[CTRL] The Terrorist's Reading List - Office of Homeland Security - WHITEHOUSE.ORG

2003-01-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Morris Dees Fact Sheet

2003-01-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

  Morris Dees Fact Sheet

  While sitting in my doctor's waiting room, I was rummaging through the
magazines, trying to kill time. You can always tell how successful your doctor is by
the dates on the magazines [and whether the subscription labels have his
name or it looks like he's been dumpster-diving.] My doctor, of course, had all
the latest, and all in his own name. Amongst the heap of glossy paper was a
copy of the Southern Poverty Law Center's curiously-named periodical
Intelligence Report, Spring 2002 issue. I immediately opened it up and wouldn't
you know...there were all my good friends. I was inspired by that viewing to
make the following available to you...thanks to the good folks at Aw,Shucks!.  --LG

  'Til the Cash Comes Flowing Like a River...

  Full Name: Morris Seligman Dees, Jr.
  Born: 16 December, 1936 in Shorter, Macon County, Alabama
  - Graduated from Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955
  - Received B.A.  J.D. Law degree [1960] from University of Alabama

  In an article titled Poverty Palace, Morris Dees told journalist John Edgerton
that I had a traditional white Southerner's feeling for segregation. [The
Progressive, July 1988 - Edgerton, John. Poverty Palace, How the SPLC Got Rich
Fighting the Klan]

  Dees made a fortune selling cookbooks by mail in partnership with Millard
Fuller [who later founded Habitat for Humanity.] [Fuller, Millard. Bokotola.  New
Century Press: 1977]

  Fuller has this to say about his 8 year association with Dees:

  Dees and Fuller formed the law firm of Dees  Fuller in Montgomery, Alabama

  Morris Dees and I, from the first day of our partnership, shared one
overriding purpose: to make a pile of money. We were not particular about how
we did it; we just wanted to be independently rich. During the eight years we
worked together we never wavered in that resolve.

  But everything has a price. And I paid for our success in several ways. One
price I paid was estrangement from the church.

  Dees served in 1958 as state campaign manager for segregationist attorney
general candidate McDonald Gallion and also worked for George C. Wallace.
Fuller stated: We wanted to be sure of having friends in high places.

  In 1961 when Freedom Riders were beaten by a white mob at a Montgomery
bus station, Dees [and Fuller] expressed openly his sympathies and support for
what had happened at the bus station.

  When one of the men charged with beating the Freedom Riders came to their
office for legal representation, Dees and Fuller took the case. The legal fee  was
paid by the Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizen's Council. [Fuller, Millard.   Love in
the Mortar Joints. New Century Press: 1980 and The Progressive, July 1988]

  Dees founded the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 with Joseph Levin
[who left the SPLC in 1976] and Julian Bond [resigned late 1970's.] [Articles of
Incorporation. Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc.]

  Acted as Chief fundraiser for George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign
in return for the campaign's mailing list. Raised $20 million for McGovern.
[Burlington Times, July 30, 1975. The Progressive, July 1988.]

  Arrested and removed from court in 1975 for attempting to suborn perjury
[bribing a witness] in the Joan Little murder trial in North Carolina. Little,  a black
convict, was accused of killing a prison guard with an ice-pick . The  felony charge
against Dees was subsequently dropped, but the presiding judge, Hamilton
Hobgood, refused to re-admit Dees to the case. The refusal was upheld on appeal
after the Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear Dees appeal. [Ibid.]

  The great untold story of the JoAnn Little trial was the role of the Communist
Party, through its National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, in
controlling the entire political movement surrounding the case. Angela Davis, a
leading figure in both organizations became the most frequently quoted movement
figure and constant companion of JoAnn Little... Party members were visible and
influential on the defense committee, and the party frequently set up rallies of
support around the country. [Columbia Journalism Review. Pirsky,  Mark.
March/April, 1976.]

  Fund-raised for Jimmy Carter in 1976 hoping to be named Attorney-General,
but was unenthused by the campaign for its middle of the road appeal  You've got
to have a candidate who is way out on the extremes! [The Progressive, July

  Acted as a fundraiser for both Ted Kennedy's 1980 and Gary Hart's 1984
presidential campaigns and received their mailing lists as reward. [Ibid.]

  Perhaps explaining the SPLC's 'Gay' rights activism, Dees was cited in 1979
by his ex-wife with a homosexual encounter during their marriage. She also cited
numerous affairs with women including his 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Verizon Ordered to Give Identity of Net Subscriber

2003-01-22 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Verizon Ordered to Give Identity of Net Subscriber

January 22, 2003

Smoothing the way for the entertainment industry to pursue
people who trade music and movies online, a federal judge
ordered Verizon Communications yesterday to give a record
industry trade group the identity of an Internet subscriber
suspected of making available unauthorized copies of
several hundred songs.

In the closely watched case, the Recording Industry
Association of America argued that it had the right to
invoke a legal shortcut compelling Internet service
providers to turn over subscriber information without
requiring a copyright holder to file a lawsuit.

Verizon argued that the shortcut was meant to apply to only
a narrow set of circumstances and that its broad use would
violate its subscribers' privacy and due process rights.
The company had refused to comply with a subpoena.

But Judge John D. Bates of the Federal District Court in
Washington wrote that Verizon's position would create a
huge loophole in Congress's effort to prevent copyright
infringement on the Internet. Verizon said it would appeal
the ruling.

The record industry, which holds online piracy responsible
for much of the precipitous decline in CD sales in recent
years, has so far largely limited its lawsuits to companies
it sees as aiding large-scale copyright infringement, like
Napster and KaZaA. But lately industry officials have
signaled that they are preparing to pursue some of the
millions of people who infringe copyrights using the

Judge Bates's ruling may play a pivotal role in allowing
the industry to do that, legal experts said yesterday. The
court's decision has troubling ramifications for consumers,
service providers and the growth of the Internet, said
Sara Deutsch, vice president and associate general counsel
for Verizon. It opens the door for anyone who makes a mere
allegation of copyright infringement to gain complete
access to private subscriber information without the due
process protections afforded by the courts.

Until now, the entertainment industry has largely used the
fast-track subpoena process to request information on
people who post copyrighted material on individual Web
sites that reside on computers owned by an Internet service
provider. This time, however, the recording industry group
asked for information on someone who was distributing
material from a personal computer using the popular
file-trading program KaZaA, rather than a central server.

The record industry association estimates that about 2.6
billion files are illegally downloaded each month by users
of such programs. The file-trading programs have become the
preferred way to obtain music - and, increasingly, video
files - in part because they provide a high degree of
anonymity to people distributing the material.

Anyone who can connect to the Internet from home can place
files in a shared folder, and simply by running one of
the sharing programs make material available to millions of
users who search for it. Judge Bates's ruling, the
recording industry said, would prevent people from
shielding themselves with this type of software.

We appreciate the court's decision, which validates our
interpretation of the law, Cary Sherman, president of the
Recording Industry Association of America, said in a
statement. The illegal distribution of music on the
Internet is a serious issue for musicians, songwriters and
other copyright owners.

The 1998 law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,
provided copyright holders the ability to circumvent the
normal judicial process in pursuing violators. But it also
gave Internet service providers immunity from liability for
copyright infringement on their networks in exchange for
their cooperation in immediately removing infringing
material once they were notified and in turning over
subscriber information.

Verizon argues that the bargain was not intended to get
service providers to police subscribers who used their own
computers to perform illegal acts. Some legal experts said
the ruling could allow copyright holders to privately
threaten people who might have a defense but lack the
resources to fight the entertainment industry.

I'm concerned about the number of enforcement actions that
don't ever get to court, said Jessica Litman, author of
Digital Copyright (Prometheus, 2001) and a law professor
at Wayne State University. It's one thing to say I want
this person's identity so I can file suit. It's another
thing to say I want this person's identity so I can
interfere with their connectivity to the Internet.


For information on advertising in e-mail newsletters
or other creative advertising opportunities with The
New York Times on the Web, please contact

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: An Invitation to Bob Herbert Felix Rohatyn to debate Chris ...

2003-01-22 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Felix Rohaytn is fronting for the financial interests that found a way to bring narcotics holocaust into your neighborhood --- he built his personal fortune on reinvesting these holocaust profits. His rich personal profits and wealth are built on years of intentional targeting, disabling, incarceration and death of innocent American children -- not to mention insider trading, money laundering, mortgage fraud and pump and dump stock market frauds that targeted your retirement savings and your children's inheritance with stocks like Enron.

This guy does well in the world in which he lives, but any guy who tells us he does not pay enough in taxes (not because he cheats, but because it isn't required) is a hero to me. I'll take Felix Rhatyn over those boobs in the Administration any time. Prudy 

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-



See Author's Note

From the back cover:

In 1945, American Intelligence officers in Manila discovered that the
Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted
treasure in the Philippines. President Truman decided to recover the gold,
but to keep its recovery secret. The treasure -- gold, platinum, barrels of
diamonds and gemstones plundered by Japan from all of East and Southeast Asia
-- would be combined with Nazi loot recovered in Europe to create a worldwide
American political action fund to fight communism.

