeding operations, and guidelines for managed
care programs under Medicare.

Clinton was leaving office Saturday with a flurry of decisions,
many of which have drawn sharp criticism from Republicans.

Bush will impose a moratorium that would for the time being block
any new rules from being printed in the Federal Register.  That
would essentially block the most recent of Clinton's executive
orders because most rules cannot take effect until they have
appeared in the Federal Register for a certain period of time.

Older regulations would not be covered, but are actively under
review by the incoming Bush administration.  Many may be
rescinded, Bush transition officials said.

The freeze would not affect presidential pardons.

The moratorium on regulations was expected to be announced by
incoming White House chief of staff Andrew Card, said officials
who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Bush was also to issue executive orders on Saturday outlining
ethics guidelines for his administration and declaring a national
day of prayer, the officials said.

Imposing a freeze on rules has been used in the past by other
incoming presidents.

Then-President Ronald Reagan used a similar technique in 1981 to
block scores of last-minute executive orders by his predecessor,
Democrat Jimmy Carter.

And when he took office in 1993, Clinton moved quickly to block
several orders that Bush's father, George Bush, had put in place
in the closing days of his administration.

One would have required federal contractors to inform nonunion
employees of their rights to have any dues withheld from their
paychecks refunded.  The younger Bush may issue a new executive
order reimposing that blocked order of his father's, the GOP
officials said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Holy Warriors: Killing for the Glory of God, in a Land Far From Home

2001-01-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Copyright 2001 The
New York Times Company
January 16, 2001

Holy Warriors: Killing for the Glory of
God, in a Land Far From Home


 ANJSHIR VALLEY, Afghanistan —
Muhammad Khaled Mihraban, a polite, soft-
spoken 26- year-old Pakistani, thinks he
has already killed at least 100 people.
Maybe more; he isn't really sure.

"My goal was not to kill," he said. "But I
had a line to follow, an Islamic ideal. I
knew that Muslims needed their own
country, a real Islamic country."

Mr. Mihraban found that country when he
came to Afghanistan in 1992. Having
decided "to consecrate my life to jihad"
while studying Islamic law at Punjab
University in Lahore, he said, he joined a
Pakistani militant group that was fighting
India in the disputed province of Kashmir.
His training took place in Afghanistan.

"We learned how to plant mines, how to
make bombs using dynamite and how to kill
someone quietly," he recalled.

A gifted student, he was soon asked to
train others in group camps near Khost.
"But I wanted to act, not teach," he
explained. So after a stint waging war in
Kashmir, he returned to Kabul to fight
alongside the Taliban forces that control
most of the country.

Mr. Mihraban, who was captured by the
rebels fighting the Taliban in northern
Afghanistan, said in an interview in a
bleak prison that if he were released, he
would "stay right here and fight again for
Kabul." If he were asked to do so, he said,
he would go to London, Paris or New York
and blow up women and children for Islam.
"Yes, I would do it," he said quietly,
without hesitation.

If the international terrorism that has
haunted Americans for the last decade has
a home, it is Afghanistan, the place that
comes closest to the extremists' ideal of
a state ruled by the strict code of
Islamic law.

Afghanistan is an inspiration, an
essential base of operations, a reservoir
of potential suicide bombers and a battle
front where crucial ties are forged. It is
also, American officials say, where Osama
bin Laden is experimenting with chemical

Participants in nearly every plot against
the United States and its allies during
the last decade have learned the arts of
war and explosives in Afghan camps,
authorities say, including the defendants
in the 1998 bombings of two American
Embassies in East Africa.

The Central Intelligence Agency estimates
that as many as 50,000 to 70,000 militants
from 55 countries have trained here in
recent years.  The agency says the Taliban
permit a wide range of groups to operate
in Afghan territory, from the Pakistani
militants who trained Mr. Mihraban to Mr.
bin Laden's organization Al Qaeda (Arabic
for The Base). Middle East officials said
that as many as 5,000 recruits have passed
through Mr. bin Laden's camps.

American and Middle Eastern intelligence
officials believe that Mr. bin Laden
maintains a network of a dozen camps in
Afghanistan that offer training in small
arms and in explosives and logistics for
terrorist attacks. The officials said
the embassy bombings, which killed more
than 200 people, were rehearsed on a model
built to scale at one of Mr. bin Laden's
Afghan camps.

One camp, according to those officials, is
educating a new generation of recruits in
the uses of chemicals, poisons and toxins.

Within the last year, trainees at the
camp, which is called Abu Khabab, have
experimented on dogs, rabbits and other
animals with nerve gases, the officials
said. Recruits have also fashioned bombs
made from commercially available chemicals
and poisons, which have been tried out on
animals tethered to outdoor posts on the
camp test range, according to surveillance
photographs and informers' reports.

"The role of Afghanistan is now absolutely
clear," said Michael A. Sheehan, the
former coordinator of the State
Department's Office of Counterterrorism,
who in late December became assistant
secretary general for peacekeeping
operations for the United Nations. "Every
Islamic militant we've looked at goes
scurrying back there for sanctuary.
Afghanistan, and to a lesser extent Iran,
are the only major sanctuaries left."

The Training:

Where Recruits Study Tactics and

Middle Eastern officials estimate that in
the last six months, more than 100 men
recruited by Mr. bin Laden's and
affiliated groups have been trained at the
camp, which is named after the Egyptian
militant who runs it, Midhat Mursi — whose
nom de guerre is Abu Khabab.

The camp is part of a large complex of
such training sites known as Darunta,
about eight miles from Jalalabad, an
Afghan eastern provincial capital, down a
dusty road that runs atop an old stone
dam of the same name. According to Western
and Middle Eastern officials, a cache
of chemicals is stored in the reinforced
caves of nearby mountains and naturally
protected underground tunnels.

Abu Khabab's graduates in the last year
include Raed Hijazi, the Jordanian-
American whom Jordan has convicted in
absentia as a ringleader of the failed
plot to 

[CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-20 Thread T Nohava
In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Moving quickly upon taking office, President George
W. Bush on Saturday issued an order that essentially blocked some of the
last-minute executive orders and rules laid down by outgoing President
The order was believed to apply to such orders as new regulations for
managed care programs under Medicare and new environmental rules on runoff
from animal feeding operations.

