Re: [CTRL] [WHO WACO] Justice Department investigation should target UT campus

2000-05-22 Thread ThePiedPiper



 From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
 Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

 From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "\"American Patriot Friends Network\"" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [WHO WACO] Justice Department investigation should target UT campus
 Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 4:10 AM
Shortly after the Waco disaster, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno told
the media and Congress she ordered the attack because she had evidence
that the almost two dozen children inside the compound were being abused
and were in danger of further abuse. However, her claims of child abuse
have now been disproven. In fact, some members of Congress have admitted
they believed Reno was lying during her testimony. Sony Bono, know she
was lying!

Comments from ThePiedPiper
I found nothing in this article about Sonny Bono.

-this one just refers to Sonny Bono protesting the use of tear gas
on any child.  Nothing about abuse -
TNA / October 2, 1995 (p. 28)
Deficient Research

-This one may have led to many companies now listing directions and
warnings in French as well as Spanish.  Dish Soap, ect-

-Some one sent me a copy of Sonny Bono's official letter
about Goals 2000 with Bono died.  The person implied that the letter and
Bono's intrest in Goals 2000 contributed to Bono's death.
This site seems to have something about his Goals 2000 letter.
"SONNY BONO'S Letter on HR1385:
On December 10, 1997 U. S. Congressman Sonny Bono wrote
the following letter to a sponsor of the "Set A Good Example
Contest" living near his hometown of Palm Springs, California."

this talks about Bono combatting illegal drugs
. . ."In explaining why it would not release any part of the file, the
  cited an exemption in the FOIA law that allows it to withhold
  information that if released "could reasonably be expected to
  endanger the life or physical safety" of someone. Even the page
  numbers of the secret Bono file are secret, the DEA said.

  At the time of his death, Bono was involved in combating illegal
  drugs. An original co-sponsor of the Methamphetamine Elimination
  Act of 1997, he also pledged to fight in Congress to make
  eradication of the illegal drug trade a top national priority.". .
. . ."Bono died after skiing into a tree while on vacation with his wife
two children at the Heavenly Ski Resort near South Lake Tahoe,
Nev. Shortly after the accident, Mary Bono told a reporter that her
husband was addicted to painkillers to curb chronic back and neck
pain. She later apologized for claiming the drugs made him act
erratically and for stating she was "100 percent convinced" the
drugs played a part in his death by impairing his judgment on the
slopes. A toxicology report found no alcohol or illegal drugs in
Bono's system, and two prescription medicines detected were
consistent with normal therapeutic dosage.". . .
1998 U.S. Rep. Sonny Bono (R-Calif.), 62, dies in a skiing accident.

1998 - The Year In Review
...said the unnamed official. Friday, March 27 U.S. President...
...time by Michael Kennedy, Sonny Bono decides to prove that you...
January 1998
Saturday, January 3
 Relatives of Michael Kennedy gather for his funeral.
  Kennedy was playing a game of ski football
  when he decided to demonstrate to his kids how to fake
  out a defensive lineman. Unfortunately, the
  tree he chose as a demonstration dummy didn't fall for it.
Monday, January 5
  Upset at perpetually being upstaged, this time by
  Michael Kennedy, Sonny Bono decides to prove
  that you don't need to be playing football to fake
  out a lineman. Unfortunately, his tree didn't fall for
  it, either.

ThePiedPiper's comment - intresting how close these two died?

I did find out what he refered to at this link
This is just a small part of that article
"TNA / October 2, 1995 (p. 28)

The Justice DepartMent report further stated, referring to videotaped
interviews with
Davidians (male and female, young and old) made during the siege by
Koresh aide
Steve Schneider: "The abiding impression is not a bunch of 'lunatics,'
but rather of a
group of people who, for whatever reason, believed so strongly in 

[CTRL] [WHO WACO] Justice Department investigation should target UT campus

2000-05-21 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "\"American Patriot Friends Network\"" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [WHO WACO] Justice Department investigation should target UT campus
Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 4:10 AM


Justice Department investigation should target UT campus

Justice Department investigation should target UT campus


According to The New York Times, former UT System Regents Chairman
Bernard Rapoport hired Webster Hubbell for a joint venture with the
Riady family in Indonesia during the brief time before Hubbell's federal
imprisonment. This shocker should end naive beliefs that the cozy and
profitable relationships between the individuals who ran this system and
Indonesian interests was above-board.

Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr is investigating these and other
enormous payments, totaling $400,000, to determine if they were
"hush money" related in any way to Hubbell's decision to not
cooperate with federal investigators. Appearances of impropriety
include frequent visits to Hubbell in prison by the Clintons'
close personal friends, to remind him the Clintons still "cared."

The Lippo Group, an Indonesian conglomerate run by the Riadys,
helped introduce since-disgraced fund-raiser John Huang to the
Clinton administration, which later endorsed Rapoport's $2 billion
Chinese real-estate project. Rapoport's public service to
Texas served his private interests well. Clinton has claimed
ignorance of these "indefensible" payments from his good friends
and his best friend.

We can no longer deny the coinciding of Rapoport's sudden
interest in hiring Hubbell as his lawyer, and the large consulting
compensation paid to UT System Chancellor William Cunningham by
Jim Bob Moffett and Freeport-McMoRan -- a large and
controversial corporate presence in Indonesia.

We now expect the Justice Department's investigation to shift south,
to the Democratic Leadership Council. This group was co-founded by
Sen. John Breaux of Louisiana, who helped Moffett intimidate our
faculty last year. This cozy relationship suggests our system
administration lacks integrity.

This sad possibility is supported by other events. Last year, we lost
a "whistle-blower" lawsuit in which a plaintiff alleged the University
deliberately undercollected royalties from oil and gas producers
with ties to administrators.

Now there are allegations of administrators being forced to
contribute to the DNC.

Students, faculty and staff are completely unaware of the alleged sleazy
machinations. Perhaps our traditional reliance on the Democratic Party's
support of higher education has left us vulnerable to its recent

Perhaps UT President Robert Berdahl had some of these consideration in
mind when he accepted the chancellorship at Cal-Berkeley. Berdahl is a
man of principle, he may have felt totally out of place within the
highest levels of the UT System.

Vernon is a graduate student in economics.
As best as I can find it was Bernard Rapoport who sells all
the life insurance to Teamsters Union members and is of
course connected to the Chicago Mafia, Dan
Rostenkowski, Hillary Clinton, Hubbell, Dan Lasater,
Mochtar Riady, John Huang, the Chinese Communist and
the whole Opium-China-CIA connection going back I guess
to the Boxer rebellion.

Waco investigation won't be easy
  by Alan W. Bock

Congressman Traficant -- One Minute Speeches

Mr. Speaker, Carl Ghigliotti, the 42-year-old scientist who investigated
the Waco massacre, whose body has been missing for 2 weeks, was found dead.
Ghigliotti is the man who flat out said, `The FBI is lying about Waco.
The FBI did fire automatic weapons into the burning building.'

Something is wrong here, Mr. Speaker. Records now show the FBI lodged
an alleged or false child abuse charge against the Davidians. The
FBI denied, then admitted, using tear gas. The FBI confiscated, then
supposedly lost, vital autopsy evidence that would prove what happened
in Waco.

Beam me up. We have developed a stone cold police state in America,
believe me, from Waco, Ruby Ridge, to Miami, Florida. Every American
knows it, no one is doing anything about it. There must be a full