-Caveat Lector-


How Israeli terrorism and American treason caused the September Attack

If Osama bin Laden is the man behind the September 11 terrorist
attack on America, he obviously should suffer the ultimate punishment
for his crime. No person or nation that commits terrorism against
America should escape punishment.

But now I will make a statement that may shock you. If you agree that
those who commit terrorist acts against America should be punished,
then America should also put Israel at the top of our hit list --
because Israel has committed deliberate acts of terrorism and
treachery against the United States. I will also reveal strong
evidence indicating that Israel is responsible for the terror attacks
of September 11th.

This article will show that Israel has committed more terrorism in
the last half century than any other nation on earth. Increasing
numbers of people are aware of the fact that hundreds of thousands of
Palestinians, Lebanese and other Mideastern people have suffered from
Israeli invasion and terrorism. However, few people are aware of the
deliberate acts of Israeli treachery and terror committed against the
United States of America.

I will prove this charge against Israel and expose the long-running
treason against America that penetrates the highest echelons of the
U.S. Government.

Why was America attacked?

No one would argue that whatever his motivations, if bin Laden was
behind the horror of the WTC attacks, he deserves punishment for
killing so many innocent people. At the same time, it is vital that
we know why bin Laden and millions of others around the world have
come to hate America. Why are so many willing to risk or even
sacrifice their lives to get at us? I certainly hope no one reading
this is so naïve as to believe that the growing millions who hate
America do so because we are "free." That canard has to be the most
ridiculous idea sold to the American people since the pet rock.

To end the threat of terrorism against the American people, we must
know the true reason why we are so hated. Modern technology makes
mass murder and terrorism so ridiculously easy that just about anyone
can do it. It cannot be stopped by military might. In fact, even the
brute force we are using in Afghanistan supposedly to wipe out terror
-- already shows signs of whipping up enough world wide hatred
against America to give rise to a thousand new terrorists for every
one terrorist we might kill.

Perhaps we should have enough courage to consider the possible
reasons why so many millions of people hate us. Only when we have all
the facts, rather than cute little clichés like "They were attacking
freedom," can we decide the best way to protect our people in the

And, perhaps we should ask the media how they define an "attack on
American freedom?" I would say that a real "attack on freedom" is
trashing the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United
States. The Ten Amendments are the very core of what American freedom
actually is. George Bush and the U.S. Congress, armed with the
Orwellian U.S.A. Patriot Act, did infinitely more to take away our
Constitutional freedoms than bin Laden ever could.

The real reason we have suffered terrorism

The real reason US has suffered the terrorism of the WTC attack is
shockingly simple.

Too many American politicians have betrayed the American people and
their true interests by blindly supporting the leading terrorist
nation on earth: Israel.

The American mass media and the government cannot have it both ways.
If they are motivated to attack Afghanistan for giving aid and
comfort to terrorists, then some Palestinians naturally find
motivation to attack America for giving aid and even military support
to Israel, a nation that has committed unrelenting terrorism against

Traitors to the United States have allowed a terrorist foreign nation
to control the United States Government. Some readers might think it
preposterous for me to assert that a foreign nation controls America.
But, consider the fact that the former head of the United States
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, William Fulbright, said precisely
that. He asserted on ABC's Face the Nation television program that
"Israel Controls the United States Senate." And, Senator Fulbright
was no dummy; it is in his name that the brightest students scramble
after the so-named "Fulbright" scholarships. Senator Fulbright is not
the only one to make this indictment; many other important members of
the U.S. Government have made such charges. Here's what General
George Brown said when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

We can say we can't possibly get the Congress to support a (Israeli)
program like this. And they say don't worry about the Congress. We
will take care of the Congress. This is somebody from another
country, but they can do it. They own, you know, the banks in this
country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is. —
(General George S. Brown, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of

General Brown actually understated the Jewish control of the American
media. It is true that they control the most influential newspapers
in America, including the top three papers: The New York Times, the
Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. They also own the three
major newsmagazines: Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report.
But, it is not just the leading newspapers and magazine and
newspapers they control, it is the all important medium of television.

Most Americans would be surprised to learn the extent by which they
dominate television and broadcast media. For instance, they are at
the top of the two largest broadcast media conglomerates are Time-
Warner (Whose CEO is the ardent Zionist Gerald Levin) and Disney
(Whose CEO is Michael Eisner). Israeli Partisans also dominate ABC,
CBS and NBC and the news divisions of each. Who runs the American the
Media is another subject better discussed at another time, but I have
a thorough examination of this issue on my website – go to
www.davidduke.com and you can read the chapter from My Awakening
called "Who Runs the Media." The extreme, Israeli partisanship of the
media is why most Americans are woefully ignorant of Israel's
terrorist record.

However, facts exposing the brutal reality of Israeli terrorism are
abundant, well-documented and damning. All I need to do in this
article is prick the balloon that covers up Israel's crimes against
humanity. When that balloon is blown away, the reality revealed
underneath will not be a pretty picture.

I will show you documentary evidence that during the last 50 years
Israel has engaged in more murderous terrorism than any other nation
in the world, and that by supporting its criminal behavior America is
now reaping the fanatical hatred of hundreds of millions of people
around the globe. Support for Israel's terrorism has directly led to
the terrorism now going on against the United States. Most Americans
don't realize the magnitude and scope of Israeli terrorism because of
the media control mentioned by General Brown. A pertinent example of
their incredible media power was their promotion of the Big Lie that
the WTC attack had nothing at all to do with Israel; and that the
kamikaze attackers hated and attacked Americans because we are "free."

The Big Lie

The Jewish-dominated, American mass media and the Israeli-controlled
politicians do not want the American people to fully realize the
incredibly high price America pays for blindly supporting Israel. In
the aftermath of the attacks on September 11, 2001, even President
Bush repeated the absurd lie alleging the terrorists attacked America
because they hate our freedom. If, as the media says, bin Laden is
behind the terrorism, then they clearly know that the attack occurred
not because of hate for American freedom. Just three years ago, ABC
television and PBS Frontline interviewed bin Laden during the time of
the Clinton administration. Bin Laden bluntly stated why he opposed

They (Americans) have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal
government,… it is Israel inside America. Take the sensitive
ministries such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of
Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand
in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the

For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been (by the Jews)
slaughtered and assaulted and robbed of their honor and of their
property. Their houses have been blasted, their crops destroyed…This
is my message to the American people: to look for a serious
government that looks out for their interests and does not attack
other people's lands, or other people's honor…"

Notwithstanding any of his alleged crimes, bin Laden has never
uttered a word against Democracy! The media invented the lie about
attacking Democracy to hide the real truth; that America is being
attacked in retaliation for the American government's support of
Israel's terrorist policies in the Mideast. The unanimity of the
media in propagating this huge lie without any serious contradiction
should make every thoughtful person suspect that Americans are not
getting the whole truth from the media.

Let's take a look at Israel's record of terrorism against the

Israel: a mass murderer as Head of State

Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, is one of the world's most
bloodstained terrorists. He is responsible for the cold-blooded
slaughter of at least 1,500 men, women and children in the Beirut
refugee camps of Chatila and Sabra. Even a formal Israeli commission
found Sharon personally responsible for the Lebanese massacres.

In 1982, as Israel's defense minister, Sharon directed Israel's
invasion of Lebanon. He masterminded the carpet bombing and
devastation of the city of Beirut. (In Lebanon, at least four times
more people died than in the Israeli invasion and occupation than in
the attack on the World Trade Center) This terror bombing was carried
out by Jews using jet fighters and bombs supplied by the United

After the Israeli military devastation and occupation, Sharon
forcibly removed Palestinian resistance fighters from Lebanon. Many
Palestinian women, children and old people were imprisoned in a
concentration camp near Beirut. The United States publicly guaranteed
their safety and promised that they would quickly be reunited with
their loved ones. When Sharon murdered them, it was not only a bloody
act of terrorism against the refugees; it was an act of treachery
against the United States that caused intense hatred against America.

