[CTRL] Chicken Hawks

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From LA Times (article, not the Libertarian solution nor my comments)

Note that a majority of the signers are older men and women who have no
qualms about sending the younger men and women of the Unites States off to war to
fight battles that stateswo/men should be actively avoiding.  When we note the
personal hose-stories of these wonderful advocates of increased leeway for Ariel
Sharon and his cadre of state-sponsored military terrorism, we find that they have
rarely, if ever, put themselves in harm's way or if they have, it may be to atone for
their lack of a good fight way back when, when they was sole-djurs.  And, yes, the
liberals are being very liberal with YOUR money and potentially your or someone you
know's kids.  AER 

 Harry Browne on Defense

 Government role should be to keep us out of war War is justified by
 blurring the distinction between foreign rulers and their
 subjects. Our politicians cite the sins of foreign rulers, and
 then ask us to join in killing their downtrodden subjects. The
 politicians want us to forget that wars kill innocent people. They
 talk about teaching a foreign dictator a lesson, but the dictator
 never gets hurt.

 Like the Founding Fathers, Libertarians know that war is the first
 resort of political scoundrels, but the last resort of a free
 people. Libertarians know that the government’s role isn’t to
 police the world-or even to win wars. Government’s role is to keep
 us out of wars-and to protect us from foreign enemies, not create

 How would a Libertarian government assure our safety? Our foreign
 policy would be very simple: We are always ready to defend
 ourselves, but we threaten no one.

 Source: The Great Libertarian Offer, p.114-116 Sep 9, 2000



Hawks Dominate Debate on U.S. Policy in Region

Diplomacy: Within the political establishment, Bush draws fire for calling on Sharon
to pull Israeli forces out of the West Bank.


April 18 2002

WASHINGTON -- Israel's defiance of a call by President Bush to withdraw from the
West Bank has prompted an unexpected political reaction in America: a backlash
against Bush for issuing the demand at all.

In the last week, leading Democrats such as Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.)
and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) have joined conservative Republicans in
denouncing Bush's call for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to end military
operations against the Palestinians.

Many analysts believe that the uproar on the home front has contributed to Bush's
muted protest of Sharon's defiance. That pattern continued Wednesday, when the
president included only five words on an Israeli withdrawal in his speech at the
Virginia Military Institute. The domestic criticism could also signal difficulties for 
White House in advancing any peace process viewed as pressuring Sharon or
legitimizing Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat.

This is a very smart White House politically . . . and I think they recognize there is
not as much maneuvering room as State Department bureaucrats may think there
is, said Gary Bauer, who ran against Bush in the 2000 GOP primaries and
organized a pro-Israel letter from social conservatives last week.

More traditional voices in the foreign policy establishment, such as Sens. Joseph R.
Biden Jr. (D-Del.) and Charles Hagel (R-Neb.), have begun to argue that there is no
military solution to the Israel-Palestinian confrontation. Yet they have been largely
drowned out by demands from others in both parties that Bush offer virtually
unreserved support for the Israeli offensive.

The pressure is almost exclusively from the hawkish side, said one White House

Recent polls indicate that public opinion about the proper U.S. role in the conflict is
more ambivalent, with widespread hostility toward Palestinian terrorist attacks
mitigated by skepticism about the Sharon government's commitment to peace.

Surveys by both CBS and Gallup Organization found that between three and five
times as many Americans who responded sympathized more with Israel than the
Palestinians in the conflict. An overwhelming majority agreed that Arafat was not
doing all he could to end the violence.

Yet doubts about Israel's course were also evident. In the CBS survey, nearly half of
Americans polled said they doubted the Israeli government wanted peace enough to
make real concessions for it.

By comparison, virtually no national political leaders have criticized the Israeli

The U.S. politicians most intimately identified with the peace camp in Israel have
been restrained in their comments. Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.), for instance, has
simply called on Sharon to respect the dignity and human rights of ordinary,
innocent Palestinian civilians, rather than issue an unequivocal call for withdrawal.

The dominant voices 

[CTRL] Amos of Oz

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://argument.independent.co.uk/commentators/story.jsp?story=286178

19 April 2002 08:00 GMT+1
Home  Argument   Commentators

Amos Oz: What we Israelis must do to bring peace to our land

The Israeli public can be mobilised to topple the settlers' government and elect a
realistic coalition

18 April 2002 Middle East Fresh evidence of Jenin atrocities Powell leaves for US
empty-handed Bethlehem monks make defiant stand in Nativity siege Ramallah
Diary: Ruins will be rebuilt Amos Oz: What we Israelis must do to bring peace to our
land Mark Steel: Take me to the Promised Land (the long way)
What can an ordinary man do when he faces an enormous fire? He can try to flee
the flames, abandoning to their fate all those who either cannot run or have nowhere
to run to. He can stand around and moan. He can blame others. And he can also fill
the teaspoon he holds in his hand with water, over and over again, and splash it on
the blaze.

Every one of us has a teaspoon.

During these days, every man of peace must draw water – at least enough to fill the
spoon he holds – and pour it on the fire: make his voice heard, object to war crimes
by either side, help the victims of these war crimes; demonstrate, persuade, write,
debate, garner support for reasonable compromise, oppose the continuation of the
Israeli occupation and the Islamic/anti- Semitic campaign for Israel's extermination.
The spoon in the ordinary man's hand is truly very small, and the fire large indeed –
but even so he must use it.

In Israel, and in Palestine as well, there must be a teaspoon muster, joined by
every person willing to do his utmost to halt the wheels of the repression, the 
the retaliation, and the retaliation for retaliation.

On the Israeli side, it is best to talk not of unilateral separation, but 
specifically of an
Israeli initiative to end the occupation, for the defence of the state of Israel.

Today, the majority of the Israeli public can be mobilised to topple the settlers'
government and elect in its stead a coalition with realistic positions. All this is to 
based on a plan. If the Palestinian leadership agrees to this plan, all the better; but
this plan's great advantage is that it can be implemented even if the Palestinian
leadership remains neck-deep in belligerency, or prisoner in the hands of the forces
of jihad.

1. Israel will end the occupation of the Palestinian population, and will set up a
closed, fortified line in accordance with demographic reality – a line not the same as
the Green Line, but adjacent to it – that will include no occupied Palestinian
population. The permanent Israel-Palestine borders will be determined through
negotiation, with the Palestinian leadership proving, by its deeds, that it has
renounced the Islamic campaign to annihilate Israel.

2. Israel will agree to the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state in the
populated Palestinian areas, even if this state arises before a peace treaty is signed
between the sides. Militarily and morally, it will be easier for Israel to face an 
state than to continue fighting a cluster of armed gangs.

3. Israel will morally acknowledge that it played a role in bringing about the Israeli-
Palestinian tragedy. At the same time, it will demand of every decent man that he
acknowledge the role of the Arab countries and the Palestinians in this tragedy.

The calamity of the Palestinian refugees is one of the origins of the violence, the
hatred, and the terror. Israel must accept no solution that does not include the
human, economic, and political rehabilitation of the Palestinian refugees – not within
Israel's borders, but in their homeland, Palestine – through international and Israeli
participation in the task of rehabilitation.

4. A comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Arab war must be sought not only between
Israel and the Palestinian leadership, but also, and perhaps primarily, between Israel
and the Arab League (which perhaps has the power to restrain displays of
Palestinian extremism). The Saudi plan, some of whose elements were adopted by
the Arab League, can serve as a point of departure – but definitely not as the finish
line – for negotiations between Israel and the League on a comprehensive solution to
the Israel-Arab war.

5. A unilateral Israeli move to end the occupation, including the dismantling of the
vast majority of the settlements, would come about only if the burden of minimising
the danger that Israeli society is being asked to face is shouldered by those who
demand that Israel carry out such a move in the absence of an Israeli-Palestinian

The condition for ending the occupation will not be some paper signed by Yasser
Arafat, but a solid agreement concretely linking Israel with Nato and the European
Union, so as to deter the promoters of the Islamic holy war and to lay to rest once
and for all the dream of eliminating Israel – and also to ensure that the end of the

[CTRL] US-Israeli disinformation

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

The myth of Camp David: part of the US-Israeli disinformation campaign

By Chris Marsden
19 April 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

Justifying the massacre of Palestinian men, women and children by the Israeli
Defence Forces has required an extraordinary propaganda effort from the pro-Zionist
US media. Lies have become the norm in an attempt to turn reality on its head,
portraying the victims of state terror as the guilty party, and war criminals as the

One myth that is central to the propaganda campaign involves a grossly distorted
presentation of the Camp David Israeli-Palestinian summit of July, 2000. The
American media endlessly repeat the assertion that Yasser Arafat spurned a
generous proposal for Palestinian statehood offered by the then Israeli prime
minister, Ehud Barak, thereby precipitating the eruption of violence that has
continued for more than 18 months.

To cite one example, the April 15 Wall Street Journal contains an article by Daniel
Pipes and Jonathan Schanzer arguing against an Israeli military withdrawal from the
Occupied Territories. In it they opine:

“Prime Minister Ehud Barak, in July 2000, convinced President Clinton to host a
summit for Yasser Arafat and himself. At Camp David, he offered unprecedented
concessions, hoping to close the Palestinian account like he thought he had just
closed the Lebanese one. Trouble was, both Hezbollah and the Palestinians drew
the opposite lesson from this retreat. Hezbollah crowed how Islamic forces in the
‘smallest Arab country’ had caused Israel to retreat in ‘defeat and resignation.’

“As for Arafat, rather than be inspired by Israeli goodwill, he saw an Israel weak and
demoralized. Inspired by Hezbollah’s success, he and the Palestinian body politic lost
interest in diplomacy and what it could bring—the partial attainment of their goals.
Instead, they adopted the Hezbollah model of force in order to attain complete

“Not surprisingly, then, Arafat flatly turned down Mr. Barak’s wildly generous
proposals and did not even deign to make a counter-offer. Of course, complete
victory here means the destruction of Israel, not coexistence with it. How could Arafat
aspire for less, when he had turned down so handsome an offer at Camp David?”

Such claims are made in the full knowledge of their falsity. For since the Camp David
talks in Maryland finally collapsed on July 25, 2000, a plethora of evidence has
emerged disproving the efforts of the Israelis and the US to blame the Palestinian
delegation for the failure of the summit.

The propaganda unravels

As US president, Clinton announced that the talks had foundered over the future of
Jerusalem, and blamed the Palestinians, stating, “The Israelis moved more from the
position they had.”

The Palestinians said nothing at the time, because they were still pinning their hopes
on further negotiations. This left the field clear for the far right in Israel to 
Barak as a naïve fool who had failed to understand that it was impossible to
compromise with Arafat, who would stop at nothing less than the destruction of

It wasn’t until almost a year later that a number of articles appeared refuting the
propaganda of the Zionists, at a time when the military conflict had been raging for
ten months. The first to speak out was Robert Malley, the US National Security
Council’s Middle East expert under Clinton and a member of the American team at
Camp David.

He wrote an initial article for the July 8, 2001 edition of the New York Times, 
About the Failure at Camp David,” in which he rejected a number of myths, including
the assertion that Barak had all but sacrificed Israel’s security by making an offer 
“met most, if not all, of the Palestinians’ legitimate aspirations.”

Malley wrote, “Yes, what was put on the table was more far-reaching than anything
any Israeli leader had discussed in the past—whether with the Palestinians or with
Washington. But it was not the dream offer it has been made out to be, at least not
from a Palestinian perspective.

“To accommodate the settlers, Israel was to annex 9 percent of the West Bank; in
exchange, the new Palestinian state would be granted sovereignty over parts of
Israel proper, equivalent to one-ninth of the annexed land. A Palestinian state
covering 91 percent of the West Bank and Gaza was more than most Americans or
Israelis had thought possible, but how would Mr. Arafat explain the unfavorable 9-to-
1 ratio in land swaps to his people?

“In Jerusalem, Palestine would have been given sovereignty over many Arab
neighborhoods of the eastern half and over the Muslim and Christian quarters of the
Old City. While it would enjoy custody over the Haram al Sharif [Noble sanctuary],
the location of the third-holiest Muslim shrine [the Al Aqsa Mosque], Israel would
exercise overall sovereignty over this area, 

[CTRL] War Crimes will Forever Stain

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Holy Land War Crimes will Forever Stain
the U.S. and World Jewry

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - April 16, 2002 - (ACN) It has been exactly one year
since La Voz de Aztlan first published the editorial, Palestinian Holocaust in the 
Land. We never imagined that one year later, the world would witness yet another
mass slaughter of hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children in Jenin,
Bethlehem, Nablus and other Palestinian cities and towns. The new massacres by
the Zionist Army have, again, been committed with tanks, fighter planes, helicopters,
missiles and other weapons of mass destruction provided by U.S. taxpayers. These
war crimes recently perpetuated on a defenseless population, especially in Jenin, will
forever stain the history of the United States and of world Jewry.

There is much that we have learned since we first published our groundbreaking
editorial exactly one year ago. We as Mexican-Americans have learned that Zionist
Jews have an immense powerful grip on the U.S government and its foreign policies.
It was shocking to see the United States President, George Bush, be made to look
like a powerless buffoon in the eyes of the world by Israel's Ariel Sharon. George
Bush was an embarrassment to the United States and its world prestige when he
kept ordering Ariel Sharon to withdraw his troops from occupied Palestine only to
have the Israeli dictator defy him and laugh at him. Ariel Sharon knows something
most Americans do not. On October 3, 2001, the Israeli Prime Minister told his
Minister of Foreign Relations in the Knesset, Every time we do something you
[Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you
something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the
Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.

