[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq Parallels Vietnam, Not Korea

2007-06-09 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 8, 2007 7:54:13 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Iraq Parallels Vietnam, Not Korea

The United States did not need a permanent military presence in the  
Persian Gulf during the Cold War when the biggest threat to that  
oil existed -- the antisemitic, Arab-friendly Soviet Union.

The United States still didn't need such a presence when it waged  
war for oil against Saddam Hussein in the 1991 Gulf War.  After  
Saddam invaded Kuwait, the U.S. military brought in land and air  
forces from the United States for Desert Shield and Desert Storm.   
Revealing its imperial intentions, the United States only  
established a permanent military presence on land in Kuwait and  
Saudi Arabia in 1991 after the Soviet and Iraqi threats had melted  

With those two major threats eliminated, the United States could  
easily claim to be defending Persian Gulf oil .  Economists,  
however, know that oil will flow from the Gulf even without U.S.  
military forces protecting it.  Oil is a valuable commodity to the  
Gulf countries, including Iran, only when it is sold, making the  
profit motive the best guarantor that oil will continue to flow  

Non-Muslim military forces occupying Muslim lands is the central  
factor that motivates radical Islamists, and indeed most Muslims,  
to oppose the occupiers.  This factor was the source of zealous  
resistance to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Russian  
invasion of Chechnya.

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Date: June 8, 2007 6:23:45 PM PDT
Subject: Iraq Parallels Vietnam, Not Korea

   http://www.consortiumnews.com/2007/060607a.html *Iraq Parallels  
Vietnam, Not Korea*

By Ivan Eland
June 7, 2007

[Editor's Note:  A new Bush administration talking point for the  
Iraq War is to tell the American people that the bloody conflict  
will morph into a Korean-style armistice, not a Vietnam-style  
   In this guest essay, the Independent Institute's Ivan Eland says  
the reassuring Korean parallel is the latest Iraq War deception.]:

The Bush administration has decided its new model for a long-term  
solution in Iraq is Korea.  It's an attempt to stifle the  
inevitable comparisons of the Iraq quagmire to Vietnam and a way to  
justify the eventual reduction of U.S. forces in Iraq (to take the  
heat off of Republican candidates in the 2008 elections), while  
retaining a substantial U.S. military presence by establishing  
three or four long-term major military bases.

The plan would ultimately be a disaster for the United States.

Merely suggesting the long-term establishment of U.S. military  
bases in a historically significant Muslim country will confirm to  
the Islamist radicals, mainstream Muslims, as well as Bush critics  
that the U.S. desire for a continued land-based military presence  
in the oil-rich Persian Gulf was the administration’s real  
objective in invading Iraq.

As one of those critics, I had long assumed that oil was one of the  
major underlying reasons for the invasion of Iraq.  The  
administration knew that the Saudi Arabian government wanted the  
United States to withdraw from land bases in the desert kingdom,  
and the administration likely believed in the need for replacement  
bases to keep its finger on the jugular of Gulf oil.

Open talk by the administration of retaining a long-term military  
presence in Iraq, à la Korea, merely provides hard evidence for  
this thesis. For more than a half century after the Korean War, the  
United States has maintained tens of thousands of U.S. forces in  
South Korea.

Of course, the need for a U.S. land presence in the Persian Gulf to  
defend oil is highly questionable.  The United States did not have  
a permanent military land presence in the Gulf during the Cold War  
when the biggest threat to that oil existed: the Soviet Union.

The United States didn't even have such a presence when it waged  
war for oil against Saddam in the 1991 Gulf War.  After Saddam  
invaded Kuwait, the U.S. military brought in land and air forces  
from the United States for Desert Shield and Desert Storm.   
Revealing its imperial intentions, the United States only  
established a permanent military presence on land in Kuwait and  
Saudi Arabia in 1991 after the Soviet and Iraqi threats melted away.

Certainly, with these two major threats eliminated, the United  
States could easily defend Persian Gulf oil offshore, as it did  
successfully during the 1991 conflict.  Many economists, however,  
believe that oil will flow from the Persian Gulf, even without U.S.  
military forces protecting it.

Oil is a valuable commodity to the Gulf countries, including  
radically Islamist Iran, only when it is sold, making the profit  
motive the best guarantor that oil will continue to flow freely.

Furthermore, non-Muslim 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 26, 2007 10:22:39 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

Vietnamization was not a military strategy. It was a public- 
relations campaign.

The White House hoped that Vietnamization would keep the house of  
cards upright [until the next election], providing what C.I.A.  
veteran Frank Snepp famously called a decent interval that could  
mask the American defeat by declaring that the fate of South  
Vietnam now was the responsibility of the South Vietnamese.  If  
they didn't want freedom badly enough to win, well, we had done our  

To make this deceitful drama work, however, the pullout had to be  
gradual.  The plan (Vietnamization) had to be easily explained to  
the American people.  And the U.S. training force left behind had  
to be large enough and exposed enough to provide visual signs of  
our commitment on the 6 o'clock news.  Pictures of Americans  
shaking hands with happy peasants would support the lie that  
Vietnamization was succeeding.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 25, 2007 10:00:44 PM PDT
Subject: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

*Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It*
By John Graham
t r u t h o u t | Guest Contributor
Tuesday 19 December 2006

I was a civilian advisor/trainer in Vietnam, arriving just as U.S.  
troops were going home.  I wasn't there to fight, but I hadn't been  
in country a week before I learned that the word noncombatant  
didn't mean much where I was posted, fifty miles south of the  
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that then divided South Vietnam from  
North.  I got the message when a sniper's bullet whistled past my  
ear on the main highway twenty miles south of HuŽ.  Joe Jackson,  
the burly major who was driving, yelled at me to hold on and duck  
as he gunned the jeep out of range, zigzagging to spoil the  
sniper's aim.

Snipers or not, in 1971 it was the U.S. government's policy not to  
issue weapons to civilian advisors in Vietnam, even to those of us  
in distant and dangerous outposts.  The reason was not principle,  
but PR -- and here begin the lessons for Iraq.

Sometime in 1969, the White House, under siege from the public and  
faced with unrelenting facts on the ground, quietly made the  
decision that America couldn't win its war in Vietnam.

