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The Torches of Freedom Campaign:

Subject:  Behaviorism, Advertising, and the Rise of the American Empire

by E. Michael Jones, Ph.D.

SNIPPITS (from long article):


"What Miss Hunt did not tell the reporter is that she was the secretary of a man
by the name of Eddie Bernays, nor did she tell him that Mr. Bernays was now a
self-styled expert in the new discipline of Public Relations who had just received
a handsome retainer from the American Tobacco Company to promote cigarette consumption
among women. What billed itself as a feminist promotion of the emancipation of women
was in reality a public relations ploy to open a new market for tobacco by getting
women addicted to cigarettes."


"Like the behaviorists, Eddie might have felt that human beings were infinitely
malleable when subjected to orchestrated public opinion, but his insight needs its
proper historical context to be understood correctly. What he was really talking
about was the erosion of custom by the manipulation of passion. Throughout the century,
tradition and morals would prove vulnerable to publicity campaigns which gave
'scientific' justification for succumbing to passion. Feminism was no exception to
this rule. It entailed the systematic re-engineering of the morals of women as a way
of moving them out of the home and into the workforce, thereby lowering wages and
weakening the power of organized labor and the working class family."


"Eddie Bernays...was a fervent feminist, but his was a feminism with an ulterior
motive. Eddie, like the feminists of the '70s, wanted to break the woman's connection
with tradition and the home because, once that connection was broken, women were more
open to suggestions emanating from the mass media and those who controlled it -- the
people, in other words, who paid Eddie's handsome retainers. Eddie promoted smoking
among women because he was paid to do so by American Tobacco. But promoting smoking
was also a way of breaking tradition's hold over women's minds, and this was important
because once that hold was broken these women were more amenable to his suggestions."


"The Torches of Freedom campaign was a classic instance of using sexual liberation
as a form of control. It proposed addiction as a form of freedom. In this, it was an
early version of the Virginia Slims, 'You've Come a Long Way, Baby' campaign, which
made repeated reference to the suffragette movement as a way of associating cigarettes
with freedom."


"Since Watson had been peddling his theories to big business since 1916, Resor saw
an opportunity to integrate behaviorism and advertising as a way of controlling and
homogenizing an increasingly unruly population in the interests of the business
community. Liberalism had to come up with a solution to the social chaos its policies
created and Watson's behaviorism, combined with the propaganda techniques evolved
during the War, seemed like the answer."

"But there was another reason Resor found the prospect of hiring Watson appealing.
The industry had its own ethos, which was overwhelmingly liberal. Advertising
executives were a remarkably homogeneous lot, oftentimes the sons of Protestant
ministers, who had the fervor of their fathers without their faith. These were men
who believed that science was a better guide in life than morals, and they were
enamored of the possibilities it offered for creating a brave new world in the
image of their passions. Man was what the conditioners made him. There was no soul,
no essence, no human nature. Man was nothing but responses to stimuli, which were
increasingly under the scientist's control, first of all because Watson had discovered
the conditioned reflex as the 'building block' of personality, but secondly because
the instruments for manipulation were now available in the new media, particularly


"The ironies of the world proposed by Resor, Bernays, and Watson become
evident with some hindsight. Watson's need to replace 'traditional guides for
human conduct' was inevitably followed by a regimen of social control. The consumer,
who is seen as driven by irrational passion, most notably sex, can only be manipulated
by appealing to authorities which are 'scientific' as opposed to the discredited
authorities of tradition, which are portrayed as 'irrational.' Science is the solvent
which, in the name of 'reason,' dissolves the traditional bulwarks against the
passions and allows them to be manipulated as a form of behavioral control. The
campaign would continue throughout the rest of the century in America and in
pre-technological societies throughout the world. Liberalism would continue to
be both arsonist and fire department, dissolving traditional cultures in the
name of 'science' and 'liberation,' and substituting in their place forms of
social control based on manipulation of the passions."

.......Full text at the URL.......

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