[CTRL] Independent News

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
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11 December 2002 10:35 GMT
Home   News   World   Middle East

Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters

By Robert Fisk in Beirut

11 December 2002

To the rest of the world, the bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese-
Israeli border was just another example of Hizbollah terrorism, a provocation that 
Hizbollah had – in Israel's words – crossed a red line. Israel warned of 
retaliation. But the
truth was quite different, and infinitely more sensational.

For the bomb was connected to the murder last Friday of a notorious Lebanese drug
smuggler who had not only captured an Israeli collaborator accused of murdering one of
the most militant Shias in Beirut but was involved in the capture of three Israeli 
Even more dramatic – for the Israelis – is that the murdered man, Ramzi Nohra, used to
work for Israeli intelligence.

Indeed, his brother Kamil was named in an Israeli court last month as one of those who
suborned an Israeli army lieutenant-colonel to work for Hizbollah. In other words, the 
of 45-year-old Ramzi Nohra and his 31-year-old nephew, Elie Issa, by a booby-trapped
bomb beside a south Lebanese road when their Mercedes passed was as politically
explosive as it was militarily provocative. Mr Issa belonged to Lebanon's state 
organisation, which also worked with Nohra. Over his long career and short life, Nohra 
worked for the Israelis and the Syrians.

Welcome, you might say, to Lebanon. But his death was far more important than that. 
man used to work as a drug agent for the Israelis and was one of Israel's top 
in the south of Lebanon.

He always knew when the wind turned, though, and happily arranged the abduction of
another Lebanese collaborator who had killed Fouad Mougnieh, whose brother Imad, one of
Iran's top Lebanese hit men, is accused of organising the taking of Western hostages 
in the
Eighties. The convicted killer of Mougnieh was executed in Beirut.

Since the Israelis believed Nohra was involved in the capture of three Israeli 
soldiers farms
two years ago, he was likely to be the target of an Israeli hit squad. Israel said 
about his killing on Friday, nor is likely to. For Nohra's brother's involvement in 
the biggest
Israeli spy scandal in recent years – the arrest of the Israeli Druze 
means that the bombing of Nohra at Ibl al-Saqi had reverberations far beyond the 
Shia Muslim village through which Nohra and his nephew were driving. On Sunday, the
bomb went off on the Israeli side of the frontier fence, wounding two Israeli 
soldiers. It was
claimed by the Ramzi Nohra Martyr Organisation, hitherto unknown, of course, but 
connected to Friday's murders. The Hizbollah said they had nothing to do with it. The
Lebanese security cops – like the Israelis – had nothing to say. It seems the crime of 
Christian Maronite was that he probably worked for all of them; something that should 
remembered when the bombing is held up as an unprovoked attack on Israel.

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Re: [CTRL] Welcome to the American Gestapo

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/14/02 10:00:00 PM, iNFoWaRZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector-
Welcome to the American Gestapo

An interesting movie to watch is Judgment at Nurnberg which was on TCM this past
evening.  The basis of the story is the trial of several judges who effected tragic 
events to
German citizens upon and after the rise of the 3rd Reich.  When watching, pay 
attention to Max Schell (the defense counselor) who raises some interesting points /
correspondences realtive to subjects that appear today, on this list.  Note the film 
made in the late 50ies / early 60ies.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Every Vote Counts in Fluoridia

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
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http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl- 1212rubyridge,0,7070184.story?

Gov. Bush restores rights of FBI agent jailed in Ruby Ridge probe

Associated Press

December 13, 2002

TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Jeb Bush and the Clemency Board restored the civil rights Thursday
of the FBI agent convicted of destroying records while investigating the agency's role 
in the
deadly 1992 shootout at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

E. Michael Kahoe, a former head of the FBI's violent crime and major offenders section,
pleaded guilty in 1997 to obstruction of justice for ordering the destruction of an 
FBI report
into the 1992 fatal shooting at the cabin of white separatist Randall Weaver.

Convicted felons cannot vote in Florida unless their rights are restored by the 
Board, which is made up of the governor and Cabinet. The board did not restore Kahoe's
right to own, possess or use a gun.

Kahoe recounted the details of the shootout, his role in investigating the FBI's 
actions and
his decision to destroy a report to be sent to the U.S. attorney in Idaho. The report 
have been used by lawyers representing Weaver, whose wife and son were killed during a
nine-day standoff with government agents at Weaver's rural cabin.

``I read the memorandum, told the supporter who wrote it to throw his copy away. I kept
my copy and did not file the memorandum,'' Kahoe told the board. ``I didn't file it 
I thought at that time the memorandum was useless.''

Kahoe said that he spent more than $100,000 defending himself before the Department of
Justice offered him a deal just months before his retirement: plead guilty and stay on 
FBI rolls until his retirement or be fired, forfeit his retirement and face an 
indictment. He
served one year, 20 days in federal prison and completed two years probation.

``I'd like to have my civil rights restored because I'd like to vote,'' Kahoe said. 
``I haven't
been able to vote. I don't attempt to justify what I did. I should not have told this 
to throw the memorandum away. I should have filed my copy of the memorandum. The
memorandum exists, it always has existed, it's here today if anyone cares to read it.''

He said he now owns an employee leasing business in Jacksonville.

``It has approximately 40 employees, we provide their health insurance, their vacation,
when the stock market gets better we'll have a 401k as well,'' Kahoe said.

None of the board members objected to Bush's recommendation that Kahoe's rights be

Later, Bush said, ``It's a fascinating story. He admitted his wrong doing, which is
important. He served his time, he paid his debts. He participated in something that he
regretted and I was happy to be a part of giving him a chance to have his rights 

Copyright © 2002, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / Reilly says he has evidence of coverup by archdiocese

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
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Reilly says he has evidence of coverup by archdiocese

By Stephen Kurkjian, Globe Staff, 12/13/2002

Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly yesterday said his investigation of the Boston
Archdiocese had found clear evidence of a coverup of priests' criminal behavior, and 
deputy said the state is considering prosecution of the church under a doctrine of 
often used to charge companies that fail to stop wrongdoing by employees.

''This could have been stopped a long time ago but it wasn't,'' Reilly said at an 
press conference. ''There was a coverup, an elaborate scheme to keep it away from law
enforcement, to keep it quiet. The church and the leadership of the church felt it was 
important to protect the church than any children, and, as a result of that, needless
numbers, countless numbers of children were harmed.''

Reilly spoke publicly about the state of his investigation on the day the Globe 
reported that
his office has subpoenaed Cardinal Bernard F. Law and six other bishops to testify 
before a
grand jury that began gathering evidence on the scandal in late February.

The subpoenas were issued last Friday. Law's attorney, J. Owen Todd, said the cardinal 
be the last of seven past and present officials of the archdiocese to testify.

Todd said he had not spoken with Law about the subpoena, but said he is confident the
cardinal would return from Rome and agree to testify, even if he has resigned as

''I'm not sure what more there is for him to say after being deposed for so many days, 
he'll be there,'' Todd said.

Reilly said that the grand jury testimony by Law and the bishops who served as his 
advisers should give investigators a better understanding of why church leaders for 
failed to turn over to authorities those priests who had been accused of sexual abuse 

He said a review of archdiocesan records in abuse cases left him convinced that the 
of handling the cases ''should have been dealt with years ago, decades ago,'' Reilly 

He emphasized that Massachusetts lacked until this year the two criminal statutes that 
been used in other states to investigate how dioceses and archdioceses handled abuse
cases: a law making mandatory the reporting of allegations of sexual abuse of children 
authorities, and another that prohibits placing the welfare or safety of children in 

Despite the lack of such statutes, Reilly may yet be able to proceed.

Assistant Attorney General Kurt N. Schwartz, head of the criminal division, said after 
press conference that investigators are studying other accepted legal doctrines that 
be used to hold the archdiocese responsible for the crimes of the priests. The church 
perhaps be prosecuted as an accessory to a crime or for being the supervisor of an 
who committed a crime. But in both cases, prosecutors need to show intent to make the
case, Schwartz said. In other words, they would need evidence that the archdiocese
intended for further abuse to take place when officials transferred a priest known to 
molested children in the past to a new assignment.

But there is still another option, ''vicarious liability,'' in which proof of intent 
is not essential,
Schwartz said. Instead, he said, an organization can be indicted for the crimes of its 
if it is found to have failed to act reasonably to prevent the crimes.

''It's the `blind eye' theory, and I think it's the best one available for prosecuting 
archdiocese,'' said Wendy Murphy, a former prosecutor who now represents victims of
sexual crimes.

The doctrine was first articulated by the state Supreme Judicial Court in 1971 when it 
a finance company responsible for the fraud of its agents. Corporations can be 
indicted for
the crimes if prosecutors find ''a repeated pattern of criminal conduct tending to 
corporate toleration or ratification of its agents,'' the court wrote.

The doctrine has been used to charge corporations for the financial crimes of its
employees. It has been also been employed to charge restaurants and bars with
manslaughter in cases of drunken driving fatalities where the driver was repeatedly 
liquor by bartenders, even though he was under the legal drinking age.

Murphy, however, stressed that the corporation's owners can only be fined under that

Reilly, who has come under increasing criticism from victims of clergy abuse demanding
criminal prosecution of the church, said he is not yet convinced that the doctrine 
applies in
his investigation of the archdiocese. ''It is very difficult under the criminal laws 
of this state
to hold a superior accountable for the acts of another,'' he said at the press 

A national victims' advocacy group 

[CTRL] views

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
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What We Have Learned From the Lott Affair
By Michael Andrew Grissom

It would have been much easier to have believed that all of the denunciations of Trent

Lott were being spewed from the old Soviet Union's entrenched communists than to have 
come to grips with the fact that this is the dangerous climate now existing in the 

Not only do we have Democrats, hoping they can flush Republican integrity down the

drain - which paltry amount would not put a strain on the sewer pipes - but we also 
Republicans in toto trouncing Senator Lott as roundly as the Democrats. (No wonder
Samuel Francis calls them the Stupid Party.) Add to that the subversive media, which is
virtually a carbon copy of Pravda, the official newspaper of the old Soviet Union, and 
realize that we here have become what the Soviets once were.

What Trent Lott said was true. If the country had elected Strom Thurmond in 1948, we
wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years. Instead, this country's 
gave us Harry Truman, who had already negotiated away the rights of Bulgaria, Hungary,
Poland, and Rumania, handing them over to the Soviet Union after World II. In further
concession to the Soviets, Truman helped cut up Europe to the great distress of all
concerned in that part of the world. Had voters elected Thurmond, there would never 
been a North Korea with which we have to deal very seriously now that they have nuclear

But it is none of these arguments which captured the attention of the thought 
police. It
was the new American taboo of saying anything blacks do not wish to hear. Lott may 
have meant, as happily charged in the press, that we would have been better off with a
segregationist President, but I wish he had. It is true, and it is time someone says 

Flippant feminist columnist Kathleen Parker went into hysterics, asking just what kind 
problems Lott meant. Using silly references to Hitler, she wrote, Wonder which 
Herr Lott had in mind? That darned black vote? Those integrated public schools? 
White flight? Black crime? The blind date that darkens the door of the white family 
Not bright enough to realize it, she was giving all the correct answers. To think that 
parents are not concerned about the racial makeup of their families and passing down
inherited traits from generations back is to exhibit a profound ignorance of the 
of race in this country and in the world.

Blacks, who are very clever, have discovered a formula which has neutralized every 
official in this country. It involves intimidation, threats, retribution, incessant 
extorting money from corporations, attempting to bankrupt companies in court, and in
general making themselves as obnoxious as possible so that no one will say or do 
which might displease a black man or woman.

Politicians, who make the laws, have submitted to the black agenda, and we see an

increasingly socialistic government as a result. In other words, give up your liberties
quietly or be prepared to suffer ignominy. There is no fight left in the white public 
That is why we saw immediate disavowals and apologies from Trent Lott.

Would that Trent Lott cared more for his integrity than his position as Senate leader. 
If he

really believed in the things embodied in the compliment given to a 100-year-old man 
on his
birthday, then Lott would be worth a whole lot more to Mississippi and the rest of us 
as a
simple Senator who just might be representing a majority of white people who have no 
to speak for them.

Even those who call themselves conservative were among the Lott detractors,
and Armstrong Williams, considered among some as a leading black conservative, tore
into Lott in savage rhetoric. Which brings me to an observation: Some blacks find
advantage in masquerading as conservatives, but when it comes to race, they are not
conservative with YOUR views. You better bury your own deeply held beliefs and 
to their odd racial opinions or have your whole existence become a nightmare. In other
words, white men should shut up. And that is basically what we have learned from the
Trent Lott Affair.

(Michael Andrew Grissom is the author of Southern by the Grace of God, The Last Rebel
Yell, and Can the South Survive?)

Visit Mr. Grissom's Web Site at www.michaelandrewgrissom.com

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[CTRL] Wired News: Keeping Track of John Poindexter

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Keeping Track of John Poindexter By Paul Boutin

Story location: http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,56860,00.html

02:00 AM Dec. 14, 2002 PT

The head of the government's Total Information Awareness project, which aims to root 
potential terrorists by aggregating credit- card, travel, medical, school and other 
records of
everyone in the United States, has himself become a target of personal data profiling.

Online pranksters, taking their lead from a San Francisco journalist, are publishing 
Poindexter's home phone number, photos of his house and other personal information to
protest the TIA program.

Matt Smith, a columnist for SF Weekly, printed the material -- which he says is all 
available -- in a recent column: Optimistically, I dialed John and Linda Poindexter's 
-- (301) 424-6613 -- at their home at 10 Barrington Fare in Rockville, Md., hoping the 
admiral and excused criminal might be able to offer some insight, Smith wrote.