It would also apply to Clinton's declaration of the former military post of
Governor's Island in New York Harbor as a national monument, a designation
Clinton made on Saturday.

Bush's move did not apply to the 140 presidential pardons and 36 prison
sentence commutations that Clinton issued less than two hours before his
term expired on Saturday.

Bush's order, signed by new White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and sent
to the heads and acting heads of executive departments and agencies, said
the decision was made ``to ensure that the president's appointees have the
opportunity to review any new or pending regulations.''

``It's a way for us to conduct a more thorough and effective review of these
last-minute regulations,'' Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said.

The order meant that no new rules could be printed in the Federal Register,
which blocked them because the rules cannot take effect until they have
appeared in the Federal Register for a period of time.

Bush also issued a 60-day stay on regulations that were published in the
Federal Register but have not yet taken effect.

Some of the blizzard of rules issued by Clinton in his last days in office
angered Republicans, particularly his decision to declare nearly 60 million
acres of federal land, mostly in the western states, off limits to logging.

That order, however, came after a lengthy federal review period and would
appear to be extremely difficult to withdraw.


Fleischer said the new administration had a variety of options on how to
deal with Clinton's orders. ``I expect some will be repealed, some will be
amended, some will be kept.''

In other initial items of business, Bush directed employees of his new
government to observe ``the highest standards of integrity,'' declared
Sunday a national day of prayer and enacted a hiring freeze.

In a memorandum to the heads of government departments and agencies, Bush
said employees should not use public office for private gain. They should
disclose waste, fraud, abuse and corruption to appropriate authorities.

``Everyone who enters into public service for the United States has a duty
to the American people to maintain the highest standards of integrity in
government,'' Bush said in the memo.

The memo, released less than two hours after Bush took the oath of office as
America's 43rd president, followed Bush's campaign pledge to ``restore honor
and dignity'' to the White House after the ethical lapses and scandals of
the Clinton administration.

``It is a living and breathing reminder to our staff and to the nation of
the importance that the president himself attaches to high ethic standards
and government service,'' Fleischer said.

Card sent a separate memo to heads of executive departments and agencies,
saying Bush froze hiring until a department or agency head appointed by Bush
approves it. He also said each agency head will be instructed to develop a
plan to meet Bush's goal of reducing management ranks.

Reflecting his deep religious convictions, Bush also signed a proclamation
declaring Sunday a ``national day of prayer and thanksgiving'' to celebrate
the peaceful transfer of power between him and Clinton.

``On this day, I call upon Americans to recall all that unites us,'' Bush
said in the proclamation.

 My AltaVista  In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders.url


2001-01-20 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

As George W. Bush was being sworn-in as President
today, the skies over Austin Texas were being
crisscrossed with chemtrails.
The skies were mostly clear until almost noon
and then the high altitude spraying began.
Three jets flying abreast spewed out the thick
white streams from the southeast to the northwest.
They flew almost directly over the State Capital
Building.  Then a little later, they flew over
in a crossing pattern making a huge grid of

There is no mistaking what these were.
They hung in the sky for at least an hour
as the spread out to a width of several miles
until the skies were about half "cloudy".
I saw several other high-flying jets at this
same time which were not leaving any contrails at all.
Over a period of two hours, I saw other
jets leave ordinary contrails which dissipated
within 2 minutes.

One wonders if the new President is aware of
what is happening in the skies over America.
It happened today over the city he has called
home for the past 6 years.

 Regards to All

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] How Jesse Invented Himself In Memphis (2)

2001-01-20 Thread T Nohava
How Jesse Invented Himself
In Memphis

So it seems that Jesse Jackson was the perfect person to counsel President
Clinton about infidelity.

As the saying goes, the man knows whereof he speaks.

Are you really surprised that Jesse has a secret mistress and love child?

You shouldn't be. Jesse is the quintessential lovable rogue - although
"lovable" might be a stretch. Jackson (c.), Martin Luther King and Ralph
Abernathy (r.) the day before King's assassination

Like many - both black and white - I have been mesmerized by Jackson for
decades. Modesty is a virtue with which he has never been familiar.

I first heard Jesse speak at the National Black Political Convention in
Gary, Ind., in 1972. Sporting a huge Afro and colorful dashiki, Jackson
stirred the juices, an American Fidel who enchanted his audience for hours
as the venom flowed fast and furious. "The idea of looking for racial
equality [in America] is a farce," he thundered to deafening applause.

Jesse blew me away - and then I got to know him.

During his run for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination, I revisited
the story that formed the backbone of the Jackson legend - that immediately
after the assassination in Memphis in 1968, Jesse had cradled Martin Luther
King in his arms.

Building that story helped Jesse assume Martin's mantle - but like much
about Jackson, that story was a lie. Jesse Jackson with his wife Jackie at
the 1998 Democratic National Convention

Hosea Williams, who had been a King assistant, was only one of several
people, including former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, who told me what really
happened on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel on that horrific day:

"Right after the shooting, Jesse shouted to us all not to talk to the
press," Williams said. "But then I saw him telling reporters, 'Yes, I was
the last man in the world King spoke to.' He said he held King in his arms.
I knew he was lying - Ralph Abernathy was the one who held 'Doc.'"

"I don't know for sure why Jesse says what he says," Abernathy told me in
1987. "He's always had this deep need to project a special closeness to
whatever seemed holy."

While the rest of King's stunned aides stayed close in Memphis, Jesse flew
home to Chicago. The next morning, wearing a turtleneck that he said was
stained with King's blood, Jackson turned up on the "Today" show, retelling
his tall tale.

When I confronted Jesse with the testimony of King's other associates, he
dodged artfully. "Peter was with Jesus physically," Jackson said, reaching
for a biblical metaphor that avoided a direct answer. "But Paul interpreted
Jesus better than Peter did. Peter and them got jealous of Paul and have
been trying to ax him out ever since."

