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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.odci.gov/csi/books/briefing/cia-10.htm">Chapte
r 7 -- Concluding Observations</A>
Chapter 7


Concluding Observations

Through nine transitions since 1952, the CIA has provided intelligence
support to presidents-elect. This support, endorsed by each of the sitting
presidents, has been designed primarily to acquaint the incoming president
with developments abroad that will require his decisions and actions as
president. A second goal has been to establish a solid working relationship
with each new president and his advisers so the Agency could serve him well,
once in office.

The CIA has been generally, but not uniformly, successful in accomplishing
these goals. Overall, it has proved easier to help the new president become
well informed than to establish an enduring relationship. Both aims have been
met better in recent transitions than during some of the earlier ones. At the
time they took office, the first five postwar presidents differed markedly
from the second group of five. In general, the latter had a greater and more
up-to-date familiarity with intelligence information. Two of the earlier
group, Eisenhower and Nixon, were experienced and expert in foreign affairs,
but their knowledge of intelligence programs was dated and incomplete.

The background and attitudes that the president-elect brings with him
obviously are powerful variables in determining the extent to which the CIA
effort will succeed. Ironically, prior familiarity with the Intelligence
Community and experience with foreign developments--or lack thereof--do not
by themselves predict much of anything. Presidents Clinton and Reagan, for
example, were by any objective measure the least experienced in foreign
affairs at the time of their election, yet by inauguration day each had
absorbed an immense amount of information. Once in office, their dramatically
different operating styles dictated the nature of their equally different
relationships with the CIA.

At the other extreme, Presidents Bush and Eisenhower provide the clearest
cases of individuals who had had long experience with foreign affairs before
their election. Here too, however, their management styles, personal
interests, and backgrounds determined their different relationships with CIA
after inauguration--informal and close in one case, formal and aloof in the
other. The Agency had provided good substantive support to each during the
In the three cases where the CIA's relationship with the White House was to
prove the least satisfactory--or the most volatile, a different but equally
challenging matter--the president either brought a grudge with him or quickly
became disillusioned with the Agency. President Nixon felt the CIA had cost
him the 1960 election; President Kennedy was immediately undercut and
disillusioned by the CIA-run Bay of Pigs misadventure; and President Johnson
was alienated by CIA's negative assessments on Vietnam. In each of these
cases the relationship was not helped by the fact that the Agency had not
succeeded in providing good intelligence support to, and establishing ties
with, any of the three before their inauguration.

The obvious but sometimes elusive key for the CIA, and particularly its
director, is to grasp each new president's needs and operating style and
accommodate them during the transition and beyond. Individual proclivities
aside, however, some generalizations can be offered about how CIA can best
approach its unique mission of providing substantive support during
presidential transitions. Most of the evidence suggests that the Agency has
learned from its past experiences and built on them.

Patterns of Support

In looking at the intelligence support provided the first five presidents
before their inauguration, it is necessary to set aside President Truman, who
came to office before the creation of the CIA, and Johnson, whose elevation
to the presidency came suddenly amid extraordinary circumstances that one
hopes will never be repeated. Concerning the other three, it is notable that
each of them--Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Nixon--received intelligence briefings
both in the preelection period and during the postelection transition.
Kennedy and Nixon received few briefings; Eisenhower was given somewhat more,
including several presented by the DCI. However, not one of the first group
of five read the Agency's daily publications or met with a CIA officer for
daily updates during the transition. Only Kennedy received a briefing on
covert activities and sensitive collection programs before being sworn in.

During the first 25 years of its existence, CIA enjoyed no significant
success in its efforts to establish a more productive and supportive
relationship with each President. The reverse was true: these relationships
went downhill after Truman. He had received intelligence information at the
weekly meetings of the National Security Council, read the Agency's daily and
weekly intelligence publications, and received in-depth weekly briefings from
the DCI. His successor, Eisenhower, was perhaps the best at using the NSC as
a vehicle for receiving intelligence, but he did not read the publications
regularly and did not routinely see the DCI for separate intelligence
briefings. Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon also received intelligence information
at NSC meetings, although they relied less on the formal NSC system. Once in
office, these three presidents did read a daily intelligence publication,
which took a different form for each. However, none of the first five
presidents read it with the assistance of an Agency briefer, as has been the
custom in more recent years.

