[CTRL] The Stop Loss Scam --- It's based on a lie

2004-12-08 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


December 8, 2004 

The 'Stop Loss' Scam It's based on a lie 

by Justin Raimondo

"I believe I served my country honorably," says Specialist E-4 David W. Qualls:
"Even though I did not expect to be rotated to Iraq, I did my time and served to the best of my ability. And I was proud to serve. But the Army made an agreement with me and I expected them to honor it. Iraq is a very dangerous place and I have a family to support. I did what I said I would; it's only fair that the Army do the same."
Qualls and seven unidentified plaintiffs have filed a class action suit: they are suing the U.S. government for breach of contract. The target of their ire is the Pentagon's "stop loss" edict that permits the military to keep them far beyond the stretch they signed up for – in effect, indefinitely.
Involuntary servitude was supposedly abolished with the Emancipation Proclamation: will we need another one that covers members of our supposedly volunteer military? Apparently so. 
The legal basis of the "stop loss" scam is contained in an executive order issued by George W. Bush invoking "the authority vested in me as president by the Constitution" – yes, but of what country? Venezuela? 
Surely he cannot mean the U.S. Constitution, which nowhere gives the president the authority to declare a national emergency, never mind unilaterally declare specific emergency measures without the consent of the people's representatives. These brazen blasphemers invoke the Constitution, even as they violate it. But the lies don't end there.
The executive order also refers to the president's authority according to
"The laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in furtherance of the proclamation of September 14, 2001, Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks, which declared a national emergency by reason of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States."
U.S. law, however, does not, give the president a blank check when it comes to declaring "national emergencies." As a check on presidential power, the U.S. code provides that:
"Not later than six months after a national emergency is declared, and not later than the end of each six-month period thereafter that such emergency continues, each House of Congress shall meet to consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated."
If such a momentous act as the declaration of a national emergency has been passed by Congress – twice a year since 2001 – then certainly we would have heard about it. The news media, ever-vigilant for new causes of panic (especially during the holiday season) would surely have trumpeted the news. But we haven't heard a word. What's up with that?
The legal mystery is not clarified by consulting Title 3, section 301 of the U.S. Code, which simply allows the president to delegate his duties – but not to expand his powers beyond those granted by the Constitution, or the law of the land. 
While Specialist Qualls fully supports the Iraq war, and argues simply that he did his duty, and now it's time to move on, this class-action suit brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights strikes at the very heart of the president's rationale for the conquest and occupation of Iraq. The argument of the War Party has been, from the beginning, that Iraq posed a direct threat to the United States – that the war was and still is the central front in a more generalized "war on terrorism." This administration labored mightily to convince itself, and then the rest of the country, that Saddam Hussein was somehow connected to the 9/11 attacks – but only Laurie Mylroie believes that, now, along with a few die-hard delusional neocons over at the Weekly Standard. 
If this administration is concerned about the imminence of another terrorist attack, similar to the events of 9/11/01, then why doesn't our commander-in-chief bring U.S. troops home from Iraq to guard our porous borders? There have been several cases in which suspicious individuals with possible links to al-Qaeda-affiliated groups have attempted to cross into the U.S. from Mexico; and Canada, not exactly friendly territory these days, has notoriously lax immigration laws. In short: forget Fallujah. There is more danger of another 9/11 emanating from south of the Rio Grande and north of Niagara Falls, than there ever will be in the Sunni triangle.
In terms of Bush's post-9/11 declaration, and according to the law, the president's authority to call up the military reserves under the colors of a "national emergency" is limited in scope and duration – unless, that is, the administration follows its typical post-9/11 pattern of arguing that the new doctrine of presidential 

[CTRL] Fwd: Whose party is it anyway?

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Whose party is it anyway?

Harry Reid may be the Democrats' new Senate leader, but
this week, blue eyes are on Howard Dean.

By Tim Grieve


Dec. 7, 2004  |  Harry Reid says Democrats have to
swallow their pride and move toward the middle. Harry
Reid says he admires Antonin Scalia's brilliance and
could imagine voting to confirm him as chief justice of
the United States. Harry Reid says he'd rather dance
with George W. Bush than fight him.

Harry Reid says: I'm the face of the Democratic Party

Harry Reid may be right. For a party that came within
119,000 Ohio votes of ousting a sitting president in a
time of war, the Democrats are sounding awfully
defeated these days. There's talk of making the most of
long-term minority status, of compromising on judicial
appointments and moral issues like the rights of gay
couples and women -- Reid, the Democrats' new Senate
leader, is anti-choice -- and of trying to figure out
some way to outflank the Republicans from the red-state

And then there's Howard Dean.

The once-and-maybe-future presidential candidate has
kept a relatively low profile since election night, but
that's going to change Wednesday, when Dean delivers
what his aides are calling a major speech in
Washington. The subject: Dean's vision for the
Democratic Party. The not-so-hidden subtext: his role
in it.

