Now here if John Loftus - a former "nazi hunter" who is also after the
Catholic Church for we know the Catholic Church has been invaded for
years......this Loftus, then is out or money - these bastards are sue
happy and this is no doubt the work of ADL - out to destroy anything and
everything American.   Note Barry Chamish bought this guy's book.

First read this story in todays new and how this asshole like this
"Barbara Rosenberg" who is not with the Academent of Scientists the
official academy but with the organization with an agenda to disarm
America - the American Federation of Scientists who operate like a NEA
and make it appear as though they have connection to "Geneva
Conventions" of the higher order......this woman Rosenberg is the one
who claimed anthrax was an inside job but when it was revealed the one
the FBI thought did the job during the 911 anthrax attack when she
discovered the guy believed to have done same was a Zionist she pulled

Note this - these god damned bastards - you cannot attack a jew or a
Zionist but look what this cruddy bastard has done in attacking anything
American, but yet he was for a brief time a Nixon appointee for long
period of tiem.

We have all these Rabbis involved in drugs selling and we had all these
Israelis running around with boxcutters on 911, we had the Pollard
affair, the USS Liberty, and here we have more on this attack now
against the arabs to sue them for money of course, and Iraq being sued
by Oklahoma mob when  the only persons I know who actually got caught
doing these acts of sabotage were the Jews and/or Israelis in the name
of Zionism.

So here is the story and note the name John Loftus for this man is the
Anti Christ......he is a paid stooge for the ADL in my opinion and check
him out all "deniers"......what about the USS Liberty, wonder what this
creep has to say about that.


First the story today where again these Israeli spies butt in on FBI
investigations and/or have set the trap to drive a wedge
stupid can Americans be...take another look at the Twin Towers and ask

Then read story under title matter and put this together ------ this man
no doubt is a USS Liberty and Lavon denier....and a stooge.....


Finances prompted raids on MuslimsFederal agents suspected terror ties
to N. Va. for yearsBy John Mintz and Tom Jackman
WASHINGTON, March 24 — Federal agents who searched 16 homes and
offices in Northern Virginia last week were focusing on a tightly
interconnected, complicated and very private financial empire with
worldwide ties that has drawn the suspicion of investigators for at
least seven years.
  'We know we have not done anything wrong. We will work with the
government agencies and get them whatever they need.'
Financier         SHOWING UP WITH warrants and drawn guns, the
agents seized computers, financial records and boxes of other documents
from some of the nation's most reputable Islamic organizations and
leaders — a coordinated series of raids that outraged many Muslims.
       At the center of the federal investigation is a cluster
of companies and charities based in Herndon that was launched in the
1970s by one of Saudi Arabia's leading banking families, the al-Rajhis.
The network has owned or invested in scores of businesses worldwide,
from sprawling dairy farms in Zimbabwe to a huge poultry business in
Georgia and lucrative office buildings in downtown Washington.
       For years, most of the firms and foundations searched
have engaged in extremely complex business deals with one another. And
since the mid-1990s, federal agents have tried to track the $1.7 billion
that has sloshed among them. Millions of dollars have ended up being
sent to related firms in offshore tax havens, such as the Isle of Man,
or to organizations that are under investigation for possible ties to

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U.S.  • Bush, Toledo to fight terror  • For U.S. troops, it's
personal  • More sites raided in probe of terrorism  • N. Va.
sites raided in terror probe         The central figure in the
interlocking companies and foundations is M. Yaqub Mirza, a financier
with a reputation for brilliance who received a doctorate in physics
from the University of Texas before taking the helm of the SAAR
Foundation in Herndon, whose money he invested to start or gain
positions in dozens of firms around the globe. SAAR and two close
affiliates, the Safa Trust and the International Institute of Islamic
Thought — all of whose offices were searched — donate funds to many
worthy Islamic causes, such as publishing religious texts and training
Muslim clerics..
       "We know we have not done anything wrong," Mirza, who
also manages a mutual fund firm called Amana, said in a brief telephone
interview yesterday. "We will work with the government agencies and get
them whatever they need." He said attorneys had advised him not to
respond to reporters' questions.
       A spokesman for the al-Rajhi family interests in Saudi
Arabia also recently said that its firms have committed no wrongdoing.
       While these organizations and firms are well-known in the
Muslim world, they have kept an extremely low profile in the business
community here.
       Five of their senior executives live in modest two-story
homes on adjoining lots on or near tiny Safa Court in Herndon. The
houses were built on 22 acres that one of their affiliated firms bought
and developed in 1987.
       Agents of the U.S. Customs Service, the lead agency in
the raids that began Wednesday, had obtained search warrants allowing
them to seize files and computers in a search for information on a
number of groups deemed terrorist organizations — such as al Qaeda,
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad — and on a wide array of Islamic
       Many Muslims are dismayed because some sites searched are
among the most established Islamic organizations in the United States,
and in some cases, it is unclear what their ties to SAAR or alleged
terrorist activity could be.
       The Fiqh Council of North America in Leesburg, for
example, is an organization of leading clerics that issues religious
interpretations for mosques and Islamic centers across the country. The
Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences, also in Leesburg, trains
Muslim imams for religious service, including in the U.S. military.

