[CTRL] United Religions and New Age

2002-01-21 Thread Xxx Yyy
This is the first of the articles I'm sending. We have been told over and over again that all religions lead to the same God...(but that sure is stretching how the religions describe their beyond) . That all religious paths are equally valid...(but United Religions certainly aims to strip religions down to what they have in common). That religions is not required for one to lead a moral life...(then, to take a line from an old story...whose morality will the community be based on). That religion has caused much destructiveness in the world (if so, why promote any of the religions that United Religions seems to promote)?

Religion plays an extremely important role in how a community treats its members. Key players in the New Age movement have repeatedly condemned Orthodox Judaism and Fundamental Christianity in their writings. They laud in those religions the weakness that can be exploited for what they consider the great good, similar to how the Nazis felt Christianity could be changed to work for what the Nazis considered the greater good. As control of religions is expanded under the central leadership United Religions, which is to be the religious equivalent of the United Nations, what will this mean for Jews and Christians who wish an unchanged Judaism and Christianity? 

It is my personal belief that United Religions will continue to grow as there is no organized opposition. No material on the growth of this network appears in the standard media, so the general public is as dumb as rocks on this topic and are slowly being led by the nose to participate in this Revolution.

Footnotes for the following piece will be found at the following site.

 Midwives of a Common God 
 The Myriad Friends of the United Religions Initiative by Lee Penn  
an Francisco's Episcopal Bishop William E. Swing expects "tens of thousands of leaders of the world's religions, spiritualities, and indigenous traditions"1 to attend the signing of the United Religions Initiative (URI) Charter in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 26, 2000. The URI also expects United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the Dalai Lama to attend.2 
 Bishop Swing founded the United Religions Initiative in 1995. The URI intends to become "a permanent assembly, with the stature and visibility of the United Nations"3 encompassing "all religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions."4 
 While the URI actually may not see its "tens of thousands" show up in Pittsburgh in June, it has been highly successful in extending its reach in only five years and is growing steadily. So far, URI activities have occurred in 58 countries on all continents, and in 33 states in the United States.5 The URI claims that one million people participated in its three-day global "religious cease-fire" from December 31, 1999, to January 2, 20006—a millennial bash dedicated to the propositions that good intentions are the road to peace, and that all religions really intend the same thing. 
Birthing  Funding the "New Hope" 
The leaders of the URI hope to assist in creating an earthly utopia. The proposed URI charter says that the organization's purpose is "to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation" and to "end religiously motivated violence." The URI also plans to "create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings."7 Bishop Swing told the 1997 URI summit conference: "If you have come here because a spirit of colossal energy is being born in the loins of earth, then come here and be a midwife. Assist, in awe, at the birth of new hope."8 This "new hope" will have the Earth, not the Church or the Virgin Mary, as its mother. In a sermon given during the 1999 Parliament of World Religions, Bishop Swing said, "What a time to wait on God. . . . for the coming new light among religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions."9 This "new light" will not be the light of Christ. 
 As a parallel effort with the URI, Bishop Swing has formed the Inter-Religious Friendship Group (IRFG). Other leaders of the IRFG are the Dalai Lama and Richard Blum, a wealthy San Francisco investment banker—and the husband of United States Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).10 The founders of the IRFG say that their goal is to "create a confidential and relatively unstructured forum where the leaders of the world's religions can have regular conversations with one another."11 The IRFG has met three times, most recently in November 1999 at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The Reverend Dr. Gary Gunderson, director of the Carter Center's Interfaith Health Program,12 says that the URI "is one of the most promising global initiatives," a "long term alignment that will bear fruit for decades."13 He said, "While not a formal member of the URI, President Carter stressed how much the Center valued the role of religious leaders in conflict situations. . . . He asked the group to 

[CTRL] Britland: Sex, Drugs, Illegals

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

1 - http://news.independent.co.uk/world/europe/story.jsp?story=115557
2 -
3 -

Sex, drugs and illegal migrants: Sarajevo's export trade to Britain

A three-part investigation into the traffic in people and drugs from
Eastern Europe to the UK

By Ian Burrell in Sarajevo

21 January 2002

Internal links

Immigration hit squads to target 500,000 illegal workers

From the Balkans to brothels in Soho

There are wolves, bears and unexploded mines in the snow-covered elm
and pine forests that divide Bosnia-Herzegovina from the outside
world. Yet the borders of the young state that has become a
springboard for illegal immigration to Britain are so porous that
thousands of people are smuggled through its 432 mostly unmanned
crossing points every month.

The situation is so serious that Tony Blair has persuaded the Bosnian
government to allow a team of British immigration officials to try to
plug the gaps being exploited by international organised crime.

Last week, in a mountain gorge that separates Bosnia from Montenegro,
Steve Parke, a British immigration officer, and Ian Johnston, a
Merseyside police officer, were checking lorries, cars and buses for
signs of people headed illegally for the European Union and Britain.
Mr Johnston, who works for the United Nations as deputy chief of the
Bosnian border service, said: The border is crossable anywhere. All
1,600 kms [1,000 miles] is passable, depending on how desperate you
are to cross into the next country.

Mafia gangs in Istanbul and Kosovo are exploiting the post-war
destabilisation in the former Yugoslavia, with its weak laws, liberal
visa regimes and widespread corruption, to ferry Turkish, Iranian,
Iraqi, Albanian and Afghan migrants into Europe for £5,000 a head.

A report from the International Organisation for Migration says
120,000 women and child sex workers are trafficked into the European
Union each year. In Bosnia, 34,000 foreign visitors have disappeared
after flying into Sarajevo airport during the past two years. Most
have remained for just a few hours before being taken to the border
by people smugglers.

In his third-floor office in the blue and white United Nations
building overlooking Sarajevo airport, Graham Leese, the project head
of the British-led immigration team, is under no illusions about the
scale of the problem. For the EU as a whole – and the UK in
particular – the Balkan route has long been identified as the most
productive route in terms of illegal migration flows. It's quite easy
to bribe border guards to turn a blind eye when you are smuggling
across a lorry load of illegal immigrants.

Bosnian organised crime is turning over an estimated £170m a year
and, according to one member of the British team, government
corruption is a major problem. There are big fish here. They have
massive influence and a lot of them are holding senior positions, he
said. The view is shared by Ian Cliff, the British ambassador in
Sarajevo, who said there was massive corruption among government
officials administering the districts and cantons established in
Bosnia after the Dayton Accord in 1995.

It is basically a country that has not built a proper economy since
the end of the war, he said. People look to office as a way of
supporting themselves, their families and their extended families.

He said officials were subjected to bribery and threats. Money is
used very directly to influence the political system. All sorts of
pressures are brought to bear on people through their families and
through threats on their jobs.

The immigration team, made up of seven Britons and a Dane, is trying
to establish the newly-formed Bosnian State Border Service (SBS)
along 1,616km of land border. The SBS now controls 36 of 52
international crossings – the rest are staffed by poorly paid police
– but hundreds of minor crossings are unmanned.

The difficulties for the SBS are apparent at Hum where, 100ft above
the river Drina, a steel bridge spans the snow-covered gorge dividing
Montenegro, in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, from Srpska, the
Serbian sector of Bosnia.

In a hut on the Bosnian side, Jagos Matovic, a border guard, said
people arriving with Turkish passports had only to show they had the
equivalent of £33 for each day of their stay. Most were waved through
by guards who lacked the technology or training to check the

Mr Johnston said: A lot of officers think that if people are
transiting into Western Europe that's not a problem for Bosnia. We
have to educate them that it's creating lots of problems and that
Bosnia wants to be part of Europe. Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia want to be part of the EU.

Bosnia is also a transit point for thousands of Chinese migrants
heading west from the Federal Republic. Mr Leese said there were 50

[CTRL] N.Ron @ the Gate

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The Parallel is Watergate
by Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | January 20, 2002

In the spring of 1974 the nation was torn by war, the White House was
occupied by a rather dictatorial Republican President and there was a
Scandal brewing that threatened to bring him down.  Twenty eight
years later the ghosts of Watergate have returned to the Oval Office
with a vengeance.  Now, as then, it will all come down to two small
but very terrifying questions:  What Did He Know and When Did He Know

In the beginning, as the first reports of a break-in at the Watergate
complex surfaced, the White House took a firm stand: no one connected
to the Administration would have been involved. But, day by day,
first with one revelation, then another, Nixon's inner circle began
to crumble, and the core of the White House defence strategy emerged.
It was based on one premise that had to be defended at all costs:
the President had no prior knowledge of any crime.  Clearly, Karl
Rove, Karen Hughes and Ari Fleischer will employ the same strategy.

If guilt by association is good enough to bring down a president, George Bush is gone. 
 Ken Lay and George Bush were heavily involved both financially and socially and made 
no secret of it.  Access to the White House for
Kenny Boy as he was affectionately called by Bush was in a word, unprecedented.  To 
the extent that a private concern was actually allowed to sit in and contribute to the 
very planning of the policies from which they wo
uld profit -- not once but six times. Moreover, it is now clear that Ken Lay was more 
than a donor to George W. Bush, he was a 'stakehorse'.  Supplying cash, a private jet 
during the 2000 campaign -- even financing the Fl
orida  recount effort that reversed the national popular vote.  Clearly Kenny Boy had 
a vested interest George W. Bush.

Ultimately, evidence of criminal involvement will be the standard by which Mr. Bush is 
judged, but the parallels to those events twenty eight years ago are nothing short of 

Against a backdrop of war and political controversy Richard Nixon and George Bush both 
established reputations for being aloof, autocratic and downright vindictive.  Each 
espoused a conservatism akin to fundamentalism.

As each scandal broke, the reaction from the White House -- the same: distance, 
indignation, and a call for immediate investigation. Now, as then, each day brings new 
revelations contradicting the denials.  So too, just a
s Rose Mary Woods was forced to explain how critical minuets of taped White House 
phone conversations were mysteriously erased, Anderson Accounting must explain how 
critical accounting records were mysteriously deleted.

In the end Nixon was never directly implicated -- the tide just rose around him.  Now 
twenty eight years later as Mr. Bush stands on the beach, he too must ponder a tide 
that is rolling in.

© : t r u t h o u t 2001

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway


[CTRL] Virtual lies face foolproof software

2002-01-21 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=Viewc=Articlecid=FT3YADHDPWC

Virtual lies face foolproof software
By Fiona Harvey in London
Published: January 20 2002 22:03 | Last Updated: January 20 2002 22:13

Software that can detect when people are lying in their e-mails sounds a bit
far-fetched, but its manufacturers declare it is true.

SAS Institute, which makes fraud-detection systems for banks and phone
companies, will on Monday announce a product that can sift through e-mails and
other electronic text to catch elusive nuances such as tone.

The patterns in people's language change when they are uncertain or lying,
says Peter Dorrington, business solutions manager at SAS. We can compare basic
patterns in words and grammatical structures versus benchmarks to detect likely

People might not be intending to lie, he added, but might just be uncertain of
what they were saying. The software could sift through an average-sized library
of text in a few hours, he said.

In his book Detecting Lies and Deceit, Professor Aldert Vrij described some
verbal characteristics used to deceive. Over-use of adjectives and of the word
or can be giveaways.

Another software company, SER Solutions, claims it has used its software to
prove that Shakespeare was indeed the author of one of his disputed plays, Henry
VIII. SER uses neural network algorithms, which mimic the working of the human
brain, to make connections between words.

SAS says its software can also be used to sift through texts such as CVs and job
applications to match applicants' qualifications with job vacancies.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Flying Triangles

2002-01-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:51:42 +1100 (EST)
Subject:IMAGES: Flying Triangles
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
I have been a long time reader of the list but this is
my first post so be gentle with me. Not sure if it is
on topic but I found it very interesting and thought
I'd like to share it with the list.

Was surfing the net the other day and came across
these pages:


Seems that a bunch of guys are experimenting with
something called Lifters which are based around a
thing called Biefeld-Brown Effect. I don't pretend
to even come close to understanding the science behind
it but seems to involve using High Voltage to create
lift. This apparently is being replicated all over the
world with people in America, France and Australia
getting identical results.

Looking through these pages, I thought that if this
was ever perfected and an aircraft was built using
these principles, then the resulting plane would look
remarkably like the mysterious Flying Triangles that
are being reported all over the world.


http://my.yahoo.com.au - My Yahoo!
- It's My Yahoo! Get your own!

--- End of forwarded message ---

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Police to use 'Spiderman gun' on World Cup thugs

2002-01-21 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_500498.html

Police to use 'Spiderman gun' on World Cup thugs

Japanese police have developed a 'web gun' to trap football hooligans in a net.

A prototype has already been tried during police training sessions. It looks
like a handgun and fires a net which is five square metres.

Japanese officers are trained in martial arts but believe they may need
something extra to control European soccer fans because of their bigger size.

Masatsugu Oi, of the World Cup security division, told the South China Morning
Post: Japanese youths are bigger these days, but still nothing compared to

Of course, martial arts form an important part of our training, but if you take
the size and power factor into consideration, the nets could be more effective.

Police in Sapporo have been testing the net-firing gun and believe it will trap
offenders effectively. Several World Cup matches will be played in the city in
early June.

Story filed: 12:06 Monday 21st January 2002

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] King of the Pharaohs coffin set to return home

2002-01-21 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_500556.html

King of the Pharaohs coffin set to return home

A 3,300-year-old coffin is to be returned to Egypt after successful negotiations
with the German state of Bavaria.

The golden coffin of Echnaton, King of the Pharaohs, has been on exhibition at
the Museum of Egyptian Art in Munich for over 70 years.

In future, the golden coffin will be on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

The treasure was discovered by archaeologists in 1907 in the Valley of the Kings
but the bottom half went missing in 1931.

In 1980, the missing piece was re-discovered by the director of the Museum for
Egyptian Art in Switzerland and was brought back to Bavaria for renovation on
condition it was eventually returned to the Egyptians.

After paying over £61,500 in renovation costs, the Germans said the ancient
coffin would only be handed back if the Egyptian government agreed to loan the
museum other valuable artefacts in return.

The idea met heavy resistance in Cairo.

Bavaria's President Edmund Stoiber has now finally agreed that the coffin should
be returned to Egypt.

In a gesture of goodwill, the top half of the coffin has been flown over to
Munich to be put on show at the exhibition, the first time the two halves have
met in over 3,000 years.

Story filed: 12:19 Monday 21st January 2002

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes June and you go back to your multicultural environment and please
not I corrected the statement CIA and CFR - now go back to your nit
picking and I imagine there is plenty to go around at your place.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Battle Over Ten Commandments Display On Capitol Hill

2002-01-21 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

without inciting the 'J' word - is it not the case that the
10 commandments are not the chosen commandments
but rather there are 7 Talmudic commandments according to talmudic law -

anyone provide the magnificent 7 for us ???



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) - - WAR Declared on NOTMILK Movement

2002-01-21 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

After reading some of NOTMILK's well-researched  postings
on the problems associated with milk/meat/egg consumption,
in terms of health, ecological impact, world-hunger impact,
and  extreme cruelty to the animals so used, several months
ago  I shifted from (90%) lacto-ovo vegetarian to  99%
vegan. (I also read John Robbins'  well-researched and
documented FOOD REVOLUTION.) I have since made the move to
mostly raw as well as vegan, which I highly recommend also
for its health benefits. AND I gave up caffeine. I am
feeling better  better all the time. The extra energy and
feeling of well-being are wonderful.
But this is a personal note, though I know this
information would help many many people - sorry if I am
The main point - and relevance to CTRL issues - is that
Notmilk and the vegan movement generally are threatening
big monied interests, which are responding as usual, with
well-coordinated dis-information propaganda campaigns
employing the tried-and-true tactics of playing upon the
knee-jerk emotions/reactions of the ever-gullible public,
using ad hominem attack in place of argument focused on the
issues and available data - because, of course, there they
know they are defeated.

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   i4crob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:38:52 -
Subject:- - WAR Declared on NOTMILK Movement
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Somebody has declared war on anti-dairy
activists. While wondering (not too hard)
who that somebody might be, we can clearly
observe their first target, Neal Barnard, M.D.,
founder of PCRM, the Physician's Committee
for Responsible Medicine.

Last Thursday night (1/17/02), CBS television
aired their publicized NOTMILK news story.
Neal Barnard, the anti-dairy critic, was ambushed
by CBS's brilliantly crafted dairy infomercial.

CBS pulled the rug out from Neal Barnard's
credibility by having their reporter comment:

 Critics are citing studies that are
  designed to scare.

Designed to scare? CBS subliminally biased
their viewers before they had the opportunity
to hear Dr. Barnard's comments, then carefully
edited those comments so that it appeared that
there was no basis to his claim.

My comments:


On the same day that the nationally televised
NOTMILK story was to run, the National Fluid
Milk Processors posted a press release (2:58 PM,
EST) about their calcium summit.


Their contact was listed as Tammy Dowd, 312-988-2217

One hour earlier (1:57 PM), an organization calling
itself the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) published
a press release that represented the first barrage
against Dr. Neal Barnard:


CCF, an organization with no contact number, cast the
following stones against Neal Barnard and PCRM:

 Under the guise of being a medical organization...

 CCF today called on PCRM to stop portraying itself
  as a medical organization and come clean about its
  connections to extremist animal rights organizations
  responsible for acts of violence and millions of dollars
  in destruction of property.

 PCRM's Neal Barnard recently engineered a
  letter-writing campaign with Kevin Jonas of the
  violent animal rights group SHAC.

 Over the next several weeks, Center for Consumer
  Freedom will be running full-page ads in many of the
  nation's weekly news magazines in what will be an
  extended campaign to protect consumer choice and
  expose the hypocrisy of activist groups such as PCRM,
  PETA, Greenpeace and more.

 The Center for Consumer Freedom represents a
  coalition of restaurant and tavern operators standing
  up against the growing fraternity of food cops, health
  care enforcers, vegetarian activists, and meddling
  bureaucrats who'know what's best for you.'

Where do restaurant and tavern operators get the
financing for multi-millions of dollars worth of
ad revenue? How do restaurant operators carefully
coordinate attacks against Neal Barnard on the same
day the dairy calcium summit begins, and the same day
that CBS ran their biased milk story, sabotaging Neal
Barnard by not clearly portraying the NOTMILK
message? How were the dairy industry press release
and the CCF press release posted within an hour of
each other? Coincidence? Ha! Coincidences of
this type do not happen.

This is carefully plotted warfare. The battle lines
have been drawn. To accuse Neal Barnard of
being a terrorist is to take advantage of a
political and social climate that equates terrorism
with the vilest of anti-American acts. Neal
Barnard merits a Nobel Peace Prize for his
efforts, not the label of terrorist.


Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) - - WAR Declared on NOTMILK Movement

2002-01-21 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

I have since made the move to
 mostly raw as well as vegan, which I highly recommend also
 for its health benefits. AND I gave up caffeine. I am
 feeling better  better all the time. The extra energy and
 feeling of well-being are wonderful.

Just to add another note to nutritional conspiracies -
I finally started losing weight after many years fruitless struggle
by starting on the atkins diet in which you purge all sugar
and most carbohydrate from your intake -
I found the results miraculous and am losing 1 pound per day
this diet is definitely carnivorous - but the incredible results
are not based on Low fat intake - but on low sugar intake
It turns the established ideas on obesity on their head.
and proves that the problem is high sugar


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] N.Ron @ the Gate

2002-01-21 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

I'm afraid the difference might be that - though I do not
know the details about Watergate at all - common sense
dictates  it looked to me (still does) that someone very
high-up wanted to get Nixon. I don't see that with  Dubya.
Neither, I think does the Bush dynasty itself. Look at the
supreme arrogance of the whole Enron affair - the players
here are obviously not very worried about maintaining low
profile, covering tracks, etc.
The magnitude of the crime matters not at all. Whether you
are publicly chastised, made to squirm, or actually brought
down depends on whether you have stepped on the toes of any
big-money interests (also called not following orders)
sufficiently for them to want your head on a plate. Correct
me if I am wrong here, but my impression is the the Bush
dynasty ( probably rightly) considers itself so powerful
and well-connected as to be untouchable...


-Caveat Lector-


The Parallel is Watergate
by Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | January 20, 2002

In the spring of 1974 the nation was torn by war, the White House was
occupied by a rather dictatorial Republican President and there was a
Scandal brewing that threatened to bring him down.  Twenty eight
years later the ghosts of Watergate have returned to the Oval Office
with a vengeance.  Now, as then, it will all come down to two small
but very terrifying questions:  What Did He Know and When Did He Know

In the beginning, as the first reports of a break-in at the Watergate
complex surfaced, the White House took a firm stand: no one connected
to the Administration would have been involved. But, day by day,
first with one revelation, then another, Nixon's inner circle began
to crumble, and the core of the White House defence strategy emerged.
It was based on one premise that had to be defended at all costs:
the President had no prior knowledge of any crime.  Clearly, Karl
Rove, Karen Hughes and Ari Fleischer will employ the same strategy.

If guilt by association is good enough to bring down a president, George Bush is gone. 
 Ken Lay and
 George Bush were heavily involved both financially and socially and made no secret of 
it.  Access
to the White House for
Kenny Boy as he was affectionately called by Bush was in a word, unprecedented.  To 
the extent th
at a private concern was actually allowed to sit in and contribute to the very 
planning of the poli
cies from which they wo
uld profit -- not once but six times. Moreover, it is now clear that Ken Lay was more 
than a donor
to George W. Bush, he was a 'stakehorse'.  Supplying cash, a private jet during the 
2000 campaign -
- even financing the Fl
orida  recount effort that reversed the national popular vote.  Clearly Kenny Boy had 
a vested inte
rest George W. Bush.

