
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Carol Hopkins' Insidious "Justice Committee"
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2000 11:53 PM

From: "karen Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:38:28 EDT
Subject: Carol Hopkins Update - thought you'd be interested

This is an update on the present-day activities
of Carol Hopkins who is now residing in
Cuernavaca, Mexico.

But first, here is the background on the conflicts of
interest and unusual history of this individual and her

Carol Hopkins of the "Justice" Committee was a member of
a Grand Jury in San Diego, California reviewing child
protection matters during 1991-1992. These reports
misreported on some cases and caused needless harm to
some individuals within the system which the subsequent
Grand Jury attempted to correct. In addition, the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation [FMSF] was quoted in this
particular Grand Jury Report (#8) which gave out
misinformation on sexual molest dynamics, promoted the
FMSF as a legitimate organization (four months after
its inception) and included some of their unproven claims
in their report, such as the existence of a "False Memory
Syndrome," a syndrome that has never been proven.

The creation of this "syndrome" has caused great concern
for many  legitimate scientist/researchers who believe
FMS to be an artificially contrived term designed to
relieve guilty parties of their responsibility. Everyone
deserves to have a defense, but this particular defense
is based on an unscientific non-experiment, promoted by
Elizabeth Loftus of the FMSF which the media then
exaggerated and distorted. This is explained here:


The statements above have nothing to do with individual
cases of false allegations and proving that in court,
or individual cases that evidence false beliefs or unusual
influence; my comments allude to this blanket pseudo-
syndrome being used to deny and cover-up the fact that
people are indeed victims of cults and sexual molestation.
You can track these people indiscriminately using "false
memory syndrome" on all cases even when perpetrators have
confessed. And the fact that some people recant (and
there are many reasons why one might) is not evidence
of "false memory syndrome" either.

It has also now come to light that Elizabeth Loftus,
board member of the FMSF, colluded with Carol Hopkins
in the writing of the 91-92 Grand Jury report in
San Diego. Apparently Loftus also attended Hopkins'
wedding 10 years ago, but they both were "unaware" that
they knew  each other until they met years later. This
bizarre story was disclosed in a local newspaper, The
San Diego Reader, dated August 20, 1998:

"Carol Hopkins tells one final story about memory - a
story mocking Dr. Elizabeth Loftus and herself. She
first started calling Loftus when she was on the grand
jury, asking her advice, reading her research, discussing
cases"...[Hopkins describing Loftus's visit to her home
during the Akiki case] "We get to the house, we drive
up the driveway, and Beth becomes frozen. Literally
frozen. Mark [Sauer] is talking and she says 'shh!' She
gets out of the car, and Mark and I are looking at each
other thinking, this is weird. We follow her into the
house,  she walks around the house, this goes on for
ten minutes. Minimum ten minutes. She comes back
and says, "I've been here before, I was at your wedding'.
I said, "You couldn't have been at my wedding." She
said," I was at your wedding. Get your wedding
pictures."..."We pull the wedding pictures out - there's
Beth Loftus.  At my wedding ten years earlier.


Of course, it took years for this information to come

That a Grand Jury quotes the FMSF does not make their
claims any more legitimate, especially when one traces
the genesis of the 91-92 Grand Jury in San Diego, the
obvious connections between these people, and the now
very public tracking of the propaganda and carefully
crafted deceit upon which their claims are based. Their
methods preclude any belief that they are honestly
interested in differential diagnosis or truthful outcomes.

Child Protective Services does have many problems that
people cannot possibly fathom without ever having inside
knowledge concerning its operation and the legalities
upon which this particular governmental organization is
based. But the 91-92 Grand Jury in San Diego did not
evidence an understanding of the system, and there was
great concern that their misreporting on cases was being
used to try to make it appear that the system was largely
incompetent, instead of explaining the context of the
cases and the risk factors that are assessed to gauge
if a child needs to be protected -- and from whom.
The 92-93 San Diego Grand Jury report can be read here:


They put great effort into explaining how the system works.
A quote from that Grand Jury reads:

"The committee also found that the cases described
bore so little resemblance to the cases we had heard
presented, in terms of the thoroughness with which they
were investigated and the concern for all involved in
how the cases were handled, that either these cases,
rather than being representative, were rare exceptions,
or the descriptions themselves contained inaccuracies
and gross distortions."

