2003-02-10 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

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In recent years there has been a massive increase in
the trafficking of women in Bosnia, including girls as
young as 12.





Bosnia sex trade shames UN
A SENIOR United Nations official is demanding that her
colleagues involved in the sex trade in Bosnia should
be stripped of their immunity and prosecuted.

Bosnia sex trade shames UN


A SENIOR United Nations official is demanding that her
colleagues involved in the sex trade in Bosnia should
be stripped of their immunity and prosecuted.

Madeleine Rees, the UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights in Bosnia, has broken ranks to demand that UN
officials, international peacekeepers and police who
are involved in sex crimes be brought to justice in
their home countries.

Speaking exclusively to Scotland on Sunday, the
British lawyer has also launched an outspoken attack
on her former boss. She accuses Jacques Paul Klein,
the former head of the UN Mission in Bosnia, of not
taking UN complicity in the country’s burgeoning sex
trade seriously enough.

In recent years there has been a massive increase in
the trafficking of women in Bosnia, including girls as
young as 12. The women are taken from their homes in
eastern Europe by organised criminal gangs and brought
to Bosnia, where they are forced into prostitution.

The trade in these so-called ‘sex slaves’ hardly
existed until the mid-1990s. It was fuelled by the
arrival of tens of thousands of predominantly male UN
personnel in the wake of the signing of the Dayton
Peace Accord by Bosnia, Croatia and Yugoslavia in

Rees said: Visiting brothels where women have been
gang-raped into submission, into slavery, is not part
of the UN’s mandate.

Without an enforceable code of conduct, immunity
often means impunity. We should look at ways of
waiving that immunity.

I would be very happy to see the possibility of
prosecutions for rape or assault in the UK. There is
no question this should happen.

Rees, who has served in Bosnia since 1998, said she
had encountered stiff opposition from western
officials in her attempts to tackle the trafficking of

 They don’t want to know about it, she said.

There is this whole ‘boys will be boys’ attitude
about men visiting brothels. There’s a culture inside
the UN where you can’t criticise it. That goes all the
way to the top.

Referring to Klein, she added: He doesn’t take this
issue at all seriously.

Last year, Rees testified in support of Kathryn
Bolkovac, a UN police officer who was sacked for
exposing the sexual abuse of women and children in
Bosnia by her colleagues.

Bolkovac’s former employer DynCorp, an American
security firm which supplied staff to the UN, was
forced to pay £110,000 in compensation.

The chairman of the British employment tribunal which
heard the case described DynCorp as callous, spiteful
and vindictive.

Bolkovac had revealed UN peacekeepers went to
nightclubs where young girls were forced to dance
naked and have sex with customers, and that UN
personnel and international aid workers were linked to
prostitution rings in the Balkans. At the time, Rees
described it as the biggest cover-up I have ever
seen, adding that she believed 30% of those visiting
Bosnia’s brothels were UN personnel, peacekeepers or
aid workers.

DynCorp insists it has the highest ethical standards
of business and encourages employees to speak

However, Rees said the private defence contractors,
whose British office is based in Salisbury, should be
banned from the country.

DynCorp... should not be allowed anywhere near
Bosnia, she said.

In January, a 500 strong European Union police force
replaced the UN’s 1,800 member multinational
International Police Task Force (IPTF).

Dedicated anti-trafficking teams were formed and
assigned to raid nightclubs across Bosnia suspected of
operating forced prostitution rackets.

Rees said the counter-trafficking efforts had mostly
been a failure. They were basically for show and
completely amateurish, she said.

Referring to the EU police force, Rees added: They
are still very much on probation. These men must
understand that going into brothels is illegal in
Bosnia. The sex is not consensual if the woman is a
13-year-old girl trafficked from Moldova.

Although there have been many cases of police officers
being sent home in disgrace for their involvement in
the sex trade, the UN can only remove them from
service and is powerless to prosecute 

[CTRL] The US Military Needs Its Speed

2003-02-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


02:00 AM Oct. 29, 2002 PT
The US Military Needs Its Speed

American soldiers may -- or may not -- soon be marching off to war against
Iraq, but if they do they'll be going into battle protected by some of the
same controversial drugs administered to soldiers during the Gulf War.

But this time, the Pentagon vows, adherence to proper medical practices
will take the place of a haphazardly administered mass-vaccination program
in which tens of thousands of shot records disappeared.

The Pentagon has assured Congress and military personnel that only
FDA-approved drugs will be used, FDA dosage and administration
requirements will be met and proper records will be kept.

Critics remain unconvinced. They claim Gulf War GIs were dosed with
unapproved compounds responsible for chronic and sometimes fatal ailments.
And they contend that the Pentagon's standard operating procedures and
attitudes regarding drug administration are the antithesis of good medical

There are required protocols for meeting the standard of proper medical
practice, and the Pentagon is not meeting them, said Dr. Garth Nicolson,
president of the Institute for Molecular Medicine and an Albert Schweitzer
Award-winning biochemist.

According to Nicolson, there are several forms of FDA approval. For
example, pyridostigmine bromide, injected into Gulf War soldiers to
protect them from the nerve gas sarin, was FDA approved only as an
investigational new drug. It was not certified as safe for general
administration as a nerve-gas antidote.

You must use only FDA-approved vaccines in an FDA-approved manner (of
administration) ... standard approval, not approval under an experimental
waiver, Nicolson continued. You must administer the vaccinations under a
normal schedule ... not give 20 or 30 vaccines within two or three days.

Nicolson said the Department of Defense method for monitoring potential
drug side effects also fails the proper-practice test.

The military uses passive-surveillance monitoring, he said. In civilian
life this works If people feel ill they go to a doctor. In the
military there's a lot of pressure not to report anything unusual.

And if you're not hospitalized within 48 hours after inoculation, the DOD
assumes that whatever happens to you afterward has nothing to do with the

Other critics suggest the Pentagon has lied about toxic substance testing
for decades and has no intention of stopping now.

They used untested and untried drugs in the Gulf War, said American Gulf
War Veterans Association spokeswoman Joyce Riley, a registered nurse and
former Air Force captain who served in Operation Desert Storm. Maybe 50
years from now they'll be forced to admit what they did to us.

Riley has a point. Under congressional prodding, the Defense Department in
October reversed four decades of denials regarding nerve gas and other
toxic material testing in the 1960s. Among its admissions:

* At least 14 open-air tests of the lethal nerve gas VX were performed at
Maryland's Edgewood Arsenal.

* Soldiers were exposed to VX to test unproven protective suits.

* Bacillis globigii, a bacteria closely related to anthrax, was sprayed
airborne in Alaska and Hawaii.

* Hallucinogenic chemicals were tested on unsuspecting soldiers.

* E. coli was deliberately released during chemical-dispersion testing on
Oahu, Hawaii.

* Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense serves as an umbrella term for at
least 40 and possibly over 100 open-air tests of biowarfare agents at its
now-closed Desert Test Center in Utah.

* Infectious bacteria was released into the air above San Francisco.

* A two-year test was executed in which artillery shells and bombs filled
with sarin and VX were exploded near Fort Greeley, Alaska.

* Military barracks in Oahu were sprayed with a biological agent shown to
cause infections in individuals with diminished immune-system capacity.

* A benzilic-acid derivative known to cause hallucinations and confusion
was sprayed under the jungle canopy near Hilo, Hawaii, in two separate
series of tests.

 Have a comment on this article? Send it

 More stories written by Elliot Borin

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[CTRL] Republicans Seek To Further Shred Constitution

2003-02-10 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

From Capitol Hill Blue

What Price Freedom?
Ashcroft wants more surveillance of Americans, less judicial review
By CHB Staff and Wire Reports
Feb 9, 2003, 08:31

In what some fear is yet another encroachment upon privacy and the lives of
Americans, Attorney General John Ashcroft wants to expand the 2001 Patriot
Act to increase surveillance of American citizens while restricting access
to information and limiting judicial review of its activities.

Attorney General Ashcroft
REUTERS/William Philpott
The Center for Public Integrity says it has obtained a copy of the draft
legislation from a government source. The document, labeled confidential,
is posted on the organization's Internet site along with an analysis.

While the Justice Department officials says no final decisions have been
made on any such legislation, spokeswoman Barbara Comstock acknowledged the
department is continually considering anti-terrorism measures and would be
derelict if we were not doing so.

Comstock, however, lied when asked about the draft, saying it was internal
only and had not been sent to the Hill. Sources for both Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, however, confirmed
Friday they do have a copy of the draft and a January 10, 2003 control
sheet for the Justice Department's Office of Legislative Affairs confirms
the draft was sent to both House and Senate Leadership.

The original Patriot Act, passed by Congress in the weeks following the
Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, gave the government broad new
anti-terrorism powers to use wiretaps, electronic and computer
eavesdropping, searches and the authority to obtain a wide range of other
information in it's investigations. It also broke down the traditional wall
between FBI investigators and intelligence agents.

According to the Center for Public Integrity, the draft expansion of the
Patriot Act would be called the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.

Among other things, it would prohibit disclosure of information regarding
people detained as terrorist suspects and prevent the Environmental
Protection Agency from distributing worst-case scenario information to
the public about a nearby private company's use of chemicals.

In addition, the measure would create a DNA database of suspected
terrorists; force suspects to prove why they should be released on bail,
rather than have the prosecution prove why they should be held; and allow
the deportation of U.S. citizens who become members of or help terrorist

It really is a broadening and a deepening of the government's powers,
said Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity.

Dr. David Cole, Georgetown University Law professor and author of Terrorism
and the Constitution, reviewed the draft legislation and says it raises a
lot of serious concerns. It's troubling that they have gotten this far
along and they've been telling people there is nothing in the works.

The proposed law, he adds, would radically expand law enforcement and
intelligence gathering authorities, reduce or eliminate judicial oversight
over surveillance, authorize secret arrests, create a DNA database based on
unchecked executive 'suspicion,' create new death penalties, and even seek
to take American citizenship away from persons who belong to or support
disfavored political groups.

Congressional aides said they had not been consulted by the Justice
Department on the development of such a bill. However, several aides have
said they considered it likely that the Bush administration would propose
some changes this year.

Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, top Democrat on the House Judiciary
Committee, said the legislation turns the Bill of Rights completely on its

This draft bill constitutes yet another egregious blow to our citizens'
civil liberties, Conyers said. Among other things, the Bush
administration now wants to imprison suspects before they are tried and
create DNA databases of lawful residents who have committed no crime.