Ultimately, evidence of criminal involvement will be the standard by which Mr. Bush is 
judged, but
the parallels to those events twenty eight years ago are nothing short of 

Against a backdrop of war and political controversy Richard Nixon and George Bush both 
reputations for being aloof, autocratic and downright vindictive.  Each espoused a 
conservatism aki
n to fundamentalism.

As each scandal broke, the reaction from the White House -- the same: distance, 
indignation, and a
call for immediate investigation. Now, as then, each day brings new revelations 
contradicting the d
enials.  So too, just a
s Rose Mary Woods was forced to explain how critical minuets of taped White House 
phone conversatio
ns were mysteriously erased, Anderson Accounting must explain how critical accounting 
records were
mysteriously deleted.

In the end Nixon was never directly implicated -- the tide just rose around him.  Now 
twenty eight
years later as Mr. Bush stands on the beach, he too must ponder a tide that is rolling 

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Believe only after careful observation and 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) - - WAR Declared on NOTMILK Movement

2002-01-21 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Andrew,
Diet is as bad as religion when it comes to high emotion,
etc. I do not want to be disrespectful in any way - someone
I very much like   who helped me a lot when I needed help
is on Atkins  I never criticize it to her (tho I do worry
about her) -  but I would suggest that you read FOOD
REVOLUTION by John Robbins.  It is actually a good read
(except  the painful revelations about the horrible way
factory farm animals live their brief lives and die their
terrifying and sometimes agonizing deaths) and - most
important - is based on research/data. I know people can
loose weight on Atkins but all the research indicates that
it is a very unhealthy way of eating.  For one thing,
animal products now are laced with many poisons. And all
that fat  protein stress your body. The animals most like
(great apes) us are  90% or better vegan.
Another good book is EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS by Dr. Dean
Ornish, I think is his name. The very low fat vegan diet
(cooked  raw, which is easier than all raw) lets you eat
all you want, loose weight or maintain a good weight, and
also is good for  cardio-vascular  health and health
generally. I have a weight problem also and maintain a good
weight effortlessly on vegan diet.


-Caveat Lector-

I have since made the move to
 mostly raw as well as vegan, which I highly recommend also
 for its health benefits. AND I gave up caffeine. I am
 feeling better  better all the time. The extra energy and
 feeling of well-being are wonderful.

Just to add another note to nutritional conspiracies -
I finally started losing weight after many years fruitless struggle
by starting on the atkins diet in which you purge all sugar
and most carbohydrate from your intake -
I found the results miraculous and am losing 1 pound per day
this diet is definitely carnivorous - but the incredible results
are not based on Low fat intake - but on low sugar intake
It turns the established ideas on obesity on their head.
and proves that the problem is high sugar


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Confiscation of registered guns begins in Chicago (fwd)

2002-01-21 Thread Jei

Title: Confiscation of registered guns begins in Chicago



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Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois


Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit. This
  elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police,
  the Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's
  Attorney's Office, supposedly exists to identify illegal
  gunrunners. However, information gained by the ISRA makes it
  clear that the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens,
  not criminal gunrunners.
Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed
up to make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him,
nobody would have a gun. Daley and his elite "CAGE" unit are
apparently taking advantage of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint
certain individuals for inclusion in the confiscation
The ISRA is following up on
leads in one case that has disturbing implications. An elderly
first-generation Chicago resident was recently paid a visit by an
Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come inside the man's
home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which he replied
yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the
firearm. The man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper
left with the gun. And the story gets better...
gun in question was purchased legally by the man in the 1970s
shortly after he became a U.S. citizen. When Chicago's infamous gun
registration scheme went into effect in the early 1980s, the man
registered the firearm as per the requirement. However, over the
years, the fellow apparently forgot to re-register the firearm, and
forgot to renew his Illinois FOID Card.
So...what does this all mean?
In the
last edition of The
Illinois Shooter, we reported on the activities of a shady
taskforce known as the Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit.
This elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the
Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's
Office, supposedly exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However,
information gained by the ISRA makes it clear that
the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens, not criminal
to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit now has the
name of every single person in the United States who, since 1992,
lawfully purchased more than one handgun in the period of a week.
The CAGE unit also has all the makes, models and serial numbers of
those guns. In essence, the Chicago Police Department is now
registering guns and gun owners nationwide.
ISRA has also learned that the CAGE unit has compiled a list of
families where more than one person in that family holds a FOID
card. Acting on that information, the CAGE unit is now contacting
gun shops where those families have shopped, and is illegally
registering all guns purchased by those families.
it appears that the CAGE unit is scrubbing Chicago's gun
registration list 

[CTRL] 3767 Afghan civilian casualities by aerial bombing

2002-01-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-



A Dossier on Civilian Victims
of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan:
A Comprehensive Accounting

What causes the documented high level of civilian casualties -- 3,767 [thru
December 6, 2001] civilian deaths in eight and a half weeks -- in the U.S.
air war upon Afghanistan? The explanation is the apparent willingness of U.S.
military strategists to fire missiles into and drop bombs upon, heavily
populated areas of Afghanistan.

Professor Marc W. Herold
Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
December 2001

Departments of Economics and Women's Studies
McConnell Hall
Whittemore School of Business  Economics
University of New Hampshire
Durham, N.H. 03824, U.S.A.
FAX: 603 862-3383

Appendex 1: The U.S. bombing
through the words of Afghan refugees
Appendex 2: Analysis of Discrepancies
and Lying in Mainstream Corporate Media
Appendex 3: The Aerojet/Honeywell CBU-87 Cluster Bomb
Appendex 4: Daily Casualty Count of Afghan Civilians
Killed in U.S. Bombing Attacks
Appendex 5: Spatial Distribution of Afghan Civilian Casualties
Caused by the U.S. Air War, Oct.7-Dec.6


When U.S. warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming village of
Chowkar-Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on October 22-23rd,killing at least
93 civilians, a Pentagon official said, the people there are dead because we
wanted them dead. The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban[1] . When
asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, I cannot deal with that
particular village.[2]


A U.S. officer aboard the US aircraft carrier, Carl Vinson, described the use
of 2,000 lb cluster bombs dropped by B-52 bombers: A 2,000 lb. bomb, no
matter where you drop it, is a significant emotional event for anyone within
a square mile.[3]


Mantra of the U.S. mainstream corporate media: the report cannot be
independently verified


. . . shameful dependence on and uncritical acceptance of Pentagon handouts
instead of substantial, critical coverage of the ground situation in
Afghanistan. The US corporate media seems to be muting any talk of civilian
casualties first by framing any such news with ``Taliban claims that . . .''
and then happily putting the matter to rest with Pentagon spokesman . . .
[Joel Lee, civilian casualties -- notes from India, Znet Inter Active]


When people decry civilian deaths caused by the U.S. government, they're
aiding propaganda efforts. In sharp contrast, when civilian deaths are caused
by bombers who hate America, the perpetrators are evil and those deaths are
tragedies. When they put bombs in cars and kill people, they're uncivilized
killers. When we put bombs on missiles and kill people, we're upholding
civilized values. When they kill, they're terrorists. When we kill, we're
striking against terror.[4]



What causes the documented high level of civilian casualties -- 3,767
civilian deaths in eight and a half weeks -- in the U.S. air war upon
Afghanistan? The explanation is the apparent willingness of U.S. military
strategists to fire missiles into and drop bombs upon, heavily populated
areas of Afghanistan. A legacy of the ten years of civil war during the 80s
is that many military garrisons and facilities are located in urban areas
where the Soviet-backed government had placed them since they could be better
protected there from attacks by the rural mujahideen. Successor Afghan
governments inherited these emplacements. To suggest that the Taliban used
`human shields' is more revealing of the historical amnesia and racism of
those making such claims, than of Taliban deeds. Anti-aircraft emplacements
will naturally be placed close by ministries, garrisons, communications
facilities, etc. A heavy bombing onslaught must necessarily result in
substantial numbers of civilian casualties simply by virtue of proximity to
`military targets', a reality exacerbated by the admitted occasional poor
targeting, human error, equipment malfunction, and the irresponsible use of
out-dated Soviet maps. But, the critical element remains the very low value
put upon Afghan civilian lives by U.S. military planners and the political
elite, as clearly revealed by U.S. willingness to bomb heavily populated
regions. Current Afghan civilian lives must and will be sacrificed in order
to [possibly] protect future American lives. Actions speak, and words [can]
obscure: the hollowness of 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [DanMeador] TULSA MEETING

2002-01-21 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

Dan Meador is very prominent in the field of, I guess you
could say, revisionist IRS research.
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Organization:   http://LawResearch-Registry.org
From:   Dan Meador [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:43:36 -0600
Subject:[DanMeador] TULSA MEETING
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Gail and I will have a meeting in Tulsa this coming Friday, Jan. 25th,
at 7 p.m. Location is at the Hardesty Library. There is no admission

I would provide an agenda but I'm not certain what we will talk about.
We haven't held meetings anywhere since the November research conference
so there is lots of material concerning the tax system to go over.
However, we're limited to about 2 1/2 hours so we're going to have to be
pretty focused.

Two of the more important areas we've been working with in the last six
weeks or so is the availability of Taxpayer Assistance Orders if IRS
personnel don't provide remedies within 30 days (26 U.S.C. §
7811(a)(2)(B)) and informal claim doctrine. The latter permits people to
file claims without using IRS forms.

Dan Meador

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Dan Meador post
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Enron's Pug Winokur, Shadow Government Insider

2002-01-21 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

Enron's Pug Winokur, Shadow Government Insider

 On the Enron corporate website, one of the Board of Directors, Herbert S.
Pug Winokur, Jr., is described as Chairman and CEO of Capricorn Holdings,
Inc., and Former Senior Executive Vice President, Penn Central Corporation.

 As the Insiders' Insider, Pug Winokur has been such a permanent fixture
in the Washington Old Boy Network that he's even mentioned in a 1978 book
by Daniel Guttman called The Shadow Government.

 [The Shadow Government of the United States and the Decline of America
  http://www.afgen.com/shadow_g.html ]

 [ The Shadow Government   http://www.trufax.org/constit/shadow.html ]

 [ The Shadow Government of the USA   http://jeffshaw.blogspot.com/  ]

 Historically Winokur's Capricorn Holdings was used as an investment vehicle

in NHP, an apartment management firm headed by Roderick Heller III.

In turn, NHP's assets included oft-purloined and defaulted HUD Section 8
subsidy housing, a notorious and well-known vehicle for fraud and money

 Winokur was also on the Board of Directors of Harvard Endowment Fund,
which purchased 50 percent of NHP, making the prestigious Harvard a
prototypical, but very low-profile, slum landlord. (See Bushwhacked:
HUD Fraud, Spooks and the Slumlords of Harvard)

 It should also be noted that George Bush Jr. attended Harvard Business
School. Later, after Bush joined Harken Energy Corp and became a director,
the largest stock position and seat on the board was acquired by Harvard
Management Co.

Ironically, from 1988 to 1997, Winokur was also the Chairman and CEO of
DynCorp, one of the government's largest contractors in data acquisition
and management.

 Since DynCorp had a contract from the Department of Justice, Winokur
would have profited from the DoJ Asset Seizure Program, as well as HUD's
Operation Safe Home seizures which targeted low-income tenants and
mortgage holders in the inner cities.

 In addition DynCorp is one of the lead contractors for the new phony War
on Drugs in South America called Plan Colombia, another tax-payer
supported scam to bring monies into DynCorp's coffers.

 Now there's a guy who understands that the only way to do a deal is to
get it rigged from the very beginning.

Enron's Pug Winokur, Shadow Government Insider



Bush: No 'Fishing' For Info Allowed in Enron Debacle
For a list of who in both parties benefitted from Enron's political

Greenspan: Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service

`In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'

+++ P L E A S EF O R W A R D 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: An Iran-Contra Nazi Connection

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd



An Iran-Contra Nazi Connection

 Texas journalist Pete Brewton, in The Mafia, CIA and George Bush (SPI
Books, 1992), mentions an Iran-contra co-conspirator little-known in the
States but notorious in the UK -- the late Tiny Rowland, publisher of the
London Observer, MI5 operative, mining magnate, executor of the royal
family's neo-colonial holdings -- and in Germany a Hitler Youth leader (see
Rowland obituary below), though for decades he claimed to have been an
anti-Nazi. In 1994, after he was exposed as a veteran Hitler Youth by
journalist Tom Bower, Rowland immediately sold the Observer and slithered
out of the public eye. ‹ AC

Brewton writes: 

Since at least 1981, a worldwide network of 'free-standing' [i.e., no
direct U.S. government ties] companies, including airlines, aviation and
military spare parts suppliers and trading companies has been utilized by
the CIA and the U.S. government to illegally ship arms and military spare
parts to Iran and to the Contras. These companies were set up with the
approval and knowledge of senior CIA offcials and other senior U.S.
government officials and staffed primarily by ex-CIA, ex-FBI and ex-military
officers. The companies include Aero Systems, Inc., of Miami, Arrow Air,
Aero Systems Pvt. Ltd of Singapore, Hierax of Hong Kong, Pan Aviation in
Miami, Merex in North Carolina, Sur International, St. Lucia Airways, Global
International Airways, International Air Tours of Nigeria, Continental Shelf
Explorations, Inc., Jupiter, Florida, Varicon, Inc., Dane Aviation Supply of
Miami, and others, such as Parvus, Safir, International Trading and
Investment Guaranty Corp., Ltd., and Information Security International Inc.

Through these mechanisms, staffed by ex-intelligence and military officers,
the administration and the CIA have been able to circumvent and ignore the
legal intelligence mechanisms and Congressional oversight. C-130, F4, TOWs
and Hawk missile parts were shipped to Iran in violation of the arms embargo
and a variety of mechanisms were used, including International Air Tours of
Nigeria in August and September 1985, Arrow Air in November 1985, and Global
International and Pan Aviation and others going back in 1981.

In another document, entitled 'Corruption Within CIA: A Cast of
Characters,' Hemmings severely criticizes Thomas Twetten, the deputy
director of operations for the CIA and Hemmings's former boss. In one
section Hemmings discusses weapons sales to Iran and how Twetten
deliberately undermined the case of a foreign official who had information
on such sales by turning the matter over to the British: Twetten's decision
and that of London station is highly suspect and negligent, as they knew, as
I did, that the British government was, along with the British arms
industry, Tiny Rowland, Ashraf Marwan and Adnan Khashoggi, his partner,
deeply involved in such trafficking. Obviously, Twetten also knew that
North, Shackley, [Thomas] Clines, [Albert] Hakim, Robert Sensi, Cyrus
Hashemi and Farhad Azima were also involved in such trafficking, as all
these individuals were part of the same network.

Hemmings, who won the CIA's intelligence commendation medallion in 1985, is
extremely bitter about the way he was treated by the CIA in its attempts to
cover up its role in Iran-Contra.

Tiny Rowland's Nazi Past

The unacceptable face of opportunism

Weekly Mail  Guardian

July 31, 1998

By Richard Hall 

Joseph Conrad described one of his villains as a papier-mache
Mephistopheles. That was the image of Tiny Rowland, who has died aged 80.

His secretive nature and mocking smile seemed to fit perfectly with Edward
Heath's descriptive tag: An unpleasant and unacceptable face of
capitalism. Despite his Old Etonian airs, Rowland was born Roland Walter
Fuhrhop and had been a Scharfuhrer (troop leader) in the Hitler Youth before
his family moved to Britain in 1934.

He was interned during World War II. When he emigrated to the then Rhodesia,
he dealt in dodgy gold mines, and progressed to dispensing special
payments to sleazy presidents who gave him rewarding contracts. But Rowland
was a curiously vulnerable tycoon. His creation, the 2-billion pound London
and Rhodesia Mining and Land Company (Lonrho), was snatched from him in 1993
by Dieter Bock, a German property developer brought in to resolve debt
prob-lems. And there was Rowland's bitterness that Mohamed al Fayed had
acquired Harrods, the prize Rowland most desired.

Rowland was litigious to extremes. His legal battles with Al Fayed, with oil
companies, with fellow directors, with former partners all cost Lonrho many
millions. In the end, the 60 000 once-doting small shareholders could stand
such eccentricity no longer. At the last annual general meeting Rowland
attended, he was a sad figure, staring at the new Lonrho directors on a
platform he had dominated for more than 30 years.

His behaviour was so contradictory and enigmatic that many of 

[CTRL] Big Blue Stock to Take a Dive?

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


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Analysis of IBM Fourth Quarter 2001 Business Results

Big Blue Stock to Take a Dive?

Gerstner’s Worst Fourth Quarter; Sharp Drop in Revenue, Profit

PHOENIX, Jan. 17 - Hold on to your seats folks, and fasten your seat belts.
The Big Blue stock is about to take a dive.  A fairly steep dive, we figure…

No surprises there.  What goes up, must come down.  Especially if it rose on
hot air (inflated expectations).  As this writer said in a Jan. 10 Dallas
Morning News article:
“The recent (stock) upturn has been fueled, in part, by the absence of the
bad news that seemed to come every day last year.  When most companies start
reporting their most recent quarterly earnings in a few weeks, the tide could
turn.  Emotions always run ahead of reason.  When the facts are in, that
tends to dampen some of the enthusiasm.”

Well, IBM’s fourth quarter facts are now in.  And they are sure to dampen
investors’ enthusiasm when Wall Street opens for business tomorrow morning.
In fact, the last three months of 2001 represent arguably the worst fourth
quarter ever reported during Lou Gerstner’s tenure as chairman (his first
full year at the helm was 1994).  Consider the following 4Q01 highlights:

·Overall revenues were down 11%;

·Net income was down 13%;

·Americas region’s revenue (led by the U.S.) was down 9%;

·Asia/Pacific was down 10%;

·Europe (EMEA) was down 6%;

·OEM was down 34%

·Global Services (IGS), IBM’s only “knight in shining armor,” was
also down 1% - its first decline ever!

·Hardware was down 24%;

·Global financing was down 5%;

·Enterprise investments were down 20%;

·PC revenue was down 32%, plus the unit lost money ($17M pretax);

·Technology revenue was down 32%, plus the unit lost money ($293M

·Software was the only IBM business segment to have shown some
growth, however modest (up 6%);

Now picture yourself as the IBM CFO having to deliver this truckload of bad
news to the marketplace.  You’d probably feel like Al Gore on September 11 -
grateful to have lost the Florida chad contest. J

Well, with not much to rejoice about, the IBM CFO, John Joyce, bravely drove
the Big Blue truckload of trouble into the post-earnings analyst conference.
He painted it with BS, and called the quarter a success… relative to other
industry truckloads of bad news.

When Joyce pulled the same stunt two years ago, blaming the IBM woes on the
Y2K that time, we called it a “Slam-Dunk of Bunk,” (Jan 19, 2000).  This
afternoon, Joyce has outdone himself.  Make it a “Grand Slam-Dunk of Bunk!”

Yet the analysts bought it.  At least that’s the impression one got by the
meek and mild tone of their questions.  So don’t look for a huge stock slide
tomorrow, even though a free fall is what Armonk richly deserves.  At least
based on the above facts (also see the chart and our special Appendix - On
Wall Street, Big Blue Sky Always Bluer - Next Year! (1987) - The more things
change, the more they are the same - French philosopher Alphonse Karr,

A part of the reason for Wall Street’s permissiveness of poor business
performances is that there is about three trillion dollars being “parked” by
investors in short-term market instruments currently, according to our
sources in the banking community.  All this money is seeking a sinkhole into
which to drop.  Just like 15 years ago (see the Appendix).

Of course, Wall Street won’t put it that way.  They will call it an
opportunity.  The Big Blue is just one of many sinkholes… oops,
opportunities.  And it is a big one at that, as you saw from the above

Segment Analysis

Geographies.  One good business these days is war business, seems to be the
message that emanates, both from IBM’s fourth quarter results, and from the
IBM CFO comments.

“Public sector was strong across all geographies,” Joyce said.  But the
demand among the small and medium size company was weak, headded.  He blamed
the softness of the PC market on the latter.

Add another coat of BS to the Big Blue truckload of trouble.  For, a majority
of the PCs that IBM sells goes to large corporations.  In the U.S., for
example, two-thirds of its fourth quarter PC revenues came from the “direct”
sales channel.

In fact, had IBM diversified more and sooner toward the small and medium
company markets, as we suggested back in 1996 (see “Louis XIX of Armonk,” Aug
26, 1996), the company would not be such a large sinkhole right now.

As it turned out, however, the Big Blue had the “foresight” to get out of the
federal government business back in 1994 (!?), when it sold its Federal
Systems Division 


2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd



My information on J.D. Cash working for his uncle Tom Cash who was head of
Customs for the DEA in Florida comes from Steven Dinerstine.  Dinerstine worked
as an investigator for the Public Defenders Office in Miami for more than 20
years in an office across the hall from Janet Reno.  He worked on the Barry Seal
case. The information about Roger Moore comes from diverse sources.

When I explain the MO of Cash and his ilk you will understand perfectly.  In
order to masquerade as a fearless researcher and investigator so that all the key
witnesses can be questioned someone must put out some information of value.  It
is when you know what they know and hold back that it is possible to guess at
their secret agenda.