On the night of September 16, 1982, Sharon sent Phalangist murder
squads into two Palestinian concentration camps, Sabra and Chatila.
With Israeli tanks and troops closely surrounding the camps to
prevent any of the Palestinians from escaping, the murder squads
machine gunned, bayoneted, and bludgeoned Palestinian civilians all
that night, the next day and the following night; all while the
Israelis surrounding the camps listened gleefully to the machine gun
fire and screams coming from inside. Sharon then sent in bulldozers
to hide as much of the atrocity as he could. At least 1500
Palestinian men, women and children were butchered, and perhaps as
many as 2500. (An official Lebanese investigation set the figure at
about 2500) Even after the efforts of Sharon's bulldozers, many
Palestinians remained unburied, and Red Cross workers found whole
families; including hundreds of elderly and little children, with
their throats cut or disemboweled. Uncounted numbers of women and
girls were also raped before they were slaughtered.

Ariel Sharon is sought for trial by the Hague Tribunal, the same body
that succeeded in extraditing former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic for charges of crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Sharon
will not travel to Belgium for fear of arrest by the International
Court for the massacre.

Although he is sought for his Chatila and Sabra murders, Sharon could
be tried for any of a dozen of other massacres committed during his
sterling career, crimes against humanity that go back at least as far
as 1953. The Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz, recalls Sharon's leading of
a massacre in the village of Kibya in 1953, "The soldiers of Major
Ariel Sharon killed 70 Palestinians in the reprisal raid, most of
them women and children "

America, which clamored for the Hague Tribunal to arrest and try
Milosevic, pretends to be unaware of Sharon's mass murder. Instead of
handing Sharon an arrest warrant for mass murder and putting him in
the shackles that he deserves, President Bush greets Ariel Sharon
with handshakes and hugs! How the world must snicker in disbelief
when Bush confers with Sharon on "fighting terrorism."

If President Bush is truly serious about punishing nations that
support or harbor terrorists, he will have to begin with Israel, a
nation that elected one of the world's worst terrorists and mass
murderers as its the Head of State. Does America's Israel-controlled
Senate punish Israel for harboring terrorists? No, instead we supply
these terrorists with billions of American taxpayer's dollars and the
very weapons with which they kill!

Israel's murder of the Palestinian in the Sabra and Chatila
Concentration Camps after the United States had publicly guaranteed
their safety was not only a crime against humanity, but also one of
treachery against America. Sharon and the others involved were
completely aware of America's well-publicized promise of the
imprisoned Palestinians.

The Beirut Sabra and Chatila Massacre was the chief motivation of the
Lebanese suicide bombing attack that killed 241 American Marines in
Beirut less than a year later, and it clearly demonstrates how
American support of Israeli terrorism leads to terrible consequences
for the United States. The Los Angeles Times, in discussing a
revealing book by a former agent of the Israeli Mossad (secret
service), showed that the Mossad had foreknowledge of the terrorist
attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, but treacherously
did not warn America.

Among Ostrovsky's more shocking allegations are that Mossad failed to
share with the U.S. detailed intelligence that might have averted the
1983 suicide bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks that killed 241
U.S. servicemen;…

Israel: founded by terror against the British and Palestinians

In their effort to wrest control of Palestine from British control,
the Zionists waged a campaign of relentless terror, including the
bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which killed 93 people.
They ruthlessly murdered British officials and soldiers. The Zionists
assassinated anyone in their way, including the world-respected U.N.
mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, who dared to tell the world of the
Zionist terror and murder campaign. A favorite tactic of the Irgun
and Stern terrorist gangs was to kidnap British soldiers and slowly
torture them to death. Israel was also the first nation to employ the
modern terrorist technique of the letter bomb, and over the years
sent out hundreds of them, killing dozens of their enemies and many
bystanders all over the world. The current terrorism of mailing
anthrax infected letters is simply a logical stepchild of the letter

The terror of Dier Yassin

The Palestinians, of course, have been the greatest victims of over
50 years of unrelenting Israeli terror. In fact, Israel carved its
state out of Palestine through a deliberate policy of mass terror
against the Palestinians. It was the method by which they drove
800,000 of them from their homes, businesses and farms. In his book
The Revolt, former Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, boasts about his
role in the massacre of the 254 Palestinians at Dier Yassin. (Most of
the victims were elderly men, women and children who remained in an
Israeli-occupied village) In his book Begin points out that Dier
Yassin and other massacres caused panic among the residents causing
them to flee in terror from their homes. This intentional mass terror
enabled the Zionists to take control of Palestine. And, it should be
noted that the refugees are still not permitted to return home after
more than half a century!

What did the Zionist terrorists actually do at Dier Yassin and at
other villages that caused the Palestinian people to flee in fear? A
Red Cross doctor, Jacques de Reynier, chief representative of the
International Committee of the Red Cross in Jerusalem gave a shocking
account of the massacre in his official report.

De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw "the
mopping up," as one of the Israeli terrorists put it to him. It had
been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with
knives. The Jews decapitated some of the victims and fatally maimed
52 children in the sight of their mothers. They cut open 25 pregnant
women's wombs and butchered the babies in front of them.

Israelis present at Dier Yassin have confirmed these atrocities.
After his retirement in 1972, Israeli Haganah officer, Colonel Meir
Pa'el, stated the following about Deir Yassin in Yediot Ahronot, a
major Jewish publication:

The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to `clean' the
houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the
commanders did not try to stop the massacre…they were taken to the
quarry between Deir Yassin and Giv'at Shaul, and murdered in cold

The commander of the Haganah unit that controlled Deir Yassin after
the massacre, Zvi Ankori, made this statement in the Israeli
newspaper Davar:

I went into six to seven houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women's
crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it
was direct murder.

Have you seen any TV documentaries or any Hollywood movies about the
Israeli terror of Dier Yassin or of many thousands of other Israeli
acts of terror against the Palestinian people? You have heard plenty
of violin music for Jewish victims of Hitler, but have you heard any
violins for the young women at Dier Yassin who had their babies cut
from their wombs by Jewish Supremacists? Have you heard any violins
for any of the other thousands of Palestinian victims of Begin,
Shamir, Barak, and Sharon? Befitting Israel's long record of
terrorism against the Palestinian people, Israel has the nasty habit
of electing its most notorious terrorists and mass murderers as its
Head of State.

The United States has a whole division of the Justice Department
dedicated to hunting down Nazis who have committed crimes against
humanity. While America doggedly pursues elderly suspected German war
criminals, American Presidents have state dinners honoring Jewish

Mr. Bush is fond of talking about wiping out evil terrorists, yet was
not a massacre such as Dier Yassin clearly an act of consummate evil?

As Begin points out in The Revolt, terror against Palestinians was a
crucial factor in establishing Israel. It established the Jewish
state and it truly set the tone for a half century of ongoing terror
against the Palestinian people.

52 years of Ongoing Terror against Palestinians

Since 1948, Palestinians have faced ongoing terrorism from Israel.
Hundreds of villages have been obliterated and literally wiped from
the map. Tens of thousands of homes have been bombed, bull-dozed or
dynamited during peacetime! Tens of thousands of men, women and
children have been killed. Even greater numbers have been blinded,
crippled, disfigured and maimed. Hundreds of thousands have been
imprisoned and/or tortured.

In going after Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, Israel
has never been shy about bombing refugee camps full of women and
children. Israeli tanks, helicopters and even jet fighters are used
to drop bombs or fire missiles into the heart of Palestinian
neighborhoods and refugee camps packed with women and children. These
weapons cannot discriminate between a supposed terrorist or an eight
year old little girl. Such a weapon kills children as surely as it
kills enemies of the state.

