990 Tail Explosion Invalidates Batoutty Suicide Fable

© 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

As reported, federal investigators of the Fl. 990 crash have confirmed
the tail section of the jet was severely damaged by an explosion. 

Okay. Now place that in context with what IS known about the last few
moments of the flight.

The jet began a very rapid, steep but CONTROLLED dive while at 33,000
feet. After leveling out at 17,000 feet the engines were turned off.
This IS a NECESSARY prerequisite to starting the engines up again after
they've faltered--in this case due to the primary computer computer
system glitch from the particle or pulse weapon initially directed at
the craft. The jet began to climb again up to 24, 000 feet. To DO this,
OBVIOUSLY the engines had to be turned back on, which can be achieved
after the primary computer system OR the backup system has been booted.

The explosion in the tail was positively NOT the first hostile act
targeting the jet, otherwise the pilots would not have been able to
control the craft to the extent they did, including initiating an ascent
after leveling off. This confirmation of a tail-end explosion
substantially corroborates the information made public by NewsHawk in
our previous articles on the crash; in particular; "Fl 990--What WE Know
But Gov't, Media Won't Say".  That is, that the jet was hit TWICE,
initially at 33,000 feet and again after it re-ascended to 24,000 feet,
by a particle beam or (electromagnetic) pulse weapon; and THEN "finished
off" with a missile to the tail section when it became apparent the
pilots' excellent skills MIGHT enable them to pull the jet out of BIG
trouble after the SECOND, likely more severe electromagnetic weapon
strike. The pilots obviously WERE able to recover from the first mishap,
and had begun to climb again to cruising altitude.

The word is out as far as the Egyptian Government is concerned. At this
very moment some of their top experts in electromagnetics are
researching the effects of electromagnetic pulses and fields upon
aircraft. They have become aware the truth regarding the crash and are
determined to dig it out and force the full exposure/disclosure of same.

To re-cap, the explosion which destroyed the tail section of EgyptAir
Fl. 990 happened LATE in the entire series of events, NOT at the
beginning. Therefore, the crew-members were initially responding to a
hostile action of a different sort, exactly as we reported. The missile
hit to the jet's tail was the coup de grace, and obviously a VERY
desperate one at that.

Those responsible for bringing down the jet have created a MASSIVE,
immovable monstrosity of an international mess which Egypt for one is
determined they will answer
--and pay--for.

© 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

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