[CTRL] IBM, Microsoft plot Net takeover

2002-04-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


IBM, Microsoft plot Net takeover
By David Berlind
April 11, 2002


IBM and Microsoft have been quietly busy behind the scenes for the last two
years building a toll booth that could position the two companies to collect
royalties on most if not all Internet traffic.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] U.S. Officials Probe Human Mad Cow Disease Case

2002-04-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Officials Probe Human Mad Cow Disease Case

Fri Apr 19, 2:10 PM ET
By Karen Jacobs

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Scientists and beef industry officials said on Friday there was no 
reason for U.S. consumers to be concerned about a
report that health authorities were investigating the first suspected case of the 
human form of mad cow disease in the United States.

The Florida Department of Health said it and the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (news - web sites) were studying a
likely case of new variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (vCJD) in a 22-year-old British 
citizen living in Florida. They said the victim probably
contracted the disease overseas.

We're actually very confident that this is a case of imported variant Creutzfeldt 
Jakob disease, said John Agwunobi, secretary for the Florida
Department of Health.

Britain first detected mad cow in herds in 1986 and was blamed for exporting the 
disease, which triggered consumer panic in other European
countries and forced the destruction of thousands of head of cattle. An outbreak of 
the disease last year in Japan cost the agriculture industry
almost $3 billion.

Despite reassurance from U.S. officials, cattle futures sped sharply lower on the 
Chicago Mercantile Exchange amid concerns the case could
hurt demand for beef. Traders said it added to bearish fundamentals already in the 
cattle market.

Agwunobi said the infected woman, whose family was interviewed, had lived in the 
United States since the early 1990s.

We're of the opinion that this is a situation where an individual came in contact 
with affected cattle products, probably in another country, moved
to the United States and began to develop symptoms here, Agwunobi added.

We're also very confident that no cattle or cattle products in the United States have 
ever been identified as being contaminated with mad cow
disease, he said.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (news - web sites) said it felt very confident 
that the United States does not have mad cow disease.

We are very sure the (Florida woman) contracted the human form of mad cow disease 
while living in Britain, USDA spokeswoman Alisa
Harrison said.

New variant CJD is a rare, degenerative, fatal brain disorder that emerged in Britain 
and is thought to be caused by eating meat from cattle
infected with mad cow disease, known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (news - web 
sites) or BSE (news - web sites).

No case of BSE has been identified in the United States, and if confirmed, this would 
be the first case of vCJD reported in a U.S. resident, the
CDC said. However, because the disease is thought to have a long incubation period, 
officials said they believe the patient acquired the
disease in Britain.

The clinical diagnosis was made at a hospital in Britain and the woman has since 
returned to the United States.

The CDC said limited evidence about the disease indicated there had never been a case 
transmitted from person to person.


George Gray, lead author of a Harvard University mad cow study released last November 
that found little risk of the disease turning up in
American cattle, said he did not think the case is anything U.S. consumers should be 
worried about.

Gray said the U.S. case was not surprising because a large number of people travel 
between the United States and Britain.

It's a tragic thing, but I think it has to be kept in context of the origins of the 
disease, Gray said. The connection to the U.K. makes out the most
likely place where she was infected.

Carol DuBois, a National Cattlemen's Beef Association (news - web sites) spokeswoman, 
said her group was not overly concerned and had not
received any calls from beef producers on the issue.

The general reaction (from U.S. beef producers) is that it's a tragic situation but a 
reminder that we are doing the right thing ... by making sure
we don't have this in the United States.

The CDC said of the 125 vCJD patients worldwide, almost all had multiple-year 
exposures in Britain between 1980 and 1996 during the
occurrence of a large outbreak of BSE among cattle.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jenin Finger-Pointing Begins

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=286659

0 April 2002 07:37 GMT+1
Home  News   World   Middle East

Israelis try to pin blame for Jenin on suicide bombers

By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem

19 April 2002 Internal links Families scrabble in the dust to find their dead Israel
leaves Jenin, but maintains blockade Bush shrugs off Powell's failure to halt violence
Israelis try to pin blame for Jenin on suicide bombers Hamas uses website to fund
suicide bombings David Aaronovitch: It's not anti-Semitic to deny Israel's right to
exist. It is just wrong Leading article: There should be a UN inquiry into the deaths 
Israeli officials were desperately scrambling to explain the war crimes committed at
Jenin refugee camp as the international furore over the devastation rose to new
heights yesterday.

A senior Israeli government official admitted to The Independent that civilians had
died in Jenin, but said they were killed by Palestinians.

Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, claimed
Palestinian militants rigged the buildings with explosives, and blew them up while
holding civilians as hostage. The Israelis decided to send in bulldozers to fully
demolish the homes because they contained booby-traps, he said.

And the Defence Minister, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, said 45 of the 48 bodies recovered
from Jenin were wearing the uniforms of Islamic Jihad – a claim that contradicts
those who have seen the bodies.

The United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed- Larsen, visited the most
heavily damaged area and described the scene as horrific beyond belief. He told
Israel Army Radio: Jenin will forever be a blot on the history of the state of 

The International Committee of the Red Cross said yesterday that the scale of the
devastation was so great that Israel should allow international rescue and recovery
teams into Jenin.

Yesterday the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw added his voice to the calls for an
outside investigation into Israel's excessive actions in Jenin, which its forces
invaded on 3 April in a counter-terrorism operation. Mr Straw said: Such is the
scale of the evidence that there is a strong case for Israel to answer.

Humanitarian groups fear that the exact death toll will never be known. Saeb Erekat,
a former Palestinian peace negotiator, said he had received 1,600 calls from families
who had been unable to find relatives from the camp.

Peter Hansen, commissioner-general of Unrwa, the UN relief agency for Palestinian
refugees, said: It was worse than I feared. I saw a family digging for their father 
they had found in decomposed bits, and the remnants of a child under the rubble. It
was a gruesome sight. We saw hundreds and hundreds of people walking around in
a daze, looking for what used to be their dear ones.

He said he did not believe the camp had been heavily booby- trapped – a claim used
by the Israeli army to justify banning access to Red Cross and UN ambulances.

Also from the Middle East section.

Amid the rubble of Jenin, Palestinians bury their dead
From the ruins of Jenin, the truth about an atrocity
Israel completes withdrawal from Jenin
Families scrabble in the dust to find their dead
Hamas uses website to fund suicide bombings


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not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
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agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] Jenin massacre provokes international condemnation

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

Bush defends Sharon as Jenin massacre provokes international condemnation

By Chris Marsden
20 April 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

Denunciations of Israeli brutality in Jenin have been voiced throughout the world, with
just one notable exception. The Bush administration has not only maintained its
steadfast support for the government of Ariel Sharon, but has all but abandoned the
pretence that it is seeking an Israeli military withdrawal from the West Bank.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office as he met with Secretary of State Colin
Powell on his return from Israel, Bush praised Sharon as a “man of peace”, while
criticising Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat for not bringing an end to

Most significant of all, when asked if he was troubled that there was still a major
Israeli military presence on the West Bank two weeks after he had called for an
immediate withdrawal, Bush declared, “History will show that they responded”.
Sharon, he added, “gave me a timetable and he’s met the timetable.”

Bush’s reference to an agreed timetable between himself and Sharon is proof of
direct US complicity in the ongoing war-crimes being perpetrated on the West Bank
and Gaza Strip. They confirm the analysis of the real purpose of Powell’s trip made
by the World Socialist Web Site on April 6, “Bush ‘peace initiative’ prepares ground
for wider war against Arab masses”.

We insisted that Powell’s dispatch to the Middle East, “in no way represents a shift in
the basic policy of the United States in the Middle East.” Its primary purpose was, “to
buy time for the Israeli regime and provide it with a political cover to intensify its
assault on the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people.”

This is now so apparent on its face that Bush’s spokesman Ari Fleischer was
reduced to making the ludicrous claim that the president did not intend to signal to
the Israelis that he was backing away from his demand for immediate withdrawal.
But nothing can now disguise the fact that the US has given the Israeli Defence
Force (IDF) a license to terrorise thousands of innocent civilians trapped in the
Palestinian refugee camps throughout the West Bank.

The worst atrocities have occurred in Jenin. Bulldozers were sent in to flatten
inhabited houses to prepare the way for tanks and armoured cars. The army then
proceeded to indiscriminately target and destroy homes, factories, essential facilities
and other buildings by using fighter jets and helicopter gunships

After the loss of 13 soldiers to Palestinian snipers, the IDF began utilising 
weapons that fire 3,000 20-millimetre rounds a minute to destroy houses in which
Palestinian fighters were said to be sheltering. In order to conceal its military
operations from any prying journalists, the army produced a cordon of smoke to
screen off the areas of fighting. A report appeared that one pilot of a helicopter
gunship hovering above Jenin last week repeatedly refused to fire on a building said
to contain “terrorist suspects”, for fear of killing civilians. The pilot has not been
named, and it is not yet known if action will be taken against him.

Even the most conservative estimates of those left dead after the Israeli pull-out of
Jenin are in the hundreds. There have been reports of unretrieved bodies, some in a
state of decomposition and of the victims of Israeli terror being concealed in mass
graves. A senior Palestinian spokesman, Nabil Shaath, has accused Israel of
carrying out between 60 and 70 summary executions and removing corpses in
refrigerated trucks: “The Israeli army took six days to complete its massacre in Jenin
and six days to clean it up.” Up to 500 people had been killed, he claimed.

On entering the camp, observers have described scenes of total devastation—“a
lunar landscape” is how one reporter described what he saw.

The United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed-Larsen, described Jenin
as, “shocking and horrifying beyond belief.” Roed-Larsen said 300 buildings were
destroyed and 2,000 people were left homeless: “I’ve just been witnessing two
brothers digging out of the rubble their father and five other family members. I
witnessed a family digging out their about 12-year-old son from beneath the rubble.
There’s a stench of decaying corpses all over the place here, the scene is absolutely
unbelievable ... No military operation could justify the suffering we are seeing here.”

British forensic expert Professor Derrick Pounder of Dundee University, part of an
Amnesty International team granted access to Jenin, said that the evidence points to
large numbers of civilian dead. Regarding the numerous eyewitness accounts of
civilian deaths, he said, “I must say that the evidence before us at the moment
doesn’t lead us to believe that the allegations are anything other than truthful and 

[CTRL] `What kind of war is this?'

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Saturday, April 20, 2002 Iyyar 8, 5762
Israel Time: 09:42 (GMT+3)

`What kind of war is this?'

It is still impossible to know how many people are buried under the ruins in the Jenin
refugee camp, where the smell of decomposing bodies mingles with the stench of
garbage and the scent of geraniums and mint.

By Amira Hass

(Photo: AP )

Leaning on a cane, the man stood on a huge pile of ruins: a jumble of crushed
concrete, twisted iron rods, shreds of mattresses, electric cables, fragments of
ceramic tiles, bits of water pipes and an orphaned light switch. This is my home, he
said, and my son is inside. His name is Abu Rashid; his son is Jamal, 35, and
confined to a wheelchair. The bulldozer began to gnaw into the house when
members of the family were inside it. And where would they be, if not in the house,
seeking - like all the inhabitants of the refugee camp in Jenin - the safest place to
hide from the firing of the mortars and the rockets and the machine guns, and waiting
for a brief respite?

Abu Rashid and the other members of his family hurried to the front door, went out
with their hands up and tried to yell to the huge bulldozer, the operator of which was
unseen and unheard, that there were people inside. But the bulldozer did not stop
roaring, retreating a bit and then attacking again, returning and taking a bite out of
the concrete wall, until it collapsed on Jamal before anyone could save him.

All around Abu Rashid other people were climbing up or down heaps of rubbish,
making their way between piles of cement, sharp iron wires and fragments of metal,
concrete pillars and ceilings that had collapsed, fragments of sinks. Not all of them
were as introverted as Abu Rashid, who talked to himself more than he talked to
those who stopped to listen to him. There were those who tried to rescue something
from the ruins: a garment, a shoe, a sack of rice. Nearby, a young girl almost
stumbled on a pile of broken cement blocks, pointed at the ceiling, at her feet, and
wept and wept. Between the wails, she managed to say that this had been her
parents' home and that she does not know who is buried under it, who had managed
to get away, whether anyone was alive under the ruins, who would get them out, or

Among the piles of ruins, and in the midst of some houses that were still partially
standing, the walls that had not collapsed riddled with numerous bullet holes of all
sizes, a broad expanse had been created. Where, up until two weeks ago, several
houses had stood, some of them three stories high, one or more Israel Defense
Forces bulldozers had gone over the piles of cement several times, flattened them,
ground them to dust, made a `Trans-Israel highway,' as A.S. put it. His home had
also fallen victim to the bulldozers' teeth. Someone indicates a small opening in one
pile of rubble. From it he had heard cries for help until Sunday night. On Monday
morning there were no longer any sounds coming from it. Someone else points to
what had formerly been a house where two sisters lived. Someone says that they are
crippled. It is still unknown whether they are under the ruins or whether they got out
of the camp in time.

Relative quiet

There are houses that were empty of inhabitants when they were demolished. In
some cases the soldiers ordered people to leave immediately, so that they would not
get killed. One old man, people say, refused to leave his home. Fifty years ago you
expelled me from Haifa. Now I have nowhere to go, they report he had said. The
soldiers lifted the stubborn old man bodily and hauled him out. And there were cases
in which they did not bother to issue a warning - and the bulldozers came. Without
announcing over the bullhorns, without checking whether anyone was inside. This
happened on Sunday, April 14, to the members of the Abu Bakr family, who live on
the thin line between the refugee camp and the city of Jenin proper.

In both city and camp, a curfew had been imposed; soldiers were circulating in tanks
and armored vehicles and on foot, shooting from time to time, tossing stun grenades
or blowing up suspicious objects. But relative to the previous week it was quiet:
There was no longer any firing from helicopters, no more exchanges of fire with a
handful of armed Palestinian activists. But all of a sudden, at four in the afternoon,
the members of the Abu Bakr family heard the sound of a wall being crushed. The
father of the family went outside, waved a white flag and yelled to the soldiers: We
are in the house; where do you want us to go, why are you demolishing our home
with us inside? They yelled at him: Yallah, yallah, get inside, and stopped the 

This narrow seamline where the house is located, several meters wide, has in recent
days served as a transit bridge from the city to the refugee 

[CTRL] Democrat Tries to Boot TV

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Time: 1:57 AM,Saturday, April 20, 102

Democrat Tries to Boot TV Cameraman From House Hearing
By Jeff Johnson
CNSNews.com Congressional Bureau Chief
April 19, 2002

Capitol Hill (CNSNews.com) - California Democratic Congresssman Henry Waxman
tried unsuccessfully Thursday to have an accredited TV news photographer thrown
out of a House subcommittee hearing. The hearing focused on whether to limit
liability lawsuits against gun makers and Waxman, who favors gun control, insisted
the cameraman was videotaping on behalf of the National Rifle Association.

The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection was
hearing testimony on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (H.R. 2037), a
bill designed to stop lawsuits against the gun industry for actions taken by criminals
using their products, when Waxman challenged the presence of the television

Under the rules, the only cameras that are permitted at a hearing are from
accredited representatives of the press. I understand that the camera that is now
filming this hearing is owned and controlled by the National Rifle Association,
Waxman (D-Calif.) charged.

If I'm correct and this camera [man] is not an accredited member of the press, I'd
make a point of order that the camera should not be permitted to film the hearing,
he added.

Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) recognized the camera operator as
someone who regularly videotapes hearings on Capitol Hill.

We'll be glad to show you his credentials, Stearns offered Waxman after some

The cameraman, a freelance video journalist accredited by the U.S. Senate and
House of Representatives News Galleries, presented his gallery identification card to
Stearns, who read the information to the subcommittee.

But that did not satisfy Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) the ranking Democrat on the

That's not the question. The question is: This camera, is this the National Rifle
Association's camera? That's the question rather than the credentials, Towns
argued. What identification you have in your pocket, that's another issue.

Stearns disagreed.

The identification in his pocket shows that he's accredited press and, I think, as
such that he's entitled to record, Stearns ruled.

But Towns and Waxman continued their challenge.

No. I have a driver's license that says 'New York State' in my pocket but I'm not here
representing New York State. I'm here as a member of the United States Congress,
Towns continued. So, the fact that he can pull something out of his pocket doesn't
satisfy me.

The question I have, which I want answered ... is whether or not he's filming for the
National Rifle Association. That is the real question here.

May we ask of the gentleman who is filming, for whom he is working today?
Waxman asked Stearns.

Stearns jokingly said that if Waxman wanted to overrule the decision, he was
welcome to try.

You're welcome to appeal, Stearns declared seriously. But, we want to get on to
the witnesses, so I think that, under the circumstances, my position would be that
he's shown his credentials and we accept them and we'll continue.

Waxman withdrew his objection, with a caveat.

If this man has been hired by the National Rifle Association, just as anybody hired
from the Democratic Party shouldn't be allowed to come in here and film, I don't think
we ought to allow this, and I think the rules don't permit it, Waxman alleged.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) echoed Waxman's complaint.

I don't think any outside groups should be in here filming, DeGette said. I'm deeply
offended by it.

But the three Democrats' assertions that House rules prohibit recording by
individuals other than accredited news media were incorrect.

Under the rules of the committee, the chairman has 'full and complete discretion to
allow any cameras into the hearing room,' whether those cameras are credentialed
or not, Stearns said, after receiving a report from his staff. So, rest assured, that
the cameras are completely allowed under committee rules.

The video journalist, who asked that he not be identified, told CNSNews.com that he
was working for a Washington-based contracting agency that routinely provides
camera crews to television networks and stations from around the country.

He added that the equipment he was using was personally owned, and not the
property of the National Rifle Association.

A member of the House Radio-TV Gallery staff also told CNSNews.com that the
chairman of a committee or subcommittee has the absolute authority over allowing
recordings by groups or individuals other than accredited media. The gallery staff
member, who also did not wish to be identified, said it was inappropriate for
members of the subcommittee to challenge the camera operator during the hearing,
in front of spectators.

The video journalist completed his recording 

[CTRL] 'It's what I have to do'

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2002/582/9inv2.htm

Al-Ahram Weekly Online
18 - 24 April 2002
Issue No.582
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map

'It's what I have to do'

Lyndon Larouche, a lone voice in the desert of American thinking on the Middle East,
chats to Mohamed Hakki in Washington

Living in Washington today drives one to feel that America is living on a different
planet from the rest of us.

The political establishment and the media here are sensitive only to Israeli needs.
Even worse, the US bias continues unabated, deaf to the many voices in Israel itself
which are enraged at what is being done by the Sharon government -- not only
against the Palestinian people, but against Israel's future as a whole. People like Uri
Aveneri, Gideon Levy, Jeff Halper, Amira Haas, Heve Fordon, Gila Svirsky, Neta
Golan, Allegra Pachaco, Rina Rosenburg, and many others, come to mind.

On the political side, too, there are people like Yossi Beilin, Yossi Sarid and others.
But in America, it is the Mojave desert when one comes to intelligent debate on the
Middle East.

Whenever one hears a lonely voice, it becomes a breath of fresh air. One of these
voices is Lyndon Larouche, several-times presidential candidate, and always ready
to speak his mind. Al-Ahram Weekly conducted a telephone interview with Larouche
last Friday, excerpts of which follow:

Your analysis of the situation in the Middle East is unique, and it is unequaled among
most of the American leaders. What are your thoughts as you watch the news about
the Israeli invasion, despite the fact that the American media is heavily censored?
You should know that people in the Middle East, and also in Europe and elsewhere,
have been shocked by the pictures coming out of Palestine.

I do get briefed on this coverage -- so I'm up to date on it but I'm not very happy
about it. But look, we have a philosophy in the United States from a certain group
which now seems to be exerting majority control over the policies of the president.
This is the group around Brzezinski and others, who are for this clash of
civilisations war. Then you have, on the other hand, a fascist crew, which is in
charge of Israel -- literally fascist. What Sharon represents is not only fascist, but
what he's doing against the Palestinians, is, as I've said repeatedly, a copy, and a
conscious copy, of what the Nazi general, Juergen Stroop, did in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Exactly the same thing, in terms of method, is being applied, by the Israelis to the
Palestinians, that was done against the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

And what I don't like also is some of the tactics of resistance by the Palestinians.
Nonetheless, I compare this to what the desperate Jews in the Ghetto were doing,
with a few carbines, against the entire Nazi force. It's resistance. The people said of
those Jews who died as fighters against the Nazis that they saved the reputation of
Judaism by standing up as heroes against hopeless odds. And we have the same
thing happening with the Palestinians. They're standing up like heroes against
hopeless odds, because they see nothing else they can do as their purpose in life but
to leave a mark which may be useful for the future of the people.

How can you explain the fact that we don't hear a single voice in the Congress --
neither in the Senate, nor in the House of [Representatives] -- that asks: What is
America's stake in all of this?

I have a report -- I don't know how accurate it is, but I think it's accurate as to a
general impression, that there are just 11 members from the over-400 total members
of the House of Representatives who are not, to one degree or another, under
control of the so- called Zionist Lobby. Plus, you have the fact that the president of
the United States is in mid-term election campaign, with his brother running as
governor in Florida, and he is being told by people such as Karl Rove, his political
adviser, that if he goes against Sharon and Israel, he and his party and his brother
will lose the election.