On the night after John Kerry lost to George W. Bush,
Dean told supporters on a Meetup conference call that
the Democratic National Committee is at a crossroads
and that DNC members have questions to ask
themselves. But now, as Dean prepares for his Bush II
coming out and weighs a bid to replace Terry McAuliffe
as the head of the DNC, it's the DNC members who have
questions for Dean: Where does he want the party to go,
and is he willing to put aside his own presidential
aspirations to help take it there?

Dean will address the first of those questions
Wednesday. He'll argue that the Democratic Party should
be rebuilt from the grass roots up, that it should be
driven by millions of Americans who make small
contributions rather than by a handful of moneyed
interests, and that the party should focus not just on
presidential politics in swing states like Ohio and
Florida but also on down-ballot races even in the
reddest of states. On matters of substance, Dean may
not resurrect his borrowed line about representing the
Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, but you can
count on him to make it clear he isn't joining the go
along to get along wing of the party, either.

If you want to win, you have to fight, and you have to
stand for something, Dean wrote in a Web column a few
days after the election. While centrist Democrats like
Reid were scrambling to find common ground with the
president and the red state voters who elected him,
Dean used his first sustained election postmortem to
proclaim his disagreement with Bush on almost every
direction he takes us in.

Dean's unequivocal anti-Bushness is red meat for
progressive Democrats hungry for something beyond the
empty calories of Fuck the South. The liberal
blogosphere -- which played both father and son to
Dean's presidential run -- has all but demanded that
Dean be chosen to lead the Democratic Party when the
DNC meets in February. In Oregon, the race for a spot
in the state's DNC delegation turned into a blog battle
over which candidate would offer the strongest support
for Dean's as-yet-undeclared candidacy. In Washington,
DNC member Donna Brazile said Monday that she has
received so many e-mails from Dean supporters that her
Blackberry has died from the abuse.

There's no question that Dean can inspire the
Democratic base. And as a former governor -- albeit of
a tiny state -- and a presidential candidate who 


2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

YALE's Skull and Bones culture of the PI rate, which is now destroying America 
from within, Winning at any Cost, is being once more exposed by the use of 
steroids by athletes in professional sports. This culture did not come about by 

It is the end result of the Masonic Thousand Points of Light allegories and 
symbolisms derived from Arabian Nights (from an ancient Persian book styled 'A 
Thousand and One Nights').

The extreme end result reality that evolves from implementing this Persian-Mede 
Ali Baba culture is now being seen on television, acted out every day by Arabs 
in Iraq, ie: the cheating, looting, kidnappings, murders and beheadings.

It is imperative that the American military use the current opportunity to 
thouroughly cleanses Iraq of those people who teach or use such tactics in 
their insurrection, and then, even more importantly, carry the learned message 
home; that the Arabian tactics of winning at any price, such as are now 
considered NORMAL in the middle-East, if allowed to be taught by secret 
societies in American universities, in the Media and in local Masonic lodges, 
can only lead to the total destruction of American society.

IRAQ is the proof, and a preponderance of the circumstantial evidence.

The SculPTor

Posted: 5:49 AM

Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Ever since the CIA's eastern division was formed by the NAZI Reinhard Gehlen 
and the Dulles brothers following WWII, it has spent most of its time creating 
internal problems for the US Administration than it ever has for the enemies of 

As a matter of fact any study of CIA activities would suggest that they work 
more for Old Europe's Nazis and the Persian Medes NATSIS than they do for 

Together with CNN and the US Senate they are the Trojan Horses and Leaking Pack 
Mules most intent on desTROYing America.

The SculPTor

Posted: 7:21 PM


Anyone who truly believes, or reports, that two real estate towers hit by 
airplanes at the upper floors will collapse at their base, as the WTC towers 
did, need their heads examined.

The only thing identified by the 9/11 Commission was who are the most naive or 
corrupt people in America.

The 9/11 survivors can be classified as naive, while the 9/11 Commission and 
the media fall into the O range of the corrupt.

The SculPTor

Posted: 8:26 AM

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ctrl is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic 
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid 
matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and 
outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor 
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

Re: [CTRL] Ruppert Revisited

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
from another list, that doesn't "allow" me to directly forward:

In a message dated 12/8/04 6:19:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is extensive, and I'll need time to go through it at length. I have a response from Ruppert to this guy and will forward it. As far ashis claim that,


 "The New World Order Exposed has
blurbs on the back cover from Jim Marrs, Michael Collins Piper, Gordon
Thomas, and Paul Walker of Aftermath News. These are some of todays
leading figures in the alternative research field"


 I can see why Ruppert could throw the book in the ashcan without reading even to Page 1. Jim Marrs is described as a'libertarian' (think Cato institute)-into the whole "Alien Agenda" (as his book titlemight indicate). Gordon Thomas is a clear spook with British Intelligence and CIA connections. His book, "Descent Into Madness", is thinly veiled CIA propagandaposing as journalism. He is rabidly anti-China (ask Larry Chin and/or Shiu Hung) and anti-Israel (not bad in and of itself - but of a piece with the "Secret War against the Jews" alleged by Loftus and Arens) .