Palestinians suspected of actively opposing Israel's occupation of
the West Bank or Gaza, have had their homes and families attacked by
Israeli tank canons, missiles or bombs. And after the Palestinian
suspect is killed or imprisoned, the Israeli army routinely bulldozes
or dynamites their family's home. Thousands of homes have been
destroyed in this fashion.

Israel has also killed hundreds of Palestinian leaders by
assassination and terrorist attacks. These attacks often kill
innocent bystanders. Many of those assassinated have never been
associated with any terror or violence of any kind; they simply were
poets, writers, or clerics who by their words have inspired among
their countrymen the desire for freedom. The Israeli Prime Minister
previous to Ariel Sharon was Ehud Barak. In 1972, during peacetime
between Israel and Lebanon, he led an Israeli commando killing team
into Beirut, Lebanon where he personally murdered Palestinian writer
Kamal Edwan and his whole family. In the middle of the night, using
silenced submachine guns, he and his team slaughtered Edwan and his
wife while they slept in their bed. For good measure he even murdered
the couples' daughter who was asleep in another bedroom. When the
newly elected Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, came to New York
and Washington, the Jewish-controlled press treated this man who had
murdered an entire family, as though he was a conquering hero.

The double standards never seem to end. When an Israeli cabinet
official, Rechavam Zeevi, was assassinated by Palestinians in October
of 2001, Sharon and some U.S. officials denounced it as "terrorism."
If the shooting down of Zeevi is indeed terrorism, what should we
call many years of Israeli assassinations of hundreds of Palestinian
political figures, philosophers, clerics and poets? Why doesn't the
press point out that Zeevi was himself a Jewish Supremacist who
described Palestinians living and working illegally in Israel as
"lice" and a "cancer in our midst." Zeevi himself was a terrorist who
bluntly advocated the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from the
occupied territories and the assassination of all those who resist
Israel occupation. He even publicly called for the assassination of
Yassir Arafat. Yet, the same press that calls his assassination
"terrorism" never calls the pro-assassination Zeevi a terrorist or
even a Jewish Supremacist. The Zeevi assassination itself was in
direct response to the Israeli assassination of a Palestinian leader
a few weeks before.

In 1991, at an Israeli cabinet meeting, Zeevi said that President
George Bush, by pressing Israel to peace talks, was "an enemy of
Israel" and that "America was plotting a second Holocaust." With a
supposed "ally" like this, does America need any enemies?

The power of the Jews in the world media keeps many from fully
grasping the terror of hundreds of Israeli assassinations. In fact,
even before the WTC terror attack in September, the BBC instructed
their reporters to call Israel's assassination of their enemies as
"targeted killings" rather than exactly what they are:
assassinations. However, the BBC (Which has a heavily Jewish
executive staff) referred to the Zeevi killing as an assassination,
and not a "targeted killing." The public has been subjected to this
kind of sanitized and distorted media treatment of Israel for years.
It is no wonder that few Britons and even fewer Americans are little
aware of Israel's record of terrorism. It is for this reason that I
cannot blame most Americans for their ignorance of Israeli terrorism.

The terror of Israeli torture: at least 150,000 victims

The brutal torture of thousands of one's enemies must be classified
as a particularly vicious form of terrorism. Tens of thousands of
Palestinians have been tortured in Israeli jails. A Jewish human
rights group in Israel confirmed in a 60 page report that 85% of
Palestinian detainees undergo torture while in custody. And make no
mistake about it; many of the tortures endured by these Palestinian
victims are the stuff of one's worst nightmares. Israeli torture
includes everything from choking victims with urine and feces soaked
bags tied over their heads, to using electric cattle prods for anal
rape and mutilation. Israel often doesn't even admit to who they are
holding, so if they decide to kill or torture a Palestinian to death
while he is in custody, his body will simply disappear, or they will
later claim that they died in a battle with Israeli police before
capture. Many thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese have died while
in Israeli custody.

A feature article by Joel Greenburg in the very pro-Israel New York
Times stated matter-of-factly that Israel tortures 500 to 600
Palestinians every month. That figure, which is probably too low as
it comes from the pro-Israel New York Times, means that each year at
least 6,000 Palestinians are tortured in Israel. Torture of
Palestinians has been going on in Israel since 1948 (53 years to
date). Even if one uses just one-half of the number of Palestinians
that Mr. Greenburg says suffer torture each year -- at least 150,000
human beings have been tortured in Israeli jails since the founding
of the Jewish state.

Bowing to Israel's public relations problems because of its legalized
torture, in 1999 the Israeli Supreme Court made an intentionally
vague ruling that torture is sometimes illegal, but Israeli and
Palestinian rights groups offer much evidence that the ruling was
just a public-relations veneer. They offer evidence that torture
continues just as it did before the ruling.

Following Israel's lead, Jewish journalists are now even beginning to
advocate the use of torture in America! A recent issue of Newsweek
headlined an article entitled `Time to think about torture; it's a
new world, and survival may well require old techniques that seemed
out of the question." Even a supposed Jewish champion of civil
liberties, Alan Dershowitz, now advocates it.

Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent, wrote two books
about Israel's terror against their enemies. In one of them he
discusses the fate of Palestinians who illegally cross the border in
search of work in Israel. Many thousands of these young men simply
are never heard from again after being captured by Israel's forces.
Some of them are taken to the ABC research facilities where they
endure the indescribable terror of chemical, nuclear or biological

…ABC standing for atomic, bacteriological, and chemical. It was where
our top epidemiological scientists were developing various doomsday
machines…should there be an all-out war in which this type of weapon
would be needed; there was no room for error. The Palestinian
infiltrators came in handy in this regard. As human guinea pigs, they
could make sure the weapons the scientist were developing worked
properly and could verify how fast they worked and make them more

Terror against the Lebanese People

During the Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon from 1978 to
2000, at least 15,000 civilians died. An example of Israeli terror
was its intentional bombing of the UN center in Qana, Lebanon that
occurred just five years ago. The following article was not written
by a Palestinian, an Arab or even a Muslim, but by Englishman Robert
Fisk, one of the most respected British journalists working in the
Mideast. He writes for the London newspaper, The Independent. If an
American wants to understand the hatred that Israel is generating
toward America dare to read this gruesome account and dare to take a
close look at the pictures showing the realities of Israeli terror.

Most Americans have read countless gory accounts about Jewish
Holocaust atrocities or even stories about the Israeli victims of
Palestinian suicide bombers. They have seen dozens of the most
gruesome movies or documentaries about Jewish victims, but most
Americans have never read even one account like the one quoted here.
You won't read such accounts in American newspapers or news

Qana, southern Lebanon - It was a massacre. Not since Sabra and
Chatila had I seen the innocent slaughtered like this. The Lebanese
refugee women and children and men lay in heaps, their hands or arms
or legs missing, beheaded or disemboweled. There were well over a
hundred of them. A baby lay without a head. The Israeli shells had
scythed through them as they lay in the United Nations shelter,
believing that they were safe under the world's protection. Like the
Muslims of Srebrenica, the Muslims of Qana were wrong.

In front of a burning building of the UN's Fijian battalion
headquarters, a girl held a corpse in her arms, the body of a gray-
haired man whose eyes were staring at her, and she rocked the corpse
back and forth in her arms, keeling and weeping and crying the same
words over and over: "My father, my father." A Fijian UN soldier
stood amid a sea of bodies and, without saying a word, held aloft the
body of a headless child.

…When I walked towards them, I slipped on a human hand...

Israel's slaughter of civilians in this terrible 10-day offensive -
206 by last night - has been so cavalier, so ferocious, that not a
Lebanese will forgive this massacre. There had been the ambulance
attacked on Saturday, the sisters killed in Yohmor the day before,
the 2-year-old girl decapitated by an Israeli missile four days ago.
And earlier yesterday, the Israelis had slaughtered a family of 12 -
the youngest was a four- day-old baby - when Israeli helicopter
pilots fired missiles into their home.