J. D. Cash was behind the FAKE CONFESSION of Tim McVeigh.  If he had worked on
any other case he would be in prison.  But helping to frame a patsy for the
government is OK even if it involves serious obstruction of justice, fraud and

J. D. Cash rots.  Take my work for it.  He is filthy.  Is anyone starting to get
the picture?  These JUDAS GOAT LEADERS are killing our chance for freedom.  They
are pushed on us by the mass media and there is little defense.  The mass media
drowns out all trying to tell the truth and projects those who tell only enough
truth to sound like someone of decent is given a voice.  If Pat Briley, General
Partin or I were given the media play that this low life lying bastard was given
the perpetrators would be running for the hills.

Brian Downing Quig



 I'm very interested in where you got your information about JD Cash. I went
 to Idabel, Okla., in 1995, and met the editor of the McCurtain Daily News. He
 told me that Cash was a reclusive lawyer/freelance writer, who didn't really
 practice law, except to do a few wills and small contracts now and then, and
 really preferred to write. Cash lived in a cabin in the Arbuckle Mts., about
 20 miles north of Idabel. I passed by his cabin on my way to Tulsa, in the
 summer of 1995.

 If Cash really is/was an FBI agent/informant/agent
 provacateur/shill/whatever, why would he point the finger at the FBI over and
 over in his stories about the OKC bombing? In particular, I'm referring to
 his recurring accusations that the FBI conveniently allowed John Doe II
 (who many people believe was either Andreas Strassmeir, or a rock musician
 from Philadelphia who had ties to the Aryan Nation's WAR organization, and
 robbed banks for the good of the movement), to get away. He also leveled
 accusations that many witnesses who had earlier given statements to the
 effect that several people (other than Timothy McVeigh) were involved in the
 bomb plot, and the actual bombing itself, but that AFTER the FBI talked to
 them, they clammed up. Why would someone on the FBI's side write such things?

 I'm not saying Cash isn't who you say he is; I just find it hard to believe.


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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Akha Killings: Bangkok Post Front Page Monday Jan 21, 2002

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd



Forward This Email Widely.


Dear Friends of the Akha People:

Below are links to photos and todays top front page
story in the Monday Jan 21,2002 Bangkok Post

about the murders of Akha men at the hands of both
Thai Army and Police.

The United States commits to giving border electonic
sensors to the Thai Army for border drug control
in the same newspaper in what is the complete
militarization of the Hill Tribe border villages in
Thailand, some 500 villages or more. 300 of which are

Task Force 399 in Mae Rim near Chiangmai is also the
home of US military advisers who train this
task force for border duty.  So are they training
brutal killers outside the law or professional

In the links below you will find photos of the men who
were beaten, some of who died. There will be
more pics up on the site later for which I will send
out a second notice, I can not get them scanned in
fast enough.

Certainly there must be political oversight in the US
regarding the climate that this military assistance
from the US is flowing into and required safeguards
addressing human rights issues in the region of
conflict effected by these US military assistance

Look carefully at the pictures and the article and
then contact your congress persons to find out what is

going on and how the reality here in Thailand can be
changed for the better. Anyone with questions
can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also contact the closest Thai Consulate or other email
address below and demand an investigation into
these killings.

We have been working for a very long time to find out
what is going on in the mountains and protect
the Akha people.  While forestry takes their lands,
missionaries are busy taking their children, in a
climate of despair and extreme poverty (as many
volunteers to this region will attest) the Thai
military is
continuing its long campaign of heavy military
suppression of the Akha people.

No military campaigns in the name of National
Security are being aimed at the very close drug
factories in Burma, but instead a full military
occupation of the border hill tribe villages with
brutality handed out to the least fortunate goes on
daily. There is little in the way of poverty
to these villagers.

Below are also email contacts of the Thai Army
Command. Demand a full accounting, they can email
me if they would like proof of the beatings because we
have the proof, we have the photos, also in the
links below.

We also need that Human Rights Activists would become
involved, Amnesty International, Survival
International, Cultural Survival, Torture Care and
that people with the UN Human Rights and Refugee
Commisions contact us.  Please help us if you have any
inroads with these people.  The front doors
seem locked.

We also ask that you would contact the Thailand Prime
Minister's Office and demand that these
killings be investigated.

Security in the village I live in continues to be very

Currently the truck is fully repaired but still in the
shop because the bill is not completely paid. Please
help us at this crucial time with a kind and generous

We depend on your donation and the truck to continue
this work that we do here to protect the Akha
people and bring their story to the world.

Matthew McDaniel

Checks can be sent to:

The Akha Heritage Foundation
PO BOX 6073
Salem OR 97304

Donations by direct banking can be transferred to:

Wells Fargo Bank
Akha Heritage Foundation
Acc. # 0081-889693
Keizer Branch # 1842  04
4990 N. River Road.
Keizer, Oregon,  97303 USA
ABA # 121000248

Or In Thailand:

Matthew  Duncan McDaniel
Acc. # 3980240778
Bangkok Bank Ltd.
Maesai Branch









Anucha Charoenpo

In their zeal to suppress drug trafficking,
authorities have resorted to torture and murder of
suspects, victims and relatives charge.

Ateh Amoh, an Akha man, said he was savagely beaten by
soldiers who took him and other Akha men,
mostly drug users, from their homes and held them at a
military camp.

There they beat them to extract a confession, he said.

His neighbour, Ajuuh Cheh Muuh Gooh, 42, died from the

The authorities denied any wrongdoing and said Mr
Ajuuh's death was caused by withdrawal
symptoms as a result of his attempt to end his opium
habit during a detoxification programme.

Mr Ateh, 34, said he was taken from his house in Ban
Mae Moh hilltribe village, Mae Fah Luang
district, by soldiers in the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Halliburton in S.F. Chronicle today ...

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd


I would advise you both to read a book called 
Initiative in Energy by Darwin Payne. I read a library copy afew 
years years ago and have just ordered from amazon.com under used books for just 
over $6 including shipping. This book sets out that Dresser Industries 
has, up until the date of publication at least--1979, been wholly owned and 
controlled by Brown Brothers, Harriman. Prescott Bush was on the board for 
many years, as were some of the geological experts in Dallas who have been 
connected to the JFK assassination by Dick Russell and Peter Dale 

Once I receive my copy, I will be taking 
information from it to plug into my research. I had done this at one time 
but lost it when my hard drive crashed. It is a very important 

  - Original Message - 
  Lois Battuello 
  To: Catherine Austin Fitts ; Linda Minor 
  Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:38 
  Subject: Halliburton in S.F. Chronicle 
  today ...

to regular view 
THE ENRON COLLAPSE Cheney's old firm on shaky 
ground David LazarusSunday, January 20, 2002 ©2002 San Francisco 
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/01/20/BU125026.DTL 

A Texas energy giant finds itself on the financial ropes despite spending 
years currying favor with Washington. Nevertheless, the company can still 
claim a special friend in the White House. 
Enron? Nope. This would be Dallas' ailing Halliburton Co., whose former 
chief executive is Vice President Dick Cheney. 
The Enron case has highlighted the cozy ties between the energy industry 
and the Bush administration. And some are wondering if Halliburton will 
follow Enron down the muddy road to financial ruin. 
"Halliburton is just as vulnerable to collapse but doesn't get much 
scrutiny," said Craig McDonald, director of Texans for Public Justice, a 
watchdog group. "We definitely should be alarmed." 
Halliburton's troubles stem primarily from a mountain of asbestos 
lawsuits linked to its 1998 acquisition of Dresser 
Industries. The company has since tried to remedy the situation with 
generous contributions to lawmakers. 
But that hasn't stopped Halliburton's stock from going into free fall. 
Its shares have plunged more than 75 percent since the summer, wiping out 
nearly $19 billion in shareholder value. Halliburton is scheduled to release 
its latest earnings report on Wednesday. 
Rumors swirled earlier this month that the world's largest oil services 
provider was on the verge of bankruptcy. As the company's shares hit a 
15-year low, Halliburton took the highly unusual step of issuing a statement 
insisting that all was well. 
"We're not even close to being insolvent," said Cedric Burgher, vice 
president of investor relations. "We're a healthy company." 
Healthy, that is, except for paying out more than $150 million in recent 
damages for asbestos cases and having about 260,000 related lawsuits still 
And healthy for a company whose stock closed Friday at $10.06, a far cry 
from its 52-week high of $49.25. 
And healthy for a company whose accounting firm is Andersen, the same 
outfit that badly bungled its handling of Enron's books, destroying 
important corporate documents and leaving shareholders twisting in the wind. 

Halliburton's board of directors includes Kenneth Derr, the former chief 
executive officer of San Francisco's Chevron Corp.; Debra Reed, president of 
San Diego Gas  Electric; and Lawrence Eagleburger, who served as 
secretary of state under the first President George Bush. 
Financial matters aside, there are other parallels between Halliburton 
and Enron. The most prominent is their shared links to senior White House 
Enron, of course, was the single biggest donor to George W. Bush's 
presidential campaign and was Bush's main corporate patron during his stint 
as Texas governor. 
The company's chairman, Kenneth Lay, in turn played a key role in shaping 
the Bush administration's energy policy, especially during California's 
power crisis. 
In Halliburton's case, the company was run by Cheney until August 2000, 
when he departed to join Bush's presidential campaign. It still counts the 
vice president as one of its own. Halliburton's current CEO, Dave Lesar, 
remains in touch with his former mentor. 
"He'll call us back," Burgher said of Cheney. "He has a lot of friends 
here. " 
Furthermore, both Enron and Halliburton have been active in contributing 
to politicians and aggressive in seeking to influence legislation. 
According to public records, Halliburton and Cheney funneled nearly $500, 
000 to congressional candidates from 1997 to 2000, including more than 

[CTRL] Fwd: Dresser and Hughes Tool

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd


In 1961, shortly after George Bush moved to Houston, his company, 
Zapata,joined a consortium with Dresser Industries and General Dynamics to 
bid on the Mohole Project, which was awarded to Brown  Root. *
In 1950 Dresser Industries (headed by Neil Mallon, namesake of 
one of the Bushes' sons who helped loot Silverado Savings in Denver during the 
1980s) had relocated its headquarters to Dallas with a large branch office in 
Houston--the center of the oil and gas industry. Before the 1961 bid on the 
Mohole project, Dresser had rejected the opportunity to acquire Brown  
Root, whose chairman, Herman Brown, was the organizer of 
Houston’spolitical action committee known as the "Suite 8-F Crowd" because 
of its informal meeting place in Herman's 8th floor suite of the Lamar Hotel in 
Houston; Herman’s brother George R. Brown, was for many years chairman of the 
Rice Institute board of governors and was Lyndon Johnson’s biggest contributor 
and fund-raiser. In addition to the university's endowment, created by the death 
of W.M. Rice in 1900, fortunately for his attorney "Captain" James A. Baker, the 
Rice board controlled the assets and companies of Howard Hughes, not the least 
important of which was the patent for the three-cone rolling cutter rock bit. 
According to the history of Dresser, written by Darwin Payne:

A lawyer and inventor named Howard R. Hughes, father of an even 
more famous son who by now had expanded the family enterprises into the motion 
picture and aircraft industries, had invented this unique bit, with three 
revolving cutting elements, before World War I. It was one of the most important 
contributions of the century to the art of drilling. The company he formed, 
Hughes Tool Company, now controlled some 80 percent of the bit business. Dresser 
inquired into the possibility of acquiring the company, sought persistently but 
in vain to win an audience with the younger Hughes, and finally realized that 
the firm was not available under any circumstances. Neither was the second most 
important company in the field, Reed Roller Bit, although a deal had seemed 
imminent until its principal owner balked at the last 
So Dresser had to settle for the third company, a 
small one in Whittier, California. Reed Roller Bit, incidentally, was also 
controlled by the same group in control of the Hughes empire—the Rice and Farish 
families in Houston, whose lawyers were the Baker family--in the firms of Baker 
 Botts and Andrews, Kurth. The patent for the Reed bit was filed in 1913, 
and the company which manufactured it was begun four years later by Niels 
Esperson and one other stockholder. All the stock was purchased in 1925 by a 
syndicate formed by Stephen Farish, brother of W.S. Farish. Prior to the investment in Reed Roller Bit, Stephen Farish had 
formed Navarro Oil Co., which was sold in 1945 to Continental Oil Co. Steve 
Farish was married to Lottie Baldwin Rice, cousin of Libbie Rice Farish, wife of 
W.S. Farish. 
*Darwin Payne, 
Initiative in Energy: Dresser Industries, Inc. 1880-1978 (New York: Simon 
and Schuster, 1979), p. 270. 
**Darwin Payne, Initiative in Energy, p. 
---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Saudis tell US forces to get out

2002-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

Samantha L. wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/19/02 5:53:22 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  But the increasingly brittle and vulnerable ruling House of Saud is nervous
   about an internal revolt by Bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network and other
   extremist militants, and has been publicly loosening its links with

   What could possibly be the US' excuse not to target Saudi Arabia as
 harboring terrorists if that happens?   Seems like Saudi Arabia, not Israel,
 controls the US.


That's right. They don't even need a special lobby like AIPAC. They own
the Department of State. They are partners with the ruling elite in this country.

The oil/energy/banking industry.

With friends like these, you don't need enemies.

This is why Jews organized powerful lobbies in the first place. To counter
these powers who REALLY control the show.


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[CTRL] FWD: [CIA-DRUGS] Roger Moore -- Kirk Lyons or Petruskie? Re: STRASSMEIR

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

This is a big admission and one that I missed.  Please provide as much
information about the source of this.  This is getting close to an area of
knowledge that I know well thanks to Cheri Seymore who concentrated on the
Kirk Lyon/ Dennis Mahon/Andraes Strassmeir/Dave Hollaway axis.

Kirk Lyons was the civil war reenactment buff.  Knowing that Dave Hollaway
was able to infiltrate Strassmeir into Lyons confidence.  Hollaway tried to
place Strassmeir into a Texas militia group that was savvy enough to follow
Strassmeri to a federal building and watch him punch in the security code
at the door.  Strassmeir, Dennis Mahon and David Hollaway were three of the
top government operatives active in the center of the McVeigh plot.  There
were many many more.  For intel there is never enough CONTROL.

All this could have been rendered understandable were it not for the
PROSTITUTE PRESS.  The OKBOMB was not a CLEAN OPERATION.  The first bombing
of the WTC was not a CLEAN OPERATION.  The assassination of JFK was a
bungled affair.  But the lying low life prostitute media covered up all the
flaws.  That is why I named my report of the mass media coverage of the

Many in the mass media deserve capital punishment for their role in making
these acts of infamy a success.

Brian Quig

Bob wrote:

  Roger Moore links to Oliver North other than those boats?

 There was a subtle but huge admission by Strassmeir that
 he met McVeigh shortly after McVeigh left the Army. If
 you consider that he left from the parade ground for a
 special mission, was Strassmeir in a nearby building on
 base? Wonder what the timing was there.


 Brian Downing Quig wrote:


 Is anyone aware that the FBI undercover agent J. D. Cash infiltrated
 kitchen table of Glen Wilburn on day 4 of OKBOMB?Suddenly he is
 dead of
 pancreatic cancer and J. D. Cash has moved in to take over Glen
 life including Cathy Wilburn.

 J. D. Cash opened the door for other government shills

 my identification of JOHN DOE II http://www.dcia.com/johndoe.html
 is compelling..

 And does anyone remember McVeigh multi million dollar mentor Roger
 Moore paid to travel by plane with McVeigh to gun shows and took
 McVeigh in
 to live in his Royal Arkansas home.  You would thing such a key
 would rate a mention in Kathy Wilburn's article or at least a mention
 the McVeigh trial.  Roger Moore made millions selling pontoon boats
 mounted heavy machine guns to Oliver North!!

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This is a big admission and one that I missed.  Please provide as
much information about the source of this.  This is getting close
to an area of knowledge that I know well thanks to Cheri Seymore who
on the Kirk Lyon/ Dennis Mahon/Andraes Strassmeir/Dave Hollaway axis.

Kirk Lyons was the civil war reenactment buff.  Knowing that Dave
Hollaway was able to infiltrate Strassmeir into Lyons confidence.
Hollaway tried to place Strassmeir into a Texas militia group that was
savvy enough to follow Strassmeri to a federal building and watch him punch
in the security code at the door.  Strassmeir, Dennis Mahon and David
Hollaway were three of the top government operatives active in the center
of the McVeigh plot.  There were many many more.  For intel there
is never enough CONTROL.

All this could have been rendered understandable were it not for the
first bombing of the WTC was not a CLEAN OPERATION.  The assassination
of JFK was a bungled affair.  But the lying low life prostitute media
covered up all the flaws.  That is why I named my report of the mass
media coverage of the OKBOMB --- THE GREAT AMERICAN LIE MACHINE.

Many in the mass media deserve capital punishment for their role in
making these acts of infamy a success.

Brian Quig

Bob wrote:
BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE Roger Moore links to Oliver North other than
those boats?

There was a subtle but huge admission by Strassmeir that

he met McVeigh shortly after McVeigh left the Army. If

you consider that he left from the parade ground for a

special mission, was Strassmeir in a nearby building on

base? Wonder what the timing was there.


Brian Downing Quig wrote:

TTIs anyone aware that the FBI undercover agent J. D. Cash infiltrated

TTkitchen table of Glen Wilburn on day 4 of OKBOMB?Suddenly
he is dead of/TT

TTpancreatic cancer and J. D. Cash has moved in to take over Glen

TTlife including Cathy Wilburn./TT

TTJ. D. Cash opened the door for other government


2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd


Idabel, Okla. is near ELOHIM CITY which is near FORT SMITH. Land
and Jacks were by their own admission in the FORT SMITH area the day before
the Mural bombing and in OKC the mourning of the bombing.

FORT SMITH is where the great sedition trial took place where Richard
Wayne Snell, Louis Beam, Richard Butler and members of the convicted ORDER
stood trial. They were all acquitted.

If one wants to travel to Mena Ark from FORT SMITH there is only one
road that passes through FORT CHAFFEE and ROYAL ARK were McVeigh's multimillion
dollar mentor Roger Moore lived. Mark Chapman worked at FORT CHAFFEE
along with many remnants of ALPHA 66.

It is worth consulting a map.

Brian Downing Quig

Bob wrote:
Was Cash the first to say those things?

Did he add anything new there, or just
accreditize himself by mouthing a line
familiar to people he wanted to get in



I'm very interested in where you got your information about JD Cash.
I went
to Idabel, Okla., in 1995, and met the editor of the McCurtain
Daily News. He
told me that Cash was a reclusive lawyer/freelance writer, who
didn't really
practice law, except to do a few wills and small contracts now
and then, and
really preferred to write. Cash lived in a cabin in the Arbuckle
Mts., about
20 miles north of Idabel. I passed by his cabin on my way to Tulsa,
in the
summer of 1995.

If Cash really is/was an FBI agent/informant/agent
provacateur/shill/whatever, why would he point the finger at the
FBI over and
over in his stories about the OKC bombing? In particular, I'm referring
his recurring accusations that the FBI conveniently allowed "John
Doe II"
(who many people believe was either Andreas Strassmeir, or a rock
from Philadelphia who had ties to the Aryan Nation's "WAR" organization,
robbed banks "for the good of the movement"), to get away. He also
accusations that many witnesses who had earlier given statements
to the
effect that several people (other than Timothy McVeigh) were involved
in the
bomb plot, and the actual bombing itself, but that AFTER the FBI
talked to
them, they clammed up. Why would someone on the FBI's side write
such things?

I'm not saying Cash isn't who you say he is; I just find it hard
to believe.


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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Powers committee -- Who was Hines H. Baker?

2002-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd



RELEASE: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 
HOUSTON – The Board of Directors of Enron Corp. (NYSE: ENE) announced 
today the election of William Powers, Jr. to the Board, effective immediately. 
Powers is dean of the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas. 

In addition, the Board has appointed a Special Committee, to be chaired by 
Powers, to examine and take any appropriate actions with respect to transactions 
between Enron and entities connected to related parties. In addition to 
reviewing the transactions in question, the Special Committee is charged with 
communicating with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and recommending 
any other actions it deems appropriate. Powers will be 
joined on the committee by independent directors Frank Savage, 
CEO of Savage Holdings LLC, Paulo Ferraz Pereira, executive 
vice president of the Brazilian-owned investment bank Group Bozano, and 
Herbert S. Winokur, Jr., chairman and CEO of Capricorn 
Holdings, Inc. 

The Special Committee has retained William R. McLucas, a 
partner in the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler  
Pickering, as its counsel. McLucas is a former head of the 
Division of Enforcement of the SEC. Wilmer, Cutler has retained Deloitte  
Touche to provide independent accounting advice. 

Enron also reported that the SEC has opened a formal investigation into 
certain of the matters that were the subject of recent press reports and that 
previously were the subject of its informal inquiry. 

“I have asked the Board to take this action to address fully and forthrightly 
investors’ questions and concerns,” said Enron Chairman and CEO Kenneth L. Lay. 
“Responding to the SEC offers us an additional opportunity to achieve this same 
goal for investors, and we will cooperate fully. We will also make every 
appropriate public disclosure during the course of the SEC’s investigation.” 

Powers currently holds the John Jeffers Research Chair in 
Law and the Hines H. Baker and Thelma Kelley Baker Chair 
in Law at the University of Texas School of Law, where he teaches torts, products liability, jurisprudence, legal process, 
civil procedure and contracts. He received his J.D. from the Harvard Law School in 1973. 

