[CTRL] Will Sharon Launch Another 911 Against The US?

2002-09-02 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


  EIR - Will Sharon Launch
  Another 911 Against The US?
  By Jeffrey Steinberg
  Executive Intelligence Review

  (EIRNS) -- Among senior intelligence analysts in the United States, the Arab 
world and Israel, there is a growing fear that Ariel Sharon is about to covertly 
launch a Sept. 11-type terrorist attack, targeting the United States--in order to drag 
President George W. Bush into a war against Iraq.

  Two factors may be impelling Sharon to take such provocative measures.
  First, there is a growing chorus of leading U.S. military figures, active 
duty and retired, and prominent Republican Party foreign policy mandarins, who are 
voicing strong opposition to the war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. On Aug. 25, former 
Secretary of State James Baker III added his name to the list of opponents of a 
unilateral American attack on Iraq on the oped page of the New York Times. The 
previous day, the Tampa Tribune had reported that Gen. Anthony Zinni (USMC-ret.), who 
was the last Commander-in-Chief of the Central Command, and who is now an advisor to 
Secretary of State Colin Powell, came out strongly against an Iraq attack, warning of 
grave strategic consequences.

  Zinni also assailed the group of Bush Administration neo-con war advocates, 
who never served a day in uniform. This whole grouping--including Paul Wolfowitz, 
Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), and even Vice President Dick 
Cheney, is being widely referred to as the chickenhawks.
  It's pretty interesting, Zinni told an audience in Tallahassee, Fla., 
that all the generals see it the same way, and all the others, who have never fired a 
shot and are hot to go to war, see it another way.

  Sharon Popularity Crashing

  The second factor driving Sharon to possibly launch a false-flag 911 terror 
attack on the U.S.A. is his falling popularity inside Israel. It is almost a certainty 
that there will be a government crisis before the end of the year, and early 
elections, perhaps over Israel's dire economic crisis and the inability of the Sharon 
government to agree on a budget that can pass the Knesset.
  In recent weeks, Haifa mayor Amram Mitzna, a decorated retired Israeli 
general, has declared his intentions to run for the Labor Party chairmanship and 
nomination as candidate for prime minister. He is committed to reviving the peace 
process with the Palestinians and Arabs, and has endorsed President Bush's two-state 
solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. His emergence as a new Rabin has added to 
Sharon's sense of desperation, and willingness to take such a risk.

  Spy Scandal Coverup

  One factor emboldening Sharon to attempt a made in Baghdad or similar 
terror attack on U.S. soil or against American targets abroad, is the John 
Ashcroft-led coverup of the Israeli spy scandals, that form an integral part of the 
events of Sept. 11, 2001.
  Immediately following the Sept. 11 attacks on the Trade Center and the 
Pentagon, reports surfaced that a group of Israeli nationals, ostensibly working for a 
moving company in New Jersey, had been detained by the FBI for suspicious behavior on 
911, which had been reported to police in Hackensack, N.J.
  It later was confirmed that the men were working for the Israeli Mossad, and 
that the moving company was, itself, a Mossad front.
  Further revelations established that the Hackensack team was part of a vast 
Israeli military spy operation, that had been activated throughout the United States 
beginning no later than early 2000, and which continued to operate, following the 911 
  Sources report that the Senate Judiciary Committee is now reviewing evidence 
that the Israeli espionage probe has been covered up, top-down, by Ashcroft's DOJ.
  Lyndon LaRouche, the Democratic Party pre-Presidential candidate for 2004, 
issued a call, on Aug. 27, for the coverup to end. LaRouche warned that any effort by 
Ashcroft to suppress the spy scandal would increase the likelihood of another 911-type 
attack on the United States, and would constitute reckless disregard for the national 
security of the United States--a cause for Ashcroft's removal.

  Iraq War, Mass Expulsion

  LaRouche also warned that a staged terrorist incident against a U.S. 
target--whether orchestrated by Sharon or by Sharon-allied covert networks inside the 
U.S. military/intelligence apparatus--could impel President Bush to violate the 
Constitution by launching a unilateral military action against Iraq, without 
consulting with Congress or America's European or Arab allies, and without proof of 
Iraqi involvement. This kind of action would 

[CTRL] Less For Our Labor Day

2002-09-02 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Less For Our Labor Day?
by Gary Galles
[Posted September 2, 2002]
Every Labor Day, the U.S. is carpet-bombed with politicians' rhetoric
extolling working Americans' very real and substantial contributions
to our society, followed by words of devotion to their interests.From
their speeches, you would think that the government was doing
wonderful things to help workers.

But, in fact, with the average American spending more to fund
government than to buy food, clothing, and shelter combined, the
greatest impact the government has on those of us for whom it
cares so muchis through the huge gap it creates between the value
of our productive contribution to others in the workplace and what
we actually take home.

In other words, the government's primary contribution to our lives is
to make us substantially underpaid for the productive work we do,
judged by the line labeled net on our pay stubs. But because our
net is all that most of us really look at any more, we tend to blame
our employers rather than the government for that underpayment

If you are one of those whose net pay makes you feel
underappreciated by your employer on your holiday, remember
that what your employer pays for your services is far greater than
what you net. The grasping hand of the government that is
honoring you is primarily to blame for the difference between what
you are worth to your employer in productivity and what makes it to
your bank account.

The most obvious difference between your gross and net pay is
income taxes. But if you are like most, you are now so accustomed
to income tax withholdings--which you can do little about but change
your claimed exemptions at the beginning of the year--that you don't
even look at the amount withheld from your pay any more.Labor
Day is a good time to take another look at how much of your
compensation goes directly from your employer to the IRS, rather
than to you.

Social Security and Medicare taxes, which are greater than income
taxes for a substantial majority of Americans, also create a huge
gap between workers' compensation and their net pay. Some do not
even know that 7.65 percent of their pay goes toward Social
Security and Medicaretaxes. Those who do notice often say I was
robbed as they get their paycheck (remember what you or your
children said upon receipt of that first real check, if you have

But even then, they recognize only half of the tax cost, because
employers must also contribute an equal amount on your behalf,
an amount that really comes out of your pocket.Employers compare
their estimate of your productive contribution with the cost of your
entire compensation package.

The result is that, since employers know they must bear this 7.65-
percent tax over and above the wages they pay, they offer less in
wages. But employers, rather than the government, get the blame
for the resulting underpayment for our skills.

Other taxes supposedly borne by employers are also borne by
employees in reduced net pay (or higher prices for the products they
buy, which is analytically equivalent), as well. Unemployment taxes
and workman's comp payments may be officially paid by your
employer, but workers actually bear any resulting burdens
employers can anticipate from hiring them.Sales and excise taxes
also lower the net value to purchasers of the goods and services
workers produce.

Similarly, corporate taxes impose a burden on workers, either by
reducing their pay or increasing prices they must pay out of their
earnings.In each of these cases, you may blame your employer for
the lower real wages that result, but the government actually gets
the money, along with accolades from taxpayers who think they are
less burdened (instead of indirectly burdened) as a result.

Further, because all of these taxes reduce saving and investment,
they also reduce the accumulation of capital over time below what it
would havebeen otherwise.With fewer tools, workers are less
productive, and they receive less income as a result.

Benefits which the government mandates employers to provide their
workers also really come out of workers' pockets, because that cost
is part of their total compensation package, which must be covered
by the value of worker output to their employer. Similarly, the
productivity-reducing costs of complying with regulatory burdens (a
tax of hundreds of billion dollars a year) reduce take home pay.

Labor Day is intended to recognize and honor the contributions of
the working men and women of America, and to give politicians a
chance to make speeches to show how they represent the interests
of every worker.But rather than a holiday that mainly reminds me
how much the government makes me underpaid with what they
squeeze out of what I earn, I would feel far more appreciated if the
government just took less instead.

Gary M. Galles is a professor of economics at Pepperdine
University. Send him MAIL, and see his 

[CTRL] Iran paper compares Bush to Hitler

2002-09-02 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Iran paper compares Bush, Hitler
Daily backs up earlier statement by Ayatollah Khamenei

Posted: September 1, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The Iranian Farsi-language daily Jumhur-ye Islami recently devoted an
editorial to the parallels between George W. Bush's America and Adolf
Hitler's Nazi Germany, according to a translation provided by the Middle
East Media Research Institute.

The article appeared Aug. 17, just days after Iran's Supreme Leader Ali
Khamenei referred to President Bush as Hitler.

There is a great resemblance between the behavior of today's Americans and
the behavior of the Nazis, said Khamenei in language reiterated in the
editorial. The language of the U.S. president resembles the language of
Hitler. This boasting of the strength of the Western powers has become so
embarrassing that the president of a country who brags of [his support] for
human rights and freedom talks with the people of the world in the language
of Hitler ... .

The editorial continued: These are some of the words of Ayatollah Khamenei,
the Supreme Leader of the revolution ... . For the past half-century, the
language of the Americans has always been the language of power and
coercion. If Hitler had had to show the face of a bloodthirsty dictator, he
would have had to adopt [the face of] George W. Bush ... who has, for the
past 20 months, since the beginning of his rule, taken on the pattern of
Hitler's behavior in international relations.

There is a great resemblance between the behavior of today's Americans and
the behavior of the Nazis then: terrorizing other countries, seeking to rule
over [them], intervening aerially [by bombing], and making a mockery of all
the international rules and treaties.

The paper charged Americans are infected with Satanic pride.

The Nazis of that time talked of the need to change Europe's political
geography, of the need to topple some of the 'unnecessary' regimes (Poland,
Czechoslovakia) of terrorizing Europe with the Nazi movement, and of shaping
Europe in accordance with the caprices of the Germans, said the editorial.
The same dangerous phenomenon appears today, fully, under the heading of
'the new world order,' in the form of a unilateral American struggle to
topple a number of governments (Afghanistan, Iraq), to terrorize the Middle
East through the Zionist [movement], and to create conditions that will
secure American aspirations in the region.

The editorial continued: If in those days Adolf Hitler saw himself as
determining... the changes in Europe and in the world, today Bush – with his
Zionist advisers – sees himself ... [as worthy] of the same admiration.
[Like the Nazis], the Americans think themselves above international
resolutions. They themselves did not sign the convention forbidding the
creation and expansion of the [arsenal] of nuclear weapons, but they force
others to abide by it. They threaten the world with the non-extradition of
criminal American civilians and soldiers to the International War Crimes
Court ... . They carve up Iraq's land with great pleasure, and even talk
about carving up Saudi Arabia. They talk frequently of disarmament in the
region, but at the same time equip Israel with the worst weapons of mass
destruction and defend the criminals of this false regime, their [urge for]
expansion, and their terror.

The Americans are infected today with satanic pride and arrogant egotism.
This egotism was not diminished throughout the 20th century, which gave
birth to two destructive world wars. Although the aggressors were completely
humiliated by the end of the two wars, there is a fear that the American
[Bush] – the hands of whose criminals stir up most of the world's political
crises, as he tramples with his soldiers' boots upon the rights of the
nations: Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and other places
in the world that are on the brink of conflagration – [this] Bush is heading
towards a dead end on the same path on which the dictators who caused the
two world wars also reached [a dead end].

The paper, noted for its conservative, hard-line support of the current
mullah regime, went on with the analogy: All the countries ... of the world
demanded, under the same circumstances, [that the world] not remain
indifferent in the face of a regime that intervenes militarily and
politically [in other countries' affairs]. The lesson of the bitter events
of the last century – for us, for the new generation, and for the
generations to come – is that if the aggressors are not punished for their
deeds ... no law, no country, no political regime anywhere in the world will
be immune to the cruel nature of [American] arrogance.