Nixon and Kissinger didn't put it that way, of course.  America was  
a superpower, and it was inconceivable that it could lose a war to  
a third-rate nation whose soldiers lived on rice and hid in holes  
in the ground.  So, the White House conceived an elaborate strategy  
that would mask the fact of an American defeat.  The U.S. would  
slowly withdraw its combat troops over a period of several years,  
while the mission of those who remained would change from fighting  
the North Vietnamese and Vietcong to training the South Vietnamese  
to carry on the fight on their own.  At the same time, we would  
give the South Vietnamese a series of performance ultimatums which,  
if unmet, would trigger a total withdrawal and let us blame the  
South Vietnamese for the debacle that would follow.  This strategy  
was called Vietnamization.  Implementing it cost at least 10,000  
additional American and countless more Vietnamese lives, plus  
billions of dollars.

It was a rigged game from the start. All but the wildest zealots in  
Washington knew that the South Vietnamese would not and could not  
meet our ultimatums: an end to corrupt, revolving-door governments;  
an officer corps based on merit, not cronyism; and the creation of  
a national state that enjoyed popular allegiance strong and broad  
enough to control the political and cultural rivalries that had  
ripped the country's fabric for a thousand years.

During the eighteen months I was in Vietnam, I met almost no  
Americans in the field who regarded Vietnamization as a serious  
military strategy with any chance of success.  More years of  
American training could not possibly make a difference in the  
outcome of the war, because what was lacking in the South  
Vietnamese Army was not just combat skills but belief in a cause  
worth fighting for.

But none of that was the point.  Vietnamization was not a military  
strategy. It was a public-relations campaign.

The White House hoped that Vietnamization would keep the house of  
cards upright for at least a couple of years, providing what C.I.A.  
veteran Frank Snepp famously called a decent interval that could  
mask the American defeat by declaring that the fate of South  
Vietnam now was the responsibility of the South Vietnamese.  If  
they didn't want freedom badly enough to win, well, we had done our  

To make this deceitful drama work, however, the pullout had to be  

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq: US-Trained Death Squads Kill More Civilians Than Insurgents

2006-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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US envoy urges crackdown 
on Iraq militias

By Nick Olivari
Mar 25, 2006
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador urged Iraq's divided leaders to rein in militias on Saturday as political blocs failed again to break a deadlock on forming a unity government that they hope can avert civil war.
Zalmay Khalilzad, who is pressing hard for a government more than three months after elections, issued a tough warning about the militias, many of which have ties to powerful Shi'ite leaders and are entrenched in Iraqi security forces and police.
"More Iraqis are dying from the militia violence than from the terrorists," he told reporters during a visit to a Baghdad youth center newly renovated with U.S. funds.
"The militias need to be under control."
Iraq's Shi'ite, Kurdish and Sunni leaders held another round of talks aimed at resolving differences holding up formation of post-war Iraq's first full-term government.
Politicians told a news conference they were optimistic about forming a government.
Sunni politician Tareq al-Hashemi said talks focused on ways of building a solid political foundation for the new government.
The destruction of a Shi'ite shrine a month ago sparked a wave of reprisals that raised the prospect of pro-government Shi'ite militias pushing Iraq into civil war, nearly three years after insurgents from the once-dominant Sunni Arab minority began a campaign against the U.S.-backed authorities.
The crisis has increased pressure to form a cabinet that can avert an all-out sectarian conflict.
Police found 10 more bodies, apparent victims of sectarian violence, in different parts of Baghdad on Saturday. Many of them showed signs of torture, including some that were garrotted.
Gunmen killed a traffic policeman in central Baghdad then placed a bomb inside his booth which killed four civilians in a minibus and wounded four others, police said.
In Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, mortar bombs hit houses, killing four people and wounding 13, police said.
Khalilzad said the government would face the daunting task of easing a Sunni Arab insurgency while dealing with militias, which have flourished since Saddam Hussein's fall in 2003.
Shi'ite militias have melded into Iraqi security forces and police and they are unlikely to want to give up their weapons at a time of raging sectarian violence.
Khalilzad renewed accusations on Friday that Iran is training, supplying and funding Shi'ite violence in Iraq.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Friday the United States -- probably Khalilzad -- will talk to Iran about Washington's accusations of Iranian destabilization of Iraq, in the first public acceptance of an Iranian offer to meet.
In Tehran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he supported talks with the United States about Iraq but was suspicious of U.S. motives.
Washington is eager for Iraqi leaders to stabilize Iraq so that U.S. troops can go home. But a withdrawal is contingent upon the performance of Iraqi troops, who have watched Sunni insurgents kill thousands of their comrades.
Several U.S. senators visiting Iraq on Saturday said U.S. patience was running thin over Iraq, with some suggesting a continued military presence would only fuel the insurgency.
Senator John McCain, the head of the delegation, said he was guardedly optimistic that a new government would be formed "in weeks". But he suggested the conflict would drag on.
"We all acknowledge, particularly after visiting here, that this is a very long, tough enterprise and challenge that we are facing and I think the best way to treat it is to tell the American people exactly that," he told reporters.
Some Sunni Arabs have 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq Zeroes in on Vietnam Analogy

2004-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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-Caveat Lector-

The strange sovereignty ceremony in Iraq and George W. Bush's staged reaction at the 
NATO summit got the headlines. But the underlying reality is that the U.S. military is 
again stuck propping up a sovereign puppet regime that couldn't survive on its own, 
much the same as four decades ago in Vietnam.

For the full story on the troubling reality in Iraq -- and Bush's pathetic attempt to 
restage at the NATO summit his clueless reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks (now featured 
in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11) -- go to Consortiumnews.com at 

Consortiumnews.com is requesting donations from our loyal readers so we can resume 
full-time operations through the rest of 2004. You can make a secure tax-deductible 
donation at the Web site or by sending a check to the Consortium for Independent 
Journalism; Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201. Thank you.

