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                    John McCain, Warts and All
                 A Look At The Candidate's Mob Ties

 As reports filtered in from the precincts in Delaware on Tuesday
 night it quickly became apparent that George W. Bush had buried
 the mainstream media's candidate, John McCain, in a two-to-one
 landslide. The final count was Bush: 51 percent, McCain: 24
 percent, Forbes: 21 percent and Keyes: 4 percent. (Don't bother
 looking for the results in your local newspaper or on network TV
 -- the mainstream media are treating them as "Most Secret," for
 their eyes only, not to be disseminated to the proles under any

 Even McCain's 18-point margin in New Hampshire was dwarfed by
 Bush's massive 27-point win. Doesn't count, huffed the media.
 McCain didn't campaign in Delaware. Which of course leads in to
 the question that the media did not have to answer because they
 saw to it that it didn't get asked: why didn't McCain campaign in
 Delaware? The answer should be quite apparent to anyone who is
 familiar with such things. In Delaware the Republican primary is
 restricted to Republicans. Democrats masquerading as Republicans
 are not allowed to pick the GOP candidate as they are in states
 such as New Hampshire and South Carolina. California will be an
 interesting test case. At present the law states that
 "independents" may vote in the GOP primary, but only the
 Republican votes would count in selecting delegates for the GOP
 national convention. This has spurred a number of left-wing
 zealots in the Bay Area to queue-up in order to switch their
 registration to Republican at the last minute. (They've been at
 loose ends since the collapse of Communism). But help may be on
 the way. There is a move underway in the Democrat-controlled
 state legislature to allow the Democr...er, "independents" to
 select the delegates to the GOP convention. Some may call it
 "democracy." I prefer to call it by its rightful name: vote

 Stung by the double digit drubbing he received in New Hampshire
 at the hands of Democrats voting in the Republican primary for
 Senator John McCain under the guise of "independents," Texas Gov.
 George W. Bush hit back hard last week. McCain, says George
 Dubya, is a big hypocrite for taking contributions from the fat
 cats even as he denounces the practice as corrupt. McCain
 responded with a smirk (that went unnoted by the press) that Bush
 is displaying "a little sign of desperation." No doubt the
 senator is correct, but how does that answer the charge of
 hypocrisy? Even CBSNEWS.com was unwilling to give McCain a pass
 on that one. They noted that his rejoinder "may be true. But it's
 not a substantive response." Of course, CBS wound up concluding
 that McCain's decision to say one thing and do another was
 completely justified on purely pragmatic grounds. What else is
 one to expect of boomer brats raised on situation "ethics" and
 "moral" relativism?

 The WOW! (Gee) response of the mainstream media puppeteers to
 McCain's big win was nowhere more obvious than at the New York
 Times which gushed on and on about the fact that three weekly
 "news" magazines had placed the senator's mug shot on their
 covers, as though this were some sort of spontaneous natural
 phenomena and not part of a well-oiled propaganda campaign to
 pick the weakest Republican candidate and then bushwack him in
 the general election.

 The last time they (partially) succeeded in this strategy was
 1952, when Eisenhower, an outsider, beat Sen. Robert Taft (known
 at the time as "Mr. Republican") for the GOP nomination, with the
 help of a media propaganda blizzard. As soon as Ike was nominated
 the media, which only a few weeks previously had been singing in
 unison his fulsome praise, turned on him with a vengeance. Ike,
 after all, was just a big dumb military doofus who didn't
 understand diddley squat about running a nation, they implied.
 Some insolent punk kid reporter put a question to the candidate,
 concluding with words to the effect that, of course, he couldn't
 be expected to understand the intricacies of politics. Ike fixed
 him with a look of utter incredulity (the best expression in his
 repertoire) and asked, using a tone of voice much favored by
 drill instructors, "How the [bleepity-bleep] do you think I got
 to be a five-star general?"

 Those who cleared the American educational system prior to the
 Great Dumbing-Down will recall that Eisenhower cleaned the clock
 of Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson that year, carrying with
 him both houses of Congress. However, there is reason to doubt
 that history will repeat itself with McCain in the starring role
 this time. For one thing, the only argument the media were able
 to raise against Ike is that he wasn't very smart (i.e. didn't
 agree with them). This is a hard sell against a man who had only
 a few years previously led a rather large American army to
 victory in Europe. The case against McCain will be a good deal
 easier to make, as I will demonstrate. Since all of this is going
 to be known before November, it would be better to consider its
 impact now than to walk blindly into the trap being set for us by
 the left-liberal propagandists of the mainstream press.