"Since there were newspaper reports of less than
harmonious relations between the 1991-92 Grand Jury
and the District Attorney, the 1992-93 Grand Jury
decided to investigate the District Attorney's
handling of the cases cited in the reports. This
investigation was hampered by missing 1991-92 Grand
Jury files, which had been removed from the
Grand Jury offices. Fourteen files were returned
on June 15, 1994, following a court hearing after
an exhaustive review of these files (three of which
deal with the following citations), and records
obtained from both the District Attorney and DSS,
we found that the District Attorney's version of
the facts, as stated in his response to the
Grand jury report, dated  October 30, 1992, was

Protecting a child from abuse will never be an
exact science because child abuse is often a hidden
crime that can stay hidden for years. Child Protection
is also a specialty field that not all professionals in
other areas are qualified to assess. Given that,
it's not surprising that reporters and citizens who
are on grand juries can be quite mistaken in what
they see, understand and report; however that doesn't
fully explain what happened in San Diego.

You will find this particular 91-92 Grand Jury report
publicized on the men's rights advocacy web pages, but
you will find no mention of the 92-93 Grand Jury
report that faulted the previous 91-92 Grand Jury.
It is quite serious when a Grand Jury misreports on
cases and child abuse dynamics, and it is serious
when that information is omitted from any web page
discussing these reports.

Another area of concern is that the 91-92 Grand
Jury was also specifically against CPS having any
protocol for investigating ritual abuse allegations.
In the actual Grand Jury Report they suggested that
the standing ritual abuse protocol be ignored, which
it was, due to the negative publicity Carol Hopkins
and reporters Mark Sauer and Jim Okerblom  of the
San Diego Union were generating about the subject

Another area of concern is that Carol Hopkins began
a romantic relationship with the legal counsel to
the 91-92 Grand Jury, Gary Schons of the attorney
general's office in San Diego, which was openly
discussed in a San Diego Tribune news article dated
Dec 5, 1994. They maintain their relationship began
after the Grand Jury ended and there was no conflict
of interest; however, Mr. Schons is quoted in a news
article dated March 24, 1996, written by reporter
Mark Sauer presenting the FMSF spin with the
claims that repressed memory is based on "voodoo"
evidence. Here is a quote:

"For example, in a yet-to-be-published article
written for a prosecutors'journal, Gary W. Schons,
senior assistant attorney general for the San Diego
region, calls repressed memory "voodoo evidence"
and warns prosecutors away from it. Citing the
Franklin case, Schons writes:

"It is critical that prosecutors appreciate that
`recovered memory' is scientifically unfounded and,
for the most part, untrustworthy. There is
absolutely no verifiable scientific basis for
the existence and operation of the psychological
process known as repression."


The reality of repressed memory or traumatic amnesia
is actually based on over 50 research studies and
Mr. Schons was repeating the misinformation of the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Perhaps that
is what he had in common with Carol Hopkins.

The 91-92 Grand Jury Report #8 also opposed Senator
Newton Russell's legislation that addressed ritual
abuse and the need for training in the State of
California after a series of hearings in which
countless professionals gave testimony about ritual
abuse cases they had investigated--including the
Presidio Army Base case which resulted in a substantial
settlement bestowed on the children and parents,
and ritual abuse cases in Northern California.
A much watered-down, narrowly defined version of
the Senator's original intent did become law in
California for a brief three years in 1995 as a ritual
abuse sentence enhancement--PC 667.83 which has since
sunsetted; however very few people ever knew about
it, much less used  it-- even within the system.
The negative publicity intentionally orchestrated
by groups such as the FMSF, Justice Committee, and
VOCAL (Victims of Child Abuse Laws) make it difficult
for these crimes against children to be prosecuted.

