2003-01-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Iran has tested North Korea's Taepo Dong missile engine and plans
to soon launch the missile in its first test flight.


Middle East Newsline
 [ http://www.menewsline.com/stories/2003/january/01_28_1.html ]


TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Iran has tested North Korea's Taepo Dong
missile engine
and plans to soon launch the missile in its first test
flight. U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies are said to have
concluded that
the missile engine test took place last year. They
assessed that Iran
obtained the Taepo Dong engine around 2000.
Ephraim Kam, deputy director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic
said Israeli and U.S. intelligence agencies have
determined that Iran has
been testing the Taepo Dong engine as
part of development of the Shihab-4
intermediate-range missile
program. Iran has obtained from North Korea the missile engine for
the Taepo Dong-1, Kam told a recent news conference in
presenting the center's  Middle East military balance. Iran has
tested the engine and Israel and  U.S. intelligence expect the first
launch of the Shihab-4.

NOTE: The above is not the full item. This service contains only a
small portion of the information produced daily by Middle East
Newsline. For a subscription to the full service, please contact
Middle East Newsline at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for further details.

Last Updated: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 19:39:44 GMT

--- End of forwarded message ---

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Scanned by Norton AntiVirus

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Internet Attack

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Jan 27, 2003

Internet Attack's Disruptions More Serious Than Many Thought Possible

By Ted Bridis
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The weekend attack on the Internet crippled some
sensitive corporate and government systems, including banking operations
and 911 centers, far more seriously than many experts believed possible.

The nation's largest residential mortgage firm, Countrywide Financial Corp.,
told customers who called Monday it was still suffering from the attack. Its
Web site, where customers usually can make payments and check their
loans, was closed with a note about emergency maintenance.

Police and fire dispatchers outside Seattle resorted to paper and pencil
for hours Saturday after the virus-like attack disrupted operations for the
911 center that serves two suburban police departments and at least 14
fire departments.

American Express Co. confirmed that customers couldn't reach its Web site
to check credit statements and account balances during parts of the
weekend. Perhaps most surprising, the attack prevented many customers
of Bank of America Corp., one of the largest U.S. banks, and some large
Canadian banks from withdrawing money from automatic teller machines

President Bush's No. 2 cyber-security adviser, Howard Schmidt,
acknowledged Monday that what he called collateral damage stunned
even experts who have warned about uncertain effects on the nation's
most important electronic systems from mass-scale Internet disruptions.

One would not have expected a request for bandwidth would have
affected the ATM network, Schmidt said. This is one of the things we've
been talking about for a long time, getting a handle on interdependencies
and cascading effects.

The White House and Canadian defense officials confirmed they were
investigating how the attack, which started about 12:30 a.m. EST Saturday,
could have affected ATM banking and other important networks that
should remain immune from traditional Internet outages.

Schmidt said early reports suggested private ATM networks overlapped
with parts of the public Internet. Such design decisions were criticized as
totally brain-dead by Alex Yuriev of AOY LLC, a Philadelphia-based
consulting firm for banks and telecommunications companies.

Officials were most concerned about risks that citizens might lose
confidence in financial networks.

Their bread and butter is the public being able to get access to their
accounts when and where they want them, said Ron Dick of Computer
Sciences Corp., former head of the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection
Center. Even during nominal disruptions, the key is having a plan so you
can provide assurances to your customers.

The virus-like attack, alternately dubbed slammer or sapphire, sought
out vulnerable computers to infect using a known flaw in popular database
software from Microsoft Corp. called SQL Server 2000. The attacking
software scanned for victim computers so randomly and so aggressively
that it saturated many of the Internet largest data pipelines, slowing e-
mail and Web surfing globally.

One thing people have always feared was that the mesh among certain
critical infrastructure sectors would be affected, and there was some of
that, said Eddie Schwartz, a vice president at Predictive Systems Inc.,
which runs Internet warning centers for the banking and energy

Congestion from the Internet attack eased over the weekend and was
almost completely normal by Monday. That left investigators poring over
the blueprints for the Internet worm for clues about its origin and the
identity of its author.

Complicating the investigation was how quickly the attack spread across
the globe, making it nearly impossible for researchers to find the
electronic equivalent of patient zero, the earliest infected computers.

Basically within one minute, the game was over, said Johannes Ullrich of
Boston, who runs the D-Shield network of computer monitors. He watched
the attack spread with alarming speed worldwide. Asia, especially Korea,
was among the areas hardest-hit.

Experts said blueprints of the attack software were similar to a program
published on the Web months ago by David Litchfield of NGS Software Inc.,
a respected British security expert who discovered the flaw in Microsoft's
database software last year.

The attack software also was similar to computer code published weeks
ago on a Chinese hacking Web site by a virus author known as Lion, who
publicly credited Litchfield for the idea.

Litchfield said he deliberately published his blueprints for computer
administrators to understand how hackers might use the program to attack
their systems.

Anybody capable of writing such a worm would have found out this
information without my sample code, Litchfield said. Just because
someone publishes a proof-of-concept code doesn't necessarily help the
people we should be worried about.

Still, Litchfield's disclosure was likely to reignite a simmering dispute 

[CTRL] Ancient Israel and the Constitution

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Ancient Israel and the Constitution

by Steve McKamey

Little attention is paid these days to either the debate over the
Constitution or the period of the Judges in Israel. The Constitution was
vigorously opposed by a large minority of the people and was barely
ratified at all. The writings of the opponents, called the Antifederalist
Papers, are filled with prophetic warnings of what evil men would make of
the Constitution. There was also an antifederalist in ancient Israel. His
name was Samuel. Samuel also wrote against consolidating the government
of Israel under one earthly king. He was a true prophet of God and his
prophecies were proven by the test of history. The test of time has also
proven the vision of the American Antifederalists.

There are several parallels between Israel and the United States. First,
there were thirteen tribes in Israel if you consider that Ephraim and
Mannaseh, the sons of Joseph, as individual tribes. There were thirteen
colonies at the time of the American Revolution and the ratification of the
Constitution. Israel existed for the period of the Judges as a loose
confederation among the tribes. The United States existed for a time as a
loose confederation of independent states under the Articles of
Confederation. After a time, both sought the prestige and power afforded
by a more centralized government. Consider these passages from 1 Samuel,
and Antifederalist No.3:

1 Samuel Chaper 8

10 And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked
of him a king. 11 And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall
reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for
his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his
chariots. 12 And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains
over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest,
and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots. 13 And
he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to
be bakers. 14 And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your
oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. 15 And he
will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his
officers, and to his servants. 16 And he will take your menservants, and
your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put
them to his work. 17 He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be
his servants. 18 And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which
ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day. 19
Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they
said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 20 That we also may be like all
the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and
fight our battles.

Antifederalist No. 3, New Constitution Creates a National Government; Will
Not Abate Foreign Influence; Dangers of Civil War and Despotism;

There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one
which operates on individuals, this always has been, and ought still to be
called, national government; the other which binds States and
governments together (not corporations, for there is no considerable
nation on earth, despotic, monarchical, or republican, that does not
contain many subordinate corporations with various constitutions) this last
has heretofore been denominated a league or confederacy. The term
federalists is therefore improperly applied to themselves, by the friends
and supporters of the proposed constitution. This abuse of language does
not help the cause; every degree of imposition serves only to irritate, but
can never convince. They are national men, and their opponents, or at
least a great majority of them, are federal, in the only true and strict
sense of the word.

Whether any form of national government is preferable for the Americans,
to a league or confederacy, is a previous question we must first make up
our minds upon

That a national government will add to the dignity and increase the
splendor of the United States abroad, can admit of no doubt: it is
essentially requisite for both. That it will render government, and officers
of government, more dignified at home is equally certain. That these
objects are more suited to the manners, if not [the] genius and disposition
of our people is, I fear, also true. That it is requisite in order to keep us at
peace among ourselves, is doubtful. That it is necessary, to prevent
foreigners from dividing us, or interfering in our government, I deny
positively; and, after all, I have strong doubts whether all its advantages
are not more specious than solid. We are vain, like other nations. We wish
to make a noise in the world; and feel hurt that Europeans are not so
attentive to America in peace, as they were to America in war. We are
also, no doubt, desirous of 

[CTRL] Interesting for the Things the Mass Media Leave Out of Their Stories

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

New York Times offers “friendly advice” to abort the anti-war movement

By David Walsh
28 January 2003

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This month’s mass demonstrations against the Bush administration’s
imminent war in Iraq took the political and media establishment by
surprise. The surge of opposition evaded their political radar screens.
They had either ignored the growing resistance or pretended it did not

Once the depth of popular sentiment against war became impossible to
disregard, the various factions of bourgeois opinion makers swung into
action. They had now to confront the reality of a nascent mass movement
emerging outside of their control.

On the one side are political thugs like right-wing commentator Michael
Kelly, who launch witch- hunting attacks on the “communist” Workers
World Party, which played a prominent role in organizing the protests.
(See “Washington Post columnist Michael Kelly red-baits the Workers World
Party,” 24 January 2003). This is the crude and filthy face of bourgeois
politics. The particular task assigned to these forces is to stir up
everything backward and poisonous in the body politic.

The liberal, or erstwhile liberal, establishment, represented most
prominently by the New York Times, has undertaken a subtler and more
sinister intervention. Its aim is to isolate the left-wing elements and drive
them out, so as to bring the movement under the control of reliable
political agents of the ruling elite, principally the Democratic Party.

This is the significance of a January 24 Times article, “Some War Protesters
Uneasy With Others.” Lynette Clemetson writes that “behind the scenes,
some of the protesters have questioned whether the message of opposing
the war with Iraq is being tainted or at least diluted by other causes of
International Answer, which sponsored both the Washington and San
Francisco rallies Some of the group’s chief organizers are active in the
Workers World Party, a radical socialist group with roots in the Stalin-era
Soviet Union.”

The precise meaning of the phrase “roots in the Stalin-era Soviet Union” is
not explained. The founder of Workers World, Sam Marcy, was associated
with the Trotskyist movement until he abandoned it in 1959 and founded
his own group. The evident purpose of the inchoate reference is to drag
in the name of Stalin as a political epithet.

The unstated political motivation of the article is indicated by the
insinuation that the movement against war in Iraq is being “tainted” by the
illegitimate interjection of “other causes.”

Clemetson elaborates on this theme: “Answer’s critics say they simply wish
that when it sponsors antiwar rallies, it would confine its message to
opposition to the war.” She cites the comments of Tikkun magazine editor
Rabbi Michael Lerner, whose concerns include “pro-Palestinian speeches.”
Lerner observes, “It feels that we are being manipulated when subjected
to mindless speeches and slogans whose knee-jerk anti-imperialism rarely
articulates the deep reasons we should oppose corporate globalization.”

In a hopeful tone the Times notes that the next major rally, to be held
February 15 in New York, is being organized by United for Peace, “a
coalition of more than 120 groups, most of them less radical than Answer.”

The political message is clear. The Times wants an anti-war movement that
does not go beyond the confines of the existing social order. The
newspaper’s editors are alerting sections of the middle class: you can have
your rallies and protests, but not on the basis of anti-capitalism.

The Times’ editors are arguing for a protest movement that accepts
certain basic premises— above all, the defense of US imperialism and its
right to dominate the world. They fear the development of a movement
that links the struggle against war to critical social issues in America and
makes a direct appeal to the working class.

The Times’ sudden interest in the anti-war movement is cynical and self-
serving. The newspaper has been one of the chief drum-beaters for war.
Only Saturday, in an article calling on Bush to delay a conflict only until
the necessary international support can be built up, Op-Ed columnist and
senior writer for the New York Times Magazine Bill Keller asserted: “So far
in its showdown with Iraq, the Bush administration has mostly done the
right things There are compelling reasons for war with Iraq.”

How should serious opponents of US militarism respond to the attempt by
the Times to politically tame and strangle any movement against imperialist

In our view, they should make every effort to expose these attempts and
drive such pro- imperialist elements out of the anti-war movement. As
events have already shown, together with the Democratic Party and the
establishment liberals come 


2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 Alert! W32.SQLExp.Worm  Category 3 *

WARNING:   W32.SQLExp.Worm
Threat level:  Category 3
Type:  Worm

What is W32.SQLExp.Worm and how does it affect me?
W32.SQLExp.Worm targets systems running Microsoft
SQL Server 2000, as well as Microsoft Desktop
Engine (MSDE) 2000. The worm sends 376 bytes to
UDP port 1434, the SQL Server Resolution Service
Port. Symantec Security Response has detected a
significant increase in the unique number of
source IPs scanning for UDP port 1434.

Symantec Security Response highly recommends all
users of either Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or
MSDE 2000 audit their machines for the
vulnerabilities referred to in Microsoft Security
Bulletin MS02-039 and Microsoft Security Bulletin

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-039

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-06

Symantec Security Response also recommends
configuring perimeter devices to block UDP traffic
to port 1434 from unknown hosts. The worm has the
unintended payload of performing a Denial of
Service due to the large number of packets it
sends out.

Because the worm is only resident in memory, and
is not written to disk, it is not detectable
using virus definitions.

Symantec Security Response has provided a tool
to remove infections of W32.SQLexp.Worm.

Click here to obtain the tool:

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AntiVirus users to regularly download virus definitions
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information on how to run LiveUpdate, please go here:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

[CTRL] Hollywood and Culture

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Hollywood and the Culture of War

by Rod Oglesby

Having come of age in the late 1950s and early 1960s, I still find myself
having many of those famous Second Thoughts popularized by David
Horowitz (though I arrived at a different destination). To many of my
generation, this reconsideration is seen as anything from unnecessary to
bewildering. Most of the American public seems to share this attitude,
hence it's no wonder that the effects of bad foreign and economic policy

Congressman Charles Rangel (D, NY) recently proposed resurrecting the
military draft. It's a silly idea, but it reveals the current level of desperation
among pacifists to stop the fanatical war cabal in the White House. In 1968
I registered for the draft and waited for my birth date (August 31, 1950) to
be drawn for selection. August 31 drew number 11, and if it were not for
my 1-Y deferment (i.e., losing the use of my left arm to polio), I would have
been on my way to Southeast Asia. Many of my friends were lucky
enough to be selected, but I truly wanted to go. As the horrors and
futility of Vietnam now become more obvious with every passing year, what
was it that played a large part in convincing me that I wanted to go?

War and the Rise of Television

In the 1950s, World War II was still fresh in the public mind and television
was becoming an increasingly prominent part of everyday life. TV
programming in the 1950s was filled with Westerns and war movies balanced
with the occasional horror film at the local drive in.  Westerns always had
good guys prevailing over bad guys by way of the gun.  The adventures of
Wyatt Earp (Wyatt Earp), Johnny Uma (The Rebel), Paladin (Have Gun Will
Travel), Maverick (Maverick), Cheyenne (Cheyenne), and Marshall Dillon
(Gunsmoke) made the Western king.  Virtually all Westerns centered on
bad guys committing a crime followed by good guys killing the bad guys for
their crime. This injected an atmosphere of self- righteous vigilantism into
the culture. Americans were inherently good people, could readily discern
good from evil, and therefore not only had the right to march around their
communities and cities like Robert Conrad with their chests puffed out,
but also march around the Western hemisphere or world and put the
hurt on people of whom they didn't approve.

During this time more literal enactments of war were of course found in
such conspicuous weekly TV dramas as 12 O’clock High and Combat. 12
O'clock was about the adventures of a squadron of B- 17s. Combat
documented the activities of a squad of American GIs in the European
theatre. When conducting their assigned patrol and encountering German
troops or winning over a German position, the small squad numbering 4–6
soldiers always implausibly survived the fierce fire fight while numerous
German soldiers were always killed.  This military implausibility of Americans
winning just because they were good ol' Americans preceded the inane
Rambo series by decades. One can only wonder how the rest of the world
has marveled at our cultural arrogance as these movies and TV shows are
replayed overseas. One wonders what their appeal could be to the rest of
the world. My hunch is that some clever impresario has reclassified them
as comedies.

Military comedies continued the cultural dishonesty. Hogan’s Heroes and
McHale’s Navy seldom (if ever at all) showed hand-to-hand combat and
limited the human carnage and destruction of war to safely distant
explosions of bombs.  The main characters were always heroes and rarely
did we see crew members suffer loss of life or limb or kill fellow soldiers in
agonizing incidents of friendly fire. In the interest of added realism, some
programs did allow some death. These kill off roles lasted for usually no
more than a few episodes. (It was truly a pity for any acting career to get
typecast into these roles.)

Movies could have been better at portraying the horror of war but were
only used to create a reason for a soldier to become a hero (e.g., to gladly
storm a position to become machine gun fodder). If killed, the soldier’s
sacrifice was always (unconvincingly) portrayed as leading to some
significant advance of Allied troops or the winning of a key battle. The
movie To Hell and Back (1955) was released as a dramatized autobiography
of the heroic achievements of Audie Murphy during the Second World
War.  Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, Audie was depicted as
willing to risk himself to save a position, a comrade, or the fate of a battle.
Much overlooked was the distinct possibility that there could have been
some not-so-admirable reasons for Audie's behavior. It's been said that
Audie’s attraction to heroic exploits was rooted in a psychological need to
measure up in terms of proving his manhood. His small stature caused him
to think that to be considered equal to other soldiers, he had to be
braver than they were, even to the point of recklessness.


[CTRL] Wind Blowing Up Your Camoflouged Skirt?

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


27 Jan 2003 19:01
U.S Congress may push for military draft
By Vicki Allen

WASHINGTON, Jan 27 (Reuters) - As the United States prepared
for a possible war against Iraq, an influential senator added his voice on
Monday to calls to reinstate the military draft, a step the Bush
administration says is unnecessary and unwise.

South Carolina Democrat Ernest Hollings said he is sponsoring the Senate
version of a bill offered in the House of Representatives by Rep. Charles
Rangel, a New York Democrat, who said a universal draft would bring men
and women from all walks of life into the military instead of leaving it
mostly to low-income people and minorities.

Rangel and Hollings held a joint news conference as weapons inspectors
issued a report at the United Nations that said Baghdad had not fully
complied with requirements that it disarm, a finding that the Bush
administration has said could lead to war with Iraq.

Rangel opposed the congressional resolution authorizing a possible attack
on Iraq. Hollings backed it. But citing tensions around the world, they said
they worry that the volunteer force would not be enough to fight multiple

With prospects of continued military action in Afghanistan, a potential war
in Iraq, the continued war on terrorism and growing tensions in the
Korean peninsula, it becomes clear that we do not have the personnel to
fight a multi-theater war, they said in a letter to colleagues.

Our proposal ensures that all Americans answer the call of duty and that
the size of our military forces meets our growing military needs, Rangel, a
Korean War combat veteran, and Hollings, a World War II combat veteran,
said in their letter.

Hollings said forces already are stretched too thin, as the Pentagon is
extending service time of reservists to handle operations in Afghanistan
and the troop buildup in the Gulf, which he said is a hardship on them and
their employers.

The bill requires military or national service for men and women, ages 18 to
26, without exemptions for college or graduate studies. The president
would set the number of people needed for military service, and those not
selected for that would serve at least two years in a civilian post.

With the Pentagon against the plan, the bill was seen as having little
chance in the Republican-led Congress. But Rangel said it raised issues
that the nation should debate.

It already has caused the administration some discomfort as Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld last week apologized to veterans for comments
he made dismissing the need to bring back the draft, that was ended in

With the draft, Rumsfeld said people were sucked into the intake, trained
for a period of months, and then went out, adding no value, no advantage,
really, to the United States armed services over any sustained period of

Rumsfeld said he had not intended to say that draftees added no value to
the military, but that he was commenting on the loss of that value when
they left the service.