Why, for example, is their $269,700 Rockville, Md., house covered with artificial 
according to Maryland tax records? Shouldn't a Reagan conspirator be able to afford
repainting every seven years? Is the Donald Douglas Poindexter listed in Maryland sex-
offender records any relation to the good admiral? What do Tom Maxwell, at 8 Barrington
Fare, and James Galvin, at 12 Barrington Fare, think of their spooky neighbor?

Smith said he wrote the column to demonstrate the sense of violation he felt over his
personal records being profiled by secretive government agencies.

I needed to call Poindexter anyway, and it seemed like a worthy concept that if he's 
to be compiling data that most certainly will leak around to other departments and get
used, one way to get readers to think about it was to turn that around, Smith said.

What Smith didn't realize was that Poindexter's phone number and other information 
end up on more than 100 Web pages a week later as others took up the cause.

Phone-phreaking hackers supplied details on the Verizon switch serving the admiral's 
The popular Cryptome privacy-issues website posted satellite photos of the house.

Poindexter could not be reached for comment for this story, and calls to his home phone
now reach a recording: The party you are calling is not available at this time.

Since the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency began awarding contracts for the
Total Information Awareness project in August, the effort has been criticized by both 
rights advocates and data-mining experts.

The dispute over TIA seems to fall not along straight political party lines, but 
advocates and opponents of the government's right to monitor its own citizens. Former
President Clinton expressed support for the project in a recent public appearance, 
conservative New York Times columnist William Safire recently wrote a pointed editorial
criticizing the idea.

One Bush voter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said of the pranks on Poindexter: 
they're making him as uncomfortable as we are, good.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: A First Step to Cutting Reliance on Oil

2002-12-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A First Step to Cutting Reliance on Oil

December 15, 2002

WHICH events of recent days are likely to have the most
significant long-term impact on American business and the

To my mind, it was not the Bush administration's new team
of economic policy makers, who dominated the headlines last
week. Nor the efforts to clean up Wall Street. And not the
buildup of troops to fight a war in Iraq, either.

No, my money is on the barely noticed introduction by Honda
and Toyota of a handful of experimental fuel cell vehicles
to be tested by the State of California.

The possibility of running cars on fuel cells has been
heavily promoted in business circles in recent years, and
for good reason. Imagine a global economy no longer
dependent on oil and the internal combustion engine. Fuel
cells, because they produce energy from pure hydrogen
rather than from petroleum, emit only water and heat as
waste, potentially generating power without burning fossil

By making it possible to shift from petroleum to other
primary energy sources, fuel cells could ease the threat of
global warming without taking away the freedom and mobility
that Americans and Europeans take for granted - and the
rest of the world is determined to get for itself. China
and India, with more than one-third of the world's
population, could sustain rapid growth for decades without
choking the sky with pollutants and climate-damaging carbon

But this vision of a truly sustainable economic future is
far from inevitable. The technological challenges to
building a commercially successful fuel cell vehicle are
overwhelming. And who would supply them? Recasting the
entire petroleum-based infrastructure to produce and
deliver hydrogen safely to hundreds of millions of such
vehicles presents a classic chicken-and-egg problem of
immense proportions.

Every major automaker and oil company has a hydrogen or
fuel cell research effort under way; supporters say they
recognize that fossil fuels can't last forever.
Environmentalists carp that industry is simply trying to
preserve the status quo and avoid more immediate steps to
improve the fuel efficiency of conventional automobiles.

In a generally positive article on the efforts of General
Motors to reinvent the automobile, Wired magazine noted
that Rick Wagoner, G.M.'s chief executive, likes to call
the fuel cell car the holy grail, but that the
description may be a truer assessment than he intends.
After all, as David Redstone, editor of Hydrogen  Fuel
Cell Investor, a newsletter, told the magazine: The holy
grail is something you spend your entire life looking for.
The whole point is that you never find it.

No one knows for sure whether a hydrogen economy is a
possible dream.

The oil companies and automakers are not doing this
because they want to kill it, said Steven Taub, an expert
on alternative fuels at Cambridge Energy Research
Associates in Cambridge, Mass. But they are not doing this
because they know it's the future, either. They're doing it
because they don't know whether or not it's the future.

It's worth the risk to find out.

Bolstered by modest
support from the government and a new commitment from the
Bush administration, American automakers and other
companies are already investing in fuel cell research. But
an effort to put tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of
vehicles on the road within a decade, which many analysts
regard as feasible, would require a substantial commitment
from Washington to help jump-start the market and support
the investment in a supply infrastructure.

THIS shouldn't mean giving up on less ambitious efforts, as
both the White House and the auto industry have done in
abandoning the research program to build a very
fuel-efficient car using existing technology. If nothing
else, as an insurance policy to avoid being usurped again
by Japanese automakers, Detroit should also be investing
more in fuel-efficient hybrid electric-gasoline vehicles
like the Toyota Prius.

True, big federal programs like the Interstate System of
highways, the development of the Internet and the creation
of the semiconductor chip (which grew out of the space
program) have gone out of fashion. But even in an era in
which markets have rightly assumed a much greater role in
allocating resources, government commitment is needed to
set ambitious goals in crucial areas.

And when the nation is preparing to spend at least $100
billion to liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein and much more
to maintain stability in the Persian Gulf, nothing is more
crucial than investing a fraction of that sum to help
liberate the world economy from its addiction to Middle
East oil.


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[CTRL] GoMemphis: Euphorian suggests you read this.

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian thought you would be interested in this link to Lott critics cite history 
as civil rights opponent on the GoMemphis Web site:


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Library at Beauvoir

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
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URL: http://www.canufly.net/~river/SCV/newsletter/9808.html

Before you lies the future—a future of golden promise; a future expanding national 
before which all the world will stand amazed. Let me beseech you to lay aside all 
rancor, all
bitter sectional feelings, and take your places in the ranks of those who will bring 
about a
consummation devoutly to be wished – a reunited country.


The following is the speech given by Senator Trent Lott at the dedication of the 
Library at Beauvoir. If there was any doubt where the Senate Majority leaders heart is 
our cause, this speech should answer all doubts. Senator Lott is very proud to fill 
the same
Senate slot that was filled by Jefferson Davis. He also reminded us that the Senior 
from Mississippi, Senator Cochran, sits in the desk that was occupied by Davis while 
he was
an U. S. senator. Senator Lott’s speech along with the other activities of the day 
left me
with a day I will remember forever.

Governor Fordice, Members of the Legislature, Mayors, distinguished guests, and 
friends of

As you know, this week marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of the man who became
the President of the Confederate States of America.

Though born in Kentucky, he was truly a son of Mississippi: a planter, a soldier, and a
statesman. It is fitting that we gather here at his beloved Beauvoir, in tribute to 
exceptional man.

This home was a treasure to him and his family. But now it will house a greater 
treasure: a
wealth of historical documents, research materials, and memorabilia. Like the 
libraries of more recent Presidents, this institution will have a broader focus than 
just one
person will. It will cover the era in which Davis lived, the times, in which he worked 
fought. With true Southern hospitality, it will welcome scholars and the public from 
THE WORLD. It will be a place of pride and of learning, of memory and of new visions of
the past.

Sometimes I feel closer to Jefferson Davis than any other man in America. I represent
Mississippi, as he did, in the United States Senate. Each morning, when I arrive at 
work, I
see part of HIS Capital. For he supervised the construction of the two new wings where 
Senate and House have gathered uninterrupted since 1860. It was in that Senate where he
lifted the mantle of Southern leadership from the aging shoulders of John C. Calhoun. 
there, in 1861, his fellow Senators openly wept as he bid them a final adieu and 
home to await the call of his state.

For almost one century distinguished Americans, and not just Southerners, have come to
Beauvoir to recall the highlights of his life. But these facts without the context of 
truth are
meaningless. Or as Robert Penn Warren said,  History is not the truth, the truth is 
in the
telling In the case of Jefferson Davis, this Library and Museum will help to tell the 
world the
truth about the complicated man who came to embody the cause of Southern

He was the reflection of a proud people. He was a gentleman, who met each of Life’s
challenges with unquestioned faith in his Creator and an unfailing devotion to duty. 
was the Commander in Chief who sadly said, I worked night and day for twelve years to
prevent this war, but I could not.

When I was growing up, I was taught to respect the man whose face stared down at us
from countless shrines across the South. I hope that tradition will continue for 
youngsters need examples of honor, courage, and self-sacrifice.

Jeff Davis’s story is the story of America. Born in a frontier log cabin, he rose from 
circumstances to attend West Point, where his appointment papers were signed by none
other than the man who was then the Secretary of War: John C. Calhoun. At the Academy,
he stood alongside Robert E. Lee and Albert Sidney Johnson. As a soldier, he led the
Mississippi Rifles to glory in Mexico and, from then on, was marked as a leader of men.

When the Magnolia State sent him to the Senate, he became the Congress’ leading 
and voice of Southern nationalism. He was unyielding in his defense of the 
Constitution. A
document, after all, that had been written primarily by Southerners of an earlier
generation. At the same time, he earnestly sought a solution to the upcoming crisis 
the framework of the Union. But his people called him home, and he marched with them.
On February 10, 1861, while tending his garden, he received word of his unanimous
election as President of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of 

Mrs. Davis later said, He grew white and read the note as a man might speak of a
sentence of death He left Mississippi the next day.

We cannot do justice here to Davis’ entire record as President, but we can help to 
what Shelby Foote calls the conspiracy that has underrated President Davis for 130
years. For starters, there is 

[CTRL] Trent Lott Should Step Aside As Majority Leader - JohnKerry.com

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Trent Lott Should Step Aside As Majority Leader
Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Statement of Senator John Kerry

Trent Lott has been my colleague with whom I've worked productively and often on
legislation, and that is a tribute both to the colleagiality of the United States 
Senate and to
Trent's style as a legislator. But in the final analysis, the question we face today 
has nothing
to do with either. The question is whether someone who has made the statements Trent
has made should be or can now effectively be the Majority Leader of the United States

These statements divide Americans by race and region and they should never be 
particularly not when they come from the Majority Leader of the United States Senate or
anyone who seeks to offer leadership for our country. Trent Lott's statements place a 
over his leadership because there can never be an appearance of racism or bigotry in 
high position of leadership, particularly in the United States Senate. It saddens me 
to suggest this, but in the interests of the Senate, his Party, and the nation I 
believe Trent
Lott should step aside as Majority Leader.

When I first heard Trent Lott had said of Strom Thurmond late last week that 
were proud to have voted for Thurmond, ``and if the rest of the country had followed 
lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all
these years, either,'' I was disturbed.

Senator Lott of course argued he was just making a joke in his tribute to Strom 
100 year milestone, but there's no humor in a suggestion that anyone running on a
segregationist platform could have made our country stronger. Strom Thurmond's 1948
Dixiecrat presidential campaign was nothing but divisive, an appeal to our worst 
instincts as
a nation which is why Strom Thurmond himself publicly disavowed his claims of that 
Too many Americans have given up their blood and even their lives to heal those 
and move forward together as one America. I felt then that Sen. Lott should have made
perfectly clear immediately that his comments were wrong and he should have retracted
them before he gives any more false hope to those who would like to return to an 
where segregationist views are treated as an acceptable political ideology.

It's now clear this is not the first time Trent Lott has made similar comments.
I simply do not believe the country can today afford to have someone who has made these
statements again and again be the leader of the United States Senate.

Let me make something very clear. This is not a matter of partisanship. I remember a
Republican party of Ed Brooke, Jacob Javits, Everett Dirksen, Mark Hatfield, and Lowell
Weicker -- Republicans who understood what it meant to be leaders of the Party of 
I also remember that for decades too many Democrats in the so-called Solid South won
races playing to citizens' worst fears over race. That stain remains on our Party's 
history. I
am proud that in the final analysis the Democratic Party chose a different course on 
question of civil rights. But I am reminded that Democrats and Republicans are both 
of saying and doing things that are both stupid and wrong on this fundamental 
question. We
must all strive to do better, and I believe the least we can do is say clearly that 
statements are simply unacceptable, whenever they are directed against any group by 
religion, or ethinicity.

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[CTRL] Bush Has Widened Authority of C.I.A. to Kill Terrorists

2002-12-15 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Bush Has Widened Authority of C.I.A. to Kill Terrorists
December 15, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -- The Bush administration has prepared a list of
terrorist leaders the Central Intelligence Agency is authorized to kill,
if capture is impractical and civilian casualties can be minimized, senior
military and intelligence officials said.

The previously undisclosed C.I.A. list includes key Qaeda leaders like
Osama bin Laden and his chief deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, as well as other
principal figures from Al Qaeda and affiliated terrorist groups, the
officials said. The names of about two dozen terrorist leaders have
recently been on the lethal-force list, officials said. It's the worst of
the worst, an official said.

President Bush has provided written legal authority to the C.I.A. to hunt
down and kill the terrorists without seeking further approval each time
the agency is about to stage an operation. Some officials said the
terrorist list was known as the high-value target list. A spokesman for
the White House declined to discuss the list or issues involving the use
of lethal force against terrorists. A spokesman for the C.I.A. also
declined to comment on the list.

Despite the authority given to the agency, Mr. Bush has not waived the
executive order banning assassinations, officials said. The presidential
authority to kill terrorists defines operatives of Al Qaeda as enemy
combatants and thus legitimate targets for lethal force.

