Thought would pass this on for stuff like this is what got me into
Conspiracy......remember Jeane Dixon, the Rose of Washington Square,
Tokyo Rose that is......who like a hound from hell followed the Kennedys
about marking them for murder over and over and over.....JFK was NEVER
in the CFR...he was so branded - not true......

The entire country waited for another Kennedy to get shot, as they
waited last year for more schooll murders.....the news media waiting
sitting on think they do not know what they are doing?

Book entitled Soul on Ice by Elridge Cleaver I read once.....but he kept
working at the phrase "the iniquities of the fathers will be visited
upon the chldren".....and remember FBI said the Unibomber was "self
educated man"......well the guy was a Harvard Professor in the mind
control programs of CIA......the ones that make the lips of those who
are asleep to speak....hypnotic drugs, and training of virtual K 9
Attack Dogs.....see Littleton, see Waco and see Ruby Ridge.....this is

And remember Clinton's remark after Littleton "we see through the glass
but darkly"....

Programmed killers were loosed upon the Kennedy family and even unto
little John John and Princess of Wales, the list of body bags grows and
grows........we have an FBI who eats with the KGB.....what do you
expect, the land of, Dorothy and all asleep in the poppy
fields, while the roses are dying, without a sound.

Flowers in the field are cut down....whacked as a Grim Reaper takes his
toll......for this is what Halle Bopp tried to say.....Planet Earth is
about to be recycled.....death awaits a good percentage of the people
through genocide, and it had its origin in the bible code.

This is your UN/, I want my USA back and I want that bunch
whacked.....see the Tower of Babel communicate thoughts of death and see
them provide mass murder for the entertainment of the masses who do not
realize they are being programmed to death?

Watch witnesses die in accidents; even George Bush Jr. when he said no
American would ever wear UN uniform if he would be elected
president......that guy was almost killed with a "dump truck"...get the
message......just like John Gotti's son was killed by an illegally
parked "dump truck"....he got the message......

This is murder incorporated in the White House.......the day comes
though when we see how they run...

For when the psychology of it all is exposed, it is no longer effective
- but when people drink and use drugs, they experience a loss of will
power and are easily controlled.....just like the poppy fields of OZ,
put to sleep ..... for as the old Assassin Hassan said, after becomiong
addicted to his own drugs = Hashish, from which the word assassin is

"life is but a dream".....and Gore and Clinton have taken that one step
beyond into the Twilight Zone.

Ecstasy in the Pizza Monica?


Dear Brigade,

Just in case you missed this -- its worth a read.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!

Jewish World Review - Dec. 30, 1999


From:                   "Dave Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:46:00 -0500

'Shoot him with a .44':  Liberal hate speech, 1999
by Jeff Jacoby

REMEMBER THE WAVE of outrage that
swept the nation after Charlton Heston, the
president of the National Rifle Association, told a
radio interviewer that the best way to deal with
liberal filmmaker Spike Lee would be to "shoot
him with a .44-caliber Bulldog" revolver?
Remember how newspaper editorials scathingly
condemned Heston's appalling remark?
Remember the full-page ads blasting the twisted
mindset that leads conservatives like Heston to
say such grotesque things?

You don't remember? Don't feel bad. It never
happened. Heston never spoke those words
about Lee.

Lee spoke them about Heston.

He was talking to reporters in May, just a few
weeks after the slaughter in Littleton, Colo.
Asked for his thoughts on Heston, Lee
recommended assassinating him with a .44
special. A conservative who made such a
comment about a liberal would have been
crushed under an avalanche of denunciation. But
when a liberal talks that way about a
conservative, the media rarely notice.

Welcome to my yearly column on liberal hate
speech and the double standard that shields it. By
"hate speech," I don't mean language that is
merely insulting. When Rosie O'Donnell, hosting
a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in October, described
Rudolph Giuliani as New York's "village idiot"
and compared his looks to "a Pez dispenser," she
was simply being obnoxious.

When Margaret Carlson of Time magazine said,
apropos congressional Republicans, that "the only
thing that could explain this love of tax cuts is a
lowered IQ," she was engaging in childish

But when liberals liken conservatives to Hitler, or
call for them to be killed -- that's hate speech.

It isn't only Spike Lee who advocates death for
those who have the temerity to hold
non-left-wing views.