Enron is one of the world’s leading energy, commodities and services 
companies. The company markets electricity and natural gas, delivers energy and 
other physical commodities, and provides financial and risk management services 
to customers around the world. Enron’s Internet address is www.enron.com. The stock is traded 
under the ticker symbol “ENE.”
DECEMBER 31, 1942
H. C. WIESS   
 E. E. Townes
 D. B. 
H. C. Wiess, 
E. E. Townes, Vice Pres. and Gen. Counsel  D. B. HARRIS, Treasurer
JOHN R. SUMAN, Vice President  H. K. ARNOLD, Sec-. and Asst. Treasurer
L. T. BARROW, Vice President   
R. E. SKAGLER, General Attorney
HINES H. BAKER, Vice President 
J. R. MULVEY, Asst. 
Excerpt from book by Richard Bartholomew--Possible Discovery of an 
Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy (self-published):
Bush's close friend and confidant, William "Will" Stamps Farish III, also 
has family ties to companies that helped sponsor the Nazis. In 1937, William 
Stamps Farish, Sr., became chief executive and president of Standard Oil of 
New Jersey after merging his own company, Humble Oil, with John D. 
Rockefeller, Jr.'s. In 1942, a Senate committee headed by Harry S Truman 
found that Standard had extensive secret relations with both Germany and 
Japan; including close relations with Hitler's government and a virtual 
cartel with "Germany's giant I.G. Farben chemical complex, manufacturers of 
Zyklon B, the nerve gas used in the Nazi death camps to exterminate 
`undesirables.'" Bush goes quail hunting annually on Farish's Lazy F Ranch 
near Beeville, Texas.290
Another Beeville rancher is James R. Dougherty, former resident of UT's 
"politically correct" upperclassman dormitory, "Old B Hall"; an honor shared 
with William F. Buckley, Sr., Rex G. and Hines Baker 
(top executives at Humble Oil), Senator Richard Kleberg (LBJ's former 
Capitol Hill boss), William B. Bates (founder of the law firm Fulbright and 
Jaworski), D.H. Byrd, and C.B. Smith. The Dougherty clan produced right-wing 
Dallas oilman Dudley Dougherty, who brought Madam Ngo Dinh Nhu to Dallas in 
October 1963 to be 


2002-01-21 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

TENORLOVE you maintain so enthusiastically that MICHAEL

STUART ( LeFOSSE ) and LAURENCE GARDNER relied heavily

on the book   HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL .

This weekend while relaxing in the country I looked

through the BIBIOGRAPHY of  Michael's   THE FORGOTTEN

MONARCHY of SCOTLAND .  It had 159 Bibliographical

references.  I wasnt able to find any mention of the

book  HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL .   Nor was it to be

found in SIR LAURENCE'S books  GENESIS of the GRAIL

KINGS  which had about 300 bibliographical references.

And  REALM of the RING LORDS  which had about 250

bibliographical references.

Would you be SO KIND as to tell me what pages on the

above mentioned books that you find a REFERENCE to


-Original Message-
From: Mike Clark
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 5:20 PM
To: 'Conspiracy Theory Research List'

At least we find someone who has done some research.

The French Royal Family is Bourbon-Capet.   In 1619

William Brewster came over on the Mayflower descended

from William the Conqueror ( Battle of Hastings 1066 )

In 1785 Benjamin Franklin signed a contract with the

Royal Family to handle all communications and transportation

in North America in perpetuity.  The origins of the C.I.A.

was a corporation owned by the Royal family.  The United

States Military Railroad Security Police of the Selma ( ALA )

Rome ( GA )  Dalton ( Ga ) railway line.

The origins of the Federal Reserve Bank was the North

Carolina Gold Mining Company chartered in 1898 with

records at the courthouse in  Dallas North Carolina.

The JEKYL ISLAND HUNT CLUB where the Federal Reserve

was conceived was owned by Leroy Springs.  Founder

of the Lancaster Cotton Mills of Charlotte North Carolina.

The Lancaster Cotton Mills is now called the Springmade

Linen Company of Charlotte North Carolina.  CEO is

Crandall Close Bowles ( wife of Erskine Bowles ) .

Erskine Bowles was White House Chief of Staff under Clinton.

Crandall Bowles graduated 1969 ( with Hillary Clinton )

from Wellesly College.

Regarding PORPHYRIA the Royal Vampire Disease.  My information

came from  The Purple Secret  by Dr. Ida McAlpine.

 Queen Victoria's Secret Gene  by Edward J. Stewart

 The Maddening of King George the Third  by McAlpine


HOUSTON TEXAS. Area code (713) 266-9617.

Yes the Geneology has an author but since I get so much

harrassment I feel obligated keep his name private.  If

I can find them .  Then YOU would most likely be able

to also.

I relied on Burke's.  The other I havent heard of.



I've had discussions with members of the Royal Family

who provided me with ample information.  I already knew

that there were 48 Merovingian families who signed the

Virginia Company Charter with James Edward Stuart the

Sixth in 1607.  By the way it was James's mother Mary

who brought the Porphyria Genetic disorder into the

current Royal families of Europe.   The recent film

entitled  The Maddening of King George  touches upon

this subject.  What I didnt at first connect was the

fact the the 48 signers of the Virginia Company

Charter had anything to do with the number of states

in Contiguous North America.  However they are connected.

Michael of Scotland says in his book he was born in Belgium.

Looking through Michael's book on pages 4, 296 , 298-299

Michael that the descendants of Charlotte of Albany are

the Polish families of Sobolewski and Sobiesierski and

the Barons Lafosse de Chatry .  The Lafosse de Chatry's

are the female matrolinear heirs to the House of


Tell us more.  You have my attention.

-Original Message-
From: Tenorlove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 3:19 PM

-Caveat Lector-

--- Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 You will find that I've done my homework.   This

 story was related to me by members of the FRENCH


Can you name names, please?

 It is also mentioned in Sir Laurence Gardner's



Gardner basically re-wrote 

[CTRL] Bombs: A Way (of life) in Afghanland

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Bomb goes off at American embassy

Helicopter crash and warnings of attack on a major installation add
to the air of menace in Kabul

Ian Traynor in Kabul
Monday January 21, 2002
The Guardian

A bomb exploded outside the newly reopened US embassy in Kabul in the
first reported attack on the growing international presence in the
city, sources told the Guardian last night.

United Nations personnel, diplomats, and aid workers have been warned
that there could be an attack on a major installation in the Afghan
capital in the days ahead, and a contingency plan has just been drawn
up for the emergency evacuation of all UN staff from Afghanistan.

The bomb, an anti-personnel mine, exploded after dark outside the US embassy last 
Thursday, said a source who was briefed on the incident the following day. No one was 

When US guards went to inspect the damage outside the embassy the following morning, 
they discovered the area was booby-trapped with several more bombs.

Trip wires were connected to more anti-personnel mines around the American embassy and 
the headquarters for the British-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf), 
which is situated nearby. The booby-trap bombs we
re defused.

The bomb was the first known targeting of Americans or international forces 
establishing a growing presence in Kabul. But German troops newly arrived to join Isaf 
spent yesterday digging ditches around their encampment af
ter Berlin received intelligence warnings that they could be attacked by a suicide 
bomber driving a car packed with explosives.

Two US marines died yesterday and five more were injured, two critically, when their 
helicopter crashed south-east of Kabul after taking off from Bagram airbase.

Military spokesmen and the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, said there were no 
signs of hostile fire on the helicopter and that initial indications suggested 
mechanical failure.

But witnesses at the airport last night reported that helicopters and aircraft were 
now taking off using flares, the heat from which deflects heat-seeking missiles 
targeting the aircraft.

The flurry of warnings, the embassy bomb, and the helicopter crash have all 
contributed to an air of menace and insecurity in Kabul and beyond.

UN sources said that the security situation in the country had deteriorated in the 
past week. The Isaf patrols in the city, intended to boost security and confidence, 
are few and far between, barely visible on the streets

It was not clear who was responsible for the embassy bomb. It was not necessarily 
being blamed on Taliban recalcitrants who would find it easy to infiltrate Kabul, 
although city police said last night that they had arrest
ed five Taliban entering Kabul from the north.

Powerful anti-Taliban warlords outside Kabul who feel they are being cut out of the 
western-supported post- Taliban dispensation also have scores to settle.

The Americans are currently singling out Ismail Khan, the pro-Iranian fighter who runs 
western Afghanistan from his power base in Herat, for particular criticism.

UN sources said Iran was currently flying in arms and supplies to Mr Khan, who has yet 
to declare his loyalty to the interim government headed by the pro-American Hamid 

US aircraft have been bombing the Herat region over the past couple of weeks, 
ostensibly hitting targets staked out by Taliban or al-Qaida remnants. But Afghan 
government sources indicate the attacks are punitive strikes
on Mr Khan's forces because the warlord is refusing to follow or ders from Kabul and 
will not disarm his forces.

An internal document from the medical charity Medécins Sans Frontières, written last 
week and obtained by the Guardian, says that a large number of civilian deaths and 
casualties have been caused by recent US cluster bo
mb attacks on the Herat region.

It reports local United Nations de-mining experts in Herat as saying
that a vast amount of unexploded cluster bombs are lying around,
not because they have failed to explode but because they have been
designed not to explode, and to be used instead as anti-personnel
mines. The bombs are particularly lethal to children.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. 

[CTRL] Saudis Critical of US Aims

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Saudi denounces US agenda behind bombing campaign

By Ewen MacAskill in London

A senior Saudi Arabian former diplomat has charged the United States
with seeking to control Afghanistan and contain Pakistan's nuclear
program and Iran, as speculation grows that Washington could lose its
most vital Arab support base.

In an almost unprecedented criticism of US foreign policy, Mohammad
al-Oteibi, the former Saudi ambassador to Kabul, said Osama bin Laden
is only a card in the game played by the United States and of which
it has convinced the world to justify intervention in Afghanistan.

If the United States had wanted to arrest bin Laden, they could have
done so easily without taking the trouble to launch this fanciful war
... they could have caught him long ago, he said.

The response to the September11 attacks in the United States was intended to impose 
[American] hegemony on [Afghanistan] and to set [Americans] up there to achieve their 
objectives in Asia, the former envoy said.

These objectives included containing the threat of the Pakistan nuclear program and 
Iran, as well as the exploitation of the riches of Afghanistan and the republics of 
central Asia, Mr Oteibi told a London- based Saud
i-owned newspaper.

His comments followed reports that Saudi Arabia's rulers were preparing to ask the US 
to pull its forces out of the kingdom because they have become a political liability. 
Any such move would throw US strategy in the Midd
le East into disarray.

The White House and the US State Department insist the military arrangement between 
the two countries is still working. The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said 
President George Bush believes that our presence in t
he region has a very helpful and stabilising effect.

Relations between the US and Saudi Arabia, its closest Arab ally but also with close 
ties to bin Laden, have been severely strained since September 11.

The US is reluctant to withdraw its 4500 troops from the Prince Sultan air base, south 
of the capital, Riyadh, because it could be perceived as a propaganda victory for bin 
Laden, who often protested at the presence of no
n-believers so near the main Muslim holy sites.

But the increasingly brittle and vulnerable ruling House of Saud is nervous about an 
internal revolt by bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror network and other extremist militants, 
and has been publicly loosening its links with Was

The huge Prince Sultan air base played a crucial logistical role in the bombing of 
Afghanistan. Withdrawal would upset the military balance in the Middle East by 
providing a boost to the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein. U
S aircraft based in Saudi Arabia regularly bomb along the Iraqi border as part of its 
policy of containment of Saddam.

Many Americans have been upset with Saudi Arabia because it is bin
Laden's home country and 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the
September11 attacks were from the kingdom. Saudi media have reported
that about 200 Saudis have been captured in Afghanistan fighting with
al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The kingdom is volatile, with a stagnant economy, high unemployment,
no democratic outlets and King Fahd unable to crack down on militant

The Guardian, Agence France-Presse
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Happy MLK, Jr, Day

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



The Other Life Of
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Commentary From [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note - As are many major figures in American History, Dr. King was as
controversial as he was famous. His contributions to society are
praised by many while questioned by others. We always welcome
reponses. -ed).

For the full article: 'Report on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Hidden Life and the 
Aftereffects' http://ourworld.cs.com/ceoofamcolso/id76.htm

Martin Luther King, Jr. - His very name conjures images of peace in a land that 
desperately needs it. Practically everyone in the U.S. has heard of his deeds of valor 
in the strife-ridden days of the 1950s to 1960s.

He fought against injustices until the very day that he was assassinated by a bitter 
fanatic, James Earl Ray. He was a true American, committed to the principles of 
democracy, truth, justice, honor, and order. King promot
ed harmony among African-Americans and whites at a time when a cool head was needed. 
He valiantly battled against insurmountable odds in the name of freedom. As a 
reverend, he maintained an ethically conservative image. H
e attained the Nobel Peace Prize. King has become a legend today -- perhaps, to some, 
a martyr for freedom and rights -- which is why all the states pay tribute to him with 
a holiday.

At least, that is what we have been told.

There appears to be a darker side to King that very few people know. Many of those who 
have heard of this other side of King seem to be unwilling to discuss it. Vouchsafed, 
there may be an occasional backwoods redneck, wh
o appears to be uneducated and frothing at the mouth, elevated to a pedestal for 
display to the general public on a talk show about hate or something of that nature. 
However, for the most part, King's image has been that
of a non-violent advocate. Looking at his life, however, shows a different picture.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. At the time, he was named 
Michael King, Jr. When he was about five years old, his father, who was a Baptist 
minister, went to tour Jerusalem at his congregation's expe
nse. His father decided he liked the Protestant reformer Martin Luther and decided to 
call himself Martin Luther King, Sr., and gave his son the name Martin Luther King, 
Jr. As Martin Luther King, Jr. grew older, he ran i
nto a problem with a white child. The white child rejected his friendship with King. 
Because of this incident, King swore to 'hate every white person.' It was not until 
King began attending college that he associated with
 whites again.

Although King appeared to be academically advanced for his age, his records seem to be 
demonstrative of someone who was merely average. For instance, his score on the 
Graduate Record Exam in quantitative analysis was in t
he bottom 10 percent. His other scores appeared to be similar: Advanced Philosophy: 
bottom 33 percent; English and vocabulary: below average; et cetera. Perhaps, because 
of his average abilities, he had to often copy othe
r people's works.

In his doctoral dissertation, it was determined by Boston University that King had 
plagiarized 45 percent of the first part and 21 percent of the second, though King's 
doctorate was not revoked. (Theodore Pappas, editor o
f the magazine Chronicles, wrote a book called 'The Martin Luther King, Jr. Plagiarism 
Story,' that discusses King's plagiarism.) King continued to plagiarize others' works 
throughout his life. While copying, he would oft
en misspell words. For brevity's sake, one example follows (on the top is the 
original; below, King's copy):

'Before we come to consider some modern theories it may be well to refer to two 
views...which are now obsolete or obsolescent.'

'Before we come to consider some modern theories it may be well to refer briefly to 
two views which are now obsolete or at least absolescent [sic].'

As King grew older, his activities worsened. Though he often said that he advocated 
nonviolence, his tactics often resulted in violence. Congressman John Ashbrook said 
that the 'Big Lie technique' was clearly used by King
. Repeat 'nonviolence' over and over so the public will believe it and then practice 
violence or the encouraging of violence. After King allegedly and seemingly 
instigated a riot in Birmingham, which required the police
 department and the fire department to stop the people and the flames, King said, 
Today was D-Day. Tomorrow will be double D-Day. King went to the extent of 
threatening mayors who would not do his bidding, saying they w
ere to be set up as lambs for the slaughter. At another time, he called for the 
creative victories of black power. At the National Conference for New Politics, 
which had banners that read burn, baby, burn, King deli
vered a speech.

Many African-Americans were upset with King's tactics. Rev. Henry Mitchell, the leader 
of about 50,000 African Americans who comprised his 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [PNEWS] ANTI-SEMITISM: -------- in France

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


JANUARY 20, 2002
Anti-Semitism in France


(January 20) - The wave of anti-Semitism sweeping through France has
triggered mounting concerns about the safety and welfare of Western
Europe's largest Jewish community. Though a surge in violent attacks
against Jewish schools and synagogues in recent months has elicited
the usual condemnations of anti-Semitism from French politicians, it
seems that France's government has yet to recognize the seriousness
the problem or take appropriate measures to counter it. While no one,
fortunately, has been killed in any of the anti-Jewish assaults, it
time for France to take bolder action to stem this ominous and growing

Home to the third-largest Jewish community in the Diaspora, France has
some 600,000 Jews who span the religious and political spectrum and
are outspoken in their support for Israel. Paris is known for its
vibrant Jewish cultural life, and is said to boast more kosher
restaurants than any other city outside of Israel. But despite the
active and visible role played by many Jews in France's intellectual
and public life, the age-old specter of anti-Semitism has found
fertile ground upon which to rear its ugly head.

According to Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior, there were 320
anti-Semitic incidents in France in 2001, or nearly one every day. In
the first week of this year, there were three violent anti-Semitic
attacks alone in France, including an assault on a synagogue in the
Paris suburb of Goussainville, where a gang of thugs hurled rocks and
firebombs, smashing the synagogue's windows and damaging the building.
On December 30, vandals attacked Otzar Hatorah, a Jewish school in the
southeastern Paris suburb of Creteil, with firebombs, two of which
exploded and caused extensive damage to several classrooms. This
incident came just two months after a Jewish elementary school in the
southern city of Marseilles was attacked by arsonists, who burned down
part of the school and then left graffiti reading Death to the Jews.

No less worrisome was the flap that erupted in late December, after it
was revealed that the French ambassador to England, Daniel Bernard,
made openly anti-Semitic remarks at a dinner party in London. In a
column published in the December 17 Daily Telegraph, Barbara Amiel
noted that the ambassador of a major European country - later
identified as France - politely told a gathering at my home that the
current troubles in the world were all because of 'that shitty little
country Israel.'  Ambassador Bernard, according to Amiel, went on to
wonder, Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of
those people?

That a senior French diplomat would be willing to make such
undiplomatic comments is shocking in itself. But what is even more
distressing is the reaction of the French government to the entire
affair. Rather than immediately dismissing Bernard from his post, as
was most assuredly warranted by his despicable remarks, the French
chose to defend him, refusing to terminate his employment. It is
perhaps little wonder, then, that Melchior rightly labeled France the
worst Western country concerning anti- Semitism in a recent interview
with the French daily Le Monde.

It is time for French society, as well as the French government, to
take a far bolder and more vigorous stance against anti-Jewish hatred
and discrimination. It was just six decades ago that France's
collaborationist Vichy regime, headed by Marshal Petain,
enthusiastically took part in rounding up French Jews and turning them
over to the Nazis. Some 110,000 French Jews were murdered by the
Germans, a number that would have been far lower had it not been for
the shameful manner in which the French authorities and police
cooperated with Hitler's Final Solution. While that ignominious stain
on France's record will never be removed nor forgotten, it
nevertheless behooves the French government to act quickly and with
determination to stamp out any future manifestations of anti-Semitism.

At a meeting on January 6 with representatives of various religious
groups, French President Jacques Chirac reportedly expressed his
sharp denunciation of every act of anti-Semitism and... said that
these phenomena contradict the principles of the Republic, according
to his spokesman. Such statements are certainly welcome, but they must
also be backed up with deeds, such as providing greater security for
Jewish institutions and launching a crackdown on extremist groups.

Not surprisingly, the ominous threat of rising anti-Semitism has
sparked greater interest in aliya among France's Jews. The government
and the Jewish Agency are to be commended for their recent decision to
grant increased benefits to Jews making aliya from France, a step that
will hopefully serve to boost the 

[CTRL] Under Cover in Britland

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

A Tolerant English City (And Terrorist Haven?)

Alan Cowell New York Times Service
Monday, January 21, 2002

Arrest of 17 Islamic Suspects Shocks Leicester

LEICESTER, England With over one-third of its people drawn from
Britain's ethnic minorities, this compact city in the English
Midlands likes to project itself as a model of harmonious diversity,
the kind of place where extremism withers in moderation's embrace.
Yet, some of the city's elders have come to believe, it is precisely
that tolerance that may have provided Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda
movement with the cover to implant a secretive network of Algerian
militants here who blended in easily among Muslims of diverse
backgrounds. In the past few days, 17 people - including, unusually,
two women - have been arrested here under terrorism and immigration
laws. The raids last Thursday and Friday represented Britain's
harshest single crackdown on suspected Islamic extremism since the
Sept. 11 attacks, coinciding with worries that Al Qaeda sympathizers
may have set up networks in several other places in Britain with
large Muslim populations.

The discovery of suspected terrorists in this unassuming provincial settlement 
recalled other innocuous- seeming places, such as Hamburg in Germany, where Islamic 
extremists have found easy refuge in tolerant Western citi

Leicester would provide an excellent place for someone to remain unnoticed in the 
larger picture of the Muslim community, said Manzoor Moghal, a moderate Islamic 
leader here. Leicester is being held up as a model of go
od race and community relations, and that would be another reason they could easily 
find a safe place to hide.

None of the detainees has been identified by name, but the raids - which have left the 
city's 35,000 Muslims shocked and fearful - coincided with charges brought in court 
Thursday against two Algerians accused of directi
ng and financing Al Qaeda.

Police officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said they were investigating 
whether Algerian operatives, previously linked by investigators to terrorists in 
France who purportedly planned to attack the United S
tates embassy in Paris, also set up a clandestine operation here to forge passports 
and credit cards to finance terrorist operations.

There is apparently a critical difference, however, between events in Leicester and 
those in many other Muslim communities in Britain.