So you've got a combination of pressures in the case of a president who is really not
qualified to be president, but he happens to be president. He's not qualified,
emotionally, intellectually or otherwise. And he does not react like a president who
takes responsibility for the future of his entire country, and its relations with other
countries, but he's reacting like a fool, in a sense. But, he is the president, and we
have to deal with him as the president, even if he behaves like a fool. And he (is)
behaving like a fool. And this is a true tragedy, what is happening to the United
States government right now.

I was just in Egypt for 10 days, and all of my friends were asking me: How can you
explain President Bush? We seem to be living on two different planets, not just two
different parts of the world. Two different planets.


Nobody here understands the degree 

[CTRL] Israel/Occupied Territories: Practical measures are required - words are not enough

2002-04-20 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 16:03:41 +0100
From: ainews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Israel/Occupied Territories: Practical measures are required - words
are not enough

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *

19 April 2002
MDE 15/056/2002

As the UN Security Council meets today to discuss  the grave
situation in Israel and the Occupied Territories, Amnesty
International reiterates its calls for an international inquiry
into alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in Jenin
Refugee Camp since 3 April 2002, and the deployment of
international human rights monitors.

  Amnesty International delegates in Jenin said There is
strong evidence that human rights and international humanitarian
law were breached in Jenin by the Israeli Defence Forces.

  Amnesty International delegate, Derrick Pounder, a
forensic pathologist, performed autopsies on two bodies in Jenin
Hospital both of which gave cause for suspicion. Delegates
heard accounts of  houses demolished with people still inside
them, and reports of extrajudicial executions.

  The longer the bodies deteriorate, the more the evidence
deteriorates, said Professor Pounder.  These facts call out for
an urgent independent, international, expert inquiry, Amnesty
International said.

  In a statement submitted to the Security Council
yesterday, Amnesty International  repeated its call for the
deployment of expert  human rights monitors,  which could save
Palestinian and Israeli lives. These experts must be mandated to
monitor, investigate and report  on the respect for international
human rights and international humanitarian law, including the
Fourth Geneva Convention. Monitors must be able to visit all
places and  interview individuals freely and confidentially. Both
the Israeli Government and the Palestinian  Authority must permit
and assist monitors to work effectively within their
jurisdictions and take all necessary measures to ensure the
monitors' security.

  Speaking from Jenin Refugee camp, Javier Zuniga of
Amnesty International said, Independent and impartial reporting
is urgently required as are measures to ensure that the
desperately needed humanitarian assistance is not obstructed and
reaches those in need.  Practical measures are required -- words
are not enough.

Amnesty International's 18 April statement to the UN Security
Council (AI Index: MDE 01/003/2002) on the deployment of monitors
is available on request.

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text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
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[CTRL] Barak's Website Revisited

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


February 4, 2000

Faith Based Foreign policy

By Ahmed Amr,

The journalists at the New York Times sure know how to kick up a sand storm
when they target the record of an ex-Senator like Ashcroft. They are talented enough
to dig up every little detail when they have a political ax to grind. But their real 
is in covering up the record of a proven serial arsonist zealot like Sharon and then
repackaging him as a conservative politician. If Sharon is conservative and
Ashcroft is an extremist, and Friedman and Sontag are journalists, than the New
York Times is truly the daily ruse.

Consider that Sharon, the Idi Amin of Israel, is a man the Likudniks at the New York
Times have no trouble marketing as a war hero. William Calley of My Lai fame
must be eating his heart out. Thomas Friedman continues to revere Sharon as a
hero of the Six-day War and Deborah Sontag is just waiting in line for a bounce on
Grandpa Arik's knee. Another American journalist who idolizes this serial murderer is
Charles Krauthamer. They would all do well to read the Crimes of Ariel Sharon by
Alexander Cockburn (NYPRESS.com, 2/1/ 2001) that amply documents Sharon's
murderous record from Qibya to Gaza to Sabra and Shatila.

But never mind what Cockburn has revealed. It is common knowledge in the Middle
East and Europe. Barak, who has just gone through a little killing spree of his own,
also wants the world to know about Sharon, his ex-boss.

The following list of charges against Sharon come courtesy of Barak's campaign

Sharon, in his extreme approach and reckless nature, dragged Israel into
an unnecessary adventure in Lebanon. Sharon's recklessness resulted in
an operation that was planned as a swift 48- hour campaign and ended up lasting for
18 years. An adventure that cost the lives of more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers.
Sharon's adventure hurt Israel in the long run, and even the late Prime Minister,
Menachem Begin, said about Sharon: He (Sharon) does know how to control
Sharon, who holds extremely anti- Arab sentiments, has continuously opposed any
steps aimed at achieving peace. Sharon believes in confrontation and extreme
measures towards Arabs and Palestinians. Sharon, in his extreme approach, will
lead Israel to isolation from the international community. His carelessness will
undermine Israel's relations with the U.S. and the European community. Ariel Sharon
will shut the door to peace.
Sharon Voted Against the Peace Treaty with Egypt. ...Sharon apologized in front of
the crowd for his government's concession, when serving in the government that
agreed to return the Sinai to the Egyptians. (Haaretz, 7/24/95)
Sharon opposed the Oslo Agreements.
No peace treaty can be achieved or last with Arafat... (Yediot. 3/7/97)
Sharon did not support Peace with Jordan.I did not vote for a peace agreement with
Jordan even though I wanted to. I did not go to the ceremony even though I had the
desire to do so. This wasn't a planned move on my part, but rather a result of a deep
internal strife that only worsened as time passed, and when the time to vote arrived, I
simply felt I couldn't raise my hand for such an agreement. (10/28/94)
Sharon's extreme approach is expressed by the following sayings and quotes: In
1988, Sharon was quoted, (referring to Arab Israelis): They should be expelled; their
homes destroyed. (Yediot, 7/3/88)
In 1988 Sharon was quoted: Arab Israelis will not determine who becomes Prime
Minister in Israel. This is a community without rights. Formally they do, but in 
they do not hold equal rights. (Maariv, 12/27/89)
In 1990, Sharon was quoted: as far as I'm concerned, Teibe Arabs should be the
last community to receive gas masks. (Davar, 10/28/90)
On another occasion he was quoted as saying: I've been claiming for years that our
main problem has been the Israeli Arab community, and it will continue to be our
most difficult problem. They should be put in their place. (Davar, 10/28/90)
In June 2000, Ariel Sharon said: Thousands of Arabs are taking over public parks.
And in the future, thousands more will flood our roads and beaches. (Maariv, 6/1/00)

What follows is an AFP (2/2/2001) sample of the European press:

From Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's biggest daily newspaper: If there is a logic in that
decision … one can imagione what sanctions could be taken against Israel if Ariel
Sharon became the new prime minister. The decision referred to is the EU
sanctions against Austria due to far-right Freedom Party's rise to power.

The Guardian of England on Sharon: a figure of the very far right: a man whose
political life has been conducted so far out of the mainstream that it is hard to 
think of
a sensible analogy.

The New York Times Ashcroft Message on February 2, 2001

As Mr. Schumer and other senators like Joseph Lieberman of Conneticut noted
yesterday, Mr. Ashcroft ran into trouble 

[CTRL] Christian right steps in on Mideast

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From  CSM

from the April 16, 2002 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0416/p01s01-

Christian right steps in on Mideast

A strong, new pro-Israeli voice muscles into the traditional Jewish-Arab political
dynamic in Washington.

By Abraham McLaughlin and Gail Russell Chaddock | Staff writers of The Christian
Science Monitor

WASHINGTON - The battle over the future of the Middle East isn't just being fought
in Jerusalem, Jenin, and Arab capitals. It's also being waged in Washington – in
congressional corridors, cable TV studios, and scathing memos blast-faxed all over

This latest round of a long-running policy debate also includes a new group of
combatants: Christian conservatives.

Many in this pro-Israel campsee Biblical prophecy being played out in current events.
They're rallying their members – and lobbying ideological allies inside the White
House – to push the US to stand squarely behind Israel. While they're hardly
dictating US policy, it's clear that these conservatives now have a strong voice in the

Christian groups' new vigor creates a significant change in the political dynamic –
and makes Republicans the more-muscular pro-Israel party, says Marshall
Wittmann of the Hudson Institute here. Ultimately, everyone has one goal, he adds:
There's only one person they're trying to influence – the pres- ident of the United
States, who's not indifferent to political sentiment. In one sense, the argument boils
down to two competing visions of America's war on terror.

Pro-Israeli groups – including Christian conservatives – say Israel is America's only
reliable Mideast ally. It's a democracy. It shares similar values. And it, too, is 
a war on terrorism.

Others counter that US interests in the region – besides access to oil – now include
getting antiterror help from Arab states and confronting Iraq. To protect those
interests, they argue, the US must force Israel and the Palestinians to find peace.

Biblical prophecy

The debate's new powerhouses are Christian conservatives. The best friends that
Israel has are Bible-believing Christians, says Ed McAteer, founder of the Memphis-
based Religious Roundtable.

For years, many Christian groups were lukewarm on Israel – reflecting traditional
Christian-Jewish tension. But now many see Biblical prophecy bearing on today's
events. Some Christians believe the second coming of Christ will occur only after
Israel rebuilds God's temple in Jerusalem. They support Israel having full control
over that land – not ceding it to Muslims.

Politically, this means ensuring Bush doesn't follow his father's path. In 1991, then-
President Bush created a showdown with Israel – over expansion of Jewish
settlements in Palestinian areas – by postponing $10 billion in US loan guarantees.

The extent to which Bush has shown sympathy to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat,
is due in part to being buffeted by his State Department and by the old hands who
served in the first Bush administration, says Gary Bauer, a Christian conservative
and former presidential candidate.

Clearly the Christian right isn't calling the shots. If they were, observers note,
Secretary of State Colin Powell would never have visited the region.

But Mr. Bauer and others apply pressure in several ways. A lot of folks who worked
on my campaign now work at the White House, says Bauer.

Lobbying, such as the Christian Coalition's regular e-mailed action requests to its 2
million members, has an impact, says Mr. Wittmann. Growing numbers of
Republicans, he says, who have few Jewish constituents but have lots of strong
conservatives tilt toward Israel.

Bauer and others send open letters to Bush – and blast-fax them to the media.

Another tactic is appearances on cable networks, which are monitored in White
House, congressional, and media offices. In fact, with so many combatants colliding
in them, Washington's TV studios can be dramatic places. Bauer tells of a recent
episode where he debated a pro-Arab spokesman on a cable network. He followed
Bauer into the green room still screaming, Bauer says, until I pointedly told him to
get away from me. He jokes, I should be getting combat pay for going into green

Traditionally the most powerful forces in the battle are well-funded, well- connected
Jewish groups. Last week, after former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
spoke on Capitol Hill, so many members of Congress were pushing Bush to side
steadfastly with Israel that congressional leaders in both parties urged restraint – 
Secretary Powell's mission be threatened. Yesterday, they were set to stage a rally
on the Capitol steps with Mr. Netanyahu and holocaust survivor Elie Weisel.

Many Jewish groups see current events as echoing the 1940s. It took a 4-1/2 year
relentless war against Hitler, but eventually it crushed the Nazis, says Morton Klein,
of the Zionist Organization of America. That kind of steely resolve, he says, is

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it was
 obviously *not* nazi assholes that nailed christ up to the cross.

It was the ROMANS. Crucifixion was a ROMAN punishment given for treason
against the ROMAN empire. Going after the Jewish authorities who were
in bed with Rome at the time, would have been cause enough.

 is born out of the christian tradition of anti-semitism,

Nazism is pagan, not Christian.

brought upon
 ridiculous conclusions stemming from the historical fact that christ
 killed by a mob of fundamentalist jews.

Again, Jews who were in bed with the ROMANS. At the time, the high
priest was ROMAN-appointed. Judea was under ROMAN occupation, not
rising up until 66 A.D. in the first Jewish revolt.

 assholes. that doesn't mean it's right to kill somebody for heresy,

I agree 100%.

 there's a long history of it in all three messianic religions and it
 was a
 fairly common occurence back in the day...


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[CTRL] Don't believe everything you read in the papers about Venezuela

2002-04-20 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Contrary to the reports of a spoonfed western press, Hugo Chavez was
not unpopular and did not resign, says Greg Palast

Greg Palast
Guardian Unlimited

Wednesday April 17, 2002

Here's what we read this week: On Friday, Hugo Chavez, the unpopular,
dictatorial potentate of Venezuela, resigned. When confronted over
his ordering the shooting of antigovernment protestors, he turned
over the presidency to progressive, democratic forces, namely, the
military and the chief of Venezuela's business council.

Two things about the story caught my eye: First, every one of these
factoids is dead wrong. And second, newspapers throughout the ruling
hemisphere, from the New York Times to the Independent to (wince) the
Guardian, used almost identical words - dictatorial, unpopular,
resignation - in their reports.

Let's begin with the faux resignation that allowed the Bush and
Blair governments to fall over their own feet rushing towards
recognition of the coup leaders. I had seen no statement of this
alleged resignation, nor heard it, nor received any reliable witness
report of it. I was fascinated. In January, I had broadcast on US
radio that Chavez would face a coup by the end of April. But resign?
That was not the Chavez style.

I demanded answers from the Venezuelan embassy in London, and from
there, at 2am on Saturday morning, I reached Miguel Madriz
Bustamante, a cabinet member who had spoken with Chavez by phone
after the president's kidnapping by armed rebels. Chavez, he said,
went along with his arrest to avoid bloodshed, but added: I am
still president.

The resignation myth was the capstone of a year-long disinformation
campaign against the populist former paratrooper who took office with
60% of the vote. The Bush White House is quoted as stating that
Chavez's being elected by a majority of voters did not confer
legitimacy on the Venezuelan government. The assertion was not
unexpected from a US administration selected over the opposition of
the majority of American voters.

What neither Bush nor the papers told you is that Chavez's real crime
was to pass two laws through Venezuela's national assembly. The first
ordered big plantation owners to turn over untilled land to the
landless. The second nearly doubled, from roughly 16% to 30%,
royalties paid for extracting Venezuela's oil. Venezuela was once the
largest exporter of oil to the USA, bigger than Saudi Arabia. This
explains Chavez's unpopularity - at least within that key
constituency, the American petroleum industry.

There remains the charge that, in the words of the New York Times,
Chavez ordered soldiers to fire on a crowd [of protesters]. This
bloody smear, sans evidence, stained every Western paper, including
Britain's newest lefty, the Mirror. Yet I could easily reach
eyewitnesses without ties to any faction who said the shooting began
from a roadway overpass controlled by the anti-Chavez Metropolitan
Police, and the first to fall were pro-Chavez demonstrators.

I have obtained a cable from the CIA to its station chief in the
Capitol: Re: Coup. Activities to include propaganda, black
operations, disinformation, or anything else your imagination can

Admittedly, this is old stuff: written just before the coup against
Salvador Allende. Times have changed. Thirty years ago, when US
corporations demanded the removal of a bothersome president, the CIA
thought it most important to aim propaganda at the Latin locals. Now,
it seems, in the drumbeat of disinformation buzzwords about Chavez -
dictatorial, unpopular, resigned - the propagandists have
learned to aim at that more gullible pack of pigeons, the American
and European press.

· Greg Palast is the author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, out
this month from Pluto Press.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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[CTRL] U.S. Bans the Release Of Detainees' Names

2002-04-20 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Bans the Release Of Detainees' Names
INS Order Issued to Counter N.J. Ruling

By Steve Fainaru
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 19, 2002; Page A10=20

NEW YORK, April 18 -- The Justice Department has issued
a directive that prohibits state and local governments
from releasing the names of detainees held in the
investigation into the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The order, signed Wednesday by James W. Ziglar,
commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization
Service, is designed to circumvent a state judge's
ruling last month that the government must release
the names of hundreds of detainees in New Jersey
jails while investigators seek to learn if they are
terrorists. The directive takes effect immediately.


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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  it was
  obviously *not* nazi assholes that nailed christ up to the cross.

 It was the ROMANS. Crucifixion was a ROMAN punishment given for treason
 against the ROMAN empire. Going after the Jewish authorities who were
 in bed with Rome at the time, would have been cause enough.

the romans had no problem with jesus; in fact, they really liked the guy -
he told everybody to pay taxes and be good citizens. it was the jewish
leaders that requested he be crucified as he was, by definition, a heretic;
and the punishment for heresy was death. the romans only went along with it
in order to prevent a revolt; pilate didn't wash his hands because he fell
in the mud.

  is born out of the christian tradition of anti-semitism,

 Nazism is pagan, not Christian.

the arians are supreme part of nazism is pagan; the semites are plotting
to destroy us part is the result of hundreds of years of bigotry pushed,
originally, by the vatican. personally, i'm not entirely convinced that
hitler or the neo-pagans in charge actually *believed* any of their
anti-jewish tripe; either way, it was used by hitler's bosses as a means to
bring out long standing societal prejudices and brainwash the people into
complete subservience. you're starving and desperate.who do you blame?
the jews! give us supreme power and we'll get rid of all of them! only then
will you be fed and comfortable.. bullshit, of coursebut it worked
because europe *already* had strong anti-semitic feelings hidden away under
the carpet: feelings that were the result of vatican propaganda resulting
from the circumstances around the death of christ.

 brought upon
  ridiculous conclusions stemming from the historical fact that christ
  killed by a mob of fundamentalist jews.

 Again, Jews who were in bed with the ROMANS.

the romans were never concerned with the internal workings of their
provinces; they allowed everything from independant currency to religious
freedom. they merely desired taxes and a place for their citizens to worship
when they happened to drop by. given this, i'm not entirely sure what your
point is: true, rome chose to associate itself with those willing to
associate with it; but i'm failing to see how this changes the historical
fact that jesus was crucified primarily because he was seen as a threat to
the continuing existence of the jewish aristocracy, which held supreme power
solely through religious subjugation.

At the time, the high
 priest was ROMAN-appointed.

yet widely despised.

 Judea was under ROMAN occupation, not
 rising up until 66 A.D. in the first Jewish revolt.

roman occupation, yes. yet, truly, not under roman control.

pop question: who led the first revolt?



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-04-20 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

As of late I have thought of Bill Cooper and noted his book now sells
for $25.00 on the web when this man put it out for nothing - well that
is the Black Horse.

Now Me, I am the Horse of a Different Color, Blue -  who realizes now is
the time to hitch your wagon to the star, and not the comet.

The Good News Is:  1/3 Will Survive
The Bad News Is: 2/3 Will Not Surve

Is this what David Kore(sh) tried to tell us before he was burned alive?

Is this what Bill Cooper tried to tell us and warn us before he was
murdered by thieves in the nigh?

For the come not to steal, but to murder.

True Blue

The Revelation:

11: Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon
it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes

Prophecy Magazine

January/February 2000
Behold a Pale Horse

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was
Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over
the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and
with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8

What are the possibilities that Death, the pale horse rider of
Revelation 6, has been loose upon the earth during the 20th Century?
Before you totally reject this idea, take a moment to consider the
following facts.

The bloodiest century

The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in the entire history of the
human race. Before the 20th Century, a war had never claimed 1 million
lives. Then came World War I with its 8 million deaths. Twenty short
years later, World War II resulted in 52 million fatalities. These two
wars alone qualify the 20th Century to be labeled the century of
death. But there is much, much more.

The Economist magazine, September 11, 1999, reports that the governments
of the Soviet Union, China, Germany and Japan combined have killed,
during this century, 170 million in political purges. When we add to
that the 8 million killed in World War I and the 52 million in World War
II, the level of inflicted deaths becomes absolutely staggering!

As distasteful as it is, we are obligated to also mention the
unprecedented slaughter of life in the 20th Century by way of abortion.
Between 1975 and the year 2000, approximately 1.14 billion babies have
been killed by abortion.

Add to this total of death--victims of earthquakes, famine, AIDS, cancer
and many other death-dealing diseases. The total claimed by the pale
horse rider becomes mind-boggling. With just those causes that we have
been able to list here, we can calculate a total of at least one-billion
three-hundred eighty million inflicted deaths during the last one
hundred years!

When we realize that the total population of the earth to begin the 20th
Century was 1.6 billion, 1.38 billion violent deaths during the 20th
Century become all the more astounding!

Is this idea scriptural?

If the fourth seal and its pale horse rider has been loose during the
20th Century, then it is obvious that the first, second, and third seals
must have been loosed before this. Could this be true?

The identity of the white horse rider, the red horse and the black horse
is explained in A Message for the President, chapter 3, and in
Understanding the Endtime, Lesson 4. Let's take a moment to briefly
review the identity of these three horses and their riders.

The white horse rider symbolizes Roman Catholicism. White is the
official color of the pope and the Vatican. The pope dresses in white,
his helicopter is white, his popemobile is white and his jet airplane is
white. If he had a horse, it would certainly be white as well.

The red horse rider is Communism. Red is the official color of Communism
or Socialism. That's the reason that socialist countries are known as
Red China, Red Russia, et cetera. When God wanted to prophesy about
Communism, he used the symbol of the red horse.

But what about the black horse? Most people are not aware of it, but
black is the official color of Capitalism and Democracy. The balances in
the hand of the black horse rider symbolize trade, the central message
of Capitalism.

Once we understand the identities of the white horse, the red horse and
the black horse, it is easy to see that they have been loosed on earth
for quite some time.

Catholicism dates, at least, back to 325 AD. The Communist Manifesto was
written in 1848. We also know that Capitalism has been a force for at
least 100 years now.

Since it can be shown that the first three seals were all loosed prior
to 1900, then it makes perfect sense that the 4th seal, Death, would be
unleashed upon the earth during the 20th Century. The 1.38 billion
deaths that have occurred during mankind's bloodiest century ever
certainly support this belief!