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq, Bush's Bottomless Money Pit

2004-05-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-
Bush Asks Congress for Additional War Funding
$25B [More, So Far] Needed for Contingencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Says

 "The cost so far! of the Iraqi war and occupation is larger than the combined costs of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, and the Persian Gulf War. 
 "At nearly one-quarter of a trillion dollars, the expense is approaching the total cost of World War I -- a figure likely to be exceeded before next year ... "

By Jonathan Weisman and William Branigin
Washington Post
May 5, 2004

Driven by unanticipated combat, higher-than-expected troop levels and rising political pressure, the White House reversed course today and asked Congress for an additional $25 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the fiscal year that begins in October. 
"While we do not know the precise costs for operations next year, recent developments on the ground and increased demands on our troops indicate the need to plan for contingencies," President Bush said in a statement on the request this afternoon. "We must make sure there is no disruption in funding and resources for our troops." 
He said he was asking Congress to "establish a $25 billion contingency reserve fund for the coming fiscal year to meet all commitments to our troops and to make sure we succeed in these critical fronts in the war on terror." He said his administration later would seek a full supplemental request for fiscal 2005 "when we can better estimate precise costs." 
Bush made the request after a meeting this morning in which he and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld discussed recommendations from U.S. military commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan about their needs. 
Bush included no war funding in his fiscal 2005 budget, and he had hoped to avoid such a request until after the November election, fearing a divisive, campaign-year debate over the war's conduct and future, Republican congressional aides said. Congress has already approved two wartime emergency spending laws totaling $166 billion, of which $149 billion went to Iraq. 
But in recent weeks, military officials publicly stated that U.S. forces were already running into financial problems, and would likely run out of money even before Sept. 30, the end of the current fiscal year. Accounting tricks would likely patch those holes, they said, but it was unclear how the military would be able to wait until January or February, when the administration planned to detail its next war request. 
Democrats -- and some Republicans-- have put increasing pressure on Bush to detail the cost of operations and to request additional funding as soon as possible. The Democrats used their weekly radio address Saturday to air a critique by 1st Lt. Paul Rieckhoff, an Army reservist who spent 10 months in Iraq. 
"There were not enough vehicles, not enough ammunition, not enough medical supplies, not enough water," he said. "There was not enough body armor, leaving my men to dodge bullets with Vietnam-era flak vests. We had to write home and ask for batteries to be included in our care packages. Our soldiers deserve better." 
White House budget director Joshua B. Bolten and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made an unscheduled trip to Capitol Hill this afternoon to lay out the request in a meeting with House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and House and Senate appropriations committee Republicans. 
"It was a bit of a surprise for us," said one House Republican leadership aide. 
Republican aides conceded today that the $25 billion Bush will seek is likely to be only the first installment. In February, Bolten said the president would seek as much as $50 billion next year. But that was when the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq: Quicksand Blood

2003-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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-Caveat Lector-

Thrashing about for a strategy on Iraq, the Bush administration is looking back two 
decades to the bloody counterinsurgency wars in Central America. Some of those 
strategies are already being employed while others -- like reliance on local security 
forces to carry out the dirty work -- may be hard to duplicate in a Middle Eastern 

For the full story about this troubling historical antecedent to the Iraqi quicksand, 
go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com 

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directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-04-03 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
March 19th is Saint Joesph's Day and the day which Edgar Cayce says Jesus was born. FWIW

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The Iraq War started on the 3rd week of the 3rd month in the 3rd year of the 3rd 

The hidden number of the date of the attack  is a HOLY DAY IN SATANISIM

George Bush has admitted he, his father and even grandfather all belonged to SKULL AND 
BONES, a secret SATANIC society that operates out of Yale

You can read an article exposing the SATANIC BLACK MAGICK RITUALS connected to George 
Bush and the White House at http://www.sollog.com and http://www.asksollog.com

The mainstream media has even reported how the Bush family has belonged to the SECRET 

THE USA IS BEING LED BY A SATANIST who picked a major HOLY DAY in Satanism to start 

Again, you can read this expose at http://www.sollog.com or http://www.asksollog.com

Sollog is an occult expert and author of over 30 books on mysticism. His expose on the 

Sollog's books are at http://www.1ebooks.com/sollog



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[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq Body Count Project

2003-03-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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-Caveat Lector-

Here's a rather subversive website that lists all deaths in
the Iraqi conflict. Truth is good.



This is a Human Security project to establish an
independent and

comprehensive public database of civilian deaths in Iraq
resulting directly from military actions by the USA and its
allies in
2003. Results and totals are continually updated and made
immediately available on this page and on various IBC
may be freely displayed on any website, where they will be
automatically updated without further intervention.
are derived from a comprehensive survey of online media

Where these sources report differing figures, the range (a
minimum and a maximum) are given. All results are
reviewed and error-checked by at least three members of the

Count project team before publication.

The project takes as its starting point and builds upon the

earlier work of Professor Marc Herold who has produced the
comprehensive tabulation of civilian deaths in the war on
Afghanistan from October 2001 to the present, and the
methodology has been
designed in close consultation with him.

Professor Herold commented: “I strongly support this

The counting of civilian dead looms ever more importantly
for at

least two reasons: military sources and their corporate
mainstream media backers seek to portray the advent of
weaponry as inflicting at most, minor, incidental civilian
casualties when, in truth, such is is not the case; and the
source of opposition to these modern ‘wars’ remains an

articulate general public which retains a commitment to the

international humanitarian covenants of war at a time when
organized bodies and so-called ‘experts’ have walked away


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Iraq Faces Massive US Missile Barrage]

2003-01-24 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

If I'm not mistaken, this plan also breaks all international laws regarding the 
targeting of civilian infrastructures.  Of course, that
shouldn't matter to this administration since they have refused to participate in the 
International Criminal Court for this very reason.  This
is truly horrifying.  Let's just hope we can get this war stopped before this 
apocalyptic nightmare is visited upon the innocents...

 God help us. A Shock and Awe battle plan. Monstrous. Little boys
 playing with toys too big for them. Destruction beyond imagining.



 WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2003 Iraq Faces Massive U.S. Missile Barrage

 CBS) If the Pentagon sticks to its current war plan, one day in March
 the Air Force and Navy will launch between 300 and 400 cruise
 missiles at targets in Iraq. As CBS News Correspondent David Martin
 reports, this is more than number that were launched during the
 entire 40 days of the first Gulf War.

 On the second day, the plan calls for launching another 300 to 400
 cruise missiles.

 There will not be a safe place in Baghdad, said one Pentagon
 official who has been briefed on the plan.

 The sheer size of this has never been seen before, never been
 contemplated before, the official said.

 The battle plan is based on a concept developed at the National
 Defense University. It's called Shock and Awe and it focuses on the
 psychological destruction of the enemy's will to fight rather than
 the physical destruction of his military forces.