       "It is a sad day for America again," said Mohammad
Omeish, president of the Success Foundation, which describes itself as
devoted to helping Muslim victims of war worldwide and whose Fairfax
office was searched. "The message we are getting is, this war, even
though they claim it is against terrorism, is against Muslims."
       Agents, who carted about 25 computers from the
International Institute of Islamic Thought, were raiding a research
group that publishes books and holds seminars, some with Western
scholars. This week, it had been scheduled to receive a delegation of
Filipino Muslims sponsored by the U.S. State Department.
       "Here we have a raid by the Treasury Department trying to
destroy a moderate voice in this country," said Louai Safi, the group's
director of research. "We promote democracy, human rights, civil
exchange and dialogue."
       Imam Yahya Hendi, the Muslim chaplain at Georgetown
University, said he was "outraged" by the search at the institute. "It
is a positive landmark," he said. "It introduces America to Muslims . .
. and introduces Islam to America, to help America understand us."
       But the federal government has been investigating the
institute for years. In 1996, one of its researchers was deported
because of suspicions that he was an operative for Islamic Jihad, a
group that kills Israeli civilians in suicide bombings and has been
deemed a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.
       For years, the institute was also a main financial backer
of the World and Islam Studies Enterprise, a now-defunct Muslim think
tank at the University of South Florida. Federal agents have long said
that its leader, computer science professor Sami Al-Arian, used the
Studies Enterprise and a related charity to raise funds for Islamic
Jihad. Al-Arian has denied taking part in terrorist activities, and no
charges have been filed.
       The agents' years-long investigation of the International
Institute's ties to the Studies Enterprise, and possibly Islamic Jihad,
is an example of what federal officials call an "intelligence" probe —
one not designed to necessarily yield criminal charges but to keep tabs
on possible terrorist activities or other acts that could harm U.S.
security, said one federal source. Civil libertarians often criticize
such investigations as unfair. Many parts of those probes are
classified, as is the case with the examination of the Studies
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Pearl case  • Report: U.S. Embassy targeted in plot  • Complete
coverage  THE HOME FRONT  • Video vigilance on National Mall
• Possible hijacker, anthrax link  • Complete coverage
       Agents are also investigating allegations that elements
in the SAAR-Safa network have ties to Nada Management, a Swiss financial
organization whose assets were seized by Western governments last fall,
officials said. U.S. and European governments said they believe that
Nada has handled large sums for Osama bin Laden and various terrorist
movements — allegations that Nada denies.
       Another location searched last week was the Falls Church
office of the Muslim World League, a leading Islamic charity based in
Saudi Arabia. U.S. intelligence agencies have been investigating it for
years because of suspicions that it wittingly or unwittingly provides
funds to bin Laden. U.S. officials suspect that some of its employees
were involved in bombing two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998.
       Federal agents also are looking into whether any of the
SAAR-Safa entities committed crimes, including money laundering or
income tax improprieties — or possibly illegally offering support to
overseas terrorist groups — law enforcement sources said.
       Huge sums of money zip among these firms and foundations,
and some of the transactions can be traced on tax forms filed with the
Internal Revenue Service.
       For example, in 2000, a charity called the York
Foundation — whose president is Mirza and which is based in the same
building on Grove Street in Herndon as SAAR and Safa Trust — received
$400,000 from Safa, tax forms showed. The same year, York dispatched
$400,000 to a related entity called the York International Trust on the
Isle of Man, where tax records are kept private.
       In the two years before SAAR went defunct in December
2000, it sent two sums to an entity on the Isle of Man, the Humana
Charitable Trust — one for $168,000 and another for $9 million. Much
of SAAR's work has been continued by its affiliate, Safa.
       U.S. officials suspect that the ultimate recipients of
the funds were linked to terrorists, but they are not sure. And the
officials acknowledge that the participants could have engaged in
subterfuge to avoid paying taxes.
       Government officials said that even if no crimes are
proven, it might serve the counterterrorist cause to simply disrupt the
flow of money.
       Other federal officials said the probe is part of a much
wider effort tracking funds flowing through Saudi charities and firms
that end up being used by groups deemed by the United States to be
terrorist, such as al Qaeda and Hamas. The U.S. government has seized
the assets of several leading Saudi charities and asked Saudi
authorities to keep tabs on others.
       While the latest probe of these entities began years ago,
U.S. officials say it heated up after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
But sources said they had to plan their raids in a hurry starting two
weeks ago because of a telephone call from a lawyer in Florida.