Shortly afterwards, three Israeli jets dropped bombs only 250 meters
from a UN convoy on which I was traveling, blasting a house 30 feet
into the air in front of my eyes. Traveling back to Beirut to file my
report on the Qana massacre to the Independent last night, I found
two Israeli gunboats firing at the civilian cars on the river bridge
north of Sidon…

A French UN trooper muttered oaths to himself as he opened a bag in
which he was dropping feet, fingers, pieces of people's arms…

We had suddenly become not UN troops and journalists but Westerners,
Israel's allies, an object of hatred and venom. One bearded man with
fierce eyes stared at us, his face dark with fury. "You are
Americans", he screamed at us. "Americans are dogs. You did this.
Americans are dogs."

President Bill Clinton has allied himself with Israel in its war
against "terrorism" and the Lebanese, in their grief, had not
forgotten this. Israel's official expression of sorrow was rubbing
salt in their wounds. "I would like to be made into a bomb and blow
myself up amid the Israelis", one old man said…

If every American read the above article by Robert Fisk, it would
help them to understand why America is so hated and why we now face
terrorist kamikazes. If you would like to know the real motivations
of men such as Bin Laden, The Nation magazine, did an interview with
him on September 21, 1998. It describes his reaction to the Israeli
Qana massacre.

When I last saw bin Laden, he was still obsessed with the Israeli
massacre of 107 Lebanese refugees sheltering at the UN camp at Qana
in April 1996. Israel claimed it was a 'mistake,' the UN conceded
otherwise and President Clinton called it only a 'tragedy'--as if it
was a natural disaster. It was, said bin Laden, an act of
'international terrorism.' There must be justice, he said, and trials
for the Israeli perpetrators. Clinton used almost exactly the same
words about bin Laden and his supporters in August. But the deaf, as
usual, were talking to the deaf."

Most Americans will never see any such accounts like the one by
Robert Fisk about Qana. The Israelis tight grip on the American press
and the American government has successfully suppressed much of the
ongoing story of Israeli terrorism against Palestinians. I will now
show that they have also been able to cover up murderous Israeli acts
of war and terrorism against the United States of America.

Israeli terrorism against America

In 1954, the Israeli government launched a secret operation of terror
against the United States called Operation Suzannah. It plotted to
murder Americans and blow up American installations in Egypt. Their
plan was to leave false evidence that the Egyptians did it so as to
make America go to war against Egypt on the side of Israel. Jews
succeeded in blowing up some post offices and American libraries in
Cairo and Alexandria. On the way to blow up an American movie house,
the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Theater, an Israeli's agent's bomb went off
prematurely. Thankfully, for both Egypt and for America, the plot was
then exposed and stopped in its early stages.

Because of the capture of the Israeli agents, the world learned of
this Israeli treachery and the Israeli Foreign Minister, Pinhas
Lavon, was later forced to resign. The whole episode became known as
the Lavon Affair. Today, the Jewish-dominated American media and
publishing establishment deftly cover up this Israeli treachery
against us. Most Americans know nothing about it. For instance, only
a slight mention of the Lavon Affair is found in the popular Encarta
Encyclopedia. It is in an article about Ben Gurion authored by the
pro-Zionist, Bernard Reich. By the way, the article's author
illustrates a typical media pattern. When Americans suppose they are
reading unbiased Encyclopedia or news magazine accounts, they more
often than not are reading distorted accounts written by ardent
Jewish Zionists.

Ben-Gurion returned to politics in 1955 to replace Minister of
Defense Pinhas Lavon—who resigned after a failed attempt to sabotage
Egypt's relations with the West.

Note how the article meekly says, "a failed attempt to sabotage
Egypt's relations with the West." What does this mean? "Sabotaging
relations" sounds as though Israel might have just said a few nasty
things about Egypt and America behind each other's back. The
intentional deception used in this article by its Jewish author is
typical of the distortions that go on countless times in the mass

The line in Encarta should read:

"--who was forced to resign after Israel was caught committing
terrorist bombings against the United States to treacherously incite
America to war against Israel's enemy."

I am sure that ninety percent of those who read this have never heard
of it. Some may think I am making this all up. Well, if you still
might doubt that Israel has committed these terrorist acts against
America in Egypt, here is a quote from a recent article appearing in
the Jewish magazine Moment, written by Samuel Katz and meant for its
small Jewish audience. It is more forward, yet still omits the
provocative word terrorism, a word Israel uses when Palestinians blow
up libraries and cinemas.

And the failures were as common as the spectacular successes. In the
mid '50s, A'man (the Jewish Defense Agency) suffered a serious
setback during the infamous "Operation Suzannah," when Israeli agents
provoked Jews in Egypt to attack American and British targets and
incite anti-Western sentiment. Many Jews were arrested, and some were
executed. The bungled operation was a severe embarrassment for the
government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and his defense
minister, Pinhas Lavon

So, in the Lavon Affair we learned how our so-called "best friend in
the Mideast," Israel, rewards the United States for its unconditional
monetary and military support: by committing terrorism against us!
Think about the fact that most Americans have never even heard about
this Israeli terrorist attack against us.

If the Egyptian government had been behind this terror against
America, we would have rightly considered it an act of war and we
would have attacked Egypt right back, just as we have done against
Afghanistan. And the press would have clamored for such attacks just
as they demanded attacks against Afghanistan. In fact, we attacked
Afghanistan on far less grounds than we could have for attacking
Israel. No evidence exists that Afghanistan approved of or even knew
anything about the attack on the World Trade Center, but in the Lavon
Affair, the Israeli government itself committed a direct act of war
against the United States. We, of course, did not bomb Tel Aviv in
retaliation. We did not sever our diplomatic relations. In fact, we
did not even cut off our billions of dollars in monetary and military

Any American government official who would have given aid to the
Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor would have been prosecuted
as a traitor to the United States.

Let me be perfectly blunt. Those Americans in government who
continued our support of Israel after it had committed terrorist acts
against the people of the United States -- clearly committed treason
against our country.

If America's leaders, after Israel's terror attack against us in the
Lavon Affair, would simply have stopped their treasonous aid to
Israel, there would have been no subsequent acts of terror against us
such as the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.

Israel's terrorist attack on the USS Liberty

In 1967, during the Six Day War, Israel again committed a grievous
terrorist act against the United States of America. On June 8th
Israel used unmarked fighters and torpedo boats to launch an hour and
one half attack on the American Navy ship the USS Liberty costing 34
American lives and 171 wounded. The Israelis first attacked the
Liberty's radio towers in an attempt to stop the Sixth Fleet from
learning that the Israelis were the attackers. After unmarked Israeli
fighters horrendously bombed and strafed the Liberty, Israel sent in
torpedo boats to finish the job. They even machine gunned the
deployed life rafts in an effort to ensure that there would be no
survivors (witnesses) who could expose them.

Only by the heroism and ingenuity of the captain and crew of the USS
Liberty kept the Israeli plan from succeeding. They were they able to
keep the ship afloat as well as contact the fleet and let it know
that Israel, rather than Egypt, that had attacked the ship. Knowing
that its plan had been exposed, Israel withdrew and meekly claimed
that their attack was a case of mistaken identity. They said that
they mistook the USS Liberty for an Egyptian ship.

The United States Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, and the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer, both
say the attack was no accident, that Israel deliberately attacked the
USS Liberty. For instance, it was a clear day with a stiff breeze and
the Liberty sported both a huge American Flag and large international
identification numbers on her hull. Israeli Jets buzzed the USS
Liberty long before the attack flying so close that the members of
the Liberty crew could even see their hand waves as they passed. Just
as in the Lavon Affair, Israel hoped to blame this act of war on
their enemy the Egyptians. This time, only the courage and
resourcefulness of the Liberty's crew prevented a further compounding
of the travesty.