No DCI during the Agency's early decades was able to replicate on a
continuing basis the relationship that Bedell Smith had established with
Truman. During the early Johnson years, John McCone attempted to restart
regular briefings of the President, but the President became impatient and
ended them before long. The third DCI to serve under Johnson, Richard Helms,
saw that an alternative approach was needed and managed to establish an
excellent relationship with the President by providing him intelligence at
the famous Tuesday luncheons and via short, highly pertinent papers. But even
Helms could not sustain his access or influence with Nixon. During Nixon's
years in office, the relationship between the President and the CIA reached
the lowest point in the Agency's history.

The five presidents who came into office since the mid-seventies received
from the CIA significantly more up-to-date information regarding developments
abroad and on the activities of the US Intelligence Community than their
predecessors did prior to taking office. Like their predecessors, they all
received briefings from the DCI or other senior CIA officials. Unlike their
predecessors, however, they read the President's Daily Brief (PDB) throughout
the transition. With some variations in how it was done, each of them met
daily with an officer of CIA who provided oral briefings to supplement the
PDB. Four of this group--Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush--were given in-depth
descriptions of CIA covert action and sensitive collection programs. Clinton
did not receive such a briefing. Outgoing DCI Robert Gates decided to use his
one briefing opportunity with Clinton to concentrate on substantive issues
and to leave discussion of sensitive activities to the post-inauguration

Once in office, all five of the recent presidents received intelligence at
meetings of the NSC and all read the PDB regularly. Distinguishing them from
their predecessors, however, was the fact that all of the recent presidents,
except Reagan, reviewed the PDB with a briefer in attendance. During the
presidencies of Gerald Ford and George Bush, and sporadically with Bill
Clinton, a CIA officer (sometimes the DCI himself) would be present for these
morning sessions. During Jimmy Carter's presidency and for a portion of
Ford's term, there were no daily CIA briefings; instead, the National
Security Adviser was with the President while he read the PDB and other
intelligence information. During Carter's term, the DCI played a lesser role
during daily briefings but had a more formal and satisfactory system of
weekly, in-depth discussions on subjects of expressed interest to the

The single, most critical test of whether CIA is properly supporting the US
policymaking process is the effectiveness of the intelligence support
provided to the President. Overall, the level of that support deteriorated
somewhat during the CIA's first 25 years, but it improved and strengthened
during the period from the early seventies to the early nineties. To a
substantial extent, this strengthening resulted from the leadership of one
man, George Bush. Bush ensured that full intelligence support was given to
Presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan, and his own presidency was a high point
in terms of the CIA's relationship with the White House. President Clinton
and his national security team received extensive intelligence support during
the transition, and in office this support continued at a historically high

What the Presidents Recommend

Interviews with four former Presidents eliciting their opinions on why the
system of intelligence support worked better during some transitions and
administrations than others unearthed one immediate, common, and obvious
reaction: each President is different. Ford, in particular, stressed that
point, asserting that "the backgrounds and circumstances of the various
presidents are so different that there can be no one formula for future
support. Eisenhower or Ford or even Kennedy were so much more familiar with
intelligence than a Clinton or a Reagan." Ford went on to underscore that
"the Intelligence Community has to be prepared to be flexible to accommodate
the different experiences."[140]

Carter had some of the most concrete advice on how the CIA ought to go about
establishing its relationship with each president-elect. As a start, he urged
the Agency to "give a new president-elect a paper on what previous presidents
had done regarding intelligence support. Let the next incumbent decide--show
them the gamut of material."[141]

In discussing how presidents and times change, Carter noted that, if he were
in the White House in the nineties, he would welcome computerized
intelligence support in the Oval Office. Pleased to hear that the Agency had
been experimenting for some time with a system for making real-time
intelligence available via a computer terminal on the desk of senior
consumers, Carter volunteered, "If I was in the White House now I would
welcome it. I feel comfortable with computers and would use it, not as a
substitute for the other support, the PDB and the briefings, but in addition
to it." He explained that when a question arose about developments in a
particular country he would "like to have access to something where I could
punch in a request for the latest information."

CIA's experience indicates that a critically important variable in
establishing a successful relationship is the approach taken by the DCI.
Comments of the Presidents who were interviewed reinforced that impression.
During every transition, the CIA's Director has been involved personally in
providing at least one, and in some cases many, briefings. In those cases
where the relationship was established most effectively, the common factor
was that the DCI succeeded in bringing the institution into the process so
that CIA officers could assist him and carry the process forward after his
role diminished or was discontinued. In one form or another, this has been
accomplished with each of the presidents elected in the last 20 years.

