This is in response to the many reports of virulent Flu in many areas of the
country, and the widespread "ChemTrail" or patterns of contrail sightings

For homeopathic FLU treatment info, scroll down. If you're not faced with a
flu emergency, read this whole piece, and maybe browse some of the links.
Pass this along.

During the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918, homeopathy was still very popular
in the U.S.
>From the International Homeopathic Directory of 1931
Edited by E, Petrie Hoyle, MD
Published by the Amrican Institute of Homeopathy
page 220
Dr. T A McCann, from Dayton, Ohio. At the 77th Annual Convention of the AIH
in Washington, DC in 1921 reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated
allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu
treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%
You can see why the mouthpieces of allopathy attack homeopathy.
This was just prior to the widespread adoption of the Flexner Report which
resulted in the Rockefeller/IG Farben Monopolization in the pharmaceutical
industry , the near-complete suppression of Homeopathy and the
centralization of power in the AMA & FDA.
excerpt from:
Edward Griffin's investigation revealed that "In the years prior to World
War II, there came into existence an international cartel, centered in
Germany, that dominated the entire world's chemical and drug industries. It
had spread its operations to ninety-three countries and was a powerful
economic and political force in all countries. It was known as I.G. Farben."
When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his American-based, international
empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928 "there was created the largest and
most powerful cartel the world has ever known. Not only has that cartel
survived through the years, it has grown and prospered. Today it plays a
major role in both the science and politics of cancer therapy."

In order to expand their drug operations the Rockefellers set about
"educating" the medical profession. "Abraham Flexner, author of the famous
Flexner Report of 1910, led the crusade for upgrading the medical schools of
America. All the while he was in the employ of Andrew Carnegie [a
Rockefeller stooge] and John D. Rockefeller who had set up gigantic
tax-exempt foundations for that purpose. The end result was that all medical
schools became heavily oriented toward drugs and drug research, for it was
through the increased sale of drugs that the donors realized a profit on
their donations."

The medical profession and universities weren't the Rockefeller's only
target for infiltration. "A brief backward glance at the total landscape
will help us to appreciate more fully the present extent of cartel
influence, not only in the FDA [United States' Food and Drug
Administration], but at all levels of the federal government, for it is an
historical fact that the centers of political power long have been the easy
target of cartel penetration and control.... The list of men who are or were
in key positions within the Rockefeller group reads like a 'Who's Who in

See also:
My website, the MEDICINE & CONSPIRACY section.
And the BOOKS section:
Alternative viewpoint on medical / socio-political topics

Dave Hartley

This is a repost of an article by an associate, Eileen Nauman.


As always, it should go without saying, but for safety's sake, I'll
repeat that this article is informational. If you think you need a
particular homeopathic remedy, please see your local homeopath FIRST. Do
not self-administer without professional guidance. Take this article with
you and discuss it with her or him. Hopefully, the article will create a
positive dialog between you! Anyway, this is a great opportunity to get to
know who your homeopath(s) are where you live.

Two Internet lists that I recommend where you can locate
classically trained homeopaths are: (the National
Center for Homeopathy, a non-profit educational group) and Steve
Waldstein's directory at:


One great PRE-flu remedy is Aconitum Napellus or what a
homeopath would shorten to and call: Aconite. IF you can catch the flu
or cold while its in what I call it's "quasi" stage--there are no true
symptoms that have yet appeared, call your homeopath with this information.
If you get the 'go' to take the remedy, that should stop the cold or flu
in its tracks, and you won't get it. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Almost
unbelievable, right. Yes, but it works. I've done it many times for
myself and my family and patients. The trick, again, is to realize you're
feeling a little down, maybe not as much energy, not as perky, a little
mentally dull--but now specific symptoms have arrived yet, such as a
headache, a fever, sniffles or whatever. If you take the Aconite after any
of these symptoms have appeared, then it won't stop the flu or cold at all.
Too often, we are so over-stressed with so many things we have to do for
our job and family, that the last thing we do is pay attention to
ourselves! Still, if you can sort of 'spot check' yourself once in the
morning and once in the evening just to see 'where you are'--you may be
able to detect this.