More and more Mexican-Americans are now opening our eyes to the U.S. Zionist
domination of many areas that critically affect the quality of our lives. This 
is evident nationwide, in Aztlan and especially here in Alta California. A major area 
the waste of, on the average, 3 billion dollars per year of our tax money that Zionists
send to Israel in military aid. Since 1970, there has been over 80 billion dollars sent
to Israel for the purchase, in the U.S., of sophisticated and high technology weapons
of mass destruction. These weapons are utilized by the Zionist Army to massacre
innocent Palestinian civilians and to enforce the illegal occupation. Some of the 3 to
4 billion dollars per year is already designated for the purchase of weapons from
particular U.S. defense firms. For example, Ariel Sharon recently purchased fifty F-
16 fighter planes from Lockheed-Martin Corporation for 2.4 billion dollars . Some of
the 3 to 4 billion dollars per year is also used by the Zionists for kickbacks to
corrupt U.S. politicians. The Zionists have a lobby unsurpassed in American
political history and they are indirectly using U.S. taxpayers money to perpetuate the
diabolical scam. Israel has become like a leech on the United States of America.
Without the U.S., Israel would not survive. The 80 billion dollars since 1970 that has
been sent to Israel to commit war crimes would have built many schools, hospitals,
and housing for our community and especially in the devastated South Texas Valley
of Aztlan.

We Mexican-Americans have also learned that the Zionists perpetuate their grip on
the U.S. government through their almost complete domination of the the mass
media. The Zionists can create or destroy a politician through good or bad press.
This is one reason why U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, California Governor Gray Davis
and many other politicians, mostly Democrats, are such lackeys for Jewish
interests. Also, that is why the mainstream media is so Islamophobic and anti-
Palestinian. An example is one of the largest radio stations in the Los Angeles area
owned by the Jewish Mogul Michael Eisner. The station, KABC 790 AM is extremely
pro-Israel and constantly bashes Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians, day and night,
through a series of talk shows. The programs start in the morning with the vehement
anti-Palestinian Jewess Gloria Alred and a male cohort by the name of Mark Taylor.
Gloria Alred is an attorney that obtained some notoriety representing the Goldman's
during the civil case against O.J. Simpson. She has advocated, over the airwaves,
extracting with pliers the balls of Islamic prisoners of war at Guantanamo in order to
make them talk. After her comes talk host Sean Hannity, another extreme defender
of Ariel Sharon and an Arafat basher . After Hannity comes an avowed (out-of-the-
closet) homosexual by the name of Al Rantel. Rantel is a moralist that says the
Palestinians are a bunch of no good terrorists and deserve what they are getting
from the Israeli army. After Rantel comes one of the most interesting of them all. He
is Afro-American 

[CTRL] What Israel Has Done

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020506s=said

Printed from http://www.thenation.com
© 2002 The Nation Company, L.P.
Back to Web View

FEATURE STORY | May 6, 2002

What Israel Has Done


Despite Israel's effort to restrict coverage of its destructive invasion of the West
Bank's Palestinian towns and refugee camps, information and images have
nevertheless seeped through. The Internet has provided hundreds of verbal as well
as pictorial eyewitness reports, as have Arab and European TV coverage, most of it
unavailable or blocked or spun out of existence from the mainstream US media. That
evidence provides stunning proof of what Israel's campaign has actually--has always-
-been about: the irreversible conquest of Palestinian land and society. The official
line (which Washington has basically supported, along with nearly every US media
commentator) is that Israel has been defending itself by retaliating against the
suicide bombings that have undermined its security and even threatened its
existence. That claim has gained the status of an absolute truth, moderated neither
by what Israel has done nor by what in fact has been done to it.

Phrases such as plucking out the terrorist network, destroying the terrorist
infrastructure and attacking terrorist nests (note the total dehumanization 
are repeated so often and so unthinkingly that they have given Israel the right to
destroy Palestinian civil life, with a shocking degree of sheer wanton destruction,
killing, humiliation and vandalism.

There are signs, however, that Israel's amazing, not to say grotesque, claim to be
fighting for its existence is slowly being eroded by the devastation wrought by the
Jewish state and its homicidal prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Take this front-page New
York Times report, Attacks Turn Palestinian Plans Into Bent Metal and Piles of
Dust, by Serge Schmemann (no Palestinian propagandist) on April 11: There is no
way to assess the full extent of the damage to the cities and towns--Ramallah,
Bethlehem, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Nablus and Jenin- -while they remain under a tight
siege, with patrols and snipers firing in the streets. But it is safe to say that the
infrastructure of life itself and of any future Palestinian state--roads, schools,
electricity pylons, water pipes, telephone lines--has been devastated.

By what inhuman calculus did Israel's army, using dozens of tanks and armored
personnel carriers, along with hundreds of missile strikes from US-supplied Apache
helicopter gunships, besiege Jenin's refugee camp for over a week, a one-square-
kilometer patch of shacks housing 15,000 refugees and a few dozen men armed with
automatic rifles and no missiles or tanks, and call it a response to terrorist violence
and a threat to Israel's survival? There are reported to be hundreds buried in the
rubble, which Israeli bulldozers began heaping over the camp's ruins after the
fighting ended. Are Palestinian civilian men, women and children no more than rats
or cockroaches that can be attacked and killed in the thousands without so much as
a word of compassion or in their defense? And what about the capture of thousands
of men who have been taken off by Israeli soldiers, the destitution and homelessness
of so many ordinary people trying to survive in the ruins created by Israeli bulldozers
all over the West Bank, the siege that has now gone on for months and months, the
cutting off of electricity and water in Palestinian towns, the long days of total 
the shortage of food and medicine, the wounded who have bled to death, the
systematic attacks on ambulances and aid workers that even the mild-mannered Kofi
Annan has decried as outrageous? Those actions will not be pushed so easily into
the memory hole. Its friends must ask Israel how its suicidal policies can possibly
gain it peace, acceptance and security.

The monstrous transformation of an entire people by a formidable and feared
propaganda machine into little more than militants and terrorists has allowed not just
Israel's military but its fleet of writers and defenders to efface a terrible history 
injustice, suffering and abuse in order to destroy the civil existence of the 
people with impunity. Gone from public memory are the destruction of Palestinian
society in 1948 and the creation of a dispossessed people; the conquest of the West
Bank and Gaza and their military occupation since 1967; the invasion of Lebanon in
1982, with its 17,500 Lebanese and Palestinian dead and the Sabra and Shatila
massacres; the continuous assault on Palestinian schools, refugee camps, hospitals,
civil installations of every kind. What antiterrorist purpose is served by destroying 
building and then removing the records of the ministry of education; the Ramallah
municipality; the Central Bureau of Statistics; various institutes specializing in 
rights, health, culture and economic development; hospitals, 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and Traps Dozens

2002-04-19 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and Traps Dozens

April 19, 2002


An Amtrak train carrying about 450 people derailed in
Seville, Fla., on Thursday, killing five people and
trapping dozens more.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I use the term Jew-hatred. Much more precise.


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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Palestinian Suicide Bombs

2002-04-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-



Koestler Coincidences and Palestinian Suicide Bombs
by Kenn Thomas

  Arthur Koestler uses synchronicity to communicate with me from beyond
the grave. It has happened more than once, but this latest series of
coincidences connected to his ideas helped me frame this editorial about the
recent suicide bombings in Palestine.

  It began with the rejection of an article I wrote about the conspiracy
theory of evolution reported in Koestler's book, The Case of the Midwife
Toad. After putting some effort into it, using hard-to-find sources on
Soviet genetics, the weasels who asked me to do it said they were not going
to use it. I decided to put it in the new issue of Steamshovel -- which
should be at the printer as you read these words -- but was angry enough at
the pseuds who rejected it that I had Koestler on the brain for a few days.

  Then I went to the Octopus list for a quick read. This discussion list
began as a means to keep up with events surrounding the Danny Casolaro case,
but had long since strayed from that purpose. I no longer subscribe, but
occasionally still check it. True to form, the list contained a message
concerning Koestler, who really has no connection to Casolaro that I have
ever been able to discern. The message concerned Koestler's book The
Thirteenth Tribe, about the eastern European empire of Khazaria and the
implications of its role in Jewish history--the bulk of modern Jewry is not
of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin.

  Although the topic began to turn my attention to the current Middle
Eastern strife, I was more concerned that the person who posted it implied
that Koestler might have been killed as part of some Zionist plot. At the
height of the controversy [concerning the Khazars, although The Thirteenth
Tribe was published in 1976] in 1983, the lifeless bodies of Arthur
Koestler and his wife were found in their London home. Despite significant
inconsistencies, the police ruled their death a suicide...

  I wrote in response:
  Arthur Koestler was a great parapolitical scholar. For instance, in
the next issue of Steamshovel Press, I have an article about his scholarship
on a conspiracy that forever clouded the debate about evolution. He and his
wife did commit suicide, however. The idea of voluntary 'self-deliverance'
(suicide) was very important to him and when the illnesses of age began to
overtake him, he opted for designing his own passing away. Recently,
Koestler has been the victim of some terrible historical revision (he was
falsely accused of rape by a recent biographer), and to suggest a conspiracy
of murder in his death does a similar disservice. The validity of Koestler's
suicide note and the circumstances of his passing have not been disputed in
anything I've read about him. I am certain he would find it important that
you not misrepresent his commitment to the important issue of taking control
over one's last moments. It surely was as important to him as his
scholarship concerning the Khazars that you cite.

  So now I was not only oriented toward the Mideast, but also toward the
topic of suicide. It was only a coincidence, of course, that I was fuming
about my rejected Koestler article when I ran into this Koestler post, which
also took a bit of aggravation to get straight. It didn't become a
synchronicity*, until some other remarks made by Koestler literally fell
into my lap as I lifted a box of newsclippings down from a shelf in the

  The newsclipping collection belonged to anti-nuclear activists whose
papers I was arranging at my day job. The Koestler newsclipping is undated,
although an accompanying reprint cartoon has a 1955 date, and says only that
they are remarks made by Koestler in Copenhagen. As far as I can recall,
they are not reproduced in any of his books.

  The title: Can Man Be Saved From Himself? Evolutionary Flaw May
Explain Our Self-Destructive Devotion To Cause. Koestler makes the point
that in trying to understand human stupidity and violence we usually get
the dusty answer that all evil stems from the selfish, greedy, aggressive
tendencies in human nature. That has been offered to us for the past 3000
years by Hebrew prophets, Indian sages, Christian moralists and contemporary
psychoanalysts; but, speaking in all humility, I find this answer
unconvincing and unsupported by the historical record.

  What the record indicates is that the major disasters in our history,
individual aggressiveness for selfish motives played an almost negligible
part compared to unselfish loyalty and devotion to tribe, nation, religion
or political ideology. Tribal wars, national wars, civil wars, religious
wars, world wars are waged in the purported interest of the community, not
of the individual, to decide issues that are far removed from the personal
self-interest of the combatants.

  The words returned my attention 

[CTRL] Fortean Times on Candy Jones

2002-04-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-



To the world she was one of the most successful American fashion models of
the 1940s - but she led a secret life as a Manchurian Candidate-style agent
for the US intelligence services during the Cold War. COLIN BENNETT analyses
this tale of multiple personality, conspiracy, hypnotic mind-control and
fantasy life. Additional research by Bob Rickard.

On 31 December 1972, in the lavish apartment suite of a New York lawyer
friend, the well-known 61-year-old radio presenter Long John Nebel married
Candy Jones, 47, an internationally famous fashion model. The guests on this
happy occasion certainly had plenty of things to talk about. The five men
who broke into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the
Watergate office building in Washington DC the previous summer were facing
charges of burglary,
conspiracy and wire-tapping. Already, there were rumours that this affair
might go all the way to the White House. Though the guests were no doubt
happy, the Vietnam campaign still had two years to run, and almost all
Americans knew what the result was going to be.

Nebel was the Art Bell of his day, and his all-night radio show had an
audience of several millions, but that night, his mind was not on Watergate
or Vietnam. He had just married a woman whose face had graced the covers of
11 major national magazines in a single month in 1943. During the Pacific
campaign in World War II, photos of Candy in a white polka-dot bathing suit
adorned the interiors of ships, tanks, and foxholes.

It had been a lightning courtship - barely 28 days - so Nebel did not know
his wife all that well. During the reception, he noticed a curious change
come over her; within a very short time, she lost all her natural charm and
exuberance. Her voice changed to that of another woman entirely and her
normally fluid posture stiffened. Dining in the Ho Ho Chinese restaurant
later that evening, Nebel noticed the transformation again; it was as if she
were uncomfortable with the Chinese decor, wall-mirrors and candles.

While preparing for bed, Candy began speaking again in the voice Nebel had
heard earlier. Even more alarming, this strange personality within Candy had
a completely different attitude towards him; 'she' sounded cruel, mocking
and cold. When Nebel asked her about it, Candy was astonished; she hadn't
noticed the emergence of another voice or personality.

However, a few weeks after their marriage, she did tell Nebel that she had
worked for the FBI for some time, adding mysteriously that she might have to
go out of town on occasion without giving a reason. This left Nebel
wondering whether there was a connection between the 'other' personality
within Candy and the strange trips she said she made for the FBI.

Candy (left, in Yank magazine)was born Jessica Wilcox in Atlantic City, New
Jersey, in 1925. She grew into a striking blonde, some six feet four inches
(1.93m) in height. Her classic American ice-queen face was fashionable
before the more accessible faces of Grace Kelly, Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn
Monroe came about. Though she was brought up in a fairly affluent
environment, her father and her manic depressive mother physically, if not
sexually, abused her. (1) Once, her divorced father, on a home visit,
crushed her fingers in a nutmeg grater, and her vicious mother beat her on
the legs so badly that Candy had to wear thick stockings to conceal the
welts. She was not allowed to associate with other children and was often
shut in darkened rooms by her mother. It was within such rooms that the very
young, panic-stricken Candy developed a family of fantasy figures to keep
her company.