This 'Black Gold' gave Washington virtually limitless unvouchered funds for
covert operations. According to CIA officials, between 1945 and 1947 the gold
bullion was secretly moved to 176 accounts at banks in 42 countries. This
provided an asset base to reinforce the treasuries of America's allies, to
bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign
countries. Other treasure was recovered inside Japan during the U.S.
Occupation. General MacArthur, President Truman, John Foster Dulles, and a
handful of others, knew all about the hidden plunder. Every president since
Harry Truman has been involved in covering up the existence of these secret

Gold Warriors traces more than half a century of secret collaboration between
Washington and Tokyo, between the CIA and the underworld in Japan and other
countries. The cloak of 'national security' created a situation ripe for
abuse and corruption. The authors reveal how former CIA and Pentagon
officials, and rogue entrepreneurs, use these secret funds to set up private
intelligence and security operations to meddle in American foreign policy --
without Congressional oversight, or the knowledge of the American people.
Drawing on thousands of pages of original documents and thousands of hours of
interviews, the Seagraves expose one of the great state secrets of the 20th


GOLD WARRIORS: Authors' Note


Many people told us this book was historically important and must be
published - then warned us that if it were published, we would be murdered.
An Australian economist who read it said, I hope they let you live. He did
not have to explain who 'they' were.

Japan's looting of Asia, and the hiding of this war-gold in American banks,
is closely linked to the issue of Holocaust gold hidden in Swiss banks.
Revealing the secrets of either is a dangerous business. Jean Ziegler, a
Swiss professor and parliamentarian, did much to expose five decades of
official amnesia in his book The Swiss, the Gold and the Dead. After
publishing it and testifying in 1998 before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee
about Jewish assets in Swiss banks, he was charged with 'treason' by Swiss
Federal Prosecutor Carla del Ponte. The charge was brought by twenty-one
financiers, commercial lawyers, and politicians of the far right, many of
them major stockholders in large Swiss banks. They accused Ziegler of being
an accomplice of Jewish organizations who 'extorted' vast sums of money from

Ziegler is only one of many who have been persecuted for putting ethics
before greed. Christophe Meili, a Union Banque Suisse (UBS) security guard,
was threatened with murder and the kidnapping of his wife and children after
he testified before a U.S. Senate committee about documents he rescued from
UBS shredders. He and his family were given asylum in America.

We have been threatened with murder before. When we published The Soong
Dynasty we were warned by a senior CIA official that a hit team was being
assembled in Taiwan to come murder us. He said, I would take this very
seriously, if I were you. We vanished for a year to an island off the coast
of British Columbia. While we were gone, a Taiwan hit team arrived in San
Francisco and shot dead the Chinese-American journalist Henry Liu.

When we published The Marcos Dynasty we expected trouble from the Marcos
family and its cronies, but instead we were harassed by Washington. Others
had investigated Marcos, but we were the first to show how the U.S.
Government was secretly involved with Marcos gold deals. We came under attack
from the U.S. Treasury Department and its Internal Revenue Service, whose
agents made threatening midnight phone calls to our elderly parents. Arriving
in New York for an author tour, one of us was intercepted at JFK airport,
passport seized, and held incommunicado for three hours. Eventually the
passport was returned, without a word of explanation. When we ran Freedom of
Information queries to see what was behind it, we were grudgingly sent a copy
of a telex message on which every word was blacked out, including the date.
The justification given for this censorship was the need to protect
government sources, which are above the law.
During one harassing phone call from a U.S. Treasury agent, he said he was
sitting in his office watching an 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: An Invitation to Bob Herbert Felix Rohatyn to debate Chris ...

2003-01-22 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

This guy does well in the world in which he 
lives, but any guy who tells us he does not pay enough in taxes (not 
because he cheats, but because it isn't required) is a hero to 
me. I'll take Felix Rhatyn over those boobs in the Administration 
any time. Prudy 

I don't understand your comment, at least I hope I don't because it appears 
to be an endorsement of all the nefarious things Rohatyn has been involved in as 
well as calling for tax increases.

Or are you just being "relative" as saying the "boobs in the 
Administration" are worse than the evil man Rohatyn is?


- Original Message - 
From: Prudy L 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: An Invitation to Bob Herbert  Felix 
Rohatyn to debate Chris ...
-Caveat Lector- 
Felix Rohaytn is fronting for the financial interests that found a 
  way to bring narcotics holocaust into your neighborhood --- he built his 
  personal fortune on reinvesting these holocaust profits. His rich personal 
  profits and wealth are built on years of intentional targeting, disabling, 
  incarceration and death of innocent American children -- not to mention 
  insider trading, money laundering, mortgage fraud and pump and dump stock 
  market frauds that targeted your retirement savings and your children's 
  inheritance with stocks like Enron.This guy does well in the 
world in which he lives, but any guy who tells us he does not pay enough 
in taxes (not because he cheats, but because it isn't required) is a hero 
to me. I'll take Felix Rhatyn over those boobs in the Administration 
any time. Prudy 
HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION  
DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 
Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 
many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 
different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of 
time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of 
posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Granny D is in the house!

2003-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message  Subject:  strike Date:  Tue, 21
Jan 2003 23:09:52 -0800 From:  Dot Fisher-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:  List suppressed

Hi, everybodyThis general strike idea is yeasting
internationallykeep spreading itwhy not Feb. 14?
  The Time for Talking Is Over
The Time for Talking Is Over

We must oppose this war as we have never opposed one before

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 7th January 2003

The rest of Europe must be wondering whether Britain has gone into
hibernation. At the end of this month our Prime Minister is likely to
announce the decision he made months ago, that Britain will follow
the US into Iraq. If so, then two or three weeks later, the war will
begin. Unless the UN inspectors find something before January 27,
this will be a war without even the flimsiest of pretexts: an
unprovoked attack whose purpose is to enhance the wealth and power of
an American kleptocracy. Far from promoting peace, it could be the
first in a series of imperial wars. The gravest global crisis since
the end of the Cold War is three weeks away, and most of us seem to
be asking why someone else doesn't do something about it.

It is not often that the people of these islands have an opportunity
to change the course of world events. Bush knows that the Americans'
approval of his war depends, in part, upon its credibility overseas:
opinion polls have shown that many of those who would support an
international attack would withdraw that support if they perceived
that the US was acting alone. An international attack, in this case,
means an attack supported by Britain. If Blair pulled out, Bush could
be forced to think again. Blair will pull out only if he perceives
that the political cost of sticking with Bush is greater than the
cost of deserting him. Bush's war, in other words, depends upon our
indifference. As Gramsci remarked, what comes to pass does so not so
much because a few people want it to happen, as because the mass of
citizens abdicate their responsibility and let things be.

There are several reasons why most British people do not seem
prepared to act. New military technology has removed the need for a
draft, so the otherwise unengaged young men who might have become the
core of the resistance movement are left to blast imaginary enemies
on their Gameboys. The economy is still growing, so underlying
resentment towards the government is muted; yet we perceive our jobs
and prospects to be insecure, so we are reluctant to expose ourselves
to trouble.

It also seems that many people who might have contested this war
simply can't believe it's happening. If, paradoxically, we were
facing a real threat from a real enemy, the debate would have seemed
more urgent. But if Blair had told us that we had to go to war to
stop Saruman of Isengard from sending his orcs against the good
people of Rohan, it would scarcely seem less plausible than the
threat of Saddam of Iraq dropping bombs on America.

These factors may explain our feebleness. They don't excuse it. It is
true that our chances of stopping this war are slight: both men
appear determined to proceed, with or without evidence or cause. But
to imagine that protest is useless if it doesn't lead to an immediate
cessation is to misunderstand its purpose and power. Even if we
cannot stop the attack upon Iraq, we must ensure that it becomes so
politically costly that there will never be another like it. And this
means that the usual demos will no longer suffice.

There have, so far, been many well-organised and determined protests,
and several more are 

[CTRL] Fwd: NY Times Drug Policy Forum Becker Delivers Challenge to Herbert of the NY Times: The Real Deal --- Fitts vs. Rohatyn

2003-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


dean_becker - 02:45pm Jan 21, 2003 EST (# 10586 of 10588)

The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper
into our lives than most people believe. It's possible they are calling the
shots at all levels of government. -William Colby, former CIA Director
(Please visit: unvarnishedtruth.org)

Catherine, the challenge for the debate is done, here is what I sent Bob

cc: Bob Herbert of New York Times, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

As coordinator for the New York Times Drug Policy Forum, I would like to
challenge Felix Rohatyn to a debate with Catherine Austin Fitts, the author
of Narco Dollars For Dummies. See:

We can provide a venue on the NYT, on TV or radio, the choice belongs to
Rohatyn. Please act as Rohatyn's second and provide him with a copy of
this challenge.