       John Loftus, a former Nazi hunter for the Justice
Department and more recently a lawyer for U.S. intelligence agency
whistleblowers, contacted government officials March 11, saying he was
about to file a lawsuit in Florida against Al-Arian that would lay out
the ties among him, the International Institute, various of its
affiliates and Saudi interests.
       Customs and Treasury officials hustled to prepare their
raids for March 20, the day that Loftus filed his lawsuit claiming
various frauds by Al-Arian, Loftus and government officials said.
       "There was no coincidence," Loftus said.

Saba Note:   Oh what would we do without these self appointed
"experts".......and the filing of many lawsuits.

Do you know how many CIA operatives then called OSS died for these
bastards in WWII and how many Americans died and all the kids are
permitted to learn is that 6 million jews died but hey they forgot the
homosexuals and the gypsies in with this bunch and the 55 million who
died total, and not once reference to the American Soldiers who died,
whose children were without fathers and mothers left on their own and
NOT ONE NATIONAL MONUMENT FOR WW VETERANS for you see these god damned
bastards decided one size fits all when it came to one day for all the
dead in all the wars.....and do you realize this element is engaged in
massive lawsuits to destroy America - this rotten corrupt element that
JFK and RFK tried to week out and were murdered by them......vicious
vendetta and the ultimate goal with the Rosicrucian Society is to
DESTROY the Catholic Church....and here it is.

Today if Afghanistan now these queers are again permitted to train and
school little kids for male homosexual prostitution and run the streets
- and the woman without the veils right after the war as they called it
were prostitutes?   That this is a design to destroy anything decent in
this country until we are reduced to the state of a Sodom and Gomorrah?   

So read a bit here but read between the lines and see who this man is -
he is an ADL Stooge, a front man - and like this Rosenberg who is out to
disarm America, this pig is at the trough.

Are aware that already homosexuals are out in the streets in Afghanistan
wilovers parading around our soldiers have died for gypsies, jews, and

Now Afghanistan is free to slaughter more US Soldiers and we are paying
them to so do...and whores and homosexuals may freely abuse the male
children in the streetsd to be little Barney Franks, while terrorists
are being trained by Israelis in Florida to take on American
deadly combat - so Remembaer the USS Liberty and our men who were
murdered and napalmed by Israelis for 45 minutes as they lie dying and
wounded on deck.



 John Loftus at 70 : work from the fifties to the present by John Loftus
A View from the Bridge : Visions of Healing for Today's Church by John
Allan Loftus   Understanding Sexual Misconduct by Clergy : A Handbook
for Ministers by John Allan Loftus

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Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks by Mark
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Editorial Reviews

A hugely controversial work, The Secret War Against the Jews uses
thousands of previously top-secret documents and interviews with
hundreds of current and former spies to present a compelling narrative
claiming that many Western countries--who profess to be allies--have
willfully spied on Israel over many decades in order to obtain oil from
Arab countries.

38 of 41 people found the following review helpful:
 Profoundly shocking in its revelations. A must read., November 13, 1997
Reviewer:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  from Detroit, MI
John Loftus and Mark Aarons don't just open a can-of-worms in this
disturbing book but rather a Pandora's Box of accusations that if only
partly true begs a massive reversion of our current understanding of the
major political players of this century. "The Secret War Against The
Jews" is divided up into three historical periods: The Age of Bigotry,
1920-1947, The Age of Greed, 1948-1973, and The Age of Stupidity, 1974-
1992. "Bigotry" examines the dawn of middle east oil development and key
players Jack Philby, Ibn Saud, an the Dulles brothers. The second
section, "Greed," expands the activities of these individuals in and out
of the WWII. The third and last section, "Stupidity," deals with the
Iran-Contra players namely V.P Bush, Bill Casey, and a host of evil
characters. Perhaps a better title for this book should have been "The
Secret War Against the Public," for as the authors point out we all are
the Jews.
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34 of 38 people found the following review helpful:
 History You'll Never Get in School, March 6, 2001
Reviewer:  melvin turetzky