Experiencing prophecy without realizing it
Throughout the history of God's dealing with man, most human beings have
been unaware of the prophetic times in which they lived. At the first
coming of Jesus, many incredible 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

  Nazism is pagan, not Christian.

 the arians are supreme part of nazism is pagan; the semites are
 to destroy us part is the result of hundreds of years of bigotry pushed,
 originally, by the vatican. personally, i'm not entirely convinced that
 hitler or the neo-pagans in charge actually *believed* any of their
 anti-jewish tripe; either way, it was used by hitler's bosses as a means
 bring out long standing societal prejudices and brainwash the people into
 complete subservience. you're starving and desperate.who do you
 the jews! give us supreme power and we'll get rid of all of them! only
 will you be fed and comfortable.. bullshit, of coursebut it
 because europe *already* had strong anti-semitic feelings hidden away
 the carpet: feelings that were the result of vatican propaganda resulting
 from the circumstances around the death of christ.

you are both correct. it is also suggested that targeting the jews was not
only a pragmatic tactic but also part of the plan to replace christianity
with neopaganism, the rationale being that the jewish religion was the
foundation of christian belief and had to be removed. but removing
christianity could not be done immediately. one thought was that people need
to know that if they are fighting and dying for a cause- there needs to be a
heaven to go to- a reward, but the religion that was being prepared by
nazism had no heaven so it suited to keep xtianity in place for the moment.
but really, such esoteria is by the by. there were just *so* many reasons
why jews (amongst others) were so easily targeted. communism and judaism
were closely identified in germany and it was that, more than anything else
that made it so easy fro the nazis to play to the german people's fears. not
only germans either. in britain too and in a lot of countries.
my grandmother is a fine example of contemporary thinking. as an 18 year old
she went from the north of scotland down to leeds (big recent jewish
population) in the north of england in the 1930s and was scared out of her
wits when she first arrived and realised that there were jews on the bus
with her. it was common knowledge up here in scotland that jews ate babies.
i admit- we were (are) a backward bunch of folks- and that is only a
generation ago! so easy to do anything with that kind of public thinking
going on...

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2002-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Shelby Kincaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 5:50 PM

 Now Me, I am the Horse of a Different Color,

not a BLACK beauty then Saba, old girl?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Kroger wants your fingerprint!

2002-04-20 Thread Edward Britton


Topics covered in this update:
- Kroger wants your fingerprint!
- Plans to build ID tracking into all consumer goods
- Supermarket mergers and acquisitions increased in 2001
- Junk mail databases to alert feds to suspicious behavior?
- Retail customer files sought to aid in profiling
- CASPIAN joins forces with other privacy advocates
- CASPIAN's anti-card arguments featured in NC newspaper
- Flashback: Get ready for the privacy backlash
Attention Texans! You are once again being targeted for a
test to see how far you will tolerate supermarket
privacy-invasion. Kroger, the nation's largest grocery chain, is
using stores in Bryan/College Station, Texas to test its new
SecureTouch-n-Pay fingerprint reader system which
enables customers to shop without needing to carry a purse, wallet
or checkbook by incorporating biometric identity verification and
electronic financial transaction processing at the POS [Point of
Sale]. Those insane enough to participate must sign up
by providing a fingerprint, along with personal and financial data, ID
information, loyalty program information, and electronic
payment options. 
If this program is not stopped cold, someday all shoppers may be required
to provide a fingerprint or DNA sample to simply walk through the door of
a grocery store. The days of shopping at the supermarket using a
fake or traded card are numbered. Pass this information on, and let
Kroger know you don't want this coming to your town. If you are
interested in participating in a protest of this technology, please let
us know on CASPIAN's feedback page at
Source: Biometric Access Corporation's SecureTouch-n-Pay Brings
Enhanced Transaction Processing to Kroger Stores. Biometric
Access Corporation Press Release, April 11, 2002.
The Auto-ID Center at MIT is studying ways of imbedding computer RFID
chips into just about everything, including egg cartons, eyeglasses,
books, toys, trucks, and money. Smaller than a grain of sand, the
tiny chips send out an identifying signal designed to be picked up and
read by devices in the environment. Reader devices can be installed
in doorways, shelves, refrigerators, medicine cabinets, airports, and
more. Just a few big-name sponsors of the new technology include
Wal-Mart, Target, the Food Marketing Institute, Gillette, Procter 
Gamble, Coca-Cola, UPS, the Postal Service, and the Department of
Defense. Stay tuned for a detailed email on this subject to follow
Source: Things come alive. USA Today, April 11,
In a year where merger and acquisition activity decreased across the food
sector, the notable exception was supermarkets. In 2001, 27
supermarket chains changed hands, contrasted with 24 chains in
2000. The supermarket industry is becoming so consolidated that
many consumers no longer have viable alternatives to the
privacy-infringing national chains. Ever wonder why there are so
few card-free shopping options in your town? In the past 9
years, 252 supermarket chains (representing thousands of individual
stores) have been swallowed up by the big guys. 
Source: Mergers And Acquisition Activity Drops To Lowest Level In
Eight Years. The Food Institute Press Release, April 17,
For annual data see:
For several years, CASPIAN has been warning that massive amounts of
privately collected retail data could fall into the hands of the
government and be used against citizens. Here's proof that at least
one former U.S. government official is thinking along those lines,

Bill Clinton has been outlining how technology can play a key role in
defeating the new brand of terrorism. The former US president said that
information management systems similar to those used by the big mass
mailing companies could provide an early warning about suspicious
behaviour. More than 95% of the people that are in the United
States at any given time are in the computers of companies that mail junk
mail and you can look for patterns there, he told BBC World's
Source: Clinton backs tech war on terror. BBC
News, April 8, 2002.

...Federal aviation authorities and two technology companies called
Accenture and HNC Software are planning to test at airports a profiling

[CTRL] O.J. Advises Blake: Keep Your Mouth Shut

2002-04-20 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

O.J. Advises Blake: Keep Your Mouth Shut
NewsMax.com Staff
Saturday April 20, 2002; 11:01 a.m. EDT

Acquitted double murderer O.J. Simpson has some words of advice for
Baretta TV star and accused wife killer Robert Blake: Keep your mouth

O.J. weighed in on Blake's plight through his lawyer, Yale Galanter, who
told reporters Friday that his client sympathized with the ex-TV star.

Simpson recommended to Blake, Follow your lawyer's advice and keep your
mouth shut, Galanter said.

Simpson totally believes in the jury system, the Juice's attorney told the
New York Daily News. And he believes that if he follows his lawyer's
advice, he can get a fair shake.

Aside from passing along the friendly tip, O.J.'s legal eagle isn't too
pleased that so many are drawing parallels between Blake and his client.

We both feel that the comparisons that are being made are way out of step,
Galanter explained.


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Re: [CTRL] Kroger wants your fingerprint!

2002-04-20 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

Mr. Ed:

Next think they will have you sitting on their Xerox for a brain scan.

Wonder if fingerprints will get a little number under them?   You know
how people are, they like things personalized.

Some people even thing wearing an ID badge or uniform of local trash man
or dog catcher, is important.

Just a thought.

True Blue

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2002-04-20 Thread Shelby Kincaid

-Caveat Lector-

I am Behold the True Blue Horse .you o doubt follow the horses with
a broom?

You little old muckraker you.

True Blue

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Kroger wants your fingerprint!

2002-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Shelby Kincaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kroger wants your fingerprint!


being the operative word describing your postings saba.

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2002-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

an old nag more like

flogging is too good for ya, it's the glue factory for you saba.

- Original Message -
From: Shelby Kincaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 6:33 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am Behold the True Blue Horse .you o doubt follow the horses with
 a broom?

 You little old muckraker you.

 True Blue

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Earthquake hits New York and North East

2002-04-20 Thread Shelby Kincaid

The Bible, Revised Standard Edition
The Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia

Mark, chapter 13

1: And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him,
Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!
2: And Jesus said to him, Do you see these great buildings? There will
not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down.
7: And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this
must take place, but the end is not yet.
8: For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
there will be earthquakes in various places, there will be famines; this
is but the beginning of the birth-pangs.

AP 4/20/02
Earthquake rattles Northeast  Temblor felt from Maine to
Pennsylvania  Sections of at least two roads collapsed near the
epicenter of the earthquake in upstate New York.

NEW YORK, April 20 —  An earthquake felt from Maine to Maryland
rattled the Northeast on Saturday morning with a magnitude of 5.1,
according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

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  The USGS National Earthquake Information Center measured its depth
at 5 kilometers.
       THE EARTHQUAKE hit just before 7 a.m. about 15 miles
southwest of Plattsburgh, in northern New York near the Vermont and
Canadian borders.
       There were no immediate reports of injuries, but the
Vermont State Police received calls about cracked foundations and broken
windows, and sections of at least two roads collapsed near the epicenter
in upstate New York.
       Sandy Caligiore, of Lake Placid, about 35 miles southwest
of Plattsburgh, said he felt the shaking for about 30 seconds. It was so
strong, decorations were falling off the walls, he said.
       I was getting out of the shower and the mirror was
shaking. The whole house was shaking, said Darlene Conklin, who lives
in Hopewell Junction, about 60 miles north of New York City. My husband
was watching TV, and he felt the couch shaking. You could see the doors
shaking, the walls trembling.
       The earthquake was recorded at 6:50 a.m., said William
Ott, a seismologist at Weston Observatory at Boston College.

       He said the quake was moderate. A typical 5.1
earthquake would cause cracked plaster, broken windows and minor
structural damage around the epicenter, he said.
       There are faults all over the northeastern United
States, Ott said. They're not as active as the ones in California, but
they're capable of producing earthquakes of this size from time to
       The largest earthquake recorded in New York, according to
the USGS, was a 5.8 magnitude quake in 1944 that was centered in
Massena, about 3 miles from the Canadian border.
       Won Young Kim, a seismologist with Columbia University's
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, said there was a magnitude 5.2 quake
in 1993, about 50 miles south of Saturday's epicenter. He said a
magnitude 3.5 quake occurred just south of Plattsburgh on April 20,
       Reports of the shaking Saturday came from as far away as
Baltimore, Toronto and Portland, Maine. The USGS National Earthquake
Information Center measured the earthquake's depth at 3.1 miles.
       Kathleen Morrow, 31, of Northfield, in central Vermont,
said the jolt woke her husband up and the shaking continued for several
       I had my feet on the floor ready to leave the house if
it was going to be continuing or stronger, she said.
       © 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



---End Message---

[CTRL] 4 of Chavez's Generals Killed in Helicopter Crash (APFN fwd)

2002-04-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Venezuela crash...my foot !
Sat Apr 20 15:24:15 2002

From the BBC

The newly appointed head of the Venezuelan air force, General Luis Acevedo,
has been killed with several other officers in a helicopter crash.
The accident, which occurred late on Friday in mountains to the north-east of
the capital, Caracas, has been blamed on bad weather.

General Acevedo was promoted just days ago as Hugo Chavez resumed the
presidency of Venezuela, following a failed coup that removed him from power
for two days.

The general had been returning to Caracas from a ceremony at a naval academy
when the Super Puma helicopter crashed and burst into flames.

Military coup

Another helicopter carrying armed forces chief General Lucas Rincon was
caught in the same bad weather and had to make an emergency landing.

General Rincon said he and all the other passengers on board were safe.

Three other generals travelling with General Acevedo were killed in the
crash. Generals Pedro Torres Finol, Julio Ochoa and Rafael Quintana were all
were members of the air force's newly reorganised high command.

The fire brigade, civil defence and the National Guard reached the scene
early on Saturday and began to identify the bodies.

Just over a week ago a group of Venezuelan military officers launched a
failed coup against the president.

The coup leaders toppled Mr Chavez after 17 people were killed in a massive
protest march against his rule, but he was reinstated two days later as
loyalist officers rebelled and civilian supporters took to the streets.

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[CTRL] Why Bush dances to Sharon's tune

2002-04-20 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

From: Edward C. Corrigan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 5:32 AM
Subject:  Why Bush dances to Sharon's tune by Eric Margolis

Here is an excellent article on the Israel lobby in the United States
and its control over President Bush. It is written by Eric Margolis,
Canada's equivalent to Robert Fisk. He is a columnist with the Toronto
Sun and is syndicated across Canada through the Sun newspaper chain.

Ed Corrigan
April 14, 2002

Why Bush dances to Sharon's tune

Israel's right-wing Likud party dominates U.S. Mideast policy through a
powerful lobby in
the American Congress

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor

Who really is running America's Mideast policy? Last week,
the astounded world saw the grotesque spectacle of President George
W. Bush pleading in vain with Ariel Sharon, leader of a nation of only
6.3 million people which receives almost $5 billion in annual U.S. aid,
to cease laying waste the Occupied West Bank.

Ignoring worldwide condemnation and demands from
the UN Security Council, Sharon ordered his armour, much of it
American-supplied, to accelerate shooting up and bulldozing Palestinian
towns, refugee camps and all symbols of Palestinian identity or statehood.
Twenty years ago, Sharon invaded Lebanon, to crush Palestinian terrorism.
His big guns and warplanes blasted Beirut for three weeks, killing 17,000
. Today, he remains determined to hold Arab lands Israel conquered in
1967 and to destroy any hopes or vestiges of a viable Palestinian state.

President Bush and senior aides Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell were
left looking weak, indecisive, and inept. Bush clearly is a political
of ultra-hawk Sharon; they share a mutual detestation for Yasser Arafat
and, it would seem, for Arabs in general.

Bush has been encouraging Sharon's attacks on Palestine for months. But
Israel's invasion of the West Bank - reminiscent of Soviet tanks crushing
Hungary in 1956 - gravely threatened America's Mideast client regimes,
so Bush had to demand Sharon relent.


In an act of sheer farce, Powell was sent on a slow boat to Israel, via
Madrid and Morocco. Before Powell even arrived, former Israeli PM
Benjamin Netanyahu summoned fawning U.S. senators and arrogantly
 informed them Powell's mission would fail.

While the rest of the world condemned Israel's invasion and destruction
of the Palestinian ghettos, not a peep was heard from the White House,
Congress or America's media about Israel's violation of U.S. law in using
U.S.-supplied armour and warplanes against civilians. Nor about Israel's
violation of the Geneva Conventions and other international laws. There
were no protests when Israel's Shimon Peres described massacres of
Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers.

Nor even a tut-tut when Sharon named to his cabinet a fanatical right-wing
general who advocates ethnic cleansing of Palestinians - the same crime
for which the U.S. pursued Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic.

To be sure, there is deep and justified sympathy in the U.S. for the
frightful suffering Israel has endured at the hands of suicide bombers,
and its need for self-defence.

Still, why was America alone in defending Israel's ruthless punishment of
the Palestinians?

How could Bush, only a few weeks ago, still bathing in the bogus glory of
a military triumph against a few thousand medieval tribesman in
Afghanistan, be so suddenly made to look foolish and impotent by events in
the Mideast?

Simply put, Sharon's right-wing Likud party has come to dominate U.S.
Mideast policy through its powerful American lobby, which guides

Under pressure from the Israel lobby, 89 out of 100 senators and at least
280 congressmen recently demanded Bush give Sharon carte blanche to crush
Palestine. As the Israeli writer Uri Avnery wryly noted, if the Israel
lobby gave orders to repeal the Ten Commandments, Congress would vote in

America's media is strongly pro-Israel and averse to dissenting views. A
coterie of hawkish, Israel-first neo-conservatives dominates media
opinion-making and the Pentagon, leading the charge for a war against
Iraq, Iran, and Syria. One even helped to write Bush's foolish axis of
evil speech.

Tight U.S. mid-term elections are approaching.

Bush does not want to anger American Jewish voters
who believe Israel is in mortal danger.


Bush obviously recalls that when his father sought to pressure Israel to
halt building illegal settlements, Bush Sr. was unfairly roasted by the
media as an anti-Semite and forced to back down. No wonder Sharon
can thumb his nose at the White House.

Bush likes to talk tough, but this crisis has shown him to be the exact
opposite. In Texas, they'd say, big hat, no land. Bush has so far failed
to take any real action to halt America's Mideast interests being
undermined by the bloodbath in Palestine and Israel.

The best way to protect Israelis from terror attacks is to 

[CTRL] Fwd: George Bush, Otto Reich Venezuela Coup

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd



Wed Apr 17, 9:31 PM ET

Bush Backs a Botched Coup in Venezuela
by Ted Rall 

They hate what America stands for. They despise freedom. They now know we
love freedom, and we will defend our freedom with all our might.  -George
W. Bush, March 28 

NEW YORK-You didn't have to blink to miss it. Let the record show that
George W. Bush, reconstituted Cold Warrior and ardent defender of democracy,
has suffered his first Bay of Pigs. Whether this experience will chasten him
as much as it did JFK remains to be seen.

In a stunning reminder that the Resident's 76 percent approval rating stops
at the Rio Grande, an American-backed coup against Venezuela's President
Hugo Chávez went from fait accompli to farcical footnote in a matter of

It all began at three o'clock in the morning of the 12th of April, when
flamboyant populist Chávez was arrested by mutinous army officers and
unceremoniously replaced by interim president Pedro Carmona Estanga.
Carmona, chief of a national businessmen's association, immediately reverted
to the right-wing strongman's play book. He suspended scheduled elections,
tossed out laws regulating big business and promised a pluralistic vision,
democratic, civil and ensuring the implementation of the law. Following
that declaration of devotion to democracy he dissolved both the National
Assembly and the Supreme Court.

It comes as little surprise that the Bush Administration, itself the
beneficiary of a coup, would endorse similar subversion elsewhere. But the
American media also proved astonishingly sanguine at the replacement of a
legally-elected leader by a `70s-style junta composed of right-wing army
officers and corrupt businessmen. We know that the Chávez government
provoked this crisis, said White House press secretary Ari Fleischer (news
- web sites) in a statement welcoming news of the unfolding coup d'état.
Describing Carmona as a respected business leader in a glowing puff piece,
The New York Times slammed Chávez as a ruinous demagogue.

Ruinous, perhaps. Demagogue, maybe. Nonetheless, Chávez was the
legally-elected president of Venezuela. What had Chávez done, in the minds
of the American establishment, to justify overthrow, exile and the
subversion of democracy?

According to the best information we have, the government suppressed what
was a peaceful demonstration of the people, said Fleischer, in reference to
an April 11th incident in which armed men wearing clothes indicating loyalty
to Chávez shot 13 anti-government strikers to death and wounded more than
100. Was Fleischer suggesting that the Kent State shootings in 1970 should
have precipitated a coup to remove President Richard Nixon?

Chávez's real crime was refusing to suck up to the U.S. or to its powerful
corporate interests. A maverick elected with the overwhelming support of
Venezuela's poor in 1998, he referred to his nation's upper classes as
squealing pigs and rancid oligarchs. He had a point, too: Venezuela's
tiny elite have hogged its immense oil revenues for itself while millions

Unfortunately for the downtrodden masses whose votes propelled Chávez into
office, Venezuela produces 15 percent of America's oil. This makes the
nation of particular economic and geopolitical interest to Washington. In
February Chávez, acting on a campaign promise to distribute his country's
oil revenues more evenly throughout its impoverished population, replaced
Brigadier General Guaicaipuro Lameda with a politically progressive ally as
head of the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela.

The business community howled in fearful anticipation of further reform.
Company officers, fearing that decades-old systemic corruption was drawing
to a close, ordered work slowdowns, company-mandated strikes and street
demonstrations against their own government in the hope of crippling the
economy and destabilizing Chávez's rule.

The Times summed up the case against Chávez succinctly: He courted Fidel
Castro (news - web sites) and Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), battled the
media and alienated virtually every constituency from middle-class
professionals, academics and business leaders to union members and the Roman
Catholic Church. He visited nations hated by the U.S., including Libya and
Iran, and criticized the war on terror. And he dedicated his rule to
forcing business to share profits with ordinary citizens. In short, Chávez
remained loyal to his leftist principles and to the desperate constituency
who had elected him.

But it didn't matter whether or not the Venezuelan people liked him or
approved of him. Chávez had to go.

It's too soon to know for certain whether the CIA (news - web sites) tried
to engineer an Allende-style operation in Venezuela, but anyone who's read
ex-spy Philip Agee's seminal Inside the Company recognizes classic signs
emanating from New York and Washington: official statements of 

[CTRL] Grassy Knoll Society: From Camelot to Crawford (fwd APFN)

2002-04-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


warren pease
Grassy Knoll Society: From Camelot to Crawford
Sat Apr 20 15:39:25 2002

Grassy Knoll Society: From Camelot to Crawford
April 18, 2002
By warren pease

Which is easier to believe: That the laws of physics which have governed
objects in motion since the big bang were suspended for a few seconds on a
single afternoon in Dallas 39 years ago to allow a single, mediocre marksman
to kill a president? Or that there was another rifleman?

Last week Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D - Courage) broke the code. In a
radio interview, she asked the forbidden question concerning Sept. 11: Why is
the Bush administration stonewalling, and why has it asked Senate
investigators to back off? In short, is Bush Inc. trying to hide something?
If so, what did they know and when did they know it?

In a statement intended to clarify her statements and call off the dogs,
McKinney said, We hold thorough public inquiries into rail disasters, plane
crashes and even natural disasters. Why then does the administration remain
steadfast in its opposition to an investigation into the biggest terrorism
attack in history?