In her prison gloom, she visualised these characters appearing in the
twilight reflections of a large wall mirror. The name of one of these
magical friends was Arlene, and she was to figure crucially in Candy's later
life. Unlike the other figures of this imagined world, Arlene didn't fade
away with Candy's childhood. As a secondary personality, she grew up and
matured with Candy. Arlene's personality was a sort of mirror-reverse of
Candy's. She had some of the characteristics of Candy's mother: she was
tough and ruthless, sarcastic and cruel, with a grating low voice, quite
different from Candy's own.

This was the voice that Nebel first heard on his wedding day. When she was
herself, Candy was the most loving, sociable and charming of women; when she
was Arlene, she could become dangerously vicious, even attempting one night
to strangle her new husband in a professional military-style manner. Nebel
concluded, not unreasonably, that the mind of his new wife had been grossly
interfered with. Candy seemed to be mortally afraid of anything Chinese; she
was also afraid of doctors, psychiatrists and dentists, all of whom used
drugs of one sort or another. Drugs were what Candy was afraid of above all
things; whenever drugs were mentioned, in 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 I use the term Jew-hatred. Much more precise.

i use the term nazi asshole, which is even better...



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2002-04-19 Thread Archibald Bard

[From U.S.Cong.News, 1963, pg. 1737.]

Executive Order No. 0
June 7, 1963, 28 F. R. 5605
By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the 
United States Code, [3 U.S.C.A. § 301] it is ordered as 
follows:Section 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 
19, 1951, as amended, [3 U.S.C.A. § 301 note] is hereby further 
amended--(a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof 
the following subparagraph (j):"(j) The authority vested 
in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as 
amended (31 U.S.C. 821(b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver 
bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for 
redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the 
denominations of the such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver 
dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption," 
and(b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 
2 thereof.Sec. 2. The amendments made by this Order shall 
not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued and any suit or 
proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal case prior to the date of 
this Order but all such liabilities shall continue any may be enforced as if 
said amendments had not been made.

4, 1963
. http://digital.net/~kenaston/Patr/FederalReserveNotes.html

Federal Reserve Notes.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FTW 9-11 Timeline -- Revised Six New or Revised Entries. The Case is Stronger Than Ever!

2002-04-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: FTW 9-11 Timeline -- Revised Six New or Revised Entries. The Case is Stronger Than Ever!

“Oh Lucy! – You Gotta Lotta ‘Splainin To Do”


Bin Laden Met with the CIA in July and Walked Away


Michael C. Ruppert

[© COPYRIGHT 2001, All Rights Reserved, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com. May be copied and distributed for non-profit purposes only.]

[Expanded and Revised April 18, 2002]

[Editor’s Note: I don’t think we’ve ever been happier to make a correction when we have made an error. Until recently – relying on an Oct. 31, 2001 article in Britain’s The Guardian -- which stated, “Carlyle's other holdings span an improbable range, taking in the French newspaper Le Figaro and the company which bottles Dr Pepper,” we had believed that Carlyle actually owned Le Figaro. The Guardian story had been written in the context of Carlyle’s overall role as a buyer and seller of companies. We were recently forwarded information from the Guerilla News Network (www.guerrillanews.com) citing the French publication Liberation as having reported that Carlyle’s ownership of Le Figaro is actually only 4.9%. The term “holdings” can be interpreted in two ways and this new information makes the Figaro story – which has not been retracted - even stronger.]

FTW, November 2, 2001 – 1200 PST -- On October 31, the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official - presumably the Chief of Station. The meeting, held in bin Laden’s private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and this year’s attack on the U.S.S. Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14th he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down. 

In 1985 Oliver North – the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn’t appear to have a hand in the current war - sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. In his 1991 autobiography “Under Fire,” while describing terrorist Abu Abbas, North wrote, “I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do something?” One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have killed before September 11 and ask the same question.

It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and after the September 11th suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes CIA foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of the U.S. government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events which have taken place since September 11th are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks.

One wonders how these events could have been ignored by the major media or treated as isolated incidents. Failing that, how could skilled news agencies avoid being outraged, or at least even just a little suspicious? 

1. 1991-1997 – Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco, Shell and Enron directly invest almost billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines the major oil companies have no way to recoup their investments. [“The Price of Oil,” by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 – The Asia Times, “The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.] 

2. December 4, 1997 – Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [Source: The BBC, Dec. 4, 1997] 

3. February 12, 1998 – Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca – later to become a Special Ambassador to Afghanistan – testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built. [Source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee.] 

4. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was harboring an al-Q’aeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. [Source: Financial Times 1/12/01; See No Evil by a book by Robert Baer 

[CTRL] USS Cole to Set Sail Friday

2002-04-19 Thread Archibald Bard


Friday, April 19, 2002 
PASCAGOULA, Miss. —The USS Cole was poised to 
return to the open seas, a year and a half after losing 17 sailors in a 
terrorist attack in Yemen.

Description: GIF image

Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for April 18, 2002

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded news summaries -

several on failed Venezuelan coup
link to sign investigate 911 petition
and more


___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests

Citing 'Failed Presidency,' George W. Bush Resigns (Satire)

Brock Reveals the 'Mighty Wurlitzer' of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

With Utmost Deference, Washington Post Hints at White House Scrubbing

Greg Palast Debunks Lies about Chavez and Venezuela

Otto Reich's Bloody Fingerprints Are All Over Venezuela's Coup

Three Days that Shook the Media - How the MEDIA Coup in Venezuela Failed

Pentagon and CIA Were Extensively Involved in Failed Venezuelan Coup

Venezuelan Coup Leaders Graduated from the US Army School of the Americas

Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Skeptical of the Official 9-11 Story? It's All in Your Head - or Your Computer

And About that Grassy Knoll...

Who Lost Bin Laden? Fingers Point at Gen. Tommy R. Franks

O'Neill Threatens Resignation if $6 Trillion Dollar Debt Limit Isn't Raised

Conyers Renews Demand for Enrongate Special Prosecutor

Did Enron Make the Market to Gouge California Electricity Consumers?

Bush Appoints Evil Coal Polluter to Protect Coal Miners

Shout it from the  Mountaintops - While The Mountains Still Have Tops...

Fort Sumter II: US May Go to War with South Carolina over Plutonium

PHONY TO THE CORE: The 'Ole Family Ranch' in Crawford is a Set Completed the Same Day 
the Election Was Stolen

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 4/19, protest Cheney in Allentown PA. On 4/20, participate in major demonstrations 
against Bush's War in DC, SF and LA. On 4/22, protest Cheney in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. On 
4/24, protest Bush in Sioux Falls, SD.

__Citing 'Failed Presidency,' George W. Bush Resigns (Satire)

In a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Bush wrote, In the wake of the failed 
attempt to overthrow President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, I too have taken time to 
reflect on my actions in office. In the course of my Presidential campaign, I made 
many promises that I have failed to keep. These included preserving the Social 
Security Trust Fund and giving seniors a prescription drug benefit. I also promised to 
restore honor and integrity to the White House, by imposing the strictest ethical 
standards on my appointees, including those from Enron. I promised the world a 
'humble' foreign policy, and peace in the Middle East. By these standards, I believe I 
have presided over a failed Presidency, and have therefore decided the only way I can 
honor my promises to the American people is to resign.

__Brock Reveals the 'Mighty Wurlitzer' of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

With all that ideological money, institutional heft, coordination, and credentialing, 
the right has perfected what the CIA used to call a 'mighty Wurlitzer' - a propaganda 
machine that can hone a fact or a lie, broadcast it, and have it echoed and recycled 
in Fox News commentary, in Washington Times news stories, in Wall Street Journal 
editorials, by myriad right-wing pundits, by Heritage seminars and briefing papers, 
and in congressional hearings and speeches. Privatization of Social Security, vouchers 
for school, Vince Foster's supposed murder, Hillary's secret sex life, you name it - 
the right's mighty Wurlitzer can ensure that a message is broadcast across the county, 
echoed in national and local news, and reverberated in the speeches of respectable 
academics as well as rabid politicians... There is nothing on the progressive side of 
town remotely competitive with this. There is no progressive TV network and few 
progressive pundits. So writes Bob Borosage in the American Prospect

__With Utmost Deference, Washington Post Hints at White House Scrubbing

At Democrats.com, we've been the ONLY people hollering about the Bush administration's 
Orwellian practice of scrubbing official White House transcripts to fix Bush's 
frighteningly incoherent remarks. Now the Washington Post's least favorite reporter, 
Dana Milbank, has ever-so-gently reported on Karl Rove's standard operating procedure. 
Recent scrubs include the removal of interruptions by hecklers when Bush spoke in 
Knoxville, and adding a footnote when Bush proposed making the death tax permanent. 
Milbank also noted Bush's market-rattling remarks in Japan about the devaluation 
issue, and his claim the US and Japan had been allies for a century and a half. 
Finally, he cites Ari Fleischer's warning Americans need to watch what they 


2002-04-19 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

This was of course the national radio talk show.  Larry

King took over right after Candy Jones was retired.  King

is now on CNN of course.

-Original Message-
From: Dale Stonehouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:25 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fortean Times on Candy Jones

-Caveat Lector-



To the world she was one of the most successful American fashion models of
the 1940s - but she led a secret life as a Manchurian Candidate-style agent
for the US intelligence services during the Cold War. COLIN BENNETT analyses
this tale of multiple personality, conspiracy, hypnotic mind-control and
fantasy life. Additional research by Bob Rickard.

On 31 December 1972, in the lavish apartment suite of a New York lawyer
friend, the well-known 61-year-old radio presenter Long John Nebel married
Candy Jones, 47, an internationally famous fashion model. The guests on this
happy occasion certainly had plenty of things to talk about. The five men
who broke into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the
Watergate office building in Washington DC the previous summer were facing
charges of burglary,
conspiracy and wire-tapping. Already, there were rumours that this affair
might go all the way to the White House. Though the guests were no doubt
happy, the Vietnam campaign still had two years to run, and almost all
Americans knew what the result was going to be.

Nebel was the Art Bell of his day, and his all-night radio show had an
audience of several millions, but that night, his mind was not on Watergate
or Vietnam. He had just married a woman whose face had graced the covers of
11 major national magazines in a single month in 1943. During the Pacific
campaign in World War II, photos of Candy in a white polka-dot bathing suit
adorned the interiors of ships, tanks, and foxholes.

It had been a lightning courtship - barely 28 days - so Nebel did not know
his wife all that well. During the reception, he noticed a curious change
come over her; within a very short time, she lost all her natural charm and
exuberance. Her voice changed to that of another woman entirely and her
normally fluid posture stiffened. Dining in the Ho Ho Chinese restaurant
later that evening, Nebel noticed the transformation again; it was as if she
were uncomfortable with the Chinese decor, wall-mirrors and candles.

While preparing for bed, Candy began speaking again in the voice Nebel had
heard earlier. Even more alarming, this strange personality within Candy had
a completely different attitude towards him; 'she' sounded cruel, mocking
and cold. When Nebel asked her about it, Candy was astonished; she hadn't
noticed the emergence of another voice or personality.

However, a few weeks after their marriage, she did tell Nebel that she had
worked for the FBI for some time, adding mysteriously that she might have to
go out of town on occasion without giving a reason. This left Nebel
wondering whether there was a connection between the 'other' personality
within Candy and the strange trips she said she made for the FBI.

Candy (left, in Yank magazine)was born Jessica Wilcox in Atlantic City, New
Jersey, in 1925. She grew into a striking blonde, some six feet four inches
(1.93m) in height. Her classic American ice-queen face was fashionable
before the more accessible faces of Grace Kelly, Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn
Monroe came about. Though she was brought up in a fairly affluent
environment, her father and her manic depressive mother physically, if not
sexually, abused her. (1) Once, her divorced father, on a home visit,
crushed her fingers in a nutmeg grater, and her vicious mother beat her on
the legs so badly that Candy had to wear thick stockings to conceal the
welts. She was not allowed to associate with other children and was often
shut in darkened rooms by her mother. It was within such rooms that the very
young, panic-stricken Candy developed a family of fantasy figures to keep
her company.

In her prison gloom, she visualised these characters appearing in the
twilight reflections of a large wall mirror. The name of one of these
magical friends was Arlene, and she was to figure crucially in Candy's later
life. Unlike the other figures of this imagined world, Arlene didn't fade
away with Candy's childhood. As a secondary personality, she grew up and
matured with Candy. Arlene's personality was a sort of mirror-reverse of
Candy's. She had some of the characteristics of Candy's mother: she was
tough and ruthless, sarcastic and cruel, with a grating low voice, quite
different from Candy's own.

This was the voice that Nebel first heard on his wedding day. When she was
herself, Candy was the most loving, sociable and charming of women; when she
was Arlene, she could become dangerously vicious, even attempting one night
to strangle her new husband in a professional 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, inri wrote:

  I use the term Jew-hatred. Much more precise.

 i use the term nazi asshole, which is even better...

Both are kosher I would say. Aren't you glad this is the free world and
we can be anti so as to express ourselves this way? There is NO LAW
AGAINST HATRED. How it is expressed may be illegal, however, eg inciting
a riot.

Anti can be to any DEGREE and expressed in MANY WAYS. Semites are
protected by the laws here just like any other group. But should they be
ABOVE EVEN CRITICISM, ie outside any form of anti whatsoever? That is
the question.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2002-04-19 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

Now reference this Candy Jones being used as a messenger and/or a spy,
whereby she would from time to time wear a wig to change her
appearance, tell me how many six feet four women do you see running
around (low profile) wearing red wigs, in an attempt to disguise
themselves?   Six feet four?

But what amazed me in this article is something else.   This was the day
and I could be wrong here but there was a Christine Jorgensen, a
beautiful woman who was once, a man.

Now this Harry Conover from what I can determine from this article, was
rather kinky, to say the least.   This makes me wonder though about
Gerald Ford, who ended up being President of the United States - many
were called, but he was never chosen.