 The Death of the Myth of the Hero

 Ted Sampley is a former Green Beret and a veteran of the Vietnam
 War. He has long been a political activist who, according to the
 Wilmington, NC, Morning Star, "has never shrunk from a fight,
 even when his allies were few and his enemies numerous..." He
 once even received an accolade for his reporting in the "Darts &
 Laurels" column of the Columbia Journalism Review, a remarkable
 achievement in view of his political orientation relative to
 theirs. Sampley, who maintains the U.S. Veteran Dispatch Web
 site, broke the story that the "unknown soldier" from the Vietnam
 War was quite well known to Army authorities and had been for
 years. The Army was obliged, with much embarrassment, to hand
 over the remains to the dead soldier's family, who had not been
 properly notified until Sampley blew the whistle.

 More recently Sampley has been exposing Sen. John McCain's
 intemperate, and at times vicious, attacks upon his fellow former
 POWs whose only "offense" would seem to be that they have tried
 to assist the families of American POWs who have been callously
 abandoned by their government to years of hellish torment. McCain
 has repeatedly slandered authentic war heroes such as "Red"
 McDaniels, whose boots he isn't fit to shine, and even had the
 Justice Department investigate organizations whose sole purpose
 was to get an accounting of the fate of family members, with a
 view to bringing criminal action against them. According to
 Sampley "He accused the activists of fraud because in some of
 their fund-raising literature they claimed that the U.S.
 government knowingly left U.S. POWs behind after the Vietnam War
 and that some remain alive today." The JD could find no grounds
 for such action, indeed they would have stirred up a hornet's
 nest had they brought indictments, because all indications are
 that the government did, in fact, knowingly leave POWs behind.

 Why then has Sen. McCain been so vindictive in going after these
 groups? What possible political benefit could he hope to gain
 thereby? Perhaps more to the point, why has he been so diligent
 in playing Little Sir Echo to the government of Vietnam by
 seconding every demand on their wish list? And if, as he
 recounted in his book, "Faith of My Fathers," his captors had
 strung him up by his fractured arms, causing him hours of
 excruciating agony, why did he hasten to embrace the Grand
 Inquisitor, Col. Bui Tin, on the occasion of the latter's visit
 to Washington to testify before a Senate committee? Surely he
 must have been aware that Bui Tin was responsible for the
 torments suffered not only by himself, but by his fellow
 prisoners at the "Hanoi Hilton." It is difficult to believe that
 the senator's great show of affection for his former tormentor
 was entirely genuine. Could he have been influenced by the
 knowledge that Col. Bui Tin was in a position to turn his
 interrogation records over to the committee, and had already
 discussed the possibility of doing just that?

 To characterize this man as a "war hero" seems an exaggeration,
 to say the least. If one examines the record it is clear that
 McCain had little control over the things that happened to him.
 Was he tortured? Yes, but so was everyone else at the Hanoi
 Hilton. It wasn't run like an airline -- that is, newcomers were
 not shown a chart of the accommodations and asked, "Which do you
 prefer, tortured or non-tortured?" Getting batted around by the
 staff was a regular part of the room service at the Hanoi Hilton.
 McCain implies in his book that he was singled out for "special
 attention" because his father was an important Navy admiral. Yet
 foreign press accounts published at the time indicate that it was
 McCain himself who called the attention of his captors to his
 father's important position.

 One vet observed sardonically, "He [McCain] used his celebrity,
 his father was Adm. McCain, to gain special treatment for
 injuries received. Although everyone has a breaking point his was
 amazingly low! He has referred to POW/MIA families as "whiners
 and vultures, and lunatic fringe."