Ms. Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc. She is a former member of the
Board of Directors and partner of Dillon Read  Company, a former Assistant
Secretary of Housing in the Bush Administration, and President of The
Hamilton Securities Group and is a member of the Advisory Board of Sanders
Research Associates in London.

I am serving as her second in this challenge. Following is a direct quote
from her in this regard:

I hereby propose that you and the NY Times Drug Policy Forum deliver to Bob
Herbert of the NY Times and Felix Rohatyn my invitation to discuss and
debate on line, on radio or TV live (their choice) the merits of more
federal subsidy for states vs the Solari model (including a cessation of the
War on Drugs) with Chris Sanders of Sanders Research and myself.

The debate goes to the heart of the economic issues that must be illuminated
and resolved if we are to stop the War on Drugs (see the Red Button story in
Narco Dollars for Dummies)

Here is my response to Herbert's editorial regarding Rohatyn's latest
economic proposals:

Catherine Austin Fitts The Real Deal Felix Rohatyn's Financial Holocaust A
Response to the NY Times Bob Herbert's  An Appeal to Uncle SamJanuary 16,
2003 http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0301/S00080.htm 

Ms. Fitts includes many items worthy of discussion in this regard. Here is
an extract from the link shown above:

Rather than spending more of our tax dollars, why does Felix not mention
all the things that we can stop doing that save us money. We could stop
money laundering, we could stop financial fraud, we could stop government
corruption, we could stop corporate takeover of government functions, we
could apply our anti trust laws to corporate crime against small businesses
and our pension funds, we could stop dumping narcotics into our
neighborhoods and schools.

Felix does not mention what we can stop doing because he is looking to
finance these things and more central control with more of our money.
Felix's federal spigot keeps the holocaust game going --- It's like W.C.
Fields selling snake oil potion by carrying a snake with him. The game
financed the merger and acquisition boom that built Felix's fame and fortune
as a partner at Lazard ( http://www.lazard.com/) and Felix wants the
merry-go-round to keep going. Felix was great at keeping the game going in
his workout of New York's financial crisis. If you look at his last
statement quoted in Herbert's NY Times editorial --- There's a real risk
here to the New York State credit rating, said Mr. Rohatyn --- the threat
is the same. Swallow more federal handouts or we will not refinance your
debt. This is the currency - debt - drugs triad threat of the New World
Order gracefully 

[CTRL] Violation of Constitutional Right?

2003-01-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Declan McCullagh's

home page / search / subscribe / about / declan mccullagh

New: Consider making a donation to Politech!

Congresscritters turning off their email inboxes

Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 06:48:45 -0500
Subject: FC: Congresscritters turning off their email inboxes
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Thomas Leavitt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Our reps. in Washington turning off email.
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 09:51:37 -0800
Organization: B40


  It appears to me that the response of our elected representatives to
flood of public input generated via email, is to simply eliminate email as
means of contacting them. The typical tactic is to require folks to visit
the website of the politician in question, and fill out a form there to
email them. If you buy the figures cited by this guy
(http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/), 391 out of the 530
with email require you do this (I want to know what dinosaur
representatives don't do email in any form whatsoever).

After receiving the email below, I called the Washington office of Senator
Boxer (CA), and confirmed my impression that my email had just gone
to the
bit-bucket. We don't have an email any more, it has been turned off, it
not that we don't read it, we don't get it. ... not quite true, given that
they have an auto-responder attached, but probably true in effect.

Note that her contact page also doesn't explicitly include an address to
send letters via USPS...


... I wonder how many of the representatives and senators who told their
constituents that due to the Anthrax scare, postal mail would not be
or would be delayed for long periods, haven't bothered to tell them they
now welcoming postal mail again.

Note that not one single email address is posted anywhere on her site,
staff, or anyone else.

I'm certain that insiders have the email addresses of staff, and can
probably even (how high tech) send emails with attachments.

It seems to me that this only furthers the imbalance between the general
public and those in the know with regards to our ability to exercise our
constitutional petition our representatives for redress of grievances, etc.

Have you seen any media coverage of this phenomenon, have any of our
like EFF, etc. taken any position on this fundamental abrogation of
responsibility by our representatives - why is it that the only people who
have the option of dealing with the spam problem by turning off their
email are our elected representatives?!? Everyone else, you and I and
businesses across the world, have come up with solutions to make the
situation tolerable. Why can't our government and elected
trouble themselves to actually deal with public input?

Thomas Leavitt


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] GWI - not a bomb has fallen on German soil

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-Caveat Lector-

Today's whiteWashingPost had a front page
about Gulf War Illness that blamed it all on

1) mycoplasma fermentans in anthrax vaccine
 military personnel sick the same way even if
 never went to the Gulf

2) chemwar bunker blown up destroyed US
 on warheads sold by Bush to

3) aspartame when heated, as when sitting on
 in desert sun, breaks down into
formaldehyde and
 other dangerous chemicals. pilots
drinking donated
diet soda had blackouts, ending
dozens of careers.

None of those gulf war illnesses were mentioned
today's Post article. That's propaganda! And
wonder how Bush can go ahead with Iraqwar?

Last month there was an article about the LCD
cathedrals built to spec of DoT paper we saw
walls of eight foot high screens monitoring
traffic cams, which DoT also spec'd to be able
resolve license numbers. That article didn't
the snipers, nor why two companies with their
cathedrals on the cam net went belly up one
after they KNEW they'd fold if they didn't catch
snipers. Not even a word that they KNEW
go broke so they TRIED and FAILED! No, they
were DOT-COMMIE WITCH companies, they
deserved to be burned at the stake!



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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Signifance of 22 and 11

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-Caveat Lector-

Satan is just a name for Lucifer's bad habits, so he can parade around like
some farking sham Lord of Light or any other excuse or cover to get people to
worship a motheaten pretender god-wannabe with a bad temper and such an
inferiority complex he needs constant praise and adoration.



Master’s Of The New World Order

















bernardkellogg77703  wrote:

  I had done some investigation on the subject of the Satanic.
 Pursuant to my studies in symbolism which appears on tatoos, the
 symbol for Lucifer is the double lightening bolt. The lightening bolt
 represents Lucifer who is the Angel of Light.  The only significance
 that I can see a possibility is the use of the numbers 22 and 11 as
 code words to identify the operation of the Satanists. If you will
 recall the insignia of the Storm Troopers, the SS if converted into
 22 is quite similar to the insignia zz which would be two lightening
 bolts side by side. The 11 would be a variation of the lightening
 bolt only the zz is straightened out and the 11 would appear. I have
 seen on tatoos the 11 tilted to the left at a slant together. I don't
 know if my thoughts on this matter are helpful, however these are my
 thoughts regarding your inquiry. Just as the Christians communicated
 in symbols using the fish often so too do the Satanists use code to
 identify thenselves using code and symbols. You might do a personal
 research on Satanic symbols using Christian research sites to assist

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Jehovah's Witnesses = Luciferian Occult Masonics

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-Caveat Lector-



1922 This was proved in a court of law. The founders of both faiths, the
Mormons and JW's were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who
founded the Watchtower Society (JW's), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline,
which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University.
Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, and a
friend of the Rothschild's.

Indeed it was the Rothschild's who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into
being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through contributions by
organizations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. One of the key people
involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith.

Why would an organization set up (in theory) to help Jewish people and promote
the Jewish faith, be funding into existence the Jehovah's Witnesses?

I think the name Rothschild answers the question. Russell was also a high degree
Freemason and Knights Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation
(see Was Hitler a Rothschild), on behalf of his friends and backers.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society:
a member of the United Nations for 10 years!

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Zoroastrian Freemasonry for the Conspiracy Challenged

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-Caveat Lector-

Zoroastrian Freemasonry
for the Conspiracy Challenged

by Glen Kealey

Masons were originally the slaves who worked underground at enlarging caves,
all the way from Ethiopia to Mount Ararat, at Lake Van, in what is today's
southeast Turkey. Freemasons, were those Masons who were released from the
menial work of carving stone and assigned the human engineering task of
creating a New World Order; on behalf of the Mandan Troglodytes, the world's
original priesthood (men who dress as women).

These freed Masons (now called Caucasians) exited the caves at about 12,000
B.C., on either side of Mt. Ararat; north in Iberia (Georgia-Russia) and
south at Lake Van (Armenia-Turkey). For the sake of brevity let us say that
they were divided into three main groups -- the largest of which is called
the Hittites. The other two were Horites and Ishmailites.

To create Order out of Chaos all three were first instructed to act in a
way as would enemies (armies from Armenia), by fighting with each other.
Later, once the plan for The End Times was set in stone (about 6,000 B.C.)
they were brought together into a common religion, or confederacy, which we
now know as Zoroastrian (Zarathustrian, in Greek) Freemasonry, of Persia.
Secretly, the now united Confederacy set out to populate the planet with
aboriginals, Horites (Phoenician/Sea Peoples) dropped them off at diverse
locations around the world. These original peoples were then given common
stories (myths) by which they could be identified through their etymology at
a later date, ie: Jack-in-the-beanstalk, Cinderella, Snow White etc..