She added that international news organizations have been reporting for
months of indications that the Bush administration had received warnings
about the attacks and failed to act on them.  Naturally, she's being savaged
by the right, the center and the left. Paul Begala, the latest
Democratic white knight to turn yellow from the toxic after-effects of
radical spine-ectomy, even did a ritual dive under the table on Crossfire to
symbolically distance himself from McKinney's comments. It was a gesture so
perfect as a metaphor for media harlotry that it was impossible to
see it without assuming that Paul gave co-host and right-wing fop Tucker
Carlson's thigh a couple of quick squeezes and whispered salacious promises
involving champagne and chains and mirrors in a posh hotel later that

The grassy knoll

Ari Fleischer, presidential spokesdork and owner of the second best smirk in
the western world, dismissed McKinney and those who share her point of view
as members of the grassy knoll society. This refers to an area flanking Elm
Street in Dallas from which an alleged second shooter
opened fire on John F. Kennedy in 1963. Although many witnesses to the
assassination say they heard shots coming from the grassy knoll -- even some
Dallas cops charged in that direction looking for the shooter -- the official
story pins the blame on a single rifleman firing from a sixth floor window of
the old Texas Schoolbook Depository. Ironically, the building now serves as a
museum dedicated to advancing the official story.

But here's the thing. Playing the conspiracy nut card is a time-honored way
to discredit the unofficial points of view. Unfortunately, there are any
number of nuts who do, in fact, give serious conspiracy investigators a bad
name. There are also a lot of very sane profiteers, such as Art Bell,
who are making a ton of money peddling conspiracy theories. But just because
these nuts and shysters exist doesn't mean there are no conspiracies.

While most conspiracy theories -- notably those involving Area 51, Roswell,
or alien abduction -- are viewed by officialdom as merely bread and circuses
for today's gullible junk science consumers, those that challenge important
official truths are dealt with harshly.

One of those official truths is that conspiracies only happen in far-away
places and that, in America, politics is characterized by reasonable actions
taken by reasonable men elected to office by reasonable voters. There are no
conspiracies to remove elected officials in America, and
therefore any political assassinations must be planned and carried out by
single, mentally unbalanced individual with a grudge and a fixation --
usually called the one lone nut theory.

Famous lone nuts include a bunch of guys with three names and another with
one name squared: Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, John Wilkes Booth,
Sirhan Sirhan.

The single-bullet theory

It 1963, it was deemed necessary to preserve the fiction that, in America,
conspiracies don't kill politicians, lone nuts do. And when the facts in the
Kennedy case failed to support this essential construct, a new theory was
invented to fit the facts.

So Arlen Specter, then a young lawyer working for the Warren Commission and
now a US Senator from Pennsylvania, devised a scenario so ridiculous that it
required complete suspension of the laws of physics, along with even the
barest modicum of logic and skepticism.

To fit the official story, Oswald had to have acted alone. But a man named
Abraham Zapruder had filmed the assassination with his home movie camera and,
in the process, established a precise time frame for the sequence of events.
Investigators proved it was physically impossible to get off more than three
shots with the alleged assassination weapon -- a 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: KPFA programmer Kelia Ramirez letter to the FAIR boys

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


To Steve Rendall, Norman Solomon and all
From: Kellia Ramares
Date: April 7, 2002

Re: Some questions and comments from one of the programmers who
has brought
Ruppert to KPFA's airwaves of late

Steve Rendall said:

Norman Solomon has never called for the silencing of
  Ruppert as some earlier posts here have stated.

On March 7, 2002, Norman Solomon wrote:

My own opinion is that KPFA should not be offering Ruppert's
materials as
pledge premiums, nor should KPFA be airing carts promoting his

Clearly Solomon's opinion is that KPFA should not be offering
speech or alerting the listeners to when he is lecturing in the
Area.  I call that censorship.  What do you call it?

While Solomon states that this is his opinion--and he is entitled
to express
his opinion--I don't think he would be expressing his opinion in
a letter to
KPFA senior staffer and editorial board member Philip Maldari if
he didn't
hope KPFA management would adopt his views. The programmers
choose the
premiums they wish to offer. If I were to again have a show next
fund drive
and I were to choose Ruppert's video as a premium, would Norman
want the
station management to tell me no? Sounds like he would, and
that's calling
for censorship to me.

Solomon continues, Since KPFA has already given Ruppert a lot of
air time
with nary a word of challenge on the air, there should first be
time devoted to hearing from debunking voices in order to call it

This is at minimum a call for a moratorium on Ruppert appearances
KPFA. Temporary censorship, if you will.

Outside of occasional debates between candidates for office,
since when does
KPFA adhere to any kind of equal time rule? Public affairs
programmers are
free to adopt specific editorial slants, rather than employing
the A said, B
said formula expected in the news room. I would think that you
this kind of editorial independence in public affairs.  After
all, we don't
hear either of you saying that Barbara Lubin has been on KPFA a
lot, and
there should first be appreciable time devoted to hearing from
settlers before she's on KPFA again. Of course, you side with the
Palestinians, as do I. So what we have here is the principle of
displeases Rendall and Solomon must be subjected to an equal
time policy.
That of which they approves can air ad infinitum unmolested.

As to the amount of time Ruppert has been on KPFA lately:

By my calculations, Ruppert was on for about 106 minutes between
Oct 12th and
February 25th. Breaking down as follows: (times approx.) 20 mins.
Oct 12, 20
mins.. (rerun of the 12th) on Oct 26, 5 mins. of script and
actuality on
January 1st, rerun on January 2nd, 10 minutes on Flashpoints, not
about 9-11,
on February 15th, and about 46 mins. of his lecture on Feb. 25th,
during the
fundraiser. Excerpting speeches is common practice at KPFA during
fund drive

Have I missed something on KFPA involving Ruppert in that time
frame, or is
this your definition of a lot? If we are going to go back and
add up all
the time Ruppert has been on the air at all in KPFA history,
would that come
anywhere near the time both of you have had on KPFA?

After you define a lot, how about defining appreciable? How
much time do
you want on the air to debunk Ruppert in order to call it
even as Solomon

And if it means so much to you, why haven't the two of you used
to state your views? We aired the speech on February 25th. It's a
month since
Solomon faxed his letter. On March 7, 2002, Norman Solomon wrote:
progressive media and progressive movements, this kind of stuff
potentially very destructive. Surely if it's so potentially
destructive, you
could have rearranged your programming to rebut Ruppert. He's on
the Net, he
speaks in other parts of the country. He's appeared on WBAI and
KPFK. He's
national enough to be a fit topic for your syndicated show.

Rendall writes:
  Just look how Ruppert handles a simple matter of fact:
He states below that he is not being permitted to face
his detractors. They will not debate him openly. Then
he names Norman Solomon as one of his primary
detractors. One might logically conclude then that
Norman would refuse any debate with Ruppert, right?
Wrong, it's a fact that Norman debated Ruppert for an
hour on KPFK.

Wrong. The fact is that KPFK interim GM Steven Starr announced to
Ruppert and
host Eben Ray that Solomon was going to debate Ruppert. He did
this ten
minutes before the start of Eben's show, when she had booked
Ruppert for a
one-hour solo interview. And we didn't just hear this from
Ruppert. Bonnie
was recently in LA and she spoke with Eben.  Thus, an encounter
that appeared
on the surface to be a debate was in fact an ambush. A debate
should be a
meeting, time and place of which are agreed to in advance by both
parties and
not foisted upon one of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: McKinney Broke Code of Silence--THANK GOD

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

McKinney Broke the Code of Silence--THANK GOD

 -- 'Which is easier to believe: That the world's mightiest military
power, along with an unparalleled national security and intelligence
apparatus, failed to predict, interdict or even put up a decent fight
against the most deadly attack in this country's modern history? Or that
people in high places put out the word to stand down and let it happen?'
-- democraticunderground.com

From Camelot To Crawford -
And The McKinney Problem
By Warren Pease

From Camelot To Crawford

Which is easier to believe: That the laws of physics which have governed
objects in motion since the big bang were suspended for a few seconds on
a single afternoon in Dallas 39 years ago to allow a single, mediocre
marksman to kill a president? Or that there was another rifleman?

Last week Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D - Courage) broke the code. In
a radio interview, she asked the forbidden question concerning Sept. 11:
Why is the Bush administration stonewalling, and why has it asked Senate
investigators to back off? In short, is Bush Inc. trying to hide
something? If so, what did they know and when did they know it?

In a statement intended to clarify her statements and call off the dogs,
McKinney said, We hold thorough public inquiries into rail disasters,
plane crashes and even natural disasters. Why then does the
administration remain steadfast in its opposition to an investigation
into the biggest terrorism attack in history?

She added that international news organizations have been reporting for
months of indications that the Bush administration had received warnings
about the attacks and failed to act on them. Naturally, she's being
savaged by the right, the center and the left. Paul Begala, the latest
Democratic white knight to turn yellow from the toxic after-effects of
radical spine-ectomy, even did a ritual dive under the table on
Crossfire to symbolically distance himself from McKinney's comments. It
was a gesture so perfect as a metaphor for media harlotry that it was
impossible to see it without assuming that Paul gave co-host and
right-wing fop Tucker Carlson's thigh a couple of quick squeezes and
whispered salacious promises involving champagne and chains and mirrors
in a posh hotel later that evening.

The grassy knoll

Ari Fleischer, presidential spokesdork and owner of the second best
smirk in the western world, dismissed McKinney and those who share her
point of view as members of the grassy knoll society. This refers to
an area flanking Elm Street in Dallas from which an alleged second
shooter opened fire on John F. Kennedy in 1963. Although many witnesses
to the assassination say they heard shots coming from the grassy knoll
-- even some Dallas cops charged in that direction looking for the
shooter -- the official story pins the blame on a single rifleman firing
from a sixth floor window of the old Texas Schoolbook Depository.
Ironically, the building now serves as a museum dedicated to advancing
the official story.

But here's the thing. Playing the conspiracy nut card is a
time-honored way to discredit the unofficial points of view.
Unfortunately, there are any number of nuts who do, in fact, give
serious conspiracy investigators a bad name. There are also a lot of
very sane profiteers, such as Art Bell, who are making a ton of money
peddling conspiracy theories. But just because these nuts and shysters
exist doesn't mean there are no conspiracies.

While most conspiracy theories -- notably those involving Area 51,
Roswell, or alien abduction -- are viewed by officialdom as merely bread
and circuses for today's gullible junk science consumers, those that
challenge important official truths are dealt with harshly.

One of those official truths is that conspiracies only happen in
far-away places and that, in America, politics is characterized by
reasonable actions taken by reasonable men elected to office by
reasonable voters. There are no conspiracies to remove elected officials
in America, and therefore any political assassinations must be planned
and carried out by single, mentally unbalanced individual with a grudge
and a fixation -- usually called the one lone nut theory.

Famous lone nuts include a bunch of guys with three names and another
with one name squared: Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, John Wilkes
Booth, Sirhan Sirhan.

The single-bullet theory

It 1963, it was deemed necessary to preserve the fiction that, in
America, conspiracies don't kill politicians, lone nuts do. And when the
facts in the Kennedy case failed to support this essential construct, a
new theory was invented to fit the facts.

So Arlen Specter, then a young lawyer working for the Warren Commission
and now a US Senator from Pennsylvania, devised a scenario so ridiculous
that it required complete suspension of the laws of physics, along with
even the barest modicum of logic and skepticism.

To fit 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread Xxx Yyy
In a message dated 4/20/02 11:36:03 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the romans had no problem with jesus; in fact, they really liked the guy -
he told everybody to pay taxes and be good citizens. it was the jewish
leaders that requested he be crucified as he was, by definition, a heretic;
and the punishment for heresy was death. the romans only went along with it
in order to prevent a revolt; pilate didn't wash his hands because he fell
in the mud. 

No, the Romans didn't like Jesus. The crowds who followed him believed that he was the prophecied messiah who was going to free them from the Roman government. The religious message was secondary. He was drawing crowds and then, as well as now, governments don't want any large mass of people rising up against them. When that didn't work out, the religious message became primary to his backers in order to hold the followers together until he came again (was resurrected or came back to the earth again in some way). As I understand it, the Sanhedrin wouldn't have met during Passover, even if it worked hand in hand with the Romans. 

With no offense meant to Christians, there has been written material suggesting that Jews who traveled at the time as merchants brought back Gnostic ideas which were incorporated into the thinking of some groups in the Jewish community. These ideas made acceptance of Jesus as a messiah easier to these groups. What would now be called "fundamentalist" Jews fought these Gnostic ideas as heretical. However as there were many self-proclaimed messiahs at the time with their own followings, the "fundamentalist" Jews cried out against their teachings but could do no more. Just as Jews and Christians don't go around killing off those like Moon, Hubbard, Sai Baba, or any other self-proclaimed leaders, it didn't happen that way 2,000 years ago. The Romans got rid of a potential trouble-maker and blamed it on others. However, that didn't stop the growth of Christianity and in time the Romans went after the Christians. 

Re: [CTRL] Aliases

2002-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Colleen, the least you could do is get an email addy NOT based on
You could have kept us guessing for more than one post. ;-D


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[CTRL] Amnesty is Not Enough

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1002,53%257E537244,00.html

Birth, death certificates stolen

2,306 blanks could be used to forge identities

By Dan Luzadder
Special to The Denver Post

Friday, April 19, 2002 - Special to the Denver Post

More than 2,000 state-certified birth and death certificates - blank documents that
would allow criminals or others to create new identities - were stolen from Denver's
vital-records office last week.

The thefts prompted police to issue a nationwide alert, specifically warning more than
4,500 U.S. passport agents who rely on such documents to verify citizenship and

This could well result in some delays when people from Colorado apply for a
passport, or some other documents, Colorado State Registrar Ron Hyman said. He
said he was notified of the thefts last week, and took immediate steps to heighten
security for such forms in similar offices around the state.

This is a very rare occurrence, Hyman said. Some other states have experienced
problems, but it's rare here because we try to keep such a close tab on this stuff.

Police declined to release details, including whether the documents were in a locked
safe or other secured area in the office at 600 Bannock St.

There are no obvious suspects, said Detective John White, a spokesman for the
Denver Police Department. There were no signs of forced entry, he said.

Issues of false identification have been a focus of U.S. security measures since the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Hijackers used phony birth certificates to obtain 
documents under false names.

A report to Congress by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - based
on investigations by the General Accounting Office and U.S. intelligence agencies -
said that 90 percent to 100 percent of federal fugitives and drug traffickers also
routinely use legitimate state identity documents obtained under a phony name.

Authorities say fraudulent birth certificates, most of them forged, are the breeder
documents with which criminals and terrorists can obtain photo-identification
documents such as state driver's licenses, Social Security cards and passports.

The HHS report, released before the terrorist attacks, said that once a valid passport
has been issued with a phony birth certificate, it is almost impossible to detect.

Denver police Detective John Costigan III said the document theft occurred between
5 p.m. April 9, when the office closed, and 9 a.m. the next morning. A supervisor
discovered the documents missing and called police and state officials.

While authorities are not giving details, an Internet bulletin issued Wednesday to
members of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners identified the serial
numbers on the documents as 1851001 to 1853000 for the 2,000 missing birth
certificates. The numbers on the 306 death certificates were 309695 to 31. Also
taken in the theft was an electronic seal for the city and county of Denver.

The letter-size blank birth-certificate forms are preprinted with Hyman's signature.
The death certificates carry a signature from Dr. Franklin Judson as local registrar.

The forms are printed by American Bank Notes with special threads, light-sensitive
inks and watermarks. Only the serial numbers can identify the forms as fraudulent
once they are filled out.

With the ability to easily create a birth certificate like this, they have the 
document to establish a whole new identity, Hyman said. Or with these death
certificates, someone could close the books on one identity, and move to another.

Denver police declined to speculate on the street value of the state forms. But an
investigation after Sept. 11 by the Bergen Record newspaper on New Jersey's black
market in false-identity papers said that even poorly counterfeited birth certificates
were selling for $150 to $300 each on the street. That means the Denver documents
could be worth anywhere from $350,000 to $700,000.

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[CTRL] Congress Gets the Hint

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A11552-


Border Security Bill Clears Senate
Tighter Watch on Student Visas Sought

By Helen Dewar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 19, 2002; Page A10

The Senate last night unanimously approved a bill to tighten security at the nation's
borders, including closer monitoring of immigrants with student visas.

The legislation was passed 97 to 0 and includes an array of provisions -- prompted
by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks -- aimed at preventing terrorists from obtaining 
to enter the United States. The measure is similar to a House-approved bill, and its
sponsors said the House is likely to go along with minor Senate changes and send
the legislation to President Bush.

Bush issued a statement immediately after the vote, commending the Senate for its
action and saying he looked forward to signing the bill. He also urged Congress to
complete action on immigration legislation that the Senate will consider separately in
the near future.

The bill authorizes 200 new border agents in each of the next five years, along with
more money for training. Congress would have to fund the legislation in a separate
bill; the estimated cost over three years is $3.2 billion.

The bill attempts to tighten control over student visas in several ways. The
government would have to monitor a student's entry into this country and report it to
the student's intended school. The school would have to notify the government if the
student fails to report for class. At least one of the Sept. 11 hijackers entered the
country on a student visa but did not show up for classes.

The bill also calls for creating an electronic database from law enforcement and
intelligence sources, including a sophisticated name-matching system, to help
immigration and consular officials identify and bar possible terrorists. Also, consular
offices would be required to transmit an electronic version of an immigrant's visa file
to U.S. immigration officials before the person's arrival.

High-level approval would be required before any visa could be issued to people from
countries the United States has designated as terrorist.

All commercial airlines and ships coming to the United States would have to provide
a list of passengers and crew before arrival. U.S. airlines now provide such lists but
many foreign carriers do not.

By October 2004, all travel documents for those entering or leaving the country would
have to be tamper-resistant and machine-readable, and a year later equipment to
handle the documents would have to be installed at all ports of entry. The passports,
visas and other documents would have to include biometric identifiers such as
fingerprints or retinal scans.

Last March the House passed a broader bill that combined the border security
provisions with more controversial legislation making it easier for some illegal
immigrants to gain permanent residency in the United States.

The House bill would revive the recently expired Section 245 (i) program, under
which illegal immigrants could remain in this country while seeking to become
permanent residents if they pay a $1,000 fee and have a close relative or employer
to sponsor them.

Senate leaders temporarily dropped the immigration provisions at the insistence of
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W. Va.), who contended they amounted to amnesty for
people who broke the law. Senate leaders of both parties said they intend to bring up
the provisions as soon as possible.

Byrd also insisted on a number of technical changes in the border security bill but
dropped more controversial proposals, including one, aimed at China, that would bar
imports produced by prison labor or child labor.

Angela Kelley, deputy director for the Washington-based National Immigration
Forum, applauded the Senate for taking action that isolates terrorism without
isolating America.

These are just common-sense measures that keep us a nation of immigrants,
Kelley said. It's a forward-looking approach to national security.

T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that
represents Border Patrol agents, praised the bill for including additional training and
enhanced technology. It closes a lot of the loopholes that exist in the way the system
works now, he said. It's not the end-all but . . . I think it's a good start.

James W. Ziglar, head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, declined to
comment on the legislation. But a Justice Department official said the bill will help 
agency do our part in fighting terrorism.

Staff writer Cheryl W. Thompson contributed to this report.

© 2002 The Washington Post Company


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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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[CTRL] U.S. Papers Hail Venezuelan Coup as Pro-Democracy Move

2002-04-20 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 8:24 PM
Subject: U.S. Papers Hail Venezuelan Coup as Pro-Democracy Move

Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and activism

U.S. Papers Hail Venezuelan Coup as Pro-Democracy Move

April 18, 2002

When elements of the Venezuelan military forced president Hugo Chavez from
office last week, the editorial boards of several major U.S. newspapers
followed the U.S. government's lead and greeted the news with enthusiasm.

In an April 13 editorial, the New York Times triumphantly declared that
Chavez's resignation meant that Venezuelan democracy is no longer
threatened by a would-be dictator. Conspicuously avoiding the word
coup, the Times explained that Chavez stepped down after the military
intervened and handed power to a respected business leader.

Calling Chavez a ruinous demagogue, the Times offered numerous
criticisms of his policies and urged speedy new elections, saying
Venezuela urgently needs a leader with a strong democratic mandate. A
casual reader might easily have missed the Times' brief acknowledgement
that Chavez did actually have a democratic mandate, having been elected
president in 1998.

The paper's one nod to the fact that military takeovers are not generally
regarded as democratic was to note hopefully that with continued civic
participation, perhaps further military involvement in Venezuelan
politics could be kept to a minimum.

Three days later, Chavez had returned to power and the Times ran a second
editorial (4/16/02) half-apologizing for having gotten carried away:

In his three years in office, Mr. Chavez has been such a divisive and
demagogic leader that his forced departure last week drew applause at home
and in Washington. That reaction, which we shared, overlooked the
undemocratic manner in which he was removed. Forcibly unseating a
democratically elected leader, no matter how badly he has performed, is
never something to cheer.

The Times stood its ground, however, on the value of a timely military
coup for teaching a president a lesson, saying, We hope Mr. Chavez will
act as a more responsible and moderate leader now that he seems to realize
the anger he stirred.

The Chicago Tribune's editorial board seemed even more excited by the coup
than the New York Times'. An April 14 Tribune editorial called Chavez an
elected strongman and declared: It's not every day that a democracy
benefits from the military's intervention to force out an elected

Hoping that Venezuela could now move on to better things, the Tribune
expressed relief that Venezuela's president was safely out of power and
under arrest. No longer would he be free to pursue his habits of
toasting Fidel Castro, flying to Baghdad to visit Saddam Hussein, or
praising Osama bin Laden.