AlertNet news is provided by

© 1998-2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] The Dangers of Having Foreigners Drive Policy

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 David Frum, a 42-year-old Canadian who served for 13 months as a
presidential speechwriter ... 

How I created the axis of evil
It is the phrase that defines the Bush era - and Washington insiders are
betting on whether it will turn up again in today's State of the Union
address. But David Frum, the man who coined it, is now out in the cold.
Julian Borger meets him

Julian Borger
Tuesday January 28, 2003
The Guardian

We are at the end of Year One in the time of the Axis of Evil. It was 12
months ago that George Bush took three apparently dissimilar countries in
his State of the Union address and fashioned a new enemy for America.
Banded together, the three rogue states, Iraq, Iran and North Korea,
conjured up an enemy every bit as fearsome as Ronald Reagan's Evil
Empire. The phrase has not only defined the battle lines of the 21st
century, it has helped shape the world we now inhabit.

Bush's supporters naturally insist this is a good thing. It has opened our
eyes to the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of
dictators. The detractors, who include most of Europe and the developing
world, see the axis of evil speech more as a self-fulfilling prophecy that has
set back the democracy movement in Iran, goaded North Korea towards
nuclear brinkmanship and undermined any incentive Saddam Hussein might
have had to disarm.

Bush himself has not used the phrase since summer, but Washington is now
placing bets on whether it will resurface in the State of the Union address
today. Whatever happens, its true father looks on in awe and pride. David
Frum, a 42-year-old Canadian who served for 13 months as a presidential
speechwriter and helped coin the fateful phrase, has just written a book
about the experience - a cardinal sin amid the hushed piety of the White

Speechwriters are supposed to be anonymous. We are supposed to
associate the State of the Union speech, the rhetorical high point of the
White House calendar, with the president alone, not with the paid hack in
the back room. In retaliation, Frum has been left out in the cold in Bush's

His book, The Right Man, tells how the callow and unimaginative American
prince was challenged by the horror of September 11 and responded
Henry V-style, by showing his true mettle. It is larded with chapter upon
chapter of rightwing polemic, brimming with contempt for European
appeasers and the stinking bowl of the Arab world.

As so often with the most vituperative pamphleteers, Frum is in person
genial and conciliatory. He argues that his former boss is misunderstood in
Britain, mainly because of his Texan drawl and Bible-thumping ways. In
fact, Frum suggests - and here he is surely stretching the hand of doctrinal
friendship further than credulity allows - Bush has a lot in common with
the average Guardian reader. He is someone who takes a moral view of
the world and looks for big, bold answers, he says, by way of evidence. He
even suggests the Bush-as-Guardian-reader idea would make a thought-
provoking article.

As one of the louder voices of radical neo-conservatism, such outside-the-
box ideas are Frum's stock in trade and there are a lot of them in The
Right Man - so many that they invite the creeping suspicion that the title
does not just refer to Bush.

But the book is also a well-written memoir of Frum's short adventure in the
administration which just about lives up to its sales pitch as the first
inside account of the Bush White House.

Frum talks about Bush's sour, watchful presence, in contrast to the jovial
hick he sometimes appears in public. He talks about the disconcerting grip
evangelical Christianity has on the White House, its squeaky- clean gentility
and generally low level of intellectual curiosity. The president, Frum tells
us, is sometimes glib, even dogmatic; often uncurious and as a result ill-
informed; more conventional in his thinking than a leader should be.

Most interesting of all, The Right Man tells the story of how the axis of evil
got its name - an unnerving tale of rhetorical accident by which a catchy
phrase ended up driving policy. It begins when Bush's chief speechwriter,
Michael Gerson, approaches Frum a few weeks before the pivotal State of
the Union address and tells him, Here's an assignment. Can you sum up in
a sentence or two our best case for going after Iraq?

This was in late December 2001. Frum argues that this does not necessarily
mean a decision to oust Saddam had been taken, as he is sure other
speechwriters were working on more peaceful versions. But his was the
version that was used on January 29 2002.

Looking for historical resonance, Frum goes leafing through the speeches
of Franklin Roosevelt, in particular the day of infamy address to the
nation that followed Pearl Harbor. On December 8 1941, Roosevelt had
exactly the same problem we had. The United States had been attacked
by Japan, but the greater threat 

[CTRL] Warring for Dollars

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

28 January 2003 Tuesday 24 Ziqa'ad 1423
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Military spending is inadequate: Hawks tell Bush
By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON: If there was any doubt about the global ambitions of the
Bush administration hawks, it was dispelled this weekend when a group of
influential right-wing figures complained that the current military budget
of almost $400 billion - greater than the world's 15 next biggest military
establishments combined - is not enough to sustain US strategy abroad.

In a letter to the president released on the eve of his State of the Union
address, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), whose alumni
include both figures close to Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld and Vice
President Dick Cheney, as well as most of their top aides, called for
increasing the defence budget by as much as $100 billion next year.

Today's military is simply too small for the missions it must perform, said
the letter whose signatories included mainly key neo-conservatives, former
Reagan administration officials, and a number of individuals close to big
defence manufacturers like Lockheed Martin. By every measure, current
defence spending is inadequate for a military with global responsibilities

The letter, which also suggested that Washington should prepare for
confrontations with North Korea, Iran, and China, is to be published in the
'Weekly Standard,' the Rupert Murdoch-financed neo-conservative journal
edited by William Kristol, PNAC's co-founder and chairman.

Publication of the letter comes as public confidence in Bush's leadership,
and particularly his apparent eagerness to invade Iraq, has slipped
substantially, according to recent by recent polls.

The same surveys show increasing concern as well about his management
of the economy, including the return of $300 billion budget deficits fuelled
mostly by military and security-related spending and tax cuts.

It also comes as veteran foreign-policy analysts here and abroad are
warning that anti-American sentiment is rising sharply in both the Muslim
world and among US allies in both Europe and North-east Asia due to the
perception that the Bush administration is insensitive to their views and
seeks permanent military domination of Eurasia.

In his State of the Union Address on Tuesday (today), Bush is expected to
lay out his budget and other priorities for the coming year. In the
following days, the administration will make specific budget requests.

If the administration asks increases urged by PNAC, public concerns about
Bush's intentions both here and abroad are likely to rise steeply.

On the other hand, PNAC's past letters, particularly its recommendations
on its anti-terrorist campaign and Middle Eastern policy, have anticipated
to a remarkable degree the administration's policy evolution.

Just nine days after the Sept 11, 2001, attacks, PNAC issued an open letter
that called on Bush to take his anti-terrorist war beyond Afghanistan by
ousting Saddam Hussein in Iraq, severing ties with the Palestinian
Authority, and preparing for action against Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah in

PNAC in many ways is the latest incarnation of a series of hawkish groups
dominated by Jewish neo-conservatives dating back to the 1970s, when
they fought the anti-war wing of the Democratic Party and combined with
Republicans like Rumsfeld to oppose detente with Moscow.

Midge Decter and her husband, Norman Podhoretz, for example, helped
found the Committee on the Present Danger in the late 1970s and the
Committee for the Free World in the early 1980s which Decter co-chaired
with Rumsfeld. Both signed the new letter.

Founded formally in 1997, PNAC works mainly as a front group for the
coalition of neo-conservatives, hard-right Republicans, and Christian Right
activists behind what has come to be called Bush's neo-imperialist 
policies. Among its charter members were Rumsfeld, Cheney, and their
chief deputies, Paul Wolfowitz and I Lewis Libby, respectively, as well as a
dozen other top administration policy-makers today.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, PNAC produced a book-length
blueprint for the incoming administration called 'Present Dangers' edited
by Kristol and Robert Kagan, another signer and prominent neo-

PNAC is closely tied to the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute
(AEI) from which it rents office space, and whose leading lights include
Perle, former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Lynne Cheney, the
vice president's spouse.

The administration, which already won an $80 billion increase in the
defence budget for fiscal 2003, has called for further increases up to $442
billion by 2007. But hawks have warned that this will not match what is
needed if Bush's global ambitions are to be realized.

A year into this activist foreign policy, wrote Frederick Kagan, a military
historian and Robert Kagan's brother, late last year, the 

[CTRL] War Within

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The war within
Israelis are not only in conflict with the Palestinians. They are also bitterly
divided among themselves over race, religion and politics. As the country
goes to the polls, Jonathan Freedland reports on how deep - and hateful -
those divisions really are

Jonathan Freedland
Tuesday January 28, 2003
The Guardian

Everyone here knows that he will lose. Even he, the leader of Israel's
Labour party on a last campaign swing before today's general election,
knows it. To cheer up this basement room crammed with activists and,
who knows, perhaps to lift his own spirits, Amram Mitzna promises that he
will win one day - if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow.

The audience take the message well. They understand that Israelis have
united in their despair at two years of Palestinian terror, rallying behind
Ariel Sharon and making it impossible for a challenger like Mitzna to break
through. But they are also used to defeat. Here, in the down-at-heel,
southern town of Bet Shemesh, it has long been a lonely business working
for Labour. This is Likud country.

Bet Shemesh may be scarred by decades-old poverty and unemployment,
but it's still hostile terrain for Labour. That sounds like a paradox - surely
the poor should rally to the party of the left? - but it is explained by one
of the countless social faultlines that marks Israel. They are part of an
Israeli landscape that can be hard to see under the cloud-cover of
national unity produced by the all-consuming conflict with the
Palestinians. But look beneath and what you glimpse is a society riven
along every possible line: secular against religious, religious against
religious, European (Ashkenazi) against Middle Eastern (Mizrahi). These are
Israel's other wars - and they have been laid bare by this election

Take another look at Mitzna in that Bet Shemesh basement. He stands tall
and impressive, in cobalt blue shirt and neat navy blazer. He has a
distinguished, even noble face: modern rimless glasses, and an ancient,
prophet's beard. He speaks fluently and well. Yet the key fact about him
for many in this town - visible in the way he looks, dresses and speaks - is
that he is not one of them. Instead, he looks the archetypal man of the
Labour establishment - educated and Ashkenazi - which so many Mizrahi
Jews continue to resent.

This has been a Labour problem ever since Likud first toppled them from
power in 1977, and they have still not cracked it. Jews who fled Yemen,
Morocco, Iraq and the rest of the Arab world in the 1950s stored up
decades of anger at their treatment by the embryonic Jewish state. They
felt that they were patronised, herded first into tent cities and then make
shift development towns; their centuries-old customs and costume were
mocked as primitive. They were urged to shed their traditions and become
Israeli - and in those days, in a state founded by Russians, Poles and
Germans, that meant Ashkenazi. The collective memory is one of
humiliation and Labour, the unchallenged masters of that period, bear the

By rights, those feelings should have faded long ago. Ashkenazim and
Mizrahim now mix and marry freely; few Israeli families are not intertwined.
Yet the pool of hurt remains, ready to be tapped. So the TV commercials
aired by Shas, the middle-sized party of religious Mizrahim, include black-
and-white pictures of a Yemeni arrival apparently being sprayed with
disinfectant by an (Ashkenazi) immigration official. It is a deliberate bid to
stir bitter collective memories and spur Israelis, even third-generation
Israelis, to vote on ethnic lines.

That's when the legacy manifests itself crudely. More subtle is the strange
case of Ariel Sharon's escape from what looked like a lethal corruption
scandal. A fortnight or so ago, the PM was haemorrhaging in the polls amid
allegations of undeclared, million-dollar foreign donations. He was under
police investigation. To stop the slide, he gave a televised address. By
common consent, it was a disaster, with Sharon rambling and aggressive.
Halfway through, he was pulled off the air by order of a high court judge,
for violating the election law which bars on-air politicking outside the
official campaign broadcasts.

Instantly, and curiously, the slide was halted. It turns out that the judge's
decision had helped Sharon, by confirming what many Likud voters have
long believed: that the country's institutions, including the judiciary, are
still run by the same condescending, leftwing Ashkenazi elite of old. The
snobs had gagged the Likud leader; he was once again the underdog,
leader of a party which has cast itself since the 1970s as the champion of
the outsider.

That used to mean Mizrahim, but now Likud's coalition of the excluded has
stretched to include Ethiopian Jews and the million Russians who have
come to Israel in the past decade. Ashkenazi they might be, but Likud's
hold on these 

[CTRL] Rube Goldberg Foreign Policy

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World dispatch

An engineered crisis

The desire for hegemony over the Middle East - not Iraq's weaponry or
even its oil - is America's real motivation for war, writes Brian Whitaker

Brian Whitaker
Monday January 27, 2003
The Guardian

On the first day of war the United States will rain down 300-400 cruise
missiles on Iraq, according to a report by CBS news. That averages out at
one missile every four minutes around the clock, easily exceeding the total
fired over six weeks in the 1991 Gulf war.

The aim, according to the Pentagon sources quoted, is to cause such
shock and awe that Iraqi troops will lose their will to fight at the outset.
Just in case they do not get the message immediately, the US plans do the
same again on day two, CBS said.

Whether this is the actual plan or merely a strategically timed bit of
disinformation intended to terrify Baghdad in advance, I have no idea, but
anyone who has watched television over the last few days can be in little
doubt as to the awesome array of weaponry that is now being assembled
for the attack. To a world that remains mostly unconvinced of the need
for it, there is something surreal and not quite believable about this. How
has it come about? And why now?

In 1990 at least, the issue was clear: Iraq had invaded a sovereign state
(Kuwait) and could not be allowed to get away with it. Everyone, including
those who favoured a solution by diplomatic means, could understand the
principle at stake.

Since then, Iraq has done little to cause offence, though there are many
things that it might have done to redeem itself. It could have made more
effort to comply fully with UN resolutions, for instance, but it is not alone
in that and other countries are regularly let off with a verbal slap over the
wrist. Taken individually, none of Iraq's transgressions over the last few
years provides a case for war. And taken collectively, they only tell us
what we knew already: that Saddam Hussein is not the sort of man you
would trust to look after your grandmother.

Overall, whatever military threat Iraq presents, it is no greater now than it
was when UN weapons inspectors first started their work in the early
1990s and is almost certainly a great deal less. Essentially, the weapons at
the centre of the current furore are the relatively small number of items
that were still unaccounted for when the inspectors pulled out under
pressure from Iraq in 1998. On the nuclear front, the best that the White
House website can come up with is a one-line statement that Iraq's
declaration to the UN last month ignores efforts to procure uranium from

Until quite recently the prevailing view in Washington was that any danger
from Iraq could be effectively contained - as, indeed, it has been for the
last decade or so. This general lack of alarm about Iraq's military capacity
was reflected in security council resolution 1284, approved in 1999, which
sought to get the Iraqi issue out of the way by resuming weapons
inspections in a less aggressive manner than previously, and then
suspending sanctions if nothing untoward was found.

Iraq raised a number of objections (which it probably now regrets), but
resolution 1284 remained the security council's preferred way forward
until last November, when the goalposts were dramatically moved by the
toughly worded resolution 1441 which, in one interpretation or another,
looks set to give the US its pretext for military action.

What this amounts to is an engineered crisis that is driven from Washington
rather than Baghdad. It began with the election of George Bush and a
noticeably harder line on Iraq almost from the moment he took office.
Since then it has hardened further as the neo-conservative hawks have
gained predominance - helped in no small measure by Osama bin Laden.

Those who say that oil lies at the root of it are right up to a point, but it is
not simply a matter of grabbing Iraqi oil. The neo-conservatives see Iraqi oil
as a political weapon which can be used to undermine Saudi Arabia's
influence and thus promote their grand design for reshaping the entire
Middle East. Whether they will succeed in achieving their broader plans,
even after an invasion of Iraq, is doubtful. But there is no doubting the
damage that will be done to the US in the meantime.

Last week the US-based Middle East Institute published a report by Edward
Walker, a former assistant secretary of state for the Middle East, who has
also served as US ambassador in Israel, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.
Following a visit to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, he found that popular opinion
in the region was more antagonistic toward the United States than at any
time in recent memory.

The perception is that we are driven by the six Cs - cowboys; colonialism;
conspiracy; Coca-Cola; cowardice; and clientitis, he wrote.

The 'client' is Israel. The 'cowardice' is the perception that we 

Re: [CTRL] The CIA's Secret Army

2003-01-28 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] The CIA's Secret Army
-Caveat Lector-

on 01/27/03 6:58 PM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ru  for a usually intelligent and open minded person, you are friggin obsessed on this topic.

Why not mention the British agents who will be working with them? Or agents from any of a number of other international intelligence spooks the CIA has ties with?

Yeah, well the Brits haven't decided to take out whomever they don't like right here in River City. 

Do you really believe the British Intelligence have never killed someone in America? Never killed an Irish radical or IRA bankroller here? Cmon... Really? Think James Bond.

The Israeli seem to have rights here that no one else is claiming. 

You mean the same rights America claims for the rest of the globe?


-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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[CTRL] Eire Ired over Cherie_Boie

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
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Cherie Blair flats-row man to be deported from Ireland

January 29 2003

Australian conman Peter Foster will be deported from Ireland, possibly to
Australia, after being dramatically refused entry to the country.

Foster, 40, spent the night in Dublin's Mountjoy Prison despite begging
Irish immigration officials not to send him to jail following his arrest at
Dublin Airport yesterday.

He will be taken from the jail's detention centre later today and
transported to the airport for a flight to either Australia, where he is
wanted over a 1.4 million pound ($3.91 million) slimming scam, or France.

Foster, who helped Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair buy two flats in
Bristol, was refused entry to Ireland yesterday afternoon when he landed
at Dublin on a flight from France.

The serial fraudster was seized by airport officers and police yesterday
afternoon following a weekend in Paris with his London-based girlfriend,
Carole Caplin.

He was heard to beg: Don't take me to prison, before pleading to be
allowed to stay in Ireland overnight.

Look, if you want to make me go back to Australia just let me into the
country for 24 hours, Foster, who
has been jailed in Britain, the United States and Australia for fraud,
reportedly said.

I didn't run away from England, I made a voluntary departure. I'll leave if I
have to go to Australia, just don't take me to prison.

Let me into the country for 24 hours, then I'll leave.

Foster fled from London to his mother's home in Ireland shortly before
Christmas to escape the Cheriegate scandal and pending deportation
from Britain.

He hit the headlines last December when it was revealed he had helped
Cherie Blair, the wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, buy two luxury
apartments at a knockdown price after viewing the apartments on her
behalf with Caplin, Mrs Blair's close friend and personal adviser.

It then emerged that Mrs Blair, a leading barrister, spoke to Foster's
lawyers about his deportation case.

But she denied suggestions she had tried to influence the case, saying
only that she was doing a favour for her friend.

Secretly recorded phone calls between Foster and his mother, Louise
Pelloti, revealed that he was planning to sell his story and smear Mrs Blair's
reputation for 100,000 pounds - but could not find a buyer.

He later dropped his appeal against deportation and went to Ireland,
where he has been writing his autobiography.

He flew to Paris last Thursday to meet Caplin to discuss a new business
venture but was arrested on his return, British newspaper The Sun said.

Having a conviction in another country is one of the reasons a passenger
can be refused entry into Ireland, an immigration official said.

We are in negotiations with French officials. If they don't allow him to
return he will be sent back to Australia.

Pelloti refused to speak to the media but a friend said she broke down in
tears when police told her Foster had been arrested.

She was told: 'Your son has been refused leave to enter the Republic of
Ireland and will be held in a place of detention overnight', the friend said.

In Canberra, a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokeswoman said
it was believed Foster had already been deported from Ireland.

She said Australian consular staff had not been able to talk to Foster
during the period he was held while in Dublin.

There was no reason for direct consular discussions with Foster if he had
been deported to another country, she said.

Foster was held overnight at Mountjoy Prison under the Aliens Act as
immigration officials prepared to remove him from the country.

At about 11.30am yesterday, a red Transit van with blacked out windows
took Foster out of the prison and across to Dublin Airport, where he was
expected to be boarding a flight shortly.