In places ranging from Brixton and Finsbury Park in London to Burnley in northwest 
England, radical Islamists have courted exposure by seeking to recruit young British 
Muslims to their cause. In Leicester, Islamic leaders
 believe, the suspected terrorists deliberately kept themselves apart from other 

As a Muslim community living in Leicester for years, we would have known by now if 
the detainees had been among the long-standing Muslim population here, said Yacoub 
Khan, head of the Pakistani Association of Leicesters
hire. No such information is available.

Mr. Moghal said he understood from conversations with the police and Islamic leaders 
that the detainees here are of North African of Middle East origin. None are part of 
our Asian Muslim community.

More than 100,000 of Leicester's 300,000 residents belong to minorities; they include 
Indian Sikhs and Hindus, Muslims from as far afield as Uganda, Bangladesh and South 
Africa, and Afro-Caribbeans. The city elders say Le
icester will soon become the first British city where minorities outnumber 
white-skinned Britons.

The suggestion that Leicester played such a central role in Al Qaeda's British 
operation has startled some Islamic leaders. This was totally out of character with 
what's happening within the mainstream Muslim community o
f Leicester, Mr. Khan said.

Yet, according to police officials, there are suggestions that some Algerian activists 
identified by French investigators as Al Qaeda terrorists not only operated here but 
sought to establish a network.

One prominent figure is Djamal Beghal, who was seized in Dubai last year and 
extradited to France and is thought to have moved to Leicester in the early 1990s. 
Kamel Daoudi, an associate of Mr. Beghal, was arrested here l
ast September and later deported to France.

The two men who went on trial here last week - Brahim Benmerzouga, 30, and Baghdad 
Meziane, 37 - were seized at the same time as Mr. Daoudi, within weeks of the Sept. 11 

The Times newspaper said two French brothers, David and Jerome Courtailler, also moved 
here. The newspaper said Jerome Courtailler was being held in the Netherlands, where 
the police said in December they had arrested a m
an suspected of helping Robert Reid, a 28-year-old Briton arrested after attempting to 
set fire to explosives-laden sneakers on an American Airlines flight 

[CTRL] War in a Fashionable Sense

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Gaydar linque:
JGoldberg linque:
 Articles from hate group sites such as KKK, Aryan Nation, American
 Nazi Party, etc. are not allowed. Articles from AntiWar.com and
 Spotlight are not welcome on Lucianne.com. Anyone posting articles
 from any of these sites will be banned without notice.

This article may not appeal to some (or even many)(including me,
as far as some of the subject matter is concerned).  However, it is
interesting from the standpoint that some truths and realities of
both American and Afghanlandian culture come out (!).  What you may
be seeing on the racks in the stores may be what you've already seen
on the news!  Note that are many, many linques embedded in the
article and some are well worth going to the site for in order to see
the references.  I provided a couple of the more surprising at the
top.  Just gotta love Julianne; she'd Jonah's mommy after all.


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

January 21, 2002

The gay glitteratti join the War Party

Manacled, hooded, and shorn of their beards, Afghan captives are
dragged to Guantanamo behind the chariots of the conquering
Americans. The pundits and the court intellectuals salute the victor
– Hail Caesar! – while the US avers that these are not prisoners of
war, but illegal combatants – since anyone who raises their hand to
the Empire is, by definition, a criminal and not an enemy warrior.
Such minor details as the disappearance of the Al Qaeda leadership,
including Osama bin Laden, and the imminence of nuclear war between
India and Pakistan are impatiently brushed aside, as the
neoconservative punditocracy engages in an orgy of triumphalism over
the glorious American victory. To top it off, Gucci's creative
director, Tom Ford, hails Hamid Karzai, our new Afghan satrap, as
the world's most chic man. According to the haute couture
contingent of the War Party,

Mr Karzai has broken new sartorial ground by marrying classic
tailoring with ethnic fashions, in a combination which may breathe
new life into the way leaders dress around the world.


For those baffled by this odd admixture of fashion and foreign
policy, the full meaning of Ford's latest encyclical is revealed in
FashionWindows, where Godfrey Deeny solemnly announces the highlight
of Milan's fashion week for Fall 2001 just as if he were, oh,
Robert Novak or Michael Barone reporting from the campaign trail:

The return of the right in fashion received a further boost in a
Gucci show that was one of the most conservative Tom Ford has yet
designed. Except for its racy ending passages, the collection was
also largely lacking in one of the key components in Gucci's
extraordinary success – sex. 

Quite a turnaround for the openly gay Ford, who once told a French
magazine that I am in favor of sexy clothing, all my career is
founded on that. The long march of the neoconservatives through our
cultural and political institutions has ended, finally, on the
runways of Milan. It looks like Francis Fukuyama was right, after
all, for surely this signals the End of History.


Ford also averred in the same interview that the labels gay and straight would soon 
disappear, plaintively asking why shouldn't male models wear lots of make-up since 
they're even more beautiful like that? His predict
ion, meanwhile, seems to have come true, at least in one part of liberated 
Afghanistan: the Times of London recently reported that Mullah Omar's former 
stronghold has now come out of the closet as the gay capital of Sout
h Asia since throwing off the strictures of the Taliban. Tim Reid reports from 

Now that Taliban rule is over in Mullah Omar's former southern stronghold, it is not 
only televisions, kites and razors which have begun to emerge. Visible again, too, are 
men with their ashna, or beloveds: young boys th
ey have groomed for sex.


Kandahar had a reputation as the San Francisco of South Asia long before Mullah Omar 
came to power, and even the former Taliban governor admitted that he faced a dilemma 
of what to do about homosexuality in a society wh
ere the sexes were so strictly segregated. It seems there were three main schools of 
thought on the issue:

One group of scholars believes you should take these people to the top of the highest 
building in the city and hurl them to their deaths. [Other scholars] recommend you dig 
a pit near a wall somewhere, put these people i
n it, then topple the wall so that they are buried alive.


A third option, putting homosexuals on public display with blackened faces, was 
favored by a relatively moderate majority faction: for practical purposes, this was 
the punishment most often carried out, when it was enforc
ed at all. 

[CTRL] FAA: Foreign Air Attaquers ?

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


FAA mailed thousands of pilot licenses to post office boxes in Arab

By Rick Wiles
American Freedom News
Copyright January 18, 2002

Congressman James Traficant Jr. has accused the Federal Aviation
Administration of sending official certification to pilot an aircraft
to nearly 6,000 foreign nationals.  The fiery Ohio Democrat, who is
under indictment by the Justice Department, says the FAA sent over
2,800 pilot licenses to Middle Eastern post office boxes with no
physical addresses. Traficant, an outspoken critic of the Justice
Department and the IRS, says the corruption charges against him are
part of a campaign to silence him.

Congressman Traficant sent a letter in late December to David Walker,
Comptroller General of the United States, to request an investigation
into the licensing procedures for pilots by the FAA.

Although the Ohio Democrat publicly mentioned the accusation on Fox
News Channel’s Hannity and Colmes program, Fox News and the other
national news media services ignored the explosive charge.

Just days after the September 11th attacks on America, Traficant
initiated an investigation of his own to identify loopholes in U.S.
rules, regulations, and practices that could place the nation at
further risk. A significant national security breach emerged in the
databases of the FAA in regard to the licensing of foreign pilots.

After studying the database for over thirty countries, some of which
are state sponsors of terrorism and many of which are known to harbor
terrorists, in just three years more than 5,400 foreign nationals
received official FAA certification to pilot a plane. All of these
licenses were sent to foreign addresses in countries such as
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen and many
others. Of the 5,400 individuals, over 2,800 listed no physical
address abroad and instead provided the FAA with only a post office
box address.

Traficant is concerned that the United States could have trained
America's enemies who are determined to destroy America with that
training. The FAA may have supplied Bin Laden with an air force
legally certified to attack America, Traficant stated yesterday on
the House floor.

The General Accounting Office (GAO) is the investigative unit of
Congress. Due to the limited amount of information being made
available by FAA, Traficant has asked the GAO to undertake its own
investigation to determine the level of threat that exists, as is
evident by the attacks of September 11th, and to assist Congress with
the urgent legislative repairs that will be needed to ensure the
safety of all Americans. Traficant intends to spearhead these efforts
as he has in the past with other national security measures.

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2002-01-21 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

about michael le fosse -

he joined the sovereign military order of the knights templar of jerusalem
in edinburgh, scotland circa 1981-2 whereupon he proceeded to influence the
then grand prior of the order francis sherry and other senior office bearers
with the idea that he was a true king in waiting.
fearful of a split in the order, a senior officer - john ritchie travelled
to brussels where he came from to speak to his mother - and who confirmed
that his only connection with the stuarts is that he stayed in stuart street
in brussels.
Know as 'princess michael' for his preferences by other templars and templar
organisations - he was directly responsible for the splitting up of the
scottish knights templar into its various dysfunctional factions.
Other folks had suggested that he was backed by british military
intelligence MI5 - who supplied him with contacts and indulged him in
exchange for information on scottish activists.
Taken under the wing of laurence Gardner - who was christened brian
gardner - brian doesn't sound too classy though - laurence got behind prince
michael who then created him a sir and conferred phony titles and stuff on
him from his jacobean order of the knights of stgermaine.
Laurence got hold of another imposter to the scottish throne - one nicholas
devere - who had filled in the word 'prince' on his passport application -
its all phoney baloney this michael and 'sir laurence' bullshit ..


- Original Message -
From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 6:08 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 TENORLOVE you maintain so enthusiastically that MICHAEL

 STUART ( LeFOSSE ) and LAURENCE GARDNER relied heavily

 on the book   HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL .

 This weekend while relaxing in the country I looked

 through the BIBIOGRAPHY of  Michael's   THE FORGOTTEN

 MONARCHY of SCOTLAND .  It had 159 Bibliographical

 references.  I wasnt able to find any mention of the

 book  HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL .   Nor was it to be

 found in SIR LAURENCE'S books  GENESIS of the GRAIL

 KINGS  which had about 300 bibliographical references.

 And  REALM of the RING LORDS  which had about 250

 bibliographical references.

 Would you be SO KIND as to tell me what pages on the

 above mentioned books that you find a REFERENCE to


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Clark
 Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 5:20 PM
 To: 'Conspiracy Theory Research List'

 At least we find someone who has done some research.

 The French Royal Family is Bourbon-Capet.   In 1619

 William Brewster came over on the Mayflower descended

 from William the Conqueror ( Battle of Hastings 1066 )

 In 1785 Benjamin Franklin signed a contract with the

 Royal Family to handle all communications and transportation

 in North America in perpetuity.  The origins of the C.I.A.

 was a corporation owned by the Royal family.  The United

 States Military Railroad Security Police of the Selma ( ALA )

 Rome ( GA )  Dalton ( Ga ) railway line.

 The origins of the Federal Reserve Bank was the North

 Carolina Gold Mining Company chartered in 1898 with

 records at the courthouse in  Dallas North Carolina.

 The JEKYL ISLAND HUNT CLUB where the Federal Reserve

 was conceived was owned by Leroy Springs.  Founder

 of the Lancaster Cotton Mills of Charlotte North Carolina.

 The Lancaster Cotton Mills is now called the Springmade

 Linen Company of Charlotte North Carolina.  CEO is

 Crandall Close Bowles ( wife of Erskine Bowles ) .

 Erskine Bowles was White House Chief of Staff under Clinton.

 Crandall Bowles graduated 1969 ( with Hillary Clinton )

 from Wellesly College.

 Regarding PORPHYRIA the Royal Vampire Disease.  My information

 came from  The Purple Secret  by Dr. Ida McAlpine.

  Queen Victoria's Secret Gene  by Edward J. Stewart

  The Maddening of King George the Third  by McAlpine


 HOUSTON TEXAS. Area code (713) 266-9617.

 Yes the Geneology has an author but since I get so much

 harrassment I feel obligated keep his name private.  If

 I can find them .  Then YOU would most likely be able

 to also.

 I relied on Burke's.  The other I havent heard of.



 I've had discussions with members of the Royal Family

 who provided me with ample information.  I already knew

[CTRL] TLS: A Century of Tradition

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



The genesis of The Times Literary Supplement


The Times published its first Literary Supplement on Friday, January
17, 1902. Pressure on space caused by parliamentary reports was the
ostensible reason - an announcement on the front page stated that
“during the Parliamentary Session, Literary Supplements to The Times
will appear as often as may be necessary in order to keep abreast
with the more important publications of the day” – but it was not The
Times’s first venture in this area and was viewed, at least by some,
as a more permanent attraction.

Five years earlier, The Times had launched Literature, a 32-page
literary weekly contained in a 32-page wraparound of publishers’
advertising. It was conceived at a meeting at Printing House Square,
Blackfriars, in December 1896, between Charles Frederic Moberly Bell,
manager of The Times, and H. D. Traill, who was to become the
magazine’s editor. It was one of several projects initiated by
Moberly Bell to help restore The Times’s financi
al position following the Parnell Affair of 1887-90, when the newspaper had been 
forced to pay the massive cost (£250,000, or more than £13 million in today’s money) 
of the parliamentary commission which found it to have
published forged letters suggesting that Charles Stewart Parnell, MP, condoned the 
Phoenix Park murders.

Bell’s successes included publishing the first Times Atlas in 1895 and, in 1898, 
reprinting the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Despite its lengthy 
gestation and Times backing, however, Literature failed to
 make money and by the end of 1901 he was looking to sell it and begin again with a 
publication of wider scope.

The editor of the new supplement was to be James Thursfield, a leader writer since 
1874, Naval Correspondent since 1887, and for some time editor of the “Books of the 
Week” column. He and Bell worked painstakingly on the
format, content, staff and timing of the launch by letter through December 1901, even 
including an exchange on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The exact launch date, either January 10 or 17, would be determined by the sale of 
Literature. As Bell explained to Thursfield in a letter dated December 28, 1901: “My 
intending purchaser asks time till Thursday – that is
 the 31st. If he says “no” we must get the first Supplement out on the 9th (that is 
with The Times of 10th). If he says “yes” then with The Times of 17th.”

The outcome hung in the balance until the last moment; even on January 8, Thursfield 
was writing to Bell with some expectation that the supplement might be printed the 
next day, but in the event the sale did not go throug
h in time and publication was delayed by a week. The first issue bore this front-page 
announcement: “Literature has been purchased by Mr John Morgan Richards, the 
proprietor of The Academy, who will in future publish The
Academy and Literature, Mr C. Lewis Hind, at present Editor of The Academy, editing 
the joint publication.”

Uncertainty over the sale caused further problems, as Thursfield did not know whether 
articles commissioned for Literature would be available to the TLS. On January 12, 
Thursfield passed on to Bell that Literature’s Edito
r, Frederick Thomas Dalton, had commissioned enough new copy for 24 columns, which is 
exactly what was published. Nothing would be left over for the second issue.

It is clear from his correspondence with Thursfield that Bell saw the new supplement 
as a permanent addition to The Times, to enhance its standing and its circulation, 
then about 35,000 copies a day. Nonetheless, he delib
erately worded his launch announcement ambiguously, with the suggestion that it might 
only appear while Parliament was sitting. He would not have wanted to warn the new 
owners of Literature that a long-term rival was in t
he offing, and he still had to sell its continued existence to the Editor of The 
Times, George Earle Buckle, in whose paper the new publication was to be inserted 
free. Finally, if the idea did not work he would have a re
ady avenue for retreat.

The Literary Supplement was half the size of The Times, and its layout quite 
different. Under The Times’s gothic masthead with its coat of arms, came the words 
Literary Supplement in a plain typeface. Each of the eight pa
ges was divided into three wide columns instead of the six narrow columns of the 
newspaper. There were sections for literature, science, art, drama, music, notes, a 
list of new books and reprints, and chess.

In common with The Times, the TLS carried only unsigned articles, a practice it would 
continue for 72 years. A complete file of copies remains in the contributors 
department, however, upon which a member of staff wrote th
e names of contributors and either the size of their article in column inches or, 
later, the payment figure. Payment was on a 


2002-01-21 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Whether Michael Le Fosse  Laurence Gardner are imposters

is totally  irrelevant to my original point.

That is.  That the United States is ran by a Secret Corporation

which was chartered by ONE of the STUARTS in 1607.  James

Edward Stuart the Sixth. ( Perhaps he was a phoney also ).

Then when the Earl of Cornwallis Capitulated to Washington

in October 1781.  There was a secret deal struck.  This was

that the VIRGINIA COMPANY would be RENAMED to the United States

of America Corporation and Body Politic.  Then in March of 1782

Colonel Nikolau wrote a letter to all officers Colonel or higher

suggesting that Washington be named KING of the UNITED STATES.

Both Washington's reply and Colonel Nikolau's letter I have

copies of in my possession.  In March 1782 is when Washington

sent 3 emissaries to visit Charles Edward Stuart the Third

( a POSSIBLE IMPOSTER ) suggesting to him that he become KING






is the flag of the British East India Company.

The nature of the SECRET CORPORATION known as the BRITISH


1980 book   CRITICAL PATH .  Where BUCKY said that


FLAG and asked his troops to fight for it.   They refused.

So the CROSS of St.ANDREW  St.GEORGE were removed from it

and a circle of 13 Stars were sewn in it's place.  According

to BUCKY the EAST INDIA COMPANY continued to do business

as normal.  Right up to the present day.

What BUCKY wasnt aware of was the VIRGINIA COMPANY and the

secret deal struck with the EARL of CORNWALLIS.  There is

NO WAY WHATSOEVER to find this information out without talking

to INSIDERS.   The FRENCH ROYAL FAMILY is my source of this


MICHAEL STUART  SIR LAURENCE GARDNER are completely and totally

irrelevant to the issue.   Except for the fact there is very

good information in their books.  But then that's the way

it is with all books.  There is some accurate info and some


Just like this discussion group.



STOCK CORPORATIONS.  These corporations are still in effect


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hennessey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 2:03 PM

-Caveat Lector-

about michael le fosse -

he joined the sovereign military order of the knights templar of jerusalem
in edinburgh, scotland circa 1981-2 whereupon he proceeded to influence the
then grand prior of the order francis sherry and other senior office bearers
with the idea that he was a true king in waiting.
fearful of a split in the order, a senior officer - john ritchie travelled
to brussels where he came from to speak to his mother - and who confirmed
that his only connection with the stuarts is that he stayed in stuart street
in brussels.
Know as 'princess michael' for his preferences by other templars and templar
organisations - he was directly responsible for the splitting up of the
scottish knights templar into its various dysfunctional factions.
Other folks had suggested that he was backed by british military
intelligence MI5 - who supplied him with contacts and indulged him in
exchange for information on scottish activists.
Taken under the wing of laurence Gardner - who was christened brian
gardner - brian doesn't sound too classy though - laurence got behind prince
michael who then created him a sir and conferred phony titles and stuff on
him from his jacobean order of the knights of stgermaine.
Laurence got hold of another imposter to the scottish throne - one nicholas
devere - who had filled in the word 'prince' on his passport application -
its all phoney baloney this michael and 'sir laurence' bullshit ..


- Original Message -
From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 6:08 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 TENORLOVE you maintain so enthusiastically that MICHAEL

 STUART ( LeFOSSE ) and LAURENCE GARDNER relied heavily

 on the book   HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL .

 This weekend while 


2002-01-21 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

She's not a WINDSOR.   She's an IMPOSTER.  The QUEEN of ENGLAND


And her faithful husband  the DUKE of BATTENBURG.  He's a LIAR too.




What a JOKE.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-21 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

Yes Mike youre right.They changed their name from Hanover to Windsor
because of the german connection in the second world war so as not to offend
the british they were scared that the british would throw them off the
throne Just shows how stupid the british are i have been saying this for
years Im british but im anti royal I hate the scrounging scum that they
are.Did you know that Di princess of Wales is scottish bloodline and was
more royal than the royals.You are right they are crouts and not british at
The Mermaidxxx
- Original Message -
From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:01 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 She's not a WINDSOR.   She's an IMPOSTER.  The QUEEN of ENGLAND


 And her faithful husband  the DUKE of BATTENBURG.  He's a LIAR




 What a JOKE.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2002-01-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

So, what's the big deal! Who gives a rat's a@@ what they do in England? They
can elect a cow as King/Queen for all I care, it won't effect my pay check.
In a message dated 1/21/02 1:10:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 She's not a WINDSOR.   She's an IMPOSTER.  The QUEEN of ENGLAND


And her faithful husband  the DUKE of BATTENBURG.  He's a LIAR too.




What a JOKE. 

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2002-01-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/02 1:25:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes Mike youre right.They changed their name from Hanover to Windsor

because of the german connection in the second world war so as not to offend

the british they were scared that the british would throw them off the

throne Just shows how stupid the british are i have been saying this for

years Im british but im anti royal I hate the scrounging scum that they

are.Did you know that Di princess of Wales is scottish bloodline and was

more royal than the royals.You are right they are crouts and not british at


The Mermaidxxx 

A minor point. The Hanovers changed their name to Windsor at the being of the
first World War. The Battenburgs changed their name to Mountbatten at the
same time.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2002-01-21 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry BUD.   But as of the terms of the TREAY of PARIS


and the CROWN of ENGLAND ,  I hate to be the FERRIER



Just because YOU PERSONALLY arent aware of it changes nothing.

There are LOTS of UNAWARE people living under the REIGNS

of the SECRET CORPORATION.   You;re just another NUMBER.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:28 PM

-Caveat Lector-

So, what's the big deal! Who gives a rat's a@@ what they do in England? They
can elect a cow as King/Queen for all I care, it won't effect my pay check.
In a message dated 1/21/02 1:10:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 She's not a WINDSOR.   She's an IMPOSTER.  The QUEEN of ENGLAND


And her faithful husband  the DUKE of BATTENBURG.  He's a LIAR too.