The King story is only one of many Jackson embellishments. For years, he
movingly recounted his impoverished upbringing to anyone willing to listen.
"I used to run bootleg liquor and buy hot clothes," Jackson told television
interviewers. "I had to steal to survive." His stepfather, he said, was a
janitor, his mother a maid.

In fact, Jackson's stepfather was a postal worker, his mother a beautician.
(Upset by his stepson's fabrication, a proud Charles Jackson told Barbara
Reynolds, for her book on Jesse, "We never begged for a dime, and my family
never went hungry a day in their lives.")

Ever since King's death, no other African-American has come close to
supplanting Jackson in the role he most relishes: In private, Jackson
considers himself the President of Black America.

As he travels the nation, urging the downtrodden to pull themselves up from
poverty - one of many admirable exhortations - Jesse still asks his
audiences to repeat after him: "I am somebody."

Well, Jesse is certainly somebody. He's a world-class piece of work, and it
now seems he's been comfortably living his biggest lie for some time.

Jesse Jackson is more than somebody. He is two bodies.

 How Jesse Invented Himself In Memphis (2).url

[CTRL] None Dare Call It Treason

2001-01-20 Thread William Shannon
FEATURE STORY | February 5, 2001

None Dare Call It Treason


In the December 12 ruling by the US Supreme Court handing the election to 
George Bush, the Court committed the unpardonable sin of being a knowing 
surrogate for the Republican Party instead of being an impartial arbiter of 
the law. If you doubt this, try to imagine Al Gore's and George Bush's roles 
being reversed and ask yourself if you can conceive of Justice Antonin Scalia 
and his four conservative brethren issuing an emergency order on December 9 
stopping the counting of ballots (at a time when Gore's lead had shrunk to 
154 votes) on the grounds that if it continued, Gore could suffer 
"irreparable harm," and then subsequently, on December 12, bequeathing the 
election to Gore on equal protection grounds. If you can, then I suppose you 
can also imagine seeing a man jumping away from his own shadow, Frenchmen no 
longer drinking wine. 
From the beginning, Bush desperately sought, as it were, to prevent the 
opening of the door, the looking into the box--unmistakable signs that he 
feared the truth. In a nation that prides itself on openness, instead of the 
Supreme Court doing everything within its power to find a legal way to open 
the door and box, they did the precise opposite in grasping, stretching and 
searching mightily for a way, any way at all, to aid their choice for 
President, Bush, in the suppression of the truth, finally settling, in their 
judicial coup d'état, on the untenable argument that there was a violation of 
the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause--the Court asserting that 
because of the various standards of determining the voter's intent in the 
Florida counties, voters were treated unequally, since a vote disqualified in 
one county (the so-called undervotes, which the voting machines did not pick 
up) may have been counted in another county, and vice versa. Accordingly, the 
Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court's order that the undervotes be 
counted, effectively delivering the presidency to Bush. 
Now, in the equal protection cases I've seen, the aggrieved party, the one 
who is being harmed and discriminated against, almost invariably brings the 
action. But no Florida voter I'm aware of brought any action under the equal 
protection clause claiming he was disfranchised because of the different 
standards being employed. What happened here is that Bush leaped in and tried 
to profit from a hypothetical wrong inflicted on someone else. Even assuming 
Bush had this right, the very core of his petition to the Court was that he 
himself would be harmed by these different standards. But would he have? If 
we're to be governed by common sense, the answer is no. The reason is that 
just as with flipping a coin you end up in rather short order with as many 
heads as tails, there would be a "wash" here for both sides, i.e., there 
would be just as many Bush as Gore votes that would be counted in one county 
yet disqualified in the next. (Even if we were to assume, for the sake of 
argument, that the wash wouldn't end up exactly, 100 percent even, we'd still 
be dealing with the rule of de minimis non curat lex--the law does not 
concern itself with trifling matters.) So what harm to Bush was the Court so 
passionately trying to prevent by its ruling other than the real one: that he 
would be harmed by the truth as elicited from a full counting of the 
And if the Court's five-member majority was concerned not about Bush but the 
voters themselves, as they fervently claimed to be, then under what 
conceivable theory would they, in effect, tell these voters, "We're so 
concerned that some of you undervoters may lose your vote under the different 
Florida county standards that we're going to solve the problem by making sure 
that none of you undervoters have your votes counted"? Isn't this exactly 
what the Court did? 
Gore's lawyer, David Boies, never argued either of the above points to the 
Court. Also, since Boies already knew (from language in the December 9 
emergency order of the Court) that Justice Scalia, the Court's right-wing 
ideologue; his Pavlovian puppet, Clarence Thomas, who doesn't even try to 
create the impression that he's thinking; and three other conservatives on 
the Court (William Rehnquist, Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy) 
intended to deodorize their foul intent by hanging their hat on the anemic 
equal protection argument, wouldn't you think that he and his people would 
have come up with at least three or four strong arguments to expose it for 
what it was--a legal gimmick that the brazen, shameless majority intended to 
invoke to perpetrate a judicial hijacking in broad daylight? And made sure 
that he got into the record of his oral argument all of these points? Yet, 
remarkably, Boies only managed to make one good equal protection argument, 
and that one near the very 