 And that would appear to be the sticking point with many former
 POWs; why has McCain been so disrespectful, not to say abusive,
 to the families of POW/MIAs? They come to Washington in
 desperation, seeking help to locate their loved ones only to be
 subjected to a torrent of abuse by the terrible-tempered senator,
 who then goes so far as to sick the Justice Department on them.
 This sort of behavior by an elected official requires some
 explanation, but none has been forthcoming. (Needless to say,
 McCain's bootlicking toadies in the mainstream press would never
 dream of asking him such awkward questions). Instead we are
 offered boilerplate endorsements by pro-McCain veterans who, for
 all their impressive decorations, seem a bit shell-shocked by it

 J. Thomas Burch Jr., chairman of the National Vietnam and Gulf
 War Veterans Committee in supporting George W. Bush had attacked
 John McCain's record on veteran's affairs, alleging that the
 senator had neglected legislation dealing with Agent Orange and
 Gulf War Syndrome and had done virtually nothing to assist
 families of POW/MIAs still missing in Vietnam. That is putting it
 almost too charitably -- in pushing for an investigation of
 "malfeasance" by MIA activists, McCain said, "The people who have
 done these things are not zealots in a good cause. They are the
 most craven, most cynical and most despicable human beings to
 ever run a scam." Yet, when Mr. Burch suggests that the senator
 was not as supportive as he might have been, the whole
 kneejerk-liberal, mainstream media propaganda apparat goes into
 high dudgeon. Mr. Burch would seem to have touched a nerve.

 Ignoring the senator's scurrilous and unfounded allegations
 against the families of POW/MIAs, the McCain campaign issued the
 following announcement regarding charges leveled at their brave

      "Distinguished POWs and Medal of Honor recipients have
      publicly repudiated these offensive, shameful
      statements. Perhaps the most absurd statements came
      from a veteran named Tom Burch, who, while appearing
      with Governor Bush, said, McCain came home (from 5
      years as a POW in Vietnam) and forgot us (veterans)."

 Speaking of offensive, shameful statements, I wonder how McCain's
 flacks would characterize his statement that Navy Capt. Eugene
 "Red" McDaniel (Ret.) is "a fraud and a dishonorable man who
 preys upon the families of those still unaccounted for in the
 war." McDaniel, who has been characterized by journalist Monika
 Jensen-Stevenson as "one of the most tortured Americans in the
 history of war" (and who, in contrast to Sen. McCain, did not
 break), had committed the unpardonable offense in McCain's eyes
 of drafting a letter, signed by fifty of his fellow POWs, urging
 that our government not lift the embargo on Vietnam until they
 provided a full accounting of all American POW/MIAs.

 The McCain campaign document featured statements by Congressional
 Medal of Honor recipient and Vietnam POW, Colonel Bud Day, U.S.
 Air Force (Ret.) and Lieutenant Colonel Orson Swindle, U.S.
 Marine Corps (Ret.), also a Vietnam POW, who lauded McCain "for
 his service to our nation and to the welfare of our veterans."

 Don't get me wrong, the country owes a debt of gratitude to
 anyone who wears the Congressional Medal of Honor and to those
 who underwent the extreme rigors of captivity in Vietnam. While
 their statements are chock-a-bloc with fulsome praise of the
 senator and run through the usual laundry list of goodies that
 most any politician would offer veterans: "reforming the military
 health care system; improving veterans health care, and
 eliminating federal income taxes for military service members who
 are deployed or stationed overseas," etc., McCain's defenders are
 a little short on specifics as to why the senator invariably
 seemed to place the interests of Vietnam above those of American
 POW/MIAs. For example when the Missing Service Personnel Act of
 1996 came up on the Senate Floor for debate, Senator McCain
 characterized this legislation as "un-necessary" and
 "burdensome." Nevertheless, this "unnecessary and burdensome"
 legislation was backed by the man who wore a POW bracelet for
 McCain throughout the years of his captivity, then-majority
 leader Bob Dole.

 The McCain campaign statement cites the senator's support for
 "legislation requiring disclosure of classified POW/MIA
 information and improving accounting methods, McCain has devoted
 considerable time and energy to seeking the fullest possible
 accounting of our POW/MIAs..."

 Promises, promises. How is it then that a full accounting has
 never been made? (In order to understand that we must read the
 fine print).

 "... and to providing that all information concerning their fate
 be subjected to full public scrutiny, so long as the
 declassification of this information does not violate the privacy
 of POW/MIA family members or compromise U.S. intelligence sources
 and methods."