Mr. Bush issued a presidential finding last year, after the Sept. 11
attacks on New York and Washington, providing the basic executive and
legal authority for the C.I.A. to either kill or capture terrorist
leaders. Initially, the agency used that authority to hunt for Qaeda
leaders in Afghanistan. That authority was the basis for the C.I.A.'s
attempts to find and kill or capture Mr. Bin laden and other Qaeda leaders
during the war in Afghanistan.

The creation of the secret list is part of the expanded C.I.A. effort to
hunt and kill or capture Qaeda operatives far from traditional
battlefields, in countries like Yemen.

The president is not legally required to approve each name added to the
list, nor is the C.I.A. required to obtain presidential approval for
specific attacks, although officials said Mr. Bush had been kept well
informed about the agency's operations.

In November, the C.I.A. killed a Qaeda leader in a remote region of Yemen.
A pilotless Predator aircraft operated by the agency fired a Hellfire
antitank missile at a car in which Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, also known
as Abu Ali, was riding. Mr. Harethi and five other people, including one
suspected Qaeda operative with United States citizenship, were killed in
the attack.

Mr. Harethi, a key Al Qaeda leader in Yemen who is suspected of helping to
plan the bombing of the American destroyer Cole in 2000, is believed to
have been on the list of Qaeda leaders that the C.I.A. had been authorized
to kill. After the Predator operation in Yemen, American officials said
Mr. Bush was not required to approve the mission before the attack, nor
was he specifically consulted.

Intelligence officials said the presidential finding authorizing the
agency to kill terrorists was not limited to those on the list. The
president has given broad authority to the C.I.A. to kill or capture
operatives of Al Qaeda around the world, the officials said. But officials
said the group's most senior leaders on the list were the agency's primary

The list is updated periodically as the intelligence agency, in
consultation with other counterterrorism agencies, adds new names or
deletes those who are captured or killed, or when intelligence indicates
the emergence of a new leader.

The precise criteria for adding someone to the list are unclear, although
the evidence against each person must be clear and convincing, the
officials said. The list contains the names of some of the same people who
are on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's list of most wanted terror
suspects, although the lists are prepared independently.

Officials said the C.I.A., working with the F.B.I., the military and
foreign governments, will seek to capture terrorists when possible and
bring them into custody.

Counterterrorism officials prefer to capture senior Qaeda leaders for
interrogation, if possible. They regard killing as a last resort in cases
in which the location of a Qaeda operative is known but capture would be
too dangerous or logistically impossible, the officials said.

Under current intelligence law, the president must sign a finding to
provide the legal basis for covert actions to be carried out by the C.I.A.
In response to past abuses, the decision-making process has grown into a
highly formalized review in which the White House, Justice Department,
State Department, Pentagon and C.I.A. take part.

The administration must notify Congressional 

[CTRL] Politics Of Despair -

2002-12-15 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-

I think you might find this of 
interest! http://www.rense.com/general32/Polds.htm 

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[CTRL] Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed

2002-12-15 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] Drones will keep watch on waters off Florida

2002-12-15 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Drones will keep watch on waters off Florida
By Matthew Hay Brown | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted December 13, 2002

Dec 13, 2002

The Air Force has deployed them to monitor military movements in
Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines. The CIA dispatched one
recently to kill a suspected al-Qaeda leader in Yemen.

Now the Coast Guard is planning to bring the latest in battlefield
technology to the waters off Florida.

The maritime service, set to join the new Department of Homeland
Security, is planning to deploy flying drones, remote-controlled
aircraft similar to those now used for wartime surveillance, to patrol
the nation's coastal regions for security threats. Officials say the
unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, will enable them to extend their
reach into offshore waters by monitoring larger areas less
expensively and more efficiently.

The rapidly emerging technology gained prominence last month
when the CIA used a Predator drone outfitted with a Hellfire missile
to blow up suspected al-Qaeda operative Qaed Salim Sinan al-
Harethi as he traveled along a desert highway in northwest Yemen.
Al-Harethi and five others were killed in the attack.

Coast Guard officials say they have no plans to arm their drones,
which also may be used to spot drug runners, locate undocumented
migrants and assist in search-and-rescue missions on the high

They're going to serve the same purpose our existing aircraft
serve, said Lt. Tony Russell of Coast Guard District Seven in
Miami, which covers the Southeast and the Caribbean. They're
going to increase our maritime domain awareness.

The acquisition of up to 76 drones nationwide, set to begin within
four years, is one part of Deepwater, the Coast Guard's $17 billion
program to replace aging equipment and respond to new security
challenges. The program also includes the purchase of up to 91
ships, 35 planes and 34 helicopters and upgrades of up to 49
cutters and 93 helicopters currently in use.

Deepwater will enable the Coast Guard to continue to perform its
mission and improve on it, program spokesman Seth Winnick said.
The UAVs will provide a technological capability that will allow us to
be even more efficient.

More than patrols
Offshore patrols are just one domestic use for which drones are
being considered. The Department of Transportation is investigating
their use in watching over oil and gas pipelines and monitoring the
shipment of hazardous cargo. Early next year, the Department of
Defense is planning to gauge their suitability for tracking drug-
smuggling aircraft on a test run up South and Central America.

The Coast Guard is planning to purchase two designs. Bell
Helicopter's vertical-launch Eagle Eye tilt-rotor aircraft, set to enter
into service in 2006, may fly for about five hours at a time at
altitudes of up to 14,500 feet. Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk
fixed-wing aircraft, to follow a decade later, can stay aloft for about
30 hours and reach a height of up to 65,000 feet.

The Eagle Eye and Global Hawk both may be outfitted with
cameras, radar or other sensors to search or spy on faraway
stretches of ocean, loitering for extended periods if desired. Both
are less expensive to purchase, maintain and operate than
traditional manned aircraft.

The Eagle Eye, which the Coast Guard estimates will cost $2.5
million to $3 million each, may be launched from the 425-foot
National Security Cutter or the 341-foot Offshore Patrol Cutter. It
may be controlled by a pilot stationed aboard ship or on the ground.

Details unavailable
Officials say details of where and how the drones would be deployed
have yet to be finalized. Likely assignments include monitoring
offshore waters for the smuggling of narcotics, individuals and

UAVs will be the over-the-horizon eyes for the cutters, said Chief
Petty Officer Phyllis Gamache-Jensen of Coast Guard District One
in Boston, which covers the Northeast. Homeland security is really
about situational awareness. The more technology we have, the
more capability we have.

Mixed reviews
Drones earned mixed reviews during the war in Afghanistan, where
the first two Global Hawks pressed into service ultimately crashed.
Vulnerable to difficult terrain and extreme weather conditions,
unmanned aircraft also have gone down over the no-fly zones in

They're less flexible, and you will take higher attrition rates than
with manned aircraft, said Colin Robinson, an analyst at the
independent Center for Defense Information in Washington. They
can serve a purpose, as long as you're willing to spend the money
and work within the limitations.

Robinson said those limitations include the inability of cameras and
sensors to monitor an area as well as a trained pilot.

But for a wide range of uses, that's not critically necessary all the
time, he said.

Pat Garrett, an analyst for GlobalSecurity.org in Virginia, said drones
would not replace the Coast 

Re: [CTRL] Are We Going to War for Oil?

2002-12-15 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

UM --- in central asia its more about natural gas than oil, no?

on 12/15/02 2:23 AM, Steve Wingate at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Are We Going to War for Oil?


 It's now been discovered that what was once thought to be an oil bonanza in
 Central Asia—with more oil than exists in the Middle East—is actually a bust.
 And despite government support of hydrogen fuel cells, research indicates
 that these will not be a viable reality in the near future, meaning we'll
 continue to depend on Middle Eastern oil. At the same time, there's been a
 dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy toward Iraq and Saudi Arabia—and these
 things may be connected.

 Estimates of oil reserves in the Caspian Sea have gone from 200 billion
 barrels to around 20 billion barrels. ExxonMobil is closing one of its
 Caspian offshore projects due to the poor results of exploratory drilling,
 and ChevronTexaco is withdrawing as well. Also, the Tengiz field in Central
 Asia is very expensive to pump and deliver to market and the oil has a high
 sulfur content (as much as 16 percent). Disposal of this waste sulfur will be
 a major problem.

 There has been very little talk lately about the trans- Afghanistan pipeline,
 probably due to continuing instability in the country. One planned pipeline
 which is also being rethought is the 1,090-mile long Baku-Ceyhan pipeline,
 which will cost about $2.9 billion and will link an existing pipeline from
 Azerbaijan to the Turkish Mediterranean Port of Ceyhan, crossing high
 mountains and territory occupied by the Kurds, who may be aligned with
 Islamic terrorists. Critics question whether there are enough oil reserves in
 the Caspian Sea to support the pipeline, so U.S. interest in it may really be
 an effort to destabilize OPEC.

 The U.S. recently published a document promoting hydrogen fuels, but critics
 feel this is mostly a public relations ploy, because there are serious
 problems to overcome before we can make the transition to hydrogen fuel
 cells. Because hydrogen is the simplest element, it will leak from any
 container, no mater how well insulated, so some of the hydrogen will always
 evaporate. Hydrogen gas is also very reactive, and when it comes into contact
 with metal surfaces it decomposes into hydrogen atoms, which are so small
 they can penetrate metal and make it brittle.

 But the biggest problem is the size of the fuel tanks that would be needed.
 62,000 gallons of hydrogen gas is necessary to replace the energy capacity of
 20 gallons of gasoline. So far, hydrogen-powered cars have run on compressed
 hydrogen, but a compressed hydrogen fuel tank can develop pressure leaks
 through accidents or normal wear, which could cause it to explode.

 If the hydrogen is liquefied, 4 four times the volume is needed to produce
 the energy of a gallon of gasoline, so a 60 gallon tank would be needed to
 replace a 15-gallon gas tank. Liquid hydrogen is also hard to store, because
 it’s cold enough to freeze air. In test vehicles, accidents have occurred
 from pressure build-ups in plugged valves. Beyond this, there’s the high cost
 of liquefying the hydrogen and refrigerating it so that it remains in a
 liquid state.

 Hydrogen does not freely occur in nature in useful quantities, so it must be
 split from molecules of methane from either fossil fuels or water. The water
 process creates carbon monoxide as a byproduct, and the steam that’s used is
 usually made from fossil fuels, so we can’t escape the production of
 greenhouse gases—we simply transfer this pollution to hydrogen production

 The basic problem with hydrogen fuel cells is the second law of
 thermodynamics, meaning we’ll always have to use more energy creating the
 hydrogen than we’ll get from using that hydrogen.

 But a belief in hydrogen cell technology will help stock prices overcome the
 bad news about Caspian oil reserves. Also, the idea that we are working on a
 transition from fossil fuels may destabilize OPEC, making it easier to deal
 with Arab oil states.

 The government stresses the danger of Saddam’s nuclear and biological
 weapons, but does not acknowledge that part of our reason for invading Iraq
 is to protect our oil interests, since we’re still going to need plenty of
 cheap fossil fuel in the near future, and the revelations about the Caspian
 oil supply mean we’re going to have to continue to depend on Middle Eastern

 For more information

 Steve Wingate, Webmaster
 Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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Re: [CTRL] Cartoon

2002-12-15 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

 wish it was the truth - really I do

But I see the situation as 180 degrees the other way, with the dems fighting
hard to be the republican lite party.

Hell -  bill clinton, the ultimate centrist, is perceived as liberal,
because of how for to the right the whole spectrum has shifted.

on 12/15/02 12:11 AM, iNFoWaRZ at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ain't it the truth:


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   Samuel Adams

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Re: [CTRL] Are We Going to War for Oil?

2002-12-15 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 UM --- in central asia its more about natural gas than oil, no?


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[CTRL] Iraq After D-Day: The Cordesman Memo

2002-12-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 14, 2002
American Journal
Iraq After D-Day: 
The Cordesman Memo

Napoleon would sketch out in an afternoon the new constitution and legal arrangements for one of France's imperial conquests. In Washington today, there's no such panache, no Jacques-Louis David limning Bush in imperial drapery and resplendent crown (though surely Josephine's heart beats beneath Laura's delicious bosom). All over town, lights blaze far into the night as staffers at the Pentagon, State Dept. and National Security Council pore over blueprints for invasion and the possible lineaments of a post-Saddam Iraq. You'd have to go back to Kennedy-era nation-building to find equivalent hubris and expectancy.

But as the war planners irritably deride Iraq's 12,000-page chronicle, detailing its abandonment of weapons of mass destruction, a briefer memo sets forth with sarcastic glee all the reasons that even now Bush and his inner circle should think again and perhaps shrink back, even as George Bush Sr. did, from seeking to install an American mandate in Baghdad.

On Washington's carousel, Anthony Cordesman is a prominent fixture, currently headquartered in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, prime Republican think tank on K Street, where an elevator ride can confront you with museum pieces stetching all the way back to Reagan's first NSC adviser, Richard Allen. Cordesman has held down big jobs in the Defense and Energy departments, has served as Senator John McCain's national security assistant and strides confidently before the cameras whenever ABC News summons him for analysis and commentary.

Unusually, given this sort of curriculum vitae, Cordesman is a pretty smart fellow. We must ask, therefore, why he felt impelled, from all his dignity as the Arleigh Burke Chair at CSIS, to issue a "rough draft" memo, dated December 3 and now sparking its way around town, that derides Operation Oust Saddam as the recipe for a bloody mess. So? Bloody Mess has been a standing item on the American imperial menu for more than a century. It's a specialty of the house. Maybe Cordesman wants an "I told you so" on record. Maybe he's irked at a setback in his private political agenda. Whatever his motives, he paints with deft strokes an unflattering record of all those blueprints now being staffed out in Washington's drafting studios.

