Back in 1700 period Roast Beef was England; also they were at the throat
of France from time to time.

This EU thing gets stronger, but what is the purpose behind EU??   The
Advent of a New Hitler?

Thought about the importance of beef to England and remembered this old
song....this was a warriors song - cattle slaughtered in England when a
good percentage had nothing wrong?

Someone is trying to corner market on beef - Europe, why in France now
they buy horse meat which costs much more.

Cattle Mutilations in USA - rustlers used chain saws to mutiliate and
get the beef on the spot.....

EU wants to form own army and nobody has any objections?   Is this the
UN come home to roost?

Will it play in Paree?    Isn't the EU doing what Hitler tried to do -
Unite Europe only this time they do it and not a shot is fired - like UN
sitting in background passing illegal worthless legislation playing

Tell me is Henry Kissinger finally cornering market on beef?   That guy
is still dropping crumbs from the table for the dogs and kids?


4th Company, Brigade of Foot Guards in America

Your hosts for

The British Army in the American War of Independence

The Roast Beef of Old England

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,

It enobled our veins, and enriched our blood;

Our soldiers were brave, and our courtiers were good.

Chorus:O the roast beef of Old England!
And Old English roast beef.

But since we have learnt from all conqu'ring France

To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,

We're fed up with nothing - but vain complaisance;

Our fathers of old, were robust, stout and strong,

And kept open house with good cheer all day long

Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song:

But now we are dwindled to -- what shall I name?

A sneaking poor race, half begotten -- and tame

Who fully those honours that once shone in fame:

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,

Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,

The world was in terror, if e'er she did frown:

In those days, if fleets did presume on the main,

They seldom or never return'd back again;

As witness the vaunting Armada of Spain.

Oh! then they had stomachs to eat and to fight,

And, when wrongs were a cooking, to do themselves right;

But now we're a pack of - I could - but good night.

Lillies of France

The Lillies of France and the fair English rose

Could never agree as old history shows;

But our Edwards and Henries those lillies have torn,

And in their rich standards those ensigns have borne,

To shew that Old England, beneath her strong lance,

Can humble the pride and the glory of France.

What wou'd the Monsieurs? wou'd they know how they ran?

Why look at the annals of glorious Queen Anne!

We beat 'em by sea and we beat them by land,

When Marlborough and Russel enjoy'd the command.

We'll beat 'em again, boys! so let them advance;

Old England despises the insults of France.

Why, let the grand Monarch assemble his host,

And threaten invasion on England's fair coast:

We bid them defiance; so let them come on:

Have at them! their business will quickly be done.

Monsieurs, we will teach you a new English dance,

To our grenadier's march, that shall frighten all France.

Let's take up our muskets and gird on our swords

And, Monsieurs, you'll find us as good as our words:

Beat drums, trumpets sound, and huzza for our King!

Then welcome Bellisle, with what troops thou canst bring!

Huzza! for Old England, whose strong-pointed lance

Shall humble the pride and the glory of France.

saba note:   Look at the face of the sleaze in office - Tony Blair,
William Jefferson Clinton - and see what the did to Canada and try to do
to Australia?

Whats the beef?   Answer todoy, is what beef?   Unless you want Ye Old
Horse Meat of France and Dogs and Monkie Meet With Love from Red China?

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