On the Net: Center for Public Integrity: http://www.publicintegrity.org/

Justice Department: http://www.usdoj.gov/

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Orwell that Ends Well]

2003-02-10 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  I am living a nightmare that has 
  the overtones of Leni Riefenstahl's film "Triumph of the Will." 
  I rented the movie once. It got me a few looks form the 
  clerk at the video store. If you ever want to see a frightening 
  film you may want to take a peek at this one. While neo Nazis may 
  see it as a fun little film showing Nazi power. Historians use it 
  to demonstrate how the Nazi state drew in the masses through 
  propaganda and also how Adolf Hitler had a unique and terrifying 
  ability to entice crowds to his beliefs by the very power of his words. 
  It IS a frightening film, but its power goes beyond Hitler's 
  actual words...I first saw the film on a local PBS station 
  back around 1970 -- at the time the fact that the station was actually 
  broadcasting the full film without interruption was quite 
  controversial...My mother thought that we should watch it, 
  thinking that it would be 'educational' for my sister and me, showing what 
  Hitler was like...The film was shown with subtitles -- a 
  good thing, since I don't understand GermanAs I was 
  later to learn in various film-study courses, Riefenstahl was a genius 
  when it came to imparting certain ideals solely by image; check out her 
  "Olympiad", too...ostensibly 'just' a documentary of the 1936 games held 
  in Berlin, there is hardly any voice-over at all and yet succeeds 
  brilliantly in presenting the premise of Aryan superiority...and she used 
  the same techniques in "Triumph of the Will"...But there is 
  something more to "Triumph"...about 20 minutes into the film it 
  concentrates on Hitler's filmed speeches in the early 1930s, shortly after 
  he was made Fuehrer...and it contained the expected anti-jew and 
  anti-communist harangues one expects; indeed Hitler is quite shrill and is 
  almost a caricatureIt was at this point that I stopped 
  reading the subtitles and just watched and listened; remember, I don't 
  understand German, so I didn't "understand" what was being said...but I 
  had the benefit of time and history, and even tho I didn't understand the 
  language being spoken, I knew that it was full of hateful, racist 
  invective, that it was full of things I hated...And yet, 
  after a few minutes, I was hooked; I was totally mesmerized by Hitler, and 
  another minute or two I felt awed and almost felt Hitler an idol; I was 
  amazed at how easily these emotions were invoked, even though I didn't 
  understand the actual words being spoken but DID know that I hated 
  everything Hitler stood for...And at that moment I realized 
  just how easy it IS for a politician to hook the masses, no matter how 
  outrageous that politician's statements are; it DOES come down to image 
  over substance, and even when one understands the language being spoken 
  one has to realize that most of the public has an attention span of a 
  flea; this is even more the case today, when the majority of the public 
  only gets sound bites of a politician's speech and not the full 
  speech...Now you have to understand that in this portion of 
  "Triumph", Riefenstahl is only using existing newsreel footage, this is 
  NOT footage she filmed herself...therefore she isn't responsible for the 
  mesmerizing act; it is solely Hitler's own doing and, as I said, even 
  though I didn't understand the actual words being spoken I still was 
  sucked into the auraI could well understand why the German people 
  supported Hitler and the Nazi's and could understand why they would be 
  willing to give their lives for the Fatherland if he asked them to...and 
  Hitler achieved that with something that went beyond the actual words he 
  Fascism always starts with words, then 
  actions and reactions. It's more than words -- it is the 
  IMAGE that is projected, which is stronger than the actual words being 
  used; in fact many times the IMAGE is at odds with the actual words (for 
  example, an Orwellian image of a symbol representing 'Freedom', while the 
  actual words encourage the curtailing of freedom), but it is the IMAGE 
  which has the most power and which is manipulated by those spewing the 


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Re: [CTRL] Don't Get Bushwhacked

2003-02-10 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-


 The Conspiracy's Tactics
 Don't Get Bushwhacked

 By: Alan Stang

  billionaire totalitarian Socialist conspirators who rule us

  Soviet-sponsored dictator.

 totalitarian Socialist world government

 Philip Dru, Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow, which you
 really should take a look at.

 naming totalitarian Socialist Nancy
 Pelosi, from Sodom by the sea, their leader.

 Susan The Strumpet Sarandon, who spouts off at length
 without provocation about how we should live, but who doesn't
 have enough sense to marry the pinhead she cohabits with.

 congressional supporters of baby

 Remember that traitor
 Franklin Roosevelt

 It is only a small exaggeration to say that our borders no
 longer exist.

 What will happen when shooting
 war breaks out here, and our military is in Bosnia and the
 Middle East?

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[CTRL] Fw: FDA News Digest for February 10, 2003

2003-02-10 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: FDA News

Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: FDA News Digest for February 10, 2003
FDA News DigestFebruary 10,
Patient Safety Among FY 2004 FDA Funding ProposalsThe White House's
fiscal year 2004 budget request for FDA totals $1.7billion, which includes
funding for programs in counterterrorism, patientsafety, generic drug
review, and evaluation of drugs for children.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2003/ANS01195.html__FDA
Recommends Extra Safety Measures for Some Donated BloodFDA has issued
recommendations for the blood industry that describeadditional inspection
measures as a precaution while the agency investigatesreports of certain
blood products containing small white particles. Testingdone so far by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found noevidence that the
particles are infectious agents.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2003/ANS01199.html__Drug
Approved to Help Increase Survival After Nerve Gas ExposureFDA has
approved pyridostigmine bromide to help increase survival afterexposure to
Soman nerve gas. The product was approved for combat use by U.S.military
personnel and is the first drug approved under a recent FDA rulethat allows
animal data to be used to gauge a drug's effectiveness when itcannot
ethically be tested in humans.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2003/NEW00870.html__Contamination
Prompts Injunction Filing Against Maryland CompanyAfter an FDA
inspection found that food at facilities run by a Marylandcompany was held
under unsanitary conditions and contaminated with rodentand insect material,
the federal government filed for an injunction toprevent the company from
processing food until the violations are corrected.The company, SCT
Corporation, had repeatedly ignored FDA's earlier warningsto correct the
Investigates Improper Disposal of Bioengineered PigsFDA has determined
that pigs involved in bioengineering studies at theUniversity of Illinois
may not have been properly disposed of and may haveentered the food supply.
Based on current information, the agency says theincident poses no public
health risk. But if improper disposal isconfirmed, it would represent
a significant breach of FDA requirements forthe studies and would warrant
strong action against those responsible.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2003/ANS01197.html__Honey
Containing Unapproved Additive Is Seized from Texas CompanyAt FDA's
request, U.S. marshals seized imported honey from Texas-basedHoyt's Honey
Farm Inc., after the agency determined that the honey containedthe
unapproved additive chloramphenicol, an antibiotic drug used to
treatlife-threatening infections. The seizure is the third such action FDA
hastaken against different honey companies in the last six months.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2003/ANS01196.html__RECALLSThe
following product has been recalled for the reason shown. Go to thelinked
page for more information:Summit Import Inc. Sweetened Coconut
(undeclared sulfites):http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/summit02_03.html__PUBLIC
MEETINGSFor a list of upcoming FDA meetings, seminars, and other public
events, goto http://www.fda.gov/opacom/hpmeetings.html.__Thanks
for subscribing to the FDA News Digest. Our next posting will beFebruary
18.To leave this list at any time, send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED]In the body of
the message, writeSIGNOFF FDA-NEWSDIGEST-L
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[CTRL] Fwd: Roy Minton--Mitte's attorney--follow the dots

2003-02-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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Sunday, February 9, 

A power struggle behind closed 
Financial Industries audit report has the only 
details of founder's ouster 

By Amy Schatz
Jeffrey Demgen and Thomas Richmond had barricaded themselves behind the 
locked door of Richmond's office. 
It was Saturday, Aug. 17, at the far West Austin headquarters of Financial 
Industries Corp. On the other side of the door, 70-year-old company founder and 
Chairman Roy Mitte sat in his wheelchair. 
Unable to speak clearly since his stroke in 1992, Mitte pounded on the door, 
demanding entry. The two executives refused. 
Within hours, they were expected at a meeting of FIC's board of directors. 
Just four days earlier, Demgen had told the company's outside auditor that Mitte 
had apparently been using company money for personal expenses. 
Waiting outside, Mitte gripped a piece of paper in one hand, allegedly 
containing insinuations about Demgen's personal life. He'd presented a similar 
document to Richmond earlier in the morning. 
It's unclear what Mitte was seeking or what the board discussed that day. He 
has denied intimidating employees. 
The only public account of the encounter and other details of his alleged 
misconduct are in FIC's audit committee report that the company released as part 
of a federal lawsuit in Austin against Mitte. 
What is known is that the board lined up against Mitte that Saturday. It 
approved four-year employment contracts for Demgen and Richmond guaranteeing 
$180,000 annual salaries. The next Monday, FIC put Mitte on leave, pending an 
investigation into his expenses. 
That investigation uncovered evidence that Mitte used company money for 
personal expenses for at least 10 years and funneled company funds to his 
foundation without permission. The audit report also raises questions about how 
FIC's internal and external auditors could have missed the signs for so long. It 
describes employees intimidated by Mitte and a board reluctant to question his 
The company's audit report also portrays Financial Industries as more private 
club than public company. 
FIC shareholders, for instance, have never been formally notified of the 
results of the board's $200,000 investigation into Mitte. They were never 
informed that FIC has settled four sexual harassment complaints in the past six 
years against the company and Mitte's son, Scott, a company director. 
Nor were they told that 

[CTRL] Ominous Omens

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Edited on 02/07/2003 12:40 PM PST

The Salon Interview: Camille Paglia
Bad omen: Why the Columbia disaster should make Bush think twice about
rushing to war with Iraq.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By David Talbot
Feb. 7, 2003  |

Camille Paglia is a rarity in the increasingly polarized world of public
intellectuals, a high-profile thinker and writer who is not readily identified
with any political camp or party line. She burst onto the scene in 1990
following the publication of her book, Sexual Personae. Paglia was a
rough-trade feminist not afraid to challenge the orthodoxy of the women's
movement or its reigning sisterhood; a professor from a small college with
no qualms about torching the Parisian academic trends then enthralling Ivy
League humanities departments; a self-proclaimed Democratic libertarian
who voted twice for Bill Clinton and then loudly denounced him for
bringing shame to his office.

Given Paglia's originality and unpredictability, we had no idea what to
expect when we phoned her earlier this week for her opinions on the
Bush administration's looming war with Iraq. Paglia proudly describes
herself as a Dionysian child of the '60s, a generation not known for its
martial spirit. And yet, during her long run as a Salon columnist, she
developed an enthusiastic following among conservatives, including retired
and active military personnel, for her eloquent tributes to family, tradition,
country and uniformed service, as well as her stop-your-blubbering take on
modern American life.

Paglia retired her Salon column last year to focus on teaching -- she is
university professor of humanities and media studies at the University of
the Arts in Philadelphia - and to finish her fifth book, a study of poetry
that will be published by Pantheon Books. She returns in the Salon
Interview to reveal her opinions on Iraq for the first time. The foreign
press has asked me repeatedly to comment on Iraq, and I've said I don't
think it's right as an American citizen to do that. I said I should reserve my
criticisms of the administration for home consumption, said Paglia. That's
why I'm talking to you now.

What is your position on the increasingly likely U.S. invasion of Iraq?

Well, first of all, I'm on the record as being pro-military and in insisting that
military matters and international affairs were neglected throughout the
period of the Clinton administration -- which partly led to the present
dilemma. The first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 should have
been a wake-up call for everyone. However, I'm extremely upset about our
rush to war at the present moment. If there truly were an authentic
international coalition that had been carefully built, and if the
administration had demonstrated sensitivity to the fragility of international
relations, I'd be 100 percent in favor of an allied military expedition to go
into Iraq and find and dispose of all weapons of mass destruction.

But most members of the current administration seem to have little sense
that there's an enormous, complex world beyond our borders. The
president himself has never traveled much in his life. They seem to think
the universe consists of America and then everyone else -- small-potatoes
people who can be steamrolled. And I'm absolutely appalled at the lack of
acknowledgment of the cost to ordinary Iraqi citizens of any incursion by
us, especially aerial bombardment. Most of the Iraqi armed forces are
pathetically unprepared to respond to a military confrontation with us.
These are mostly poor people who have a profession and a dignity within
their country, and they're not necessarily totally behind Saddam Hussein's
ambition to dominate his region. There's just no way that Saddam's threat
is equal to that of Hitler leading up to World War II. Hitler had amassed an
enormous military machine and was actively seeking world domination. We
don't need to invade Iraq. Saddam can be bottled up with aggressive
surveillance and pinpoint airstrikes on military installations.