There have been times when I'm overly busy and I start feeling a
little tired and I just shrug it off and say: Oh, it's just the amount of
work you're doing, Eileen..." and let it go at that. And, of course, I get
the 'flu' or 'cold' shortly thereafter! I didn't listen closely enough to
what my Vital Force was telling me and I judged it, I pay the

With babies and children, (providing parents aren't up to their
eyeballs in ten million things they are doing and juggling all at
once--especially the Moms) they may well give a much clearer 'warning' that
a cold or flu is stalking them: usually, they get cranky or more
irritable, or they cry more easily than general, or they sleep more, or
their appetite is a bit 'off'. In my experience, babies and children are
much easier to watch for these tell-tale signs than in us adults!

Aconite Keynote symptoms to look for may include the following:

1. A state of fear, anxiety or anguish appears in the person. Fear is
that they think they're going to die (whether or not there is any symptoms
or crisis to make them feel this way presently...this 'feeling' just 'hangs
over them' like a black cloud sensation).

2. The symptoms of the 'flu' or 'cold' come on swiftly; within an hour or

3. These symptoms are brought on by the person being exposed to cold, dry
weather, getting caught in a draft of any kind (in or out-of-doors doesn't
matter), getting caught out-of-doors without proper clothing on during the
fall/winter season (you Moms know this one: the hat, mittens and coat
routine for your child who wants to rush out the door without being
properly attired). If it is spring/summer, the same thing can be triggered
by experiencing very hot weather and the person is unable to perspire
properly (called 'checked perspiration') either in the winter or summer.

4. They do not want to be touched. Matter of fact, they will pull away if
you reach out to touch them, or get up and quickly move away to avoid your
touch. If a baby, the baby will get cranky if held.

5. Sudden loss of strength; they get marked, general 'fatigue' or
tiredness and this loss is unexplainable.

6. They are physically restless; they will move around constantly (and
drive you crazy!)--a great non-verbal keynote, especially for children!
They just keep 'busy' or 'puttering' perhaps more than normal. (Kids are
usually pretty active anyway, but this goes beyond that sphere).

7. Mentally, the person is restless. This can take the form of being more
'jumpy' or 'starting' if you walk into a room and they don't realize you
are there. They can appear worried over trifles, or little details of some
thing. They may have a fear of death or dying. They don't want music
playing around them. They may feel like they're in the middle of a dream;
and that they're really asleep and not awake (this is the delusion they
experience...they really ARE awake). There is worry and concern and again,
it is out of proportion for what is going on in their daily life. They may
also get 'foreboding' of some terrible thing that will happen to them,
their child or spouse--again, for no discernible reason.

8. Check out their face and eyes because that can give you prior warning
as well. An Aconite person's face will become flushed (red), feel hot and
swollen to them. One cheek may be red, the other white colored in
appearance. If they are sitting and stand up, their flushed face will
become very pale looking--an excellent keynote to prescribe on.

9. Their eyes may feel unduly dry and hot and if a child, he or she may
complain that there is "dirt or sand" in their eyes. The eyes become red
and inflamed looking. They squint in bright light indoors or in sunlight,
and usually, they don't do this as a matter of daily routine. There is
watering from the eyes after they've been exposed to a cold, dry wind or

10. Ear symptoms include a general dislike of music because it makes the
person feel 'sad.' Their hearing is extra acute and all sounds can make
them super irritable, or they will 'jump' or 'start' because sounds are
magnified to them at this point. If a child, they may complain that there
feels like a drop of water is in their left ear. Or, another great keynote
is that one or both ears may appear red, hot, painful and swollen. In my
experience, I've seen one or the other ear involved, and sometimes both
ears; so I would not say this is strictly a left ear only symptom. If you
suddenly see a bright red ear(s) on your baby or child, this is a great


GELSEMIUM is a premier flu remedy, and, as a matter of fact, it
save lives during the Great Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918, when five-hundred
thousand people in the USA alone, died from it. (Twenty-two million died
worldwide from this particular epidemic). Gelsemium is Yellow Jasmine.
It is of great use for flu symptoms that have taken one or two days to come
on. There is a "slow onset" with this remedy picture. The person will
usually feel lethargic, fatigued, sleeping more than usual, not as chipper
or alert, or just feel "draggy"--without any flu symptoms, yet, during that
2-3 day time frame. Once the flu does arrive, the person feels like a
serious couch potato. They don't want to move; they may sit like a lump,
eyes partly closed, feeling absolutely fatigued to the point where they
can't or don't want to move. They may say their arms and legs feel
weighted, and they drag around.