(FAIR called the Tribune to ask when Chavez had praised bin Laden.
Columnist and editorial board member Steve Chapman, who wrote the
editorial, said that in attempting to locate the reference for FAIR, he
discovered that he had misread his source, a Freedom House report.
Chapman said that if the Tribune could find no record of Chavez praising
bin Laden, the paper would run a correction.)

The Tribune stuck unapologetically to its pro-coup line even after Chavez
had been restored to power. Chavez's return may have come as good news to
Latin American governments that had condemned his removal as just another
military coup, wrote the Tribune in an April 16 editorial, but that
doesn't mean it's good news for democracy. The paper seemed to suggest
that the coup would have been no bad thing if not for the heavy-handed
bungling of [Chavez's] successors.

Long Island's Newsday, another top-circulation paper, greeted the coup
with an April 13 editorial headlined Chavez's Ouster Is No Great Loss.
Newsday offered a number of reasons why the coup wasn't so bad, including
Chavez's confrontational leadership style and left-wing populist
rhetoric and the fact that he openly flaunted his ideological
differences with Washington. The most important reason, however, was
Chavez's incompetence as an executive, specifically, that he was
mismanaging the nation's vast oil wealth.

After the coup failed, Newsday ran a follow-up editorial (4/16/02) which
came to the remarkable conclusion that if there is a winner in all this,
it's Latin American democracy, in principle and practice. The incident,
according to Newsday, was an affirmation of the democratic process
because the coup gave a sobering wake-up call to Chavez, who was on a
path to subverting the democratic mandate that had put him in power three
years ago.

The Los Angeles Times waited until the dust had settled (4/17/02) to run
its editorial on Venezuela's Strange Days. The paper was dismissive of
Chavez's status as an elected leader-- saying it goes against the grain
to put the name Hugo Chavez and the word 'democracy' in the same
sentence-- but pointed out 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

AT WorldNetDaily, an article was posted, On to Baghdad (URL AT bottom).
These are my thoughts that I shared with the author.  AER 

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Isn't this an interesting thing about words:  On to ...  means
pretty much the same as Off to [Baghdad, the races, et cetera] ... 

Anyway, we've got this whole war thing upside down.  Isn't it a sort
of perversion that people spend so much time and effort raising their
kids to be productive members of society -- educated, socialised,
family-oriented, reverent, thrifty, and all that?

Perverse?  But those are admirable traits!!! you might exclaim.
What kind of whacko are you to write me this, this, this ...
abominable abomination!

Yes, perverse and there is no other word for it.  Of course, I'm a
child of the 1950ies, a Cold War boomer baby and educated through the
1960ies and 1970ies.  And I was not a fortunate son.  But I wasn't
drafted but I did enlist later on (beating the state at its own game!
Ha!).  Yes, perversion and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
And more line and the pole and the reel.  Almost got to bite at the
hand that was feedin' me, too.

We spend oddles and kaboodles of time, effort, and money to bring each
child to their prime, young adulthood.  Then we elect (or select)
leaders who think up these interesting policies, many of which --
lately -- entail going off to to some distant land to show these
leaders' muscle.  Yes, they all volunteered to have children then
their children volunteered to become subject to the leaders' need to
flex their muscles (if only all the leaders could be as specific as
Bill-Jeff Blythe-Clinton as to which muscle is most enjoyably flexed
(but this is all about impotence or cuckoldry anyway, in the end,
isn't it?)).

So, for example, W decides we need a War on Terrorism and then we
have to bomb and rape an pillage and plunder (trite but true) some
place like Aghanland that has not known the absence of war for who
knows how long (well, that goes for Iraq, too, but the rules are
different for the Cradle of Civilisation).  Salt in the wound.  But so
what?  A quick telephone call goes to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs who
then relays the orders down the chain, plans are pulled off of
shelves, more calls made, bases and posts and formations and armadas
are set to a-scurryin'.  Let the younguns show how strong we are,
they all sing out an a-capellan cacophonous chorus.  Send our best
and brightest, those in whom we invest our moneys and our values,
those who hold the best hope for the future.  Yes, send in the
younguns.  This is where it becomes plainly perverse, upside down,
where the side that never seen no sunshine exposes itself, like a
black hole, sucking energy and matter and mind and spirit into an
infinite maelstrom, around - around - around and down ... and out.
The equal and oppostie reaction to a hard-boiled egg and dark beer
fart; bad enough when it comes out but just think of it going back in.

It's time change the established order.  The old men and women want to
make war, they tell us.  But they go to the young men and women to
serve as their proxies for this, this orgy of vaicariation, this
initiation into the cult of the blood lust.  Oops!  No more!  If the
leaders want to make war ... Bush (41 and 43), Blythe-Clinton,
Wolfowitz, Perle, Rummy, and any of the other old and addled, they get
to go themselves.  And, what will be nice about this is they get to
not only relive their youths, when they was arm chair generals, but
now they get to take to the field.  And all the leaders from the
warmaking branches of government get to get outfitted in their plume
bedecked pork-pie hats, their polyester leisure suit uniforms with the
mystery metal ornaments, mystery mettle adorements, and their
snake-skin pointy- toed combat boots.  Shoot, we've got it all; we've
even got generals who have a bonafide tin-foil covered cardboard
replicas of real swords.  On-ward, off-ward!, they can command.  And
the Britlanders will know exactly what to do.

There will be the requisite cries of Foul! and Unfair! from the
old men and women.  I'm not in shape!, says one.  I'm too fat,
says another.  But I have my retirement ahead of me, says a third.
And then and there we find out that all their kids were ever worth
were deductions on about two decades worth of tax returns.  The kids
were really meant to be used for expense accounts and to later be
sacrificed at the altars of Mars, the eternal God of War, the deity of
the War Parties, the deity of the Imperial Globalists.  To sate the
martial Mars, all things red must be devoted to it.  Offers are made
of endless streams of blood, the life-force eternal, vital, renewable,
transferable, immutable in its sacredness.

But I am a Christian!, a lonely voice speaks out above the throng.
I conscientiously object on the words of the Master!  'The meek shall
inherit the Earth.' 'Blessed are the peacemakers.'   Read them for
yourself; they too 

[CTRL] (Fwd) On to Baghdad!!!

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

DOn't think this got out the first time.  AER 

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
follows. To view this item online, visit

Saturday, April 20, 2002

On to Baghdad!

Posted: April 20, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Gordon Prather

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

If you're having trouble figuring out why the media elite and the war
hawks are beating up on President Bush, you ought to read Nicholas
Lemann's excellent article, The Next World Order, in the April 1
issue of the New Yorker.

Apparently, the war hawks have been – for at least the past decade –
hell-bent on establishing a New World Order. The war hawks suppose it
would be nice if other countries helped us, opposing such things as
terrorism and the development of weapons of mass destruction – as
the war hawks define those terms. But if other countries won't help
us, then we'll just have to do it all by ourselves.

The first manifestation of this Next World Order was to have been a
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. But no other country is willing to follow
us, and President Bush has reservations about going it alone. That's
why the media elite and the war hawks are beating up on him.

The original war hawk rationale was that Saddam had developed weapons
of mass destruction in violation of U.N. Resolution 687, which
established the terms and conditions for the formal ceasefire in the
Gulf War. Since Sept. 11, war hawks have also been suggesting that
Saddam has given – or intends to give – WMD to terrorists for use in
the U.S.

That may be true, if you include such things as wheat smut – whatever
that is – in your WMD definition. But whatever the war hawks do
include, every time they say weapons of mass destruction, they hope
you will hear them say nukes.

As for real nukes, then-Director General Hans Blix of the U.N.
International Atomic Energy Agency was made responsible for ensuring
full Iraqi cooperation in implementing Resolution 687. Blix's IAEA was
already responsible for ensuring that Iraq was in compliance with the
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

For eight years, Blix's inspectors were able to verify Iraqi
compliance with both Resolution 687 and the NPT. In January 2001 and
2002 – Hans Blix having been succeeded by Mohamed Al-Baradei – IAEA
inspectors were allowed to enter Iraq to verify compliance with the
NPT, but not to check compliance with Resolution 687. The U.N.
commission that was supposed to support IAEA Resolution 687
inspections had voluntarily withdrawn from Iraq in December 1998.

Now there is a new Resolution 687 inspection organization – the
Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission – and Hans Blix is
in charge. In addition to supporting the IAEA, Blix will now be
responsible for ensuring that Iraq is not continuing to develop
chemical or biological agents, as well as medium-range ballistic
missiles for delivering them.

The war hawks' worst nightmare is that Al-Baradei's IAEA nuke
inspectors – supported by Blix – will speedily verify that Iraq is
still in compliance with Resolution 687.

Rats! How can the war hawks ever justify invading Iraq if Americans
learn they are in no danger of being nuked in their jammies by Saddam?

What to do?

Well, according to the Washington Post, Deputy Defense Secretary
Wolfowitz asked the CIA to investigate the performance of Hans Blix
when he was IAEA director general. Apparently, Wolfowitz hoped that
the CIA would report that Blix was incompetent – that he should have
discovered before the Gulf War that Saddam was violating the NPT.

But, as the CIA reported to Wolfowitz, prior to U.N. Resolution 687,
Blix could only inspect Iraqi declared facilities, and Saddam had
not declared his clandestine nuke program. Resolution 687
essentially gave Blix – and now Al-Baradei – the unfettered access
necessary to ensure that all Iraqi nuke-related programs have been
ended and all nuke-related materials and facilities destroyed.

At the urging of many Islamic states, Saddam is presently negotiating
the return of the Resolution 687 inspectors with Secretary-General
Kofi Annan.

Of course, Blix can never assure the U.N. Security Council that Saddam
cannot produce a batch of wheat smut some dark night. But it takes
years – and an enormous energy-intensive infrastructure – to produce
enough highly enriched uranium to make a few nukes. Al-Baradei can
readily determine whether or not Saddam is making the nuke materials
he needs.

Hence, long before the current blood-letting in the Holy Land is
ended, Blix may well have assured the Security Council that Saddam is
not making nukes.

Double rats!

Of course, the war hawks could still try to justify an invasion if
Blix finds that Saddam is still capable of making a crock of wheat
smut. But President Bush may have more than a few reservations about
going that alone.

Physicist James Gordon 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-20 Thread Xxx Yyy
What a poetic little piece alamaine. Recently I read a piece in which a journalist claimed that it was "outrageous" that she was actually checkpointed when she wanted to get to Arafat. And then there's the real world where evil, cruelty, powerlust, revenge, jealousy can possess the minds of men who have left the restraits of morality behind. Yes, it's primitive at the individual, community and country levels. It happens in homes, on backstreets, in boardrooms and on the battlefield. Sometimes laws can restrain these displays but only if everyone agrees to play by those rules and punish everyone who breakes the rules. The Islamic countries have been living by their own set of rules which are in conflict with other sets of community rules. And what seem to be the rules by which the Muslims live? Here is an exerpt from a larger piece which spells some of them out.

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
March 2001
Manfred Gerstenfeld

Propagating Murder

The importance of Palestinian education is particularly important for two reasons. Today, Islam is the one powerful, worldwide ideological stream in many parts of which a culture of death and murder is widely propagated. 

This trend is not limited to the Shi'ites, of whom Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah are prime examples. In Sunni Baghdad, tens of prostitutes were beheaded last year. In Saudi Arabia beheadings are a regular punishment. In Algeria, major massacres by Muslim fundamentalists have been going on for years. During the month of Ramadan alone, at the end of 2000, more than 300 people were murdered there. In Syria, Bashir Assad has come to power whose father killed tens of thousands of civilians in Hamma. Although not officially proven, it is very likely that the Libyan government of Kaddafi had the bomb placed on the PanAm plane which exploded over Lockerbie.

It is hardly by chance that the world's most wanted terrorist, the Saudi Osama Bin Laden, is an Arab. He has been indicted by the United States for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed over 200 people. Furthermore, he is suspected of having organized the attack in October 2000 on the American ship USS Cole in the port of Aden, where 17 American servicemen were killed; even after that, he moved so freely in Afghanistan that he was shown in January 2001 on an Arab satellite channel, attending the wedding of his son.15

In Indonesia, a country of "moderate" Southeast Asian Islam, the recent explosions of mass murder and expulsion in Timor and the Moluccas are a further example of violence inspired by Islam. During Christmas 2000 in various parts of Indonesia, bombs exploded near churches, killing 13 and wounding 200.16 Over the past decades, hundreds of thousands have been killed in pogroms of various kinds. 

No other prominent culture today speaks about holy war the way several main Muslim currents do. Sending young Palestinian children to attack soldiers is one aspect of it. This is not a new tactic, however; it was already applied by the Iranians in their war against Iraq.


2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.alecwatch.org/index.html

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) boasts “During the 1999- 2000
legislative cycle, ALEC legislators introduced more than 3100 pieces of legislation
based on our models, and more than 450 of these were enacted. . . . In the
legislative Sessions of 2000, there were more than 2150 introductions promoting
ALEC Policy.”

So why haven’t we ever heard of this group?

Because corporate America doesn’t want us to know. Close scrutiny reveals that
ALEC is little more than a screen for hundreds of big corporations and trade
associations to advance their legislative agendas in state capitals from coast to


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ALEC - Foreward

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.alecwatch.org/forward.html

Corporate America's Trojan Horse in the States
The Untold Story Behind the American Legislative Exchange Council


Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council assembled this
unprecedented, jointly produced report to help shine the public spotlight on a
corrosive, secretive and highly influential power in state capitals around the nation —
the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). As documented in the pages
that follow, while ALEC purports to be a “good-government” group operating in the
public interest, its sole mission is to advance special-interest legislation across the
nation on behalf of its corporate sponsors and funders. The organization’s behind-
the-scenes advocacy has been surprisingly effective – leading, according to ALEC
material, to the enactment of more than 450 state laws during the 1999 and 2000
state legislative sessions.

ALEC would have the public believe that it’s an association of elected members of
the 50 state legislatures with varying political and public policy philosophies.
However, ALEC is nothing less than a tax-exempt facade for the country’s largest
corporations and kindred entities. Companies likes Enron, Amoco, Chevron, Shell,
Texaco, Coors Brewing, Koch Industries, Nationwide Insurance, Pfizer, National
Energy Group, Philip Morris, and R. J. Reynolds pay for essentially all of ALEC’s
expenses. The payments might be membership dues, fees to sit on nine industry-
specific committees that approve “model” bills, expenditures for lavish parties and
entertainment, or “scholarships” to pay for targeted legislators to attend ALEC’s
junket-like meetings.

ALEC’s role is especially insidious because state law-making bodies are even
Foreword more vulnerable to secretive and well-financed corporate advocacy than
the U.S. Congress. Many states have little or no public reporting requirements that
would require disclosure of junkets and gifts awarded to legislators by ALEC, and
little or no lobbying disclosure laws requiring public release of information about
ALEC’s funding support and methods of operation. State legislatures are often made
up primarily of underpaid, under-appreciated, part-time lawmakers with few if any
personal staff to help research, evaluate and enact complex laws, and are
notoriously parsimonious in providing for their own analytical needs. Meanwhile, the
public advocacy groups most likely to oppose corporate excesses are too thinly
funded to compete effectively in most states. For all of these reasons, ALEC’s
approach of brazenly promoting a corporate agenda as the product of a supposedly
objective, nonprofit organization is especially effective in state legislatures, and
especially attractive to the corporations that set its advocacy agenda.

Environment is an especially popular target for ALEC, which is currently promoting
more than two dozen industry bills related to energy and environmental protection.
According to one staff member, the goal is “...to break the stranglehold of the
command-and-control policies promoted by the EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) and the extremist environmental lobby.” But this is only one aspect of
ALEC’s reach. While our organizations are of course especially concerned about
ALEC’s destructive environmental initiatives, the organization’s “model” bills cover
the full range of subjects on which business has a state legislative interest, 
health care, land use, tobacco restrictions, mandated employee benefits, utility
regulation, agriculture, tax policy, education and much more.

American capitalism has helped give this country the highest standard of living in
history, and its potential to continue to do the same is remarkable if the rules within
which government requires that it compete, grow and evolve are properly drawn to
protect our environment and quality of life against corporate excesses. These
protections are essential in part because it is the nature of the corporate ethic to
continually fight to obtain the most lenient regulatory environment possible in order 
maximize profits and stock price. The resulting pressures can create an attitude that
whatever is possible within the law is justified, as is re-shaping the law to make it
increasingly more permissive.

Due to the magnitude and visibility of the Enron collapse, the public can hope for
some remedial action at the federal level. But that is not sufficient. Polluters,
developers, and their big business allies will use their extensive resources to finance
a corporate takeover of state government if we continue to turn a blind eye to the
deceptive and insidious work of the American Legislative Exchange Council. It is
time to hold this group, and its members, accountable for the greater public interest.

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
John Adams
Natural Resources Defense Council



Re: [CTRL] Christian right steps in on Mideast

2002-04-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Euphorian wrote:
(Quoting CS Monitor article)

 Pro-Israeli groups – including Christian conservatives – say Israel is America's only
 reliable Mideast ally. It's a democracy. It shares similar values. And it, too, is 
 a war on terrorism.

Yes, it shares similar values. Like...you can spend up to 3 years in jail
in Israel for preaching Christianity. Like...being officially and
vigorously against the teachings of Jesus Christ. And we all know those
many quotes in the Gospels which command Christians to LOVE THE ENEMIES OF
CHRIST...and the more Anti-Christ they are the more Christians should love
them. Isn't that what the Whitehouse Preachers preach?

Anything for good ol' 666. There's your Christian Right


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread janesaved

-Caveat Lector-

John 10:17  Therefore doth my Father love me, because
I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
John 10:18  NO MAN taketh it from me, but I lay it
down OF MYSELF. I have power to lay it down, and I
have power to take it again. This commandment have I
received of my Father.
--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

   it was
   obviously *not* nazi assholes that nailed
 christ up to the cross.
  It was the ROMANS. Crucifixion was a ROMAN
 punishment given for treason
  against the ROMAN empire. Going after the Jewish
 authorities who were
  in bed with Rome at the time, would have been
 cause enough.

 the romans had no problem with jesus; in fact, they
 really liked the guy -
 he told everybody to pay taxes and be good citizens.
 it was the jewish
 leaders that requested he be crucified as he was, by
 definition, a heretic;
 and the punishment for heresy was death. the romans
 only went along with it
 in order to prevent a revolt; pilate didn't wash his
 hands because he fell
 in the mud.

   is born out of the christian tradition of
  Nazism is pagan, not Christian.

 the arians are supreme part of nazism is pagan;
 the semites are plotting
 to destroy us part is the result of hundreds of
 years of bigotry pushed,
 originally, by the vatican. personally, i'm not
 entirely convinced that
 hitler or the neo-pagans in charge actually
 *believed* any of their
 anti-jewish tripe; either way, it was used by
 hitler's bosses as a means to
 bring out long standing societal prejudices and
 brainwash the people into
 complete subservience. you're starving and
 desperate.who do you blame?
 the jews! give us supreme power and we'll get rid of
 all of them! only then
 will you be fed and comfortable.. bullshit, of
 coursebut it worked
 because europe *already* had strong anti-semitic
 feelings hidden away under
 the carpet: feelings that were the result of vatican
 propaganda resulting
 from the circumstances around the death of christ.

  brought upon
   ridiculous conclusions stemming from the
 historical fact that christ
   killed by a mob of fundamentalist jews.
  Again, Jews who were in bed with the ROMANS.

 the romans were never concerned with the internal
 workings of their
 provinces; they allowed everything from independant
 currency to religious
 freedom. they merely desired taxes and a place for
 their citizens to worship
 when they happened to drop by. given this, i'm not
 entirely sure what your
 point is: true, rome chose to associate itself with
 those willing to
 associate with it; but i'm failing to see how this
 changes the historical
 fact that jesus was crucified primarily because he
 was seen as a threat to
 the continuing existence of the jewish aristocracy,
 which held supreme power
 solely through religious subjugation.

 At the time, the high
  priest was ROMAN-appointed.

 yet widely despised.

  Judea was under ROMAN occupation, not
  rising up until 66 A.D. in the first Jewish

 roman occupation, yes. yet, truly, not under roman

 pop question: who led the first revolt?



 there ought to be limits to freedom - george w.
 if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a
 lot easier, just so long
 as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
 i'm not going to let congress erode the power of
 the executive branch -
 george w. bush

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
 Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
 soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
 read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Firsters rally against Bush-Powell peace plan

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon

April 19, 2002

Israel Firsters rally against Bush-Powell peace plan 

We don't really need to know much about the recent "We stand with Israel, now and forever" rally held in Washington, D.C., except the following report from Associated Press: 

"A top administration official was interrupted and booed Monday when he told thousands of people gathered at the Capitol for a pro-Israel rally that Palestinians as well as Israelis have been victims of Mideast violence. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was drowned out by chants of 'no more Arafat' and booed as he told a packed crowd of thousands that 'innocent Palestinians are suffering and dying as well. It is critical that we recognize and acknowledge that fact.'"

Every movement has its nutballs, and the most radical are always the loudest, but from the transcript of the rally and various news reports, the jeering clearly wasn't an isolated phenomenon; it was a roar of disapproval from the crowd that threatened to drown out Wolfowitz, at least momentarily. Gary Alcorn of the Sydney Morning Herald zoomed in on one of the hecklers:

"'Booo. Go home,' yelled Laurence Mammon, an antique dealer who was crammed with tens of thousands of people on the grass in front of the Capitol building.

