-Caveat Lector-


June 15, 2002
Baptist Pastor Attacks Islam, Inciting Cries of Intolerance

A prominent Southern Baptist pastor caused protests this week with
a speech condemning American religious pluralism and calling the
prophet of Islam, Muhammad, a pedophile.

Critics said the remarks by the Rev. Jerry Vines, pastor of First
Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., and a past president of the
Southern Baptist Convention, illustrated how hate speech against
Muslims had become a staple of conservative Christian political
discourse. The speech also briefly united Muslim and Jewish groups
in outrage over what they called the Baptists' intolerance of other

Mr. Vines called Muhammad a "demon-possessed pedophile,"
asserting that his 12th and final wife was a 9-year-old girl, and
declared that Muslims worshiped a different God than Christians.
Speaking to fellow pastors on Monday at the Baptists' annual
convention in St. Louis, Mr. Vines said pluralism wrongly equated all

"Allah is not Jehovah," The Associated Press quoted him as saying.
"Jehovah's not going to turn you into a terrorist that will try to bomb
people and take the lives of thousands and thousands of people."
Open scorn for Islam has become a staple ingredient in the
speeches of conservative Christian leaders since the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks.

The Web sites of the Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Christian
Broadcasting Network, run by Pat Robertson, have articles that
purport to explain Islam. Mr. Robertson, in his television speeches,
has called Islam a religion that seeks to control, dominate or "if need
be, destroy" others.

The Southern Baptist Convention, with an estimated 16 million
members and an active political lobby, has long provoked public
protests with its views condemning homosexuality and its open
proselytizing of Jews and members of other religions.

But the attack on Islam by one of its best-known pastors could have
wider political repercussions.

"It matters a great deal, because it's the largest Protestant
denomination in the United States, and one that is particularly
politicized these days," said John C. Green, the director of the Ray
Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron.
Many in the evangelical Christian community truly believe that Islam
is wrong, Mr. Green said. They have been uncomfortable with the
Bush administration's efforts since Sept. 11 to emphasize that the
United States does not consider Islam an enemy.

"Evangelicals, including the Southern Baptists, have been very
strong supporters of President Bush and he has tried hard to appeal
to them," Mr. Green said. "But at the same time, Bush has tried hard
in his foreign policy to maintain good relationships with moderate
Muslim countries."

Southern Baptist leaders defended Mr. Vines, saying his statements
were based on his research into Islam, although many Muslims
have said that his views are inaccurate.

Barrett Duke, vice president for research for the Southern Baptist
Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said the
comments reflected Mr. Vines's personal convictions.

President Bush spoke by satellite to this week's Southern Baptist
meeting, praising the group as the "earliest champions of religious
tolerance and freedom." There was no indication in his remarks that
he was aware of what Mr. Vines had said about Islam the evening

Still, civil rights groups have called on Mr. Bush to distance himself
publicly from Mr. Vines's comments.

"He should not embrace leaders whose message is based on
sowing intolerance," said Ralph G. Neas, president of People for the
American Way, a liberal lobby in Washington.

Criticism of Mr. Vines's statements also came from the Anti-
Defamation League, which has urged religious tolerance but has
also refused to work on civil rights issues with national Arab- and
Muslim-American organizations because of disagreements over the
conflict between Israel and Palestinians.

"The reason we don't stand with the organizations is that they are
hypocrites on terrorism," said Abraham H. Foxman, the national
director of the league.

Salam al-Marayati, director of the Muslim Political Affairs Council in
Los Angeles, said he was gratified in any case for some Jewish
support in protesting Mr. Vines's statement on pluralism.

"There has been a pattern of escalating hate speech toward
Muslims, with people saying that Islam is an evil religion," Mr.
Marayati said. "We have demanded that the administration
repudiate those comments."

Muslim groups have also argued that actions by the Bush
administration, especially those singling out Muslim immigrants for
investigation and detention, have encouraged public hostility toward


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