 Unh-hunh. Notice how the real kicker, the "compromising" of U.S.
 intelligence has been mixed in with "the privacy of POW/MIA
 family members" in order to muddy the issue. "National security"
 has been the last refuge all along of the scoundrels responsible
 for covering up the unspeakably shameful abandonment of American
 POWs held captive in Vietnam. And John McCain, for reasons he
 seems reluctant to explain, has played right along with their
 dirty game. It is time for the senator to stop hiding behind
 recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor and answer direct
 questions on this issue put to him on behalf of the REAL heroes
 he has slandered. People such as Maj. Mark Smith, former Green
 Beret and POW, and Capt. "Red" McDaniel. Advocates of the POW/MIA
 families whom the senator has viciously slandered have made the
 serious allegation that he has attempted to impede their every
 effort to get a full accounting. It is disheartening to see
 people of the caliber of Orson Swindle and Bud Day used in a
 political charade by a politician who is unwilling to confront
 his accusers face to face.

 It is less surprising that five senators who served in the
 military during the Vietnam era would come to McCain's defense.
 The fact that four of them are Democrats is further confirmation
 that McCain is the Democrat's favorite Republican candidate. You
 can draw your own conclusions about their motives, which seem
 obvious enough to me.

 The point of all this is that the smiling image of the senator
 shown to us by the mainstream media is not the real man. So who
 is the real John McCain?

 All in the Family

 McCain dumped his first wife after she had been disabled in an
 auto accident. Although this woman had worked tirelessly to get
 him released from captivity, he did not hesitate to betray her
 with other women upon finding her crippled when he returned home.
 In fact, McCain has racked up quite a reputation as a womanizer.
 This time he was determined to do it right. Since he had no
 fortune of his own, he acquired one through his second marriage.
 Sampley writes that the senator's net worth is "possibly as much
 as $1.2 million or more, excluding personal residences . . .
 McCain listed his [second] wife, Cindy, as the source of most of
 his assets. . ." According to the Phoenix Gazette of May 19,
 1987, "the bulk of McCain's assets consisted of stock in the
 Glendale firms -- Hensley & Co., a beer distributorship headed by
 his father-in-law; Western Leasing Co., which leases trucks and
 equipment; and Eagle Enterprises, which invests in real estate
 and stock."

 In fact, the senator married the daughter of one of the richest
 men in Arizona. It seems that McCain got more than just a wife in
 the bargain, he married into a family that already had quite a
 reputation in that state. Since family ties are always somewhat
 convoluted and difficult to track, I have prepared a chart to
 assist the reader in following the narrative.

                      JOHN McCAIN FAMILY PORTRAIT

                            Kemper Marley, Sr.---------------+
                            land & liquor baron              |
                                     |                       |
                                     |                       |
                                     |                       |
              +----------+-----James Hensley                 |
              |          |     Eugene Hensley ----------+    |
              |          |  (managers for Marley)       |    |
              |daughter  |                              |    |
              |          +-->Rich Scheffel  5 yrs. in<--+    |
              |              lobbyist for   prison for       |
        Cindy Hensley----+   Anh.-Busch     skimming         |
              |          |        |         scam             |
              |wife      |        |$                         |
              |          |        |                          |
    +----JOHN McCAIN     |   politicians                     |
    |     /|\    |       |                                   |
    |      |   favors    |                 Max Dunlap<--???--+
    |  contrib.  |       |                      |
    |      |     |       |                      |contract?
    |      |    \|/      |                      |
    | +--Charles Keating |                 John Adamson
    | |       |          |                 Jimmy Robison
    | |  shopping ctr.<--+investment            |
    | |                  |                      |murder
    | +-------+          |                      |
    |         |          |                 Don Bolles
    +---->free trips<----+               Arizona Republic
                         |                   reporter
                         |                     who
                         |              wrote about Marley
     Stole drugs from<---+              causing him to resign
     American Voluntary                 appointment to Ariz.
     Medical Team to                    Racing Commission
     feed her drug habit.

 The situation in Arizona was, for a long time, reminiscent of
 that line in "Memphis Blues" that goes, "Mistah Ed Crump, he runs
 this town." Only "The Man" in Arizona was named Kemper Marley,
 beer baron extraordinaire, player with real estate and other
 lucrative ventures too numerous to mention. At the time of his
 death in 1990, Marley was said to own "5 square miles of Carefree
 -- the highest priced real estate in Arizona," according to
 left-wing columnist Brian Downing Quig. Sort of like having
 hotels on Boardwalk AND Park Place, in addition to a monopoly on
 booze -- but of course that's the name of the game.

