-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Will Media Do Right Thing?  Fat Chance.

“This week provided further evidence the Democrats will shamelessly race bait
to smear Republicans as bigots in order to boost black turnout in next year’s
elections.  DNC Chairman Andrew made an outrageous, unsubstantiated claim
that efforts were made to suppress minority voting in this month’s elections
and Al Gore is running dishonest ads on black radio stations accusing
Republicans of blocking black nominees to the bench.  Will the media let
Democrats get away with calling for racial healing while inciting racial

- Kate O’Beirne’s “Outrage of the Week,” CNN’s “Capital Gang,” 11/20/99

NOW Stoops to Absurd Level

The state of Florida this week gave final approval for a specialty license
plate with a crayon drawing of two kids and the message “Choose Life.”
Floridians can voluntarily pay an extra $22 for the plates - and the proceeds
will go to organizations who help pregnant women who want to put their babies
up for adoption.  Voluntary.  No government coercion.  No taxpayer money
involved.  Free speech.  Heck, it might even help reduce the number of
abortions in the Sunshine State.  Who could possibly object, right?
Umm...the National Organization for Women, that’s who.  NOW is going to court
to block the tag’s release.  What a bunch of (you fill in the blank).

Term Limits Could Cost GOP House

If Republicans lose control of the House next year, add term limits to the
list of reasons why (in addition to having no message, caving in to the
president at the drop of a hat, spending money like drunken Democrats, etc.).
 Caught up in the term limit-mania of 1994, a number of solid GOP
congress-critters took a self-imposed pledge to only serve three terms in
office.  That means their time is up next November.  Most Democrats, usually
the smarter of the political animals in matters such as these, opted not to
take themselves out of the game prematurely.  So what we face, boys and
girls, is a situation where more Republicans are not running for re-election
to Congress next year than Democrats.  That means in those districts,
Republicans have voluntarily given up the advantages of incumbency while
Democrats have retained them.  We’re not called the “Stupid Party” for

Idaho Seeking to Repeal Term Limits

“Idaho, arguably the most conservative state in the nation, could become the
first to take the revolutionary step of repealing term limits.  The Idaho
legislature is poised to scale back the state’s sweeping 1994 term-limits law
when it convenes in January.  A key problem, say critics, is that the state
of 1.2 million simply isn’t big enough to field a steady stream of qualified
candidates for its local offices.  ‘I served on the school board for six
years, and sometimes you have to dig to find people to run,’ said Idaho House
Majority Leader Frank Bruneel of Lewiston, who favors an outright repeal.  ‘I
don’t think serious consideration was given to how this would effect local
entities, especially in rural, sparsely populated areas.’ ... ‘In some of
these counties, you have more cattle than people,’ (said Mark Snider,
spokesman for Republican Gov. Dirk Kempthorne).  ‘Sometimes the local coroner
is also the area’s only mortician and funeral director.  He’s the only one
town qualified to fill the position, so it’s not practical to force him out
of office.’”

- Washington Times Weekly, 10/31/99

Nevada Students Stink Up Math Test

According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Fifty-one percent of high school juniors
failed the math portion of the High School Proficiency Exam given in
October.”   What makes these dismal results even more distressing is the fact
that the kids only needed to get 64 percent of the answers correct in order
to pass the test.  Nevada State Superintendent of Public Education Mary
Petersen - standing right smack in the middle of a disaster declaring,
“Nothing to see here; please move along” - told the Sun that the figures
don’t represent any drastic change over last year.  Whew!  Our kids are only
as dumbed-down as they were last year.  What a relief.  Would someone please
explain to us:  (1) Why Ms. Petersen still has a job, (2) Why anyone still
listens to anything the teachers union says, and (3) Why government schools
are good and vouchers are bad.  Inquiring minds wanna know.

The Bilingual Boondoggle

“Here’s more evidence of the bilingual boondoggle: Roughly half of all Clark
County (Nev.) seniors who flunked the state high school proficiency exam were
Hispanic.  This is worth noting in light of the cheerleading for bilingual
education. ... From all appearances, we’re helping students learn to be
illiterate in two languages.”

- Columnist Ken Ward, Las Vegas Review Journal, 11/25/99

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

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