 That the subscription was handled by Michael Leon and not Cynthia is more likely a mistake on Ruppert's part - rather than a lie. I understand that he's just as pissed at M. Leon as Cynthia if not more. Michael Leon was DEFINITELY up to no good, and fucked Ruppert over on multiple fronts (perhaps this was one of them).

"Ruppert absolutely and undeniablyLIED THROUGH HIS TEETH about the entire New World Order Exposed matter."


 So this is pure hyperbolie, with other logical interpretations - which the author excludes in favor ofhis prefered (predetermined?) analysis.


 "There are only two explanations for this response: Ruppert iseither a pathological liar, or hes insane."


 I do not believe either assertion to be true. Fucked up shit happens frequentlyaround Ruppert because he's up to his neck in research that the black-ops community would prefer derailed, supressed, or otherwise marginalized - enter "Victor Thorn" (or Scott Muthafucka, or whatever).


 "The lunacy which flows from Rupperts
pen at every turn is precisely why the mainstream media labels us
crazed conspiracy theorists. Ruppert is collectively damaging our
credibility with all of these ludicrous statements."


 No 'Victor', the reason the mainstream media labels ANYONE thusly is because that's what they're paid to do. Whether the people involved are directly linked to the Intel community (as former Army Intelligence officer Walter Cronkite - to this day supporting the Warren Commission report), or are merely overseen or hired by them is irrelevant. The results are what matters, and if you can show me an example of a mainstream journalist who gives fair and accurate coverage of the issues which fall under the false rubrick of 'conspiracy theory', I'll be non-plused(or contest your definition of 'fair and accurate'). No 'Victor', it's the tying of what are obviously Clandestine affairs, intrigues and covert operations, to 'illuminati' and 'aliens' which get you labeled thusly, and in so doing, you give veracity to the charge. And I'm certain that this is why Ruppert has consistently wanted nothing to do with you - which you admit was the genesis of your first shoddy hit-piece on him.


 Relative to the story he quotes, from September 13th 2001 - it's important to put that in context. (I believe that)Ruppert had first printed a storyabout a guy claiming to have first hand knowledge of there having been explosives used, which was shown to be absolute BS.Likely atrue story told by someone who was a demonstrable liar - telling it in a way which could easily discredit it. Ruppert was simply over-reacting in his retraction, and attempting to re-focus the debate to areas that were PROVEABLE beyond a doubt (US oil motives - The Grand Chessboard - Put options - etc.). Even if my memory is faulty, and Ruppert hadn't forwarded that story, rumors were flying far and wide based on the canard testimphony, and he was doingeveryone a favor by putting it to bed temporarily. I don't seeing him saythat it didn't happen, just that he is 'virtually certain' on his own behalf. He is correct in his analysis that the planting of explosives at the site would endanger a black-op by leaving evidence at the scene prior to the event. However, as we've since learned the Bushes and their security company were on the scene to control this, and there was 'maintenance work' done shortly ahead of the date which might have provided cover for the setting of charges. I don't think Ruppert is still so adamant on this point (this is reasonable, as more evidence supporting it has emerged), though I don't know if he ever has, or will (re-)visit this line of research himself.


 Now if the attack on him is that he createda 'legend' for himselfas the "Godfather of 9-11 research" that's bullshit. He actually became that (to the extent thatthe assertion is even true, and not just more hyperbolie), 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mike Ruppert accuses 24 9/11 researchers as UFO-Icke-flakes

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
 Dear Professor Nosferatu,
  Here's some more Ruppert stuff circulating. What do you make of it?

From: "Nico Haupt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: December 8, 2004 2:05:11 PM GMT+07:00
Subject: Mike Ruppert accuses 24 9/11 researchers as UFO-Icke-"flakes"

Mike Ruppert accuses 24 9/11 researchers as UFO-Icke-"flakes"

WING TV vs. Ruppert enters the next round, and the emotions are getting

Mike Ruppert: 911 Saboteur by Victor Thorn

WING TV -December 7, 2004

"...Read the follow-up article to MIKE RUPPERT UNMASKED to get the real
lowdown on what this guys all about. Plus, in response to todays
article, I received the follow information from Ruppert himself in
regard to
his fellow 9-11 researchers. This is what he wrote about others in our

Oh, and your vaunted list of 911 researchers  with the exceptions of
Web Tarpley, David Ray Griffin, Jim Hoffman, Tom Flocco and Kyle Hence,
all of them are flakes or well-intentioned neophytes who, because of
their associations with UFOs, David Icke and the like are certain
destroyers of 911 credibility if the issue were ever to reach the

As youll see in the above mentioned article, this list includes: Jim
Marrs, Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press, Ralph Omholt, John
Kaminski, Dave McGowan, Kee Dewdney, Dave Von Kleist, Phil Jayhan, Eric
Hufschmid, George Humphrey, Jerry Russell, Nico Haupt, Russ Wittenberg,
Don Paul, Michael Elliott, Dylan Avery, Daniel Hopsicker, Anthony
Hilder, Stanley Hilton, Karl Schwartz, John Leonard, Richard Stanley,
Donn de Grand-Pre...