The Jewish-dominated American media expressed no outrage for the
attack and supinely accepted the specious Israeli excuse for it. Even
though our own Secretary of State and our own Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff said the Israeli attack was deliberate, the Jewish
Lobby was even able to prevent a formal Congressional inquiry into
the attack. In contrast, the USS Liberty's sister ship, the USS
Pueblo, was captured by North Korea the following year (1968) with
the loss of only one life, yet within a year the U.S. Congress
launched a formal Inquiry into that attack. There still has been no
formal inquiry into the attack on the USS Liberty. The Liberty's
commanding officer, Captain William McGonagle, was awarded America's
highest honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor, for his splendid
courage during the Israeli Attack. But, he was given the award in a
quiet ceremony in the US Navy Yard rather than the White House (as is
customary) so as not to hurt the image of the very enemy who killed
34 of his comrades and wounded him and 174 more Americans on the

How did the political leaders of the United States respond to this
Israeli act of war against America? Did America bomb Tel Aviv as it
did Kabul, Afghanistan? No, the Israeli-controlled American
government along with the Jewish-controlled media committed a clear
case of treason against America by covering up this vicious terrorist
attack, and continuing to send billions of American tax dollars to
Israel in militarily and monetary aid.

Again, I invoke the example of Pearl Harbor. Any American government
official who would have given aid or comfort to Japan after the
attack in 1941 would have been prosecuted as a traitor to the United
States. I charge that those American government officials who
collaborate with the Jewish Lobby and media in continuing to support
Israel after its attack on the USS Liberty – are traitors against The
United States of America!

If after Israel's treacherous attack on the USS Liberty, we would
have simply stopped treasonously supporting the Israeli terrorist
state; we would surely not have suffered the terrorism of September
11, 2001.

Israel: A nation that spies on America and sells our secrets to our
worst enemies

In the 1980s Israel recruited an American Jew, Jonathan Pollard to
spy against the United States. After his apprehension, Israeli
officials at first claimed he was a "rogue agent," but later they
admitted that Pollard was working for them from the beginning. Other
than the Jewish spies, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who gave our atom
bomb secrets to the Soviets, probably no spies have ever done more
damage to our country than that which was done by this single Israeli
Spy: Jonathan Pollard.

Israel's use of Pollard's information not only destroyed our
intelligence operations in the Mideast; it practically destroyed our
intelligence apparatus in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. Many
of America's most loyal and best agents in the Communist world were
executed because Israel sold or bartered Pollard's stolen information
to the Soviets. As the article below by Eric Margolis shows, our
"wonderful friend and ally" Israel would not even allow the United
States to debrief the Mossad agents who handled the Pollard spying so
as to help determine the full extent of the damage done to the United
States, and the dangers posed to American agents overseas.

Some of the enormously sensitive secrets stolen by Pollard may have
been either sold, or bartered, by Israel to the Soviet Union.

A number of key CIA agents in the East Bloc were allegedly executed
as a result of Pollard's spying. The KGB likely gained access to top-
secret U.S. codes - either directly from Israel, or through spies in
Israel's government. In short, Pollard's treachery caused one of the
worst security disasters in modern U.S. history…

So Israel, which receives billions of American aid has treacherously
spied on and harmed the very security of the United States. To
further demonstrate their contempt for us, they even bartered the top
secret information they had stolen from us – to America's worst
enemies. Even after Israel's public relations apologies for the
Pollard spying, it has continued to spy on us. The Los Angeles Times
in 1997 reported that an American Jew named David A. Tenenbaum
"admitted to divulging secrets to Israel, To quote the Los Angeles
Times, "A civilian engineer working at an Army command facility near
Detroit has admitted divulging classified military information to
Israeli officials over the last 10 years."

Even after Israel proved its willingness to spy on us and critically
damage America's intelligence operations, President Clinton appointed
a dedicated, Zionist Jew to Chairman of the National Security
Council, the highest intelligence position in the White House. Even
the Israeli daily Maariv referred to Berger as a "warm Jew" meaning
that he is devoted to Israel first. Appointing Berger as National
Security Council chief after the Pollard Spy Case would be like
appointing a communist party supporter of the Soviet Union to the
Security Council during the Cold War.

The fact that Israel could commit these outrages against the United
States without suffering scathing media attacks or even the ending of
aid to Israel, shows their extreme power over us and the treason that
reaches into the highest echelons of the American establishment. It
is no wonder that Ariel Sharon could make the following statement to
Shimon Peres when he suggested that Israel might lose American aid if
it did not pull back recent Israeli incursions. Sharon responded:

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will
do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry
about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control
America, and the Americans know it." ---Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

It is not only Jonathan Pollard who has committed treason against
America. All those in the American government who would continue to
monetarily and militarily support a foreign nation that spies on us
and severely damages our intelligence operations (along with causing
the deaths of American agents) has committed treason against the
United States of America. In response to these ongoing acts of
treachery against the United States, a truly patriotic American
Government would have (at the very least) ended our support for
Israel. Supporting a foreign nation after it willfully commits such
acts of treachery against America is nothing less than treason.

The World Trade Center Attack

So, the record is clear. Israel is the worst terrorist offender
nation on earth. Israel and its terrorist leaders such as Begin,
Shamir and Sharon have committed a half century of relentless ethnic
cleansing, bombings, shootings, torture and murder against the
Palestinian people.

Israel has also committed numerous acts of treachery and terrorism
against the United States of America as I have clearly shown in
documenting the Lavon Affair, the Pollard Spy Scandal and the Attack
on the USS Liberty.

Because of overwhelming Israeli power in media and government,
traitors to the United States continue to support, with little fear
of punishment, this rogue terrorist nation.

In fact, these traitors to the United States supplied to Israel the
very weapons it used to commit the terrorist attack on the Liberty!

Through the efforts of Jewish and other traitors to the United
States, the American government has embarked on a foreign policy that
has repeatedly betrayed America's true interests. Massive American
military and monetary support has enabled Israel to continue its
relentless terrorism against the Palestinians. American treasonous
support of Israel's terror has thus caused tremendous hatred against
the United States, greatly hurt American economic and strategic
interests, and ultimately spawned the terrorism now rising against us.

The traitors who have sold out America to Israel are as guilty of
causing the loss of 5,000 American lives on September 11 as those who
actually hijacked and crashed the planes into the World Trade Center
and Pentagon.

Ariel Sharon and Israel in panic

Over the last two years, Israel has suffered the worst public
relations crisis in its history. The election of mass murder Ariel
Sharon as Prime Minister was the last straw for millions of decent
minded people the world over. Growing disapproval of Israel was also
signaled by the UN Conference on Racism which labeled Israel an
"Apartheid state." Palestinian suicide bombings were weakening the
resolve of many Israelis. On top of all these things, Ariel Sharon
was facing possible indictment in Belgium arrest for war crimes
charges. He and the leadership of Israel were desperate to turn world
opinion around. Only something dramatic could do that.

Then, suddenly, the attack on the World Trade Center changed
everything to Israel's favor. Was the devastating attack on America
just a fortunate coincidence for Israel?

As I have documented in this article, Israeli leaders have launched
terrorist attacks on America disguised as Arabic attacks, because
they knew that any Arab terrorist attack on America advances their
own aims. They are fully aware that the bigger the attack against
America; the more carnage, the better it is for Israel. Ariel Sharon
learned an important lesson in Beirut. Rather than to directly commit
atrocities against America as it did in the Lavon Affair and the
attack on the Liberty, it is much easier and safer for Israel to
continue to commit atrocities, such as Sabra and Chatila against
Arabic people, so as to drive their Moslem enemies to terrorism
against the West. That's precisely what occurred in the retaliatory
bombing of the American Marine and the French Paratrooper contingent
in Beirut, and there is little doubt that continued Israeli terror
motivated the World Trade Center Attacks.