In my opinion, Carol Hopkins, Mark Sauer, and
Jim Okerblom misreported on and gave a one-sided
portrayal of ritual abuse for the county of San Diego
nonstop for approximately six years. Unusual behavior
from a pair of reporters and a member of a Grand Jury?
I think so. CPS can be a very political organization,
and due to the negative publicity the administration
backed away from openly training in this area for
a short time even though they internally acknowledged
the crimes and still continued to deal with
these cases. Reasons for that have since become

The Administration of CPS in San Diego did not do
what they were supposed to do, under the lead of
now ex-Director Ivory Johnson, who I understand
was another regular at Carol Hopkin's dinner parties,
and I think these people, including members of the
San Diego Board of Supervisors, should be publicly
chastised for turning their backs on children.
They placed politics before the welfare of children
and so have many professionals around the country.
They all knew these crimes were occurring and official
training was needed. After many conversations with
prosecutors and victims rights groups around the
country, I believe that this same strategy, as
documented in San Diego via threats of lawsuits and
negative media publicity, is being played out across
the country.

There was an attempt to sue one of the therapists
discussed in the 91-92 Grand Jury report for reporting
possible cult child abuse; however, the appellate
court stated she was immune from civil liability
due to the fact she was a mandated reporter. There
are also concerns that lawsuits being waged against
therapists who treat these victims (as a child or
as an adult) are being instigated by the FMSF. That
concern has something to do with the fact that the
FMSF teaches people how to wage lawsuits against
therapists; they have support groups for "recantors,
and they base their lawsuits on a network of
calculated lies, exaggerations and distortions that
the scientists on their board perpetuate, with the
help of some members of the media. To do this properly,
they need to ignore 50 plus research studies
demonstrating traumatic amnesia, misstate research,
missapply the findings of research from a laboratory
setting to a therapeutic setting, ignore ritual
abuse cases (or denounce them all as "witch-hunts"),
ignore incest, and demand a level of proof from their
detractors which they do not provide themselves.
When proof is offered, they solve the problem by
simply ignoring the information or claiming it's not
"statistically valid." There is much, much more
evidence available for the reality of ritual
abuse then there is for "false memory syndrome" or
that therapists are "implanting" SRA memories. People
have argued that suggestible clients can be just
as influenced by FMSF advocates, books and conferences,
as they can be in one hour weekly sessions with
their therapists. Nevertheless,  a supposedly
objective grand jury backed these questionable
positions. When all of the above fails,
these groups rely on perpetrating extreme harassment
towards their perceived enemies, just like the cult
group Scientology. They make up false allegations
against their opponents, and you can find most of
them congregating and acting out this agenda on
various newsgroups and lists such as
sci.psychology.psychotherapy and the WITCHHUNT list
http://www.egroups.com/list/witchhunt as
well as several others.

In another strange case of possible corruption at
that time, a Grand Jury in Merced California
coincidentally copied the 91-92 San Diego Grand
Jury Report for their own "unbiased overview of the
system," but were caught, which a news article by
Jim Okerblom of the San Diego Union Tribune dated
July 9, 1992 mentioned while quoting Carol Hopkins
as having nothing to do with it:

"While reading the Merced jury's report, which
was released Monday, Merced officials had suspicions
they had heard it before. They had already
reviewed the San Diego report, called "Families in
Crisis" which is in its third printing and has
been widely circulated around California and in
other states since its release in February. Then
they compared the two documents, concluding that
at least three-fourths of the Merced report came
from the San Diego report."

"Hopkins, who chaired the committee that wrote
the San Diego report, said she spoke briefly with
someone from the Merced panel months ago. 'All I
can recall is they wanted to know how to go about
an investigation, and I sent them a copy of
'Families in Crisis,' Hopkins said. She added:
"How can they be that stupid? You can't do that.
You just can't do it. Grand jury reports have
to be the result of an independent investigation."


After Ms Hopkins sojourn as Grand Jury member,
she then formed the Justice Committee in San Diego
and went on to publicly align herself with the
FMSF and their stances against the Wenatchee
Child Sex ring cases, including calling for an
Apple Boycott of Washington State, and staged a
rally in Salem Massachusetts for all the "innocent"
people unjustly convicted of sexual/ritual
abuse. This might be more believable if, in this
agenda, there were _some_ guilty people convicted
of this crime who are presently serving time.
However, that's not the case, they are all
"innocent" and we need to release them from prison
immediately. There have been no attempts to separate
possible true from false allegations, but simply
attempts to orchestrate media events claiming
all these people are innocent, even the people
who were convicted, confessed, and who had priors
for sexual molestation. Of interest, Elizabeth Loftus
was also working for the defense in the Wenatchee
Sex Ring cases.