When the institutional link between the Agency and the President was not
properly established, it was usually because the DCI attempted to handle the
relationship singlehandedly. Two cases show that this can happen in quite
different ways. DCI Allen Dulles, for example, chose to support the incoming
Kennedy administration almost entirely on his own, giving three briefings to
Kennedy and involving only one other Agency person. Those briefings
reportedly did not impress Kennedy, and the relationship between the two men,
complicated immensely by the Bay of Pigs fiasco, unraveled within months.

In the case of Nixon, Helms was involved in one briefing immediately after
Nixon's selection and in a later perfunctory discussion at the White House.
Unfortunately, the handoff of responsibility from the DCI to the CIA career
officers positioned in New York to provide support did not succeed in its
fundamental purpose. Nixon was never seen personally, and he read very little
Agency material. Given his deep suspicions of the CIA and Henry Kissinger's
determination to monopolize all contact with the new president, it is
doubtful that the relationship could have been handled any better. The
Agency's inability to establish a satisfactory relationship at the outset
continued throughout the Nixon presidency--arguably, to the detriment of both
the President and the Agency.

While vigorous and effective action by the DCI clearly is a determining
factor in establishing the Agency's institutional relationship with a new
president, it does not follow that such involvement solidifies the position
of the DCI himself with the new president or administration. The directors
who were the most involved in transition support activities included Smith
with Eisenhower, Dulles with Kennedy, Bush with Carter, and Turner with
Reagan. Sadly, each was disappointed with the role he was given, or not
given, by the incoming president.

No CIA director retained from one administration to the next is destined to
succeed. All in this category were dismissed or felt obliged to resign.
Dulles was very successful serving under Eisenhower but lasted only a few
months with Kennedy. McCone served successfully under Kennedy but quickly
wore out his welcome with Johnson. Helms was among the Agency's most
successful directors during the Johnson years but was later dismissed by
Nixon. Colby served in particularly difficult circumstances under Nixon, only
to be dismissed later by Ford.

The most recent case in which a director was held over, that of William
Webster, illustrates a larger point as well. He was appointed by Reagan and
served successfully in a rather formal relationship with him. Webster had a
fairly extended period in the Bush administration as well, faring better than
any predecessor who had been extended from one administration to the next. On
the other hand, he never established with Bush and his key White House aides
the close relationship that his successor, Robert Gates, enjoyed as a result
of his prior service as Deputy Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs.

It is often suggested that for each of the DCIs who was asked to resign there
was a single explanatory cause. For Dulles, the argument goes, it was the Bay
of Pigs; for McCone, the Agency's independent analysis of the war in Vietnam;
for Helms, the failure to cooperate on the Watergate coverup; for Colby, his
failure to alert the White House in advance of the public exposures of the
Agency's misdeeds. A more careful analysis, however, indicates that every DCI
encountered serious difficulties of one kind or another, including some that
were an embarrassment to the White House. Most of these problems, however,
did not lead to the DCI's dismissal. The common link among Directors who were
dismissed was that none was appointed by the President whose confidence he
later lost.

Looking at the matter from a different perspective, in almost all cases the
president has protected directors of the CIA whom he has appointed. Since the
Agency was founded in 1947, a president has selected and appointed a DCI in
14 cases, and in five the President has retained a director appointed by his
predecessor. In none of the 14 cases did the President ask for the
resignation of the CIA director he appointed.[142] The psychological and
political commitment a president makes to a director he has appointed is
obviously critical to sustaining their relationship.

Each of the former presidents interviewed underscored that it is of the
highest importance for a president to have a CIA director in whom he has
confidence and with whom he feels comfortable. Opinions were mixed regarding
the best background or qualifications of a DCI, whether a nominee should be
an intelligence professional or an outsider, and concerning the importance of
the candidate's political background. Recalling his nomination of Gates, Bush
explained, "It helped that Gates had been a professional, but I picked him
because he did such a good job sitting right here [on the deck of the Bush
home at Kennebunkport, while serving as Deputy National Security Adviser].
Actually, I had known Bill Webster better over the years socially, from
tennis and so on, than I had Bob Gates."[143] With the unique perspective
that came from having been CIA Director as well as President, Bush refused to
be pinned down on the issues of whether a CIA professional should hold the
director's job and whether there should be a turnover of directors at the end
of each administration. Rather, he suggested, "There should be no set rule.
It would be good for the Agency to know that one of their own could be DCI.
We should never feel like the torch has to pass (at the end of an

Like Bush, Ford had no strong feelings on the question of whether a DCI
should continue in office from one administration to the next. He pointed out
that he "had inherited one and appointed one. You need the right person that
you are comfortable with. I worked well with both Colby and Bush." Ford
underscored repeatedly that he had the highest confidence in Colby's handling
of the Agency's intelligence collection and analytic activities, but he
concluded midway through his term that he simply had to appoint a different di
rector to defuse tensions with the Congress over the CIA's past activities.
Ford was most charitable in his characterizations of Colby, euphemistically
referring to his "resignation" and noting that "I offered him the job of
Ambassador to Norway, but he declined."