We wish to conclude with the words of Ayatollah Khamenei, from his address
to the 42nd session of the United Nations General Assembly in
September-October 1987: '... Our message to all the peoples and countries
that wish to 

[CTRL] General Ashcroft's Detention Camps / Time to Call for His Resignation

2002-09-02 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


General Ashcroft's Detention Camps
Time to Call for His Resignation
Nat Hentoff

September 4 - September 10, 2002

Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional and public-interest law at
George Washington University Law School in D.C. He is also a defense
attorney in national security cases and other matters, writes for a number
of publications, and is often on television. He and I occasionally exchange
leads on civil liberties stories, but I learn much more from him than he
does from me.

For example, a Jonathan Turley column in the national edition of the August
14 Los Angeles Times (Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision)

Attorney General John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S.
citizens he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being a
political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace. Actually, ever
since General Ashcroft pushed the U.S. Patriot Act through an overwhelmingly
supine Congress soon after September 11, he has subverted more elements of
the Bill of Rights than any attorney general in American history.

Under the Justice Department's new definition of enemy combatant--which
won the enthusiastic approval of the president and Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld--anyone defined as an enemy combatant, very much including
American citizens, can be held indefinitely by the government, without
charges, a hearing, or a lawyer. In short, incommunicado.

Two American citizens--Yaser Esam Hamdi and Jose Padilla--are currently
locked up in military brigs as enemy combatants. (Hamdi is in solitary in
a windowless room.) As Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe said on ABC's
Nightline (August 12):

It bothers me that the executive branch is taking the amazing position that
just on the president's say-so, any American citizen can be picked up, not
just in Afghanistan, but at O'Hare Airport or on the streets of any city in
this country, and locked up without access to a lawyer or court just because
the government says he's connected somehow with the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
That's not the American way. It's not the constitutional way. . . . And no
court can even figure out whether we've got the wrong guy.

In Hamdi's case, the government claims it can hold him for interrogation in
a floating navy brig off Norfolk, Virginia, as long as it needs to. When
Federal District Judge Robert Doumar asked the man from the Justice
Department how long Hamdi is going to be locked up without charges, the
government lawyer said he couldn't answer that question. The Bush
administration claims the judiciary has no right to even interfere.

Now more Americans are also going to be dispossessed of every fundamental
legal right in our system of justice and put into camps. Jonathan Turley
reports that Justice Department aides to General Ashcroft have indicated
that a 'high-level committee' will recommend which citizens are to be
stripped of their constitutional rights and sent to Ashcroft's new camps.

It should be noted that Turley, who tries hard to respect due process, even
in unpalatable situations, publicly defended Ashcroft during the latter's
turbulent nomination battle, which is more than I did.

Again, in his Los Angeles Times column, Turley tries to be fair: Of course
Ashcroft is not considering camps on the order of the internment camps used
to incarcerate Japanese American citizens in World War II. But he can be
credited only with thinking smaller; we have learned from painful experience
that unchecked authority, once tasted, easily becomes insatiable. (Emphasis

Turley insists that the proposed camp plan should trigger immediate
Congressional hearings and reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for
important office. Whereas Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens,
Ashcroft has become a clear and present threat to our liberties. (Emphasis

On August 8, The Wall Street Journal, which much admires Ashcroft on its
editorial pages, reported that the Goose Creek, South Carolina, facility
that houses [Jose] Padilla--mostly empty since it was designated in January
to hold foreigners captured in the U.S. and facing military tribunals--now
has a special wing that could be used to jail about 20 U.S. citizens if the
government were to deem them enemy combatants, a senior administration
official said. The Justice Department has told Turley that it has not
denied this story. And space can be found in military installations for more
enemy combatants.

But once the camps are operating, can General Ashcroft be restrained from
detaining--not in these special camps, but in regular lockups--any American
investigated under suspicion of domestic terrorism under the new, elastic
FBI guidelines for criminal investigations? From page three of these
Ashcroft terrorism FBI guidelines:

The nature of the conduct engaged in by a [terrorist] enterprise will
justify an inference that the 

[CTRL] The Charnel House Future: Why BushCo. Must Be Stopped Now

2002-09-02 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


The Charnel House Future: Why BushCo. Must Be Stopped Now
By Bernard Weiner
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday, 2 September, 2002

I don't want to talk here about whether a full-scale attack on Iraq is right
or wrong -- or whether, with all the scandals surrounding BushCo., the
Administration is using its daily leaks and the whole Iraq debate as giant

What I want to do here is to examine whether such attacks -- with Iraq being
the most potent symbol of America's unilateral adventurism in foreign and
military policy -- will further or endanger America's national interests.
And then we'll suggest what those of us with a less imperial view of U.S.
national interests can, and should, do to alter the situation.

First, let's look at it from the point of view of the BushCo. hawks
currently driving America's foreign and military policy. From their vantage
point, attacking Iraq will accomplish several important national-interest

1) It will remove a dangerous, ambitious thug from the region, with his
capacity for major mayhem -- which could well include Saddam's use of
biological, chemical, and, eventually, nuclear, weapons. If he isn't stopped
now, this reasoning goes, and he chooses to blackmail his neighbors with
such weaponry, he could exercise control over a good share of the world's
oil reserves, and thus threaten the economic health of the developed
countries that count on that energy supply.

2) Taking out Saddam Hussein would serve as a clear warning to other rulers
in the Persian Gulf/Middle East: Don't test us, or you'll get the same.
American suzerainty over the area would be insured for decades, and, after
Iraq falls back into its correct orbit, all without an additional shot
having to be fired. Because of all the bases set up for the Iraq attack,
with some contingents of American troops stationed in the region on a
semi-permanent basis, the threat of U.S. action against other would-be
recalcitrant rulers would take on more believability.

3) Attacking Iraq gives the military a chance to try out its new,
sophisticated hardware, and software, and thus hone the technologies and
strategies that bolster American power around the world. Afghanistan was the
prelude, but because it was carried out on such a poor, mostly non-urbanized
society, a lot of the weaponry could not be fully tested. The Afghan
campaign was, and remains, a kind of high-tech guerrilla war. Taking on
Baghdad and a well-armed and well-trained urban defense force would be a
better test of what these weapons can do in more conventional conflicts.

4) Attacking Iraq has a domestic benefit as well. The al-Qaida mass-murder
attacks of 9/11 frightened the hell out of the American populace, making
clear the vulnerability of the homeland; this state of mind led to easy
acceptance of moves toward a more rigorous, militarist America, with less
Constitutional constraints on Administration actions. The permanent war on
terrorism ensures that citizen and Congressional criticism of U.S. policy
will be muted, and condemnable as unpatriotic.

In wartime, power goes toward the White House. Even non-war-related
legislation will be easier to get passed because it can be seen as part of
national security and homeland defense. A second Bush term is ensured.
(If the attack comes before November, GOP candidates could ride the
coattails of Bush, as the country rallies around the flag and its
commander-in-chief. If the war comes after the elections, the Administration
has nearly two years in which to nail down a victory over Iraq and get it
fully integrated into the Western camp.)


So, from the standpoint of the BushCo. hawks, as you can see from the above
listing, it's a win-win. As the world's only superpower, the U.S. guarantees
continued dominance over key areas of the globe, and the Administration
maintains and grows its domestic power.

What impresses one about this BushCo. way of thinking is that it looks at
foreign policy only in terms of short-range goals. Its domestic policies
follow that same limited perspective: What can we get right now? Screw the
long-term effects. Global warming? We'll stay with fossil fuels and limited
gas-mileage requirements; let the market prevail. We can worry about the
effects of global warming later, and still later, and even later. Increased
terrorism in the Middle East and inside our own borders? Yeah, maybe, but we
and Israel can deal with it later, no problem.


Now, what are the implications of this limited-vision thinking on short- and
long-range U.S. national interests?

1) So we get rid of Saddam Hussein. We have attacked yet another Arab
nation, devoid of an overt provocation. Granted, its leader is a constant
nuisance and threat to U.S. and Western interests -- and thus is a kind of
hero on the Arab street -- but, even though Saddam attacked nobody, he gets
pre-emptively taken out.

Virtually every Arab 

[CTRL] [JUGOINFO] Uranio238: On a Balkan War's Last Day, Trouble From the Sky

2002-09-02 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

York TimesInternational/EuropeSeptember 2, 2002On a 
Balkan War's Last Day, Trouble From the SkyBy MARLISE 
SIMONSKOTOR, Montenegro - In the early morning hours, the scientists 
come to work on asmall tongue of land with one of the loveliest views 
along the Mediterranean.Behind them is the stunning bay of Kotor and its 
crown of steep mountains, ahead is theshimmer of the open sea, a few hours' 
sail from Italy.But the men hunch down, their eyes fixed on the 
ground. They scoop up bits of soil androck, moving slowly and meticulously 
like archaeologists.Protective clothing covers them from head to 
toe. The cape, closed off to tourists, ismarked with signs saying 
"Radioactive Danger. Trespassing Forbidden."The scientists from 
Montenegro are searching for war debris, specifically bullets coatedwith 
slightly radioactive depleted uranium. American warplanes fired some 480 
roundsat the cape on the final day of NATO's 1999 air campaign against 
Yugoslavia,according to NATO records.No one was killed. But to the 
scientists, the attack is inexplicable. The only tokens ofpast life are 
a collapsed bunker and some ruined walls more than a century 
old,leftovers from the Austro-Hungarian Empire."We don't understand why 
anyone would want to attack and contaminate the place onthe last day of 
the war," said Perko Vukotic, a professor of nuclear physics at 
theUniversity of Montenegro at Podgorica who heads the 12-man cleanup 
team.The group has collected scores of bullets and fragments, some 
buried deep in the soil.But the main problem, they say, is that casings 
have broken and many uranium partshave disintegrated and turned into 
potentially toxic dust."Water corrodes the uranium and it becomes 
powdery," said Dr. Perkovic. "It crumblesas easily as cigarette ash and 
spreads in the soil. People can touch it or inhale it. Thewind blows it 
around."The work in Montenegro, the little state that with Serbia makes 
up the federation ofYugoslavia, is the first thorough cleanup of uranium 
in the Balkans.NATO has disclosed that it fired thousands of rounds of 
munitions with tips of depleteduranium, one of the hardest metals and 
therefore suitable for penetrating targets liketanks, against targets in 
Bosnia in 1995 and in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro in 1999.Depleted of 
its most radioactive part for use in nuclear fuel, the material still 
emitslow-level radiation.There have been heated debates in Europe 
over the use of this ammunition in theBalkans. The main concern was the 
risk that the material could have lasting ill effectson people and the 
environment.Pentagon and officials from the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization acknowledge thatdepleted uranium, like other heavy metals, can 
be toxic, but insist that its low-levelradiation is not harmful.Many 
civilian specialists agree, but some research in the United States, Canada 
andBritain has shown that uranium particles can be inhaled, enter the 
bloodstream andlodge in the bone, where they can deliver low but steady 
and potentially harmfulradiation. There is no agreement on what is a 
harmful dose and some NATO countrieswant the ammunition banned."We had 
to make a choice because nobody knows the truth," Dr. Vukotic said. 
"Eitherwe say nothing about this and close Cape Arza. Or we 
decontaminate it." Industries thathandle depleted uranium use special 
precautions to store it, he went on, so here itshould not be lying 
around.The team is closely following the recommendations of the United 
Nations EnvironmentProgram, which conducted the only comprehensive study 
of the Balkan wars'environmental impact. In one of its reports, it said 
that "given the considerable scientificuncertainties" about long-term 
behavior of depleted uranium, the authorities should givethe "highest 
priority" to forbidding public access, collecting and removing pieces 
anddecontaminating areas where possible and store the material safely. 
Ground watershould be monitored. The latest report, in March, said that, 
surprisingly, depleteduranium particles were "still in the air two years 
after the conflict's end."The decontamination team began work on the 
cape last year. The men move slowly,covering about 60 feet an hour, their 
instruments close to the ground. When a counterdetects higher than 
natural radiation, the place is marked with a little yellow flag.Someone 
scoops up the soil and the stones. Each spoonful is put under the 
detector,then stored in boxes or bags, depending on its 
intensity."It's very tedious, it's like detective work," Dr. Vukotic 
said.No one lives on the cape, but villagers have houses about a mile 
away and touristsvisiting the ancient town of Kotor nearby come to hike 
here and visit the beaches.The team has sent its first cache - 160 large 
bullets, scores of fragments, more 

Re: [CTRL] General Ashcroft's Detention Camps / Time to Call for His Resignation

2002-09-02 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

No one builds a product and lets it sit on the shelves.