"When the staunchly pro-Israel Mr Wolfowitz pointed out that 'innocent Palestinians are suffering and dying' as well as Israelis, Mr Mammon joined in with a chant that almost drowned out the secretary. 'No Double Standard! No Double Standard!' It was the mantra for what was said to be the biggest rally in support of Israel in United States history. "

Ah yes, they must mean the double standard whereby we bombed Yugoslavia for allegedly doing what Israel is visibly trying to do in Palestine.


The boos are not recorded in the transcript (although "cheers" and "applause" are dutifully noted). When Wolfowitz was done, Zuckerman admonished the crowd: "Hold your comments. We'll have time in a little while for all of you to be heard."

Yes, those who ask, if only implicitly, "why shouldn't the Palestinians suffer?" – they also had their say at this rally.

The same crowd that jeered Wolfowitz --and the very idea of compassion for Palestinian suffering – cheered Bill Bennett's demagogic pitch for "moral clarity." Michael Gelman, the president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, introduced Bennett by saying: 

"On September 12th, the day after the terrorist attack on our country, my neighbor and friend, Bill Bennett, said to me, 'Now we are all Israelis.'"

Here is the perfect device to evade the present conflict between American and Israeli interests in the Middle East: simply deny the divergence by proclaiming that, somehow, Americans are Israelis. But is America really analogous to an occupying power, one that, furthermore, finds itself in natural collision with the entire Arab-Muslim world? 

The amen corner would certainly like to convince us that it's America and Israel against most of the rest of the world, but certainly the Bush administration is of another opinion. The perfect convergence of Israeli and American interests is a fiction, one easily dispelled by Bennett's own writings: it was he, after all, who concurred when Sharon compared the President of the United States to Neville Chamberlain. In any conflict between Israel and the US, the Israel lobby – of which Bennett is one of the most visible spokespersons – always chooses the former.


In claiming that "Israel has been fighting terrorism for 54 years," what Bennett is really saying is that the Palestinians never had any rights, anyway, including the right to self-defense: they, not the Israeli colonizers, are the interlopers, and any action Israel may take against them is justified. Israel is to be given a blank check, and, says, Bennett, the US has no moral right to intervene:

"Israel, we need to remind some of our countrymen, is not asking us to fight for it. It is asking only for the right to be left alone to fight its own war on terrorism. And if we let Israel fight her war, we will be the beneficiaries."

Israel wants the right to be left alone – as long as the US foots the bill. Those IDF tanks, those modern weapons, those bloody bulldozers – all were paid for by the US taxpayers. That's $90 billion-plus since 1949. Oh, yes, I'm sure they want to be left alone to spend our money on building "settlements" over bulldozed Palestinian communities – and attack helicopters to do battle with stone-throwing children – and yet surely the US has some interest in not being seen as an accomplice to Sharon's crimes. But since "we are all Israelis now," there are no American interests, only Israeli interests. 


That was the point of Bennett's speech, and the theme of this rally – the biggest rally held on behalf of a foreign power since the huge 

[CTRL] 'TAGINT' - Tag Intelligence Begins To Boom

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon

'TAGINT' - Tag Intelligence 
Begins To Boom
>From ELN/jrdreier 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] From James Oberg

In Singapore, cars "talk" to the streets they drive on. In Tulsa, retailers test a system that lets products inform the store when they're bought. In home kitchens later this decade, frozen dinners might automatically give cooking instructions to microwaves. 

The Internet revolution was about people connecting with people. The next revolution will be about things connecting with things. And it's taking shape in pockets around the globe. For the first time, big players such as Wal-Mart, Gillette, and Procter  Gamble are joining to give the technology serious momentum. In a twist, this next technological chapter won't emerge out of ever-more-powerful computers and faster Internet connections. This shift comes from the opposite direction. 

It will ride on pieces of plastic the size of postage stamps, costing a nickel or less. Each tag will contain a computer chip, storing a small amount of data, and a minuscule antenna that lets the chip communicate with a network. In time, when billions of tags are out there and communicating, the technology will infiltrate business and everyday life to a greater extent than today's personal computers, cell phones or email. In decades to come, its impact might be as fundamental as the invention of the light bulb. Those tags will someday be on everything  egg cartons, eyeglasses, books, toys, trucks, money, and so on. All those items will be able to wirelessly connect to networks or the Internet, sending information to computers, home appliances or other electronic devices. 

Grocery items will tell the store what needs to be restocked and which items are past their expiration dates. The groceries will check themselves out in a split second as you push a full cart past a reader. A wine lover could look on a computer screen and see what's in her wine cellar. Prescription drug bottles could work together to send you a warning if the combination of pills you're about to swallow would be toxic. 

"Any single one of these (tags) is like a one-celled organism. They're just smart enough to say their own name." Like cells, their power will come from billions of them working together. 

Auto-ID at MIT is the program backed by Wal-Mart and the other blue-chip companies, and is trying to create a standard, like Internet protocol, for the tags' communication. That would enable any tag to connect to any network, much as any PC can work on any network. The technology doesn't really have a handy name. The tags are known as radio frequency identification tags, or RFID. The Auto-ID center calls the core of its standard "ePC," which stands for Electronic Product Code. 

RFID has been around awhile. During World War II, the military used a high-powered, bulky version of it to identify friendly aircraft. Starting in the 1970s, the federal government stuck RFID tags on nuclear materials to better track them. In the 1980s, commercial warehouses used it to locate loaded pallets. 

These days RFID shows up in a few familiar places. The technology is in Exxon Mobil's Speedpass  a key fob that works like a credit card, wirelessly identifying you to a gas pump. On highways across the USA, wireless toll booth systems such as E-Z Pass work on RFID. 

Singapore relies on the technology to control traffic. Its system, called Electronic Road Pricing, or ERP, charges different prices to drive on different roads at different times. Driving on one main artery between 0830-0900 costs $3 (in Singapore dollars  US $1.60) but is free 1400-1730. The pricing encourages drivers to stay off busy roads at busy times. Every car must have an RFID tag, which communicates with readers along every major road. The road readers identify each car and send information to a central computer, which adds up car owners' bills. Until now, the tags have been too expensive for anything but specialty applications like E-Z Pass and Singapore's ERP. One tag costs about $1  hardly worth pasting to a $3 frozen dinner or even a $20 bottle of wine. 

But a small, private California company called Alien Technology is pioneering mass-production methods that will radically reduce the cost. Later this year, Alien will take orders for 500 million tags at a time, selling each tag for just under 7 cents. One such 500 million-tag order would exceed all the RFID tags ever made. The Auto-ID center figures the tags must get down to 5 cents each. Tag prices won't drop to 5 cents until at least 2005. At 7 cents, major companies consider the technology promising. At 5 cents, it would start rolling out into business applications. 

Arno Penzias  a Nobel prize-winning scientist, one-time head of Bell Labs and an investor in Alien Technology  has a favorite microcosmic scenario: You lose your eyeglasses. They've fallen under the family room couch. The tag on the eyeglasses connects with a reader in the family 

[CTRL] Milan Air Crash No Suicide Say Friends

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon

Milan Air Crash Theories Emerge - 
Pilot Friends Say No Suicide

MILAN, Italy (CNN) - Friends and colleagues of the pilot whose aircraft crashed into a Milan high-rise have dismissed speculation that he deliberately flew his small plane into the building.

Prosecutors investigating Thursday's crash have offered three possible explanations for the cause: a technical problem with Luigi Gino Fasulo's Rockwell Commander 112TC; illness; or suicide. 

Fasulo's plane crashed into the 26th floor of Milan's 32-story Pirelli Tower, killing him and two women -- Anna Maria Rapetti, 41, and Alessandra Santonocito, 42, both lawyers. Eleven of the 36 injured inside and outside the building remained hospitalized Friday. 

Crash chronology 

Italian authorities detailed the events leading up to Thursday's crash. 
5:39 p.m.: Fasulo asks the control tower at Linate airport for permission to land. 

5:42 p.m.: Fasulo tells the tower he's having problems with his landing gear; the tower asks him to circle over a nearby private airport. 

5:43 p.m.: Fasulo tells the tower that he is trying to manually lower the plane's landing gear. 

5:44 p.m.: The tower gets no response when it tries to contact Fasulo. 

5:47 or 5:48 p.m.: The aircraft hits the Pirelli building. 

The building, which houses the Lombardy regional government, remained closed Friday, and surrounding hotels were still evacuated. But engineers said there is no risk the building will collapse.

A news report citing Fasulo's son, Marco, fueled speculation that the crash was an act of suicide, and not an accident. (Full story)

Rome's La Repubblica newspaper quote Marco Fasulo as saying the crash may have been a deliberate act induced by despair over financial problems -- reports that Milan police claim Marco Fasulo has since denied making.

"It was a suicide, a suicide, do you understand?" he was quoted as saying.

Fasulo's wife, Filomena, told CNN she plans to sue the newspaper over the report. Meanwhile, Fasulo's nephew, Luigi Fasulo, told Italian state television that the crash was an accident.

"Surely there was no intention on the part of my uncle to crash into the building," he said. "He was a person who loved life."

Fasulo, 68, from Pregassona, Switzerland, had been flying for over 30 years, held a commercial pilot's license and owned the plane.

Under Swiss law every pilot over the age of 50 has to undergo annual health check-ups. Fasulo passed his last medical in October with no problems.

Workers at Magadino Airport, the tiny airport in Locarno, Switzerland, where he kept his plane said he showed no sign of unhappiness.

Pino Scossa, a fellow pilot and Fasulo's friend of 40 years, told Reuters: "I saw him yesterday before he took off and he seemed very normal to me. The idea that he committed suicide seems absurd to me."

Pietro Marci, former head of the local flight club, added: "We're surrounded by mountains here. If he wanted to kill himself he could have flown into one of them."

Italian Transport Minister Pietro Lunardi, who has ordered a probe into the pilot's health, family situation and finances, told the Senate that Fasulo could have fallen ill at the controls. (Questions remain)

After making initial radio contact with the control tower, "there was silence, he was not operating any of the plane's controls in the last two minutes," he said.

Lunardi told reporters: "There's every reason to thing there was something strange -- the kind of target and the way it was hit straight on is spooky."

An Italian law enforcement official told CNN that authorities had no evidence of any link to terrorism. The National Aviation Authority said Fasulo radioed the control tower at Milan's Linate Airport to report "a small problem" with his landing gear as he was approaching the airport tarmac to land.

The tower tried to put him into a holding pattern to the west of the tarmac, but the pilot turned north instead, the authority said.

When the tower contacted the pilot again to inform him he was making "improper maneuvers," he told officials he was trying to fix the problem with the landing gear so he could land, and that was the last time the tower was able to reach him.

Milan fire brigade officials have said the plane was on fire as it flew into the Pirelli building. © 2002 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. An AOL Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

no no - its you who miss the point -
did they actually throw colleen off the list for
saying things like nazis crucified christ ??

its unbelievable that folks are so ignorant
as to take it literally.
for instance we know that fascistii comes
from the roman rods of rulership.
we know that nazi and imperial germany is
modelled on rome, and that the new office
of homeland security is modelled on the nazis
AND roman imperial eagle - see stamp

are so-called critics on this list making use
of the old tried and tested technique of
appealling to the literal ??

its obvious to anyone with more than
an IQ of 5 that the nazis are the modern

andrew hennessey

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America.

2002-04-20 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns

 In a message dated 4/14/02 1:49:57 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Who the fuck is Benjamin Freedman?

 Figures that you wouldn't know.
 I have a copy of his famous letter to Dr. David Goldstein, LL.D. in m
 possession dated 10/10/54. It's really quite enlightening. You ought to
 a copy.


I know exactly who he is. So I say again-Who the fuck is Benjamin

Just cause you find some convert anti-Jew Jew, doesn't mean that
what he says is true.

What it does usually mean is that racist schmucks like you latch onto
them like like a Lampray on a fish anus.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Are Chemtrails Causing Drought?

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon

Are Chemtrails Causing Drought? ... Rense.com
Fri Apr 19 21:22:33 2002


Are Chemtrails Causing Drought?
By Marjorie Tietjen 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Director for Lyme Disease Concerns, 
Common Cause Medical Research Foundation 

Drought is becoming widespread throughout the United States and in other parts of the world. Adverse events of all types are increasing. Evidence leads us to the conclusion that all is not coincidence. It appears that corporations and certain factions of the government are playing a large role in the creation and coverup of many of these adverse events. 

This is supposed to be an article on drought and it's possible causes and what we can do to hopefully turn it all around. However, I feel it is important to share with you some brief insights I've gained from others, which are vital in overcoming the current desperate situation of our world. 

Citizens understandably want to know why their government and or certain corporations would want to perhaps cause a drought, crash the economy, keep us in a perpetual state of war, take away many of our rights, create diseases in order to profit from treatments (instead of cures) or damage the environment in other ways that would also eventually affect the perpetrators and their own families. These are not easy questions to answer especially for those of us who can not comprehend this destructive, power hungry mindset that seems so alien and nonsensical. 

Fear, greed, hate and a hunger for power are some of the motives behind many of these negative actions. We need to understand these basic causes of disharmony in our world and do our best not to feed into it ourselves. We must not react with those same qualities, which will only increase the negativity. 

We do need to uncover and expose the evil but then we need to respond with Firmness, Wisdom, Understanding and Love. To some of you this statement may sound whimpy but the reality is that Spiritual Love is the most powerful force in the universe. 

I have been observing the chemtrail phenomenon for a couple of years now, here in the northeast. There obviously appears to be more than one purpose for the spraying but we will concentrate on the weather modification aspect. 

According to the mainstream media, the drought in the northeast began in the fall of 2001. I have been observing the sky every day since I saw my first chemtrails in 1999 and have begun to notice a basic or general pattern of spraying. The pattern is sometimes altered by several days of cloud cover but usually you can pretty much count on the following. One to two days before a front is scheduled to pass through, heavy spraying will occur. 

Total cloud cover is often the obvious goal. When the front arrives , one will many times hear low flying jets above the cloud cover. We end up recieving absolutely no rain (even though predicted) or a very negligable amount. When the clouds break up, the air will usually have a definite opaque white cast to it, unlike the more transparent quality of fog. Many chemtrail investigators have evidence that barium salts make up part of the mixture being emitted from these jets. Barium is a dessicant and absorbs moisture. The barium and probably other chemicals may also be used in conjunction with HAARP, which is a joint U.S Air Force and Navy project, to essentially control the weather. 

At this point I would like to include an excerpt from "Chemtrails" Implications Part ll... 

"Tommy Farmer, a former engineering technician with Raytheon Missle Systems, has been tracking patterns of jet contrails for more than a year. After repeatedly observing aircraft spraying particulates in front of and into cloud systems, Farmer is fairly certain the contrail phenomena is one part of a military weather modification weapons system. He notes that because the chemical contrails allow much more moisture to form inside the cloud systems, severe localized storms result from the aerial seeding while surrounding areas that have surrendered their moisture to the storm cells, experience drought. 

The huge Xs being traced by formations of tanker jets in the sky can be tracked by satellite and coordinated with the crossed beams of ionospheric heaters(HAARP) to heat the upper atmosphere, changing it's temperature and density and enhancing the storm's effects. 

Based in Gakon, Alaska, this unclassified joint U.S Air Force and Navy project known as the High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP) has for the past several years been using phased array antennas to steer powerful beams of tightly-focused radio waves "to stimulate" heat and steer sections of the upper atmosphere. 

Awarded in 1985 to MIT physicist, Bernard Eastlund, HAARP's commercial patent claims that directed energy beams of more than one billion watts can be used for 

[CTRL] Support for U.S. Surveillance Wanes

2002-04-20 Thread InfoWarz

Report: Support for U.S. Surveillance Wanes

By Lisa Gill NewsFactor Network April 4, 2002

The poll's deepest dip showed up in interviewees' declining confidence
that government will use its expanded electronic monitoring capabilities
in a proper fashion.

A poll taken just after the six-month anniversary of the September 11th
attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon showed that
Americans' support for and confidence in electronic governmental
surveillance is waning.

The new poll, conducted by Harris Interactive, said that immediately
after September 11th, supporters of government surveillance of e-mail and
cell phone conversations were in the majority at 54 percent.

But the research firm found that group is now in the minority, with just
44 percent of respondents supporting monitoring.

Fifty-five percent of respondents favored government monitoring of
Internet chat rooms and other forums, compared with 63 percent in

Also, 9 percent fewer respondents favored closer monitoring of banking
and credit card transactions to trace funding sources.

Results Event-Driven

Privacy Foundation executive director Stephen Keating told NewsFactor
that he is not surprised by the results. He noted that a similar change
in U.S. sentiment occurred after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995.

I think those polls are driven by events and a psychological state
of mind, rather than real knowledge of whether we're any less or more
secure. We haven't had significant domestic terrorism since September
11th, so people are feeling less vulnerable, Keating said.

Government Confidence Declines

The greatest change was apparent in interviewees' distinct lack of
confidence that government will use its expanded electronic monitoring
capabilities in a proper fashion.

Fourteen percent fewer respondents than in September said they are
very confident or somewhat confident that the
government will not abuse its monitoring capabilities.

In response to this decline in trust, Keating noted that it is difficult
for the American public to discern how effective the government has been
in fighting domestic terrorism.

It's hard for people to evaluate if, say, the Patriot Act has had
some effect. We haven't seen evidence, or we haven't been told, that [the
government] has prevented new acts of terrorism, he said.

Other Security Measures Drop

The Harris poll also found that support for face recognition technologies
that can scan audiences at public events for suspected terrorists has
dropped by 5 percent since September, to 81 percent. A similar decline
has occurred for support of expanded camera surveillance of public
streets and other public places.

Support for adoption of a national identification system for all U.S.
citizens dropped by 9 percent since September, to 59 percent.

Harris Interactive polled 1,017 people over the telephone between March
13th and March 19th, with accuracy of plus or minus 3 percentage

Americans at Odds

Martin Yeung, a policy analyst at the Center for Democracy and
Technology, told NewsFactor he believes that while the United States is
not in fear for its immediate security, the nation remains uncertain of
how to maneuver through a changing security climate.

I think the American people are trying to grapple with the
situation, with the new realities. We're trying to balance security
concerns versus the right to privacy and civil liberties, Yeung

Fear Not

Harris developed the poll with Dr. Alan Westin, a privacy issue analyst,
who noted that the poll's results indicate Americans are less fearful for
their safety than they were in September.

The high-anxiety, very high approval rates for expanded law
enforcement powers expressed in late September 2001 have moved, six
months later, to a still high but somewhat more cautious level,
reflecting American concerns that liberty and due process intrusions be
kept to the necessary minimum, Westin said.

Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
(EPIC), told news sources that he believes there has been an increase in
discussion about civil liberties since September 11th. He also noted that
the poll results are more conservative than those obtained by similar

EPIC, which has fought hard against a national identification system, has
filed suit against the Office of Homeland Security seeking the expedited
release of documents regarding development of such a system.
-end article-

Tod Zur Neuen Welt Reihenfolge

Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous
surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files
containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These
files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities

-Zbigniew Brezinsky, Advisor to Jimmy Carter, Founder: Trilateral
Commission, Traitor, Control Freak.

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Portland IMC Interview With Mike Ruppert

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: Google Search: galt.gathering.rainbow





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  From: Marty 
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Subject: 
  Portland IMC interview with Mike Ruppert Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow

  View: (This is the only article in 
this thread) | Original 
FormatDate: 2002-04-19 13:29:04 PST 
  mp3 links and transcript link on this page:

transcript link:

9.11 investigation: indymedia interviews Mike Ruppert in Eugene 
by Barbara + Jeremy 12:01am Fri Apr 19 '02 (Modified on 10:59am Fri Apr 19 '02) 

   On 14 April 2002, in Eugene, Oregon, portland indymedia reporters 
   interviewed independent journalist Mike Ruppert, who is currently on a 
   9.11 muckraking tour.  This is an edited transcript of their conversation.  

   The scene: The Eugene Hilton restaurant.  Ruppert is exhausted and hungry, 
   having spoken in Portland on Friday and Saturday nights at the First 
   Congregational Church to audiences of 400-500, and that afternoon at the 
   Eugene Hilton, to about 275 people, for over three hours.  We ask him if 
   he's too tired for an interview, but he insists on meeting with us anyway.  
   "I love Indymedia," he said.  "You guys are changing the world." 

Mike Ruppert: Please, when you call me "Mr. Ruppert" I think you're an 
FBI agent here to arrest me or somebody asking for money.  Call me "Mike", 
please.  [Laughter all around.] 

Jeremy: What level do you think someone has to rise to before they become 
a target [of the establishment]?  

Mike: That's a good question.  I guess the basic answer is the "7% 
solution".  When you get to a point that you have reached 7% of the 
population, you become a threat.  Right now, I'm too big to kill in one 
sense.  20 members of congress, 3000 subscribers in 30 countries [receive 
my newsletter], fairly well known now, the name is recognized.  If 
something happened, that would be an affirmation that I was right, and it 
would cause more trouble than it would solve.  I'm certainly not at the 
level of Bobby Kennedy or Martin Luther King, so I'm nowhere near that.  
But that's a good question.  I don't know.  I hope I don't have to answer 
it.  [Using a funny voice:] "Yeah, okay I'm at the point where they have 
to kill you now.  I just found out because they killed me an hour ago." 
Anyway, I don't know.  