All of the former presidents interviewed, with the exception of Reagan,
expressed the feeling that the individual selected to run the CIA should be
apolitical. Carter, for example, volunteered that, although Bush had proved
to be a very capable director of the Agency, his selection had been ill
advised because of Bush's role as Chairman of the Republican Party--"he was
too political." Without, ironically, discussing his own initial choice of
Kennedy political adviser Theodore Sorensen to serve as DCI, Carter stressed
that the man who did serve as CIA Director in his administration, Adm.
Stansfield Turner, had been a career military officer without any political
ties who was also experienced in using intelligence.

More than one of those interviewed was critical of, and used as an example,
the selection of William Casey as CIA Director. Bush, who like Helms has been
a forceful advocate of the need to keep intelligence and policy separate,
volunteered, "Casey was an inappropriate choice. We would be having a Cabinet
discussion of agriculture and there would be Casey. That shouldn't be--the
DCI should not enter into policy discussions."

Kissinger has written that Nixon also believed that the job of CIA Director
should not be a political plum and that this conviction led Nixon to retain
Helms rather than appoint a new director. Nixon's decision was made against a
backdrop in which his two predecessors, Johnson and Kennedy, had retained a
CIA Director from the previous administration. Kissinger records that it was
his discussion of these considerations with Nixon that led the latter to
retain Helms despite Nixon's reservations about CIA as an institution and his
lack of comfort with Helms personally. Nixon's discomfort allegedly derived
in part from the fact that Helms moved in Ivy League and Georgetown social

Kissinger's recollections of Nixon's decisionmaking during the transition are
fascinating, but mistaken regarding the sequence of events surrounding the
reappointment of Helms. According to his own account, Kissinger's first
meeting with Nixon during the transition period was on Monday, 25 November,
in Nixon's suite at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. Kissinger apparently
was unaware at that time, and perhaps was always unaware, that Nixon had
summoned Helms to that same suite 10 days earlier, on Friday, 15 November. At
that meeting, Nixon, accompanied only by John Mitchell, formally offered
Helms the job of CIA Director in the Nixon administration. Nixon's action
apparently was taken because outgoing President Johnson had twice recommended
Helms to Nixon. The most recent occasion on which Johnson had commended Helms
had been four days earlier, on 11 November, when Johnson, Nixon, Helms, and
others had met in Washington at the White House.

The inescapable lesson from CIA history--albeit a lesson that neither
Presidents nor DCIs are eager to draw explicitly--is that it works better
when a new president appoints his own CIA director. In the intelligence
business innumerable delicate actions are undertaken that have the potential
to embarrass the US Government and the President personally if they are
mishandled or if misfortune strikes. In these circumstances it is not only a
matter of the President being comfortable with his DCI, but also he must
trust him implicitly, be associated with him politically, and, above all,
give him routine access.

The alternative thesis argues that some things are more important than a
close relationship with the President. According to this view, appointing a
CIA career officer as director and routinely carrying over a DCI from one
administration to the next is the best way to protect the Agency's
nonpolitical status and its operational and analytical integrity. Appealing
as this notion is to Agency professionals, history does not treat it kindly.
The incidence of occasions in which the CIA has become embroiled in
politically stupid or even illegal actions does not correlate with whether
the DCI was a political appointee or an intelligence professional.

The relationship of trust between President and DCI occasionally derives from
close personal or professional associations in the past, witness the cases of
Ford and Bush, Reagan and Casey, and Bush and Gates. Alternatively, there
have been several cases where the President did not personally know well the
individual he appointed as DCI, but was willing to accept the assurances of
others that the nominee would serve with distinction. Such cases included
Kennedy and McCone, Johnson and Helms, Carter and Turner, and Clinton and

Keeping Out of Politics

Perhaps the most challenging of the political issues with which the Agency
must grapple in establishing and sustaining its relationship with a new
administration is how to support the President without being drawn into
policymaking. It frequently takes some time for a new administration, and
even for a new CIA director, to understand that the Agency's proper, limited
role is to provide policymakers relevant and timely raw intelligence and
considered, objective analyses, including analyses of the probable
ramifications of different US courses of action. Experience has shown that
the Agency should not go the additional step and become involved in
recommending policy.