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Re: Mike Ruppert accuses 24 9/11 researchers as UFO-Icke-"flakes"

In a message dated 12/8/04 6:26:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think Ruppert's entitled to hold researchers to his own standards, relative to his own estimations of them. I don't agree with all the choices he's made in either column.


 I also think that this is a tempest in a teacup - whose winds need not be fanned. It can only damage the movement in any event.


 I think Thorn's full of shit, and Ruppert looks like he's responding to him. He may have gone overboard (or perhaps overbroad)in responding (in a few of the cases listed here). But generally I agree with his point.

"President, USA Exile Govt." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Professor Nosferatu,

[CTRL] Karl Schwarz on aircraft parts in 9/11 Pentagon wreckage

2004-12-08 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-


 From the December 6/7 National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller
Transcript by RATCAT at LibertyForum; Audio at rbnlive.com:

Schwarz: So one of the things that stuck out is there are two jet
engine parts that are available in the photographs that were posted.
You know people got them from different directions - some of it was
FEMA, some of it came from the news media. But there is two parts on
there that I had seen before - but I have been in a lot of shops
because of what we do with composites and what we do in aerospace with
nanotechnology. And I really couldn't put my finger on what it was
that I was looking at because it was kind of beat up and smashed. So,
we went back and started looking at just about every type of jet
engine, all the way back to about 1952 or ?53, as to what those could
possibly be - those components. And we finally found it.

Now, let me describe to you what it took to get this. Somebody has
gone through the internet and done content blocking to where if you
actually know the part number and you are actually looking for a
diagram picture, you know like an auto-cad drawing or looking for a
photograph of this particular item to prove that it was not a 757 that
hit the Pentagon. We had to get the help of some people out of Russia
and France and Germany and Japan to go around content blocks on the
U.S. search engines and we finally found the photograph.

Stadtmiller: And why is this significant?

Schwarz: Why it is significant is that the jet engine rotor, this is
called, one of the parts that is visible in the FEMA information,
people have been trying to say that it's what's called an AB 211 or
Honeywell APU, auxillary power unit from a 757. It is not an APU
component. It is what is called a front compressor front hub assembly.
And the giveaway is if you look at the edge of that disc, it has
metal-like cleats on it. Those metal cleats are what the front fan is
actually attached to, the fan blade. So what we are looking at here is
an older jet engine technology and we've been trying to dig back in to
find out what type of jets that is on.


Schwarz: The part that is laying there in the FEMA pictures outside
the Pentagon is definitely not a 757 component.

Stadtmiller: Gotch 'ya. Okay, now I understand. Now is there
applications for that engine and the type of aircraft that it was on?

Schwarz: Yes, in fact, there's two types. One of them, they use it on
the, what's called an A3 Sky Warrior. And the A3 Sky Warrior has had,
at last count, four different types of jets [engines] on them. But
some of it is older technology going all the way back to the Allison
J33, and Allison J71, which all of those are burned up years ago. It
doesn't even pay to try to repair them anymore. And what this is is
either a Pratt and Witney 57 or a Pratt and Witney JT8D. Now that is
an engine that is primarily used on earlier versions of the 737. But
it is also used on an A3 in it's current model, current version. And
here is what this says, this is just a little footnote, underneath
this picture we gave [Elliot] Spitzer - it said your reliable source
for turbine engine fan blade repairs is now providing total overhaul
capability of JT8D fan hub assembly repair. And I'm not going to say
the name of the company. Spitzer's office is looking into this. This
is the only approved source to overhaul both blades and hub assemblies
- an FAA approved shop.

Stadtmiller: So what was it that hit the Pentagon? Any guesses here?

Schwarz: I think it was an A3 Sky Warrior.

Posted by Total to 911info at 12/8/2004 09:51:52 AM


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shelock Holmes and the case of the Rapist PM and Premier

2004-12-08 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, elvira52 wrote:



Tragically it is true. The mental rape tells them their bodies WILL be
desecrated and defiled by the ravages of homelessness if they do not
comply with bureaucratic dictates. No crime. No misdemeanour. Yet the
consequence can be rape, torture, assault, battery and murder. That is

One might as well threaten to throw these women into a jail with all-male
prisoners as to throw them onto the streets where there are 20+ men (not
all gentlemen) for every woman. Campbell, Martin et al know what they are
doing with their gestapos.