Prisons are a growth industry, so we make Draconian laws to keep them

Remember that criticizing the president, and doing illicit drugs have been
defined as akin to terrorism - how long til smoking a joint or saying Bush
sucks gets you defined as an enemy combatant?

on 9/2/02 10:24 AM, Jei at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 General Ashcroft's Detention Camps
 Time to Call for His Resignation
 Nat Hentoff

 September 4 - September 10, 2002

 Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional and public-interest law at
 George Washington University Law School in D.C. He is also a defense
 attorney in national security cases and other matters, writes for a number
 of publications, and is often on television. He and I occasionally exchange
 leads on civil liberties stories, but I learn much more from him than he
 does from me.

 For example, a Jonathan Turley column in the national edition of the August
 14 Los Angeles Times (Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision)

 Attorney General John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S.
 citizens he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being a
 political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace. Actually, ever
 since General Ashcroft pushed the U.S. Patriot Act through an overwhelmingly
 supine Congress soon after September 11, he has subverted more elements of
 the Bill of Rights than any attorney general in American history.

 Under the Justice Department's new definition of enemy combatant--which
 won the enthusiastic approval of the president and Defense Secretary Donald
 Rumsfeld--anyone defined as an enemy combatant, very much including
 American citizens, can be held indefinitely by the government, without
 charges, a hearing, or a lawyer. In short, incommunicado.

 Two American citizens--Yaser Esam Hamdi and Jose Padilla--are currently
 locked up in military brigs as enemy combatants. (Hamdi is in solitary in
 a windowless room.) As Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe said on ABC's
 Nightline (August 12):

 It bothers me that the executive branch is taking the amazing position that
 just on the president's say-so, any American citizen can be picked up, not
 just in Afghanistan, but at O'Hare Airport or on the streets of any city in
 this country, and locked up without access to a lawyer or court just because
 the government says he's connected somehow with the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
 That's not the American way. It's not the constitutional way. . . . And no
 court can even figure out whether we've got the wrong guy.

 In Hamdi's case, the government claims it can hold him for interrogation in
 a floating navy brig off Norfolk, Virginia, as long as it needs to. When
 Federal District Judge Robert Doumar asked the man from the Justice
 Department how long Hamdi is going to be locked up without charges, the
 government lawyer said he couldn't answer that question. The Bush
 administration claims the judiciary has no right to even interfere.

 Now more Americans are also going to be dispossessed of every fundamental
 legal right in our system of justice and put into camps. Jonathan Turley
 reports that Justice Department aides to General Ashcroft have indicated
 that a 'high-level committee' will recommend which citizens are to be
 stripped of their constitutional rights and sent to Ashcroft's new camps.

 It should be noted that Turley, who tries hard to respect due process, even
 in unpalatable situations, publicly defended Ashcroft during the latter's
 turbulent nomination battle, which is more than I did.

 Again, in his Los Angeles Times column, Turley tries to be fair: Of course
 Ashcroft is not considering camps on the order of the internment camps used
 to incarcerate Japanese American citizens in World War II. But he can be
 credited only with thinking smaller; we have learned from painful experience
 that unchecked authority, once tasted, easily becomes insatiable. (Emphasis

 Turley insists that the proposed camp plan should trigger immediate
 Congressional hearings and reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for
 important office. Whereas Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens,
 Ashcroft has become a clear and present threat to our liberties. (Emphasis

 On August 8, The Wall Street Journal, which much admires Ashcroft on its
 editorial pages, reported that the Goose Creek, South Carolina, facility
 that houses [Jose] Padilla--mostly empty since it was designated in January
 to hold foreigners captured in the U.S. and facing military tribunals--now
 has a special wing that could be used to jail about 20 U.S. citizens if the
 government were to deem them enemy combatants, a senior administration
 official said. The Justice Department has told Turley that it has not
 denied this story. And space can be found in 

Re: [CTRL] Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

2002-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

This is stupid superstitious drivel.
Keep it in Church dude.
And the best salt is on pretzels.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 1:53 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

 By Flip Benham Updated June 10, 2002

 As Christians we are called to be salt and light in a world that is
rotting on the inside from the consequences of sin, and attacked on the
outside by an enemy (the devil) who has come to rob, kill, and destroy. The
world, in all of its wisdom, is in utterly helpless and without hope in this
battle - no answers, no solutions, no way! One need only listen to the
talking heads and politicians of our day to realize they are clueless. The
catastrophic events in the Mid-East, 9-11, bloodshed coursing down the
corridors of our streets, workplaces, and schools - oh, what to do! Violence
is filling our land!

 It is into this hopeless, decaying world that the Church of Jesus Christ
is called to bring salt and light. We do battle with the sin that destroys
from within and the enemy who destroys from without. We are called to take
captive our thoughts and make them obedient unto Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Then
we are called to crush the head of the enemy robbing, killing, and
destroying (Gen. 3:15, Rom. 16:20).

 The Church of Jesus Christ is the only institution ordained by God to
fight this battle against the sin raging from within, and the devil raging
from without. It is the only true salt and our only hope for victory.
Unfortunately, the salt has abdicated its responsibility to be salt in the
earth and light in the world. It has become good for nothing except to be,
trampled under the feet of men (Matt. 5:13).

 Not only are we being trampled under the feet of sworn enemies of our Lord
who support abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, ad nauseum, we are also
being trampled under the feet of another so-called friend - CONSERVATISM!

 As our nation attempts to defeat the spirit of murder presently savaging
our land, the Church of Jesus Christ has delegated the job to one who cannot
win the battle. Enter modern day conservatism!

 Conservatism looks like salt, talks like salt, acts like salt, seeks the
vote and friendship of salt, yet, when the test of taste comes, it is
revealed for what it really is - a tasteless enabler of perdition! That's
right! Conservatism enables true salt to remain in the shaker while it
attempts pragmatic deal making with an enemy bent on destroying God's

 Conservatism will work hard on bills like partial birth abortion, parental
notification, etc., but will never stand firm for all children whether they
are six months old in the womb or two seconds old. Conservatism is a
pathetic substitute for the vibrant salt of real Christianity. Conservatism
poses no threat to the enemy from within (sin) or the enemy from without
(the devil).

 Rush Limbaugh, the penultimate conservative, has no problem supporting
conservatives like Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, even though he knows her
to be pro-abortion, because she is a fiscal conservative. Rush believes that
conservatism is the answer to America's woes. Rush will sacrifice Christian
principle to elect conservatives

 Right to Life organizations in the state of Texas worked hard a couple
of years ago getting the parental notification bill passed and signed into
law by then Governor George W. Bush. It was hailed as a great victory for
the pro-life movement. Florence Shapiro, however, the state senator who
authored the bill, was Republican, conservative, and pro-abortion! Yet she
is now considered a friend to the pro-life community. Conservatism thrives
in this muddying of the waters.

 Conservatism will confront the enemy with the evil he promotes but, on the
day of battle, will always retreat. Conservatism always tries to reason and
compromise with the enemy seeking some common ground or reaching across
the aisle. Conservatism is politics' answer to Christianity. Its modus
operandi is pragmatism. Principle is abandoned and obtaining and maintaining
political office is its summum bonum. In order to become more appealing
these days it calls itself Compassionate Conservatism.

 If you have been watching our President and his administration lately you
will note the waffling, pandering, compromising, ad nauseam of Christian
principles to the god of conservatism. If conservatism is the hired gun of
the Church to take on her political enemies, it is a pitiful squirt gun. How
the devil must laugh! Just watch him laugh through Yasser Arafat, Ted
Kennedy, the abortion industry, the radical homosexual agenda, Tom Daschel.
They serve their god with absolute allegiance. They know that they can
count on conservatism to sell her god' for thirty pieces of silver and
political office.

 The result of the Church of Jesus Christ allowing conservatism to fight
the battle savaging 

Re: [CTRL] Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

2002-09-02 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:46 PM 9/1/02 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

This is stupid superstitious drivel.
Keep it in Church dude.
And the best salt is on pretzels.


Another outstanding critique, joshie troll too.  Keep your thoughts at home dudie. 
Your intelligent commentary, critical thinking, intricate debating skills, and ability 
to dissect integrate concepts are only surpassed by your PC dullness.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fairytailes: Osama and I

2002-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

A little
birdie called Shadi Abdallah tells wonderous stories. He's been to
Afghanistan, where he was a bodyguard of Bin Laden. Not because he
was too well trained but mainly because of his size, that enabled him to
act as a kind of human shield (?).
So far German BKA has not come across a similarly bubbling source .

The article
is odd. (see english summary below)
On one hand
they seem to be convinced that Shadi is a member of
theTawhid-group, that has close ties to a battle commander of Osama Bin
Laden that fled to Iran. The order of the group had been to get papers
for members of Osama's group, that would help them to travel on to

In April
the authorities picked up a phone call of this commander. They
noticed strange code words: the dump, black pill, apple of lebanon.
Fearing attacks in Germany they ordered a nationwide raid and arrested
13 *Islamists*.

The same
day he began to talk. According to him *the dump* means a
weapon with silencer, apple of lebanon: explosive . The translation of the
black pill is mysteriously missing. Instead the writer cites the Koran
(spelling?) verse that the commander gave him as a signal for the
attack: concerning a jewish institution.

Many details
of his story have proven correct thus the investigators
found a cache containing a large amount of weapons.

But In
spite of such evidence the officials are not so sure where facts
merge into fiction.

This is the
second time I have come across the fact and fiction image in
German media.

I might well
be overjudging it (meanng give it too much meaning). But
concerning an American report on Terrorism - I unfortunately only
caught the news somewhere in the middle -there was an interview with
the correspondent in Washington. He expressed his overall impression
and to my big surprise said it sounded like *spy fiction*. It's about as far
as they can go I guess.

Anyway is
this a new tune in the discussion of the subject? Over here?

BUT: The
latest issue of DIE ZEIT has a large report about all the
evidence collected around Europe concerning a supposed spiritual head
and money source of the network: Abu Qatada. Where unknown sources
of the French secret services are mentioned They think he is under the
protection of MI6.

TIME.com: Sheltering A Puppet Master?



26. August 2002


Osama and I 
Islamists: The suspected terrorist
Shadi Abdallah has for the first time
been supplying information about Al Qaida. If his testimony is correct,
this would mark a breakthrough for investigators. Bin Laden may have
been more directly involved in the attacks of September 11 than
previously assumed - because Abdallah describes Binalshibh, whom
investigators suspect of planning the attacks in the USA, as having
been a confidant of Bin Laden, who was in personal contact with the
terrorist leader. According to Abdallah, the French citizen Zacarias
Moussaoui, 34, who is currently standing trial in the United States, was
another of Bin Laden's confidants. These stories pose some puzzles
which investigators will find hard to solve. While many of the claims
about Germany can be checked, the details from the chapter Osama
and I can scarcely be verified. 

There's a frosty touch to the
relations between Germany and the United
States. The US ambassador to Germany, Dan Coates, has officially
expressed Washington's displeasure at Chancellor Gerhard Schrder's
public stance on the US intentions in Iraq. 