Now I had heard years ago through a man who headed up a USO group out in
California that Gerald Ford had had plastic surgery done to his face.
Why?   Well he tried to tell me that Gerald Ford was THE Manchurian
Candidate - one who was manipulated into office for a purpose.

Problem, I could never find any worthwhile purpose this man accomplished
other than being the first President to push unwanted vaccines upon the

The major part of the surgery, he said, was done about his eyes.   Why?
Did he receive injuries from footbal requiring this change.

But then comes the question, who really was Gerald Ford for this was not
his name.   He used the name of his brother.  This came out when he
became President much to the shock of a lot of people.

Point - was Candy Jones really a man made into a woman.   Six foot four
woman, who was virtually help captive by her parents.   Married to a man
who was a bisexual who might get a thrill out of being married to such
an experiment.

And this torture, always this torture.   More kinky sex?   Little whips
and chains perhaps?

Gerald Ford married a forme show girl, who was an alcoholic.   What
drove this woman to drink.  She once under the influence grabbed Tony
Orlando and swung into full gear for once a show girl, always a show

Where the hell do they find all these people?   This Hollywood
connection and this connection to what amounts to sadism.

Was Candy Jones really a man.   If Gerald Ford had plastic surgery, why?
To change his appearance.   Had there been something in his past
meriting this change in appearance and the source form whom I acquired
this information, military connected, knew a lot of secrets to do with
Hollywood connection to inelligence factors, if you can call them that,
in the making of many movies for pure propaganda purposes in the name of
freedom of speech and the press.

This story about Candy Jones thought is almost funny for how does one
send a woman who is six foot four out on secret missions, and with high
heels - she would have topped maybe six foot six or seven?

No Candy Jones was like a Christine Jorgensen and this is why her
parents isolated her.   It is said she had children, but did she
actually deliver these children.

Good story though, but I am more interested here with the Gerald Ford
connection the alleged Manchurian Candidate, the Chosen One.   Had he
been elected to the Presidency, what would have been his goals?

True Blue

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

Oh so, INRI you prefere nazi assholes to jew haters?

With a name like INRI better watch out; for it was nazi assholes who
nailed Christ the first time and I do not think he would turn the other
check for a second time.

Ought to change your name INRA - how about Jew Baiter?

True Blue

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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2002-04-19 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Candy Jones was a popular pin-up girl during the world

war two years.  I've seen photographs of her in old

life magazines.She/he was a real looker.

Maybe it's time I revise my sexual preferences.

What was it that Woody Allen said.  Bisexuality automatically

doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.

-Original Message-
From: Shelby Kincaid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 12:53 PM

-Caveat Lector-

Now reference this Candy Jones being used as a messenger and/or a spy,
whereby she would from time to time wear a wig to change her
appearance, tell me how many six feet four women do you see running
around (low profile) wearing red wigs, in an attempt to disguise
themselves?   Six feet four?

But what amazed me in this article is something else.   This was the day
and I could be wrong here but there was a Christine Jorgensen, a
beautiful woman who was once, a man.

Now this Harry Conover from what I can determine from this article, was
rather kinky, to say the least.   This makes me wonder though about
Gerald Ford, who ended up being President of the United States - many
were called, but he was never chosen.

Now I had heard years ago through a man who headed up a USO group out in
California that Gerald Ford had had plastic surgery done to his face.
Why?   Well he tried to tell me that Gerald Ford was THE Manchurian
Candidate - one who was manipulated into office for a purpose.

Problem, I could never find any worthwhile purpose this man accomplished
other than being the first President to push unwanted vaccines upon the

The major part of the surgery, he said, was done about his eyes.   Why?
Did he receive injuries from footbal requiring this change.

But then comes the question, who really was Gerald Ford for this was not
his name.   He used the name of his brother.  This came out when he
became President much to the shock of a lot of people.

Point - was Candy Jones really a man made into a woman.   Six foot four
woman, who was virtually help captive by her parents.   Married to a man
who was a bisexual who might get a thrill out of being married to such
an experiment.

And this torture, always this torture.   More kinky sex?   Little whips
and chains perhaps?

Gerald Ford married a forme show girl, who was an alcoholic.   What
drove this woman to drink.  She once under the influence grabbed Tony
Orlando and swung into full gear for once a show girl, always a show

Where the hell do they find all these people?   This Hollywood
connection and this connection to what amounts to sadism.

Was Candy Jones really a man.   If Gerald Ford had plastic surgery, why?
To change his appearance.   Had there been something in his past
meriting this change in appearance and the source form whom I acquired
this information, military connected, knew a lot of secrets to do with
Hollywood connection to inelligence factors, if you can call them that,
in the making of many movies for pure propaganda purposes in the name of
freedom of speech and the press.

This story about Candy Jones thought is almost funny for how does one
send a woman who is six foot four out on secret missions, and with high
heels - she would have topped maybe six foot six or seven?

No Candy Jones was like a Christine Jorgensen and this is why her
parents isolated her.   It is said she had children, but did she
actually deliver these children.

Good story though, but I am more interested here with the Gerald Ford
connection the alleged Manchurian Candidate, the Chosen One.   Had he
been elected to the Presidency, what would have been his goals?

True Blue

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2002-04-19 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

Wonder if Gerald Ford was a bisexual.  Rather a I Led Two Lives?

Doubt very much this Candy Jones ever worked for the FBI or any other
intelligence service.   As for the torture, well some people go for that
stuff - little chains and whips seem to delight them to know end.

Any cop in LA knows that.

True Blue

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

i hardly think someone describing themselves as true blue should attack
Inri for ambiguous nomenclature.how about you change yours to
misinterpreter? or colleen maybe? ;)

- Original Message -
From: Shelby Kincaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Oh so, INRI you prefere nazi assholes to jew haters?

 With a name like INRI better watch out; for it was nazi assholes who
 nailed Christ the first time and I do not think he would turn the other
 check for a second time.

 Ought to change your name INRA - how about Jew Baiter?

 True Blue

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Edward Britton


  I use the term
Jew-hatred. Much more precise.

 i use the term nazi asshole, which is even

Hmmm, hatred might have been a tad too strong a descriptor as such
relates to feelings of dislike for a particular race. Hatred
usually implies obsessive machination or rumination. The same would be
true when considering Nazi ass holes. Unless one were to focus an
excessive amount of attention or time thinking negatively
about Jews or Nazi ass holes, I'm not sure hatred is the
word most suited to describing the phenomenon in general. 
Example: I really, really dislike modern-day liberals and
conservatives. I dislike them for the same reason. Both of
them wish to use government to impose their twisted brand of morality on
me. Even so, I don't spend a great deal of time thinking about how I
don't like them. In this respect, I do not hate them. The
over-all intensity of emotion is an issue here as well.

Both are kosher I would
say. Aren't you glad this is the free world. .

Nevertheless, choices always have consequences. I may be
free to express my point of view in public (no matter how
benignly vehement my views may be), but I will surely pay a
high price for my freedom if my words are not in compliance with social
we can be anti so as to express ourselves this way? There is

Have you never heard of hate crimes? A white man who kills another
white man in anger may get 20 years to life, whereas a white man who
kills a black man in anger may get life to capital punishment. Add
the use of racial epithets to the mix and the sentence, where not the
latter, will be compounded typically two-fold.

How it is
expressed may be illegal, however, eg inciting
a riot.

Yes and no; expression alone will not get you tossed in jail.
Such expressions in conjunction with a crime, however, will increase your
punishment (in the USA anyway).

Anti can
be to any DEGREE and expressed in MANY WAYS. Semites are
protected by the laws here just like any other

Equal protection under the law, if it hasn't always been so, is becoming
more an idyllic myth every day. Sentences on the whole are twice as
harsh for black men as they are for whites given the same
crime. Issues of civil redress are almost always decided,
preferentially, on the basis of one's socio-economic group. E.g., a white
male who pursues a sexual harassment claim against a female supervisor is
half as likely to win compensation than is his female counterpart under
the same conditions.

But should they
ABOVE EVEN CRITICISM, ie outside any form of anti whatsoever?
That is
the question.

The answer is obviously no, were such value considerations
relevant. They are not.

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Edward Britton


Oh so, INRI you prefere nazi
assholes to jew haters?

I prefer Nazi pricks and Jewish/Palestinian apes of late

With a name like INRI
better watch out; for it was nazi assholes who
nailed Christ the first time

Not unless the Romans (with help from the Sanhedrin) were Nazi ass
holes. :-)

and I do not
think he would turn the other
check for a second time.

How do you know?

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

[CTRL] Fwd: Fortean Times - Manchurian Candy Date

2002-04-19 Thread Shelby Kincaid

Well Mike you have my interest on this Candy Jones item you shared with

My interest has always been this puzzle about Gerald Ford.  No doubt the
reason for his plastic surgery was simply because he was a male model.
Imagine, do not recall this brought out when he ran for President.

Vanity, all is vanity?   Wonder of wonders though, why the manchurian
eyes unless he was sicker than I thought.

Wonder what he modeled?  It is alleged he gave Harry Conover the money
to go into business and Conover went to jail for fraud?

Well that's Show Biz I guess.   If you note John Wayne seemed to have
picked these same manchurian look eyes in later years.

Well so much for I Got To Be Me..imagine a man and a woman, both
bisexual, out on a date.   Would this be considered a double date?

Believe Candy Jones was a man.   Maybe even what was once called a
morphodyte a term seldom if ever used any more.

Maybe this is key to Gerald Ford's dual identity and secret of Candy
Jones strange life, but following item is interesting.   For she could
be a man or she could be a woman?

As for Harry Conover, a bisexual he would naturally be delighted with an
enigma such as Candy Jones, who seemingly was what now would be  would
simply call unique.

Imagine going to bed with a woman and awakening attacked by a commando,
and a six foot four commando at that?

Whatever happened to Candy Jones?

True Blue
What is an intersex condition?

    There is NO single definition for an intersex condition. 
Because this site is meant to be as inclusive as possible, we take a
very broad approach to the definition of an intersex condition.  
    For the purposes of this group, we consider any person born
with one or more of the  following biological indicators to have an
intersex condition.
the sex karyotype (XX or XY) does not agree with the external genitalia,
orthe external genitalia and the internal sexual reproductive organs are
not consistent, orthe child is born with ambiguous genitalia, looking
neither typically male or female, orthe child is born with a karyotype
other than 46XY or 46XX.
So, is my child MALE, FEMALE or INTERSEX?
    Having an intersex condition does  not mean that your child
will have an intersex (neither male or female, or both male and female)
gender identity.  Most children with an intersex condition will form a
normal male or female gender identity.  However, it is not always
obvious at birth  which gender identity (male or female) your child
will develop, especially if the child is born with ambiguous
genitalia.  That is one of the reasons for encouraging the delay of
cosmetic surgery at least until the child is old enough to indicate
their developing gender identity.
    A child with an intersex condition, needs to be raised as
either male or female, whichever seems most appropriate based on medical
information.  In our society, it is impossible to raise a child
neuter  without causing confusion that could permanently damage your
child's development.  (See Decision about Gender Assignment for a more
detailed discussion of gender selection.) 
    There are a few individuals with and without medical intersex
conditions that do not develop a clear male or female gender
identity.  They may identify their gender identity as intersexed, or
androgynous.  This is not the same thing as having a medical intersex
condition.  However, if as an adolescent or adult your child tells you
that they do not feel comfortable as male or female, they may have
developed an intersex gender identity.  A adolescent/adult that
declares themselves to be of intersex  gender identity needs to be
recognized, supported, and respected for who they are?
How many children are born with intersex conditions?
    A conservative estimate is that 1 in 2000 children born will
be affected by an intersexed condition.
How does an intersex condition develop?
    Before you can understand how an intersex condition develops,
it is important to understand how ordinary sexual differentiation takes
Normal Sex Differentiation **

Next, look at the various ways that intersex conditions may develop.

Disorders of Sex Differentiation **

**  These are excerts from Syndromes of Abnormal Sex Differention
written by Drs. Claude Migeon, Amy Wisniewki, and John Gearhart of John
Hopkins Children's Hospital.  The complete booklet may be downloaded
and provides an excellent medical summary of various intersex
 Webmaster:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
  Last updated:02/20/01



---End Message---

[CTRL] The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and Traps Dozens

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/19/02 6:18:16 AM Central Daylight Time,

 An Amtrak train carrying about 450 people derailed in
  Seville, Fla., on Thursday, killing five people and
  trapping dozens more.

  Was anyone else watching either CNN or MSNBC last night?  They were both
covering the Breaking News of Robert Blake's arrest for the murder of his
wife.  With the airplane crash in Milan yesterday, with what's going on in
the Middle East, and especially with the Amtrak derailment, how in the heck
did a grade-B actor's arrest take the top spot?  It was just too strange to
be believed.

  Admittedly Amtrak derailments not uncommon, by why has there been no
mention of this does not appear to have been a terrorist attack?  Shouldn't
that even be considered?  Mentioned?

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Re: [CTRL] The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and Traps Dozens

2002-04-19 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

Not hard to work that one out... they are getting set to beat this one up
into another OJ Simpson ratings bonanza.

- Original Message -
From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 4:55 AM
Subject: [CTRL] The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak Derailment Kills 6
and Traps Dozens

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 4/19/02 6:18:16 AM Central Daylight Time,

  An Amtrak train carrying about 450 people derailed in
   Seville, Fla., on Thursday, killing five people and
   trapping dozens more.

   Was anyone else watching either CNN or MSNBC last night?  They were both
 covering the Breaking News of Robert Blake's arrest for the murder of
 wife.  With the airplane crash in Milan yesterday, with what's going on in
 the Middle East, and especially with the Amtrak derailment, how in the
 did a grade-B actor's arrest take the top spot?  It was just too strange
 be believed.