2001-01-20 Thread William Shannon

Copyright Joel Skousen. Quotations with attribution permitted. 
Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief. Website:
After hearing the following exchange on the news, I’m not enthusiastic 
about president-elect Bush’s ability to halt or reverse the present erosion 
of constitutional liberty. When asked what he would do as president if 
faced with congressional legislation that was clearly unconstitutional, his 
response was, "How would I know if it was unconstitutional?" Well, it just 
so happens that the president is sworn to uphold the Constitution. He 
should at least have a sense of what is constitutional and what is not. 
Otherwise the Justice Department, which works for the Executive department, 
won’t tackle constitutional issues in defense of original intent.
During the campaign the Bush advisory team was composed almost exclusively 
of old-guard, CFR and NWO globalists. The New American even published a 
dramatic series of photographs taken at a little-publicized press 
conference in 1999 in which George W. was surrounded and endorsed by the 
entire Kissinger team including Kissinger himself, George Schultz, and 
Brent Scowcroft. These three global controllers are still actively engaged 
in jet-setting around the world intervening in other nations’ affairs. 
Major heads of states or their foreign ministers almost always pay a visit 
to one or more of the Kissinger team when they come to Washington on 
official business.
If that weren’t bad enough, Bush still has on his team insiders like 
Richard Armitage and C. Boyden Gray who have formerly served as "black 
side" operatives with the CIA under George Bush Sr. Interestingly enough, 
it seems that the Bush transition team has become sensitized to all the 
discontent brewing within the hard-core conservative wing of the Republican 
Party and has dumped plans to give these obvious insiders the high 
appointments they were promised. Armitage, who wanted the position of Sec. 
of Defense has been denied any public position so far. I wouldn’t be 
surprised, however, if he shows up as a Deputy Undersecretary in the 
Defense Department. Let’s take a hard look at the background of the other 
Bush nominees for cabinet and advisor positions. It’s a mixed bag of a few 
conservatives tasked with overseeing totally socialist programs and 
globalist insiders masquerading as conservatives. 
Rice (CFR) served on the National Security Council during the former Bush 
administration. Her mentor was none other than Brent Scowcroft. She has 
been carefully groomed for eventual leadership in the traditional way--by 
being named to a series of prestige building jobs that have kept her in the 
limelight for a return to service (Hoover Institution, World Federalist 
Society, Provost of Stanford University). By the way, if you track where 
up-and-coming people are placed within the "private" sector you can also 
track which companies and organizations are controlled by the CFR-globalist 
leadership. In fact, the National Security Council itself is staffed 
exclusively by advisors trained by and taking orders from the CFR and 
Kissinger Associates. These are the people who direct and influence the 
president in critical foreign policy issues. 
Colin Powell has a long history of being a military yes-man to the Powers 
That Be (PTB). As Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations in the 
Americal Division in Vietnam he was responsible for the initial 
investigation that covered up the facts surrounding the My Lai massacre. He 
was clearly responding to pressure from up the chain of command when he 
denied the claims of witness Tom Glen. He was rewarded for his "loyalty" by 
being given leave from the Army to pursue an MBA at George Washington in 
1971 and was selected in 1972 as a White House fellow--a post reserved for 
those who show "future promise" to the PTB. He then joined the Pentagon as 
a military aide to Sec. of Defense Casper Weinburger. In that capacity he 
was directly involved in the transfer of weapons to Iran, via Israel, as 
part of the Iran-Contra scandal. Being part of this secret CIA operation, 
he was a natural choice to join the National Security Council in 1987. In 
1989 he leap-frogged over numerous other senior officers in the military, 
who had greater military prowess, to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. 
He presided over the outrageous invasion of Panama which was a cover for 
the CIA take-down of Panama’s Manuel Noriega, the CIA’s drug and 
money-laundering bagman who, according to CIA defectors, was taking a much 
bigger cut of the drug profits than he was allowed. Many innocent civilians 
and soldiers (US included) were killed in this trumped-up war. Powell could 
not have been oblivious to the phony rationale for this invasion. 
Then to cap his career in the 

Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

2001-01-20 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Theres a lot of REALLY STUPID people out there, and a lot of them are Christians. A 
friend was telling me just the other day that some years ago, her mother sold her 
house and donated everything she owned to Oral Roberts in the US, then had to come and 
live with them because she was destitute. Add in the wills that people sign giving 
their estates to various religious hucksters, and there are plenty of bucks in 

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 12:39:14 EST "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/18/2001 9:51:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Oh god it's happening again! Gulp. Saba is right. Speeches and CNN don't
 really pay enough to account for his being a multi millionaire.

 Besides hanging out with guys who screw chicks in office, and screwing chicks
 in the office, what does this elite CFR scumbag actually DO? 

I've always wondered about Billy Graham too.  I don't mean his morals.  I'll
give him the benefit of the doubt on that, but just who pays him enough to
wear those super expensive suits and be constantly in company of the super
rich.  If speeches and television appearances don't really pay enough, what
do these guys do for pocket change.  I know Christ espoused poverty, but none
of our Evangelicals have ever said they didn't live in the lap of luxury.  It
has to be a good job.  Didn't Billy Graham's kid give up his life of
carousing to take up the family business?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: FEAR: Write your Senators about Ashcroft nomination

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Brenda Grantland
Sent:   Sat 1/20/2001 6:45 PM
Subject:FEAR: Write your Senators about Ashcroft nomination

The enclosed bulletin from G. Alan Robinson of the Drug Policy Forum of
Texas shows that Attorney General nominee John Ashcroft's claim that he
will enforce the law even if he does not believe in it is belied by his
record of encouraging Missouri police to use federal adoption to evade
state constitutional requirements that state forfeiture revenues go to
education.  Read this and write your Senators, asking them to oppose his

Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Drug Policy Forum of Texas)


Dan Forbes has written a story published in the Progressive Review
(check it
out at that ties then-Governor Ashcroft
directly to the violation of the Missouri Constitution and a Missouri
Supreme Court decision. A former law enforcement official is going on
saying that Senator Ashcroft told the police he would "look the other
if they took steps to avoid Missouri law.

Below is a copy of the article and a press release concerning the

This undermines the foundation of Governor Ashcroft's claims that he can
trusted to enforce the law even when he disagrees with it.

This information has been sent to all the major newspapers in the
country as
well as to all Senators, so it's going to be fascinating to see if so
as a word of it get mentioned in either the press or on any of the TV

Cheers / Al

G. Alan Robison
Executive Director
Drug Policy Forum of Texas
Houston, Texas
713-784-3196; FAX 713-784-0283


For Immediate Release
January 18, 2001

For Further Information:
Kevin B. Zeese

Ashcroft Tells Police: "I'll Look the Other Way"
As They Violate Missouri Constitution and Supreme Court Decision
   Can Ashcroft Be Trusted to Enforce Laws He Disagrees With?

