2006-07-26 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-


Nancy Levant 
July 25, 2006 

The separation of church and state
- gone with the stroke of a pen. As of March 7, 2006, our nations leader
signed another Executive Order, which tied the Department of Homeland Security
to our leaders faith-based churches. Okay, all you
non-profit churches out there  you now serve the federal
governments primary spying agency. That is now your primary function.
You are now and officially an organized den of thieves. 

I would feel sorry for the
pastors, ministers, priests, and rabbis except for the fact that I just
cant and wont. How stupid and positively corrupt can you possibly
be to take money in exchange for manipulating your flocks of idiot sheep to the
national slaughter? And will you also spy on your flocks and provide reports to
your new master? 

In exchange for money, have you
agreed to pacify and organize your flocks in the event of a national emergency?
You certainly have, for you have been ordered to do so. And have you been
ordered to offer your buildings, your resources, and your labor forces called
congregations to serve your newly declared administrator? 

I try to come up with words to
describe how I feel about this Executive Order and the churches that have
partnered themselves to this system. The words dont come
minus the fact that the church has completely and irreversibly fallen to the
lowest and darkest common denominator, which is the total betrayal of the souls
of the faithful. I would pray for your forgiveness, but I dont want to. 

Nor do I want to write about this
sickening topic. But, I appeal to Christian people to 1) ask your church
leaders if they are faith-based funded, and 2) to leave those
churches and start home-based churches with your friends and family members. Do
not support Executive Ordered, Department of Homeland Security churches with
your presence or your money. You are being manipulated and reported upon

You are being told what to do when
more crisis hits the nation, and will hit the nation, as all is
now planned down to our weather emergencies, which are providing
the training and relocation exercises for the real crisis to come  the
one that permanently collapses Constitutional America. 

The church needs to regroup and
gather in homes, where faith is restored, private, and truth is real. Forget
the church leadership. They are padding their pockets and socially
re-engineering your mind with think tank religion and crisis management, and
theyre getting paid to do so  much like the public schools and
mass media. 

Raise your churches in your homes.
All you need is a Bible  one will do. Save yourselves and your souls and
leave your new and improved church buildings, fancy organs, fundraisers, and
colorful windows behind. 

As in all Communist countries, the
church will survive underground, so to speak, and with genuine prayer. And
serve your Constitutional America. Dont give up on freedom  even
as it dissolves before your eyes. Be courageous in truth and gather together in

Again and again, I strongly
recommend that you contact A.C.E.  Americans for Constitutional
Enforcement  at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - and request their
Information Packet. Work to preserve your unalienable rights. There is no other
choice but to fall  much like the American church. And please remember
that faith-based churches are now governmental agencies  just like
public schools, mass media, and mass communications  nothing more and
nothing less. 

A.C.E. will help you, your family, and your neighbors to learn the truth about
todays America.
What you dont know is allowing for the total destruction of your rights
and your individual freedom. What you dont know is rapidly, rapidly
destroying your country. Your continued ignorance is why we are falling. Please
contact A.C.E. right now. May God bless the American people.

 2006 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved

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are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Nancy Levant is a life-long writer, a believer of God,
country, Constitutional and individual rights. She resides in rural Southwestern Ohio. She has worked professionally with
children since 1974 and is an ardent supporter of home schooling. 

Nancy Levant has done radio and television interviews, has
been a guest speaker in many venues including college campuses, schools, Indian
reservations, human service organizations, and has been the president of a
youth sports organization.

Ms. Levant just completed her new book The Cultural
Devastation of American Women: The Strange and Frightening Decline of the
American Female. to be released May 2006. Equally, she
is a writer for freedom and land rights issues and opposes the United Nation's
Agenda 21 implementation in America.


CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Ritual abuse as a mitigating factor, surfing with brainwaves

2006-07-26 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

ISSD Conference November 11, 2006 - Workshop FA11 (½) Ritual abuse as a 
mitigating factor in dissociative disorders (All) Randy Noblitt, PhD, George F. 
Rhoades, PhD, Dana Raphael, PhD, Thorsten Becker, SW, Frances R. Yoeli, MSc, 
MFT, CAC, LISW http://www.issd.org/Conference2006/2006friday.htm

Surfing the Web with nothing but brainwaves - Kiss your keyboard goodbye: 
Soon we'll jack our brains directly into the Net - and that's just the 
beginning. By Chris Taylor, Business 2.0 Magazine senior editor 7/24/06 
"San Francisco (Business 2.0 Magazine) Two years ago, a quadriplegic man started 
playing video games using his brain as a controller. That may just sound like 
fun and games for the unfortunate, but really, it spells the beginning of a 
radical change in how we interact with computers - and business will never be 
the same. Someday, keyboards and computer mice will be remembered only as 
medieval-style torture devices for the wrists. All work - emails, spreadsheets, 
and Google searches - will be performed by mind control." http://money.cnn.com/2006/07/21/technology/googlebrain0721.biz2/
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] So I don't want to talk about it. I was a member way back when I was in college and so was the President. That's all I want to say.