As we speak, I have a terrible sense of foreboding, because last weekend a
stunning omen occurred in this country. Anyone who thinks symbolically
had to be shocked by the explosion of the Columbia shuttle, disintegrating
in the air and strewing its parts and human remains over Texas -- the
president's home state! So many times in antiquity, the emperors of Persia
or other proud empires went to the oracles to ask for advice about going
to war. Roman generals summoned soothsayers to read the entrails before
a battle. If there was ever a sign for a president and his administration to
rethink what they're doing, this was it. I mean, no sooner had Bush
announced that the war was weeks, not months away and gone off for a
peaceful weekend at Camp David than this catastrophe occurred in the
skies over Texas.

From the point of view of the Muslim streets, surely it looks like the hand

[CTRL] A conga line of suckholes

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Don't forget that the Aussies were sacrificed at Gallipoli (of Mel Gibson
fame) and a variety of other English imperialistic adventures.  Gee ... I just
can't understand why they would be a little circumspect and suspect
enough to dissect the (lack of) intellect ... in a direct and selective
manner ... A:E:R 
Print this page
ALP attack enrages Washington
By John Kerin and Misha Schubert

THE US is furious with the ALP for its lack of support for the deployment of
troops to the Middle East and its targeting of George W. Bush in a
parliamentary debate on Iraq.

The US has formally complained to Opposition Leader Simon Crean's office
about Labor's anti-Americanism, suggesting it is damaging the Australia-US

The development came as a group of Labor MPs restated their opposition
to a war against Iraq under any circumstances, a position at odds with
Labor policy.

The view from Washington was also conveyed to Opposition foreign affairs
spokesman Kevin Rudd when he visited the US last week for talks with
senior officials.

A spokesman for Labor leader Simon Crean confirmed the US had
complained about the ALP's policy.

But Labor makes no apology for acting in the national interest, unlike
John Howard, who seems to think the strength of an alliance lies in
agreeing with everything the US says or does, he said.

Labor has been a very strong supporter of the US alliance and it
continues to be, but the United Nations process should be followed, and
we will argue the case when we believe the US is acting wrongly.

Labor MPs savagely attacked the US President on Wednesday.

Frontbencher Mark Latham described Mr Bush as the most incompetent
and dangerous president in living memory and referred to Liberal MPs as a
conga line of suckholes to Mr Bush.

But Mr Crean yesterday dismissed Mr Latham's comments as a diversion.

Mr Howard insisted in parliament that Mr Crean had been more critical of
Mr Bush than of Saddam Hussein.

The Leader of the Opposition has used every debate and question time
afforded him to personally denigrate the President of the United States,
Mr Howard said.

We have heard plenty of criticism of the President of the United States,
but frankly not enough criticism of Iraq from the Leader of the

Meanwhile, a group of 15 rebel Labor MPs, including outspoken former
front bencher Carmen Lawrence, yesterday declared unqualified
opposition to any war on Iraq, in a serious split from Mr Crean's support for
a UN-sanctioned attack.

Dr Lawrence admitted the position – made in a cross-party statement by
federal and state MPs – went beyond Labor policy.

But she argued the party had not made a final decision on how to handle a
UN- approved attack and did not anticipate any MP would be disciplined
over their stance.

Simon knows there are many people within the Labor family who have very
strong views about this, she said.

Crean denies US complaint, seeks ambassador meeting
Full text of Colin Powell's address to the UN
Editorial: Last chance for Saddam to come clean
Special section: Countdown to War
Nicholson's cartoon

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[CTRL] Were Jerry Pat Telling the Big A is Really Rotten?

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Get ready…
A “terrorist attack” is about to happen
in USA just in time for start of Iraqi war

New York City officials fear subway attack
Suspected terrorist operatives have vowed to strike underground at the
heart of where they savored their last great victory, sources told The
Post yesterday.
Full Story Click Here

Elite anti-terrorism team deployed to New York City
An elite anti-terrorism unit - trained to determine what kind of weapon is
being used in a terror attack and how to deal with its aftershock - arrived
yesterday in New York, preparing for a worst- case scenario.
Full Story Click Here

Armed troops guard synagogues, landmarks, and hotels in New York City
A rifle-toting cop stood sentry outside a Fifth Ave. synagogue and a second
specialized team of cops in armored vehicles was added to the streets
yesterday as counterterrorism measures were ratcheted up.
Full Story Click Here
Now, y'all don't pay no never mind to the last digits on the immediatley
above story!

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[CTRL] Stifling the Voice

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

YellowTimes.org shut down!!
by Firas Al-Atraqchi  12:04am Mon Feb 10 '03 (Modified on 2:10pm Mon Feb
10 '03)

The well known alternative news publication YellowTimes.org was just shut
down by its hosting comapny! It recently published an article by an Iraqi
nuclear scientist!

Stifling the Voice of Reason
By Firas Al-Atraqchi

The campaign to stifle dissent and censor any questioning of current U.S.
policies vis a vis the Middle East in general, and Iraq in particular, has
reached new levels.

Websites which host alternative views, and/or views that contradict U.S.
foreign policy are no longer tolerated on the Internet and are
systematically coming under hacker attack and political pressures to

YellowTimes.org (www.yellowtimes.org) has for the past six months
withstood intense hacker attacks as it publishes views that directly
question, criticize, and berate the U.S. official line regarding the
impending invasion of Iraq.

In addition to e-mail spoof attacks, I think they are attempting to overload
our servers through denial of service attacks, forcing our website to go
offline. Similar incidents happened last time we released an article from
Imad Khadduri, says Erich Marquardt, YellowTimes.org publisher.

Imad Khadduri, an Iraqi former nuclear scientist who was instrumental in
Iraq's nuclear weapons program in the 1980s and early 1990s, has charged
that recent allegations concerning the competence and progress of the
Iraqi nuclear weapons program are baseless and untrue. In an article
published on YellowTimes.org before it was taken off- line by its hosting
company, Khadduri painted a dismal picture of Iraq's scientific community
with many out of jobs and scrounging for work after the Gulf War and
subsequent allied bombing reduced any nuclear hopes to rubble.

Khadduri has also charged Khidhir Hamza, a former Iraqi scientist with
whom Khadduri worked, with fabricating and exaggerating his importance
in Iraq's nuclear program outlined in Hamza's book Saddam's Bombmaker.

While several YellowTimes.org writers have been lauded for bringing
previously unpublished news to its readers and informing the public of
news that has been virtually blacked out from mainstream North American
media (CNN, New York Times, etc.), a marginal number of readers have
found the website to be sick and diseased, and unpatriotic.

Those who charge that intellectual debate is unpatriotic forget the words
of John Adams, one of the forefathers of the U.S. Constitution:

The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always
stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking,
and writing. Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge
among the people, who have … a right, an indisputable, unalienable,
indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of
knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers.

Or perhaps they forget Thomas Jefferson: The only security of all is in a
free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted
freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It
is necessary, to keep the waters pure.

Are more websites about to be shut down?

For its part, YellowTimes.org is committed to continuing its ethos in
providing its hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors with alternative
news and views, and is not taking the recent shutdown lightly. This
setback is not going to stop us from speaking out against leaders and
governments who commit gross injustices against humankind, said

Believe me, YellowTimes.org will be back.

Firas Al-Atraqchi can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
YellowTimes.org can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
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[CTRL] Stagger On, Blighty Bloike

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, February 10, 2003

FEBRUARY 10. MSNBC is now reporting that the recent fine piece of
work released by the British government on Iraq's secret machinations was
largely plagiarized from a student's paper (!) that was published in a
professional journal about a year ago.

Plagiarized, spelling errors and all.

But Tony Blair maintains that other sections of the government report
really were the result of actual intelligence work. He regrets the
inadvertent error of not crediting the source of the bulk of the paper.

We all know about closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out,
but this has the additional feature of tap dancing in front of the barn.

Combined with crying wolf once too often.

A nasty sight indeed.

This report was praised by Colin Powell when he addressed the UN last
Wednesday. But hey, what does Powell know? He was too busy rehearsing
for his big moment with a pointer and slide show to actually find out
whether the Brits had their heads on straight.

And Powell was also quite involved with getting all the captions correct on
those photos of secret Iraqi WMD sites that no one can interpet.

My, my.

Did you really do your own homework, Jimmy?


Are you sure?

Well, I cheated on this part, but over here I wrote it myself.

You know that gets you an automatic F.

Why? That's not fair.

The dog ate his homework. The dog was eaten by a wolf. The wolf was
baying at the moon. The moon was a WMD bunker. The bunker was an
evaporated milk factory. The factory was a wooden model constructed at
Langley. Langley is a liar's paradise. Paradise is where they told the old
assassins in training they would go after they killed people.

Tony Blair is a PR man with a good haircut somebody snatched up and put
in the prime minister's chair. Without adult supervision---and there seems
to be a shortage of that going around these days---Blair and Bush should
be kept in a pen or on a golf course.

Hit a shot, get out the thermos and have a gulp of gin, tell a lie, kick the
other guy's ball off the fairway into the rough, fall down on knees and
utter a prayer, get up and stagger on.

Except a million lives or more are at stake here.

That's what happens when you vote for anybody in a major party on both
sides of the Atlantic. It's wall to wall liars. They were brought up that way.
They learned to lie and cheat at an early age. They are so wrapped up in
doing it they can't stop and contemplate the REAL consequences, even
after they ascend to their cheap gold-plated thrones.

The voters' failure to recognize this pervasive pattern of deceit is called
faith and innocence and good- heartedness and trust---all those wonderful
qualities we are urged to embrace.

I call it stunted development. Little boys and girls who want to love
something so bad or kill something so bad they can't stop.

I'm reminded of photo clips of kids who had enlisted and been drafted into
Hitler's youth program. Shining faces, glowing eyes, perfect health. Then,
onward, into the abyss.

JON RAPPOPORT www.stratiawire.com
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] Give Up the Church for Lent!

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Court orders Phoenix Diocese to turn over files in abuse scandal
By Joseph A. Reaves

The Arizona Republic
Feb. 8, 2003

The state Court of Appeals ruled Friday that the Catholic Diocese
of Phoenix must turn over to a grand jury nearly 2,300 records and

The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel upholds an earlier decision by
Judge Eddward Ballinger of the Maricopa County Superior Court, who
examined about 3,500 documents and decided that most of them should be
handed over.

Special report
• Priest scandals' Arizona impact

The church has repeatedly indicated it wants to cooperate, said County
Attorney Rick Romley. We ask that they turn over the documents as
quickly as possible without further appeals. The diocese could appeal to
the state Supreme Court. Calls to diocesan attorney Jim Belanger and
church spokeswoman Kim Sue Lia Perkes were unreturned Friday. Romley
and the diocese have been at odds for months about the level of
cooperation with a grand jury investigating sexual abuse allegations by
church employees. Church attorneys claim they are cooperating fully.
Romley insists they are stalling. The dispute centers on client-attorney
privilege. In 1994, the Arizona Legislature granted greater client-attorney
privileges to corporations facing civil lawsuits. Lawmakers did not apply
those broader privileges to criminal matters. Ballinger ruled on New Year's
Eve that the stricter standards applied to the church files, as the grand
jury is investigating criminal matters. Church attorneys argued that the
broader privileges should apply. In Friday's decision, Appeals Court Judge
Patrick Irvine said the Legislature was clear when it changed the law for
civil cases and purposefully allowed for tighter restrictions. Also Friday,
sentencing was delayed until March 5 for former Valley priest John
Maurice Giandelone. He pleaded guilty to molesting a teenage boy more
than two decades ago and is cooperating with a grand jury investigation
how the Phoenix Diocese handled allegations of sexual misconduct.