Washington, D.C.: Today, Progressive Review,, reported
that when Senator Ashcroft served as Governor of Missouri his
administration violated a 100 year old provision of the Missouri
Constitution (Article IX, 7) that required all forfeited funds go to
public schools. In 1990 after the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that this

provision of the Constitution was clear and all forfeited proceeds must
go to the public schools his administration circumvented the decision.
(Reorganized School District No. 7 v. Douthit, 799 SW.2d 591 (Mo. Banc.
1990). The article by Dan Forbes is below.

In reaction to the Missouri Supreme Court decision state and local law
enforcement officials met to discuss how to circumvent the ruling and
the constitutional requirement. According to Don Burger, then an
official of the US Department of Justice two Missouri law enforcement
officials told the group of independent meetings with Governor Ashcroft
where he said he would "look the other way" if forfeiture cases were
federalized. By federalizing the forfeiture the proceeds would go to
federal law enforcement officials and they would kickback a portion to
local police. In that way, the public schools were denied the proceeds
required by law.

After the meeting the Ashcroft Administration, through the state police,

engaged in federalizing forfeitures to circumvent state law.  In
$844,520 v. United States, 136 F.3d 581 (8th Cir. 1998), the 8th Circuit

Court of Appeals ruled that the DEA and the Missouri Highway Patrol
"successfully conspired to violate the Missouri Constitution" by using
adoptive forfeiture to keep forfeiture proceeds for law enforcement
purposes and avoid giving the funds to the schools.

"During his confirmation hearings Mr. Ashcroft asked people to look at
his record as proof that he would enforce the law. Now that people have
looked at his record it is evident that Mr. Ashcroft may not enforce
laws when he disagrees with them," charged Kevin Zeese, Executive
Director of the Common Sense for Drug Policy Legislative Group. "Mr
Ashcroft's ardent support of the war on drugs was more important than
following the clear requirements of the Missouri Constitution and the
decision of the Missouri Supreme Court. His administration intentionally

took steps to circumvent the law simply because Governor Ashcroft did
not like the law. The state police violated the law with Governor
Ashcrofts' knowledge and approval," noted Zeese.

"Senator Ashcroft's favoritism for law enforcement has been clear in his

zealous advocacy for law enforcement. As governor he went further than
advocacy - he actually denied money that was required by law to go the
public schools and allowed law enforcement authorities to take it for
themselves. As a member of the executive branch Mr. Ashcroft will once
again have the power to 

[CTRL] FW:100 Links to Bush info: A GW Bush Inaugural Special

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent:   Sat 1/20/2001 10:39 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] 100 Links to Bush info: A GW Bush Inaugural

Bush Inaugural Special: 100 Links to Bush info

The following are links to information about the Bush family,
the Bush cabinet appointees and the corporations, think tanks
and foundations that are behind the GW Bush administration.
My including these links to materials other than the articles I
wrote is not to be considered an endorsement of any statement
they contain. These links connect to sites run by the left, the
religious right, conservative think tanks, political independents
and the mainstream media. Some are pro-Bush and are
included for cross reference value. All links were good as of
this writing so if you get a message to the contrary keep
trying-they are busy sites. When you cut and paste the web
adresses or type them in there must be no added spaces or
characters or else you will not be able to access the sites.
Within each of these sites you can do a word search on Bush or
any other word or name that interests you. These materials,
which are only a tiny fraction of what's out there, will help you
to see through the blitzkrieg of false information we are all
being subject to about GW Bush and his cabinet. Please
forward these links to your friends, the media, elected officials
and anyone else with an interest in knowing the real story
behind the 43rd President of the United States.

This list was compiled by
Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 743-3722

Lederman articles on the Bush connection to Nazis, eugenics
and drug companies. Also articles on West Nile Virus,
Giuliani, the Manhattan Institute - more than 50 articles filled
with references.

An exceptional article on the relationship between American
conservatives, GW Bush, so-called compassionate
conservatism, eugenics and the Nazis: Nazis In America by
Myrna Estep Ph. D

Bush financial misconduct

Bush family background

CIA, Nazis  the Republican Party

Philadelphia Enquirer 9/10/98 David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush
backer one of several with possible Nazi  links," September 10,

Project Paperclip: the CIA Nazi recruitment program - many of
the tink tanks and organizations behind Bush got their ideas
directly from these former Nazi officials.

Head of Florida holocaust Museum links Bush family to Nazis
"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich."
-John Loftus, former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes
investigator and President of the Florida Holocaust Museum
quoted in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

4/14/1990 New York Times quotes George Bush as stating,
"Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals."

US releases Nazi documents (AP)

Josef Goebbels on propaganda - Understand how the Big Lie
techniques used by the Bush campaign work

Eugenics sites (the Bush family are among the world's top
advocates for eugenics)

Fluoride info
(Alcoa, which plays a major role in the Bush administration, is
the world's leading producer of fluoride and was a leading ally
of Nazi Germany)

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: WW: Clinton Accepts 5-Year Law Suspension

2001-01-20 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Last I heard the Arkansas Bar was planning on revoking his law license. Pretty good 
effort, he couldn't have done much better if he just pardoned himself and be done with 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: FEAR: Write your Senators about Ashcroft nomination

2001-01-20 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

I can readily see why you hate Ashcrofters would be so meticulous
about the qualifications of your new Attorney General, after the shining
example provided over 8 years by the AG of the most
ethical administration in the history of the nation.

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From:   Brenda Grantland
 Sent:   Sat 1/20/2001 6:45 PM
 Subject:FEAR: Write your Senators about Ashcroft nomination

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: A Recession, Thanks to Economic Warfare ?