     When Elia Kazan, the bete noir of
     Hollywood's aging Reds, was awarded the
     Oscar for lifetime achievement, the haters
     were out in force. "I'll be watching, hoping
     someone shoots him," said Abraham
     Polonsky, who was blacklisted for his
     Communist sympathies in the 1950s. "It
     would no doubt be a thrill."

     The Washington Post's Richard Cohen
     commented on the fact that Newt
     Gingrich was cheating on his wife even as he was denouncing Bill
     Clinton's moral failings. "For hypocrisy, for sheer gall," Cohen wrote,
     "Gingrich should be hanged."

     Even the comics aren't free of death threats. The main character in
     Aaron McGruder's "Boondocks" is Huey, a militant black student. In
     one strip, Huey considers titles for his report on "the black
     neoconservative movement and its most famous champion." His
     first choice: "Ward Connerly Should Be Beaten by Raekwon the
     Chef With a Spiked Bat." (Eventually he settles on something less
     obscure, but just as ugly: "Ward Connerly Is a Boot-Licking Uncle

No doubt Polonsky, Cohen, and McGruder didn't mean for their words to
be taken literally. But the test of hate speech isn't what you mean, it's what
you say. And saying that a public figure ought to be murdered is so far
beyond the pale that even liberals shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

Central to the leftist mentality is the belief that conservative opinions are
not simply misguided, they're evil. Conservatives are not erring brethren to
be reasoned with, they're moral heretics to be excommunicated. And so
liberals routinely reach for the most vicious comparisons when talking
about nonliberals: Nazis, racists, the Ku Klux Klan.

"Conservative legal interest groups," says Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell,
"such as the Center for Individual Rights and the Southeastern Legal
Foundation" -- both of which oppose racial preferences and quotas -- "are
... a homogenized version of the Klan. They may have traded in their
sheets for suits ..., but it's the same old racism."

Newsweek's archliberal Eleanor Clift was one of many who erupted with
venom when Bill Clinton was impeached. "That herd of managers from the
House," she hissed in January, "I mean, frankly all they were missing was
white sheets. They're like night riders..." The left-leaning Arkansas Times
spat poison at the independent counsel. "Kenneth Starr," the paper
editorialized, "is cunning, ruthless, and about as well-mannered as Heinrich
Himmler." In the Los Angeles Times, Karen Grigsby Bates wrote,
"Whenever I hear Trent Lott speak, I immediately think of nooses
decorating trees. Big trees, with black bodies swinging...."

Cartoonist Paul Conrad, also of the L.A. Times, drew a sketch of Buford
Furrow -- the bigot who opened fire in a Jewish community center in
August, then murdered a Filipino mailman -- and labeled it: "A faith-based
compassionate conservative." Republicans opposing a minimum wage hike,
charged US Rep. Major Owens of New York, are comparable to foreign
leaders who support "ethnic cleansing" -- i.e., mass killing.

Then there was the proposal in Florida to raise funds for adoption agencies
through a new specialty license plate bearing the logo "Choose Life."
There are already 45 such plates, which promote everything from
protecting dolphins to Special Olympics. A pro-life message, however, was
too much for state Senator Skip Campbell, who fretted that senators would
next be asked to approve a plate reading "Be a Nazi."

But for sheer filth, nothing in 1999 topped Salon's hate-filled attack on Ann
Coulter, an attractive and well-known conservative activist and Clinton
critic. In June, Coulter wrote a nonpolitical column lamenting the state of
romance in Washington. Soon after, the web magazine Salon, an avidly
pro-Clinton publication, launched a malignant personal attack. It purported
to offer 11 tips for improving her love life. Among them: "Quit injecting
yourself with your own urine," "Stop being a mean b-tch," "Buy a vibrator,"
and "Get your head out of your as-." It urged her to tape a sign in her
kitchen reading, "Men don't want to date castrating b-tches." And that's not
to mention the gross innuendoes that can't be repeated in a family

If a conservative web site had hurled such vileness at, say, Cheryl Mills,
Clinton's liberal young attorney, there would have been a furious outcry. It
would have become a national scandal. Pundits and talk show hosts would
have torn the web site and its writer to shreds.

But Salon is liberal and Coulter is not. So nobody said a thing.

------------  end  --------------------
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