Not infrequently, CIA directors during transition periods have been offered
tempting opportunities to go beyond the bounds of proper intelligence support
into policy deliberations. DCI Smith reportedly was highly alert to these
potential pitfalls and held to a "strict constructionist" view of his
responsibilities. When Eisenhower, not wanting to rely solely on the US
Army's analysis of how the war in Korea was going, called for a CIA briefing
that virtually invited a different interpretation and policy involvement,
Smith--an experienced general officer and once Eisenhower's Chief of
Staff--was very careful to stick to the facts and make no recommendations.

The line between intelligence and policy was not respected so carefully by
those providing support to the two following Presidents. The written record
leaves little doubt that Agency analysts' independent assessment of
developments in Castro's Cuba was not solicited by or offered to Kennedy when
he began his deliberations leading up to the Bay of Pigs operation. Not even
the informal assessments of the working-level operations officers were
included in the presentations given the new president and his team. CIA's
senior managers, including Allen Dulles and Deputy Director for Plans
(Operations) Richard Bissell, perceived an obligation to devise and execute a
program that would "do something" about Castro. Some consciously proceeded
against their better judgment of the probable outcome but, ironically, did
not want to let down either Eisenhower, who was pressing for action, or
Kennedy, who had committed himself to their program.

Johnson presented a temptation of a different sort to the DCI he retained
from the Kennedy period. The President found that John McCone would give him
independent assessments of the course of the war in Vietnam. McCone's candor
and outspokenness led Johnson to solicit from him advice on what should be
done regarding the conflict and concerning the assignments of diplomatic
personnel--matters that were not properly part of McCone's responsibilities.
Flattered by the new President, McCone offered advice going beyond his brief
in a manner that soon put him at odds with his counterparts in other
government departments and, before many months had passed, with the President

The lesson that Dulles and McCone had been burned by their involvement in
policymaking was not lost on Helms, who served as DCI for the bulk of the
Johnson and Nixon presidencies. More than any previous Director, Helms was
careful to limit his role to providing intelligence while staying out of
policy discussions. He also recognized and stressed the need to get
intelligence facts and analysis to the President at a length and in a form
that was digestible.

Kissinger has written perceptively of the challenge a DCI faces in walking
the fine line between offering intelligence support and making policy
recommendations. Probably more than any other National Security Adviser, he
was sensitive to the reality that an assessment of the probable implications
of any US action can come across implicitly or explicitly, intended or not,
as a policy recommendation. He wrote in White House Years, "It is to the
Director that the assistant first turns to learn the facts in a crisis and
for analysis of events, and since decisions turn on the perception of the
consequences of actions the CIA assessment can almost amount to a policy
recommendation." Of Helms, he said, "Disciplined, meticulously fair and
discreet, Helms performed his duties with a total objectivity essential to an
effective intelligence service. I never knew him to misuse his intelligence
or his power. He never forgot that his integrity guaranteed his
effectiveness, that his best weapon with presidents was a reputation for
reliability.... The CIA input was an important element of every policy

In discussing how to ensure that the information provided the president-elect
regarding developments abroad is politically neutral, Bush observed that the
key factor is the people selected to provide the information. He volunteered
that the CIA is probably better positioned than other intelligence agencies
to ensure a neutral presentation: "It is much better to leave the briefings
to CIA than to get other outfits involved. The others are all involved in
policy. If you include the military intelligence people and DIA, the
president-elect would think you were trying to sell him something." Bush
added that he had complete confidence in CIA to represent all sides on
controversial issues and to avoid getting into politics.

The Arrangements Make a Difference

Improvements can and, in this author's view, should be made to strengthen the
support the Intelligence Community provides to new presidents. Despite Bush's
confidence in letting the CIA represent the other agencies in its daily
briefings of the president-elect, the Agency's past performance of that
responsibility has been decidedly uneven. The success of the process cannot
be left to the initiative of the individual charged with supporting the
President; better institutional arrangements are necessary to ensure that
relevant material from the other agencies also reaches the president-elect.

>From the earliest years, comments by the presidents-elect or their senior
staffs have revealed that they were aware of this problem. Eisenhower, for
example, lamented that he was not receiving regularly both Army operational
assessments and CIA information on the situation in Korea. Kissinger,
speaking for Nixon, at one point insisted--without result--that information
and/or personnel from the State Department accompany the Agency's daily
support. In 1992 one of the first questions raised by Clinton's staff with
the Agency's representative in Little Rock related to how the various
agencies of the Intelligence Community worked together and whether the CIA
officer would be including their information in his briefings.