Irish police said they expected he would be sent back to France, but
would not confirm details of the flight.

A spokesman for the Prison Service said Foster spent last night in a cell in
the prison's main C2 wing, since there was no room in the holding cells
usually used for people due to be deported.

AAP and PA

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[CTRL] Gonna Be Sing-Singing a Different Tune for Their Supper

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

When last in Germany (early 1990ies), we had a little incident associated
with the base in which a military member dismembered (hands, feet, and
head) his girlfriend and burned the body.  The investigation took the
police-type peoples to the hobby shop where they had a chipper-shredder
to destory oil cans and the like.  So, who's to blame?  Real life or art?

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Sons murdered mother Sopranos-style
By Scott Martelle, Christine Hanley and Kimi Yoshino
January 29 2003

Two Californian half-brothers accused of murdering their mother re-
enacted a scene from The Sopranos TV show when they severed the head
and hands from her strangled body before dumping it in a mountain ravine,
police said on Monday.

The brothers allegedly mutilated the body to keep authorities from
identifying it as their mother, an idea one of them told investigators they
got from the award-winning series about New Jersey mobsters, police said.

Taking another page from the underworld, the brothers first tried to toss
the torso into a garbage bin at a construction site but were apparently
scared off by a security guard, police said.

Victor Bautista, 20, and his brother, Matthew Montejo, 15, were arrested
over the weekend after the older
brother allegedly admitted to police they had killed their mother, Jane
Marie Bautista, 41, whose dismembered body was found in a forest on
January 15.

Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona said the older brother told
investigators their decision to cut the head and hands off the body to
obscure its identity came from a Sopranos episode in which Tony Soprano
kills an associate and, helped by another character, dismembers the body
and dumps the parts.

Based upon his viewing of that show, they decided after they killed their
mother, how they would dispose of
the body, which was dismemberment, Mr Carona said.

Though investigators knew how the killing occurred, they didn't know why.
I don't know what motive you could possibly give for killing your mother,
cutting off her head and cutting off her hands, Mr Carona said.

According to neighbours, the family had a fractious relationship. She was
always yelling and screaming at them: 'Get in the house. Do your chores', 
said Dan Cormier, a former neighbour.

Police said the mother was probably killed in the family's flat sometime on
January 14, but they could not say where the body was dismembered.

If the allegations prove true, the killing would add a gruesome twist to
copycat deaths from at least eight murders reported after the 1995
release of the movie Natural Born Killers to recent deaths and injuries of
people involved in stunts based on Jackass, a television show and film.

The lessons kids learn is obvious, said former senator Paul Simon, an
outspoken critic of violence in the media.

Los Angeles Times

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[CTRL] Shock

2003-01-28 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This story has been forwarded to you from http://www.alternet.org by 

Shock and Awe: Guernica Revisited

If George W. Bush gets the war he wants, Baghdad could become the 21st century's 

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[CTRL] Deceiving for Dollars

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
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w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m
Report: U.S. donors to Sharon allegedly violated U.S. tax law

WASHINGTON - U.S. organizations that donated money to Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon's election campaign for leadership of the Likud in 1999
allegedly contravened American tax laws, saying they were financing
academic studies and cultural exchanges, which are exempt from tax
under U.S. law.

According to a report Monday in The Washington Post, the American
entities named by the Israeli State Comptroller in his report on illegal
contributions to Sharon are registered in the United States as
organizations with the goal of aiding academic and cultural projects in
Israel. As charitable organizations, they are exempt from taxes. U.S.
regulations, however, stipulate that contributions by tax-exempt
organizations to political parties or candidates both in the United States
and abroad cannot be considered tax-exempt donations and require an
amendment of the organizations' status.

The organizations in question are the American and Israel Research and
Friendship Foundation Inc. (AIRFF) and the College for National Studies Inc.

In 1999, the AIRFF, the declared purpose of which is to afford grants to
students, received donations totaling some $1.5 million, but transferred
money for only one cause in Israel - $815,000 went to Annex Research Ltd.,
the company behind Sharon's campaign for the leadership of the Likud that
year. The remainder of the money went on travel expenses and to public
relations and political consultants Kalman Gayer, Jay Warsaw and Arthur

The CNS, the stated purpose of which is to provide aid to the Ben-Eliezer
College in Israel, noted in a report submitted to the U.S. tax authorities
that the money it had transferred to Israel had gone to causes related to
polls and surveys for Sharon.

The IRS refused to comment on The Washington Post Report, but U.S. tax
experts said that the material in the hands of the authorities was a basis
for reviewing the tax- exempt status of the two funds.

Baruch Kra adds: The police investigations into allegations concerning
serious acts of corruption in the Likud began with much fanfare on the
part of Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein; till now, however, the
inquiries have produced just three indictments against three small-fry.

Despite the fact that both the State Prosecution and the police believe
that far more serious acts of corruption were committed during all stages
of the Likud primaries, they are having a hard time translating these
assumptions into well- grounded suspicions.

The Justice Ministry's hesitancy is hampering the police. On publication of
complaints concerning attempted bribes that were lodged by several Likud
primaries candidates who failed to make it onto the party's Knesset list,
Rubinstein ordered an investigation into all allegations, to be completed
before election day.

The police efficiently played its part, but the Justice Ministry did not
display the same degree of competence. While the State Prosecution has
filed three indictments, it has not even come to a decision on the matter
of former deputy minister Naomi Blumenthal.

If there are no grounds for an indictment, they should close the file, a
police officer said. And if there are grounds, they should [file an
indictment] with the expedience the attorney general demanded of us.
Naomi Blumenthal is indeed a politician, but that doesn't mean that her
case has to be handled more delicately and slowly.

After the elections, the police will continue to investigate the legitimacy
of the pre-primaries activities of various Likud elements, as well as if and
how organized crime figures managed to infiltrate into the party. Among
other issues to be investigated is the nature of the connection between
Sharon's son, Omri, and former convict Shlomi Oz. The two banded
together to recruit hundreds of individuals to the Likud and managed to
get a few dozen representatives onto the party's Central Committee.

Police sources say the allegations are weighty ones, but are difficult to
prove. The attorney general's forgiving attitude when it comes to offenses
committed by politicians and their emissaries, they add, grossly undermines
the motivation of the investigators.
By Nathan Guttman, Ha'aretz Correspondent


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[CTRL] Through the Eye of Stormin' Norman

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Desert Caution
Once 'Stormin' Norman,' Gen. Schwarzkopf Is Skeptical About U.S. Action in

By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 28, 2003; Page C01

TAMPA--Norman Schwarzkopf wants to give peace a chance.

The general who commanded U.S. forces in the 1991 Gulf War says he
hasn't seen enough evidence to convince him that his old comrades Dick
Cheney, Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz are correct in moving toward a
new war now. He thinks U.N. inspections are still the proper course to
follow. He's worried about the cockiness of the U.S. war plan, and even
more by the potential human and financial costs of occupying Iraq.

And don't get him started on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

In fact, the hero of the last Gulf War sounds surprisingly like the man on
the street when he discusses his ambivalence about the Bush
administration's hawkish stance on ousting Saddam Hussein. He worries
about the Iraqi leader, but would like to see some persuasive evidence of
Iraq's alleged weapons programs.

The thought of Saddam Hussein with a sophisticated nuclear capability is a
frightening thought, okay? he says. Now, having said that, I don't know
what intelligence the U.S. government has. And before I can just stand up
and say, 'Beyond a shadow of a doubt, we need to invade Iraq,' I guess I
would like to have better information.

He hasn't seen that yet, and so -- in sharp contrast to the Bush
administration -- he supports letting the U.N. weapons inspectors drive the
timetable: I think it is very important for us to wait and see what the
inspectors come up with, and hopefully they come up with something

This isn't just any retired officer speaking. Schwarzkopf is one of the
nation's best-known military officers, with name recognition second only to
his former boss, Secretary of State Powell. What's more, he is closely allied
with the Bush family. He hunts with the first President Bush. He
campaigned for the second, speaking on military issues at the 2000 GOP
convention in Philadelphia and later stumping in Florida with Cheney, who
was secretary of defense during the 1991 war.

But he sees the world differently from those Gulf War colleagues. It's
obviously not a black- and-white situation over there in the Mideast, he
says. I would just think that whatever path we take, we have to take it
with a bit of prudence.

So has he seen sufficient prudence in the actions of his old friends in the
Bush administration? Again, he carefully withholds his endorsement. I don't
think I can give you an honest answer on that.

Now 68, the general seems smaller and more soft-spoken than in his Riyadh
heyday 12 years ago when he was Stormin' Norman, the fatigues-clad
martinet who intimidated subordinates and reporters alike. During last
week's interview he sat at a small, round table in his skyscraper office,
casually clad in slacks and a black polo shirt, the bland banks and hotels of
Tampa's financial district spread out beyond him.

His voice seems thinner than during those blustery, globally televised Gulf
War briefings. He is limping from a recent knee operation. He sometimes
stays home to nurse the swelling with a bag of frozen peas.

He's had time to think. He likes the performance of Colin Powell --
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War, now secretary of
state. He's doing a wonderful job, I think, he says. But he is less
impressed by Rumsfeld, whose briefings he has watched on television.

Candidly, I have gotten somewhat nervous at some of the pronouncements
Rumsfeld has made, says Schwarzkopf.

He contrasts Cheney's low profile as defense secretary during the Gulf War
with Rumsfeld's frequent television appearances since Sept. 11, 2001. He
almost sometimes seems to be enjoying it. That, Schwarzkopf admonishes,
is a sensation to be avoided when engaged in war.

The general is a true son of the Army, where he served from 1956 to 1991,
and some of his comments reflect the estrangement between that service
and the current defense secretary. Some at the top of the Army see
Rumsfeld and those around him as overly enamored of air power and high
technology and insufficiently attentive to the brutal difficulties of ground
combat. Schwarzkopf's comments reflect Pentagon scuttlebutt that
Rumsfeld and his aides have brushed aside some of the Army's concerns.

The Rumsfeld thing . . . that's what comes up, when he calls old Army
friends in the Pentagon, he says.

When he makes his comments, it appears that he disregards the Army,
Schwarzkopf says. He gives the perception when he's on TV that he is the
guy driving the train and everybody else better fall in line behind him -- or

That dismissive posture bothers Schwarzkopf because he thinks Rumsfeld
and the people around him lack the background to make sound military
judgments by themselves. He prefers the way Cheney 

Re: [CTRL] Gonna Be Sing-Singing a Different Tune for Their Supper

2003-01-28 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I don't think the lesson is so obvious. Without the Sopranos, these kids
were still going to kill their mother. They just might not have figured out
to cut off their heads and hands - unless of course they read it in a book
or newspaper - a fine source of information no one suggests causes violence
or needs to be banned - There is violence in media because there is violence
in society, not the other way around.

on 01/28/03 10:16 AM, Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The lessons kids learn is obvious, said former senator Paul Simon, an
 outspoken critic of violence in the media.

-- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me
to tremble for the safety of my country corporations have been
enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money
power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the
prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and
the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety
of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.

Abraham Lincoln

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Congo rebels cannibalize their victims

2003-01-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Congo rebels cannibalize their victims

Associated Press

BENI, Congo -- Hiding in bushes, Amuzati Nzoli watched as rebel
soldiers turned from killers into cannibals: his 6-year-old nephew was their victim.

Accounts like the one told by the middle-aged Pygmy are sweeping
through northeastern Congo.

Human rights activists and investigators from the United Nations say rebels cooked
and ate at least a dozen Pygmies and an undetermined number of people from
other tribes during recent fighting with rival insurgents.

Pygmies have no calendar, so Nzoli can't say exactly when the rebels from the
Congolese Liberation Movement invaded his forest camp. But he remembers what
he saw.

The rebels slaughtered the dozen people they found at the camp.
Nzoli, who had been hunting, arrived during the attack and hid.

Rebel fighters butchered the man's nephew, Kebe Musika, and roasted his body
parts over an open fire, grabbing pieces from the smoldering embers.

They even sprinkled salt on the flesh as they ate, as if cannibalism
was all very natural to them, Nzoli said. He fled as the rebels were
eating his nephew and can't say what happened to the bodies of the

It is not the first time cannibalism has been reported in Congo; it
generally occurs during great upheaval, like the Simba rebellion in

The latest upheaval is the country's 4-year civil war, which has left
an estimated 2.5 million people dead, the vast majority from
starvation. It set the stage for this latest round of cannibalism.

As in the past, the attacks are fueled by a mix of tribal animosities
and a desire to spread fear in the region. There is also a belief
among some that eating one's foes is a source of power.

The rebels used cannibalism to provoke terrible fear in their foes
and pave the way to dramatic success in the battlefield, said
Apollinaire Kighoma, a Roman Catholic priest in Mangina, 19 miles
northwest of Beni.

The priest has heard accounts about the practice from hundreds of
people displaced by fighting who have taken refuge at his church.

Once you develop a reputation as a cannibal, no one wants to stay in your path,
Kighoma said.

Most of the reported acts of cannibalism took place between November and
December when the Congolese Liberation Movement launched a successful
offensive to retake Mambasa, a town about 70 miles northwest of Beni.

The Congolese Liberation Movement had previously lost the town to a rival rebel
group, the Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation Movement, which was allied
with Mayi-Mayi tribal fighters.

The Mayi-Mayi believe witchcraft endows them with supernatural power to transform
bullets into water.

Witch doctors reportedly told troops from the Congolese Liberation
Movement that the Mayi-Mayi were vulnerable to bullets fired by people who had
eaten the hearts of young men, said Jackson Basikania, coordinator of the Program
for the Assistance to Pygmies in Congo.

Tribal rivalries, fueled by the fight to control the region's mineral
and timber resources, determined the victims.

Aside from the Pygmies, many other victims were Nande, the tribe from which most
of the leadership of the rival rebel group, the Congolese Rally for Democracy-
Liberation Movement, is drawn. Some of the Nande victims were eaten.

Many in northeastern Congo -- one of the most fertile and
resource-rich regions in the vast central African country -- regard
Pygmies as less than human. Original inhabitants of Congo, they
continue to live deep in the forests, eking out an existence by
hunting and gathering food from small, nomadic base camps.

Congolese Liberation Movement rebels may have eaten Pygmies as punishment for
their guiding rival troops through the dense forests,
said Angali Salehe, the chief of the camp were Nzoli lived.

Jean-Pierre Bemba, the leader of the Congolese Liberation Movement,
says he is shocked by reports that his troops ate people.

I don't even know how to explain it, Bemba said by telephone from
his headquarters in Gbadolite, about 630 miles northwest of Beni.

Bemba is slated to become one of Congo's four vice presidents under a
peace deal reached last year. But it's unclear whether that
power-sharing deal will end the war, which has been marked by shifting
alliances among a handful of fractured rebel groups all jockeying for
Congo's natural resources.

The rebels, backed by Rwanda and Uganda, control nearly half of the
country, the third largest in Africa.

Even if Bemba had an explanation, it would offer little comfort to
Nzoli. He is struggling to overcome the trauma of seeing his nephew

I don't remember any of their faces, but the one thing that I won't
ever forget is the sight of their eyes as they ate, Nzoli said. They
looked wild, evil and unlike any I have ever seen.


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[CTRL] Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution

2003-01-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution

Nobel laureate under fire for new book on the role of Jews in
Soviet-era repression

Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Saturday January 25, 2003
The Guardian

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the
Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most
sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the
Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges.

In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos
of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators
of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a
reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia
which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains
three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary
genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

But Jewish leaders and some historians have reacted furiously to
the book, and questioned Solzhenitsyn's motives in writing it,
accusing him of factual inaccuracies and of fanning the flames of
anti-semitism in Russia.

Solzhenitsyn argues that some Jewish satire of the revolutionary
period consciously or unconsciously descends on the Russians as
being behind the genocide. But he states that all the nation's ethnic
groups must share the blame, and that people shy away from
speaking the truth about the Jewish experience.

In one remark which infuriated Russian Jews, he wrote: If I would
care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps
was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an
unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it
was different. The Jews whose experience I saw - their life was
softer than that of others.

Yet he added: But it is impossible to find the answer to the eternal
question: who is to be blamed, who led us to our death? To explain
the actions of the Kiev cheka [secret police] only by the fact that
two thirds were Jews, is certainly incorrect.

Solzhenitsyn, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970, spent
much of his life in Soviet prison camps, enduring persecution when
he wrote about his experiences. He is currently in frail health, but in
an interview given last month he said that Russia must come to
terms with the Stalinist and revolutionary genocides - and that its
Jewish population should be as offended at their own role in the
purges as they are at the Soviet power that also persecuted them.

My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and
the psychology of the Jews - their spiritual component, he said. I
have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always
differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to
the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back.
The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited.
Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our
Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us.

But Solzhenitsyn's book has caused controversy in Russia, where
one Jewish leader said it was not of any merit.

This is a mistake, but even geniuses make mistakes, said
Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Russian Jewish Congress.
Richard Wagner did not like the Jews, but was a great composer.
Dostoyevsky was a great Russian writer, but had a very sceptical
attitude towards the Jews.

This is not a book about how the Jews and Russians lived together
for 200 years, but one about how they lived apart after finding
themselves on the same territory. This book is a weak one
professionally. Factually, it is so bad as to be beyond criticism. As
literature, it is not of any merit.

But DM Thomas, one of Solzhenitsyn's biographers, said that he
did not think the book was fuelled by anti- semitism. I would not
doubt his sincerity. He says that he firmly supports the state of
Israel. In his fiction and factual writing there are Jewish characters
that he writes about who are bright, decent, anti-Stalinist people.

Professor Robert Service of Oxford University, an expert on 20th
century Russian history, said that from what he had read about the
book, Solzhenitsyn was absolutely right.

Researching a book on Lenin, Prof Service came across details of
how Trotsky, who was of Jewish origin, asked the politburo in 1919
to ensure that Jews were enrolled in the Red army. Trotsky said
that Jews were disproportionately represented in the Soviet civil
bureaucracy, including the cheka.

Trotsky's idea was that the spread of anti-semitism was [partly
down to] objections about their entrance into the civil service. There
is something in this; that they were not just passive spectators of
the revolution. They were part- victims and part-perpetrators.

It is not a question that anyone can write about without a huge
amount of bravery, and [it] needs doing in Russia because the Jews
are quite 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bali High

2003-01-28 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Bali High

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Monday, 27 January 2003


*** Bad day for stocks on Friday...another episode of the
Wall Street Horror show

*** The dollar's dolorus decline continues...

*** Teetering on the edge of deflation...war in Iraq...and


Another GUDD week. Gold Up, Dollar Down.

While the rest of the world watches the stock market, here
at the Daily Reckoning, we keep our eyes on the dollar.
Both have been going down of late. We were out of stocks,
but through no fault of our own, we were still in dollars,
like it or not.

Our rent here in the Paris headquarters has gone up more
than 20% in the last 12 months, not to mention our liquor
and foie gras.

Recently, the dollar has gone down 9 days in a row.

We take it personally. Why didn't we take a bigger position
in euros, we ask ourselves? Why didn't we buy more gold
when it was below $300? They 'had' to go up against the
dollar, we kept explaining to anyone who would listen. Here
it is...gold over $350 and the euro over $1.08...and, oops,
looks like we forgot to listen to our own rant!

Now what to do? Won't the price of gold and the euro
drop...giving us one last chance to load up before they go
to the moon? Or is it already too late? If you're not on
the train, you have to ride a bicycle, goes the expression
in Europe.

The dollar/gold trend is one that is likely to last for
many years...a long time to spend on pedaling. The dollar
rose - unnaturally and unusually - against gold for 20
years. That is not something that is likely to be corrected
in a couple of trading sessions. Maybe we shouldn't worry
about the price...maybe we should just make our move
now...and not look at it again for the next 10 years?