 We want them to quit. We want them not to fight, says Harlan
 Ullman, one of the authors of the Shock and Awe concept which relies
 on large numbers of precision guided weapons.

 So that you have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear
 weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in minutes, says

 In the first Gulf War, 10 percent of the weapons were precision
 guided. In this war 80 percent will be precision guided.

 The Air Force has stockpiled 6,000 of these guidance kits in the
 Persian Gulf to convert ordinary dumb bombs into satellite-guided
 bombs, a weapon that didn't exist in the first war.

 You're sitting in Baghdad and all of a sudden you're the general and
 30 of your division headquarters have been wiped out. You also take
 the city down. By that I mean you get rid of their power, water. In
 2,3,4,5 days they are physically, emotionally and psychologically
 exhausted, Ullman tells Martin.

 Last time, an armored armada swept into Kuwait and destroyed Saddam's
 elite republican guard divisions in the largest tank battle since the
 World War II. This time, the target is not the Iraqi army but the
 Iraqi leadership, and the battle plan is designed to bypass Iraqi
 divisions whenever possible.

 If Shock and Awe works, there won't be a ground war.

 Not everybody in the Bush Administration thinks Shock and Awe will
 work. One senior official called it a bunch of bull, but confirmed it
 is the concept on which the war plan is based.

 Last year, in Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, the U.S. was badly
 surprised by the willingness of al Qaeda to fight to the death. If
 the Iraqis fight, the U.S. would have to throw in reinforcements and
 win the old fashioned way by crushing the republican guards, and that
 would mean more casualties on both sides.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq

2002-04-20 Thread RoadsEnd



---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: iraq

2002-03-03 Thread RoadsEnd


from indymedia

by pravda 9:51am Sun Mar 3 '02 (Modified on 10:10am Sun Mar 3 '02)

Secret US plans to instigate an uprising in Iraq against the Ba¹ath regime
of president Saddam Hussein have been revealed by sources close to the White
House and CIA. 

These reports have not been officially confirmed nor denied, but they are so
numerous that everything points towards the veracity of such a plan,
especially at this moment in time, with George Bush referring to Baghdad as
one of the points in the ³axis of evil² and numerous senators denouncing the
plans for a military invasion. While analysts claim that such an exercise
would be extremely complicated, especially in the short term, the
instigation of a popular uprising with tacit and covert support from abroad
would be a much easier proposition.

The indications that this is fact and not fantasy are already clear. A
four-man CIA team, led by the agency¹s chief officer in Istanbul, contacted
local politicians in Iraqi Kurdistan three weeks ago and approached them as
to their needs in the event of an uprising. The Americans spoke about three
secret destinations for US military aircraft to land, although the ³secrecy²
surrounding these airports is classified as a joke in Washington, due to the
fact that the US forces know these bases inside out.

The Iraqi newspaper Al-Hayat claims that a seven-man CIA team is currently
in northern Iraq. Sources in Washington claim that a secret plan to set in
motion an overthrow of the regime, based upon the same lines as the campaign
in Afghanistan, has the support of numerous Congress members. Under this
plan, US military aircraft would bomb Iraqi communications centres (an act
which US and British aircraft already carry out on an almost daily basis),
along with Republican Guard centres and clusters of Iraqi military vehicles.

The Shi¹ite forces in the south and the Kurds in the north would then,
heavily armed and supplied by the USA, launch massive attacks on Iraqi army
positions. Such an attempt was made to overthrow the regime in Baghdad after
the Gulf War, but Saddam Hussein had managed to salvage a sufficient number
of his troops to save his regime intact.

Before this plan, a massive media campaign against Saddam Hussein is planned
for domestic consumption. The New York Times claims that the Bush
administration is planning to set up a radio transmitter either in Iraqi
Kurdistan, near the Iranian border, or inside Iran itself, with the
cooperation of the Iranians, who despite being on the ³axis of evil² list,
have a common objective with Washington: the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
The Iraqi National Congress (the country¹s main opposition force) has had an
office in Teheran for a year, an office which is financed by Washington.

The US administration spends 400,000 USD per year on TV transmissions
supporting the Iraqi opposition. Regarding the diplomatic offensive, the
forthcoming visit of Vice-president Richard (Dick) Cheney to the region will
be used to engage support from Iraq¹s neighbours in the overthrow of Saddam

If true, and everything indicates that they are, these plans are a blatant
example of Washington¹s continuous policy of interference in the internal
affairs of a sovereign state. One questions what the reaction would be if a
foreign power gave covert support to an uprising by those who claim the
state of Aztlan in the southern USA.


---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: iraq

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba

Iraq - one of the richest counries on earth when it comes to natural
resources - interesting item here.

Nice item here on same.   All that oil;  Sadaam offered us cheap oil and
we said no out of principle?   Who is kidding who?



[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

2000-12-17 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 12/17/00 8:00:44 AM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month
 Date:  12/17/00 8:00:44 AM Central Standard Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

 BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Iraq said on Sunday more than 10,000 people,
most of them children, died last month from illnesses spreading as a result
of U.N. sanctions

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100TVx0.369746.661528830"click here/A.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Iraq said on Sunday more than 10,000 people, most of them 
children, died last month from illnesses spreading as a result of U.N. sanctions

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100TVx0.369746.661528830"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

2000-12-17 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Carl Amedio wrote:

  Subj:Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month
  Date:  12/17/00 8:00:44 AM Central Standard Time
  From:  AOL News
  BCC:   Ahab42

  Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

  BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Iraq said on Sunday more than 10,000 people,
 most of them children, died last month from illnesses spreading as a result
 of U.N. sanctions

Wouldn't it be a fine gesture for the new US president to lift
sanctions against Iraq, the son of the man who imposed the very same

What the hell would the Lefties say?  No?

Mark McHugh

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month

2000-12-17 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Mark McHugh wrote:

 Carl Amedio wrote:

   Subj:Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month
   Date:  12/17/00 8:00:44 AM Central Standard Time
   From:  AOL News
   BCC:   Ahab42
   Iraq says sanctions killed over 10,000 last month
   BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Iraq said on Sunday more than 10,000 people,
  most of them children, died last month from illnesses spreading as a result
  of U.N. sanctions

 Wouldn't it be a fine gesture for the new US president to lift
 sanctions against Iraq, the son of the man who imposed the very same

Bush has said that the sanctions will still in place, not to punish
Iraqi children but to protect the surrounding region.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq/Syria/Turkey - Water

2000-07-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's Global Intelligence Update - 12 July 2000
It's not news; it's intelligence.