2006-07-26 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/new-us-diplomat-eager-to-start-role/2006/07/26/1153816254839.htmlNew US diplomat eager to start roleEmailPrintNormal fontLarge fontMichael Gawenda Herald Correspondent in WashingtonJuly 27, 2006AdvertisementAdvertisementROBERT McCALLUM, fielding questions for the first time about the US-Australia relationship is wary, formal and a little nervous.He sits in a small, nondescript room in the State Department, his hands clasped together in front of him, and a small pin of crossed flags - those of Australia and the US - in the lapel of his blue-striped suit.Having been finally confirmed by the US Senate, Mr McCallum, the new ambassador to Australia, will arrive in Canberra on August 18 to start work."I recognise that there has not been an ambassador in Australia since January 2005, so I'm very eager indeed," he says. "I want to get there as soon as possible."The process of replacing Tom Schieffer, now the US ambassador to Japan, had been rocky.The President, George Bush, had approached two other friends to take the post, but initial checks by the State Department, uncovered issues that would have made the confirmation process difficult.When Mr McCallum was approached by Mr Bush to take the ambassador's job in March, he was at the centre of a controversy involving a landmark damages case, brought by the Justice Department against American tobacco companies.He was accused of reducing claims against tobacco companies for political reasons, but an investigation concluded that he had acted ethically.Mr McCallum, 60, is happier talking about his relationship with Mr Bush, whom he met when they were both first-year students at Yale."We were close friends at college," he says."And when he finished college and he was driving back to Texas, he stayed with my family at my parents' house in Memphis."More often than not in the past three or four decades, American presidents have appointed old friends or major donors to the ambassador's post in Australia, so Mr McCallum's appointment, even though he has had no foreign affairs experience, is not all that surprising."I think I still have a lot to learn, but I think the two top priorities for me will be, firstly, continuing and enhancing the very important military and intelligence relationship between the two countries," he said."The second priority is the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement.This represents an enormous opportunity for both our countries, but also great opportunities for Australia and the US to spread economic prosperity throughout the region."And the only time Mr McCallum really clams up is when he is asked about the very secretive Skull and Bones Society, of which both he and Mr Bush were members while at Yale.Many people have suggested the society is a sort of secret old boys network, through which Yale graduates from well-heeled and influential families help each other in business and politics."It's termed a secret society, but I'd term it a private society," he says."So I don't want to talk about it. I was a member way back when I was in college and so was the President. That's all I want to say."=
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2006-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Arms Buildup Enriches Firm Staffed by Big Guns 
Ex-president and other elites are behind weapon-boosting Carlyle Group
By MARK FINEMAN, NYTimes,January 10 2002
WASHINGTON -- Even by Washington standards, the Carlyle Group has some serious clout. 
President George W. Bush's father works for Carlyle; so does former Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci, whose close friend Donald H. Rumsfeld now runs the Pentagon; and so does a stellar cast of retired generals and Cabinet secretaries, including former Secretary of State James A. Baker III. 
And even by Wall Street standards, the Carlyle Group has some serious money: $12.5 billion in investments at last count. The Washington-based private equity firm, which advises and invests for wealthy clients and institutions, has shown returns of more than 34% through the last decade, particularly through timely defense and aerospace investments. 
So when President Bush declared war on terrorism in September, few were better poised than Carlyle to know how and when to make money. 
On a single day last month, Carlyle earned $237 million selling shares in United Defense Industries, the Army's fifth-largest contractor. The stock offering was well timed: Carlyle officials say they decided to take the company public only after the Sept. 11 attacks. The stock sale cashed in on increased congressional support for hefty defense spending, including one of United Defense's cornerstone weapon programs. 
Carlyle's windfall is a result of astute business decisions, excellent connections, strategic lobbying, good timing and a bit of luck. It is also a prime example of how defense contractors got well in a hurry after the Sept. 11 attacks, in a year when the Bush administration already was planning steep hikes in defense spending. 
For several years in the late 1990s, United Defense's Crusader Advanced Field Artillery System--a massive high-tech cannon that could fire faster and with more impact than any before it--was in trouble at the Pentagon. The system clashed with the vision many military planners and analysts have for a lighter, more mobile Army. And its high price tag--originally $20 billion--endangered it in times of tight defense budgets. 
But the suicide attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center freed up tens of billions of dollars in new defense spending. United Defense already had modified the Crusader, making it 20 tons lighter. And the Army had cut its order by more than half to make it more palatable to budget cutters. 
On Sept. 26, the Army signed a $665-million modified contract with United Defense through April 2003 to complete the Crusader's development phase. In October, the company listed the Crusader, and the attacks themselves, as selling points for its stock offering. 
Then Congress fully funded the system in the defense authorization bill that passed the House and Senate on Dec. 13, the day before Carlyle's stock sale. And President Bush is scheduled to open the funding spigot today, when he signs a defense appropriation bill that includes $487.3 million for the Crusader in 2002. 
The ties that bind the president's family and close advisors to Carlyle have helped draw the confidence of its investors--and the criticism of outsiders. 
"It's the first time the president of the United States' father is on the payroll of one of the largest U.S. defense contractors," said Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Policy and one of Carlyle's most ardent critics. 
"Between Baker and Carlucci, not to mention dear old dad, the relationship of the president with this particular company is as tight and close as, well, anyone can imagine." 
Carlyle officials bristle at such talk. They described their recent stock sale as just plain good 

