This will be my only Columbine H.S.  related Posting to this list.   I just
wanted to explain my opinions developed over the past few years of School
Killings.   Perhaps someone in Politics or law enforcement on this list is of
some influence to help Stop the killing!

  I don't buy that guns, violent movies, bad music, video games, the Goth
culture, Marilyn Manson, etc caused these kids to do those unspeakable
crimes.    Certainly the general cultural background has some influence in
lowering natural human inhibitions against unspeakable and horrific acts.
However in Europe they have the same cultural elements, but without the level
of violent outburst that we have here in the U.S.

  So I asked my associates and friends if they would have done the same
murderous things in their generations.  All of us grew up with guns, listened
to driving evil Heavy Metal music in High School, we never abruptly did such
acts as we see now.   Sure there were rotten kids among us, but their
descents into criminal acts were more gradual,  a stolen candy bar at the
store, a drug arrest there,  possession of stolen merchandise, then a bank
holdup, and then time in Prison.   All predictable for intervention by
authorities before the lethal developments.   In contrast todays School
killings appear more abrupt, violent and thus unpredictable.

 I even spoke to my parent's generation, they had guns as children on the
farm and during the Great Depression, they had never seen anything like today

  There IS a common denominator, something that wasn't around when we were

  I feel that the particular element is psychiatric anti-depressant drugs.

  Several years ago I visited a friend who worked as a Union Steward in a
large metropolitan U.S. Post Office employing hundreds of people.   Privately
he described to me the 'cases' the he had to process on a daily basis.   He
told me personally about fellow employees showing up at work with guns and
their literally 'going postal' with the guns along with various other violent
act tirades.   What seemed to be a common denominator for those at the time,
were the use of prescription psychiatric drugs.  Certainly like today's
School killer children, there also existed other disturbing factors.

  We felt that the pharmaceutical industry was engaged in a coverup.
Billions of dollars ride on these drugs.   Many famous people use these drugs
from George Stephenopoulous to Monica Lewinsky.

  The use of these is very prevalent even at our workplaces.   I remember a
few years ago a friend came up to my office cubicle and started telling a
'Prozac Joke'.   I am African-American and when he finished it, a deadly
silence came over the whole office area.  We looked around and it was as if
we had told a Rascist, a Sexist, or Anti-Jewish Joke or something, you could
hear a pin drop.   It dawned upon us that our fellow office workers did not
like what we were saying, as they were probably taking medication.   We
became chilled at the pervasiveness, even in workplaces with extremely
intelligent engineers.   We are a drugged society.

  Some of us discussed this pervasiveness later, thinking that  this will be
the civil rights agenda of the next decades, ie... a laws to protect
employees from discrimination because of the use of various psychiatric

  What could numb a normal person to the natural senses of human compassion,
caring and concern that I believe exists in all humans?  Drugs.  These drugs
are designed to disconnect both the good and the bad overwhelming and
depressive emotions, while maintaining rational logic processes.
  X X X X X
  Columbine High killer Eric Harris had hoped to join the Marines but he
  was on psychiatric medication, according to published reports out of
  Littleton on Tuesday evening.
  Harris was recruited as part of a telephone canvass and did well at a
  preliminary interview, but he was nixed after a meeting at his home
  April 15 -- just days before he went on a wild rampage -- after his
  parents "divulged a medical factor."
  X X X X X

  If you look back and research all of the School Killings of the past few
years,  you will find that nearly all of the perpetrators took prescription
psychiatric medications, from Jonesboro, Arkansas to Springfield, Oregon.
To me this is a single predictor that when coupled with the other variables
could be used to isolate other Child killers.

  However, the companies that make these drugs have considerable political
power and would resist efforts to expose these medications.

  That is my strongest belief toward a solution to these tragedies.

  That said, what I say next is even less credible, but yet should also be

  Now if you think in the conspirational mindset, one could take this one
step further.

  There are a remarkable series of 'coincidences' associated with the
'timing' of these and other School killings which cannot be ignored.