Hittite origin is documented in the long genealogical record of the Bible's
book of Chronicles (it is their current Open Source Coding referrence
manual); a mine of historic treasure. The list is but partially concealed.
It contains all the great Hittite names of the ancient world, from 4004 B.C.
to the birth of Jaques, who is the symbolic leader of western Freemasonry.

The letters JA in Jaques, clearly state that they are QUES (cues or clues).
The letter J being a stand-in, or replacement, for the letters U or Y and U
being plan 11 for the '-' 2 in 1.

Hittites constitute the substratum of all historical civilizations. The
Turanian (Turkistan) element that came into prominence in the days of the
EgyPTian Hycsos (Shepherd Kings were Hittites) that underlay the culture of
the empires on the Tigris and Euphrates, that preceded Israel's occupancy of
Palestine, that filled Syria and Asia Minor, that gave Greece her mythology
and sacred rites, and, overflowing into Illyria (Austria), Italy, Spain and
Britain, bore the Iberic and Pictish name (ie: pictograms), now only
recognizable in the BasQUES (BA are also clues) of the Pyrenees; that
element on which the Persian Cyrus built his first Aryan empire, and which,
volcano-like, broke forth in Parthian (Iranian) days, that preceded the
Brahman (it means 2 in 1) of northern India, that in early days of Christian
centuries, traversed Turkistan and peopled the Siberian wastes, that for two
centuries turned China into Cathay, and that still occupies Korea and the
islands of Japan; that Turanian (2nd Iran ...Rain) element driven by adverse
fortune, crossed the Northern Pacific into the New World, that reproduced
the mounds of European Scythia (Ukraine), of Syria and the Caucasus, of
India and Siberia, on the level prairies and the alluvium of rivers from
Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, that founded the empires of Mexico and Peru,
and that today lives on in many an Indian tribe from the frozen north, to
the southern land of fire, IS THE HITTITE.

Now, that was a mouthfull!

The Zuzim (ZZ Top) are 


2003-01-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Statement by the President

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Please be seated. This is going to be
quick – I want to get back to that freshly- cracked box of Slim-Jims in
the war room.

This morning, I looked on in utter disgust as FOX NEWS reported that a
majority of Americans have traitorously informed pollsters that not only
do they doubt my ability to handle America's foreigner policy with alien
nations, but that they also think I'm moving too fast to send legions of
the expendable darkies in our military to die gruesomely while exacting
my completely non-personal vengeance on  Saddam Hussein.

Of course, I knew immediately that something was terribly wrong. Real
Americans would never allow themselves to forget that I became twice
as intelligent and competent the moment planes started slamming into
buildings on 9/11/2001. They would never forget how I was instantly
transformed from a non-elected colossal joke into a throbbing pillar of
Presidential talent incapable of making mistakes. No, they would never
do any of these things... unless some external force was influencing
them and turning them against me.

Confident in that knowledge, I was hardly surprised to learn several
hours later that both Germany and France have grown increasingly vocal
in their cowardly opposition to my oil-fueled megalomaniacal whims of
daddy's-boy fancy. Yes, unlike the snaggletoothed limeys who do
whatever the hell I say, Germany and France seem intent on attempting
to flex whatever passes for muscle on those scrawny, pathetic arms of
theirs. Yes, if you can believe it, they actually want me to DELAY giving
my approval ratings a fat boost by turning a bunch of worthless Arabiacs
into Allah-flavored Pop-Tarts. Hell, everything these people do is like a
rerun of one of their goddamned queer art movies, and I'm not
interested in watching it - especially not the same week Disney's got
Flipper in heavy rotation.

And that's why today, I am here to assure to all citizens of the United
States that no matter what, our righteous slaughter of innocent Iraqi
women and babies will NOT be thwarted by a gaggle of fraidy cat Euro-
faggots from Germany and France. No sir, we will not fear them - and
not just because we can't understand that stupid gibberish of theirs they
insist on talking instead of regular English. No, we will not fear them
because they are pussy has-been countries, that even together couldn't
hog-tie a longhorn in half the time I could solo - even with one nut tied
behind my ass cheek.

In closing, I hereby command all Americans who both love their country
and hate Germany and France to PROVE IT by purchasing and proudly
wearing all manner of fine Europe is for HOMOS gear from the official
WHITEHOUSE.ORG gift boutique. By demonstrating our solidarity thusly,
it will make our victory over the smoldering ruins of yet another
impoverished desert armpit of a Middle Eastern country that much more
glorious! And then we shall revel in our collective magnificence, and vote
together overwhelmingly to re-elect yours truly for another four years of
gutting the environment, stocking the courts with anti-civil-liberties
right-wingers, and lining the pockets of my billionaire cronies!


Thank you. That is all.




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tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
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2003-01-22 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Again  this policy is an EXACT mirror of Americas war on terrorism policy.

on 01/21/03 5:39 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A recent UPI report http://kevxml2a.infospace.com/_1_OY9T5W04I69RZH__info/kevxml?kcfg=upi-articlesin=2003011516200305078otmpl=/upi/story.htmqcat=newsrn=419qk=10passdate=01/15/2003 outlined Israels new policy of assassinating suspected terrorists on American soil. In other words, Israel is now going to officially carryout terrorism on U.S. soil. 

Isnt that what murder is? As an American citizen you cannot murder, why should agents of a foreign government have any such right in your country?

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Calling a rationalist an a-theist is like a soccer player accusing a baseball player of not having any goal posts.

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-01-22 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


By: Justin Raimondo
Published in the January 22, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector who quit in 1998 and now
says the U.S. is intent on manufacturing phony evidence of arms
violations as a pretext for war, is the victim of what may be the
sleaziest set-up job in recent history, a smearing so foul that it makes
the Clinton crowd look like a bunch of amateurs. The news that he may have
been arrested, in June 2001, as the result of an internet sex sting, in
which an undercover cop posing as a sixteen-year-old girl lured him into
sex chat over the internet, came to light in a very strange way. A local
newspaper, the Daily Gazette, of Schenectady, New York, was first to pick
up the dirt, which apparently came to light when an assistant district
attorney was fired for settling the case and not informing the D.A.
According to the Gazette:

Police and prosecutors have declined to discuss the case, which involved
at least one class B misdemeanor, because it was adjourned in
contemplation of dismissal and ordered sealed by a Colonie Town Court
justice. The Daily Gazette's request for access to the arrest report was
denied by the Colonie town attorney's office, which ruled disclosure was
barred under the state Freedom of Information Law.

So the police just happened to conduct a sex sting operation against the
one man who had exposed the lies of our war-mad rulers from the inside. On
the eve of war, as hundreds of thousands protest in the streets, this
staunch Republican and solid family man who has become one of the War
Party's most formidable enemies is suddenly exposed as a child molester.

Since the court records have been sealed, and the case was merely
adjourned in contemplation of dismissal, the authorities will say
nothing, at least in public. The entrapment was apparently so transparent,
so obviously the clumsiest sort of Cointelpro-style operation badly
bungled by our newly-empowered political police, that the charges were
dropped to the legal equivalent of a traffic ticket. Could it be that the
records were sealed not to protect Ritter, but to protect whomever tried
to set him up?

Anybody who doesn't believe that Ritter was specifically targeted on
account of his political activities needs to seek help: that sort of
naivete can be terminal, and the patient probably shouldn't be trusted to
cross the street unattended.

In the post-9/11 era of the Patriot Act and the Office of Total
Information Awareness, what is happening to Ritter is meant as a warning
to anyone who dares oppose this government. Former UN inspectors, it
seems, are a special target. Remember that other inspector, Jack McGeorge,
also an American, who was outed as being a member of a sado-masochistic
advocacy organization? Just as our war birds were wailing in bitter
disappointment that the inspections process would delay or maybe even
derail themuch anticipated bloodbath, suddenly one of the inspectors is
exposed as a sadomasochist. The point was not to somehow prove that this
made him unfit for the job, but simply to degrade him, to make the
experience so painful that he would immediately withdraw – which is
precisely what happened.

There's nothing at all fishy about a sealed court record leaked to
reporters, complete with an alleged mug shot of Ritter broadcast on
television and republished by MSNBC. It's all a coincidence that this
comes out just as the war crisis reaches its climax – or anti-climax – and
the administration is desperate to come up with a half-way convincing
rationale for war. What are you – a conspiracy theorist? Everybody knows
the U.S. government is inherently and constitutionally incapable of
pulling off such a dirty rotten lowdown trick. After all, isn't that why
they hate us – because we're so wonderfully free? Free to be spied on;
free to be set-up and smeared if we defy the powers-that-be; free to be
entrapped by cyber-cops who randomly chose the single most convincing
opponent of the War Party to snare in a web of deception.

The reaction to this is really a sight to behold. The same conservative
movement that reveled and rolled around in the muck of the Clinton years
like a pig in a deluxe pen, luxuriating in the filth that bubbled up like
a perpetual hot bath, is all abuzz. With all the defiant malignity of
Lucianne Goldberg and her son, what's-his-name, rolling the latest
Clintonian dirtball around on their tongues as if it were the last bon bon
in the box, they are drooling over this one. (Look at bottom-feeder Jonah
Goldberg lap it up.)