What a JOKE. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2002-01-21 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

well whatever Bill youre nitpicking now like June hee hee the fact is they
did it and how stupid are these people here in this country to bow down to
them like thay are gods gr hand methesickbag!!!.It might affect your
paycheck actually because HRH has her fingers in a lot of your pies lol she
has been buying up massive amounts of Denver Colorado and owns many
companies it could be she owns the company you work for and pays your wages
The Mermaid xxx
- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:31 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/21/02 1:25:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Yes Mike youre right.They changed their name from Hanover to

 because of the german connection in the second world war so as not to

 the british they were scared that the british would throw them off the

 throne Just shows how stupid the british are i have been saying this for

 years Im british but im anti royal I hate the scrounging scum that they

 are.Did you know that Di princess of Wales is scottish bloodline and was

 more royal than the royals.You are right they are crouts and not british


 The Mermaidxxx 

 A minor point. The Hanovers changed their name to Windsor at the being of
 first World War. The Battenburgs changed their name to Mountbatten at the
 same time.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-21 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

King George the Third was a HANOVER.  And he was married

to Charlotte Streilitz von Mecklenberg.  They had 13

children WHO LIVED.  Two died.

The DUKE of KENT ( the 4th son ) married a SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA.

Then his DAUGHTER ( VICTORIA ) then also married her COUSIN

also a SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA.   Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

So the SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA ILLUMINATI line changed their names

to WINDSOR in World War I.  And his highness the DUKE of



These FOLKS are what you call REAL IMPOSTORS.

Furthermore out of over 800 REFERENCES in LAURENCE GARDNERS




Let's get serious for a change.  Time to WAKE UP NOW.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:32 PM

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/02 1:25:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes Mike youre right.They changed their name from Hanover to Windsor

because of the german connection in the second world war so as not to offend

the british they were scared that the british would throw them off the

throne Just shows how stupid the british are i have been saying this for

years Im british but im anti royal I hate the scrounging scum that they

are.Did you know that Di princess of Wales is scottish bloodline and was

more royal than the royals.You are right they are crouts and not british at


The Mermaidxxx 

A minor point. The Hanovers changed their name to Windsor at the being of the
first World War. The Battenburgs changed their name to Mountbatten at the
same time.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Army Lost Track of Anthrax Bacteria

2002-01-21 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12095-2002Jan20.html

Army Lost Track of Anthrax Bacteria
Specimens at Md.'s Fort Detrick May Have Been Misplaced or Stolen

By Rick Weiss and Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, January 21, 2002; Page A01

The Army's premier biowarfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Md., lost track
of more than two dozen potentially dangerous biological specimens around 1991,
including some containing the microbe that causes anthrax, according to
scientists who worked there at the time and documents from a 1992 internal Army
investigation that looked into the loss.

Moreover, Army investigators were told in 1992 that a Fort Detrick biological
warfare research laboratory apparently had been the site of unauthorized anthrax
research during weekends and evenings earlier that year, according to the
documents, filed as part of a pending lawsuit.

And in contrast to recent assurances by Army officials that Detrick has not
dealt with the dangerous, powdered form of anthrax spores in recent decades,
such powders were, in fact, inadvertently produced in the lab during the 1990s,
according to a scientist who worked there at the time and who has since filed a
lawsuit, alleging discrimination, against the Army. The powders were produced
while research on less dangerous, wet anthrax spores was being conducted, the
scientist said.

The spore-laden letters that were sent to members of Congress and media outlets
last fall contained a form of dry anthrax spores similar to the Fort Detrick
byproduct. Five people were killed and 13 others are known to have been sickened
in the attacks.

The unauthorized weekend work, which is not known to have involved the dry form
of the bacteria, was accidentally uncovered when a worker noticed that someone
had tampered with a device that would have revealed that the equipment had been
used after hours, according to the Army investigation.

The apparent improprieties occurred at a difficult time in the Army lab's
history -- when there were hard feelings over personnel issues and even a degree
of internecine warfare among some workers -- a fact that makes it difficult
today to weigh conflicting explanations for the inventory disparities and the
apparent tampering with equipment.

It is possible that specimens may simply have been misplaced, according to one
source who worked in the Fort Detrick lab and who spoke to The Washington Post
yesterday on condition of anonymity.

On the other hand, that source and others said, the emerging details are
consistent with the increasingly popular hypothesis that last fall's
bioterrorist attacks were the work of a current or former Fort Detrick

At a minimum, according to several sources who worked there at the time, the
personal rivalries and less than fully vigilant security practices offered
adequate incentive and opportunity for an employee to make off with at least a
few potentially deadly microbial samples.

Officials with the Army and the FBI declined to comment on the revelations

Congress did not impose today's strict security measures for research on
dangerous microbes until 1996. And at the time of the apparent breaches, several
high-ranking people associated with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), which oversaw the work at Fort Detrick, were
facing allegations ofracial discrimination.

Details of the situation at Fort Detrick in the early 1990s, many of them first
published yesterday by the Hartford Courant, are contained in papers filed as
part of a 1998 discrimination lawsuit against the Army by an Egyptian American
scientist, Ayaad Assaad, a veterinary physiologist who worked at Fort Detrick
for nearly a decade before being let go in 1997, during a round of staff cuts.

The United States is a signatory to a 1972 international convention that
prohibits research on offensive biological weapons, and the Fort Detrick lab has
been officially devoted to defensive research since 1969. The 1992 Army
investigation grew out of an internal audit conducted in February of that year
that found 27 specimens missing from the lab -- including some containing the
bacteria that cause anthrax. It is unclear whether any of the missing specimens
belong to the Ames strain, the strain used in last fall's attacks. But Fort
Detrick officials have acknowledged that the Ames strain was under study at the
lab. The whereabouts of at least some of the 27 specimens remain a mystery.

It also remains unclear whether those specimens -- mostly tissues from animals
that had been intentionally infected with the agents that cause anthrax, ebola
and other diseases -- contained any viable microbes. The process of preparing
them for study under a microscope typically requires subjecting them to toxic

But even if those specimens pose no danger, their disappearance suggests that
other, dangerous samples may have been subject to 

[CTRL] FW: Claims of torture as three (Palestinian) teenagers die

2002-01-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 1/19/02 7:18:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Claims of torture as three teenagers die
 The Israeli authorities have denied claims that three Palestinian
 youths were tortured to death. Lara Marlowe sifts the evidence
 Palestinian officials and media have accused the Israeli Defence
 Forces of torturing and mutilating three teenagers they killed on
 the night of December 30th. The official post-mortem report by
 Dr Abdul-Razak al-Masri, the coroner for the Palestinian Authority's
 justice ministry, indicates that the Israelis drove a tank over two
 of the boys, one of whom appears to have been alive at the time.
 If reports of the atrocity are true, the deaths of Mohamed Lubbad (17),
 Mohamed al-Madhoun (16) and Ahmad Banat (15) mark a significant
 deterioration in the type of violence used by Israeli occupation troops
 against Palestinian civilians.
 Since the story came to light, Western media have concentrated on Israel's
 seizure of an arms shipment in the Red Sea and the Hamas attack which
 killed four Israeli soldiers inside Israel this week. But in the
 Israeli-occupied territories, attention has focused on the three teenagers.
 They were tortured to death with knives, Leila Shahid, the Palestinian
 ambassador to Paris, alleged. An article published on the website of the
 Palestine Report on January 9th quoted the director of the emergency ward
 at Gaza City's Shifa Hospital as saying that there were long deep gashes .
 . . most likely the doing of a sharp instrument such as a knife or axe on
 Mohamed Lubbad's body, and that the other two bodies also had broken bones
 and long deep gashes.
 The Israelis usually return the bodies of the Palestinians they kill to the
 Palestinian Authority within 24 hours. Three other young Palestinians who
 died that same night were left on the ground in Gaza. But the fact that the
 bodies of Lubbad, al-Madhoun and Banat were held for four days - during
 which they were autopsied at the Abu Kbir forensic centre in Tel Aviv -
 deepened Palestinian suspicions.
 Contrary to Israeli law, the Israelis did not obtain a court order for the
 autopsies or ask permission from the boys' families.
 The dead teenagers' families, who live in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood
 of Gaza City, grew worried when they did not return home and approached the
 Authority, Red Crescent and Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, which is
 affiliated with the UN organisation, Ecowas, and the International League
 of Human Rights Leagues. Only then did the Israeli army returned the
 It was horrible to see [THE BODIES], said Raji Sourani, director of the
 human rights centre. On one of them, the face is almost completely gone.
 You can see their bones; the flesh is in pieces.
 The centre has appealed to the UN special rapporteur for human rights in
 the Israeli occupied territories to investigate the killings.
 Palestinian and Israeli sources agree that the three teenagers were walking
 in Beit Lahia, in the north of the Gaza Strip, shortly before 6 p.m. on
 December 30th. They also agree that the Israelis opened fire on them, but
 that is where the versions diverge.
 At first, the Israelis said they were trying to get into a settlement.
 Then they admitted they were not, Mr Shahid said. They were just walking
 in the street.
 These people were very young. They had no weapons, Mr Sourani said. None
 of them had any political affiliation. None of the groups, like Hamas or
 Islamic Jihad, said 'They're our members'. We consider it an extra-judicial
 killing. They just shot to kill - in a Palestinian Authority area.
 Lieut Col Olivier Rafovich, a spokesman for the Israeli Defence Forces,
 admitted the men were in an inhabited area of the northern Gaza Strip, but
 added: They got close to an armoured personnel carrier [APC] in an area
 where we are facing a terrorist threat. It's a very narrow road and they
 got within a few metres of it. We observed them. In this area at this time,
 you don't go for flowers; you go to attack the Israelis. Three guys getting
 close to an APC; it's very suspicious.
 Col Rafovich claimed the Israelis found two knives near the bodies. All
 three were killed by one fleshette tank shell, Col Rafovich continued. But
 fleshettes - shells that embed hundreds of tiny nails in their targets -
 are anti-personnel weapons, banned for use against civilians.
 They were not civilians, they were terrorists, Col Rafovich said. Three
 guys close to an APC with knives at night are terrorists. A few minutes
 earlier, the colonel had told me it was twilight,just before 6 p.m.
 Israel used fleshette shells widely in southern Lebanon in the 1990s, but
 only began firing the weapons in the Israeli-occupied territories after the
 second intifada started in October 2000.
 At first we thought [the fleshettes] were bullets, 


2002-01-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/02 1:33:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   of 1783 between the UNITED STATES of AMERICA CORPORATION 

Got a URL for this?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Enron, Bush, Baker, Rockefeller connection: Oil, drugs and weapons f...

2002-01-21 Thread William Shannon


The Enron, Bush, Baker, Rockefeller connection: Oil, pharmaceuticals and 
weapons for the New World Order
Here are some interesting quotes and articles from newspapers and financial 
publications to supplement your investigations into the Bush-Enron scandal. Ive 
juxtaposed them with quotes documenting the Bush families three-generation 
connection to the Rockefellers and to their Manhattan Institute as well as to 
eugenics, Nazis and pharmaceutical companies. If you do a Google.com search on 
any of these individual or company names youll come up with much more.
Compiled by Robert Lederman http://baltech.org/lederman/
From: What Should a CEO Expect from a Board? By: Kenneth Lay, CEO ENRON
In addition to the Enron board and some of our affiliate boards, I have 
served on various other corporate boards. I'll be drawing upon those experiences 
in my comments. I served on two boards of companies for which I was a senior 
manager-Houston Natural Gas and Transco-and on the boards of several other 
public corporations-First City Bank (which no longer exists) and Texas Commerce 
Bank. I was on the TCB board when the bank was bought by Chase [David 
Rockefeller's main bank]. In addition, I served on the Baker-Hughes board when 
Baker bought Hughes Tool. So, I've been on rather different types of boards. I 
am presently on the boards of Eli Lilly [former Pres. Bush was director of Lilly 
in the late 70s] and Compaq, two great companies that are in totally different 
industries and face very different problems.  Ken Lay
From: Corporate Affiliations.com http://www.corporateaffiliations.com/
Hughes Tool Co. is a subsidiary of Baker-Hughes Incorporated
From: http://kingpineapple.com/Hughes/apparent.htm
3. Mr. Baker currently is consulting to Enron which is a subsidiary of 
Baker-Hughes, which was formerly Hughes Tool Company.
Bloomberg News 1/20/2002 Kenny Boy and I: Enron's clout with Bush came from 
more than just money
The two men met in the late 1980s when Lay was a supporter of Bush's father, 
President George Bush. When the elder Bush was voted out of office in 1992, two 
of his Cabinet members, Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Commerce 
Secretary Robert Mosbacher, worked for Enron.
Newsweek 1/28/2002 Greenspan Told Student During QA Session That the 
Best Chance of Making Big Success Is to Decide from Square One That You're Going 
to Do It Ethically'
NEW YORK, Jan. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
accepted the Enron Award for Distinguished Public Service last fall. During the 
question-and-answer session at the ceremony, Greenspan told a student who had 
asked how to succeed in this difficult job market, "The best chance you have of 
making a big success in this world is to decide from square one that you're 
going to do it ethically," Newsweek reports in the current issue. The ceremony 
was held on Nov. 13, a few days after the energy company admitted that it had 
filed five years' worth of misleading financial reports. And it was three weeks 
after Greenspan had turned down a plea from Enron chairman Ken Lay to intervene 
with credit-rating agencies to help the stricken company survive, report 
Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff and Wall Street Editor Allan Sloan 
in the January 28 issue of Newsweek. Greenspan, through his spokesman, told 
Newsweek that he hadn't had Lay in mind when he gave that answer. Greenspan's 
press aide says he was at the ceremony because he had committed a year earlier 
to former Secretary of State Jim Baker to accept the honor. The James A. Baker 
Institute of Public Affairs awards the prize, which is funded by Enron.
[The Rockefeller and Bush families and their associates control most of the 
worlds major drug and chemical companies virtually all of which are offshoots 
of I.G. Farben, the industrial base of Nazi Germany. Rockefellers Standard Oil 
was 1/2 owner of I.G. Farben. For an entire article on this connection and how 
it explains the GW Bush administration see: http://baltech.org/lederman/ The GW 
Bush Gang: IG Farben 2000]
NY Times November 4, 2001 A Muscular Lobby Tries to Shape Nation's Bioterror 
"Thanks to Washington's well-oiled revolving door between government and 
business, the industry is able to claim friends in especially high places. 
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is the former chief executive of the drug 
maker G. D. Searle, for example, and Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., the White House 
budget director, is a former Eli Lilly executive."
From a Princeton Alumni magazine 4/4/2001
"At Lilly -- where the board of directors once included the first President 
Bush -- Daniels [White House budget director] played a key role in managing the 
public-policy issues surrounding Prozac, the company's profitable antidepressant 

[CTRL] Martin-Choking on the Enron Pretzel a/k/a Clueless in Guantanamo

2002-01-21 Thread William Shannon

Choking on the Enron Pretzel
a/k/a Clueless in Guantanamo
by Al Martin

Like George Bush, more of the American people may be choking on the Enron pretzel. Or, if they're really unlucky, they may end up as one of the Bobbing Head People -- Clueless in Guantanamo.

      It's not even the Ides of March yet, and Bush is already choking on a pretzel. Supposedly he fainted, but the statement that the White House released was absolute nonsense from a medical point of view. It said he didn't choke on the pretzel, but it somehow went down the wrong way and caused his heart rate to suddenly diminish. Every medical correspondent in the Government-Media also said that from a medical standpoint it made no sense -- a pretzel going down the wrong way would not cause the heart rate to suddenly tail off. They said that he was sitting in a chair, but he supposedly fainted, only for a few seconds, yet he scraped his chin and his cheek pretty hard when he hit the floor. He was out and he must have gone down pretty hard.

      The story goes that he was watching the Ravens-Dolphins football game, and during a break, he switched over to the interview with Senator Lieberman, who was talking about the increasing support for the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate Enron. They want to know where the money went and why Enron executives, including the Chairman Kenneth Lay, transferred so much of their personal assets to secret offshore accounts before the deal collapsed. Lieberman said that they have new information from undisclosed sources that will put Bush administration people right in the middle of it. And that's apparently when he choked on the pretzel.

      It reminds you of the time when George Bush Sr. very publicly threw up during a trip to Japan. That was the time, in his pre-Prozac days, when the president found out that sushi and Halcyon don't mix.

      But what Lieberman was talking about is information that links this Enron debacle to a much larger conspiracy, that the Bush Family actually conspired with Arthur Andersen, Kenneth Lay and other senior people at Enron to keep Enron afloat much longer than it should have been kept afloat. It was an enormous amount of money (around five and a half billion) that the Republicans took out of Enron before it collapsed.

      Why did Kenneth Lay himself sell $165 million worth of Enron stock in August 2001, when the stock was still trading in the thirties and then immediately transferred the money to one of his offshore accounts?

      At the very end, Enron gave out huge amounts of money to the Republican Party, Republican National Committee and the Heritage Foundation. Millions were given out. They milked the thing, until they couldn't milk it anymore. The interesting part is to put the Bush Family into a conspiracy with Arthur Andersen. Why is it that Arthur Andersen has consistently dropped the ball in its so-called audits?

      It should be remembered that Arthur Andersen was the auditor of record for the notorious BCCI. And Arthur Andersen was also the auditor of record for the infamous BNL (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro) in Atlanta, tied to Bush Family intrigues prior to the Persian Gulf War. They were also the accountants for Daiwa Bank, known for its Bush Family connected Daiwa securities and commodities fraud.

      Why is it that Arthur Andersen keeps dropping the ball in these investigations of corporation that are going down the tubes, while they have such enormous links to the Republican Party?

      Maybe it's because Arthur Andersen cooks the books - and shreds the documents afterwards. That way, they get Two Services for the Price of One.

      The implication is that Arthur Andersen actually gave Enron advice on how to cook their own books, how to enter into surreptitious futures and forward contracts to make it appear that the company still had value when they didn't and to mask the crumbling empire.

      Now the question is -- why is Arthur Andersen falling on its sword and becoming a willing scapegoat for Enron? Who has such power to command the accounting firm to take the heat, which will inevitably end in the complete dissolution of this global giant company?

      The joke is -- what's the difference between Enron and an offshore Republican slush fund? The punch line is that there is no difference.

      Kenneth Lay, it should be noted, was a Democrat for a short time. He actually worked as an "analyst" in the Pentagon under Robert McNamara, no doubt analyzing how to waste -- and steal -- money. Lay worked at the Department of Defense, as did the infamous Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur, another member of the Enron Board of Directors, who must have been aware of the many frauds in progress.

      Winokur is another government insider and former chairman of DynCorp, the infamous government contractor, whose customers include the Department of Defense, NASA, Department of State and other 


2002-01-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/02 1:38:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 well whatever Bill youre nitpicking now like June hee hee  

I hope I'm not that bad, and I don't wage slave anymore, I'm retired.Yes, I
know she has been investing her money around the world just the Queen of the
Netherland has. Well, there is always nationalization.
Logic—A means of terrifing liberals

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Living and Dying by the Sword

2002-01-21 Thread William Shannon

Living and Dying by the Sword   

Sunday, January 20 2002 @ 07:33 PM GMT
By Edna Yaghi 

AMMAN (PalestineChronicle.com): The political assassination on January 14 of the Palestinian freedom fighter Raed Karmi only demonstrates the belligerent intentions of the Israeli government.

It is more obvious than ever that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon does not want peace. On the contrary, all he wants is to massacre more and more Palestinians, to push them into fighting back his brutality, to dispossess them of what is left of their country and to drive them once and for all out of Palestine. 

The continuous demands of Sharon that there be calm on the Palestinian side is only a pretext because all the time Sharon insists there be no violence, he does his best to enact it everywhere in Occupied Palestine. Evidence of this can be seen in the military siege of Palestinian towns and villages, the bombardment of civilian centers, the shooting of small children, the demolition of hundreds of homes, the destruction of Palestinian farmland, the uprooting of trees, the constant extra judicial murders of freedom fighters, the arrest of Palestinian civilians including women and children, the torture of detainees which also includes women and children, and the desecration of the entire infrastructure of Palestinian life. Palestinians suffer the most brutal and savage occupation and because of this, they urgently need international protection and to be given the rights that all human beings are entitled to. 

Children on their way to school should not be blown up into bits and pieces just because Sharon is a bloodthirsty psychopathic killer. Children and the elderly should not be run over by Israeli armored vehicles and tanks simply because they are Palestinians living on their own land. Civilians seeking medical treatment are stopped at Israeli roadblocks and on several occasions, people died because they were not allowed to pass through these barriers that would take them from one Palestinian area to another. 

American makes it possible for the Israelis to have a gargantuan arsenal and nuclear weapons in order to exterminate Palestinians and threaten its Arab neighbors, but Palestinians are not even allowed to defend themselves in their own homes and towns with light weapons. It is the right of any people under occupation to defend themselves and to fight for the freedom of their fellow countrymen. Since the beginning of time, the oppressed have died in the name of liberty to fight off the yoke of bondage. 

The Scots fought for their freedom from the British and won under the leadership and sacrifice of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. 
The Americans forefathers fought for their freedom against British tyranny and are revered until now as heroes. The French bravely fought against the occupation of their country by the Nazis during World War ll but somehow tried to take over Algeria. The Algerians lost more than a million people resisting the occupation of the French. 

No people on earth like to be in chains. It is the dream and hope of all men to be free. And one people’s happiness should never be built at the expense of another people’s safety and well being. 