Expanding the size of the team that provides daily intelligence to the
president-elect would be unwieldy and duplicative. One suggested solution
would be to designate an officer in each of the other agencies--such as the
Department of State, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency,
and the Joint Chiefs of Staff--to support the operation remotely. Each day
these officers could forward to the CIA officer on site a brief paper with
points they would like to bring to the President's attention. The
President-elect would be likely to concentrate on the PDB, but on a
case-by-case basis he could read important stand-alone papers from the other
agencies, and the material would be a useful supplement ensuring an informed
discussion. More important, perhaps, such a procedure would ensure that the
full range of the Intelligence Community's input was available for review by
his staff.

During the Clinton transition, the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence
and Research routinely sent its daily Intelligence Summary to the support
team in Little Rock. About once a week, information tailored for the
President-elect was provided by the National Security Agency, and, on
occasion, other agencies. Better management of this hit-and-miss approach
would support the President-elect with more timely intelligence and provide
other agencies valuable opportunities to show what they can do and to
establish themselves with the President-elect.
The chief impediment to establishing the proper links in the past has been
the fact that at the highest levels of the policy agencies, especially State
and Defense, virtually everyone empowered to put these support arrangements
in place has been a political appointee whose loyalties are to the outgoing
administration. Hence, they typically have little stake in supporting the
incoming administration. Historically, outgoing presidents have risen above
this parochialism much better than their own staffs or their political
appointees in the various departments. Advance preparations initiated by the
CIA could deal with this problem.

Experience has indicated that the system works best if the Agency's support
team is in place in the city where the President-elect has set up his
offices. The CIA has attempted to do this from the outset but has had mixed
results. During the Eisenhower transition, for example, the support operation
established in New York City was never utilized by Eisenhower himself and
provided relatively minimal support to his senior assistants, notably Sherman
Adams. Because Kennedy spent much of the transition period in Washington,
albeit with extended stays at Hyannisport and Palm Beach, there was no
separate team set up specifically to support him. Provision of daily
intelligence had been approved by outgoing President Eisenhower, but a
satisfactory system to provide continuous support was never established with
the incoming Democratic president. This clearly was a missed opportunity to
establish a good relationship with Kennedy and his senior assistants, many of
whom were unfamiliar with and suspicious of the Agency.

In the cases of Nixon and Carter, support operations were established that
succeeded in making intelligence available on a daily basis. Retrospectively,
however, it may be that the officers who supported the Nixon transition in
New York were too junior to gain the necessary entree. Nixon never received
the Agency's representatives, although Kissinger did so frequently. Carter
personally received an Agency officer each day, but he was more a courier
than a substantive expert.

The system has worked best when the CIA has made available to the incoming
president--on a continuous basis and on the scene--an experienced senior
officer who can engage in some substantive give and take on the spot. The two
contrasting cases where a Vice President moved up to the presidency in
midterm provide an instructive example of the benefits of having established
a familiar relationship for the discussion of substantive issues one-on-one.
Ford had been receiving daily briefings from a senior member of the PDB staff
for many months before his accession to the presidency. This compared
favorably to the difficult situation where Johnson, as Vice President, had
been specifically denied the President's daily intelligence publication and
had received no regular briefings. He had been sent a copy of a less
sensitive daily intelligence publication, to which he paid little attention.

In the most recent transitions--for Reagan, Bush, and Clinton--the Agency
dispatched more senior officers who were experienced in supporting
policymakers and were familiar with the full range of substantive issues
about which the President-elect would be reading each day. In fact, in a
great many of their daily sessions, the President-elect would simply read
through the PDB with few if any questions. On other occasions, however, he
would ask follow-up questions about subjects treated in the written material
or, less frequently, ask for an update on issues not discussed at all in the
publication. In each of these cases it proved valuable to have senior
officers in place who could elaborate on the material presented. Occasionally
they explained Agency collection programs or the way the material related to
covert action efforts under way.

Fortunately, modern technology has provided a solution to what had been a
problem in several early transitions: communications links to transmit
securely the most timely and relevant intelligence information to the
president-elect wherever he may be. Now it takes only the installation of a
portable computer, printer, and secure fax machines in a hotel room to
provide printed material on site that is literally indistinguishable from
that which the President receives in Washington. This communications
capability permits the support team to draw on the full resources of the
Intelligence Community in Washington and around the world to provide text,
high-quality imagery, and graphics.