 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: elvira52 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 6:03 PM
 Subject: How the Campbell Government Mentally Rapes the Women of BC

  On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, elvira52 wrote:
  The  mine can be raped,
  Yes the mind can be raped too. When the women of BC are threatened with
  homelessness by the Campebll Government, they immediately conjure up
  images of rape, assault etc. as a result of sleeping on the streets.
  - Original Message -
  From: Party of Citizens
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 3:31 PM
  Subject: Re: YEAAaa! [INGRAM] Future Housing and Public Health
   Party Great Idea,
  Thank you. We all realize at this point that there is no shortage of good
  ideas. There is a shortage of good will.
   Now maybe  Mayor Campbell could move a little faster and I will send
   him a
   Dozen Roses Slid with a KISS.  A Solution  Mayor Campbell :-) and More
  Mayor Campbell is an MD and an RCMP. He has passed Death Doctoring 100
  RCMP Propaganda and Torture 100 with flying colours. This is Mayor Dr
  Mengele Campbell we are talking about.
  Ironically though, because of the POC Constitution, he could run under a
  POC banner in the next Vancouver election.
 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens
 Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 3:43 PM
 Subject: [INGRAM] Future Housing and Public Health
 Thank you for the introducton, Elvira. Also, Patrick Simpson on
 designs homes for handicapped people and has received awards for his
 He is quite familiar with the automation issue. Maybe Patrick knows
 CMHC would have a grant program to design a maximally automated home
 seniors, handicapped etc. Or Mr. Taylor can tell us.
 Also CMHC may have grants for working out a solution to the
 problem via trailer parks distributed around the Fraser Valley (where
 Vancouuver is located). About a decade ago there was a trailer
 camp on the Chilliwack Lake for prisoner rehab. Different kinds of
 parks could be used for different kinds of problem sub-populations
 the homeless if that is needed. Mayor Campbell is a fan of the tv
 Trailer Park Boys. No tents he says ... OK, what about trailer
 The first at Stanley Park.
 The home/trailer is just a box, as are many apartments. They make
 boxes in a factory at Agassiz in the Fraser Valley. How a General
 Corp. steel frame building into which the boxes slide? Then they can
 moved on flat-deck trucks to other trailer parks. Trailer parks like
 can even be located on barges in Burrard Inlet or False Creek Inlet
  Party I just called and Talked to Sonny,
  Sonny meet Party and all a group of the best people you can met.
  H. C. (Sonny)  Covington
   I CAN! America
   104 East Street
   Fort Edward, New York 12828
   tel: (518) 747-9342
  I Pray
- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens
To: H C Covington
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 2:40 PM
Subject: [INGRAM] Re: [HomelessNews] F Y I - Visitability
  Free On-Line January 7, 2005 - Must RSVP by Dec 28th -
One of the best things that could be done to foster maximum
self-sufficiency in the home 

[CTRL] clergy abuse, Uganda, Air force abuse, rainbow girls

2004-12-08 Thread Smart News

Report Slams Air Force on Academy Assaults 12/8/04 by Andrea Shalal-Esa WASHINGTON (Reuters) "The Pentagon's inspector general on Tuesday blamed leadership failures by top Air Force officials for a decade of sexual assaults against female cadets at the elite Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.The earlier report said allegations of 142 sex assaults against women had been made at the school over 10 years and little had been done to halt the pattern or punish those responsible until the issue became public in January 2003. The Air Force Inspector General released a separate report, which concluded that 56 investigations into alleged sexual assaults were handled appropriately by academy investigators. In four cases, certain policies were violated, but there was "no evidence of "intentional mishandling or willful neglect." " http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=4u=/nm/20041208/ts_nm/arms_academy_dc

Website with pro-information on the Rainbow Girls. Please use caution at this website, as it may be heavy for survivors. http://www.iorg.org/geninfo.htm

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [JBirch] Fw: STAY INFORMED - STOP the FTAA Newsletter (fwd)

2004-12-08 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
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See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:07:39 -0500
 American Freedom Lovers [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Patriot Awareness Group [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@verizon.net
Subject: [JBirch] Fw: STAY INFORMED - STOP the FTAA Newsletter


  STOP the FTAA Newsletter

  December 2004


  Happy Holidays!

  According to recent news articles, it appears as though the 
vote on the FTAA may be pushed back, and that opposition to the FTAA is growing 
in Latin American countries. Although we are encouraged by our expected 
progress, now is not the time to relax. It is time to add intensity to our 
campaign. Let Congress know that the US says NO to the FTAA or any other 
deceptive agreement masked as free trade.

  The STAY INFORMED Newsletter is distributed monthly to bring 
you the latest developments in the STOP the FTAA campaign. STAY INFORMED will 
also deliver links to news articles and suggestions for active support of the 
STOP the FTAA campaign.


  Watch our two new television ads! You can view our two new 
30-second TV ads by simply clicking here. 

  NAFTA on Steroids! The phrase is catching on. In fact, 
newspapers nationwide are picking up not only on the catch-phrase, but also on 
the larger implications of the FTAA. 

  Letter to the editor: Each month we post a letter to the 
editor from newspapers nationwide asking Americans to realize the threat posed 
by the FTAA. This month:  http://www.etruth.com/news/story/336061/index.html

  FTAA implications on amnesty and immigration: Congress still 
has plans for immigration reform potentially granting amnesty to millions of 
illegal aliens. Learn how the FTAA would do away with borders entirely, 
allowing people and goods to travel from country to country as easily as we 
travel from state to state.