This constant inhuman treatment of the Palestinian people will only backfire. While the Israelis exterminate Palestinians and abuse all that is human within them, at the same time, they are killing their own souls, murdering their hearts and destroying their consciences. Israel will rot from within and one day crumble unless Israelis begin to treat the Palestinians with justice and dignity and set them free. 

The ancient prophecy requoted from the mouth of none other than Israeli Minister of Transport, Ephraim Sneh, goes like this, "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword." 

But little does Sneh realize that he is talking about himself and his fellow Israelis. Israel has based its protocol on living by the sword. The entire country is built over the graves, blood and tears of the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. But one day the Karma of the Israeli people will strike them and perhaps then they will experience their second Sodom and Gomorrah. For every adverse action, there is an adverse reaction. It is the law of Cause and Effect and no matter how hard Sharon tries to rid himself of the Palestinians, they rise proud out of their own ashes like the Phoenix. 


[CTRL] Belgian Senators Denounce Israeli Torture

2002-01-21 Thread William Shannon

Belgian Senators Denounce Israeli Torture

Sunday, January 20 2002 @ 07:39 PM GMT
By Mathew J. O'Conner, PalestineChronicle.com Reporter

BEIRUT: Belgian senators who are on a tour to collect funds and support the victims of the massacre of Sabra and Shatilla, denounced torture in a notorious prison ran by Israel in South Lebanon.

The prison, Khiam was a place where thousands of Arab prisoners were held for years, tortured and never stood trials. It was managed by the now-disbanded South Lebanon Army (SLA), which was founded and trained by Israel. The SLA was working under Israeli command in the area and was immediately dismantled when the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon came to an abrupt end in May 2000.

Josy Dubie of the Ecologist Party condemned "Israeli tortures" of hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians at this jail. Vincent Van Quickenborne of the regional Flemish party Spirit and Jean Cornil of the Socialist Party joined him on his tour of the former Khiam detention center.

Khiam was considered by most Lebanese as a symbol of Israeli oppression, and its collapse also symbolized the liberation of the south. Human rights groups, across the world, including the London-based Amnesty International, had repeatedly denounced the prison and the numerous cases of rape, abuse and torture that took place there. The Israeli army used the prison to jail people suspected of challenging the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon, which lasted for 22-years.

The Belgian senators later met with Sheikh Nabil Qawook, the top official in southern Lebanon of the Hizbollah movement, which spearheaded the guerrilla war that brought an end to Israel's occupation.

The senators arrived Saturday in Beirut for a visit mainly meant to show solidarity with victims of the Sabra and Shatilla massacres during Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. All three are members of a Belgian parliamentary committee meant to provide information on the Sabra and Shatila massacres and collect money for lawyers representing the plaintiffs.

The plaintiffs, 23 survivors or families of victims, are suing Sharon for genocide and crimes against humanity for his alleged responsibility in the killings. The number of those killed during the massacre ranges between 2,000 to 4,000. Hundreds of those considered dead are still missing as they were last seen while dragged by Israeli army trucks to unknown destinations.

Sharon was forced to resign from the post after an Israeli commission of inquiry found him "personally" responsible for the deaths.


Re: [CTRL] Saudis Critical of US Aims

2002-01-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

American would do well to remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair
where Mossod sent in Egyptian Jews to blow up and murder more

When they bombed and napalmed our men on the USS Liberty as they lie
wounded on the deck IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS one only has to Remember the
USS Liber and Lavon Affair to consider who and what actually took out
the Twin Towers - all timed to a bible calendar?

Same secret society who murdered JFK, RFK and Reagan etc., took out the
Twin Towers but then just think cui bono?

Who got out all that insurance to tune of equivalent of 7 billion
dollars while we watched people jumping from the Hollywood projected
Towering Inferno - just like the movies.

Like Oklahoma want to know who stayed home that day - Larry Silverstein
was late and said oh he witnessed from the outside what was happening
and Sara Ferguson, this sad excuse for a Dutchess was not in that day
-nobody in important, just the sitting ducks that Silverstein's men
ordered back to their offices?

Cui bono   Cui BonoCui Bono...

Like USS Liberty = Sneak Attack ..

And this one guy said the Saudis should share some of that oil money
with them (Israel)..ever wonder whaat the hell any one of the Arab
Nations would want with this state of Israel - and consider who really
controls some of these terrorists?

Maybe that fat assked German Kraut Sharon aka whats his name,
Schickelgrubber or something - may be he has answers to a feew murders
of which we are not away - for who all stayed on 911 - remembe 10,000
supposed to be dead and how it çontnues to dwindle.

The truth will out eventually and when it does maybe Israel it will be
every man for himself...maybe some of those black faced terrorists
are the Black Jews of Negav?


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2002-01-21 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Neither one cites HBHG; however, compare Gardner's bibliography with
that of HBHG, side by side. My recommendation is for you to spend some
time in the archives of the Priory-of-Sion mailing list

You have to be a member to access the archives. Do searches on LeFosse
and Gardner, and pay attention to posts by Tim Carmain, who blew the
lid on the whole thing. Tim has spent the better part of 20 years
helping the U.S. Post Office prosecute various faux royals for mail

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Re: [CTRL] Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

2002-01-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Alan Dershowitz is the ugliest man in America..to think he went to
school with the Unibomber.

Dershowitz - well the Unibomber was a Harvard Professor too and between
these two, I will take the Unibomber.

Sayonara baby.let me know when they bring out the racks and the
chains and whatnots and I am joining the Palestinians.


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[CTRL] Attention Deficit Disorder

2002-01-21 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Anyone out there hip to more than the usual dope em up philosphy with
regards to ADD?

I've been diagnosed and for a variety of reasons prefer not to treat it with

Are there alternatives to Ritalin? I'm sure there are. I was wondering if
diet played a part.



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[CTRL] Okc Bombing Fallout

2002-01-21 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

Okc Bombing Fallout
Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?
Hotel receipt shows top terror man showed up 9 hours before blast

By Jon Dougherty © 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The FBI's top counterterrorism agent checked into an Oklahoma City hotel nearly nine 
hours before a truck bomb nearly leveled the Alfred P. Murrah Building, according to a 
receipt obtained by WorldNetDaily, despite claims that he was in Texas the morning of 
the attack.

The Embassy Suites Hotel receipt of Danny Coulson, then-director of the FBI's 
Terrorist Task Force and founding commander of the bureau's Hostage Rescue Team was 
dated April 19, 1995, with a check-in time of 00:20 ­ military time for 12:20 a.m. 
(Editor's note: His last name is spelled Coulsen on the receipt, but it indicates he 
is with the FBI, located at 50 Penn Place, Suite 1600; OKC, OK.)

The truck bomb exploded at 9:03 a.m., devastating half the building and killing 168 
men, women and children.

According to the receipt, Coulson checked out of his hotel ­ room 406 ­ April 27 at 
11:16 a.m.

The existence of the receipt and subsequent questions it raises surrounding the FBI's 
official denial of prior knowledge of the OKC bombing was first reported by J.D. Cash 
of the McCurtain (Oklahoma) Daily Gazette ­ a small-town paper that has been out in 
front of scores of OKC-related stories.

Since the bombing, officials at the Department of Justice have repeatedly assured 
victims that the FBI had no prior knowledge of any plot to bomb the Murrah federal 
building, the paper said Wednesday. However, evidence of Coulson's clandestine trip 
fits squarely with a substantial body of details found in hundreds of pages of other 
official documents obtained [via Freedom of Information Act requests] by the paper ­ 
evidence revealing weeks of planning by an elite corps of drug and counterterrorism 
experts who were closely monitoring members of various far-right groups they 
considered religious extremists and threats to the safety and security of the nation.

WorldNetDaily reported June 1 that Ricardo Rick J. W. Ojeda, a former FBI special 
agent involved in the original Oklahoma City bombing investigation, was given details 
of a relationship between convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and members of a white 
supremacist group that may have helped McVeigh carry out the attack.

McVeigh was put to death 10 days later. His accomplice, Terry Nichols, is facing state 
charges in Oklahoma for his role in the bombing after having been convicted in 1997 on 
federal charges.

In his 1999 book, No Heroes: Inside the FBI's Secret Counter-Terror Force, authored 
with Time magazine's Elaine Shannon, Coulson said he was in Dallas the morning of the 
Murrah attack. He said he and his wife were house-hunting and staying with friends:

We were finishing up breakfast with some old friends in Fort Worth when we heard the 
first news bulletin, something about a big explosion up in Oklahoma. ... My pager went 
off, displaying a number I knew by heart. It's the SIOC, I said. The Strategic 
Information and Operations Center at the Hoover Building in Washington. John O'Neil, 
the headquarters official in charge of domestic terrorism investigations, answered. 
His voice was flat. I guess you heard a bomb went off in Oklahoma City. 9:02 a.m. 
Yes, it's all over the news. A lot of people have been killed and injured. We don't 
know what we have. Ricks needs help. Can you catch the next flight? We're right in 
the middle of thunderstorms, I said. Nobody in Texas is getting on a plane. I'll 
drive. ...

But according to the Gazette's investigation ­ aided by the discovery of the hotel 
receipt ­ Coulson was apparently already in OKC, tied to an FBI investigation that 
... was part of a highly sensitive operation that few outside the criminal division of 
the FBI knew existed until long after it was disbanded.

That operation, allegedly begun by then-Attorney General Janet Reno in August 1994, 
was dubbed VAAPCON, assigned the number MC-111 (Major Case 111) and was aimed at 
investigating the so-called religious right in America and possible ties to violent 
acts, the paper said.

Cash said he was unclear what VAAPCON meant, but he believes it has something to do 
with a Reno initiative to investigate violence against abortion providers.

The paper also noted that Coulson referred to MC-111 as his initial reason for going 
to Oklahoma City, using the case number in a May 16, 1995, report filed he filed with 
the bureau.

Others have also tied McVeigh and Nichols to white supremacist groups. WND reported 
June 27 that Indiana State University criminologist Mark Hamm, in a book published 
last fall, named former Aryan Republican Army member Mark Thomas, originally of 
Pennsylvania, and other members of his group as alleged coconspirators.

Based on court records and other evidence, WND also reported similar connections May 

Others, however, have said they believe McVeigh and Nichols 

[CTRL] child porn/abuse, bushgate: bush, enron argentina, bush sr./carlyle and nazis

2002-01-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

The Argentine did not know that Enron and the Bush set are cozy. President
Bush is an old friend of Kenneth Lay, Enron head for the past ten years and a
major fundraiser for President Bush. After the 1992 election left Secretary
of State (and Bush pal) James Baker jobless, he signed as a consultant for
Enron. An article by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker last year disclosed that
Neil Bush, another presidential son (the one cited by federal regulators for
conflict-of-interest violations regarding a failed savings and loan), had
attempted to do business with Enron in Kuwait. The Enron company and the
family of its top officers have donated at least $100,000 to George W. Bush's
gubernatorial campaign. 

This may be heavy for survivors.

One arrested, 200 sought in porn crackdown - 1/21/02 - By Colin Freeze Globe
and Mail Update - Toronto is an international hub for the manufacture and
circulation of child pornography, police said Monday as they announced one
arrest and added that they are looking at 200 more suspects. I would call
child pornography an epidemic in the city of Toronto. We're one of the
centres in the world, Toronto Police Staff Inspector Gary Ellis said. It's
our hidden crime, it's our hidden shame. the case of a Toronto man,
alleged to have stored 200,000 horrendous computer images and videos. These
images involved the sexual abuse of tens of thousands of innocent children
as young as six months old, Staff Inspector Ellis said. Police took the
opportunity to slam public indifference to large amounts of pornography
distributed internationally through the Internet. They also said Canada's
justice system fails to crack down on offenders.




Arms Buildup Enriches Firm Staffed by Big Guns
Defense: Ex-president and other elites are behind weapon-boosting Carlyle
By MARK FINEMAN Times Staff Writer January 10 2002

WASHINGTON -- Even by Washington standards, the Carlyle Group has some
serious clout.

President George W. Bush's father works for Carlyle; so does former Defense
Secretary Frank C. Carlucci, whose close friend Donald H. Rumsfeld now runs
the Pentagon; and so does a stellar cast of retired generals and Cabinet
secretaries, including former Secretary of State James A. Baker III.

And even by Wall Street standards, the Carlyle Group has some serious money:
$12.5 billion in investments at last count. The Washington-based private
equity firm, which advises and invests for wealthy clients and institutions,
has shown returns of more than 34% through the last decade, particularly
through timely defense and aerospace investments.

So when President Bush declared war on terrorism in September, few were
better poised than Carlyle to know how and when to make money.


Author links Bush family to Nazis posted 11/11/00  STAFF REPORT

The president of the Florida Holocaust Museum said Saturday that George W.
Bush's grandfather derived a portion of his personal fortune through his
affiliation with a Nazi-controlled bank.  John Loftus, a former prosecutor in
the Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit, said his research found that
Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a principal in the Union Banking Corp.
in Manhattan in the late 1930s and the 1940s.
Leading Nazi industrialists secretly owned the bank at that time, Loftus
said, and were moving money into it through a second bank in Holland even
after the United States declared war on Germany. The bank was liquidated in
1951, Loftus said, and Bush's grandfather and great-grandfather received $1.5
million from the bank as part of that dissolution.  That's where the Bush
family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich, Loftus said.

February 4, 2002 - Enron and the Bushes - by David Corn

When George W. Bush was first running for governor of Texas, Washington
editor David Corn took a look at Bush family activities on behalf of Enron in
Argentina--itself now suffering the results of untamed financial markets. We
reprint this November 21, 1994, article to show how Enron's connections with
the Bushes stretch not just to Washington but around the world. --The Editors

Several years ago, says Rodolfo Terragno, a former Argentine Cabinet
Minister, he received a telephone call from George W. Bush, son of the
then-Vice President. When he hung up, Terragno was annoyed, he recalls, for
the younger Bush had tried to exploit his family name to pressure Terragno to
award a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Enron, an American
firm close to the Bush clan.

George W. did not detail his

Re: [CTRL] Attention Deficit Disorder

2002-01-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Bill how are you affected by this disorder.   Attention Deficit

What exactly is it - for to me some of the people I know are so boring I
have learned to disassociate in a polite manner into thoughts of my own
. takes a little training on your part, but it is like going to a
party and getting stuck with the ones nobody else will talk to and you
are too polite to say go find someone else to bore to death?

How does this affect you.I have always liked to be around fund
people and reserve my serious side to serious friends with similar


So maybe I will write a book called How To Disassociate From People Who
Drive You Up the Wall With Useless Chit Chat?

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Re: [CTRL] Okc Bombing Fallout

2002-01-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I would like to know why the KGB was interested in the tunnels in
Washington DC which links the entire government like Ezekial's Wheel.
Further I am interested in this John O'Neil and his lost briefcase
containing tunnels in New York City - this man was working for Larry
Silverstein BEFORE he retired from the FBI and kept this silent as he
was being investigated for the loss of this briefcase he without
authorization took contrary to regulations to FLORIDA?

So Hanssen they put away pretty quick - but then look how they lied
about the USS Liberty and consider now who is still trying to free
Jonathan Pollard as they would Jamal, the cop killer?

These evil forces are working together - all along those in the Twin
Towers were sitting ducks and that BASTARD Larry Silverstein took out
the insurance on the LEASED Twin Towers - and that day 911 his man
O'Neill and his security ordered people back inside the towers..and
yet, the death toll has dwindled down some.

Like Murrah Building, who all stayed home that day on words of warning
by ADL and Twin Towers, who all were not around that day but observed
the show, with camcorders - cheering and laughing, with Israeli
passports and boxcuters?

Hey it was okay, they worked for an Israeli Moving Company - wonder what
all they move in those trucks?

so much for serial killers within and Mossad treachury.


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Re: [CTRL] child porn/abuse, bushgate: bush, enron etc.

2002-01-21 Thread Steve Wilson

-Caveat Lector-

Just in time for the Democrats to take power. Dirt about Busch.
Under the Clinton administration people began to come forth about involuntary
human experimentation. Clinton didn't do much about it at all.
Maybe he funded it or allowed it to be funded.
He was to busy going to luncheons I guess to do something.

Child porn is digesting its mental illness, child porn industry people should
be shot.
 I dont see why anyone put the two postings together unless they're trying to
make the republicans look bad.
I think our current president is doing a damn good job.

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[CTRL] A UN Rapid Response Police Force

2002-01-21 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

(Note: Fake Conservative, Phoney Christian G.W.Bush supports this.  Coming soon to a 
neighborhood near you, in the name of fighting terrorism.)

A UN Rapid Response Police Force

Even after the Security Council makes the decision to deploy peacekeeping or peace 
enforcement missions, it now takes between three and six months on average for the 
troops to arrive and begin their mission. In contrast, it takes much less time to 
carry out genocide and mass murder: in Rwanda it took only six weeks to kill at least 
800,000 innocent civilians. And once troops arrive, they are most often 
under-equipped, under-trained, under-staffed and under-funded. In most circumstances, 
they have never trained together, do not speak the same languages, do not have the 
same operational procedures, do not use the same military and communications 
equipment, do not have the equipment and personnel necessary to carry out the mission, 
and often have been denied permission to take aggressive actions to protect civilians.

The United Nations needs a well-trained military force capable of deploying within 
days or weeks, not months. One option for creating such a force is being explored 
already at the United Nations. Several European countries have put forward proposals 
to reserve stand-by forces for rapid deployment in UN peacekeeping missions, which 
would reduce the time delays it now faces because of slow contributions by Member 
States. The creation of such a force is provided for in Articles 43 and 48 of the U.N. 
Charter. However, these stand-by forces would still be provided from national 
militaries and therefore would not receive standardized training in both military and 
police functions of peacekeeping, use common communications equipment, or employ the 
same weapons systems.

At present it is as if when a fire breaks out, we must first build a fire station to 
respond. Rapid deployment can prevent enormous agony, and we must continue to work 
with member states to reduce the time it takes for the U.N. to put peacekeepers in the 
field. - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, February 11, 2000

A second option would be to create a standing rapid reaction force under the authority 
of the United Nations Security Council. This force could consist of volunteers who 
receive common training in both military and police functions and operate with common 
procedures, equipment, and weapons systems. This force would be far more effective 
than current peacekeeping arrangements, and Member States likely would be more willing 
to use it when necessary because none of their militaries' troops would be deployed.

 From the World Federalist Association Website:
For more information about the UN Rapid Response effort, please visit the WFA Campaign 
to End Genocide and the Partnership for Effective Peacekeeping.

-end article-

Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore 
order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there 
was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our 
very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders 
to deliver them from this evil, The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When 
presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the 
guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.
-Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, 
France, May 21, 1992. Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss 

It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the 
American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.
- President George Bush addressing the U.N.General Assembly February 1,1992.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


[CTRL] Saudi - Iraqi Reconciliation

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Monday, January 21, 2002

Saudis warming up to Iraq?
Riyadh a leading opponent of U.S.-led attack on Iraq

Editor's note: WorldNetDaily brings readers exclusive, up-to-the- minute global 
intelligence news and analysis from Geostrategy-Direct, a new online newsletter edited 
by veteran journalist Robert Morton and featuring the
Backgrounder column compiled by Bill Gertz. Geostrategy-Direct is a 
subscription-based service produced by the publishers of WorldTribune.com, a free news 
service frequently linked by the editors of WorldNetDaily.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia appears to be signaling to Iraq that it is prepared for a 

The signals have alarmed neighboring Iran, which last year signed a security pact with 
the Saudi kingdom. Kuwait also is said to be monitoring the Iraqi-Saudi contacts.

The Saudi view of Iraq was discussed during a visit by U.S. Sen. John Rockefeller to 
Riyadh. Rockefeller, a member of the Senate subcommittee on intelligence, met Saudi 
intelligence chief Prince Nawaf Ibn Abdul Aziz and C
rown Prince Abdullah.

Western diplomats said Riyadh has agreed to a reconciliation effort with Iraq. But 
Saudi leaders insisted that Iraq also offer to reconcile with Kuwait, invaded by 
President Saddam Hussein's forces in 1990.

Riyadh has become a leading opponent of any U.S.-led attack on Iraq. The diplomats 
said the Saudis have warned the Bush administration that such an attack would have 
serious repercussions on relations between the kingdom
and the United States.

On Jan. 9, Saddam issued a call for reconciliation with Riyadh and Kuwait, his first 
such announcement since the 1991 Gulf war. Saddam's call was featured prominently in 
Saudi-owned newspapers on Jan. 10.

Iraqi officials said the Saudi kingdom has not objected to an Iraqi effort to discuss 
an improvement in relations. The officials said Iraq has agreed in principle to any 
dialogue to resolve such issues as missing persons
from the 1991 Gulf war.

Both Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan and Foreign Minister Naji Sabri have 
confirmed the Saudi signals. The two officials said Iraq is ready for what they termed 
direct contacts with both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Sabri added that those contacts must not be under U.S. or British auspices. The 
foreign minister also expressed his intention to visit neighboring Iran on Jan. 26.

Iran has expressed concern over the prospect of an Iraqi-Saudi reconciliation. The two 
countries last year signed a security cooperation agreement that has included an 
exchange of intelligence.

The Iran News, which reflects the thinking of the Islamic regime, warned over the 
weekend that Iraq has always sought to improve relations with its neighbors during 
times of crisis. When the crisis passes, the daily warne
d, Iraq then changes its policy.

Iraq needs as many friends in the region as it can get, the
newspaper said. Iraq has traditionally paid little or no regard to
the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors.