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[CTRL] Say Cheese!

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Speed camera at accident black spot is blown up
By Athalie Matthews
(Filed: 08/02/2003)
Angry motorists have used explosives to blow up a
speed camera box, sending pieces of metal flying across a road.

The box was positioned on the A605 between Thrapston and Oundle in
Northamptonshire, a stretch of road described as the most dangerous in
the county. Twenty people have been killed or seriously injured in
accidents there in the past three years.

The attack came as the latest Home Office figures showed that the
number of motorists being caught speeding by traffic cameras is soaring.

Cameras caught 1.1 million drivers offending in England and Wales in 2001,
compared with 770,000 the previous year, a 39 per cent rise.

Nearly four times as many motorists were prosecuted or given a fixed
penalty fine for speeding in 2001 as there were five years earlier.

The A605 camera was installed in September 2000 and registers an average
of 50 vehicles per month which exceed the 60mph limit. Drivers caught
speeding are fined £60 and have their licence endorsed with three penalty

There was no camera in the bright blue steel box mounted on a yellow
steel pole at the time of the attack. The damage was estimated at £2,000.
It would have been £25,000 if a camera had been inside.

Northamptonshire police are offering a £2,000 reward for information
leading to conviction. They have sent fragments of the box to be analysed
by MoD experts and are awaiting the results.

Alison Farr, of Kettering CID, said: We are treating this crime extremely
seriously. It was an unbelievably irresponsible and stupid act. The force of
the explosion forced metal right across the road and, had someone been
driving past at the time, the occupants could have been seriously injured
or killed.

Previous acts of vandalism against speed cameras in the county, which
were introduced in April 2000, have been mainly limited to graffiti. One was
covered with a tyre. Last week a camera was rammed and set on fire on
the A338 near East Hannay, Oxon.

Although more speeding motorists are being caught, the number of traffic
light offences detected by cameras fell between 2000 and 2001 from just
over 68,000 to 56,600.

The likelihood of being taken to court for a motoring offence, rather than
facing a fine, depends on where in the country you live.

For example, Essex prosecuted just 19 per cent of offences while Greater
Manchester prosecuted 61 per cent, the Home Office figures show.

Of the total of 1.1 million traffic camera offences in 2001, 86 per cent
were dealt with by fixed penalties. In that year, nine out of 10 of those
found guilty of motoring offences were male.

31 January 2002: Dawn of speed cameras that never forget a face

8 December 2000: Speed fines to pay for more cameras

13 April 1997: Angry drivers steal off with speed camera

Previous story: Coroner jailed for probate thefts
Next story: Prince is told his GM views are 'criminal'

External links

Speed camera
locations - Northamptonshire Police

Project Laser - Denying criminals the use of roads [18 Mar '03] - Home

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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Bill of Wrongs Edition

2003-02-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

For those of you who courteously read my note to Mr O'R following his
tirade against TakeBacktheMedia for boycotting Rush (who Mr O'R claims
to be entitled to Free [read: Paid] Speech, the section on Billie O might
have some resounding echoes.  O-Hell, I included it at the end.

Embedded linques at site 

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 98)

February 10, 2003
Bill Of Wrongs Edition

We skipped a week last week, so there's quite a mishmash of idiocy to be
found in this week's Top Ten. First place was an easy choice - Bill O'Reilly's
unbelievably hypocritical performance on The O'Reilly Factor last week
propels him straight to the top. Meanwhile, Tom DeLay (2) has a new take
on racial quotas, Clayton Floyd (3) hates peace, Dick Cheney (4) has got his
head in the sand, and Mark Sanford (5) is a chickenhawk extraordinaire.
Two weeks ago you saw the State of the Union speech, but what's the real
state of the union? Well George W. Bush is in sixth place, and if his
portrayal of himself as a compassionate warmongering bleeding-heart
liberal conservative is accurate, it ain't up to much (special bonus: the
graphic for last week's nonexistent Top Ten). Elsewhere, Laura Bush (7) is
scared of poetry, Ari Fleischer thinks that Nelson Mandela is a do-
nothing, and Jim Saxton (10) has come up with a great way to stick it to
the French. Enjoy, and don't forget the key!

Bill O'Reilly
Last week Bill O'Reilly surely laid claim to the title Most Hypocritical Man
In America. Our story begins with Vietnam-era veteran turned peace
activist Mark Stinson (aka Symbolman) and his website
TakeBackTheMedia.com. Mark happened to be listening to radio lardbag
Rush Limbaugh one afternoon when Limbaugh called all peace activists
Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist Marxists and Communists. Disgusted, Mark
decided to organize a boycott of Limbaugh's show. Using his site to give
the boycott momentum, he was soon attracting attention from the
mainstream media, and it wasn't long before he was invited to appear on
FOX's The O'Reilly Factor. A bold move to be sure, and Mark had to
weather a storm as O'Reilly accused him of wanting to take away Rush
Limbaugh's freedom of speech (uh, I don't think the Bill of Rights says you
have the right to a radio show) and insisted that organizing a boycott was
in itself un-American. But it only took a mere 24 hours for O'Reilly to trip
over his own laughable rhetoric. The following night The O'Reilly Factor
hosted Jeremy Glick, a peace activist whose father died in the World
Trade Center attacks. Evidently O'Reilly didn't really want to hear Glick's
opinions - as Glick tried to explain that one of his reasons for opposing war
is that it always seems to be America who trains and arms the bad guys in
the first place, O'Reilly first tried to shout over him, and the interview
finally ended with the First Amendment champion shouting Shut up! Shut
up! Cut off his mic! (If you don't believe us, you can hear the audio here.)
Man, you've got to love Bill's appreciation for freedom of speech. As for
O'Reilly's opinion that boycotts make one un-American, he must have
forgotten how he got Ludicris fired by boycotting Pepsi (which is odd
because he seemed quite proud of it at the time!) And he didn't seem to
mind when the attorney general of Illinois wanted to boycott Abercrombie
 Fitch. In fact, when it comes down to it, Bill also didn't have a problem
yelling at someone to Shut up! Shut up! when they said something he
didn't want to hear. Yup, he truly is a great American. If only we could all
follow Bill O'Reilly's fabulous example.

Tom Delay
And now for some more hypocrisy on a grand scale. At a recent meeting of
Republican leaders, Tom Delay touted his new plan to hire more African
Americans as GOP staffers. One of our problems was, in the hiring of
African Americans, we can't find good conservative African Americans to
work for us, said Delay, who seemed genuinely unsurprised at this
revelation. But I've got 20 résumés now of young conservatives. According
to the Washington Post, Participants at the meeting said the party needs
to recruit more blacks to serve on staffs of House and Senate Republicans,
which could translate to more black candidates and voters in the future.
So lets get this straight: the Republican Party, which strongly opposes
affirmative action, wants to hire staffers based entirely on the color of
their skin. The hypocrisy here is to be expected; what's sickening is that
rather than doing this to actually help minorities, they're simply trying to
cover up their racist tendencies and win votes by parading blacks around.
Absolutely disgraceful.

Clayton Floyd
Here's something interesting - did you know that some people meet the
idea of peace with dismay? If not, you should check out Missoula,
Montana. All it took was Ward 2 Councilman Jim McGrath attaching a
photograph of a peace sign to the lid of his city- issued 

Re: [CTRL] Don't Get Bushwhacked

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/10/2003 11:34:19 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Philip Dru, Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow, which you
really should take a look at.

Actually it is well worth reading...written as fiction by Col. House it is a blueprint for what followed in real life.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [apfn-1] Parting words to friends by Fritz Springmeier

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Parting words to friends by Fritz Springmeier

From: Fritz Springmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 9 Feb 2003 11:34:48 -0800
 To: Chris Athanas [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Subject: Parting words to friends


 By Fritz Springmeier 2/9/03 
 You will not hear from me for about a week. Tomorrow the main battle begins.

 The Feds are trying to flush me into the sewer of prison life for the rest of
my life. And lots of well meaning people with lots of good intentions are giving
a great deal of free advice, much of it given without much understanding. Like I
was really given other options. My other “options” include the “roadkill option”
to run and risk getting shot like a dangerous animal. Or I can decide not to
play their legal game and play my own legal game. In this “ strutting machismo
option” I can bravely announce to the Plexiglas and walls what the law
technically is, what the law should be or was, or what I imagine the law is. I
can put Big Brother’s Brave New World on trial. While this makes an altruistic
statement on what the law should be, the law is really what Big Brother’s regime
says it is. This country is occupied by our present regime, and what they want
to do, they do. Our ideals don’t mean trash to these people. I know, at times in
the past I’ve risked my life and limb standing up for one’s Constitutional
rights and the technical aspect of what the law actually says. These people
don’t even study the Constitution to become part of law enforcement, nor do the
lawyers. Constitutional law and what we had as law in the past are lost
sciences, which need the discovery of a Rosetta Stone. In the “letter of the
law” option, rather than put the system on trial, I dazzle Big Brother with the
letter of the law. I have nothing against technicalities, but in the past when
using this option, I have had to face a choice, do I give my life for some legal
technicality or give in under duress. As the Word of God says, the letter of the
law does not give life (for instance, when our government wants to do something

 My story is a story about the love of truth, but whether it has a happy ending
remains to be seen. Our nation’s legal heritage in the past is a phantom, a
phantom that many people continue to cling to. Recently my wife and I watched
the movie K-19. It showed the tyranny of the Communist Russian system, and how
its tyranny destroyed the chance for things to function, for instance the
nuclear sub K-19. Had the rigid authoritarian system let people do their jobs
without micromanaging from on high, then things would have functioned better.
When I commented to my wife, that I was grateful that I was born in Kansas and
not Russia, she replied, “Well, Dorothy this isn’t Kansas anymore.” She’s right;
the surreal Brave New World we live in is not Kansas anymore.

 So we come back to the choice I’ve made. To stare the monster in the face and
go to court. And when my side gets done fighting their court battle and the dust
settles, where I will be is anyone’s guess. I may be in the belly of the beast.
Some might call this battle trial and error, or perhaps trials and tribulations.
Ladies and Gentlemen of my readership, my future is in the hands of other
people, and I have very little influence over what happens. It is like boarding
a plane that looks like it might fall apart being piloted with a question mark
for a pilot. But even that analogy doesn’t quite describe what it is like to
enter the bizarre world of the American legal system. While both sides get to
pitch, it seems at times 

[CTRL] Fwd: Rothschilds Appoint New Head Of British Branch : Sir Evelyn de Rothschil...

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
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Rothschilds Appoint New Head Of British Branch
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild To Take Command Of Jewish Banking Interest

2/10/03 4:10:34 PM
Financial Times

London, England -- http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?

French Rothschild is set to take helm in London

By Charles Pretzlik, Banking Editor

Published: February 10 2003 4:00 | Last Updated: February 10 2003 4:00

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, head of the London arm of the family banking
group, is preparing to hand over control to his French relative, Baron
de Rothschild, in a deal that would tie the two branches of the family
closely than they have been for 200 years.

The precise arrangements are not yet finalised but the plan would see
David, 60, take control of NM Rothschild bank in London as well as the
business, which he already runs.