  Politically, nothing in recent years has so shocked, galvanized and
expanded  the Gun Control efforts of Bill and Hillary Clinton, then these
incidents.   Gun Control is a very important step toward European style
Socialism.   A nation that is armed not only can resist criminal acts, but
cannot be easily taken over by military might and edict.  If you don't
believe me, watch the high tech wars unfolding in Kosovo.  Having Billions in
high tech weaponry,  the miilitary is afraid to send in ground troops, who
will be fighting against forces armed with little more than the average
serious NRA member.

  The ownership of guns, a free press, the ability to own and fly private
aircraft, the ability to own and use Radio Transmitters, are among the few
freedoms and privileges that distinquish the United States of America from
the rest of the world's so called Democracies.  While the Clinton's and
friends look to Europe for higher civilization, they should go there to live.
 Serbia & Kosovo, show that Europe is not as civilized as they try to appear.
The United States is unique among nations and should continue to strive to
remain so, forget the One World Order!  Enough said, back to the subject.

  The compassion over the Internationally televised bloody horrors caused by
Child Shooters can reverse the most ardent NRA believer, and already have in
many circles.

     Furthermore, these incidents have diverted the national psyche from very
serious issues relating to the failed character of our President.  Most
recently the horrific breeches in our national security by China and other
belligerent nations toward the making of devastating Nuclear Weapons and
ICBMs.  All falling under the direct responsibility of William Jefferson
Clinton.   Certainly if anything is an impeachable offense, High Treason is!

  How effective these School shootings have been, along with the Yugoslavia
bombings  to divert the Nation's attention from matters of utmost importance
for our future survival as a nation!

  I ask,  is this a coincidence?   The first recent School killing incident
occurred in Jonesboro, Arkansas.  Clinton's home state.  Is this merely a
coincidence?  I have already made dozens of postings to this list relating
how Clinton is willing to do anything for naked power.    He is not a
wholesome person, his unprecedented scandals prove it.  There is no doubt in
my mind that William Jefferson Clinton will use ANY means necessary to
maintain power, no matter how detestible, whether lies, corruptions, illlegal
drugs, bribes, murder, bombings and War, sanctioned genocide of thousands,

  How about this coincidence?

  Concealed Weapons Bill Moves - (DENVER) -- Colorado's concealed weapons
  bill moved to the Senate Appropriations committee today. Senate Bill 84
  seeks to set a statewide policy for the issuance of concealed weapons
  permits. Supporters of the bill say conceal-carry laws lower crime rates
  in the states where they've been put into effect. Opponents counter the
  argument, saying that allowing more guns on the streets will only lead
  to even more gun-related deaths. The House may vote on the bill as soon
  as Thursday.

  Weapons Bill Passes Senate - (DENVER) -- The Colorado Senate has given
  final approval to a bill that would require local sheriffs to issue
  concealed weapons permits... if applicants meet several conditions. The
  bill is now headed to the House for consideration. Applicants would have
  to undergo background checks and take a firearms training course in
  order to get a permit. It would bar them from bringing a concealed
  weapon onto school grounds, into sporting events and government

  What are the odds?   Colorado, the very state of the Shootings, was passing
concealed weapons legislation on the very afternoon of the shootings, while
Kosovo was also being bombed!

  Many of you have read my postings on this listserver regarding my theories
on how TWA 800 could have been covered up, even if Navy ship and airplane
crews mounting to hundreds were involved.   You can look in the Flight 800
listserver archives and find my postings about the TWA 800 coverup and
hypnosis.    I made the case that with hypnosis, every crewman could go home
and even talk to the wife, yet never reveal the secret.  The crewman, his
memory hand picked using hypnosis, could even help reveal the identities of
ALL those who were present as witnesses, even innocent civilians.  If there
is difficulty I showed how and why.   I even presented some credible papers
and legal briefs on the matter. I have seen hypnosis in use, and it is no
freak vaudeville acting!