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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Theosophy

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


THEOSOPHY, Vol. 23, No. 12, October, 1935
(Pages 529-533; Size: 14K)
(Number 1 of a 7-part series)



EVERY year thousands of visitors cross the Indian Peninsula to catch
a glimpse of the snow-capped Himalayas that rim its eastern border.
But among those thousands, how many realize that these Gargantuan
peaks are but the visible portion of an otherwise invisible chain
that completely encircles the globe?

Every year thousands of religious devotees ponder over the lives and
precepts of their chosen Teacher: the Christ, the Buddha, Krishna,
Moses, Confucius or Lao- Tsu. But among those thousands, how many
realize that these mighty characters are but the visible peaks of
another invisible chain that encompasses the history of the whole
human race?

Many correspondences between the Himalayan chain and the chain of the Theosophical 
Movement present themselves to the thoughtful student. The Himalayan chain -- the 
belt of the sacred Himavat -- appeared above the water
s during the Third Race(1). The first of the Divine Dynasties also appeared during 
that period of the world's history, its purpose being to instruct the men of that day 
in the arts and sciences. Nature has preserved the H
imalayas as the finest gems in her royal casket of jewels. Her still more precious 
gems -- those same arts and sciences that were imparted to the men of the Third Race 
-- are likewise preserved in the secret sanctuaries o
f the Initiates beyond the Sacred Range. The Himalayan chain forms a Guardian Wall of 
protection for the sacred land of Thibet. But there is another Guardian Wall. Built 
by the hands of many Masters of Compassion, raised
 by their tortures, by their blood cemented, it shields mankind, since man is man, 
protecting it from further and far greater misery and sorrow.

The belt of the sacred Himavat that stretches round the globe is partly visible, 
partly invisible. The chain of the Theosophical Movement presents the same 
characteristic. Its visible portion is seen in those great charac
ters who have appeared, under cyclical law, at different periods of the world's 
history. According to the Bhagavad-Gita:

I produce myself among creatures, O son of Bharata(2), whenever there is a decline of 
virtue and an insurrection of vice and injustice in the world; and thus I incarnate 
from age to age for the preservation of the just,
the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of righteousness.

Several different cycles are marked bv the appearance of these Great Ones. But since 
the fourteenth century, it is the hundred year cycle that has been specially observed, 
and the last quarter of every succeeding century
has witnessed an attempt on the part of the Masters to bring the work of the 
Theosophical Movement into clear visibility. These attempts, and the workers concerned 
with them, may be traced through the pages of history. Bu
t the continuity of the Movement during the seventy-five intermediate years is not so 
apparent. It requires an effort to discover the connecting links.

During the coming year, the Magazine THEOSOPHY will present a series of articles 
dealing with the work of three men who helped to preserve the continuity of the 
Theosophical Movement after the public effort of the eightee
nth century. These men were not consciously aware of the part they were playing in the 
Great Plan. Their work was finished before the formation of the Theosophical Society 
in 1875. They did not call themselves Theosophist
s. But as H.P.B. says in the First Message to the American Theosophists: Many who 
have never heard of the Society are Theosophists without knowing it themselves. The 
proof that these men were Theosophists without knowin
g it themselves will be found in their own statements, and copious extracts from their 
writings will be offered for the consideration of the student. It is hoped that the 
forthcoming articles will assist the readers towar
d a clearer realization of the continuity of the Theosophical Movement, and inspire 
them to search for other hidden links.

In order to see the work of these men in their proper perspective, it is first 
necessary to take a quick glance at the preceding century.

The eighteenth century came to birth in a spirit of mutiny. Its first cry was one 
against the Jehovistic concept of God and the constrictive laws left as an heirloom by 
the century preceding it. It insisted upon the right
s of the individual and proclaimed the sacredness of man's power of choice. Voltaire 
led the army of rebellion against Jehovah; Rousseau unsheathed his sword against the 
existing moral laws, and Diderot placed Man upon th
e throne hitherto reserved for Deity.

During the latter part of the eighteenth century another effort was made to gather 
together material for a period of reconstruction. New workers appeared 

[CTRL] NWO: Final Warning

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.viewfromthewall.com/fwcover.htm



by David Allen Rivera


What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea- a
new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common
cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and
security, freedom and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our
struggle, and worthy of our children's future.

(Pres. George H. W. Bush, State of the Union Address 4-29-91)

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

(John 8:32 KJV)

Final Warning reflects an amazing digest of monumental resource
material involving a multitude of viewpoints and positions on the
conspiratorial concept of history. You are to be congratulated for
the exhaustive research this work represents...(it) is an invaluable
reference for the serious political science adept.

Archibald E. Roberts, Lt. Col. AUS Retired

Director, Committee to Restore the Constitutio





Chapter One: The Illuminati, the House of Rothschild, Freemasonry,
The Illuminati Grows, The German Union, The French Revolution, The
Illuminati Spreads to America, Phi-Beta-Kappa, Skull and Bones,
Congress of Vienna, the Masons Separate Themselves From the
Illuminati, the Illuminati in the United States, Weishaupt Dies

Chapter Two: Controlling the Money, the Federal Reserve Act

Chapter Three: The Federal Income Tax, the Rockefeller Foundation,
the Carnegie Endowment, the Ford Foundation, the Illuminati Creates
Racial Tension, World War I, the League of Nations, the Stock Market
Crash and Depression, the Electoral College, Symbol of the Illuminati

Chapter Four: British East India Company, the Fabian Society, the
Round Table, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR Elects Nixon,
the CFR and Their Goals

Chapter Five: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, World War
II and the Rise of Hitler, the Deception of Pearl Harbor

Chapter Six: The Origin of Communism, the Rise of Karl Marx, Lenin Takes Control, the 
Russian Revolution, China Goes Communist, Korea Falls, the Vietnam Conquest, the Cuban 
Cover-Up, Communists Fight Among Themselves, the
 Spread of Communism, Disarming America, the End of Communism?, the Ultimate Goal of 

Chapter Seven: The Brookings Institution, the Committee for Economic Development, the 
United Nations, European Union, the Bilderberger Group, Atlas Shrugged, the Seven 
Sisters, the Club of Rome

Chapter Eight: The Trilateral Commission, Independent Commission on International 
Development Issues, Regional Government, Creating a Crisis, Riot and Revolution, Ready 
to Spring the Trap

Chapter Nine: Putting It Into Perspective, the World Church, Satanism, the New Age 

Chapter Ten: Waiting for a Man, Prieure' de Sion, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the World 

Chapter Eleven: When Shall These Things Be?, the Invasion of Israel, Rebuilding the 
Jewish Temple, the Ark of the Covenant, the Antichrist is Revealed, And Then Shall 
the End Come


Sources Consulted

Where to Get More Information

Ordering Information
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Levellers

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


LinkExchange Member



   By Roderick Moore

The members of the political movement known to history as the
were active for four years in the 1640s, during the English Civil
They were far ahead of their time in their political thinking, and
may justly be called the first libertarians in the world.  There is
extensive literature about them, but most of it has been written by
socialists, and some of the most highly regarded authorities are
Marxists, so the reader can easily gain a false impression of what
movement stood for.

This Study Guide is designed to direct students of history to the
reliable sources of information on the Levellers, and also to
where some of the Levellers' own writings can be found reprinted, so
that they can be judged by their own words rather than by the
distortions of socialist historians.  At a time when our national
independence is threatened by the advance of federalism, it is more
important than ever for us to be conscious of our political heritage,
and the Levellers are a crucial part of this heritage which should
be neglected.

   Study Guide No. 4

  ISSN  0267-7180  ISBN  1 85637 256 1

 An occasional publication of the Libertarian Alliance,
   25 Chapter Chambers, Esterbrooke Street, London SW1P 4NN.

(c) 1994: Libertarian Alliance; Roderick Moore.

Roderick Moore is an information scientist.  He has a BA in Geography
from Newcastle University, and a postgraduate diploma in Information
Library Studies from Liverpool Polytechnic.

The views expressed in this publication are those of its author, and
necessarily  those of the Libertarian Alliance, its Committee,
Council or subscribers.

LA Director:  Chris R. Tame
Editorial Director:  Brian Micklethwait


Remainder of article at site

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Encylcopaedists

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Encyclopedists is the name usually applied to the group of French
philosophers and men of letters who collaborated in the production of
the famous Encyclopedie, or were in sympathy with its principles. The
work was planned by Denis Diderot, and was announced as a
Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts, et des metiers. The
intention was to provide a complete alphabetical treatment of the
whole field of human knowledge from the standpoint of the
Enlightenment. The contributors included a number of remarkable
men. First in importance, acting with Diderot on equal terms, was
D'Alembert. A large part of the work was done by the Chevalier de
Jaucourt, a man of encyclopedic learning. When he died in 1755,
Montesquieu left behind an unfinished article on Taste. Voltaire
wrote some articles, and constantly advised on the development of the
plan. Roussear contributed articles on music, but ultimately
quarreled with the editors, whose plan was so different from his.
Turgot wrote on economic subjects, and in the latter part of the work
Haller, the physiologist, and Conddorcet were engaged.
The first volume appeared in 1751, the second in the following January, and 
immediately excited the antagonism of the Church and the conservatives. On February 
12, 1752, the two volumes were suppressed by the Council, as
containing maxims contrary to royal authority and to religion. Further publication was 
suspended for eighteen months, but from 1753 to 1757 it went on without interruption. 
After the seventh volume, the forces of conserva
tism rallied to a fresh attack. The sale of the volumes already printed; as well as 
the printing of any more, was forbidden. Diderot, however, made his plans to continue 
privately to prepare the remaining volumes. D'Alemb
ert withdrew, but Diderot toiled on and completed the work (28 volumes, Paris, 
1751-72). Andre Franois Lebreton acquired a large interest in the undertaking and all 
the contributions were set up as they were written, but
when Diderot had corrected the last proof, Lebreton and his foreman, without informing 
his partners, secretly cut out such parts from each articles as he thought too radical 
or likely to give offense. In this way many of
the best articles were mutilated, and to prevent the restoration of the eliminated 
matter, Lebreton burned the original manuscripts. Subsequently a supplement was 
published (5 volumes, Amsterdam, Paris, 1776-77), also an
index (2 volumes, 17880).
The Encyclopedie was both a repository of information and a polemical arsenal. It was 
an idea of the editors that if civilization should by entirely destroyed, mankind 
might turn to their volumes to learn to reconstruct i
t. No other collection of general information so large and so useful was then in 
existence. Yet mere learning was not what lay nearest to the hearts of Diderot and his 
fellows; the prided themselves even more on the firm
and bold philosophy of some of the writers. The metaphysics is founded chiefly on 
Locke, who may be said to have created metaphysics as Newton created physics, by 
reducing the science to what in fact should be the expe
rimental physics of the soul. Beyond this there is little unity of opinion, though 
the same spirit rules throughout. It includes a prejudice in favor of democracy, as 
the ideal form of government, and the worship of theo
retical equality, but contempt for the populace, which discern; the reduction of 
religion to sentiments of morality and benevolence, and great dislike for its 
minister, especially the religious orders. By its generous p
rofessions of philosophic tolerance, and apparent acquiescence in what for the moment 
it was too weak to overpower, the philosophic school won a hearing for doctrines which 
were essentially subversive of the established o
rder of things in both Church and State, and prepared the way for overt revolution.


© 1996
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after 

[CTRL] Manichaeans

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Augustin's Complete Books attacking the peaceful vegan Manichaeans 
their respect for nature.

Hot linques

Augustin's Against the Manichaeans
Augustin Contra Faustum, Book XVI - XXII.
Augustin Contra Faustum Books XXIII - XXXIII.
Augustin Reply to Faustus the Manichaean.
Augustin of the Morals of the Catholic Church
Augustin Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus
Augustin Against the Epistle of Manichaeus called Fundamental
Augustin Concerning Two Souls, Against the Manichaean

Homepage | Questions or Comments?| Free Information Packet
© 2000 Abba Yesai Nasrai  Restored Essene Church. All rights
reserved. Terms of Use.
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Ismailis

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The Heritage Society Presents...
Back to Heritage F.I.E.L.D - First Ismaili Electronic Library and

Ismailis through History

by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin Sadik Ali

This volume is a product of authors extensive survey in the way of
consulting the accessible source materials, affording religious and
political chronology of the SHIA ISMAILI MUSLIMS and their
illustrious IMAMS in Islamic history. Compiled with well-balanced
scrutiny of primary, secondary and modern sources. Designed with a
detailed analysis of the advent and rise of Islam down to the present
day in a continuous chronological narrative, this volume focuses the
intellectual contributions of the Ismailis in the anal of Islam. It
is a comprehensive study on the origin of the Ismailis and their key
role to promulgate Islamic message in the world. This volume is
neatly split into six major chapters, projecting (1) Arabian (2)
Syrian (3) North African  Egyptian; (4) Almut (5) Post-Almut, and
(6) The Aga Khans period. of considerable worth and interest of the
Appendices: (1) The Image of Mohammad and Islam in Western Countries
(2) The Ismaili Rule in Sind and Hind, and (3) Abu Ali Ibn Sina. The
main core of book is to explode by the force of evidence from the
authoritative references the false propaganda, allegation and
factious legends often branded against the Ismailis, and to expose
the errors of the sources as well. In sum, this volume inestimably
supplies what has been lacking in other books hitherto published,
enriched with important details previously unknown. The diligent
scholars and assiduous students who were hampered for want of a
comprehensive book, will find it a mine of rare information on the
subject, enabling them to follow the thread of historical narrative
during last fourteen centuries.

780 pages

Islamic Book Publisher
P.O. Box No. 5315
Karachi, Pakistan

Click here to read the Ismaili History section of the Heritage
Library (Mostly based on this author)..

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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2002-01-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 22 Jan 2002 01:32:41 +
From:   Bodhi Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/20/weekinreview/20WEIN.html

The New York Times

January 20, 2002

The C.I.A.'s Domestic Reach

THE charter of the Central Intelligence Agency expressly denies the spies
any domestic police powers. President Harry S. Truman was vigilant in
wanting no secret police. Nor did he want J. Edgar Hoover's F.B.I. cloaked
in the cover that espionage demands. The spies and the G-men had two
distinct roles, two distinct sets of rules.

So the boundaries were drawn at the dawn of the cold war. The C.I.A. would
find out what was going on outside the United States — and so prevent a
second Pearl Harbor. The F.B.I. would work inside the United States to catch
criminals and foreign agents.

That once bright line has blurred since Sept. 11.

Congress has given the C.I.A. new legal powers to snoop on people in the
United States — not limited to investigating groups like Al Qaeda. It has
been granted these new powers, along with billions of dollars, without any
public post-mortem into how all these guardians of national security failed
to protect against the September attacks.

The C.I.A. is now permitted to read secret grand jury testimony, without a
judge's prior approval. It can obtain private records of institutions and
corporations seized under federal court-approved searches.

In proposed legislation circulated on Capitol Hill last month, the C.I.A. is
also seeking the power to intercept e-mail messages routed through the
United States from abroad, on the say-so of the director of central
intelligence, without a warrant. In addition, the F.B.I. would like to
expand its ability to eavesdrop on individuals in the United States.

A United States intelligence official, speaking on behalf of the C.I.A.,
points out that the agency does not seek law-enforcement powers — only
access to information. And the government argues that keeping the F.B.I. and
the C.I.A. in different rooms and locking the door will hamper
investigations into terrorist suspects.

So the door is now open.

The case for breaking down the barriers to work against international
terrorists seeking to kill Americans is absolutely compelling, said Morton
H. Halperin, himself the target of an illegal wiretap when he worked in the
Nixon White House. After many years of court battles, he won a belated
apology from his former boss, Henry A. Kissinger.

But the government insistently refused to limit it to that, he said. Most
of the new authorities are directed as much at American citizens as

The expansion of government power to spy at home is taking place in a
political environment charged by the attacks. To oppose the powers that the
government seeks, Attorney General John Ashcroft warned Congress last month,
is to side with the terrorists.

The whole momentum has shifted because of Sept. 11, and there is far more
cooperation than before between intelligence and law-enforcement officials,
said Kenneth C. Bass 3rd, an lawyer who oversaw foreign intelligence
wiretaps at the Justice Department from 1977 to 1981.

These people are good soldiers and they will respond to orders, he said.
The concerns are in the momentum: the whole thrust of being in a wartime
environment, and how one responds to that, introduces concerns with respect
to overkill. The zeal, the momentum, needs to be checked and balanced.

Zeal has been a problem in the past.

In its first quarter-century, the C.I.A. did what Truman feared: it spied on
Americans, opened their mail, tapped their phones. When those skeletons came
tumbling from the closet in the mid-1970's — and after the F.B.I.'s illegal
surveillance of real and perceived enemies of the state was revealed — new
laws took effect to guard against eavesdropping abuses by American
intelligence and security agencies.

But those laws created artificial legalistic barriers between
law-enforcement and foreign intelligence, the government now contends. The
perceived problem was succinctly stated by Solicitor General Theodore B.
Olson, whose wife, Barbara, died in the plane that hit the Pentagon on Sept.
11: The right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing.

With some exceptions, F.B.I. wiretap information and criminal evidence
gathered in grand jury investigations was not shared with the C.I.A. Secret
intelligence with criminal implications developed by the agency was not
routinely passed on to the bureau. Yet the once firm fire wall between the
agencies was breached well before the new laws took effect.

The F.B.I. has greatly expanded its presence overseas.

The C.I.A. has redoubled the work of its domestic stations, from New York to
Los Angeles, shifting spies from foreign bases and striving to recruit
foreigners in the United 

[CTRL] Nine Eleven: In Review: No. 3

2002-01-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Even Nine Eleven (including the space, minus the quotes) has 11
characters.  AER 

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : The US War in Afghanistan

Was the US government alerted to the September 11 attack?

Part 3: The United States and Mideast terrorism

By Patrick Martin
22 January 2002

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An essential aspect of the official version of the attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon—which maintains that these
attacks came as a complete surprise to the US government and its
intelligence apparatus—is the claim that the CIA and other
intelligence agencies relied too heavily on electronic surveillance
rather than on-the-spot agents infiltrated into the terrorist

As a result, so the story goes, without agents among the Islamic
fundamentalists, the CIA and FBI were unable to discover the plans of
Osama bin Laden and forestall them. The absence of American agents is
simply asserted,
 without any examination of the evidence. The argument is largely circular. The very 
success of the attack on September 11 is taken to prove that the US government had no 
agents in the milieu which supported the hijackers

There are two assumptions here: first, that US agents could not penetrate the 
terrorist circles; and second, that American agents would have intervened to stop an 
attack had they learned of it in advance. Both these assum
ptions are questionable.

The official claim of “no human intelligence” about September 11 is of course 
difficult to analyze or refute on the basis of empirical or forensic evidence. It is 
in the nature of such activities that they take place in s
ecret, and remain largely unknown to the public. But the credibility of this claim can 
be judged in the light of the historical record of the relationship between American 
imperialism and Islamic fundamentalism.

The United States has been deeply involved in the Middle East for more than half a 
century, and in Afghanistan for more than two decades. US intelligence agencies have 
had long and intimate ties with Islamic fundamentalis
ts and encouraged them to engage in terrorist violence. Without this US role there 
would have been no al Qaeda, bin Laden would have remained a construction magnate in 
Saudi Arabia, and September 11 would never have taken

The origins of the mujahedin

Those who carried out the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were not even born 
when the US government first began to sponsor violent Islamic fundamentalists and use 
them against political opponents in the Middle Eas
t. As far back as the 1950s, the United States and its main Arab client state, Saudi 
Arabia, gave financial support to fundamentalist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in 
Egypt. US officials backed the fundamentalists ag
ainst the pan- Arab nationalism of Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, as well as against 
socialist elements in the Arab working class, especially in the Saudi oilfields.

One analyst of this process writes: “It was during the 1958-60 period that the US 
State Department began to exaggerate the communist threat to the Middle East, and the 
ARAMCO CIA, and indeed the Beirut and Cairo CIAs, beg
an supporting Islamic fundamentalist groups as a counterweight to Nasser. In part, 
this was an extension of Kim Roosevelt’s earlier successful use of Muslim elements 
(Fadayeen Islam) against leftists in Iran. The anti-Nas
ser Muslim Brotherhood was funded, religious leaders were prodded to attack the USSR 
for its anti-Muslim ways (Said K. Aburish, The Rise, Corruption and Coming Fall of the 
House of Saud, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY,
1996, p. 161).

This relationship expanded quantitatively and qualitatively with the outbreak of civil 
war in Afghanistan. Even before the invasion of the country by the Soviet Union in 
December 1979, the United States had decided to giv
e financial and military backing to the Islamic fundamentalist parties engaged in 
guerrilla warfare against the Soviet-backed regime in Kabul, which had come to power 
in an April 1978 military coup.

US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski hoped that a full-scale war in 
Afghanistan would prove as debilitating for the USSR as the Vietnam War had been for 
the United States. The Carter administration began to po
ur in weapons and money, especially favoring the most right-wing Islamic 
fundamentalists, those who became the ideological forebears of the Taliban and Osama 
bin Laden.

Carter’s successor Ronald Reagan enthusiastically embraced the fundamentalists. He 
hailed as “freedom fighters” political organizations that sought to establish a state 
based on a medieval version of Islamic law: a religi
ous dictatorship which practiced slavery, oppression of women and barbaric mutilations 
for alleged lawbreakers.

But the man who really deserved the title of “founding father” of al Qaeda was 
Reagan’s CIA director, William Casey. It was Casey