   Admittedly Amtrak derailments not uncommon, by why has there been no
 mention of this does not appear to have been a terrorist attack?
 that even be considered?  Mentioned?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Hate and Love are two sides of the same coin, of equal emotional


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and Traps Dozens

2002-04-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
with some free time can check the archives.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2002-04-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

British Israel refers to the theory that the British peoples were
descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel.


--- Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Perhaps the battle enigmatic between the forces of FACTION

 TWO.   British Israel as Faction One .

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Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was...

2002-04-19 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

There's a high probability that Blake will be convicted whether he is
actually guilty or not. Popular culture today reflects a majority opinion
that OJ walking was a national (judicial) disgrace - and Blake will likely
pay the price as a consequence.

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
 list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
 with some free time can check the archives.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2002-04-19 Thread iggy



they were equipped that day













Klebold and Harris in cafeteria




and Harris drove onto the Columbine High School campus April 20, 1999, armed
with four guns, several knives and numerous explosive devices.

was dressed in cargo pants, a black T-shirt that said “Wrath,” and a black
trench coat. Underneath his coat
was an Intratec TEC-DC-9, 9-mm semi-automatic handgun attached to a strap slung
over his shoulder. His cargo pants
had large pockets that later allowed him to partially conceal a Stevens 12-gauge
double-barrel shotgun, particularly since the barrel had been cut down to
approximately 23 inches. 

also wearing a black trench coat, wore a white T-shirt underneath that said,
“Natural Selection.” He had a
Hi-Point 9-mm carbine rifle on a strap hidden under his coat. Harris pulled a Savage – Springfield 12-gauge pump shotgun
from one of the bags the gunmen carried to the top of the hill.
Again, both its stock and barrel were cut off, reducing the measurement
of the entire gun to 26 inches. 

two shots can be fired from a double-barreled shotgun before the shooter must
reload by breaking the barrel open, manually inserting two new rounds, and
closing the gun. A pump shotgun can be fired as fast as the gunman can pump and
shoot. It shoots much faster than
the double-barreled type because spent shells are ejected and a live shell
manually slides into place. A gunman can shoot five rounds with the pump shotgun
before the weapon must be reloaded.

Harris fired 25 times with his shotgun, 21 in the
library, four inside the school, and none outside. Klebold fired his shotgun 12
times, six in the library, four inside the school, and two outside.

In the videotape that shows the gunmen practice
shooting at Rampart Range, both are shooting their sawed-off shotguns.
It seems clear that they’re still getting used to them.
Their hands are bleeding because they’ve sawed off so much of the gun.
The recoil from the weapons is substantial – and quite painful for a gunman to
shoot repeatedly. 

Harris shot his 9-mm carbine rifle 96 times, 13 in
the library, 36 inside the rest of the school and 47 outside. His weapon of
choice in the library was his shotgun. 

Klebold shot his TEC-9 55 times, 21 inside the
library (that was his weapon of choice), 31 inside the rest of the school, and
three times outside. 

Both gunmen also carried numerous knives, but they
did not use them on April 20. They
both had match strikers taped to their forearms, presumably to be used to easily
light their bombs.

Klebold wore a black glove on his left hand; Harris
wore the matching glove on his right hand.

Both wore utility belts which held pouches filled
with shotgun shells. Their cargo
pants contained CO2 bombs and clips of 9 mm bullets for their guns.
They also carried a backpack and a duffel bag filled with bombs. 

Fired by KLEBOLD and HARRIS 





















  9MM Rounds
























2002-04-19 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Yes I know that BRITISH ISRAEL is supposedly the TEN LOST TRIBES


in the ELIZABETHAN AGE   that DR.DEE ( a black magician ) came

up with that idea to keep the peoples of the COMMONWEALTH in

a state of MENTAL SLAVERY to the Crown of England.

American ministers have also jumped on this bandwagon.   The infamous


is of the same notion.  And many others.   Going all the way back to

Herbert W. Armstrong.

Dr.JOHN DEE wrote the MANUAL of BLACK MAGIC in 1571.   Called

the NECRONOMICON.   This book was eventually passed down to

Adam Weishaupt ,  a professor at INGOLSTADT UNIVERSITY.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

   I use the term Jew-hatred. Much more precise.
  i use the term nazi asshole, which is even better...

 Both are kosher I would say. Aren't you glad this is the free world and
 we can be anti so as to express ourselves this way? There is NO LAW
 AGAINST HATRED. How it is expressed may be illegal, however, eg inciting
 a riot.

in a perfect world, i'd love to see a law against hatred. problem is.how
do you define hatred? i hate brocolli, sitcoms and george w. bush.and
the last thing *i* want is somebody knocking on my door and hauling me away
for it, despite the fact that i'd love to see every nazi asshole [george w.
bush included] on the planet shipped off to the antarctic. you win some, you
lose some...

then there's the issue of hate vs. love. you can't eliminate hate without
eliminating love, which throws a huge wrench into all of this...

regardless, as the nazi asshole has a right to his/her opinion i have the
right to call him/her a nazi asshole whenever they cross the dotted line! i
generally ignore it, but that particular statement was way out there.

 Anti can be to any DEGREE and expressed in MANY WAYS. Semites are
 protected by the laws here just like any other group. But should they be
 ABOVE EVEN CRITICISM, ie outside any form of anti whatsoever? That is
 the question.

wellno.jews are human, of course, and make mistakes.to elevate
anybody above the law; be it the wealthy, the famous or the jews [and that
last one has never happened to my knowledge although there are plenty of
examples of the first two] is, of course, unjust..



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-19 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 With a name like INRI better watch out; for it was nazi assholes who
 nailed Christ the first time and I do not think he would turn the other
 check for a second time.

for fuck's sake saba, you were banned because people don't want to read your
inane ramblings. take the hint and get lost...

anyways, outside of the obvious fact that you don't understand *why* i call
myself inri, despite the fact that i've explained it at least twice, it was
obviously *not* nazi assholes that nailed christ up to the cross. nazism
is born out of the christian tradition of anti-semitism, brought upon by
ridiculous conclusions stemming from the historical fact that christ was
killed by a mob of fundamentalist jews. so a) the anti-semitic part of
nazism is a result of the circumstances around christ's death; thus it would
be impossible for nazi's to exist before the death of christ and b) christ
was, historically, killed by a popular uprising of jews who (correctly)
accused him of heresy: the furthest thing possible from a group of nazi
assholes. that doesn't mean it's right to kill somebody for heresy, but
there's a long history of it in all three messianic religions and it was a
fairly common occurence back in the day...



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Zionists Battling Activists Online - Censorship by YAHOO!

2002-04-19 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: diplomatiquebr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Censorship by YAHOO!

From the IAP website: http://www.iap.org

On Monday, Yahoo! has taken the liberty to deactivate our e-mail
account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and mailing list without any notice. We
currently do not have ability to post messages to our list as a
result.  Then on Wednesday morning Hotmail cancelled our new account
which we set up ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), again without any notice or
explanation.  However, we still have the ability to update our
website on a regular basis. We apologize for this unexpected
occurrence and we hope to have some kind of resolution to this
problem soon.  You can continue to e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please only e-mail us if you think it is absolutely necessary. If the
zionists think they can cover up their nasty war crimes by silencing
us on cyberspace, they are sadly mistaken. The truth will be made
known despite all of their sinister efforts. As one person wrote us
from Brazil this morning (April 17): It doesn't matter that Israel
and a few Americans are against you; the whole rest of the world is
with you!!! Finally I see that the people of world is opening their


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

2002-04-19 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Andras Riedlmayer
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 1:04 AM
Subject: In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

Human Rights Watch

Israel: Don't Coerce Civilians to Do Army's Work

(Jerusalem, April 18, 2002) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) routinely
compel civilians to assist in its military operations, Human Rights Watch
charged in a new report released today.  The twenty-four page report,
In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations
documents how the IDF routinely has taken civilians at gunpoint
to open suspicious packages, knock on doors of suspects, and search
the houses of wanted Palestinians during its military operations.

The report is based on in-depth investigations into four separate IDF
arrest raids in late 2001 and early 2002. The practice continues today
in Operation Defensive Shield; journalists, doctors, and other civilians
have reported being coerced at gunpoint to assist soldiers during the most
recent IDF incursions into the West Bank.

The government of Israel has argued that the IDF incursions into towns,
villages, and refugee camps in territories controlled by the Palestinian
Authority are necessary to curb an upsurge in suicide bombing attacks,
mostly targeting Israeli civilians.

Human Rights Watch has repeatedly condemned suicide attacks against
civilians, which are absolutely prohibited under international
humanitarian law.  But such attacks cannot be used to excuse the serious
violations committed by the IDF. There is no justification for the
abuses documented in this report, Megally said. The government of Israel
should live up to its obligations and stop these acts immediately.  He
added that Human Rights Watch had failed, despite numerous requests, to
arrange a meeting with IDF officials to discuss its research and findings.

In addition to the systematic coercion of civilians, the report also
documents other serious violations during the IDF raids, including acts
of physical ill treatment of civilians, excessive damage to civilian
properties, and collective punishments in the form of house demolitions.
It also documents one case of hostage-taking, in which soldiers held and
deliberately shot an unarmed civilian in the leg to force his brother,
a wanted Palestinian, to surrender.  The taking of hostages is a
war crime, and is absolutely prohibited under international law.

The report also documents two cases in which armed Palestinians
recklessly endangered Palestinian civilians by firing at IDF soldiers
from locations that exposed the civilians to IDF return fire.

The report includes detailed recommendations for actions by the government
of Israel, the international community, and the Palestinian Authority.

In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] UN relief mission to Jenin camp reveals monumental destruction

2002-04-19 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

UN relief mission report:

Raymond Dolphin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: Raymond Dolphin

I was in Jenin camp with the UNRWA distribution team (see below) and
believe me it was much worse than any of us had feared with hundreds of
houses totally destroyed and who knows how many bodies under the rubble.


Source: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Date: 16 Apr 2002

 UN relief mission to Jenin camp reveals monumental destruction
 Public Information Office
 HQ Gaza

The destruction to Jenin camp looks like the aftermath of an earthquake,
according to UN aid workers who accompanied two truckloads of food and
medicines into the camp today. The wholesale obliteration of homes, streets
and commercial buildings will leave a huge number of Palestinian refugee
homeless, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

 Most shocking of all, the aid teams were told by residents that they hear
noises coming from people trapped underneath collapsed buildings but are
unable to free them. The Israeli military authorities would allow only
limited access to the camp for the two truckloads of aid. Earthmoving
equipment cannot currently gain access to the scene nor can the numbers of
rescue workers that would be needed to dig survivors to safety. However,
there are reports that seven people have been pulled alive from the rubble
in the last 24 hours.

Teams from the International Committee of the Red Cross removed a small
number of bodies that were easily accessible, but UNRWA believes many more
remain buried beneath the devastation.

The Israeli Defence Forces still maintain a heavy presence inside the camp
with tanks and internal checkpoints. At one point today a tank parked itself
in front of one of UNRWA's half-full food trucks to prevent it distributing
its remaining food aid.

UNRWA's food and water supplies that did get to distribute their loads were
rushed by large crowds, mainly composed of women, desperate to feed their
families after 14 consecutive days trapped in the fighting and its
aftermath. UNRWA urgently needs to gain unlimited access to the camp to
allow it to care for the large numbers of people in need of basic relief
supplies. The Agency has large quantities of aid standing outside the camp
ready to meet the needs of those inside as soon as its is given free access
to carry out its humanitarian mandate.

UNRWA installations such as a school and a health clinic were badly damaged
in the assault on the camp and were extensively damaged by bullets.
Unexploded ordnance remains in the grounds of an UNRWA school and will
require profession defusing before the building can be used.

UNRWA is endeavouring to re-open its clinic to provide services to the camp
residents. The Agency is also planning to set up water supply points in the
camp, but will require access from the IDF.

Richard Cook, Director of UNRWA Operations in the West Bank, said: The
reports we are getting are of wholesale destruction of a kind more normally
associated with natural disasters such as earthquakes. UNRWA still has not
been given full access to the camp, where we believe many thousands of
people are still in dire need of food, water and medical attention. We
implore the Israeli authorities to open up the camp to allow our relief
teams to help its desperate population.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] fed. statute of limitations, cantor, venezuela, bustani, kucinich, moore

2002-04-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Senator Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) introduces Sexual Assault Prosecution Act.
On April 11, Senator Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) introduced the Sexual Assault
Prosecution Act. S.2090 proposes to eliminate the statute of limitations for
federal sex offenses, including sexual abuse and aggravated sexual abuse

N.Y. cantor held for trial in sex abuse of nephew, 12 - By Gaiutra Bahadur -
Inquirer Staff Writer - 4/18/02 A 12-year-old boy sat in a witness box in
Lower Merion yesterday, his gaze direct, and pointed out a prominent New York
cantor as the man who sexually abused him almost a decade ago and threatened
to kill him if he told.


US returns to bad old ways in Venezuela  - 2002-04-16 20:03:45
Wayne Madsen in Washington DC and Richard M. Bennett - 16 April 2002

The one important thing to be learnt from the Venezuelan coup is that the
United States has not changed its view that only Governments acceptable to
Washington can be allowed to survive in Latin America and that like it or
not, the United States will undermine and help overthrow even legally elected
administrations if it so chooses. This became obvious when Pentagon sources
gleefully revealed that the United States provided critical military and
intelligence support to the Venezuelan military coup against President Hugo
Chavez on Friday 12th April. Under the cover of the COMPTUEX and a Joint Task
Force Exercise (JTFEX) training exercises in the Caribbean the US Navy
provided signals intelligence and communications jamming support to the
Venezuelan military. Particular focus by US Navy SIGINT vessels was on
communications to and from the Cuban, Libyan, Iranian, and Iraqi diplomatic
missions in Caracas.