Under the main proposal, Baron David would become chairman of Rothschilds
Continuation Holdings, the Swiss-registered holding company chaired by Sir
Evelyn that controls London-based NM Rothschild. He and several other
family members, including Eric and Edouard de Rothschild, would buy a
significant stake in the company from Sir Evelyn.

Some at the bank had expected details to be agreed by the end of last
month. They now believe June is a more likely deadline but caution that
plans have been in gestation since last year and the timetable keeps

Sir Evelyn, 72, has chaired NM Rothschild for nearly 30 years. It is
envisaged that he would retain a role, perhaps by becoming non-executive
chairman of the bank.

Both David and Evelyn agree that the time is right for him to hand over
control, said one insider. It's just a question of getting some of the
details sorted out.

Sir Evelyn, who recently married an American, spends increasing amounts of
time in the US. Friends say he feels a duty to ensure an orderly
for the London arm, which is the only branch of the Rothschild business to
have existed without interruption since the five sons of founder Mayer
dispersed across Europe two centuries ago.

Baron David is already well-known and respected in London. He made his
by building the French company, Rothschild  Cie Banque, from scratch
its predecessor was nationalised in 1981 by François Mitterrand, then

Baron David has also been deputy chairman of the London business since
1992, and he already runs Rothschild's global investment banking business,
which the French and London operations are run as a single entity, with
offices such as New York under joint control.

However, the succession plans are complicated, mainly by a plan for
of the French family to buy shares in RCH from Sir Evelyn. This would
Sir Evelyn to extract some capital and give the French parity with their
English cousins.

But it requires agreement on the valuation of privately held assets whose
value has never been tested in a public market. Most of these assets are
in a complex network of tax-efficient structures around the world.

It is expected that the change at the top would lead to other management
changes at the bank. NM Rothschild has been searching for a chief
but most candidates have been deterred by the lack of clarity about Sir
Evelyn's plans.

Rothschild declined to comment.

Additional reporting by Robert Clow in New York

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

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2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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My Groups |
Rayelan Main Page

From: Aftermath
  MonFeb10,2003 3:55 amSubject: Skull and Bones Fostered Russian
Alright, now this is what I
  have been trying to tell the liberals who believethey are fighting
  against the "Right Wing". Anyone who considers themselves"Democratic"
  , Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Marxist or just leaning thatway,
  needs to get the Big Picture reguarding the diabolical hoodwinking
  theyhave fallen under when the very people they claim to be opposing,
  are the trueprogenitors of, the true financiers and the true brains
  behind, the veryideology they so fervently embrace! Now did that
  statement make any sense?Probably not just yet. If not, then at least
  read on with an open mind. In fact, those who consider themselves
  as "Conservatives" and who claim to beagainst Communism, but don't
  know who is really behind it, will be equallyblown away by this. And
  so they should. PWSkull and Bones Fostered
  Russian Communismhttp://thewebfairy.com/nwo/commiebones/Skull
  and Bones Fostered Russian CommunismIt's All in the Family
  Criminal connections to the Financial Fraternity that paid for the
  creation ofCommunism, the United Nations and Nazism are explored in
  this G. Richard Arnoldarticle. It starts with a sharp critique of
  Marine Captain Daniel Sullivan'sarticle which appeared in Proceedings,
  the journal of the U.S. Naval Institute.Marine Captain Daniel Sullivan
  exalts Council on Foreign Relation's "traitor"George F. Kennan to
  "American hero" status in his U.S. Navy propaganda articlewhich
  appeared last Fall.. A true history of this vicious villain would
  showthat George F. Kennan should have been tried and convicted of
  "high treason."By G. Richard Arnold George F. Kennan's
  whole career was that of undermining America's NationalSecurity ... in
  favor of a New World Order run by the Council on ForeignRelations
  crowd and The Skull  Bones. The paralysis and neutralization
  of our Armed Forces "was sold" by Kennan andhis "conspirators" as
  "containment" and "co-existence."The whole of Kennan's life should
  be questioned! Kennan should have been put ontrial for "high treason"
  for his participation in brutal Communism's "success"during most of
  the last century. George Kennan was relentless in hisprotection, "aid,
  comfort and support" of those criminals who created and feedthe
  Communist Killing Machine. Kennan, like Henry Kissinger have
  continually propagandized for "containment"and "co-existence" with the
  killers in the Kremlin. He has pleaded not tooffend the Soviets, and
  to support Yugoslavia Communist Tito, he testifiedbefore the United
  States Senate to "back off" the Soviet Cong etc. etc. Kennanopposed
  "Victory" both in Korea and Viet Nam and served the Wall Street
  Hitlerswho wanted to disarm America. . Comrade Kennan
  supported the Fulbright Memorandum to "muzzle the Military." TheU.S.
  military was not allowed to describe Communism as "treacherous"
  or"vicious" or warn of the menace of "Soviet infiltration." He warned
  them tonever speak of "victory." Kennan (CFR) and his brethren
  were constantly afraid that Americans mightdiscover that Communism is
  a creation of the Faustian Financial Fraternitieslike the Skull 
  Bones and their Commu-Fascist friends. "Communism" is their"Rosemary's
  baby". The Communists have 


2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, February 10, 2003


FEBRUARY 10. Several medical people have contacted me with information and questions about how the mass smallpox-vaccine campaign is going. 

Here are some items they may be able to use in bringing sanity to the hundreds of thousands of potential first-responders who are trying to decide whether to take the vaccine now as a condition of their work. (Dates of news stories below are for Internet posting and may actually be slightly earlier.) 

AP, Feb.7. “Two weeks into a national vaccination program that was expected to take a month, smallpox vaccinations have begun in just 16 states. A top federal official acknowledged Thursday that the program was off to a slow start, citing the unresolved issue of compensation for people harmed by the vaccine as well as confusion about the risk of a bioterrorism attack. Federal officials had hoped states would vaccinate close to 500,000 health care workers in about 30 days, beginning in late January. As of Wednesday [Feb.5], 687 people in 16 states had been inoculated.” 


Tampa Tribune, Feb. 7. “Florida is seeking recruits in the war against bioterrorism, but some health workers are hesitating to join the government’s smallpox inoculation plan…Thursday, one of Hillsborough County’s 10 acute-care hospitals snubbed the program, and two others were on the fence. The objection: side effects…and questions about who will pay for treatments if a volunteer gets sick [from the vaccine].” 


Tallahassee Democrat, Feb. 7. “Faced with growing resistance, the Bush administration’s smallpox vaccination plan is off to a slow start and may have to be dramatically scaled back…employee unions are balking, big hospitals are opting out, and crucial questions about liability and compensation for vaccine side effects remain unanswered.” 


Houston Chronicle, Feb. 7. “As of Wednesday [Feb. 5], 687 people [nation-wide] had been inoculated, mostly those who will vaccinate others.” 


Toledo Blade, Feb. 7. “…the state [Michigan] hasn’t decided when to begin vaccinations [of first responders].” 


Salt Lake Tribune, Feb. 7. “Last Friday, Los Angeles County said it ordered 9,200 doses and expects to vaccinate only about 60 of its nurses, doctors, and epidemiologists during the program’s first, weeklong phase.” 


The Sacramento Bee, Feb. 7. “At least 15 hospitals in Los Angeles County have decided against taking part immediately in a nationwide program to inoculate medical staff against smallpox. ‘The risks of offering the vaccine far outweigh the benefits at this time,’ said Dan Boyle of Providence Health System, which has hospitals in Burbank and Mission Hills.” 


Memphis Commercial Appeal, Feb. 6. “State health officials said Wednesday that concerns over compensation for people injured by the smallpox vaccine are hampering the inoculation program, which has vaccinated just a few hundred people so far.” 


Tacoma News Tribune, Feb. 6. “While the state [of Washington] moves ahead [with the vaccination plan], local hospitals fret. Throughout the South Sound, private health care providers are refusing to join the voluntary vaccination program, citing concerns about the safety of their patients and workers, and potential liability.” 


LA Times, Feb. 6. “Nine of LA County’s 83 eligible hospitals have submitted the names of employees willing to receive inoculations---and most of these [nine hospitals] are small.” 


Boston Globe, Feb. 6. “…three influential Boston hospitals remain deeply cautious about President Bush’s vaccination campaign and have not yet committed to inoculating their staffs. Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Children’s Hospital have yet to decide whether their doctors, nurses, and other staff will be given smallpox shots, said Dr. Alfred Demaria, director of communicable disease control for the state Department of Public Health.” 


But hey, don’t YOU worry, your sleeve rolled up, a nurse bringing the needle into position. 

JON RAPPOPORT www.stratiawire.com 

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[CTRL] Television newscasters enlisted in CFR

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Television newscasters enlisted in CFR
by Ralph W. Carlson
February 7, 2003

To the editor: 

The world-government-promoting Council of Foreign Relations has intensified its grip on television news by enlisting as members several additional nationally known commentators. In response to a directive to include more women as members, the Council has inducted Paula Zahn, Lesley Stahl and Judy Woodruff...

These three now join Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters in the CFR where each can be counted on to present the establishment line on the important news reaching Americans. They will, of course, be following the lead set by veteran CFR members Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Frank Sesno and Jim Lehrer.

Americans who believe they are getting straight news reporting must begin to realize that this is surely not the case.

These individuals, of course, are on-air personalities. Each of the corporations for whom they read the news is also led by additional members of the Council on Foreign Relations. 

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[CTRL] The New World Order and Iraq: Towards World Empire or World

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon

The New World Order and Iraq: Towards World Empire or World Government? 
by Dexter Raymond III   
The drums of war in the Middle East are beating ever louder as the Bush Administration signals that its “patience” is running out with Iraq. Speaking last Sunday at that most recent convocation of global planners, the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos, Secretary of State Colin Powell left no doubt that “time was running out” for Iraq. Warning that if Iraq “does not disarm peacefully,” it “will be disarmed” anyway, as the U.S. “will not shrink from war” to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction (BBC News, 01/26/03). President Bush’s State of the Union address also erased any uncertainty that war is coming. His soothing statement to U.S. troops that “some crucial hours may lay ahead” revealed that rather than it being a case of “If war is forced upon us…” that war will shortly be forced on Iraq. Bush and Powell’s warnings also brazenly confirmed a Reuters (01/22/03) report, citing a source in Russia’s armed forces that the U.S. plans to invade Iraq in mid-February once an attack force of 150,000 had been assembled. War is close, probably closer than we think. 

The obvious question is to what end this imminent war? What is the real purpose of this invasion, and the suffering it will surely cause not just in Iraq but also across the Middle East, which has emerged out of the “War on Terror”? There are two explanations that go against the Bush Administration’s propaganda. 

The first explanation is imperial greed, or more precisely, greed for oil. According to Reuters anonymous Russian source, for instance, the motive behind the imminent invasion of Iraq is control of oil: “[Saddam] Hussein is a pretext. The real aim of the military action is to secure U.S. control over Iraqi oilfields.” This fits into many leftist criticisms of Bush’s plans, which present it as little more than a push to establish a global empire. To quote Professor William Tabb from City University of New York, writing in the Marxist periodical Monthly Review (November 2002): “This war is focused on oil and the assertion of an American Empire – the right of the hegemonic sector of U.S. capitalism to rule the world.” 

The other prevalent view, particularly in the what-we-might-term “real” alternative media, given that mainstream outlets are less restrained in their contempt for it, is that the invasion is part of plans to establish world government. Thus in this magazine in mid-January, (Babel 01/19/03) Paul Walker of Aftermath News wrote: 

“American Imperialism” is the biggest misnomer going around right now. It’s a UN-sponsored, UN-approved and UN-Orchestrated War on Humanity to keep everybody in line, dancing to the drumbeat of the New World Order … Bush is simply carrying out the UN’s mandate for global transformation. That’s all.” 