What was Israel's role in the WTC attack?

The Washington Times ran a story on September 10, 2001 about a 68
page study issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military
Studies (SAMS). The study issued by the elite Army officer's school
detailed the dangers of a possible U.S. Army occupational force in
the Mideast. Here is the Washington Times comment about the study's
view of the Israeli Mossad:

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers
say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S.
forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

Ironically, within 24 hours of the story's publication, the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon was attacked. Could the "ruthless and
cunning Mossad," as the U.S. Army officers describe it, covertly have
been behind the attack in New York?

The Mossad is the most ruthless terrorist organization in the entire
world. It is also one of the largest and most sophisticated
intelligence organizations. No other nation even comes close to its
scope and power in the Mideast region. It prides itself on
infiltrating every sizable militant Palestinian and Arabic
organization on earth. Knowing these facts, there can be little doubt
the Mossad has deeply penetrated one of the oldest, largest and what
is considered the most dangerous Arabic terrorist organization on
earth; bin Laden's al-Qaida.

Furthermore, the FBI and the CIA have clearly stated that the attack
on the WTC and Pentagon was a huge covert operation using an
international network of at least a hundred terrorists spanning three
continents. Could Mossad agents in al-Qaida as well as the rest of
Mossad's vast network of thousands of infiltrators and informants,
not have known about the most extensive and ambitious Arabic
terrorist operation in history?

It is, of course, extremely difficult to prove the precise role of a
secretive, foreign intelligence organization, such as the Mossad, in
a terrorist act. They don't brag about their exploits on the
Internet. But, powerful evidence is mounting that Israelis had
foreknowledge of the September 11th attack on America. And, if indeed
they had foreknowledge of these murderous acts of terrorism – and
then had the cold-blooded mentality not to warn the United States
because they saw a horrendous massacre of thousands of Americans as
good for Israel -- it follows that they would have felt no restraint
from actually instigating and covertly aiding this terrorist plan
through their own agent provocateurs. Let's look at the hard evidence
indicating the Mossad had foreknowledge of the September 11 attack.

Evidence of Mossad Treachery in the WTC Attack

The day after the attack on the World Trade Center, the Jerusalem
Post, the most respected and famous Israeli newspaper in the world,
reported that 4000 Israelis were missing in the attack on the WTC.
The Foreign Ministry compiled the number from Israeli relatives who
in the first few hours after the attack, contacted the Israeli
Foreign Ministry and gave the names of Israeli friends and relatives
who worked in the WTC or who had business scheduled in it or its
adjacent structures. Even without seeing the article in the Jerusalem
Post, logic alone would tell you that there would be many hundreds,
if not thousands of Israelis in the World Trade Center at the time of
the attacks. The international Jewish involvement in banking and
finance is legendary. For instance, two of the richest firms in New
York are Goldman--Sacks and the Solomon Brothers; and both firms have
offices in the Twin Towers. Many executives in these firms regularly
commute back and forth to Israel. New York is the center of world
wide Jewish financial power and the World Trade Center is at its
epicenter. One would naturally expect the Israeli death toll to be
catastrophic. The Jerusalem Post certainly thought so on September
12, 2001. Here is the beginning of its article:

Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon

The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of
4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack. (The headline and
first sentence of the Jerusalem Post article)

When George Bush made his speech before Congress, it turns out that
he made a significant error other than saying that the WTC attackers
did it because they "hated freedom," Bush made a point to say that in
addition to thousands of Americans, 130 Israelis died in the WTC. The
implication was to say that Israel shared in our suffering, and that
we and Israel are in this thing together. Upon hearing the number of
130 Israeli dead, it seemed suspiciously low to me. If 4000 Israelis
were at the WTC and the WTC death toll was about 4500 (about 10
percent of the 45,000 people normally in the buildings at that time),
the Israeli toll should have probably been between 300 and 500. 130
deaths would have been unusually low.

As a place for doing business and for employment, the world Trade
Center was not a huge MacDonalds; it housed tens of thousands of
highly paid, high tech and high level jobs and executive positions.
They were primarily international finance, trade, banking and
brokerage firms. These are the kinds of businesses where Israelis are
traditionally over-represented. I asked myself how there could be
only 130 Israelis dead, while there were an estimated 199 dead from
Columbia and 428 from the Philippines?

In previous articles I wrote on the September 11 terror, I did not
allude to these suspicions because I have always taken pride in not
writing anything I could not firmly substantiate. But, while
researching this article on Israeli terrorism against Palestine and
America, I discovered the most surprising fact I have ever run across
in all my years of research and writing. I discovered a simple fact
that has enormous ramifications in regard to the September terror

After searching through dozens of articles trying to track down the
true Israeli death toll, I finally found a New York Times piece that
clarified the precise number of Israelis who died in the World Trade
Center attack. Of the 130 Israelis President Bush claimed had died in
the World Trade Center, it turned out that 129 of them were still
alive. Only one Israeli had actually died in the catastrophe of the
World Trade Center. I was incredulous. "Good God," I said outloud to
myself, "only one Israeli!" Here is the pertinent excerpt from the NY

But interviews with many consulate officials Friday suggested that
the lists of people they were collecting varied widely in their
usefulness. For example, the city had somehow received reports of
many Israelis feared missing at the site, and President Bush in his
address to the country on Thursday night mentioned that about 130
Israelis had died in the attacks.

But Friday, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that
lists of the missing included reports from people who had called in
because, for instance, relatives in New York had not returned their
phone calls from Israel. There were, in fact, only three Israelis who
had been confirmed as dead: two on the planes and another who had
been visiting the towers on business and who was identified and
buried. (New York Times, Sept. 22)

The very low death toll of 130 suggested that a number of Israelis at
the Trade Center had been warned before the attack. When I found out
the truth that only one Israeli had died, there could be no doubt
that there had been a prior warning for many Israelis. Having only
one Israeli casualty among the 4500 dead at the WTC is simply a
statistical impossibility. Even if the Israeli Foreign Ministry and
the Jerusalem Post had grossly overestimated the number of Israelis
in the World Trade Center by even 3,000 (400 percent), there still
should have still been 1,000 Israelis there at the time of the
attacks. Again, even if only a few hundred Israelis were present at
the time of the attack, only one Israeli death occurring there is
statistically absurd. Either September 11 had to be a big Israeli
holiday, or a number of Israeli citizens had some advance warning of
the impending attack. The fact is that no Israeli or Jewish holiday
falls on September 11.

Prior Warning to Israelis

The next thing I researched was to see if there were any confirmed
warnings to Israelis prior to the attack. I quickly found an article
in Newsbytes, a news service of the Washington Post, titled "Instant
Messages To Israel Warned of WTC attack." The Israeli daily,
Ha'aretz, also confirmed the prior warnings to Israel and confirmed
that the FBI is investigating the warnings. The articles detailed
that an Israeli messaging firm, Odigo, with offices in both the World
Trade Center and in Israel, received a number of warnings just two
hours before the attack.

Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack

Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two
employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World
Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New
York landmarks.

But Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing, confirmed
that workers in Odigo's research and development and international
sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo user
approximately two hours prior to the first attack. (from the
Washington Post's Newsbytes)

So now we have powerful and convincing evidence from impeccable
sources indicating that Israel intelligence services had knowledge of
an impending attack. There are three powerful facts pointing to
Mossad foreknowledge. We know that:

As would be logically assumed, significant numbers of Israelis should
have been at the WTC at the time of the attack. In fact most
estimates were about 4,000 Israelis at the WTC. This is confirmed by
both the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Israeli press.
Amazingly, there was only one Israeli victim in the WTC, an
impossibly low figure unless at least some Israelis had prior
There is direct evidence of warnings to Israelis prior to the attack.
Now, who would have warned Israelis of the impending attack, if not
Israel's Mossad? The inescapable evidence that Israel's government
had prior knowledge of the impending attack and had warned potential
Israeli victims, but then deliberately let thousands of Americans die
– makes the Israelis just as guilty for the carnage as the actual
hijackers themselves. Because Israel intelligence had foreknowledge
of the terrorist plan, it certainly could have easily informed the
FBI. The hijackers could have been apprehended as they boarded the
planes and the entire catastrophe prevented!