This book details the consistent anti-Jewish and anti-Israel efforts of
a series of American and British notables using information from the
archives of all the intelligence communities. Some of the names that
come up for serious indictment are: Allan Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller,
W.A.Harriman, Henry Kissinger, Jack Philby (father of the British mole
Kim Philby)and a host of other well knowns. It documents the
blackmailing of FDR by King Ibn Saud for continued oil supplies at the
outset of WWII in exchange for FDR's 'neutrality' on immigration of Jews
into the Mandated Territories in Palestine. It also describes the key
efforts by Allan Dulles and Rockefeller to maintain material supplies to
Nazi Germany via their American clients. Dulles' role in securing many
German war criminals save haven in the US and South America is also
documented. It is important to note that there are 115 pages of
references and notes to support the accusations enumerated. Though this
book is in print for seven years there has never been a libel or
defamation suit brought against the authors. They quote such statements
as that of Justice Goldberg: "The Dulles brothers were traitors". The
authors clearly show how the public image that many of these covert
anti-Israel celebrities polished was at total variance with their behind
the scenes actions. Kissinger for one deliberately withheld vital
information and supplies from the Israelis at the start of the 1973 war
because he thought it would be good for them to "get their nose
bloodied". And it was Gen.Alexander Haig, not Nixon and Kissinger, that
saved the Israelis with timely armaments to turn back the massive tank
attack the Egyptians had mounted in the Sinai. Anyone who wants to see
how individuals with power can subvert the principles of our democratic
nation must read this book again and again.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
 shocking, with a reservation, December 31, 2001
Reviewer: A reader from NJ USA
I read this book over the winter break because the title was
so interesting. The authors make several claims throughout the book and
try to corroborate them. Even though a lot of information are from
"confidential interviews" and thus leaves the reader with the choice to
believe the authors or not, the book tends to verify most of its claims
in a convincing fashion. There were some things that disappointed me
though. I expected to read about the betrayal of Israel by the Western
nations, but most of the book is devoted to description of events
leading up to the betrayals. Also, most of the book is devoted to events
that happened in the U.S. Even though the reader needs to know the
backgrounds of the events and the authors drew their sources largely
from American intelligence, the authors seem to spend relatively little
time discussing the impact of Western policies on Israel. In addition,
the authors take a long time before they get to their points they set
out at the beginning of each chapter.
Overall, I recommend this book, but suggest future readers to keep in
mind of the points I made above.
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12 of 27 people found the following review helpful:
 Lofty Charges, lowly Scholarship, September 13, 2001
Reviewer:  James  from Long Beach, CA USA
I was referred to this work by a friend who found it the most
substantial and damning work of scholarship he had ever encountered.
When he recounted the books charges to me, I had to find out why this
material had not been given wider publicity.
By the end of Chapter 1: Philby of Arabia, I knew why. First of all, we
must acknowledge that over 1/3rd of the bibliography notes "Interviews
with Confidential...". Now the authors, to their credit, acknowledge the
weakness in their case that much of their information can not be
sourced. So one must wonder, why did they bother to include these
references in the bibiliography. They could have simply noted it in the
body of the text.
Furthermore, some of the biblio. notes of confidential sources are
fleshed out with notes on the circumstances of the conversations, etc.
Again, this material could have been included in the text. It looks
conspicuously as if the authors are trying to beef up the work's
credentials with empty footnotes.
However, I do accept that any such work is going to have to include some
degree of anonymous contributions. Now onto Chapter One. In Philby of
Arabia, the authors try simultaneously to tell us that the British were
among the first nations to employ anti-semitic policy in the middle east
AND that Jack Philby, as an operative, was hell-bent on interfering with
British policy to avenge their failure to promote his career. They go on
to assert that Philby becomes the nexus of anti-semitic policy in the
region. Now, if Philby is intent on thwarting British policy and the
British were trying to undermine the Jewish people...wouldn't we
logically conclude that Philby would work on BEHALF of the Jews??!?!!!

The authors also note that the Arab nations had reason to feel betrayed
for the British treatment of them. They note the British appointment of
a partisan Zionist to a key position in their middle east delegation and
say that was finally what caused Philby to resign his government
position. Philby is quoted as writing something to the effect that he
can not work under a person who is so biased against the Arabs in the
conflict. I'm paraphrasing, but that was the general sentiment and the
words were no more inflamatory. The authors immediately use that quote
to then assert something silly like "Philby's hatred for the Jews was
cemented". They had done NOTHING to even EVIDENCE his supposed

There are other weaknesses here. The authors seem to toss about Philby's
alleged homosexuality for no apparent reason, unless they were trying to
evoke some latent prejudice against him. The simultaneously muse that he
was lured to the religeon of Islam by the opportunity to use the Saudi
king's harem! This first chapter is all over the map. It's really quite
amusing. I don't know how the most avowed conspiracy theorist could read
this tripe and not be saying..."Wait a minute here" due to the massive
conjecture and contradictions. There's a weakly substantiated assertion
that Philby "raped" his wife and other various attempts at character
assasination. It's a common ploy of propagandists. You villify your
opponent, make assertions that are unsupported and then use those
assertions as the foundation for your next attack. This book is a house
of cards.
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