So which is it to be? But then again, must it be one or the other? Could Bush’s rampant imperialism merely be a step towards the establishment of a system of global domination; or is it a step that must be overcome? We can find the answer by looking at one of the less well-observed oddities of the current crisis, namely the opposition of much of the Eastern Establishment to Bush’s agenda. The overt reasons for this opposition are clear: Bush’s approach is unilateralist, not multilateralist, he is contemptuous of the UN and other international institutions, and he threatens to destabilize international order. There are numerous examples of these sentiments. 

Anatol Lieven of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace writing in the London Review of Books (11/3/02) described Bush’s plan to invade Iraq as “destructive of international order”, as well as “profoundly reckless.” Lieven blamed “neo-conservative nationalists” among Bush’s team, especially Vice President Cheney, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, and head of the Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle, for pursuing a plan for “unilateral world domination through absolute military superiority.” This now dominant group in the Bush Administration, observed Lieven: 

…have now openly abandoned the underlying philosophy and strategy of the Clinton Administration, which was to integrate the other major states of the world in a rule-based liberal capitalist order, thereby reducing the threat of rivalry between them. 

Instead of the U.S. leading “the rest of the world by example and consensus,” Lieven concluded, America has now become “a menace to itself and mankind.” 

Michale Hirsh, formerly of Newsweek, writing in the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) periodical Foreign Affairs (September/October 2002), took aim at “Bush’s stunted vision” and the “unilateralist ideologues” behind it, noting that: 

While Bush talks of defending civilization, his administration seems almost uniformly to dismiss most of the civilities and practices that other nations would identify with a common 

[CTRL] Like Father, Like Son - How To Start A Gulf War

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Like Father, Like Son
How to Start a Gulf War
By Michelle Mairesse

Prelude to War

In 1990, Hussein was preoccupied with Kuwait (one of the Persian Gulf states the British had carved out in the 1920s), which severely limited Iraq’s access to the Gulf. Not only did that tiny country demand repayment of war loans, but it had also been slant-drilling and siphoning oil from Iraqi territory.

Saddam Hussein had reason to believe that the U.S.A. still backed him. After all, the C.I.A. had helped install him as dictator of Iraq in 1963, and the U.S.A. had supplied him with arms, including chemical and biological weapons, during the war with Iran (1980-1988).

On airing his concerns to U. S. Ambassador April Glaspie in July, Hussein was encouraged by her response. She told Hussein that Washington had "no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait," a statement, she said later, she regretted.

In September 1990, Glaspie told the New York Times, "We didn’t think he’d take all of Kuwait."

The Invasion of Kuwait

As early as April of 1990, both Kuwaiti and American intelligence services were aware of Iraqi invasion plans, and American policy-makers were informed several days beforehand, but there were no public pronouncements or warnings to Hussein. 

When Iraqi tanks rolled into Kuwait on August 2, 1990, President George Bush Senior compared the invasion to Nazi Germany’s occupation of the Rhineland.

Nevertheless, the day before the invasion, the Bush administration approved the sale of $395,000,000 worth of advanced data transmission devices to Iraq, just one item in the 1.5 billion dollars of advanced technology that both the Reagan and Bush administrations sold to Hussein from 1985 to 1990. 

Exploiting the Crisis

The first President Bush, aided by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Colin Powell, now jumped at the opportunity to justify a more militaristic foreign policy.

Bush proposed "a new world order--free from the threat of terror." The United States would lead a coalition against the aggressor.

Arab leaders suggested a compromise: allow Iraq to annex a small segment of Kuwait after withdrawal. The administration refused that offer and all others, not because the plans were unreasonable, but because the Bush administration had decided on a war designed to enhance American power in the oil-rich Mideast.

Fake Satellite Photos

In early January, Hussein’s troops began to withdraw from Kuwait, but the Pentagon claimed to have satellite photographs showing an enormous buildup of Iraqi forces and weapons, 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1500 tanks massing in the desert for their impending attack on Saudi Arabia. This announcements stunned the anti-war protesters, and world opinion gradually shifted, although no one saw the alleged photos, which were, of course, classified. 

Jean Heller, an ace journalist from the St. Petersburg Times in Florida, persuaded her editors to buy two photos from the Russian commercial satellite, the Soyuz Karta, taken September 11 and September 13. The photos proved that the entire Iraqi airforce was parked in Riyadh and that Iraqi troops were nowhere to be found massing in the desert. The editors asked two former Defense Intelligence Agency analysts to examine the photos. They, too, were surprised that the pictures showed American jets arrayed on the Saudi Arabian border but no troops at all on the Kuwaiti border.

Peter Zimmerman, a satellite expert at George Washington University, said, 

"We could see clearly the main road leading right through Kuwait, south to Saudi Arabia, but it was covered with sand banks from the wind and it was clear that no army had moved over it. We could see empty barracks where you would have expected these thousands of troops to be billeted, but they were deserted as well." 

Then a strange thing happened. Major news organizations, including Newsweek, the Chicago Tribune, and ABC, perused the photos but decided not to publish a story that would contradict the government’s information. The Iraqi military buildup, which did not exist, was Bush’s justification for dispatching troops, yet the American media refused to expose the government’s lie. The only honest American journalists were in St. Petersburg, Florida.

After the war, the House Armed Services Committee concluded that at the beginning of the ground war in February, the Iraqi troops numbered 183,000, not the 250,000 "discovered" by the Pentagon satellite.

The alleged Pentagon satellite photos are still classified.

Fake Dead Babies

The propagandists for the Gulf War had to reach back to World War I for the ultimate staged outrage--our evil enemy attacks innocent babies.

Here is how it unfolded. Kuwaiti citizen Nijirah al-Sabah, wiped her eyes and described a horrifying scene she saw when she was a volunteer in the Al Adnan hospital in Kuwait City. She had witnessed Iraqi soldiers looting 

[CTRL] Buchanan: Why Does Iraq Top The Enemies List?

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon

Why does Iraq top the enemies list?
Posted: February 10, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Patrick J. Buchanan
© 2003 Creators Syndicate, Inc. 

In his 90-minute presentation to the Security Council, Colin Powell made a compelling case for the prosecution that Iraq is not cooperating fully and freely in its own disarmament. Clearly, Saddam is concealing weapons he is forbidden by U.N. resolutions to possess. 

On this count, Saddam appears guilty as charged. But this is not the question we Americans must answer. 

For us, the question is this: Why are we going to war? Why are we about to attack, invade and occupy a country that has not attacked us, does not threaten us and does not want war with us? 

Did Iraq have a role in the mass murder of Americans on 9-11? Answer: no. The sensational charge that Mohammed Atta secretly met an Iraqi agent in Prague, prior to driving that plane into the World Trade Center, proved false, despite the propaganda that this was the "smoking gun" that tied Saddam to 9-11. 

Was 9-11 the work of Iraqis hell-bent on revenge for their defeat in Desert Storm? Again, no. Not one of the 19 hijackers was an Iraqi, but 15 were Saudis. Their motive for massacre was not revenge for Desert Storm, but a fanatic resolve to drive America off the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia. 

Were the al-Qaida terrorists behind the 9-11 murders run by Iraqi intelligence? Again, the answer is no. Al-Qaida's ties were to the Saudi and Pakistani intelligence agencies, and Osama bin Laden and his agents were provided sanctuary by Afghanistan, not Iraq. Indeed, Osama had only contempt for the secularist regime in Baghdad. 

But if Saddam was not behind 9-11, was he behind other terrorist attacks on Americans? The embassy bombings in Africa, the Cole? No, again. It was Iran, not Iraq, behind the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, and the nations that aided Hezbollah most in driving Israel out of Lebanon were Syria and Iran. 

But even if Iraq was not behind terrorism against Americans, is not Saddam a mortal peril to a region of the world vital to the West: the oil-rich Persian Gulf? 

Is he? Iraq has an economy not 1 percent of ours, no navy, a few MIGs, an army whose armor was ravaged in Desert Storm and a few Scuds. Indeed, neoconservatives predict a "cakewalk" war over Iraq. None of his neighbors is clamoring for war on Iraq. The Turks march in and out of Iraq at will, Israel has nuclear weapons, the Saudis fear an Iraqi break-up more than an Iraqi attack, and Iran is far more likely to end up as hegemon of the Gulf when the Americans depart, as they will. 

Why, then, is Iraq at the top of America's enemies list? 

The Bush Doctrine. After 9-11, and the rout of al-Qaida from Afghanistan, the president had placed before him an idea for a second front in the War on Terror. 

The United States would declare it to be national policy to prevent any and all Arab and Islamic radical or rogue states from ever acquiring weapons of mass destruction. To secure this objective, America would embrace a strategy of pre-emption – proclaim a right to attack and invade rogue nations to prevent them from ever acquiring or producing such weapons. 

Hungry for further action after victory in Afghanistan, President Bush had this precooked meal placed right in front of him, and he dug in. In his "Axis of Evil" address in 2002, the president identified three such nations: Iran, North Korea and Iraq. 

But why are we about to attack Iraq first? 

Of the three, Iraq appears the least menacing. With its economy stifled by a decade of sanctions, its military crippled by Desert Storm and systematic destruction of its arsenal under years of U.N. inspections, Iraq is in no condition to launch an invasion of the Gulf region. 

Iran would appear the greater potential threat. For not only was Teheran behind several terror attacks on Americans, it is testing ballistic missiles and developing, with the aid of Russia, a nuclear capability. 

North Korea has missiles capable of hitting every U.S. base in Asia and two programs to produce fissile material for atom bombs. It boasts an army of a million men that could kill thousands of Americans in any second Korean war and is a known proliferator of weapons for cash. And while Iraq is desperately trying to avoid war with the United States, Kim Jong Il is openly defying the Americans.

[CTRL] Shuttle WAS Carrying Radioactive Materials

2003-02-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

NASA's Terror, Part Two

By Michael Colby
Food and Water.org


Sadly, my hunch is turning out to be correct. It appears the Columbia
space shuttle did, indeed, have radioactive materials on board.

In an interview with National Public Radio last night, the Sheriff of
Nacogdoches, Texas, Thomas Kerss, declared the following: There was
radioactive material on board. Kerss also declared that all the debris
found by the retrieval operations would be tested for radioactivity.

So there you have it. And you can imagine the anger that NASA and U.S.
military officials are feeling toward Sheriff Kerss for spilling the
nuclear beans to the public.

But it's the Texans that should be the angriest. They are the ones who
have apparently become unwitting guinea pigs to NASA's madness. They,
quite literally, got dumped on.

The fine folks at the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in
Space have issued an official Freedom of Information Request to NASA
seeking the  full disclosure of the type, the amount, and the purpose of
radioactive material on board Columbia.

If the history of NASA is any indication, it won't be easy getting
straight answers. Karl Grossman, the author of the NASA expose, The Wrong
Stuff, has been trying to get information from the space agency for years
and has been frustrated every step of the way.

They lie as much as they breathe, Grossman declared on Pacifica Radio's
War  Peace Report last night.

NASA has a sorry history of cover-ups, deceit, and information
obfuscation, making it akin to a wild goose chase just to get the most
basic information about its missions. NASA's trump card when dodging
information predators is to claim national security. And given the
agencies close knit relationship with the U.S. military, it's a claim it
often gets away with.