We Could Be in Baghdad
SPIEGEL interview with the
head of the 


2002-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'

Roland Weber - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - wrote:


1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they
had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?
2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial, citing an
unidentified threat in July 2001?
3. Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?
4. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of
the classroom?
5. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the attacks?
6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the
flights all use the term boxcutters?
7. Where are the flight recorders?
8. Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?
9. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?
10 Why was security meeting scheduled for
9/11cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?
11. How did they come up with the culprits so  quickly?
12. How did they find the terrorist's cars at the
airports so quickly?
13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force?
14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?
15. Why was no plane seen at the Pentagon?
16. How extensive was the relationship between the
Taliban, the ISI and the CIA?
17. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at UNOCAL?
18. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline
from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan?
19. When was the decision made to send the FEMA to New York?
20. Why did FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney tell Dan Rather
he was in New York on Sept. 10?
21. Why did the FBI in 1996 close the files to
investigate Osama bin Laden's relatives in Washington?
22. Why did .Bush stop inquiries into terrorist
connections of the Bin Laden family in early 2001?
23. Who made the decision to have John O'Neill stop
investigating Al-qeada accounts?
24. Who gave the decision to give him a security job
at the World Trade Center?
25. Did John O'Neill meet anyone of the FEMA in the
night of September 10th?
26. What about media reports that hijackers bought
tickets for flights scheduled after Sept. 11?
27. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appeared on the
passenger lists?
28. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink
alcoholic beverages and leave their bibles?
29. Why would the hijackers use credit cards and allow
drivers licenses with photos to be zeroxed?
30. Why did the hijackers force passengers to call relatives?
31. How did the hijackers change the flight plan
without law enforcement or the military try to stop them?
32. Which hijacker's passport was found in the WTC
rubble? Who found it and what time?
33. How could the FBI distinguish between regular
Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights?
34. Why was there not one innocent Muslim on board
any of these flights?
35. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking
for Muslim names and label them as hijackers?


36. Did the Florida police provide information that
Atta was searched because of 1)an expired Visa, 2)
driving a car without a license, 3) because of an

[CTRL] Fwd: Nat Hentoff | General Ashcroft's Detention Camps, Time to Call for His Resignation 09/03/02

2002-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

t r u t h o u t | 09.03

Nat Hentoff | General Ashcroft's Detention Camps, Time to Call for His Resignation

Officers: Iraq Could Drain Terror War, Diversion of Afghan Forces To Gulf Raises 

Bernard Weiner | The Charnel House Future: Why BushCo. Must Be Stopped Now

Zbigniew Brzezinski | Confronting Anti-American Grievances

Drive to Clinch Deal in Earth Summit End - Game

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.01

William Rivers Pitt | The Other American Dream

Diplomatic Gap Between U.S., Its Allies Widens

Polls Show U.S. Doubts over Iraq War

Frank Rich | Slouching Towards 9/11

With Election Stakes so High, Campaigns Began Long Before Traditional Labor Day Start

Bush Reviews Key Environmental Law

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 08.31

Leahy-Feingold: Demand Congress Be Consulted on Iraq

Amid Worldwide Skepticism, Cheney Again Slams Iraq

Bush Struggles for Support on Iraq

Paul Krugman | Just Trust Us

Report: Summer Smog May Have Doubled in 2002

W.T.O. Allows Europe to Impose Record Sanctions Against U.S.

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 08.30

Cheney Fails to Convince

Some GOP Elders Dispensing Advice on Iraq Have Business Ties to Region

Top GOP Senator Wants Iraq Hearings

Judge Demands That FBI Explain Why It Missed Emails Written by Sept. 11 Terrorism 

U.S. Threats to Iraq Contested by Friend and Foe

Three Supreme Court Justices Say Court Should Consider Ending Execution of Teenage 

Democrats Say Bush Blocking Earth Summit Goal

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 08.29

Florida Faces 2000 Election Fraud, Will Settle With NAACP

Saudi Presses for Iraq Inspections


Re: [CTRL] Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

2002-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Conservatism is Pretend Salt!

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 10:46 PM 9/1/02 , you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
 This is stupid superstitious drivel.
 Keep it in Church dude.
 And the best salt is on pretzels.

 Another outstanding critique, joshie troll too.  Keep your thoughts at
home dudie. Your intelligent commentary, critical thinking, intricate
debating skills, and ability to dissect integrate concepts are only
surpassed by your PC dullness.

Why thank you. Thank you ver' much.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-09-02 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

White House in disarray over Cheney speech
Julian Borger in Washington
Sunday September 01 2002
The Observer

George Bush has moved to distance himself from his vice-president after it was 
revealed that a sabre-rattling speech on Iraq by Dick Cheney was made without clearing 
key points with the White House.

In a clear sign of disarray at the top of the US administration it has emerged that Mr 
Cheney may have gone too far in a bellicose address last week in which he dismissed 
out of hand the usefulness of pushing for weapons inspectors to be allowed back into 

That disarray inside the Bush team was compounded by renewed reports in the US press 
last night that Colin Powell was planning to leave his job as secretary of state at 
the end of the president's first term, potentially threatening Mr Bush's re-election 
chances in 2004 by robbing him of a popular and moderate ally.

Mr Powell's recommendations for the administration to take a more multilateralist line 
in foreign policy have repeatedly been ignored.

In an interview with the BBC broadcast yesterday, Mr Powell argued that UN weapons 
inspectors should be sent back   to Iraq as a first step towards dealing with the 
threat posed by Saddam Hussein, echoing the position taken by Britain and the European 

Those comments directly contradicted the speech by Mr Cheney to US war veterans last 
Monday. In that he said the inspectors would provide no assurance whatsoever of 
Iraqi compliance with UN disarmament resolutions, and instead increase the danger by 
providing false comfort.

A European diplomat said: As far as we can tell, the Cheney speech was a freelance 
job which had not been cleared with other agencies. The diplomat believed that 
included Mr Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice.

That impression was reinforced by a report in Newsweek magazine yesterday in which the 
White House chief of staff, Andy Card, said that the president had not authorised Mr 
Cheney's language on inspections, and it was toned down in a second version of the 
speech delivered later in the week.

The report also quoted administration sources as saying that Mr Cheney had failed to 
check the facts behind his allegations against Iraq with the CIA and that the state 
department never saw the final text of the speech.

The implied criticism of Mr Cheney came as Tony Blair faced continuing pressure to use 
his influence to press for re-engagement with the UN over Iraq, as well as further 
warnings that he does not have Labour movement backing for a pre-emptive attack on 
Saddam Hussein.

Nelson Mandela is reported to have called Mr Bush directly to urge against a war and 
is also keen to persuade Mr Blair against such a move.

The Conservative party leader, Iain Duncan Smith, urged Mr Blair to make a public case 
for a pre-emptive attack. The evidence on Saddam Hussein's weapons and intent existed 
but the debate had been allowed to drift by the prime minister, he claimed.

The issue of weapons inspectors is at the centre of the debate within the Bush 
administration between hawks, led by Mr Cheney and the defence secretary Donald Rums 
feld, who believe the US should go it alone in toppling President Saddam and 
moderates, led by Mr Powell and a phalanx of prominent figures in the Republican 
party, who want to pursue the quarrel with Iraq through the UN.

Opinion polls yesterday showed the US public to be overwhelmingly on the side of the 
moderates. In a Newsweek survey, 81% said it was important to gain the formal support 
of the UN for military action and 86% said it was important to get support from most 
of Washington's European allies.

Diplomats in Washington believe that the White House is considering approaching the UN 
security council to seek a new ultimatum for Iraq to readmit weapons inspectors, a 
course of action advocated by the EU last week.

Any future UN ultimatum will be hamstrung by the administration's oft-repeated 
intention to pursue regime change irrespective of UN inspections, removing President 
Saddam's incentive to comply. Mr Bush is due to address the UN general assembly on 
September 12, by which time the White House is hoping to have clarified its policy.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 

[CTRL] Euphorian has sent you an article from NPR Online

2002-09-02 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

This NPR article was sent to you by Euphorian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The article title is NPR : Gen. Anthony Zinni and can be found at 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Unanswered Questions About McVeigh

2002-09-02 Thread IGGY

-Caveat Lector-

Unanswered Questions About McVeigh

With the second anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing now behind us,
and the trial of Timothy
McVeigh coming up, there are still many troubling questions that remain
unanswered about this whole
terrible happening. If the mainstream press was anything other than a
puppet of the government and
big business, reporters would be asking some tough questions.

But instead, most of the press is busy painting McVeigh as a loaner who
loved guns and who
became disenchanted with the Army and became a drifter. (If these
features were capable of driving
ex-GIs to become mad bombers, the Oklahoma bombing would have hardly
been noticed in the
aftermath of the Vietnam and Gulf Wars.)

Of course we're also hearing lots of anti-militia propaganda as well. On
April 19th, reporters roamed
the countryside like vultures, hoping for some carnage to bring to us on
the evening news. Nothing
happened so it became necessary to manufacture the terrorism of the day.

We saw reports about how federal workers were too terrorized to go to
their jobs; one reporter on the
evening news even told us that there had been one militia-style robbery
of a post office somewhere in
the US (I forget where). I have not yet figured out what a
militia-style robbery is since as far as I
can recall the militias haven't been robbing enough Post Offices to
create any discernible MO. But
who am I to question the mainstream reporters?

Oh, yes, almost forgot. There was even a report about how computers on
the Internet should be
considered weapons of mass destruction. I'm not making this up -
though I wish I were. According to
the experts interviewed, those dreaded Neo-Nazis and militias in the
country were busy hiring
hackers to crack the codes of big city computers and shut down power
grids, phone lines, and the like.
Somehow this would cause the cities to melt down - things became a bit
vague at that point.

Assuming that the Internet were connected to these computers which is
doubtful, most undoubtedly are
protected with firewalls to keep anyone from monkeying with them. But
don't tell the news reporters -
it would spoil the sensationalism. It is nice to know that Congress can
start work toward banning
computers once they round up all those dreaded firearms.

This would all be humorous if it weren't for the deaths in Oklahoma City
and the damage being done by
poorly reasoned laws and sensational reporting. In the meantime, the
hard questions aren't being asked.

If McVeigh was involved in the bombing (and that's a big if in my
mind), his tie-in to the military does
raise some interesting possibilities that the mainstream press appears
to be doing its best to hide. In my
mind, these possibilities come the closest to explaining what might have
happened in Oklahoma City.

The party line is that McVeigh became angry or disenchanted with the US
Army after failing to make
the Special Forces. In fact, those who were with him in the Army claim
that McVeigh regularly made
long hikes with 100-pound packs and was in superior condition. They cast
doubt on the idea that
McVeigh would have had any trouble meeting the physical demands needed
to get into special forces
(as he claimed to friends and family).

So what happened during the tests? Why did he fail to make the grade?
And why did he suddenly
decide not to re-enlist in the middle of what appeared to be a promising
career that he was enjoying?

There is one possibility that fits with what we know.

Most people don't realize that US special forces, US military
intelligence, and the CIA are all closely
connected with personnel being shared on a regular basis. While they are
separate entities on paper,
they come close to being one and the same thing in many operations (at
least from the time of the
Vietnam War and most likely before that).

During the 1960s, US Army Intelligence created extensive files on
American citizens; they also
recruited operatives that worked in the US to spy on citizens. We've
since learned that these
individuals were often recruited from special forces.

Technically such operations by the CIA and US Army were made illegal in
the aftermath of the Nixon
Watergate problems and the Vietnam War fiasco. However, as we've seen
with the Iran-Contra
Operation and other odds and ends, sometimes the rules are bent in order
to permit those in charge to
do what they want. And there are certainly other government agencies
that have taken the lead from
the CIA and recruit operatives from the US military.

Now the question that begs to be answered: Was McVeigh actually working
for some agency in the
US Government?