There are so many things we don't know. As we get older, we
learn more and more...but know less and less. For the more
we look into things we thought we knew, the more we realize
we knew nothing at all.

We bring this up only to prepare you, dear reader, for out
latest confession: we don't what to make of the war against
Iraq (though we can't help talking about it...more below)
...nor do we know how the inflation/deflation match will
turn out...nor can we tell you whether U.S. stocks will end
the year up or down. But the closer we look into it, the
more we've come to believe that gold is going up, if not in
the short run, certainly in the long one.

The government can produce as many U.S. dollars as it
wishes as essentially no cost, said Ben Bernanke.

What Bernanke meant to say was that the he and other Fed
governors could control the supply of dollars. He failed to
mention what they could not control - the demand for them.
Was it not obvious that demand would go down - eventually -
since supplies have gone up for so long? And then, we curse
ourselves because we forgot to get out of the dollar when
the getting was good. Now, it's not quite as good - because
demand for dollars has already dropped sharply since
Bernanke let the cat out of the bag.

But at least we, as Americans, still keep score in
dollars...we pay our taxes, tuition and medical insurance
in dollars. Think of the poor foreigners who hold somewhere
between $3.7 trillion and $9 trillion (we know the gap is
cosmic...we have seen both numbers reported and have not
yet been able to reconcile them) in U.S. dollar assets.
While we fret and regret...these poor saps must sweat and
lose sleep. Imagine the hedge fund manager with a billion
in U.S. dollars. He's lost $100 million or so - on the
exchange rate alone - in the last year. Every day, another
few million evaporate. How long will he stand for it?

The real collapse of the dollar is coming soon, Dr. Kurt

[CTRL] Logic of Iraqi intent to use biochems apply equally to Allies also

2003-01-28 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

I am in no way a supporter of any group wishing to fight a war, but I
see little evidence here for any one faction 'preparing to use chemical
weapons' morethan any other.

For example:

 Documents 'show Saddam's chemical plans' by pa news

 The hand-written Arabic-language notes state that elite units of the Iraqi
 military have been issued with new chemical warfare suits and supplies of
 the drug atropine, used to counter the effects of nerve gas.

This sounds like troop protection from hazmats, OK... but use of such ?

 Bill Tierney, a former UN weapons inspector, told Today: The key
 point is that the Republican Guard have been issued this new

I don't see the logic. I wear a seat belt in the car, does that mean that
I'm intending to cause a car crash ? My reasoning (besides satisfying a
legal requirement) is that it might help protect me should
someone/something else, hit me.

 If both these units have new equipment, then it would indicate that
 they are prepared to use chemical weapons. The Iraqis' standard chemical
 weapon is mustard gas, but they were keen on developing VX.

Given that the deplyed British and American forces are issued
with such, should we conclude that they are also 'prepared to use them' ?

 The fact that they have imported atropine is an indicator that they are
 willing to use VX.

Likewise the British and American forces ?

The logic is very poor here, and I remain unconvinced of these particular
arguments. I still await clear evidence, and am sure it is available.


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[CTRL] Fwd: The coming end of an era

2003-01-28 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

South African War (Boer War) v. Iraq War

Victoria of England went home happy on her Diamond Jubilee day, June 22, 1897. History had humoured her, as she
deserved... It was more than a personal happiness, more even than a national
rejoicing, for the British had chosen to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee as a
festival... It would mark this moment of British history as an Imperial moment,
a Roman moment. It would proclaim to the world, flamboyantly, that England was
far more than England: that beneath the Queens dominion lay a quarter of
the earths land surface, and nearly a quarter of its people... (Jan
Morris, Farewell the Trumpets,
(London: Faber and Faber, 1998, p.21).

islanders, they knew more about the world than most of their neighbours: they
possessed more ships than all other nations put together... They were an
immensely experienced people. Compact, patriotic... and this gave them punch
and phalanx... (Morris, p.27).

the Transvaal had been discovered to contain, in the highlands around
Johannesburg, the worlds largest deposits of gold. In those days gold
played more than a practical, almost a mystic part in the affairs of the
nations: that this vast new supply should fall within a British sphere of
authority seemed to the imperialists, not to speak of the City of Speculators,
almost a divine dispensation. So by the last years of the century strategy,
morality, economics, instinct and plain greed made it inevitable that the Boer
Republics must be tidied up beneath the Crown - sooner of later,
as Winston Churchill wrote, in a righteous cause or a picked quarrel ...
for the sake of out Empire, for the sake of honour, for sake of the race, we
must fight the Boers. (Morris, p.66). 

such a spirit did the soldiers of the Empire go to war against the Boers in the
autumn of 1899 - cocky after a century of easy victories, secure in their
tribal jokes and customs, confident in their leaders... but though the Empire
had a population of 370 million, and there were not much more than 100,000
Boers - though General Buller had 85,000 men [in his expeditionary force] at
his disposal, and the Boers only 35,000 - though the Army believed it could end
the war by Christmas, and it was the ambition of every British officer to get
to the front before then - still the campaign to which they were so
boisterously sailing marketed the beginning of the end of their Empire, and the first faltering of
their pride... nothing would be quite the same after the Boer War
(Morris, pp.64-65).

Boer Army ... was hardly an army at all... it was simply the Boer manhood in toto, mustered in local mounted units
called commandos, owning its own horses, elected its own officers... Its
discipline, like its morale, was variable... The Boers had armed themselves,
though, with the most modern equipment from European arsenals... and above all
they were born to the terrain... all in all they were born irregulars, perhaps
the best guerilla soldiers in the world... (Morris, p.69).

was the first of the propaganda wars. Every incident in the field, flashed
across the world by the electric telegraph, was magnified or distorted to prove
a point or support an ideology. The whole world joined in this new excitement:
the Boer War was the Algeria
or Vietnam of its time. When, in Black Week,
the British armies were so disastrously defeated three battles in a row, half
the world laughed or cheered at their discomfiture... (Morris, p.86).

The British public, which for twenty years had
been accustomed to see its army perform with remarkable efficiency and success
in campaigns on a limited scale against coloured forces, was amazed by the
break-down (R.C.K Ensor, England
1870-1914, (London: OUP, 

[CTRL] Snack-time?

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 Shvat 25, 5763
Israel Time: 22:41  (GMT+2)
Back Home

Cartoon in UK paper draws Israeli protest

By Sharon Sadeh

LONDON - The Israeli Embassy in London has sent a strongly worded letter
of protest to The Independent, following an editorial cartoon yesterday by
Dave Brown, depicting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon biting the flesh of a
Palestinian baby.

In the cartoon, Sharon says: What's wrong? Have you never seen a
politician kissing a baby? The background shows Apache attack helicopters
sending missiles from the cockpit with the message Vote Likud.

In her letter, Shuli Davidovich, the embassy's press secretary, writes: As
Britain commemorates National Holocaust Day, I am shocked that The
Independent has chosen to evoke an ancient Jewish stereotype which
would not have looked out of place in `Der Sturmer', and which can
unfortunately still be found in many Arabic newspapers.

The blood-thirsty imagery not only misrepresents the real reason for the
IDF's operations in Gaza, but also feeds the hostility toward Israel and the
Jewish people which lies at the very core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

She adds: One must be extremely careful to draw the line between
legitimate criticism, and the anti-Semitism that often parades as such.

A year ago, a furor broke out over a New Statesman cover picture showing
a Magen David sticking into the Union Jack, portraying the effect of the
Jewish lobby in Britain. At the time, the magazine apologized.
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] OT: Gone Postal After Too Many Love Stamps

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Woman is made to walk naked before co-workers


Karen Farkas
Plain Dealer Reporter

Akron- A U.S. Postal Service manager was forced to disrobe and walk naked
in front of about a dozen employees yesterday morning by a colleague who
threatened to kill her unless she complied.

Lonnie Wilson, 60, who planned to retire on Friday, is in Summit County
Jail, charged with kidnapping, aggravated menacing and gross sexual

We have no idea what led to this, Terrence Sullivan, a postal inspector
from Cleveland, said. They didn't work together, and we can't understand
why this occurred.

Wilson, of Canton, was a revenue assurance specialist. He worked in a
section of offices adjoining a Postal Service encoding facility, where
workers type in codes for the destination of handwritten letters that
cannot be read by automated machines, Sullivan said.

Wilson had worked for the Postal Service for 24 years and had no prior

The 43-year-old Akron woman worked in the same office area, in
marketing, but normally did not interact with him. Sullivan did not know
how long she had worked there.

At 8:30 a.m. yesterday, Wilson approached the woman, became angry and
said he was going to kill her if she didn't do what he said, according to
police reports. He ordered her to disrobe and forced her to walk in front
of employees. He also hugged her and told her to kiss him, the report said.

Sullivan said Wilson, at 6 feet 5 and 235 pounds, can be physically
intimidating. He did not have a weapon, but employees were scared.

As Wilson left the building, police were arriving. He drove away slowly,
followed by police, and was stopped a short distance from the Exeter
Avenue building. He is scheduled to be arraigned today in Akron Municipal

Sullivan said Wilson will be placed on administrative leave. The locks to the
building have been changed, and he has no access to computers.

Counselors will be available to talk to the woman and the employees.

We are very concerned about the victim, Sullivan said. She was not
physically harmed, but emotionally she had a very rough day, the first of
some rough days.

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:

[EMAIL PROTECTED], 1-800-628-6689

© 2003 The Plain Dealer. Used with permission.
Copyright 2003 cleveland.com. All Rights Reserved.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] Leaky Faucets

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

''Who leaked Iraq's arms declaration?''
Printed on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 @ 00:01:13 EST   ( )
By Firas Al-Atraqchi

YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (Canada)

(YellowTimes.org) – In recent weeks, much has been made of the Iraqi
weapons declaration, which Iraqi officials have claimed is final and

The world will never really know because the report was seized en route
to the United Nations Security Council from Cyprus by U.S. officials who
claimed that the declaration contained vital information and military
technology secrets that could not be distributed to the rest of the non-
permanent members of the Security Council. And definitely not to the rest
of the world, who would love to see how Iraq's weapons procurement
program had gotten so advanced, so discreetly.

During the weekend preceding the handing over of the declaration, the
U.N. Security Council had decided that the report would be distributed
simultaneously to the permanent members, followed by the non-permanent
members. (France, China, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. are the permanent

However, in an about face, the Security Council later decided (was it a
decision or a unilateral decree?) that the U.S. would effectively receive
the report first and foremost.

This was an extremely suspicious affair since it is the U.S. that is leading
the call to wage war against Iraq, much to the disillusionment and chagrin
of the rest of the Security Council.

Since December 11, when the declaration was handed over to UNMOVIC,
little has been made of the declaration except to be lambasted by U.S.
officials as incomplete and in clear material breach. UNMOVIC head Hans
Blix has said that some issues remained unresolved and that he would press
the Iraqis to answer some questions. This has since happened as of
January 19, 2003, when Blix and IAEA head Mohammad Al-Baradei visited
Iraq and obtained some answers (and documents) to their queries.

Prior to December 12, the deadline for the Iraqi declaration, mainstream
media, at the behest of the Bush administration, taunted the date as a
fulcrum for going to war. That date has since passed. Why then has there
been no war?

Mainstream media quickly jumped in and reported that White House
officials, although dismayed by the lack of information and citing it as a
material breach, would give Iraq another final chance.

Some media analysts dared to challenge this change in the U.S. position,
but, within a few days, the focus shifted to such entertaining stories as
how the White House was preparing for Christmas and the Trent Lott
alleged racism fiasco.

In Europe, however, where media is a lot more risqué and intrusive,
another theory surfaced.

Die Tageszeitung, one of Germany's leading alternative newspapers, claimed
it had secretly obtained vital information contained within the Iraqi
declaration. The information consisted of a list of nations who had
discreetly equipped, supported, and engaged in aiding Iraq's weapons
procurement program. The list included 24 leading and highly successful
American companies which were directly involved in arming Iraq during the
1970s leading up to the eve of the 1991 Gulf War. The list also includes
some 80 German companies as well as others from the U.K., Russia, China,
France, Sweden, and Belgium.

Ironically, the list highlights the level of cooperation between the U.N.'s
permanent members of the Security Council, most notably the U.S., with
Iraq. It would be naïve to believe that many of these countries acted
without explicit U.S. support.

The Iraqi declaration was eventually edited and abridged to 3,000 pages,
much to the shock and abjection of the non-permanent members of the
Security Council.

The reasons are clear: Should the American public demand to know why
such companies as IBM, DuPont, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard and Eastman
Kodak armed and supplied Iraq with vital chemical, biological, and nuclear
weapons related information, the entire state of the U.S. economy would
undergo massive upheaval.

The U.S. economy is already reeling from widespread layoffs, the Enron
and WorldCom scandals, and the weakening of the NASDAQ. A quick look at
the contributors list reveals that many of the aforementioned companies
are prominent, and indeed, sustaining the vitality of the NASDAQ.

The U.S. economy could not handle such a blow. Neither could the White
House, which has tried to stave off numerous rumors of duplicity in the
Enron (and Halliburton, among others) scandals.

Furthermore, an increasing number of U.S. Gulf War veterans are
demanding an investigation into mysterious illnesses they have contracted
since their return from Iraq. Stories of exploding chemical munitions
storage facilities in Khamisiyah (southern Iraq), in the sight of unprotected
U.S. army divisions, have surfaced in mainstream media in recent months.

A 1997 CIA White Paper, titled Khamisiyah: A 

[CTRL] Chickenhawk Bush on dodgy ground

2003-01-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
"Bush himself managed to stay home during Vietnam by getting a coveted slot with the Texas National Guard, only to go awol after completing his training as a fighter pilot, effectively making him a deserter."


Chickenhawk Bush on dodgy ground 
Those who served and suffered find strange bedfellows in Iraq protest, writes AARON HICKLIN AMERICANS have a word for men like George W Bush and Dick Cheney.In the parlance of Vietnam veterans Mr Bush and his vice-president are "chickenhawks", men who dodged the draft and now cheerfully dispatch young Americans to war. Not without irony they note that the most hawkish and bellicose government in living memory is filled with men who never saw battle themselves. Of the senior members of the US administration, Colin Powell, the secretary of state, is the single exception. For many military men and women in America, the discrepancy has become a rallying call all the more potent because those who avoided the draft were invariably the sons of the wealthy and well-connected. Bush himself managed to stay home during Vietnam by getting a coveted slot with the Texas National Guard, only to go awol after completing his training as a fighter pilot, effectively making him a deserter.This is just one of the reasons why an impending war on Iraq is creating strange bedfellows, and why staunch anti-war activists, such as Todd Gitlin, a professor of journalism and sociology, find themselves in the same camp as a Gulf war hero like "Stormin" Norman Schwarzkopf. Across the country, a belated anti-war movement is finally finding its voice and feet.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Weedy Garden

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Embattled Bush now faces trouble on many fronts

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

28 January 2003

George W Bush is in trouble. This is not wishful thinking by Europeans who
cannot abide a man they see as a trigger-happy, unilateralist half-wit. It is
an assessment of the 43rd President's standing at home, on the day he
delivers what is surely one of the most important State of the Union
messages in modern times.

Ten weeks ago, Mr Bush's prestige was at its height – higher in many
respects even than in the aftermath of 11 September. His personal
campaigning had made the difference in securing Republican control of
Congress at November's mid-term elections. Cowed by fear of his
popularity, Democrats in the Senate and the House helped grant him a
virtual carte blanche in dealing with Iraq.

Today cracks have appeared in the façade. Not gaping cracks to be sure,
but ones that if not swiftly repaired could yet bring down the Bush
edifice. They are visible in tumbling consumer confidence, the Trent Lott
affair which tarred the Republicans' image on race, the growing unease at
the prospect of war in the Gulf – and in the polls.

Few ruling politicians would admit to allowing polls to influence their
pursuit of the national good. But this White House – the most efficient and
secretive in recent memory – pays as much attention to them as its
predecessors. The indications are not good.

Mr Bush's approval ratings have slipped to the mid-50s – respectable
enough for a President in normal times halfway through his term. But they
have dipped 10 per cent since the mid-terms, bringing his popularity back
to levels before the 2001 terrorist attacks.

A majority of Americans disapprove of his handling of the US economy, the
bread and butter issue that over the longer term will eclipse even Iraq as a
priority for voters. More than 1.5 million jobs have been lost on this Bush's

On Iraq, American public opinion is increasingly resembling that of the
despised wimps in old Europe. Seven out of 10 believe that United
Nations inspectors should be given months or more to complete their
work. The country, according to one finding yesterday, is split down the
middle when asked whether it trusts the President or the UN to make the
right decisions on Iraq. Though 60 per cent broadly support military action
against Iraq, Newsweek found, that backing plummets if the US were to act
alone, or with the backing of just one or two allies, for example Britain.

This is the mood Mr Bush must turn around in his address to the Senate,
House and other dignitaries. Hans Blix's report to the Council yesterday
that Baghdad was not co-operating on the substance of the demands of
resolution 1441 may help him. But he has to make the case that Saddam
Hussein poses a real and immediate threat, and spell out America's
responsibilities post-Saddam: not least the cost of reconstruction, much of
which will be borne by Washington, probably for years.

There will be no declaration of war tonight, the White House assures, nor
a specific date for Iraqi compliance. But nor is there likely to be the
detailed proof of banned Iraqi weapons programmes that opinion, at home
as well as abroad, demand.

Iraq is not the only battleground. Mr Bush must defend his $670bn (£410bn)
economic stimulus package, centred on the abolition of taxes on
dividends. No amount of White House spin can hide the fact the package is
heavily tilted towards the rich. If small-government, tax-hating
Conservatives love the proposals, the country is unconvinced.

Sensing Mr Bush's vulnerability, Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi, the
Democratic minority leaders in Senate and House respectively, yesterday
made a new pitch for their party's quick-acting $130bn package, explicitly
targeted at the less well off.

Mr Bush's problem is that he is trying to achieve two goals which are
irreconcilable: to unite a sceptical country behind him in launching an
unprovoked war, and pursue nakedly partisan domestic policies – not just
over the economy. Mr Bush wants to further privatise health care, one day
even social security. He seems oblivious to the collapse of US public
finances – from a federal surplus of $250bn two years ago to a similar
deficit this year.

You've got to tend the garden, Colin Powell said recently, referring to
America's dealings with its allies. He was quoting a dictum of George Shultz,
Ronald Reagan's secretary of state. Mr Bush has not done that. He is
paying the price in the charges of arrogance and the personal dislike he
inspires abroad.

But he has also failed to tend the garden at home. The Democrats feel
they've been taken for a ride. Having given the President their backing
over Iraq, runs their version, they saw Mr Bush throw it back in their faces
– using the national security issue to beat his opponents, implying that any
Democrat who questioned his policy was unpatriotic.


[CTRL] The Under-reported Ethnic Cleansing Goes On ... and On ... and ...

2003-01-28 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

News |  Sport | Argument | Education | Money | Travel | Enjoyment

Home   News   Europe
Gypsy women 'forced into sterilisation'

Slovakian women say they are being operated on against their will.

By Julian O'Halloran

26 January 2003

Roma, or Gypsy, women in Slovakia claim they are being subjected to
forced sterilisation, according to a new report to be launched in Brussels
this week. Research by human rights organisations has found evidence
strongly suggesting that many hundreds of Roma women could have been
sterilised against their will.

While sterilisation was used in both the Nazi and Communist eras to curb
the Roma population in Europe, there will be deep concern among MPs
and MEPs that such practices are continuing in the 21st century,
especially in a country that is one of Britain's putative European partners.