I think that when, individual, as a person, you become a threat to the 
establishment, imminently able to threaten the order to take it down, and 
you are not replaceable.  You see the deal with Bobby Kennedy and Martin 
Luther King was that they were wonderful human beings.  And I know Bobby 
was a CIA hit from start to finish -- there's information about my 
experience with that on the website.  I'd ask you to read that.  But they 
were personalities.  One of my aims, and part of my insurance policy, is 
not to be a personality here.  My aim is to teach the method of research 
and argument that takes the personality out of it.  I hope that's working.  

Barbara: Where is bin Laden right now?  Is our government protecting him?  

Mike: [With deadpan sarcasm.] I think he's getting his nails done in 
Switzerland.  Maybe a little time in a spa in Geneva.  Maybe a facelift.  
Someone says he looks like Gene Simmons from KISS, so maybe he's actually 
on tour with KISS, wearing the make-up.  

Jeremy: [Playing along.] Could be.  That would be a great cover.  

Mike: The U.S. has no interest in finding Osama bin Laden.  Never has.  I 
don't think he will ever surface.  I think that his family is influential 
enough.  Look at this from the organized crime model; he might be like the 
head of the Patriarcha family or the Colombo family, maybe not important 
enough to kill, but certainly it would result in a Mafia war if the Bushes 
took him out.  So they don't want to go to that length.  That's my guess 
at this point.  Who knows how much he knew?  The CIA runs terrorist groups 
all the time without them having any clue that CIA is setting them up and 
funding them.  So who knows where he is.  He's probably having a good 

Jeremy: I understand there were leftist organizations in the late 60's 
that were funded by the government and had no idea.  Sometimes people are 
plants without even knowing it.  

Mike: I almost got 

[CTRL] Rep. Tancredo Assails Bush Border Policy

2002-04-20 Thread InfoWarz

(Bush has left the borders WIDE-OPEN, and wants to open them up even
more, illegals and terrorists have a free pass into America, but you, Mr.
and Mrs. America, need a Homeland Security, a National ID Card, your
e-mail monitored, and a good molesting at the airport check-in counter.
Wake-up and Fight this idiocy.)

Tancredo assails Bush policy

GOP congressman says open border invites terrorism

By M.E. Sprengelmeyer, News Washington Bureau April 20, 2002

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Tom Tancredo has picked a fight with President Bush
over immigration, claiming the president has a politically motivated
open border policy that leaves the country vulnerable to
another terrorist attack.

The Colorado Republican said he started his day Friday with an angry,
40-minute call from the top White House political adviser, Karl Rove,
after The Washington Times ran a front-page story about Tancredo's most
inflammatory immigration arguments to date.

Closed borders, open borders. I used to think it was Karl Rove and
his outreach to Hispanics, Tancredo told The Times. But no,
it's Mr. Bush. He's driving the issue himself. He believes in open

In a later interview with the News, Tancredo did not back down from any
of his comments, but he added that he still thanks God every day that
Bush is president.

Tancredo said Bush is pushing to give certain illegal immigrants amnesty
partly out of misguided altruism, but also to woo Hispanic
voters in California and Texas and to prop up Mexican President Vicente

I don't think it's cynical. It's just a political strategy,
Tancredo said. The result, Tancredo said, is that the United States
remains open to another attack like Sept. 11.

I believe he is wrong and I believe this is such a serious issue
that I'll continue to criticize him and/or Karl Rove, and I will take the
flak that they send up, Tancredo said. Because the reality
is, if something else happens, who would the people look to be
responsible? And who should they look to? And it is the Congress and this

Bush did not refer to Tancredo by name, but he issued a written statement
Friday defending his response to the terrorist attacks and his stand on

Improving our nation's border security is vital to protecting
Americans from future terrorist attacks, Bush said. I commend
the Senate for passing legislation that strengthens border security and
gives our law enforcement officials additional tools to secure our
homeland. I look forward to Congress sending me this important
legislation as soon as possible so that I can sign it into law.

I also continue to urge Congress to act to strengthen families and
make America more welcoming, Bush said. Congress should pass
a temporary extension under 245(i) so that immigrants eligible to become
legal residents will not be forced to leave the country and their
families to have their immigration status resolved.

White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said Bush's proposed budget would
provide $380 million to secure U.S. borders through improved tracking of
non-citizens, and $10.6 billion to add border patrols and enhance the
U.S. Customs Service.

Alan Philp, executive director of the Colorado Republican Party, tried to
distance the party from Tancredo's views.

Congressman Tancredo has very strong opinions about the immigration
issue. Those positions are not necessarily shared by most Republicans
here in Colorado and nationally, he said.

Latino activists blasted Tancredo.

The outrageous statements by this obviously desperate congressman
should be immediately condemned by the leadership in Congress,
Robert Deposada, president of The Latino Coalition, said in a release.
Congressman Tancredo basically stated that unless we militarize our
southern border and basically build a wall to keep Mexicans out,
terrorists will inundate this country and that the blood of Americans
will be in the hands of the president.

Deposada, a Republican from Washington state, said, I would love
right now to find another Republican in that district to actually oppose

Democrat Lance Wright, who is running against Tancredo in the 6th
District, echoed the criticism.

Mr. Tancredo certainly has the right to say whatever he wants to
say, but is he being responsible? Shrill rhetoric in a troubled time is
seldom productive, Wright said.

By challenging the leader of his own party, Tancredo raised eyebrows
among fellow Republicans and political observers.

He seems to have little concern with advancing within the
Republican Party or ingratiating himself with a Republican
president, said Thomas Mann, a senior fellow from The Brookings
Institution, a Washington think tank.

Tancredo seems to be motivated by genuine beliefs, Mann said,
but it will certainly complicate the president's efforts to improve
the Republican Party's standing with Hispanics and

Pollster Paul Talmey said Tancredo shouldn't expect any help from the
White House in his re-election 

[CTRL] ritual crime, pas, venezuela

2002-04-20 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

This may be heavy for survivors.

Mandela appeals for aid in murder inquiry - Former president calls on all
Africans to assist as police investigating ritual killing in Britain turn to
continent for clues and guidance - Jeevan Vasagar 4/20/02 The Guardian
Nelson Mandela yesterday appealed to fellow Africans to help British
detectives investigate the killing of a boy whose torso was found floating in
the river Thames last year.

How Parental Alienation Syndrome is Used Against Mothers And Children Who
Allege Child Sexual Abuse - Trish Wilson


THE UGLY AMERICAN REDUX - Wed Apr 17, 9:31 PM ET By Ted Rall
Bush Backs a Botched Coup in Venezuela

Chávez was arrested by mutinous army officers and unceremoniously replaced by
interim president Pedro Carmona Estanga. Carmona, chief of a national
businessmen's association, immediately reverted to the right-wing strongman's
play book. He suspended scheduled elections, tossed out laws regulating big
business and promised a pluralistic vision, democratic, civil and ensuring
the implementation of the law. Following that declaration of devotion to
democracy he dissolved both the National Assembly and the Supreme Court. It
comes as little surprise that the Bush Administration, itself the beneficiary
of a coup, would endorse similar subversion elsewhereChávez was the
legally-elected president of VenezuelaChávez's real crime was refusing to
suck up to the U.S. or to its powerful corporate interestsUnfortunately
for the downtrodden masses whose votes propelled Chávez into office,
Venezuela produces 15 percent of America's oil. This makes the nation of
particular economic and geopolitical interest to Washington. In February
Chávez, acting on a campaign promise to distribute his country's oil revenues
more evenly throughout its impoverished population, replaced Brigadier
General Guaicaipuro Lameda with a politically progressive ally as head of the
state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wake up America!

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon

Wake up America! 
Karen Grundhofer El-Kawa
Updated on 2002-04-20 12:21:02  

At the risk of being labeled an extremist, I send you this list of undisputed facts regarding the history of Palestine. While I watch the American media distort the facts of what is going on recently in the occupied territories, I send you this information in the hope that you will re-evaluate your viewpoint and ask yourself the following questions: Why do UN resolutions only apply when the US wants them to? 

For example, we need to bomb Iraq because Saddam Hussein will not comply with the resolutions, while Israel can completely ignore the recently passed resolutions 1402 and 1403 (backed by the US) without any punishment whatsoever or even condemnation by our government (like they have ignored many other standing resolutions in the past). 

How can we allow Israel to make comparisons to their political situation and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks? It is insult to the memory of those who died on 9/11 to make these comparisons. Israel has been in a state of war for over 50 years. There are three times as many Palestinians who have died as Israelis since the Intifada began in October 2000. Why do we Americans value the life of an Israeli more than a Palestinian? 

I would like to make the distinction right now between "the real terrorists" of the world and the Palestinian suicide bombers. Since Sept. 11 governments and the media have distorted this issue to no end. The Israeli government has latched onto this new terminology taking advantage of America's misfortunes. The "war on terror" has nothing to do with the Palestinian/Israel war that has been going on for over 50 years. Recent terrorist attacks against the US include US embassy bombings, Sept. 11, and the attack on the USS Cole. Foreigners committed these "acts of terror". Yes they were Arabs, but there was not one Palestinian among them. Israel is an occupier in a land that is not their own. They have never compensated the Palestinians for their land. In the current Intifada, Palestinian suicide bombers have never attacked anyone outside their own borders. This in my opinion is not an "act of terror". I realize this issue is extremely debatable. But how can the Israelis make comparisons to Sept. 11 when they have been in the middle of this conflict for so long? 

Why today is the idea of "dying for a cause" so foreign to Americans? We have been taught since childhood about the heroes in American history who have died for our freedom or what they believe in. 

Our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves if they could see us now bowing to the Israel government, denying the individual freedoms we take for granted everyday in America. 

If you think the Palestinians are willing to die for anything less than their freedom, you are incorrect. Martyrdom and the fact that they also go straight to Heaven according to Islamic teachings, is just a bonus. While those who died in the American Revolution are definitely heroes, we denounce the Palestinians who defend themselves the only way they can. Israel citizens are allowed to carry arms, Palestinians are not. Israel citizens are allowed to go anywhere they want, Palestinians are not. Israel army personnel are allowed to act as judge, jury and executor. Palestinians are like lambs going to the slaughter with no means of real defense. 

Israeli Army can enter any home, kill its inhabitants, and destroy any personal property without blinking an eye. Israeli soldiers can bulldoze any home of their choosing without a flinch, build a set of condos in its place, call it a settlement and deny access to the land's original owners (if they are even still alive). Nobody would bat an eye if the original owners were killed in the process. 

We Americans treat minks and lab rats better than the Israelis treat the Palestinians. You might be willing to die for freedom in such circumstances too. Wouldn't you? It is their only hope. More soldiers and civilians died in the US Civil War than any other war, over what, slavery. And you think the Palestinians are crazy? For those of you who think you will be accused of being an anti-Semite for backing a Palestinian state, this is not a religious issue for the Israelis. It is a political one! It is all about land and borders and control of an oppressed people. When Israelis turn it into a Jewish issue, they are trying to manipulate you. There are many Jewish people all over the world (especially in Europe), who denounce the Israel government and their tactics. They can see how oppressive the Israeli Army is. It can only be compared to how the Jews were treated by Adolph Hitler and his regime. 

Ariel Sharon is without a doubt a murderer and a liar. Say what you want about Yasser Arafat. Before this current incursion, Arafat was hated more by the Arabs than anybody. But Sharon is a convicted murder. He was found directly responsible 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd



---End Message---

[CTRL] queen of the damned

2002-04-20 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

Did anyone find it a bit obvious that after impersonating
the worlds most evil reptilian blood sucking monster
who happens to be head of the highest non-human
hierarchy on this planet - that aaylisha sorry for the [misspell] dies
almost immediately after at the illuminated age of 22 years old in a 'plane
2 times 11 etc
It is rather like a ritual sacrifice to appease the real old reptilian
monster who may have bee offended that a 'human' dared to play her elevated

andrew hennessey

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] GATA Internet site goes Chinese, thanks to Samex Mining

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


GATA and Samex Mining Announce
www.GATAChinese.org to Promote Gold

DALLAS (Business Wire, April 17, 2002) -- The
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee is proud to
bring the following announcement to your
attention, which was released this afternoon
by Jeff Dahl, Chief Executive Officer of
Samex Mining, headquartered in Vancouver,

Contact 800-828-1488

April 17, 2002


In continued support of the Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee (GATA -- see http://www.gata.org),
SAMEX is pleased to sponsor the creation,
translation, and hosting of a Chinese language
version of the GATA web site

SAMEX has been an outspoken supporter of
GATA, a U.S.-based not-for-profit
organization, which contends that a hidden
scheme exists to manage and even manipulate
the U.S. dollar price of gold for the benefit
of certain knowledgeable parties to the
detriment of others.

GATA has researched, documented, and is now
supporting ongoing U.S. federal court
litigation against certain international
banking, government, and quasi-government
institutions. GATA has received much support
through the efforts of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-
Texas,, who has introduced legislation (the
Monetary Freedom and Accountability Act)
designed to curb the potential manipulation
of worldwide gold prices.

Samex management is convinced that the
research GATA has assembled over the past
three years may be of significant interest
internationally. The new web site will enable
Chinese investors to read and evaluate
pertinent GATA information in their native
language, thereby broadening the
understanding of these important issues to a
large segment of the global population.

NAI Interactive LTD., a subsidiary of
ChineseWorldNet.com (CWN) has constructed
and will maintain the GATA/Chinese web site.
CWN hosts a leading Chinese financial Web
portal in North America with more than 30,000
members. With operations in Toronto,
Vancouver, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing,
CWN aims to link the Chinese financial
community worldwide.

Through e-mail disseminations, Internet
banner links and coverage in CWN's Chinese
language bi-weekly newspaper, the
GATA/Chinese Web site will receive
substantial worldwide coverage through a
variety of media over the weeks and months
ahead. Pertinent GATA updates and news
releases will also be translated and
disseminated through these channels.

GATA has tirelessly researched and published
much evidence supporting Samex management's
conviction that something has been amiss in
the free markets. GATA's contentions have
important implications for investors in the
exploration and mining sector. We are
grateful for their efforts and consider the
GATA/Chinese initiative an appropriate way to
support them with the dissemination of this
information in another language. Go, GATA,

-- Jeffrey Dahl
President, Samex Mining Corp.



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Michael Kosares, Proprietor
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Colorado Gold
222 South 5th St.
Montrose, Colorado 81401
Don Stott, Proprietor

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Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054
Ed Lee, Proprietor

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Pat Gorman, Proprietor
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Phoenix, Arizona 85032
Dr. Fred I. Goldstein, Senior Broker


If you benefit from GATA's dispatches, please
consider making a financial contribution to
GATA. We welcome contributions as follows.

By check:

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
c/o Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer
7 Villa Louisa Road
Manchester, CT 06043-7541

By credit card (MasterCard, Visa, and
Discover) over the Internet:


Donors of $750 or more will, upon request, be
sent a print of Alain Despert's colorful
painting symbolizing our cause, titled GATA.

GATA is a civil rights and educational
organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue
Code and contributions to it are tax-deductible
in the United States.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] 'Midas' commentary for April 17, 2002

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


Courtesy of www.LeMetropoleCafe.com

By Bill Murphy

  Gold $301.90, up $3.30
  Silver $4.43, up 4 cents

Today was no surprise to Midas. The Gold
Cartel has huffed and puffed, trying to take
gold well below $300. They have failed thus
far and appear to be running out of time and
bullets. Perhaps, as in the days of yore,
Chief Sitting Bull does have the cabal by the
proverbials. It is looking more and more
likely as if we have a stunning upset in the

Gold was firm right from the get-go with the
cabal aggressively capping the first price
surge higher. After that they tapered off,
while gold remained steady the rest of the
trading session.

The setup for a gold price explosion does not
get much better:

* The Fed is loathe to raise U.S. interest
rates and squash whatever recovery is feebly
working its way through the economy.

* The dollar is tottering on the brink of a
tanking, as the fundamentals are
overwhelmingly bearish. It does not help that
other English-speaking nations are raising
their interest rates. The dollar closed at
116.86, down .87, breaking 117 support.
Another lower close puts a conclusive short-
term top in place technically, setting up a
move to 113. A move below that critical level
would complete a massive longer-term top in
the dollar.

* The war on Terrorism is going to drain the
U.S. financially.

* The Middle East situation is awful. It
would not take much to send the price of oil
spiraling higher as supply concerns re-
emerge. As is, oil finished out the day over
$26 per barrel.

* Commodity prices are on the rise again. The
CRB closed at 200.87 up 2.82, with soybeans
surging to $4.76.

* The bond market smells that this entire
package is VERY inflationary, contrary to
Alan Greenspan and the Wall Street pundits.
The bond vigilantes did their thing today
sending the long rates sharply higher to 5.73
percent. ALL interest rate maturities rose,
even as the stock market took it on the chin.

* One stock market rally after another fails.
The P/E ratios of U.S. corporations are still
triple the historic norm. TRIPLE!

* The Gold Cartel, United States, Germany,
and Switzerland are all running out of ways
to lie about the gold fraud. They are being
found out and are boxed into a corner. They
will reap what they have sown.

Getting back to the dollar

A few years ago I reported that Goldman Sachs
was going around telling clients that the
U.S. trade deficit would balloon to $19
billion, a huge potential increase at the
time. Few believed it grow that large, and
those who did were horrified about the
ramifications for the dollar.

Here we are years later and that trade
deficit has skyrocketed way beyond what
anyone could have imagined. The implications
are even more ominous these days as a result
of the rigging of the U.S. financial markets.
If you want to dance, you have to pay the
fiddler. The fiddler now has come round to
collect. The dollar swooned today and ought
to swoon for years to come.

* * *

U.S. February Trade Deficit
Widens to $31.5 Billion

Washington, April 17 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S.
trade deficit in February was the widest in
10 months as imports of automobiles, other
consumer goods, and business equipment
increased, government figures showed.

The $31.5 billion trade gap was larger than
expected and the biggest since $31.9 billion
in April 2001, the Commerce Department said.
The deficit was 11.6 percent larger than the
$28.2 billion gap in January. A 4 percent
jump in imports exceeded a 1.2 percent rise
in exports of goods and services.

* * *

Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan spoke before the
House Joint Economic Committee today and
delivered more of his mumbo-jumbo, which is
wearing thin. As mentioned above, the bond
market responded by diving as long yields
rose sharply. Meanwhile, Greenspan
reiterates that there is no inflation in
sight. How and what will he say to Congress
when gold goes $400 bid?

J.P. Morgan Chase today reported earnings,
which stunk, and then their share price
rallied sharply.

  New York, April 17 (Bloomberg) -- J.P.
  Morgan Chase  Co. said first-quarter
  profit fell 18 percent as stock holdings
  and revenue from investment banking
  tumbled. The second-biggest U.S. bank's
  earnings have dropped for eight straight

  Net income fell to $982 million, or 48
  cents a share, from $1.2 billion, or 58
  cents, in the same quarter a year earlier,
  the bank's spokesman said.

  J.P. Morgan Chase, led by Chief Executive
  Officer William Harrison, has suffered as
  clients such as Enron Corp., Kmart Corp.
  and Global Crossing Ltd. filed for
  bankruptcy protection and venture
  investments lost money in a falling stock
  market. Investment banking fees fell 21
  percent in the quarter.

