Re: [CTRL] J.R.R.Tolkien And The Illuminati

2000-02-27 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 2/25/00 2:09:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Like some occult teachers, Tolkien got the idea to his masterpiece after he
  had been wounded in the first World War. He didn't know from where he got
  idea, it just "came to him". Many occultists have had the same experience -
  some strange power just channeling through them ... Another thing is,
  was a professor in Oxford, which is ruled by the Illuminati. Question: was
  Tolkien a part of the Brotherhood in some degree? Did he know the occult
  technology, or is everything just a coincidence? He himself said he used
  parts of the Beowulf saga and the old Icelandic myths, but that doesn't
  explain everything.

Well, once again some isolated bits of knowledge come to the fore.  In
Occultist circles the idea that someone just gets something, or it "just
comes to them", is illumination and it can be viewed in a number of ways.  I
believe that some of what we see in the highly artistic (including all good
writers, artists, sculptors, etc.) is a tapping of a collective unconscious,
or higher mental current, which gives them the idea for such inspired
creation (or expands on an inate ability if you prefer that view).  I believe
that some of these people are directed, in some cases by "higher ups" who
have the ability to channel that current to some extent.  I believe that some
of what we see produced as art is in fact "manufactured" in order to have an
effect on society as a whole.  Tolkien is just one of a long list of people
who had their ideas "just come to them", or to have "dreamt" them.  Lovecraft
was another one, who got his ideas from dreams.  Interestingly Lovecraft
"came up with" Cthulhu and the whole mythos bit (expanded on many times since
his death in '37).  An idea in his stories and those of his
followers/emulators is that Cthulhu waits dreaming, dead, but not dead.  His
dreams blanket the earth but only the "sensitive" can pick them up.  Those
dreams then cause changes in the persons mind and their art reflects this.
Cthulhus dreams deal with his ultimate re-emergence at some unspecified
future time "when the stars are right".  It seems this parallels a great deal
the idea of occultism in general and would seem to be a blueprint to
influencing humanity along a particular track of evolution (if you will) to
reach an unspecified time when the stars are right and something incredible
happens to us, or with us, or what have you.
Some of this strain of creative genius is undoubtedly just a byproduct of the
minds of gifted people, but when I see these little similarities it causes me
to wonder if Cthulhu, or Manwe, or whoever, is not "out there" somewhere
directing the sensitive towards an ultimate time or event.  The sensitive
have a greater effect on society than the average joe after all.  Good cause
for speculating and good cause for making those connections. . .whether
imaginary or not.

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] J.R.R.Tolkien And The Illuminati

2000-02-25 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


The Middle-Earth saga and the Illuminati

I don't know if you have thought about it, but there are quiet some links
between Tolkien's imaginary(?) world and the occult teachings within the
Brotherhoods. You who have read "Lord of the Rings", and especially
"Silmarillion", might know what I'm getting at ...

My own first contact with Tolkien's world was in 1968, when the Swedish Radio
presented "The Hobbit" as a summer-series. It was very well produced, with
different voices for different characters etc., and I was totally fascinated.
I could see the whole scenario in moving, 3D pictures inside my head and it
was very real. I was stuck in front of the radio every morning the whole
summer through, and when Thorin died in the end, I was crying - like if I had
lost a long gone friend. I experienced the same thing a few years later when
I read "Lord of the Rings" - the episode when Gandalf fell to his death in
the depths of Moria (but later reincarnated).

Through my teens Tolkien was a big part of my life, and when he died in 1973
I thought the world must have come to an end. Seemed like he had so much more
to give, and still the masterpiece which I'd been waiting for - the
"Silmarillion" - was not yet released. Terrible ...!

However, his son, Christopher Tolkien, later put Silmarillion together and to
my big relief it was released I think in 1977 in Sweden.