His sister, before being silenced by the Justice Department and no
longer covered by the press,
claimed that her brother was doing just that, though she was unable to
name an agency (but speculated
it might have been the BATF). Since McVeigh did attend gun shows, sell
firearms, and make a lot of
contacts with groups the government was 

[CTRL] Chuck Hagel

2002-09-02 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0208/31/en.00.html

Interview With Chuck Hagel

Aired August 31, 2002 - 17:30  ET


ROBERT NOVAK, CO-HOST: I'm Robert Novak. Al Hunt and I will question a leading
Republican critic of the Bush administration foreign policy.
AL HUNT, CO-HOST: He is Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.


HUNT (voice-over): Vice President Dick Cheney, addressing the Veterans of Foreign War
Convention in Nashville, called for a preemptive strike against Iraq to oust Saddam 

have preempted 9/11, we would have, no question. Should we be able to prevent another,
much more devastating attack? We will, no question. This nation will not live at the 
of terrorists or terror regimes.

HUNT: The vice president spoke again a few days later addressing Korean War veterans in
San Antonio and added a note of reassurance about President Bush's course.

CHENEY: I know that he will proceed cautiously and deliberately to consider all 
options to deal with the threat that Iraq, ruled by Saddam Hussein, represents.

HUNT: Meanwhile, the senior Republican of the Senate Arms Services Committee, John
Warner of Virginia, called for Pentagon officials to testify on national security 
implications of
an attack on Iraq.

Chuck Hagel, a decorated Vietnam War combat veteran, is a noncommissioned officer
working in both government and the private sector before being elected to the Senate in
1996 in his first attempt at elected office.


HUNT: Senator, you have worried that the administration has not made the case for 
out Saddam Hussein. Dick Cheney tried to do that this week. Did he succeed?

SEN. CHUCK HAGEL (R), NEBRASKA: Well, I think to be fair to the president, and we must,
we must understand that I don't think the president has, in his time frame -- and I 
know what his time frame is -- has, in fact, chosen to make the case. The vice 
comments, as you have noted here, I think, are following a pattern that most likely 
are, at
least in the White House eyes, are positioning the president to, at some point, make 

Now, I note that the president is scheduled to speak to the United Nations General
Assembly, I believe sometime in mid-September, maybe the day after September 11. I
would suspect that he then will lay out, at that point, the case to invade Iraq.

The question that I've had, and I'm not the only one that has had these questions, I 
are very serious. For example, if, in fact, we unilaterally invade Iraq with no 
allies, where
does that lead to? Where does that go? Who governs after Saddam? How do we do it?
When do we do it? What is the objective? Have we calibrated the consequences --
unintended consequences?

We have, right now, a front open in Afghanistan and Central Asia. We have a very
dangerous situation in Israel. We have, in India and Pakistan and South Asia, probably 
most dangerous time we have seen yet. And there's no guesswork here: Each of those
countries possess nuclear weapons, the capability to deliver those weapons, and they 
like each other.

These questions are very important, it seems to me, that the president wants to 
address --
I hope will address -- before we talk about unilaterally with no allies invading Iraq.

HUNT: Well, the alternative, of course, would be to try to do something with allies 
and go to
the United Nations and try to continue the inspectors -- or resume, rather, the 
And here's what Vice President Cheney said that would mean this week. Let's look for a
minute at what the vice president said.


CHENEY: Saddam has perfected the game of cheat and retreat. The return of inspectors
would provide no assurance whatsoever of his compliance. On the contrary, there's a 
danger that it would provide false comfort.


HUNT: Do you agree with the vice president on inspectors?

HAGEL: I agree with Jim Baker and Larry Eagleburger and Brent Scowcroft and General
Schwarzkopf and General Zinni and General Hoar (ph). These are men who all were
involved in the architecture of the very successful 1991 Persian Gulf War. And the 
point they
have been continuing to make is, run the diplomatic high ground first. Be part of the 
Nations efforts here.

We forget that 1991 was not a United-States-against-Iraq issue. It was a 
against-Iraq. It was the force of the United Nations and almost every nation in the 
including almost every nation in the Middle East, being with us here. And that is a 
significant factor here that I think is being glossed over and left out. Not just a 
military allied
effort to be part of any military invasion is part of it, but the diplomatic 

[CTRL] Gunsmoke and Mirrors - A Firearms Article by Duncan Long

2002-09-02 Thread IGGY

-Caveat Lector-


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Title: Gunsmoke and Mirrors - A Firearms Article by Duncan Long
-Caveat Lector-

Gunsmoke and Mirrors

By Duncan Long

Aug. 18, 1999

There are some very basic facts about the US school shootings that the gun grabbers in the mainstream press, the US congress, and the White House would prefer you did not know.
With the usual smoke-and-mirrors style of organizing the mainstream news, the gun grabbers in the US have recently had to be very careful when dealing with school shootings as well as those occurring at businesses and public places. They’ve developed a scheme present the "facts" about school shootings, all the time being careful to misdirect your attention from what is really going on, as any good magician will do. 
This sleight of hand has guided much of the public toward the conclusion that the only right thing to do in such cases is pass more laws and restrictions. This bit of trickery is necessary since the solution to the problem quickly puts the gun grabbers out of business. The truth may make you free, but it also puts the charlatans out of work.
If you back away from the magic act and let your logic take over, you realize two things:  
The shootings started only recently.
With a few exceptions, other countries don’t seem to have these problems. 
If you think a bit harder and remember some history, you will also realize that one country had the problem and then solved it — in a way that is totally opposite of what the gun grabbers are proposing as the solution to the problem.
Those who think will also realize that the recent shootings took place after Clinton and other anti-gun politicians railroaded legislation through congress that banned the possession of a firearm within 100 feet of a school. The legislators claimed this would turn schools into "gun-free zones" of safety. In fact, many schools have a nifty sign with a revolver surrounded by a red circle with a line through it, proclaiming the fact that the area is gun-free; these signs apparently were designed for Illiterate criminals who might be tempted to bring a gun to school.
Of course such signs are valueless to criminals who by their nature break the law. Such signs only serve to disarm honest people before they enter the school building. Thus criminals can be fairly certain they will face unarmed victims within such an establishment — unless, of course, they confront another criminal.
Not surprisingly, far from making the nation’s schools safe, the gun bans and worthless signs have had just the opposite effect. All the laws did was make it impossible for principals or teachers to arm themselves, thereby assuring that any criminal who wanted to bully or attack others on school property could do so with the knowledge that his victims would be unarmed. And since criminals by their nature break laws, obviously a law that made schools "gun-free zones" did nothing of the sort. It made them "defenseless students and helpless teacher zones" where any madman armed with a gun could maim and kill as he wished.
There have been school shootings in which the culprits were stopped long before the police finally arrived at the scene. These all involved the use of a firearm in the hands of a principal or teacher. Of course these have got almost no coverage in the US where the gun grabbers manage most newsrooms. The most notable to occur in America was in October 1997 when a young man stabbed his mother to death and then went to a school prom where he fatally shot two students. An assistant principal retrieved a gun from his car and physically immobilized the student until the police 

[CTRL] Conspiracies in the ME

2002-09-02 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,3-1062920,00.html

Arabs Urged Face US Threats

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is urging Arab and Muslim countries to unite in the 
face of
US threats and foreign conspiracies as Washington prepares for a possible attack on 

Iran's official IRNA newsagency said Assad reiterated Syria's opposition to any US 
strike on Baghdad and called for deeper unity and solidarity among Arab and Muslim
countries in the face of American threats against the region.

Enemies of Baghdad

Assad was speaking after a meeting in Damascus with Mohammed Sader, a senior Iranian
foreign ministry official.

Syria and Iran, both erstwhile enemies of Baghdad, oppose any strike on Iraq which they
fear could spread to target them.

Syria, which has begun rebuilding economic ties with Baghdad in recent years, also 
losing what diplomats claim is a UN sanctions-busting oil trade.

Syria and Iraq say oil deals fall within the UN oil-for-food programme.

Sponsoring terrorism

US President George W. Bush accuses Syria, Iran and Iraq of sponsoring terrorism and 
branded Baghdad and Tehran part of an axis of evil bent on acquiring weapons of mass

Bush has made clear Washington's determination to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein,
but Baghdad has dismissed any suggestion of a tripartite alliance between Iraq, Iran 
Syria to face US threats.

IRNA said Assad had called on the region to challenge the conspiracies woven in 
circles against the countries of the region.

Last Updated: 16:48 UK, Sunday September 01, 2002

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[CTRL] Headline - Judges ban secret legal deals

2002-09-02 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Euphorian wants you to know about a story on www.smh.com.au

Personal Message:

Judges ban secret legal deals
By Adam Liptak
September 3 2002

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/09/02/1030953434849.html

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[CTRL] King son aims to get Hoover's name off FBI building

2002-09-02 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-
This Story has been sent to you by : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

King son aims to get Hoover's name off FBI building
(AP) -- Martin Luther King III urged Attorney General John Ashcroft Wednesday to support legislative efforts to remove former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's name from the FBI's headquarters building.
The full article will be available on the Web for a limited time:

(c) 2001 miamiherald and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Unpolitically Incorrect

2002-09-02 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

AER Note:  A simple indication that the imperialist forces don't have much regard 
history is illuminated by the fact that they are all to ready to invlke the spectre of 
the Leetle
Austrian Fascist Feller (LAFF), Adolf, when trying to rev up the engines of support 
for their
militaristic adventures AND, at the same time, make the critical errors that caused 
the LAFF
to lose to the Bolsheviks.  The LAFF decided to go on the Eastern offensive without 
the political case to those he intended to overrun in the beginning (the Poles, and 
further East).  This left the door open for the Georgian Revolutionary Operator of 
(GROG), Uncle Joe, to make this case when getting his war machine tuned up to repel the
invaders.  So, the Shrubbies intend to repeat the fundamental error that the LAFF made,
that the GROG used against his foes, and that Poppy ensured was on his side in 1990:
political support, at home and abroad.  AER 

From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

Cheney’s brief for war: a mass of lies and historical falsifications

By David Walsh and Barry Grey
2 September 2002

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US Vice President Dick Cheney spoke on two occasions last week, opening a political
offensive by the Bush administration to propel the US into war with Iraq. The two 
which were virtually identical, were aimed less at “making the case” to the American 
than at rallying support within ruling circles for the administration’s war plans.

Over the past several weeks a ferocious conflict has been raging within the political 
including the Bush administration itself, over plans for a US military assault in the 
weeks for the purpose of toppling Saddam Hussein and installing a puppet regime.

Prominent figures in the first Bush administration (1989-93) have come out openly 
the present government’s plans for unilateral action. Brent Scowcroft, a former 
security adviser, earlier this month argued that an immediate conflict with Iraq could
destabilize the region and undermine the “war on terrorism.” He further suggested that 
lack of evidence that the Baghdad regime represented an immediate threat would prevent
the mobilization of an international coalition in support of a new war.

Former secretary of state James Baker, the man who two years ago directed the Bush
campaign’s machinations to block the counting of votes in Florida, published an opinion
piece in the New York Times on August 25 arguing that the current administration was 
going about “regime change” in Iraq in “the right way.” Baker urged Bush to go to the
United Nations Security Council and press for passage of a resolution requiring Iraq to
submit to “intrusive, inspections anytime, anywhere, with no exceptions.” If Iraq 
refuse to accept such a resolution, or resist its implementation in any way, argued 
the US would “occupy the moral high ground” and could go to war with international

Cheney was directly responding to these critics in his addresses. He speaks for the 
reckless and militaristic faction within the political establishment, which is intent 
on using
American military superiority to impose—by force—a new division of the world, in which 
US occupies a position of global hegemony.

The fact that it was left to Cheney, rather than President Bush, to make the case for a
preemptive war against Iraq underscores the real relationship of forces within the
administration. It is Cheney who calls the shots. Bush is little more than a 
front-man, held in
well-earned contempt even by those who nominally serve under him.