Political etiquette requires Cordesman to couch his criticisms in "Here's how we should plan it better" mode, but it's clear he sees no such possibility in the offing, as he prods through the plans with his scalpel.

Title of paper: "Planning for a Self-Inflicted Wound: US Policy to Shape a Post-Saddam Iraq". Theme: Operation Oust Saddam is an "uncoordinated and faltering effort." We should "admit our level of ignorance." "Far too many internal 'experts'" have scant working knowledge of Iraq, writes Cordesman, who actually knows a lot about the place.

The sales job for Operation Oust Saddam has been lousy: "We face an Arab world where many see us as going to war to seize Iraq's oil, barter deals with the Russians and French, create a new military base to dominate the region, and/or serve Israel's interest. Our lack of clear policy statements has encouraged virtually every negative conspiracy theory possible." Rather unconvincingly, Cordesman adds that we must "prove we are not a 'neo-imperialist' or 'occupier.'" Stigmatizing what he calls "the US as Liberator Syndrome" Cordesman warns that "we may or may not be perceived as liberators.S We may well face a much more hostile population than in Afghanistan. We badly need to consider the Lebanon model: Hero to enemy in less than a year."

He notes "an unpredictable but inevitable level of collateral damage and civilian casualties" and deplores the arrogance among planners for gaming out a "best-case war." To the contrary, Cordesman warns, "we may have to sharply escalate and inflict serious collateral damage."

Given the shape Iraq is in after the Gulf War and a decade of sanctions, one can easily envisage what that means. Riffling through the nation- and democracy-building game plans, Cordesman bleakly declares them "mindlessly stupid." In words that should hang on the wall of every liberal interventionist, he says fiercely that "Iraq cannot be treated as an intellectual playground for political scientists or ideologues, and must not be treated as if its people were a collection of white rats that could be pushed through a democratic maze by a bunch of benevolent US soldiers and NGOs."

Forget the carny lingo about building democracy. America's priorities are already "non-democratic," since "we virtually must enforce territorial integrity, and limit Kurdish autonomy." There are, Cordesman maintains, already US war plans that call for an early US military presence in Kirkuk to insure the Kurds do not attempt to seize it. Long-term efforts to establish some kind of 

[CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11

2002-12-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11
by Media Watcher • Saturday December 14, 2002 at 12:17 PM

How many times have you heard some people justify their support of Israel over Palestinians because of that footage of dubious authenticity, of Palestinians celebrating in the streets about 9/11? That footage was shown over and over for a reason: the Zionist-run media was doing its part to continue on its campaign to villify all Palestinians in order to justify all the billions of US tax dollars that our government continues to give to Israel.

First of all, many people claim that the footage was not at all what it seemed. Many people claim that it was footage from some other celebration that was taken and used intentionally to mislead Americans into thinking that the group of Palestinians were celebrating the US's tragedy of 9/11. 

To tell you the truth, I can understand why some Palestinians might have celebrated 9/11, not that it's right, but it's understandable due to the FACT that the US has been massively providing weapons, funding and backing to Israel, even when it comes to UN Resolutions that call for an end to the Israeli Occupation! The US has fully enabled and continues to fully enable Israel to persecute thePalestinian people collectively in every way, killing and maiming thousands and denying them equal human rights in their own homeland. 

But why has the media not made a big deal about the Israeli spies who were dancing and whooping it up and celebrating the 9/11 WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING? 

It was mentioned briefly on Fox News, and that was the end of that. It was not mentioned again except on the internet, as far as I know. 

The FBI rounded up these suspicious celebrants who turned out to indeed be Isareli spies, and they were detained for months, before finally being released. Yet there has been no followup story in the mainstream media. However there are now reports coming out that some of these very Israeli spies had lived next door to the 9/11 terrorist pilots! 

Curiously the media has chosen to sweep that story under the rug, but when it comes to that footage of Palestinian celebrants, now that got lots of coverage. The pro-Israel bias of our mainstream media is so obvious that it's getting to the point that everyone is noticing. 

Think about this. Who had more to gain from the 9/11 attacks, the Palestinians or the Israelis? Of course, the Israelis did, because their dream is to try to unify all Americans totally against Muslims and to try to make it seem the Israelis "war on terrorism" is the same as the Americans' "war on terrorism", which it seems to have succeeded in doing. Sharon and Netanyahy were both pleased to hear the news about 9/11 because of this and even candidly said so!!! 

Yet Americans would not even have had to deal with the tragedy of 9/11 if it weren't for Israel, which has been persecuting the Palestinians since day one of it's creation in 1948. This anger against Israel's aggression and persecution against the Palestinians, the indigenous people of Israel-Palestine is indeed what unites the Muslim world and even motivates some to take revenge, as in " terrorism" from a Western point of view, but "resistiance" and "fighting for freedom" from the Eastern point of view. 

And Europe, America and it's offshoot Israel HAVE INDEED been guilty of taking advantage of the Arab world for its own selfish reasons: Zionists for their dream of a Jewish Supremacist land, and others for oil. In short, Israel is trying to succeed in getting America, to not only fund Israel, but to fight the entire world on behalf of Israel, beginning with the Arab world. America never had a problem with the Middle East UNTIL Israel came into existance. This is not just a coincidence. 

We must all be completely vigilantly aware of how our news is manipulated and censored to support the Zionist agenda in particular, but also the oilmen as well. And we should protest it and write our own books and news, just like what Indymedia is for. 
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Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11

2002-12-15 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11
-Caveat Lector-

How often is this lie going to be repeated.

Americans would not have had to deal with the tragedy of 9/11 if we didnt have troops in Saudi Arabia.

on 12/15/02 12:18 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yet Americans would not even have had to deal with the tragedy of 9/11 if it weren't for Israel,

Heathen, n. A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel.

Ambrose Bierce, the Devils Dictionary

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Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11

2002-12-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/15/2002 11:28:25 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Americans would not have had to deal with the tragedy of 9/11 if we didn’t have troops in Saudi Arabia.

And if we weren't so disgustingly one-sided when it comes to Israeli maltreatment of the Palestinians.

Plain and simple we need to get out of there and let them deal with it themselves. No aid to either side...we need to trade with Iraq and not go to war with them and we really ought to bring all of our troops home from wherever they are. We bring troubles on ourselves with our meddling. More will follow as we throw stones at the hornet's nest.

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[CTRL] Fwd: How the 9/11 investigations have been sabotaged

2002-12-15 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

On December 10, 2002, the Joint 9/11 Congressional  Inquiry released Part 1
of its findings and conclusions concerning the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
When the inquiry started, the panel heard from Kristen Breitweiser, who lost
her husband at the WTC on 9/11. Kristen was selected by the families of the
victims to represent them before Congress. Her riveting, emotional testimony
posed a number of compelling questions that she asked Congress to answer.
Despite her testimony, Congress has avoided answering all of the specific
questions posed by the families of the victims and instead cleverly turned
the hearings into one about general intelligence failures.  Here are just
ten questions that every American deserves to have answered:

*   How could the FBI not have known about the hijacking when they had
an informant living with two of the hijackers for several months in San
Diego less than a year before the 9/11 attacks? (Ref: 9/18/02 Joint
intelligence Inquiry testimony of Kristen Breitweiser)

*   Why did FBI headquarters promote a Special Supervisory Agent after
he thwarted and sabotaged the Zacarias Moussaoui investigation that
could have prevented 9/11? (Ref: letter to FBI Dir. Robert Mueller from
Minnesota FBI General Counsel Colleen Rowley, published May 21, 2002 by

*   Why did FBI headquarters refuse to investigate two of the hijackers
after an FBI field agent pleaded with them to do so? (Ref: Sept. 2002 Joint
Inquiry testimony)

*   Why did FBI Director, Robert Mueller, lie on May 8, 2002 when he
said: there was nothing the agency could have done to anticipate and
prevent the attacks. ((Ref: 9/18/02 Joint intelligence Inquiry testimony of
Kristen Breitweiser)

*   Why did National Security Advisor, Condelezza Rice lie on March 11,
2002 (and other times) when she said: I don't think anybody could have
predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into The
World Trade Center. . .that they would try to use an airplane as a missile,
a hijacked airplane as a missile. (Ref:  Sept. 1999 CIA Sociology and
Psychology of Terrorism Report that states: Suicide bombers belonging to
Al-Qaeda's martyrdom battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high
explosives into the Pentagon, CIA Headquarters, or the White House. One of
12 such 

[CTRL] Sniper Redux

2002-12-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Sniper Redux

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and sticks its head in a noose like a duck, then it’s a Manchurian-style sniper - New Proverb

The strangely calm, trance-like apprehension of John Muhammad  John Malvo on October 24th, 2002 only added to the growing list of anomalous circumstances surrounding the case. Below are some of the more intriguing confluences brought to light from a variety of sources:

On 8.11.02 WorldNetDaily reported that Chief Charles Moose had come to Maryland vowing to end black profiling as he’d previously done in Portland, Oregon. 

Apparently, he intended to replace it with white profiling. ATF agents and police officers were directed to search only the vehicles of white drivers. Moose is married to white civil rights attorney Sandra Herman. This might go some way towards explaining why cops ran the tags on Muhammad’s Chevrolet Caprice 10 times in October but let him go each time, as reported by Reuters on 10.27.02. 

Also worthy of mention is the fact that Moose served in the Oregon National Guard in the mid-90s.

Curiously, John Williams/Muhammad also served in the Oregon National Guard during this very same time period, as per the Army National Guard website. 

Muhammad spent all of his adult life in the army and was a much-decorated veteran of the Gulf War, not unlike Timothy Mcveigh.

Muhammad and Mcveigh are far from being alone as ex-military killers.

Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer had military training in Texas and Alabama. 

David Berkowitz was an army veteran and Charles Whitman was a former marine. 

Whitman killed 16 people and wounded 31 others from an Austin clock tower in 1961. 

Outré author Bill Lyne (Space Aliens from the Pentagon) declares that Whitman was stationed at Atsugi Air Base in Japan along with Lee Harvey Oswald. 

Arthur Shawcross, who killed 12 people, was a Viet Nam veteran. 

WWII vet Howard Unruh shot 13 people to death in his New Jersey neighborhood in 1949. 

And as if to cap off the sniper shootings, another Gulf War veteran, Charles Flores Jr. shot up the University of Arizona on October 29th killing 3 professors before turning the gun on himself. 

And let us not forget the startling news of the four Special Forces soldiers returning from Afghanistan to Ft. Bragg this past summer only to murder their spouses…

David Grossman wouldn’t be surprised in the least by news of the preceding. Grossman is a former US military psychologist who helped develop programs to train new recruits to become more effective killers. He claims that the key lies in breaking down the natural human aversion to taking a life. He refers to this process as ‘disengagement.’ 

Apparently, once this aversion is removed, it never comes back. 

“The ability to watch a human being’s head explode and to do it again and again—that takes a kind of desensitization to human suffering that has to be learned,” Mr. Grossman declared (Globe  Mail 10.28.02).

In a tale straight out of Ripleys, the LA Times of 10.26.02 reported that Muhammad once kidnapped his own child, amazingly, a boy named Lindbergh. 

After a court battle to get the boy back, ex-wife Mildred shortly thereafter relocated to the town of Clinton. 

In yet another bizarre twist, it turns out that Mildred is currently employed in John Ashcroft’s Justice Department. 

Lindbergh and several other family members appeared on Larry King on Tuesday, October 29th. The comment of the evening belonged to nephew Edward Williams Jr. who declared that his uncle had received ‘counselling’ after the Gulf War. 

‘Keeper of the Keys’ King stared at the lad for several seconds before moving on to more mundane matters, refusing to open up this potential can of worms. 

On 10.25.02 Newhouse News Services reported that Muhammad may be suffering from Gulf War Syndrome. Of the 540,000 soldiers who served in Desert Storm approximately 175,000 are suffering from some form of the illness. 

Los Angeles psychiatrist and neurologist Dr. William E. Baumzweiger, who specializes in treating army personnel, said that a significant number of Gulf War vets become homicidal because of the syndrome. 

The car used by the snipers, a 1990 Caprice, was a patrol car formerly owned by the Bordentown, New Jersey Police Department. 

Upon capture, it was found to contain a Sony laptop, a pair of two-way radios, a GPS system, a pair of shooting mittens(?), a gallon jug of ‘yellow liquid’ and the Bushmaster rifle. 

Oddly, officers didn’t discover the heavy and bulky Bushmaster until after the car had been removed from the reststop on I-70, loaded into a special truck and brought to an ATF lab in Rockville, Maryland (LA Times 10.30.02). 

Conveniently placed on the hood of the car while Malvo and Muhammad were napping and apparently waiting for the police to show up was a wallet containing drivers licenses in several different names, 

[CTRL] Keeping Track of John Poindexter 

2002-12-15 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Keeping Track of John Poindexter
By Paul Boutin

02:00 AM Dec. 14, 2002 PT
The head of the government's Total Information Awareness project,
which aims to root out potential terrorists by aggregating credit-card,
travel, medical, school and other records of everyone in the United
States, has himself become a target of personal data profiling.

Online pranksters, taking their lead from a San Francisco journalist,
are publishing John Poindexter's home phone number, photos of his
house and other personal information to protest the TIA program.

Matt Smith, a columnist for SF Weekly, printed the material -- which
he says is all publicly available -- in a recent column: Optimistically,
I dialed John and Linda Poindexter's number -- (301) 424-6613 -- at
their home at 10 Barrington Fare in Rockville, Md., hoping the good
admiral and excused criminal might be able to offer some insight,
Smith wrote.