EU officials have for some time been reporting that Slovakia respects
human rights. But, while expressing concerns about the treatment of up
to half a million Roma, monitors seem to have been unaware of the scale of
the alleged medical crimes against Roma women. Slovak, Czech and US
researchers behind the report believe that some medical staff have taken
their own measures to limit Roma population growth, while the authorities
turn a blind eye.

In a freezing one-room wooden shack in the Roma settlement of Richnova
in eastern Slovakia, I met Renata Horthovathova, a 32- year-old mother who
went into her local hospital in April last year to have twins by Caesarean
section. After the successful operation, Renata and her husband Josef
were ecstatic about their new babies. They already had one child and had
always wanted more.

But five days after the operation, as she packed to go home, she was told
by a doctor she must sign a form before leaving. I told him that a woman
leaving hospital doesn't need to sign a form, Renata recalls. But he told
me that I must sign because I had been sterilised, and I would not be
having any more children. I was shocked. Then I got angry. I asked him how
he dare do something like that when I hadn't even asked for it.

She showed me her hospital discharge form, which my translator confirmed
contained the medical phrase for sterilisation.

In the same settlement, a 19-year-old mother alleged she too had been
sterilised without her consent during a Caesarean operation two years
ago. Ingrid Ginova looks little more than a child herself, but her child-
bearing life is already over. She says she only learned of the sterilisation
five days after it had happened, when complications set in and she was
transferred to hospital in Kosice. A doctor checked me. He told me that
my tubes were tied, that I was sterilised and I would have no more

Ingrid and Renata were among 230 women who gave testimony to a team of
eight lawyers and researchers visiting 40 Roma settlements in Slovakia last
summer. The team's co-ordinator, Christina Zampas, of the Centre for
Reproductive Rights based in New York, says that 110 of the mothers
interviewed said they had been sterilised without consent, or without full
consent. We met women who, while they were on the operating table,
were told to sign a consent form, said Ms Zampas. The testimony we
found was disturbingly consistent. It's appalling that this is happening in
Europe in 2003.

At Krompachy hospital, where Ingrid and Renata had their Caesareans, the
head of the baby unit denied the allegations. Dr Jan Kralik insisted that no
women had had their tubes tied against their will since he had become
head of obstetrics in 1996. But he said he feared a Roma population
explosion. When I raised the cases of the two women, he said: It probably
happened at another place.

The human rights team obtained power of attorney from some of the
women to view their medical records. But most hospitals refused access.
Ms Zampas said: The authorities must hand over these records. If they do
not ... it's a clear indication they have something to hide. Because of the
severity of these human rights violations Slovakia needs to address these
issues. If it decides not to, international bodies will.

Human rights groups are now preparing a number of court cases, and warn
that if they fail in Slovakia's courts they will take them to the European
Court of Human Rights.

When suspicions of forced sterilisation were aireda year ago, the
government in Bratislava shrugged them off and demanded firm evidence.
Now, with the evidence and with all eyes on entry to the EU, they may
have a much bigger problem on their hands.

Julian O'Halloran's report will be on 'The World Tonight', Radio 4, at 10pm
on Tuesday

Also in Europe

Zimbabwe sanctions face collapse after EU rift
UN seeks flag and anthem for Cyprus
UK in sanctions deal over Mugabe visit
Belgian coast faces oil disaster from sunken cargo ship
Gypsy women 'forced into sterilisation'

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[CTRL] Fw: SB165:Saddam should be on trial in The Hague next to Slobodan Milosevic (says a US spy Richard Butler) (fwd)

2003-01-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:22:16 +1300
 From: nebojsa 
 Subject: Saddam should be on trial in The Hague next to Slobodan Milosevic
 (says a US spy Richard Butler)

 Saddam should be on trial: Butler


 FORMER UN weapons inspector Richard Butler has called on the international
community to strive for an alternative method to war in deposing Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein.

 Mr Butler today suggested similar action to that under way against former
Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, who is on trial for crimes against
humanity before the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
 In a more ideal world Saddam should be on trial in The Hague next to
Slobodan Milosevic for crimes against humanity, Mr Butler told the ABC.

 It's an established fact that his actions have led to the death of a
million people.

 Why isn't the world community saying you have to yield this man for

 Mr Butler praised the efforts of UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix, who
today told the UN Security Council Iraq had not accepted international
demands to disarm.

 Dr Blix, the head of the UN disarmament agency, said there were signs Iraq
still had anthrax stocks, and dismissed a 12,000-page declaration made by
Baghdad to the United Nations on its weapons programs.

 Mr Butler said the Iraqi leadership had persisted with denial in
principle and then deception in practice when it came to UN inspection and

 What Hans Blix has said is that Iraq has been reasonably cooperative on
the surface but he complained sharply about their failure to come forward
with the material that will fill the gap in their declaration, he said.

 And I agree with him, I think that's a matter of deep concern.

 I think it just leaps off the page that Iraq has still not yet taken that
central government decision that they need to take which says `yes, we'll
give over those weapons, we'll give them across'.


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[CTRL] Bush ratings on AOL - Rate President Bush on Iraq: 47% · Poor

2003-01-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
AOL poll 1/28/03

Rate President Bush on Iraq:

47% · Poor  253,503 
39% · Good  207,170 
14% · Fair  75,216  
Total votes: 535,889

Rate Bush on the war on terror:

44% · Good  235,004 
31% · Poor  164,764 
25% · Fair  135,907 
Total votes: 535,675

Rate Bush on the economy:

52% · Poor  279,713 
27% · Good  141,997 
21% · Fair  111,417 
Total votes: 533,127

Rate Bush overall:

44% · Poor  237,322 
38% · Good  203,644 
18% · Fair  93,699  
Total votes: 534,665

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. 
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[CTRL] info. needed

2003-01-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

I am looking for any information not easily found on the web about the Order of St. John. Please send any info. offlist to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Thanks
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Pandora's Box

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Pandora's Box
by Alex Christopher

Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of "Pandora's Box", found the will of one A.A. Springsin an old will book dated around 1840. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret it disclosed. But the fact is that wills, even though classified as public records the same as property and corporation records, are rarely combed through as he was doing. These documents can hold dark secrets hidden from public view and never uncovered because few research these old records.

Thus secrets are hidden in public view so that when accused of concealing the records, bureaucracy can reply "It was on public record in plan view for any and all to find."

The will of the late A.A. Springs lists his property and to whom the beneficiaries who included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and left to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state of Alabama which is now known as Huntsville, Alabama. At first Mr. Christopher and his colleagues could not believe what their eyes, because the name of his son was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN"!

This new information added to what they had already learned about the Springs, whose real name was Springstein, was one more twist to this already enigmatic family. This unexpected knowledge about Lincoln set their hearts on fire to see what further secrets this new lead might disclose. Because everything they had so far found in the railroad and banking saga had been really mind-opening, they figured this one would be the same. So they investigated the local archives and historical records on families and found a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in a published genealogy of a Carolina family by the name of McAdden. This genealogy was a limited edition of the type once found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln resembled the following form of words:

"In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of McAdden was visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. During her stay in the Carolina's, she visited many neighboring families she had known for many years; one such was the Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real or fabricated from the area of conception which was Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Springs were of the race that called themselves "Jewish", Lincoln was part Jewish and as part of the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by blood." 

The following data was derived from information that exists in the Smithsonian Institute, National Archives, the Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults across the United States and Europe: "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the then President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln but he non-verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe done to so enrage and upset the royal European personage? 

It seems that promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days and the German King Leopold had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her life. 

In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual liaisons that produced twin daughters named Ella and Emily in 1856. The regal German father who was so royally upset with ol' honest Abe probably had full knowledge of the true blood line of Lincoln. Abraham's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865. 

Lincoln's wife Mary Todd was into the occult. Abraham Lincoln was a Rosicrucian and a member of the Order of the Lily's Council of Three along with Paschal Beverly Randolph and General Ethan 

[CTRL] Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine, Massive Cover-Up

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine, Massive Cover-Up
By Mike James: January 28 2003

A child-sex scandal that threatened to destroy Tony Blair's government last week has been mysteriously squashed and wiped off the front pages of British newspapers. Operation Ore, the United Kingdom's most thorough and comprehensive police investigation of crimes against children, seems to have uncovered more than is politically acceptable at the highest reaches of the British elite.  

In the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally reported that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for paedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography:

"The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the politician's name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person.

There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is among the suspects. The intelligence officer said that a 'rolling' Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if 
arrests occur."

The allegations are the most serious yet levelled at an administration that prides itself on the inclusion in its ranks of a high quota of 
controversial and flamboyant homosexual men, and whose First Lady, Cherie Blair, has come under the spotlight for her indulgence in pagan rituals that resemble Freemasonic rites. Unconfirmed information also suggests that the term "former Labour Cabinet minister" is misleading and that the investigation has identified a surprisingly large number of alleged paedophiles at the highest level of British government, including one very senior cabinet minister (known to Propaganda Matrix.com).

The Blair government has responded by imposing a comprehensive blackout on the story, effectively removing it from the domain of public 
discussion. Attempts on the part of this journalist to establish why the British media has not followed up on the revelations have met with a wall of silence. Editors and journalists of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Mirror, The Sun, the BBC, Independent Television News and even The Sunday Herald have refused to discuss the matter.

Speaking from London, freelance journalist Bob Kearley told me: "Whether or not a D-Notice has been issued is not clear. But based on some of the feedback I've been getting it's apparent that editors and media owners have voluntarily agreed not to cover the story at this time. Operation Ore is still being reported, but not in regard to government ministers, and it's taking up very few column inches on the third or fourth page. Don't forget that the intelligence services are involved here, and Blair is anxious to ensure that the scandal does not rock the boat at a time when the country is about to go to war." 

"You can imagine the effect this would have on the morale of troops who are about to commit in Iraq. In fact morale is reportedly quite low 
anyway, with service personnel throwing their vaccines into the sea en route to the battlefront and knowing how unpopular the war is with the British people. And a lot of squaddies I've met think there's something weird going on between Bush and Blair. If you're then told that the 
executive responsible for the conduct of the war is staffed by child-molesters ... well, then Saddam suddenly looks like the sort of bloke with 
whom you can share a few tins [beer]."

[In an E mail to Paul Joseph Watson, Mike James identified his sources as "people I knew in London who used to work for the Treasury department throughout the 1980s, one being a private secretary at a senior levelmy sources will definitely refuse to support my claims - both are doing extremely well financially and career-wise."]   

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2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

by David Allen Rivera

The CFR's "1980's Project," evolved from a Council Study Group on International Order, which had met from 1971-73. They sought to duplicate the success they had achieved with the War  Peace Studies, and their concentration was to be on creating a new political and economic system that would have global emphasis. Miriam Camps, former Vice-Chairperson of the State Department's Policy Planning Council, recorded the group's discussion in a report called "The Management of Independence," which called for "the kind of international system which we should be seeking to nudge things."...

In the fall of 1973, the 1980's Project was initiated, and to accommodate it, the CFR staff was expanded, and additional funds raised, including $1.3 million in grants from the Ford, Lilly, Mellon and Rockefeller Foundations. The Coordinating Committee had 14 men, with a full-time staff; plus 12 groups, each with 20 members; in addition to other experts and advisors who acted as consultants to the project. Some of the reports produced: "Reducing Global Inequities," "Sharing Global Resources," and "Enhancing Global Human Rights."

Stanley Hoffman, a chief participant of the Project, wrote a book in 1978, called Primacy or World Order, which he said was an "illegitimate offspring" of the Project. Basically, it was a summary of the Project's work, and concluded that the best chance for foreign policy success, was to adopt a "world order policy." 

When Jimmy Carter was elected to the Presidency in 1976, some of the Project's strongest supporters, such as Cyrus Vance, Michael Blumenthal, Marshall Shulman, and Paul Warnke, went to the White House to serve in the new Administration. 

In 1979, the Project was discontinued for being too unrealistic, which meant it was too soon for that kind of talk. 

The CFR headquarters and library is located in the five-story Howard Pratt mansion (a gift from Pratt's widow, who was an heir to the Standard Oil fortune), 58 E. 68th Street, in New York City (on the corner of Park Ave. and 68th Street, 212-734-0400  212-861-1789 FX), on the opposite corner of the Soviet Embassy to the United Nations. They are a semi-secret organization whose 1966 Annual Report stated that members who do not adhere to its strict secrecy, can be dropped from their membership. On the national level, the Business Advisory Council and the Pilgrim Society are groups which form the inner circle of the CFR, while on the international level, it's the Bilderbergers. 

James P. Warburg (banker, economist, a member of FDR's braintrust, and son of Paul M. Warburg) of the CFR, told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950: "We shall have world government whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent." 

The Chicago Tribune printed an editorial on December 9, 1950: "The members of the Council are persons of much more than average influence in the community. They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position, and their education have given them to lead their country towards bankruptcy and military debacle. They should look at their hands. There is blood on them - the dried blood of the last war and the fresh blood of the present one." 

They have only been investigated once, and that was in 1954, by the Special House Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations (the Reece Committee), who said that the CFR was "in essence an agency of the United States Government." The Committee discovered that their directives were aimed "overwhelmingly at promoting the globalistic concept." 

On December 23, 1961, columnist Edith Kermit Roosevelt (granddaughter of President Theodore Roosevelt) wrote in the Indianapolis News that CFR policies "favor...gradual surrender of United States sovereignty to the United Nations." Researcher Dan Smoot, a former FBI employee, said their goal was "to create a one- world socialist system and make the United States an official part of it." 

Rep. John R. Rarick of Louisiana said: "The CFR, dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education and mass communication-media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation's right-to-know machinery, the news media, usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses 

[CTRL] The Holocaust as Mental Paradigm

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Holocaust as Mental Paradigm
Why the Jews Didn't Resist
By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

"My flock has become a prey...because there was no shepherd, nor did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves..." Ezekiel 34:8

Israel's most potent psychological weapon is the holocaust. The Zionist battle cry is "Never again!" 

In a previous article, I suggested that the real motivation behind traumatic events like Hiroshima and Sept. 11 might be to impose a new mental paradigm upon humanity. Zionists and their globalist sponsors may have contributed to the severity of the holocaust for the same reason. http://www.savethemales.ca/060103.html

Because of the holocaust, the world became convinced that Jews needed their own country. The Palestinians were identified (in many minds) with the Nazis, and the Israelis were given moral sanction to drive them from their homes and subjugate them. Criticism of Israel is often equated with Nazi anti Semitism. 

As a psychological weapon, the holocaust also serves an array of new world order causes. 

The world is divided into heroic victims (Jews) and haters (Nazis). The "victims", who are championed by Rockefeller liberals, include oppressed women, homosexuals, and the minority flavor-of-the-day. The "haters" are the intolerant people who defend the things the globalists want to destroy: nuclear family, religion, democracy, individualism and nationhood. The haters are "right-wingers" for whom the tolerant liberals have "zero tolerance." 

It is not my intention to mitigate Nazi responsibility for the Jewish holocaust but to scrutinize its use by Zionists and globalists as a psychological weapon. Before I continue, I had better declare myself.

I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love. My grandparents all died in the holocaust; my parents narrowly survived by passing as non-Jews. I lived in Israel in 1972-3 but left because Israelis seemed as materialistic as Canadians. Israel also struck me as a country that devoured its own people. 

Nevertheless I remained a Zionist until recently when I discovered its hidden imperialist character. Still, I support Israel's existence within the 1967 boundaries, with restitution to the Palestinians. I believe most Israelis and Jews have been hoodwinked as I was.


The definitive history of the Holocaust is "The Destruction of the European Jews" by Rolf Hilberg, a Jewish professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont. Hilberg's three-volume work is largely based on meticulous Nazis documentation. 

Hilberg could barely get his book published because he documented the extent to which the Nazis depended on the Jewish Councils ("Judenrat") to administer the final solution, and the lack of any real Jewish resistance. He estimated that fewer than 200 Nazis died due to Jewish resistance. 

Why the negative reaction? Hilberg concluded that the mythology of the holocaust requires that the victims appear to be heroic, and to be engaged in a struggle, however unequal. In fact, the Jews went to their death like lambs to the slaughter. (Hilberg, The Politics of Memory p.135) 

In the 1960's the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt was slandered and ostracized when she concluded from Hilberg that "almost without exception" the Jewish leadership cooperated with the Nazis. 

In her book, "Eichmann in Jerusalem" she wrote, "In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the list of persons, and of their property, to secure money from the deportees to defray the expenses of their deportation and extermination, to keep track of vacated apartments, to supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation. They distributed the Yellow Star badges [and sometimes sold] cloth and fancy plastic armbands which were washable." (p.117) http://www.aldeilis.net/zion/zionhol02.html

Had the Jews been totally unorganized and leaderless, Arendt writes, there would have been chaos and misery aplenty but the total number of deaths would have been far less. (p.125) 

The reason Jews went quietly is not a mystery. Jewish leadership betrayed them. Hilberg attributes it partly to an age-old Jewish habit of persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. But a more important factor is that both Jewish world leadership and the Judenrats were dominated by Zionists. http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/ch21.htm

Zionists had a record of cooperation with the Nazis in the 1930's. They had a trade plan by which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to Palestine. Adoph Eichmann helped them set up training camps in Europe and even visited Palestine as their guest. 

Zionists did not believe in the Jewish diaspora and 

[CTRL] Quiz: Answers to the Hawk/Dove Quiz

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Quiz: Answers to the Hawk/Dove Quiz.
To Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Answers to Yesterday’s Quiz

We posted the quiz yesterday, the day the United Nations weapons inspectors made their first report to the United Nations Security Council on their progress to date. Today we post the correct answers, correct at least according to our best sources and analysis. If you got all the answers correct, you are a certified dove. And vice versa. There is, though, some room for quibbling. 

1. Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. True or False. 

False. The U.S. Armed Forces only consider a nuclear weapon a weapon of mass destruction. Iraq has neither nuclear weapons nor chemical or biological weapons, although it may possess some of the ingredients that would enable it to develop a chemical or biological weapon.

2. Saddam Hussein has had weapons of mass destruction in the past. True or False. 

False. Iraq had a program to develop a nuclear weapon and acquired a design for one that would use highly-enriched uranium (HEU), but was unable to produce more than a few grams of HEU when it would take several hundred pounds to make one nuke. 

3. White House officials assert that Iraq has been training terrorists. True or False. 

False. Iraq did support a terrorist network prior to 1983, but in that year the U.S. offered to provide support for Baghdad in its war against Iran on condition that it withdraw support from the network. There is no evidence it has resumed.

4. Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda’s terrorist forces have been operating inside Iraq. True or False.

True. Al Qaeda is known to have operatives inside Iraq, but in Kurdistan, outside the reach of the Baghdad government. 

5. In March 1988, Saddam Hussein committed genocide, killing several thousand Iraqi Kurds at Halabja with poison gas. True or False.

False. According to the CIA, “hundreds” of Iraqi Kurds died at Halabja when caught between the Iraqi and Iranian armies, both of whom used gas. The U.S. government in 1990 concluded the Kurds who died were victims of a cyanide-based gas, which the Iranians possessed, but not the Iraqi army, which used mustard gas. 

6. In August 1988, Saddam Hussein committed genocide, killing 100,000 Iraqi Kurds with machine guns, then burying them in mass graves. True or False.

False. This is an assertion of Human Rights Watch, which originally reported in 1988 that 100,000 Kurds had been killed by poison gas. When U.S. intelligence services uniformly dismissed this as a possibility and that there was no evidence of mass graves in Kurdistan, Human Rights Watch altered its story to say the Kurds were put in trucks, driven south, machine gunned outside of Kurdistan, and buried in mass graves. No such mass graves have been found and the U.S. Army War College says none exist, that the story was a “non-event.” 

7. In June 1990, Saddam Hussein asked permission of the United States to settle his border dispute with Kuwait, with force if diplomacy failed. True or False.