The critics against whom Cheney is speaking do not oppose US aggression against Iraq in
principle; rather, they argue for a somewhat more cautious approach to expanding
American dominance of territory and resources in the Middle East. These elements are
concerned that the Cheney faction is heedlessly pushing the US into a war without 
military or diplomatic preparation, without having adequately prepared public opinion 
in the
US, and in a manner that will needlessly alienate Europe, undermine the Arab bourgeois
regimes and destabilize international economic and political relations with 

The venues for Cheney’s speeches—the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars in Nashville, Tennessee on August 26 and a gathering of Korean War veterans in San
Antonio, Texas three days later—have their own significance. Aside from assuring a
receptive audience, the choice of veterans’ groups reflects the administration’s 
strategy of
first overcoming resistance within the military itself to an imminent attack that 
could entail
substantial casualties and a prolonged military occupation of Iraq.

Beyond that, it is entirely in the nature of this administration to begin a public 

[CTRL] Iraq, Depleted Uranium And Crimes Against Humanity

2002-09-02 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Inside iraq

On his visits to Iraq, John Pilger found a devastated country where
sanctions imposed after the Gulf war have brought misery and death to more
than a million. The last thing these people need, he argues, is more war

Wherever you go in Iraq's southern city of Basra, there is dust. It rolls
down the long roads that are the desert's fingers. It gets in your eyes and
nose and throat; it swirls in markets and school playgrounds, consuming
children kicking a plastic ball; and it carries, according to Dr Jawad
Al-Ali, 'the seeds of our death'. Dr Al-Ali is a cancer specialist at the
city hospital and a member of Britain's Royal College of Physicians.
'Before the Gulf war, we had only three or four deaths in a month from
cancer,' he said. 'Now its 30 to 35 patients dying every month, and that's
just in my department. That is 12 times the increase in cancer mortality.
Our studies indicate 40% to 48% of the population in this area will get
cancer -- in five years' time to begin with, then long afterwards. That's
almost half the population. Most of my own family now have cancer, and we
have no history of the disease.

'We don't know the precise source of the contamination, because we are not
allowed to get the equipment to conduct a proper survey, or even test the
excess level of radiation in our bodies. We strongly suspect depleted
uranium, which was used by the Americans and British in the Gulf war right
across the southern battlefields.'

Along the corridor, I met Dr Ginan Ghalib Hassen, a paediatrician. At
another time, she might have been described as an effervescent personality;
now she, too, has a melancholy expression that does not change; it is the
face of Iraq. 'This is Ali Raffa Asswadi,' she said, stopping to take the
hand of a wasted boy I guessed to be about four years old. 'He is nine
years,' she said. 'He has leukaemia. Now we can't treat him. Only some of
the drugs are available. We get drugs for two or three weeks, and then they
stop when the shipments stop. Unless you continue a course, the treatment is
useless. We can't even give blood transfusions, because there are not enough
blood bags ...'

I said to Dr Hassen: 'What do you say to those in the West who deny the
connection between depleted uranium and the deformities of these children?'
She replied: 'That is not true. How much proof do they want? There is every
relation between congenital malformation and depleted uranium. Before 1991,
we saw nothing like this at all. If there is no connection, why have these
things not happened before? I have studied what happened in Hiroshima. It is
almost exactly the same here. We have an increased percentage of congenital
malformation, an increase of malignancy, leukaemia, brain tumours, the

Under the economic embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council in
1990 and upgraded the following year, Iraq is denied equipment and expertise
to decontaminate its battlefields. The US army physicist responsible for
cleaning up Kuwait was Professor Doug Rokke. Today he is also a victim. 'I
have 5000 times the recommended level of radiation in my body. The
contamination was right throughout Iraq and Kuwait. With the munitions
testing and preparation in Saudi Arabia, uranium contamination covered the
entire region. What we're seeing now -- respiratory problems, kidney
problems, cancers -- are the direct result of the use of this highly toxic
material. The controversy over whether or not it's the cause is a
manufactured one. My own ill health is testament to that.'

Professor Rokke says there are two urgent issues to be confronted by people,
'those with a sense of right and wrong'. First, the decision by the United
States and Britain to use a 'weapon of mass destruction' such as depleted
uranium. He said: 'In the Gulf war, well over 300 tonnes were fired. An A-10
Warthog attack aircraft fired over 900,000 rounds. Each individual round was
300 grams of solid uranium 238. When a tank fired its shells, each round
carried over 4500 grams of solid uranium. Moreover, we have evidence to
suggest they were mixed with plutonium. What happened in the Gulf was a form
of nuclear warfare.

'The second issue is the denial of medical care to American and British and
other allied soldiers, and the tens of thousands of Iraqis contaminated. At
international symposiums, I have watched Iraqi officials approach their
counterparts from the Department of Defence and Ministry of Defence and ask,
plead, for help with decontamination. The Iraqis didn't use depleted
uranium; it was not their weapon. They simply don't know how to get rid of
it from their environment. I watched them put their case, describing the
deaths and horrific deformities that are showing up; and I watched them
rebuffed. It was pathetic.'

The UN Sanctions Committee in New York, dominated by the Americans and
British, has vetoed or delayed a range of vital medical equipment,

[CTRL] Fwd: 9-11 and PARALLEL TRACKS - by Sherman H. Skolnick

2002-09-02 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-


by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/2/2 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do ordinary Americans understand espionage? Probably not. The oil-soaked,
spy-riddled monopoly press are not about to explain such things. Spies and
such pretty much keep such matters to their own circle. Often, to understand
urrent events, you have to have a good handle on the techniques of Empire.

It is no longer disputed. The United States of America has become the only
remaining world power. Our enemies, once headquartered in Berlin, Rome, and
Tokyo, are now trading partners with Washington, D.C. If they once tried to
penetrate our secrets, to crush us, they now use their central banks to try
to level off big movements against the so-called U.S. Dollar.  And the
Moscow government, once the center of our U.S.-created enemy, are now U.S.
trading partners, ready to greatly supply our oil needs.

[See our prior website details on the US/USSR related books by Antony Sutton,
as to the Moscow government.] To the American aristocracy, the true enemy has
always been, and still is, the American common people. Unlike those overseas,
we ordinary folk have never had a real revolution. Yet, we tend to be
rebellious. Any great American populist prairie fire, that would tend to
engulf the Central Government, has to be turned around. So aristocracy-selected
and government-paid provocateurs have always been put in place to blunt the
effects, for examples, of the Black/White Equal Rights demands, called the
Civil Rights Movement, and the Anti-Viet Nam War movement.

Such gathering firestorms had to be and have to be controlled. So as to never
point the flaming finger at the Powers That Be:, the Establishment, the
Ruling Class, or whatever else THEY are called.

In the years of those and related commotions, those of us who really
understood, were heckled and kept from being widely heard. The doors of
the monopoly press were closed to us. Or we were marginalized, as conspiracy
theorists, paranoid nuts, or worse. And, if you had not been heard THERE,
then to many fellow Americans, you have not truly arrived. Those who the
ultra rich could not any longer ignore, well, let us face it---the truth of
what happened to them. Such as Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and
a list of others, had to be assassinated and the bloody deeds falsely
blamed on patsies and lone nuts. And the scapegoats, blamed for the crimes,
did not know they were operating on parallel tracks from the true
aristocracy-arranged assassins.

In this series of website stories, we have tried to explain the reasons for
what is happening. At the moment, there are certainly many poorly-informed
who would dismiss these explanations as merely unfounded theories.  How many
years until the dark truth is no longer disputed and dismissed?

A device of high-level deception is the use of the parallel tracks. Carefully
insulated from one another, like wires in a heavy-duty two-wire cable. Not to
save money, using cheap wiring kept apart by paper thin covering.

The events known as 911, may in time be considered as the most treasonous and
outrageous examples of this type of the craft of intelligence. On one track
are the Arabs. Is that difficult to unearth an example of history, and
somehow mobilize the Christian World against the Moslem World?  Was it made
clear to us in studying history in the more ordinary schools, that the
Moslems were the winners in the Crusades? And which group were really the

Notice the spy tricks. Right after 

[CTRL] Bushs Enabling Act

2002-09-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush’s "Enabling Act"

Hello and welcome to Review of the News Online. I’m William Norman Grigg, Senior Editor for The New American magazine – an affiliated publication of The John Birch Society

On March 23, 1933, about two months after terrorists committed an arson attack against the German Reichstag Building, the German Parliament passed a measure bearing the innocuous title "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich." "Its five brief paragraphs took the power of legislation, including control of the Reich budget, approval of treaties with foreign states and the initiating of constitutional amendments, away from Parliament and handed it over to the Reich cabinet for a period of four years," wrote historian William Shirer in his study The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. While the Enabling Act explicitly permitted the Reich cabinet to enact laws that "might deviate from the constitution," it also specified that the powers of Parliament would be protected.

In a speech delivered that day before the Parliament, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler promised that his government "will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures." To those worried about the possibility that the confederated German states would be absorbed into a centralized dictatorship, Hitler extended these assurances: "The separate existence of the federal states will not be done away with." He also sought to placate those concerned about freedom of religion and other liberties: "The rights of the churches will not be diminished and their relationship to the State will not be modified. The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one."

Hitler’s pose of moderation soon gave way to a reign of terror. As Shirer observes: "It was this Enabling Act alone which formed the legal basis for Hitler’s dictatorship. From March 23, 1933 on, Hitler was the dictator of the Reich, freed from any restraint by Parliament…. To be sure, much remained to be done to bring the entire nation and all its institutions completely under the Nazi heel…." But Hitler was able to accomplish that task almost entirely within the law – because Parliament had made the Chancellor a law unto himself.

Shocking as it may seem, the powers given to President Bush by Congress last Fall are even more expansive than those Hitler received through the Enabling Act. The September 14th joint resolution supposedly authorized the president to "use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001." This open-ended resolution has already been used to justify the military campaign in Afghanistan, as well as the administration’s announced policy of "preemptive" war, under which the president claims the right to attack any nation he designates an enemy in the war on terrorism.

Just as ominously, the administration has cited the September 14th resolution in legal papers defending its summary detention of people it calls "enemy combatants," which includes at least two American-born individuals who have not been charged with a single crime. As noted in last week’s Review of the News Online, the Bush administration – according to the August 8th Wall Street Journal, is devising a new legal regime combining "the once-separate realms of civilian law and the law of war. Criminal law determines guilt and assigns punishment for past wrongdoing, but the law of war gives governments vast powers to prevent possible harm by imprisoning and interrogating enemy soldiers."

Fusing these disparate concepts of law creates a legal framework for the President of the United States to attack any nation at any time, and imprison – without providing evidence or answering to any court – any individual he chooses for as long as he likes. The sole legal justification for accumulating such powers, once again, is the September 14th "authorization of force" resolution, which can appropriately be called Mr. Bush’s Enabling Act.

As the administration prepares for another military campaign against Iraq, many of the president’s conservative defenders are candidly endorsing the idea that last year’s Enabling Act allows Mr. Bush to do pretty much anything he pleases. Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh retailed this line in an August 17th Wall Street Journal article: "[T]he resolution leaves to the president the determination of whether any particular country played a role in the September 11 attack. And the resolution doesn’t provide any standard on which the president is to make his determination. It’s purely within his discretion."

According to Limbaugh, Mr. Bush "would be wise to consult with Congress…. But he need not defer to it. I believe once an 


2002-09-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 24, 2002

By David Crowe

The smoke and flames from funeral pyres for hundreds of thousands of British cows are fading into distant memory, but the fear of this disease affecting livestock or wildlife continues to circulate the globe. 

Most people do not realize that there is a non-infectious explanation for Mad Cow disease and other spongiform encephalopathies and chronic wasting diseases. This is due to the reluctance of scientists, health and agriculture bureaucrats and most of the media to question a theory that affects public health once it is active policy. 

One man, Mark Purdey, has turned himself from organic dairy farmer into an amateur scientist and globe-trotting epidemiologist to doggedly continue building the major alternative theory.