2001-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 PGE is warning customers that, even while their utility bills as much
as double, the "rolling blackouts" that loom ahead may increase in duration
from two hours a day to TWELVE, and no longer will hospitals, fire and police
stations, and government offices --essential public services-- be exempted
from having their power turned off too.
 The utility also announced that next week it might begin "rolling
cut-offs" of natural gas -- meaning California citizens will lose their HEAT
(during winter!) as well as light.
 Simultaneously, 10-20% of the gasoline that's piped into the state is
under threat, since it takes electrical power to pump it through the
pipelines.  Combined with the OPEC ministers' decision to cut down on oil
production, to keep their profits "stable,"
that means a GASOLINE shortage, and possibly the doubling gas prices per
gallon, for drivers in California, who are already paying fifty cents more
per gallon than Texans.
 Traffic lights go out, cars stall, even the airports have their flights
grounded ...
 "Rationing" of electricity, heat, and gasoline  What's next, a
crisis in the clean water supply?  Telephone service?  Telecommunications?
 The producers of the "New Economy" in Silicon Valley and elsewhere,
still reeling from the dot-com meltdown on Wall Street, are ready to pack up
their bags and leave what's become "ground zero," California -- taking
millions of the best-paying jobs with them -- resulting in high unemployment
rates and lower wages for all the rest of us.

 From where I sit, it certainly looks like the "civil war" between the
Right and Left evident during the 2000 election has begun in force, with the
powerful corporate friends of the Bush administration surreptitiously firing
the first shots in California, the nations's monolithic bastion of
"liberalism" and "high tech" iconoclasm.
 A la the old "Cowboys vs Yankees" conflict present during the '60s,
Bush's new "Confederated States of the Right-Wing Jee-zus" seems to have
quietly unleashed, behind the scenes, ECONOMIC WARFARE against the great
metropolitan areas that remain Democratic enclaves.  That's a form of
"bloodless" warfare last demonstrated in Yugoslavia, which, please note, last
year had ts urban infrastructure (rather than its armies) specifically
targeted for destruction, in order to undermine the population's everyday
sense of security.  California has already begun to feel like Eastern Europe.
 Will the people of New York, New England, and Chicago be next on the "hit"

Valero Says California Crisis May Bring Fuel Shortage

San Francisco, Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Valero Energy Corp., which produces
about 10 percent of California's gasoline, said the state may soon face
shortages of the fuel because one the West Coast's biggest pipelines was
disrupted by power cuts.

Supplies of jet fuel to San Francisco International Airport ran low and some
rural gasoline terminals went dry following the temporary shutdowns of Kinder
Morgan Inc.'s California pipeline. It distributes almost 1 million barrels of
gasoline, jet fuel and diesel a day.

The pipeline has been idle 12 to 18 hours a day since Wednesday as
California's grid operator ordered rolling blackouts to conserve electricity,
Kinder Morgan spokesman Larry Pierce said. Further disruptions to the
pipeline may force refiners to cut production, sending the state's
already-high gasoline prices climbing, Valero spokeswoman Mary Rose Brown

``It doesn't do us any good to produce a bunch of diesel and jet fuel and
gasoline if we can't pipe it anywhere,'' Brown said. ``We have about one or
two days of storage.''

A refining halt might lead to fuel shortages lasting months, because of the
time needed to restart and build up inventories, said Jay McKeeman, executive
vice president of the California Independent Oil Marketers Association. The
group's members distribute 80 percent of the state's diesel fuel.

Valero shares fell 38 cents to $33.19. Houston-based Kinder Morgan fell 75
cents to $48.75. The units of its pipeline partnership, Kinder Morgan Energy
Partners LP, rose $1.25 to $59.69.

`Around Midnight'

McKeeman said he is ``extremely concerned'' about the disruptions. Jet fuel
reserves at San Francisco International dipped yesterday when the pipeline
went down, airport spokesman Ron Wilson said. The airport's six-day reserve
was down to two days, he said.

``We would have run out around midnight tonight,'' he said, had Kinder Morgan
not started pumping fuel again after San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown

The company must pay a penalty for running the pipeline during periods when
power is being conserved, Wilson said. Restoring the airport's reserves will
take about two weeks.

In the state's rural southeastern corner, a terminal has been out of gasoline
for two days, said Harlan Calhoun, controller of McNeece Brothers Oil in
Imperial. His company, which sells gasoline to a dozen service stations, is

[CTRL] Fwd: Power Crisis -- a Behavior Modification Exercise

2001-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Until now, Democrats have thwarted attempts to fashion a national
energy policy that would give incentives for more oil and gas drilling ...

 ""The biggest problem in California is that consumers are still not
[responding properly to the 'free market']," Enron Corp chairman Ken Lay
 ""They are not changing behavior so the problem is going to get worse.
Painful as it may be, they need to start modifying their behavior ..."

Clinton declares natural gas supply emergency in California

By Tom Doggett

WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - President Bill Clinton declared a natural gas
supply emergency in California on Friday, and ordered out-of-state suppliers
to continue selling gas to California's largest utility to fuel electric
generation plants.

Clinton directed Energy Secretary Bill Richardson to issue a federal order
requiring firms to supply natural gas to Pacific Gas and Electric PCG.N,
which is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Richardson said the emergency order, which expires at 3 a.m. EST (8 a.m. GMT)
on Jan. 24, was issued after PGE said several energy firms refused to sell
it gas on credit because they feared the utility would be unable to pay for
the gas.

"I am very concerned that such supply disruptions could endanger the health
and welfare of PGE's residential and commercial gas customers and could
exacerbate the already precarious condition of California's electric grid by
eliminating fuel supplies to a number of generating plants," Richardson said.

The electricity shortage in the nation's richest and most populous state will
be among the immediate issues facing President-elect George W. Bush when he
takes office Saturday.

A key energy adviser to Bush said the federal government should limit itself
to an "advisory" role and let California state lawmakers resolve a
complicated problem that was mostly self-inflicted by a flawed deregulation

"The biggest problem in California is consumers are not going to see the
price signals. If they don't see the price signals, they are not changing
behavior so the problem is going to get worse," Enron Corp ENE.N chairman
Ken Lay told reporters.

"Painful as it is, they need to see the price signals and start modifying
behavior to reduce demand until we get new supplies," he added.

PGE and Edison International EIX.N have warned federal and state officials
they face bankruptcy because California's landmark 1996 deregulation law does
not allow them to pass on the tenfold leap in wholesale power costs to

California's woes have also been exacerbate the also have not been helped by
the fact that practically no new power generating plants have been built in
the state for the last 10 years -- a period during which the population and
the economy have boomed, greatly increasing demand for electricity.


California Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, asked Clinton last weekend for the
emergency natural gas supply order, before the state was hit with two days of
rolling blackouts and a widening power crisis. Residents in many cities have
had to cope with the loss of traffic lights, automatic teller machines,
elevators and computers during the rolling blackouts.

Richardson said the Energy Department would take legal action against firms
that did not comply, saying: "There will be enforcement action if the order
is not carried out."

On Thursday, PGE said its deteriorating credit rating could force it to
drain all its natural gas in storage by early February because suppliers have
balked at providing more.

The Clinton administration has also tried to help ease the California crisis
with a separate order issued on Wednesday that forces out-of-state power
generators to sell extra electricity to PGE and to Edison International


Richardson said he had briefed his successor, Spencer Abraham, on the
California crisis. Abraham, a former Michigan senator, was expected to win
swift confirmation by the U.S. Senate as Bush's choice for energy secretary.

Richardson said Abraham was prepared, saying: "They are ready to act." He did
not elaborate.

On Thursday, Abraham testified before the Senate Energy committee but refused
to say what options, if any, the Bush administration was considering to help
solve the crisis.

The California state legislature met this week to try to work out a solution
that would cap wholesale power prices at a more reasonable level and let
utilities sign long-term supply contracts. Longer term, industry experts say
the state must ease environmental restrictions and allow more power plants to
be built to meet demand in California.

On Friday, the state was still on a so-called "Stage 3" alert for critically
low electricity supplies, but officials said they hoped to avoid more
blackouts during the day.

Congress indicated it would also move on energy issues.

Sen. Trent Lott, a Mississippi Republican who will resume his post as Senate

[CTRL] German official criticizes U.S. for uranium weapons in Balkans

2001-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

German official criticizes U.S. for uranium weapons in Balkans


SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (January 20, 2001 10:10 p.m. EST - German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping
repeated criticism of the United States over depleted-uranium weapons
used in NATO missions, suggesting Saturday that Washington has kept
information from its allies.

Speaking at a German base near the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, Scharping
said recent tests have shown the risk to German peacekeepers in the
Balkans from weapons containing depleted uranium is minimal.

But Scharping said he will "not be satisfied with pages of information pulled
out from the Internet," which he said "our American friends" have offered as
a response when asked for information about the depleted-uranium

Scharping's two-day trip came amid concerns that illnesses among
peacekeepers serving in NATO-led missions in Bosnia and Kosovo could
be linked to weapons fired by the alliance -- primarily by U.S. warplanes --
containing depleted uranium.

Australia is the latest country to announce testing of its troops who served
in the Balkans. The government announced Sunday soldiers will undergo
blood and urine tests to measure their possible exposure to depleted

On Wednesday, Scharping demanded the United States come forward
with all the information it has on the depleted-uranium weapons and
initiated an investigation into whether they contain cancer-causing
plutonium, which is far more dangerous than uranium.

The United States was complying, but Germany's defense ministry said
Friday that it was still waiting to receive more files.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United States has
been open and clear about its use of depleted-uranium ammunition and will
continue extensive discussions on the issue.

Depleted uranium is a slightly radioactive heavy metal used because of its
ability to pierce armor. U.S. forces fired weapons containing depleted
uranium in Bosnia in 1994 and 1995, and NATO used them in its 1999
bombing campaign in Yugoslavia.

Scharping said Friday that U.S. Army documents show there have been
numerous incidents involving depleted-uranium ammunition held by U.S.
troops stationed in Germany.

NATO insists there is no scientific evidence linking cancer cases to
depleted uranium. Earlier this month, it rejected an appeal from Germany
and Italy to impose a moratorium on its use because there is no armed
conflict under way in Europe.

NATO and many countries have ordered investigations into the level of
radiation around the ammunition as well as of sites where it was used.

German troops last week measured the level of radiation in a former
military compound near Sarajevo, where boxes with such ammunition were

The results showed "the risk is minimal," Scharping said.

He also said that "so far there is not one indication plutonium is really
present" in the ammunition.

NATO said Wednesday the organization had always accepted that there
were trace amounts of plutonium in depleted uranium but that the plutonium
caused almost no additional radioactivity, pointing to test results reported
by the United States last December.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: FEAR: Write your Senators about Ashcroft nomination

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

I can readily see why you hate Ashcrofters would be so meticulous about
the qualifications of your new Attorney General, after the shining
example provided over 8 years by the AG of the most ethical
administration in the history of the nation.

I can't speak for anybosy else, of course, but I personally hate
Ashcroft because of who and what he is. It's way more than enough. I
also hate Reno, Meese, Mitchell, Palmer and all the rest of those scum.

What I don't understand is how people can hate Reno and not hate Meese
more. Reno burned a few dozen people to death. Meese burned the Fourth
and Fifth Amendments.  You tell me, which is worse in the long run?

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

``Everyone who enters into public service for the United States has a
duty to the American people to maintain the highest standards of
integrity in  government,'' Bush said in the memo.

This from a guy who drove drunk, got busted and lied about it.
Integrety? Gimme a break.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Vaccines and Autism

2001-01-20 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

THE consultant who first raised concerns about MMR vaccinations has disclosed to The 
Telegraph that he has identified nearly 170 cases of a new syndrome of autism and 
bowel disease in children who have had the triple-dose injection.
Andrew Wakefield, a consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in 
London, said that in the "majority" of cases parents had documentary evidence that 
their child's physical and mental decline had followed the vaccination.

Professor Wakefield said: "Last week in our clinic we saw nine or 10 new children with 
exactly the same story, referred by jobbing paediatricians from around the country who 
said, 'This child developed normally, had a reaction to MMR and is now autistic'".

In his first public comments since the row erupted in 1998, when he reported on 12 
cases, Professor Wakefield said that he remained seriously concerned by the safety of 
the vaccine, despite reassurances from the Department of Health.

He said: "The department says that the safety of MMR has been proven. The argument is 
untenable. It cannot be substantiated by the science. That is not only my opinion but 
increasingly the view of healthcare professionals and the public.