 Right after the Second World War Kemper Marley had a monopoly on
 liquor distribution in Arizona, which is every bit as good as
 having a license to steal. In 1948 his company, United Liquor,
 ran afoul of federal liquor laws -- fifty-two of his employees
 went to jail, including Jim Hensley who is presently the
 father-in-law of Senator John McCain. Some say that Hensley took
 a fall for Marley. Hensley was general manager of Marley's firm
 at the time. Be that as it may, when Hensley re-emerged from the
 slam, Marley rewarded him with a Budweiser distributorship which
 is now said to be worth $200 million, even though Hensley was
 prohibited from working in the liquor industry for the remainder
 of his days. And who stands to inherit this? John McCain and his
 devoted spouse, who else?

 But Marley was more than just an entrepreneur. Quig writes that
 for forty years "Marley bankrolled Harry Rosenzweig who doled out
 Marley's great wealth to a slate of Republican candidates who
 were almost universally successful in obtaining high political

 But that isn't all -- it seems that "Marley was able to control
 the Democratic party as well. Every congressman and every senator
 in Arizona currently owes his position to the Marley machine."

 So you see, it's sort of like W.C. Handy said: "Mistah Ed Crump,
 he runs this town." Crump controlled the Tennessee Democratic
 Party from his stronghold in Memphis, and ran the state's
 Republican Party as a sort of sideline, using a venerable old
 gentleman named Perry Howard as his front man. (In those days the
 Republicans were the "colored man's party" in Tennessee). But
 that was years ago. Unfortunately, we seem to have made little
 progress in the interim.

 Anyway, is the plot beginning to make sense? Can you see the
 broad outlines of John McCain's strategy taking shape here? Do we
 really need a diagram to understand how he got his start in
 politics? Clearly he has had his eye on the prize for some time
 now, and is completely unsentimental as to how he attains it. Oh,
 say the senator's partisans, his former wife remains completely
 loyal to him. Yeah. I'll leave that part of the scenario to the
 reader's imagination.

 Richard Scheffel, a lobbyist for Anheuser-Busch, is said to have
 boasted that Sen. McCain's father-in-law used him as a conduit to
 funnel money to politicians. Sampley quotes an Arizona newspaper
 as saying that, "Cars, homes and bank accounts of 18 people,
 including eight state legislators, were confiscated in a civil
 racketeering lawsuit that paints a portrait of lawmakers eager to
 sell their influence for as little as $660 and as much as
 $750,000." Although Scheffel was not targeted in the civil suit,
 he is said to have been paid $20,000 to approach legislators who
 showed an interest in selling their votes for hard cash, as part
 of an apparent sting operation, according to the Phoenix Gazette
 of February 6, 1991. The same newspaper identified Jim Hensley as
 "a financial godfather to hosts of lobbyists" in a story that
 appeared on March 16 the same year.

 It would seem that Sen. McCain has not always been such an ardent
 advocate of campaign finance "reform." A Phoenix Gazette
 editorial published on December 8, 1987 asked:

      "So why has Sen. McCain, R-Ariz., gone to unprecedented
      lengths to block reform of the Senate campaign finance
      system? Why does he oppose letting this important
      matter even come to a vote? Perhaps it's because he is
      a prime beneficiary of the special interest funding of
      congressional elections. McCain raised over $2.5
      million for his 1986 election . . . more than $760,000
      of his campaign funds came from political action
      committee (PACs) . . . especially disturbing are the
      contributions to McCain's campaign coffers from PACs
      outside of Arizona."

 Ah, but that was then. As soon as the opportunity opened up for
 him to curry favor with the mainstream media by backing the
 "reform" measure he had so steadfastly opposed all along, the
 scales fell from his eyes -- McCain saddled up and went galloping
 down the road to Damascus (as H.L. Mencken used to say of such
 miraculous political conversions, an allusion to St. Paul). Let's
 face it folks, that boy done SEEN the light.