It's sickening, really, to even contemplate what is going on here, but we
should look at this ugliness full in the face. Because in forcing
ourselves to see it, we can see the War Party – the gang of lying,
thieving, conniving thugs with delusions of grandeur who dominate this
administration – in its essence.

Look on the face of 


2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
It's a pretty tacky and dirty trick.
Proof that the War Party will stop an nothing to get their war on.


In a message dated 1/22/2003 3:07:48 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So the police just happened to conduct a "sex sting" operation against the
one man who had exposed the lies of our war-mad rulers from the inside. On
the eve of war, as hundreds of thousands protest in the streets, this
staunch Republican and solid family man who has become one of the War
Party's most formidable enemies is suddenly "exposed" as a child molester.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/22/2003 3:00:52 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Again – this policy is an EXACT mirror of America’s “war on terrorism” policy.

America's policy sucks and this one sucks worse...ok???


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2003-01-22 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Not worse  equally as bad at best -

And probably not as bad, only because America has been doing it for years ( think Chile) while Israel is just starting

But yeah - ok

on 01/22/03 5:57 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/22/2003 3:00:52 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Again  this policy is an EXACT mirror of Americas war on terrorism policy.

America's policy sucks and this one sucks worse...ok???


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Calling a rationalist an a-theist is like a soccer player accusing a baseball player of not having any goal posts.

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2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/22/2003 5:47:10 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not worse – equally as bad at best -

And probably not as bad, only because America has been doing it for years ( think Chile) while Israel is just starting

Israel is "just starting?"
Elie Hobeika ring a bell? 
Or Ghasan Kanafani?
Mohammed Boudiah??
Izz Al-Din Al-Qalaq???
Or Ali Hassan Salama?
Ma'moon Al-Zagheer??
Abu Jihad???
Abbas Al-Mosoy

And it IS worse...you've got a state that our taxes subsidize flaunting our laws on OUR SHORES!


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Selling A War

2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Selling A War 

In five weeks it is likely that United States soldiers will be fighting and dying in Iraq. While there is no doubt that we can defeat Sadam Hussein there is much debate on whether we should go to war and what will be the ultimate costs to Iraq and the United States. 

Americans want to believe that our government officials tell the truth and don’t intentionally mislead us. Other governments manipulate the truth not ours. 

It is hard for Americans to accept that at times we are lied to or intentionally misled in order to build support for a foreign policy decision. While this may be disturbing it is our duty as citizens in a democracy to be open to this reality. We are the strongest military in the world and ultimately decide which governments will fall or stand. 

Gulf War I 

If you followed the first Gulf War you remember the infamous story of how Iraqi soldiers removed babies from incubators in Kuwait city; left them to die and shipped the incubators back to Iraq. This was front page news in every newspaper in the U.S. and the lead story on every major news station as the public was deciding whether to support going to war. 

This story was repeated by President Bush senior in a number of speeches saying that such "ghastly atrocities," were like "Hitler revisited." 

There is only one problem with this story. It never happened! It was a complete fabrication! 

Months after the war ended TV Guide reported in Feb., 1992 that both 20/20 and Sixty Minutes interviewed doctors in Kuwait and determined no such incident ever happened. 

Another example from the first Gulf war, according to an article in the Christian Science Monitor was a report by Pentagon officials, citing top-secret satellite images. Pentagon officials estimated that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1,500 tanks stood on the border of Saudi Arabia, threatening the major supplier of oil for the US. 

The St. Petersburg Times in Florida acquired two commercial Soviet satellite images of the same area, taken at the same time which showed no Iraqi troops visible near the Saudi border - just empty desert. 

Jean Heller, the Times Journalist who broke the story asked Secretary of Defense Cheney (now Vice President) for evidence refuting the Times photos, offering to hold the story if proven wrong. The official response: "Trust Us." To this day the photos cited by Pentagon officials remain classified. 

Hill  Knowlton 

When the invasion of Kuwait took place in August, 1990 US public opinion was not predisposed to the government of Kuwait. Only a few weeks before Amnesty International accused the government of Kuwait of jailing dozens of dissidents and torturing them without trial. 

To help build support for the war "Citizens for a Free Kuwait," which was the Kuwait government in exile, hired the Washington based public relations of Hill and Knowlton for $10.7 million to devise a campaign to win support for the war. The CEO of H  K at the time, Craig Fuller, had access to the power elite in Washington, as he had served as the President’s chief of staff when Bush was Vice President under President Reagan. 

One aspect of their campaign was to coach a young woman Nayirah, who appeared Oct. 10, 1990 in front of a Congressional committee. She testified to the committee that she saw Iraqi soldiers come into a hospital, remove babies from incubators and leave them "on the cold floor to die." 

It later came out long after the war was over that she was the daughter of Kuwait’s ambassador to the United States and hadn’t actually seen the incident she described taking place - an incident which was later proven to be a fabrication. Hill  Knowlton also coached a team of witnesses who appeared a few weeks later at the United Nations about atrocities in Iraq. 

Gulf War II 

In a September 7, 2002 news conference President Bush said that Iraq in 1998 was "six months away" from developing a nuclear weapon citing a report from The International Atomic Energy Agency. 

On Friday, Sept. 27, in a news interview Mark Gwozdecky, the IAEA’s chief spokesman said, "There’s never been a report like that issued from this agency." 

When questioned, the White House said the President was referring to a 1991 IAEA report. 

Mr. Gwozdecky said no such report was ever issued by IAEA in 1991. "I don’t know where they have determined that Iraq has retained this much weaponization capability because when we left in December 1998 we had concluded that we had neutralized their nuclear-weapons program. We had confiscated their fissile material. We had destroyed all their key buildings and equipment," he said. 

Civic Responsibility 

It would be cynical to believe that every statement by our government leaders is a lie or distortion. It would be just as foolish however, to blindly accept every statement our government leaders make. 

As citizens of the world’s most powerful 

[CTRL] [U-S-A] Re: [Iraq] Bush Is Racking Up Frequent Liar Miles (fwd)

2003-01-22 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 15:25:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] Re: [Iraq] Bush Is Racking Up Frequent Liar Miles

Senator Kennedy et al should think about this as they plan for Election
2004. The lies and moral turpitude or high crimes and misdemeanours of
President Clinton pale by comparison and had to do with a matter of far
less national importance; yet they subjected him to judicial inquiry and
almost got him impeached and removed from office.

Bush lies would have us believe Iraq has an arsenal of weapons of mass
destruction: EXTREMELY UNLIKELY. None has been found yet although the UN
inspectors can go wherever they want in a country of only about 400 miles
x 400 miles. Also, if they had these weapons would they invite the CIA to

I wonder if the Democrats could make that come about? A few thousand
special CIA agents combing such a small country would discover the truth
very fast; a truth which could lead to the impeachment of Bush whose lying
seems to be of psychopathic proportions. Those CIA inspectors would cost
far less than the huge army in the Gulf and they would likely avert a
bloody and unnecessary war. But then pushing lies on the American people
and people of the world is what Bush is doing for the purpose of having a
bloody and unnecessary war.


On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Vicki Andrada wrote:

 I liked this one!  I thought it was good!

 Bush Is Racking Up Frequent Liar Miles
 Friday, 17 January 2003, 3:15 pm
 Opinion: Dennis Hans
 Bush Is Racking Up Frequent Liar Miles
 Strategy of lie and rely relies on media to disseminate Dubya's
 By Dennis Hans

 Lyndon Johnson is remembered for lying about Vietnam, Richard Nixon for
 lying about Watergate, Bill Clinton for lying about adultery. George W. Bush
 is known as a straight shooter.

 What's wrong with that picture? Bush has, after all, racked up more
 frequent liar miles than any other politician in recent memory.

 Not familiar with frequent liar miles? I coined the expression to pay
 tribute to the staying power of Bush's lies. After all, a lie is of no use
 to the teller if it is promptly branded a lie and the teller a liar. Not
 only does he not benefit from the lie, his now-tarnished image makes it more
 difficult to get anyone to believe subsequent lies.

 Call it the Saddam Syndrome: A guy gets caught in a few lies and before you
 know it nothing he says is taken at face value. All the good will is gone,
 as if Saddam never shook hands with Donald Rumsfeld or made common cause
 with Ronald Reagan against evil Iran. These days, reporters shout Show me
 the weapons! and pundits deride him as Mr. Cheat and Retreat. Our news
 media - without the imprimatur of a formal U.N. resolution - have even
 erected a no lie zone over Iraq and shoot down Hussein's howlers before
 they can infect international audiences.

 In stunning contrast, Bush's lies are broadcast as truth. They originate at
 the White House and are transmitted to network amplification centers in New
 York and Washington, at which point the lie leaves the president's control.
 He then must rely on men named Brokaw, Jennings, Rather and Lehrer to treat
 the presidential lie with respect and deliver it to every nook and cranny in
 America via the people's airwaves. The longer and farther the lie flies,
 the more frequent liar miles the president accumulates.