  Just about everything that could go wrong
  at J.P. Morgan has gone wrong, said James
  Ellman, portfolio manager for Merrill Lynch
  Global Financial Services Fund, which
  manages $100 million and owns J.P. Morgan

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Millions spent to develop cameras

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


Millions spent to develop cameras 
By Brian DeBose

 Government agencies have spent more than $50 million during the past five years 
developing camera surveillance technology, and proposed federal spending on such 
systems has increased since September 11, according to a recent report released by the 
General Accounting Office. 
Top Stories
• Cease-fire remains elusive
• White House denies part in Venezuela coup
• Boycott targets gave to Jackson
• Justices allow child-sex simulation
• Tunnel vision for disaster
http://www.washingtontimes.com/business/20020417-32538810.htm• News of production, 
earnings boosts stocks

 The GAO surveyed 35 government agencies from July 2001 to January 2002 at the 
request of House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Texas Republican, who requested the 
report last summer after seeing spending increases for automated traffic cameras and 
facial recognition technology.
 Facial recognition research and development made up more than 90 percent of 
federal surveillance budgets since 1997.
 Of the 35 agencies the GAO surveyed, 17 reported obligating $51 million to 
[red-light, photo radar and biometric camera surveillance] as of June 2001, with the 
largest amount reported for facial recognition technology. 
 Two agencies reported promoting the use of the surveillance devices but did not 
report spending any money on them, the report said. The State Department, for 
instance, did not devote any money to deploying facial recognition as of June 20, 
2001, but said it planned to work with the Bureau of Consular Affairs to integrate 
the devices into its counterterrorism database this year.
 Though the report did not include figures for this year's budget, several 
agencies predicted that proposed surveillance spending would rise.
 Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, federal interest in facial 
recognition technology as a security measure appears to have increased, the report 
 Biometric devices use human characteristics such as retinal scans, fingerprint 
imaging and facial and vocal recognition to verify individuals entering secured areas.
 Mr. Armey has long been an opponent of government surveillance of American 
 We wanted to get a sense of how much funding has been there since the 
beginning, said Richard Diamond, Mr. Armey's spokesman.
 Mr. Diamond said the general public first learned of facial recognition after the 
software was used during the 2001 Super Bowl. But the report said funding requests for 
biometric security devices were first made 15 years ago. Federal funding for 
photo-radar devices first showed up nearly 30 years ago. 
 The first reported obligations for facial recognition technology were by the 
[Department of] Defense in fiscal year 1987, the report said.
 The report also said the first funding requests for photo-radar cameras came from 
the Navy in 1974. But no one seems to recall why the Navy wanted the devices or what 
they planned to do with them. 
 The Defense and Justice departments have spent more money than the other agencies 
combined on facial recognition since 1997, according to the report. 
 While most of the money spent has been for development and research, very little 
has been used to deploy facial recognition technology in government facilities.
 Katie Corrigan, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, said 
part of the reason the government has not fully committed to using facial recognition 
is that the technology is ineffective and fallible.
 Several government studies have found, including a National Institute for 
Standards in Technology [report], that the technology has a high number of false 
 She said the National Institute study found that after faces were inserted into a 
database for 18 months, 43 percent of all scans turned up false negatives. 
 Mr. Armey said his goal in requesting the report was to spark public debate on 
the growth of government surveillance and the erosion of civil liberties Americans 
take for granted. 
 We wanted to raise awareness of the issue, and we were successful now that other 
members [of Congress] have taken up the cause, Mr. Diamond said.
 The Washington Times reported in March that Rep. Constance A. Morella, chairman 
of the House Government Reform subcommittee on the District, said it's up to 
legislatures to limit law enforcement agencies' growing use of surveillance 
 Mrs. Morella, Maryland Republican, said in a March 22 subcommittee hearing that 
the use of cameras for security and traffic enforcement were outpacing federal laws 
and advancing without the necessary public debate. 
 D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District's nonvoting representative in 
Congress, said the fact that several federal officials from the Office of Homeland 
Security, the Justice Department, FBI, U.S. 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: In Defense of Logic

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd



In Defense of Logic 

by Steven Yates 

[Posted April 17, 2002]

  http://www.mises.org/images/thinker.gif In the opening remarks of Ludwig von 
Mises's first formal seminar in America, the revered teacher held up a copy of a book 
and announced: to understand economics, this is the book you should read first.  
According to Mises's student and friend George Koether, the book he was holding was An 
Introduction to Logic and Scientific Thought by MorrisCohen and Ernest Nagel, first 
published in 1934 and now out of print.

Even in 1944, Mises must have sensed that formal instruction in logic, particularly as 
it relates to the social sciences, was in decline. Today, it has almost completely 
collapsed. This is not to say that one cannot find courses in logic on college and 
university campuses. But these courses are little more than decorations. Students take 
them to avoid having to take mathematics. They are given symbols and sets of rules for 
how to work proofs. There is no implication of larger issues involved. Brighter 
students inevitably come away with the sense of having just wasted time on a game. 

Meanwhile, the polylogism Mises refuted in Human Action is everywhere. While 60 years 
ago it took the form of classical Marxism, today we have multiculturalism, radical 
feminism, and even queer theory with their suggestions that each group has its own 
logic. The idea of a single logic is presented as nothing more than a Western 
white-male prejudice-a Eurocentric point of view.

As a philosopher who taught classical Aristotelian logic for more than five years at 
three different universities, I sometimes wonder whether there is even room for the 
subject on campus today. A professor of philosophy who sees logic as doing more for 
students than giving them a semester of busywork could easily find his employment in 
jeopardy. This article begins this philosopher's campaign to rectify this unfortunate 
situation. We need to defend logic! 

First, what is logic? As a discipline, logic goes back to the ancient Greek 
philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle was not inventing a game. He saw logic as central to 
proper human thought, because reality itself conformed to logical principles (this is 
how we would put it today). The ability to reason was what separated us from the 
animals. Western civilization got its start with the application of logical thought to 
the world around us, ranging from scientific explanation to the development of 

Western civilization is also fundamentally Christian. When the great medieval 
philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas merged Aristotelian thought with Christian theology, 
the long-term result was modern science. Science developed in the West and nowhere 
else, because nowhere else did human beings have the idea that the fundamental 
workings of the world were comprehensible. We had this idea because we believed it was 
created by a rational God who also created us with rational minds. Our minds were 
capable of comprehending the world's order, at least in part, through-what else?-the 
judicious application of logic. 

A good formal definition of logic is: the discipline concerned with the study and 
evaluation of reasoning. One may consult any number of textbooks on the subject. They 
all present some variant of this basic definition, which also implies evaluation of 
one's use of language. Reasoning is usually expressed as arguments and inferences. 

Note this use of argument first. As the logician uses the term, it does not mean a 
disagreement (much less what happens on campuses today when radical activists 
encounter an idea they disagree with). It refers to a set of statements. At least one 
of these statements is called the argument's premise(s). A premise is an argument's 
starting point. The premises of an argument are offered as evidence in support of its 
conclusion-the statement the argument is intended to establish. Good, sound reasoning 
occurs when a person infers a conclusion from true, meaningful premises, and when we 
evaluate the inference or act of reasoning we see that it hangs together properly. 

There are a number of implications here-all of them at odds with the major tendencies 
of the day. 

First is the idea that words (such as those forming the technical vocabulary of logic) 
indeed do have reasonably precise meanings and that there are definite cognitive 
rights and wrongs. Some statements are true; others are false, period. 

Second is the implication that arguments and evidence matter-it is not sufficient 
simply to assert what one wants to be true or feels is true. While we may disagree 
over cases, or over whether evidence really supports a conclusion, logic is not about 
feelings; it is about evaluating instances of reasoning and uses of language. 

Third is the focus on the evaluative component. Logic doesn't concern itself with how 
people actually do think, even 


2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd

The ol' dialectic at work.

Anyone see C-Span today and the rally in DC.



In their effort to rout out terrorists Israeli soldiers are gutting all
universities in Palistine and the Ministry of Education destryoning all
computers and taking all hard drives.

Americans should all recognize these tactics.  They are what the PHOENIX
PROJECT was all about in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia --- destroying
societial infrastructure.  This is not war.  This is war crime.

So why doesn't anyone on TV say so?

The hand full of those with this opinion must wait their turn as literally
thousands of the paid ISRAELI WAR LOBBY get their opinions heard first.

Brian Downing Quig

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
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---End Message---


2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd



Robert G. Bauval

[Preface: The author does not believe that an actual
‘Masonic’ conspiracy exists. What the author does, however,
believe is that there is much to support the contention that
radical Arab and Judeo-Christian fundamentalists may
actually believe there is such a conspiracy.] 

Your Place or Mine?

Historical events are fixed by the time and place they
occurred. And this, as we all know, is expressed in a
calendar date and the name of location. On face value, this
appears obvious enough. After all, I was born on the 5th
March 1948 in the city of Alexandria, as officially recorded
on my birth certificate. No discussion, period. Ah, but what
about much earlier historical events such as, say, the
famous battle of Kadesh between the army of Ramses II and
the Hittites, as depicted on the pylon walls of the Rameseum
near the city of Luxor in Upper Egypt? In this case there
are as many ‘dates’ ranging from c.1280 BC to c. 1298 BC
depending which textbook you pick up. Even the exact
location of this battle is a matter of some contention, and
there are disagreement as to whether the battle was a
‘victory’ or a ‘defeat disguised as a victory’ for Ramses
II. But there is worse. 

When it comes to such popular historical events such as, for
example, the Biblical Exodus, well, forget it. Historians
can’t even agree if it happened at all, let alone give us an
exact date or the exact route taken by the Jews. The problem
with historical events such as these is that they are
‘dated’ i.e. recorded, on different calendar systems or by
the ‘reigns’ of such and such a kings and suchlike methods,
presenting a nightmarish confusion for the chronologist. As
for the location’s name, that, too, is given in different
languages often leading to totally wrong conclusions. Think
of the Arc of the Covenant or Noah’s Ark and you’ll get the

There is, too, the possibility that certain locations are,
in a sense, chosen for symbolic reasons. Think of the
terrorist attacks on the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
in 1998, which were almost certainly masterminded by Ossama
Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda organisation. In the minds of the
terrorists these bombings were, of course, attacks on the
‘United States’ and thus, in a sense, projected elsewhere to
geographical locations either arbitrarily or for strategic
convenience. But wait, this surely does not apply to the
11th September attacks on American soil? These attacks were
clearly aimed at the United States. Well, yes…and no. Let’s
look at this more closely.

Firstly the 11th September of the year 2001 AD (Anno Domini)
is based on the Gregorian calendar. For the Islamic calendar
this date fell on the 23rd Jumaada Al Thani of the year 1422
A.H. (Anno Hegirah); for the Ethiopian calendar it was the
1st Meskerem of the year 7501; in the Coptic (Christian
Egyptian) calendar it was the 1st Thout of the year 1725,
and according to the Jewish calendar it was the 23rd Elul of
the year 5761. Confused? There’s more. 

The Ethiopian 1st Meskerem and the Coptic 1st Thout are the
New Year’s Day for both these calendars. The Ethiopian and
Coptic ‘New Year’, in fact, always fall on the 11th
September of the Gregorian calendar (except on leap years,
where an extra day is added). But check this out: in the
year 1999 of the Gregorian calendar, the “11th September”
marked not only the Coptic and Ethiopian ‘New Year’ but also
the Jewish New Year (which fell on 1st Tishri 5760). This is
because the Jewish ‘New Year’, which is a bit like the
Christian Easter, is not fixed but changes because of the
complex way it is determined such as the sighting of the new
moon and also that it must not fall on certain days of the
week. The Jewish ‘New Year’ can fall anywhere between the
first week of September and the first week of October and,
statistically, more than often somewhere in the middle like,
for example near or on 11th September. 

The historical roots of all these ancient calendars are to
be found mostly in ancient Egyptian going as far back as
3000 BC. The ancient Egyptian civic calendar, probably
established in the forth millennium BC, was made up of 12
months of 30 days with each month having 3 ‘weeks’ of ten
days called Decans. But to keep up with the (approximate)
solar year of 365 days, the Egyptians also added 5 extra or
epagomenal days, known as the Birth of the Neters (divine
principles or ‘gods’), which included the celebrated
mythological couple, Osiris and Isis. 

The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the
Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a
star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred
on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June
Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st
month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well
as a small variance between the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Reader Mail Letter from NY Times to Jules Siegel

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


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[CTRL] 1984 awards target Ellison, Ashcroft

2002-04-20 Thread InfoWarz

1984 awards target Ellison, Ashcroft

By Reuters April 19, 2002, 6:30 AM PT

SAN FRANCISCO--U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and database
billionaire Larry Ellison were named this year's most notorious American
violators of personal privacy by leading advocacy groups on

The annual Big Brother Awards are presented to government,
corporations and private individuals who allegedly have done the most to
threaten personal privacy.

Privacy International, a London-based activist organization made up of
privacy experts and human rights organizations from dozens of countries,
presented the awards at the annual Computers, Freedom  Privacy
conference here this week. Several well-known U.S. privacy activists also
attended the ceremony.

The Worst Government Official award went to Ashcroft. Privacy
International said the top U.S. law enforcement officer is responsible
for a massive increase in wiretapping of phones and other electronics and
for the imprisonment without charge of as many as 1,200 people in the
United States after the Sept. 11 attacks on America.

The Worst Corporate Invader honor went to Ellison of Oracle,
the leading maker of database software, for his advocacy of a
centralized, Oracle-run government database that could be used as a
national identification system.

The honors are given out in the spirit of author George Orwell and his
warning about police surveillance in the totalitarian world of his novel

The goal is to name and shame the bad actors, said privacy
advocate Jason Catlett, president and founder of Junkbusters of Green
Brook, N.J.

Other awards included Most Invasive Company, Most
Appalling Project and Lifetime Menace. The award is a
golden statue depicting a jackboot pressing down on a human head.

There's not a lot of surprises here, Evan Hendricks, editor
of the Washington-based Privacy Times newsletter, said of the Big Brother

Most recipients fail to pick up the honor in person.

The Most Appalling Project honor went to the Enhanced
Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-Screening (CAPPS) project, a preflight
screening of airline passengers set up after of the Sept. 11 attacks. The
advocacy group argues this amounts to discriminatory treatment of
passengers based on race or certain consumer behaviors.

Privacy International singled out technology developers on the project,
including HNC Software, a maker of fraud detection tools; Acxiom, a
collector of business and consumer data; and Equifax, a credit
information agency.

Privacy International also hands out similar awards in eight European

What Americans tend to forget is that what happens here in America
in terms of privacy practices and technologies is getting exported to
other countries and undermining their privacy practices, said
Stephan Endberg, a privacy consultant with Open Business Innovation,
based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Story Copyright © 2002 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
-end article-
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not
interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not
wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure
powerPower is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a
dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution
in order to establish the dictatorship If you want a picture of the
future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. 
-O'Brien to Winston, George Orwell's 1984, 1949

Re: [CTRL] Israel Firsters rally against Bush-Powell peace plan

2002-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

All the embedded links in this article are dead. Gee, I wonder why?

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Internet (New) Media vs. Establishment (Old) Media

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


Regarding Internet media vs. establishment

The establishment media -- by which I mean
the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, CNN,
ABC,CBS, etc. -- are boringly predictable: they all spout the same
line. It's easy to figure out anything of significance they,
collectively,have to say every day in under 15 minutes. Their
algorithm for filtering the news is amazingly simple.

All the interesting news action is on the
Internet, where the really important stories that the establishment media have
censored appear in their full glory.

Jeff Rense, Antiwar.com, CounterPunch,
What Really Happened and mailing lists like cia-drugs are where the action is
these days. Old media journalists and pundits are dishonest propaganda
mouthpieces for the state. None of them are capable of independent
research and thinking. They are embarrassing.

The most significant news is the news that
the establishment mediaare trying to suppress -- like all the valid
questions about every aspect of 911.

The center of gravity in the news world is
turning away from the traditional media and towards the

Btw, Drudge Report is NOT an example of
the new Internet news media. Drudge is an officially-sanctioned mouthpiece
of the old media, in Internet guise. He has never broken a significant
story outside the bounds of the establishment agenda. Monicagate was an
establishment diversion from much more serious establishment

Rense vs. Drudge/New York Times--
new truthful open media vs. old lying censoring media.

Where misinformation does arise in the new
media, it is easy to handle through open, rational and factual debate of the
kind that is totally alien to the old media.

  - Original Message - 
  preston peet
  To: spynews 
  Cc: cia-drugs 
  Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:46
  Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] question on aliens
  or bush article I posted
  "In a way the message becomes separated from the source on
  the Internet,"said John Pavlik, a Columbia University journalism professor
  and executivedirector of the Conference for New Media. "You go online and
  you don't seethe people making the Web site, all you see is the site, and
  if it's at allwell done, it can seem credible."(from http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/conspiracy020417.html)Hi
  all, Exactly what does seeing the "people making the Web
  site" have to dowith the legitimacy of a news story? How many newspaper
  makers are seen bythe readers of a newspaper? For that matter, how many tv
  news show makersare seen by the viewers? This is pathetic reasoning in my
  own humbleopinion. I'm finding the numerous stories denigrating critical
  thoughtrecently as compared to the absolutely sparse mainstream reporting
  oreditorial writing actually addressing the serious and legitimate
  questionsraised about the Sept. 11 events to be at the least extremely
  insulting,even suspicious. (Uh-oh, I'm treading into the conspiracy
  Peet[EMAIL PROTECTED]Please let us stay on
  topic and be civil.To unsubscribe please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs-Home
  Page- www.cia-drugs.org OM Your use of Yahoo! Groups is
  subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- andrew hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 no no - its you who miss the point -
 did they actually throw colleen off the list for
 saying things like nazis crucified christ ??

No, it was for getting into a huge flame war with June. As I understood
it, they were not thrown off, just put under heavy moderation.

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Court denies motion to clarify judgment in Howe case

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


10:13p ET Saturday, April 20, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Reg Howe has just reported that his motion to amend and
clarify U.S. District Judge Reginald Lindsay's dismissal
of our lawsuit against the Bank for International
Settlements, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve, and
the big bullion banks has been denied. Reg has written
a brief, defiant essay about it here:


We continue to evaluate options for more litigation against
the suppression of the gold price.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

the romans had no problem with jesus; in fact, they really liked the guy -
he told everybody to pay taxes and be good citizens. it was the jewish
leaders that requested he be crucified as he was, by definition, a heretic;
and the punishment for heresy was death.

While heresy may have been punishable by death, the 'jewish leaders' by law
could NOT crucify someone; their death penalty was carried out by stoning...

Crucifixion was a punishment reserved by the Romans for those condemned of
high crimes against the Roman state, usually treason; they definitely would
NOT have crucified someone just because some local religious leaders asked
them to kill someone they deemed heretical...

BTW, evidence points to the fact that the passages of the Bible alleging to
have Jesus stating that people should pay taxes, etc., were added much
later by the burgeoning Roman Catholic church, and are NOT included in the
very earliest versions of the gospels...


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] September 11: The circumstantial case Part 2

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd


Part 2 of a four-part series
September 11: The circumstantial case
By Bill Molson
Online Journal Contributing Writer

The Pipeline
April 19, 2002—In 1997, two things of note happened in
Texas.  Representatives of the Taliban, which had recently
consolidated its  power over most of Afghanistan, came to
Houston. They were wined and  dined by Unocal, one of the
largest energy firms in the United  States. Also, the
governor of Texas, George W. Bush, was pushing  legislation
which would allow him to store all of his gubernatorial 
papers at his father's presidential library, away from the
archivists  in Austin, and be protected by the Federal
Freedom of Information Act  rather than Texas state law.

Unocal was hoping to construct an ambitious pipeline project
which  would transport Central Asian oil to the Arabian Sea.
Central Asia  has what is estimated to be 30 percent of the
world's proven oil  reserves, second only to the Persian
Gulf. Dick Cheney, who at the  time was president of
Halliburton, was quoted in 1998 as saying, “I  cannot think
of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly  to
become as strategically important as the Caspian.”

In 1998 after the U.S. Embassy bombings, talks with the
Taliban were  broken off. Then came the attack on the USS
Cole. President Clinton  ordered a cruise missile attack on
al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.  Despite a connection with
al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's shadowy  terrorist organization,
the FBI's chief anti-terrorism investigator  was prevented
from properly investigating the attack on the Cole.  John
O'Neill complained publicly that American and Saudi oil 
interests prevented him from tracking down or properly
investigating  Osama bin Laden and his network. He later
resigned in protest.

Relations with the Taliban got considerably warmer after
George W.  Bush came to office. With a cabinet of former oil
executives and  consultants, and bankrolled largely by
energy companies, such as  Enron, Bush wanted to try to get
negotiations back on track.

Much of what happened in those negotiations has been
revealed by a  book published in France, entitled “Bin
Laden: La Verite Interdite”  (Bin Laden: The Forbidden
Truth). Its authors are former French  intelligence agent
Jean-Charles Brisard and investigative journalist  Guillame
Dasquie. They claim that the United States was negotiating 
with the Taliban up until August, just before the attacks.
According  to the authors, in August, only one month before
the attacks, one of  the negotiators warned the Taliban with
the words, “either accept our  offer of a carpet of gold, or
we'll bury you in a carpet of bombs.”  If their allegations
are true, the words would prove an eerily  accurate
prediction of the future.

In May 2001, as reported in the Los Angeles Times, the Bush 
administration gave the Taliban government $43 million
dollars,  ostensibly to offset farmers' losses for
destroying their opium crops  in the War on Drugs. This was
at a time when only three governments  in the world
recognized the Taliban.


According to several British newspapers, the U.S. was
planning  military action against Afghanistan well before
September 11.

In an interview with the BBC, Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani
diplomat  and foreign secretary, said that he was told by
senior American  officials in mid-July that the U.S. was
already planning an attack  against Afghanistan. He received
this information at a UN sponsored  conference on
Afghanistan in Berlin. This would seem to corroborate  the
“carpet of gold, carpet of bombs” speech claimed by the
French  authors. According to the BBC, Mr. Naik claimed that
the U.S.  objective was to capture bin Laden and install a
moderate,  Western-friendly government in Afghanistan. He
added that the attack  would take place from bases in
Tajikistan, where military advisors  were already in place,
and that it would occur by mid-October at the  latest.

The presence of the military in Central Asia is confirmed by
the  British newspaper The Guardian. According to it, a U.S.
department of  defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited
Tajikistan in January,  and U.S. Rangers were training
special troops in Kyrgyzstan. The head  of the current
Afghan war, General Tommy Franks, visited Dushanbe on  May
16, 2001, calling Tajikistan “a strategically significant 

This does not, by itself, indicate any guilt. It is entirely
possible  that the United States had tired of bin Laden's
games, and decided to  eliminate the danger once and for
all. It is possible bin Laden got  wind of this and decided
to launch a preemptive strike. It would be  an amazing
coincidence, however, if the U.S. had planned to attack 
Afghanistan last October no matter what, and then terrorists
loyal to  bin Laden committed the worst terrorist atrocity
in world history  upon New York City only one month prior to
the scheduled assault. A  pre-emptive strike? Perhaps. But
the pilots had been 

Re: [CTRL] Israel Firsters rally against Bush-Powell peace plan

2002-04-20 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/20/02 11:08:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All the embedded links in this article are dead. Gee, I wonder why?

Having nothing better to do at this hour and waiting for the 10mg of Valium I took to kick in I tried the first 9 links in that article and lo  behold each and every one of them worked just fine for me.
Gee, I wonder why?
