-Caveat Lector-

Sharon sued in Belgium over 1982 Palestinian massacres: paper


BRUSSELS, June 2 (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is being sued
in a Belgian court, holding him responsible for the 1982 massacres of 800
to 2,000 Palestinian civilians in Lebanese refugee camps, the daily Le
Soir reported Saturday.

The suit was filed under a unique 1993 law that allows Belgian courts to
try persons here, regardless of their nationality, for genocide and other
crimes against humanity committed abroad.

Sharon was due to visit Brussels next week, but Israeli television
reported the prime minister had cancelled the trip in the wake of a
suicide bomb attack in Tel Aviv, which killed 18 people.

The newspaper said Belgian judicial authorities were studying whether the
suit against him was admissible under terms of the law, which is currently
being used to try four Rwandans in connection with the 1994 genocide in
their central African country.

The plaintiffs in the suit against Sharon are a mix of Palestinians,
Lebanese, Moroccans and Belgians grouped in an ad hoc committee.

They accuse Sharon of allowing Christian militias to slaughter between 800
and 2,000 Palestinian refugees at the Sabra and Shatila camps located in
an area of Lebanon controlled by the Israeli military after Israel's 1982
invasion of Lebanon when Sharon was defense minister.

An Israeli commission of enquiry in 1983 found Sharon indirectly
responsible for the killings, a finding that forced him to resign his

And the United Nations has officially classified the Sabra and Shatila
killings as acts of genocide, Eric David, international law professor at
the Free University of Brussels, told Le Soir.

Last January, when he was campaigning for prime minister, Sharon expressed
his regrets for the "terrible tragedy" of the 1982 massacres, but refused
to apologise.

"What it was," he said in a press interview, "was an act of killing
carried out by Arab Christians against Arab Muslims."

Arabs also blame Sharon for provoking the current intifada or Palestinian
uprising with his visit to east Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, the
third holiest site in Islam, last September 28.

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