Re: [CTRL] FBI reports threat to Liberty Bell

2002-02-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Lessons from history in how the government has dealt with activists...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 06:29:09 -0500
From: preston peet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 rootsofteror [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Spy News] FBI reports threat to Liberty Bell

On the topic of blowing up the Liberty Bell, once more I find myself feeling
a bit suspicious of the FBI's alert of a supposed terrorist threat.
I don't doubt terrorists are out there, but how many threats are we
going to hear/be told about? I don't often read or hear about threats that
drug dealers are going to be making a sale down the street, the cops simply
move in, no? (or take money to look the other way, but I digress.)
Keeping us, joe/jane public, tense and feeling threatened, thereby
helping make many folk much more willing to unquestionably allow the US
government to carry out its targetless, never ending war on terror, seems to
be the only reason I can personally come up with for these continued
Preston Peet


It was in the Black Liberation Front that Ray found ready acceptance.  Once
a member, Ray began proposing actions the group could undertake.  Suggesting
that the Black Liberation Front expose the nation’s hypocrisy by defacing
the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, and the Washington Monument, he
gave the members an old US-Army manual of his, which outlined the use of
explosives.  Everyone agreed that Ray’s suggestion was a good idea, but no
one except Ray was willing to take any action.

Ray led the Black Liberation Front on a reconnaissance trip to the Statue of
Liberty.  Having been an explosives expert in the military, he showed the
members where to place their bombs in order to cause maximum damage.  Since
no one wanted to put up any money, Ray agreed to pay for the bomb materials
himself.  Next Ray convinced his Black Liberation Front girlfriend to
accompany him to Montreal, Canada, to buy 30 sticks of dynamite.  Upon
returning, they hid the cache of explosives in a vacant lot in the Bronx.

On February 17, 1965, the lead headline of the New York Times proclaimed:
Four Held in Plot to Blast Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell and Washington
Monument.  Under the bold headline were the pictures of the arrested Black
Liberation Front members, along with a smaller headline, A Rookie Policemen
Here Infiltrates a Group of Negro Extremists.  The article went on to
discuss how a loyal Negro hero cop had infiltrated the fanatical
extremist Black Liberation Front.

Besides major front-page coverage, an entire inside page was devoted to the
story.  Two additional reports discussed Ray’s heroic work for the NYPD’s
Bureau of Special Services.  Although Ray had been in the department for
less than a year, he was given an on-the-spot promotion from rookie to
detective.  The police fantasy that he had single-handedly uncovered and
thwarted a horrendous terrorist plot was repeated on the front pages of all
the US newspapers, and was the lead story on radio and television newscasts
nationwide.  The media portrayed this agent-provocateur as a
bigger-than-life American hero who had put his life at risk by
infiltrating a dangerous group of ruthless, fanatical Black nationalists
bent on destroying America.13

When the trial of the Black Liberation Front members began in May of 1965,
the evidence that the defense presented received no publicity in most
newspapers.  In what little was reported, defense claims were always
preceded with the word alleged, while the testimony that Ray gave was
presented as fact.  Under cross-examination, Ray admitted that he had given
the defendants US Army explosives books, and suggested the targets.  Even
more damning, he admitted that in order to purchase the explosives, he
provided the money and the car, both of which had been supplied to him by
the NYPD, and then drove to Canada to purchase the explosives.  The only
action the defendants could be accused of was agreeing with Ray.  His
girlfriend pleaded guilty to illegal transportation of explosives into the
US, since she had ridden with Ray when he bought the dynamite.

This was such a clear-cut case of police entrapment that I could not fathom
how the jury would find the defendants guilty.  However, the all-White jury
was terrified by the prosecutor, who depicted the defendants as dangerous
African-American-extremist terrorists committed to destroying the nation.
Even this attempt at further biasing the jury did not remove the fact that
the only thing the defendants ever did was to agree with Ray.  Although the
prosecutor was seeking a much longer prison sentence, the four defendants
were sentenced to 15 years in prison.  After serving a few years, they were
all paroled.  Unfortunately, this case is but one example of the dirty

Re: [CTRL] FBI reports threat to Liberty Bell

2002-02-26 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BFIt is interesting that just this summer we had an attack on the Liberty Bell and 
landing on the Statue of Liberty.  Do we have messages from God that people are 
claiming to
hear?  Is there mind control, or some phenomenon?  It sounds crazy, but then again 
there is much
that is going on that may be for a purpose, and a great deal of technology we cannot 
 One possibility might be that there is an attempt to manipulate the public 
through the
perception of threats to the national fabric.  If the public reacts with fear, it is 
easier to
control.  Internal institutions would conceivably be behind this one.  Governments, 
establishment religious institutions, and the like.  That is one possibility.
 Another possibility might be that we see a low level attack on the United States 
by hostile
foreign powers that are organizing psy-ops against symbols that Americans have clinged 
to.  I will
not name names, but some might include the Axis of Evil.  This is not inconceivable.
 Yet another possibility is a very complex one.  I do not believe that WWII ended. 
 I believe
that Nazis are still around, some having fled to the Middle East and others to South 
Some joined with our military and yet others the Soviets.  They hate American 
symbolism with a
vengeance that goes back to various internal civil wars between secret societies.  
They also hate
democracy with an ideological passion that is not understood by reasonable human 
beings.  They
might be using some kind of patsies to attack America's symbols, perhaps even Bin 
Laden himself.
If the planes alone did not collapse those buildings, as some allege, then Bin Laden 
had internal
help.  To me, this group is one likely scenerio.  There are other scenerios that I 
believe are
logical and yet are so extreme that I will not even sign off to them
Whatever the truth is, we have an increase in absolute nuttiness that is 
impossible to fathom
logically.  One wonders what the ideologies of these strange attackers would be?  God 
Certainly.  You don't need a sledge-hammer to prove that.  Then again, religious 
fanatics might
believe they are levelling the altars of Baal.  If so, one wonders why these benighted 
believe they are doing the right thing?  The media will not say, and perhaps at this 
time that is

Jei wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Lessons from history in how the government has dealt with activists...

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 06:29:09 -0500
 From: preston peet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  rootsofteror [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Spy News] FBI reports threat to Liberty Bell

 On the topic of blowing up the Liberty Bell, once more I find myself feeling
 a bit suspicious of the FBI's alert of a supposed terrorist threat.
 I don't doubt terrorists are out there, but how many threats are we
 going to hear/be told about? I don't often read or hear about threats that
 drug dealers are going to be making a sale down the street, the cops simply
 move in, no? (or take money to look the other way, but I digress.)
 Keeping us, joe/jane public, tense and feeling threatened, thereby
 helping make many folk much more willing to unquestionably allow the US
 government to carry out its targetless, never ending war on terror, seems to
 be the only reason I can personally come up with for these continued
 Preston Peet


 It was in the Black Liberation Front that Ray found ready acceptance.  Once
 a member, Ray began proposing actions the group could undertake.  Suggesting
 that the Black Liberation Front expose the nation’s hypocrisy by defacing
 the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, and the Washington Monument, he
 gave the members an old US-Army manual of his, which outlined the use of
 explosives.  Everyone agreed that Ray’s suggestion was a good idea, but no
 one except Ray was willing to take any action.

 Ray led the Black Liberation Front on a reconnaissance trip to the Statue of
 Liberty.  Having been an explosives expert in the military, he showed the
 members where to place their bombs in order to cause maximum damage.  Since
 no one wanted to put up any money, Ray agreed to pay for the bomb materials
 himself.  Next Ray convinced his Black Liberation Front girlfriend to
 accompany him to Montreal, Canada, to buy 30 sticks of dynamite.  Upon
 returning, they hid the cache of explosives in a vacant lot in the Bronx.

 On February 17, 1965, the lead headline of the New York Times proclaimed:
 Four Held in Plot to Blast Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell and Washington
 Monument.  Under the bold headline were the pictures of the arrested Black
 Liberation Front members, along with a smaller headline, A Rookie Policemen