 Why did Sen. McCain help Mr. Charles Keating fight off those
 federal regulators who had become so inquisitive about the way he
 had been running Lincoln Savings and Loan? What's this -- a
 twinge of deja vu? (Here's to you, Jim McDougal, wherever you
 are). The Arizona Republic reported on October 8, 1989, that
 "John McCain contends there was no conflict in his helping
 Keating battle federal regulators." And yet, in the same article
 we are told, "Documents show that Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy,
 and father-in-law, James W. Hensley are the largest investors in
 Fountain Square Shopping Center. Their partnership is managed by
 subsidiaries of American Continental Corp., run by Charles H.
 Keating, Jr."

 That's not a conflict of interest? The senator's wife and
 father-in-law, the source of all his wealth, are the biggest
 investors in a business enterprise run by the man he is helping
 to keep federal investigators at bay, but the senator sees no
 conflict here? The newspaper reported that "when an Arizona
 Republic reporter asked him about business ties between his wife,
 Cindy McCain, and Keating," the senator snarled, "That's the
 spouse's involvement, you idiot." Gosh, I'm sure glad he cleared
 that up. Wouldn't do to have anyone think there's something shady
 going on.

 But, of course the mainstream press just can't under-STAND why
 Arizona newspapers keep saying all those mean, hurting things
 about their fair-haired boy. "You do understand English, don't
 you?" McCain explained in the same conversation. The Republic
 article continued, "Not content with just bullying reporters,
 McCain tried belittling them: 'It's up to you to find that out,
 kids.' . . . McCain wasn't talking to liars. He wasn't talking to
 juveniles. The senator was talking to two reporters."

 Isn't that what the mainstream newsies have been saying about the
 senator of late -- he knows how to talk to reporters? Got that,
 George Dubya? They like it when you treat 'em rough.

 But investments were not the whole story. The Arizona Republic
 reported on October 8, 1989 that:

      "Sen. John McCain had more than a constituent
      relationship with Charles H. Keating, Jr. prior to 1987
      . . . the McCains -- sometimes with their daughter and
      baby sitter -- made at least nine trips at Keating's
      expense from August 1984 to August 1986 aboard either
      Keating's American Continental Corporation's jet or
      chartered planes and helicopters owned by Resorts
      International. Three of the trips were for vacations at
      Keating's luxurious retreat in the Bahamas."

 But shucks all get-out -- dudn' mean a thing. The senator would
 do as much for anyone. Why he's just as helpful as can be --
 unless you happen to be the relative of a POW/MIA.

 The Arizona Republic reported on August 24, 1994, that Sen.
 McCain's wife, Cindy, had admitted in a series of interviews with
 the media that she had been "addicted to the painkillers Percocet
 and Vicodin" from 1989 to 1992 and admitted to stealing the drugs
 from the American Voluntary Medical Team. She had used her
 position as president of this charitable organization to continue
 her habit of taking 15 to 20 pills a day. The normal dosage for a
 seriously ill patient would be 6 to 10 pills per day, and only
 for a short period of time. On the following day, the same
 newspaper carried an article that revealed one of the former
 employees of the medical team had "accused her of demanding that
 he commit perjury in adoption proceedings for her daughter,

 What were the consequences of all this? Apparently nothing much.
 Rank has its privileges and privilege has its perks, as John
 McCain, the admiral's son, well knows. The mainstream media who
 were so outraged at the thought that George W. might have snorted
 coke 27 years ago (he gets away with it while ordinary people go
 to jail) have been strangely silent about this episode.

 The Other Side of the Family

 But what role does Kemper Marley play in John McCain's extended
 family? I think that we could reasonably assign him the role of
 "godfather." It is difficult to believe that McCain would ever
 have made it to Congress without Marley's approval. Apparently
 nobody from Arizona made it to Congress without his approval --
 and that includes Barry Goldwater. Do you begin to see why these
 smelly situations never get exposed? Back in the days when I was
 walking a precinct for Goldwater -- some time back before the
 Flood -- an acquaintance, who happened to be a Democrat, told me
 that my candidate had been seen from time to time in the company
 of "Jewish gangsters." I dismissed this out of hand. Not only was
 the guy nuts, he was clearly an anti-Semite. The following quote
 regarding a crook named Gus Greenbaum is from Brian Quig:

      "Greenbaum was a Phoenix socialite seen at all the
      society balls in Phoenix, usually in the company of the
      Barry Goldwaters and Harry Rosenzweigs. In 1958
      Greenbaum and his wife were found dead in their bed --
      their throats cut. This inaugurated a series of grisly
      gangland-style slayings."