A War Against the Peacemaker
The US wants to depose the diplomat who could take away its pretext for war
with Iraq
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 16th April 2002  On Sunday, the
US government will launch an international coup. It has been planned for a
month. It will be executed quietly, and most of us won't know what is
happening until it's too late. It is seeking to overthrow 60 years of
multilateralism, in favour of a global regime built on force. The coup begins
with its attempt, in five days' time, to unseat the man in charge of ridding
the world of chemical weapons. If it succeeds, this will be the first time
that the head of a multilateral agency will have been deposed in this manner.
Every other international body will then become vulnerable to attack. The
coup will also shut down the peaceful options for dealing with the chemical
weapons Iraq may possess, helping to ensure that war then becomes the only
means of destroying them.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) enforces the
Chemical Weapons Convention. It inspects labs and factories and arsenals and
oversees the destruction of the weapons they contain. Its director-general is
a workaholic Brazilian diplomat called Jose Bustani. He has, arguably, done
more in the past five years to promote world peace than anyone else on earth.
His inspectors have overseen the destruction of two million chemical weapons
and two-thirds of the world's chemical weapon facilities. He has so
successfully cajoled reluctant nations that the number of signatories has
risen from 87 to 145 in the past five years: the fastest growth rate of any
multilateral body in recent times.


t r u t h o u t | Statement - Kucinich Statement on Ridge Secret Meeting with
House Committee April 11, 2002

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), ranking member of the House Government
Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans' Affairs and International
Relations today walked out of a Government Reform Committee briefing with
Governor Tom Ridge, Director of the Homeland Security Office. Kucinich said
Governor Ridge should testify publicly about the office. Kucinich said there
was a ruling by the Chair that the meeting was not open because there was no
official business being transacted. Kucinich then asked for a ruling from the
parliamentarian, but did not receive one. The following is his statement
about his departure from the briefing.

This is a very serious matter that a Director who speaks for the President on
matters of national security is not accountable to the Congress, not
accountable to the press and not accountable to the people. Homeland Security
has a $38 billion budget. There's been no public process to review this $38
billion budget. So you have a Director who is not accountable to the
Congress, not accountable to the press, and not accountable to the people. I
want to state that a free exchange of ideas behind closed doors may not in
reality be free. It may in fact be a direct challenge to the doctrine 

Re: [CTRL] The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak Derailment Kills 6 and ...

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/02 2:09:35 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not hard to work that one out... they are getting set to beat this one up
into another OJ Simpson ratings bonanza.

And another bad arrest on the part of the LAPD in my opinion.
Blake is going to be acquitted, properly in my opinion, just like their last high-profile murder arrest featuring the helicopter view of a white vehicle.


Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/02 2:17:15 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
with some free time can check the archives.

Could've been me...but if it was I was wrong.
I initially thought OJ was guilty too...


[CTRL] Palestinian Sites Knocked Offline By Mideast Conflict

2002-04-19 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


By Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes
18 Apr 2002, 12:04 PM CST

Contrary to recent reports, Israeli Web sites have not born the brunt
of the escalating violence in the Middle East, security experts said

Indeed, the pace of attacks on Israeli Web sites has slowed sharply
this year, even as numerous Palestinian government sites have been
unreachable due to the conflict in the region.

According to statistics maintained by defacement archive Alldas.org,
electronic vandals hit less than half as many Israeli Web sites in the
first quarter of 2002 than were altered in the last three months of

Eighteen Web sites with addresses ending in dot-il were attacked in
the first quarter of 2002, while 38 Israeli sites were defaced at the
close of 2001, according to Alldas records.

In a press release Monday, London-based Mi2G said Israeli sites have
been subjected to asymmetric warfare and that the country has been
the biggest victim of Web defacement in the Mideast, suffering 548
defacement since July 1999.

Yet while all of Israel's primary government sites were readily
accessible today, more than two dozen Palestinian government sites
have been unreachable for days.

Attempts to access the official site of the Palestinian National
Authority, located at http://www.pna.net and hosted by Jerusalem-based
Palnet Communications, were redirected today to a server operated by
ElectronicIntifada.net in Chicago.

ElectronicIntifada spokesman Ali Abunimah said Webmasters of many
Palestine-based sites have been disrupted by the Israeli invasion of
Palestinian towns and have configured their domain name servers (DNS)
temporarily to redirect visitors to the U.S.-based
ElectronicIntifada.net site.

Meanwhile, the Israel Government Gateway, located at
http://www.info.gov.il , was accessible today, as was the Web home of
Israel's parliament, the Knesset, at http://www.knesset.gov.il , and
the official site of Israel's Prime Minister at http://www.pmo.gov.il

Attempts to reach 29 Web sites with Internet addresses ending in
Gov.ps, were unsuccessful today. The unreachable sites included the
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs at http://www.mopa.gov.ps , and the
Government Computer Center at http://www.gcc.gov.ps .

A message at the ElectronicIntifada site today said operators of
Palestinian sites are dealing with shoot-to-kill curfews, no
electricity thanks to Israeli military cut-offs of the power, and
other severe obstacles.

Alldas has recorded no defacements of sites in Palestine's dot-ps
top-level domain.

Web-site defacements are a poor measure of the impact of the Middle
East conflict on Internet sites in the region, according to Brian
Martin, a security engineer with Virginia-based CACI International.

The only value in tallying and publicizing such statistics based on
questionable research is in creating fear, uncertainty, and doubt,
said Martin, one of the operators of the Attrition.org security
information site.

A spokesman for Mi2G declined to comment on the slowdown in
anti-Israel defacements suggested by the Alldas data. He said Web
defacements provide the only publicly visible, overt attacks over

Abunimah said he believes defacements of Israeli sites are perpetrated
by a very small number of people and such attacks are not condoned
by ElectronicIntifada.

These attacks are not something that is celebrated, advocated or even
widely discussed by people who are concerned about the Palestinian
cause. We are much more concerned with getting information out than in
trying to block Israeli sites, he said.

Alldas's list of defaced .IL sites is at

Mi2G is on the Web at http://www.mi2g.com

The ElectronicIntifada is at http://www.ElectronicIntifada.net

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2002-04-19 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

British Israel has a lot to do with the Decendents of the British Throne
keeping the Throne of King David warm til Jesus comes back. I'm being
irrevevrent. But, I do have a serious disagreement with that inbred bunch
doing anything for Jesus. However,

 Yes I know that BRITISH ISRAEL is supposedly the TEN LOST TRIBES


 in the ELIZABETHAN AGE   that DR.DEE ( a black magician ) came

 up with that idea to keep the peoples of the COMMONWEALTH in

 a state of MENTAL SLAVERY to the Crown of England.

 American ministers have also jumped on this bandwagon.   The


is of the same notion.  Do you have a problem with this? Black Ministers can
extol the virtues of their People, American Indians can lift themselves up.
I suppose Rabbis do the same with their Jewish Brethren. Would to God more
Chickenshit Christian pastors would be more like Pete Peters.

Read Ted Weiland's God's Covenat People at

Most of it's online. Pastor Weiland's book goes into great detail regarding
the message of Israel's migrating from old Palestine into Europe. Bbilical
Archologist E. Raymond Capt in his Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian
Tablets. www.artisanpublishers.com documents the trek through history. Good

What difference does it make? Ol' Joe sixpack jeudeochristian asks? Read
Ishmael, Edom and Israel and The Attack Upon America at

Anyway, the proponents of Identity haev been smeared, maligned, discredited
by Jews, American Protestants, the ruling elite in America. Could for a
minute anyone believe this bunch is doing us any good?? Before urinating on
this interpretation of Prophecy, think it through. If teh powers that be are
so against it, think maybe it might be right?

And many others.   Going all the way back to

 Herbert W. Armstrong.

 Dr.JOHN DEE wrote the MANUAL of BLACK MAGIC in 1571.   Called

 the NECRONOMICON.   This book was eventually passed down to

 Adam Weishaupt ,  a professor at INGOLSTADT UNIVERSITY.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hopsicker:The Venice Flying Circus

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon

The Venice Flying Circus 

At least three times during the last six weeks of his life terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta left the jazzier precincts of the Miami area to journey across the state to a retirement community with the second oldest population in the entire United States. The question is: why?

by Daniel Hopsicker
April 18--Venice Florida 

Contradicting the FBI’s chronology of the terrorists final days, an investigation by the MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusively that on three separate occasions during the final six weeks before September 11 Mohamed Atta was in Venice on Florida’s Gulf Coast, a place the FBI’s chronology says he left fully nine months before, visiting subjects unknown for reasons unknown. 

In interviews for Mohamed Atta  the Venice Flying Circus (portions of which air this week on theconspiracychannel.com) credible local eyewitnesses report that Atta and his sidekick Marwan Al-Shehhi were in a restaurant a block from Atta’s former rented home six weeks before the attack, on the phone from Venice on a Fort Lauderdale rent-a-car company's Caller ID three weeks before, and, just one week before the attack, ordering submarine sandwiches in the deli of a Venice, Florida supermarket. 

The FBI has previously publicly stated only that during the terrorist conspiracy’s final three weeks of preparation Atta was in the Miami area, with a brief trip to Las Vegas.

The Bureau has been aware of Atta’s visits to Venice, despite saying nothing about them, we have learned, through rental car receipts, phone records, and interviews with the owner of a Fort Lauderdale car rental agency who rented cars to Atta during the month before the terrorist attack.

The glaring omission of the fact that Mohamed Atta had, for unknown reasons, a continuing presence in the retirement community of Venice raises disturbing questions when viewed against the backdrop of continuing suspicion about the nature of the operations being carried out there at two Dutch-owned flight schools, which together trained three of the four terrorist pilots (see previous stories).

Discovering that the terrorist conspiracy was based in Venice, or had still-unexplained links there, would seem to be a useful lead to the enfeebled FBI, which has so far been unable to track down any living participants in a conspiracy which claimed 3000 lives.

"The FBI took all over files. Everything."

The failure to disclose to the American people what little the FBI does seems to know points directly to the existence of a cover-up, designed to shield from public view activities which took place in the Venice area over the two-year period prior to the tragedy, activities whose clear result was a massive influx of hundreds of mostly Arab student pilots into the area.

Increasing doubt still further is the circumstance under which the files of the two flight schools—which collectively may have trained dozens of terrorist pilots—were confiscated by the FBI, never to be seen or heard from again.

"They loaded two Ryder trucks (of Huffman Aviation and Venice Police Department documents) right outside that (police station) window," one Venice law enforcement official told us.

"And then they drove them right onto a C130 military cargo plane at Sarasota airport which flew out with Jeb Bush aboard. The FBI took all our files. Everything."

Do the files reveal what Mohamed Atta was doing in Venice one week before September 11th?

In addition to the local restaurant owners who witnessed a shouting match between Atta and Marwan six weeks before, the two were also spotted together just a week before the attack.

Islamic fundamentalists do lunch 

At a supermarket a mile from the Venice Airport known to have been frequented by the terrorists, Brenda Cover, who works in the deli, said, "When they showed pictures of three different guys, Atta was one of them, several days later on TV, I immediately recognized their faces."

"And I told my husband then, ‘oh my god, those are the three guys! They were just in store a week ago. The week before, they were in the store. They got subs.’" 

Atta had an intimidating or menacing presence, she stated, a sentiment heard again and again from people who had contact with him.

"I didn’t like they way they stared at you. It would have been different if they had talked to you like you were a normal person. You know, ‘hi, how are you today’ sort of thing."

"But he just stood back and glared at you with his dark eyes," she continued. "It gave me a frightening eerie feeling, like you wouldn’t want to be caught in the parking lot at night with him."

The flood of Arab student pilots coming through Venice had not escaped the notice of local townspeople, according to Brenda, who said she noticed the influx in the year before September 11th.

Venice to Fort Lauderdale on Caller ID

A third visit to Venice by Atta and Marwan was confirmed by the owner of a rental agency in Fort Lauderdale, near 

[CTRL] Italian Plane Crash-Another Roboplane Test?

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon

Evidence Proves Milan Skyscraper
Crash Was Not An "Accident" 

Joe Vialls, 19 April 2002   

We think your name is Luigi Fasulo, the registered owner of a really neat little Rockwell Commander 112TC, a pocket rocket boasting a 200 horsepower turbocharged engine and a top speed in excess of two hundred miles per hour. We also think that you took off from Locarno in Switzerland, but we cannot be sure about that. 
Sadly perhaps, like Frank Corder who allegedly crashed his Cessna into the White House on 11 September 1994, and young Charles Bishop who allegedly flew his plane into the Bank America building in Florida, no-one actually saw you board the plane, and no-one actually saw you at the controls when the aircraft took off.
When interviewed by Swiss television, Sandro Balestra, director of Locarno airfield, said you were known in the area for at least 30 years. The plane belonged to you. Unfortunately at the time of the takeoff, the control tower was closed but a radio registration system recorded the takeoff. The crash was recorded by Milan's Linate control tower.
No one seems to know how old you are, with major media outlets reporting your age anywhere between sixty and seventy-six years of age. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? You are certainly dead now Luigi, though how you died is a bit of a mystery. 
Did you die a natural death, or were you killed and dumped down a disused mine shaft? Perhaps more likely, were you a silent and unconscious passenger aboard your treasured Rockwell, on your last lonely flight into the financial center of Italy?
No matter, perhaps you would like to know how well your little plane performed, even with the extra weight of a high-explosive payload on board. The planners needed the extra high-explosive to cause serious damage to the building, because Charles Bishop’s slow bumbling Cessna was a bit of a flop last year, tail fin sticking out of the side of the Bank America building for all to see. 