Why, for example, is their $269,700 Rockville, Md., house covered
with artificial siding, according to Maryland tax records? Shouldn't a
Reagan conspirator be able to afford repainting every seven years?
 Is the Donald Douglas Poindexter listed in Maryland sex-offender
records any relation to the good admiral? What do Tom Maxwell, at
8 Barrington Fare, and James Galvin, at 12 Barrington Fare, think of
their spooky neighbor?

Smith said he wrote the column to demonstrate the sense of
violation he felt over his personal records being profiled by secretive
government agencies.

I needed to call Poindexter anyway, and it seemed like a worthy
concept that if he's going to be compiling data that most certainly will
leak around to other departments and get used, one way to get
readers to think about it was to turn that around, Smith said.

What Smith didn't realize was that Poindexter's phone number and
other information would end up on more than 100 Web pages a
week later as others took up the cause.

Phone-phreaking hackers supplied details on the Verizon switch
serving the admiral's home. The popular Cryptome privacy-issues
website posted satellite photos of the house.

Poindexter could not be reached for comment for this story, and
calls to his home phone now reach a recording: The party you are
calling is not available at this time.

Since the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency began
awarding contracts for the Total Information Awareness project in
August, the effort has been criticized by both civil rights advocates
and data-mining experts.

The dispute over TIA seems to fall not along straight political party
lines, but between advocates and opponents of the government's
right to monitor its own citizens. Former President Clinton expressed
support for the project in a recent public appearance, while
conservative New York Times columnist William Safire recently
wrote a pointed editorial criticizing the idea.

One Bush voter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said of the
pranks on Poindexter: If they're making him as uncomfortable as
we are, good.

Related Stories
Feds' Spying Plan Fades to Black Dec. 04, 2002
Total Info System Totally Touchy Dec. 02, 2002
Privacy Groups Turn Screws on DOJ Nov. 15, 2002
Where We Stand One Year Later Sep. 11, 2002
There's No Place to Hide Aug. 26, 2002
Feds Open 'Total' Tech Spy System Aug. 07, 2002
Revolutionary A/V Gear
Click for the full article.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA spy master Ted Shackley dies at 75

2002-12-15 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

By Carol Rosenberg. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Posted on Fri, Dec. 13, 2002 in

A HREF=http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/world/cuba/;The Miami

CIA spy master Ted Shackley dies at 75

By Carol Rosenberg. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Posted on Fri, Dec. 13, 2002 in
The Miami Herald.

Theodore ''Ted'' Shackley, a legendary spy master and Cold War figure who ran
the CIA's huge Miami operation during the height of U.S. tensions with Cuba
during the 1960s, has died of cancer in Maryland. He was 75.

Nicknamed ''The Blond Ghost'' because he hated to be photographed, Shackley
was an exacting, intense, elusive covert operator. As Miami station chief
during Operation Mongoose, an interagency U.S. effort to topple Fidel Castro,
he ran about 400 agents and operatives during a period that included the
Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.

The Miami assignment was only one of the many powerful posts he held during a
28-year counterinsurgency career that spanned the globe.

The places where he worked as a senior CIA officer -- Berlin, Saigon, Laos --
served as signposts in the global struggle between the United States and
Soviet-backed communism.

In Miami, he directed an ambitious anti-Castro propaganda and paramilitary
campaign, and as a sign of its significance, Shackley would later say that he
commanded the third-largest navy in the Caribbean -- only the United States
and Cuba had more vessels than the CIA station chief's flotilla.

Thirty-year friend Tom Spencer, a Miami attorney, described Shackley Thursday
as the master spy chief, a strategist, tactician, a brilliant man, a chess
player -- a person who could read tea leaves and watch things which ordinary
people could not see or pick up.''

Added fellow CIA retiree E. Peter Earnest, now director of Washington, D.C.'s
International Spy Museum: He had a keen sense of discipline, and was very
goal-oriented. He found himself periodically in situations where there was
chaos, and he could pull some order out of that.''


Shackley retired from the Central Intelligence Agency in 1979 and set up a
D.C.-area consulting firm that offered security strategy to corporate

But for nearly three decades before that, including 17 years overseas, he
served as a CIA officer who recruited and handled agents, hatched plots and
gathered intelligence in Cold War settings.

From May 1976 to December 1977, he served as associate deputy director of
operations, the No. 2 position in the clandestine operations branch. He held
the job first under CIA Director George H.W. Bush, then under Adm. Stansfield
Turner, who relieved him of his title in a late 1977 shake-up.

At issue: a Carter administration decision to fire thousands of secret agents
and informants, notably in the Middle East, and dismantle Cold War spy

Shackley, said Spencer, soon ''left in disgust,'' retiring from the agency he
had joined straight from Army duty in 1945 in Europe. Besides consulting, he
also wrote a primer on counterinsurgency in 1981 called The Third Option.

Shackley was Miami station chief from 1962 to 1965, running his vast spy
network out of the University of Miami South Campus, now the Metrozoo. It was
the largest CIA hub outside of headquarters in Langley, Va.

''When I got there, the mission was to implement an intelligence collection
program and clean up the residuals of the Bay of Pigs,'' he told retired
Herald journalist Don Bohning in April 1998 in Washington. As we got into
the intelligence program and restructuring, we started detecting Soviet
buildup in the context of all that, how to bring about change in Cuba.''


Some of his 

Re: [CTRL] Are We Going to War for Oil?

2002-12-15 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 10:19 AM 12/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
UM --- in central asia its more about natural gas than oil,
It is NOT to be taken as a FACT that ...
 It's now been discovered that what was once
thought to be an oil bonanza in
 Central Asia—with more oil than exists in the Middle East—is
actually a bust.
This is really unclear, as is
the notion that we have peaked with oil. It could be true
but there are differing opinions about it. 
I would suggest keeping an open mind until more is known.

on 12/15/02
2:23 AM, Steve Wingate at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Are We Going to War for Oil?


 It's now been discovered that what was once thought to be an oil
bonanza in
 Central Asia—with more oil than exists in the Middle East—is
actually a bust.
 And despite government support of hydrogen fuel cells, research
 that these will not be a viable reality in the near future, meaning
 continue to depend on Middle Eastern oil. At the same time, there's
been a
 dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy toward Iraq and Saudi
Arabia—and these
 things may be connected.

 Estimates of oil reserves in the Caspian Sea have gone from 200
 barrels to around 20 billion barrels. ExxonMobil is closing one of
 Caspian offshore projects due to the poor results of exploratory
 and ChevronTexaco is withdrawing as well. Also, the Tengiz field in
 Asia is very expensive to pump and deliver to market and the oil has
a high
 sulfur content (as much as 16 percent). Disposal of this waste
sulfur will be
 a major problem.

 There has been very little talk lately about the trans- Afghanistan
 probably due to continuing instability in the country.

Correct. The war in Afghanistan has failed in every aspect but getting
rid of the Taliban.
Today, Afghanistan is back where it started under the control of brutal

One planned
 which is also being rethought is the 1,090-mile long Baku-Ceyhan
 which will cost about $2.9 billion and will link an existing
pipeline from
 Azerbaijan to the Turkish Mediterranean Port of Ceyhan, crossing
 mountains and territory occupied by the Kurds, who may be aligned
 Islamic terrorists. Critics question whether there are enough oil
reserves in
 the Caspian Sea to support the pipeline, so U.S. interest in it may
really be
 an effort to destabilize
De stabilizing OPEC appears to be on the agenda in the Gulf as well as in
and Africa.

 The U.S. recently published a document promoting hydrogen fuels, but
 feel this is mostly a public relations ploy, because there are
 problems to overcome before we can make the transition to hydrogen
 cells. Because hydrogen is the simplest element, it will leak from
 container, no mater how well insulated, so some of the hydrogen will
 evaporate. Hydrogen gas is also very reactive, and when it comes
into contact
 with metal surfaces it decomposes into hydrogen atoms, which are so
 they can penetrate metal and make it brittle.

 But the biggest problem is the size of the fuel tanks that would be
 62,000 gallons of hydrogen gas is necessary to replace the energy
capacity of
 20 gallons of gasoline. So far, hydrogen-powered cars have run on
 hydrogen, but a compressed hydrogen fuel tank can develop pressure
 through accidents or normal wear, which could cause it to

 If the hydrogen is liquefied, 4 four times the volume is needed to
 the energy of a gallon of gasoline, so a 60 gallon tank would be
needed to
 replace a 15-gallon gas tank. Liquid hydrogen is also hard to store,
 it’s cold enough to freeze air. In test vehicles, accidents have
 from pressure build-ups in plugged valves. Beyond this, there’s the
high cost
 of liquefying the hydrogen and refrigerating it so that it remains
in a
 liquid state.

 Hydrogen does not freely occur in nature in useful quantities, so it
must be
 split from molecules of methane from either fossil fuels or water.
The water
 process creates carbon monoxide as a byproduct, and the steam that’s
used is
 usually made from fossil fuels, so we can’t escape the production
 greenhouse gases—we simply transfer this pollution to hydrogen

 The basic problem with hydrogen fuel cells is the second law 
 thermodynamics, meaning we’ll always have to use more energy
creating the
 hydrogen than we’ll get from using that hydrogen.

 But a belief in hydrogen cell technology will help stock prices
overcome the
 bad news about Caspian oil reserves. Also, the idea that we are
working on a
 transition from fossil fuels may destabilize OPEC, making it easier
to deal
 with Arab oil states.

 The government stresses the danger of Saddam’s nuclear and
 weapons, but does not acknowledge that part of our reason for
invading Iraq
 is to protect our oil interests, since we’re still going to 

Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11

2002-12-15 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11
-Caveat Lector-

Those are really different issues.

Bin laden hates us for defiling the holy land  Saudi Arabia.

Israel is a nice card for him to play, as he can get more world sympathy using it, but it was never his primary issue with us, as it does not stand in his way of taking over Saudi Arabia and turning it into an even more fundamentalist Islamic state. Our troops however ARE an impediment.

At least you admit we send aid to both (well all) sides.

on 12/15/02 12:34 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/15/2002 11:28:25 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Americans would not have had to deal with the tragedy of 9/11 if we didnt have troops in Saudi Arabia.

And if we weren't so disgustingly one-sided when it comes to Israeli maltreatment of the Palestinians.

Plain and simple we need to get out of there and let them deal with it themselves. No aid to either side...we need to trade with Iraq and not go to war with them and we really ought to bring all of our troops home from wherever they are. We bring troubles on ourselves with our meddling. More will follow as we throw stones at the hornet's nest.

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Re: [CTRL] Dancing Israelis Spies at Site of 9/11

2002-12-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/15/2002 2:15:10 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At least you admit we send aid to both (well all) sides.

hah hah...hardly.
Israel is the prime recipient of our tax-dollars and that ought to come to an end today. 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The Aurora

2002-12-15 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Government: The AuroraPosted by: souljah on Dec 15, 2002 - 01:57 AM

 Background Does the United States Air Force or one of America's intelligence agencies have a secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance? Continually growing evidence suggests that the answer to this question is yes. Perhaps the most well-known event which provides evidence of such a craft's existence is the sighting of a triangular plane over the North Sea in August 1989 by oil-exploration engineer Chris Gibson. As well as the famous "skyquakes" heard over Los Angeles since the early 1990s, found to be heading for the secret Groom Lake (Area 51) installation in the Nevada desert, numerous other facts provide an understanding of how the aircraft's technology works. Rumored to exist but routinely denied by U.S. officials, the name of this aircraft is Aurora. The outside world uses the name Aurora because a censor's slip let it appear below the SR-71 Blackbird and U-2 in the 1985 Pentagon budget request. Even if this was the actual name of the project, it would have by now been changed after being compromised in such a manner. The plane's real name has been kept a secret along with its existence. This is not unfamiliar though, the F-117a stealth fighter was kept a secret for over ten years after its first pre-production test flight. The project is what is technically known as a Special Access Program (SAP). More often, such projects are referred to as "black programs." So what was the first sign of the existence of such an aircraft? On 6 March 1990, one of the United States Air Force's Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spyplanes shattered the official air speed record from Los Angeles to Washington's Dulles Airport. There, a brief ceremony marked the end of the SR-71's operational career. Officially, the SR-71 was being retired to save the $200-$300 million a year it cost to operate the fleet. Some reporters were told the plane had been made redundant by sophisticated spy satellites. But there was one problem, the USAF made no opposition towards the plane's retirement, and congressional attempts to revive the program were discouraged. Never in the history of the USAF had a program been closed without opposition. Aurora is the missing factor to the silent closure of the SR-71 program. Testing such a new radical aircraft brings immense costs and inconvenience, not just in the design and development of a prototype aircraft, but also in providing a secret testing place for aircraft that are obviously different from those the public are aware of. Groom Dry Lake, in the Nevada desert, is home to one of America's elite secret proving grounds. Here is Aurora's most likely test location. Comparing today's Groom Lake with images of the base in the 1970s, it is apparent that many of the larger buildings and hangars were added during the following decade. Also, the Groom Lake test facility has a lake-bed runway that is six miles long, twice as long as the longest normal runways in the United States. The reason for such a long runway is simple: the length of a runway is determined either by the distance an aircraft requires to accelerate to flying speed, or the distance that the aircraft needs to decelerate after landing. That distance is proportional to the speed at which lift-off takes place. Usually, very long runways are designed for aircraft with very high minimum flying speeds, and, as is the case at Edwards AFB, these are aircraft that are optimized for very high maximum speeds. Almost 19,000 feet of the runway at Groom Lake is paved for normal operations. Lockheed's Skunk Works, now the Lockheed Advanced Development Company, is the most likely prime contractor for the Aurora aircraft. Throughout the 1980s, financial analysts concluded that Lockheed had been engaged in several large classified projects. However, they weren't able to identify enough of them to account for the company's income. Technically, the Skunk Works has a unique record of managing large, high-risk programs under an incredible unparalleled secrecy. Even with high-risk projects the company has undertaken, Lockheed has a record of providing what it promises to deliver. Hypersonic Speed By 1945, only a small amount of jets had the capability of reaching speeds of 500mph. In 1960, aircraft that could exceed 1,500mph were going into squadron service. Aircraft capable of 2,000mph were under development and supposed to enter service by 1965. This was a four-fold increase in speed in two decades. From this, the next logical step was to achieve hypersonic speed. The definition of hypersonic isn't as clearly defined as supersonic, but aerodynamicists consider that the hypersonic realm starts when the air in front of the vehicle's leading edges "stagnates": a band of air is trapped, unable to flow around the vehicle, and reaches extremely high pressures 

