[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] JEWS FOR HAIDER by Barry Chamish

2000-02-10 Thread Kris Millegan


From Ru Mills, Editor RMNews-

The following are some extrememely insightful comments from Barry Chamish's
recent article on Joerge Haider---

"Haider's real "crimes" are that he is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Euro and
anti-immigration, a fine package that makes him anti-New World Order. So the
Jewish sympathy card has been pulled out to bring him down. "

"Those who despise Haider despise Israel and that is no coincidence. That
they are using Israel and the Jews to spearhead their plan to undermine, then
overthrow him, is no less a coincidence. "

"So why must my people be so cynically used, and why must the weakling leader
of Israel, Ehud Barak, be placed at the forefront of the anti-Haider movement
by his superiors in Europe and America? It all comes down to immigration. "

"walking with ... Dutch business associates, they would pass groups of
East Asian or African immigrants and ... would say, "In twenty years there
won't be a Dutch people anymore. Two thousand years of nation-building will
be gone in a generation."

"If one's goal is to destroy nations in order to build a one continent, then
a one world government, attacking the very genetic foundations of the
nations' peoples is the best way to go about things. What will follow will be
the inevitable loss of harmony, patriotism, language and culture. To assure
that the plan goes through unobstructed, those who express fear of the
situation, of the loss of their national integrity, are branded racist. "

Jews for Haider - Chamish
Posted By: Philip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 10 February 2000, at 12:46 p.m.

hitnum=6 Subject: haider

From: Barry Chamish Date: 2000/02/09 Message-ID: Newsgroups:

Once again the mostly gentile powers that be of the New World Order have set
up Jews for a fall in Europe. The last time, they placed Jews like Rubin,
Cohen, Berger and Albright (whether she recalls it or not) in the visible
front line of the atrocities commited against Serbs during the Kosovo War.
This time they have us leading the unpopular international protest against
the legitimately elected Austrian Freedom Party leader Joerge Haider.

Haider's real "crimes" are that he is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Euro and
anti-immigration, a fine package that makes him anti-New World Order. So the
Jewish sympathy card has been pulled out to bring him down. Some naive Jews
have been sucked in by the organized media barrage against Haider and are
playing along. The vast majority are entirely apathetic to Austrian politics,
Haider notwithstanding. But the latter will face the same resentment for
interfering with a sovereign nation's political choice as the former. The
process is called, creating anti-semitism. The methods are well known and all
are being applied to this issue.

Let me state early on that the Austrians are my least favorite people in the
world. They were the most vehement of all Nazis and I will never forget the
images of Jews being forced to clean the streets of Vienna with their
tongues. My good friend, the Orthodox rabbi Mitchell Herczeg, tells me that
the only country in the world today where he has felt an overall hatred
towards him is Austria and others who enter the place in Orthodox garb say
the same thing. There isn't nearly enough regret in Austria for its crimes
against my people.

That said, the campaign against Haider has nothing to do with me as a Jew.
The fact that a proud Jew is a Freedom Party parliamentary member makes a
mockery of Haider's alleged anti-semitism in the first place. I am satisfied
with his apology for past remarks that could have been construed as
pro-nazi...he didn't have to apologise, he did, it's enough for me...as I am
with his public request to visit Israel to set matters straight. He's welcome
in my country, as far as I'm concerned.

He does not represent Europe's real threat to Israel, which comes from the
very people attacking him. It has been Europe's socialists and Left which
have been Israel's most dedicated enemies for over a generation. It was the
Jewish leader of the Socialist International, the longtime Austrian President
Bruno Kreisky, who led the campaign against Israel worldwide during the 1970s
and 80s. It was he who constantly demeaned the honorable Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin, calling him such memorable epitaths as, "a village

The real anti-semites in Europe are Robin Cooke, who let his true feelings
out during recent visits to Israel and Gaza; the French Foreign Ministry, led
by the notorious Roland Dumas, which has been secretly colluding with Syria
for the past decade to remove Israel from the Golan Heights, Israeli security
be damned; it is the Italian Communist Party, which has excused and applauded
Arab terrorism against Jews for the past thirty years; and so on. Those who
despise Haider despise Israel and that is no coincidence. That they 

[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] JEWS FOR HAIDER by Barry Chamish

2000-02-10 Thread Colleen Jones

This is interesting itemFor your information.   Do you know of
anybody that likes this NWO thing, or this CFR?
Look at Seattle and magnify that and boy, they have not gotten the
message yet?


From Ru Mills, Editor RMNews-

The following are some extrememely insightful comments from Barry Chamish's
recent article on Joerge Haider---

"Haider's real "crimes" are that he is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Euro and
anti-immigration, a fine package that makes him anti-New World Order. So the
Jewish sympathy card has been pulled out to bring him down. "

"Those who despise Haider despise Israel and that is no coincidence. That
they are using Israel and the Jews to spearhead their plan to undermine, then
overthrow him, is no less a coincidence. "

"So why must my people be so cynically used, and why must the weakling leader
of Israel, Ehud Barak, be placed at the forefront of the anti-Haider movement
by his superiors in Europe and America? It all comes down to immigration. "

"walking with ... Dutch business associates, they would pass groups of
East Asian or African immigrants and ... would say, "In twenty years there
won't be a Dutch people anymore. Two thousand years of nation-building will
be gone in a generation."

"If one's goal is to destroy nations in order to build a one continent, then
a one world government, attacking the very genetic foundations of the
nations' peoples is the best way to go about things. What will follow will be
the inevitable loss of harmony, patriotism, language and culture. To assure
that the plan goes through unobstructed, those who express fear of the
situation, of the loss of their national integrity, are branded racist. "

Jews for Haider - Chamish
Posted By: Philip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 10 February 2000, at 12:46 p.m.

hitnum=6 Subject: haider

From: Barry Chamish Date: 2000/02/09 Message-ID: Newsgroups:

Once again the mostly gentile powers that be of the New World Order have set
up Jews for a fall in Europe. The last time, they placed Jews like Rubin,
Cohen, Berger and Albright (whether she recalls it or not) in the visible
front line of the atrocities commited against Serbs during the Kosovo War.
This time they have us leading the unpopular international protest against
the legitimately elected Austrian Freedom Party leader Joerge Haider.

Haider's real "crimes" are that he is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Euro and
anti-immigration, a fine package that makes him anti-New World Order. So the
Jewish sympathy card has been pulled out to bring him down. Some naive Jews
have been sucked in by the organized media barrage against Haider and are
playing along. The vast majority are entirely apathetic to Austrian politics,
Haider notwithstanding. But the latter will face the same resentment for
interfering with a sovereign nation's political choice as the former. The
process is called, creating anti-semitism. The methods are well known and all
are being applied to this issue.

Let me state early on that the Austrians are my least favorite people in the
world. They were the most vehement of all Nazis and I will never forget the
images of Jews being forced to clean the streets of Vienna with their
tongues. My good friend, the Orthodox rabbi Mitchell Herczeg, tells me that
the only country in the world today where he has felt an overall hatred
towards him is Austria and others who enter the place in Orthodox garb say
the same thing. There isn't nearly enough regret in Austria for its crimes
against my people.

That said, the campaign against Haider has nothing to do with me as a Jew.
The fact that a proud Jew is a Freedom Party parliamentary member makes a
mockery of Haider's alleged anti-semitism in the first place. I am satisfied
with his apology for past remarks that could have been construed as
pro-nazi...he didn't have to apologise, he did, it's enough for me...as I am
with his public request to visit Israel to set matters straight. He's welcome
in my country, as far as I'm concerned.

He does not represent Europe's real threat to Israel, which comes from the
very people attacking him. It has been Europe's socialists and Left which
have been Israel's most dedicated enemies for over a generation. It was the
Jewish leader of the Socialist International, the longtime Austrian President
Bruno Kreisky, who led the campaign against Israel worldwide during the 1970s
and 80s. It was he who constantly demeaned the honorable Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin, calling him such memorable epitaths as, "a village

The real anti-semites in Europe are Robin Cooke, who let his true feelings
out during recent visits to Israel and Gaza; the French Foreign Ministry, led
by the notorious Roland Dumas, which has been secretly colluding with Syria
for the past decade to remove Israel from the Golan Heights, Israeli security
be damned; it is the