By the time anyone reaches the presidency, that individual has
long-established work habits that are not going to be changed by the CIA. The
military approach of Eisenhower or the highly disciplined styles of Truman
and Carter, for example, were vastly different from the more relaxed and less
predictable approaches of Kennedy, Reagan, or Clinton. The job of the CIA
director and his representative is to accommodate each person's style.
Flexibility is critical on matters ranging from the scheduling of
appointments to the presentation of the substantive material, where the
length, level of generality, and subject matter must be within parameters
suitable to the incoming President.

The CIA must provide support not only to the incoming President but also to
his senior assistants as well. This does not mean that subordinates should be
shown the most sensitive material prior to inauguration, a practice
successive outgoing presidents have made clear is not acceptable.
Nevertheless, designees to Cabinet posts and other close aides to the
President-elect have intelligence needs and can be shown a full array of less
sensitive materials. The CIA in the past has sometimes served these
individuals well and on other occasions has ignored them. Meeting this
responsibility in a prompt and well-organized way would help establish a
better relationship with an incoming administration. Other things being
equal, it is obviously easier to accomplish this if the outgoing National
Security Adviser is sympathetic to the need for a smooth transition in the
intelligence area. It is easier still if the transition is between two
presidents of the same political party.

In the preelection period, it has proved feasible and desirable to provide
intelligence briefings to candidates from both or even multiple political
parties. For the most part, this has been done; it certainly should be
continued. For various reasons intelligence support was not provided to three
major party candidates over the years. Barry Goldwater declined the Agency's
offer. George McGovern and Walter Mondale displayed only limited interest and
when scheduling difficulties arose, the prospective CIA briefings fell by the
boards. All of those who have been elected to date have accepted and
benefited from the proffered intelligence support.

Material That Was Welcome

Whether in the preelection period, during the transition, or once in office,
presidents almost without exception have concentrated on the current
intelligence that related directly to the policy issues with which they were
grappling. Similarly, they were also the most interested in oral briefings
that related to those same issues. Written items or briefings were most
welcome if they were concise, focused, and accompanied by graphics or imagery
that helped get the point across quickly. The best received briefings were
those delivered by experts who were obviously masters of their subject.
Worldwide overviews provided by CIA's directors were politely received but
were sometimes judged to have repeated material available in the newspapers.

The substantive topics addressed in the material presented to a given
president-elect are obviously a function of contemporaneous international
developments and, therefore, vary significantly with each new incoming
administration. There have been some nearly constant themes; however, such as
developments in Russia, China, Korea, and the Middle East that are subjects
the CIA knows it will be called on to address during each transition. Korea's
Kim Il-song was probably the only foreign leader whose activities were the
subject of intelligence reporting over the whole of the 40-year period under

Agency officers are well advised to be acutely conscious of the issues
debated in the election campaign. Presidents-elect typically are well
informed on such high-profile issues; in those areas they require only
continuing updates and help in sorting the vital nuggets from the torrent of
information they will receive. CIA's greater challenge with a new president
is to provide useful intelligence on important issues that have not been
highlighted in the campaign. On a continuing basis, roughly 60 percent of the
items covered in the PDB are not addressed in the newspapers. This body of
information, in particular, is likely to be unfamiliar to a prospective

With virtually every new president, CIA has experimented with offerings of
supplementary written intelligence to elaborate issues raised in the PDB.
Only two presidents-elect have clearly welcomed such supplementary material
and read it thoroughly when it was offered. Those two were otherwise quite
different individuals: Eisenhower and Reagan. Other presidents who were
presented such background material, especially Nixon and Clinton, showed no
sustained interest. Supplementary material should be made available to, but
not pushed on, a president-elect who is already overburdened with reading
material and short on time.

The staff aides who support the president on security issues showed a deeper
interest in the extra information. The best known of them, Kissinger, once
told Helms, "You know the most useful document you fellows turn out is that
Weekly Summary that you put together. That's much more valuable than the
daily stuff. That I can sit down on a Saturday morning and read and bring
myself up to date and I think it's a good publication."[146]

As a result of the presidents' preference for material that can be digested
quickly, it has always been a challenge to interest them in longer analytic
studies and the Intelligence Community's formal National Intelligence
Estimates. As a rule, presidents have read carefully only those studies or
Estimates specifically urged on them by the DCI or the National Security
Adviser because they related directly to a policy matter of high, ongoing
interest. Otherwise, the CIA has found the most success when it has gisted
the findings of longer papers and integrated a summary into the PDB. Indeed,
the Agency has been told by National Security Advisers that the PDB was the
only publication on any subject that they could be absolutely confident their
principal would read on any given day.