  You can take action against amnesty and help fight to STOP 
the FTAA in just one minute! Follow the link to write to your representative 
and senators and tell them to vote no to amnesty and the FTAA

  Learn more about the STOP the FTAA campaign's sponsor: The 
John Birch Society has influenced millions of Americans towards, Less 
Government, More Responsibility, and - With God's Help - a Better World over 
the past 45 years..


  Be sure to check out our other lists:
  American Opinion Book Services
  Get US out! of the United Nations Alert List
  The John Birch Society Legislative Alert List
  THE NEW AMERICAN Alert Network
  TRIM E-mail Network

  Join all of our Alert Lists at once


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Inventing a Crisis Privatizing Social Security

2004-12-08 Thread BillK
-Caveat Lector-













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Inventing a CrisisBy PAUL KRUGMAN 
Published: December 7, 
rivatizing Social Security - replacing 
the current system, in whole or in part, with personal investment 
accounts - won't do anything to strengthen the system's finances. If 
anything, it will make things worse. Nonetheless, the politics of 
privatization depend crucially on convincing the public that the 
system is in imminent danger of collapse, that we must destroy 
Social Security in order to save it.



I'll have a lot to say about all this when I return to my regular 
schedule in January. But right now it seems important to take a 
break from my break, and debunk the hype about a Social Security 
There's nothing strange or mysterious about how Social Security 
works: it's just a government program supported by a dedicated tax 
on payroll earnings, just as highway maintenance is supported by a 
dedicated tax on gasoline. 
Right now the revenues from the payroll tax exceed the amount 
paid out in benefits. This is deliberate, the result of a payroll 
tax increase - recommended by none other than Alan Greenspan - two 
decades ago. His justification at the time for raising a tax that 
falls mainly on lower- and middle-income families, even though 
Ronald Reagan had just cut the taxes that fall mainly on the very 
well-off, was that the extra revenue was needed to build up a trust 
fund. This could be drawn on to pay benefits once the baby boomers 
began to retire. 
The grain of truth in 

[CTRL] China Inc. - Remaking the World and Dethroning America

2004-12-08 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
from the December 09, 2004 edition -
A landmark move for China Inc.
IBM's sale of its PC unit to a Chinese firm is the latest sign that a new
giant is rising.
By Mark Sappenfield | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
OAKLAND, CALIF. - In a moment on Wednesday, the gathering might of the
Chinese economy became as imposing and obvious as the Great Wall. This was
no economic forecast - no set of percentages and decimal points that hinted
obliquely at the power that 1.3 billion shoppers could someday wield. This
was news that a Chinese company had agreed to buy one of the most venerable
product lines in the history of American technology: IBM's PC business.
The deal, announced in Beijing, evokes images of the 1980s, when Japan swept
through the American marketplace in sorties of Sony TVs, turning homegrown
companies like Zenith into free-market flotsam. Indeed, in coming years, a
tide of Chinese cellphones and refrigerators could find their way into
American homes. Yet China Inc. goes beyond that.
The IBM deal symbolizes one of the first waymarks of the new economic order,
as China not only adds innovation to its well established assembly-line
ethic, but also opens its borders to the global marketplace with an
eagerness - and a population - that Japan could never match.
And while the upshot is not likely to lead to the collapse of the American
business machine, it does point to the seemingly inevitable rise of a
challenger to the economic hegemony America has enjoyed for nearly a
It's still ramping up ... but China is already the greatest engine of
growth and the greatest agent of change in the world, says Donald
Straszheim of Straszheim Global Advisors in Los Angeles. It's going to have
a lot more heft, and Americans will have to get used to it.
It is already taking some adjusting. China's construction boom has created a
worldwide shortage of materials such as concrete and plywood, driving up the
cost of housing construction across America. Preparations for the 2008
Olympics have exacerbated worldwide steel shortfalls. And analysts suggest
rising Chinese consumption of gasoline has played a significant role in
$2-per-gallon gas.
The impact of Chinese tech firm Lenovo's bid to buy IBM's PC division,
however, is more symbolic. Unlike the 1980s, when Japan swooped in to snatch
the lucrative consumer electronics market from American corporations, Lenovo
is merely taking a business that IBM is eager to offload. In the $1.75
billion deal, IBM may actually gain ground in the Chinese market through
partnership: It will hold a 19 percent stake in Lenovo, and one of its top
managers will become Lenovo's chief executive. And, to some analysts, it's
not losing much. By today's standards, the personal-computer market is Stone
Age stuff, with prospects of only modest profits in the US. IBM plans to
focus on more profitable software and consulting ventures.
Yet the deal should put the world on notice. China might not be buying
Rockefeller Center just yet, but its businesses are at last looking beyond
their own borders (Lenovo plans to move its headquarters to New York). It's
an example of the kind of mergers and acquisitions were going to see more
of, says Mr. Straszheim. China will be buying brands to buy reach, to buy
marketing, and to buy managerial experience, which they don't have.
Setting up shop in the USA
It represents the maturing of China's economy. Like Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
before it, China is starting to move from the labor-intensive assembly
industry that so long defined it into greater innovation and product design.
One Chinese refrigerator company has already moved into a $14.5 million
building on Broadway in midtown Manhattan with plans to hit $1 billion in
sales in the Americas by next year. And the IBM deal gives Lenovo access to
the computer giant's technology and expertise. [Lenovo] will use that to
fuel innovations in their own product, says Simon Yates, a tech-industry
analyst at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass. In 20 years, Lenovo might
have the sort of brand attachment as Dell or HP.
Others agree that the Chinese wave might not be imminent, but the Lenovo bid
suggests it is not far off, and it could effect everything from mobile
phones to automobiles. In five years' time, China will become the source of
some innovation in the high-tech sector, says Dieter Ernst of the East-West
Center in Honolulu, a research center that studies Asian Pacific nations.
We've got to get accustomed to the idea of having an innovative China in
addition to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The dynamics are changing.
Moreover, China's economic influence is bound to be far greater than that of
Japan simply because it has opened itself to the world more than Japan did.
While Japan effectively erected a force field around its economy, China is
turning itself into an international business mall.
Obviously, many products made by American 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] A Phoenix Program for Iraq

