Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Was Polio Vaccine Contaminated?

1999-02-06 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-02-05 23:58:34 EST, you write:

 Watch for this fast shuffle people.  Could Clinton and Company have been
  setting it up that cases of AIDS were actually from the Polio vaccine - if
  one had cued on to the fact of the Arkansas blood?  Also "formalin" is
  word for "Formaldehyde" (from what I understand), which I have links for on
  site.  Check out what Formaldehyde does to the human body, and they were
  injecting this.  Does anyone have any more information about "formalin" and
  aka The Pied Piper

Only that it is a preservative in all vaccines.  Not a Clinton origination.
Mercury, too.  Vaccines are bad news, IMHO.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Was Polio Vaccine Contaminated?

1999-02-06 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-02-06 01:51:30 EST, you write:

 Do you have any more about Mercury in Vacines?  Will try to find out if it
 isstill the only thing that is allowed in eye makeup (mascara, more?) to
 it germ free.  To think this stuff absorbes through the skin and women are /
 were putting it right by their eyes.

I have this site
 A HREF=""GVAL- Facts about vaccines
/A  (
about Mercury in vaccines.  I've never heard mercury was in mascara, too.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Was Polio Vaccine Contaminated?

1999-02-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Watch for this fast shuffle people.  Could Clinton and Company have been
setting it up that cases of AIDS were actually from the Polio vaccine - if not
one had cued on to the fact of the Arkansas blood?  Also "formalin" is another
word for "Formaldehyde" (from what I understand), which I have links for on my
site.  Check out what Formaldehyde does to the human body, and they were
injecting this.  Does anyone have any more information about "formalin" and
aka The Pied Piper

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 7:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Polio Vaccine Contaminated?

  -Caveat Lector-
  Prominent Polio Vaccine Researcher Confirms
  Suspicions About Monkey-Virus Contamination
  By T.J. Moriarty - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "This new virus represents the detection for the first time
  of a hitherto "non-detectable" simian virus of monkey renal
  cultures and raises the important question of the existence
  of other such viruses.  All three types of Sabin's live
  polio virus vaccine were contaminated."
  "Even the people who received a killed polio virus vaccine
  could have been infected.  Those papers we wrote were incorrect
  at the time, stating that formalin killed vaccines were free
  of simian SV40 virus.  But the new information regarding the
  killed ones was never published."  By then it was too late.
  ...competition between the Salk (killed) and Sabin (live)
  formulas.  Despite common knowledge, both Salk and Sabin were
  definitely contaminated.  The Salk vaccine had already
  garnered prestigious appeal as a "safe vaccine".
  ...the authors estimate somewhere between 10-30 million people
  of the 98 million injected were exposed to at least SV40.
  [ "Human Exposure to SV40 : Review and Comment" by Shah and
  Nathanson, Journal of Epidemiology, January 1976 ]
  ...current polio vaccines are still grown on African Green
  monkey tissues.
  "Is it only a coincidence that HIV infection manifested itself
  at the same time as the introduction of vaccines that are now
  known to have been contaminated with simian viruses?"
  [ "The Polio Vaccine and the Origin of AIDS" by
  Dr. R. Stricker, Medical Hypothesis, January 1994 ]
  "Who is minding the public health when the FDA allows drug
  companies to produce vaccines grown on animal tissue cultures
  and they don't even know if this practice is facilitating cross
  species transfer of animal viruses into man?"
  Over the past fifteen or more years, the immune system has been
  increasingly more challenged.  Indefensible disorders such as AIDS
  and HIV as well as conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  and Persian Gulf War-Related Illnesses are the new epidemics of the
  Silicon Age.  By comparison, the days of polio and small pox
  epidemics seem crudely forgiving when we consider that today's
  viral mutants repeatedly outsmart gains made in vaccine development.
  However, it seems the days of polio are still with us -- not in the
  form of acute viral outbreaks of fever and paralysis -- but in the
  "uncharted" data on the long-term effects from the simian (monkey)
  viral contaminated polio vaccines given to countless children and
  adults three decades ago.  Even more, what other "undetectable"
  monkey viruses have been transmitted in the vaccine batches of
  late?  These unanswered questions continue to resurface in today's
  research and still riddle retired scientist Ben Sweet.  "No one
  really knows if there are any dangers, but no scientist can
  definitively say there aren't any, that is what's scary," says
  As a senior research scientist for a major pharmaceutical company
  from 1959 to 1964, Dr. Sweet was one of those responsible for the
  research, development and field testing of the killed respiratory
  virus vaccine.
  Contaminated Polio Vaccines
  Scientific literature states that some polio vaccines given between
  1955 and 1961 may have contained low-levels of live monkey viruses.
  As many as 26 of the simian contaminants were readily detected but
  still other viruses, like SV40 slipped past rigorous quality
  control testing procedures available at that time.  The simian
  viruses were inadvertently introduced into the vaccine pool because
  the polio virus was grown in monkey (Rhesus, Patas, or Cynomolgus)
  kidney cells.
  In his 1960 paper, "The Vacuolating Virus : SV40" Sweet and
  co-author M.R. Hilleman write, "This new virus represents the