True. Iraq argued that Kuwait was cheating on its OPEC agreement to produce only a certain amount of oil per day, and was driving down the international price of oil. Saddam said his country would be bankrupt unless Kuwait relented and compensated Iraq from what it had stolen from Iraq, by overproducing and by slant-drilling into the Iraqi oilfields on the other side of the Kuwait border. 

8. In 1990, the United States advised Saddam Hussein that his issues with Kuwait were a local matter, and that the U.S. had no diplomatic obligation to defend Kuwait if attacked by Iraq. True or False.

True. The U.S. State Department testified before congressional committees to that effect: at the time Saddam Hussein was weighing his options with Kuwait. 

9. Saddam Hussein personally assured the United States Ambassador to Baghdad that he would take no military action against Kuwait if the emir of Kuwait -- in a meeting scheduled to take place in July 1990 -- agreed to end its “economic warfare”” against Iraq. True or False.

True. The Ambassador, April Glaspie, was assured and left on vacation. The emir of Kuwait decided not to show up at the meeting in Baghdad, with assurances from the Pentagon that it would defend Kuwait without an agreement to do so. Saddam invaded. 

10. After quickly occupying Kuwait, the Iraqi army positioned itself on the border of Saudi Arabia and threatened an invasion. True or False.

False. The U.S. government advised King Fahd that Iraq was poised to invade Saudi Arabia. King Fahd sent scouts to check and they could find no sign of the Iraqi army. But when the Pentagon showed aerial photographs of the army, King Fahd agreed to join the coalition. Commercial aerial photographs of the region subsequently showed no signs of any Iraqi army movement at the border area. The details are still Pentagon 

Re: [CTRL] The Taxil Hoax

2003-01-28 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

The Pike, Lucifer, Taxil thing 
has been a known hoax for decades but Catholic clerico-fascists andXtian 
Fundi's ever eager to demonise, just don't care about the 


- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, 
January 19, 2003 12:23 PMSubject: [CTRL] The Taxil Hoax 
-Caveat Lector- http://www.indianamasons.org/imosanctum/pike/taxil.html#5  The Taxil Hoax by Bro. Eric Schmitz, 
P.M. "On July 14, 1889, Albert Pike, Sovereign Pontiff of 
UniversalFreemasonry, addressed to the 23 Supreme Confederated 
Councils of the world, thefollowing instructions: 
"That which we must say to the world is – We worship a God, but it is 
theGod that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand 
Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren 
of the 32 nd, 31 st , and 30 th degrees – The Masonic Religion 
should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the 
purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. Yes, Lucifer is God, and the true and 
pure philosophicalreligion is the belief in 
Lucifer." Thus was instigated what would come to be the most 
sensational, the most widely abused, and the most tenacious of all 
hoaxes ever perpetratedagainst the institution of Freemasonry. The 
words I just quoted were attributed to Albert Pike, a prominent 
Freemason of the late 19 th century, by one Leo Taxil, and are commonly 
known as the "Taxil Hoax" – although manyFreemasons have come to 
refer to this hoax as "the lie that would not die." Indeed,as Mark 
Twain once said, "One of the striking differences between a cat and a 
lie is that a cat only has NINE lives." Albert Pike, who lived 
from 1809 to 1891, was the Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted 
Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 until the end of his 
life. Many Freemasons consider him to be a Masonic genius,but he has 
not managed to avoid a certain degree of controversy. Pike wrote a book 
called Morals and Dogma, in which he quoted many religious and 
philosophical teachers’ works, on the theory that unless one knows the 
history of a concept, one cannot understand the concept itself.1 This 
book tends to be the focus of most of the controversy surrounding 
Pike.However, the real furor did not get fully underway until three 
years after hisdeath, upon the 1894 re-publication of a work by a 
certain Leo Taxil, whosealleged purpose was to reveal a highly 
secret Masonic order called the"Palladium," which he claimed 
"practiced devil worship, murder, and other brutalitiesof an erotic 
nature."2 Born Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pages, Leo Taxil was a 
fervent anti-Papist, libertine, and pornographer. He was a member of a 
Masonic Lodge for ashort time, but was expelled from the fraternity, 
possibly due to his reputationas an extremely Anti-Catholic writer. 
It may have been his expulsion which turned him into an anti-Mason as 
well, but it is also possible that hejoined the order merely to 
acquire fuel for an already existing hostility to the Craft. At any 
rate, Taxil’s publication of Pike’s "Luciferian Doctrine" marked the 
beginning of an ongoing chapter in Masonic defamation that persists even 
to this very day. Why did Taxil pick Albert Pike as the target 
of his venomous prank?Possibly because Pike did make some mention of 
the name "Lucifer" in his own works.It is a little known fact that 
the name "Lucifer" is, in some sense, a hoaxin and of itself. The 
name made its first biblical appearance in the KingJames Bible, in 
the book of Isaiah (14:12), where we read, "How art thou fallen from 
heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" One problem here is that the 
name "Lucifer" is actually Latin, a language that did not exist at 
thetime the Hebrew manuscript of Isaiah was written. In fact, the 
context of this chapter of Isaiah is an account of a fallen Babylonian 
king, not a fallen angel, and the in the original Hebrew, the name used 
is "Helal, benShahar," or "Day star, son of the Dawn." The day star, 
or morning star, is Venus, which appears in the morning just before 
sunrise. Hence, "lucem ferre," or "bringer of light," becomes the name 
"Lucifer," and a fallen king becomesa fallen angel. Ironically, 
Christ is often identified as the "morningstar," and in fact 
referred to Himself as such, as we read in Revelation 22:16. 3 
Pike may well have known all this, or at least suspected it. His 
writing, when properly inflected, clearly indicates his shock and 
surprise at theidea of such a name being applied to the fallen angel 
and ruler of hell. He writes, "Lucifer, the light-bearer! Strange and 
mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of 
the Morning! Is it HE whobears the Light, and with its intolerable 
light blinds feeble, sensual orselfish souls?" Pike is clearly upset 
by the attribution, referring at one pointto the "false Lucifer of 
the legend."4 Now, I have mentioned before that 

[CTRL] Take a Neocon Litmus Test

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Take a Neocon Litmus Test
by Gary North

In the Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal (December 30, 2002), there appeared an article, "What the Heck Is a Neocon?" It was written by (I am not making this up) Max Boot. This is unquestionably the most unfortunate name in the history of the conservative movement. 

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever." 
~ George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"How much boot?" "Max!" You can see the man's problem.

Mr. Boot insists that the word "conservatism" applies to whatever Pat Buchanan isn't and whatever Charles Coughlin wasn't. (Coughlin was an anti-Semitic radio preacher in the 1930's, a defender of fiat money – "greenbackism.")

Boot is very upset that he gets tagged with the identification, "neoconservative." Anyway, he says he is. That's his official reason for writing his article. I say, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. But why not take him at his word? He writes: "There's no 'neo' in my conservatism."

So why do I, and others of my ilk, get tagged as "neocons"? Some of the labelers have obvious ulterior motives. Patrick Buchanan, for one, claims that his views represent the true faith of the American right. He wants to drive the neocon infidels from the temple (or, more accurately, from the church). Unfortunately for Mr. Buchanan, his version of conservatism – nativist, protectionist, isolationist – attracts few followers, as evidenced by his poor showings in Republican presidential primaries and the scant influence of his inaptly named magazine, the American Conservative. Buchananism isn't American conservatism as we understand it today. It's paleoconservatism, a poisonous brew that was last popular when Father Charles Coughlin, not Rush Limbaugh, was the leading conservative broadcaster in America. 

Mr. Boot says he grew up in the 1980's, "when conservatism was cool." He should have been there when it wasn't cool. He never found solace as well as ammunition by watching or listening to Dan Smoot, who was a strict constructionist of the Constitution, the first conservative to make it into syndicated television in the 1950's and 1960's, though usually on independent local TV channels. He probably has never heard of Smoot, whose book, The Invisible Government, sold a million copies in 1961. He never listened to Rev. James Fifield's broadcasts from the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. He never subscribed to The Freeman when there was almost nothing else like it to subscribe to.

For Mr. Boot and his "ilk," as he calls them, political life began with Reagan, not Taft. For them, economic theory began with Laffer, not Hazlitt. He grew up believing that the government needs to lower marginal tax rates in order to maximize tax revenues. It never occurs to him and his "ilk" that what we need, all over the world, are tax cuts that drastically reduce government revenues.

Another thing: Mr. Boot grew up two decades after the 1965 immigration act. That law launched what may now be an irreversible transformation of the United States. It is working as expected by the Democrats who got it through the House and Senate in 1965. It is creating millions of immigrant voters and their children who vote overwhelmingly for the party that offers the most government money. 
The Southwest is steadily marching into the Democrats' tax-funded hip pocket. This process has only just begun. Differential birth rates will accelerate it. The immigration standards that prevailed before 1965, which the Right and the Left (especially the labor unions) accepted as normal in 1964, are dismissed by Mr. Boot and his "ilk" as "nativist." The dismissal of the past is hardly a conservative mindset. But it is a neoconservative mindset, as I hope to demonstrate. 

But enough on domestic policy (for the moment). Anyway, that's what Mr. Boot recommends.
But it is not really domestic policy that defines neoconservatism. This was a movement founded on foreign policy, and it is still here that neoconservatism carries the greatest meaning, even if its original raison d'être – opposition to communism – has disappeared. Pretty much all conservatives today agree on the need for a strong, vigorous foreign policy. There is no constituency for isolationism on the right, outside the Buchananite fever swamps. The question is how to define our interventionism. 

Let's review briefly the history of the fever swamps. I date America's fever swamps with the Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641), the second written constitution in American history, the first being the very brief Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts laid down the law:
7. No man shall be compelled to goe out of the limits of this plantation upon any offensive warres which this Comonwealth or any of our freinds or confederats 

Re: [CTRL] The Reluctant Anarchist

2003-01-28 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

JUST an IMO,as I'm not a Yanquee; 
but the US government seems to be too powerful in the areas it ought be 
restrained, eg the power of coercion of its citizenry and rather meek when it 
comes tothe restraint of rapacious monopolistic corporatism. Behind their 
public image, the latter appear to be thehidden rulers of 

In part, the government is probably too 
BIG, in the sense of FAT, lethargic and unfit to exercise its proper function. 
This often makes it an easier target for big $$$ which frequently aim to 
diminish governments influence as a genuine moral authorityagainst 
corruption and abuse of power.

Sobran could write more about his own 
churches (Rome) and his co-"Christian" clerico-fascistsrole in 
theirdestructive endeavour toundermine the US Constitution. Without 
them, the present and inevitable rise of the likes of Caesar Bush and his cabal 
would not have been possible. 

Perhaps another of Sobrans "blind" spots. 
Well maybe an article one day ... ???

But I didlike reading the 


- Original Message - 
From: "klewis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 12:18 PM
Subject: [CTRL] The Reluctant Anarchist
 -Caveat Lector- 
 http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/sobran-j1.html  The following story is part of Walter Block's Autobiography 
Archive. (http://www.lewrockwell.com/block/autobiographies.html)  The Reluctant Anarchist by Joseph 
SobranMy arrival (very recently) at 
philosophical anarchism has disturbed some of my conservative and 
Christian friends. In fact, it surprises me, going as it does against my 
own inclinations.  As a child I acquired a deep respect for 
authority and a horror of chaos. In my case the two things were blended 
by the uncertainty of my existence after my parents divorced and I 
bounced from one home to another for several years, often living with 
strangers. A stable authority was something I yearned for. 
 Meanwhile, my public-school education imbued me with the sort 
of patriotism encouraged in all children in those days. I grew up 
feeling that if there was one thing I could trust and rely on, it was 
my government. I knew it was strong and benign, even if I didn't know 
much else about it. The idea that some people - Communists, for example 
- might want to overthrow the government filled me with horror. 
 G.K. Chesterton, with his usual gentle audacity, once criticized 
Rudyard Kipling for his "lack of patriotism." Since Kipling was renowned 
for glorifying the British Empire, this might have seemed one of 
Chesterton's "paradoxes"; but it was no such thing, except in the sense 
that it denied what most readers thought was obvious and 
incontrovertible.  Chesterton, himself a "Little Englander" and 
opponent of empire, explained what was wrong with Kipling's view: "He 
admires England, but he does not love her; for we admire things with 
reasons, but love them without reason. He admires England because she is 
strong, not because she is English." Which implies there would be 
nothing to love her for if she were weak.  Of course 
Chesterton was right. You love your country as you love your mother - 
simply because it is yours, not because of its superiority to others, 
particularly superiority of power.  This seems axiomatic to me 
now, but it startled me when I first read it. After all, I was an 
American, and American patriotism typically expresses itself in 
superlatives. America is the freest, the mightiest, the richest, in 
short the greatest country in the world, with the greatest form of 
government - the most democratic. Maybe the poor Finns or Peruvians love 
their countries too, but heaven knows why - they have so little to be 
proud of, so few "reasons." America is also the most envied country in 
the world. Don't all people secretly wish they were Americans? 
 That was the kind of patriotism instilled in me as a boy, and I 
was quite typical in this respect. It was the patriotism of supremacy. 
For one thing, America had never lost a war - I was even proud that 
America had created the atomic bomb (providentially, it seemed, just in 
time to crush the Japs) - and this is why the Vietnam war was so 
bitterly frustrating. Not the dead, but the defeat! The end of history's 
great winning streak!  As I grew up, my patriotism began 
to take another form, which it took me a long time to realize was in 
tension with the patriotism of power. I became a philosophical 
conservative, with a strong libertarian streak. I believed in 
government, but it had to be "limited" government - confined to a few 
legitimate purposes, such as defense abroad and policing at home. These 
functions, and hardly any others, I accepted, under the influence of 
writers like Ayn Rand and Henry Hazlitt, whose books I read in my 
college years.  Though I disliked Rand's atheism (at the time, I 
was irreligious, but not anti-religious), she had an odd appeal to my 
residual Catholicism. I had read 

Re: [CTRL] Solana, the EU and religion

2003-01-28 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Javier Solana Madariaga isa Roman Catholic Spaniard 
who bears the name of one of the founding members of the Jesuit Society. His 
lack of any moral compulsion is indicative of his eulogy of Jesuittrained 
graduates and thatadage that Jesuitism is best held in contempt for, 
"the end justifies the mean".
There is nothingNew Agey about Solana. He's not out to convert the 
world with baubles, bangles and magic crystals. He likes bigger toys, like 
cluster bombs.
His allegiance is to the Vatican. All the recent and near recent past 
wars in Europe have successfully enlarged the lebensraum of the "Holy Roman 
Empire," once run by the papacy and its obsequious feudal lords. You have lived 
to witness its revival.
That's not to say that papal clericalism does not produce good atheists 
and very bloody atheists. Look at the French Revolution, hundreds of years of 
religious despotism. France, the alleged "eldest daughter of the Holy Roman 
Catholic Church," itsviolent revolution was a clear example of the 
bloody outworking of a papal dominated society.
BTW - I would never quote (below) anything from people like "Hal 
Lindsey,"as reliable. The guy is a complete halfwit and liar and has 
demonstrated time and again to be a substandard interpreter of the times, or to 
use his own Zionist-Xtian gobshyte,he is a FALSE prophet.
- Original 
Message - 

From: "Zuukie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 12:54 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Solana, the EU and religion
 -Caveat Lector- 
 I am sending this piece in plain text because of the size. I hope 
you will cut and paste the sites and follow thru on the material, as 
tedious as it may be. If you do, you will be way ahead of the 
crowd that is waiting for others to tell them what is happening. 
 Why am I sending this? The European Union is growing and may surpass 
the US in power. This can affect the military decisions and 
economic position of the United States. (Read jobs and military 
decisions.) Cooperation with the EU and Solana will cause cultural 
changes which will affect monotheists. The European Union is 
taking a pro-Palestinian stand. (Strange as the coincidence may 
seem, Hitler attempted to destroy the Jews first because they were the 
smallest group.) Javier Solana is the key player in European Union 
activities. There is very definitely a New Age political face to 
this power...growth of a single governmental power, dislike of 
monotheism and the morality it promotes. Sounds like another movement 
that grew in the 20's and '30s. Many who read this would like to 
see monotheistic religion dropped as a determinant of a culture's 
morality. I can only remind them that power corrupts. 
 Constance Cumbey has been following Solana's activities since 
1995. She recently called attention to an important statement by 
Solana.  This is the story on which the email subject line and 
the following two comments are based:  http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/world/story/0,4386,165132,00.html  It should be interesting to see how Solana and company want 
to settle the situation in the Mideast without taking Judaism and Islam 
into account. Probably all will be told you can have your rituals 
and spirituality in public, but keep your own morality in your house, 
behind closed doors if it is in disagreement in any way with what the 
decreed public morality is ordered to be.  1. This 
is a transcript of AM broadcast at 08:00 AEST on local radio. EU says US 
letting religion drive its foreign policy AM - Thursday, January 
9, 2003 8:03 LINDA MOTTRAM: America and its allies continue to prepare 
for a war in Iraq but Europe is attempting to assert its position more 
strongly with the EU's foreign policy chief accusing the US of letting 
religion drive its policy on Iraq and terrorism.  The 
European Union's High Representative on Foreign Policy, Javier Solana, 
made the comments as the German media reported that UN weapons 
inspectors have failed to find proof of US assertions that Iraq has 
resumed production of biological weapons.  Rafael Epstein 
reports.  RAFAEL EPSTEIN: When President George W. Bush 
described Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an axis of evil, it failed to 
impress the continent where such a phrase has historical 
resonance.  EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana says the 
choice of language of the two sides of the Atlantic is 
revealing.  He says the US tendency for its foreign policy to 
swing between going it alone and working with bodies like the UN is a 
tendency that now more than ever is being swung by religion. 
 He says the US is increasingly looking at things in a religious 
context. He told the Financial Times newspaper, the US stance is "all or 
nothing, for us Europeans it's difficult to deal with because we are 
secular. We do not see the world in such black and white terms." 
 That contrasts with his words immediately after the September 11 
attacks when he offered Europe support with a 

Re: [CTRL] Illuminist Freemasonry Rules America (Bloody Nonsense!)

2003-01-28 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

When the devil became 
lessspooky and less fashionable as the traditional fearful Roman Catholic 
effigyportrayed in the West, religionists had to re-invent him in a 
thousand different ways, much as they did their messiah.Masons, like 
other various esoteric groups, became one of the new imps of focused religious 
paranoia as likewise has the US itself, after the break-up of Satan's alleged 
arch lair formerly inhabited by the godless Soviets. In hindsight, 
well-worn and overrated iconoclasts like Anton Lavey and Aleister Crowley et al, 
now seem like mere pawns in the religionists game, for in essence they revived 
in the public mind the idea of the traditional "Satan"imagery 
however unintentional perhaps to their own paradigm such a notion was.I 
could not locate the alleged passage in my copy Ovason's book on p. 219 given in 
the article. My copy is probably from the original title: "The Secret 
Zodiacs Of Washington DC". If someone has the other copy, they may wish to 
check the reference. Having read another of this Fundamentalists sites 
citations from Ovason's book and after actually checking the context of the 
passage, I found it is so wildly exaggerated that you were left wondering how it 
could be so, if not for deliberate obfuscation.People like Ovason do not 
share the interpretations of Cleric Fundamentalists who like to (mis)quote his 
book and the meanings he would attribute to terms such as "occult" which he, 
like many, partly view as a pursuit of esoteric enlightenment outside the 
established societal channels.As far as the alleged Masonic 
symbolism of the US Seal is concerned, I venture to say that the emblem(s) were 
simply widely-known hieroglyphs and art of the Renaissance to Enlightenment 
era,recognizable as much as today's Peace symbol or the Coke logo and with 
not a dissimilarawe attached.
Nothing mysterious or secretive about it apart 
from the fact that it's simplicity, even mundanety has been obscured by the 
paranoidgibberish of popes and their modern clones in the Religious Right 
and their varied earlier puritanical incarnations.