Philippine Victory over Rebels: Temporary Peace

Turkey Hints at Increased Water Flow to Iraq and Syria

Mafiya Murder and The Russian Power Struggle


The director of Russia's "factory of factories" is shot outside his
apartment by two hooded gunmen. The local press claims the
attackers to be members of the region's most powerful mafiya. As
Sverdlovsk Regional Governor Eduard Rossel steps in to lead the
investigation, the Interior Ministry announces that it will take
control. President Vladimir Putin is now presented with an
opportunity to achieve his ultimate goal of Russian economic and
political power. Putin needs to quash corruption as well as
reassert his control over the regional governors.


The director of the Uralmashzavod machine works, Gen. Oleg
Belonenko was shot outside of his company apartment July 10 by two
hooded gunmen according to ITAR-Tass and Agence France Presse
reports. Local press claimed the attackers to be members of the
Uralmash Mafiya group, which has previously attempted to gain
control of Uralmashzavod and extract profits from the company.
Sverdlovsk Regional Governor Eduard Rossel initially announced that
he would lead the investigation, but the Russian Interior Ministry
later announced it would take control. President Vladimir Putin
plans to exploit Rossel's connections to the Uralmash mafiya, using
his corruption as justification for tightening control over the
regional governors.

Belonenko's murder occurred in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia, in
the city of Yekaterinburg, which is widely regarded by organized
crime experts as the mafiya capital of Russia. Belonenko, a rising
star in the Russian economy, had increased productivity at
Uralmashzavod by 58 percent and sales by 90 percent. He succeeded
in negotiating a full order schedule since his installment in
December 1999. Belonenko was also named one of Russia's top
business managers and was scheduled to meet with Putin July 13 at a
Russian arms exhibition.

Under Belonenko's supervision, Uralmashzavod continued to play a
critical role within the Russian economy, producing 90 percent of
the mining equipment, 50 percent of the nuclear power equipment and
70 percent of the drilling equipment used in Russia. The factory's
operations, which also include the production of strategic alloy
and military hardware, are the cornerstone of Russian economic
production and vital to Russian heavy industry.

Would you like to see full text?

Belonenko had succeeded in rooting out mafiya influence already
established under his predecessor Viktor Korovin. As recently as
July 5, Belonenko won a court order to force the Uralmash mafiya to
change its name, which he claimed negatively impacted the company.
Being the largest mafiya group in the region, Uralmash are almost
institutional figures, having run for parliamentary seats and
started an anti-drug campaign within Yekaterinburg. Under Korovin,
the Uralmash mafiya set up one hundred front companies to sell
products produced at the plant. Thus, while Belonenko increased
production, the profits were taken by the mafiya, who controlled
the distribution channels.

Immediately following the killing, Sverdlovsk Regional Governor
Eduard Rossel announced to local media that he would personally
handle the investigation. Rossel, who has previously denied the
existence of the Uralmash mafiya, has entered into construction and
investment deals with Uralmash mafiya front companies. He and his
former chief of the regional internal affairs Valeriy Krayev have
attended birthday parties of Uralmash mafiya members. In addition,
the group supported Rossel in his gubernatorial campaign in
December 1999.

Upon hearing of Rossel's statement, Russian Interior Minister
Vladimir Rushailo immediately placed the investigation under
control of his office and dispatched Interior Ministry
investigators to Yekaterinburg. Putin's personal representative to
Yekaterinburg canceled a regional trip and was recalled to Moscow
on July 11.

For more on Russia, see:

Vladimir Putin is now presented with a perfect test case to show
his resolve, after taking a strong stance against corruption and
organized crime in his State of the Union address to the Federal
Assembly July 8. In order to achieve his ultimate goal of Russian
economic and political power, Putin 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq/Iran/United States

1999-05-11 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
May 11, 1999

Iraq Accuses Iran of Colluding with the U.S.


Iraq's Baath party newspaper, Ath-Thawra, has lashed out at Iran,
accusing the Islamic republic of colluding with the U.S. in an
attempt to "stab Iraq in the back."  There have been some recent
signs of rapprochement between the U.S. and Iran, and the two
countries may have shared a tacit agreement at the beginning of
the Kosovo crisis.  However, with U.S. credibility and influence
taking a battering in Kosovo, Iran's continued pressure on Iraq
may now be driven by Tehran's desire to forge a regional Iraqi
containment process without U.S. involvement.


The official Iraqi Baath party newspaper, Ath-Thawra, reacted on
May 10 to an accusation from Iranian Foreign Minister Kamel
Kharazi that Iraq lacked the political will for a rapprochement
with Iran, saying that Iraq "rejects opportunist behavior... and
flagrant political hypocrisy."  Iraq does not "attack the Great
Satan (the U.S.) in public while reaching out to this Satan and
normalizing relations with it under the table.  Iraq acts in the
same manner in public as it does in secret, and when it declares
its readiness for dialogue and to normalize relations with a
certain country, it does not then betray that country and stab it
in the back."

The newspaper accused the U.S. and its allies -- presumably
Britain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia -- of being behind the Iranian
foreign minister's comments, which included a warning that
Baghdad's behavior was "not predictable."  The paper added that,
"it seems that some of them (the allies) who recently traveled to
Iran repeated such things in front of Mr. Kharazi for him to use
in his statement."  The British Foreign Minister Robin Cook did
indeed hold talks with Kharazi early in the Kosovo crisis on
April 2.  As well, the Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan bin
Abd al Aziz al Saud traveled to Tehran last week, for a meeting
lauded by the Tehran as a watershed in Iranian-Saudi relations.