Of course, Tolkien was a professor in the English language and a terrific
story-teller, no doubt about that. But there is something more to it. Long
before I knew anything about occultism, I had the feeling parts of his story
was true in some way. Had Middle-Earth existed some time in the past?
(Tolkien himself refers it to old England.)  I did have the feeling already
then, that the spirit reincarnates in a new body when we "die", so had I had
any part in this "imaginary" world of Tolkien's...?

Well, the following will only be speculations, but I think it is interesting
to debate it. I will attach an e-mail address below, so you can give me your
viewpoint on the subject, if you wish.

When we discuss the matter of the Brotherhood, Illuminati etc., it's
inevitable to make the comparison to Tolkien. Sauron is of course
Satan/Lucifer with his Black magic power, and Gandalf is a member of a
Brotherhood called "The Wizard's Council", which is a secret society in
itself with magic rituals and esoteric wisdom.

The hobbits would from my viewpoint be the ignorant Homo sapiens, who don't
want to get involved and don't know very much about what is going on anyway.
Just like in the world today, ignorant people are used for "greater
purposes", without knowing what they're getting into.

Then there are the orchs, of course. I can't help comparing them to the
small, big-eyed grey aliens with their underground bases and malign intents.
It seems like the Greys are hybrids and hence "created" and crossbreeded. So
were the orchs, created by Melkor, the fallen angel.

The funny part of it is (and I'm sure many Tolkien fans will recognize this),
that you have a very clear picture inside your head of how the different
characters in the saga look like. Sometimes you look at pictures drawn by
artists, related to Tolkien's world, and you often get very upset, because
you "know" that's not the way they looked like. The opposite also happens.
You think, yeah! This artist has really got it! Right?

It's interesting from this viewpoint to compare the power-struggle of
Middle-Earth with the power-struggle on Earth today, as we know it from the
magical point of view. Because that's just what it is - a magic
power-struggle above ordinary people's heads. We are the "ignorant", the
"sheep" and the magicians are the "shepherds" eager to keep the sheep within
their fold, so they themselves can be busy with "more important things".

Like some occult teachers, Tolkien got the idea to his masterpiece after he
had been wounded in the first World War. He didn't know from where he got the
idea, it just "came to him". Many occultists have had the same experience -
some strange power just channeling through them ... Another thing is, Tolkien
was a professor in Oxford, which is ruled by the Illuminati. Question: was
Tolkien a part of the Brotherhood in some degree? Did he know the occult
technology, or is everything just a coincidence? He himself said he used
parts of the Beowulf saga and the old Icelandic myths, but that doesn't
explain everything.

Also, Tolkien must have been aware of the Sumerian scriptures. If you look at
the Genesis in Silmarillion, you see the similarities both from old Sumer and
the Genesis of the Illuminati. Eru is from this viewpoint Anu, the alien
king/god in Sumer, and ainur would be the "annunaki". Melkor is the fallen
angel, the teacher of Sauron, Lucifer as we know him.  There is also another
connection in form of words. Moriah is 

Re: [CTRL] J.R.R.Tolkien And The Illuminati

2000-02-25 Thread auto44450

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

I know we're supposed to be civil, so I'll be as diplomatic as I can and
just say that this kind of  textual analysis really challenges my ability
to keep an open mind.

At Fri, 25 Feb 2000 14:08:58 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The Middle-Earth saga and the Illuminati

I don't know if you have thought about it, but there are quiet some
between Tolkien's imaginary(?) world and the occult teachings within
Brotherhoods. You who have read "Lord of the Rings", and especially
"Silmarillion", might know what I'm getting at ...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] J.R.R.Tolkien And The Illuminati

2000-02-25 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The hobbits would from my viewpoint be the ignorant Homo sapiens, who
 want to get involved and don't know very much about what is going on
 Just like in the world today, ignorant people are used for "greater
 purposes", without knowing what they're getting into.

The problem with this analogy is that in Tolkien's world, hobbits co-exist
homo sapiens...

