-Caveat Lector-

>June you are as usual - can think of no better description.   This is
>the fourth time you have passed on bad information on this list

So you didn't even bother checking the links I provided showing that you
were wrong?

>You said the WTC was not built on a landfill?  To be polite this is the
>fourth time I have had to write to correct one of your inaccurate

Yes, you obviously did NOT even bother going to the sites whose links I

Do a Google search yourself, Colleen...just search on either "WTC history"
or "Radio Row"; in less than 5 minutes you will have a plethora of sites
showing the history of the site on which the WTC was built, and not a one
of them describe or show a 'landfill'...

>Now go back and plagiarize someone else's intellectual property

I challenge you to provide just ONE instance where I ever plagiarized

>Since you obviously think you are the critic of those on this list,

Not of 'those on the list', only of YOUR ridiculous and asinine postings...

The Twin Towers was built on landfill...

Provide proof (other than the PBS site, which is in error)...

>Further your only accurate information in what you put out, was
>what I put out recently

Not that I would ever plagiarize anything, but I definitely would not
plagiarize from YOU, Colleen...why would I ever want to associate myself
with your asinine postings?

>from reliable sources.

Ah yes...your "it's been said" crowd...

>Go do your own research,

I did, and you obviously have chosen to ignore it to continue to argue your
insupportable contention that the WTC was built on a landfill...

I guess all those hundreds of thousands of people who remember shopping at
all those stores on the Lower West Side prior to 1962 are hallucinating?

>why not give us a course on euthanasia of doggies?

Well that's better than your call for the euthanasia of all homosexuals,
blacks, Jews, etc....

The statement stands, now up yours, plagiarist.

Provide PROOF that I have ever plagiarized ANYTHING....

>"Because the towers were built on six acres of landfill, the foundation
>of each tower had to extend more than 70 feet below ground level to rest
>on solid bedrock.

Colleen, darlin'...almost ALL skyscrapers built in NYC have foundations
going down to bedrock, a necessary precaution against their collapsing --
it has nothing to do with whether the site was ever a landfill or not; the
WTC, being so tall and so heavy, by necessity had to dig down to
bedrock...the problem was that in doing so, it caused the site to be
flooded by Hudson River seepage, making the building of the retaining wall
nicknamed "The Bathtub" to keep the water out...and to save the surrounding
buildings from collapsing...

It really is ridiculous that you claim that there was a landfill in the
middle of one of the most heavily commercialized districts of Lower
Manhattan, a contention which the aerial photo at the site I posted shows
is not true...

>you have a tendency towards submitting inaccurate information from time
>to time which goes by unchallenged presumably because nobody reads your
>plagiarized material

Obviously you do...

Again I challenge you to PROVE that anything I have posted has been
plagiarized by me...

>So 4th time June you have either passed on bad information,

The sites I've provided prove that it is NOT 'bad information'...you, OTOH,
only have the PBS site, which IS in error, to fall back on; I challenge you
to do more research...

>Often the information you present suffice to say is inaccurate, third
>hand, and not necessarily based upon fact.

Provide some 'for instances', Colleen...

>Bet it takes two tons of landfill under your computer seat to keep your
>big fat ass from falling into the pits of hell.

That's something YOU obviously have more experience with, Colleen...not to
mention the toxic waste dump that is your brain...


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