 Yes, I know that Quig is a left-wing ding-a-ling, but that
 doesn't make his information wrong, does it? Would that it did.
 (Actually, Goldwater's acquaintance with Greenbaum is well
 established). John McCain, like a lot of others, made his
 Faustian bargain in order to have a career in politics. It wasn't
 the first he had made, nor was it his last. If we continue to put
 such people at the head of our government, in time the entire
 country will become as rotten as Arkansas and Arizona already
 are. On second thought, a country that would abandon its sons to
 endless torment in Communist captivity as this country has done
 under the tutelage of the bureaucracy and the mainstream press,
 is pretty far gone already.

 Kemper Marley, the Arizona godfather, certainly didn't lack for
 connections. In 1948, when so many of his employees were sent to
 prison, Marley had a slick mouthpiece who kept him in the clear.
 The lawyer's name is William Rehnquist, who is presently the
 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Mind you, I'm not suggesting
 that there is anything shady about lawyers keeping their clients
 out of prison -- that, after all, is their job, even if the
 clients are guilty. The point is that Marley was very well
 connected with the power elite.

 Marley was often seen on the periphery of scandalous or illegal
 activity, but was never directly implicated in any of it,
 although strong suspicions persist even to the present day,
 particularly with regard to the murder of an Arizona Republic
 reporter named Don Bolles. According to Michael Wendland, who
 belonged to a group of journalists known as the "Investigative
 Reporters and Editors" that set up shop in Arizona to investigate
 the slaying, the group concluded that Marley was behind the
 killing of the Don Bolles.

 It seems that Marley had arranged his own appointment to the
 state's racing commission by then-Gov. Gov. Raul Castro when
 Bolles began writing a series of articles about him detailing his
 checkered past. Bolles' expose forced Marley to resign from the
 commission. One of the revelations involved Eugene Hensley, the
 brother of McCain's father-in-law, who had done five years in a
 federal prison for skimming profits from a business venture. This
 is a well-known tactic used by organized crime figures. Bolles
 also mentioned that the Hensleys had sold their dog track to an
 individual connected with Emprise Corp., a mobbed-up dog track
 interest. Sen. McCain has been seen in the company of the
 principals of Emprise, according to Sampley. Quig notes that
 Bolles' motives in writing the articles may not have been
 entirely pure -- he appeared to have been living beyond his means
 and had been dealing with certain underworld figures. When he
 testified before the House Organized Crime Committee, Bolles had
 asked for and was given immunity.

 Bolles was killed when a bomb was detonated beneath his car. He
 lived long enough to gasp, "They finally got me. The Mafia.
 Emprise. Find John (Harvey) Adamson." The police arrested Mr.
 Adamson who admitted placing the bomb, but maintained that it had
 been detonated by Jimmy (The Plumber) Robison. (It seems that
 Robison actually was a plumber who only did such odd jobs as a
 sideline). Tom Fitzpatrick of the Phoenix New Times wrote in an
 article dated February 10, 1993, that Phoenix police believed
 Marley wanted revenge against Bolles and sought the help of a
 local contractor named Max Dunlap who owed him a favor. Marley
 had once loaned Dunlap a million dollars and later told him that
 he needn't bother paying it back. All of which brings to mind
 that line mumbled by Marlon Brando in his portrayal of The
 Godfather, "Sometime, maybe nevah, I ask for a favah in retoin."

 The state prosecuted Dunlap for allegedly hiring Adamson to carry
 out the murder of Bolles, and Adamson, in turn, is alleged to
 have hired Robison to assist him. All three were convicted and
 sent to death row. Robison was subsequently acquitted in a
 retrial which he was granted on appeal. Dunlap remains in prison.
 Both he and Robison maintain that they are innocent. Marley was
 never arrested. He died in 1990. According to Quig, the Phoenix
 police prepared a profile of Marley about a week after the murder
 of Bolles. It showed that at one time Marley had been directly
 connected with the Capone mob operating the Transamerica Wire
 Service, used by bookies throughout the country. It was
 established for Capone's successors in 1941 by Gus Greenbaum.