 The strategy of lie and rely entails considerable risks. What if the media
 Bush is relying on to disseminate his lies chooses instead to shoot them
 down? A president is doomed if his every pronouncement is greeted with
 groans and guffaws. That's why it's wise to lie only when the truth won't
 suffice AND the stakes are high - to win an election, to avoid the taint of
 scandal-plagued cronies, to sell a war the public is disinclined to buy.

 Throughout Campaign 2000, candidate Bush test-piloted lie and rely. He
 lied to a Dallas Morning News reporter to keep hidden a drunk-driving
 conviction. He lied repeatedly to the national media about his own and Al
 Gore's economic plans. Did so in speeches and again in the debates.

 The lies traveled far and wide. Amazingly, they remained airborne even after
 repeated puncturing by New York Times columnist and Princeton economist Paul
 Krugman. From that experience, Bush learned an invaluable lesson: So long as
 the airwaves remain loyal, lie and rely can override isolated, ink-based

 As president, a confident Bush lied after the Enron scandal erupted about
 how long and how well he knew the man he now referred to as Mr. Lay -
 though it was Kenny Boy back in the day. A quick study, Bush showed he had
 mastered what I call the fact-based lie(speaking words that are
 technically true, knowing full well they paint a false or misleading

[CTRL] Field Manual 3-19.40 Plans for Civilian Internment: Stalag 17 American Style

2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Field Manual 3-19.40 Plans for Civilian Internment: Stalag 17 American Style
By Mary Louise

Along the Danube River in Austria about forty miles from Vienna, a prison camp called Stalag 17 was one of many prisoner of war facilities during WWII, containing wooden barracks surrounded by double fences of barbed wire and guard towers.  The 1953 Billy Wilder film "Stalag 17" is a close reproduction of the actual  facilities, although the actors were obviously not as hungry, dirty, and overcrowded as the real prisoners were. Similar facilities exist in America, many in remote areas across our country adjacent to major highways, railroads, and airports.  The infrastructure for incarcerating and executing resisters and dissenters in the coming American Holocaust has been already set up, according to the 1968 government plans code-named Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot (FM 19-15), sub programs of the Rex 84 Program.  Field Manual 3-19.40 or FM 19-40 is the August 2001 version of Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations.  This publication supersedes the FM 19-40 of February 1976 and FM 19-60 of May 1986 by order of the Secretary of the Army signed by administrative assistant, Joel B. Hudson.  Pending the approval of the Army Chief of Staff, currently Eric. K. Shinseki, the military can detain and jail citizens en masse.  
Rex 84 called for many military bases to be closed and turned into prisons, based on the pretext that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA.  A more honest and realistic scenario would be the detention of Americans. Under "Rex" the President could declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the U.S. and suspend the Constitution.  The President could invoke Executive Orders 11000 through 11004 which would draft all citizens into work forces under governmental supervision, empower the postmaster to register all men, women, and children, seize all airports and aircraft, and seize all housing to establish forced relocation of all citizens.  Congressman Henry Gonzales clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps by stating, "The truth is yes - you do have these standby provisions and the plans are here...whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."    

Equipped with flexible "military operations in urban terrain" and "operations other than war" doctrine, lethal and "less-than-lethal" high-tech weaponry, US "armed forces", and "elite" militarized police units are being trained to eradicate "disorder", "disturbance", and "civil disobedience" in America.  The American corporate/military directorship has the power to enforce its definition of "disorder" and sees our Constitutional Republic as a threat and permanent counter-revolution as a "national security" requirement.  Their rationale for civil disturbance "tactics and techniques" contingency planning is simple: self-preservation.  They are systematically organizing to protect their interests, profits, and plots against growing opposition to their criminal activities, while rapidly consolidating an infrastructure of repression designed to "suppress rebellion against the authority of the United States".  According to the Pentagon, "US forces deployed to assist federal and local authorities during times of civil disturbance will follow use-of-force policy found in Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan - Garden Plot."  The United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 - Garden Plot, is the implementing and supporting plan for the Department of the Army Civil Disturbance Plan - Garden Plot (March 1984), which provides for the employment of USAF forces in assisting civil authorities with airlift and logistical support.  

The Amtrak Railcar Repair Facility at Beech Grove, Indianapolis, contains at least ten maintenance barns covering 129 acres, two separate fences with the tops leaning inward, high security NSA-style people turnstiles, and high intensity/security lighting for 24-hour operation.  One barn is large enough to put four box cars.  Under martial law, this box car (gas chamber) facility will be used for the handling and execution of category RED and BLUE people, hence becoming a death camp  The box car building fence is marked with special 'RED/BLUE Zone' signs that correspond to the RED/BLUE Lists which surfaced in June and July of 1996, when an FBI agent got hold of the Region Three BLUE List from a CIA agent and found his own name on it.  The Red List is for pick-up and execution before preparations for martial law are initiated and 

[CTRL] Big Oil and James Baker target Western Sahara

2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Big Oil and James Baker target Western Sahara 
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

January 16, 2003—In the midst of America's international campaign against terrorism, the Bush administration is permitting Big Oil to legitimize the illegal occupation of an invaded country–Western Sahara.

Formerly known as Spanish Sahara and invaded by Morocco in 1975 (the same year Henry Kissinger acquiesced to Indonesia's invasion and annexation of East Timor and India's annexation of the Himalayan Kigdom of Sikkim)), Western Sahara's occupation by Morocco has neither been recognized by the United Nations nor the Organization of African Unity. The latter actually recognizes the independence of Western Sahara's exiled Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is headquartered in remote and squalid desert refugee camps on the Algerian side of the Western Sahara-Algeria border.

In the New World Order of the Bush family, the Western Saharans have little future. That is because the lifeblood of what it means to be a Bush—oil—has been discovered off the coast of Western Sahara. Although Morocco is the illegal occupier of Western Sahara, that did not stop the Oklahoma City-based Kerr-McGee Corporation (the company infamously portrayed in the movie "Silkwood") from signing an off-shore exploration deal with Morocco on September 25, 2001, just days after the terrorist attacks on the United States. The timing for Kerr-McGee could not have been better.

The group fighting for Western Sahara independence, POLISARIO, once waged a bitter guerrilla war against Morocco. In 1991, POLISARIO signed a cease-fire with Morocco but Moroccan troops remained in the disputed territory. Meanwhile, Morocco continued to pour thousands of native Moroccans into the territory. The 1991 cease-fire agreement with Morocco was to have resulted in a referendum on the territory's future. However, Morocco kept delaying the vote until it could salt the territory with enough of its own emigrés until they constituted a majority, thus ensuring a final vote would result in voter approval for merger with Morocco.

In 1997, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, who, ironically, was awarded the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize, named former Secretary of State James Baker as his personal envoy to settle the Western Sahara problem. Baker, who would later serve as George W. Bush's fix-it man in Florida's disputed presidential election, began considering rather novel ideas to settle the Western Sahara problem.

Unfortunately, for the Sahrawis, Baker's ideas were all stamped with the imprimatur of Morocco.

Baker, who is as connected to the Houston oil big wigs as J.R. Ewing was to oil czars in the TV show "Dallas," has his own close ties to Kerr-McGee. His James Baker Institute at Rice University funded a study called "Strategic Energy Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century." The author of that report is Matt Simmons, president of Simmons and Company Investment Bankers and member of the Board of Directors of Kerr-McGee.

It also helps the cause of Kerr-McGee that Baker's former spokesperson at the Departments of State and Treasury and close personal friend, Margaret Tutwiler, serves as the U.S. ambassador to Morocco. One former associate of Tutwiler confided that it was no coincidence that landed Tutwiler in Morocco, "She was obviously placed there by Baker and his oil buddies to help cut oil deals." Tutwiler is not only in a commanding position to influence U.S. policy on Western Sahara but she can count upon one of her best friends, former White House Communications Director and close Bush confidant Karen Hughes, to ensure that Morocco's case receives the personal attention of Bush.

The plan that Baker drew up for Western Sahara (while he was ensconced with his friends at his Jackson Hole, Wyoming, ranch) will undoubtedly result in the territory's eventual merger with Morocco. Approved by the UN Security Council, with the strong support of France, whose TotalFinaElf conglomerate also just signed an offshore oil exploration, the plan calls for a five-year delay for a final referendum. In the meantime, Western Sahara will have a weak territorial assembly that will be packed with loyalists of Morocco's King Mohammed, a close U.S. ally. When the referendum is finally held, sometime around 2006 or 2007, all the Moroccan squatters and occupying troops will be allowed to vote.

On January 7, 2003, the UN announced that Baker would be visiting Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, and Western Sahara to revive his peace plan. But it now seems that with impending war with Iraq and the paralyzing Venezuelan oil strike, Baker is under pressure from his friends in the Bush administration to bring about the commencement of oil drilling off of Western Sahara. Thus the sudden new interest by Baker in a Western Sahara "peace" deal.