The infectious theory of Mad Cow disease not only resulted in the possibly unnecessary destruction of hundreds of thousands of cows, but it diverted attention from other causes of health problems facing livestock and wildlife. It created a fear of eating beef (perhaps not entirely misplaced, but for the wrong reasons) and resulted in the circulation of tons of toxic materials from the slaughtered cows into the atmosphere. It also prevented investigations into alternative solutions to the epidemic of disease, even though these might be cheaper, more constructive and far less destructive.

The dominant belief is that Mad Cow disease (also known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE) and the related diseases Scrapie in Sheep and vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease) in humans are caused by a prion, a mutant protein. These semi-living beings are thought to be able to withstand temperatures that would kill the hardiest bacteria, viruses and parasites. It is believed that this allowed them to be transmitted from sheep to cows through the rendering of sheep brains into MBM (Meat and Bone Meal) protein supplements for cows.

An apparently unrelated health problem in cows that existed before Mad Cow disease was warble fly infestation. These flies lay their eggs in a cow’s skin, causing health problems and reducing the value of cow hides. To combat this, in the early 1980’s the British government mandated the use of heavy doses of organophosphate insecticides. These were poured in an oil-based liquid along the spinal column of cows. It was intended that they be systemic, absorbed into the cow’s body, as it was believed that this was necessary to provide full and enduring protection from warble flies. 

Mark Purdey was one of a handful of farmers who refused to use organophosphates (such as Phosmet) on their cows in 1982. He was concerned that the high doses would damage the health of his cows because the application was so close to the spinal column. He was also concerned about the health of people who drank milk from his cows. In 1984, Purdey won his court fight, and gained the right to use less toxic methods to combat warble fly.

When the first cases of neurological problems were reported in cows in 1985, Purdey felt that his avoidance of these pesticides had been vindicated. However, researchers and the British Government had a different idea, blaming the rapidly emerging disease on the recently postulated prion, based on the detection of protein plaques in the brains of sick cows.

Purdey started to publicly argue his theory that organophosphate pesticides were actually the cause of neurological problems, attracting some attention, and seriously annoying the British scientific establishment and government who were starting to act as if the infectious theory was fact.

Purdey noted many inconsistencies in the prion theory. Cows were supposedly infected by feeding on supplements containing the brains of sheep with Scrapie, yet Shetland Islanders had been eating potted sheep brains for centuries without similar diseases occurring. He also noted that British byproducts were exported around the world, yet the 170,000 British cases of BSE far outnumbered the total in the rest of the world. Cases of BSE had been found on organic farms with cows brought in from outside, but not on those raised from birth on the organic farms, even though organic farming rules allow restricted amounts of the suspect MBM feeds. Other ruminants, such as goats and sheep, were not affected by Mad Cow-like diseases in England, even though they were fed MBM supplements. Conversely, several antelopes at the London Zoo and cattle at the Liscombe experimental farm developed BSE, but had never been fed MBM supplements.

When BSE was found in other countries it was in places like Bretagne in northwest France where organophosphate pesticides were first encouraged by the French government. As in the UK, BSE cases first occurred a few years after the pesticide program was initiated. The lower number of cases may be due to the lower doses 

[CTRL] U.S. Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance,and the Suspension of Elections

2002-09-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 14, 2002

U.S. Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance, 
and the Suspension of Elections

When the War Hits Home
by John Stanton and Wayne Madsen

Since September 11, 2001, the Bush Regime, the US Congress and senior personnel in the U.S. military have been busy planning their escape routes from Washington, D.C. and surrounding communities in the event that the continental United States is attacked by another 19 global insurgents possessing little more than wit, dedication, an unrepentant animosity towards America, and an ample dose of radioactive material packed inside an explosive-laden metallic suitcase. Corporate executives have ensured that they too will find a place in the bunker along side their effete government colleagues through organizations such as National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC). That group is composed of "up to 30 industry chief executives representing the major communications and network service providers and information technology, finance, and aerospace companies the NSTAC provides industry-based advice and expertise to the President on issues and problems related to implementing national security and emergency preparedness " Defense contracting giants play a prominent role on the NSTAC and include Lockheed Martin, SAIC, Oracle (the company that volunteered to develop a post-911 national identification database), Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and CSC. The chairman of the NSTAC also conveniently serves as an ex-officio member of Homeland Security czar Tom Ridge's President's Homeland Security Advisory Council.

The U.S. government and its military and corporate officials are fond of making the pitch to the American public that the U.S. Constitution mandates that their survival, above all others, is absolutely necessary to ensure that the government that emanates from that document survives a debilitating attack. It is astonishing that the American public believes such absurdities. But one has to admire the boldly craven and callous "doomsday" planning of the Bush regime and its military centurions and corporate nabobs, who take pleasure in gutting the environment, the workforce, the economy, and the world in general. These are the same people who played hide-and-seek with the American public in September 2001.

We the People?

On September 11, 2001, one of the commercial aircraft commandeered by suspected Saudi and Yemeni insurgents made its final approach to its destination, the Pentagon -- located roughly three miles across the Potomac River from the U.S. Capitol and White House in Washington, DC -- by following Columbia Pike, in Arlington, Virginia, to its target. The Pentagon is located adjacent to the glitzy Pentagon City Mall in Arlington, Virginia, not Washington, DC, as much of the media conveniently fudged the geographic difference. Although not Manhattan, Arlington is a densely packed and diverse community of close to 200,000 people. It hosts five high schools and two notable colleges: Marymount University and George Mason Law School. When the aircraft slammed into the Pentagon, residents of Arlington--including many in office buildings, stores, and schools in the "South Side" -- felt the thud of the explosion as the aircraft incinerated a block of the Pentagon and killed 123 employees and contractors on the ground and 64 on the Boeing 757. 

Arlington fire fighters, police and EMT units were on the scene at the Pentagon -- as were their counterparts at the World Trade Centers in New York City-- within seconds of the aircraft's explosion. In Arlington's case, the rapidity of response was due to alert firefighters and police officers who noticed the aircraft off-path as it flew dangerously low over the heavily populated Columbia Pike corridor in Arlington that leads directly to the Pentagon. They alerted their colleagues in the Arlington Fire and Police Departments that something was terribly wrong. Someone at the controls of the aircraft knew to pick up the visual of the "Pike" as it is called by Arlingtonians, the same way other pilots pick up the Potomac River on visual to land at Reagan National Airport. 

Local residents scrambled to get their youngsters out of schools where the hallways were filled with the crying and unsettled. Teachers, counselors, and coaches did all they could to calm student's nerves. Local firefighters and police were busy trying to give relief to the Pentagon structure and its mangled people. Local hospitals were alerted to receive Pentagon injured. The same scene was played out in New York City. 

As mayhem broke loose in Arlington, Virginia, adjacent Washington, and New York City, the response of those who are tasked with national governance provides important clues as to who will live and die during the next disaster. Prior to 911, the only insight into continuity-of-government planning was provided by Stanley Kubrick's Doctor Strangelove, which 

[CTRL] Sabra and Shatila: Dealing with facts

2002-09-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Sabra and Shatila: Dealing with facts 

Panorama has come under fire for its decision to investigate the role played by Ariel Sharon amongst many others in the infamous massacre of hundreds of civilians in Lebanon 20 years ago. Fergal Keane, who has investigated human rights abuses in every continent, explains why journalists have a duty to report on such events. 

The comment from the Israeli journalist was instructive. We had been seeking his help with a film about the 1982 massacre at Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon, and the role of Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. 

He told me, "I am not going to do anything that gives the Palestinians any ammunition." There was no point in arguing. He was emphatic. 

An Israeli friend put it down to the current political climate. He said, "Because it is like we are in a war at the moment. You have people carrying out suicide bomb attacks against. And it involves all of us and it just isn't the time to help anyone to attack your Prime Minister." 

Another man with a lot of knowledge on the subject told us he wouldn't help because we weren't investigating the PLO as well. For the record Yasser Arafat has been the subject of a hard-hitting BBC investigation, which accused him of allowing corruption, abuse of free speech and torture. 

As for claims by some Israelis that by investigating the issue of war crimes at Sabra and Shatila Panorama is guilty of pro-Palestinian bias, I have nothing but contempt. 

Lobbies on both sides of the Middle East engage in a propaganda war. That is their business. At Panorama we are simply being true to a basic principle. It is a duty of journalists to question the actions and record of those who wield power. 

Israeli co-operation

Ironically the Prime Minister's own spokesman gave us an interview in which he was clearly comfortable addressing Mr Sharon's role in the events of 1982. Contrary to inaccurate statements put out by some Israeli officials Mr Gissen was fully aware of the subject when he gave the interview. 

He answered questions about Mr Sharon and war crimes very directly and robustly and when the interview was over he left us on friendly terms. In fact some days later his officials provided us with a letter to help us transit easily through Ben Gurion airport with our tapes. 

Since then, an Israeli official has queried why the BBC was 'focusing on old news.' I would reply simply by saying that the investigation of human rights abuses and the notion of accountability for such abuses is recognised by all civilised states as a fundamental moral and legal obligation. 

I don't doubt that many supporters of Israel would regard an investigation of Mr Sharon's past as an attack on the state of Israel. It is nothing of the sort. It is very simply a factual investigation of a war crime in which the man recently elected Prime Minister of Israel was found to have 'indirect responsibility'. 

International law 

With the ongoing progress towards the establishment of an International Criminal Court, the debate over war crimes has never been more relevant. The prosecution of war crimes has become one of the issues through which we try to define the nature of the world we want to live in. 

I have investigated war crimes and human rights abuses in every continent, and I have never yet been given a welcome by the people being investigated. 

Nor do I expect any thanks from the people who were 'directly' and 'indirectly' responsible for the slaughter at Sabra and Shatila or from their political supporters. 

The job of a reporter is to deal with the facts. And the facts of Sabra and Shatila are deeply shocking. I spent four months trawling over the details of the slaughter, speaking to witnesses, reading tens of thousands of words and viewing hours of footage. 

In Beirut we confronted the man accused of leading the slaughter. There was in Lebanon a sense of surprise that we would wish to revisit such an event. 

As one former militia leader said, "For God's sake if you prosecuted for war crimes here we'd all be in jail." 

On the face of it he has a point but not one I am inclined to accept. The idea that everybody is as guilty as everybody else and therefore you should have no justice at all is a dangerous way of proceeding. It leads us into a kind of moral free fire zone. 

The idea that what happened at Sabra and Shatila should not be held up to public scrutiny on the grounds of the general beastliness of the Middle East may be seductive to those who killed and to those who are accused of failing in their responsibilities to the murdered civilians. 

But if the rest of us are seduced by this argument we abandon the most basic principles of democratic accountability. And that way tyranny lies. 

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[CTRL] Russian Scientist: Government Knows About UFO Bases

2002-09-02 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Russian Scientist: Government Knows About UFO Bases

From: Stig Agermose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 06:39:13 +0200
Fwd Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 06:32:35 -0400
Subject: Russian Scientist: Government Knows About UFO Bases

Source: Baku Sun - Azerbaijan




August 16 2002

Flying saucers Myth or fact?

Natiq Zeynalli


UFO bases in the Caspian? What's next, the Baku-Jupiter-Saturn

The Aug. 1-2 sighting of UFOs over Baku's oil company district,
Bayil, as reported by the opposition daily Musavat raised a few
eyebrows ? most of them sarcastically. Did it mean that so-
called flying saucers run on petrol as well at anti-matter?

According to Fuad Gasimov, academician and head of the
Seismological Department of the National Aerospace Agency the
often-sighted space craft have bases deep in the Caspian, one
off the north part of the Absheron Peninsula, the other in the
north sector of the Caspian Sea.

I had been associated with the Institute of Earth Physics of
the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. during the Soviet era,
Gasimov told the Baku Sun. Since then we have information on
the existence UFO bases around Baku. But it was strongly kept as
a military secret.