While Washington in all probability enlisted Iranian support in
containing Iraq prior to launching the Kosovo campaign, the
future of U.S. policy toward both Iraq and Iran is very much in
question in the waning days of the Kosovo crisis.  The U.S.-led
NATO military campaign against Yugoslavia has failed to achieve
its goals, and collateral damage has mounted as NATO has searched
for an effective target set.  Washington has been able to keep
the NATO coalition together, though barely, and Moscow has
adroitly exploited the cracks forming in NATO, playing the
Greeks, Germans, and Italians off against their NATO allies.  The
Kosovo crisis has been anything but a showcase of U.S. military
and diplomatic prowess, and its aftermath may lead to still
further U.S. foreign policy deterioration.  Coming out of Kosovo,
the U.S. may either become more belligerent -- seeking a clear
victory to cover for the ambiguous Kosovo outcome -- or, with the
election campaign approaching, the U.S. could sink into political
infighting and introspection.  The last thing that the Iranians
want is an unpredictable and distracted U.S. involved in the
Gulf, and so may be reconsidering collusion with the U.S. in
dealing with Iraq.

The Iranians themselves are internally divided when it comes to
the presence of the U.S. in the region.  Some Iranians would
welcome a U.S. retreat, even at the cost of being more vulnerable
to Russian pressure.  Others recognize that the U.S. has played a
significant, if oscillating, role in containing the Iraqis.  The
current Iranian regime has been trying to moderate U.S. policies
by opening itself up slowly to European investment, thereby
creating a situation in which American businesses demand that the
U.S. government will allow them to compete for lucrative Iranian
contracts.  So far, the U.S. has only eased restrictions on some
exports, whereas the Europeans seemed to have opened their
markets up almost completely.  There has also been some evidence
to suggest that Iran and the U.S. have quietly, at least to a
limited extent, coordinated policies in the region.  Still,
considering the legacy of U.S. policy toward Iran, and the
deterioration of U.S. political and military leadership in the
wake of the Kosovo crisis, this rapprochement effort may be

In its place, Tehran may be pursuing its own goal of emerging as
a leading player in a regional Arab-Persian politico-military
alliance.  By keeping pressure on Iraq, Iran can still be in a
position to exploit U.S. gratitude, should Washington actually
turn the situation around in Kosovo.  It also serves its own
longstanding security interests by keeping iraq weakened and off
balance.  And finally it can exercise 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq: Changing the attack rules

1999-01-14 Thread Agent Smiley

  Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

  Iraq: Changing the attack rules

  INDEPENDENT (London) January 13, 1999

  American planes free to attack Iraqi radar sites

  By Andrew Marshall in Washington

  The United States has widened the rules of engagement for aircraft
  flying over Iraq, allowing them to fire on Iraqi air defence sites
  before they are targeted by them.

  The decision represents another escalation in the conflict, with signs
  growing that a fresh outbreak of violence is likely. Iraq continues to
  criticise its neighbours for the backing it says they have given to
  Washington and London, while American officials hint broadly that they
  believe the regime is on its last legs.

  The US Defense Department said yesterday that planes would be allowed
  to fire at radar sites even if they were not locking on to allied
  aircraft. To demonstrate the new tactics, a US aircraft fired a
  missile at an Iraqi radar site in the no-fly zone over northern Iraq
  yesterday, the fifth such episode in the past few weeks. The Pentagon
  said that, unlike previous such attacks, this was on an early-warning
  radar site, part of Iraq's integrated air defences. In the other
  cases, the US and Britain have said that their aircraft were targeted
  by surface-to-air missiles, and fired back.

  "The radar was seen as posing a threat to coalition forces in the
  area," said a Pentagon spokesman. Previously, early-warning radars
  were not attacked, though American and British pilots were allowed to
  fire at them if they felt they posed a threat.

  The war of words between Iraq and its neighbours spread yesterday as
  the Iraqi parliament accused Kuwait of backing insurgents against the

  "The Iraqi National Assembly stressed that the governments of Kuwait
  and Saudi Arabia are influential partners to the United States and
  Britain through presenting facilities for aggression on Iraq," said
  the official Iraqi News Agency.

  In particular, Kuwait was accused of "financing and supporting acts of
  killing and terrorism against the Iraqi people and its institutions
  through receiving agents and betrayers and publishing leaflets that
  incite conspiracies on Iraq."

  The US Defense Secretary, William Cohen, said that Saddam "is lashing
  out verbally, rhetorically, against the Saudis, against the Egyptians,
  against the Kuwaitis". He said this "would seem to indicate that he is
  certainly more agitated and frantic".

  Tuesday January 12, 8:30 PM

  Chemical and biological plants not targeted in Iraq raids: Jane's

  LONDON, Jan 12 (AFP) - The US-British air strikes on Iraq were not
  targeted at biological and chemical weapons for fear of releasing
  toxic substances into the air, according to Jane's Defence Weekly

  The military analysts' magazine reported that the US Department of
  Defense was developing munitions intended to incinerate such targets,
  but field tests were still several months away.

  The magazine also said London and Washington had proposed a strike
  list of 250 targets for Operation Desert Fox, but this was reduced so
  the strikes would not continue far into the holy Moslem month of

  In the end, said Jane's, US and British aircraft attacked 93 targets,
  destroying 14 and severely damaging another 26.

  Jane's also said that the withdrawal of UN weapons inspectors just
  before the attacks gave sufficient warning to the elite Republican
  Guards and military and security personnel to evacuate barracks and
  disperse valuable equipment.

  This contrasted with US-British claims of heavy damage to Iraq's
  military machine.

  Conflicting also with official British claim of taking part in 20
  percent of all the strikes, Jane's said that of the 650 strike and
  support aircraft sorties flown, 622 were made by the Americans and
  just 28 by British Tornados.

  Regarding claims that hospitals and schools were hit and strike
  figures were inflated, Jane's declared: "Neither side offers solid
  proof. All that appears certain is that Operation Desert Fox shows a
  more concerted effort to make air strikes as surgically accurate as

  The Iraqi response, said Jane's, was limited to short range
  surface-to-air missiles and heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire. No
  medium range missiles or fighters were launched.

  The magazine said that on December 28 and 30, Iraq fired Soviet-made
  SA-6 "Gainful" mobile surface-to-air missiles on American and British
  aircraft patrolling no-fly zones.

  It added that Baghdad appeared to have decided to conserve most of its
  surface-to-air missiles for after Desert Fox, knowing that each wave
  of strike aircraft would be protected by jammers, decoys and
  anti-radar missiles.

  Jane's predicted that in the future, rather than operating from bases
  close to Iraq, "the USA is clearly moving towards having the ability

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq

1999-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd


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Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
January 6, 1999

More on Operation Desert Fox and the Apparent Coup Attempt


* A detailed review of the evidence lends more weight to the
possibility that Operation Desert Fox was integrally related to a
failed coup attempt in Iraq.


Normally we don't revisit Global Intelligence Updates we have
issued until the story evolves to some degree.  However, we
received several comments from our readers about our January 5
GIU on a possible coup attempt in Iraq that caused us to
reexamine the events and our analysis.  This review has only
strengthened our belief that an abortive coup attempt took place
in Iraq in conjunction with the U.S. and British air strikes of
Operation Desert Fox.  Furthermore, the additional information we
collected leads us to speculate that Operation Desert Fox was not
merely coincidental with the coup attempt, but rather was
integral to and even driven by the attempt.

The conventional time line for Operation Desert Fox begins around
December 10, when UN inspectors were embroiled in their last
round of standoffs with Iraq over access to disputed sites in
Iraq, including Ba'ath party headquarters in Baghdad.  The next
point on the conventional time line occurred on December 16 when,
only hours after chief UN weapons inspector Richard Butler issued
a report stating that Iraq was continuing to be uncooperative,
the UN withdrew its inspectors from Iraq and U.S. cruise missiles
began striking Iraq.  Three other incidents prior to the launch
of Desert Fox caught our attention, however.

The first two events occurred on December 14.  A Saudi soldier
was shot and killed by an unidentified assailant in a vehicle
near an Iraqi border post near the Saudi town of Arar.
Speculation at the time was that smugglers may have been
responsible, which is an altogether possible explanation.  Also
on December 14, U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf region were put
on Defense Condition Charlie, ostensibly due to a heightened
threat of terrorist actions from militants linked to Osama Bin
Laden.  That, too, may have been the case, but we're not
convinced there wasn't more at work.

The most significant incident occurred just before the air
strikes on December 16, when Saddam Hussein announced a dramatic
restructuring and redeployment of the Iraqi armed forces.  This
may have been merely coincidental and somewhat bad timing, but it
certainly wasn't initiated by forewarning of the U.S. cruise
missile attack.  Our speculation, based on subsequent events, is
that Saddam's Presidential Decree Number 98, rearranging the
Iraqi armed forces, was prompted by Saddam uncovering a U.S.
sponsored coup plot.  Moreover, it is possible that the discovery
of the coup plot and Saddam's moves against it were the actual
trigger for heightened U.S. preparation, including DefCon
Charlie, and the launch of Operation Desert Fox.

Examine this hypothesis:  The U.S. had for some time been
actively pursuing factions within Iraq willing to carry out a
coup against Saddam Hussein.  This could not be the Shiites in
the south or the Kurds in the north, because neither would be
accepted by Iraq's Sunni Arab neighbors as the new rulers of
Baghdad.  Besides, they were geographically too far from Baghdad
to pull the coup off.  For a variety of reasons, the coup had to
come from Sunni Moslem military commanders.  And to this quest,
the U.S. finally recruited officers from within Iraq's 3rd Corps,
stationed to the south and southeast of Baghdad.  As events later
demonstrated, the U.S. also apparently recruited at least some of
the Shiite opposition in southern Iraq to take part in sabotage
operations and to tie town units of the Republican Guard in
counterinsurgency operations.

The coup was to take place some time in mid December, perhaps
even during Ramadan.  The U.S. would guarantee the operation air
cover in the no fly zones and strike key command and control and
Republican Guard facilities with cruise missiles.  But in the
last stages of preparation, before the U.S. had pulled all of its
necessary forces into place and fomented the proper crisis with
Baghdad, the plot was uncovered.  As Saddam moved quickly to
round up the conspirators and break up the threat to his regime
by redeploying and reorganizing the armed forces, the U.S. was
forced to move up the time table in hopes that, even crippled,
the coup could go forward.

Operation Desert Fox was launched on December 16, directly
coinciding with what was clearly a coup attempt from within the
Iraqi Army's 3rd Corps.  While yesterday's GIU discussed this
coincidence, it now appears to have been more than mere
coincidence.  Throughout December 16-19 there were reports of
scattered incidents of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq

1999-01-04 Thread RoadsEnd


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Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
January 5, 1999

Answers emerge about Iraqi defiance of "no-fly" zones


* Iraqi defiance of no-fly zones may be more than just saber-
rattling and brinkmanship.  Evidence has surfaced that U.S. air
cover was to have shielded an Iraqi army coup attempt.


Saddam Hussein chaired a meeting of Iraq's leadership on January
4, devoted to reviewing the status of the Iraqi army in the
aftermath of Operation Desert Fox, the U.S. and British air
strikes on Iraq in December.  After the meeting, Saddam vowed to
continue to resist allied patrols of "no-fly" zones in northern
and southern Iraq. This is a reassertion of similar commitments
made by Iraq last week to shoot down any enemy plane entering its
airspace, which culminated in at least two incidents in which
allied planes were fired upon by Iraqi missile batteries in the
no-fly zones. Many have speculated that this is simply another
tactic by the Baghdad regime to engage the U.S. in a protracted
campaign of confrontation aimed at forcing a reduction or
elimination of economic sanctions against Iraq. However, it
appears now that Iraqi defiance of the no-fly zones was in
response to the protection those zones provided to forces hostile
to, and preparing to confront, the Iraqi regime.

The London-based "Al-Hayat" newspaper reported on January 1 that
allied air cover was a driving force behind a failed coup by some
commanders of the Iraqi 3rd Army Corps in southern Iraq during
Desert Fox.  The newspaper stated that senior commanders of the
3rd Iraqi Army Corps stationed around the southern Iraqi city of
Basra were "preparing military action against the regime during
the U.S. missile strikes," while U.S. forces tied down the
Republican Guards, Special Security Services, and Saddam's
personal guard in the area.

In addition, the rebellious forces reportedly had the support of
a neighboring Arab state.  A Ba'ath party official, who declined
to give his identity, said that the units were prompted into
action by the fact that they were "deployed under U.S.-British
air cover and air support, as well as under ground and logistical
support from an Arab state neighboring Iraq."  If "neighboring"
Iraq means bordering Iraq, that would suggest that either Jordan,
Syria, Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia were involved in the coup plot as
well.  Kuwait, which hosts U.S. forces and is only 50 kilometers
from Basra, would appear to be the most likely party.

Despite U.S. air cover and ground support from the "neighboring
Arab state," the attempted coup by 3rd Corps officers evidently
failed.  The same Ba'ath official told Al-Hayat that a move by "a
group within the army with the aim of breaching security" was
"encircled and its elements were eliminated".  Nine
"infiltrators" were arrested for their roles as intermediaries
between the intelligence services of the neighboring Arab state
and the Iraqi coup plotters.  Also two, presumably brigade-level,
commanders of the 3rd corps, Brigadier General Ali Ma'ruf al-
Sa'idi and Lieutenant Colonel Sabah Dhiyab al-Khalidi, were
arrested and executed by special order of the Ba'ath party
regional commander, Al Hasan al-Majid, who had been appointed
just prior to the U.S. led strikes.

While the 3rd Corp's coup attempt apparently failed (perhaps
uncovered even before Desert Fox, judging by the Ba'ath party and
military shuffling that occurred) it still provided a good reason
for Iraq to challenge the no-fly zones.  If one coup plot could
form under U.S. air cover, others could follow.  The imposition
of the no-fly zones in 1991 and 1992 to protect Iraq's Kurdish
and Shiite Moslem populations left Saddam with only the
Republican Guard and the other Iraqi security services to counter
any adventurous regular army commander. Previously, he could call
upon his air force to halt the advance of Iraqi tanks rolling on

After U.S. missiles wiped out the command infrastructure of the
Republican Guard and other special security forces, Saddam's
control was reduced to nearly zero.  With no check in place, the
3rd Corps attempted to exploit the situation.  Further impetus
may have been provided by the fact that, while U.S. warplanes
were bombarding other Iraqi military targets, other aircraft were
reportedly tasked with dropping thousands of propaganda leaflets
over Iraqi troop positions around Basra (the same units belonging
to the 3rd Corps), warning them against any retaliatory moves
against Kuwait. The leaflets instructed Iraqi soldiers to "stay
where you are, stay put, do not threaten anyone and you won't be
hurt."  More than a simple warning, these leaflets may have been
an explicit signal or at least a reassuring nudge to 3rd Corps
commanders that the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq

1998-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Note to subscribers: This is the last issue
of the Global Intelligence Update for 1998.
We will resume our mailings with the Annual
Forecast on January 4, 1999. Happy Holidays
and Happy New Year to all.

Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
December 22, 1998

Signs Finally Emerge of Coup Threat to Saddam Hussein

On December 20, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein declared that Iraq
had emerged "victorious" after Operation Desert Fox, the 70-hour
aerial bombardment of Iraq by the United States and the United
Kingdom.  In a speech broadcast on Qatar's Al-Jazira satellite
television, Saddam praised Arab people for their "support of Iraq
in the face of aggression" but attacked "the weak, the two-faced,
the grudge bearers and the traitors."  Saddam has survived the
latest round of U.S. led military attacks, aimed ostensibly at
his weapons of mass destruction.  However, those attacks
apparently had a secondary goal -- supporting a coup attempt
launched from within Iraq.  Judging from Saddam's statement and
other evidence from within Iraq, the second goal may be bearing

Fears of a coup have prompted a large number of purges in Iraq
since the end of the 1991 Gulf War.  The commanders of military
units have been liquidated many times, with units reorganized for
fear that they may rise up against him.  Prior to Desert Fox, the
Iraqi military experienced another purge -- one strikingly
different for its extent and the accompanying directives.  The
Iraqi armed forces are composed of five regular army corps, five
"regular" Republican Guard divisions, and one "special"
Republican Guard division.  Before Operation Desert Fox, the
regular army corps were deployed along Iraq's borders.  This has
not changed.  In northern Iraq, the 1st and 5th corps are
stationed around the cities of Krkuk and Mosul in order to
protect against Turkish incursions and to guard the oilfields of
this area from the depredations of Kurdish militias.  The 3rd and
4th corps were deployed in southern Iraq along the Kuwaiti and
Iranian borders, respectively, to guard these oil rich areas from
Shiite opposition groups in south-central Iraq.  The 2nd corps is
stationed directly to the east of Baghdad to protect the eastern
flank from Iranian incursions directed against Iraq or against
Iranian opposition groups based inside Iraq.

Shadowing these army corps were divisions of Iraq's elite
"regular" Republican Guard divisions.  Since they are the best-
paid and best-equipped divisions, the Republican Guard divisions
reinforced the regular army corps in case of attack.  But they
also served to monitor any corps commander that evidenced even
the slightest inclination to march on Baghdad.  This is why the
Republican Guard divisions were always physically stationed
between the regular army units and Baghdad.  In this way, the
regular Republican Guard keeps an eye on any over-zealous
commander.  One or two of these regular Republican Guard
divisions were always kept around the Shiite areas of Najaf and
Karbala, for fear of an Iranian-backed Shiite uprising.

The "special" Republican Guard division was stationed in Baghdad
proper and operated as a fail-safe mechanism by providing a final
line of defense against a coup led by a commander of a regular
Republican Guard division.  It also was the key unit that ran the
concealment operation for Iraq's weapon's of mass destruction
(WMD) operations.  Because of the role of the special Republican
Guard, it was the most likely one to have been directly targeted
by U.S./British strikes.

Immediately in advance of the commencement of Desert Fox, Saddam
Hussein issued a number of directives altering this structure.
The commanders of the regular army corps were placed under
regional commanders who were recruited from among Saddam's
closest aides.  And units of the regular Republican Guard were
all redeployed to Baghdad and to southern Iraq.

The first directive dealt with the command of regular army and
naval forces.  It stated that "until further notice, four
regional commands shall be established." The first command, the
Northern Command, is responsible for the northern half of Iraq
and includes the 1st and 5th corps.  The Northern Command was
given to Staff General Izzat Ibrahim, the second in command in
Iraq, and the person that was allegedly the target of an
assassination attempt last month.  The second, the Southern
Command, was placed under, a new commander, Staff General Ali-
Hasan al-Majid.  The Southern Command controls the area closest
to the Iranian and Kuwait borders and has direct control of the
Iraqi 3rd and 4th corps and the small Iraqi navy.

The third is the Central Euphrates command.  This command
included the Shiite districts of south central Iraq and came
under the command of Muhammad Hamzah al-Zubayadi, an individual
who is not a military figure but a member of the Baath party.
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