 Another member of the "Arizona Project" as the journalist's task
 force was known, a reporter named Don Devereux, thinks they may
 have been taken in by local authorities. "We accepted very
 uncritically their scenario. In retrospect, we were very naive to
 get led around," he said later. "It really isn't something that
 we should be running around congratulating ourselves about,"
 After most of the reporters had departed, Devereux stayed on and
 continued to dig into the Bolles case as a reporter for the
 Scottsdale (Ariz.) Progress. It was largely on the basis of his
 reporting that Dunlap and Robison were granted new trials.
 Robison was acquitted and Dunlap was convicted again.

 Just to illustrate how the political fix works in Arizona,
 Democratic Sen. Dennis DeConcini was in big trouble when he came
 up for re-election in 1990. He had been caught creaming $5
 million in an Arizona land deal on the basis of his inside
 information as a senator. The Arizona machine which controlled
 both parties in the state did not want to lose DeConcini's
 seniority, so they talked the Republicans into putting up their
 weakest candidate -- sort of like the corrupt political machine
 that seeks to run this country is attempting to do right now with
 John McCain's candidacy. Their choice to run against DeConcini
 was a hapless individual named Keith DeGreen who was such a
 red-hot Republican he hadn't even bothered to vote in the
 previous two elections.

 But surely all of this amounts to guilt by association. You bet
 it does -- with a vengeance. A man who aspires to be President of
 the United States has no business consorting with known
 criminals. But how can John McCain avoid this? He married into
 the family. Does that help to put the following news clip from
 the January 17, 1995, Arizona Republic into perspective?

      "About 300 guests turned out Saturday night to
      celebrate the 90th birthday of Joseph 'Joe Bananas'
      Bonanno, retired boss of New York's Bonanno crime
      family. He retired to Tucson in 1968. . . John McCain,
      R-Ariz., and Gov. Fife Symington sent their regards by

 Fife Symington was too crooked even for Arizona -- he was forced
 to resign as governor of the state after being convicted on six
 counts of fraud in connection with his corrupt real estate
 dealings. He was subsequently sentenced to two and one-half years
 in prison. Symington and McCain had been thick as thieves (so to
 speak) for years prior to the governor's little run-in with the
 law. They even shared attorneys and political consultants.

 John McCain has never been known to play on a level field, he
 always has to have a leg-up. As a junior officer in the Navy he
 avoided being washed out of flight school despite his dearth of
 ability because his father was a high-ranking admiral. As soon as
 he saw his opportunity to score big in political and financial
 circles in Arizona, he dumped the disabled wife who had worked so
 tirelessly for him while he was a POW and married into the
 crime-family that ran the state at that time. He played off his
 father's position while he was a POW in order to get special

 When the "mainstream" (left-wing) media came knocking at his door
 with a proposition to support him in the presidential primaries
 in return for his backing of campaign finance "reform," McCain
 jumped at the opportunity. Never mind that this legislation would
 deprive his own party of the capability to be heard in future
 political campaigns and give the leftist media a monopoly on
 political discourse in the country, thereby undermining the
 democratic process.

 Such treachery comes naturally to McCain -- selling out and
 stabbing his former friends in the back is his preferred tactic.
 Ask the families of the POW/MIAs who enthusiastically backed
 McCain when he first ran for Congress only to be dry-gulched by
 him when he no longer found them useful. As a gratuitous sadistic
 flourish, McCain even had them investigated by the Justice
 Department on trumped-up charges. The fact that they were
 exonerated on all counts has yet to make an impression on
 McCain's airhead supporters who continue to trumpet the phony
 charges in deceitful neo-McCarthyite fashion.

 John McCain is an abysmal mediocrity who would never have made it
 on a level playing field. He was fifth from the bottom of his
 class at the Naval Academy. He racked up three life threatening
 "Dangerous Downs" at flight school -- the last one for flying his
 aircraft into the sea while asleep -- enough to get anyone
 without his political influence bounced down the back stairs. As
 for his record as a senator, can anyone remember a single
 significant thing this man has accomplished in more than a dozen
 years as a member of that august body? Anything other than sell
 out the POWs and promote the interests of Communist Vietnam, that
 is. To those who have recently determined that we just HAVE to
 have this man as our next president, I pose the following
 question: why?

 Edward Zehr can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Published in the Feb. 14, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly.
  Copyright © 2000 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com).
           Reposting permitted with this message intact.


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