The stigma attached to Free-masonry by 
Vaticanism has deep roots. Clement XII issued his papal bull In Eminenti 
banning Masonry and forbidding lodge membership for Catholics. He declared: 

  "For the sake of the peace and safety of 
  civil governments, and spiritual safety of souls, and to prevent these men 
  from plundering the House like thieves, laying waste the Vineyard like wolves, 
  perverting the minds of the incautious and shooting down innocent people from 
  their hiding places no Catholic was to be a 
Eleven other popes would condemn Freemasonry 
in the most vitriolic language possible. Leo XII lamented the fact that 
Christian princes and heads of state had not fully obeyed the Vatican in 
suppressing Masonry, "as the safety of both Church and State required", 
in the words of one Jesuit writer. 

Pius VIII declared of the Masons that 
"lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful 
deeds their sacrifice". 

Gregory XVI wrote that Masons and kindred 
secret brethren were comparable to a sewer in which, "are congregated and 
intermingled all of the sacrileges, infamy and blasphemy which are contained in 
the most abominable heresies." 

Pius IX, outdoing his papal predecessors, 
condemned Masonry in six separate bulls between 1846 and 1873, 
denouncing "those baneful secret sects who have come forth from the darkness 
for the ruin and devastation of Church and State" 

Catholic Hitler wasdogmatically 
cultivated by Catholic monks and as he and his henchman rose to power they 
signed a political concordat with the Vatican. Itis understandable how 
indoctrinated beliefs coupled with religio-political alliances turned Masons and 
those they aligned with Masons such as Jews, into targets for their 

How oft has been repeated the lie of a pope, 
Pius VIII, "Satan is their God"?

Or as you will find on every conspiracy-driven 
website, the word Satan is replaced by the more intriguing and 
mysterious,"Lucifer" whom Catholic and co-Fundamentalist 
clericsallege is the god of Masons and allege thatthe famous Mason 
Albert Pike claimed as much.

Unfortunately, what they cite 
isaspecious reportby Leo Taxil (real name: Antoine 
Jogand-Pages). Taxil, who publicly confessed in 1897 of his hoax-ster ways, 
sought to defame Freemasonry. 

Hoaxers such as Leo Taxil know that the most 
clever lies are based on an element of truth. The Freemason philosopher Pike, in 
his book Morals and Dogma, did in fact write about Lucifer: 

  "Lucifer, the light-bearer! Strange and 
  mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the 
  Morning! Is it HE who bears the Light, and with its intolerable light blinds 
  feeble, sensual or selfish souls?"
Pike speaks of Lucifer as a bringer of 
Light (a metaphor for Wisdom, Knowledge, Enlightenment), and expresses 

[CTRL] Is Bush Guilty of Mass Murder?

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bin Laden and the CIA
Is Bush Guilty of Mass Murder?

"How can you call George Bush a mass murderer?" a recent email asked. "In order for him to be classified as a mass murderer, he would have to kill all those people you say he's killed with his own hands."

Let us begin by using the logic of government, in particular the government of California when it prosecuted Charles Manson over thirty years ago. Manson did not personally murder Sharon Tate, et al, he ordered his crazed minions to do it. In fact, when the murders occurred, Manson wasn't even at the scene. Yet he was convicted of murder and sentenced to death (a sentence that was never carried out after California repealed in the death penalty in the early 70s).

If we use the above criteria, Bush is a mass murderer.

But then presidents are never prosecuted for murder, let alone convicted. Bush ordered the US military to bomb Afghanistan -- an act resulting in approximately five thousand murders -- supposedly to get bin Laden and his cronies who are believed to have perpetuated the 911 atrocities. Yet bin Laden was not killed or were any of his high-ranking followers. The people who died were mostly peasants and lowly Taliban. Exactly zero percent, far as we know, of these people were responsible for 911.

I will go one better.

Bush didn't kill bin Laden because the Saudi is a CIA asset. Bin Laden was the "Pearl Harbor" the neocons have talked about now for years, well before Bush was elected (excuse me, appointed) to the presidency.

It's common knowledge that bin Laden was funded by the CIA to fight the Soviet occupation troops in Afghanistan. Andrew Evered Allen, a reclusive millionaire and CIA insider, admitted as much in court documents. He also admitted the CIA is attempting to overthrow the government of Myanmar, or Burma.

Overthrowing governments and killing dissidents is what the CIA does.

Mark Zapezauer has written extensively on CIA operations in Afghanistan under the Reagan regime. Reagan and the CIA spent between five and six billion dollars to bankroll and equip the drug trafficking Afghan mujihadeen, the largest and most expensive operation ever conducted by the CIA. As Ahmed Rashid has detailed, between 1982 and 1992 some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 43 Islamic countries trained and fought with the Afghan mujihadeen. Reagan's CIA director, William Casey, orchestrated the recruitment and arming of these vicious anti-Soviet warriors.

One of these warriors was a young Saudi student, Osama bin Laden.

It's not like the CIA to let an asset like that wither on the vine, especially considering the well-documented connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden going back 20 or more years. (Read Michel Chossudovsky's "Who Is Osama Bin Laden?")

As Michael C. Ruppert points out, "Bin Laden's role has not just been as a practitioner of terrorist acts but as a trainer and supplier of terrorist organizations around the world. Included in bin Laden's coterie are terrorist groups linked to the Balkans, Albania, the KLA (a U.S. ally), and rebel groups leading the insurrection against Russia in Chechnya."

In other words, the CIA used the bin Laden network (the media calls it "al-Qaeda," although no such organization really exists) on several occasions. The CIA (and the Bush neocons) will use it again in the future. It's too valuable to eradicate.

Bush and the neocon chicken hawks tapped into this CIA-cultivated network well before 911. The neo-fascist PNAC (Project for the New American Century) organization (a "think tank" founded by the warmongers Robert Kagan and William Kristol) essentially sketched out the Bush worldview and plan of attack for global dominance, which naturally includes plenty of mass murder (no problem for the butcher of Texas, who oversaw the execution of 152 humans while governor).

As Australia's Sunday Herald reported last September, the Bush neocons-in-waiting (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dubya's little bother Jeb, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby) had PNAC contrive a "blueprint for maintaining global U.S. pre-eminence... and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests," an ambitious conspiracy to be carried out by "the cavalry on the new American frontier."

In other words, a diagram for mass murder on a global scale.

Remember: "international security order" is code for making sure US-backed brutal dictators rule over "strategic" places all over the world (places with a lot of valuable natural resources such as oil, diamonds, rainforests, minerals, agriculturally viable land, etc.); "international security order" translates into more torture, genocide, environmental degradation, and looting of water resources, social programs, schools, hospitals, etc., by banks and transnational corporations.

It's US foreign policy on steroids. It's the selfish and anti-social (or 

Re: [CTRL] Sons Of Mau Mau Declare War On Freemasonry

2003-01-28 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Sons Of Mau Mau Declare War On Freemasonry
-Caveat Lector-

Those are both Asian religions.

on 01/29/03 2:58 PM, David Sutherland at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The monotheistic Western religions are Judaism and Christianity.

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

What do you mean we, white man?

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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[CTRL] The ADL and Other Branches - Why Waste Time Hacking?

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The ADL and Other Branches
Why Waste Time Hacking? 

1/28/03 4:30:31 PM

Commentary -- The ADL and Other Branches: Why Waste Time Hacking? by Jim Davidson 


The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith (ADL) is some sort of branch of evil. They don't seem to be at the root of the corrupt tree, but they certainly produce corrupt fruit. 

The ADL came to my attention recently because of a press release they sent around impugning e-gold.com and other digital gold currencies. It is my view that their press release was a lot of nonsense. It claimed that "terrorists" might use e-gold to make transfers and therefore "the government" should be aware. 

Putting that to rest is easy: just Google up the Wired magazine online archive for January 2002 and read Julian Dibbell's excellent, well-researched piece on e-gold. In it, you'll find mention of the practice of e-gold of responding promptly to subpoenas presented at their offices in Florida. Account histories are handed over to government agents, who are invited to partake of coffee and bagels in the conference room. So, the government already knows all about e-gold, and doesn't need the busy-bodies at the ADL to warn them about it. 

As for "terrorists," they also buy and sell cars. Some terrorist might buy a car and finance it through General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) and then sell the car to fund a terror attack. So, does the ADL warn that GMAC might be helping fund terrorists? Of course not. The ADL isn't interested in GMAC or anything else that is already well-established. Their attacks are targeted only at new fangled things, like individual liberty. 

Consider their behavior circa 1947 when the House Unamerican Affairs Committee (HUAC) was busy having a witch hunt for "communists" in Hollywood and other essential defense-related industries. ADL was giving up all the information it could to Congressional committees to identify, or misidentify communist "sympathizers" and anti-government activists. Lives were destroyed, careers were ruined, and the ADL is shameless in its nonchalance. They don't seem to care what results obtained. 

Consider the Anarchist Action Network. They originally got going as the Anarchism Anti-Defamation League. The ADL sent threatening letters trying to get the use of the term "Anti-Defamation League" off the anarchist site. Why? They seem to think they own the words "anti-defamation" and "league" which has got to surprise a bunch of people. 

So, what is the ADL all about? It is in favor of all kinds of hate crime legislation, to add thought police to the tasks government should be handling. It is in favor of governmental funding for museums. It appears to be in favor of a close funding and regulatory relationship between government and schooling. It is opposed to groups with Islam in their name, or Islamic connections of any sort. It is in favor of any sort of security apparatus that might make the United States into much more of a police state. It is against the display of the Ten Commandments in Alabama. It opposes private gun ownership, and attacks JPFO.org. It opposes the teaching of Genesis and other books of the Bible. It opposes right wing groups selling anything, and it opposes free speech in music or film for those with views different from the ADL's. It is against militia "organizations" and the whole concept of the Second Amendment, no doubt making the organizers of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising spin in their graves. 

It appears to favor the burning to death of Texans in their church near Waco, which seems like a hard sell from an anti-death camp outfit. And it has all kinds of hate groups and terror groups in its online database, no doubt where they'll add my name in a few days time. You can find these facts by browsing adl.org or http://www.jpfo.org in your spare time. Mind you, adl.org is a cookie-rich environment, but cancel seems to get past some of them. By all means, tell me I'm all wrong about their views, and form your own opinion. 

A number of other web sites with varying amounts of fact, fantasy, and hysteria about the ADL are available. You can go to Google.com and come up with a few dozen yourself. I kinda liked William Cooper's eponymous site with its rants and unreality for a change of pace, and I was fascinated by some .uk sites with long stories about ADL bad behavior. 

Should you take these people seriously? I don't think so. They are just a bunch of sycophants who have never seen a USA governmental agency they didn't want to fawn over. I suspect that they have great enthusiasm for all the airport "security" that was put in place in 1978, and has recently been federalized. I'm sure the irony of an anti-Nazi outfit like the ADL supporting a "papers please" mentality and all sorts of federal eavesdropping and cavity searching is utterly lost 

[CTRL] Are Mega Bucks Helping Sharon Steal Israeli Elections?

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the January 31, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Are `Mega' Bucks Helping Sharon
Steal Israeli Elections?

by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey Steinberg A small group of American and Canadian mega-billionaires, tied to organized crime and right-wing Zionist causes, has joined in the effort to steal the Jan. 28 Israeli elections, on behalf of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is committed to drowning any Israel-Palestine peace process in a sea of blood. The Mega Group, founded in 1991 by Charles and Edgar Bronfman, Michael Steinhardt, Max Fisher, and several dozen other multi-billionaires, meets secretly twice a year, and, since its founding, has sought to impose its top-down control over the "alphabet soup" of pro-Israel political action committees, self-styled civil rights organizations, and tax-exempt charities. Among the Mega Group's institutional power bases are the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, and the United Jewish Fund—a recent merger of the major American and Canadian Jewish charities, disbursing annual gross contributions of nearly $3 billion.

According to one Israeli source, the group has expanded in recent years, and now is made up of over 50 American and Canadian super-rich Zionist activists. The dominant figures in the group—the Bronfman brothers, Steinhardt, and Fisher—all have longstanding personal and family organized-crime pedigrees, tracing back to the Meyer Lansky National Crime Syndicate. The Canada-based Bronfman gang, headed by Edgar and Charles' father Sam, and by Max Fisher, got their start as bootleggers during Prohibition. Fisher was a leader of the Detroit-based Purple Gang, which, in collusion with Moe Dalitz's Cleveland-centered "Jewish Navy," smuggled Bronfman's illegal booze across the Great Lakes from Canada into the Midwest. The Bronfman family motto, which applies to most of the Mega Group, is: "From rags, to rackets, to riches, to respectability."

Michael Steinhardt, like Edgar and Charles Bronfman, is the son of a Meyer Lansky lieutenant, "Red" Steinhardt, who was the National Crime Syndicate's number-one jewel fence. "Red" Steinhardt was also a partner with Lansky in the Havana casinos prior to Castro's takeover, and was also affiliated with the Genovese organized-crime family. According to Michael Steinhardt's autobiography, it was his father's ill-gotten gains that put him through the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business; and it was syndicate loot that started him on a successful career as a Wall Street speculator and hedge-fund manager.

For the past 15 years, Steinhardt has been one of Presidential wanna-be Sen. Joseph Lieberman's (D-Conn.) biggest boosters, having founded the neo-conservative Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), and promoted Lieberman as the group's poster boy.

Steinhardt grabbed headlines in January 2001, when he played a pivotal role in conning President Bill Clinton into granting a Presidential pardon to Russian Mafiya "Godfather" Marc Rich, one of Steinhardt's longtime business partners. Rich was a fugitive from U.S. Justice Department indictments for tax evasion and trading with the enemy (Iran). As EIR reported on Jan. 10, Rich is another source of dirty money flows into the Sharon camp, through his secret Russian Mafiya partner, Grigori Loutchansky, among others.

Mafiya Damage ControlIn a Jan. 15 interview with a Washington, D.C.-based journalist, Steinhardt boasted about his recent intervention to sabotage the electoral campaign of Israeli Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, which was also intended to control the damage being done by the spreading scandal over the Likud party's ties to organized crime, into which Steinhardt and the whole Mega Group could be swept.

On Jan. 12, Steinhardt said, he had had a private dinner with Ariel Sharon. While claiming that he does not support either major party in Israel, Steinhardt did insist, that the Jan. 28 elections must produce another "national unity government," along the lines of the coalition that Sharon formed in 2001, in which Labor Party leaders Shimon Peres and Binyamin Ben-Eliezer held the Foreign and Defense portfolios. Their participation with serial war-criminal Sharon, gave him and and his right-wing thug allies, 20 months in which they could tear apart the entire Oslo peace process, brutally exterminate much of the Palestinian Authority, and achieve Sharon's ultimate goal: the "ethnic cleansing" to remove all Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza.

Mitzna has repeatedly stated that he will not join a national unity government with the mobbed-up murderers of Likud, and will press for Israeli authorities to get to the bottom of the Sharon-Likud-Mafiya election theft scandals. Whatever the outcome on Jan. 28, it is widely acknowledged inside Israel, that the scandals have denied Sharon the 

[CTRL] The Lights Dim; The Curtain Begins To Rise

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

>From Volume 2, Issue Number 4 of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published Jan. 27, 2003   

This Week You Need To Know

The Lights Dim; The Curtain Begins To Rise

Less than three months ago, the talk was of a major Republican electoral victory, led by a highly popular Republican President. Now, all that is evaporating.

One credible report has it that Bush's political technician Karl Rove recently hit the panic button, after reviewing disastrous poll numbers, which showed a rapid collapse in support for the Iraq war, and a growing sense that Bush was fixated on Iraq—to the point of ignoring other crises, including, first and foremost, the economic collapse.

Rove said Bush must get Iraq behind him fast, to refocus on other problems, or he will lose the 2004 elections. The self-deluded President hopes to do this through a quick war in the near-term, followed by an easy victory. Notwithstanding this, the war can still be successfully stalled by the new Eurasian combination of France, Germany, China, and Russia, along with the institutions of the American Presidency, military and civilian, which have been instrumental in delaying it over the past months.

But the only way the drift towards war can actually be stopped, is through a reversal of economic and financial policy.

The economic reality of which Karl Rove got a glimpse, through the prism of electoral calculations, was summed up as follows by EIR founder Lyndon LaRouche, in the course of an address at Jaipur University in India, on Jan 21.

"First of all, the United States is bankrupt. Every major bank in the United States is bankrupt. Virtually every major bank in Europe is bankrupt. This means the Federal Reserve system is bankrupt. This means that the European banking system, monetary systems, are bankrupt. The Bank of England is bankrupt. Most of the banks of the world, outside of China, are in bankruptcy, or close to it. Whole countries are disappearing. Peru is crushed. Colombia is crushed. Mexico is being crushed. A great genocide dominates all of sub-Saharan Africa. You know some of the conditions in Asia, because you suffer from them here. The world is being crushed.

"In the United States itself, 46 states of the 50 Federal states are bankrupt, and there is no hope of balancing their budget. Whether by tax increases, or tax decreases. Makes no difference. Budget increases, or decreases. It makes no difference. The United States is bankrupt. Forty-six states of the 50 are officially bankrupt. Now, we've had enough discussions with a few governors and their circles, to know some of the details of this thing. It's bankrupt!

"Typical of that, at the end of this month: If the Congress does not pass and save the Amtrak system, the United States will no longer have a rail system. There will no longer be a national rail system; we're practically there already. We have United Airlines in bankruptcy, and American Airlines going into bankruptcy. If they're put into bankruptcy, they're being plunged into cuts or competition with other airlines that are not yet bankrupt. If this process continues, the entire U.S. airline system will go bankrupt, and they'll be largely disintegrated.

"Our power generation and production systems are disintegrating. We have a water crisis beyond belief. The Southwest of the United States is in a tremendous water crisis. There's no way of managing it. The ground is sinking in the large aquifers, from being overdrawn, as in California—sucking the aquifers is what California has done to the other states.

"We have a crisis in the health-care system. We're killing people, to try to balance budgets. And the killing is being done by domestic interests which are looting the health-care system, to help guarantee profits. The lower 80% of the population of the United States, and similar family-income brackets, have been collapsing at an accelerating rate, since 1977. We have a social catastrophe. We have an economic catastrophe."

There is no solution short of the reforms which LaRouche has advocated with increasing specificity over the past more than 30 years. The legal, regulatory, and treaty frameworks developed since 1964 must be repealed in favor of a regulated, protectionist, and perfectly sovereign system like the 1945-64 Bretton Woods system. The Federal Reserve, the other central banks, and major financial institutions must be declared bankrupt, and placed in bankruptcy reorganization. Rather than depending on private credit, large-scale government credits must be issued, directed towards building or rebuilding required infrastructure, thus rebuilding employment and the tax base of governments. Globalization must be scrapped. Led by the U.S., nations must come together to put in place a corresponding protectionist international order of sovereign states, with relatively fixed currency-exchange rates, and a gold-reserve 

Re: [CTRL] Are Mega Bucks Helping Sharon Steal Israeli Elections?

2003-01-28 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Are Mega Bucks Helping Sharon Steal Israeli Elections?
-Caveat Lector-

An election being influenced by rich and powerful people? Oh my !! That IS a first.

on 01/28/03 9:18 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3004megabucks.html

This article appears in the January 31, 2003 issue http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2003/eirtoc_3004.html of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Are `Mega' Bucks Helping Sharon
Steal Israeli Elections?