[CTRL] Fwd: Texas, the Real America

2006-07-26 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 26, 2006 8:58:33 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Texas, the "Real" America Cronies The Lone Star State's powerful crony network, centered around the [oil] industry, has come to dominate national politics, making Texas "America's superstate." Robert BryceInterviewed By Nonna Gorilovskaya July 21, 2004http://www.motherjones.com/news/qa/2004/07/07_401.Cronies.html  George W. Bush may have graduated from Yale, but the president is adamant that he is 100 percent pure Texas. Journalist Robert Bryce concurs. In his recent book, Cronies: Oil, the Bushes, and the Rise of Texas, America's Superstate, Bryce argues that the Lone Star State's powerful crony network, centered around the energy industry, has come to dominate national politics, making Texas "America's superstate." The results, Bryce says, have not been so super for the rest of us. Boundaries between business and government have been blurred as never before, threatening the democratic process at home, and deforming policy abroad, as witness the Bush administration's disastrous Middle East policy. Cronies traces how Texas energy companies and law firms have propelled politicians from Lyndon B. Johnson to George W. Bush to power and how the candidates rewarded their backing once in office. With a Texan president, a Texan House Majority Leader, and the state's booming population boosting its already significant electoral clout, Texas clearly is not to be messed with. In this interview with MotherJones.com, Bryce, who is also the author of Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron, discusses the influence of the Texas crony network on American politics, and the rise of its quintessential member, George W. Bush. MotherJones.com: In what ways is Texas America’s superstate? Robert Bryce: In many ways. If you just look at recent American political history, it’s easy to see. Two of the last three presidents, three of the last eight, have been Texans. Look at the House Majority Leader today Tom DeLay. Look at his predecessor Dick Armey. Texas has 12 percent of the electoral college votes needed to win the White House. All of these things combined with the fact that California and New York are no longer the powerful states that they were even a few years ago are part of this rise of Texas. MJ.com: And how did that come about? RB: It’s been a decades-long process, but the roots lie in the concentration of the energy business in Texas, which has allowed Texas politicians to get the ideological and particularly the financial backing to be viable candidates on the national stage. MJ.com: How is Texas cronyism different from, say Californian, or other state cronyisms? RB: Texan cronyism is perhaps more virulent. In Texas, you have the concentration of cronies in a very small network of people whose names and who keep changing chairs, but not authority. For instance, James Baker III. This man has been at the forefront of American politics for the last 30 years, whether in the Ford administration, the Reagan administration, the first Bush administration, or in this one. That Cronyism involves not only Baker, but his law firm Baker Botts, which perhaps more than any other law firm in America has profited from its close ties to George W. Bush’s administration. What makes the Texas crony network different is that it is small and virtually everyone of these high-profile cronies are involved in some way or another with the energy business. MJ.com: What's Baker's, and Baker Botts', relationship with Bush? RB: When you look back at the history of the Bushes rise in politics, you will see that every time the Bush family gets into some kind of a jam -- whether it is in business issues or in politics -- either Baker or Baker Botts steps in to help. When George Bush I ran for the U.S. Senate in 1964, James A. Baker III was one of his key advisors. Before that, when Bush was in business, in the oil-drilling business with Zapata, his lawyers came from Baker Botts. When you look at Bush and his involvement with the Nixon campaign, James Baker was a key fundraiser for Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign in Texas in 1972. When you look then at Bush’s race for the presidency in 1980, James A. Baker III was his campaign manager. Again in ‘88 when Bush runs for the White House. Again in ’92, when Bush’s campaign to beat Bill Clinton was faltering, Baker came in again. Then you look at the Florida recount in 2000, who comes to the rescue when George W. Bush needs help? Its James Baker and Baker Botts. I mean there is no other political alliance among a set of lawyers and a particular family that has defined American politics more completely over the past two decades than the Bush-Baker alliance. MJ.com: You compare Bush's 2000 presidential run with the 1948 Senate race of another Texan, Lyndon Johnson. What are the parallels? RB: