[CTRL] Forward 1776misc list: Chelsea's Half Brother -- Inspires my best Tirade of the New Year so far!

1999-01-04 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Bruce wrote:
 Thanks Bill

 Already have his picture posted on my site. ;o)


Feminists must be pulling there hair out right about now.. the ultimate
dead beat dad.. hahaha


My reply:

Feminists are NOT pulling their hair out. The hard core Feminists - such as
dead-eyed Gloria Steinem and horror-movie candidate Betty Freidan -- have
never been interested in women, only in ushering in an evil anti-Christian
society ruled by them and their ideological brethren and sistren. Their
ability to defend Clinton now frustrates and infuriates our side because we
have scruples and can't understand what kind of a demonized mind doesn't. If
they had an OUNCE of respect for women they wouldn't call their destructive
organization the National Organization for Women, when they know darn well
their organization makes most women PUKE (figuratively). Naturally that's
just another one of their brazen propaganda assaults on us. They should be
called National Organization for Some Very Few Women (Even with FULL backing
by the evil Big TV networks since the 60's, NOW STILL doesn't have but a
fraction of the members of the much younger Concerned Women For America.
Most of the "normal" women who have fallen for their line have been horribly
abused (I'm not speaking physically here) by an immature man, often moved in
that direction by soft-porn corrupters like Hugh Hefner. WHICH REMINDS ME --
NOW has taken money from Playboy over the years, $50,000 in one instance
about 10 years ago -- WHY? Because Playboy and NOW are part of the same
assault on Christian America, they are soul mates and they like each other.
Feminists who criticize the soft porn industry are drummed out of the
NOW-type organizations and given NO FURTHER PUBLICITY to speak of by the
evil Big TV networks. Predator Hugh Hefner was quoted by The Weekly Standard
a few months ago as saying that the issue of whether Clinton stays or goes
is the FINAL conflict in the cultural war -- if Clinton stays, the forces of
evil represented by Playboy and NOW have, in Hefner's judgement won --- and
THAT's why every moral reprobate in the country is rising frantically to
Clinton's defense, from the demented tirade by Smart-Alec Baldwin on Conan
O'Brien's show, to the shocking cowardice of the Republican weasels in the
Senate who want to find "a way out" of this Senate Trial business quickly.
(In most cases, I suspect they really want to find a way out for themselves
before THEIR skeletons are hauled out of the closet.)

Two final points: 1) The Big Media's guilty role in this was also
underscored when a beautiful Penthouse Whatever of the Year, used the
microphone at HER OWN AWARD ceremony to denounce Penthouse and the Soft Porn
Industry as anti-woman. ALL FOUR OF THE evil Big TV networks censored this
story and I only happened to find out about it and to see a picture of the
woman at the ceremony due to the Spotlight Weekly's coverage of the
incident. This was a GREAT story with a very "media-friendly" subject who
would have attracted great ratings -- but her message was wrong -- so it was
ruthlessly censored (like so much else) by these evil Big TV networks, which
have to much in common with the Soviet's Pravda. 2) One of the biggest
whammys against women have been the Playboy mentality spawning the greatly
increased phenomenon of 40 year old men trading in their wife for two 20's
(just kidding, that was my late grandmother's favorite lines) -- but middle
age men DO trade in their wife and the kids they had by her for another,
often a younger, woman; then NOW arranged so that the courts treat the
mother with all the kids and the traitor-Dad just about equally, forcing the
woman to work and abandon her kids, who are now more or less latch-key kids.
Ask one of these mother's who have been left with the two, three, four,
five, or six kids after the Dad goes elsewhere to play "house" --- about
what kind of "liberation" the NOW she-devils have secured for HER. Jim
Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: 1776misc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of B.
 Sent: Sunday, January 03, 1999 9:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Chelsea's Half Brother

 Date sent:  Sun, 3 Jan 1999 20:39:26 -0500
 Send reply to:  1776misc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From:   $$-BillsBest-$$ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization:   Bills Best Coins
 Subject:Chelsea's Half Brother

 Thanks Bill

 Already have his picture posted on my site. ;o)


Feminists must be pulling there hair out right about now.. the ultimate
dead beat dad.. hahaha


 Little Danny Williams, now 13, fathered by our Prez.story
 breaking in NY Post 1/4/99

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid 

Re: [CTRL] Forward 1776misc list: Chelsea's Half Brother -- Inspires ...

1999-01-04 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 2:54:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Ask one of these mother's who have been left with the two, three, four,
  five, or six kids after the Dad goes elsewhere to play "house" --- about
  what kind of "liberation" the NOW she-devils have secured for HER.

Listen to SnowOwl, i.e. don't assume that every claim you hear of that is
detrimental to President Clinton's reputation must be true.  The Clinton
bashers make themselves foolish when they do this.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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