What's good for Israel is bad for America

You can be sure that joy rose in the hearts of all Israeli terrorists
as they witnessed the smoke plume from the twin towers. The FBI
arrested five Israelis on a rooftop nearby the twin towers,
videotaping and cheering the entire event. They knew that American
and world resistance to Israel's Supremacism and terrorism plummeted
right along with the collapse of the towers of the World Trade
Center. Perhaps the most telling statement was all was when a NY
Times reporter questioned the former Israeli, Benjamin Netanyahu, a
man every bit as radical as Ariel Sharon. Here are the words of the
excited former Israeli Prime Minister:

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United
States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister,
replied, "It's very good." Then he edited himself: "Well, not very
good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.

The World Trade Center Attack was obviously very good for Israel; in
fact, Israel is the only nation who benefited from it. Israel's fifty
year record of unrelenting terrorism became completely overshadowed
by the horror and the visual magnitude of this one spectacular
terrorist attack. When the Jewish-dominated American media repeatedly
showed a few, long-suffering Palestinians celebrating the attacks,
Palestinians became unfairly painted as behind the Trade Center
terror even though every Palestinian organization condemned it, and
not a single Palestinian was proven to be involved.

Of course, it was America that suffered most of all, with almost 5000
dead, a wrecked economy, and the worst restrictions against
Constitutional liberties in American history. The Lavon Affair, the
Attack on the Liberty, and the spying of Jonathon Pollard, and the
murder of 5000 Americans on September 11th -- were all meant to be
good for Israel, but terribly bad for the United States.

When will America come to finally understand that what is good for
the terrorist state of Israel is destructive and even deadly not just
for the Palestinians, but for the United States of America?

When will we get the backbone to put a stop to the Israeli agents and
American traitors who have orchestrated fifty years of support for
Israeli terrorism and fifty years of treason against our own country?

My life is dedicated to a free, secure and sovereign America. An
America dedicated to our own people and our own interests; not the
criminal purposes of a foreign terrorist nation.

Whatever the cost to me personally, I will continue to pursue that

I urge you to join with me. I beseech you not to purchase your
security at the cost of your freedom and your honor.

Courageously share this article with other Americans and with the
rest of the world. Let us tell the truth about the worst terrorist
nation on earth: Israel. In doing so, you will help save not only the
Palestinian people, but the lives and freedom of the American people
as well.

David Duke

Former Member of the House of Representatives

State of Louisiana, United States of America

National President

European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)


An array of Zionist Lobby organizations, all deeply tied to Mega
and to the remnants of the 1980s "X Committee" of Jonathan Jay
Pollard spy fame, are fully activated to bury the story about the
Israeli drug and espionage operations against the United States,
and their possible links to the events of Sept. 11. EIRNS has
confirmed that Camera ("Committee for Accurate Middle East
Reporting in America") has launched an e-mail, fax, and phone call
campaign, to force Fox TV to drop its probe of the Israeli dope,
spy, and terror scandal (indeed, Fox has removed the transcripts of
the coverage from its website).

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at
least three months ago that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning
to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important
symbols of American and Israeli culture, according to a story in
Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

A Muslim sheikh living in England commenting during a BBC news
broadcast added that 40 Jewish Pentagon staff members did not show
up for work on 11 September. The sheikh said it would not surprise
him if it was discovered that the Mossad (the Israeli secret
service) was behind the attacks.

Israeli Lobby Intimidating Journalists Into Misinforming Public

Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure "We Control

Did Israel Assassinate 34 Egyptian Generals In 1999?

Israeli Lobby Planted Phony Story About Palestinians Were
Celebrating The Attack

Jewish anti-Zionist organizations

Five Israelis who had worked for a moving company based in New
Jersey are being held in U.S. prisons for what the Federal Bureau
of Investigation has described as "puzzling behavior" following the
terror attack on the World Trade Center in New York last Tuesday.

With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in
New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one,
hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4000
Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no one ever
mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear
that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the
incident took place. No one talked about any Israeli being killed
or wounded in the attacks.

After the suicide bombing attacks at the weekend, carried out by
Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which left 34 people dead and around 200
injured, Israel unleashed its military might against Palestinian
security posts in Gaza and Cisjordan.

The result was three people dead, one of them a child, and 150
injured, 60 of whom were schoolchildren. The Israeli authorities
claimed that these attacks were part of the foreseen operations
against Palestinian targets.


Jury, judge and executioner

America has a very big problem

Israeli Democracy: A Promise As Yet Fulfilled

Osama not behind US attacks, says Saranjam

4000 Israeli employees in WTC escape

How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq

German TV exposes CIA, Mossad links to 1986 Berlin
disco bombing

Lebanese Druze leader believes CIA, Mossad responsible
for US attacks

Gen. Hameed Gul: '911 was work of Mossad & CIA, not
Bin Laden'

CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement

Ha'aretz: Odigo says workers warned of WTC attack

Russian Air Force Chief Says Official 9-11 Story

Amnesty International Urges Investigation of Ariel


michael harari

a bin Laden-Harari link


Israel uses torture in defiance of court ban, report

is michael harari the 9-11 mastermind?

more on harari, guns, drugs


isreali/nazi/masonic/eugencis link

The Mossad team in Vince Foster's apartment, and
Foster's final movements

Israel Angle in Foster Case


harari, guns, drugs

British Jewish Group Calls For Dismantlement of
Zionist State

Israel/Occupied Territories

Israeli Blitzkrieg Destroys 18 Homes in Gaza

The True Measure of Israel's 'Democracy'

UNICEF to Israel: Release Jailed Children

Sharon furious as Belgian court summons him for

Mossad Agents Arrested In Attempt To Bomb Mexican Congress

Plain Truths About Palestine

Israelis Have a Choice

The Sharon files

Israeli Terrorism Briefing

After 19 years, The Truth at Last?

Israeli army admits killing boys

on december 1
Israeli Terrorist Forces Invade Palestinian Cities

The Conspiracy to Assassinate Yitzhak Rabin

Israel Turns Palestinian Towns into Prisons

Statement by Palestine Monitor, December 3, 2001

Israel attacks Palestinian civilian population

Terrorism, Israel and My People

Probe Sharon's biggest worry

Occupation propels the conflict

A War Of Sharon's Making


A nation that spies on America and sells our secrets to our worst

U.S. Army Officers Say: 'Mossad May Blame Arabs'


Murder in the Name of God: Where Religious Extremism Can Lead

Israeli Lawmaker Says Government Should Recognize Jewish Terrorists

bin Laden Says Israel Masterminded 9-11 Attacks

A US military intelligence source revealed details of an internal
intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence
service having links to the World Trade Center and Pentagon

Russians point to zionist/masonic plot

WITH America on top security alert, the FBI was hunting yesterday
for six men of Middle Eastern appearance carrying plans of a
nuclear power plant and the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline who were
picked up by police in the Midwest over the weekend but then
released. The incident is thought to be connected with the latest
FBI alert and senior intelligence officials are furious that the
men were set free before they could be fully questioned.

111 Israelis Being Held In Detention In US

Andreas von Bulow served on the parliamentary commission which
oversees the three branches of the German secret service while a
member of the Bundestag (German parliament) from 1969 to 1994, and
wrote a book titled Im Namen des Staates (In the Name of the State)
on the criminal activities of secret services, including the CIA.