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[CTRL] Impeach the President

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Impeach the President

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
by T. E. Ruppenthal

After painful consideration, I have decided it is time to bring out my Impeach the President placard, dust it off and display it yet again. It has been an oft-used sign, first waved during the LBJ regime and utilized for every president since. Now it is time to confront this latest in our long line of executive branch losers. 

I do not take my impeachment stand lightly and only after I am certain that the President is guilty of treason, bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors as mentioned in Article 2, Section IV. I wait for egregious acts that can only be seen as invidious to our Constitution, the pissing all over that which he had solemnly sworn to uphold. 

I attempt a two-year wait before considering the impeachment step, to give each President time to develop wisdom, to learn from mistakes and become a thoughtful leader. I am such an optimistic idealist. I try to wait, but I usually fail as each President, upon entering office, begins a headlong retreat from the Constitution’s sagacity and probity and begins treating it as a sworn enemy. Only Carter and Reagan made the two year mark which must mean I wasn’t paying attention then. Nixon was Nixon, a blot upon our history; Ford barely had two years and started by pardoning Tricky Dick; George the First crossed the line with his invasion of Panama and with Clinton, I waved my placard before his inauguration since I sensed he was a total sleazebag. 

There are many reasons to call for George’s impeachment, but one particular stands out as so disreputable that I cannot wait for his second anniversary. 

When, at a gathering of Fliberals (‘Frisco liberals), I announced my call for impeachment, the Flibs agreed and excitedly gathered round me as if I had finally become one of them. When I asked them what were their grounds for impeachment, they had to think (which takes time for a Fliberal, if they can do it at all) until a Flib finally said, "Dubya stole the election." A second chimed in with, "Illegal actions in foreign affairs." "He’s stifling dissent"and "He’s incredibly stupid" were other responses. 

With little examination it became clear that their charges would not measure up to those cited by the Constitution, but then again Flibs have little interest in our Constitution. 

How long did the Samuel J. Tilden Democrats whine about their loss after 1876? Eight years at least and many, I am convinced, never ceased complaining. If I didn’t so enjoy Fliberal whining (which they do so well), it could be grim times ahead. Their nonstop whine that Bush stole the election — Gore not only won the popular vote, but would have won Florida, and the electoral vote too, if the biased and politicized Supreme Court hadn’t entered the fray. I have always found it odd that Fliberals proudly claim as their own all those Floridians too stupid to punch a hole in paper. 

Whine, whine, whine. Yes, Gore did win more votes than Bush but since he did not gain a majority of the ballots cast, he had no clear claim to victory at all. If Fliberals ever took the time to read the Constitution of the United States (and of Florida), they would realize how a disputed or muddled Presidential election was to be settled — by vote of the lower house of the legislature, in which Republicans held a slim but clear majority. Bush would have been selected. No theft. 

As to overstepping Constitutional limitations abroad and at home, George 2 has, but this is now routine for our Imperial Presidents, including Bill Clinton. If Fliberals wouldn’t impeach Bill on these grounds, how can they now impeach Bush? 

Our Emperor Presidents must be free to kill and maim, bomb and threaten, arrest and jail anyone, anywhere, at any time, and any who dare to disagree or dissent must be distrusted. 

Once again G-2 has launched us into undeclared and therefore unconstitutional warfare. He had the civility to ask our supine and corrupt Congress for a blank check to cover any and all future actions, ever, but this is not what the Founders envisioned. 

Time to bring out my Impeach Congress sign too. 

Our Imperial Presidency has become so accepted that raising a cry for impeachment for overstepping Constitutional limits is met with bewilderment. "America’s not an empire," people of all political stripes inform me. End of discussion. And with Congress in cahoots, how could such an impeachment succeed? 

I would not call our President stupid, as it is such a vague and pejorative word. I prefer to think of him as positively obtuse and mentally phlegmatic — nearer the mark while showing a touch of respect for the once noble office he occupies. 

Yet, even if all agreed as to his stupidity, could it be construed as a high crime or misdemeanor? Couldn’t being dense be viewed as a necessity in a truly representative government? 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Infections in Newly Released Inmates are Rising Concern

2003-01-28 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this a new kind of biological warfare??


Infections in Newly Released Inmates are Rising Concern

January 28, 2003

MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich., Jan. 27 - Marva Johnson was thrilled
when her longtime boyfriend, Randy Vallad, was paroled from
prison in 1999.

They went back to living together, and once when he had a
bad cut on his head, she took care of him. She was
splattered with his blood, but the couple did not think
anything of it at the time.

It was not until Mr. Vallad was sent back to prison in 2001
for a parole violation that he was accidentally shown his
Michigan Department of Corrections medical records. They
reported that Mr. Vallad had tested positive for hepatitis
C, a blood-borne virus that can cause potentially fatal
liver disease, when he was first admitted to prison years

They knew and didn't tell him, Ms. Johnson, 33, said
today in this small city in central Michigan. As a result,
they also let him infect me. For the past 11 months she
has been taking a powerful, enervating course of drugs for
hepatitis C.

Such cases are becoming increasingly common across the
nation, as jails and prisons have become giant incubators
for some of the worst infectious diseases.

According to a study released today at a conference
sponsored by the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, at least 1.3 million inmates released from jail
or prison in 1996 were infected with hepatitis C. That was
29 percent of the 4.5 million cases nationwide.

Similarly, newly released inmates accounted for 35 percent
of the 34,000 Americans with tuberculosis in 1996, the
study found. And newly released inmates accounted for 13 to
17 percent of Americans infected with H.I.V. or AIDS, the
study estimated.

The problem has become so acute that health care officials
and prisoner rights groups are calling for widespread
testing of prison populations for hepatitis C and faster
treatment of prisoners.

This is a public health problem that has been growing and
growing, but we are reluctant to do anything about it
because these are bad guys, said Dr. Robert Greifinger, a
former chief medical officer for the New York State
Department of Correctional Services and the author of the
study, which was commissioned by Congress and prepared for
the Justice Department.

The Centers for Disease Control held a conference of prison
medical officers in San Antonio devoted to the issue last
weekend. During the conference, the centers said that
public vaccination efforts to prevent hepatitis outbreaks
should be extended to prisons.

The centers also issued new guidelines urging states to
test all prisoners with a history of intravenous drug use
and other risky behavior for hepatitis C. Sharing needles
and unprotected sex are common ways the virus is spread.

The problem is not that large numbers of prisoners are
contracting hepatitis C while incarcerated, experts say.
Most were infected years before. The experts say the high
rate of communicable diseases among inmates is a critical
issue for two reasons: the danger inmates pose of infecting
others when they are released, and the opportunity to treat
them that is largely being wasted.

Dr. Greifinger said that Americans tended to forget that
most inmates eventually return home. In 2000, about nine
million people were released from jail and prison,
according to Allen J. Beck, of the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, the statistical arm of the Justice Department.

In a sign that the problem is getting more attention, the
C.D.C. made public Dr. Greifinger's report today. It had
been given to the Justice Department in March 2001, Dr.
Greifinger said, but never before released to the public.

In a separate action, the American Civil Liberties Union
and two dozen other organizations interested in prison
conditions issued a call today for a Congressional
investigation into the state of medical care in jails and

Correctional systems have buried their heads in the sand
because they don't want to know how many prisoners have
hepatitis C, said Eric Balaban, a staff lawyer with the
National Prison Project of the A.C.L.U.

Russ Marlin, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of
Corrections, said, We are treating hepatitis C in
accordance with federal guidelines.

He said that Michigan did not do blood tests of all
incoming inmates or all those who engage in risky behavior.
Our position is that indiscriminate testing is not
useful, he said. In addition, it would cost $200 million
to test and treat all suspected cases of hepatitis C among
Michigan inmates, he said. Even more important, he said, is
that the drug treatment - a combination of interferon and
ribarvin given over a 6 to 12 month period - is very toxic.

Mr. Marlin said he had no information on why Mr. Vallad was
not told he had tested positive for hepatitis C and could
not release it even if he 

[CTRL] Libertad Vigilada - Spanish Echelon

2003-01-28 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

28 January 2003. Thanks to J. 

Source: http://adserver.libertaddigital.com/libertadvigilada/english.htm
Defence conceals a satellite spy station in the Sierra* of Madrid 

According to disclosures in the book "Libertad vigilada" (Watching over freedom), whose author is Nacho García Mostazo, the "Fresnedillas-Navalagamella Satellite Monitoring Station" has ten large parabolic antennae that are allegedly being used to "tap" the satellite communications of the countries around us. The base belongs to the Ministry of Defence, but official sources affirm that its activities there are "a mystery". 

In 1965, the United States built a space monitoring station in the town of Robledo de Chavela, in the Sierra of Madrid, to be used by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). Today, that base continues being one of the its strategic posts for space research. However, although NASA also built two other stations to support Robledo, the first in Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid)and the second in Cebreros (Ávila). On June 1969, a parabolic antennae of 26 metres in diameter located at Fresnedillas achieved a historic goal in capturing the images of the arrival of the first man on the Moon. 

However, Cebreros and Fresnedillas stopped being useful for NASA in the middle of the eighties, and the United States returned them to the Spanish state. The Ministry of Defence, which took over running them, closed the first in 1983. But it kept the second open, where the Army has recently has installed five parabolic antennae of over 18 metres in diameter and another five of some 14 metres, in addition to six smaller ones. Apart from two that seem to be disconnected, the other sketch a span that ranges from the south-west to the south-east, with a 45 degree tilt. This would mean that presumably they are orientated towards the geo-stationary telecommunications satellites that orbit at an altitude of some 36,000 kilometres above the Equator. 

In 1986, the Government approved the setting up of a military project that was classified as secret, and that will fully operational in 2008. This is "Santiago Programme", whose main objective according to Defence sources is "the capturing of electro-magnetic broadcasts and images in zones defined as of strategic interest for national security". For this reason, the same sources confirm, the army is deploying a "network of sensors" with "communications, electrical and optical intelligence". Saying this in other word, Spain has a military espionage network composed of surveillance planes (the Air Intelligence Centre at Torrejón de Ardoz), observation satellites (Helios and others that will soon be launched) and land bases, although the system has not yet been finished. 

Reportedly, the Fresnedillas-Navalagamella Satellite Monitoring Station, as it is officially called, would be one of the key strategic points of the "Santiago Programme". Since this is obviously a classified programme, the Defence Ministry cannot officially acknowledge it. But it does not even confirm that it owns the station and Ministry sources, headed up by Federico Trillo-Figueroa, assure us that the activities being carried on there are "a mystery". Nevertheless, the latest records of the Property Estate Tax (IBI in Spanish) of the Council of Navalagamella, the municipal district in which the station is located, states that the property belongs to the Ministry of Defence, that pays 11.713.52 euros each year as the tax for it. 

A Spanish "Echelon" 

The United States and the United Kingdom, along with other allied countries, have a series of bases from where it "taps" the satellite communications of the whole world. In the middle of 2001, the European Parliament denounced the existence of this espionage network, whose code name is "Echelon". As the Euro-chamber showed, there are at least twenty similar bases all over the world and each one of these are fitted out with large parabolic antennae that capture all the communications (telephone conversations, fax, telex, etc.) and those deriving from large filtering computers. These extract only those communications that could allegedly affect the national security interests of the USA, the United Kingdom and the other component members of the network. 

According to reported data, Spain does not form part of this global espionage set, although the United States is collaborating with the Spanish authorities in order to provide sensitive information, obtained by this other methods, that would presumably be aimed at improving the anti-terrorist struggle. However, even though Spain is not officially involved in this network, this has not stopped it having developed its own systems in order to hugely spy on communications. It was not in vain that the new law concerning the National Intelligence Centre (NIC), the institution replacing the CESID, was passed into law at the start of 2002 and authorises Spanish 

Re: [CTRL] Solana, the EU and religion

2003-01-28 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

I hope to post more on Solana.  New Age is a lot more than crystals and
channeling.  New Age is one world
government and one world religion, a utopian push that began around the turn of
the century over 100 years ago.  The
things you mention are tied to one world religion where the idea is to move the
followers of monotheistic religions in the direction of spirituality
instead of morality.  That
way people can feel special even though they are not acting in a
moral way.  That way a forced common
spirituality will be welcomed among the followers of monotheistic
religions.  As Mortimer Adler wrote,
there cant be a one world government unless there is a common culture,
and the monotheistic religions are not acceptable whereas the Eastern ones are.  You can bet your last dollar that there is a
New Age push in all of the monotheistic religion establishments.   Again,
see the book Modern Fascism by Gene Veith.  I used Lindsey, among other sources, because
others need to realize that there are truths in all people who use a form of
propaganda.  Thats why propaganda

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research
List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of David Sutherland
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003
2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Solana, the EU
and religion

Javier Solana Madariaga
isa Roman Catholic Spaniard who bears the name of one of the founding
members of the Jesuit Society. His lack of any moral compulsion is indicative
of his eulogy of Jesuittrained graduates and thatadage that Jesuitism
is best held in contempt for, the end justifies the mean.

There is nothingNew
Agey about Solana. He's not out to convert the world with baubles, bangles and
magic crystals. He likes bigger toys, like cluster bombs.

His allegiance is to the
Vatican. All the recent and near recent past wars in Europe have successfully
enlarged the lebensraum of the Holy Roman Empire, once run by the
papacy and its obsequious feudal lords. You have lived to witness its revival.

That's not to say that
papal clericalism does not produce good atheists and very bloody atheists. Look
at the French Revolution, hundreds of years of religious despotism. France, the
alleged eldest
daughter of the Holy Roman Catholic Church,
itsviolent revolution was a clear example of the bloody outworking of a
papal dominated society.

BTW - I would never quote
(below) anything from people like Hal Lindsey,as reliable.
The guy is a complete halfwit and liar and has demonstrated time and again to
be a substandard interpreter of the times, or to use his own Zionist-Xtian
gobshyte,he is a FALSE prophet.


- Original Message - 



Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 12:54 AM

Subject: [CTRL] Solana, the EU and religion

 -Caveat Lector-
 I am sending this piece in plain text because of the size. I hope
 will cut and paste the sites and follow thru on the material, as tedious
 as it may be. If you do, you will be way ahead of the crowd that is
 waiting for others to tell them what is happening.
 Why am I sending this? The European Union is growing and may surpass the
 US in power. This can affect the military decisions and economic
 position of the United States. (Read jobs and military decisions.)
 Cooperation with the EU and Solana will cause cultural changes which
 will affect monotheists. The European Union is taking a
 stand. (Strange as the coincidence may seem, Hitler attempted to
 destroy the Jews first because they were the smallest group.) Javier
 Solana is the key player in European Union activities. There is very
 definitely a New Age political face to this power...growth of a single
 governmental power, dislike of monotheism and the morality it promotes.
 Sounds like another movement that grew in the 20's and '30s. Many
 read this would like to see monotheistic religion dropped as a
 determinant of a culture's morality. I can only remind them that
 Constance Cumbey has been following Solana's activities since 1995.
 recently called attention to an important statement by Solana.
 This is the story on which the email subject line and the following two
 comments are based:
 It should be interesting to see how Solana and company want to settle
 the situation in the Mideast without taking Judaism and Islam into
 account. Probably all will be told you can have your rituals and
 spirituality in public, but keep your own morality in your house, behind
 closed doors if it is in disagreement in any way with what the decreed
 public morality is ordered to be.
 1. This is a transcript of AM broadcast at 08:00 AEST on local
 EU says US letting religion drive its foreign policy
 AM - Thursday, January 9, 2003 8:03
 LINDA MOTTRAM: America and its allies 

[CTRL] Fw: 1. - Hundreds of thousands of child casualties predicted in Iraq - 2. - 800 missiles to hit Iraq in first 48 hours

2003-01-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: mart-remote 
To: Vicki No Sanctions 
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:09 PM
Subject: 1. - Hundreds of thousands of child casualties predicted in 
Iraq - 2. - 800 missiles to hit Iraq in first 48 hours 

2 items: 1) Hundreds of 
thousands of child casualties predicted in Iraq 2) 800 missiles to hit Iraq 
in first 48 hours 
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:19:05 +0200 From: Rick Rozoff Subject: Iraq. 
Hundreds Of Thousands Of Iraqi Child Casualities Predicted. HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK 
--- http://world.scmp.com/worldnews/ZZZIJGBIWAD.html 
Hundreds of thousands of child casualties 
predicted in Iraq South China Morning Post January 28, 2003 
ASSOCIATED PRESS in Baghdad Death, disease and starvation 
await Iraq's children should war break out, and casualties in the hundreds of 
thousands cannot be ruled out, says an! independent team of European and 
American experts. Members of the International Study Team, they predict 
a "grave humanitarian disaster". The panel includes academics, researchers, 
physicians and child psychologists. Their report, "The Impact of a New 
War on Iraq Children", was based on information collected in three Iraqi cities 
- Baghdad, Basra and Karbala - and interviews with 200 families. The 
team did not receive any help from the Iraqi government and hired its own 
interpreters, said team leader Eric Hoskins, a Canadian. Dr Hoskins said 
at least 500,000 Iraqi children were either malnourished or underweight. Iraq 
has only a one-month supply of food and a three-month supply of drugs in 
central hospitals. Iraq has about 25 million people. "Iraq's 13 million 
children are at a grave risk of starvation, disease, death and psychological 
trauma," Dr Hoskins said. He said those under 18 were worse off than on 
the eve of t! he 1991 Gulf War, when a US-led coalition drove Iraq's army out of 
Kuwait. The UN sanctions were imposed after the 1990 invasion. Twelve 
years of economic sanctions have left Iraq's economy shattered, although 
expansion of the oil-for-food programme has improved conditions. Under 
the programme, Iraq is allowed to sell unlimited amounts of oil to buy 
humanitarian goods, and to pay war reparations. "While it is impossible 
to predict both the nature of any war and the number of xpected deaths and 
injuries, casualties among children will be in the thousands, probably in the 
tens of thousands and possibly in the hundreds of thousands," Dr Hoskins said. 
"No one is ready for this war, not the national government not the 
United Nations," he said, referring to preparations for any humanitarian crisis 
that may result from a military assault on Iraq. The International Study 
Team's backers include World Vision Canada, Oxfam Canada, the United Chur! ch of 
Canada and the University of Bergen. Its report on the humanitarian 
situation in Iraq following the 1991 war was considered the most comprehensive 
of such reports, having been based on more than 9,000 household interviews in 
300 locations across Iraq. 
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:18:13 +0200 From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Iraq. 800 missiles to hit Iraq in first 48 
--- 800 
missiles to hit Iraq in first 48 hours ByAndrew West and agencies 
January 26 2003 The Sun-Herald http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/01/25/1042911596206.html 
The US intends to shatter Iraq "physically, emotionally and 
psychologically" by raining down on its people as many as 800 cruise missiles in 
two days. The Pentagon battle plan aims not only to crush Iraqi troops, 
but also wipe out power and water supplies in the capital, Baghdad. It 
is based on a strategy known as "Shock and Awe", conceived at the Nati! onal 
Defense University in Washington, in which between 300 and 400 cruise missiles 
would fall on Iraq each day for two consecutive days. It would be more than 
twice the number of missiles launched during the entire 40 days of the 1991 
GulfWar. "There will not be a safe place in Baghdad," a Pentagon 
official told America's CBS News after a briefing on the plan. "The sheer size 
of this has never been seen before, never been contemplated before." The 
plan has emerged just as American diplomats at the United Nations hinted that 
the US Administration might be willing to give UN weapons inspectors another 
month to complete their task. Chief inspector Hans Blix is due to report 
back to the UN on Tuesday. President George Bush has been displaying 
increasing impatience with the pace of inspections and is eager to start the 
bombing. But according to UN sources he has resigned himself to the fact that 
the US lacks enough votes on the Security Council to! wage a military campaign. 
Mr Bush's belligerence yesterday found a match in comments by Uday 
Hussein. In a rare public appearance, the