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

A Phoenix Program for Iraq
Fallujah, Freedom Isn't Free
Retina scans to get into your own home. Work details under armed guard.
No cars. Military armor on every corner. All men to be shot on sight after
curfew. No freedom of movement. These are just some of the details of the new
order in Fallujah (and one assumes any other Iraqi city that the US destroys in
the future). Somewhere between a concentration camp and what US troops called a
strategic hamlet in Vietnam, this is the latest version of Washington's freedom
and democracy installation in Iraq. How much clearer does it have to become
before the US media and its brainwashed audience admit to themselves that this
whole adventure is about domination and control? If there are any arms caches
left in Fallujah after the US military finishes its so-called security searches,
one can guarantee that these draconian measures being put into place will insure
that those weapons will be used against US forces.
Who the hell do the US forces think they are? No
matter how many ID badges they make people wear and guns they point in their
face, they will not gain the trust of these people. That moment passed months
ago. The oil that Washington wants to control will never be under their control
and neither will the people of Iraq. This latest plan-a plan that essentially
turns the Iraqi cities into prison camps-acknowledges that the US has lost the
battle for many Iraqis hearts and minds and that it can only hope to get its way
via coercion and murder. One only has to look at France's Algeria, Israel's
Palestine, or Washington's Vietnam to realize the historical
Yet, the historical ignorance and arrogance of
Washington marches on. Donald Rumsfeld is on record as of December 6, 2004 as
saying that he believes US troops will be gone from Iraq within four years. If I
hadn't heard about some kind of light at the end of some tunnel during the US
war on Vietnam, perhaps I could believe the man. Unfortunately, I remember that
light and that tunnel too well. Even Mr. Rumsfeld has some kind of recall of it.
He did qualify his statement by saying that this US withdrawal would be based on
the "progress" of the Iraqi government that Washington is attempting to create
over there. That progress will be measured, of course, in the degree of
compliance (nee servitude) said government has with Washington.
Indeed, the success of the plan for Fallujah is
directly tied to Washington's withdrawal. If the US troops are somehow much more
successful in locking up all those Iraqis who despise their presence into
strategic hamlets than they were in southern Vietnam, then the troops will able
to leave when Donald Rumsfeld wants them to. If the lockdown of Fallujah and
other rebellious Iraqi cities and towns is no more successful than Operation
Phoenix was in Vietnam, then the US military will leave, but only because they
have been driven out. Either way, thousands of Iraqis will be killed solely
because they are in the Pentagon's way.
Another, less-publicized aspect of the police
state mechanisms that the US hopes to put in place in Fallujah is the creation
of so-called work brigades that would essentially force male residents of
Fallujah into forced labor battalions. I can almost see these men now-wearing
khaki overalls with the flag of the US-created Baghdad regime sewn on the back
and their name and address stitched onto the front breast pocket. Just like the
chain gangs in the southern states of the US, these men will be working under
armed guard. Perhaps they'll even be forced to wear chains around their ankles
as they rebuild the city their captors destroyed in the name of their freedom
and liberty. I even have a design idea for the city's entry gates. How about an

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Skull and bones= U.S. Presidential Election

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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U.S. Presidential Election— Stolen Again


Most of us thought that the presidential campaign of 2004 was a genuine contest, and that the voters really might have elected either of the candidates, Bush and Kerry. But it is more likely that the whole thing was staged, and that the outcome was never in doubt by those in the know (including, of course, Bush himself). Remember that Bush and Kerry are both members of Skull  Bones (having sworn oaths whose content they will not reveal). And remember that at the start of 2004 Kerry was merely one among a bunch of Democratic hopefuls trailing the then front-runner, Howard Dean. Suddenly Dean was out of the picture and the networks hardly had any time for anyone other than Kerry (apart from Bush). What happened? 

Consider the possibility that a few Skull  Bones members of the Bush cabal went to Kerry and said: "Play ball with us and we'll arrange (with the help of Foxnews, etc.) that Dean disappears and you become the Democratic candidate. All you have to do is agree not to contest the result of the election. You'll get nationwide (indeed, worldwide) publicity, you can play the role of statesman, you'll become the most popular politician in the U.S., and we'll take care of your expenses."

