-Caveat Lector-

The System Is the Problem
by Milo Markovich

President Bush’s new education plan that has been praised by most Republicans
and conservatives as positive and long overdue has left me quite confused.
Here is a man that has staffed his new cabinet with people who have built
their careers either working for think tanks, government and corporations
that are directly responsible for the state that public education is in
today. These are the same sources from where the Clinton administration had
drawn their staff. The federal government cannot "fix" education simply
because the federal government is the prime culprit that has utterly ruined
whatever remained that was good about public education. On this, most who are
not financially benefiting from public education would agree.

What is surprising about the views of those people who would agree, is that
most of them also agree that the federal government can not only fix the
problem, but they are the only logical entity that should attempt it. Just as
one would not ask a known child molester how to best protect children from
child molesters, why do parents keep expecting the federal department of
education (FDOE) to fix the problems in education that they have created?
Granted, both department of education bureaucrats and child molesters know
much about their respective fields, but their past performance and common
sense should be sufficient to warn us all to keep our children away from both.

I believe this misconception that most well-meaning parents have is because
they are not aware of how extensively foundation money has been intentionally
used to influence and direct the FDOE to set policies over the years at the
local level. The ongoing consolidation of local boards and concurrent
strengthening of state departments of education has been no accident. This
has been intentional and planned since the early days of the 20th century. It
has also been a primary tool of the socialist movement to condition the
American population by psychologically conditioning the young minds of the
children. The foundations and their elite corporate benefactors want a
docile, controllable work force. So does a socialist government. The last
thing the elite of this country want are independently-minded, thinking,
competitive people who could ultimately ruin their free ride that they view
as their collective birthright.

While this may seem an overly-strong view to some of view, let me say that I
was among you not that long ago. What changed my thinking and opened my eyes
was by reading some excellent books written by people who are not
professional authors, but were directly affected by these changes in
education. They or their children were affected so much, that they wrote
books to share their new-found knowledge with the public. The ultimate hope
is that once parents really understand the true nature and purpose of what
passes for public education today, they will rise up to force changes at the
grass roots level, and force the FDOE out of existence.

There are three excellent books I would recommend to anyone that knows in
their gut that there is something systemically wrong with education today,
but cannot quite identify it. There are many other books, but these should
convince the most ardent scoffers among you.

The first is by John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American
Education. I would read this first so you can get a good perspective of what
and how large the problem really is. Mr. Gatto was a teacher in the New York
City schools for 30 years. Beginning in 1961, he watched the schools become
progressively worse institutions for teaching, and was effectively powerless
to stop it. Many teachers who effectively taught academics in the 1960’s
became problems for the progressive education movement and teacher’s unions
if they refused to get "re-educated" themselves and go along with the new
paradigm. Along with his personal story and wonderful real-life anecdotes, he
provides the reader with a teacher’s eye view of what has transpired. He also
places the last century in a proper historical context by showing how truly
educated the average American was prior to "freely" available public
education. Most Americans were self-educated, and we boasted a national 98
plus percent literacy rate. Americans were among the most educated in the
world. Our citizens were incredibly self-reliant and innovative, and it
didn’t cost one cent of tax revenue to accomplish this. Then along came
public education to ostensibly improve it and make it more available to

The second book is by Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down
of America. The third is by B.K Eakman, Cloning of the American Mind. You can
read either or both of these, depending upon how much detailed evidence you
need to prove to yourself that what has happened to public education has been
a deliberate, orchestrated effort. Both books necessarily overlap in some
areas. Essentially, they both document step by step, how what we have today
has come about. Ms. Eakman was a techincal writer with a degree in education
who originally wrote Educating for the ‘New World Order’ in 1991, which led
to a more fully treated subject in this book. It shows examples of the tests
used and are used today to assess psychological values of the students under
the guise of academic testing. The National Assessment of Education Progress
(NAEP) test that President Bush so strongly advocates is and has been a
primary mechanism to get the socialist agenda into the local schools.

Ms. Iserbyt was a senior policy advisor in the federal Office of Educational
Research and Improvement, part of the FDOE during the Reagan administration.
She basically blew the whistle on how the government was planning to use
automation technology to control and guide curriculum in the local schools
that originated at the federal level (which is unconstitutional). If Mr. Bush
is a strict constitutionalist as he claims, why is he so in favor of
continuing to use the FDOE to further this agenda? Her book is a
comprehensive history through each decade from the late nineteenth century to
date of the education system, and the infiltration of it by these socialist
forces using foundation money to accomplish their goals.

There are other good books on the subject that basically agree with and
augment the positions of these authors. The problem we have in American
public education today is very real, and very damaging to the fabric of our
society. It does and will affect all of our futures, and not in a good way
unless things change. These books show beyond the shadow of any doubt that
the problems in education today will not be solved by throwing more money
down the same rat hole. They also point fingers and show a provable motive as
to why things are the way they are.

I would hope anyone concerned about the state of affairs in education today
would take some time to better inform themselves on this issue, and certainly
even more if you have children either in or going into the system in the
future. It’s up to us because the system will never fix the problem - the
system is the problem.

January 31, 2000
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