Re: [CTRL] ~McVeigh's Confession~ Whatever is covered up will be uncovered (fwd)

2001-03-31 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: McVeigh's "Confession"
 From: Jon Roland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 McVeigh's "Confession"

 First, we don't really know who the person is who is
 in custody. We may call him "Timothy McVeigh",
 but it could be a surrogate.
 No matter who it is, it is not necessarily
 the person who set of the truck bomb.
Nakano comments:
This is right on Jon. Even more, we don't know for
sure who was stopped for speeding and then arrested in
Noble County Oklahoma about 90 minutes after the
bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. It seems
that person was trying to attract attention to
himself and get taken into custody. The person we
were told was McVeigh was speeding with the rear
license place dangling down.(according to news
reports) When the officer pulled him over, he told the
officer he was carrying a concealed pistol and so
he was arrested.
"McVeigh" was then held in the Noble County Jail
for 3 days, during which time no one at the jail
suspected he was involved in the bombing. They were
within 30 minutes of release "McVeigh", when they
got a phone call from the FBI saying: "We think you
have the guy we are looking for...hold him!"
Interesting huh?
Then the FBI people came to the jail and took
"McVeigh".  But that's not all they took.
They took the fingerprint records, "mugshot" photos,
the negatives, the blanket, sheets, pillow, and
mattress from the jailcell where he had been held.
The Noble County Sheriff later complained in an
interview that the FBI had never returned any of
these things.
In other words, they took every bit of evidence of
who it was that had been in that jail cell.
We know for a fact there was a BATF Agent who
looked almost like a twin brother of Tim McVeigh.
The BATF has never responded to questions as to
the whereabouts of this agent during this period.
Was it the McVeigh "double" in that jail?

Jon Roland continues:

"The only way any "confession" can be credible is if
 it reveals new information that only the guilty
 person could know.
 If one reads what has been released about what
  he is alleged to have said,
 there is no such revelation. Indeed, it all
  seems contrived to support the government theory
 of the case, including the degree and nature of the
 complicity of Terry Nichols.
Nakano comments:
Since "McVeigh" was first brought into the public's
awareness as the bomber, there has been a suspicious
lack of information from him.  There have been a
few very limited "jailhouse interviews" conducted
under close supervision and with no questions
permitted about the Oklahoma bombing.
McVeigh did not testify at his trial.
After beinf found guiltly, he read a short curious
statement which did not mention the bombing or his
any reference to being guilty or innocent.
Since the trial he has been kept in deep
confinement and out of the public's attention.
In this time when "everybody is famous for 15
we have books written by or about the winners of
TV game shows, the mistresses of politicians,
tattletale books on just about every person who has
gained any fame or notice for any reason.
Question: Where are the books about Tim McVeigh?
Where are the newspaper articles by reporters who
have done in-depth interviews?
And now we are told, "McVeigh" has waived all
appeals so he will be quickly executed.
We are told, there will be no autopsy and so,
conveniently, there will be no medical historical
record of who this person really isor was.

The most disturbing thing about all of this is the
manner in which the gullible public is willing to
simply accept all the official explanations
without question. Could it be that most people
are afraid to learn that their government isn't
telling them the "whole truth, and nothing
but the truth"?
 So what can we be certain of in this case? We can be
 certain that the truck
 bomb could not have caused the damage to the
 building that occurred. It would be physically
  impossible for that to occur. It would violate
  the laws of physics. There were charges detonated
  inside the building that caused most of the damage
  and loss of life."

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[CTRL] ~McVeigh's Confession~ Whatever is covered up will be uncovered (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

"Whatever is covered up will be uncovered
and every secret will be made known."
 Luke 12:2

 Original Message 
Subject: McVeigh's "Confession"
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:43:30 -0800
From: Jon Roland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

McVeigh's "Confession"

Associates can confirm that I have been predicting for a long time that
there would be a "confession" by Timothy McVeigh contrived by the
Establishment to counter the widespread suspicions of government complicity
in the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995. I predicted that it would
come out in a book, allegedly based on interviews by "independent"
journalists. It would be accompanied by a full-court PR campaign involving
all the major media.

Now that my prediction has been fulfilled, it is time to comment on this

Most people will, of course, simply believe the reports. After all, they
will say, it is McVeigh speaking. Why would he not be telling the truth when
he confesses that he did it?

The answer requires some background knowledge of how such a confession can
be contrived to be convincing.

First, we don't really know who the person is who is in custody. We may call
him "Timothy McVeigh", but it could be a surrogate. No matter who it is, it
is not necessarily the person who set of the truck bomb. It is not difficult
to induce a person to make such a confession and make it convincing. He
could be a government agent who expects the injection not to be lethal, or
who is sacrificing himself for the sake of someone else. He could have been
brainwashed into saying what he is alleged to be saying. Or the interviews
might be total fabrications. There are ways to do that in a way that would
fool the interviewers, even if they are not complicit in the hoax.

The only way any "confession" can be credible is if it reveals new
information that only the guilty person could know. If one reads what has
been released about what he is alleged to have said, there is no such
revelation. Indeed, it all seems contrived to support the government theory
of the case, including the degree and nature of the complicity of Terry

So what can we be certain of in this case? We can be certain that the truck
bomb could not have caused the damage to the building that occurred. It
would be physically impossible for that to occur. It would violate the laws
of physics. There were charges detonated inside the building that caused
most of the damage and loss of life.

That does not mean that someone, "McVeigh", might not have built and
detonated a truck bomb in the way it is alleged to have occurred. That
person might actually believe that his bomb caused all the damage.

The way that government agents who wanted a Reichstag event might do it
would be to find someone like "McVeigh", induce him to commit a bombing, or
merely observe him, and, realizing that his truck bomb would not cause
enough damage, plant charges inside the building, then set them off from a
helicopter or other observation point right after the truck bomb went off,
to make it appear the truck bomb did all the damage. They could then blame
him for everything.

One might ask, why would government agents do such a thing? Wouldn't a truck
bomb that blew out some windows and hurt a lot of people from flying glass
be sufficient for their purposes? No. Not in this case. The suspect faction
within the government needed a large loss of life to accomplish their
political agenda. They didn't want any public sympathy for the bomber, so
they needed many deaths of sympathetic persons, especially children. Taking
advantage of a terrorist attack by amplifying its effect, in a way that
would still allow all the damage to be blamed on the independent terrorist,
would be a nearly ideal plan. The independent bomber would thus neatly play
into their hands.

Like the JFK assassination, this case will never go away, especially after
"McVeigh" is dead and no longer available to correct his "confession". This
alleged "confession" will never be accepted by more knowledgeable persons as
dispositive. All the "confessions" won't make the impossible physics of a
single truck bomb go away. Only revelations of complicity by government
personnel and prosecutions of those agents might do that, and we should not
be surprised if that eventually happens, and happens in a way that avoids
blame to higher officials who actually authorized the incident. If the
controversy lingers, it may become expedient to throw a few "rogues" to the
wolves, in this and in the Waco and other incidents. There is a long history
of sacrificing agents when the plans of their seniors don't succeed, in ways
that preserve deniability.

Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 03/29/01  Time: 18:34:50 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]