  When my PhD Psychology professor attempted to hypnotize our whole class at
the University during the Mid-1970's, I sat in the back of the room and was
chilled by the implications for what I saw with my own eyes.  The professor
first attempted to hypnotize, then from this was able to determine who in the
class was most susceptible.   Then brought those to the front of the class to
"leap like frogs", jump up onto tables and other strange antics.  He said
that not everyone could be hypnotized.  However if he administered drugs, or
could deprive the person of rest for a few days, he could hypnotize anyone!
Children and youth are more susceptible than adults.

  To me, drugs make people susceptible to external control.  You could then
'set the timer', a person and human being, for a time and location for the
horrific acts,  all using hypnosis.

  How could the Clinton's be connected?  I present the following PBS
Frontline episode as an exhibit.

  FRONTLINE 1707 "The Child Terror"

  Airdate: October 27, 1998

  The Child Terror

  Produced by Michael Kirk, Rick Young
  Peter J. Boyer, Correspondent
  Written by Peter J. Boyer and Michael Kirk
  Directed by Michael Kirk

   "The testimony against Bobby was elicited by private therapists hired by
  parents. One of those therapists was psychologist Susan Keeley."

  If you saw that episode of Frontline,  you begin to realize that Janet Reno
was very experienced in psychological coercion of children during her time as
DA in Miami, Florida.   She used it to go after pediphiles.   Now for me, I
find pediphiles as disgusting and worthy of receiving wrath for destroying
the innocence, trust and remaining lives of young children.  But Janet Reno
used methods that were unconstitutional by using Dr. Susan Keeley's
techniques on children, to put suspect pediphiles in prison.  It was Janet
Reno's reputation for locking up pediphiles that brought the attention of
professional child advocate, Hillary Clinton for the Attorney General job.
Some say that it was claims of Waco Child Abuse that triggered Reno to
unlawfully burn down David Koresh's compound, thus killing the very children
she was supposedly trying to save.

  What I believe, without proof, is that there is no coincidence in the
occurances of these unprecedented school killings.   I believe that
individuals could make determinations relating to the susceptiblity of kids
through various means, then target them for post-hypnotic suggestions toward
violent acts, even pinpoint the outbursts for certain specific and
politically valuable times and days.

  This is not unlike the 1963 black and white movie "The Manchurian
Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra.   Go down to the video store and rent it
for it is a true classic movie.  I think that the late Frank Sinatra does his
best acting ever in that movie.  Jack Kennedy is said to have watched it, and
the storyline centers around a Presidential assassination with hypnosis and
using the same rifle as used by Lee Harvey Oswald.  Some conspiracy theorists
say it was designed to send a message to Kennedy before his assasination.

  So if anyone asked me why Columbine, or Springfield, or Jonesboro.  This is
what I would say!

  Best Regards,

  Marshall Houston
  Portland, Oregon

  APRIL 29 1999
  Doping our kids
  Prescription drugs at root
  of violence, says expert

  By David M. Bresnahan
  © 1999
  Mind altering drugs may be the cause of violence among school children,
  according to some doctors and other experts. Millions of children are
  legally taking drugs similar to cocaine in schools every day.
  The drugs are Ritalin, Prozac, and others.

  The claims that behavioral drugs cause violence in children came after
  news reports that Eric Harris, one of the shooters in the Columbine High
  School shooting, was reported to have been taking such medication.
  Harris was also rejected by the Marines for medical reasons. The Marines
  would only say that anyone who is currently being treated by a doctor
  would be rejected.

  Other shootings and violent acts at schools across the nation have been
  committed by children receiving psychiatric care, counseling, and drugs
  such as Ritalin, according to several groups.

  At least two organizations claim that over-use of Ritalin is to blame
  for the escalating incidents of children committing acts of violence on
  other children. They claim the problem has reached pandemic proportions
  and will get worse before it gets better. Other experts place the blame
  on inadequate parenting, while legislators propose new laws.

  A report issued in 1995 by the Drug Enforcement Agency warned that
  Ritalin "shares many of the pharmacological effects of ... cocaine."

  There are some experts who claim Ritalin can cause psychotic reactions
  resulting in violent behavior toward others and suicide. Defenders of
  the drug claim those reactions are symptoms of the condition, not the
  drug itself.

  Support for the claim that the use of Ritalin can cause psychotic
  reactions can be found in medical literature and studies. A simple
  search on the Internet revealed extensive volumes of medically credible
  documents listing a vast number of warnings and side effects to the
  drug, which is classified by the U.S. government in the same category as
  cocaine and heroin.

  One Internet site provides frequently asked medical questions with
  answers from doctors. Drug Infonet warns that there are "no studies in
  animals or humans" and that "risks are unknown currently." Among the
  side effects the doctors warn about are "psychotic thought processes."

  "The use of Ritalin on children has no purpose other than to slow them
  down, shut them up, and make it more difficult for them to move around,"
  described Dennis H. Clarke, Chairman, Executive Advisory Board, Citizens
  Commission On Human Rights International. He believes that Ritalin is an
  easy way out for parents and teachers, rather than dealing directly with
  behavior problems in children.

  Clarke also points to the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
  Disorders, Third Revised Edition," published by the American Psychiatric
  Association, as supporting his claims of the dangers of Ritalin in
  children. All the critical information about Ritalin has been removed in
  the more recent edition, which he says supports his claim that the
  industry is engaged in a cover up. Proponents of the use of the drug
  claim the change was simply made in error.

  Clarke claims that children who take Ritalin in elementary school are
  often switched to Prozac and other drugs as they grow older. The effects
  of Ritalin can cause problems long after the prescription is stopped, he

  "When they go through puberty, this becomes true speed," explained
  Clarke. "They get these flashbacks and their thinking goes out of
  control. They're now looking for downers. They want the
  anti-depressants. They want the tranquilizer."

  Clarke is not alone. Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, director of the International
  Coalition for Drug Awareness is equally concerned.

  "They are switching lots of these kids from Ritalin to Prozac -- the
  frying pan into the fire routine," she told WorldNetDaily. "Kip Kinkel
  in the Oregon shooting last summer was a perfect example of the effects.
  The chances the boy in Arkansas was on it are great."

  She also pointed out that adults who use such drugs also commit violent
  crimes at a higher rate. Dr. Tracy is from Utah where the use of Ritalin
  and Prozac are reported to be at a rate three times greater than the
  rest of the country per capita. She said Utah's rate of murders and
  suicides has also increased by a similar amount. Dr. Tracy confirmed
  news reports that Harris reportedly was taking the drug Luvox, a drug in
  the same classification as Prozac. She said many people who take that
  drug are confronted with compulsive sexual behavior, in addition to
  exhibiting violent behavior. The stories of violent children leave many
  shaking their heads in disbelief and shock. Texas law would not even
  permit the arrest of two boys who allegedly abducted, beat, and sexually
  abused a 3-year-old girl because they are too young -- seven and eight
  years old. An 11-year-old was arrested in the incident, but children
  under 10 may not be detained.

  There have been numerous incidents in which young children have brought
  various weapons to school. Young children have recently held students at
  bay with guns at schools in Utah and Idaho. Some have used them, and one
  incident in Arkansas brought international attention when four school
  children and one teacher were shot dead at a middle school. Even
  peaceful students who were saying prayers outside their school fell
  victim to a classmate who gunned them down.

  The high number of incidents involving violent children, as well as an
  increase in children who commit suicide, can be attributed to an
  ever-increasing number of children who are being given drugs to control
  their behavior, according to Clarke.

  He agreed that the evidence for his claim is hard to come by. Medical
  information about the children in these incidents is typically
  confidential and never made public. He said he comes by his information
  through comments and remarks made to the press and in court, even though
  the actual medical records are not available to him.

  "We do know, for example, that the 13-year-old in Jonesboro was being
  treated. Apparently they were saying he had been sexually abused as a
  child. They were saying he was now a sexual abuser. He had a
  hyperactivity type label put on him as well -- or 'attention deficit
  disorder.' So we had several different things working with him. There is
  no chance under the sun, moon, or stars that this kid was not on drugs,"
  described Clarke.