U.S. oil companies are chomping at the bit. In its 

[CTRL] Fwd: ADL Calls For Ban On Internet Transfers Of Gold : Say It Could Be Used...

2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

ADL Calls For Ban On Internet Transfers Of Gold
Say It Could Be Used To Finance Terrorism

1/22/03 8:12:52 PM
ADL Press Release

Washington, DC -- http://adl.org/PresRele/Internet_75/4222_75.asp

ADL Alerts Federal Government Terrorists May Use E-Gold to Transfer
on Internet

New York, NY, January 21, 2003 … As the government moves to freeze the
finances of terror groups and their supporters, the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) today alerted the U.S. Customs Service that terrorists may seek to
conceal financial transactions using a unique form of online currency.

The potential abuse by terrorists of e-gold, an Internet currency that
enables deposits and transfers of precious metals using online trading
accounts, merits serious attention by those government agencies who
sources of terrorist financing, said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National

While we know of no links between e-gold and terrorism at the present
e-gold merits serious attention given the record of Internet use by
and the abuse of similar devices by domestic extremists, said Mr. Foxman.

In a letter to U.S. Customs Commissioner Robert C. Bonner, ADL said that
terrorists may find e-gold appealing because it enables large amounts of
currency to be exchanged electronically without leaving a record of the
transaction. Because of its anonymity, economists and Secret Service
have recently expressed concern about the potential for money laundering
e-gold channels.

About half of the e-gold system's physical reserves are located in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, apparently for financial reasons, but also to help
in the
marketing of e-dinar, which was launched in September 2000. E-dinar is
affiliated with the Islamic Mint, a private organization dedicated to
gold and silver currencies described in the Quran.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that
counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.


E-Gold Fact Sheet

E-gold has been described as the world's first 100 percent precious
backed Internet currency. To open an account, an individual deposits
with an online e-gold service that then converts the amount into gold
Via the Internet, the account holder can transfer ownership of some or all
that gold into someone else's e-gold account. Ownership can be repeatedly

E-gold is a sort of online version of warehouse banks, which similarly
converted account holders' deposits into gold or silver bullion stored in
bank. These institutions became popular in the 1980s among domestic
extremists, who used them to launder money, hide assets and to commit
financial abuses.

While the records of e-gold companies may be obtainable by court order,
all transactions involving $10,000 or more in cash must reported, some
economists and Secret Service officials have expressed concern about the
potential for money laundering using e-gold channels.

E-gold has been widely used by perpetrators of pyramid scams. Swindlers
demand payment in e-gold because, unlike with checks or credits cards, the
charges clear instantly and cannot be cancelled. Experts estimate that
half of e-gold transactions are related to scams or online games.

The most popular e-gold service is operated by Gold  Silver Reserve, a
Florida-based company. It claims more than 200,000 accounts and more than
million in currency. A January 2002 account reported that its clients made
8,600 transactions daily. Other smaller systems include GoldMoney,

[CTRL] Quote of the Day

2003-01-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We 
must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.

- Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.

Sound familiar?
America, you better pull yer head out...

Memorize this:
Homeland Security=Gestapo
Homeland Security=Gestapo
Homeland Security=Gestapo
Homeland Security=Gestapo
Homeland Security=Gestapo
Homeland Security=Gestapo

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Hitler and Bush:Parallels

2003-01-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Hitler's Enabling Act=the USA Patriot Act

Hitler and Bush: The Eerie Parallels


National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a New World Order.
-Adolf Hitler

What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea- a New World Order, 
where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal 
aspirations of mankind; peace and security, freedom and the rule of law. Such is a 
world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future.
-Pres. George H. W. Bush, State of the Union Address 4-29-91

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Ridge Confirmed as Security Chief

2003-01-22 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ridge Confirmed as Security Chief

January 22, 2003

WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 - The Senate unanimously confirmed Tom
Ridge today as the nation's first secretary of homeland
security, entrusting him to preside over the biggest
reorganization of the government in a half-century.

All 94 senators present endorsed the former Pennsylvania
governor. The vote was no surprise, since Mr. Ridge won
unanimous endorsement of the Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee on Friday as members of both parties heaped
praise upon him.

The real issue underlying the confirmation is whether the
country is better prepared to ward off terrorism now than
it was on Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. Ridge insisted at his
confirmation hearing that it is, but several panel members
strongly disagreed, arguing among other things that the
Bush administration has not done enough to stamp out
bureaucratic turf battles and shake intelligence agencies
out of their lethargy.

But there was no disagreement when Mr. Ridge told the
Senate committee on Friday that in spite of everything we
have done, we are only at the beginning of what will be a
long struggle to protect this country from terrorism.

We face a hate-filled, remorseless enemy that takes many
forms, hides in many places and doesn't distinguish between
innocent civilians and military combatants, Mr. Ridge
added. Terrorism directly threatens the foundation of our
nation, our people, our freedom, our economic prosperity.

President Bush welcomed today's action. With today's
historic vote, the Senate has demonstrated our shared
commitment to doing everything we can to secure our
homeland, Mr. Bush said in a statement.

Mr. Ridge assumed his Cabinet-level post two days before
the new department formally goes into business. Mr. Ridge
faces a monumental logistical challenge in organizing the
new department, which will draw together 22 federal
agencies and nearly 170,000 employees in the largest
reorganization of the federal government since the creation
of the Defense Department after World War II.

Among the entities to be folded into the new department are
the Secret Service, Coast Guard, Customs Service and the
Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The headquarters for the new department is expected to be
in Virginia. It is widely assumed that it will be many
months before the department is fully functioning.

Mr. Ridge graduated from Harvard and saw combat in the
Vietnam War. He was a member of the House of Representative
from Erie, Pa., for 12 years before being elected governor
in 1994.

Shortly after the terror attacks of 2001, Mr. Ridge left
the governorship to become head of the White House Office
of Homeland Security, so he was a logical candidate to head
the new Cabinet department.

Mr. Ridge's mission will be not just protecting the United
States but doing it without trampling on individual rights,
Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, said
today. It is essential that Governor Ridge understand that
he will be responsible not only for defending the homeland
but also for defending against the abuse of power within
the new department, Mr. Byrd said.


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[CTRL] Is Bush's Big Mouth A National Security Threat?

2003-01-22 Thread William Shannon
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By Sam Parry
January 22, 2003

George W. Bush’s followers hail his tough comments as proof of his straight-talking style and his “moral clarity.” But his often-insulting remarks about political and international adversaries also raise questions about whether the president’s loose tongue is becoming a national security danger to the American people. 

Do Americans, for instance, face a greater risk of nuclear conflict because Bush indulged in a rant last year that included calling North Korea’s leader a “pygmy” – or of terrorism because Bush termed U.S. military action in the Middle East a “crusade,” with its Christian vs. Muslim overtones? Or does he exacerbate worldwide suspicion that Washington doesn’t care much about the global environment when he mocks environmentalists to his White House aides as “green-green lima beans”? 

Part of the job of any leader is to avoid careless talk that can complicate the always-tricky business of diplomacy. Publicly at least, effective leaders take pains not to personalize issues. But Bush consistently does the opposite, suggesting either a political tin ear to how he sounds to people around the world or perhaps a personality disorder that he can't control. 

Either way, Bush's inability to make America's case to the world may become a political issue as the American people approach the exit ramp of Election 2004. 

Bush  Anti-Americanism 

The evidence is now clear that Bush’s bellicose statements have contributed to a growing hostility toward the United States in all corners of the globe. 

“Negative opinions of the U.S. have increased in most of the nations where trend benchmarks are available,” reported the Pew Research Center for The People  The Press in a recent study. Even worse is the deterioration of U.S. standing in areas near the front lines of the war on terror, such as Jordan, Turkey and Pakistan. [For details, go to www.people-press.org] 

Newsweek International editor Fareed Zakaria has written that anti-Americanism is emerging as the planet’s “default ideology,” which translates into deepening threats against Americans, both as individuals and as a people. But the anger may be less anti-American than anti-Bush. Respondents to international surveys often stress that they like Americans but oppose Bush administration policies. 

Hostility toward Bush even is eroding U.S. standing among the staunchest of allies. In Great Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is derided as a “poodle” for backing Bush’s Iraq policy, politicians across the ideological spectrum are feeling “anxiety and antagonism” toward the U.S. president, reports Andrew Rawnsley, chief political commentator for the London Observer. 

In a Jan. 15 dispatch, Rawnsley quotes a former Conservative Cabinet minister as likening Bush to “a child running around with a grenade with the pin pulled out.” [For details, see “Why We Don't Trust Bush.”] 

Solidifying Image 

This image of Bush is now solidifying around the world and is creeping into the consciousness of the American public as marked by Bush's weakening poll numbers. But there have long been warning signs about Bush’s lack of discipline over the words coming out of his mouth. 