>From the Agency's perspective, there are clear advantages to having a new
president come into office well informed not only about developments abroad
but also about CIA's covert action and sensitive collection programs. Ford,
Carter, Reagan, and Bush all were well briefed on such activities; together,
their terms spanned a period of almost 20 years during which each, as an
incoming president, had a thorough understanding of the Agency's most
sensitive activities. Three other presidents--Eisenhower, Kennedy, and
Clinton--entered office with limited familiarity with the Agency's sensitive
activities. Two others, Johnson and Nixon, had no up-to-date knowledge of
those programs when they took office.

Familiarity with sensitive programs does not necessarily result in support
for them. Carter, for example, ordered a halt to some of the Agency's
sensitive undertakings within weeks of taking office. A president's early
awareness of such programs is, nevertheless, essential for him, the country,
and the CIA. He needs to be in an informed position to defend and support
these often politically charged activities or to change them if necessary to
ensure their consistency with his overall foreign policy objectives. If the
Bay of Pigs fiasco taught nothing else, it was that Administration policy
should drive covert action; covert action projects should not drive policy or
color the intelligence provided.

There has been an almost unbroken pattern over the years in expanding the
support provided a new president and his team in areas beyond daily
intelligence. Beginning with the Nixon transition, his key
staffers--Kissinger and Eagleburger--were provided significant quantities of
material for their own policy-planning purposes. This assistance continued
during the Carter and Reagan transitions and was further expanded for the
Bush and Clinton teams. For Clinton, the Agency provided background material
for use by the President- and Vice President-elect and their senior staffs
for telephone calls with foreign leaders, speeches and press conferences, and
internal policy deliberations. The key to success in these efforts, as with
intelligence generally, is to stick to the facts. The new team must know that
CIA is neither defending policy for the old Administration nor creating it
for the new one.

There has never been any doubt that the PDB, right up to inauguration day, is
designed to address the interests of the president in office. Realistically,
however, as the time for the turnover draws closer and as the incoming
president is reading the PDB with greater care, the inevitable and probably
appropriate tendency is to select and address substantive items in a way that
meets the needs of the new president as well as the outgoing one.
Fortunately, in practice this usually amounts only to adjustments on the

The experience of the CIA in providing intelligence to 10 presidents--through
nine quite different transitions--has led many of its officers to appreciate
the wisdom displayed by President Truman in a speech he delivered on 21
November 1953. On that occasion he observed, "The office of President of the
United States now carries power beyond parallel in history. That is the
principal reason that I am so anxious that it be a continuing proposition and
the successor to me and the successor to him can carry on as if no election
had ever taken place." Truman said, "That is why I am giving this
president--this new president--more information than any other president had
when he went into office."[147]

President Truman was the first and the most senior of the intelligence
briefers to be involved in the 40-year series of briefings that led up to
CIA's support of President Clinton in Little Rock in 1992. Truman personally
had provided an intelligence overview to General Eisenhower on 18 November
1952. In his speech to the Agency three days later he said, "It was my
privilege...to brief the man who is going to take over the office of
President of the United States." It has been the CIA's privilege as well,
many times.

[140] Gerald Ford, interview by the author in Beaver Creek, Colorado, 8
September 1993. Subsequent observations by Ford also come from this
[141] Jimmy Carter, interview by the author in Atlanta, Georgia, 23 June
1993. Subsequent observations by Carter also come from this interview.
[142] It could be argued that the cases of Adm. William F. Raborn, Jr. and
James Woolsey were exceptions. According to former DCI Richard Helms, Raborn
had been appointed by President Johnson primarily because of his high
standing on Capitol Hill. Raborn resigned after only 14 months, in large part
because he and the President had become aware that key Senators were critical
of his obvious failure to have mastered the substantive issues on which he
testified. In the more recent case, James Woolsey served two years, but, like
Raborn, resigned when he ran afoul of the Congress and received only limited
White House backing.
[143] George Bush, interview by the author in Kennebunkport, Maine, 6 May
1993. Subsequent observations by Bush also come from this interview.
[144] Henry Kissinger, White House Years (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co.,
1979), pp. 11, 36.
[145] Henry Kissinger, White House Years, pp. 37, 487.
[146] Richard Helms, interview by R. Jack Smith, Washington, DC, 21 April
[147] The New York Times, 22 November 1952, pp. 1, 10.

Central Intelligence Agency
CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates
22 May 1996
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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