-Caveat Lector-

 from:  http://www.insightmag.com/articles/newsalert.html

 Honey Pot of Info Causes a Swarm
 By Paul M. Rodriguez - Insight Magazine
 Vol. 15, No. 2 - January 11-18, 1999

 The White House has launched an investigation and rumors
 are flying at the president's compound following an
 exclusive report in news alert!  ("Looking for Information
 in All the Wrong Places," and "Computer Glitch Leads to
 Trove of 'Lost' E-Mails at White House," Dec. 28) exposing
 the existence of detailed telephone records never turned
 over under subpoena and discovery of "lost" e-mails that
 include private chit-chats between Monica Lewinsky and

 Justice Department and congressional investigators now are
 working quietly, as one federal law-enforcement source
 tells news alert!, and "rapidly before the files
 disappear," to track down the records long sought by

 White House insiders and government lawyers familiar with
 the flurry of activity say that beepers and phones have
 been buzzing to determine who spilled the beans and to get
 control of the records before federal agents swarm in.
 "They're in a panic over this," a West Wing source tells
 news alert!

 Although a White House spokesman sought to minimize the
 importance of Insight's disclosure of the e-mails, of
 which there are between 50,000 and 100,000, by claiming
 some involving Lewinsky appear to have been duplicates,
 another White House aide confirms that nobody knows for
 sure how many others are originals that should have been
 turned over to investigators upon discovery in midsummer
 1998.  "It's a legal headache," a White House lawyer says.

 The telephone records are a completely different matter.
 "We were told they did not exist," one federal
 law-enforcement source says.  "If we can find them they
 will prove to be invaluable."  Indeed, the details of
 these records, which go back years, would show who was
 called and when, by dates and times -- information that,
 to date, federal and congressional investigators have
 failed to secure.

 Curiously, Justice Department officials do not appear
 eager to secure the records, according to several federal
 law-enforcement sources.  "It's as though they don't care
 you've discovered this gold mine."

 With Attorney General Janet Reno dousing an FBI-led task
 force probing campaign-finance wrongdoings, some agents
 and prosecutors believe they would not get support to
 force the White House to turn over the gold mine of
 records uncovered by news alert!.  "I must confess I don't
 understand why nobody's acted on your tip," a dejected
 federal law-enforcement source says.  Some folks at FBI
 headquarters are wondering the same thing.  Stay tuned.

 Copyright © 1999 News World Communications, Inc.


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