I too got involved with Tolkien -- and C.S. Lewis -- in the 1970s...and I
an interesting commentary, which I no longer have (so I don't know who the
was), entitled something like "Of Elves, Eldils, and Angels"...

The author compared Tolkien's cosmology with that of his friend and fellow
"roundtable" member, C.S. Lewis...

Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic, and the author pointed out how
cosmology fit in (or at least did not contradict) Roman Catholicism...

C.S. Lewis, OTOH, was a devout Protestant, and his works reflect that.  But
is interesting is reading The Hobbit and the Ring trilogy, along with Lewis'
"Perelandra" is obvious each author influenced the other (not
since each was at work on their masterpieces and shared their works in
progress at
their weekly roundtable meetings)the influence is most pronounced in
Lewis' final
book of his sci-fi trilogy, "That Hideous Strength"...a book I have
mentioned here
before, a book which graphically depicts a "NWO" takeover, and what sort of
such a conglomerate (which utilizes evil metaphysical powers) would bring

Tolkien and Lewis seemed to be writing on a similar theme, but front
opposing spectrums:
Tolkien at one end, in the distant past; and Lewis at the other, in the near
future (or
what was the near future for Lewis, who started his sci-fi trilogy in the
late 1930s,
and wrote the last book in the 1950s)...

 It's interesting from this viewpoint to compare the power-struggle of
 Middle-Earth with the power-struggle on Earth today, as we know it from
 magical point of view. Because that's just what it is - a magic
 power-struggle above ordinary people's heads. We are the "ignorant", the
 "sheep" and the magicians are the "shepherds" eager to keep the sheep
 their fold, so they themselves can be busy with "more important things".

Lewis' first book in his trilogy is called "Out of the Silent
Planet"...towards the end,
we find out what this title means, as the hero (not so subtlely named
"Ransom") is told
by the Eldils (an 'angelic' type race) that of all the planets in the
universe, Earth is
the 'silent' planet, because it is basically under a is where
'evil' has
been banished, so that it won't spread to the rest of the universeand
it's this
blockade that prevents homo sapiens being in psychic communication with the
rest of the
universe...and it is only homo sapiens that can 'redeem' Earth and it's
denizens (even
the evil ones)...

Of course, the evil spirits would rather make sure that humanity fails in
this task, and
are intent not only in taking over Earth, but the rest of the universe...

The devout Christian that C.S. Lewis was, he is obviously alluding to the
Biblical account
of the struggle in heaven between God and Lucifer, and the casting out of
the rebellious

 Like some occult teachers, Tolkien got the idea to his masterpiece after
 had been wounded in the first World War. He didn't know from where he got
 idea, it just "came to him". Many occultists have had the same
experience -
 some strange power just channeling through them ... Another thing is,
 was a professor in Oxford, which is ruled by the Illuminati. Question: was
 Tolkien a part of the Brotherhood in some degree? Did he know the occult
 technology, or is everything just a coincidence? He himself said he used
 parts of the Beowulf saga and the old Icelandic myths, but that doesn't
 explain everything.

I doubt Tolkien was into the occult...he was too devout of a Roman

 Another interesting thing is that Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were both Oxford
 Professors and members of a secret society among the University teachers -
 "The Inklings".

It wasn't so secret.  Everyone knew of the group, it's meetings were held
openly, once a week...

 The funny thing is the names the two authors used for their book
 We already discussed Tolkien above, but also look at the name "Galgalum"
 below, meaning "The Guide". Compare it with Gollum in Tolkien's world - he
 who guided the "Fellowship of the Ring" to Mordor.

"gollum" is not a word Tolken made up...tales of "the gollum" go back to the
Middle Ages, and referred to an artificially created being without a soul...

 C.S. Lewis on the other hand wrote the books of Narnia, a fantasy world
 a Lion God (also a symbol of the "God" of Illuminati - Satan).

Perhaps so, but in Lewis' Narnian cosmology, Aslan was