And of course they needed your little Rockwell plane because of its high speed, ensuring there would be sufficient inertia to penetrate the financial center before exploding.
The remote controls worked perfectly Luigi, and so did your little plane. You would be so proud of your little Rockwell if you were still alive! The official photos show a near-perfect strike in the dead center of two floors, not even a five foot error up or down. Quite brilliant! 
Mind you, your little plane has caused quite a stir in the other financial centers around the world, with stocks and shares taking a beating because of what the media reported as your “Accident”. 
The experts didn’t believe the media New Speak about the attack being an accident, any more than you or I. Perhaps it was simply another timely warning to the “New World Order” to back off, back off right now, before it is all too late.

[CTRL] Toys Don't Make the Tot

2002-04-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/breaking_8.html

If this is true, then there is even more justification for depriving them of their
toys.  Heck, we can't let them city folks loose with something as American as
fireworks no more (they blowd them's fingers off); so why give others BIGGER
fireworks that they can't use?  AER 

U.S. questions Israeli military capability after latest offensive

Thursday, April 18, 2002

 WASHINGTON — The United States is questioning Israel's military capability in
wake of what some analysts term the failed offensive against Palestinian insurgents
in the West Bank.

The analysts, who include U.S. government consultants, asserted that Israel's
military was unprepared for the intensity of Palestinian resistance. They said the
advance of Israeli troops in West Bank cities was slow in contrast to the lightning
capture of the area in the 1967.

The result appears to be a bloody stalemate that is leading an increasing number of
U.S. officials to conclude that the best solution is the deployment of a U.S.-led
international peacekeeping force, Middle East Newsline reported. The officials said
even President George Bush is slowly coming to that realization.

Civilian casualties and collateral are relatively high, IDF [Israeli Defense Forces]
discipline has often been poor and trigger happy, and contact between the IDF and
ordinary Palestinians has been alienating, Anthony Cordesman, a former senior
Pentagon official and now senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for Strategic
and International Studies, said in an analysis. No one seems cowed or deterred.

Andrew Krepinevich, executive director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments, told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, that the Israeli
military appears to be a little bit stretched at the present given the circumstances 
the Middle East. Krepinevich said the Israelis are focusing on their urban warfare
capabilities, a move that he recommended the United States to follow.

Senior officials and military commanders have not publicly commented on the Israeli
operation in the West Bank. Gen. Tommy Franks, head of U.S. Central Command,
which covers most of the Middle East, said his staff has not studied the Israeli
military campaign against the PA.

My people, my staff, and I have not done the study on the approach being used by
Israel in terms of this current ongoing operation, Franks told a briefing for foreign
reporters last week. I have pretty good familiarity with what's going on in Operation
Enduring Freedom, but I don't have the same degree of familiarity with the approach
being taken inside Israel, and so I just can't comment on it.

But analysts interviewed by the U.S. media agreed that the Israeli operation ranged
from merely ineffective to outright failure. They said Bush gave the Israelis a week
until he assessed that the military would be stuck in a long campaign.

I think Bush got it right. Seven, eight days, hit them hard, you cannot sustain these
kind of suicide bombings, Fareek Zakaria, a leading Middle East analyst and writer
at Newsweek, said. But now it is at a point where Israel is in deep danger of creating
more problems than its solving.

But some analysts said the Israeli military operation has been underestimated. Col.
Nitsan Alon, a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said 
a report that the Israeli military made inroads in the war against the Palestinian

The IDF operations have succeeded in inflicting fairly serious direct damage to
terrorist infrastructure, Alon said.

On the level of material, large amounts of weapons and ammunition were captured,
including: dozens of explosive devices; several ready-to-use suicide explosive
devices and electronic devices for detonating them; over a dozen workshops for the
manufacture of explosives; several thousand rifles and hand-held guns, including
hundreds of sniper rifles, dozens of telescopic sights, and night-vision equipment;
dozens of antitank rocket-propelled-grenade launchers; several mortars; and dozens
of heavy machine guns.

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[CTRL] Martin:Plugging the Leaks in the Illegal Weapons Auctions, Etc.

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon

Plugging the Leaks in the Illegal Weapons Auctions, Etc.
by Al Martin

The DISU is frantically trying to suppress information about the illegal weapons auction at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The DISU, a little-known agency called the Defense Investigative Services Unit, investigates people's backgrounds for the Department of Defense, but their principal task is to plug leaks. And that's what they're trying to do in Huntsville - with little success.

 Enquiring DISU investigators wants to know how the Al Martin Raw.com website is getting its information about illegal weapons sales, frequented by unfriendlies and other foreign nationals. The Department of Defense is desperately trying to find out how the Al Martin Raw.com website is getting its information about their illegal weapons sales and auctions and the prime rib and lobster taxpayer-funded lunches. They have finally increased security. Their idea of increasing security is to put one guy at the gate in a jeep with a camera and two Wackenhut guys in the building.

 (For more background, see "Fraud As Usual at Redstone Arsenal").

 The illegal weapons auctions have resumed as of last Saturday. They've re-jiggered the way they're doing the auctions to be even more "careful" about mislabeling the actual "merchandise." They're employing even more subterfuge than they did in the past.

 Before they would mislabel the various items as "Lot 313 - Miscellaneous Office Furniture," which would actually be a lot of missiles. Now they're even going to greater lengths by actually breaking down the weapons systems and shipping them out as components -- to further disguise what they're doing.

 Of course, what the Department of Defense is doing is selling front-line modern weapons technology under an auction program that is supposed to be for outmoded spare parts and outmoded systems.

 Obviously this is not some so-called "rogue" operation, but it is State-sanctioned - by virtue of the fact that it is happening and they're doing it rather openly. They're not trying to hide it. There are so many weapons dealers there as well as foreign military officers. Nobody really knows who they are because they all operate under disguised names and ranks.

 The Department of Defense and the CIA are waiving all of their rules about these guys -- having to register at all and the fifty-mile travel restrictions from Washington.

 Nine out of ten of these foreign military intelligence officers aren't supposed to be anywhere near a US military base -- let alone having giant prawn and prime rib lunches in the Officers' Clubs of US military bases at US taxpayers' expense.

 The DISU has been frustrated at their inability to plug the leaks regarding illegal weapons auctions at the Redstone Arsenal. At this week's auction, it was packed, and 80% of the attendees were Russians - Russian military officers and Russian arms dealers. They've gotten a big boost on their business, of course, because the Bush Administration lifted the arms embargo against Azerbaijan. Now there are Uzbeki and other arms merchants there as well.

 They actually have printed auction sheets listing the items to be sold, but it doesn't help you, because it just says "Lot 313 - Miscellaneous Department of Defense Used Office Furniture." The only way to really see what they have is to make a video of the actual contents, but you have to do that covertly.

 Meanwhile the Bushes' War Scam is being ramped up and their plan to crash the economy by increasing budget deficits is in full swing. The Congressional Budget Office has stated that the expenditures on the "War on Terrorism" during the next twelve months (if Bush expands the war on terrorism, as planned) will cost $125 billion.

 Bush has also asked for $1.3 trillion 10-year tax cut to be made permanent. It's quite likely that Congress will pass it, thus adding an additional $130 billion a year in deficit financing. Since we're already in a deficit now, it's all negative numbers. They act as if crashing the economy is their intent. The price of gold consistently stays around $300 per ounce. Interest rates are creeping up, and the stock market continues to decline.

 The point I've been consistently making on my radio shows is that I believe that the stock market's continuous declines are not due to any day to day factors such as release of corporate earnings or new jitters about accounting scandals. In fact, there is a longer-term recognition in the marketplace of where Bush Administration policies are taking us. And that is why the stock market is coming under such pressure. Now we are talking about enormous fiscal budget deficits down the line.

 As I have stated before, the Bush Administration has reneged on all of its previous campaign pledges - that it would act to reduce the surplus; that it would act in a fiscally responsible manner to restrict spending; that it would act to inure federal budgetary 

[CTRL] Skolnick - The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 9

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon

Skolnick - The Overthrow Of 
The American Republic - Part 9
By Sherman H. Skolnick 

Coup And Counter-Coup 

It is okay to mention efforts to overthrow an overseas government. The American monopoly press is not bashful to discuss that. Such as efforts by the military for a while to take over the Pakistan government. 

Pakistan-born Chicagoans as cab-drivers, some of them who I talked to, for a while praised the overthrow by the military of the regime in their home country. One of the apparently good features? For the the first time in living memory there, the ultra-rich folks were forced to pay taxes. But it did not last. 

We, by the way, on our public access Cable TV Program, cablecast within the city limits of Chicago, from time to time, have had guests as candidates for high state office. Guess what I as moderator dared ask them? "If you are elected Illinois Governor, would you do something about the American CIA flooding Illinois with dope, to raise funds separate from Congress for secret operations?" The candidate said, "Governor is a local office. I do not know anything about the CIA". And I stated, "Really, that is all you have to say?" Candidate, "yes". 

And I also have asked, "if you are elected Governor, would you tax the ultra-rich who currently pay little if any taxes, such as the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the DuPonts, and the Marshall Fields?" The candidate usually refused to answer, or looked up at the tv studio ceiling. 

After the taping ended, I asked one campaign manager, why his candidate tolerates me at all. "Sherman, if they can handle your big mouth, they can handle any opponent. And you do have a big audience in this town." 

Since at least 1995, we have been writing about and also mentioning on talk radio, a few details about the small U.S. Military Group vowing to arrest at the time Clinton as their Commander-in-Chief - the second hat Bill had as President. In simple terms, it was a real life version of the fictional book and movie, "Seven Days in May". [Book by F. Knebel, HarperCollins, hardcover, 1988. Movie, 1964, with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas.] 

If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they intended, if they were not assassinated, to defend themselves, showing that the person using the name "Clinton" has committed treason, such as with the Red Chinese Secret Police. [Elsewhere, we have discussed why we call him William ROCKEFELLER Clinton. See our website series,"Wal-Mart and the Red Chinese Secret Police".] 

This small group of U.S. Admirals and Generals, called in the military trade, as flag officers, had repeatedly tried, to no avail, to remove Clinton while he was Commander-in-Chief. 

April 19, 1995, occurred what some have described as the multiple bombings of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Details have come out through alternative media, that there was prior knowledge in the White House, just like Pearl Harbor, 1941. The bombings permitted "Clinton" to wrap himself in the flag and say he was going to combat the local Militias trying "to overthrow the government". This helped Clinton divert attention from the defeat in 1994, with Congress getting a GOP majority in the Election. 

April 17, 1995, two days prior to the bombings, a planeload of U.S. Military brass died when the military Lear jet, exploded in the air near Alexander City, Alabama. Thus snuffed out among the reputed coup plotters, were Clark G. Fiester, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for acquisitions, since previous May, when he was former vice president and general manager for the electronic defense sector of GTE Government Systems, in Mountain View, California and he had worked at GTE 36 years before joining the Defense Department; Air Force Major General Glenn A. Profitt II of West Layayette, Indiana, director of plans and operations for the Air Education and Training Command; Major Hubert B. Fisher who researched sensitive information technologies. 

They had onboard with them a person not supposed to exist. Namely, a Prisoner of War from Viet Nam, knowledgeable as to why and how the Defense Department and the White House continues to cover up the POWs from the Viet Nam War. That is, those who were pushed into becoming "mules" for the Southeast Asia dope trafficking supervised by General Colin Powell and his crony Richard Armitage, and their illicit-dealings business partner, George Herbert Walker Bush. [On alternative media has been shown the video interview of a Burmese General describing how Powell, Armitage, and Bush are his dope trafficking business partners and arranged at U.S. government expense to build a highway into the jungle to facilitate the transporting of dope headed for the U.S. trade.] 

Families of the victims of the airplane explosion were not permitted to retrieve any belongings nor be given any details of what happened. A heavily-censored story was given to the pressfakers to distribute. Such as, the Associate Press 


2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon


By: Todd Brendan Fahey

Seven days prior to events which would set the world on-edge, newly-hired Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria "Torie" Clarke offered an equally startling admission to Agency France Presse wire service, but which received scant attention within U.S. media sources. 

Ms. Clarke-- having been lured back into government service by pal Mary Matalin on Vice President Dick Cheney's staff, from a high-paying post as Manhattan office director for the venerable public relations firm of Hill  Knowlton--the former PR chief to Senator John McCain and one-time George Bush (the elder) staffer would divulge to foreign media that the United States, via the Pentagon and the shadowy Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, would begin producing a new and potent strain of anthrax bacteria, and that such plans had been in the works since 1997. The source of the anthrax was to be from Russian stock, and, according to Ms. Clarke, would be used "purely for defensive measures."

The new strain of anthrax, engineered by Russian sources, Clarke purported, would be used to test the effectiveness of a newly-developed vaccine in the United States. "We have a vaccine that works against a known anthrax strain. What we want to do is make sure we are prepared for any surprises, for anything that might happen that might be a threat," she said. 

Clarke presented this information on September 4, 2001, via a Department of Defense news briefing; when asked directly as to whether the United States, through any agency, was developing or producing anthrax bacilli, her response, repeatedly, was, "no." 

The DoD issued this update recently to Ms. Clarke's news briefing: "the Department of Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Program is funding a collaborative research project on anthrax monitoring with the State Research Center for Applied Microbiology in Obolensk, Russia. In August 2001 the State Research Center applied to the Russian Export Control Commission for a license to transfer the anthrax strain to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The application is currently pending a decision of the Russian Export Control Commission, and the U.S. government will seek Russian approval of the export license." 

One week after this news conference, three hijacked airliners slammed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings, killing an estimated 3,100 civilian and military personnel. Shortly thereafter, white powder began to appear on the desks of prominent politicians and at news broadcast stations--most notably at NBC and American Media, headquarters of The National Enquirer tabloid--and bearing strikingly identical handwriting, each dated "09-11-01" and proclaiming the message, "Allah Is Great." 