[CTRL] Headline - Saturday a day to pray for James

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Euphorian wants you to know about a story on www.smh.com.au

Personal Message:

Saturday a day to pray for James
By Annette Sharp
December 15 2002

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/14/1039656259746.html

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] canada.com Story

2002-12-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-


Your friend [EMAIL PROTECTED] thought you might be interested in this 
canada.com story:

Leaders distance FSIN from anti-Semitic rant: Group's ex-chief praises Holocaust


This is a free service courtesy of
canada.com (http://www.canada.com)

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Zionism Unbound

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Zionism Unbound
by Ann Pettifer
Dissident Voice
December 11, 2002

In the spring of 1986, Gore Vidal, novelist and chronicler of US history, published an 
in The Nation which became instantly notorious. Called The Empire Lovers Strike 
Back, its
subject was the relationship of American Jewish neo-conservatives to the state of 
Israel. He
chose as exemplars of the phenomenon, Commentary magazine editor, Norman Podhoretz,
and spouse, Midge Decter (mother-in-law of Elliot Abrams of Iran Contra infamy; 
Abrams, a
racial purist who disdains intermarriage, now serves as White House Director of Middle
Eastern Affairs). Podhoretz and Decter had once been liberals, but an aggressive 
led them to pitch their tent in the Republican Party. Their aim was to use US economic 
political heft to advance Israel's interests in the Middle East. The essay was vintage 
and it greatly provoked his critics. To ensure that no one took seriously what he had 
to say
- to silence the debate before it started - he was rubbished as the worst kind of anti-

So, exactly what had Vidal said to earn this most feared of labels? In recent weeks we 
heard a good deal about the cynical alliance between fundamentalist Christian Zionists 
the US and Jewish settlers (supported by the right-wing Likud party) in the Occupied
Territories. Sixteen years ago in a display of considerable prescience, Vidal wrote: 
spades may not be called spades in freedom's land, let me spell it out. In order to get
military and economic support for Israel, a small number of American Jews, who should
know better, have made common cause with every sort of reactionary and anti-Semitic
group in the United States, from the corridors of the Pentagon to the TV studios of the
evangelical Jesus Christers all in the interest of supporting the likes of Sharon as 
to the Peace Now Israelis whom they disdain.

Central to Vidal's case was the indifference to US history which he discerned among 
Jewish neo-conservatives. When he was writing a play set during the American Civil War,
he recalls Norman Podhoretz asking him, Why are you writing a play about, of all 
the Civil War? When Vidal explained that this was/is the great, single tragic event 
gives resonance to our Republic Podhoretz replied, To me, the Civil War is as remote 
irrelevant as the War of the Roses. Vidal calls Podhoretz and his ilk Fifth Columnists
(Israeli division) to indicate their extra-territorial priorities. They pursue 
political power not
in order to make the US a better place, to right wrongs or to fight inequality here, 
but to
promote Israel's pre-eminence in the Middle East, to confine Palestinians to a couple 
Bantustans or, better still, engineer their expulsion to Jordan. Judith Shulavitz, 
writing last
month in The New York Times about Podhoretz's new book, The Prophets: Who They Were
And What They Are, observes that for Podhoretz the biblical prophet's message is: the
Jews are the people chosen to redeem the world’s They will perform their divinely
appointed duty only if they cling to the Covenant between God and themselves and 
Zionism. Any appropriation of the prophets in support of social justice he dismisses 
false - a Christian overlay or redaction.

The influence of old-guard Jewish neo-cons, such as Podhoretz and Decter, was exercised
mainly through journals of opinion they edited or owned (in addition to Commentary, 
Peretz's New Republic comes to mind). Now, however, a new generation has its hand on
the tiller of power. In September, Bill Keller profiled Deputy Secretary of Defence, 
Wolfowitz, for The New York Times' Sunday Magazine. Wolfowitz and fellow Jewish neo-
cons Richard Perle and Douglas Feith have emerged as the Pentagon's Paladins, their aim
being to subdue the Islamic world through decisive, pre-emptive use of American 
superiority. While Wolfowitz is pressing for war against Saddam Hussein, Keller notes 
scholarly detachment from the disastrous Vietnam War (as remote as the War of the
Roses?), in which, while eligible, he had chosen not to serve. Wolfowitz first formed 
ties to
Israel when he accompanied his father there for a sabbatical year. He is known to have
close links to Israeli generals and Likud politicians. Keller, somewhat hesitatingly, 
that there are people in Washington who hint at Wolfowitz's dual loyalties. The 
Guardian columnist, Hugo Young, is less reticent: Only in Washington does one get a 
sense of the obsession of these Pentagon civilians. Conversationally, it is common 
talk that
some of them, not including Rumsfeld, are as much Israeli as American nationalists. 
nervous, confiding hands come sardonic whispers of an American outpost of Likud. Most
striking of all, however, is how unmentionable this is in the liberal press.


[CTRL] September 11, 2001

2002-12-15 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
http://www.msnbc.com/news/720851.asp?cp1=1will take you to a site showing DOD-released stills that have been strung together in an animated gif. Just above the white pillar on the right, before clicking on 'play,' can be seen the plane before it hits the Pentagon. Here is a still:

Compare the plane with the image here:

The above image is a 757. Unlike the plane in the Pentagon photo, it's silhouette does not at all resemble a military aircraft. As well, it is NOT dark in color, unlike the plane in the stills.

The following pictures look a good deal more like the plane in the stills, I am sure you will agree:


There is a WHOLE lot more regarding this at http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1389mode=threadamp;order=0amp;thold=0
I cannot stress enough that the research is not half-baked. See for yourself.
~~DARPA and Wetware http://www.libertythink.com/2002_12_01_archives.html#90035865Do you Yahoo!?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Some deem the Aurora to be a UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

2002-12-15 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Government: The AuroraPosted by: souljah on Dec 15, 2002 - 01:57 AM

 Background Does the United States Air Force or one of America's intelligence agencies have a secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance? Continually growing evidence suggests that the answer to this question is yes. Perhaps the most well-known event which provides evidence of such a craft's existence is the sighting of a triangular plane over the North Sea in August 1989 by oil-exploration engineer Chris Gibson. As well as the famous "skyquakes" heard over Los Angeles since the early 1990s, found to be heading for the secret Groom Lake (Area 51) installation in the Nevada desert, numerous other facts provide an understanding of how the aircraft's technology works. Rumored to exist but routinely denied by U.S. officials, the name of this aircraft is Aurora. The outside world uses the name Aurora because a censor's slip let it appear below the SR-71 Blackbird and U-2 in the 1985 Pentagon budget request. Even if this was the actual name of the project, it would have by now been changed after being compromised in such a manner. The plane's real name has been kept a secret along with its existence. This is not unfamiliar though, the F-117a stealth fighter was kept a secret for over ten years after its first pre-production test flight. The project is what is technically known as a Special Access Program (SAP). More often, such projects are referred to as "black programs." So what was the first sign of the existence of such an aircraft? On 6 March 1990, one of the United States Air Force's Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spyplanes shattered the official air speed record from Los Angeles to Washington's Dulles Airport. There, a brief ceremony marked the end of the SR-71's operational career. Officially, the SR-71 was being retired to save the $200-$300 million a year it cost to operate the fleet. Some reporters were told the plane had been made redundant by sophisticated spy satellites. But there was one problem, the USAF made no opposition towards the plane's retirement, and congressional attempts to revive the program were discouraged. Never in the history of the USAF had a program been closed without opposition. Aurora is the missing factor to the silent closure of the SR-71 program. Testing such a new radical aircraft brings immense costs and inconvenience, not just in the design and development of a prototype aircraft, but also in providing a secret testing place for aircraft that are obviously different from those the public are aware of. Groom Dry Lake, in the Nevada desert, is home to one of America's elite secret proving grounds. Here is Aurora's most likely test location. Comparing today's Groom Lake with images of the base in the 1970s, it is apparent that many of the larger buildings and hangars were added during the following decade. Also, the Groom Lake test facility has a lake-bed runway that is six miles long, twice as long as the longest normal runways in the United States. The reason for such a long runway is simple: the length of a runway is determined either by the distance an aircraft requires to accelerate to flying speed, or the distance that the aircraft needs to decelerate after landing. That distance is proportional to the speed at which lift-off takes place. Usually, very long runways are designed for aircraft with very high minimum flying speeds, and, as is the case at Edwards AFB, these are aircraft that are optimized for very high maximum speeds. Almost 19,000 feet of the runway at Groom Lake is paved for normal operations. Lockheed's Skunk Works, now the Lockheed Advanced Development Company, is the most likely prime contractor for the Aurora aircraft. Throughout the 1980s, financial analysts concluded that Lockheed had been engaged in several large classified projects. However, they weren't able to identify enough of them to account for the company's income. Technically, the Skunk Works has a unique record of managing large, high-risk programs under an incredible unparalleled secrecy. Even with high-risk projects the company has undertaken, Lockheed has a record of providing what it promises to deliver. Hypersonic Speed By 1945, only a small amount of jets had the capability of reaching speeds of 500mph. In 1960, aircraft that could exceed 1,500mph were going into squadron service. Aircraft capable of 2,000mph were under development and supposed to enter service by 1965. This was a four-fold increase in speed in two decades. From this, the next logical step was to achieve hypersonic speed. The definition of hypersonic isn't as clearly defined as supersonic, but aerodynamicists consider that the hypersonic realm starts when the air in front of the vehicle's leading edges "stagnates": a band of air is trapped, unable to flow around the vehicle, and reaches extremely high pressures 

[CTRL] All Hat No Cattle Cartoons - Bush Christmas Card

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iraq List Censored to Protect the Innocent and the Helpful

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Iraq List Censored to Protect the Innocent and the Helpful

By Maggie Farley and Bob Drogin
Times Staff Writers

December 15 2002

UNITED NATIONS -- When the 10 nonnuclear members of the Security Council receive their
censored copy of Iraq's weapons declaration Monday, the reports will no longer contain
Iraq's recipes for weapons of mass destruction. But another potentially volatile 
will be excised as well: the names of foreign companies that, knowingly or not, have
supplied Iraq with weapons-making materials.

Security Council members are concerned not only that such disclosures might embarrass
their nations' companies but also that Iraq might have set out to do so intentionally, 
naming prestigious multinationals or firms connected with government officials.

For their part, U.N. inspectors say that they don't want to undermine any intelligence-
gathering efforts done with the cooperation of companies and that they are also worried
about liability issues.

Should they be held responsible if they thought they were selling a fermenter to a 
company and it ended up in a biological weapons program in Iraq? asked Ewen Buchanan
of the U.N.'s inspection office.

It is not clear whether any of the companies or countries named on Iraq's current list 
new to U.N. inspectors or whether they refer to previously unknown transactions. A 
page index to the new Iraqi declaration suggests that, as in the past, Iraq has chiefly
duplicated information about procurement activities that occurred before 1991.

But past Iraqi declarations and documents discovered by U.N. weapons inspectors in Iraq
from 1991 to 1998 were littered with the names of suppliers, Buchanan said.

One set of Iraqi documents in particular, dating from 1996 and 1997, was chockablock 
supplier names, front companies, letters of credit and other details, recalled a 
former U.N.
inspector who asked not to be identified. Those names, with the exception of several
accidentally revealed in one U.N. report, have never been made public by the world 

Although most of the declared deals were done legally before the Security Council 
Baghdad to give up its weapons of mass destruction in 1991, they reveal the deceptions
Iraq employed to obtain the building blocks of its weapons programs, especially its 
extensive biological weapons efforts.

According to accidental disclosures in a 1999 U.N. report compiled under then-chief
weapons inspector Richard Butler, from 1985 to 1989, Iraq bought strains of anthrax,
botulinum toxin, gangrene, West Nile virus and other pathogens from the American Type
Culture Collection, a biological supply firm in Rockville, Md. Iraq also successfully 
germ strains from the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

Some of the strains were ordered in the name of the University of Baghdad, considered 
be a place of legitimate research, while others went to a front company acting as a
purchasing agent for Iraq's weapons program. But all were paid for by the military,
according to Iraqi records turned over to the U.N.

Companies in Italy, Germany and Switzerland supplied fermenters used to grow the germs.
In 1987 and 1988, 39 tons of growth media sufficient to produce about 4 tons of 
bacteria --
enough to kill everyone in the world many times over -- came from the Oxoid company in
Britain and Fluka Chemie in Switzerland. Iraq still hasn't accounted for the remaining
growth media, U.S. and U.N. analysts have said.