How could Kerry say no? So while he is then free to campaign as he likes (provided he doesn't mention any dark secrets such as Bush's cocaine conviction in 1972), the Bush cabal spends most of 2004 putting their not-so-secret weapon in place: the voting machines. In all the states where the vote is expected to be close (and remember how the networks kept saying that the race was "too close to call") voting machines are installed which will say that Bush won, 51% to 49%. And sure enough, that's what happens (orrather, that's what appears to happen). And sure enough, Kerry rolls over and concedes the election to Bush within 24 hours, even though there is plenty of evidence that the vote was rigged (see below).

Americans never really had a choice. The whole affair was acharade, stage-managed to fool the voters into believing that a genuinely democratic process was occurring, when in fact it was all ahoax. Fooled again, folks! They did it again! And soon you (and later your children) are going to discover the consequences of almost everyone ignoring all those warnings about the voting machines.

No-fly lists, snooping on what you read, terror alerts and fear maintained constantly by the government with the aid of the TV networks, jobs shipped overseas, many thousands of dead soldiers and civilians, detention without trial and the annulment of constitutional rights — these are just the beginning of the nightmare which is now, as a result of this rigged election, moving into high gear. But don't say you weren't warned.

The following links (and comments) were received by email. 

America is screwed: Election stolen againWith Kerry's concession, America has become a one-party nation. If the Democrats could not defeat a President who lied the nation into a war, then the Democrats have ceased to be relevant.

Kerry ConcedesGiving up without a fight.
Justin Raimondo: The US will now be ruled by the imperial party

FRAUD LOOKS PROBABLE In states with paper trails, the vote results match the exit polling numbers. In state with eletronic voting machines with no paper trails, the vote results do NOT match the exit polls, and Bush leads.

Don't Be American Many times over the last nine hours I've thought kindly of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have worked tirelessly over the past four years against the policies of the Bush presidency. To those people I must ask forgiveness for my siding with the world outside America. It is they, as well as the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Kane responds to Thorn’s Attack on Ruppert plus

2004-12-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Kane responds to Thorn’s Attack on Ruppert
B02195 Tue, 7 Dec 2004 22:38:17 -0800

Michael Kane responds to Thorn’s “crux” questions
“We want to see where Mike Ruppert stands on the crux issues!”Victor Thorn, December 7, 2004

I chose to write this response because I believe I can quickly assist in answering the “crux” questions that Victor Thorn says he hoped to ask Mike on his radio show. But first I have just one minor correction to Thorn’s piece
Mike Ruppert has never called himself, “The Godfather of 9/11 Research,” as Dave McGowan claims. It was Anthony Lappe of GNN.tv who coined that phrase for Mike in September of 2003, it can be read here.
Now lets move on to more important issues. According to Thorn, the crux questions of 9/11 are two fold:
1. Demolition of the Towers2. What really hit the Pentagon

Thorn alleges Mike never addresses these crux issues in any significant way in his book. For anyone that has read CROSSING THE RUBICON, or at least, has read the transcript of Mike Ruppert’s speech at the Commonwealth Club, it is made very clear where Mike stands on these issues.
I will quote directly from Mike’s speech: 

This was not, by any means, the first time Mike addressed this issue. In fact, Mike actually apologized to his readers, and the 9/11 research community, over one year ago in regards to an article published on September 13, 2001, where he quoted a BBC report supporting the now completely discredited theory that jet fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse.

This report is not mentioned in Thorn’s piece. He only references the first piece from September 13, 2001, never mentioning the retraction that was posted at the top of FTW on November 26, 2003.

In CROSSING THE RUBICON Mike goes further into these issues and made a great find in the 9/11 Commission report regarding a study done prior to 9/11 on the WTC complex which would have been perfectly useful for anyone planning on demolishing the towers. Thorn dismisses this entirely as there to distract the reader from the real issue of controlled demolition, even though it supports the theory itself.
The worst mistake of all is when Thorn says he went looking in the index of Mike’s book for the following:

“But much to my dismay, guess what I discovered. Nothing … no precise details whatsoever describing the core issues of 9-11. I even went to the book’s index and looked-up every reference to “The World Trade Center” and the “Pentagon”—- and still nothing. In 670 pages!

This is false. Quoting from CROSSING THE RUBICON – page 351, referenced in the books Index under Pentagon – attack:
Flight 77 again: the miracle plane. The one that nobody actually saw hit the Pentagon; the one that left no recognizable debris matching an airliner; the one French author and investigator Thierry Meyssan did a pretty convincing job of proving never hit the Pentagon because the hole was way too small and the damage pattern (a key forensic technique used by police officers investigating traffic accidents) as totally inconsistent with a mid-sized passenger jet like a 757; the one where the engines melted, disappeared or evaporated, or were transported into space by the Starship Enterprise and never found; the one that flew like a fighter plane