He said: "Tests have revealed time and time again that we are dealing with a new 
phenomenon. The Department of Health's contention that MMR has been proven to be safe 
by study after study after study just doesn't hold up. Frankly, it is not an honest 
appraisal of the science and it relegates the scientific issues to the bottom of the 
barrel in favour of winning a propaganda war."

The doctor, who was fiercely attacked by health officials for voicing his doubts three 
years ago, said in an exclusive interview that he felt driven to break his silence 
because of the accumulating evidence. His remarks will infuriate the Government and 
sharpen the dilemma of parents over whether to have children innoculated with MMR.

It emerged last month that a rising number of doctors and nurses were worried about 
giving second doses of the vaccine, and pressure is growing for its separation into 
its three component vaccinations, spread over three years. In his 1998 article in The 
Lancet, Professor Wakefield reported finding a devastating combination of bowel 
disease and autism in 12 children.

His revelation that that figure has reached almost 170 cases will shock parents and 
doctors and add pressure on the Government to justify its vaccination policy. This 
month Dr David Salisbury, the head of the Government's immunisation programme, 
insisted that MMR was safe.

The vaccine, which contains live measles, mumps and rubella virus, has been given to 
millions of children in the UK since its introduction in 1988 but the take-up rate has 
fallen sharply since Dr Wakefield made his original claims.

Ten days ago health chiefs warned parents that Britain could face a measles outbreak 
unless more had their children vaccinated with MMR. Professor Wakefield said, however, 
that if an outbreak were to erupt it would be the fault of the health department, 
which had "failed to address the safety issues".

The doctor and his colleagues are testing the hypothesis that the measles virus from 
the vaccine can lodge in the gut of susceptible children, damaging the bowel and 
causing autism, and that the addition of the mumps virus makes that more likely.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] LA Weekly: Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

2001-01-20 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

For an amusing account of the Secret Service visiting a fairly insane webmaster, check

They kept asking the SS members what the secret was, and were eventually told there 
wasn't one.

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 02:21:58 -0600 Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

These laws have been on the books for decades.  The Secret
Service was just doing their job.  They are required BY LAW
to fully investigate ANY threat, even in jest on the life of
ANY presidential party, the Supreme Court, or statement
concerning the overthrow of the government.  If you do not
believe me, just threaten a Democrat--say Billy Jeff--and
you, too, will be the proud recipient of just such a visit.
It is not a partisan thing.  This law was made when
politicians were being assassinated for real.  And often.
And somebody did just try to blow up the capitol building.
These things have to be investigated because one never knows
when to take seriously such comments.

notice how Leo, Letterman, etc. always stop short of "death"
jokes.  This post did not say what was the consequence of
the Supreme Court being "wanted."  I think this guy was
asking for it and this site sounds like it is, too.  But
blaming it on Bush---?  Oh, pluh--eese! These laws are 30
years old. Some people will try anything.

- Original Message -
From: "DIG alfred webre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:42 PM
Subject: [CTRL] LA Weekly: Secret Service intimidates
anti-Bush webmaster

 -Caveat Lector-
 January 19 - 25, 2001
 Offbeat: Bush Web Intrigue by Johnny Angel
 Edited by Gale Holland

 Secret Service intimidates anti-Bush webmaster

 The 2nd of January was already a pretty rotten day for
Wheaton, Maryland,
 resident Mike Hershdorfer, laboring at his computer under
the pall of one of
 the harshest Eastern winters on record. But it got a lot
rottener at 2:20
 when the Webmaster for the anti-Bush political site answered a knock at the door to
find two Secret
 Service agents and a
 Montgomery County police officer.

 The agents gave a vague explanation of investigating a tip
about Web-site
 activity, Hershdorfer said. As he
 stood in the doorway with the dogs barking, the agents
repeatedly pressed to
 enter his home. "I got the
 distinct impression that they were not going to leave
unless I let them
 inside, so I did," Hershdorfer
 recalled in an interview this week.

 The agents declined to say who made the tip, or what was
said. They asked
 Hershdorfer for a list of Web
 sites he had visited, and for permission to search his
house and review his
 medical records. They also
 asked him how he felt about the Clintons and Bush - and
whether he had ever
 threatened to blow up the
 White House. Meanwhile, the police officer stood in the
corner, saying he was
 there "to protect me," an
 incredulous Hershdorfer remembered.

 In the course of the hourlong interrogation, Hershdorfer's
roommate Patty
 happened to telephone. After
 he had explained the situation, she rang up her lawyer
stepfather, who
 instructed her to tell Hershdorfer to
 keep quiet and to refuse a search.

 Hershdorfer told the agents he suspected the tip had come
from someone with
 the right-wing Free
 Republic Web site, which he had begun monitoring following
media accounts of
 Freeper harassment of
 Democratic veep candidate Joe Lieberman and others. "I
told the agents I felt
 intimidated and that my
 rights were under threat," Hershdorfer said. They packed
up their notes and

 Hershdorfer told OffBeat he closely monitors and a related
 e-group; neither has
 posted a threat, he claims. "I'm trying to organize in the
middle left, not
 with people who want to blow
 things up," he said. The strongest language on is: "We are
 dedicated to opposing the
 extraconstitutional and illegitimate occupation of [the]
U.S. government by
 George W. Bush and the
 people using him as a front man for the extreme right-wing
 operatives." Hershdorfer also
 has put up "Wanted" posters with photographs of the five
U.S. Supreme Court
 justices who halted the
 Florida ballot recount, handing Bush the presidential

 Secret Service spokesman Jim Mackin refused to comment on
Hershdorfer's case,
 but said it's standard
 procedure to investigate any report of a threat against
the president or
 president-elect. "It only takes a
 minute to pull a post off a Web site, as you know," said
Mackin. "We don't
 care about anyone's

 Hershdorfer remains shaken by the experience, and thinks
that he will
 probably never know who his
 accusers were - just that they made a miserable day more
miserable. Mission
 accomplished, one

   -Johnny Angel

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