Another disturbing part of the Wenatchee Sex Ring
cases is that some witnesses have had to take out
restraining orders against the alleged perpetrators,
some children stated they were threatened, and Roby
Roberson (alleged offender whose case was dismissed)
actually arranged the filming of one of the children,
Melinda Everett, "recanting" when she ran away from
foster care to her grandmothers, during which time
Roby Roberson was alerted. The judge allowed
her recanting videotape into evidence even though
she told the judge at a hearing that this tape was
coerced and she was threatened by Roby Roberson.
This ruling allowed the overturning of her parents
case and several other alleged offenders in Wenatchee.
[After her parents were released from prison,
Melinda Everett claimed that she made up the story
of threats and has since been released into their
custody. This was reported in the Wenatchee World News.]

In yet another example of a very unusual circumstance
with a child witness, according to a news article,
Carol Hopkins, at that time in San Diego, was allowed
to be the  "guardian" of "Sam" Doggett from Washington
State, another alleged victim who was a ward of the
juvenile court, and Ms. Hopkins used her in press
conferences [while she was a minor] to claim her
parents were unjustly accused but whose siblings
testified against the parents. I find this quite
disturbing as it indicates possible collusion, coercion
and conflict of interest involving a minor yet again.
Here's a quote from the news story by Mark Sauer
dated June 18, 1996:

"Sarah 'Sam' Doggett broke down and wept as she
began talking about her imprisoned parents. "Before
all of this happened, we were a close family," the
17-year-old from Wenatchee, Wash., said of her
parents and four siblings."We attended Mormon Church
services on Sundays and Wednesdays; we were very
active in sports; my parents . . . were active in
our schools and in the community. "But then disaster

"The disaster, Sam said, was the most notorious
prosecution of supposed child molesters since the
Dale Akiki case in San Diego and the McMartin
Preschool case in Los Angeles, both of which failed
to result in convictions."

Although her parents were found guilty in a case
that originally was thought to be a satanic sex
ring, Sam believes in their innocence and has
fought for them from the beginning. Yesterday,
she joined Akiki and others at a downtown San Diego
news conference on behalf of The Justice Committee,
a group dedicated to ending the "nearly 15 years
of child-abuse-prosecution hysteria in this

Now how many people believe that 17 yr.old "Sam"
Doggett really made those statements about the
Akiki and McMartin cases or do you think it more
likely that this quote was attributed to her by
the reporter with an agenda while she was in the
custody of Carol Hopkins.

Yet it doesn't end there.  In an outrageous new
admission, Ms. Hopkins announced on the WITCHHUNT
forum on March 3, 2000, when I questioned her
about this situation, that she had "Sam" Doggett
in her custody due to a special arrangement with
then head of CPS Ivory Johnson who agreed
to *personally supervise* the placement of
"Sam" Doggett in the Hopkins home - without a home
study being done. Ms. Hopkins states, in part:

"Because of my role in the San Diego community and
my unwillingness to do anything illegal (harboring a
runaway is illegal), I contacted Wenatchee CPS and
told them I would have Sam in my home but would  not
subject my family to a home study.  I also told
them I would accept Ivory Johnson as the supervisor
of placement. This was agreed to before Sam came
to San Diego."


This is absolutely unheard of and completely outside
of Ms. Johnsons job description. And apparently
Ms. Johnson did not do a very good job of supervising
the placement because she allowed Carol Hopkins to
use this teenager at press conferences in San Diego.
Ms. Johnson is no longer the head of CPS in San Diego.