Rolf Ekeus, the chief U.N. inspector in the 1990s, decided at the time not to publicly 
any of Iraq's foreign suppliers to ensure their cooperation in U.N. 

Buchanan said that previous inspection teams would often question suppliers about what
they had sold to whom and then cross-check the information. Often, the process revealed
the middlemen or front companies that had procured materials for Iraq's covert weapons

Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said last week that he intends to follow suit 
and to
excise the names in the new report before he shares it with the 10 nonnuclear members 
the Security Council. If the inspectors were to give the names publicly, they would 
get another foreign supplier to give them any information, Blix told reporters.

During the 1990s, U.N. inspectors tracked scores of suspect transactions to companies 
Eastern Europe, Asia and elsewhere. More recently, Western intelligence agencies have
investigated and in some cases intercepted additional Iraqi procurement efforts in 

U.S. and British intelligence sources have said that Iraq has tried to order from 
thousands of atropine auto-injectors used to combat nerve gas and has attempted to buy
enriched uranium from West Africa, along with aluminum tubes that could be used 

[CTRL] Notorious brothers brush aside scandal and crimes in race for power - smh.com.au

2002-12-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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Notorious brothers brush aside scandal and crimes in race for power

December 14 2002

The next Israeli parliament is shaping up as a rogues gallery, the last refuge for 
clinging to public power.

That is the picture that emerged when the political factions submitted their 
candidates for
next month's elections.

The ability of some figures to survive scandal and intrigue in the name of democracy 
perhaps best illustrated by the Yatom brothers.

Ehud Yatom, a self-confessed murderer of Palestinians in custody, was barred from
becoming parliament's sergeant-at-arms but there is no legal impediment to him becoming
an MP for the ruling Likud party.

His older brother, Danny, a former head of the Israeli spy agency Mossad who made
headlines when he organised a bungled assassination attempt in Jordan, is set to 
become a
Labour Party MP.

Of the two, Ehud, 54, is remembered for his role as a member of Shin Bet, Israel's 
in what became known as the Bus 300 affair, involving four Palestinians who hijacked a
passenger bus in 1984.

After he retired from the agency in 1996 he admitted in an interview that he killed 
two of
the surviving Palestinian terrorists, who had been taken into custody.

I smashed their skulls, on orders of [the then Shin-Bet chief] Avarham Shalom, and I'm
proud of everything I've done, the newspaper Yediot Ahronot quoted him as saying. He
later denied having made the statement but few doubted that he had been quoted 

The fallout was evident three years ago when he was prevented from becoming
parliament's head of security.

His rejection followed the intervention of the then speaker, Dan Tichon, who consulted 
Attorney-General, Elyakim Rubinstein, on Ehud Yatom's suitability for the post. Mr
Rubinstein concluded that since Ehud Yatom had admitted killing two Palestinians in
detention under orders and later obstructing justice, he was not fit to serve in such 
a public
law enforcement position.

Last year the High Court also blocked his appointment as chief adviser on 
anti-terrorism to
the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.

The panel of judges ruled unanimously that even though Ehud Yatom had killed the two
Palestinians on the orders of his superiors, he should have known it was unlawful and
therefore not to be carried out.

Mr Yatom raged at the decision, saying the judicial body was cut off from the 
nation, and
announced he would stand for a seat in the parliament. The nation will teach the High
Court what democracy is, he said.

It appears he is about to get his revenge, after winning the 24th place on the Likud 
Opinion polls give Likud more than 30 seats in the next parliament.

Danny Yatom has also been prone to scandal. He resigned as head of Mossad in 1997, 
he ordered the assassination of the Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in the Jordanian 

Mr Mashaal survived the attempt to kill him with a lethal injection in a busy street.

Two of the Israeli agents involved in the operation were caught by Jordanian security

and Israel only secured their release by agreeing to release Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the 
spiritual leader and founder of Hamas, from an Israeli prison.

But Danny Yatom survived the embarrassing affair and later became security adviser to 
then Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, who lost power to Mr Sharon last year.

This week he secured the safe 12th spot on the Labour Party ticket, which, according to
recent opinion polls, will guarantee him a place in the next parliament.

However, the ghosts of his past may continue to haunt him. This week there were
questions about his involvement with Yossi Ginnosar, a businessman and one-time senior
peace negotiator with the Palestinians, who is accused of transferring money in and 
out of
a Swiss bank account on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.

The Yatom brothers returned to the spotlight when party lists were submitted this week 
showed a significant shift to the right in both the Likud and Labour.

Mr Sharon lost a battle with his Foreign Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who helped place
right- wingers ahead of most centrists in the Likud.

And the Labour Party is still reeling from the defection of two veterans, Yossi 
Beilin, a co-
architect of the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians, and Yael Dayan, the 
daughter of
the late Moshe Dayan, a former defence minister.

Both joined the left-wing Meretz Party after Labour placed them so low on the list they
could not be guaranteed seats.

Seats in parliament are allocated according to the percentage of votes received by each
party, and the higher the candidate is on a party list, the better the chance he or 
she has of
being elected. If, as the opinion polls suggest, Israel is moving to the right, other
controversial names will soon surface. One of them is Baruch 

[CTRL] [PERSIANS-JEWS-FLIES] U-S-A Psy-Op to Destroy PEACE PROCESS in Iraq (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 15:16:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PERSIANS-JEWS-FLIES] U-S-A Psy-Op to Destroy PEACE PROCESS in Iraq

Let's back up a little. U-S-A was threatening to turn its low intensity
fly-overs in Iraq into full-scale war, potentially a world war, because it
claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. That this is a WORLD PEACE
issue, is obvious from the demonstrations in major world centres France to
Australia. The UN fortunately intervened to PROTECT WORLD PEACE and worked
out a plan to inspect all sites in Iraq where weapons of mass destruction
might lie and interview the scientists at those sites. Iraq's full
co-operation has been given to date and the Iraqis have expressed
confidence that no weapons of mass destruction will be found. Given that
none are found at those sites, the matter is settled. This country is only
about 400 miles x 400 miles. The UN inspectors are making surprise visits.
There is no chance that the alleged weapons of mass destruction could be
hidden away in anticipation of a visit because the visits cannot be
anticipated. These visits are a fully satisfactory way of resolving the
issue and maintaining WORLD PEACE. If anyone says the x days with y
inspectors are not sufficient, then extend it to x+1 or x+2 days and y+1
or y+2 inspectors. Iraq may even invite the UN inspectors to do exactly
that. Stay longer...increase the size of their teams.

So far all indications are that Iraq has told the truth and U-S-A has
lied. Who then is the source of world terrorism? It is U-S-A, and the
U-S-A media have been unrelenting in their frothing mad dog attitude
toward pushing this into war and terrorizing the peace loving citizens of
the world. Thus U-S-A is desperate to DESTROY THE PEACE PROCESS and they
will do so now via interrogations of Iraqi scientists. It is sufficient to
continue the on-site questioning of scientists. Nothing more is needed to
establish whether weapons of mass destruction are at those sites or not.
It is a satisfactory solution for all concerned, except those like U-S-A
who want to turn this PEACE PROCESS into WAR, possibly WORLD WAR.

But U-S-A will push for secret and out-of-country interrogations. Can they
establish any more than UN inspectors are now establishing as to the
existence of weapons of mass destruction at the sites? NO. That is not
their purpose. U-S-A will turn this into a method of destabilizing Iraq
politically and above all, DESTROYING THE PEACE PROCESS, turning it into
war. With so many years of extreme conditions there must be much internal
dissent in Iraq. U-S-A knows that if it can interrogate several thousand
scientists, at least a few hundred will come up with some stories of
weapons of mass destruction JUST BEFORE the UN inspections or weapons of
mass destruction PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE. In that way they will hope to
destabilize Iraq politically by fostering internal conflict and discredit
the fact that Iraq has told the truth while U-S-A lied to the world; and
above all, U-S-A, the real source of terrorism in the world will try to


The world does not need this evil, terrorist nation with its weapons of
mass destruction pointed at the world to suppress liberty, democracy (as
they did in 1995 when Quebec was democratically voting on secession),
justice and peace. The world does not need its delusions of grandeur. The
ECU countries are a bigger economic block as is Japan with a few other
countries combined. If the world needs a wild west it has Canada.


This is ARMAGEDDON as General Scowcroft has called it; the APOCALYPSE as others have 
called it. But the WHITEHOUSE and U-S-A Congress have chosen the FATE OF THE WORLD!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] porn cases, SRA crimes (may be heavy), U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq

2002-12-15 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Source: U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq Arms Development By Mohamad Bazzi 
NewsDay | United Nations Correspondent December 13, 2002 United Nations -- Iraq's 12,000-page declaration of its weapons programs lists American companies that provided materials used by Baghdad to develop chemical and biological weapons in the 1980s, according to a senior Iraqi official. The public release of such a list could prove embarrassing for the United States and highlight the extent to which the Reagan and first Bush administrations supported Iraq in its eight-year war with neighboring Iran in the 1980s. U.S. military and financial assistance to Iraq continued until Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August 1990. 

these may be very heavy for survivors, with graphic descriptions of crimes

from L Moss Sharman - 2 get bail in child porn cases Lynn Moore The Gazette 12/14/02 "A Montreal man alleged to have sexually assaulted his 4-year-old daughter and distributed photographs of the perverse acts through the Internet was granted bail yesterday. The man, 29, whose name is not being published to protect his daughter's identity, was among pedophiles in Canada and Europe who conducted business mainly through Internet chat rooms, a Sûreté du Quebec spokesmen saidAs search warrants were being conducted in Quebec, arrests were being made in France and Switzerland and included men who allegedly assaulted their own childrenThe Montreal man's four children - ranging in age from 6 years to 3 months - have been put in the care of youth-protection authorities, Ouellet said. Electronic gear and 74 disks containing thousands of images were seized, he said." http://www.canada.com/montreal/news/story.asp?id={02A23778-4C78-4380-B156-78A8E6CA6BB3}

I can send full copies of these articles upon request

This may be very heavy for survivors

Murdered by Cult: cops Nab 1 Member, Search for Others in '89 Killing New York Newsday 2/18/92 92 
Author David Kocieniewski. "Members of an East Village cult killed ballerina Monika Beerle in August, 1989, then dismembered her and fed her flesh to the homeless as part of a satanic ritual, law enforcement sources said yesterday after arresting a cult member in Pennsylvania in connection with the murder. After a 29-month manhunt by NYPD detectives, Randy Eastherday was arrested Friday on charges that he and several others helped Daniel Rakowitz, "The Butcher of Tompkins Square Park," stab Beerle and dissect 
her corpse. Police sources said several other cult members are being sought for questioning. "We're not sure why they killed her," said a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation. "But once she was dead, they decided to offer her body up as a sacrifice." Detectives have reopened the investigation of several other unsolved murders in the East Village to determine if the loosely-organized band of about a dozen devil worshipers may be responsible for their deaths, the sources said."

This may be very heavy for survivors
Man Pleads Guilty to Cutting Pregnant Girlfriend--Sacrifice of Fetus Allegedly Planned Albuquerque Journal, Guillermo Contreras Journal Staff Writer 11/11/99 "A man pleaded guilty this week to slashing his girlfriend with a 13-inch knife after she resisted his attempts to cut a 3-month-old fetus from her womb, reportedly as a sacrifice to the devil." 

This may be very heavy for survivors
Homicide suspect in custody and linked to other crimes, too by Joline Gutierrez Krueger, Albuquerque Tribune 2/14/99 "A 20-year-old Marine who authorities say called himself the "Dutch Master Killer" and exhibited a lust for satanic symbolism is back in Albuquerque to face charges in a homicide that had gone unsolved for two years. But that homicide may not be the only crime Ryan Davis could be linked to, a deputy district attorney saidTwo-and-a-half weeks later, Perea's brother found sataniclike markings, the letters "DMK" and the numbers "666" on the apartment mailbox." 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Slavery Reparations

