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Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 05:42:14 +0100
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] Israeli bulldozers raze 73 Palestinian homes in the Gaza


Israeli bulldozers raze 73 homes

By Nazir Majally, Arab News Staff
Friday, January 11, 2002

RAFAH REFUGEE CAMP, Gaza Strip , 11 January — Palestinian resistance group
Islamic Jihad said yesterday it was scrapping a deal with Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat not to mount attacks in Israel, opening the way to
fresh violence and dealing a blow to US peace efforts.

The group’s military wing in the West Bank announced its decision after
Israeli tanks and bulldozers demolished 73 Palestinian homes in the Gaza
Strip leaving large families consisting of men, women and children to spend
the nights in shivering cold under open skies.

Weeping women and men and children searched for their belongings in piles of
rubble, twisted metal, wood and broken furniture at Rafah after tanks and
bulldozers raided the camp before dawn.

Witnesses said 110 families were left homeless. "I was sleeping ... and he
(my son) told me to get up — the bulldozers are coming," said one woman, Um
Ahmad Gishta. "I didn’t have time to do anything. I got my daughters and we
ran out."

Pressure also mounted on Arafat over Israel’s seizure of a ship which it
said was carrying 50 tons of arms to the Gaza Strip, an allegation denied by
the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The United States said yesterday it had "compelling evidence" that
Hezbollah, Iran and senior Palestinian Authority officials were behind an
arms smuggling operation foiled by Israel last week.

And, while Secretary of State Colin Powell said he had not yet seen
information that directly implicated Arafat in the affair, senior US
officials said they "strongly suspected" the Palestinian Authority leader
was involved.

"The information that we are receiving and developing on our own makes it
clear that there are linkages to the Palestinian Authority," Powell said a
day after Israeli intelligence officials briefed their US counterparts on
evidence they have collected into the incident.

Later, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Washington had also
seen evidence of complicity by Iran and Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance

"We think the weight of the evidence is compelling with respect to Iranian
and Hezbollah involvement in this arms smuggling operation including in the
provision of the weapons and the planning for their delivery," Boucher said.

Palestinian officials dismissed the charge against Arafat but Bush said he
was beginning to suspect the shipment was intended to "promote terror". "And
terror will never enable us to achieve peace in the Middle East," Bush told
reporters. "Mr. Arafat must renounce terror, must reject those who would
disrupt the peace process through terror, and must work hard to get to the
peace table."

Palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat told CNN television the allegation
against Arafat was "absolutely unacceptable".

The arms seizure last week followed by the deadly Palestinian raid on an
Israeli Army post on Wednesday threatened to wreck a renewed US peace
mission led by Middle East envoy Anthony Zinni, who left the region late on

In the latest blow to peace hopes, Islamic Jihad’s military wing said it was
abandoning its freeze on attacks inside the Jewish state, a move taken after
Arafat’s Dec. 16 cease-fire call, because Israel was continuing to kill

"We in the Jerusalem Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad in
Palestine, announce that starting from today we will not adhere to the
understanding with ... the (Palestinian) Authority and its security
services," the group said in a statement.

Israel alleged that the houses had been used for arms smuggling or to fire
at Israeli soldiers, but a US State Department official said the demolitions
would not "contribute to the restoration of calm and an end to violence".
The tanks and bulldozers carried out their task amid heavy firing, witnesses

The Israelis ended their operation and withdrew at dawn, leaving clusters of
newly-homeless Palestinians shivering in the cold mud around makeshift
campfires, close to the craters of what had until then been their homes.

The tanks and bulldozers had begun destroying homes under cover of heavy
machine-gun fire in Block O, a neighborhood under Palestinian self-rule in
the town on the Egyptian border, witnesses and security sources said. Block
O sits close to the border zone, which falls under tight Israeli military
control and is a frequent flash point. Rafah’s Gov. Sufian Al-Agha said that
73 houses had been flattened and 123 families left homeless, adding that
some women and children had been treated for shock and cold after the
operation. He called the district a "disaster zone."

"We are hoping international organizations will do something. I am surprised
there has been no international stand against the Israeli practices here,"
he said. He said Israel had also destroyed some Palestinian fishing boats
and motors on the Gaza coast.

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