Incredibly, despite airport videotapes of Middle Eastern men boarding the various hijacked jets, and what with the messages contained on and within the anthrax envelopes and the fact that hijackers Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi had taken flight training lessons at a private airfield very near to American Media's headquarters, Boca Raton, Florida, and that al-Shehhi had rented a room in a condominium owned by the wife of American Media (National Enquirer) publisher, news reports filtered out for weeks, attempting to convince the public that FBI profilers had determined the anthrax exposures in New York, Connecticut and Florida to be the work of a "right-wing loner"; anonymous FBI sources, through the Washington Post, offered that a "popular West Coast right-wing organization" was under specific scrutiny. 

Domestic critics of the government would counter that the style in which the dates were penned on the envelopes containing the anthrax spores could not be that of a person of Middle Eastern descent, which would use a script akin to: "01. 09. 11."; government sources bandied back that, the sources probably thought ahead and disguised the script. Nobody knew what to believe, and the investigations into the anthrax exposures were not (and are still not) being made known to the American citizenry. 

The American public didn't bite on the "right-wing loner" theory, with no proof offered, no suspect produced, and in light of a New York Times article, citing weapons expert William C. Patrick III, a U.S. microbiologist active in germ weapons design during the late 1960s. The Times quoted Dr. Patrick as saying, of the batch sent to Senator Tom Daschle (D-SD), "he had learned details of the federal inquiry from a senior investigator. The Senate powder, Mr. Patrick said, was quite potent and capable of sailing far through the air to hurt many people.remarkably free of extraneous material. `It's high-grade,' said Mr. Patrick, who consults widely on making germ defenses. `It's free flowing. It's electrostatic free. And it's in high concentration.'" ("Contradicting Some U.S. Officials, 3 Scientists Call Anthrax 

[CTRL] John Egan-The Solution To The Middle East Conflict

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon

The Solution to the
Middle East Conflict
By John Egan

The continuing violence and ugliness have reaching new levels and I, for one, am tired of it all! Every year we hear it and see the headlines: “Peace at last…this is it! The Peace Process…then more violence in the Middle East... Israelis this, Palestinians that…more bloodshed! …Then,” New plans for peace talks, etc,” …Opps! More Jewish Settlements in the Occupied Territories, more violence…more suicide bombings... more reprisals, more diplomacy, etc, etc.” It just keeps going on and on! I appreciate and admire the numerous contributions of early Islamic culture to science, art, philosophy, music, literature and medicine, just to name a few. However, I’m no great fan of the present day Arab/Islamic world. I can’t relate to their culture, their treatment of women, and their repressive religious societies with their "Sharia law", I think that the Islamic religion, in its’ fundamentalist form, is odious and dangerous. (I know! This sounds anti-Semitic!) Countries where religion is at the political helm tend to be repressive toward their own people and certainly disdainful, if not downright hostile toward those that are secular and democratic.

 I’ve watched the documentary footage of Nazi slave and death camps where Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, Christians, political dissidents and the “mentally handicapped” were rounded up, forced into slavery and eventually exterminated. I watched and wondered in amazement and horror that humans would do this to one another. I had great sympathy for Israel and even supported their claim to a homeland.

 However, I know injustice when I see it, and over the years I’ve seen plenty of it coming from Israel’s side. Even Isreali apologists can no longer turn a blind eye to the repression, degradation and humiliation of the Palestinian people, and to what is nothing more than an Israeli “land grab”. From the get go, Israel has laid the blame for their “occupation” of Palestine on the Arabs.

 “Palestinians resort to terrorist/suicide bombers”? Well, duh, what do you expect from a group whose land/homes were taken from them, and then kept from establishing their own autonomous and independent state by an occupying army? What, pull down their pants and “moon” the Israeli armor and aircraft? These are acts of desperation! Incidentally, can anyone guess why the Palestinians have only rifles, rocks and suicide bombers with which to defend themselves and for trying to take back their lands, and why the other “Arabs” don’t come to their aid militarily? 

 This violence, of course, plays right into the hands of Arab extremists, which in turn, plays right into the hands of the Zionists. A suicide bomber going off in a civilian crowd is a lot more spectacular and headlines grabbing than a protracted military occupation, ethnic genocide and murder! Round and round it goes with innocent Palestinian and Isreali women and children screaming in the middle. The Zionists milk the Holocaust, and use the “Israel will not survive” … “Israel is now at war with Arafat!”, … “Israel is now at war with terrorism!” slogans. How convenient. Now they have moral justification. Where would the Zionist be without the Holocaust? (Now that’s an interesting thought) 

 At war with Arafat!? Give me a break! Arafat’s a Zionist whipping boy. They need him. Israeli military intelligence could have him assassinated at their pleasure whenever they want. He’s an irrelevant and a pawn. Come on, they’ve got him holed up, and playing Solitaire! Well, maybe Poker with his buddies. What a crock! Hell, why the Palestinians haven’t yet taken him out themselves is a puzzle to me? He might be of more use as a martyr. The suicide bombers will continue regardless. We know the cliché, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. The history of our own country demonstrates that! Now, Osama Ben Laden? He is a terrorist, but Arafat? Come on? There are other players in that area that fit that role a lot better than him.

 There’s no denying that the Jewish people have been holocaust victims. The state of Israel has not, and if attacked, with it’s nuclear inventory, would inflict unacceptable damage and losses to the Arab nations around it (... unless, and here’s frightening thought for both sides, and perhaps not at all that far fetched…unless it’s being planned that way). “Never forget!” Well, who will? It’s in the history books now! I don’t want to be beaten in perpetuity with this lament. You can almost hear Sharon and other Zionist thugs – “Thank God for this wave of Islamic terrorism! It gives us the justification to label and eliminate the Palestinians who are actively fighting for their cause.” How convenient that all this “Islamic terrorism’” has recently surfaced to help convince the world of how righteous the Israelis are in their battle against Palestinian fanatics.  

It’s interesting that on the domestic media we 

Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/19/02 6:01:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

  I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
   list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
   with some free time can check the archives.

  Could've been me...but if it was I was wrong.
  I initially thought OJ was guilty too...

  Bill, what's your opinion?  What's this about?  I know very little about
this case.

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Re: [CTRL] The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

2002-04-19 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 -Original Message-
 From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
 On Behalf Of Andras Riedlmayer
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 1:04 AM
 Subject: In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

 Human Rights Watch

 Israel: Don't Coerce Civilians to Do Army's Work

 (Jerusalem, April 18, 2002) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) routinely
 compel civilians to assist in its military operations, Human Rights Watch
 charged in a new report released today.  The twenty-four page report,
 In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations
 documents how the IDF routinely has taken civilians at gunpoint
 to open suspicious packages, knock on doors of suspects, and search
 the houses of wanted Palestinians during its military operations.

 The report is based on in-depth investigations into four separate IDF
 arrest raids in late 2001 and early 2002. The practice continues today
 in Operation Defensive Shield; journalists, doctors, and other civilians
 have reported being coerced at gunpoint to assist soldiers during the most
 recent IDF incursions into the West Bank.

 The government of Israel has argued that the IDF incursions into towns,
 villages, and refugee camps in territories controlled by the Palestinian
 Authority are necessary to curb an upsurge in suicide bombing attacks,
 mostly targeting Israeli civilians.

 Human Rights Watch has repeatedly condemned suicide attacks against
 civilians, which are absolutely prohibited under international
 humanitarian law.  But such attacks cannot be used to excuse the serious
 violations committed by the IDF. There is no justification for the
 abuses documented in this report, Megally said. The government of Israel
 should live up to its obligations and stop these acts immediately.  He
 added that Human Rights Watch had failed, despite numerous requests, to
 arrange a meeting with IDF officials to discuss its research and findings.

 In addition to the systematic coercion of civilians, the report also
 documents other serious violations during the IDF raids, including acts
 of physical ill treatment of civilians, excessive damage to civilian
 properties, and collective punishments in the form of house demolitions.
 It also documents one case of hostage-taking, in which soldiers held and
 deliberately shot an unarmed civilian in the leg to force his brother,
 a wanted Palestinian, to surrender.  The taking of hostages is a
 war crime, and is absolutely prohibited under international law.

 The report also documents two cases in which armed Palestinians
 recklessly endangered Palestinian civilians by firing at IDF soldiers
 from locations that exposed the civilians to IDF return fire.

 The report includes detailed recommendations for actions by the government
 of Israel, the international community, and the Palestinian Authority.

 In a Dark Hour: The Use of Civilians During IDF Arrest Operations

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what 

Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/02 7:58:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill, what's your opinion? What's this about? I know very little about
this case.

Well Sam, I just think that once again the LAPD is looking for that high-profile arrest.

Look, they are NOW claiming that Blake shot her himself...don't you think that that would've been pretty obvious, if true, after the initial forensics came back?

Yes, Blake is/was an oddball...he has a temper I guess and reputation...but never for violence! And these "special circumstances" that expose him to the death penalty..."lying in wait"...c'mon!! The D.A. ought to laugh that right out of the case provided they have ANY integrity. 

The victim here had too many people that she'd screwed...not necessarily literally...she had many people who simply HATED her...Blake is the fall guy, like OJ...and hopefully justice will triumph again out west, even though when it does it's ridiculed.


[CTRL] FW: OBRL - Heterosexual Sex-Repression, Homosexuality and Pedophilia in Afghanistan

2002-04-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Forwarded News Item

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


A verification of Wilhelm Reich's discussions on sexuality, and
confirmation also for James DeMeo's discussions in Saharasia

From: Acharya S
Again, we've been saying this for many moons...
What a world.

L.A. Times
April 3 2002

Kandahar's Lightly Veiled Homosexual Habits

Restrictions on relations with women lead to greater prevalence of liaisons
between men, a professor says.


KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- In his 29 years, Mohammed Daud has seen the faces
of perhaps 200 women. A few dozen were family members. The rest were
glimpses stolen when he should not have been looking and the women were
caught without their face-shrouding burkas.

How can you fall in love with a girl if you can't see her face? he asks.

Daud is unmarried and has sex only with men and boys. But he does not
consider himself homosexual, at least not in the Western sense. I like
boys, but I like girls better, he says. It's just that we can't see the
women to see if they are beautiful. But we can see the boys, and so we can
tell which of them is beautiful.

Daud, a motorbike repairman who asked that only his two first names and not
his family name be used, has a youthful face, a jaunty black mustache and a
post-Taliban cleanshaven chin. As he talks, his knee bounces up and down,
an involuntary sign of his embarrassment.

These are hard questions you are asking, he says. We don't usually talk
about such things.

Though rarely acknowledged, the prevalence of sex between Afghan men is an
open secret, one most observant visitors quickly surmise. Ironically, it is
especially true here in Kandahar, which was the heartland of the
puritanical Taliban movement.

It might seem odd to a Westerner that such a sexually repressive society is
marked by heightened homosexual activity. But Justin Richardson, a
professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, says such thinking is
backward--it is precisely the extreme restrictions on sexual relations with
women that lead to greater prevalence of the behavior.

In some Muslim societies where the prohibition against premarital
heterosexual intercourse is extremely high--higher than that against sex
between men--you will find men having sex with other males not because they
find them most attractive of all but because they find them most attractive
of the limited options available to them, Richardson says.

In other words, sex between men can be seen as the flip side of the
segregation of women. And perhaps because the ethnic Pushtuns who dominate
Kandahar are the most religiously conservative of Afghanistan's major
ethnic groups, they have, by most accounts, a higher incidence of
homosexual relations.

Visitors might think they see the signs. For one thing, Afghan men tend to
be more intimate with other men in public than is common in the West. They
will kiss, hold hands and drape their arms around each other while drinking
tea or talking.

Moreover, there is a strong streak of dandyism among Pushtun males. Many
line their eyes with kohl, stain their fingernails with henna or walk about
town in clumsy, high-heeled sandals.

The love by men for younger, beautiful males, who are called halekon, is
even enshrined in Pushtun literature. A popular poem by Syed Abdul Khaliq
Agha, who died last year, notes Kandahar's special reputation.

Kandahar has beautiful halekon, the poem goes. They have black eyes and
white cheeks.

But a visitor who comments on such things is likely to be told they are not
signs of homosexuality. Hugging doesn't mean sex, locals insist. Men who
use kohl and henna are simply uneducated.

Regardless, when asked directly, few deny that a significant percentage of
men in this region have sex with men and boys. Just ask Mullah Mohammed
Ibrahim, a local cleric.

Ninety percent of men have the desire to commit this sin, the mullah
says. But most are right with God and exercise control. Only 20 to 50% of
those who want to do this actually do it.

Following the mullah's math, this suggests that between 18% and 45% of men
here engage in homosexual sex--significantly higher than the 3% to 7% of
American men who, according to studies, identify themselves as homosexual.

That is a large number to defy the strict version of Islam practiced in
these parts, which denounces sex between men as taboo. Muslims seeking
council from religious elders on the topic will find them unsympathetic.

Every person has a devil inside him, says Ibrahim. If a person commits
this sin, it is the work of the devil.

The Koran mandates hard punishment for offenders, the mullah explains. By
tradition there are three penalties: being burned at the stake, pushed over
the edge of a cliff or crushed by a toppled wall.

During its reign in Kandahar, the Taliban implemented the 

[CTRL] Musharraf may stay even if he loses vote

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(Musharraf has boldly called for a referendum on whether or not he should
remain in office.  He expects to win, otherwise, he says, he might not have
taken the risk of calling for the referendum.  LOL!  He refused to answer
whether or not he would leave if the vote went against him.  He sounds like
Shrub's kind of guy.)


Musharraf may stay even if he loses vote

REUTERS [ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2002  1:23:16 AM ]

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[CTRL] (Scary!) Telecom Firms Are Deluged With Subpoenas

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


In the Name of Homeland Security, Telecom Firms Are Deluged With Subpoenas


c.2002 Newhouse News Service


WASHINGTON -- Operating under new powers to combat terrorism, law enforcement
agencies are making unprecedented demands on the telecommunications industry
to provide information on subscribers, company attorneys say.

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