Von Bulow told AFP that he believes that the Israeli intelligence
service, Mossad, is behind the September 11 terror attacks. These
attacks, he said, were carried out to turn public opinion against
the Arabs, and boost military and security spending.

Suspicions had increased further after Israeli newspaper Yadiot
Ahranot revealed that the Shabak prevented Israeli premier Ariel
Sharon from traveling to New York and particularly to the cities on
the eastern coast to participate in a festival organized by the
Zionist organizations in support of "Israel".

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has received a namelist of 4,000
Israelis, who are believed to be in the areas of the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attacks in the United
States and have so far not yet contacted their friends or family,
Army Radio reported Wednesday.

Attorney General John Ashcroft has released an Israeli suspect in
the Sept. 11 terrorist events who "had trouble" with a seven-hour
polygraph test administered by the FBI-but who "did better on a
second try." In other words, the suspect still flunked both times.

Binyamin Netanyahu, a leader of the Likud Party and an ex-prime
minister of Israel has been all over the news lately.  Why did no
one ask him about these incredible statements he made in Hebrew but
available in English and widely cited.

The revelation that dozens of Israelis have been thrown in jail
since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks has some American Jewish
leaders wondering if this is a new government attempt at "even-
handedness." Most of the 50 or so Israelis reportedly jailed in
Cleveland, St. Louis, Kansas City, Houston and San Diego are men in
their 20s.

In a mind-blowing development, La Voz de Aztlan has learned that
Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha (left) who
heads the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department
of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces colonel
and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli
illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the
security of the Mexican Congress and were in possession of guns,
hand grenades and explosives.

Did Israeli Military Kill 'General Gandhi'?

FBI suspect Israelis of nuclear terrorism

Who Were Those 6 Israeli Passports on Their Way to Florida's Nuke

Some 60 Israelis, who federal investigators have said are part of a
long-running effort to spy on American government officials, are
among the hundreds of foreigners detained since the Sept. 11 terror
attacks, Fox News has learned.

The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was arrested in
connection with a failed bombing plot, federal authorities said.

First off, we learn that the Mossad often receives information from
the CIA, while it has a policy of never giving such information out
- even if the lives of Americans are in danger. Also, we discover
that a super-secret division of the Mossad (called Al) is active in
New York and Washington - engaged in spying on American citizens,
recruiting Jewish "helpers", and carrying out covert activities. It
employs between 24 and 27 field personnel, and most of their
activity is with U.S. borders (primarily New York and Washington).

Ah, but now some government officials are talking, and we know a
lot more. We know that some of the detainees have been identified
as Israeli military or intelligence agents, and that some failed
polygraph tests when asked whether they had engaged in covert
operations "against and in the United States." We also know,
courtesy of Fox News, that as many as 140 Israeli agents may have
been rounded up in the US before 9/11: the extent of Israel's
covert action operation is described as "sprawling."

PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat is accusing the Israeli Mossad (foreign
intelligence service) of carrying out the October 17, 2001
assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze'evi.

Within minutes of the horrific suicide bomber attack in Jerusalem
that killed 12 and injured 180 innocent Israeli civilians in West
Jerusalem, all the cable networks, CNN, FOX, MSNBC had extensive
live coverage of the bloody chaotic scene.

~this is called psyops...traumatize the viewer and offer a
scapegoat...it works because we are all justice-starved - the
cameras were ready just like 9-11~

The actions of Mossad, in misdirecting and suborning information,
led to it pulling the wool over its allies eyes globally. It also
enabled the Jewish state to put suspicion on Arab states with
coordinated covert operations that led to some of the Arab and
Muslim states being targeted by the United States.

Not all Jews support Israeli Naziism

At a moment when the popular mind-set once again links the words
"Arab" and "Islamic" with all things retrograde and
threatening-including terrorism (cue the new Charlie Daniels anthem
and revel in the poetry: "This ain't no rag, it's a flag/And we
don't wear it on our heads. . . . /We're gonna hunt you down like a
mad dog hound")-it came as a surprise to some that the latest
malefactors accorded POW status in the "War on Terrorism" turned
out to be Jewish.

Israeli "spy-phone" company Comverse Infosys now buying into the
Instant Messaging business through Odigo, the largest Instant
Messaging company.

Israeli spy ring largest ever uncovered inside United States!

Mossad Link to First WTC Bombing Raises Eyebrows

During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the
American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes
in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo
boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.

Yet the most pressing question remaining from that infamy is not whether
the attack was deliberate.  That was settled long ago for most reasonable
people. The question is why Israel risked its cozy relationship with
America by killing American seaman on the high seas.

His brother died a hero on the ship's bridge when Israeli forces
launched an unprovoked aircraft and torpedo attack on the USS
Liberty during the Six Day War with Egypt in 1967.

>From Admiral Thomas H. Moorer:
I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was
a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have
flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of
hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of
ships at sea. The Liberty was the ugliest, strangest looking
ship in the U.S. Navy. As a communications intelligence
ship, it was sprouting every kind of antenna. It looked like
a lobster with all those projections moving every which way.

As survivors have frequently pointed out, Liberty men were not
permitted to speak freely and were directed to reply only to the
questions asked. Some men who wished to testify were not permitted
to do so. George Golden, who was the second ranking man to survive
the attack, was severely limited in the testimony he was permitted
to provide. Jim Ennes, who was Officer of the Deck during most of
the daylight reconnaissance and could personally testify to the
closeness and frequency of overflying aircraft and other key
details, provided a sworn statement from his hospital bed, but this
statement was not permitted into evidence. Jim's hand-written deck
logs for his watch were key evidence, but they were not entered
into the record. Instead, they were rewritten and signed by someone
else, which is a violation of Navy Regulations.
~full text of the Court of Inquiry:

USS Liberty Survivors and other experts in their own voices:

Created in 1951 to ensure the future of an embattled Israel, the
Mossad is an elite intelligence arm whose handful of agents have
been responsible for the most audacious and thrilling feats of
espionage, counter-terrorism, and assassination ever ventured. For
the first time ever, drawing on closed-door interviews between the
author, Gordon Thomas, and Mossad agents, informants, and
spymasters, as well as classified documents and top-secret
resources, the truth about Mossad is about to be revealed.

1) Israeli hawks are determined to destroy the Palestinian
Authority, 2) Israel has penetrated the US intelligence community,
and 3) Israel may have had a hand in the September attacks on the
U.S. I will develop these themes further in this issue, drawing on
recent news as well as recent history. Israel's penetration of the
U.S. intelligence community became most apparent in the 1980s. No,
I'm not talking about the Jonathan Pollard spy case. I'm talking
about Iran-Contra. During this period, "former" Mossad officers
Michael Harari and Amiram Nir worked with the White House and CIA
to smuggle cocaine into the U.S. through Central America.

The Israeli government of Ariel Sharon and the present Israeli
Defense Force command is the most significant asset of the
Anglo-American faction pressing the "Clash of Civilizations"
war-plan, as evidenced by Sharon's persistent efforts to provoke a
new religious war in the Middle East against the Palestinian
Authority and a range of other Arab targets.

By forging passports and identity documents of Arab and western
countries and providing sound background legends and cover, Mossad
has successfully sent into Egypt and other Arab countries Israelis
disguised and documented as Arabs or citizens of European
countries. . . . These persons are also useful for their ability to
pass completely for a citizen of the nation in question. The
Israeli talent for counterfeiting or forging foreign passports and
documents ably supports the agent's authenticity.

Richard Reid, the terrorist who attempted to bring down an American
Airlines flight from Paris to Miami this week by igniting
explosives hidden in his sneakers, visited Israel in June and was
briefly detained at Ben Gurion International Airport.


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