Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] rumor has it danny boy...

2002-03-15 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

However Danny Boy - once I was asked by this man in intelligence field
what you mean you used your real name.why yes, I said because I am
so obscure

Strange...on one hand you want us to believe that you and your family are
aristocrats who have hobnobbed with The Beautiful People for millenia,
then on the other hand you claim to be so 'obscure'...

So which is it, Colleen?

and besides they do not kill women do they?

Ah, so THAT explains your sex-change operation...a naive belief that if you
were a female, you wouldn't be killed...


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] rumor has it danny boy...

2002-03-14 Thread RoadsEnd


to all,

mike ruppert just alluded to some barry seal-like shit going on in
canada regarding that us navy guy with foreknowledge of 9/11.

this note is to try to forestall some barry seal-like shit from going
down in florida.

one reason this list was started three years ago was so a couple
hundred people would know the recent whereabouts of an obscure writer
from newport beach who pawned his surboard and slipped into the murky
environs of louisiana to try to find the real story of the last and
biggest cowboy drug smuggler.

supposedly, this list, or community, fearless americans all, would
give pause to anyone inclined to use hopsicker and rubbed out in
the same sentence.

since then everything has been swell. peachy.

till today, when i received a communication from someone who i know
to be both a)fond of me; and b)exquisitely well-connected.

its now giving ME pause.

i'll quote a bit of it here, but the point is, i want y'all to know,
that despite the occassional black depression caused by being chubby
bald and middled-aged all at the friggin' same time i am in NO WAY

i'm well adjusted, and even like being chubby, a little, cause girls
trust you more when you can't move as fast as you once did.

so should you hear that i've pulled a cliff baxter, please do not
believe it, and promise me you'll all go outdoors one evening and on
cue start to bang pots and pans together as loud as you can. okay?

on a lighter note, i'll have a story up on my website tomorrow morning
which will shed a little light on the INS flap which was used this
week to polish up magic dutch boy rudi dekkers image going into next
months intelligence hearings.

i got enough dirt on dekkers to take off some of that shine. and
tomorrow you get to read about it, unless i'm inexplicably overcome
before then with a helpless feeling of oh what's the use.

and everybody knows what to do should THAT happen.

okay that's it. he's optimistic, he's got everything to live for,
pots and pans every night at dusk until the neighbors call the cops.

a few quotes from the 'spooky' note:

rumor has it that you are being targetted for some unpleasant
things, Danny Boy...

you're pissing people off again, and I don't want to hear that you've
ended up missing in the Florida Everglades, or have been turned
into alligator bait, or something else just as awful.

What really concerns me is that you'll end up committing suicide,
if you get my drift. That seems to be the method most commonly used
for pests lately...

You reside in a druggie mobbedup state that also houses a lot of
foreign unfriendlies with ties to various international bad guys, is
run by a Bush, and where people become alligator bait and get lost in
the swamps quite frequently. Additionally, there seems to be a major
overload of para-military types floating in...

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] rumor has it danny boy...

2002-03-14 Thread saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Danny Boy...let us say rumor might have it they are more afraid
of you than you of them.

Once I was told if I went to Washington DC to meet with Jimmy Hoffa as
he had invited me (then he disappeared) - that I would be found shot to
death, my throat cut, arms and legs broken, a suicide form a tall hotel
building and the police would rule it suicide.

In other words this stuff has the same old ring and is same old crap
they hand out over and is COP talk .

I wondered about this Dekker story for I could not see where he came out
of that so lily white; in fact, I do not believe this Mohammed Atta is
dead for I think like Ishmael he alone escaped to tell the truth for you
see these men can take half witted suicide bombers and get them hopped
up on drugs and programmed to kill for Allah but these guys do not want
to die.the conspiratoars are all alive and this Dekker might be he
might be the one taken for a ride.

However Danny Boy - once I was asked by this man in intelligence field
what you mean you used your real name.why yes, I said because I am
so obscure and besides they do not kill women do they?

But that hey you got family, you got kids.that is a different

So get a pen name .. how far these people dare go I do not
know.we on the Assassination Committee (Bud Fensterwalds, I had
stuff going there) we were told we were safe so long as we could not be
called as a witness in a court of law.

And the police and the mafia work very well together.

Do as Gordon Novel did - get an nsurance policy for if it were not for
magic word EVERGREEN he no doubt would be dead and that guy knows more
stuff than you would ever dream - even about money given to a big time
judge in our area which Larry Flynt knew about big bucks.

Just do not answer the door to the Jehovah witnesses or the Mormons who
dress in black and travel in pairs, the Avon Lady (when you hear Avon
calling, remember once was a day Rocky sent her) and above all run if
you see the Fuller Brush man.And your local Lions Club with
Insurance men who are members with Shriner Emblems and Masonic crap on
one side on car windshiield, and Honorary Sheriff on other side.

Now as for pots and pans.know what I had - first two big cans of
RAID, a pesticide, and one of those big cans that make this horrible
horn blowing sounds we used to hear at football games?

For remember always they operate on the premise that the wicked fleeth
when nobody pursuethunless you all are a witnesseth and if so hit
the deck.

Good Luck..and believe me when a Professor from Patterson State
tells me the Mafia should be afraid of me - well - I felt better, until
my sister when I told her said the Mafia afraid of You??? You got to be
kidding..but in those days when I went out, by myself, I was a

Also get a big friendly rotweiller and a pitbull..and do not let
these cops and that is what this talk is - cops on the take - scare you.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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