  Clarke went beyond his claims of psychotic side effects to the drug. He
  also claims that pharmaceutical companies go to great lengths and
  expense to cover up the problems that take place. When an incident of
  violence occurs, the pharmaceutical "crash teams" go to work to keep
  things quiet, according to Clarke.

  Teams of psychiatrists are sent to the places where incidents take place
  and quickly work to see that medical records are kept sealed, doctors
  are convinced to remain silent, and victims are given monetary payments
  to prevent them from ever going to court.

  "It's all being covered up, and it's deliberate. There are billions and
  billions of dollars at stake here," explained Clarke. He compared the
  cover up to the tobacco companies and the deceptions which are now
  apparently coming to light.

  Pharmaceutical companies respond to claims by Clarke and others by
  saying there is no credible proof to substantiate the claims. Credible
  proof would require a double blind controlled study, which the
  scientific community could also duplicate, and that type of study would
  be illegal, according to Clarke.

  "You can't run an experiment to see if somebody is going to take an
  AK-47 and shoot up everyone he knows. You can't run an experiment to
  find out if a child is going to kill himself," explained Clarke.

  A thorough review of medical literature was also performed by Mary
  Eberstadt of the Heritage Foundation's Policy Review magazine, found in
  the April edition. She points out that the drug has doubled in use since
  1990 and has become popular for abuse by teens who have ready access to

  "Ritalin works on children just like cocaine and other stimulants work
  on adults -- sharpening the short-term attention span when the drug
  kicks in and producing 'valleys' when the effect wears off," Eberstadt
  points out.

  Teachers, school administrators, and even doctors hold to the belief
  that if a child responds well to Ritalin, then it is safe to conclude
  that the child suffers from ADD. A study by the National Institute of
  Mental Health disputes that assumption. That study shows that all
  children and adults who are given Ritalin will display improved
  performance and attention span, regardless of whether they are diagnosed
  with ADD or not.

  Utah is reported to have the highest per capita use of Ritalin in the
  nation. A call to a local elementary school found a teacher who believes
  strongly in the use of the drug to control otherwise difficult children.
  She did not want her name published, but confirmed that she routinely
  makes recommendations for children in her classes to be given the drug.
  All the children she has recommended have ended up with the
  prescription, and their parents have expressed gratitude. She said 11 of
  the 29 children in her first-grade class are now taking the drug in
  school each day.

  Clarke predicts the future will see an even greater number of violent
  children. Unless the correlation of the use of Ritalin with violent acts
  is openly established, Clarke says the general public, health officials,
  and parents will fail to recognize the true nature and the extent of a
  pandemic he says is already sweeping the nation.

  "Warning: sufficient data on the safety and efficacy (effectiveness) of
  long term use of Ritalin in children are not yet available," warns CIBA
  Pharmaceutical Company in a product information release. The warning is
  intended to serve as a protection from liability. The drug has been on
  the market for 50 years.

  "In other words, if you have a child on Ritalin, and leave the child on
  for a 'long term,' which is not defined but can be assumed to mean over
  three weeks, you are on your own as far as CIBA Pharmaceutical Company
  is concerned. They have warned you," described Clarke.

  "Ritalin only exists to slow down the fast kids and give us quieter and
  less active children. We now have at least 14 quieter less active
  children there in Colorado. This is the product that we're going to be
  seeing over and over again. These children are being devastated by the
  drugs," he warned.

  Herbert S. Okun, a member of the International Drug Control Board for
  the United Nations held a news conference recently to issue a warning.
  He said his board is very concerned that methylphenidate, or Ritalin, is
  greatly over-prescribed in the U.S. He said there are 330 million daily
  doses of Ritalin taken each day in the U.S., compared with just 65
  million for the rest of the world.

  Ritalin is prescribed for children diagnosed with ADD. The condition has
  never been fully proven to even exist, and the criteria for diagnosis
  are so general that virtually anyone would qualify for a prescription.

  David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for, is the
  author of "Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception," and
  offers a monthly newsletter "Talk USA Investigative Reports." He may be
  reached through email and also maintains a website.

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