2002-12-15 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-

Slavery Reparations, by Fred Reed On the Web 
Fred Reed is a former Marine and well-known syndicated satirist. 
Sometimes he hits really close to the mark! I find that Henry Louis 
Gates, Jr., the chairman of Afro-American Studies at Harvard, is demanding that 
whites pay reparations to blacks. It's because of slavery, 
see. He is joined in this endeavor by a gaggle of other professional 
blacks. I guess he'll send me a bill, huh? I feel like saying, 
"Let me get this straight, Hank. I'm slow. Be patient. You want free 
money because of slavery, right? "I don't blame you. I'd like free 
money too. Tell you what. I believe in justice. I'll give you 
a million dollars for every slave I own, and another million for every year you 
were a slave. Fair enough? "But tell me, how many slaves do 
you suppose I have? In round numbers, I mean. Say to the 
nearest dozen. And how long were you a slave?" "Oh." 
"In other words, I owe you reparations for something that I didn't do 
and didn't happen to you. That makes sense. Like lug nuts on a 
birthday cake. "Personally, I think you owe me reparations for things 
you didn't do and never happened to me. I've never been coated in Dutch 
chocolate and thrown from the Eiffel Tower. I'll bet you've never done it 
to anyone. "I want reparations." Kinda silly, isn't it? 
But if we're going to talk about reparations, that's a street that runs 
in two directions. You want money from me for what some other whites did 
to some other blacks in another century. How about you guys paying whites 
reparations for current expenses caused by blacks? Not long ago blacks 
burned down half of Los Angeles, a city in my country. Cities are 
expensive, Hank. Build one sometime and you'll see what I mean. Whites had 
to pay taxes to repair Los Angeles for you. You can send me a check. 
Now, yes, I know you burned L.A. because you didn't like the verdict in 
the trial of those police officers. Well, I didn't like the verdict in 
the Simpson trial. But I didn't burn my house and loot Korean grocers. 
Over the years blacks have burned a lot of American cities: Newark, 
Detroit, Watts, on and on. Now add in the fantastic cost over the years of 
welfare in all its forms, of large police forces and jails and security systems 
in department stores. I can't live in the capital city of my own country 
because of crime committed by blacks. Toss in the cultural cost of 
lowering standards in everything for the benefit of blacks. See what I 
mean? Now, I'd view things differently if you said, "Fred, blacks can't 
get anywhere in a modern country without education. We know that. 
We need better schools, smarter teachers, harder courses, books with 
smaller pictures and bigger words. Can you help us?" I'd 
say, "Hallelujah! Hoo-ahh! Not just yes, but hell 
yes. Let's sell an aircraft carrier and get these folks some real 
schools and get them into the economic mainstream." I'd say it partly 
because it would be the right thing to do, and partly, because I'd like to add 
you guys to the tax base. The current custodial state is 
expensive. I'd just love for blacks to study and learn to compete and stop 
burning places. "But is it going to happen? "You may not believe 
it, but I, and most whites, don't like seeing blacks as miserable and screwed up 
as they are. I spend a fair amount of time in the 
projects. Those places are ugly. It's no fun watching 
perfectly good kids turn into semiliterate dope dealers, who barely speak 
English. It just plain ain't right. But, Hank, what am I supposed to 
do about it? I can't do your children's homework. At 
some point, people have to do things for themselves, or they don't get done. 
"Maybe it's time. "I'll tell you what I see out in the world, 
Hank. I think blacks are too accustomed to getting anything they want by 
just demanding it. True, it has worked for over half a 
century. Get a few hundred people in the street, implicitly threaten 
to loot and burn, holler about slavery, and the Great White Cash Spigot turns 
on. "Thing is, whites don't much buy it any longer. Most 
recognize that what once was a civil-rights movement has become a shakedown 
game. Few people still feel responsible for the failings and 
inadequacies of blacks. Political correctness keeps the lid on -- but 
everyone knows the score. Which scares me, Hank. On one hand, 
blacks hate whites and incline toward looting and burning. (The whites you 
hate are the ones who marched in the civil-rights movement. Ever think 
about that?) "On the other hand, whites quietly grow wearier and wearier 
of it. "Not good. "On the third hand (allow me three hands, for 
rhetorical convenience), blacks keep demanding things. "As I write, you 
demand reparations for slavery. Blacks in Oklahoma (I think it was) want 
money for some ancient race riot. Other blacks reject the Declaration of 
Independence, blacks in New York hint broadly at burning and looting over a 
trial, yet more demand the 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Bush Has Widened Authority of C.I.A. to Kill Terrorists

2002-12-15 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bush Has Widened Authority of C.I.A. to Kill Terrorists

December 15, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 - The Bush administration has prepared
a list of terrorist leaders the Central Intelligence Agency
is authorized to kill, if capture is impractical and
civilian casualties can be minimized, senior military and
intelligence officials said.

The previously undisclosed C.I.A. list includes key Qaeda
leaders like Osama bin Laden and his chief deputy, Ayman
al-Zawahiri, as well as other principal figures from Al
Qaeda and affiliated terrorist groups, the officials said.
The names of about two dozen terrorist leaders have
recently been on the lethal-force list, officials said.
It's the worst of the worst, an official said.

President Bush has provided written legal authority to the
C.I.A. to hunt down and kill the terrorists without seeking
further approval each time the agency is about to stage an
operation. Some officials said the terrorist list was known
as the high-value target list. A spokesman for the White
House declined to discuss the list or issues involving the
use of lethal force against terrorists. A spokesman for the
C.I.A. also declined to comment on the list.

Despite the authority given to the agency, Mr. Bush has not
waived the executive order banning assassinations,
officials said. The presidential authority to kill
terrorists defines operatives of Al Qaeda as enemy
combatants and thus legitimate targets for lethal force.

Mr. Bush issued a presidential finding last year, after the
Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, providing the
basic executive and legal authority for the C.I.A. to
either kill or capture terrorist leaders. Initially, the
agency used that authority to hunt for Qaeda leaders in
Afghanistan. That authority was the basis for the C.I.A.'s
attempts to find and kill or capture Mr. Bin laden and
other Qaeda leaders during the war in Afghanistan.

The creation of the secret list is part of the expanded
C.I.A. effort to hunt and kill or capture Qaeda operatives
far from traditional battlefields, in countries like Yemen.

The president is not legally required to approve each name
added to the list, nor is the C.I.A. required to obtain
presidential approval for specific attacks, although
officials said Mr. Bush had been kept well informed about
the agency's operations.

In November, the C.I.A. killed a Qaeda leader in a remote
region of Yemen. A pilotless Predator aircraft operated by
the agency fired a Hellfire antitank missile at a car in
which Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, also known as Abu Ali,
was riding. Mr. Harethi and five other people, including
one suspected Qaeda operative with United States
citizenship, were killed in the attack.

Mr. Harethi, a key Al Qaeda leader in Yemen who is
suspected of helping to plan the bombing of the American
destroyer Cole in 2000, is believed to have been on the
list of Qaeda leaders that the C.I.A. had been authorized
to kill. After the Predator operation in Yemen, American
officials said Mr. Bush was not required to approve the
mission before the attack, nor was he specifically

Intelligence officials said the presidential finding
authorizing the agency to kill terrorists was not limited
to those on the list. The president has given broad
authority to the C.I.A. to kill or capture operatives of Al
Qaeda around the world, the officials said. But officials
said the group's most senior leaders on the list were the
agency's primary focus.

The list is updated periodically as the intelligence
agency, in consultation with other counterterrorism
agencies, adds new names or deletes those who are captured
or killed, or when intelligence indicates the emergence of
a new leader.

The precise criteria for adding someone to the list are
unclear, although the evidence against each person must be
clear and convincing, the officials said. The list contains
the names of some of the same people who are on the Federal
Bureau of Investigation's list of most wanted terror
suspects, although the lists are prepared independently.

Officials said the C.I.A., working with the F.B.I., the
military and foreign governments, will seek to capture
terrorists when possible and bring them into custody.

Counterterrorism officials prefer to capture senior Qaeda
leaders for interrogation, if possible. They regard killing
as a last resort in cases in which the location of a Qaeda
operative is known but capture would be too dangerous or
logistically impossible, the officials said.

Under current intelligence law, the president must sign a
finding to provide the legal basis for covert actions to be
carried out by the C.I.A. In response to past abuses, the
decision-making process has grown into a highly formalized
review in which the White House, Justice Department, State
Department, Pentagon and C.I.A. take part.

The administration must 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Salman Raduyev, Convicted Chechen Warlord, Dies

2002-12-15 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salman Raduyev, Convicted Chechen Warlord, Dies

December 15, 2002

Filed at 7:34 p.m. ET

MOSCOW (AP) -- A Chechen warlord who led a bloody 1996 raid
on a Russian hospital that killed 78 people died in a
prison camp while serving a life sentence, Russia's Justice
Ministry said Sunday. He was 35.

Salman Raduyev died early Saturday in a high security camp
in the Perm region, about 750 miles east of Moscow,
ministry and prison officials said.

Deputy Justice Minister Yuri Kalinin said Raduyev died from
internal bleeding due to ``natural causes,'' dismissing
suggestions of foul play.

``I can admit that some conjectures could appear ... but
this would be absolutely groundless,'' Kalinin said, citing
a Health Ministry autopsy report.

Raduyev was the second prominent Chechen rebel to die in
Russian custody this year. In August, Raduyev's accomplice
in the 1996 raid, Turpal-Ali Atgeriyev, died in a prison
hospital in the Ural mountain city of Yekaterinburg.
Officials said he died of leukemia.

Raduyev was arrested in March 2000. A year ago he was
convicted of terrorism and murder and sentenced to life in
prison by a court in southern Russia. Atgeriyev was
sentenced to 15 years in prison at the same trial.

The charges against them focused on a January 1996 raid on
the southern Russian town of Kizlyar. He and other rebels
took hundreds of hostages at a local hospital and used some
of them as human shields. The raid, which came at the end
of the first Chechen war, left 78 people dead.

Russian troops pulled out of Chechnya in 1996 after failing
to overcome separatists. Russian forces returned in 1999
after rebel raids in a neighboring region and after
apartment-house bombings that killed more than 300 people
in Russian cities.

Raduyev's raid seemed a bid to recreate the success of the
popular Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev who had led
fighters into the southern town of Budyonnovsk, near the
border with breakaway Chechnya, in June 1995. Basayev's
fighters took more than 1,000 people hostage in a hospital.
After gunbattles that killed more than 100, Russian forces
reached agreement to free the hostages and let the raiders
escape back into the mountains.

Basayev, one of Chechnya's chief warlords, remains at large
and is one of Russia's most wanted men. He claimed
responsibility for the Oct. 23-26 siege of a Moscow theater
that ended after Russian special forces stormed the
building, killing 41 hostage-takers. At least 129 of the
hostages also died from the effects of a narcotic gas used
to knock out the militants.

The Moscow hostage-taking unlike the earlier raids by
Basayev and Raduyev brought the Chechen war straight to the
Russian capital.

Raduyev had been injured numerous times during the Chechen
conflict. During his trial, Raduyev sat in a cage, wearing
a baseball cap and large aviator sunglasses that the
Russian media reported was to hide significant plastic

He maintained that he only obeyed orders from late
separatist leader Dzhokhar Dudayev when he conducted the
raid, and that the court was trying to ``make me a

Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected calls to
negotiate with elected separatist President Aslan
Maskhadov, whom the Kremlin blames for this year's


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Special handling for Malvo's mother

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Malvo's mother, Una James, was flown from Miami to Kingston, Jamaica on a 
U.S. government plane escorted by U.S. Marshals.

Now compare this with how illegal arab detainees are put on commercial 
planes with no escorts and handcuffs removed.

See two articles below.


POST-INTELLIGENCERhttp://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/100022_james14ww.shtmlMother of teenage sniper suspect back in 
Saturday, December 14, 
KINGSTON, Jamaica -- The mother of 17-year-old sniper suspect Lee Boyd Malvo 
returned to Jamaica on Saturday following her deportation from the United 
States, police said.
Una James, 38, flew from Miami to Kingston aboard a U.S. 
government plane, escorted by U.S. marshals, police Detective Cpl. Rohan 
McFarlane said.
James had recently been living in an undisclosed area about an hour away from 
Seattle. She was deported for being in the United States illegally, officials 
After speaking with Jamaican immigration officers, James was whisked out a 
rear entrance of the airport to relatives in a waiting car, McFarlane said. She 
did not speak to reporters.
"She is free to go," McFarlane said.
Authorities have linked her son and 41-year-old John Allen Muhammad to 19 
shootings, including 13 deaths, in Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, 
Louisiana and Washington. The two were arrested at a rest stop in Maryland in 
Oct. 24. Both are charged with capital murder.
A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Jan. 14 in Fairfax County, Va., to 
determine whether Malvo will be tried as an adult and face the death penalty in 
the shooting of FBI analyst Linda Franklin. James is considered a likely 
material witness in the trials of both men.
She reportedly has been unable to speak with her son since his arrest. She 
has made no public statements about the case.
James and Malvo moved from Jamaica to Antigua in 1998. Investigators believe 
it was there that Malvo met Muhammad, a U.S. Army veteran.
Authorities say James and her son later immigrated into the United States 
illegally, and that Malvo and Muhammad were reunited in Bellingham, where they 
lived at a homeless shelter as father and son.
© 1998-2002 Seattle Post-Intelligencer


This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Thursday, August 1, 2002

HOMELAND INSECURITYINS to deport Arabaliens on airliners No handcuffs, no police escorts for 6,000 Middle-Easterners living 
  in U.S. illegally 
  Posted: August 1, 20021:00 a.m. Eastern
  By Paul 
  WASHINGTON – The Immigration and Naturalization Service plans to deport 
  – unrestrained and unescorted – most, if not all, of the estimated 6,000 
  Arab nationals living illegally in the U.S. via commercial airliners, 
  WorldNetDaily has learned. 
  The Middle Easterners are among the estimated 314,000 aliens recently 
  identified by INS Commissioner James W. Ziglar as having ignored 
  deportation orders. 
  After it rounds them up, INS will follow a longstanding but 
  little-known policy of returning aliens from overseas countries on 
  passenger jetliners. 
  The INS policy – spelled out in the enforcement-standard section, 
  "Escorting Detainees on Commercial Aircraft" – allows INS officers to book 
  a group of fewer than 10 "non-violent" aliens at a time on a jet – with no 
  escorts and no handcuffs. 
  Even aliens with criminal records are eligible for 
  unsupervised removal, as long as they haven't been convicted of violent 
  crimes, according to INS guidelines. 
  The policy requires only that the aliens be preboarded and 
  seated in the last rows of the plane "whenever possible." 
  Once they're seated, the officer or officers who escorted 
  them on the plane remove their handcuffs and exit the plane. 
  "Officers should use care and discretion when removing restraints from 
  properly classified low-risk detainees to avoid notice by the traveling 
  public and airline personnel," INS policy advises. 
  "Officers should be aware the general public may perceive persons 
  transported to airline gates or boarded in restraints as threats to 
  airline and passenger safety when traveling without escorts," it further 
  The policy has long been a sore spot with airline pilots, but 
  particularly so after last year's hijackings by 19 Arab nationals, three 
  of whom were in the U.S. illegally. 
  The INS refuses to say how many, if any, Arab aliens have been