Gasimov says that he worked with a Soviet organization that
charted UFOs. The organization sent an expedition to Baku and
the Absheron Peninsula, where they discovered UFOs bases around
the Nardaran and Pirshagi districts and around the Siyazan water
spring. The entrances to these bases, he says, are found deep

The Caspian region isn't the only home for UFOs, he says. The
Pacific and Atlantic oceans, in particular around Bermuda are
also home to alien bases.

Gasimov is not Baku's only ufologist. Other than the incidents
at Nardaran, flying saucers zoom in as the No. 2 topic of
conversation in the villages around Baku.

Vidadi Emrullaoglu, 85, a resident of Mardakan village, swears
he saw a UFO with his own eyes. He says that while drinking tea
on his balcony he observed a huge shining object going toward
the sea.

It wasn't the first time Emrullaoglu has spotted an alien
vessel, he says. In August last year, he and his neighbors were
terrified by three shining objects in the sky.

I saw it with my own eyes, he says. Again, they were like a
huge circles with terrifying lights around it. They seemed very
close to you, but the interesting thing is they would disappear

Of course, alien visits and UFO sightings have been a theme of
discussion among scientists long before the X-Files. Rovshan
Salmanzadeh, Ph.D is head of the department of solar-physics at
the Shamakha Observatory works in this sphere professionally.
However, he is quick to note that he refuses to believe in UFOs
until the day he's personally verified that what he saw was an
alien craft.

He told the Baku Sun that under the Soviets at the end of the
1980s, Azeri scientists produced theoretical studies, or
functioning principles, for types of flying objects such as
UFOs. Most requests came from the Ministry of Defense of the
Soviet Union. He notes that this was the period of the United
States' Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as the Star
Wars space defense plan.

While everyone knows now that all Star Wars did was make a lot
of U.S. defense contractors rich, back in the day, the U.S.S.R.
took it seriously and wanted its own scientists to come up with
a possible answer to SDI's space shield. Azeri scientists were
called on to develop a Soviet UFO.

After the collapse of U.S.S.R. Salmanzadeh says, all research
about the theoretical principles of flying objects prepared by
Azeri scientists were sent to Moscow, sometime in the early

So can anyone here come up with credible evidence as to the
existence of alien craft? Salmanzadeh claims to have observed a
flying object that looked like a UFO in October 1999. He was on
his way back to Baku after an international conference at the
Shamakha Observatory. He and some colleagues took photos of the
craft, which they named Tusi-800. But in the end, they couldn't
clarify whether it was a genuine close encounter or simply a
plane flying a long distance away.


Programming by Ayten Alizadeh. Copyight by IntraNS. All rights

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as 

Re: [CTRL] Scaler Weapons

2002-09-02 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 02 Sep 2002 18:56:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:Re: Scaler Weapons

Hi! I do not know who your consultant is, but, for example, below are some of
the scientific papers setting out the principles of scalar electromagnetics
on which scalar technology may be based, written by credentialed scientists.
I have no desire to get off into a tangential discussion on this List, but
scalar physics is well established.

Moreover, the 1997 public statements of former US Secretary of Defense Cohen
regarding the existence of scalar (electromagnetic) weapons are a matter of
public record.

These are also the weapons referred to in 1997 by DefenseSecretary
William Cohen, when he said:   Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an
eco-type of terrorismwhereby they can alter the climate, set off
earthquakes, volcanoesremotely through the use of electromagnetic
waves... So there areplenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work
finding ways  in   which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's
real, and   that's  the reason why we have to intensify our [counter
terrorism]   efforts.  - Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997

My point is a simple one: The Washington DC events of 7-26-02 (as well as the
recent China orbs sighted recently, for example) could be accounted for
through human-directed electromagnetic (scalar) technology.  Indeed, Occam's
Razor suggests the this may be the most elegant, simple explanation of the

Thanks,  A. Webre Vancouver, BC




Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics To Tap Vacuum Energy

Floyd Sweet, Association of Distinguished American Scientists 2311 Big Cove
Road, Huntsville, Alabama 358010

A HREF=http://www.cheniere.org/;T. E. Bearden, Association of
Distinguished American Scientists/A 2311 Big Cove Road, Huntsville, Alabama

(Also published in: Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference (IECEC Conf), August 4-9, 1991, Boston, Massachusetts.
Vol 4, Advanced Energy Concepts, pp. 370-375.)

Copyright © 1991 by T.E. Bearden  F. Sweet. All Rights Reserved.

On 2 Sep 2002 at 16:29, Francis Ridge wrote:

 Greetings Lists,

 I don't know anything about Scaler Weapons, but I ran it by one of my
 consultants. This is what he had to say.


 Basically what he has done is take the Schroedinger wave equation in
 quantum mechanics and altered the first time derivative to a second time
 derivative-- which no reputable or sane physicist in the world does because
 it leads only to nonsense, no solutions possible, like dividing by zero in
 fractions. It's no longer the Schroedinger equation that way, it's just
 gibberish that looks impressive.  (He has done similar things with
 Maxwell's equations in electromagnetics.)  Physics students are given
 problems like this in textbooks to prove that the result doesn't work, it's
 not integrable.  He has built fairy sand castles out of this insanity
 complete with paranoid Cold War conspiracies and nonexistent superweapons
 fueled by imagination and
 pseudoscientific terms like 'scalar' and 'interferometer' and 'potential,'

--- End of forwarded message ---

There may be some tough times here in America. But this country
has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again.

 -GW Bush

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] banning secret settlements, JW lawsuit, runaway priest, polygamist, addiction

2002-09-02 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

South Carolina Judges Seek to Ban Secret Settlements By Adam Liptak "outh Carolina's 10 active federal trial judges have unanimously voted to ban secret legal settlements, saying such agreements have made the courts complicit in hiding the truth about hazardous products, inept doctors and sexually abusive priests. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/02/national/02JUDG.html

from L Moss-Sharman Woman sues church over sex-abuse stance - Claims conspiracy by Jehovah's Witnesses By Brodie Fenlon -- Sun Media 9/1/02 Toronto -- A New Brunswick woman claims two Jehovah's Witness elders and the Canadian church hid the sexual abuse she says she suffered at the hands of her father. The woman, whose case comes to court next Monday in Toronto, is suing the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada and two elders of her former congregation in Shelburne, just north of Orangeville, for $700,000. http://www.canoe.ca

Priests Admonished in Abuse Case - Bridgeport, Conn. (AP) - "Two priests have been disciplined for not telling the Bridgeport Roman Catholic Diocese that they knew the location of a former clergyman who had been accused of sexual abuse. The Revs. David Howell of Norwalk and Gerald Devore of Stamford admitted to diocesan officials that they knew former priest Laurence Brett was living on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten...Brett, 65, has been accused of abusing two dozen altar boys and other children in Connecticut, New Mexico, California and Maryland. He disappeared in 1993 and was discovered recently on St. Maarten by reporters from The Hartford Courant. After Brett vanished, church officials said they wanted him found and brought to justice." from AOL 9/1/02

from L Moss Sharman Polygamist jailed for child rape Nephi, Utah (AP) —— A polygamist was sentenced yesterday to spend five years to life in prison for a child rape that occurred when he took a 13-year-old girl as his "spiritual" wife more than a dozen years ago. It was the lightest possible sentence for raping a child. He could have received a minimum of 15 years in prison. 

Researchers Find Clues Linking Child Abuse to Addiction "A five-year study conducted by researchers at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., is providing a better understanding of the link between child physical and sexual abuse and subsequent substance abuse by victims. Carl Anderson, Ph.D., research associate in McLean's Developmental Psychiatry Research Laboratory and Brain Imaging Center, and colleagues found that repeated sexual abuse affects the blood flow and function of a key brain region related to substance abuse, the cerebellar vermis. In other studies, this part of the brain has been found to affect the coordination of emotional behavior and to be strongly affected by alcohol, cocaine and other drugs of abuse"Damage to this part of the brain may cause an individual to be particularly irritable and to seek external means, such as drugs or alcohol, to quell this irritability," said Anderson." Alcoholism  Drug Abuse Weekly 14(2), 2002. 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] A Company Of Nations

2002-09-02 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

More on the Lost Tribes

A Company Of Nations

In the book of Genesis, we find the intriguing prophecy that predicts that God will 
make of Israel “a nation and a company of nations” (Genesis 35:11). Various 
British-Israelite adherents encompassing what is called Christian Identity or Israel 
Identity have widely sought to interpret this passage as proof that their version of 
the so-called “lost tribes” scenario is accurate. This teaching tells us that the 
Northern tribes of Israel that were carried off into captivity as a result of the 
Assyrian war in 756 BC ended up settling in the British Isles and became the British – 
and subsequently the Americans.

In addition to the English branch of Freemasonry, this “British Israelism” was a 
staple of the doctrines put forth by Herbert W Armstrong and his World Wide Church Of 
God. While there is some evidence of at least a partial Israelite presence in Western 
Europe during Old Testament times, the Scriptures plainly contradict the “lost tribe” 

In II Chronicles, decades after the Northern 10 tribes had been dispersed we find good 
King Hezekiah seeking to re-unite Israel in Jerusalem. The Bible tells us “Hezekiah 
sent to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that 
they should come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the Passover unto the 
Lord God of Israel.

So they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from 
Beer-sheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover unto the Lord at 
Jerusalem…..So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes 
throughout all Israel and Judah….saying Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the 
Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, who 
are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. So the post passed from city to 
city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, even unto Zebulun; but they laughed 
them to scorn, and mocked them.” II Chronicles 30:1,5,6,10

This priceless passage provides us with several important details concerning this 
period. First, we see that Hezekiah knew where the Israelites were as he was able to 
send them letters. Second, if they were in slavery at that time, how would they be 
able to receive correspondence from their free brethren? Third, the “posts” were only 
sent to the land of Israel (“from Beer-sheba even to Dan”) – precisely where one might 
expect to find Israelites. We also see that although the call to repentance was 
heavily rejected, at least a remnant responded. That remnant of Israel was said to 
encompass “a multitude of the people, even many of Ephraim, and Manasseh, Issachar, 
and Zebulun” (II Chron 30:18) in addition to the Levites, Benjamin and Judah who were 
already at Jerusalem.

While the text implies there were other Israelites that were not present at the great 
convocation (II Chron 30:21), we see that “the Lord hearkened to Hezekiah, and healed 
the people” (II Chron 30:20). It is not inconsequential that in the very next chapter 
after Hezekiah’s reforms are completed we see that “Sennacherib, king of Assyria, 
came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities….” (II Chron 
32:1). This is a solid indicator that the Assyrians were well aware of the regathering 
of Israel under the sceptre of Judah (Gen 49:10) and wanted to decisively suppress any 
spiritual resurrection of their hated foe.

This is a further indication that the leadership of the nation that was once 
collectively called Israel had shifted from the Northern kingdom to the Southern 
kingdom based in Jerusalem. As Assyria came against Hezekiah and Judah, the Lord 
intervened and crushed the massive Assyrian army (IS 37:36) –  thereby paving the way 
for a further repatriation of Israelites back to their native land. The fact that many 
chose not to return is seen in the statement relating to the great Passover kept by 
Josiah – Hezekiah’s great grandson – in which the text again seems to imply that not 
all the children of Israel were present (II Chron 35:17).

700 years later, Jesus Christ walked the streets of Jerusalem saying He was sent “unto 
the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt 15:24). When He instructed His disciples 
not to go to the Gentiles, but to “go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” 
(Matt 10:6), there is no indication the twelve sailed up to England! Indeed, 
Israelites were found throughout Judah as well. For example, in Galilee Jesus sees 
Nathanael and exclaims “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile!” (John 

While “Identity” proponents continue to point at evidence of an ancient Israelite 
presence in various Western nations in order to support their system of Anglo 
pre-eminence by connecting the prophecy that Israel is to be “a company of nations” 
with the British political dominance of the 19th and 20th centuries, they usually fail 