As an update, Ms. Carol Hopkins has moved to
Morelos, Mexico and has been taking an active role in
criticizing an alleged child molestation case in
Cuernavaca, telling the local townspeople about the
child abuse "witchhunts" in the United States. She
wrote an article in the Cuernavaca Lookout dated
March 19, 1999. In this article, Ms. Hopkins took
up quite a bit of space weaving a tale about child
abuse investigations. She claimed that now-deceased
parent Judy Johnson of the McMartin Case was known
for going to the police and claiming that her
son was molested by aliens. She writes:

"Eventually, Ms. Johnson's obsession with sexual
abuse would be revealed. She frequently questioned
her four-year-old son and regularly examined his
genitals for signs of abuse. She believed that
aliens came into his bedroom at night and molested
him. On a number of occasions, she called the police
to accuse various people, including aliens, of
sexual abuse. But this would not be revealed
for many years..."


I don't have any reason to believe that Ms. Hopkins
"alien" story attributed to the now deceased
Judy Johnson was ever revealed anywhere, at anytime
or that it is true. Ms. Hopkins also signed off on
her article: "Carol L. Hopkins is an international
expert on sexual abuse." Ms. Hopkins has no formal,
academic expertise in sexual abuse investigations
although she has spent the last 10 years trying to
overturn many sexual abuse convictions involving
children. I hardly think that this qualifies as
expertise in any formal sense.

A response to Ms. Hopkins was written in the Cuernavaca
Lookout by a local citizen who found my internet
web page on "Carol Hopkins and the Justice Committee".
This article was published on April 19, 1999 and
the URL to my web page was also printed in the newspaper.
The article states in part:

"I read Carol L. Hopkins' article on sexual abuse
in the March 19 issue of the Lookout, and in no way
do I consider her an expert on sexual abuse. By her
own declaration, she is a teacher and school
administrator, but she apparently does not hold any
degrees in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, social
work, family therapy, etc.. and in fact attacks
specialists in these fields in her article. The
Grand Jury of 91-92, of which she was Deputy Foreman,
on reviewing child protection matters, made erroneous
reports, gave out misinformation (both documented
by the subsequent Grand Jury of 92-93), and promoted
claims such as "False Memory Syndrome," which
has never been substantiated by scientific research
but which is being debated among specialists who use
repressed memory therapy in adult patients to recall
childhood traumas. Search the Internet to find more
information by going to Alta Vista at


I recently received a copy of these articles and two
weeks ago I publicly challenged Ms. Hopkins on the
WITCHHUNT list to prove her claims that Judy Johnson
told the police her son was molested by aliens. In
response, her friends on the list complained to the
free web hosting sites that were maintaining my
newspaper articles and appellate court archives, and
most of my web pages were taken down, including the
web page listed above. Her supporters on
http://www.egroups.com/list/witchhunt proudly announced

I also had an archive of documented ritual abuse
cases on Tripod Web Pages. This archive was taken
down at the same time as the web pages on Carol Hopkins
and the Wenatchee Sex Ring due to the fact Pat Burgus,
who has claimed that Dr. Bennett Braun "implanted"
false memories of satanic cult involvement, did not
like the posted transcript on my site entitled
"Pat" in which she gave an interview for documentary
filmmakers describing Satanic Cult Recruiting Tactics
in detail in the early 1990's. The claim was that
this transcript was of a therapy session; it was
absolutely not from a therapy transcript, it was an
interview she voluntary gave to filmmakers. This
was simply an excuse to censor me and all of my
web pages in retaliation for challenging Carol Hopkins.
You can find this transcript of Pat Burgus via dejanews.

In summary, the quote below printed in the San Diego
Union, dated Feb. 25, 1997, written by a Judge, relates
what I believe the attitude was and is towards
Ms. Hopkins in San Diego before she left for Mexico,
because of her constant attacks on specialists in the

"I was dismayed to read your recent article in which
Carol Hopkins, a conference attendee, accuses the Center
for Child Protection of 'creating business for itself.'
I do not presume to understand her motivation for the
attack on Children's Hospital, but I view her criticism
of Children's Hospital personnel with extreme skepticism."


I expect Ms. Hopkins to be interfering with as many
child abuse cases in Mexico as she can and to be
attacking all legitimate authorities. If anyone wants
further information, please contact Karen C. Jones at

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