But now that the Columbia shuttle has exploded above our heads and its
super-secret-contents have rained down upon us, the public must be
informed about the dangers we're facing. The nation's health and security
is at risk, and it's NASA that has created this clear and present danger.

If there is anything left of our democracy, now is the time for it to be
tested. NASA and the U.S. military must not be allowed to hide behind
their convenient sheaths of secrecy. The public must be informed about
the dangers that lie ahead, and NASA must be reined in to meet the goals
of the people.

In recent years the world community has made it clear that they find U.S.
arrogance too much to bear. The U.S. has cancelled international peace
and environmental accords; its used its military might wherever and
whenever it likes; and it's turned its back on billions of poor,
starving, and ill-housed global citizens.

And now the U.S. wants the world's sympathy for the explosion of a
multi-billion-dollar space toy and its seven astronauts. Sorry, Mr. Bush,
but the U.S. is only looking more arrogant by the minute.

Unfortunately, much of the world is all too familiar with explosions --
they usually mean U.S. military warplanes are on the horizon. Within a
matter of weeks it looks like hundreds and thousands of additional
military explosions will occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, and maybe even North

How is it that we deserve the world's sympathy?

Enough already.

The Bush administration should be magnifying the pain they're feeling
from the loss of the seven astronauts by tens of thousands to get some
perspective on how the world feels about our military-induced explosions.
There isn't enough time for all the memorials these innocent people

Scary, isn't it, how much terror the U.S. government (our government!)
could wage in one single month? First, it's toxic and radioactive
materials raining down on our innocent heads. And, next, it's bombs
heading for the heads of innocent Iraqis.

Yes, we need to stop terrorism. And we should start with the terrorism
being done in our name.

Editor's Note: First - Jeff has nothing to do with this editor's note.
These are my personal feelings.

My choice of articles today is flagrantly egocentric because I'm furious.
We are less than 10 miles from the deer named below.  Over 600 pieces of
the shuttle fell one county over.  One fell right into our reservoir.
One fell just across the beautiful lake I've look out on each glorious
morning.  One piece fell just the other side of us - and the numbers

NASA's trying to claim that those deer have lumpy throat disease or some
insanely ludicrous name.  So explain, NASA, why everyone I know has
headaches, swollen glands and seriously deep coughs.  Explain why we all
dragged around the office Friday (the longest day in history)
intermittently stopping to question what we were doing just a minute ago.
Explain why we feel so rough.

Or you, Mr. President - take your attention of the other guys for just a
minute and look at your people. Explain why FEMA, Red Cross or some
other scam/sham organization didn't 

[CTRL] The Secret Third Party Running America

2003-02-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The Secret Third Party Running America

Martin H. Smith, Jr.

Below is a column written by Joe Sobran.  Mr.  Sobran was formerly an
editor at National Review magazine.  National Review was founded by
William Buckley and for many years it was regarded at the preeminent
journal of conservative thought in America.  But William Buckley was a
coward.  He was afraid to take on the power of the Jewish Party in
America.  So when Joe Sobran started writing articles that were critical
of Israel, Mr.  Buckley fired Joe Sobran.

Mr. Sobran's columns have been published in almost every newspaper in
America.  Mr.  Sobran is an American treasure and a scholar of the
highest caliber.  This article by Joe Sobran is a MUST READ and you must
RESEND THIS EMAIL to everyone you know.


My Obsession with Jews - by Joe Sobran

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so
obsessed with Jews and Israel.  The question amuses me.  It would be
one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any
other nation or country most people remember only as a name from
geography class.

I should think it's obvious that I'm *responding* to an obsession - an
obsession of contemporary culture, politics, the media, the arts.  We
have been getting 24/7 coverage of Jews, the Holocaust, and Israel for
years now.  The front pages, the evening news, the magazine covers devote
so much attention to Israel -- a country the size of New Jersey on the
other side of the world --that you could get the impression that it spans
several time zones and includes much of the world's population (plus a
few gentiles).  Many columnists write about it more often than I do:
Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, Cal Thomas, Paul Greenberg, Mona
Charen, and George Will, to name a few.  Of course they write
uncritically about Israel, so they aren't considered obsessed; Eric
Alterman of THE NATON has compiled a list of more than 60 well-known
pundits who reflexively support Israel, while finding only 6 who are
frequently critical.

Every American president has to spend a disproportionate amount of his
time coddling Israel and denouncing or actively fighting Israel's
enemies.  It's become part of the job description, as much as if it were
written into the Constitution -- or more so, since constitutional
obligations have become optional and *this* obligation is definitely
not.  At the same time, no president or any other politician may suggest
that the American-Israeli alliance imposes undue risks, costs, or burdens
on the United States.

Journalism still devotes so much attention to the Holocaust that, as I
once quipped, The NEW YORK TIMES should be renamed HOLOCAUST UPDATE.
Books and movies about it continue to pour forth; bookstores have whole
sections on the Holocaust, and universities consecrate entire departments
to Holocaust studies. Holocaust memorials spring up everywhere.  Elie
Wiesel preaches that we *should* be obsessed with the Holocaust, as he
is.  Churches, accused of silent complicity in, and even ultimate
responsibility for, the Holocaust, do their best to repent and atone.

Current Jewish sufferings are treated as specially tragic facts,
extensions of the Holocaust itself.  When Arab terrorists seized an
Italian ship, the Achille Lauro, and threw a Jewish passenger overboard,
a leading American composer, John Adams, wrote an entire opera, THE DEATH
OF KLINGHOFFER, about the incident.

Anti-Semitism has become the chief of sins.  It's seldom helpfully
defined, but it seems to take a thousand forms, from outright genocide to
indiscreet bons mots about Israel.  Many gentiles live in dread of being
labeled anti-Semitic, a charge against which there is no real defense or
appeal: to be accused is to be guilty.  The burden of proof, as I've
often pointed out, is on the defendant -- and a difficult burden it is,
since he hardly knows what he's being accused of.  How can you prove your
innocence of an undefined crime?  By the same token, there is no penalty
for false charges of anti-Semitism, since a meaningless charge can't be
proved false anyway.

No gentile is quite safe from the charge.  The Gospels, Catholicism, and
the papacy have been indicted; so have Chaucer, Shakespeare, Voltaire,
Edmund Burke, Dickens, Henry James, Henry Adams, Dostoyevsky, Mark Twain,
Hilaire Belloc, G.K.  Chesterton, T.S.  Eliot, Ezra Pound, Hemingway.
(So far Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson seem to have escaped the
accusation.) Then there are whole anti-Semitic nations, among them
Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Germany, France, and Spain, lately
joined by most of the Arab nations (thereby proving it is possible to be
Semitic and anti-Semitic at the same time).

Billy Graham was recently roasted for anti-Semitism when it transpired
that he'd made a few disparaging comments about Jews in the media during
what he'd thought were private conversations with President Richard Nixon
*30 years 

[CTRL] clergy cover ups,cults,legal info,teacher,porn,censorship,media,Pat Act 2

2003-02-10 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has 
Government Scrutinizes Research Publications
Son of the Patriot Act

this may be heavy for survivors

Sins of the Fathers Grand jury says LI diocese protected abusive priests By Rita Ciolli 2/10/03 "Catholic church officials on Long Island failed in the past to protect children from sexual abuse by priests and cannot be trusted to protect them now without changes in state law, according to a withering Suffolk County grand jury report that was released this morning. The 180-page report depicts, sometimes in lurid detail, how the hierarchy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre concealed the alleged criminal behavior of its priests and used "deception and intimidation" in dealing with abuse victims. The report repeatedly points out how avoiding bad publicity was paramount. Calling the diocesan policy of dealing with abusive priests "a sham," the report exposes a "system that left thousands of children in the diocese exposed to predatory, serial child molesters working as priests." The report estimates that abuse cases cost the diocese $2 million, with about $1.7 million of that being paid to victims in settlements. And with abuse allegations on record by 2002 against at least 58 priests, according to an internal memo cited in the report, the only priest who was defrocked at that point, was one who admitted to having an affair with an adult woman." http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-ligran103124280feb10,0,1364761.story?coll=ny%2Dtop%2Dspan%2Dheadlines

The Boston Files By Rita Ciolli and Joseph Mallia "In 1995, Bishop William F. Murphy, then the second-highest ranking official in the Archdiocese of Boston, faced a grave problem: One of his priests was accused of sexually molesting a boy at a church-run juvenile detention center. Murphy decided to allow the Rev. C. Melvin Surette to remain active and then gave the cleric $14,000 to start a job bank to find work for other priests accused of abusing children. Murphy also gave Surette an allowance to live in private housing and extra money for a car and parking expenses. The accuser, who was 16 at the time of the alleged abuse, received a $50,000 settlement. The Rev. Richard Lennon, who was then Murphy's assistant, wrote him a memo soon after criticizing the bishop's treatment of Surette..."   http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-libishop0209,0,3547218.story 

four from L Moss Sharman Where the cultists play By Lysiane Gagnon 2/10/03 "Quebec makes no distinction between established religions and cults (which some sociologists earnestly call "new religions"). In France, where there is firm separation between church and state, only Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims are granted fiscal privileges. Furthermore, the government has drawn up a list of 172 groups it considers to be cults; those deemed the most "dangerous" are subject to special scrutiny. The list, which attracted criticism from civil libertarians, includes Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists. Some parliamentarians even tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to present a law that would have allowed the state to ban groups that are convicted of "mental manipulation." http://www.globeandmail.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/PEstory/TGAM/20030210/COGAGNY/national/national/nationalColumnistsHeadline_temp/4/4/4/

Md. bills seek to lengthen limit on filing of sex-abuse civil suits - Current law requires victim to initiate action by age 21 By John Rivera 2/9/03 "In the aftermath of the child sexual-abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, victims' advocates are pushing the Maryland General Assembly to lengthen the statute of limitations for filing civil suits against abusers. Critics have long argued that Maryland's law, which requires a child who has been sexually abused to file suit by age 21, is too restrictive. Now they believe they have the impetus to make changes. A bill sponsored by Del. Brian K. McHale, a Baltimore Democrat, would allow a sexual abuse victim to file a civil suit within a year after the resolution of a criminal case. "http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.statute09feb09,0,2906635.story?coll=bal%2Dlocal%2Dheadlines 

Ex-Jordan teacher facing up to his demons, lawyer says Jim Adams 2/8/03 "A former Jordan High School teacher convicted of sexual assaultA prosecutor has said Simon admitted to counselors or corrections officials that, by his own estimate, he molested about 100 students and others in his 20 years at the school." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3641251.html

4 arrested in Toronto over child porn Dentist, three others, in 2,400 names found on U.S. lists Christian Cotroneo 2/8/03 "Toronto police have arrested four men, including a 57-year-old dentist, on child pornography charges. The arrests were described as the latest in an ongoing investigation known as Project Snowball, based on tips from U.S. 

[CTRL] Claims of Saddam's Genocide Far from Proven

2003-02-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Claims of Saddam's Genocide Far from Proven 
by Robin Miller

Is it really true that Saddam Hussein "gassed his own people" while committing genocide against Iraqi Kurds, images that have become woven into the fabric of the American perception of Iraq?

Human Rights Watch, the respected New York City NGO, has long championed these claims. According to its reports, "at least 50,000 and possibly as many as 100,000 persons, many of them women and children, were killed out of hand between February and September 1988," the victims being Iraqi Kurds "systematically put to death in large numbers on the orders of the central government in Baghdad." Iraq allegedly used chemical weapons in "forty separate attacks on Kurdish targets" during a campaign that HRW characterizes as genocide. The most prominent of these purported attacks was the March 1988 "chemical assault" on the town of Halabja, in which the number of dead, according to Human Rights Watch, was "in excess of 3,200," or perhaps "up to 5,000," or even "as many as 7,000."[1]

Horrifying claims, these, but how much of this is true?