Remember the scene in 1986 when Bush was miffed about a prediction made by Wall Street Journal political writer Al Hunt that Jack Kemp – not then-Vice President George H.W. Bush – would win the Republican presidential nomination in 1988. At a Dallas restaurant, the younger George Bush spotted Hunt having dinner with his wife, Judy Woodruff, and their four-year-old son. 

Bush stormed up to the table and started cursing out Hunt. “You [expletive] son of a bitch,” Bush yelled. “I saw what you wrote. We’re not going to forget this.” [Washington Post, July 25, 1999] 

While thin-skinned about criticism of himself or his family, Bush regularly pokes fun at others. While Texas governor, Bush lined up for a photo and fingered the man next to him. “He’s the ugly one!” Bush laughed. [NYT, Aug. 22, 1999] 

In one of Campaign 2000’s most memorable moments, Bush uttered an aside to his running mate Dick Cheney about New York Times reporter Adam Clymer. “There's Adam Clymer -- major league asshole -- from the New York Times,” Bush said as he was waving to a campaign crowd from a stage in Naperville, Ill. “Yeah, big time,” responded Cheney. Their voices were picked up on an open microphone. 

Or recall Bush making a joke about the condemned murderer Carla Faye Tucker pleading for her life to the Texas governor. “Please don’t kill me,” Bush whimpered through pursed lips in an imitation of the woman whom Bush had refused clemency. 

In the second presidential debate, Bush continued to make light of people facing the death penalty in Texas. While arguing against hate-crimes laws, Bush said the three men 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Sharpton's Office Building Catches Fire

2003-01-22 Thread Tenor Love
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Sharpton's Office Building Catches Fire

January 22, 2003

Filed at 2:27 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (AP) -- Fire spread through the headquarters of
the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network on
Wednesday, gutting a reception hall one day after Sharpton
formally became a Democratic presidential contender in

The fire was reported at about 8:30 a.m. on the second
floor of the three-story building in Harlem.

Fire officials said the reception hall where Sharpton holds
weekly rallies and news conferences was gutted. The fire
also spread to the third floor, occupied by the Israeli
Church of UPK.

A 23-year-old man hanging from a third-floor window was
pulled to safety by firefighters and treated for smoke

Investigators said the cause of the blaze was under

Sharpton toured the damaged offices with a fire marshal
after arriving from Washington Wednesday afternoon. He
later declared that the blaze would ``in no way abate in
any shape or form'' his run for president.

He did not speculate on the cause of the blaze or say when
or where the National Action Network would rebuild.

``These are the people that built the House of Justice, and
we will build it again,'' Sharpton said, pointing to a
crowd outside that had been shouting ``No justice, no

Officials said an office where the group's financial
records are kept was mostly spared in the fire.

Sharpton spokeswoman Rachel Noerdlinger said the fire was
discovered by a National Action Network office manager who
had unlocked the office about 8 a.m., then heard a popping
noise and smelled smoke.

Fire marshals said they were interviewing the office
manager Wednesday. They also were interviewing the man who
was rescued and a cook from the West Indian restaurant that
occupies the first floor.

On Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Mayor Michael
Bloomberg and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had joined
Sharpton at the offices for a forum commemorating the life
of the slain civil rights leader.

Sharpton formally filed papers the following day seeking
the Democratic party's nomination for the 2004 presidential


On the Net:

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[CTRL] http://www.drudgereport.com/matt.htm

2003-01-22 Thread Euphorian
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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: A Conspiracy Nipped Can Still Bring Conviction, Justices Say

2003-01-22 Thread Tenor Love
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A Conspiracy Nipped Can Still Bring Conviction, Justices Say

January 22, 2003

WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 - The Supreme Court ruled today that
members of a criminal conspiracy can be convicted
regardless of whether the discovery of the plot by the
police has made it impossible for the conspiracy to achieve
its goal.

The court has repeatedly said that the essence of a
conspiracy is `an agreement to commit an unlawful act,' 
Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the court. He added
that the criminal agreement is a distinct evil,
punishable whether or not the substantive crime ever takes

The decision overturned a ruling two years ago by the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in
San Francisco. The appeals court overturned the conspiracy
convictions of two drug couriers who went to a shopping
mall in Idaho expecting to pick up a shipment of drugs, not
knowing that the police had already discovered the shipment
while it was in transit.

Instead of carrying out their part in a conspiracy to
distribute narcotics, the two men, Francisco Jimenez Recio
and Adrian Lopez-Meza, stepped into what had become a
government sting operation. The appeals court reasoned that
because the object of the conspiracy had already been
frustrated by the time the men arrived, the conspiracy
itself had terminated, and the convictions were invalid.

In overturning the decision today, the justices were
unanimous in their legal reasoning. But Justice John Paul
Stevens voted against overturning the Ninth Circuit's
judgment, because federal prosecutors had not objected at
trial to jury instructions that embodied the appeals
court's approach to conspiracy law. Nor had the government
challenged the theory in the initial phase of the men's
appeal, which cited a number of grounds. The prosecutor,
like the defendant, should be required to turn square
corners, Justice Stevens said.

The appeals court's ruling was based on one of its own
precedents, United States v. Cruz, a 1997 case that adopted
a view of conspiracy law that was unique among the federal
circuits and had never been endorsed by the Supreme Court.
There was little surprise in the Supreme Court's rejection
of that approach in its decision today, United States v.
Jimenez Recio, No. 01-1184.

In its appeal, the government argued in passing that the
Ninth Circuit's approach would make it more difficult to
prosecute terrorist conspiracies, noting that the
government's interest lay both in intercepting the
conspiracy and in achieving convictions. But even without
the allusion to current concerns, the government's
arguments would clearly have found a receptive audience at
the Supreme Court.

The Ninth Circuit's approach would potentially threaten
the use of properly run law enforcement sting operations,
including the use of undercover agents, Justice Breyer
said. A conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and
above the threat of the commission of the relevant
substantive crime, he added, because it remains likely
that the same person will conspire to commit other offenses
even if frustrated in one instance.

These were among the other developments at the court today:

Insanity Appeal

Without comment, the court cleared the way for Texas to
execute a prisoner whom the justices granted a last-minute
stay in November. The question raised by the prisoner,
James B. Colburn, convicted of the 1995 murder of a woman
hitchhiking near his home, was whether the federal courts
have jurisdiction to consider a claim that an inmate is
mentally incompetent to be executed when an earlier federal
court petition failed to present that issue.

That technical-sounding question is illustrative of a
predicament that death-row inmates now face as a result of
the interaction between Supreme Court precedents and new
Congressional restrictions on access to federal court
review by means of petitions for a writ of habeas corpus.

The court ruled in 1986 that the execution of inmates who
are insane violates the constitutional prohibition against
cruel and unusual punishment. The court has also ruled that
because mental status changes over time, such a claim is
not ripe for federal court review until execution is
imminent. But under current habeas corpus law, a legal
claim that is not raised in an initial petition will
generally not be considered if presented for the first time
in a second or successive petition.

In this case, lawyers for Mr. Colburn, who has received a
diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, did not raise his
incompetency claim in his first federal habeas corpus
petition, in 1999. They did raise it late last year, after
his execution date had been set and his mental state had
deteriorated to the point that the state itself requested a
mental evaluation. Court-appointed experts agreed at that
time that he was mentally ill but able to understand the
reason he was 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Study of Twins Backs Marijuana-Drug Link

2003-01-22 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

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And birth leads to death, so let's declare a war on birth.


Study of Twins Backs Marijuana-Drug Link

January 22, 2003

A study of Australian twins appears to bolster the theory
that marijuana can lead to harder drugs.

The researchers found 311 sets of same-sex twins, including
136 sets of identical twins, in which just one twin had
smoked marijuana before age 17. Early marijuana smokers
were found to be up to five times more likely to move to
harder drugs than were their twins. They were about twice
as likely to use opiates like heroin and five times as
likely to use hallucinogens like LSD.

Other studies reached conflicting conclusions.

The new
study, published today in The Journal of the American
Medical Association, is unlikely to still the debate. In an
accompanying editorial, Dr. Denise B. Kandel of the
psychiatry department at Columbia University said the study
did not explain whether or not a true causal link exists
between marijuana and hard drugs.

An argument can be made, Dr. Kandel wrote, that even
identical twins do not share the same environment during

The study does not say how marijuana, or cannabis, might
lead to harder drugs.

It is often implicitly assumed that using cannabis changes
your brain or makes you crave other drugs, said the lead
researcher, Dr. Michael T. Lynskey of the Queensland
Institute of Medical Research in Australia. But there are
a number of other potential mechanisms, including access to
drugs, willingness to break the law and likelihood of
engaging in risk-taking behavior.

Dr. Lynskey and his colleagues acknowledged that the study
had limitations, including relying on participants'
reporting their experiences. The participants, whose
average age was 30, were asked about their drug use as
teenagers. About 46 percent of the early marijuana users
reported that they later abused or became dependent on
marijuana, and 43 percent had become dependent on alcohol.

Cocaine and other stimulants were the most commonly used
harder drugs.


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