Some other keynote symptoms to tell you this is the flu or cold
remedy you need to stop it in its tracks are:

1. Chills running up and down the back.
2. Aching and stiffness in the neck which extends to the forehead.
3. Chills begin in the hands or feet.
4. Heaviness or trembling of limbs, especially the legs.
5. Better from urination (the headache or flu symptoms).
6. Headache begins at rear of skull and moves to the forehead.
7. May be the sensation of a tight band around the head.
8. Scalp feels sore.
9. Summer colds with sneezing, fever and watery mucus/discharge.
10. Chills alternating with heat up and down back.
*An added note about Gelsemium is the person has the 'flu' and is
"never well since" then, it is an incredible remedy for that, as well as
for 'relapses' from 'flu.' Your homeopath will be able to quickly
ascertain whether this remedy is needed or, perhaps another one, or your
constitutional remedy needs to be taken, instead.

EUPATORIUM PERFORATUM or Eup. Perf., is one of the premier flu
remedies, and saved lives in 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, as well. There is
aching bone pain with fever, the hallmark keynote symptom of this remedy.
All of us have gotten the flu type that feels as if our bones are so tender
and brittle that they will break with pain upon occasion. Here are the
other keynote symptoms that would guide you to take this remedy if you get
the flu:
1. High fever preceded by chills, around 7am to 9am.
2. Craving cold foods or ice cream.
3. Excruciating back pain.
4. Great thirst for cold drinks during chills.
5. Head feels heavy during headache.
6. Nausea and vomiting worse during chills and worse during motion.
7. High fever, flushed, with chills.
8. Very restless with intense aching of bones and muscles. Stiffness and

BAPTISIA is another great flu remedy and the person appears to be
drunk--but they haven't been drinking! They may appear under the influence
of something, but it's just the severity of flu symptoms that makes a
person look "besotted." Here are some of the keynotes:
1. Great mental confusion, dullness of mental faculties. Stupor. Coma-like.
2. Swift onset of flu.
3. Offensive odors of the mouth, stool and perspiration.
4. Flu with bruised pains and they are uncomfortable no matter what
position they take. Bed feels too hard.
5. Red, dusky congestion of face.
6. Throat is ulcerated and red, but is pain free even if they swallow.
7. Sore all over body, especially the part that is laid upon.
8. Tongue is thick feeling, and speech is slurred. Can't put intelligible
sentences together.

Each 'flu' season has it's particular 'personality' which consists
of certain traits or symptom pictures. Homeopaths are always interested in
the details of your symptoms. The more you can pay attention to the little
things and note them, will help us in defining the correct remedy for you.

There are many, many other homeopathic remedies we use for flu,
among them Bryonia, Belladonna, Rhus Tox., Ruta Grav., Pyrogenium, Arnica,
and the list goes on and on..... The key here, is to have a materia medica
books are available and can be ordered online from
Minimum Price at:.

1. Boericke, W., MD, Pocket manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica, 9th
Edition, Boericke & Runyon Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1928.
2. Clarke, J.H., MD, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, B. Jain
Publishers Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi, India, 1984.
3. Lockie, A., Dr., and Geddes, N., Dr., Homeopathy: The Principles and
Practice of Treatment, Dorling Kindersley, London, New York, Stuttgart,
Germany, 1995.

Eileen Nauman

See also Erika North Price's Welcome to:
Homeopathic Self-Sufficiency; Homeopathy You Can Understand and Use
(includes general first aid section incl. flu, first aid for Strikers &
Activists, section on GWS)
(I love this woman for her mind <grin>  )

Medicine & Conspiracy theory.url

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