We know that both Iran and Iraq used chemical weapons against one another in their eight-year-long war, which ended with an August 20, 1988, cease-fire. Most of Iraq's alleged assaults on the Kurds took place while this war was raging, although Human Rights Watch claims the attacks extended into September. Iraq has acknowledged using mustard gas against Iranian troops but has consistently denied using chemical weapons against civilians.

We also know that Iraq, for what it called security reasons, forcibly relocated--within Iraqi Kurdistan--Kurds living in certain areas, much as Israel has done with the Palestinians and the U.S. did in Vietnam.

What Happened at Halabja?

The only verified Kurdish civilian deaths from chemical weapons occurred in the Iraqi village of Halabja, near the Iran border, where at least several hundred people died from gas poisoning in mid-March, 1988. We know that Iran overran the village and its small garrison of Iraqi troops; what is contested is who was responsible for the deaths--Iran or Iraq--and how large the death toll was.

The best evidence is a 1990 report by the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College.[2] It concluded that Iran, not Iraq, was the culprit in Halabja. Lead author Stephen Pelletiere, who was the CIA's senior political analyst on Iraq throughout the Iran-Iraq war, has described his group's findings:

"The great majority of the victims seen by reporters and other observers who attended the scene were blue in their extremities. That means that they were killed by a blood agent, probably either cyanogens chloride or hydrogen cyanide. Iraq never used and lacked any capacity to produce these chemicals. But the Iranians did deploy them. Therefore the Iranians killed the Kurds."[3]

Pelletiere says the number of dead was in the hundreds, not the thousands claimed by Human Rights Watch and the U.S. administration. To this day, the CIA concurs.[4]

While the War College report acknowledges that Iraq used mustard gas during the Halabja hostilities, it notes that mustard gas is an incapacitating, rather than a killing, agent, with a fatality rate of only two percent, so that it could not have killed the hundreds of known dead, much less the thousands of dead claimed by Human Rights Watch.[5]

According to the War College reconstruction of events, Iran struck first, taking control of the town. The Iraqis counterattacked using mustard gas. The Iranians then attacked again, this time using a "blood agent"--cyanogens chloride or hydrogen cyanide--and re-took the town, which Iran then held for several months. Having control of the village and its grisly dead, Iran blamed the gas deaths on the Iraqis, and the allegations of Iraqi genocide took root via a credulous international press and, a little later, cynical promotion of the allegations for political purposes by the U.S. State Department and Senate.[5a]

Pelletiere described his credentials in a recent New York Times op-ed:

"I am in a position to know because, as the Central Intelligence Agency's senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and as a professor at the Army War College from 1988 to 2000, I was privy to much of the classified material that flowed through Washington having to do with the Persian Gulf. In addition, I headed a 1991 Army investigation into how the Iraqis would fight a war against the United States; the classified version of the report went into great detail on the Halabja affair."[6]

Was There an Ongoing Campaign of Genocide?

Pelletiere also rejects the larger claim that, aside from whatever happened at Halabja, Saddam Hussein engaged in a months-long campaign of genocide against Iraqi Kurds that killed 50,000, 100,000, or more. Calling this is a "hoax, a non-event,"[7] he explains that:

"This one is extremely 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Yellow Times shut down]

2003-02-10 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

OMG!  THIS one caught me COMPLETELY by surprise!  This site was one of the
BEST sources of info!!!

I'm speechless...


The well known alternative news site YellowTimes.org was shut down by
its hosting company. Such is the nature of Free Speech in America.

Stifling the Voice of Reason
By Firas Al-Atraqchi

The campaign to stifle dissent and censor any questioning of current
U.S. policies vis a vis the Middle East in general, and Iraq in
particular, has reached new levels.

Websites which host alternative views, and/or views that contradict
U.S. foreign policy are no longer tolerated on the Internet and are
systematically coming under hacker attack and political pressures
to relocate.

YellowTimes.org (www.yellowtimes.org) has for the past six months
withstood intense hacker attacks as it publishes views that directly
question, criticize, and berate the U.S. official line regarding the
impending invasion of Iraq.

In addition to e-mail spoof attacks, I think they are attempting to
overload our servers through denial of service attacks, forcing our
website to go offline. Similar incidents happened last time we
released an article from Imad Khadduri, says Erich Marquardt,
YellowTimes.org publisher.

Imad Khadduri, an Iraqi former nuclear scientist who was instrumental
in Iraq's nuclear weapons program in the 1980s and early 1990s, has
charged that recent allegations concerning the competence and
progress of the Iraqi nuclear weapons program are baseless and
untrue. In an article published on YellowTimes.org before it was
taken off-line by its hosting company, Khadduri painted a dismal
picture of Iraq's scientific community with many out of jobs and
scrounging for work after the Gulf War and subsequent allied bombing
reduced any nuclear hopes to rubble.

Khadduri has also charged Khidhir Hamza, a former Iraqi scientist
with whom Khadduri worked, with fabricating and exaggerating his
importance in Iraq's nuclear program outlined in Hamza's
book Saddam's Bombmaker.

While several YellowTimes.org writers have been lauded for bringing
previously unpublished news to its readers and informing the public
of news that has been virtually blacked out from mainstream North
American media (CNN, New York Times, etc.), a marginal number of
readers have found the website to be sick and diseased,
and unpatriotic.

Those who charge that intellectual debate is unpatriotic forget the
words of John Adams, one of the forefathers of the U.S. Constitution:

The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always
stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking,
speaking, and writing. Liberty cannot be preserved without a general
knowledge among the people, who have a right, an
indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most
dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and
conduct of their rulers.

Or perhaps they forget Thomas Jefferson: The only security of all is
in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when
permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be
submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.

Are more websites about to be shut down?

For its part, YellowTimes.org is committed to continuing its ethos in
providing its hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors with
alternative news and views, and is not taking the recent shutdown
lightly. This setback is not going to stop us from speaking out
against leaders and governments who commit gross injustices against
humankind, said Marquardt.

Believe me, YellowTimes.org will be back.

Firas Al-Atraqchi can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
YellowTimes.org can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Secret Patriot Act II

2003-02-10 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

The Secret Patriot Act II
Destroys What Is Left of American Liberty

A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot 
Act II
By Alex Jones

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the Washington Times that no member of Congress was 
allowed to read the first Patriot Act that was passed by the House on October 27, 
2001. The first Patriot Act was universally decried by civil libertarians and 
Constitutional scholars from across the political spectrum. William Safire, while 
writing for the New York Times, described the first Patriot Act’s powers by saying 
that President Bush was “seizing dictatorial control.

On February 7, 2003 the Center for Public Integrity, a non-partisan public interest 
think-tank in DC, revealed the full text of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 
2003. The classified document had been leaked to them by an unnamed source inside the 
Federal government. The document consisted of a 33-page section by section analysis of 
the accompanying 87-page bill.

The bill itself is stamped “Confidential ­ Not for Distribution.” Upon reading the 
analysis and bill, I was stunned by the scientifically crafted tyranny contained in 
the legislation. The Justice Department Office of Legislative Affairs admits that they 
had indeed covertly transmitted a copy of the legislation to Speaker of the House 
Dennis Hastert, (R-Il) and the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney as 
well as the executive heads of federal law enforcement agencies.

It is important to note that no member of Congress was allowed to see the first 
Patriot Act before its passage, and that no debate was tolerate by the House and 
Senate leadership. The intentions of the White House and Speaker Hastert concerning 
Patriot Act II appear to be a carbon copy replay of the events that led to the 
unprecedented passage of the first Patriot Act.

There are two glaring areas that need to be looked at concerning this new legislation:

1. The secretive tactics being used by the White House and Speaker Hastert to keep 
even the existence of this legislation secret would be more at home in Communist China 
than in the United States. The fact that Dick Cheney publicly managed the steamroller 
passage of the first Patriot Act, insuring that no one was allowed to read it and 
publicly threatening member on Congress that if they didn’t vote in favor of it that 
they would be blamed for the next terrorist attack, is by the White House’s own 
definition terrorism. The move to clandestinely craft and then bully passage of any 
legislation by the Executive Branch is clearly an impeachable offence.

2. The second Patriot Act is a mirror image of powers that Julius Caesar and Adolf 
Hitler gave themselves. Whereas the First Patriot Act only gutted the First, Third, 
Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and seriously damaged the Seventh and the Tenth, the 
Second Patriot Act reorganizes the entire Federal government as well as many areas of 
state government under the dictatorial control of the Justice Department, the Office 
of Homeland Security and the FEMA NORTHCOM military command. The Domestic Security 
Enhancement Act 2003, also known as the Second Patriot Act is by its very structure 
the definition of dictatorship.

I challenge all Americans to study the new Patriot Act and to compare it to the 
Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Ninety percent of the 
act has nothing to do with terrorism and is instead a giant Federal power-grab with 
tentacles reaching into every facet of our society. It strips American citizens of all 
of their rights and grants the government and its private agents total immunity.

Here is a quick thumbnail sketch of just some of the draconian measures encapsulated 
within this tyrannical legislation:

SECTION 501 (Expatriation of Terrorists) expands the Bush administration’s “enemy 
combatant” definition to all American citizens who “may” have violated any provision 
of Section 802 of the first Patriot Act. (Section 802 is the new definition of 
domestic terrorism, and the definition is “any action that endangers human life that 
is a violation of any Federal or State law.”) Section 501 of the second Patriot Act 
directly connects to Section 125 of the same act. The Justice Department boldly claims 
that the incredibly broad Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act isn’t broad enough 
and that a new, unlimited definition of terrorism is needed.

Under Section 501 a US citizen engaging in lawful activities can be grabbed off the 
street and thrown into a van never to be seen again. The Justice Department states 
that they can do this because the person “had inferred from conduct” that they were 
not a US citizen. Remember Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act states that any 
violation of Federal or State law can result in the “enemy combatant” terrorist 

SECTION 201 of the second 

[CTRL] More on YellowTimes.org shutdown

2003-02-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

latest post:


Spoke with them
by Bob 10:26pm Mon Feb 10 '03

I spoke with the people at YT and they told me that they were shut down due
to using up too much CPU resources on the hosts computers.

Though here is the issue.

CPU resources is not on any plans. Meaning, they didn't go over their
allowed hard drive space or bandwidth. The host just told them that yellow
times was causing other computers there to be too slow.

When yellow times offered to pay more (they are already paying over $100 a
month), they said that there was nothing they could offer yellow times
unless they gutted the site and made it use up less resources.

When asked what is using up resources, the company said they weren't sure,
but that it was just using up resources!

So yellowt times tried everything but the company said that there was
nothign they could do and now the whole site was suspended.

talk about bullshit. according to yellowtimes, a reputable site, everything
was paid for and the reason for shutting them down was pretty ridiculous.

And here is where it all plays in.

Think about it. If the company wanted to shut down YT because they didn't
like them, that would be illegal. Discrimination. So they would have to say
something else. By doing this, the company is completely exempt from a
discrimination lawsuit at least. See that? So nobody can do anything.

The people at YT told me that they do not claim that the company shut them
down for political reasons. They simply told what happened and most people
realize that this could very well be true. Especially considering a lot of
other sites have shut down for similar reasons (when they question the U.S.

Ahh, the plot thickens!

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